𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞 / 𝐦𝐞
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a dependent mumu for thronesfm, as portrayed by maeve.
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
“ i feel like i’m in a dream.” @barbieshub
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"would you like me to pinch you?" ysilla asked with a smile, their eyebrow arched as they even cocked their head to the side. there was an undeniable excitement present in their reaction, which more than likely came off as unsettling. "i could also clap, or punch you," they suggested.
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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a ysilla royce edit
↳ incorrect quotes edition
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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ysilla royce tag dump !!
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
“ shall we drink on it?” @steelfyre
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"i think that sounds like a wonderful idea," aurelio smiled, "i happen to have a cask of the finest wines in lys," they made a point of adding, it was their own way of informing the prince that they had no intentions of drinking any westerosi swill. "and there's a bottle of a fine white with our names on it," they smiled. "i'll have a servant fetch it."
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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"ah yes, you mustn't keep our dear cousin waiting," jason's response was ripe with sarcasm, though he managed to resist rolling his eyes. that would've been too much, he thought. "shall we schedule a time to meet?" he suggested, once again nearing the line. after all, it wasn't as if he had any room to be offended. not when he hadn't given his family the time of day in years. but there he was.
“ the biggest lie i ever said. ” ft. jason lannister / @qvarrelsome
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        the  absence  of  her  bother's  voice  had once been a loss , but now hearing it made her roll her eyes. she wished he was capable of sitting in silence so she could pretend he was not there. if king's order hadn't gathered them all in one location then she doubted she would've seen him for many years. before he could continue, she stood up.   ❝ i'm afraid i do not have time for some grand retelling. i promised cerenna i'd take a walk in the gardens with her. ❞   the lie fell easily , naturally from her lips. alicent had no doubt that her cousin would support her declaration if questioned.
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
“ where have you been? i've been looking all over for you.” @barbieshub
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"i've been here," aurelio responded, brow furrowed as they turned to look at their cousin, clear confusion present on their face. originally, they had considered a more sarcastic response but something told them this was not a joking matter. "did you need something?" they hesitated to ask.
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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"jacaerys," matarys smiled as he rested against a conveniently located barrel. "i thought i might get in some training," he admitted with a laugh. it hadn't sounded quite so ridiculous when it had been a thought but the second the words had left his mouth, the older male found himself feeling rather foolish. "though now that i have had the opportunity to watch you, i do think i should stick to observation." he didn't want to make a fool of himself.
“ put down your sword and you can call me what you like. ” ft. matarys martell / @qvarrelsome
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        his  chest  heaved  with  each  deep  breath. annoyance briefly colored his expression at being interrupted no matter who it was, but he swallowed it, like a dragon pulling back its fire before it escaped its throat, before turning toward his uncle. sword sheathed in one smooth motion.   ❝ uncle. ❞   voice even toned yet polite. admiration he held toward his father and mother did not extend to other valyrian elder, aided by remarks made by kingly father and mentor, but at the end of the day they stood beneath the same banner. unless the older man decided to sell blood out for snakes if the gods demanded he choose.   ❝ what has brought you to the training yard? ❞
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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"are you sure you'll be able to stay on syraxes' back?" matarys chuckled as he filled his cup with the remainder of his bottle of dornish red. "i accept your challenge, nephew," he made a point of adding before taking a generous sip of his wine.
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@qvarrelsome   said   :      ❛      shall   we   drink   on   it   ?        ↳               ⸻         aegon    &.    matarys                     [   prompt   ]
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𝚃𝙷𝙴  𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙽  𝙾𝙽  𝙷𝙸𝚂  𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴  𝙸𝚂  𝙰  𝙱𝙾𝚈𝙸𝚂𝙷  𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶  ,    eyes  glimmering  in  the  lowlight  as  his  cheeks  flushed  ever  pleased - pink.  while  no  one  could  swear  to  it  being  the  prince's  first  drink  of  the  night  ,    he  had  yet  to  fall  deep  enough  into  his  cups  that  a  servant  would  be  found  fishing  him  out  of  it  later.  not  yet  ,    at  least  ⸻  though  the  night  was  still  young.  grabbing  the  nearby  pitcher  to  top  up  his  own  cup  ,    he  haphazardly  wiggled  it  in  his  uncle's  direction  in  an  offer  to  do  the  same.      ❛      make  it  a  drink  or  three  ,    uncle.  you'll  need  the  comfort  for  when  syraxes  and�� i  leave  you  and  joffrey  chasing  our  winds.        ❜
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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a jason lannister edit
↳ incorrect quotes edition
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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an aurelio rogare edit
↳ incorrect quotes edition
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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a matarys martell edit
↳ incorrect quotes edition
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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it had been too easy for jason to respond, the words effortlessly rolling of his tongue. there was a time where he was made up of hostility, but he'd matured past that, mainly due to the influence of his long-term companion. he was more than just pure, unadulterated anger. granted, he was still incredibly short-tempered, but he was no longer outwardly hostile to everyone with the misfortune of crossing his path. though, he had no trouble falling back on his old ways when it came to his father. "grateful," he muttered before letting out a loud laugh. "i suppose i should be," he paused, "tell me, how many meetings did you have to reschedule? i hope you didn't go to any great trouble for me." he thought to add something about how he'd never done so before, but he opted against it for the time being.
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" do  you  think  i'd  be  impressed? "                                              said.  @qvarrelsome
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are  you  ever  ?  could  you  ever  be  ?        it  should  be  son  impressing  father  ,  he  thinks  ,  rather  than  father  fighting  uselessly  for  son's  attention  .  he  hasn't  tried  in  years  -  considers  this  to  be  one  of  his  final  chances  at  bringing  the  boy  back  to  his  side  .   there  is  obligation  there  ,  to  be  sure  ,  to  care  for  his  own  flesh  (  as  joanna  would  have  wanted  ⸻   but  joanna  is  long  gone  to  the  stranger  and  is  never  coming  back  )  ,  but  the  lord  can  no  more  appreciate  the  obligation  than  the  family  bond  .      ❛  impressed ?  no  ,  jason ,  i  know better than that  .  but  i'd  hoped  ,  perhaps  ,  you'd  be  grateful  .   ❜
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
aurelio rogare / the snake
it was nothing more than a piece of jewelry, as far as the lord of lys was concerned. though he could admit it was quite beautiful. it held no special meaning to him.
in contrast to his usual colorful garb, he opts to done a more monochromatic look for the evening. he wants attention to be drawn to the piece of jewelry worn around his neck. his legs are bare apart from the singular carved snake wrapped around his right calf, painted black for the occasion. he wears a simple black frock, a simple black cape on top of that. his mask, is also black and just as simple with the notable addition of a forked tongue sticking out of the mouth.
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
matarys martell / the mermaid
the prince of the tower of joy had long been known for his love of costumes. it was only natural that he would go all out on piecing together his costume for the evening. a pity, he neglected to any thought into his movement.
he is late to arrive to the labyrinth, though it's not through his own choice - it just takes that long for him to walk there. his chosen costume meant to resemble a mermaid caught in the net of a fisherman. the simple pair of pants he's chosen to wear are concealed by fishing nets, the ends of his arms painted to resemble fish scales, his chest with the exception of a loose piece of netting draped over his his torso and his piece of jewelry, remains bare. his mask, almost an after thought is painted to resemble waves.
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
jason lannister / the dragon
a loud scoff escaped the lips of the young lord of lannisport at the arrival of his jewelry. hand-picked by the king. no doubt a message hidden in the choice, not that he'd be putting the thought into trying to figure it out. he would, however, put the effort into his costume.
he arrives at the entrance of the labyrinth wearing a golden mask made to resemble the face of a dragon. his cloak, a similar shade of gold is adored with scales, a row of spikes traveling down the spine. when he raises his arms, it resembles a dragon's wings. his piece of jewelry is worn around his neck.
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
i am accepting on all of my muses !
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“ no one mourns the wicked.”
“ where have you been? i've been looking all over for you.”
“ I am so glad I was unconscious for all of this.”
“ for the last time, it was not a kiss.”
“ someday, you’re gonna wind up all alone, and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.”
“ why can't a man be in love and still live long?”
“ the person who deserves the greatest trust is the one who loves the most.”
“ if you wish, you will and if you won't, you won't. it's all the same to me.”
“ i only see him as a friend.”
“ the biggest lie i ever said.”
“ i am the ____ man still. today, tomorrow, always, until my last breath, or theirs.”
“ this voyage was cursed from the first.”
“ if they can mock the gods, so can i.”
“ you must have seen the dragons.”
“ put down your sword and you can call me what you like.”
“ now don't go thinking me and mine don't trust you.”
“ i trust you just as much as you trust me.”
“ gave you my word on it, didn't i? the word of ____. strong as iron, 'tis.”
“ shadows never go away. might be you don’t see them, but they’re always clinging to your heels.”
“ let them think what they want, so long as they deliver the message.”
“ come at the hour of the wolf. and see that you are not followed. ”
“ let them think that they have won.”
“ they are men like any other men. they want gold, glory, power. that's all i am trusting in. ”
“ i offer this to you as a sign of good faith. ”
“ i tried to grasp a star, overreached, and fell.”
“ shall we drink on it?”
“ close your eyes -- turn away. you do not need to see this.”
“ poets and women are always free with their hearts, are they not?”
“ should i like something that accuses me of being cruel?”
“ your eyes can be so cruel.”
“ i will do it. i said i would. i will. ”
“ i'm not heartless, whatever some people think - quite the contrary.”
“ i would only be unhappy if you ever stopped loving me.”
“ you should not abuse the mine honour with such language!”
“ if you guess right, i’ll tell you. by the old gods and the new, i swear it.”
“ thank you for riding here so quickly. i know travel isn’t easy in these times.”
“ forgive me, i spoke of things i should not.”
“ you go too far.”
“ don't ask where.”
“ it was a world of gods and men.”
“ it's a sad tale. it's a tragedy.”
“ it no one takes too much, there will always be enough.”
“ this is how it's always been.”
“ those who go, they don't come back.”
“ lover, when you feel that fire, think of it as my desire for you.”
“ when the gods are having a fight, everybody else better hold on tight!”
“ do you think i'd be impressed?”
“ if you don't even want my love, i'll give it to someone who does.”
“ weren't we birds of a feather?”
“ people get mean when the chips are down.”
“ look all around you: how the vipers and vultures surround you.”
“ the more wood the bigger the fire.”
“ you know your fires.”
“ i knew you were highborn.”
“ what does it do?”
“ i’m afraid i must insist.”
“ it’s beautiful though, isn’t it?”
“ don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
“ you’re good. you’re not as good as you think you are.”
“ i will not breathe further life into a malicious lie by discussing it.”
“ i feel like i’m in a dream.”
“ trying to have me killed is an odd way of saying thank you.”
“ who doesn’t like to see their friends fail now and then?”
“ i did what i did for the good of the realm.”
“ may i have this dance? ”
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qvarrelsome · 1 year ago
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╰ ┈ [ ewan mcgregor , fifty , cis male , he/his ] in the time of dragons , MATARYS MARTELL NEE TARGARYEN is entering the game of thrones . said to be compassionate + vivacious , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be absent-minded + garrulous . when asked about them , people are always reminded of a kind smile & a twinkle in his eyes; a vacant expression, a clear sign that one's mind is elsewhere and long, restless nights of little sleep . though they are the RULING PRINCE OF THE TOWER OF JOY , their true loyalties lie with houses targaryen & martell and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support THE PEACE TREATY above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .
name: matarys martell nee targaryen
age: fifty
title: ruling prince of the tower of joy
allegiance: houses targaryen & martell
gender, pronouns: cis male & he/his
sexuality: bisexual, biromantic
martial status: happily married
father: king jaehaerys iii targaryen
mother: gwaenn belaerys
siblings: lucerys targaryen
extended family: there are a lot of them
spouse: the ruling princess of the tower of joy
children: tbd.
name: joffrey (many people tried to convince him to change this, unfortunately it stuck)
coloring: color palette.
characteristics: as far as dragon's go, joffrey is considerably friendly. he'll allow people to approach, event pet him, along as matarys is present. he is also incredibly loyal to his rider.
hair color: brown
eye color: blue
height: 5'10''
build: athletic
traits: absent-minded, garrulous, compassionate, vivacious
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine
moral alignment: lawful neutral
character parallels: scott lang (ant-man), theodore laurence (little women), jason mendoza (the good place), click here for characters quiz results.
biography -
the younger of the sons born to king jaehaerys iii and his wife gwaenn belaerys, the spare as some would say. and while it was true, no one ever expected matarys to ascend the throne he wasn't treated any differently.
he was never jealous of his older brother either, he saw the pressures placed on lucerys and found himself feeling quite relieved he'd never have to experience them.
on top of this, he was a remarkably well-behaved child, doing everything that was expected of him and more. it wasn't long before his parents started using him for "diplomatic" purposes, sending him to visit the houses of westeros.
matarys absolutely loved getting to travel the continent, meeting new people and representing his house. he quickly discovered just how much he enjoyed being away from king's landing. but it was his home, and he loved his family so he always made a point of returning.
he made his first visit to essos at the age of twenty - visiting braavos, lys, pentos and volantis before returning home. he's returned several times over the years, always returning with new luxuries and stories.
MORE DETAILS TBD. sometime around his twenty fifth birthday, matarys married the princess of the tower of joy. it was arranged, but he didn't mind, and he came to love his wife very much. he took her last name.
they would go on to adopt three children. being a husband & dad is his absolute favorite thing in the world ! he loves to brag about his children !
fun facts -
being a husband & a dad are literally his favorite things in the world. he loves to brag about his wife & kids and could easily talk about them for hours.
i have no doubt in my mind this man would be a swiftie.
he's honestly not that smart, but he doesn't let it affect him. granted this hasn't been much of a problem considering he's a prince. it's also possible he has some sort of learning disability.
this man has an incredibly short attention span.
he's never been much of a fighter, per say, but he's not a pacifist. he just doesn't enjoy participating in tourneys. though he does enjoy watching them.
he is incredibly politically savvy, but he doesn't care much for politics.
he's somewhat of a collector, collecting art and trinkets from around the world. there's no particular rhyme or reason to any of the items he collects, he just finds them to be neat !
wanted connections -
his wife & children.
friends. i want him to have all the friends okay ! he's just incredibly friendly, i feel like it would make sense for him to have a lot of friends.
exes. from his youth ! seeing as he spent a considerable amount of time traveling the continent, i think it'd make sense that he has more than a few exes. because he knew he'd never be staying in one place for too long, i'd like to imagine they ended on good terms !
possibly a paramour. this one will have to wait until after we get his wife, but it's a possibility !
honestly any type of wanted connection is welcome !
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