#'the dane twins are here'
soloavengers · 5 months
i’m a black knight and ebony blade lore fiend, i eat the contradictions and mysteries surrounding the stupid sword and the knights’ history like the sword sucks the blood of the their enemies and the knight’s soul
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pinkiemachine · 4 months
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Working slowly but surely! I’m gonna add Roy and Bizzaro next methinks.
From left to right, it’s:
Mera, Aquaman, Lorena Marquez (Aquagirl 2), Garth (Aqualad 1), Tula (Aquagirl 1), Kaldur’ahm (Aqualad 2), Yara Flor, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Cassie Sandsmark (Olympia), Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Nubia, Raven, Zatanna, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, Conner Kent (Superboy 1), Jonathan Kent (Superboy 2), Krypto, Superman, Lois Lane, Supergirl, Ace (Bat Hound), Wildfire, Red Robin, Starfire, Spoiler, Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, Oracle, Catwoman, Batman, Robin, Beacon, Impulse, Nobody, Titus the Great Dane, The Flash, Iris West, Dawn and Donnie Allen (the Tornado Twins), Wally West, Linda Park, Black Canary, Green Arrow, and Arrowette.
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Most recent version here 👇
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purrsecco · 4 months
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Side A / Players
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? (feat. Lucy MacLean)
I was tame, I was gentle, 'til the circus life made me mean.
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The Prophecy (feat. Maximus)
Please, I’ve been on my knees … let it once be me.
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I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) (feat. The Ghoul)
The smoke cloud billows out his mouth like a freight train through a small town, the jokes that he told across the bar were revolting and far too loud … trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man.
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Side B / Romances
loml (feat. Cooper and Barb)
Our field of dreams engulfed in fire, your arson’s match, your somber eyes, and I’ll still see it until I die, you were the loss of my life.
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So High School (feat. Lucy and Maximus)
Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights, tell me about the first time you saw me.
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imgonnagetyouback (feat. Lucy and The Ghoul)
Pick your poison, babe, I'm poison either way.
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Down Bad (feat. Maximus and Dane)
Like I lost my twin, fuck it if I can’t have him.
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Side C / Revelations
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (feat. Hank MacLean)
In plain sight you hid, but you are what you did.
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Cassandra (feat. Rose MacLean)
So they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst, and tried to tell the town, so they set my life in flames, I regret to say, do you believe me now?
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The Albatross (feat. Lee Moldaver)
She's the albatross, she is here to destroy you.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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“An alchemist is one who turns everything into love.”
Venus & Mars 'Cosmic Lovers' Talon Abraxas
Venus and Mars
Venus and Mars are the planets closest to the earth; they refer to what is most personal and primordial in the make-up and the behavior of a human being, to the most intimate factors in the life of an individual.
Venus moves inside of the earth's orbit, Mars outside of it; and this fact alone tells what meaning they have in astrology. Indeed the basic meanings attributed to each of the planets in our solar system is neither a matter of chance nor the result of millennial observations by astrologers and empirical tests; these meanings are deduced essentially from the place the planets occupy in the solar system and in relation to the earth.
Thus, because Mars is the first planet outside the earth's orbit, it represents fundamentally outgoing activity and the organic and psychological instrumentalities which make such an activity possible (for instance, at the physical level, a man's muscles, his adrenal glands releasing quick energy for action).
In contrast to Mars, Venus — the first planet inside the earth's orbit — refers to man's ability to bring into the field of his consciousness and inner life the results of his experiences, and thus to pass a feeling judgment — pleasurable or painful, elating or depressing, good or bad — upon these experiences which Mars made possible.
The symbolic characters traditionally used to represent Mars and Venus can best be understood if we relate them to the one for our planet, Earth. In many medieval paintings we find God (or even the emperor, as a divine ruler), holding in his hand a globe surmounted by a cross. This is the earth, as the home of Man, whom God created in His image and likeness.
According to a persistent and widespread occult tradition, the planet Venus is the spiritual twin of the earth. It was from Venus that some eleven millions years ago a host of spiritual beings came upon our planet to give to animal-like human beings the divine "seed" of self-conscious intelligence and moral responsibility. The Greek myth of Prometheus is an abridged version of the same event.
It is also said that wheat, perhaps corn and bees (and probably ants also, as everything has its shadow aspect) were brought along in some manner from Venus. Even the Hebrew Bible has its version of this "descent" upon the earth of quasi-divine beings when it speaks (Genesis 5) of the coming of the Sons of God who took as wives the daughters of men.
Whether this be fact or myth (but what is the source of myth?) the astrological (and astronomical) sign for the earth is that of Venus inverted — and we should remember the old saying that "the Devil is God inverted." Here on earth the — cross dominates the circle or globe; on Venus it is the circle which stands over the cross. What does this mean?
When one looks through a small telescope or gunsight often a cross made of two fine threads (the web spun by the black widow spider-makes the best) helps us to focus our observations or aim This most ancient symbol, the even-armed cross, is not only a Christian image — its meaning reaches into the very depth of existence, and especially of human existence, for man is that being in whom all powers and faculties can reach a clear and sharp focus. The value of our modern science and its rigorous type of logical thinking is that it is a discipline of thought which makes possible the most precise focusing of our attention — our discrimination and, in general, our mental faculties.
This indeed is the function of earth life and of incarnated man — to be precise, accurate and sharply discriminative in conditions in which an either-or judgment (an intellectual-rational or a moral yes-or-no judgment) is imperative. But man can go too far — and perhaps has gone too far — along this road leading to the sharpest possible focusing of his mind and energies, and our modern scientific civilization, based on the "specialist," may yet prove how disastrous this "too far" can be.
Venus, on other hand, refers to a realm of existence in which a whole view of life dominates the opposite earth trend toward the sharply focused analysis of a multitude of details. The circle is a symbol of wholeness, of infinite possibility. The Venus symbol tells us that in that Venus realm "with God everything is possible," because the consciousness of the whole is ever present.
The Divine is also ever present. Yet it is present in close association with the "human" (i.e. the cross). It is a consciousness of wholeness emerging from the many crosses of existence. You start with the cross, the crisis, the tragedy, then you rise to the total vision, the conscious fulfillment or plenitude of being.
On earth man starts from an unconscious fullness, of which the Garden of Eden is the Biblical symbol, then he has to emerge from this Edenic childlike unconsciousness in which he passively reflects the Divine Image — and the emergence occurs through crises, through conflicts, through "sin" (the "negative way" which leads man to light out of sheer horror in the realm of darkness).
About the 6th century B.C. humanity experienced a rebirth in mind. A new mind began to operate, whether in the Asia of the Buddha or the Europe of Pythagoras and the Greek classical era. This was an -emergence from a more naive, earthbound consciousness of life energies and sex power. It led to the Cross on Gethsemane and to European rationalism. It is only now that the Venusian type of mind is beginning really to operate in humanity — the sense of the whole, intuitive thinking, and the emergence of a global society.
In the astrological gylph for the planet Mars there is also a circle and — if the figure is correctly drawn — an arrow pointing up to outer space at a 45-degree angle above the horizontal. The 45-degree angle is very significant in that it marks a direction of maximum intensity in electromagnetic fields. The circle here represents the biopsychic field of man's personality, and when internal pressure builds up to an explosive point it is released in a "Martian" outgoing. What we have therefore in the Mars symbol is a picture of simple, spontaneous release of energy.
One can relate it to the symbol for Sagittarius, but in this hieroglyph we see a release which stems not from a circle but actually from a cross, whose vertical arm has been bent by a dynamic urge to expansion. It is probable that the direction of the arrow is not at a 45 degree angle to the horizontal, but rather at a 60 degree angle — which would make it coincide with the direction represented by the cusps of the Third and Ninth Houses of a birth-chart And the sign Sagittarius has much to do with the Ninth House of the horoscope.
The Planets and their Symbols by Dane Rudhyar:
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ocean-blue-whump · 4 months
Safehouse, Night One
Follows this
Sunny + Star Masterlist
Tagging - @ashintheairlikesnow @painful-pooch @whumpinggrounds @justplainwhump @whumpfessional
CW: BBU/WRU, mention of character death, mention of malnutrition
Comet stares down at Star, watching the small, timid Domestic pet finish taping down her IV and scurry out of the room without another word. She looks so���small and frail in the twin sized bed, an IV connected to a clear bag with antibiotics in her arm and her hair still damp from the rain. He sees her, sees how skinny she is, and he hates Hunter even more from taking the girl and breaking her apart. 
Dane clears his throat, setting down a microwave meal on the other twin bed in the room. “That was Lila…she was trained by WRU to assist her owner’s medical needs. I don’t like to use her for that, but she’s been out of the system long enough that she sees it as paying her rent here.” He chuckles a little, sitting in the chair next to Star. His hand reaches out, and Comet doesn’t know he’s snarling until Dane puts his hands up. “Easy, big guy. I was just going to fix the blanket. She’ll get cold otherwise.”
“No men. No touching.” Comet doesn’t feel the need to say much more than that. He kneels beside the bed, reverently folding the sheets up to her shoulders. Already, she’s getting a little color back in her cheeks, and her pulse seems a little stronger. 
“Okay. We can work out dressing her and bandage changes tomorrow.” Dane gestures to the tray. “You should eat something. You can’t do much for her if you’re starving yourself. Eat and we can talk. You didn’t say much in the car.” 
Comet glances over at the food, frowning at it, but his stomach rumbles. Shit. He probably should eat something…he doesn’t get off the floor, but he does grab the tray and starts eating as quickly as he can so no one can take the food from him. 
Dane keeps his hands visible, watching Comet carefully. “Do you two have names?”
Comet swallows his last bite of food and sets the tray down. “156338, Comet, Guard Dog. 728501, Star, Romantic.” He points at both of them respectively as he talks. 
“You don’t…need to use numbers or designations here. And you can call yourself whatever name you’d like. You’re not limited to the choices of your owner here.” Dane’s eyes linger on the scars on Star’s face. “Supposedly, there are laws that stop these awful people from hurting you all too much. It’s illegal to brand or starve or horrifically beat WRU…products over a long period of time, but if you have enough money, you can get away with anything. You two have been through a lot, haven’t you?”
“She’s part of a bonded pair. Our owner killed her bonded. He slammed his head into a wall.” It slips out before Comet can stop it, and he regrets it immediately. This man is a stranger, they can’t trust him. 
Dane sucks in a breath. “Oh. I’m…so sorry. That must have been awful.” 
“I failed. It was my job to control them and prevent them from irritating him, and I failed. Now he’s dead.” Comet still wants to cry, but he can’t. He just sees Sunny lying on the floor, and that kills him. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
Comet’s head jerks up, and he stares right at Dane with a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“You were all victims of WRU. You didn’t do anything wrong. Your owner was a cruel and vindictive man. And before you argue with me…you’re a runaway. You broke training and ran away for some reason, so I know he didn’t treat you right.”
“I ran because he was killing her too!” Comet shouts, standing up and feeling so defensive all of a sudden. “He was supposed to be doing the right thing for us all, but he killed Sunny and he started torturing Star even worse than he used to! I couldn’t watch her die!”
“Hey. It’s okay. I believe you and you did the right thing.” Dane stands up too, and Comet notices how he favors his left leg. “You ran to save her, which was good, and you didn’t go to a hospital because they would have taken you both back to WRU or to your owner. This is the safest place for you both right now. We can keep a close eye on her, and while she heals, you can think about what you both want to do next. Of course…you don’t have to stay if you’re so insistent on not trusting anyone. I can’t keep you here.”
Comet rests his hand atop Star’s head. “I go where she goes. We are not bondeds, but…”
“You have to take care of her. I get it. That’s why there’s two beds in here, and a change of clothes in the wardrobe. I don’t know what size you are…and you probably don’t either, so when we figure it out, I’ll go to Goodwill and grab you and her some more things to wear.”
“Thank you,” Comet murmurs. “I appreciate it.” 
Dane nods once and heads to the door, lingering in the doorframe. “Tomorrow will be a little crazy. It seems like you don’t enjoy talking much, but you might have to answer some questions. It ain’t just me here running one house of rescued folks like yourself. There’s a whole network of us…and we can give you as much help as you want. I’ll explain it tomorrow. You’re not alone, Comet. Good night.” 
Comet watches the man go before he turns his attention back to Star. He sees her through Dane’s eyes for a moment, sees this awfully injured, scarred up thing, and he doesn’t like it very much. She’s still asleep, but he wants to see her shine again. “And you’re not alone, Star,” he whispers, kissing her head. “Stay alive. I still need you.”
He climbs into the bed next to her, shutting the light and lying there in the dark. What did he get himself into…and he wonders if Hunter is lying in bed too, missing them, or if he’s already moved on and found new pets that are better than they ever were. 
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ottiliere · 16 days
speaking of "the thing at the end of the chapter" is it based on anything from the real world or did you just make it up? it reminded me personally of an acardiac twin. would be interesting if that was just a coincidence. either way the story hath compelled me, i cant wait to see more of it 👍👍👍
it's too early to discuss them right now, but they've existed from pretty early on in the story's inception. here are some formative pictures dane drew of them:
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moobell55 · 2 months
The Valor Families Name Meanings
I feel like we as readers don't talk about how cool the Valors are, they're the oldest and first ruling family or the North. Not to mention Wolfric ascended the throne without any violence simply because his wife asked him too. Not to mention have mythical powers and being apart of many Northern Legends. So here's a little Valor application.
Wolfric Valor- A German name in origin meaning "Wolf Power or Wolf Ruler." Wolfric is an imposing man, one of the most gifted fighters the North had ever seen and the first to reunite the fighting clans. Wolfric often disregarded the opinions of his family, which in turn led to terrible consequences for the family. He claimed his youngest child Aurora was "A silly girl who knew nothing of love," because she did not want to marry Vengeance Slaughterwood. He also ignored his wife's worries that betrothing Vengeance and Aurora was a bad idea, in return his son Castor and Lyric Merrywood died. However he cares deeply for his family and made sure they were protected once they awoke from their sleep, he also made quick work in taking back the throne from the Acadians.
Honora Valor- A name Latin in origin meaning "Honor or Women of Honor," often giving to babies as a sign of cherishment. Honora is a great health and one of the Greatest rulers of the North, Evangeline herself said that Honor carried herself proudly, and looked like she belonged on a battlefield more than a ballroom. She is a Wise woman and knew that the choice her husband made regarding Aurora betrothal was a poor one. She cares deeply for her children going as far as bringing Castor back from the dead. Evangeline says that Honora is an excellent Hugger.
Vesper Valor- A name Latin in origin meaning "Evening Star or Evening Prayer," Vesper is the Roman meaning of "Hesperus" which is Planet Venus during Sunset. Vesper has an ability to see into the future and provide prophecies but cannot fully understand what they mean.
Tempest Valor- Orgining from early Gaul languages meaning, "Stormy or Turbulent," Tempest is the twin brother of Romulus, both brothers are said to be the creators of the Valory Arches along with incredible inventors. It is my belief that Tempest and Romulus built Castor's helm to keep him from feeding.
Romulus Valor- Latin in origin, meaning "Child of Rome," in myth and historical beliefs Romulus was the first King of Rome, and was raised by the she-wolf Lupa, in myth he was the twin of Remus. Romulus is the twin brother of Tempest Valor, both are renowned inventors in the North. It is my belief that Romulus and Tempest built the Helm so Castor could no longer feed.
Dane Valor- English and Hebrew in origin, Dane means, "From Denmark," in English but in The Torah and Hebrew tradition means, "God is my judge." The Danes were an ethnic group that were Northen Germanic but inhabited much of Scandinavia. Dane Valor is a shapeshifter, he commonly took the form of a dragon and no other shifting forms were mentioned. In many forms of Dane history their versions of dragons were said to be long and serpent-like along with being incredibly venomous. Dane is shown to be a brute in the series, and Evangeline is confused on why Lala liked him.
Lysander Valor- A Greek name meaning, "Liberator." Lysander is said to have the power of "Memories," the full length or direct skill of these powers was never explained. He was never mentioned much throughout the series but seemed to have a close relationship with his brother Dane; the two of them together seemed to be fond of tormenting Jacks.
Castor Valor- A name Greek in origin, "Beaver," Castor in the Mythos was the twin brother of Pollux, both brothers making up the Gemini constellation. In the books Young Castor is never mentioned to have a direct power, but was described as being extremely Noble and Clever. Before he was killed he had a vast network of spies and assassins that worked for him; many of these now being his Vampire Clan. Castor is the twin brother of Aurora Valor but the two seemed to have a rough relationship as Castor thought her annoying.
Aurora Valor- Latin for the word "Dawn," in myth the Goddess Aurora announced the Dawn each day. The Tears of the Goddess Aurora were said to be the morning dew that fell to Earth. Aurora Valor is described as being the Most Beautiful girl in the Magnificent North, she was very aware of this fact. While her family believed that she pissed no powers Aurora taught herself Witchcraft, she cursed Jacks out of jealousy. Aurora is the Twin sister of Castor Valor and the youngest sibling in the Valor Family. Aurora believes that her father, Wolfric, likes her sister Vesper more since she wasn't forced into a betrothal to Vengeance Slaughterwood.
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sweetbunpura · 3 months
Amber Leech
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Yuu and Floyd's daughter is here~
Amber Leech
Chibi - by Yuu
Yuu and Floyd
Aqua - Twin brother
188cm - 6’2
Unique Magic:
Eagle’s Wing - Able to protect her or anyone with her spell from anything, physical or magic
Larger eel form than Aqua
Has ADHD, got it from both Yuu and Floyd
Very chaotic
Loves jewelry
Clings to her brother when coming up with a plan
Very smart
Very protective of Aqua
Older than Aqua by a few seconds
Very bad at organization
Can sing, often does with Aqua
Has a male Great Dane named “Juniper”
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legacyshenanigans · 2 years
It's me again! Ahoi! :D
Sorry if you already posted something like that. 🙈😅 In your headcanon:
What would your MC, Sebastian and Ominis do in the future? Like as a profession? :D Would they work as an auror, or maybe work together as Professors in Hogwarts (if so, what subject)? :3
(and are they maybe married? 🙈❤)
Hiiiiii 😊💚
OK so my personal HC if I had to think about it, not going to lie, I've never really thought about the distant future for them all, but this ask got me thinking, so here it is:
MC ended up with Sebastian, they married and have two children, twin boy and girl just like Sebastian and Anne, named Arthur and Ophelia, MC leads a quiet happy life, raising her children, and teaching them about the importance of morals in magic, wanting them to be good people and a good wizard and witch. Sebastian is on board with this, because he doesn't want his children to end up with secrets like him (their kids have no idea about what happend all those years ago, and Sebastian swears they never will) MC also remains a quiet keeper of ancient magic, and wonders when and if her children will share her abilities.
Sebastian ends up working for the Department of Mysteries for the Ministry of Magic, as a side hobby he looks out for ancient dark artifacts, and takes a keen interest in anyone talking about mysterious things for him to go and investigate, he has no intentions of using any of his collection though, it just grew to be something he was really interested in. But days at home and spent showering MC and his children in love and care, he often wonders how he got so lucky.
Ominis is the god father of MC and Sebastians children, and spends alot of time with them and adores them, he never married, not due to a lack of suitors though! He was just never interested in anyone who showed interest in him, but he's happy. He has a Great Dane called Aurelius who is his pride and joy. Ominis ended up as the Defence Against The Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts (such a predictable HC I know 🤣) He wouldnt admit it, due to how petty it sounds, but part of him decided to take on that role purely out of spite to his family. And although they don't speak, he hopes they know what he does as a profession, and he hopes its a kick in the teeth to them.
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thepenguinandthefiend · 6 months
My F/Os
Since I've decided to become a self-ship blog now, here's a list of my f/os. There will likely be more added later.
Romantic F/Os:
Zatanna Zatara (DC comics) {no sharing} Johanna Mason (Hunger Games) {no sharing} Desire (The Sandman) {no sharing} Elektra Natchios (Marvel comics) {no sharing} Bucky Barnes (MCU) {sharing iffy} Illyana Rasputin (X-Men) {no sharing} Bill Potts (Doctor Who) {sharing ok} Dean Winchester (Supernatural) {no sharing} Mazikeen (Lucifer) {sharing iffy} Remy LeBeau (X-Men) {sharing iffy} Gareth Ritter (Brain Dead) {no sharing} Vanessa Morales (In the Heights) {sharing iffy} Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) {sharing ok} Elsa Bloodstone (Marvel Comics) {no sharing} Boodikka (Green Lantern) {sharing ok} Felicity Smoak (Arrow) {sharing iffy} Lena Luthor (Supergirl) {sharing iffy} Emilia Rothschild (Jack of All Trades) {sharing ok} Shotzi (WWE) {no sharing} Finn Balor (WWE) {no sharing} Abadon (AEW) {no sharing} Tulip O'Hare (Preacher) {sharing ok} Queen Emeraldas (Galaxy Express 999) {sharing ok} Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi (DC Comics) {sharing iffy} Darby Allin (AEW) {no sharing} Jenny Green (Dead Boy Detectives) {sharing iffy} Bleez (Green Lantern) {sharing ok} Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) {no sharing} Harley Quinn (DC Comics) {sharing iffy} Poison Ivy {sharing iffy}
Queer-Platonic F/Os:
America Chavez (Young Avengers) Ella Lopez (Lucifer) Finnick Odair (Hunger Games) Hartley Rathaway (Flash/DC comics) Kate Bishop (Young Avengers) Monica Rambeau (Marvel Comics/MCU) Larissa Duan (Check, Please) Roxie Richter (Scott Pilgrim) Shvaughn Erin (Legion of Superheroes) Bling Mag (Repo: the Genetic Opera) Drew McIntyre (WWE) Yelena Belova (Marvel Comics) Ianto Jones (Torchwood) Benny Lafitte (Supernatural) Carla (In the Heights)
Platonic F/Os:
Kon-El (DC comics) Eliot Waugh (The Magicians) Jonathan Crane (DC comics) Wallace Wells (Scott Pilgrim) Ragdoll (Secret Six) Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) Winn Schott Jr. (Supergirl) Edward Nygma (Gotham) William Poindexter (Check, Please) Jaysen Caulfield (Icebreaker) Onomatopoeia (DC comics) Topher Brink (Dollhouse) Danhausen (AEW) Roy Harper (DC comics/Arrowverse) Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice: the Musical)
Familial F/Os:
Alfred Pennyworth (DC comics) [grandfather] The Master (Doctor Who) [father] Wanda Maximoff (Marvel comics) [mother] Ursula (The Little Mermaid) [mother] Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland) [mother] Bruce Wayne (DC comics) [father] Pietro Maximoff (Marvel comics) [uncle] Lorna Dane (Marvel comics) [aunt] Erik Lensher (Marvel comics) [grandfather] John Constantine (DC comics/Arrowverse) [older brother] Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) [older brother] Leonard Snart (DC comics/Arrowverse) [older brother] Lisa Snart (DC comics/Arrowverse) [older sister] Kent Parson (Check, Please) [older brother] Dick Grayson (DC comics) [older brother] Jason Todd (DC comics) [older brother] Enjolras (Les Miserables) [twin brother] Tim Drake (DC comics) [younger brother] Damian Wayne (DC comics) [younger brother] Stephanie Brown (DC comics) [younger sister] Cassandra Cain (DC comics) [younger sister] Duke Thomas (DC comics) [younger brother] Billy Kaplan (Young Avengers) [younger brother] Tommy Shepherd (Young Avengers) [younger brother] Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) [adopted brother] Dirk Gently (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) [cousin] Graham Miller (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) [cousin] Percy de Rolo (Vox Machina) [cousin] Luna Maximoff (Marvel comics) [cousin] 10K (Z-Nation) [son] Lonnie Machin (DC comics) [son] Andrew Wells (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) [adopted son] Giovanni Zatara (DC Comics) [father-in-law] Piotr Rasputin (X-Men) [brother-in-law] Teddy Altman (Young Avengers) [brother-in-law] Sam Winchester (Supernatural) [brother-in-law] Adam Milligan (Supernatural) [brother-in-law] Dream (Sandman) [brother-in-law] Death (Sandman) [sister-in-law] Delirium (Sandman) [sister-in-law] Despair (Sandman) [sister-in-law] Destiny (Sandman) [brother-in-law] The Prodigal (Sandman) [brother-in-law] Luther Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law] Diego Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law] Allison Hargreeves (Umbrella Acadmy) [sister-in-law] Five Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law] Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law] Viktor Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law/best friend]
Pet F/Os:
Lockheed (X-Men) Dex-Starr (DC comics) Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
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Okay, here me out. In co-stars, they're doing that puppy interview and one of them is awestruck looking at the puppies and looks at the other silently begging to adopt them. The other then reminds them that they have twins at home. This then causes them to spend the entire interview trying to get the other to say yes. In the end the other might fold and they now have two babies and a puppy. (Preferably a Great Dane or a Great Pyrenees.
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Wreck This Deck is a solo journaling and art project that serves as an RPG. I will be playing this game and keeping a journal of my activity, then taking pictures and putting them here.
The premise of the game is that you are a "deck runner" that uses a deck of playing cards with demons trapped inside to perform magic rituals. For this particular game, I have decided to draw on the TV show Twin Peaks and similar American Gothic style stories. I will be playing Special Agent Dane Thatcher of the FBI in order to solve the mystery of the Lonely Pines Killer, who has killed six young people.
I attest that everything happened in this journal as it occured in game with no doctoring. It's really funny that I found a random heart drawn in one of the pages of this journal. I tore out several pages before starting to clear non-game related notes from being in the game. I am using a journal we had around the house, and a deck of cards that has been on my desk for a while. One that was discovered and given to me by a friend, and is missing one card. I don't know which card that is yet. Let's find out!
If you're interested in Wreck This Deck there's a campaign on Backerkit that ends on June 29th. You can get the PDF from the campaign, and a nicer version, even a physical copy if you order one.
Check it out here:
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Chapter 34 of the Ties that bind sequel is now available to read on my AO3 account ^-^
[Read it HERE]
Remember to leave a comment! I do need feedback ^-^
(it’s going to be alright, I swear!)
Romulus trailed behind him, talking about rest and healing; he had gone to see his twin’s remains while Akihiro couldn’t move yet, and returned with an anguished expression, and he’d tried to tend to Akihiro’s injuries, and Akihiro had told him very calmly not to touch him. Romulus had nodded, but he was still following him like a kicked puppy.
Chapters: 34/37 Fandom: Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616, X-Men (Comicverse) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daken Akihiro/Johnny Storm Characters: Daken Akihiro, Johnny Storm, Laura Kinney, Gabrielle Kinney, Logan (X-Men), Bellona Kinney, Itsu (X-Men), Romulus (Marvel), Remus (Marvel), Lorna Dane, Carl Valentino, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four)
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lindyloosims · 2 months
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Dane seems like a happy little guy, he can entertain himself out on that splash pad for hours...
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...and his brother too. Like Chase before him, even though he's the younger twin, he is the more sensible and quiet.
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I'm so happy to have them in my life. They may be Adrian's sons, they may be two extra children than I'm allowed and they may be uneligible as heirs...but they're mine and I adore them!
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And here's something I wasn't expecting, Kristopher Volkov has adopted a toddler and he wants me to visit...
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...so why not? Do you think he'll mention my brief and disastrous fling with his son? Watcher I hope not!
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masschase · 1 year
ABCD for Kiki
4 headcanons ask meme
Headcanon A:  realistic
Trans Kiki dammit! Idk if kikidewynter would appreciate being tagged here or not for credit but the idea that Kiki took Viola as her reference for her facial feminisation surgery wormed its way right into my heart. And I think it was deathandsaints who added that they probably aren't identical twins because their voices are quite different. So I think it's perfectly realistic.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
She definitely seems the more outgoing so I can see it being that over time, she became more and more confident in doing stuff for Viola to the point where the gulf between them being shy and confident just widened and widened because of that behaviour. Basically a lot of "she asked for no pickles" kind of stuff which I feel like someone on here has actually drawn or screenshotted before? 🤣 Viola doesn't seem *that* shy in canon though so idk. Funny as that is it would make it so sad when she's gone 😥
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Idk if this counts as it's sort of a Viola one but... for whatever reason (actually for that reason I said somewhere about how GOOH is all just the Boss's personal hell) enemies and betrayers go to hell, Saints go to heaven, right, so shouldn't that include Viola? Well... I believe Viola should have gone to heaven as she was reformed or whatever. But she was sent to hell because whatever fucked up thing decides all this shit knew it wouldn't really be heaven without her sister. 🥲
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
OK idk which the canon was most suggesting to reject it so either:
She and Dane have a long and fulfilling hell marriage OR
She and Dane divorce after like, a week (thank god for the prenup)
I feel like it would be weirder if it did last and was like a genuine thing they both find but 🤣... basically, whichever one is funnier.
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fallin4fiction · 20 days
Struck by Love Gen 4: Breaking the Baby News and Being a Busy Bee
Sonia told Julio the news and he was ecstatic to hear it. She ended up having to move him in after all because a baby, a garden , and now studying for her biology degree was a lot of work.
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Sonia then scheduled a friend hang out with her cousins and her best friend, Dane. He seemed to take the news of her pregnancy and his brother moving in with her well.
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Then again, the friendly hang out was unsuccessful and when Dane went on a date of his own, he ended up venting to her about his life, so…who really knows.
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Navneet Benali-Daw is here! And he came on his assigned color!
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And immeaditly after Navneet was born, Julio quickly seduced Sonia and we got this: Twin boys, Jaipal and Jasper.
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At least Julio proposed to Sonia. He just turned into an adult.( forgive the dirty screen, please 😅)
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And despite a house full of wailing babies, Sonia managed to end her first semester with a B
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