#( * leia organa : wardrobe. )
michelangelo-sky · 1 year
Same chapter, I just needed an excuse for a Mon pic spam ;)
…..Leia wants to storm off, to bang the door in frustration, she almost does, but Mon’s hand on her shoulder stops her in her tracks. The Chancellor’s voice softens, as if they were alone, they may as well be, for her next phrase is clearly for her ears only, and it cuts deeper than Leia ever thought possible:
“Sometimes, Leia, the Republic needs to come first. We take what’s left.”
Mon sounds… weary and so endlessly tired, that Leia’s anger evaporates. Oh, make no mistake, she is mad, but not at Mon. Curse the starts, the Force, the Empire and destiny for driving them all into a corner where they have to make choices like this in the first place. The woman in front of her knows full well the acid, sickening taste of disillusionment and the burden of personal sacrifice - her sister, her daughter, her family, friends, safety, love – all these ghosts are going to haunt her forever… Leia briefly wonders if she is looking at her own future reflection…
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ruinreigns · 2 years
tag drop leia organa !
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
Not a Fairy Tale
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While Star Wars is not my primary fandom, I see a lot of the same pathology here as I do in my own. And I've seen a lot of defenders of the Jedi having to argue that "Star Wars is a fairy tale! Of course, it has to look at things in a black-and-white way."
Except it's obvious, when you take the full 46 years of story telling, that it's not "black and white." People are being confused by the wardrobes.
The Old Republic which the Sith destroyed was indeed weak and corrupted. The Jedi Order may have been hidebound and it was certainly vulnerable, especially when it was forced into a role it had never foreseen for itself. The New Republic may be overwhelmed and clumsily inept as it tries to undo thirty years of an almost unbelievable violent, cruel and repressive Empire.
These are all true, admitted by the characters, and displayed in all their unpleasant consequences.
But they aren't the Sith. Even if the Jedi "persecuted" the Sith a thousand years ago, I've watched a lot of these stories. I didn't see any Jedi designated "Sith-Hunter General." I didn't see padawans tested by stern-looking proctors looking for suspicious "Sith-like" traits. The only thing I ever saw was a small green teacher suggesting that a young boy might have gone through too much as a slave to be trained to use mystic power as a weapon. (And the teacher was right.)
And when the Sith won, they forged an empire supported by an army of talentless, faceless drones and ran by backstabbing and unimaginative torturers and bureaucrats. It was clear that the Sith did this on purpose, stomping on the spirit of sentient life so no one could supplant them. Because fascism is built on fear.
And the ultimate expression of that fear was the Death Star, built by forced labor in secret and unleashed on an unsuspecting planet out of whim. There was no Jedi or Republican senators forcing Grand Moff Tarkin's hand. They didn't demonstrate its power on a lifeless planetoid to cow the opponents. And when it was destroyed, they built it AGAIN.
So, no I don't think it was a fairy tale.
Because of characters like Lando Calrissian and Luthen Rael, forced to compromise their souls, or characters like Cassian Andor and Leia Organa, willing to die to stop the Empire that warped their actual lives. It's not a fairy tale because of Porkins.
Yeah, you heard me. We laugh at Porkins because he was a fat guy with an ironic name. But you know what? He flew a starfighter shorter than a tractor trailer against a ship the size of a moon. His last words was "No, I'm alright," but he wasn't. He blew up, like billions of other people, murdered by the Sith who argue that they should get what they wanted because they want it bad enough.
So, again, no, I don't think it was a fairy tale.
And my ultimate proof? Because even more four-and-a-half decades later, there are still people arguing that the Sith had a point, that they were forced to do this, and scorning the idea that it's "black-and-white" thinking not to concede that fact.
Star Wars could have made the Good Guys without flaws and the Bad Guys immune to sympathy, but I've never seen any property that does that, not even the Christmas Special. The stories just pick a side. They say "fascism is bad, no matter how satisfying it is to individuals, and democracy, self-discipline and compassion are good no matter how big the screw-ups they make." I agree.
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mayxthexforce · 8 months
Headcanuary - Day 11
Prompt: wardrobe.
Ailyn Vel
Her wookie braids aren't exactly like Boba's. It's a detail that most of the time goes unnoticed because when you're being chased by a big armored bounty hunter who will bring you in warm or cold, the last thing you worry about is the color or number of their wookie braids. While Boba has three (brown, yellow and white), Ailyn only has two (yellow and white). This is because she never really saw Boba that close, and from her childhood, she only remembered two braids.
Leia Organa
The green dress she wore to her wedding was the same dress her mother got married with. Breha and Bail left it among the things they prepared for Leia to inherit and stored it in another a different planet so that if anything were to happen that made it impossible/unsafe for Leia to return to Alderaan, she could still carry them with her.
Against popular belief, he actually didn't steal the beskar armor that he wears. He bought it– not from a Mandalorian, but hey, that's better than being the one that killed its owner and stole his armor.
Sabé stopped wearing dresses after she quit being a handmaiden. Not only because pants are much more practical when you live in Tatooine and your main hobby involved freeing slaves, but also because given how COMPLICATED some of the outfits she had to wear as a decoy were, she's tired of dresses. She'll only wear them for very specific occasions like parties and such and maybe owns two.
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
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Sharp-edged heroines: a study
Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind // Irene Attolia in The King of Attolia // Eowyn in The Return of the King // Leia Organa in Star Wars: A New Hope // Lucy Pevensie in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe // Jo March in Little Women // Buffy Summers in Buffy the Vampire Slayer // Orual in Till We Have Faces // Isabel Archer in The Portrait of a Lady // Eurydice in Hadestown // Ellen Olenska in The Age of Innocence // Sofia Mendes in The Sparrow // Cleopatra in Cleopatra (1963) // Natasha Rostova in War and Peace // Taylor Swift, "champagne problems" // Lucy Snowe in Villette
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eohwyyn · 2 years
top 5 agatha christies and top 10 quotes from books/tv shows/films/etc that live rent-free in your brain :)
hi Arwen!!
top 5 agatha christies (love this question btw!!):
And Then There Were None - i keep meaning to watch the tv series but haven't gotten around to it yet...
Murder on the Orient Express
The Seven Dials Mystery
They Do It With Mirrors
Appointment With Death
honorable mention to Why Didn't They Ask Evans? just because the tv show was brilliant!
top 10 quotes that live in my brain rent-free:
"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerfherder!" - the one & only leia organa, the empire strikes back
"There is a giant wasp! I mean a wasp, that's GIANT! And when I say giant, I don't mean big, I mean FLIPPING ENORMOUS!!" - ALL HAIL OUR QUEEN DONNA NOBLE, literally every time I say this line to myself I do her head bobble too lol. absolutely iconic of miss tate
"900 years of time and space, and I've never met anybody who wasn't important" - eleventh doctor
"If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more" - Emma (this quote makes me absolutely INSANE)
"No matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in the moonlight, strangled by my own bra" - Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist
"I wish I were a girl again, half savage, and hardy, and free..." - Wuthering Heights
“Oh, you can't help that,” said the Cat: “we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.” - Alice in Wonderland
"And then her heart changed, at least as she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her." - The Return of the King, about Eowyn
"Daughter of Eve from the far land of Spare Oom where eternal summer reigns around the bright city of War Drobe, how would it be if you came and had tea with me?" - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
"You just want TO MATE? You're not mating with me, sunshine!" - once again, our queen Donna Noble
Ask me my “TOP 5/TOP 10” anything!
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qvarrelsomes · 1 year
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╰     ┈     [  bright vachirawit , twenty four , demi male , he/his & they/them ]  in the time of dragons , AURELIO ROGARE is entering the game of thrones . said to be beguiling + vehement , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be hedonistic + hubristic . when asked about them , people are always reminded of a wardrobe of the finest silks and exotic furs, lounging sideways in a chair with your legs draped over the arm, and indulging in every whim without a concern for the consequences . though they are the LORD OF LYS , their true loyalties lie with house rogare and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support THEIR FAMILY above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .
name: aurelio rogare
age: twenty four
title: lord
allegiance: house rogare, the prince of dragonstone (somewhat)
gender, pronouns: demi male, he/his & they/them
sexuality: bisexual
martial status: unwed, unbetrothed & looking to mingle !
father: aurelius rogare (brother to the magister)
mother: brea rogare
siblings: none
cousins: saera rogare, others
hair color: black
eye color: dark brown
height: 6′0″
build: athletic
traits: beguiling, vehement, hedonistic, hubristic 
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine
moral alignment: neutral good
character parallels: ariel (the little mermaid), leia organa (star wars), indiana jones
biography -
aurelio is the only child of aurelius and brea rogare - his father is the brother of the magister.
he was spoiled something ridiculous by both of his parents - though his father would try to act like this wasn't the case. though, everyone knew. he was also adored by both of his parents.
in fact, aurelio's birth is what led to his parents getting married. though, they quick fell in love with each other.
he immersed in the world of ships and war at an early age. he never had much interest for the war councils he would attend, but because it meant something to his father he would feign interest.
the same could be said for his weapons training, it just never held much of an interest to him but he made an effort for lotho’s sake ! and it turns out, he’s pretty good with a sword. he just doesn’t go out of his way looking for an opportunity to use it.
but the one thing he never had to fake was his love for the world of sailing ! he fucking loves it ! i’m not sure what else to say, this man was born for the open sea !
despite growing up in a sailing focused family - most of aurelio’s life has been spent in lys. he’s traveled to the other free cities and visited a few ports of westeros, but that’s about all. 
he was living his best life in lys when the news of what happened at the wedding reached him. to say he was livid was somewhat of an understatement, but he was held off until ren’s return to lys.
it would be wrong to say he was excited to visit westeros - considering everything that had happened, but he sort of is excited. it’s a whole new world that he gets to explore and that’s pretty cool if you ask him. 
fun facts -
say it with me - this man is a himbo ! H-I-M-B-O. i’m talking no thoughts head empty 90% of the time. 
if westeros had starbucks - he’d be a pumpkin spice latte bitch. i know it in my heart. do with that what you will. 
he absolutely comes off as self-indulgent and i don’t think he sees a problem with that. but he’s not like the worst guy you’ll ever meet. actually, all things considered he’s pretty nice. he doesn’t set out to have negative interactions, unless provoked to the point of having no other option. 
he’s got a taste for the finer things in life. this man is boujee. very much a creature of comfort - he loves his silk sheets and fancy clothes but he also loves spending time outdoors !! especially anywhere involving water !
just like ariel, he’s a collector of pretty much anything he finds cool. money has never really been an issue for him so he has definitely bought a lot of things that’ve caught his interest but also just cool junk he finds. it’s somewhat of a problem.
he’s trained with a sword and honestly pretty damn good at it - but does he carry a sword? absolutely not. it’s heavy, in the way, clashes with his outfits. i could go on but you get the picture. he does keep a knife concealed on his person most of the time. but he dreads using it.
i think it goes without saying that he’s a lover of food. some of his favorites include: lemons, figs, blood oranges, persimmons, pomegranates. he really likes fruits lmao. and of course anything made out of said fruits. he’s also got a fairly large sweet tooth.
this man doesn't know when to shut the fuck up !! i imagine it's gotten him into his fair share of trouble !
wanted connections -
new friendships. he’s relatively new to westeros so he doesn’t know many people ! but he is generally a pretty lady back, friendly dude. he likes to meet new people. 
old friendships. so while aurelio hasn’t spent much time on westeros, he has visited some of the various ports ! i think it would be cool if he met someone during one of these visits. and who knows maybe they kept in touch !
hookups/flings. a man does have needs. he also firmly believes its a good way to get to know someone. he's also just a hoe.
i’m honestly open to any sort of connections/dynamics ! i feel like there are definitely plenty of people who wouldn’t trust him and that could be fun to explore ! because he really doesn’t have any ulterior motives. 
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qvarrelsome · 1 year
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╰ ┈ [ bright vachirawit , twenty four , demi male , he/his & they/them ] in the time of dragons , AURELIO ROGARE is entering the game of thrones. said to be beguiling + vehement , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be hedonistic + hubristic. when asked about them , people are always reminded of a wardrobe of the finest silks and exotic furs, lounging sideways in a chair with your legs draped over the arm, a monstrous sweet tooth and indulging in every whim without a concern for the consequences . though they are the LORD OF LYS , their true loyalties lie with house rogare and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support THE PEACE TREATY above all else. those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come.
name: aurelio rogare
age: twenty four
title: lord
allegiance: house rogare, the prince of dragonstone (somewhat)
gender, pronouns: demi male, he/his & they/them
sexuality: bisexual
martial status: unwed, unbetrothed & looking to mingle !
father: aurelius rogare (brother to the magister)
mother: brea rogare
siblings: none
cousins: saera rogare, others
hair color: black
eye color: dark brown
height: 6′0″
build: athletic
traits: beguiling, vehement, hedonistic, hubristic 
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine
moral alignment: neutral good
character parallels: ariel (the little mermaid), leia organa (star wars), indiana jones
biography -
aurelio is the only child of aurelius and brea rogare - his father is the brother of the magister.
he was spoiled something ridiculous by both of his parents - though his father would try to act like this wasn't the case. though, everyone knew. he was also adored by both of his parents.
in fact, aurelio's birth is what led to his parents getting married. though, they quick fell in love with each other.
he immersed in the world of ships and war at an early age. he never had much interest for the war councils he would attend, but because it meant something to his father he would feign interest.
the same could be said for his weapons training, it just never held much of an interest to him but he made an effort for his father's sake sake ! and it turns out, he’s pretty good with a sword. he just doesn’t go out of his way looking for an opportunity to use it.
but the one thing he never had to fake was his love for the world of sailing ! he fucking loves it ! i’m not sure what else to say, this man was born for the open sea !
despite growing up in a sailing focused family - most of aurelio’s life has been spent in lys. he’s traveled to the other free cities and visited a few ports of westeros, but that’s about all. 
shaera's wedding would be the first time he spent any significant time in westeros, though he would return home to lys almost immediately after the wedding ended. only this time it wasn't to stay, he would gather the rogare forces and return to westeros.
it would be wrong to say he was excited to visit westeros - considering everything that had happened, but he sort of is excited. it’s a whole new world that he gets to explore and that’s pretty cool if you ask him. 
fun facts -
say it with me - this man is a himbo ! H-I-M-B-O. i’m talking no thoughts head empty 90% of the time. 
if westeros had starbucks - he’d be a pumpkin spice latte bitch. i know it in my heart. do with that what you will. 
he absolutely comes off as self-indulgent and i don’t think he sees a problem with that. but he’s not like the worst guy you’ll ever meet. actually, all things considered he’s pretty nice. he doesn’t set out to have negative interactions, unless provoked to the point of having no other option. 
he’s got a taste for the finer things in life. this man is boujee. very much a creature of comfort - he loves his silk sheets and fancy clothes but he also loves spending time outdoors !! especially anywhere involving water !
just like ariel, he’s a collector of pretty much anything he finds cool. money has never really been an issue for him so he has definitely bought a lot of things that’ve caught his interest but also just cool junk he finds. it’s somewhat of a problem.
he’s trained with a sword and honestly pretty damn good at it - but does he carry a sword? absolutely not. it’s heavy, in the way, clashes with his outfits. i could go on but you get the picture. he does keep a knife concealed on his person most of the time. but he dreads using it.
i think it goes without saying that he’s a lover of food. some of his favorites include: lemons, figs, blood oranges, persimmons, pomegranates. he really likes fruits lmao. and of course anything made out of said fruits. he’s also got a fairly large sweet tooth.
this man doesn't know when to shut the fuck up !! i imagine it's gotten him into his fair share of trouble !
wanted connections -
AURELIO ROGARE , our LORD of LYS , is currently searching for their first & only real friend in the kingdoms . they should be aged twenty to thirty (give or take a couple of years) with the possible faces of utp . seeing as aurelio is still relatively new to westeros, he hasn't really had the opportunity to form relationships. and when you combine that with his general distrust of everyone, well, he is lacking anything meaningful. with the one exception being your character. the details of how they met and how they mesh are why i'm asking to be contacted but i imagine there was an immediate connection but it still took a bit for aurelio to completely trust them ! again - i'm not trying to dictate a lot about your character i just think there is a lot of potential here ! . ── you ARE required to contact the mun before applying , but if you wish to , you can reach them @qvarrelsome .
new friendships. he’s relatively new to westeros so he doesn’t know many people ! but he is generally a pretty lady back, friendly dude. he likes to meet new people. 
old friendships. so while aurelio hasn’t spent much time on westeros, he has visited some of the various ports ! i think it would be cool if he met someone during one of these visits. and who knows maybe they kept in touch !
hookups/flings. a man does have needs. he also firmly believes its a good way to get to know someone. he's also just a hoe.
i’m honestly open to any sort of connections/dynamics ! i feel like there are definitely plenty of people who wouldn’t trust him and that could be fun to explore ! because he really doesn’t have any ulterior motives. 
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#i don't know anything about this except that is the best dress i've ever seen
My Top Posts in 2022:
Is Belle a good role model for girls or did we all grow up to be kidnapped?
Let’s talk about Belle in the Beauty in the Beast, one of the only Princess written by women. We’ll get into how Belle is not, in fact, solely dependent on a man or in a toxic relationship. Then what her overall arc is in the story, and finally why the Beast and Gaston are NOT interchangeable (which is kind of the point of the tale).
1 note - Posted August 13, 2022
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2 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
I waited over a decade for this movie, so let’s celebrate the first anniversary of its release by talking about how Black Widow grapples with human trafficking, generational trauma, and how these affect Natasha Romanoff's character arc. It’ll be fun I promise!
4 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
A Bolstered Look at the Jasmine's Costumes in Disney's Aladdin (1992)
Jasmine has an uh interesting costume style. Let's talk about it.
First off, there is a lot of Orientalism going on in these designs. Watch this video for more information about that. So, instead, I'm mainly going to stick to discussing how her costumes relate to the plot of this movie and to what other princesses wore.
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Here is the standard outfit she wears. The color is quite striking and integrates a number of touches that are historically considered "Oriental." Opulence is the aesthetic of royalty, and even if the outfit doesn't have the expected embroidery or beadwork, it certainly fits in with her surroundings and princess-status. She's wearing a lot more jewelry than we've seen before and even has gold shoes!
Female Representation: 8/10 Because of the demographics, I'm going to look at this from the viewpoint of costumes for little girls (so I don't mean to imply that any of this is improper for an adult or Jasmine herself to wear). But this one shows a lot of skin and most costumes for sale have fabric covering up at least the midriff. While the other ladies in the movie wear the same amount of clothes (or less!), the design is going to be construed as a bit more sexualized than the other princesses. However, the pants are opaque and she is never animated in an objectifying way in this outfit, so it's not bad.
Practicality: 8/10 Other than the danger of a sun burn, it's a fairly practical outfit. The pants would keep her cool and be easy to move around in, the top obviously wouldn't be in the way, either. No sweeping sleeves here like her predecessors.
See the full post
6 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A Vaguely Underwhelmed Look at the Costumes in Beauty and the Beast
Belle may not have the most costumes (quantity) of the princesses, but she definitely has one of the most iconic dress there is. Read more below.
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This is it, the staple of her wardrobe. Does she have more than one blue dress? Does she wear another white dress under it? Who knows - but it is the go-to outfit for anything that comes up. Shopping in town, avoiding that dudebro who won't leave her alone, adding a cloak to go to an enchanted castle in the rain to save her boyfriend, it does everything.
Female Representation: 10/10 I can't speak to the historical accuracy, but as a costume for all ages, it's perfect. The silhouette is pretty timeless and, while it may be figure-hugging, it does not emphasize Belle's maturity (in contrast to the similar outfits worn by the bimbettes). You could lower the score because of the apron, but I think this is more a class signifier (other peasants in the town have them regardless of gender) than it is an implication that she should be doing work. We don't see her do any actual work in it anyway, so it just seems practical.
Practicality: 10/10 As I said above, it is extremely practical and takes her through the majority of events in the story. The sleeves are long but can be rolled up easily. The skirt is multi-layered but never seems to get in the way. There's a reason our pragmatic protagonist wears it all the time. 
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7 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
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seafariing · 2 years
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╰     ┈     [  bright vachirawit , twenty four , demi male , he/his & they/them ]  in the time of dragons , aurelio rogare is entering the game of thrones . said to be beguiling + vehement , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be hedonistic + hubristic . when asked about them , people are always reminded of a wardrobe of the finest silks and exotic furs, lounging sideways in a chair with your legs draped over the arm, and indulging in every whim without a concern for the consequences . though they are the LORD OF LYS , their true loyalties lie with house rogare and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support their family above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .   ──  m , 24 , cst , she/her .
name: aurelio rogare
age: twenty four
title: lord
allegiance: house rogare, the prince of dragonstone (somewhat)
gender, pronouns: demi male, he/his & they/them
sexuality: bisexual
martial status: unwed, unbetrothed & looking to mingle !
father: lotho rogare (adoptive father), unknown merchant (biological father, unknown)
mother: doreah moraqos (adoptive mother), brea moragos (biological mother, deceased)
siblings: serenei rogare
cousins: saera rogare, larra rogare
hair color: black
eye color: dark brown
height: 6′0″
build: athletic
traits: beguiling, vehement, hedonistic, hubristic 
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine
moral alignment: neutral good
character parallels: ariel (the little mermaid), leia organa (star wars), indiana jones
biography -
aurelio is the son of brea moragos, the younger sister of doreah moraqos and an unnamed merchant. by the time of her pregnancy, brea had already been estranged from her family for a number of years. since she’d been on her own for so long, she strongly felt she didn’t need any help raising her son. 
towards the end of her pregnancy, aurelio’s father would catch cold feet and abandon her in the middle of the night. he didn’t bother leaving a note, but he did take all of her money with him.
scared and alone - brea turned to the only person she could trust, her older sister doreah. and although the sisters hadn’t spoken, let alone seen each other in years she was taken in by doreah and her husband lotho. 
she would die in child birth less than a fortnight later, having never fully reconnected with her family. her son, whom she named aurelio would be adopted by doreah and lotho and raised alongside their daughter. 
aurelio has always known the truth of his parentage and aside from some resentment towards the moragos family, he’s never been bothered by it. as far as he’s concerned he’s a rogare. 
he was raised like a member of the rogare family - immersed in the world of ships and war at an early age. he never had much interest for the war councils he would attend, but because it meant something to lotho he would feign interest.
the same could be said for his weapons training, it just never held much of an interest to him but he made an effort for lotho’s sake ! and it turns out, he’s pretty good with a sword. he just doesn’t go out of his way looking for an opportunity to use it.
but the one thing he never had to fake was his love for the world of sailing ! he fucking loves it ! i’m not sure what else to say, this man was born for the open sea !
despite growing up in a sailing focused family - most of aurelio’s life has been spent in lys. he’s traveled to the other free cities and visited a few ports of westeros, but that’s about all. 
he was living his best life in lys when the news of what happened at the wedding reached him. to say he was livid was somewhat of an understatement, but he was held off until ren’s return to lys.
it would be wrong to say he was excited to visit westeros - considering everything that had happened, but he sort of is excited. it’s a whole new world that he gets to explore and that’s pretty cool if you ask him. 
fun facts -
say it with me - this man is a himbo ! H-I-M-B-O. i’m talking no thoughts head empty 90% of the time. 
if westeros had starbucks - he’d be a pumpkin spice latte bitch. i know it in my heart. do with that what you will. 
he absolutely comes off as self-indulgent and i don’t think he sees a problem with that. but he’s not like the worst guy you’ll ever meet. actually, all things considered he’s pretty nice. he doesn’t set out to have negative interactions, unless provoked to the point of having no other option. 
he’s got a taste for the finer things in life. this man is boujee. very much a creature of comfort - he loves his silk sheets and fancy clothes but he also loves spending time outdoors !! especially anywhere involving water !
just like ariel, he’s a collector of pretty much anything he finds cool. money has never really been an issue for him so he has definitely bought a lot of things that’ve caught his interest but also just cool junk he finds. it’s somewhat of a problem.
he’s trained with a sword and honestly pretty damn good at it - but does he carry a sword? absolutely not. it’s heavy, in the way, clashes with his outfits. i could go on but you get the picture. he does keep a knife concealed on his person most of the time. but he dreads using it.
i think it goes without saying that he’s a lover of food. some of his favorites include: lemons, figs, blood oranges, persimmons, pomegranates. he really likes fruits lmao. and of course anything made out of said fruits. he’s also got a fairly large sweet tooth.
wanted connections -
new friendships. he’s relatively new to westeros so he doesn’t know many people ! but he is generally a pretty lady back, friendly dude. he likes to meet new people. 
old friendships. so while aurelio hasn’t spent much time on westeros, he has visited some of the various ports ! i think it would be cool if he met someone during one of these visits. and who knows maybe they kept in touch !
hookups/flings. a man does have needs. he also firmly believes its a good way to get to know someone. 
i’m honestly open to any sort of connections/dynamics ! i feel like there are definitely plenty of people who wouldn’t trust him and that could be fun to explore ! because he really doesn’t have any ulterior motives. 
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laheyy · 2 years
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with faces like that, this old man didn’t stand a chance
(if I’ve learned anything from the kenobi series it’s that obi-wan would have spoiled the twins rotten and it’s the life they all deserved)
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iamscoby · 3 years
Luke: There was a disturbance in the Force yesterday. Did you feel it, too?
Leia: You mean that child crying for help? I did. You should go rescue him. Did you see the memories he showed, about his dad?
Luke: *blushes* Yeah... I don’t think I can go
Leia: But his dad seems just your type
Luke: That’s exactly why I can’t...
Leia: You’re the Last Jedi, a Force-sensitive child needs you, and you’re obviously having a crush. Time to go!
Luke: Will you at least help me decide what to wear?
Leia: Of course
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brcha · 2 years
v: princess of alderaan ( please picture me in the trees ) v: before the wars ( now come the days of queen breha; may they be blessed ) v: the clone wars ( i will not change our traditions for a repellent regime ) v: an imperial galaxy ( we can outlast the empire ) v: imperial occupation ( i was a queen and you took away my crown ) v: surviving alderaan ( is a queen still a queen with no planet and no people )
: bail organa ( i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover ) : leia organa ( she will be loved with us ) : winter retrac ( little golden moon and stars ) : fess ilee ( if anything ever happens to me and you’re in trouble go to fess ) : ferus olin ( only twenty minutes to sleep but you dream of some epiphany ) : deara antilles ( when the words of a sister come back in whispers ) : padmé amidala ( i wish more than anything that you could see her grow ) : alderaan ( alderaan is peaceful; we have no weapons ) : visage ( gleaming twinkling eyes like sinking ships on waters ) : canon quotes ( the stuff of legends )
: aesthetics & wardrobe ( with beauty or the appreciation of beauty) : art ( some people are so talented ) : my edits ( liesl makes things ) : musings ( take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die ) : headcanons ( my mind turns your life into folklore ) : wishlist ( first star i see tonight ) : imagery ( slow motion double vision in rose blush )
r: family ( loving someone deeply gives you courage ) r: breha organa & leia organa ( my daughter is a miracle who never ceases to be miraculous ) r: breha organa & bail organa ( life was a willow and it bent right to your wind )
#v: princess of alderaan ( please picture me in the trees )#v: before the wars ( now come the days of queen breha; may they be blessed )#v: the clone wars ( i will not change our traditions for a repellent regime )#v: an imperial galaxy ( we can outlast the empire )#v: imperial occupation ( i was a queen and you took away my crown )#v: surviving alderaan ( is a queen still a queen with no planet and no people )#: bail organa ( i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover )#: leia organa ( she will be loved with us )#: winter retrac ( little golden moon and stars )#: deara antilles ( when the words of a sister come back in whispers )#: fess ilee ( if anything ever happens to me and you’re in trouble go to fess )#: ferus olin ( only twenty minutes to sleep but you dream of some epiphany )#: padmé amidala ( i wish more than anything that you could see her grow )#: alderaan ( alderaan is peaceful; we have no weapons )#: visage ( gleaming twinkling eyes like sinking ships on waters )#: canon quotes ( the stuff of legends )#: aesthetics & wardrobe ( with beauty or the appreciation of beauty)#: art ( some people are so talented )#: musings ( take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die )#: headcanons ( my mind turns your life into folklore )#r: family ( loving someone deeply gives you courage )#r: breha organa & bail organa ( life was a willow and it bent right to your wind )#: imagery ( slow motion double vision in rose blush )#: wishlist ( first star i see tonight )#tagdrop#r: breha organa & leia organa ( my daughter is a miracle who never ceases to be miraculous )#: my edits ( liesl makes things )
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lovehurried · 4 years
TAG DROP  •  Leia Organa (1/4)
LEIA ORGANA  •  hope is like the sun. LEIA ORGANA  :  face. LEIA ORGANA  :  voice. LEIA ORGANA  :  about. LEIA ORGANA  :  thoughts. LEIA ORGANA  :  likes. LEIA ORGANA  :  music. LEIA ORGANA  :  desires. LEIA ORGANA  :  wardrobe. LEIA ORGANA  :  aesthetic. LEIA ORGANA  &  padmé amidala naberrie.   LEIA ORGANA  &  anakin skywalker. LEIA ORGANA  &  bail organa.
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acharnemcnt-a · 2 years
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𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘳 𝘏𝘶𝘹 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤
...𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐀𝐫𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬…𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐣𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐬, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫.
                                          - Leia Organa from, Bloodlines
  I  drew  inspiration  from  Lady  Sindian’s  (  the  Arkanis  senator  )  fashion  when  imagining  Armitage’s  Wardrobe  as  Chancellor  —considering  that  she  is  from  Armitage’s  homeworld  and  was  a  key  First  Order  supporter.  Arkanis  is  a  very  wealthy  planet  that  has  been  supporting  the  First  Order  long  before  the  organization  went  public.      I  have  also  noticed  that  Armtiage’s  personal  décor,  much  like  Lady  Sindian’s  clothing,  features  soft  blues  and  silvers.  It  seems  like  those  are  Arkanisian  colors.  
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