swcrdhearted · 1 year
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𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄:​ 𝑓𝑎𝑤𝑧𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑠 𝒘𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒑𝒉 
the brown - green accents are different from her warmer coloring, but begrudgingly or not, the lord commander of the sand snakes has don her fit for the targaryen’s ball: the bodice of her gown is an imitation of leaves, fabric starched and dyed to mimic the hearty woodlands she has not seen many times over her years; with a bit of volume to the hips, the gown falls flatter on the bottom, dark green silks giving way to a parting in between that displays a darker shade of pants, in the same fabric, giving her more freedom of movement without too much concern for modesty. though her arms are bare, from her elbow to the tip of her fingers there has been a mixture of paints and transparent gloves, bits of greenery glued to the second - skin giving the appearance that she’s growing moss on her own flesh. her mask is of bark, a few compliments here and there; her hair has been tied, barely, in a braid, and upon the curls there are several wisps of florets — dandelions, baby breaths and the like, carefully tucked by her sister, whom had been oh so much more excited than herself by the prospect of such foreign extravagance.
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dynasteid · 11 months
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the liege of ashemark is dressed as the seashell . a water based theme so out of place for someone whose house is ingrained in flames . their outfit is a corseted dress , the bodice adorned in seashells , much like her mask and the crown upon their head . on their neck is a monster of a jewelry piece , a heart shaped sapphire on a string of diamonds it's the heart of the ocean okay . their gift from the king .
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crvwnfought · 2 years
open  starter    /    stefan baratheon. status:   open for responses ! where:   the dessert table. when:   the evening of the wedding.
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        the  sooner  this  damn  celebration  was  over the better. then they could all leave this city, something he’d wanted since the very day he’d first set foot inside its walls and the feeling had only increased given recent events he wished he could forget, and it also meant an end to empty small talk and stuffy nobles. he would have remained on the outskirts of the room had his sweet tooth not caught sight of the decadent treats on one of the tables. the one currently in his hand might be his fifth and likely not his last.       ❝  the cakes and tarts are the one saving grace of this affair.  ❞        other than his betrothed, but stefan couldn’t cling to her like a shadow for the entire night despite wishing he could.
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ladystormlander · 2 years
open starter !
“oh look !” jocelyn calls out, her pupils widening to take in the beauty of the red comet painting the sky. there was something about nature & the skies above them that fascinated her so. she felt safe for a moment, blanketed in the warmth of her joy & forgetting the judgement of those around her. “the crone must be smiling down upon us, don’t you think ? blessing those who are wise.” she finally looks to the person beside her, her gaze kind and genuine. 
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thronesfms · 2 years
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of  a  king  they  had  crowned:  more  a  boy  than  a  man  ,   more  a  pup  than  a  wolf,  with  the  cold  of  the  realm  in  his  eyes
harsh  winters  ,  the  core  of  house  stark  —  always  prepared  for  winter  is  coming  ,  brought  the  beginning  of  the  end  of  a  once  great  noble  house  .  the  ailing  ruling  lord  more  concerned  with  pleasing  the  love  of  his  life  ,  his  beloved  second  wife  ,  than  honoring  his  duty  as  warden  of  the  north  .  winterfell's  hearth  roars  warmed  the  castle  as  the  scent  of  mouthwatering  lemon  tarts  spread  around  the  keep  :  protected  from  the  heavy  snow  and  lack  of  food  security  .  the  people  were  dying  ,  either  from  dreadful  starvation  or  the  slow  process  of  freezing  until  hearts  stop  beating  .  one  after  the  other  died  ,  even  the  livestock  was  meagre  .  voices  of  a  rebellion  against  the  starks  were  raising  but  never  lasted  ,  the  common  folk  are  always  the  first  to  succumb  as  the  nobles  live  on  .  help  from  the  south  was  denied  ,  the  starks  always  had  too  much  pride  to  accept  aid  from  wealthy  southerners  —  with  the  knowledge  there  would  be  debts  to  pay  .  as  the  howling  winds  quietened  down  ,  lifeless  bodies  were  found  under  the  melting  snow  ,  and  the  ruling  lord  grew  weaker  :  starks  thrived  under  the  coldest  and  darkest  days  .  in  an  act  of  defiance  to  tradition  ,  one  he  happily  broke  to  marry  the  one  he  truly  loved  ,  he  crowned  his  youngest  son  heir  of  winterfell  ,  heir  to  the  former  glorious  kingdom  of  the  north  .
winter  hit  the  north  early  ,  leaving  many  of  the  smallfolk  starving  and  begging  for  the  aid  of  their  nobles  .  the  nobles  were  well  fed  in  their  houses  ,  but  with  time  the  smallfolk  succumbed  to  the  winter’s  chill  -  leaving  many  dead  across  the  region  .  help  from  the  south  was  refused  as  lord  stark  had  always  had  too  much  pride  to  accept  help  from  others  -  especially  knowing  he  could  never  afford  to  repay  them  .  when  the  winter’s  chill  began  to  slip  away  ,  so  too  with  it  did  the  health  of  the  ruling  lord  -  leaving  him  to  make  the  decision  of  his  heir  :  naming  his  youngest  son  (  the  firstborn  of  his  second  marriage  )  as  heir  to  winterfell  .
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qvarrelsome · 1 year
aurelio rogare / the snake
it was nothing more than a piece of jewelry, as far as the lord of lys was concerned. though he could admit it was quite beautiful. it held no special meaning to him.
in contrast to his usual colorful garb, he opts to done a more monochromatic look for the evening. he wants attention to be drawn to the piece of jewelry worn around his neck. his legs are bare apart from the singular carved snake wrapped around his right calf, painted black for the occasion. he wears a simple black frock, a simple black cape on top of that. his mask, is also black and just as simple with the notable addition of a forked tongue sticking out of the mouth.
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steadfvstlcws · 2 years
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her dress changes from blue to green with the turn of light and posture, the surface adorned with crystal-like teardrops that make it seem almost wet to the touch. a bronze necklace remains upon her collarbone, with an iron circlet around her head, embedded with emeralds that sparkle by twilight, its twin mask coloured sea-green, adorned with corals pond greens and the aroma of dew grass. 
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dynasteid · 11 months
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the master of whispers is dressed as the snake , cunning and sneaky . how fitting for he . he made a simple choice , a body suit of emerald green -- scaled and sharp . any revealed skin painted to match . his mask , golden and emerald detailed with slithering serpents . within the right eye of that mask sits a bright jewel that looks like a slitted snakes eye . his gift from the king .
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thronesfms · 2 years
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SIX  .   𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇  .
they  howled  ‘neath  their  northern  moon   so  loud  were  their  cries  that  the closing  of  doors  was  drowned  out
pregnancy  ,  a  most  wondrous  occasion  if  one  talked  to  the  many  lady  -  mothers  in  the  reach  .  and  yet  ,  simultaneously  ,  fear  lives  at  the  idea  of  failing  the  blossoming  babe  in  the  stomach  ——  inadequate  at  protecting  the  most  precious  thing  in  the  world  .  the  heartache  tormenting  all  loving  parents  .  only  sometimes  the  battle  is  already  lost  before  it  begins  .  the  servants  at  highgarden  heard  the  piercing  wails  coming  from  the  ruling  lady  in  the  farthest  corners  of  the  castle  :  it  was  time  ,  an  heir  .  however  fate  is  a  cruel  mistress  .  after  finally  gracing  the  tyrell  family  with  the  long  -  anticipated  heir  to  the  reach  ,  the  fruit  of  their  love  and  praying  does  not  survive  beyond  the  womb  .  new  life  did  not  bloom  ,  instead  of  a  rose  for  the  nursery  ——  they  are  planted  in  the  garden  of  memory  .  countless  maesters  tended  to  the  weakened  state  of  lady  senya  as  lord  tyrell  delivered  the  news  to  his  family  ,  yet  another  babe  lost  .
while  he  grieved  the  damage  done  to  his  heart  ,  his  mother  visited  her  good  daughter  with  crimson  poppies  :  bloodshed  .  the  dowager  lady  only  saw  red  ,  burning  with  anger  as  senya  failed  her  duty  once  again  ,  if  only  her  oldest  had  picked  a  wife  who  could  produce  an  heir  .  oh  well  ,  she  is  to  make  sure  it  will  happen  as  she  orders  all  servants  and  maesters  away  .  frail  fingers  grabbed  a  pillow  ,  placing  it  on  top  of  the  fragile  ruling  lady  of  the  reach  -  her  former  position  that  she  did  great  justice  ,  and  pressed  down  .  death  by  suffocation  ,  releasing  house  tyrell  from  the  shackles  of  a  failed  lady  -  wife  .  and  then  ,  to  make  herself  less  suspicious  and  not  be  accused  ,  she  knocked  herself  out  with  a  heft  tome  and  body  meets  the  floor  .  servants  found  a  dead  ruling  lady  and  an  unconscious  dowager  lady  before  alarming  the  guards  .  none  wished  to  be  around  when  the  news  reached  lord  davios  for  they  feared  for  his  reaction  .  will  the  rose  now  have  thorns  yearning  for  the  growth  of  carnage  ?
after  years  of  failed  attempts  ,  the  ruling  lady  of  highgarden  was  blessed  with  a  child  in  her  womb  .  but  despite  the  best  efforts  of  maesters  ,  when  the  time  came  for  the  child  to  be  brought  forth  into  the  world  -  he  did  not  survive  .  after  lord  davios  announced  his  child’s  loss  to  his  family  ,  his  mother  was  filled  with  anger  .  for  she  had  done  her  duty  ,  so  too  should  her  good  daughter  .  but  she  had  failed  ,  and  thus  could  not  be  forgiven  .  the  dowager  lady  would  enter  her  rooms  and  suffocate  the  woman  ,  faking  an  attack  by  knocking  herself  out  as  well  .
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qvarrelsome · 1 year
matarys martell / the mermaid
the prince of the tower of joy had long been known for his love of costumes. it was only natural that he would go all out on piecing together his costume for the evening. a pity, he neglected to any thought into his movement.
he is late to arrive to the labyrinth, though it's not through his own choice - it just takes that long for him to walk there. his chosen costume meant to resemble a mermaid caught in the net of a fisherman. the simple pair of pants he's chosen to wear are concealed by fishing nets, the ends of his arms painted to resemble fish scales, his chest with the exception of a loose piece of netting draped over his his torso and his piece of jewelry, remains bare. his mask, almost an after thought is painted to resemble waves.
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steadfvstlcws · 2 years
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a crimson flowing gown trimmed with golden threads carving out embroidered, blossoming roses, worn with a gilded mask covering her eyes, 
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dynasteid · 11 months
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the princess is dressed as the moon , mysterious and silver -- surrounded by brilliant stars . her mask is silver and intricate , detailed by one of the finest craftsman in the land . the only jewelry she wears are a series of iron choker type necklaces around her throat and one which dips lower than the other's . a gift from the king .
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thronesfm · 1 year
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as  the  guests  of  his  majesty  the  king  enter  the  golden  gates  of  the  red  keep  ⸻  they  no  longer  witness  the  crimson  walls  painted  by  the  blood  of  fallen  soldiers  ,  instead  the  aurelian  palace  resembles  old  valyrian  greatness. it  becomes  home  to  many  nobles  during  the  upcoming  celebrations. the  infamous  staerdale  treaty  that  brought  forth  three  kingdoms  out  of  the  ashes  of  one  turns  hundred  years  ,  calling  for  festivities  amongst  the  aristocratic  court  and  reuniting  those  ties  previously  lost  through  the  carnage  of  war. as  servants  assist  the  highborn  to  their  quarters  ,  each  guest  finds  a  single  envelope  with  the  royal  seal  resting  on  their  feather  -  soft  bed. impatiently  ,  they  open  it  to  read  the  follow  ,  while  never  noticing  the  servant  leaving  behind  a  small  black  chest  with  a  treasure  inside.
'  by  order  of  the  king  ,  within  fortnight  ,  to  welcome  you  to  his  flourishing  kingdom  ,  his  majesty  king  lucerys  has  commanded  a  midnight  mayhem  masquerade  in  honor  of  the  staerdale  treaty. to  assure  the  behavior  of  all  of  his  guests  ,  he  requests  the  following  rules  will  be  followed  should  you  attend. that  is  not  to  say  your  presence  is  not  so  desired  ,  and  we  should  be  quite  put  out  if  you  should  think  not  to  attend.      the  first  ,  a  simple  one. enclosed  within  the  treasure  chest  is  a  piece  of  jewelry  for  your  pleasure. attendance  without  your  gift  will  not  be  tolerated  but  the  royal  couturiers  will  aid  with  your  freedom  and  creativity  upon  your  costume  ,  ensuring  it  matches  your  veil  of  the  night  chosen  by  queen  visenya  herself.      the  second  ,  you  should  arrive  one  day  henceforth  at  the  eleventh  hour  of  the  night  at  one  of  the  twelve  entrances  of  the  labyrinth  ,  on  your  body  the  king's  treasure  and  your  invitation  in  the  hand.      the  third  ,  you  must  tell  no  one  of  your  identity  through  the  night  —  referring  to  yourself  only  by  your  gifted  pseudonym  for  the  night.      the  fourth  ,  you  must  seek  out  the  guests  with  matching  jewelry  within  the  green  and  flowery  maze  ,  with  only  the  moonlight  as  your  guide. only  together  ,  you  can  enter  the  middle  of  the  labyrinth  as  the  clock  strikes  midnight  ⸺  starting  the  festivities.      the  fifth  ,  you  should  not  visit  the  forbidden  corridors  of  the  castle  grounds. those  wings  require  special  access  and  any  noble  who  is  found  there  by  the  guards  will  be  tried  under  treason  of  the  crown.      as  the  king  decrees  it  ,  so  shall  we  write  it. '
can be found within discord.
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thronesfms · 2 years
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lord bolton approached; with a thrust to robb’s heart  he gave him the lannister lions’ regards
long  ago  ,  the  lord  and  lady  of  house  lannister  (  nearly  children  then  ,  fresh  from  the  bedding  ceremony  )  were  blessed  with  a  son  as  their  first  born  .  they  adored  him  ,  though  spent  little  time  with  him  .  the  birth  took  a  heavy  toll  on  lady  lannister  ,  and  she  was  ill  more  often  than  not  in  the  following  months  .  on  the  same  day  she  gave  birth  -  another  did  .  this  woman  ,  the  daughter  of  the  kennelmaster  and  a  servant  to  the  lannisters  ,  loved  her  son  above  all  else  .  she  spent  every  waking  hour  with  him  as  she  could  .  her  father  ,  worried  for  his  daughter's  fate  -  had  the  boy  smothered  in  his  sleep  -  removing  the  babe  from  her  life  .  the  girl  was  distraught  ,  refusing  to  accept  her  child's  death  .  a  plan  came  to  her  ,  a  most  horrible  one  ,  that  saw  her  swapping  her  own  dead  baby  for  the  lannister  heir  -  and  fleeing  the  city  . she  ended  up  far  from  home  ,  with  a  babe  on  a  boat  .  she  slept  much  of  the  journey  -  the  stolen  babe  in  her  arms  .  she'd  raise  the  child  as  her  own  for  years  -  refusing  to  admit  he  was  anything  but  hers  .  until  ,  at  last  ,  she  could  pretend  no  longer  .  in  appearance  ,  the  boy  could  have  been  the  lord  lannister's  perfect  copy  .  as  he  grew  ,  she  came  up  with  a  plan  .  her  son  loved  her  ,  loved  her  above  all  else  and  would  do  anything  for  her  .  she  told  him  of  the  truth  ,  claiming  she  had  only  done  so  as  his  parent's  had  been  neglectful  ,  and  would  never  have  loved  him  as  he  deserved  . and  he  ,  he  who  had  no  memories  of  his  parents  ,  believed  her  .
though  lady  genna  has  only  been  the  ruling  lady  for  a  year  ,  but  the  unwed  lords  too  of  the  westerlands  had  all  been  seeking  her  hand  for  many  years  by  then  .  when  she  refused  even  their  attentions  -  one  such  case  being  the  ruling  lord  of  hornvale  himself  -  many  were  angered  at  her  seeming  disdain  for  her  own  people  .  the  lord  braxton  brax  was  greatly  offended  at  the  slight  ,  in  front  of  the  king  no  less  ,  and  sought  out  like  minded  individuals  who  might  aid  him  in  his  proposed  rebellion  .  his  muttering  was  overheard  by  a  most  interested  individual  -  a  guest  to  the  wedding  who  would  offer  the  name  '  critten  '  when  asked  .  he  supported  the  man's  words  ,  honeyed  words  dripping  in  poison  as  he  drew  himself  closer  to  the  lord  of  hornvale  .  the  seat  ,  he  would  say  with  feline  -  like  arrogance  ,  of  the  warden  of  the  west  should  have  never  belonged  to  the  lady  genna  but  to  the  firstborn  of  the  lannisters  -  casper  himself .
with  the  revelation  that  the  long  believed  firstborn  son  of  the  lannisters  was  alive  ,  a  civil  war  is  starting  in  the  westerlands  ,  with  support  divided  between  the  lady  genna  and  the  lord  casper  .  things  are  quite  tense  ,  and  the  west  are  picking  sides  .  once  ‘  critten  carrigan  ’  had  washed  the  berries  that  dyed  his  hair  dark  away  ,  none  could  deny  he  was  the  exact  replica  of  his  father  .
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thronesfms · 2 years
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there was nothing she felt cutting lady frey’s throat  and she felt nothing more when they slashed her own
fertile  soils  and  rich  grounds  bless  the  region  of  endless  rivers  ,  with  populous  wildlife  hiding  in  the  forests  and  hills  —  enough  to  feed  the  people  and  the  creatures  lurking  in  the  dark  muddy  waters  .  the  horror  started  with  shredded  carcasses  of  farm  animals  ,  rivers  coloring  scarlet  from  blood  drained  wildlife  and  fear  in  the  eyes  of  the  rivermen  .  no  one  knew  what  caused  the  damage  except  the  ones  who  stood  eye  to  eye  with  the  monster  and  barely  survived  ,  instead  of  speaking  they  took  a  vow  of  silence  with  the  stranger  :  gratitude  for  their  life  not  lost  .  soon  enough  the  culprit  was  found  ,  reptile  -  like  terrors  slithering  through  the  rivers  but  always  evading  the  hands  of  mankind  until  their  home  was  found  :  the  waters  protecting  riverrun  .  it  quickly  became  clear  that  house  tully  was  in  the  unknown  of  the  danger  lurking  beneath  their  soles  ,  after  all  ,  their  grounds  were  never  harmed  by  the  gruesome  reptiles  ,  thus  believing  it  is  not  worth  their  troubles  .  however  ,  when  the  creatures  attack  one  of  their  own  with  razor  sharp  claws  ,  the  hunt  was  opened  .  the  smallfolk  hid  in  their  towns  and  measly  built  houses  as  the  riverlords  attacked  .  bloodshed  on  both  sides  was  imminent  until  the  ruling  lord  caught  the  last  one  of  the  species  ,  about  to  be  extinct  .  as  he  stabbed  his  sword  through  the  reptile's  heart  ,  in  its  last  final  breaths  it  bit  through  the  ruling  lord  tully's  throat  .
animals  begun  to  be  found  torn  apart  ,  the  rivers  filling  with  blood  .  people  didn’t  know  what  was  happening  and  those  who  saw  the  monster  refused  to  speak  of  it  .  it  was  discovered  that  the  culprit  was  reptile  -  like  creatures  living  in  the  waters  around  riverrun  .  the  tully’s  were  not  affected  ,  thus  sat  back  and  did  nothing  -  until  one  of  their  own  was  attacked  and  they  began  to  hunt  it  .  in  the  end  the  battle  was  won  ,  but  the  ruling  lord  was  lost  .  thus  the  eldest  of  lord  tully’s  children  will  take  their  place  on  the  ruling  seat  .
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thronesfms · 2 years
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lady  catelyn  alone  had  the  river’s  sharp  ear  ,   heard  dancing  reels  turn  to  the  rains  of  castamere
the  rulers  of  dorne  ,  descendants  of  warrior  queen  nymeria  ,  see  no  issue  in  partaking  in  the  sins  of  flesh  .  bastard  children  ,  the  living  proof  of  lustful  actions  ,  are  revered  instead  of  shunned  .  house  martell  has  always  made  its  own  history  ,  refusing  the  bow  to  the  throne  and  slithered  away  safely  like  the  vipers  they  are  toward  sunspear's  old  palace  .  as  one  cannot  trust  a  scorpion  for  the  fear  of  thy  sting  ,  one  cannot  trust  a  martell  :  deadly  ,  dangerous  and  oh  so  unpredictable  .  they  await  their  vengeance  for  their  bloodlust  has  never  once  wavered  ,  princess  elia  and  her  offspring  will  be  avenged  .  gluttony  knows  no  limits  and  crimson  dornish  reds  bewitches  all  guests  in  forgetting  —  they  become  so  pliable  and  trusting  .  while  the  martells  keep  drinking  ,  used  to  the  poisonous  effects  ,  others  are  not  so  lucky  .  perhaps  the  dark  tune  of  castamere  should  have  tipped  them  off  ,  but  why  not  partake  in  pleasurable  sins  ,  why  stop  when  the  taste  of  wine  is  so  addicting  .  and  soon  enough  ,  lords  and  ladies  alike  are  found  death  in  their  chambers  ,  far  away  from  the  dornish  heat  ,  lips  stained  purple  with  a  strong  scent  of  iron  in  the  air  .  are  the  hot  -  tempered  martells  actually  cold  -  blooded  killers  ?  or  was  it  the  lannisters  ,  who  had  killed  the  first  elia  so  long  ago  ,  that  had  poisoned  the  second  ?
while  a  wedding  would  come  in  time  ,  a  celebration  of  allyria  and   tommen’s  betrothal  was  planned  within  the  southern  westerlands  .  following  the  celebration  ,  a  number  of  lords  and  ladies  of  both  the  westerlands  and  dorne  were  found  dead  or  heavily  ill  within  their  chambers  -  the  signs  of  poison  evident  .  the  princess  elia  herself  nearly  slipped  away  ,  saved  only  by  her  partial  immunity  .  but  there  could  be  no  evidence  of  the  culprit  -  for  the  wine  they’d  drank  that  night  had  vanished  by  morning  and  none  remembered  who  had  brought  it  .
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