#mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo}
hopetwin · 5 years
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a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face} mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo} yun harla incarnate {headcanons} i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study} someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes} i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe} his commitment is absolute {poe dameron} you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll} again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel} i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis} faces in the stars {wanted opposite} the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4} dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus} my father taught me how to live {han solo} from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker} my grandfather still {bail organa} made of love and courage {breha organa} her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey} he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn} his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo} such a brave droid {bb8} he is a fine knight {ben skywalker} all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren} i had two mothers and i love her still {winter} wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker} we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo} i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel} are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
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politicalmamaduck · 5 years
your love is my immortal crown
A young woman makes a choice and ascends her grandfather’s throne, becoming a goddess and a queen to save her lover, the god of spring, who will stop at nothing to return to her. Read it on AO3 here. 
A TROS fix-it and Reylo Hades and Persephone AU. Rey is Hades, and Ben is Persephone. Written for the 2020 @reylocharityanthology! Title taken from “persephone” by Rachel Kirkpatrick.
The dark became her.
Or, did she become the dark?
The Queen of the Underworld guarded the night warily, watching souls passing by as softly as the stars floating above her. 
Her realm was dark and cold, filled with the spirits and ghosts of ancestors past, but she preferred it that way. It was peaceful in its own way, calming for those recently arrived from the lands of the living. It helped to soothe them as it did her. The dark was patient and kind, just as she was. 
She could not bear to look upon the sun or have it illuminate the darkness that enveloped her realm. Its warmth, its rays of light, were not meant for her any longer. Nature’s small blessings belonged to others, not to her. 
She had sacrificed the sun, greenery, the light’s warmth for the moon, shadows, and the dark’s cold embrace. But if she had to make her decision once more, she would do it all the same. Her sacrifice was not in vain.
The seeds sat on the table before her.
Damned if she did, damned if she didn’t.
Eat, the voices whispered. Eat the seeds, take your grandfather’s throne, ascend as is your divine right, your bloodline’s birthright.
Her lover disappeared, wounded and thrown out of the Underworld by her grandfather’s hands, a consequence of his dark power. She did not dare reach out for him, whisper his name, give any inclination that she knew him to be as alive as herself. 
She forced herself to take a step forward. One step, then another. 
The seeds stretched out on the table before her, glistening in the starlight, their juices dripping like blood. 
The voices chanted behind her. The light flickered. Her grandfather’s realm was eerie, shrouded in menacing darkness just as was he. 
Rey, granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine, the Lord of the Underworld, took up a pomegranate seed and placed it on her tongue. She bit down, savoring its sweetness and juices. 
Her grandfather cackled. The chanting of the robed figures behind her intensified. 
She ate, and tasted sweetness mixed with a metallic tang. 
Then, after finishing the pomegranate, she took up her sword and sliced through her grandfather’s body. 
The five rivers roared their acceptance of their new goddess, splashing water and churning. 
The hooded figures knelt before her, their new mistress, Empress Rey, Lady of the Underworld. 
She ascended the throne, stepping in her grandfather’s blood. 
And so it was, and so it shall be, that a young orphaned warrior woman became the goddess of the dead, sacrificing herself as she killed her grandfather to save her lover. 
Outside the realm of the Underworld, the young god of spring and nature climbed and clawed his way forward, trying in vain to reach the woman he loved before it was too late. 
The River Styx would not let him pass, roaring waves crashing onto its banks as if it were the ocean. It would not share its mistress.
It was then that Ben Solo fell to his knees and wept. He wept for his lost love, for what she had done, for the curse that seemed to follow his family bloodline. 
He wept for the deaths he had caused and the knowledge that she would then judge those same deaths and be reminded of him. 
He would wander all the realms, searching for a way to bring her back from the darkness. 
And so it was, and so it shall be. 
The days passed by, the fates were woven, and Ben Solo would descend to the Underworld again.
“It is spring, my lady,” a recently deceased farmer explained when he was presented to her, newly arrived in her halls. “The river near my village flooded with melted snow. I rushed into the water to save the children and animals.” 
“Welcome to Hades,” she stated, nodding at him. “Your hard work and selflessness will be an asset here.” Looking to one of her handmaidens, she gestured her over. “See to it that this farmer has a fine plot of land on which to grow crops in Elysium. Make certain there is enough space for his family to join him when it is their time.” 
“Yes, my lady,” Mercè replied, escorting the farmer out and onward. 
And so Rey passed her days, welcoming the newly dead to the Underworld and seeing to it that they spent their afterlives according to how they had lived their lives above. The hardworking and the righteous were rewarded; the evil-doers were cast into the darkest pit to atone for the suffering they caused. There was no concept of time’s passage in Hades; there were hours for sleeping and resting, for eating and working, but they did not necessarily correspond to those above, nor was anyone required to be on a particular schedule. Rey had only known it to be spring in the world above due to the farmer’s words. 
Her heart twinged at the remembrance of her lover’s season, but Rey found peace in her work, despite its bloody beginning. She loved to gaze up at the stars at night, and let her dark cloak slip down her head, when no one else could see her. Each star corresponded to a soul in her realms, she decided. 
She would never see her lover’s soul again; it was truly the only price she had to pay for her choice to save him. He was immortal and would not come before her and her panel for judgment. He would roam the earth, walking through new spring grasses and casting seeds to be harvested by his mother, and while she longed for him, she hoped he found a measure of happiness in his immortal life while generations of humanity lived and died measuring the grains of their harvests and minutes of their lives. 
The lives of mortals were so fleeting; they could laugh, and love, and be hurt, and get over it quickly, for life was precious and short. 
But Rey had an eternity to spend alone, to face the monotony of each everlasting day and a never ending ache in her heart.
But so it was, and so shall it be.
Rey was resigned to her solitary life until a boat crashed on the Styx’s shores, where boats were never meant to cross; only souls could and would cross its rocky banks. 
The black boat bore a beautiful young man, who was not truly a man at all, but a god, a prodigal son, one who had faced darkness and would return to face it again. He created the craft to bear him across the torrent, where he did not belong, a light in the darkness. He would not give up, would not surrender the woman he loved, even if it caused his own death. 
Palpatine was gone, his reign ended, his terrors and cruel shades that made the Underworld a place mortals feared were no more, but still Ben Solo returned to fight for his soulmate, his goddess, his equal in all things.
They faced evil together, and now they would face eternity together, never alone. 
She ran to him, altogether undignified for the Lady of the Dead. 
They held each other briefly, smiling not just with their lips, but with their eyes, hearts, and souls, before he collapsed in her arms. His body was broken and bloodied; his lips were cold when she kissed them. She pressed her hand to his waist, filling him with life and love—her life and love. 
She held a pomegranate to his lips, begging him to taste its sweetness, to recover the strength he lost in returning to her. 
He managed to eat just six seeds, but Rey considered it a victory as she held him while he returned to life. 
The earth froze and hardened after the harvest; fields fell fallow, and the Underworld filled with the souls of those too young and weak to survive harsh winter. 
“You cannot stay,” raged the other gods, caught up in their petty squabbles and bickering like humanity’s worst. 
“There, you do not belong, son of Skywalker,” wise Master Yoda said. 
“We need Spring, to bring forth new life. This long winter is unnatural; we did not create humanity to suffer so without a season of renewal and rebirth,” echoed Master Kenobi.
Rey could not return to the land above, the land of the living, but Ben could. 
She would not sacrifice her love, and he would not needlessly sacrifice his life or others. A compromise was made--he would stay with her for half the year, six months for the six seeds he had eaten from her palm, from her heart. 
Six months he would spend upon the Earth, restoring life to those who needed it most.
The Earth wept each time Ben Solo descended below, but those in the Underworld rejoiced, for their favored son, their blessed Emperor had returned. 
It was said that he only smiled in the Underworld, in the presence of his soulmate. 
His mother, Leia Organa, goddess of the harvest, wept with the Earth for her prodigal son. But she knew his heart belonged to Rey, who walked among the dead, and that the Earth needed to recover while he descended below, resting until the fields bloomed once more with Spring’s arrival; while hope had yet a ray of green, Ben Solo would return from his lover’s embrace and walk his mother’s lands.
And so it was, and so it shall be.
And in the time in between, Death kissed Spring, their pain and sorrows forgotten. 
They kissed, their bodies entwining underneath the stars. 
His hair and lips were as soft as the moonlight; her hazel eyes grew dark with desire, shining in the twilight realm. 
Her lithe body arched under him, pressed to his broad chest while they breathed heavily and gasped each other’s names. 
Her lips tasted of pomegranates, but nothing tasted sweeter to Ben than her innermost self, the lips at the apex of her thighs--and nothing sounded sweeter than her moans when he tasted her, giving his goddess the love she deserved. 
They kissed, and touched, and savored, whispering, “You’re not alone.”
“Neither are you.”
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londonfog-chan · 7 years
Kylo Ren x Reader: Connect/Disconnect
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Part 1 (Here)  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
A/N: This is it. This is the fic that’s going to get me through 2018. I’m in pain and hurting but god dammit I’m not going down. I’m going to cling to Star Wars and Adam Driver and I’m going to be ok. This is my healing me fic. It will be ok. 2018 will be ok...
He had plans for the four of you. Four became three, and you wanted them far away from the monster he became.
You were students. It was wrong. He was seventeen, a year your senior. You came from nothing. There were rules for a reason. He had the unmitigated temerity to break them. You had a tendency to look the other way. Both of you were throwing away the code and risking punishment, a stupid decision considering the way of the Jedi was what the both of you had wanted in the first place.
“First, we will have a girl.” you decided finally.
Ben Solo smiles and his large, skinny hands rubbed the area just below your stomach. It’s a different place and time. He took risks then, albeit poorly calculated ones. It was the middle of the night. The other padawans and Master Luke were all asleep soundly in their huts, Ben having snuck from his abode to yours because this way you both were so far from the others. No once could hear Ben’s whimpers or your grunts of ecstasy as you two touched through the barriers of your clothes, you sitting in his lap clothed from the waist up in your tunic, legs covered in bandages from fresh lightsaber wounds while Ben’s busy hands avoided the tape and touched you intimately on the stomach like a gentleman. In the dark you both become different people. No longer students of the Jedi way, but instead two very desperate lovers who ache and feel in sync with each other. When the two of you unite, the Force within you both seems to knit together an impenetrable wall that hides well your illicit affairs. His calloused fingertips would always catch on the rough fabric of your tunic, but he didn’t mind. Not when he held in his hands a realm of possibilities. A finite bubble that with proper nurturing and care would contain a multitude of potential. If he listened closely, he could hear them calling softly in his ears. Drowning out the seed of doubt in his mind and filling him to the brim until there was no Jedi temple, there was no Ben Solo and his forbidden lover. There was only the two of you. His warm hands over your womb.
This was stupid... This was too sudden.
“I want a boy.” He murmured into your hair after deep consideration, and you relished the whoosh of air in your ear as he breathed in the smell of your locks. Pouting lips captured the shell of your ear with a chaste kiss, while your hands lay on his and busied themselves stroking the soft skin.
“But first a girl Ben.” you insisted, laughing softly when his tongue penetrated your ear canal in play. “I want our son to have a sister who will take care of him, show him how to be gentle. I’ve always wanted a beautiful little girl with your raven hair.”
“And your bright eyes.” he sighed.
“Yes. I will allow that.” you chuckled. “But I hope both grow to look like you.”
Ben held you possessively, and you loved every minute of it. Loved the way his hands cradled your lower abdomen as though it was already swollen with child. There was something about it that filled a void in both of your hearts. It fulfilled some missing element in the relationship even though you had each other. Like ravenous young lovers, you allowed the young padawan’s essence to permeate every pore of your being when he reached out to you, his head resting against yours. You explored each other’s feelings and minds, the Force acting as curious fingers which probed and prodded the very cores of your being more intimately than anything you could have ever known. He knew every secret carried in your heart, every fault and flaw, and at the time you knew his. Once, unpleasantly, you had caught a taste of the doubt and of the dark, only to chase it away with your own strong light. Unfortunately, your own worries penetrated his mind strongly.
“You needn’t be scared of carrying two children.” Ben whispered, sensing your fears at the thought of even carrying one baby. “I’ll be there to look after you and tend you.”
“Mostly I fear the pain.” You replied honestly. “More-so than the punishment of getting caught, and having to take the brunt of the absolute mayhem of not only Leia Organa, but of Master Luke as well.”
“We can handle that.” Ben insisted. “We’ll run away. Maybe if I tell my father, he’ll be able to come back and help. I think he would understand how I feel about you. If there's anyone that would be willing to take the risks we want it's him.”
“I know.” your fingers laced with his as he continued to rest his hands against your stomach. “But that does not solve the issue of the birth pain I’ll have to endure... Women have died because of it you know.”
“I’ll be there for you.” he reassures you with gentle nosing as you shiver. His hands begin to rub your abdomen. Beginning at the bottom where he cradled your womb and ending just below your breast, until the entire process is reversed and repeated.
“I’ll be right there when the time comes.” Ben assured. His voice is so soft and soothing, you could stay like this forever.
“Maybe... Maybe something can be done for the pain. There certainly must be a way that I can take some of it away if we make a connection. I would bear every burden for you if it meant sparing you the agony of bringing our children into the world.”
“You take such good care of me Ben Solo.” you whisper.
In his own way, he begs for his lips to be paid attention to. You give him offerings of your own, your lips chapped and rough from the intense physical effort of neglecting beauty in favor of training to catch up with the others. Ben frowns, his tongue darting from his parted lips to lap at your own, coating them in his saliva and softening the dead skin. You sigh contentedly, pulling yourself up onto his lap where you writhe against him skillfully. He’s wary of your new wounds, avoiding a grip on your hips and instead keeping his hands on your stomach as you grind against his parts. He doesn’t like how Master Luke treats you and the three other girls, even if the Knight is his blood relation. The sexist notion that female jedi must undergo far tougher physical conditioning to catch up to the level of the boys sickens him. There’s one in his year, Pavel, that could barely handle the lightsaber properly. You and another young lady called Heela always lead lightsaber practices under Luke’s eagle eye. But often times it’s just Heela, because your recklessness with a lightsaber often causes more burns than Ben Solo would like to admit. But it’s not that you’re clumsy. Far from it in fact, Ben feels as though you and the blade become lost in one another so thoroughly, you often forget it is a separate entity. Your skills are fairly good, the green blade slices to ribbons anything that Master Luke sets before you and only falls when Ben Solo focuses everything he has into your defeat during training. It becomes an extension of your arm, so natural and fluid with a particular grace that Ben can not get enough of when he watches you. He supposed that’s why you would try and sheathe it while still activated. Tomorrow, Master Luke promised, he would find a solution for your habits.
Yet it might not even be possible for you to get up and walk to the temple tomorrow. The way Ben holds you, whispering in your ear his plans for the children and the home life the four of you will make together on some undisclosed planet made you uncertain. Often times in meditation you would catch these negative thoughts. Instead of connecting with all life in the universe, you found yourself deep in thought regarding if this training was really for you. You wanted to be strong and protect the ones you loved from the darkness, and Ben had expectations riding on his success as a new Jedi Knight. Then there was the life you planned to live together, for life was not worth living if one could not have the other. There were so many things twisting you both apart. He felt the seed of your doubt in his own heart, and reached out with a silent insistence that everything will be fine.
"It won't be easy..." you said.
“They’ll be very angry at first,” he said logically, “In time, they’ll understand how we feel. It will take a great deal of reasoning with them if they find us. For now, we simply have to keep up this facade until I can get hold of my father to smuggle us away.”
“So we can’t be together in the interim?” you ask, voice too soft for him to notice the break in it. But inside his mind he feels your hurt pierce him like a dagger.
“Oh my sun, my moon, my stars.” he gushes your praises like an old poet with each pet name punctuated with a feverish kiss, far too much of an old romantic not to make you laugh. “Of course we can be together. I would never leave your side.”
Your thoughts return to your own mind. Ben jumps a bit from the sudden disconnection, and even though you’re near to each other the separation in consciousness makes him stir crazy. An anxiety takes over his mind whenever he is not completely melded with you, as though he is missing some crucial part of himself. He feels vulnerable, afraid that if you close off from him too long, some unseen force, his own doubts and darkness, might take root in the place you’ve left behind.
It sounded like a belch at first. A hitch in your breath. He wondered what you were talking about, until you entwined your fingers with his and returned them to your stomach from Ben’s resting place on your lap.
“Her name will be Jaina Solo, and she will be the spitting image of her father.” you smile.
Ben Solo understood then.
“And he will be Jacen Solo, and he will be every bit as charming and sensitive as his mother.” he agreed. Instantaneously your Force connection was restored, driving away the seeds of doubt and keeping them at bay for a little while at least.
“I think we should try soon.” he whispered into your ear. A warm, jolting shiver descended down your spine as Ben became brave. He told you how and when you both with try, because he’s been waiting for this moment since the two of you became infatuated with school time crushes. He whispers sultry things in his deep voice, having dropped a few octaves since you’ve known him in the earliest days of training. Very much so you still were in the honeymoon stage of the relationship. Yet because Ben was such a smooth, even talker, and because his hands and body were so deliciously lanky and so completely yours, you felt the honeymoon would never end.
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senatorrorgana · 7 years
Young Gods - Two
a/n: this chapter is a bit longer! more character in it such as getting to see finn, and there's a little more backstory on ben turning to the dark side (hint: i made it slightly similar to why anakin turned, though you know, not the exact same). either way i hope you guys enjoy it, i can't believe we still have to wait eight more months until the last jedi, i need it now!
rating: m
ao3: (x)
There was a reason behind everything Ben had done; why he left the temple, why he killed all the people he killed, why he joined the First Order. The reason was Rey.
He left the temple because he knew there was something coming for his sister that he couldn’t protect her from under Luke’s teachings, he killed the new Jedi to keep Rey safe from them trying to use her against him, he joined the First Order to learn how to truly protect her with powers Luke would never have taught him. He did everything for her, unlike their parents who cast them aside, and in the end she cast him aside as well, repulsed by what he became to keep her safe and fleeing with Luke. In a cruel twist of fate, he had become the darkness that threatened to hunt her down, along with the rest of the First Order; but despite everything, Ben would kill anyone who tried to harm her.
Supreme Leader Snoke saw this in Ben’s heart, he’d ordered him to kill Rey on more than one occasion, and every time he got close and saw her - he couldn’t do it. Despite hurting her, in more ways than one, she was still the only thing that mattered to him in this entire galaxy, she was all he had.
The sharp stinging pain caused by the med droid tending to his new wounds was enough to pull him from his thoughts and back into the reality around him. The harsh cuts and wounds on his back serving as a reminder from Snoke and his other lackeys that disobedience was not tolerated within the Order. All those punishments used to work when he was young, now he was used to the pain and they held little effect over his actions. Snoke knew there were other ways to hurt him, using pain like this was just a warning, if he ever did something severe, he knew what his master would do to keep him in line. Letting a rebel spy escape with her life because she looked like his sister was nothing compared to what he could have done.
“That’s enough.” Ben barked the order at the droid, it stopping instantly and leaving his chambers without another beep in protest.
With the droid gone, Ben walked over to a nearby mirror in his room, seeing not much of anything other than a walking collection of scars. A scar on his bottom lip from Rey daring him to climb the tallest tree they could find when they were little, scars on his arms and hands from training with Luke when he was a padawan, the rest of the scars on his chest and back were all from his time here - training, disobeying, his rage getting the better of him and hurting himself in the process of hurting something else.
“Sir,” the voice of Captain Phasma came through the communicator he left on his bedside table, “we have a lead on the Jedi.”
“Where?” Ben grabbed the communicator instantly, every muscle in his body tensing, waiting to hear the news.
“We have a confirmed sighting of them last being seen on Naboo, boarding a transport to the outer rim.” Phasma replied. “It was a Resistance U-Wing, it won’t be coming back.”
“I want records of every ship  that had clearance to leave Naboo that day and their destinations, there is record of where that U-Wing went somewhere, make them talk.” Ben stated, trying to keep his anger from getting the better of him.
“Yes sir.” Phasma replied before the line went dead, his most loyal soldier carrying out his commands.
Snoke wanted Rey found to be killed, Ben wanted her found to give her another chance to join him, to show Snoke that she could help and that they could train together, that he could keep her safe. All he had to do was find Rey first, and with any luck, someone would talk to save their own skin on where that U-Wing was headed.
The last time Rey had seen her mother was when she was eight years old, she hadn’t seen her father since she was five, so naturally she fooled herself into thinking that her mother would keep her promise where her father had failed. Ben had told her not to get her hopes up, he tried to protect her from the same heartbreak he went through - but even that wasn’t enough.
As the darkness in the galaxy grew stronger, the weeks turned to months which eventually turned into years that kept Leia away. Between being a senator and being a representative for the last of the Jedi remaining while Luke was busy raising Rey and training younglings, it was almost impossible for her to actually visit her children; Han stopped trying altogether. Naturally, after all those years apart, there was a cloud of tension and guilt hanging between the two of them while they sat together for dinner in Leia’s quarters, neither of them knowing what to say.
“So,” Leia started, “how was Naboo?”
“Fine,” Rey said, “from what I could see of it. I got to see that monument they built to grandma, it’s nice.”
Padmé Amidala, perhaps one of the more famous names to come from Naboo - only to be rivaled by the dark presence that was left behind by Darth Sidious, better known as Emperor Palpatine. It was easy to see why they’d chosen to honor their fallen former queen and senator so openly while they desperately tried to erase the stain the Emperor had left behind on their small planet. Between the Organa’s and the legacy Padmé left behind, Rey understood why Leia chose to stay in politics rather than become a Jedi Master like Uncle Luke, though she still was a Knight just like Rey. Sometimes Rey thought that if she’d chosen politics as well that her parents wouldn’t have left her like they left Ben, but she couldn’t leave Ben behind, and the call of the Force was far too great for her to ignore by sitting at a desk and making speeches day in and day out.
“Glad you got to see it.” Leia offered up a smile as she looked towards Rey, Rey couldn’t find it in her to fake a smile in return.
“Ben took me there once when I was younger, to Naboo.” Rey stated, keeping her eyes on her food and feeling the mood shift back to something strained.
Leia remained silent, Rey knew it was a low blow, but it was something she couldn’t help. But Rey had seen her mother's speeches, seen how she avoided calling Kylo Ren her son and danced around the subject of what happened to Ben Organa-Solo. Every time Rey noticed that, she felt like her mother was trying to erase her brother, and she couldn’t help but feel that if she’d joined Ben, she would have tried to erase her too.
“Your father heard you and Luke we’re coming here, he’s going to come by with Chewie.” Leia tried to change the subject.
“Well, tell Chewie I’m sorry I’ll miss him.” Rey said.
“Breha, you - “
“Rey,” She corrected her mother, Rey was the nickname Ben had given her, she wasn’t going to erase him and what he had been unlike everyone else in the galaxy, “and I can choose not to see Han if I want. He abandoned Ben and I long before you did, I’d rather just see Chewie, at least he called.”
It was silent again, Rey felt she’d crossed a line somewhere, not that she cared if she did or not, but she didn’t expect the feeling of such overwhelming guilt to wash over her either. “You’re right.” Leia sighed. “If you want to just see Chewie, I’ll just tell him where you’ll be, I won’t tell your father.”
“...Thank you.” Rey hesitated saying.
The discomfort in the room kept rising and Rey knew she needed to just be anywhere else right now other than here, she knew some meditation would help clear her mind.
“Thank you for dinner, I have to go meet Uncle Luke for meditation.” Rey excused herself from the table, rising to her feet and grabbing her lightsaber off of the nearby table.
“I’ll be here if you want to talk.” Leia called after her just before Rey managed to get out the door and have them snap shut behind her.
Anywhere was better than being with her mother for another moment. She knew Luke was somewhere meditating, though she wasn’t sure she wanted to interfere with whatever shred of peace he was able to find in all of the chaos of an active rebel base. Rey needed to calm her mind as well, and so far the only place of solace she could think of would be her room - the trouble being she didn’t remember where her room was.
“Are you alright?” A man asked her, it didn’t take long for Rey to realize that it was one of the Lieutenants from earlier, though she never caught his name.
“Yeah, just lost.” Rey admitted, there was something calming about him that took the edge off of Rey’s nerves.
“Can’t say I blame you there, when I first got here I couldn’t remember where anything was.” He grinned, trying to lighten the dark mood that was still hanging over her from her dinner with her mother. “Connix said she’s got you in the west bunks, I’ll take you there.”
“Oh, thanks.” Rey said, caught off guard by his willingness to help, the galaxy could have used more people like him.
“No problem, it’s Breha, right?” He asked.
“Rey actually. Breha’s a big name to live up to, I just go by Rey.” She clarified.
“Rey, got it, nice to meet you,” He nodded, “I’m Finn.”
“Nice to meet you Finn.” Rey said.
The rest of the walk was filled with small chatter between the two of them, Finn asking question after question about what it’s like to use a lightsaber and learning the ways of the Force, claiming that he never was told any stories about the Jedi at all until he joined the Resistance. Rey asked him for directions to nearly everywhere she could think of that she might need to go to in the next few days until she learned where everything was.
“This is it.” Rey said, remembering the dings and dents that were on the front of her door and stopping short.
“Alright, well, if you ever need anything Rey, you can come find Poe or I anytime.” Finn said.
“Poe?” Rey questioned, more than sure that she’d never heard that name before now.
“Oh, right, Commander Dameron I mean, he was with us earlier when you and your uncle showed up. He’ll help you with whatever you need to.” Finn assure her.
“Good to know, thanks Finn.” Rey nodded.
“Anytime.” Finn offered her a parting grin before taking his leave.
Rey managed to remember the codes to her door at least, getting it open and letting out a sigh of relief once it was shut. Or at least she felt that brief relief for only a moment, until a familiar voice clawed it’s way into her mind, forcing a one way connection.
‘The Resistance? After all these years you ran back to her, or maybe it’s because I left you no other choice, no other place to hide. For that, I’m sorry. I wanted to protect you from them, remember? It doesn’t matter, I tracked you to Naboo, you were there, weren’t you? Someone will talk. I don’t know why you keep running from me Rey, it’d be so much easier to convince Snoke to let you join me if you stopped running. You know I’d never hurt you, don’t you? Stop fighting me, Rey, please - ‘
Rey cut him off there, not wanting to hear anymore. Her heart still ached when she cut him off, no matter how many times she’d done it before in the past years, he was her brother and their bond was stronger than most could understand, even stronger than the bond Luke and her mother shared. He could call out to her across systems and stars and still sound as if he were in the room with her; their power was more than likely the only reason Snoke wanted the both of them alive.
‘I don’t want to be found, Ben.’
It was a risk to call out to him, to give him any form of a response or acknowledgement, it was reckless - something commonly known to be in the Skywalker bloodline.
‘It sounds like you do.’
His reply came quickly, latching onto the tail end of the connection she briefly opened in order to get his reply to her. Rey pushed all traces of their connection out of her mind and balled her hands into fists, trying to tame the low rumble now echoing through her room. She hated that he was right, that somewhere deep down in the back of her mind, she did want her brother to find her.
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hopetwin · 6 years
tag drop pt1
a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face} mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo} yun harla incarnate {headcanons} inherited cockiness and mechanical skills {aesthetic} i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study} and she called the stars home {jaina things} someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes} i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe} his commitment is absolute {poe dameron} you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll} again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel} i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis} faces in the stars {wanted opposite} the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4} dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus} my father taught me how to live {han solo} from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker} my grandfather still {bail organa} made of love and courage {breha organa} her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey} he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn} his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo} such a brave droid {bb8} he is a fine knight {ben skywalker} all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren} i had two mothers and i love her still {winter} wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker} we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo} i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel} are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
#a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face}#mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo}#yun harla incarnate {headcanons}#inherited cockiness and mechanical skills {aesthetic}#i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study}#and she called the stars home {jaina things}#someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes}#i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe}#you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll}#his commitment is absolute {poe dameron}#again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel}#i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis}#faces in the stars {wanted opposite}#the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4}#dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus}#my grandfather still {bail organa}#my father taught me how to live {han solo}#from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker}#her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey}#made of love and courage {breha organa}#he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn}#his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo}#such a brave droid {bb8}#he is a fine knight {ben skywalker}#all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren}#i had two mothers and i love her still {winter}#wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker}#we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo}#i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel}#are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
0 notes
hopetwin · 6 years
;; annnndddd p2
a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face} mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo} yun harla incarnate {headcanons} inherited cockiness and mechanical skills {aesthetic} i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study} and she called the stars home {jaina things} someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes} i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe} his commitment is absolute {poe dameron} you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll} again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel} i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis} faces in the stars {wanted opposite} the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4} dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus} my father taught me how to live {han solo} from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker} my grandfather still {bail organa} made of love and courage {breha organa} her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey} he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn} his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo} such a brave droid {bb8} he is a fine knight {ben skywalker} all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren} i had two mothers and i love her still {winter} wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker} we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo} i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel} are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
#a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face}#mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo}#yun harla incarnate {headcanons}#inherited cockiness and mechanical skills {aesthetic}#i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study}#and she called the stars home {jaina things}#someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes}#i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe}#his commitment is absolute {poe dameron}#you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll}#again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel}#i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis}#faces in the stars {wanted opposite}#the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4}#dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus}#my father taught me how to live {han solo}#from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker}#my grandfather still {bail organa}#made of love and courage {breha organa}#her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey}#he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn}#such a brave droid {bb8}#his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo}#all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren}#he is a fine knight {ben skywalker}#i had two mothers and i love her still {winter}#wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker}#we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo}#i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel}#are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
0 notes
hopetwin · 7 years
New Tags Part One
Name A Hero That Was Happy // You Can’t {TLJ Verse}
There Is A Reason I’m Still Standing {TFA Verse}
You burn with the brightest flame // And the world's gonna know your name {EU/Legends Verse}
We Are The Wild // We Are The Reckless Youth {Praexum Verse}
We Are Infinite As The Universe We Hold Inside {Teen Verse} 
I Think There’s A Fault In My Code // These Voices Won’t Leave Me Alone {Sith Verse}
There’s Magic In Our Bones // A North Star In Our Soul {Re: Jacen Solo}
His Heart Was Born Out Of Fire {Anakin Solo}
Cross My Heart And Hope To Die // I’ll See You With Your Laughter Lines {Re: Anakin Solo}
All The King’s Horse Men and All The King’s Men Couldn’t Put Us Back Together Again {Re: Jacen & Jaina & Anakin}
There’s A Hole In My Soul // I Can’t Fill It {Re: Ben Solo}
All This Bad Blood Here // Won’t You Let It Dry {Kylo Ren}
Justice And Vengeance Aren’t The Same // To Me They Are {Re: Kylo Ren}
Mother Is The Name of God On The Lips of All Children {Leia Organa Solo}
Don’t Worry Mother // Your Daughter Is A Warrior {Re: Leia Organa Solo}
I Never Dreamed I Would Meet Somebody Like You {Re: Jagged Fel}
I was born in a thunderstorm // I grew up overnight {Ch. Study}
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