#''horse do you write anything that's not 10k these days'' LOOK.
the-everqueen · 4 months
continuing the collar and leash theme that has me by the throat (pun intended): the corinthian competes with a real dog for attention
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sharkneto · 2 years
hi! could you perhaps give some writing tips for writing angst or short stories? i want to start writing and since i love tua i wanted to try some short stories about five during the apocalypse. tho i also kinda want to learn how to portray characters correctly <3
So, knowing me, this will probably get long. So Part 1: Short Stories and Angst and Part 2: Writing In-Character
Part 1: Short Stories and Angst
Idk how qualified I am for giving advice on writing short stories. I just, sit down to write and stop when it's done. Sometimes that's 1k words, sometimes that's 40k. A quick google says a short story is under 10k words, so that's what we'll work with. Writing a couple thousand word fic isn't actually all that much of a different process than writing a thirty thousand fic - it's just a question of scale. A short fic is going to have a simple premise, that's straightforward and you can set up in a couple hundred to a thousand words (the Umbrellas found a horse, Five is drunk and cut his finger, Klaus and Five are having a bad day and go to the zoo). Don't get hung up on if your premise is "big enough", is enough of a plot - slice of life is my bread and butter and is popular for a reason. None of the above premises are anything big or have particularly high stakes (come back to this in a second). Simple plot means simple structure which is how short stories stay short. Set up, problem, solution. Honestly, you don't even have to solve the problem as long as you still wrap it up in some way (in Lonely Drunk, Luther solves the problem of Five being Too Drunk by getting him to bed, but doesn't have any solution for the overall problem to stop future drunkness). Tell the scene/story you want to tell and get out (or don't, but then you're not telling a short story anymore, which is also fine and happens to the best of us).
Now, up there I hedged that short story = low stakes, which is not true and is where ~angst~ comes in. How much and which emotions you bring into a story is all about word choice and pacing. Take my Lend a Hand vs... Simple. Both are about 4.5k words. One is a fic in which Five destroys his hand to save Luther from vivisection. The other is Five and Diego walking in a park and talking about how to make friends. Different Vibes in the same number of words.
So, how do you use words and pacing to write angst, as that is what you're specifically asking about. For angst to work, you need your readers to 1) empathize with the character getting whumped and 2) hurt because of it. Fanfic helps with 1 because we already care about the characters coming in as we're looking to read more about them. You can help up the empathy in the Set Up by putting them in danger, giving them a difficult situation, etc. For 2, some of the best writing advice I ever got is from This Post on how to write pain - you don't just say "they hurt", you describe how they hurt. Ye old Show vs Tell. Write around the pain until we can see the shape of it anyway. Save hard-hitting synonyms for peak action/emotion so they hit harder in contrast to more subdued word choice before it. Play with pacing. Short, choppy sentences read faster and are good for fights, shock, and pain. Long, descriptive sentences are good to build tension and making those fast sentences faster by contrast. Alternatively, run-on sentences for effect work similarly to fast choppy ones - no periods and no commas mean readers don't get a chance to take a breath. Paragraph breaks slow your reader down, so use that to pace them. A series of short action sentences go fast in one big paragraph together. Single sentences in paragraphs by themselves slow the reader down for shock or realizations or emphasis on a particular action. Mix all these basics up to craft the exact speed and emotion you want to hit. It's a fun lil puzzle.
Part 2: Characterization
Writing characters is just practice. When we're reading, especially fanfic, we have an idea of when a character would or wouldn't say or do something they're doing in the fic. So, break down why you know that and you can start writing the character in the right shape on your own. When reading or watching the source material, pay attention to how a character talks, what motivates them, when they're nice versus when they're mean, how they interact with other characters, etc. You can't drop a character into a completely new scenario you made up and have them act in-character until you understand why they're going to do what they're going to do in that situation.
This takes practice, and there's not necessarily one correct way to write a character - different people pick up on different things, have different angles of emphasis for their understanding. There's also canon-interpretation of characters vs headcanon and fanon-interpretations. The older a show and the larger the fandom, the more prevalent the headcanons and fanon-interpretation is going to be. Personally, I prefer to stay as close to canon as I can, but I'm definitely not immune to fanon and I definitely have my personal headcanons. And, there isn't anything wrong with accepting fanon, just recognize it's a specific interpretation of the character. If you feel like you're falling more into a fanon-interpretation than you'd like, you can always take a dip back to the source material for a character and characterization refresher.
But, what does this breaking down of a character to understand them look like? Let's do it with Five, my favorite guy. Five is a fifty-eight-year-old man who's stuck looking thirteen. He lived for four decades alone in the apocalypse with his plastic wife and then became the Commission's best assassin. He's trying to stop the apocalypse. These experiences shape how he talks - he uses old-timey phrases, both because he's old and because he's not familiar with the modern world. He's not polite and he's quick to snap because he has little social practice and is under immense pressure to stop the apocalypse. How do they shape how he approaches problems? He resorts to violence relatively quickly, because he was an assassin and (again) has little experience in talking to diffuse situations, but he will choose trying to diffuse over violence when he can. What motivates Five? Stopping the apocalypse is the surface answer. Why does he want to stop the apocalypse? Because he found his whole family dead in it when he was thirteen years old. He is actually motivated by his family. Five is a genius but dumb (because lacking social and real-world experience and his ego). He loves an insane amount (chosen survival mechanism was to create a person to love, survived the apocalypse to save his family). Etc, etc, etc...
You just keep breaking characters down like this until you've hit the level you feel like you understand them. And then it just comes down to practice. It took me a good 15 fics before I was comfortable writing Klaus. Imagine characters saying your dialogue, doing what you're making them do, and see if it feels like they would do that. If it's out of character, it might still be in-character, depending on what pressures you're putting them under. If a character is acting out of character, it could be you have a hole in your plot you need to fix - the plot should be pushing the characters to get to the climax and resolution, they should not be walking there by themselves unprompted. If rewriting happens, rewriting happens. I had to rewrite the alley-dumpster fight in HIT because I forgot to destroy the briefcase in it and I realized if there was a briefcase floating around, Five would immediately break my plot (I have a grudging empathy for TUA writers in how easily Five can break plots - it just means you have to get more creative). It's a fun mental dance that I enjoy quite a bit.
At the end of the day, though, the whole point is to have fun. The best way to get better at writing and figure it out is to just do it.
Happy writing :)
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moni-logues · 8 months
Speaking of not being here for numbers, do you have sny writing plans?
my writing plans at the moment are mostly *horse noise* 😂
i have two collab fics to write. one of which I haven't started and one of which has 10k written for it but I've stalled and need to do... something to it so I can continue.
i still have fake dating changbin on the brain but have no formal plans for it and am just podging together scenes in my brain but maybe one day that will be something
that's it. i'm not putting any thought into anything else atm. i have so much in my personal life to try to .... sort and whatever, that i'm really not looking that far into the future with anything, including writing. as i have said so many times before lol my bar for being overwhelmed is pretty low rn so i'm trying to keep things balanced
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| kismet | j.jh | part two
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
word count: 10k+
summary: his parents sends him for a month long vacation to the country side to meet his other half, which so happens to be you. and alternatively, your beloveds asks of you to be in your best behaviour while he’s around. disliking how things turn out, you both come up with a pact with each other before your two families gathers together for christmas eve dinner.
genre: arranged marriage + bad 1st impressions
a/n: this is not proofread and i apologise for any mistakes :p here’s the next one and i hope you look forward to the final soon! enjoy reading! ~j
| part one | part three (final) |
it was another morning johnny saw you and jaehyun arguing at a distance by the stables. be it inaudible yelling or actions that seemed exaggerated, this time it was a sight that was a little worth seeing. so he walked closer to hear this quarrel.
“you didn’t check the horses’ conditions yet? it’s been a few days and i told you to memorise the schedule!” you flipped through pages roughly that they nearly tore. “it’s your job! you’re the ‘vet’!”
“what? you never gave me any schedule to begin with!” jaehyun groaned then sat back on the hammock to rest and you were trying to get him back up on his toes. “and what if i just want to take a day off today? you can’t force me!”
“check the animals jaehyun. that’s an order.” you sighed, writing down notes to keep updated with the stocks and materials. “i have some things to do—”
“like what? practicing and riding?” he asked and you didn’t answer. “thought so. you rarely do things around here and you still brag about how accomplished you feel.” he scoffed and laid back down on the hammock. “i’m the one doing the work..” he mumbled until it was inaudible for you.
ouch that hit the mark. johnny could see your cheeks bubbling up and eyebrows narrowing at jaehyun’s comment. of course he wouldn’t know that because you usually do not deal with the hard work around the farm. the only job you work hard for was horse riding. you had a reputation to hold as you were the daughter of a renowned family.
jaehyun took a huge inhale as he swung himself like a mother did to lull a child. he sung to annoy you even more and with the ruffles from the papers in your hands, johnny could tell his friend was satisfied making you mad. you bit your hairtie between teeth, tying your hair up into a high ponytail and rolling up your sleeves until the elbows.
he was indeed a huge man, you grabbed the edge of the cloth and pulled him as high as you could. he fell miserably to the hard soil. “ow quit it y/n!” he stood up to dust the impossible dirt from his pants. “you’re just sensitive because what i said is actually true! i’ll get back to work if that’s what you’re worried about.”
he fixed his coat and head straight inside the stables.
you crossed your arms and tried your best to hold your changing expression. “talk about sensitive! you can’t even withstand heavy workload!”
“mentally i can but i’m not physically ready! i didn’t sign up to be your pawn so stop acting like a queen and actually help out!” he grabbed the hay and scattered them in the horses’ place.
the audacity- the fall from three days ago still had an impact on you. “didn’t you hear what i said? i have things to do! now continue that. i have to answer this call..” you sounded irritated and soon your voice sounding further away the more you spoke. jaehyun saw you answering the ringing phone, taking it from you.
before you could, you were draped on his shoulder as if you were a towel. “i won’t take that as an excuse, y/n! you’re coming with me!” he forcibly took the phone off your hands and threw it far.
defeated and exhausted to talk back, you tapped his back because fear was slowly consuming you due to your shoulder pain. “you’re buying me another phone! put me down jaehyun! my back still hurts!” you hit his hips and expected he wouldn’t listen but,
he did as you were told.
“you’re forgetting your condition number one!” jaehyun pointed his temples as anger became visibly seen on his face. “you said ‘you’ll do the work for me and with me’, and they go together!” he threw a small sack of hay to you.
“you’re being an ass because i invaded your day-off!” you stomped to the next horse.
“tsk, i don’t think i can continue this with you! you‘re ruining my well-being every single day!”
“the jeong jaehyun can’t stand arguments?” you tilted your head in frustration and nodded at his silence. “thought so. this is part of the pact you suggested and i’m just simply following it! so if there’s anything, you’re the weak one here!”
from afar, johnny was taken aback behind the fences.
the kitchen was quiet, the grandfather clock ticking away time and as each second passed, so did your patience. daylight met its end. it was day 14 and your mother asked you to give jaehyun the lesson he wanted to have— bread making. you forgot about it, and jaehyun probably did too because despite staying over for ‘vacation’, every day you either saw him with his friends goofing around the barn or him superglued to his school work.
yet now you were close to smashing his face into the mountain of flour he carefully, and slowly built. mark did a better job despite being clumsy. you can handle clumsy, but you couldn’t handle people with top perfection in their ego, a.k.a., jaehyun.
his dimples were hollowing as he looked intently at the numbers on the scale, waiting for that specific and exact digit to appear with a spoonful of melted butter. “oh my g- you’re wasting time!” you grabbed the spoon and put everything into the bowl. “0.1 or 0.2 grams makes no difference! hurry up and mix the dry to the wet ingredients!”
“i was nearly done with the measurements but you had to dump everything in there!” still he stirred them in a bowl with a whisk anyway. “you’re the impatient one!” he carried the bowl and placed it between his arm and waist, subtly asking johnny to film him.
“uhm what do i do after they’re incorporated?” mark interrupted the heated conversation. so far he was careful and observant with your every move. “do i knead it?”
“after twenty minutes.” you smiled at him. this was great; mark actually made your day at least, a lot better than jaehyun did. “resting it will let the flour hydrate. the milk will be absorbed and the gluten will relax too.”
mark snapped his fingers as he tore a plastic wrap to place on the bowl. “that makes it easier to knead right?”
for a moment you felt like a proud mom. “mhm, you’re learning! you’re originally not my student today but you’re doing a better job than—”
the bowl jaehyun was using fell to the floor. to make it worse it was upside-down, that meant all work done had gone to waste. the dough wasn’t close to incorporated. “..him.”
“crap.” jaehyun swore under his breath. his lashes slowly lifted. “my bad. i don’t mind starting again. i can handle my next batch.”
and though they were pretty, your disappointment came through your sigh. “goodness jaehyun. things are never right with you. i’ll clean this up. we ran out of eggs and milk so you have to go to the farm and get some.” you pulled mark’s arm aside as you began to clean. “mark you can chill for a while.”
jaehyun untied his apron and went out with a bucket, mumbling and complaining to himself at exasperating you were so early in the morning.
johnny then followed him. the pact he heard lingered in his head and thought this would be the right time to ask. “i can do the milking myself john.” he opened the gate to the cattle.
“i know. but that’s not why i came along.” johnny put his camera aside. “you and y/n.. made a pact?” with that question out and jaehyun dropped the bucket, johnny figured that what he heard days ago could be true.
“what?” jaehyun turned on his heel, confused, trying not to sound or look surprised. “why would i make a pact with someone so ill-mannered as her? she’s not worth my time or even interests me.” he affirmed with subtle shaky eyes. “the only pact i know is this marriage our parents put us into.
johnny thought for a while, looking at jaehyun who grew clueless the minute passed. he guessed he was wrong. “n-nothing. i’m probably hearing things. or jumbling scenarios because i’ve been watching too many movies this holiday season. i’m sorry dude.”
deep inside jaehyun let out a sigh of relief, but anger was starting to boil at how careless you were for slipping out. he continued to milk the cows and retrieve a couple of eggs before hearing you call them from the house. “oh my g- she’s screaming again-” he scoffed and tried to walk faster. “i can’t just run i might spill the milk bucket!”
“there’s this thing called speedwalking!” you yelled. “try doing that!”
“you always argue with her. aren’t you both tired?” johnny took huge leaps to escape the cold.
“she isn’t, i am. imagine the amount of stress i get the moment i open my eyes in the morning.” jaehyun vouched and shivered at the thought of it.
johnny opened the door and the warmth met their skin. “sure but when you do bump heads, there’s always a smile on your face after you state your point. i never seen you in a good mood since you and sue broke up. i can take that smile of yours a sign.” johnny noted what he’d been seeing.
“it’s a victor’s smile. it means i win the argument.”
they both entered the house and to find you still teaching mark. jaehyun placed the bucket down and rested on the sofa after being told he could use the kitchen once you were finished. trying to keep warm, jaehyun gave small glimpses of you as he wondered when it would be the right time to tell you about what johnny told him. and because he felt johnny tailing him from behind, he wanted your lesson to be over quick.
“i’m thinking it’s a sign that you have feelings for y/n.”
jaehyun batted his lashes. “no no no. i don’t fall in love that easily. there’s nothing attractive about her and i told you i’m not marrying someone like her, with bad attitude and all—”
“and still you tease her for fun? that’s like a cover-up to hide how you actually feel. you may not see that but in another’s eyes, it means something.” johnny clicked the buttons on his camera, rewatching the videos he took.
“are you throwing the ‘i tease her because i like her’ kind of ego? you know i argue with her because i hate her.” he hissed, flipping his laptop open to double check his reports.
the blonde hair boy shook his head with a growing grin of disbelief. “i’m not. my point is, it wouldn’t hurt to try to know her for who she is.” johnny’s lips flatlined when his eyes trailed to your approaching figure. “who knows maybe she’s trying as well and never really got the chance to- yeah i know y/n he’s all yours now.”
unfolding your arms you playfully hit his back with pressed lips. “shut it johnny. just help the baby lion with the cleaning, he’s not really good at it.”
you sat on the sofa, circling your shoulder to ease the pain before leaning back. “ugh. kneading the bread made it worse.”
with the frequent complaints coming from you, he couldn’t concentrate proof-reading his work. it made jaehyun unzip his coat, fishing something from inside and handed a box to you. bothered with how you hesitated to get it, he grabbed your wrists and placed it on your palms. “take it. it helps me a lot too whenever i cram.” did he just.. smile? it was subtle but you were sure he did.
a swarm of guilt started to form at the pit of your stomach. it wasn’t that you thought he partially blamed himself for the fall at the barn house, but because he actually cared when the fall wasn’t even the ultimate reason why your shoulder suffered in the first place. he had no knowledge and still doesn’t. and it was kind of frustrating to think you couldn’t begin that topic.
your heart now was experiencing somersaults. you asked yourself: why? sure he’s handsome and got built, but at this moment why are you all flimsy and speechless? “so you do have a heart for people.” you opened the box of the patch’s packaging.
“i was expecting a ‘thank you’ but i guess with that you’re taking back your words.” he grinned as he typed on.
you snorted as you put your legs up. “hmpf, aren’t you assumi- ow.” you touched your forehead where the pain stung.
“shut up, i’m reading.” jaehyun stressed in a low voice.
“reading what?” you scooted in closer, and jaehyun surprisingly let you see what it was rather than snapping at you. you squinted at the screen and nodded. “equine studies..” you read out softly, that seemed to be a report he worked on in his early years. “isn’t it mandatory for you to study it?”
jaehyun’s scrutinizing gaze caught you off guard, making you clamp your lips to keep quiet. he sighed and continued to read as if you didn’t exist. “i thought you weren’t interested in my field of study.” his brows drew together at your curiosity despite remembering how you did say it clearly.
quickly you tear the patch’s plastic to break the awkward silence you brought upon and let out a soft chuckle of shame. “i’m asking because it’s equine related and i wanna learn. plus i’m too tired to pick up a fight with you so teach me everything you know.”
“i don’t even know if you’d get it in one night- fine. it’s mandatory but i only learnt the basics. i’m not specialising in it or anything so don’t expect much.” jaehyun stared at the screen yet feeling your presence so close kind of pressured him, and he didn’t know why.
“basics like checking the heart, respiratory rate, temperature and hydration status?” you hugged your legs together after placing the patch behind you. “hm.. that’s kinda simple.”
jaehyun clicked his tongue. “that’s the general checking for an animal’s condition, used for emergency access and such. we were given an understanding of veterinary anatomy—”
“which includes learning principles in developmental anatomy in gross, microscopical and ultrastructural levels. learn all these then you can focus on organs to give a physical and radiological diagnosis with the physiology and anatomy as bases—” you finished his sentence, soon shutting up as you got carried away.
his mouth agaped in shock and in strangeness of your interest. he checked your forehead to see if you were in the right mind. “did you read it out from a book or something? and what’s up with you and scientific terminology? you’re supposed to be hating on big words.”
you wondered why his comment hurt you. did he assume you were uneducated? at this point you thought deeply that secrets were meant to be kept. and they were only to be revealed by two ways; one was heard by others, and two was at your will.
“why are you so quiet now?” he laughed, scrolling down at endless of documented pages. “are you experiencing brain fart after that long sentence of sophisticated vocabulary?”
this was far from assumption. this was plain mockery. and it hurt. you hit him on the arm a little more violent and forceful than the usual, and bite back your lips. “it’s not because i’m dumb. i know these because i’ve been there.” you stood up and grabbed the box he gave you. “thanks for this anyway. good night.”
“hey you don’t have to hit me!” jaehyun paused for a second, he had difficulties processing your sudden outburst. he mumbled to himself, “why is she offended when i’m the one who got hit..”
mark happily came out of the kitchen with a freshly baked bread in his hands. “y/n! i’m done with the bread and it smells soooo good- jaehyun, where is she?” the younger one put down the tray.
he sighed and gestured confusingly. “i don’t know she probably went to sleep.”
“man i wanted her to try it.”
“she can try tomorrow. anyway i’m gonna take a shower.” jaehyun turned off his laptop and headed straight to the bathroom.
but before he could have his relaxation, hendery stood against the opposing wall with arms crossed. “can we talk?” he tilted his head, asking to sit at the veranda with him.
they sat at the table set with hendery pouring cups of hot tea. jaehyun took it in his hands, eyes meeting your childhood friend’s as he brushed his hair up. “i kind of wanna tell you something. it’s not my position but i feel like you deserve to know.” that made jaehyun’s mind questioning more. “i overheard you and y/n talking.”
jaehyun frowned at the very recent event, something he found rude from your action. “yeah? she reacted so much and hit me just because i teased her a little. might’ve taken it too seriously but she should know i was joking about her not knowing-”
hendery looked at the dusk distance. “m’lady loves animals more than anything, and for a long time veterinary science is something close to her heart too.”
jaehyun gulped in full on revelation. that was why you reacted. he realised the reason why you hated him in the first place wasn’t only because he was the one you were to marry, but because he was the person who was currently studying the course you’ve always wanted to take.
“she was supposed to take it in college but due to unfortunate circumstances she couldn’t continue. there’s family issue and she had an accident-”
what accident? jaehyun for the first time in other’s eyes, showed worry and curiosity. and his raise in brows cause hendery to realise he missed out an important detail.
“ah you haven’t met mr. y/l/n yet, right?” hendery asked as he sipped on his tea. “he’s busy right now because he’s always out of town but he’s the one y/n’s having issues with.”
“i’m guessing her father opposed to the idea of her becoming a vet?”
hendery shook his head. “he didn’t oppose. in fact he allowed y/n once we graduated high school. she got enrolled to the first semester and was doing well until she had little time to no practice for her semi-finals at cross country at all. mr. y/l/n is a horse riding coach so he’s especially strict with y/n. let’s say their arguments started from there.”
though he didn’t ask parts of your personal life, hearing all these news stunned jaehyun. there was only one thing he wanted to ask: what caused your accident? “how did she do with vet science?”
“she managed and had no fails.” hendery had a brief proud smile. “sadly mr. y/l/n didn’t find it impressive, because he really thought his daughter would be an equestrian like him. y/n hoped he’d be understanding but yeah anyway, you get the gist from there.”
“if it ever crosses her mind, we’ll see if she does. i’ll head inside for a shower. thanks for letting me know.” jaehyun had his palms on the knob, turning around one last time to confirm something. “was the accident, bad?”
“not as life threatening, but it was enough to traumatise her.” hendery picked up the plates and cups. “she.. still hasn’t recovered.”
he stared back at the young lad’s expression, and he could tell hendery has been looking after you ever since. maybe it was better if he hadn’t asked.
you still shook your legs after hendery warned you of your decency and image, saying that that action was his pet peeve. but really, it was just an excuse to save himself from you due to the fact he said that shaking legs while thinking wasn’t ladylike at all. you couldn’t keep yourself in one place, pacing back and forth in the barn with marg eyeing you since it already been long you did so. “sis.” she cleared her throat and you stopped being jittery with biting your fingers. “what’s up with you?”
“nothing.” you lied, an uneasy feeling began to build up in your chest as the man you despise gently held the horses’ manes. “i’m fine, just thinking.”
jaehyun did the final checks for your horses’ health conditions and to be brutally honest not only did you find him surprisingly quiet, he was rather kind and collected for four days now. he even taught you some veterinary related topics in which you were surprised he was willing to teach. maybe he took your subtle request when you wanted to learn anything he knew about equine medicine. perhaps he wanted a break from all negativity when it came to you. in fact he did mention he couldn’t continue arguing anymore.
and in those four days it got you thinking about the pact. you had a week left and you weren’t sure if you convinced your family or jaehyun’s friends enough to call off the marriage. yes you’ve been at each other’s nerves for small arguments and there were times you forget about it too because the way you both fought was so natural. however today was just too quiet, like he was stopping the fights on purpose and for what reason exactly?
marg slid next to you when you went out for fresh air, nudging you by the waist with hers. “obvious again.”
“w-what?” you widened your eyes, earning a sly grin from your sister. “obvious about what?”
“your heart is on your sleeves. i can see it. the others might do too. so tell me, do you like jaehyun?” she crossed her arms, her grin widening when you began to be jittery again.
“ha?! no!” you stuttered and lied, and you knew marg’s claims hit the nail.
because not only did the past four days of not talking with jaehyun had a toll on your pact, but it definitely had on your heart. there were a total of four things you discovered about him.
1. jaehyun was a fast learner. he learned to clean horse hooves, saddle them and even did carpentry in one day.
2. he had humour but no one really acknowledged it, and appeared a little dorky to you.
3. his dimples were actually cute and has a vampire smile.
4. he really did have a heart for people too. you saw how he helped out your family whenever you were absent.
sometimes these traits softened you, and sometimes you wanted to at least be his friend. but you weren’t close to being one because the pact clearly prevents you to and in the end, it was better off that way. marg held your shoulder. “i know you fight a lot but that’s when the developing starts.” she paused, looking back at the barn. “jaehyun seems alright but you’re really being too obvious.”
“again, obvious about what? i hate it when you’re so vague stating your point.”
“if you wanna talk with him just do it.” she turned around a little to see the said man removing his gloves. “i noticed you’re both distant. it’s been four days so i’m guessing you’re not used to not fighting him. you tend to miss whatever you both stopped doing.”
you pinched her cheek. “do you even know how mentally draining it is to reason out with him?” you darted a gaze at her before a weight was put upon your head. it wasn’t that long for you to realise it was jaehyun. gosh how irritating. you even recognised the perfume he wore.
“i know exactly how that feels, marg.” jaehyun winked at her. “can’t mess with this one,” he messed your hairdo. “she’s feistier than most animals i’ve encountered.”
his giggle of pride echoed in your ears and you thought you were able to tolerate his reply but no. whether he was doing his part for the pact or not, whether he was enjoying this or not, he became more of a jerk the longer he stayed here.
“i’ll leave you two to talk. the light in y/n’s eyes changed when you arrived- ah!” she held her arm as you pushed her aside, and she was proudly walking away with what she had done.
jaehyun shoved his hands in pockets as he gestured you to follow him into the barn. it was only the two of you now while the rest surveyed other parts of the land with hendery. he held jet’s reins, usually your horse would react whenever strangers would. not to jaehyun, shockingly. you bit your lips in wonders what this man had in his mind.
“i just checked him like you taught me. he’s dehydrated.” he pinched a part of its skin close to the mane. “you practiced this morning right? didn’t give him water?”
“i gave him enough.” you unlocked the gate to jet, soon petting him. you couldn’t help but feel immense awkwardness. “did his skin snap back?”
“not as fast as i expected but he needs a little more fluids to keep the levels normal.” jaehyun wrote down numbers before handing your notebook to you, and you thought today was going to pass again without progress for the pact. “i’m gonna walk around for a bit. later.”
“hey.” you called out perhaps a little too rudely and instead of talking things through. he stopped in his tracks. “setting the vet thing aside, aren’t you being too quiet right when we have a week left? it’s been four days and by now some of them might notice the sudden silence. did you forget about the pact?” you asked, not knowing why you were fuming all of a sudden.
maybe it was because he was only staring at you. or that marg’s obversation was slowly getting to you and convincing that her hunch about you was right. “you’re a jerk when i met you but you’re even more so nowadays.”
jaehyun turned around with pursed lips, he didn’t like how you always assumed, especially giving him nicknames in which his friends also have gotten used to calling him those. “me? a jerk? i’m doing all i can to stop this marriage because we both know how it feels to be controlled.”
his answer only made you laugh. “ha you don’t know anything about me, jaehyun. if you’re actually doing something why haven’t you done anything then? you’re being careless-”
he brushed his hair & wore his cap backwards. “it’s not about if i’ve done something! y/n it’s about what you did!” jaehyun pulled you to a corner in caution if anyone heard him. “you were loud and careless! last week johnny asked me if we made a pact because he heard you mentioning it! i assure you he has a mind i still couldn’t understand and he’s probably trying to connect the dots now-”
“wai- you’re saying he knows about it and you’re only telling me now?!” you slammed jet’s gate, your eyes fixed him. “you could’ve told me right then and we could’ve solved this as soon as possible! how much do you think he knows?”
jaehyun slowly rubbed his face, shook his head and shrugged shoulders. “i don’t know! but you know what happens when he figures out we’re arguing for show? he’ll tell everyone we did that because we’re against this marriage! and in the end? we’ll be stuck with each other for life-”
“ugh don’t even tell me about it i couldn’t even stand the sight of you!” you wrapped yourself more in your coat, stomping straight outside and ignoring his reactions towards you.
“why are you like this when it’s clearly your fault?!” he quickly grabbed your shoulders to forcibly turn you around. “i’m telling you and you’re so reactive about it?”
you pointed at his chest. “no! it’s your fault for not telling me sooner!”
“oh so now it’s my fault? y/n look at yourself! can’t you see that someone impudent like you can cause troubles even for a slightest bit! you’re at fault!”
impudent?.. this was all too familiar and nostalgic.
jaehyun then closed his eyes at the stinging pain in the groin. “ugh what the hel-”
“you deserve that-”
right when that felt good and you wanted to hit him more, you were yanked backwards by a force. you fought back the arms restraining you. “y/n stop!”
“let me go wong kunhang! this jerk needs a lesson!” you growled in his arms, shimmying your body through them.
hendery reminded you of your shoulder and soon you stopped. “i’m sure that kick was enough for a lesson and calm down, will you?”
“jae you alright?” johnny helped him up. “hope it’s not too injured because you still need that for reproduction-”
“seriously? now’s not the time.” jaehyun glared at him then to you, you were now like deer in the headlights with his stare. “this is why i can’t stand you.”
mark, hendery and johnny looked at each other trying to figure what had happened. “what were you two arguing about?” hearing hendery ask, you tugged on your coat once he let go of you. “we heard her yelling that she couldn’t stand the sight of you and then you’re both blaming each other.”
you hesitatingly looked down to your boots, avoiding their curious gazes. fidgety as you knew you were, you tried not to respond. they heard from that far of our conversation.. oh my go-
as if jaehyun could read your mind, he cleared his throat. “it’s nothing. y/n’s just stubborn as usual. she doesn’t want to admit her fault when i told her jet’s dehydrated. guess she didn’t want to look irresponsible.”
“classic y/n.” your cheeks suffered from hendery’s squeezing palms. “how many times do i have to tell you to behave? c’mon you’re better than this.”
jaehyun sighed in relief that they were convinced with his reasoning.
jet’s snout poked your arm and exhaled, you cursed under your breath for not locking the gate. “then you should know why i’m like this.” you reiterated with a flat smile. “i’m gonna go to the bar for a drink. don’t bother me.”
“oh then we’re coming with! mark! you’re driving!” johnny pulled the boys into jaehyun’s car. “this hurt dude needs cheering up after you nearly ended his career for having kids.”
“maybe it’s better off that way?” you grinned with a tattling tone.
“i hate you so-” jaehyun barked before his voice was shut off by the car door. his expression became funnier with how the vehicle muted his voice.
jet and cash trotted slowly to let the car go first, hendery rode ahead of you as you followed him. beside the roadside was fields of green, laying flat with new flowers that have yet to bloom. by now the horses were galloping alongside the car, you could feel jaehyun shooting daggers at you. the joy to horse ride diminished when you took a glimpse of him pointing at you, sliding his clenched fist from left to right and pointing at his chest.
you’re dead to me. he spoke with his eyes. and you could hear his annoying voice in your head.
you flicked the reins to ride faster, passing hendery and cash. reaching the bar first would make you feel better and it would at least let the neighbourhood know you weren’t hanging out with boys like him. you soon unmounted yourself from jet and led him to an area where he could stay.
the bell chimed and you raised your hand for a simple mocktail. funny how you told the boys you’d be here for a drink yet didn’t plan to get drunk. you sat by the bartender’s while you saw them entering and sat at one table by the window. honestly you could’ve went elsewhere instead but this bar was the closest from home. and right now you really needed to clear your mind.
to clear your mind from jaehyun because you knew he’d be the death of you.
and how you ended up on the same table with them was too hazy for you to recall.
“i was like, singing my heart out at one karaoke place after i was rejected from the coffee shop i applied to. then the girl of my dreams had appear while i was all sweaty and sloppy and i was shirtless! it was really-” johnny spoke too fast for you to hear and curled his fingers remembering it.
“second hand embarrassment was too much at that point.” jaehyun chuckled and sipped on his glass.
“but john, you got her to say yes even though you’re high and wild.” mark raised his palm for a fistbump.
mark turned to you. “y/n what’s something you couldn’t forget?”
you smiled slyly towards your childhood friend and hendery’s panicked face resurfaced with begging hands. you feel yourself going tipsy but went for storytelling anyway. “this previous halloween i forced hendery to dress as rapunzel because i wanted to dress as pascal.”
mark let out a contagious laugh which had everyone giggling too. you brought out your cracked screen phone which jaehyun broke and showed a picture of you on a piggyback ride with hendery. the said man cowered himself from the compliments and while you continue to keep him in the spotlight. jaehyun found it unbelievable that you were quickly switched from cranky to giggly when drunk.
“here’s the awesome part,” you slurred your words with hiccuped breaths. “around nine guys asked me to ask for his number and i gave it to them! he was that hot! i could never compete!”
jaehyun oddly cackled out loud and you all turned heads to him. “of course you could never! i mean look at you!”
his friends raised brows as jaehyun was enjoying this a little too much. perhaps taking advantage of your drunken self. “you dress weird and your hair’s a mess. you’re always rude and sometimes smelling like a horse. by the way that’s such a turn off to guys like us. like do you even bathe-”
you were definitely tipsy but you understood his words clear enough to feel a wave of emotions blanket over you. forgotten memories began play in your head and began to sulk.
“yeah i know i’m like this and so what if i’m plain and ordinary?” you whined and the boys held their breaths.
“my parents think i couldn’t take care of myself after i dislocated my shoulder at cross-country.” jaehyun heard you.
“because of that they started to pair me with accomplished men they think could give me a better life. so i misbehave every time they bring a suitor over.” you propped elbows on the table and glared at jaehyun. “you’re the fifth and before you arrived i lied to mom and dad that i recovered, hoping they’d stop and leave me alone but nope! they think you’re the one-”
hendery managed to catch your collapsed body from falling. he let out a soft laugh. “mhm, she spills a little too much when she’s drunk-”
you covered his lips and did several clicks of your tongue. “i’m tipsy! not drunk but tipsy! are you spilling tea about my life to that jerk?”
he scoffed lightly. “of course not! i didn’t tell him anything.” he lied.
you pinched his cheek. “i doubt it. you’re a talkative donkey! they should cast you to be part of shrek musical next fall!” you giggled and tried to keep yourself awake from all that drowsiness. your eyes dropping to slumber.
“m’lady.” he fixed you on his side and you were now carried on his back. “jaehyun doesn’t know a thing.” he cooed, giving jaehyun a wink to zip his mouth shut regarding the topic.
small sobs began to bubble out from you, you clung onto hendery. “ah jaehyun? you know that jerk called me impudent? he said i always cause troubles but what choice to i have? i don’t want to be betrothed!” you wailed and mark and johnny raised brows at jaehyun as soon as you said it. “hendery he called me impudent! he’s just like dad and i hate them both!” you leaned on his shoulders.
“but do you really hate jaehyun?” johnny smirked as he enjoyed how open you were compared to being sober. jaehyun noticed where this was going and tried to stop him but the tall lad shushed him when you spoke.
“yes!” you slurred with a lopsided smile and narrow brows, which looked strange as they couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad thing.
“i hate him because he’s so prideful! ‘jeong jaehyun, veterinary medicine student’ my butt. i should’ve been one too but daddy said no.” you pout, soon knocking out. “i hate how.. handsome that jerk looks-”
your friend hopped slightly and quickly got out of the bar so you wouldn’t cause a scene any further. “i’ll bring her to my place, it’s just a block from here. you guys can go ahead.” he told the guys to call it a night. “i’ll take jet and cash to my stables at home. see y’all tomorrow.”
they got on the car and started the engine. jaehyun read the atmosphere among them, he fixed the front mirror and saw mark and johnny with questioning looks. “what?”
“did you really call y/n impudent?” mark played with the buttons of the window.
jaehyun stepped on the pedal to head to your place. his friends bombarded him with what if’s and was too tired to respond. but just to shut them up, he replied.
“i was angry when i said that. i didn’t really mean-”
“do you think she meant it when she said you’re handsome?” johnny asked to cut off the weird vibe lingering while mark propped his fists to rest.
“she’s drunk. not like she can remember it anyway.” jaehyun clenched on the wheel.
you woke up in hendery’s bed with a tray of breakfast on his desk table. you slid it towards yourself to eat when a folded paper fell from underneath.
i saw jaehyun at the grocery store earlier, he asked me to pass this breakfast to you. also! he said he’ll be at the barn’s loft. now go meet him. ~hendery
great, he pissed you off yesterday and he was the last person you wanted to see today. what was his plan now? he prepared breakfast and yet what was the use of eating the meal when it has gone cold? you tied your hair to a top bun and wore your glasses, quickly grabbing your coat, onto to jet’s back and went to the barn.
the sun’s heat was enough to make you warm on the way there. jaehyun swung his legs while he waited. he stared at the ground when a shadow appeared, you stood at the entrance asking him to come down.
he did that, but there was a different air around him. it was the same air as those four days of silence between the two of you. “at least you’re not late.” he slid his palms into his back pockets.
“did you want to talk to me about something?” you asked with a slice of bread in your mouth. he nodded with intense eyes. “then make it quick. i have to make my rounds-”
“i’ll go with you.” jaehyun suggested and you choked on your bread.
“what?” you gulped on the huge piece stuck in your throat and stopped him from walking. “why not tell me now?”
he pulled you to jet’s stall and pushed your back to mount on the saddle. “‘cause it’s better if they don’t see us talking normally when we’re supposed to be at each other’s throats.”
he’s definitely up to something..
jaehyun rode a bike, leading you and jet through woods and up on a hill where its summit towers part of your family’s lands. from here you could see your house and tiny figures you assumed were his friends. you haven’t gotten a clue why jaehyun was being nice again. and if he was, why today? why bring you all the way here to have this conversation? you couldn’t think of anything at all and maybe you should’ve eaten the meal he prepared for you.
when the winds blew, jaehyun spoke in a soft voice. he was awkward, you could tell that, but what he did was something you didn’t expect. he leaned back with his palms on the grass. “i’m sorry i called you names.”
hm.. you better be.
that apology alone pierced your heart, in a good way. if he was tired from all the negativity and endless banters, so were you. it had been fifteen days after all. maybe this was a cool break before continuing with the pact. “which ones?” you copied his position and counted your fingers one by one. “there’s ugly.. shorty.. lazy ass.. a no brainer-”
“i didn’t call you tha-” he paused, his lips forming an ‘o’ until he pursed them together seeing you mimic him on his laptop. “right. i implied it when you wanted me to teach you equine studies. anyway the bottom point is, i’m sorry for calling you impudent.”
you chuckled, but to him it sounded more of a scoff. “haven’t heard that in ages. never expected i’d hear that again.” you looked at him, he did too, there was a stare down before you spoke again.
“but yeah. i guessed you did that to fulfill your part for the pact. the guys were probably nearby and you thought of that to spark up the conversation. are we done?”
jaehyun rested his arm on his knees. “no that’s not what i meant- i’m being sincere here.”
“okay? then tell me what’s on your mind. you brought me up here. it’s gotta be something worth my time.”
“i feel like the pact just brings the worse out. and whenever it does, i don’t feel myself anymore. like this is not me.”
he picked up a dandelion, letting the wind take its soft pieces. he wished his feelings weren’t easily swayed like the flower’s petals. he knew he was easily hotheaded, stubborn and mr. perfect, but should he always be like these?
“then who is the real you?” you caught some flying pieces of the flower before looking back at him for answers.
“a studious douche who got his heart broken by his ex.” he shrugged and waited for your bicker, but you sat there with shocked eyes and struggled to find what to say. “yeah, in case you’re still surprised, i do have a heart for people.”
“i heard you.” you flicked his temple.
he held back fists from hitting back. “hey why’d you hit me?”
“it’s my way of being affectionate.” you laid on the grass and while he copied, you thought that jaehyun had a point, how the pact seemed a good approach yet with deteriorating results.
“by being violent?” jaehyun moaned as he asked. “ever thought that a pat in the back would be better?”
you glared at him. “let’s continue what we’re doing with another condition.. no personal or evil intentions whatsoever, or maybe a slight hint that we’d start dissing. we’re doing this for ourselves and..” you cleared your throat. “..helping out a friend.”
it made total sense, because he knew how much of an effect it did when the purpose of the pact was done unconsciously and naturally. he let out a tight and breathless sigh between his lips. “i’m your friend? after calling you all that?”
“i just needed something to describe you. would calling you a douche make you feel better after you apologised?” you stood up and headed downhill.
“well you did call me ‘handsome’ last night.” jaehyun singsonged and carefully walked down the stoned steps.
you froze at how stupid and blabbermouth you could be whenever you went to the bar. “i don’t remember, since i’ve been studying the things you taught me.”
“you can ask the others if you think i’m lying.”
“y’know what? i take back the condition i said.” you quickly hopped on jet to head back. “don’t bother me!”
“what do you mean studying? you’re planning to pursue vet sci? hey!”
“yeah.” you made jet walk in circles around the confused man, and your one-word response had jaehyun confirming you already decided to tell your father about it.
and it’d be on christmas eve too.
for almost half an hour marg couldn’t contain her feelings after you told her what had happened. marg squealed and you quickly covered her mouth since the door wasn’t entirely closed. she squeezed the pillow and hid herself behind it.
“he apologised?! such a gentleman! i mean mark didn’t really tell me the details but jaehyun really felt guilty?” she put the pillow down and crawled next to you on your bed.
as to why she reacted this way remained unclear to you, you figured it was probably she watched too many rom-coms with johnny in the past few days. “i admit, it was considerate of him to do that. but it doesn’t prove he’s already a good man.” you fixed your files and past researches of veterinary science. “sometimes an apology isn’t enough.”
your sister nudged you in a force causing you to stumble in your stance. “ey you’re too mean. him apologising is already enough of a sign that he’s a good one, and raised well.”
“i don’t know marg.” you slumped on your bed. “my head’s hurting because of him.”
she raised a brow and gave you a teasing look. “by thinking of him or he just couldn’t get out of your head?” she kicked her feet to escape your balling fists.
“why are you reacting if it’s not true?!” her giggles grew in volume as she brought out her phone record your reaction.
“get out of my room!”
jaehyun walked around the mart in response to yet another order from you. it had to be a day before christmas eve too. he should be feeling the very essence of christmas and because of you, he didn’t. people who happened to pass by him swore they saw a walking corpse, while some sensed a spreading dark cloud hovering above him.
his demeanour quickly shifting and changing as if the clouds blocked his rays of sunshine. he was mumbling to himself and those who stood close by took careful small steps away from jaehyun, for he sounded like he was enchanting a spell.
he thought about it a lot— whether it there’d be a difference between the two of you if you hadn’t taken back that condition. because now that he was controlled like a pawn again, he wasn’t going to back down or lose to you. at least for the past few days since then he saw an improvement. you weren’t as violent, not a single word of hate from you nor were they intentional. it was obvious you were helping out. a small smile managed its way to resurface until he saw a reflection of himself looking like an idiot. jaehyun, you’re a fool. you shouldn’t be feeling this.
ignoring his subconscious, he turned a heel at the next grocery aisle when a voice attracted attention, at least to him it sounded like hendery. hearing your name from an unfamiliar man’s lips had him peeking secretly at a distance. “i suppose y/n’s behaving well with jaehyun?”
“better than everyone expected.” hendery followed him with hands deep in pockets. “aside their petty arguments, she gets along with him, mr. y/l/n.”
“that’s good to hear. i knew the jeong’s would never fail my expectations. their son is in vet school, yes?”
the mentioned name chilled him to the bone. he wasn’t to supposed to be feeling in this manner yet the very presence of your father already had gotten his shoes glued to the ground. hendery nodded and continued to walk along with him. “i hope he doesn’t encourage her about it too much. having y/n marry him would keep her quiet about ever continuing vet school.”
jaehyun’s back grazed the products he lightly leaning upon and stood still in his thoughts. he wasn’t the type to eavesdrop on others, let alone your family issues. although he was briefly told about your rocky relationship with your father and couldn’t hear much of the conversation, he shouldn’t care or meddle with it but.. did mr. y/l/n really think that?
and he remembered how you told him you’d pursue veterinary.
he fished for his phone with certainty that he would tell you what he had heard. he nearly dropped his phone when it rang and your name appeared as the caller. staring at it for a while, never in his life had he ever hesitated before— given that he was a straight forward person, he wanted to tell you.
and he didn’t know why he decided to keep his mouth shut and stayed behind, instead of doing the opposite. hendery noticed him beside the hundreds of chocolate chip buckets. “oh jaehyun!” he greeted, making your father turn his head around. “come here!”
jaehyun pressed his lips for being caught, steadily and unwilling to go them. he wished that now would be the appropriate time to be walking on super glue, he really didn’t have the mood to talk to your father. it wasn’t the right time as their conversation about you would probably escalate from there.
“hello mr. y/l/n, i’m-” he greeted, unknowingly staring at him longer because you were his carbon-copy.
“i know you’re jaehyun and i’ve been updated enough that i wouldn’t have to be physically at my residence to know your good qualities.”
“glad to know someone’s giving you the correct information.” jaehyun smiled, subtly gazing straight at hendery with more pressure on the tone of the name. hendery then clamped his lips to a close, regretting he should’ve minded his words carefully.
mr. y/l/n nodded with a chuckle— even hendery rarely saw him doing so, ever. and this only proved that there wouldn’t be a better groom fit for you other than the son of his childhood friends. “i like your personality. mind joining me for tea?”
jaehyun read the situation, and what your father was up to. he had to listen for another half hour even though he felt his phone continually vibrating then stopping. he knew it was you, but how could he answer when the person you grew to hate was with him at this moment? one word from him through a phone call would make you go berserk.
anyone could see that jaehyun was fighting a mental dilemma. for anyone it would be an easy question to answer; free food, you’re in. his future father-in-law asked for company, sure why not. jaehyun felt like he only one answer, and it had to be a correct one. he gulped and though he eyes wavered, he agreed anyway. “i don’t mind, but y/n would probably be moody if i don’t return immediately.”
“mhm, no worries. i won’t keep you long.” mr. y/l/n said, and jaehyun didn’t know why he had a small heart attack on what possibly could follow.
he lead him to a restaurant, hendery nudged the troubled-looking dimpled man. “sorry dude. he likes snacking on things but i’ll try to divert his attention so you can go to y/n asap.”
the relieved sigh didn’t last long when looked up from the ground. jaehyun spotted you crossing arms with a slight worrisome look. your fingers then pointed at the kitchen window and it looked like his soul left his body and his footsteps on the ankle-high snow. the curtains indoors brushed to one side with his parents facing back from the windowsill at the upper balcony.
his heart was beating his chest as if it wanted to go out. he planned to tell you what he and your father talked about, but in that previous hour he missed out your text messages and calls— not knowing they were that important. now he knew why they were.
you took his phone and clicked on the lock button, he didn’t check your means to reaching him. they were still in the lockscreen. “i know you’re a seenzoner but you shouldn’t ignore important calls! i was calling you an hour ago because your parents came so suddenly. did you know about their change of plans?”
he gave you other paper bag and made his way inside. “no they were supposed to arrive tomorrow.” to you jaehyun seemed grumpy for doing groceries, but it was obviously not the case when kept looking elsewhere. he bit his inner gums in question as to why he was venting out his irritation at you instead of the revelation that was told to him.
you followed him in and began bring out the items to set the remaining food on the kitchen island. something told you not to go overboard with the planned argument you had in mind, but you couldn’t handle the way he was acting now, as well as giving you the sudden silent treatment. behaving this way was such a wrong timing and you decided to cut the silence before it made you feel worse than you already were. “you good?”
“y-yeah.” he tilted down to take a quick look at you while realising lately how you hadn’t been sleeping well. the puffiness under your eyes was proof. he cleared his throat. “uh, i should be asking you but have you been studying.. lately? or have you been staying up all night?” he asked, changing the subject.
he twitched at your outburst excitement with your palms rested on his arm, shaking it vigorously. now that he reminded you, you gestured him for a whisper. “i found another way to stop this marriage without us hurting each other.”
what? his eyes grew big.
“aren’t you hurting me now?” he cleared his throat, referring to the reddening spot on his skin from your grip. he knew what you meant. he knew you’ve been sitting in your bed the whole day, reading e-books and going over past lectures documents.
“if i tell my dad that i’m pursuing vet school again, i think this time he’d let me. i’m confident because i do have a degree in equestrian sport science. imagine the benefit if have a degree in veterinary?” you opened a carton of milk to drink. “i wonder if my credits’ still applicable?”
“you sure you wanna do that?” jaehyun held the top your head, gripping it as if it were a basketball. “it’s gonna take you years to finish.”
“scared to have a competitor in the field, jaehyun?” your voice challenged him.
he wasn’t scared at all, he loved competitions as well as proving he could do things. but, he was scared for you. he knew the outcome of all this because it was already planned out. he was told by your father during tea break before he arrived here.
chills slowly went down your spine with that one, subtle, short silence from him.
“i’m not scared. it’s just that..” you shot up your head at his remark. he trailed off and shut his lips seeing your parents enter the living room with his beloveds.
“just what?” you stared at him with a long hum.
he had to lie and keep his opinions to himself. “are you able to take on hard words in that tiny brain of yours?” jaehyun scoffed, leaning in closer to provoke an argument with his hands patting your head.
“hey! you’re insulting my height, not my brain!” he heard your innocent whines as if they were precious— too precious that he wanted to protect you than to fight you; just for tonight.
and for the first time he was laughing sincerely at you.
week three had you imagining things, that he would look at you so differently. instead of horns they’d be halos, softer looks than tensed ones, and most of all you wonder what changed him within a day. it was confusing that he would show another side of him, then go back to what he was when you first met him.
but tonight? his possibility of change soon went void.
during dinner, whether or not it was right, that choice you made became one of the two things you regret to do and say. your father said his ultimatum in a low voice by the hallway, isolated from everyone enjoying the celebration.
“dad, please. i’ve done what you want. i think it’s time you’d allow me to do what i want.” you kept your head low in all hope this would be your final time to ask. “i’m successful as an equestrian, i hope to be more so as a veterinarian. please let me continue. i don’t want to get married yet-”
“still holding onto it, y/n?” he scoffed and took quick glances at his surroundings. “i’ve done everything for you to be known, raised you to be the best rider out there-”
and he too, held with the same stupid reason. “no dad! i raised myself to be the best because heavens knows how much damage it’ll cost me if i failed you-”
“this is the last time i saying it, you’re never going to be one.”
“but dad! you know how badly i want to be a vet-” you whined and hoping you wouldn’t cry because you promised yourself you wouldn’t.
“y/n you’re marrying jaehyun solely for that reason!” he whisper-yelled, making your heart squeeze tight because you could see how your complaints have pissed him off. “he seemed to be agreeing with me after i invited him for tea.” he fixed his hair.
w-what did he just say?..
he loosened the top button of his shirt; his gaze still scared you like it did that night. he held his temples to reason out with you. “discipline yourself tonight. i do not want hear anything from you about this matter ever again.” the impact of his tone shattered you. not only your mood but with how you perceived jaehyun as a whole.
you couldn’t remember much afterwards, anger roamed around your head and as much you kept your composure, jaehyun has a sharp eye. you’ve been quiet since coming from the hallway, hours have passed too since your father called you upstairs.
“are you alright?” jaehyun leaned on the refrigerator while you took some fruits from it. figured that you were completely ignoring him, he grabbed your favourite sweater to snap you out of your clouded feelings. “are we doing the pact now?”
it was getting suffocating being next to him. the audacity of what he did disgusted you. “hey tell me-”
you shut the fridge’s door with much force, held your breath and went to the sink to wash them. “i’m not doing it. and what’s there to tell you? just because i opened up to you that doesn’t mean we’re already close.” you coldly answered with a irritated look.
jaehyun was abruptly taken back, his hand let go of your clothes. “why are you’re suddenly like this?”
you began washing the apples as well as peeling their skin. “you’re not born yesterday, jaehyun. this is my usual self.”
“no y/n, i’m not talking about-”
“what the hell is your deal?” jaehyun could hear you mumble even with the loud blasting of holiday playlists.
“i just want to know if we’re starting the argument,. it seems like you’re doing your part-”
“you knew all along, didn’t you?” the sound of peeling almost excruciating to your ears but nothing more than his reaction to your question. ‘that my dad would refuse my plead.”
painful as it was, his expression changed. he was colder than the snow outside, heartless as a predator and unresponsive like a dead man. he just stared at you straight, acknowledging it with soft wavers of his brown orbs.
and that alone was enough to break you to pieces.
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90sgatsby-jjh · 3 years
House of Cards🃏Lee Taeyong
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Themes; taeyong x fem!reader, johnny x fem!reader, mutual and one-sided pining, old money lifestyle, president-to-be!taeyong, president!taeyong, tycoon!johnny, rich!reader, slowburning, ANGST, heartache, politics, kissing, suggestive, mentions of other members
Playlist; old money - lana del rey, carmen - lana del rey, national anthem - lana del rey
Pairing; taeyong x fem!reader, johnny x fem!reader
Warnings; angst, swearing, consumption of alcohol, sexual suggestiveness, cheating, making out [18+]
Disclaimer; i do not condone cheating or anything close to and consumption of alcohol only at legal age of residing country. This is purely fantasy and does not depict any members true character and is not set to harm their reputation
word count; 1.1k
A/N; ahhhhhh so this is my first piece in 4 or 5 yearssss wtffff and its for kpop toooo omg exciting. so much has changed within the fanfic community like putting warnings which is such a positive change and i love to see it. I would love to hear feedback or anything that you think should be added into the fic. this part is only short as i didn't want to burn out by writing 10k words and not finish it. and lastlyyyy thank you for reading please enjoy. (honouree mention to @lebrookestore & that one anon for saying i should continue this! thank you!)
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Part One
He stood so tall. He was so handsome. He held power and grace but also the hearts and gaze of a nation. He was charismatic, electric, magnetic even. Heads turned when he walked into a room, everyone wanted to speak to him. He was beautiful.
The room was filled with the hope and chatter of government men and women with their significant others, beneficiaries of the democratic party, supporters and people of the high society. It would be a lie if there wasn’t a feeling of a tension and suspense in the air that smelt like money.
Her hair hung around her shoulders, the Harry Winston reef draped around her neck and the Oscar De la Renta dress was embracing her body that could make anyone weak at the knees. She has a golden glow, much like the champagne in her glass that was also being drunk by almost everyone in attendance. Y/ns other hand wrapped around the bicep adorned in a Tom Ford suit of her oil tycoon fiancé, Suh Young-Ho or better known as Johnny Suh.
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Johnny, coming from old money, is the inherited owner of an oil and gas company, Neo-Oil. The company being handed down to him from his father who no longer felt fit enough keep leadership of the business. The Suh family, being the fourth richest family in Southern Korea. Investors of the democratic party for many, many years, often seen at election parties and democratic events. This is where Johnny met Y/n.
Y/N met Johnny whilst her family attended a ball on the democratic campaign trail 3 years ago. Y/Ns family also owning a company in the oil business however unlike Johnny, she was not set to take over the company once her parents could no longer. That task was down to her brother, Sungchan. From a young age, Y/n was always told how beautiful she is and how she would be set to marry richly to an established man in an established family. Probably looked down upon in modern day but she enjoys this lifestyle and settled comfortably. Wearing the most elegant gowns and seeing everything the world has to offer. When her and Johnny met she was just 20 years old and was intimidated by Johnny's height and stature but after few gushing words between him and her mother she was at some ease. After this they continued seeing each other outside of the high society events. He showered her in gifts and Michelin star dinners. A year later they moved in together. Peacefully living together. Johnny had many business trips. Y/n loves horses so when she did not join Johnny on his trips she would be seen at many equestrian events and shows, around the globe, spectating. After another year and a half, Johnny got down on one knee and proposed whilst on a small break in the Amalfi Coast. Y/n accepted his hand that night knowing this is what she was destined for, whether she loved him or not.
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They both floated around the upper floor that looked over the grand hall. Greeting various members of the party, prestigious surgeons, top lawyers and fellow oil tycoons. Making small conversation here and there ensuring Johnny's presence was known. Y/n's eyes wondered over the tables below them that looked inviting as she adjusted her footing trying to ease the discomfort coming from her Jimmy Choo's that Johnny had gifted, whilst he was on a trip recently.
"You can go and sit, my love" she felt Johnny say quietly into her ear, "I know you're uncomfortable."
"Are you sure? Will you be, okay?" She looked up at him with hopeful eyes, on the prospect that she could be relieving the pain from her feet.
He gave a small chuckle, "Of course, I'll join you in a minute, okay?" He held her hand, bringing it up between the two of them, kissing the back next to the ring that sat on her ring finger signifying their engagement. "I love you"
"Love you too, thank you"
Making a hast walk towards the grand mahogany staircase that enticed her towards the answer to the ache of her feet. Taking each step carefully, to keep from her ankles giving or missing a step. The slower pace gave y/n a chance to get a better look at the lower floor to see whose in attendance. Allowing herself to stop for 5 seconds to take in the surroundings. Eyes drifting around the room noticing familiar faces of some family friends and some business partners of Johnny's. Her attention went to a small cluster of people that seemed enthused at something, close to the bottom of the stairs. Then her attention landed on the reason for the busy bodies.
As she watched, she felt herself in a trance of the man, though she had stars in her eyes seeing a man with such beauty and grace. Her lips slightly parted causing her mouth to go dry. Swallowing brought her out of the trance, bringing back the sense of reality. Just as she got herself back together, the mans gaze weighed on her and held her stare.
Although being at a distance from him, the murmur of him excusing himself could be heard from y/n's position. Blinking at the sight of him hurriedly making his way towards her, up the stairs.
Y/n, not sure of what to do with herself started to take step down the staircase.
"Wait there, stay there" she heard him voice below her. Stopping in her place and looking up. He was only a few feet away.
"A stunning woman like you should not be walking down here alone, you could trip and fall. We wouldn't like you hurting yourself, would we?" extending his arm out for her take hold of,
"Here let me help you"
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© 90sgatsby-jjh
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So something that I’ve wondered for a while is what would happen if Eugene did die in the tower, and the tear didn’t bring him back. What would Rapunzel do and how would that change her story. 
And I wanted to look into Rapunzel’s life in the tower and her sort of warped perspectives on things through what Gothel taught her (and her reactions to finding out her entire life was a lie). And for some reason last night I was compelled to write it and now it’s become a bit of an ongoing project (it’s already 10k rip) with a lot of angst but also some comfort and I thought I’d post the start here! 
(also spoiler alert but Eugene doesn’t stay dead long term (because fuck that) but I did want to deal with grief and confusion and change so he stays dead for a while...)
Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the fates design, save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine. What once was mine. 
No glow. No movement. No response. 
Eugene had let out one last breath, and had faded. But Rapunzel hadn’t let go. She stayed and held him close, and tried to bring him back, voice going hoarse and words choked with tears as she repeated the healing incantation over and over and over again. 
But he doesn’t wake up. She feels Pascal come and sit on her shoulder, burrowing into her in comfort and she starts to sob. 
She cries, great wretched sobs that shake her entire body and have her gasping for air, that sound more like screams and wailing. It hurts, the crying, but nothing could ever hurt as much as the pain in her heart, seeping through her veins and her bones into every inch of her, pain at the knowledge that Eugene is- is dead. 
He’s dead. 
She weeps until she can’t anymore, until a welcoming darkness comes and takes her. But her sleep isn’t peaceful - Mother is grabbing her and Eugene is hanging and then he’s lying and red red red stains the floor and brown hair wraps around her, tightening, choking until she gasps awake. 
She doesn’t open her eyes. Doesn’t want to see anything. She lies with her head on Eugene’s chest, but his chest doesn’t move. His heart doesn’t beat. 
In the Snuggly Duckling, when the pub thugs had slammed the door shut and gathered around them to grab ‘Flynn Rider’ - Eugene had put himself between her and Hookhand, holding out his arms to protect her. When the guards had come thundering down the secret passage he’d put his arm around her to urge her forwards. And when the water came rushing in and they couldn’t see, he pulled her back up and brushed the hair back from her face. 
He was always protecting her. Right up until his final moments. He was warm and kind and reassuring. She could go out and take on the world with him by her side. 
But now he was cold. And still. And silent. 
After a long time, Rapunzel looks up. Broken glass is scattered around them. Brown hair lies around the room. It’s dark, she’s not sure how long she cried, or how long she slept. It doesn’t really matter. There’s nothing for her to do. 
What now? 
She’s the lost princess. But what does that mean? Would she be able to prove that? Why would she even want to? The King and Queen are her parents - but this is the King and Queen that sent Eugene to be hanged. How he managed to escape that, she has no idea. But anyone who would want to hurt Eugene can’t be good. 
Mother isn’t- wasn’t good. Mother’s not even her mother. 
All those years, her entire life, locked away in this tower. And for what? 
And there’s so much world out there, it was so exciting and colourful and beautiful - but Eugene’s gone. Eugene’s dead. His blood is on her hands and her hair is on the floor and what’s so beautiful about the world anyway? Why should it get to be beautiful when Eugene is gone and she’s in so much pain? She can’t stay in this tower, doesn’t want to stay in this tower, but she doesn’t want to go into the world either.  
What now? 
She just wants to lie down. Go to sleep again. She’s so tired. She doesn’t want to do anything ever again. 
Well that’s the good part, I guess. You get to go find a new dream. 
She’d seen the floating lights. They were beautiful and important and everything she’d ever hoped for. More so, because of the man beside her. And she found her new dream, with his smile and his touch and his heart. And his company had filled up her heart and warmed her soul and made her want and dream for things she’d never dared to before. She had found her new dream. 
But he’s gone. And he’s never coming back. 
You were my new dream.  If you do this - then you will die.  You need to go find a new dream. 
Eugene had died for her. Eugene had come back for her, sacrificed himself for her. That couldn’t be for nothing. That was so big, and so painful, so it had to mean something. Eugene had given her his life in exchange for hers, she needed to make sure that sacrifice wasn’t in vain. She needed to live. But she was so tired. 
What now? 
Eugene’s face looks peaceful. Almost like he was sleeping. She hopes he’s at peace. That he’s somewhere warm and good. 
Where do you go after you die? 
She’s never wondered that before. Mot- Gothel never talked about it. Rapunzel didn’t even know about death until she was nine and she’d choked on a fishbone. She couldn’t get any air in and began to panic. Mother had gone white as a sheet and ran over and slammed her hands against Rapunzel’s back several times, so hard it hurt, but the fishbone moved and she could breathe again. Mother had been furious, yelling about waste and dying and hair. Mother never brought fish back to the tower again. Mother didn’t want her to die. 
Because she had wanted Rapunzel’s hair. Gothel didn’t care who else died. 
Eugene’s dead. 
He’s gone. 
The light in his eyes and his smile and his kind and beating heart. Gone. But his body is still here. 
How easy would it be for Eugene to come back? His body is here. Where’s the spirit gone? Why can’t he come back? 
He’s not coming back. 
Hot tears slip down Rapunzel’s face. They taste like salt. 
Rapunzel strokes her fingers against Eugene’s cheek. He shouldn’t stay here. Trapped forever in this tower prison. He should be under the sky, free. 
Two days ago they had walked by land that was covered in stones with names on them. Eugene had explained that it was a graveyard, and people were buried there after they died. Rapunzel had freaked out, the thought of being trapped underground- but he quickly tried to calm her, explaining about funerals and tributes and how it was about saying goodbye. 
Eugene was gone. He should get a funeral and a tribute. She didn’t think she could say goodbye though. 
Maybe not ever. 
But he deserved a proper goodbye. An important one. And a stone with his name on it, and the good things he’d done. 
Rapunzel makes herself stand up. Walks past the broken glass and the brown hair and gets some water, and gives some to Pascal too. She walks to the window and looks down. 
She blinks in surprise when she sees Max waiting at the bottom of the tower. The white horse looks relieved to see her, but not surprised. Pascal chirps on her shoulder, he talked to Max while she was asleep. A smile almost graces her lips. Max came back for her. He must have helped Eugene escape. That was kind of him. 
Then she sees Mother’s cloak. And the smile is gone. 
Mother is gone. That’s good. Mother was bad - Mother was Gothel, she wasn’t her mother, but she was Rapunzel’s everything for all her life, but she stole her away and locked her away and used her hair and told her lies she lied and lied and lied but she held Rapunzel when she cried about the lightning storms, and she bought her paints and complimented her art and she made her favourite soups and she lied and hurt and pulled and chained her up and she killed Eugene. She stabbed him right through and stole the life from him just like she stole Rapunzel’s life. Gothel was gone.
Rapunzel covers her eyes. She doesn’t want to cry. Doesn’t want to cry for her, because she was bad and she lied and she hurt, but Rapunzel still cries.
She turns away from the window and sees the knife on the ground, right where Gothel dropped it after Eugene cut her hair. The knife is clean, Gothel must have cleaned it, but then why can Rapunzel see the blood on it? Eugene’s blood. That knife killed Eugene. 
And something in Rapunzel snaps. She storms over, over the broken glass and the hair and she grabs the knife. She marches back to the window and she throws the knife, throws it as far as she can, away from her and away from Eugene. Then she rushes to the sink and washes her hands, scrubs as hard as she can, because she touched the knife and there’s blood on her hands, Eugene’s blood on her hands, and she scrubs and scrubs and scrubs until her hands are red but there’s no blood. 
A funeral. 
Eugene deserves a funeral. 
She’ll take him outside. She’ll bury him there, so he’s outside under the sky. 
He deserves that. And it’s something that she can do. Something she must do. She owes him her life. She won’t let her life go to waste. But she won’t leave him, not like this.
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
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➥ PAIRING ||  taehyun x beomgyu
➥ GENRE || soulmate au! , enemies to lovers!, fantasy fanfiction
➥ W/C | 10k+
➥ SYNOPSIS || in which the both of them were admitted to Halls of Brotherhood: University of Magic.  They were soulmates. yet they hated each other. But the marks on their skin said otherwise. 
→ soulmate au where the thoughts of their soulmate inscribe themselves on one another’s skin
➥ WARNINGS || profanity, slight violence, angst I think?, fluff, mutual pining,  slow burn kinda?
a/n; okay guys, this is my first time writing fantasy fiction so pls forgive me if it isn’t good. I’ve been trying to write this genre for years but couldn’t get it right. @moonlit-lixie your ask inspired me to write a soulmate au 🤲🏿
“You promised me I’d go to a normal school. You promised that I wouldn’t have to practice any of that stuff”. beomgyu whines to his mother from the passenger seat. It was the middle of the night and his heart was pounding in annoyance. He takes a hefty glance out the window through his bifocals and loses himself in the fast paced scenery. He wished he could be one of them. You know. a part of nature. Like a tree, a flower on the side of the road or something. He would do almost anything to escape this. 
“Gyu sometimes things just have to change”.  She swiftly replies. her beautiful face was calm and sullen while her hands rested on the steering wheel. That was one thing beomgyu always envied about his mother. She was so full of serenity in the midst of anything. she was a brave woman in the dust of any type of chaos. 
“I don’t want to dabble in that stuff ”. 
beomgyu swallows the leftover spit trapped in the space around his tongue. Magic has done nothing for him in life and in his mind, it never will. Magic was a nuisance. Magic was unforgiving. Magic killed his father.
She sluggishly presses her foot on the break and the both of them lean forward a bit at the sudden halt. beomgyu peers out of the windshield loathing in nervousness. They arrived at the train station and to his luck the boys were still boarding. His mother unbuckles her seatbelt shortly and beomgyu could only take a dreadful gander at her in shock. He wondered how she could be so comfortable  mindlessly sending her only child away to practice the very thing that did his family no good. 
“Why do I have to go? What difference will I add to them?”. 
“gyu what did I tell you about talking like that?”. 
He bit his lips feeling a little sorry for himself. He could’ve backtracked but he didn’t. That’s how he felt about himself and he couldn’t help it. He  was too puny to do much of anything. Puny, anxious and hot tempered. And without those thick round glasses he could barely see what was right in front of him. 
She gets out of the vehicle and once she did that beomgyu realized there would be no further discussion in the matter. He pushes open the passenger side door and tugs his luggage with him. He stuffs a hand in his pocket while the wind tousles his lengthy, black hair across his forehead. It was cold as hell outside and he wished he could just go back home to his bed. His mother approaches the conductor, showing the piece of mail she’d gotten days prior about beomgyu’s admission. Although the wind was tossing his hair a great deal beomgyu could still make out the sight of the conductor nodding in confirmation, gesturing him over. His mother awaited him at the entrance of the train to which he approached her with hesitance. Almost as if he were waiting for her to stop him in his tracks and admit this was all a prank. Or  shake him vigorously, admitting this was just a dream But no, everything was just as surreal as the hopeful sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him, as if she knew something he didn’t. 
She clutches either side of his head and plants a kiss on his forehead. 
“I love you okay? You know I'm not doing any of this to spite you. Magic is in your bloodline. I’ll be in contact with you always alright?”. 
He clutches her wrist. “I don’t want to do thi-”.
“Be strong for me beomgyu. Please”.
His heart ached at the agony in her eyes and he obliged. Magic was never his dream. It was hers. He nods his head though, telling her that he loves her and bids his farewell while stepping into the train cart. When he stepped on he was immediately pissed, assuming maybe he got the wrong cart. Out from the cold he was immersed into a noisy train, with loud and rowdy boys who were either talking at an ear piercing volume or pointlessly horsing around. none of them paid any mind to beomgyu though. Which was good, beomgyu hoped they kept that behavior up for as long as he were there. He swallows and pulls his varsity jacket sleeves over his fingertips, suddenly feeling anxious whilst walking down the aisle eyeing the empty seat in the back by the window. He hated settings like this. So lively and obnoxious it felt like the walls around him were closing in. 
“Bro! Let me see!”. 
A voice shrieks at a distance behind him before his footsteps grew closer, sounding as if he was sprinting. Within a blink of an eye beomgyu’s shoulder thrusted forward and he fell to the side, a result of the boy roughly running past him hitting his shoulder with no regard. Beomgyu felt his elbow suddenly press into the plastic bottle that the seated boy beside him was drinking from, leaving it now dented and water spilling all over the boy’s shirt. just by the way the boy was breathing beomgyu could tell he wasn’t too pleased. He pushes beomgyu off of him, so hard that his back almost hit the seats across from him. 
“Yo! Watch where the hell you’re going!”.
Beomgyu peeled himself off the seat and fixed his ruffled clothes. His heart rate quickened just seeing the boy’s face drawn into an angry expression. Overwhelming fury coiled in beomgyu’s stomach. 
“It was an accident!”. He hisses. 
“Well don’t make accidents you just spilled my water all over me you fucking idiot!“. 
Beomgyu clenches his jaw and balls his fists until his knuckles turned white. 
“Don’t call me that”. 
“Yeah? Or what? What are you going to do?”. 
Once beomgyu charged forward he was immediately braced back by a long arm stretching across his chest. A clean shaven, outrageously hefty man who they would later know as Cyprus-- one of the headmaster’s faithful subordinates--had made it his duty to prevent the dispute from going any further. 
“choi beomgyu”, he bellowed, his voice much more hoarse and gruff than beomgyu, or any of the boys expected. The cart grew quiet once the man spoke, they were tight lipped--  as if he used his hands and closed their mouths himself. beomgyu swallowed nervously and casts his eyes up at him.
“kang taehyun”, he bellows next. his dark eyes loomed over the both of them. taehyun breathed. 
“yes?”. he mutters, something in him refusing to sound as scared as he looked. 
“when you speak to me you use yes sir or no sir. do you understand?”. Beomgyu could only rest his eyes on the boy who was on the verge of beating the living shit out of him minutes prior, now mumbling with a speck of fear in his eyes. 
“yes sir?”. 
Cyprus then peers over at beomgyu. Beomgyu shifts his eyes from taehyun to cyprus a couple of times before realizing what he wanted. 
“oh um--um yes sir?”. 
“violence is not tolerated here. unless you want to face your discipline before you even get your room key, I suggest the both of you sit yourselves down somewhere”.  
Like the fall of a microphone cyprus unhands be0mgyu and continues his journey along the carts making sure the rest of the boys were in order. Even after his disappearance the cart was dead silent. 
Beomgyu tugs his luggage along with him to a random seat in the back, throwing himself down and laying his head back on the head rest as soon as he touches the chair. The doors were closing and the train was about to take off soon. The chatter on the cart began to sprout back up again. beomgyu sighed with his attention out the window. He wanted to be anywhere but here. 
“don’t worry about tyun, he’s been like that ever since we were kids”. A rather mellow, wistful voice spoke beside him. 
Beomgyu rolls his head over tiredly to the direction of the voice. He hadn’t even realized he was seated next to someone. 
“He’s been what? A sensitive piece of shit?”, 
The blonde haired boy smiled and laughed a little. Beomgyu had never seen a smile so bright in his life. His face was sort of angelic too, it had this shrill glow to it that beomgyu couldn’t stop looking at. He wondered if the boy was even real. 
“No-- i mean he’s hot tempered like that all the time. So don’t sweat it. You’ll eventually learn to just stay out of his way”. 
Beomgyu sucks his teeth. “or he can learn to stay out of mine”.
The boy laughs again, his face glowing so uncontrollably bright that his smile was a little contagious, spreading the disease of a small smile on beomgyu’s face also. The boy offers his hand, 
“You’re funny. I’m heuning kai. Maybe we should be friends”. 
Beomgyu was hesitant at first but nonetheless he shook it. 
“I’m choi beomgyu”. 
Heuning kai nods, thinking it was pretty odd to respond with “I know who you are”. Even though he did. He knew exactly who beomgyu was.
Beomgyu continued staring at his face-- it was obviously glowing at its edges. A sharp, pretty silver lining coasting along his jawline and over the crown of his blonde hair. Either that,  or maybe beomgyu was just sleepy. 
“So? Heuning kai …. what are you? Are you even a human?”. Beomgyu jokes. He really couldn’t fathom the other’s angelic appearance. 
Kai’s cheeks began to tint pink in embarrassment.  He thought he was blending in pretty well for the most part.  “What makes you ask that?”.
“You’re glowing”. 
Kai’s hands immediately touched his face which was incredibly warm. “Oh gosh I thought I had this under control”. he reaches into his bag and pulls out a small bottle of milk to drink. 
“Have what under control?”. 
“The glow. I’m half human and um--half fairy. I applied here so I can practice my magic”. 
Beomgyu had an urge to touch him. He looked so pretty and perfect he wanted to see what he felt like at least once.  He reached his hand out slowly to press his hand against kai’s. His skin was so velvety and pillow-like their hands practically melted into each other. 
“Wow you’re so soft. I’ve never really met a fairy before”.
“Half. I’m a half fairy. A hury”.  
“What’s the difference?”. 
“Well, full blood fairies are incapable of feeling human emotions and they lack human-like qualities. They act off of magic instead of logic. But since I’m half, I’m able to use my magic wisely”. 
Beomgyu nods in response, yawning with a sudden weary feeling washing over him all at once. 
“That’s pretty cool. Can you do me a favor though and wake me when the train stops? I’m beat”. 
Kai agrees, even though he wanted someone to talk to for the duration of the ride. He knew the other boys would think of him as a weirdo or freak of some sort. He was glad that beomgyu didn’t. No one ever took fairies too well. Beomgyu turned over though, curling his legs in the seat and allowed the moving moon to be his lullaby until he fell into his slumber. 
By the time the train arrived at their destination the morning had already beat them to it. Kai had done his duty by waking beomgyu as he asked, even though it wasn’t easy. He remembers his mother--who was a full blooded fairy-- used to sprinkle sleeping pixies over his face when he was younger to get him to wake up. Oh how he wished he could’ve used them for gyu. Hopefully when kai gained some more experience he’d have those under his belt. 
Beomgyu tugs his luggage and tiredly walks through the grassy quads of the campus  which was utterly beautiful. The blades of grass reflected hues of vivid greens he only saw in his dreams. Even the shadow stone architecture of each building was built into a modern piece of art. Each building had different words carved into the stone at the top of the building. Words such as “Magic Engineering house”,  “Magic Alchemy”, and even “Philosophy of Magic”. along these Multi colored stone walls and lining them occasionally were these big glass windows that were shiny and the cleanest he’s ever seen. But of course his moment of fascination came to an annoying end when he saw a big arrow sign, pointing first years to the direction of the auditorium. 
“Oh gosh”, beomgyu whined. “I just wanted to sleep”. 
“It’s morning time now. Plus you didn’t even get your room key, where are you going to sleep?”. Kai spoke from beside him. Beomgyu shrugs. 
“I’ll sleep on this grass if I have to”. 
Beomgyu meant it too. He really would’ve if he wasn’t so afraid of looking like an idiot. Instead he followed kai into the crowded auditorium,  it was filled with all of the first year boys babbling excitedly about what kind of magic they were going to be best at. Pft. as if they knew. Beomgyu refused to sit by himself so he followed kai to the end of the seventh row. 
Once beomgyu sat down he only looked up in demise, of course kang taehyun was also sitting at the end of the array of seats across from his. Beomgyu pretended he was taking short glances around the auditorium just so he could let his eyes fall on taehyun every once in a while. He happened to be conversing with his own friends looking as smug as can be. Beomgyu watches him talk with his hands. So sophisticated-like. Like he knew what he was talking about all the time. He watched as his black hair sat so neatly over his eyes, how cool he kind of looked with his red hoodie falling off his shoulder a little. Or how cute he looked with his dimples pushing into his cheeks whenever one of his friends said something funny. 
No, no way. No way could he be this cute. 
“Good morning first years! Headmaster Hutton welcomes you to Halls of Brotherhood: University of Magic!”. 
The applause after those words were extravagant. The boys clapped like they were at a concert or something. It was so loud it actually made beomgyu blink back from his small trance. Taehyun shifted in his seat uncomfortably amongst the applause. While he was clapping he felt a stinging sensation along his forearm. He was going to ignore it thinking maybe his hoodie sleeve had scratched him a little. But it felt as though something was writing into his skin. He hesitantly pushes his hoodie sleeve up his arm with black ink catching his eye. His forearm was stained with sloppy yet surprisingly legible handwriting. 
No way. No way could he be this cute. 
Taehyun shakes his head and pulls his sleeve back down over the dark mark with his stomach churning. He’d just gotten on magical grounds and his soulmate had already begun thinking about him. In a way taehyun felt selfish. He wasn’t thinking of his soulmate at all nor did plan to at any point. He just wanted to study magic and that was all. 
He couldn’t help his curiosities though. He snakes his eyes through the overstuffed auditorium full of boys, trying to decipher one by one who could it possibly be, who was looking at him at the moment or even sneaking glances his way. But from what he could tell everyone was paying attention to whatever the headmaster was saying. He still searches around even circling his eyes to beomgyu a couple of times. Of course beomgyu was paying him no mind, sneaking whispers over to heuning kai ever so often. After the episode they both had on the train it was safe to say that taehyun wasn’t fond of beomgyu at all. hell, he still wanted to beat the shit out of him for that. But in this moment he felt quite different. He watched as the boy's lengthy sleek black locks fell all over his head each time he moved and even the strands in the back reached down the nape of his neck. With the numerous piercings in his ear and the tan colored varsity jacket he was wearing taehyun noticed that beomgyu’s face starkly contrasted his look. A cute, rather anxious boy who dressed confident, maybe taehyun found that to be a little attractive. 
Maybe he’s a little attractive.
He quickly casts his eyes back on the headmaster though, catching up on the instruction of where to get room keys and uniforms. Beomgyu thought uniforms were kind of stupid, then again he didn’t mind waking up in the morning not having to think of an outfit. He wasn’t much of a morning person anyway, so that situation seemed pretty glorious. What wasn’t so glorious though was the tingling sensation crawling across his skin. He smacked himself, thinking it was a bug or something but the scrawling only insisted.
“You alright?”. Kai whispers. 
Beomgyu breathes and lifts his shirt sleeve up glaring at what looked to be a tattoo in someone's  handwriting. It was slanted and italic, quite beautiful actually. 
Maybe he’s a little attractive. 
“wow already?”.  Kai whispers again. “Your soulmate is already thinking of you”. 
“I don’t know why. I’m just sitting here. I’m not even worried about a soulmate. I don’t want one.”. 
“nonsense. You should think about them more. Having a soulmate is quite nice you know”. 
Beomgyu shrugs it off, ignoring his words and anticipating the end of orientation. He was grateful to finally get his room key, class schedule and uniform-- khaki pants, a yellow argyle sweater vest, a red tie and a white long sleeve button up to wear underneath. They were going to be sent an extra supply of them later, but for now they were required to wear them to each class. To his great fortune he was rooming with heuning kai. Well, to his fortune and misfortune. He wasn’t sure how kai would be as a roommate yet. 
On the other hand the room they were given was nice though, the typical two bed duo with a good amount of space in the middle as well as their very own desks and top cabinets on both walls. Kai throws his things down just to look around. And beomgyu did the same, trying to figure out what kinds of things he could put on his desk to encourage him to study. god, he hated studying. Just the thought alone made him want to pack his things and go home. But studying was the only way he'd get stronger in magic, so he had to learn somehow. He hoped kai had good studying habits. Perhaps he could copy off his paper every once in a while. 
“Wow. This room is pretty nice. I was expecting something smaller”. Kai spoke, walking around a bit. 
“Yeah me too. I wonder where we shower and stuff though”. 
“Headmaster says the showers are down the hall for each floor”. 
“Shit. so you’re telling me I can’t have my privacy either”. 
Kai laughs. “Well, the showers have curtains you know. They’re like little stalls. It isn’t like a group shower or anything. Like the ones in prison”. 
“Great. How awkward it’ll be to walk out the shower in front of a bunch of boys with just a bathrobe on”. 
“You’ll be fine hyung. Don’t sweat it”. 
Beomgyu sighs and plops himself down on the vacant bed, lying in a fetal sleeping position. “Can you wake me when another big event happens that requires my attendance?”. 
“Going to sleep already? You don’t want to go to breakfast?”. 
“Breakfast? We have breakfast?”. Beomgyu asks, still lying in his position contemplating on getting up. 
“yeah it’s still early. They can’t have us settle in without feeding us. You coming or what?”.
Beomgyu sighs. “You know what I guess I’ll come. I guess I am a little hungry anyway and I should take advantage of this food while I can”. He gets up and straightens his jacket a bit before following kai to the refectory. It wasn’t a long walk persé but  it did take quite some time to get there. He was glad he tagged along with kai because it would’ve been kind of sad for him to have to walk this path alone. 
“So? Heuning kai? Why aren’t you as excited and obnoxiously outgoing as the other boys?”. Beomgyu couldn’t help but ask on their way. Kai gives him a light shrug. 
“It’s just college I mean, what’s there to be excited about? It isn’t like anyone is going to take me seriously anyway. I might as well stay out the way”. 
“Take you seriously? Why wouldn’t they take you seriously?”. 
“Wow you seriously don’t know much about the world of magic huh?”. 
“Growing up I forced my mother to raise me like a regular kid. It was only until now where she decided that she wanted me to follow the mages in my bloodline. I’m practically a human. Anyway though, why wouldn’t they take you seriously?”.
Kai exhales with shame creeping up his throat. “Well in the world of magic, you have the big leaguers kind of like the NBA. the mages and the wizards and all. And then you have those in the middle, who are really good alchemists and magical engineers. And then all the way at the bottom there are the fairies. That is where I come in”. 
“Why are you guys at the bottom?”. 
“Well the others don’t think we’re as capable of having strong magic. They think we all just dance in glitter and glow in happiness. Like we’re completely oblivious to the world around us which isn’t true. And since fairies are kind of rare, there hasn’t really been a single fairy that proved otherwise. Meanwhile we hear about these great mages and wizards all the time,  so it’s kind of like we have nothing to go off of for ourselves”. 
beomgyu takes some time to think for a moment. In a way it was kind of true, he hasn’t really heard of fairies and their capabilities throughout the span of his life, hence why kai is the first fairy he’s ever met. Well, half fairy. The dilemma was still kind of surprising to hear about nonetheless. They were now opening the door to the entrance where beomgyu sits his hand on kai’s shoulder. 
“Well, I believe in you heuning. I think you can prove these bastards wrong”. 
Kai chuckles as his gesture, more appreciative than gullible. “Thank you but you don’t have to say things like that to cheer me up. I know mages and wizards are very strong in magic so maybe I won’t ever be able to top them. But as long as I’m perfecting my craft I guess that’s okay”. When he said that it kind of hurt him a little even though he internalized it prior to even attending the school. I guess it just hurts more when saying it aloud. 
Once they opened the double doors it wasn’t a surprise to see a little over one hundred first year boys in there already. The dining hall looked like something out of a Victorian era movie. There was a big beautiful bright chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling and elegant designs engraved in the stone walls along the drapes. Even the floor was pure marble, sparkling and shining as if they were inviting every foot possible to walk on them. There were four extremely long dining tables in the center of the hall and buffet styled food around them at a distance along the walls. The boys were noisily eating at the tables and conversing with their friends. It made beomgyu kind of wonder how these guys made friends so fast in the first place.
Okay, so maybe beomgyu hadn’t been thinking about the pros and cons to this school before but after seeing the food he realized that it was definitely a pro. He’s had his fair share of good meals but he hadn’t ever seen food as perfect and well cooked as the food there. 
“Wow,”. beomgyu tones with his eyes grazing over the strawberry banana pancakes, topped with whipped cream and melted butter. Kai withdrew two metallic trays from the stack, one for him and one for beomgyu. 
“I know right. I was not expecting this”. 
And taking a few glances from a couple of tables behind them was taehyun who was chewing into his food and half listening to the conversation with his friends. There had to be some way he could get revenge on beomgyu. Especially with how unapologetic he looked when he did what he did to him. And then arguing with him after that made it much worse. Taehyun didn’t like disrespect of any kind, and he especially wasn’t going to take it from some puny kid. 
“I think, when we get really good at magic we should form a larger friend group you know? Like one of us could be good at alchemy, one at spells, one at history, you know”. Soobin begans, forking a big glob of rice into his mouth and finger combing his hair.
Yeonjun chews with his cheeks full, “who ever told you that you’d be good at magic?”. Earning a slap on his shoulder from soobin. 
“To have you know both of my parents were great mages that graduated from this school”. 
Taehyun sips orange juice from his straw. “Yeah and you’re they’re idiot son”. To which yeonjun tries his best to laugh without the contents of his mouth making a disgusting mess all over the white table cloth. Soobin rolls his eyes though and follows taehyun’s line of sight. 
“Hey isn’t that the kid who spilled water on you on the train last night?”. 
“Yeah. that little bastard”. 
“Tyun give it a rest, man. Mistakes happen”. Yeonjun consoles while wiping the corners of his mouth. 
Taehyun ignores him and gathers the small plates of food he hadn’t planned on eating, settling them onto his tray. 
“I’m going to go throw this stuff away I’ll be right back”, he uttered, removing himself from the table before even getting a chance to hear what they had to say. He breaks his way through the crowds of kids clutching his tray tightly in his hand until he was finally in the spot he was aiming for. He squeezed into the space in line,Just behind beomgyu where the trash can was located. He fake trips over some boy’s shoe, leaving him and his tray flying directly into beomgyu’s back. The metallic tray flipped and smeared the food all over the back of beomgyu’s jacket and fell to the floor obnoxiously loud. So loud in fact that it caught the attention of everyone in the refectory. 
Beomgyu stood there stunned, hoping what he thought happened to him hadn’t just happened. He could feel the heat of the food slide down his jacket and onto the floor below him and he turned around to see taehyun, stepping back and holding his hands up in surrender innocently. “It was an accident”. He admitted. But beomgyu knew full well it wasn’t. He could hear the animosity laced in his tone. Anger pooled in his chest and he grits his teeth. He automatically reaches his hand out to push taehyun back a couple of inches, almost knocking him into the heads of the boys behind him. 
“What the fuck you moron!”. 
Taehyun stumbles back to his feet and clenches his jaw even angrier. He pushes him back twice as hard. Beomgyu runs back and tackles him to the ground, trying his best to wrap his hands tightly around the younger’s neck. 
“Get the hell off me!”. Taehyun grumbled, snaking his hand from his side and finally managing to punch beomgyu in his jaw with it. 
After escaping his trance of shock kai rushes over to beomgyu’s aid and tugs him off of taehyun, trying his best to hold him back from going for a cheap shot. Soobin and yeonjun finally decided to amble to the scene also; they too were in too much shock to do anything the first time. Soobin helps taehyun off the ground and yeonjun acts as the safeguard to prevent taehyun from going back for another punch. Not that he could anyway, they could hear the sound of heels clashing against the marble floors gradually breaking their way through the group of boys until taehyun and beomgyu found out who they belonged to. 
A gorgeous woman who wasn’t any much shorter than them but was visibly older. A loose black bow tie clung around the collar of her white button up which she tucked into her long, plaid green and purple skirt that kissed the floor. Her dark spiral curled hair sat on her shoulders, unwilting and uptight, just like her displeased face when she approached them. She had this beautiful staff in her hand, it was purple and it had a pretty crystal ball at the top of it, like she withheld all of her magic within it’s confinement. She held her head high with pride before she spoke, 
“Mr. kang? Mr. choi? come with me please”. She beckoned before strolling out of the exit door. Kai pats beomgyu’s shoulder before letting him leave with taehyun following shortly after. The two boys were nervous as they followed her, for she hadn’t turned around once but it was like she could sense where they were behind her. 
“Look around yourselves dear. I want you to ask yourselves whether you see a campus or a boxing ring”. her high aristocratic voice bellowed as she walked, placing her staff in the space in front of her as if to help her get there. however beomgyu noticed she could walk just fine, she had perfect posture even. well she had the posture of a stuck up snob. 
“I expect an answer,”. she adds after their silence. 
“I see a campus mrs”. beomgyu rushes to speak in hopes of lessening the punishment they were already set on getting. he wishes he wasn’t so quick to talk though, his jaw was still aching in pain. he clutches it softly.
“It’s madam genevieve to you darling. kang taehyun? I’m assuming you see a campus as well?”. 
“yes madam genevieve”. 
she kept her thin red lips pursed into a fine line. 
“hm. I want you both to know that violence is never tolerated here. now since this is your first quarrel I shall start you off with a warning. anything after this will be detention and grade point deductions. do I make myself clear?”. 
beomgyu swallowed. cyprus obviously didn’t tell her about their train incident but he wasn’t going to be the one to tell her. And from the look on taehyun’s face taehyun wasn’t going to be the one to tell her either. 
“yes madam Genevieve”. The both of them stated in unison. 
“this university isn’t called halls of brotherhood without reason. we’re all on the same team and we should treat each other as such. now run along. mr. choi I suppose you need a slip to visit the medi?”. 
beomgyu was still stunned on how she could see him painfully rubbing his mouth when she hadn’t turned around. hearing her say that made beomgyu want to punch taehyun back twice as hard but he rather not risk his grades when the first day of classes hadn’t even started yet. he deserved to be in just as much pain as him.
“yes madam”. 
she curved her hands at an angle and blew into them softly, a signed slip of parchment paper gradually appeared in beomgyu’s hand. he jumps a bit at the sudden use of magic but he figured these are the kinds of things he’d have to get used to in this school. he bowed to her and graciously thanked her before going on his way to find the medical building. 
taehyun hated himself for feeling a little guilty after beomgyu departed. he deserved it didn’t he? he was trying to convince himself that he gave him a taste of his own medicine. But the tinge of guilt still hadn’t gone away. 
beomgyu was laying down when he felt the scrawling on his skin again. the medi-wizard was rubbing the scented magic oil along his jaw, it smelled of hints of chocolate and cocoa butter. beomgyu wondered what would happen if he licked it. but he was still a newbie at magic and didn’t want to risk those types of experiments with himself. as the oil settled on his skin he felt the aching pain go away. he could finally move his jaw properly.
“there you go. that should do it. you’re all set to leave lad”.
beomgyu sits up promptly and thank him, not expecting this visit to go by as fast as it did. after what happened though he lost his appetite. so instead of going to the refectory he went to back to his room and plopped himself back on the bed like he was before. the stinging sensation in his forearm resurfaced and he lifts his sleeve up to read. 
I wonder if he’s okay.
beomgyu sucks his teeth wondering why his soulmate had sat and watched the incident occur instead of helping him. Or preventing it from happening even. This is why he didn’t care much for a soulmate. He thought the only thing they’re good at is thinking. he withdrew his soiled jacket and he turns over in fetal position, ignoring the fact that he still hadn’t put his sheets on the bed yet and fell asleep anyways.
he hadn’t known how much he was tired though. by the time his eyes fluttered open the sky had darkened, and kai’s half of the room was already set up with posters on his wall, yellow and blue sheets on his bed, and his clothes folded neatly and put away. the room was dark but glowed a soft dark blue due to the string lights that kai had along the top borders of the walls. music was playing from somewhere though and beomgyu blinked again this time trying to find where it was coming from. he found kai sitting at his desk on his laptop, the soft + chill indie playlist was coming from his computer. 
beomgyu breathed. “kai? what time is it?”. he says groggily.
“hm? oh you’re up. it’s around 8pm or so. you missed dinner so I brought some back to the room for you. It’s on your desk”. 
beomgyu was grateful, as soon as kai mentioned dinner his stomach practically wanted to bite him. “god you’re a lifesaver thank you”.
he got up and approached his desk clutching the container, “what is it?”. 
“Steak, mashed potatoes with gravy and snow peas”.
immediately upon opening beomgyu grabs a fork and shoves a piece of steak in his mouth and sighs in relief. he was starving. he hadn’t eaten all day. 
“Is your jaw alright? What happened in the refectory today?”.
beomgyu sighs before sitting at his desk across from kai. 
“yeah I’m fine. the medi rubbed some chocolate magic oil on me. But that little son of a bitch taehyun threw his food all over the back of my jacket. On purpose”.
Kai furrows his eyebrow, “the medi rubbed chocolate magic oil on you?”. 
“And then what?”. 
beomgyu thought for a moment trying to figure out what the younger was getting at. once it came to mind he grabbed one of his salt packets and playfully launched it at kai’s head. kai laughed in response and dodged it. he dodged it way too late though. 
“It wasn’t like that”, beomgyu starts, “he only rubbed it on my jaw. plus that medi wizard is old as hell”. 
“for all I know you could be one of those people who likes when old men rub oil on you”.
beomgyu chuckles and clutches his plastic knife in launching position. “you say another fucking word heuning and I will dart this at your eye”.
kai chuckles again. “Anyway. taehyun was probably just trying to get revenge”.
“revenge for what? the train thing was an accident. that kid is insane”. beomgyu sits his bowl down eyeing kai’s laptop. “what are you doing online anyway? classes aren’t until tomorrow morning”.
“our class schedules were posted. you should check yours to see if we have classes together”.
“I will after I take a shower or something. I think that breakfast food settled into my clothes a little”. beomgyu pulls up his collar and sniffs, crinkling his nose at the weird scent. 
“I think now is a good time. earlier when I went it was a bit crowded”. 
beomgyu huffed and looked through his luggage to find his pajamas and toiletries. he threw a towel over his shoulder and promised kai his return. It was weird being away from home. I mean it was college, of course it’s what beomgyu expected but he wasn’t expecting all of it to happen so soon. it was what his mother wanted for him. 
beomgyu was coming near the bathrooms and he was happy to hear how empty it was. well, he thought it was empty. he strolled inside, hearing quite a few voices and laughter. he immediately stopped in his tracks though when he spotted taehyun in the wide bathroom mirror in front of the sinks, shaving his face with a towel wrapped around his waist. beomgyu immediately stood back by the wall near the entrance where taehyun couldn’t see him. 
it wasn’t like he was afraid. but it was late and he didn’t feel like dealing with taehyun’s shit right now. it had been a long day, only the first day in fact. He couldn’t afford any deductions this soon. 
beomgyu stepped up inch by inch, peeking over the other side of the wall. he saw taehyun’s wet black strands of hair falling over his forehead. he was focused, in the mirror trying to shave as much as he could. beomgyu’s eyes fall onto the younger’s arms and body. his abs were chiseled and he built quite a bit of muscle in his biceps from what beomgyu could tell, they were glistening every single time taehyun shook the can of shaving cream. beomgyu curses at himself. 
fuck. why is he so good looking?
Beomgyu places his head back on the other side of the wall where taehyun couldn’t see him. He decided to get a towel and throw it over his head just to get himself safely to a stall. although he looked like an idiot, his plan worked and he was sure to lock the stall behind himself and immediately stripped himself of his clothes. 
taehyun ran the razor underneath the warm water. he felt that sensation again. The one he felt earlier with the feeling of something inscribing itself on his skin. he glanced at his forearm to read, 
fuck. why is he so good looking?
taehyun laughs a little to himself.  he looked around at the few guys that were in the bathroom. most of which were either talking to their friends or in the shower stalls but neither was paying him any mind. he didn’t want a soulmate but he also thought the little aggression in his soulmate’s tone was kind of cute. maybe it wasn’t so bad not knowing who his soulmate was. 
he goes back to shaving and looking at himself in the mirror, thinking about the message on his forearm over again. 
“You look fine hyung, really”. Kai tried to encourage, but beomgyu wasn’t having it. He could feel his body growing hot inside the uniform and to make matters worse, he looked too preppy for his liking. He stood in the mirror, tugging on the collar of his button down with disgust. 
“Why does it have to look like this?”. 
Kai clutches the notebooks in his hand, “it’s school orders to wear our uniforms to each class or it’s a deduction. And speaking of, being late for class is a deduction also. So you might want to put your shoes on”. 
“Shit”. Beomgyu grumbles, clutching a shoe off the ground and trying his best to quickly shove it over the heel of his foot. “I’ve already got several warnings. Hey what class do you have first?”.
“I’m in the philosophy building. What about you?”. 
“Damn it. I have alchemy”. Beomgyu shoots up after he was finished, taking another glance at himself in the mirror before swinging his backpack over his shoulder. “I look like an idiot. But whatever”. 
Kai laughs and opens the door, “let’s go”.
Parting ways with kai was kind of hard, beomgyu will admit. He wasn’t fond of making friends on his own. If it was up to him he’d rather talk to kai for all of his years enrolled. He didn’t mind kai being his only friend. Anyways though, it took him a good amount of time to even find the alchemy wing, much less arriving on time. And  professor harlow made that known as soon as beomgyu walked in. wasn’t scribbling on the chalkboard, no-- rather the chalk was scribbling for her while she leaned on her desk and took sips of her black coffee. 
“you’re late mr. choi. had trouble finding the room?”. 
Shit. beomgyu thought if he said nothing and just kept walking it would keep her from speaking to him. But no, of course she discussed it out in the open and everyone’s eyes were on him now. 
“yeah sorry about that. gonna try and be earlier tomorrow”. 
Beomgyu quickly informed as he kept walking to the back of the room where the empty seats were. He wanted the interaction to be over with as soon as possible. 
“In Alchemy we have labs and lab question discussions. Everyone is assigned to a three person group. Mr. choi you’ll be in group #4”.  
Beomgyu took a breath and searched around the table numbers. A solemn feeling of relief washed over him once he found that it was on the other side of the room, he probably was looking like an idiot in front of everyone. He pulled out his chair and threw his backpack down, nodding at his tablemates. It was only a matter of time before professor harlow began speaking again, laying out the rules and expectations of the class. The pink haired boy held his hand out to beomgyu with a small smile, 
“What up. I’m yeonjun”. He whispers. 
The blue haired boy beside him held his hand out also, chewing on a snack he snuck in. 
“I’m soobin”. 
Beomgyu nods and shakes both of their hands firmly. He didn’t understand why they were so fond of handshakes at a young age. I mean, he didn’t want them to jump into an extravagant hug or anything but gosh, It felt like he was greeting a professor or something.
“I’m beomgyu”. 
Yeonjun nods. “how are you doing? I’m sorry about taehyun the other day”. 
Beomgyu rolls his eyes at the reminder. “It’s alright I’m fine, thanks for asking’. 
“yeah he’s a little hot tempered. Don’t worry about him though. We’re going to do our best to keep him cordial with you in this class”. Soobin adds. 
Beomgyu could almost snap his pencil in half with his hand. “he’s in this class?”. 
Yeonjun turns a little and points his head in Taehyun's direction. beomgyu’s eyes followed and he saw tahyun seated with his own tablemates, highlighting due dates on the syllabus. By that gesture alone beomgyu already knew what type of student taehyun was. And he always hated those types of students. The know-it-alls.
Beomgyu annoyingly shook his head, making a pft noise before turning his attention back to the chalkboard. “this is going to be such a shitty year”. he told himself, frankly not caring if the others heard him or not. whether or not they heard him throughout class, all he could hear was them. each and every day they were consistently arguing back and forth over stupid things. most of which beomgyu tried to ignore for the most part. but it was hard to get a lab done when his partners just wanted to get on each other’s last nerve. maybe this is why they repeatedly failed alchemy.
“I totally won that bet. hand over the cash soobin”. 
“no because you didn’t win”. 
“yes I did. I won it fair and square and you know it”.
“you always want to win everything hyung. how about you learn to lose sometimes?”.
beomgyu shook his head and adjusts his safety goggles and lab coat, placing the beaker full of liquid on the weighing scale and recording the data on the sheet of paper. he hadn’t known making potions would be exactly like chemistry. he was never particularly good at chemistry but since yeonjun and soobin were no help he had no choice but to put his own skills to the test. 
“that’s why I can’t play these types of games with you soobin. you’re a sore fucking loser”. 
“I’m not you’re just a big brat who thinks he needs to win every possible thing in life”. 
looking right past them two though beomgyu glances over at taehyun who was at the other table across from him, of course doing the lab as he was told. he was talking to his group mates and for some reason a tinge of jealousy stained beomgyu’s heart. 
beomgyu hadn’t realized that his thought provoked an inscription in taehyun’s forearm.  he faltered a little while pouring the bits of sodium in the hydro flask before turning away to check the message. 
I hate the fact that I’m so jealous of everyone who has access to you
access to your humor , your friendship, your heart. 
possessiveness comes so easy for me I feel like you’re mine.
taehyun’s cheeks tinted and his heart flutters in a way he never felt before. He decides to continue with the lab experiment so his groupmates wouldn’t question him about anything. He couldn’t help but to think of it over and over. before thinking of something else.
I am yours. always and forever, sweetheart.
“they called you sweetheart? that’s so cute!”. Kai jeers at the dinner table, making the boys around him look at him a little oddly. Beomgyu rolls his eyes and spreads the butter on his piece of bread. “Stop it kai. It isn’t that serious. And I also think you’re glowing a little”. Beomgyu said the last part rather quietly. Kai settles himself and smooths his hands over his hot reddening cheeks. He couldn’t wait to learn more magic so he could control it a lot better. 
“I’m sorry I just got a little excited. You should be excited though. who knows what can happen. Maybe you’ll fall in love”. 
“pft I will not”. 
“ I think you will. especially since you’ve never been in love before”. 
beomgyu takes a pause before chewing into the buttered bread. “wait--how do you know that?”. 
“oh um well it’s another hury trait of mine. we know a lot about the lives of different humans”. 
“so you’re telling me you knew who I was this whole time?”.
“yeah but i know everyone. everyone just doesn’t know me”.
beomgyu chews on a sweet potato fry. he glanced over kai’s features, thinking the boy was way too innocent for his own good. 
“have you ever been in love before kai?”. 
“yeah but I think it was one sided. I hope to find true love someday”. 
beomgyu smiled a little to himself, sliding his arm around kai’s shoulders. “you will. don’t worry. for now we can have fun and fool around until then”. 
kai’s heart grew warm and beomgyu could tell he was a happy about the gesture, his face started glowing again. 
“thank you hyung”. 
“so like are you guys dating?”. beomgyu heard someone ask from the other side of him.  he turns to look and by the boy’s face he could see that the ginger haired boy wasn’t genuinely curious at all.  he looked as though he was on the verge of laughter, like someone sent him to their table as a joke. 
“why the hell do you care? who even are you?”. beomgyu rebuttals.
“just wanted to tell you that you guys look cute together”. The boy adds, cupping his hand over his lips to keep from laughing. kai didn’t like feeling like this. he hated the feeling of becoming angry. it was a feeling his fae family had felt way too often, they were evil creatures and kai didn’t want to be that way. 
“go away”.  kai mumbled underneath his breath in a tone that beomgyu had never heard out of him before. it was dark and didn’t sound good at all. the boy stands up, making a scene. 
“or what? no one is scared of you, softie. you look soft you can’t be a wizard or a mage. what the hell are you? a fairy?”. 
at the sound of that word almost everyone around them dropped their jaws and stared, just waiting to see what kai’s reaction was going to be. and by this time kai’s face grew hot but it didn’t glow. this time it was almost crimson red.  he reaches his hand over and pulls the boy by his collar. the boy’s heart dropped at the sight of kai’s pupils growing larger, and not in a cute way. no, kai’s eyes had become all black. 
“offuco”. he growls, with pixie dust flowing from his mouth and into the boy’s. and sure enough the command did exactly as kai expected, the dust sneaking into the boys throat made him choke to the floor. his neck and face had begun to turn red, so much that his friends had to practically drag him to the medi wing. 
beomgyu’s heart was pounding and he was terrified. So was everyone around him who had now turned around back to their tables, not wanting to partake in anything else. beomgyu swallows with his eyes peering over at kai. he looked much more normal and his pupils even decreased in size. the red in his face had seized and his milky skin was arriving again. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I have to go— take my meds or something”. he quickly clutches his backpack and makes his way out before beomgyu could even say his next word. dinner wouldn’t be anything without kai though and he truly felt bad for him. he didn’t want to just sit and eat alone not knowing what was possibly running through the boy’s mind. so beomgyu grabs his backpack too and takes an early exclusion from dinner. 
he trudges down the hallway cursing at himself for taking this way. to his luck taehyun, soobin and yeonjun were all standing by the vending machines at the end of the hall. he needed to get to kai though and this was the quicker option. he sucked up his pride and tried not to make eye contact but of course yeonjun had something to say anyways. 
“beomgyu? what’s up”.
“yeah what’s up gyu. I’m going to try to work on the lab questions tonight. I feel sorry that we didn’t do the experiment”. Soobin adds. 
beomgyu shrugs. “yeah it’s alright. I’ll try to work on them too”. 
Yeonjun nods, “later on we’re having some drinks in my room if you want to stop by”. 
taehyun glares at the pink haired boy. 
“what? he can come along if he wants”. 
“no he can’t. him and his weird ass boyfriend can stay where they are”. 
“oh shut the fuck up taehyun”. beomgyu harshly replied. 
“you shut the fuck up. I can say what I want to say. you’re not coming”. 
“tyun relax a little”. soobin warned, eyeing Cyprus who was already down the hallway. 
“don’t mind him he’s just being an ass. you can come if you want”. yeonjun continues. 
“no thank you. I don’t want to go to a place where I’m not invited by everyone”.
“so keep walking then”. taehyun adds with his arms folded. 
beomgyu shoves him back into the vending machine.“you fucking have issues”. taehyun gets off of it getting ready to shove him back but yeonjun acts as a safeguard once again, preventing anything else. 
“guys. relax alright? you both aren’t going to be practicing shit but detention if you’re just going to fight all the time”. 
“fuck that. fuck him. I have to go”. beomgyu snatches yeonjun’s hand off his chest before continuing the walk back to his room. 
he knocks, barely hearing anything before he walks in. he was happy to see Kai sitting on the edge of his bed with a pill bottle in his hand and a bottle of water. he looked normal for the most part, just a little spaced out. which is completely normal after the episode that just occurred.
“you alright kai?”. beomgyu asks, shutting the door behind him. 
“I’m okay hyung. I'm sorry about earlier”. 
“you don’t have to apologize for your traits. stop doing that. I’m your friend and I just want to learn more about you”. beomgyu takes a seat on his own bed, rubbing his hands on his slacks. “so what was that?”. 
“remember when I told you everyone thinks that fairies dance in glitter and glow in happiness?”. 
beomgyu nods. “yeah?”. 
“fairies are evil hyung. and the worst thing you could ever do is use the word fairy as an insult to any of us. and some fairies don’t like being called that”. 
beomgyu’s eyes widened. It scared him a little. “so what are you called?”. 
“we’re called the good people”.
“geesh kai. I wish that boy knew that. you practically choked him to death without even touching him. I think next time I have alchemy I’ll try my best to make a potion for that. that was kind of cool”. beomgyu laughs a little in attempt to lighten the mood. kai smiles a little along with him. 
“don’t use your magic to hurt people. I didn’t want to do that but I was angry and evil magic is the only thing I was really taught when I was younger”.  
“It’s alright. that’s what we’re here for. to get our magic under control.”
“you’re right. thanks hyung. well thanks for checking on me”. 
“no problem. I was trying to get here faster but I almost faught taehyun’s dumb ass again”.
“he’s such a bitch kai. you out of all people should know that. yeonjun invited me for drinks in their dorms or whatever— and taehyun got all defensive saying that I couldn’t come”.
“drinks? you should’ve gone and had fun with the third years”. 
“without you? If I would’ve gone tonight you would’ve been coming with me”.
this was true. If beomgyu had gone he would’ve bought kai along. but taehyun knew if beomgyu tagged along he didn’t know what would come out his mouth while he was drunk. perhaps he would’ve admitted everything he thought about him. and he couldn’t afford for beomgyu to know any of that.  he hated him yet he was attracted to him all at once. this is what mainly had his heart racing as soon as beomgyu walked through the door. 
“gyu! wassup man”. yeonjun for some reason yelled a little louder than he intended. there weren’t many people in the third year suite drinking along with them but it was quite enough. more than beomgyu or kai been around at least. the room was dimly lit and there was music playing amongst the chatter between the boys in the room. 
“what’s up. I bought heuning with me”. 
“that’s no problem I’m glad you came. thought you were going to ditch us after you were about to beat taehyun’s ass”. 
Beomgyu swatted his hand as if to discard the statement. “never mind that shit. we’re just here to experience the fun with third years”. 
a drunk soobin immediately pushes a bottle of whiskey to kai’s chest. “let the fun begin”. 
and truly beomgyu wasn’t expecting kai to drink as much as he did. beomgyu drank a little, but not out of control. he was too busy laughing at the piss poor job the third years were doing at karaoke. kai was too, he was laughing so hard on the ground next to him that his face flushed pink. 
taehyun had been on the other side of the room talking amongst his other group of friends, eyeing beomgyu every chance he got. he didn’t want him here but he was too drunk and weak to do anything about it. especially when beomgyu locks eyes with him back, the both of them stared each other down for what seemed to be five minutes before they nervously looked elsewhere. 
If only you knew how pretty you are to me.
taehyun’s drunk thoughts were scrawled across beomgyu’s arm. to which beomgyu slides his sleeves down and tries to hide the blush in his cheeks. 
If the sun could laugh or smile I’m sure it would look a lot like yours. stunning, and it takes my breath away.
I know I can’t have you 
and I hate the fact that a small piece of me wishes that I could 
I’ve grown weak for you and It feels like I’ve known you before. It feels like I’ve loved you before. 
and the more taehyun watched him laugh and smile he realized it was true. he did. he loved beomgyu so much. and when beomgyu locked himself in a bathroom stall just to read the numerous tattoos all over his body he had realized he loved them too. whoever his soulmate was, he was in love. and he couldn’t help it.
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residentanchor · 5 years
When the Mask Falls
Word count: 10k+
Ships: Sleepxiety
Summary: Virgil has worked as a messenger for pretty much all of his life to make ends meet. It worked well, he hardly had to talk and he did enjoy the quiet time on the road, but he was always excited to make it back home. He mostly delivered letters for the rich family in town, the Dormir’s, as they tried to find a person to marry their son.
He was glad Remy Dormir was as particular as he was. Remy spoke his mind and turned down every marriage offer before it could begin before running off to the pubs behind his parent’s back to party. He was Virgil’s best friend and long time crush, but he was okay with pining from the sidelines. He didn’t want to become the next person Remy chased out of town... and their friendship was more than enough for him. 
Warnings: unsympathetic Deceit, angst, cursing, kidnapping, happy ending
Note: This was a writing commission for /@theeternalspace! Thanks so much, I appreciate it!
Virgil wrapped his cloak around him a bit closer as he made his way up the path. He was tired from running around all day despite the fact it was a regular occurrence for him. Whenever he was traveling home, he pushed himself a bit harder than normal. He didn’t dislike nights camping in the woods, but he always missed the comfort of his own bed. However, a job was a job and he was quick on his feet. When the Dormir’s, the richest family in the town, decided to hire him, he couldn’t say no. Running around delivering packages and letters wasn’t glorious, but it paid well enough for him.
Though, he was finishing his last job for them right now. The big house that loomed in front of him was a familiar and welcoming sight. The home of the richest people around, the Dormir’s, along with his best friend, Remington. As Virgil climbed the stairs and knocked on the door to deliver his final letter, he looked up towards the sky and saw the sun at its peak. It was almost midday, still too early for Remy to be awake most likely. Virgil had gotten back home faster than he had thought.
The door creaked open and a familiar face answered. “Virgil, good to see you again. Are you here for master Remington?”
Virgil reached into his bag and pulled out the crisp letter. “I can wake him for you if you need. I’m just dropping this off.”
The servant nodded and took the letter. “Excellent. Shall I expect you to deliver a response for us once again?”
The servant moved and made room for Virgil to enter. With a nod, he accepted and stepped into the home. “I don’t think so, he didn’t wait around this time.”
“Very well. I suppose I shall deliver this and prepare to have guests.”
“I’ll go wake Remy up before his parents find out he was probably out all night again.”
Virgil quickly made his way up the stairs and to his best friend’s bedroom door. He hardly gave it a knock before he opened it, slipping quietly inside. The room was dark, curtains blocking out the morning sun as best they could. Remy was nothing more than a lump of blankets on the bed and Virgil rolled his eyes.
“Come on, Rem, it’s almost midday!” He leaned over and nudged the lump, earning a groan from his friend. “Your parents are going to be looking for you soon. You sure you want to still be in bed when they get here?”
“Ugh, fine. I’ll get up.” Remy sat up and ran a hand through his hair. Virgil thought it wasn’t fair how nice his bed head looked in comparison to his own. Remy took almost no time to prepare claiming that his beauty just came so naturally. Virgil always huffed at that but couldn’t deny how useful it could be sometimes. “What do they want now?”
“I just came back with a response letter again.”
Remy rolled his eyes and stretched, letting out a yawn. “Hate to break this to you, but you’re always bringing back letters. It’s kind of your job?” Remy slipped out from underneath the blankets and headed for his armoire to get an outfit for the day.
“From the people they’ve been talking to, smart ass. They didn’t seem like they were expecting a response back this time. Which can only mean one of two things.”
“My parents changed their mind or someone from the Darvin family is coming to visit. Joy...”
Virgil scoffed and turned away to let his friend get changed. “I still don’t think it’s a good idea to just invite them over like you’ve been friends for years. You don’t know them!”
“True, but my parents have been exchanging letters for weeks now. You know this, you are their messenger.” Virgil flushed a bit as he heard the sound of ruffling clothes fall. “Which means they’re probably gonna try to set me up with their son or something.”
“Charles. I already don’t like him, I bet he’s more stuck up than you are.”
“Aww, Virgil, you jealous?”
“Excuse me--jealous of what?!”
“The idea of me in another man’s arms? Come on, Virgil, you’re my best friend and I am cute.”
Virgil ducked his head away, glad his back was to his friend. He could feel the blush growing on his face. “Yuck, no thanks. He can have you.”
“A lot of people want me, it happens when you’re rich and beautiful. Besides,” Remy’s footsteps sounded a bit closer as he walked up to Virgil. He stepped into view, fully dressed and presentable. “He doesn’t go by Charles. He goes by his middle name.”
“Charles D. Darvin. What’s his middle name anyway?”
Remy snickered a bit. “The D. stands for Dee, actually.”
“How original.” Virgil looked unamused. “They couldn’t afford a full name, really? I thought your parents tried pairing you off with every rich family they came across?”
Remy moved toward the door and threw it open. “They have money, trust me. Their family has been wealthy for generations. Probably why my parents want to get us to meet so quickly.”
“So they’re gonna sell you off to moneybags? Good, get you out of my hair finally.” Virgil couldn’t hide the playful smile on his face from Remy if he tried.
Remy scoffed as he started down the hallway with Virgil trailing after him. “I will not hesitate to drop his ass if he tries anything, you know that. I don’t care what my parents say, I’m not going to marry the first person they throw at me.”
“Yeah, that’s what you said the last three times they tried to marry you off.” Remy turned and glared at his best friend as Virgil just smirked back. “Hasn’t worked yet.”
“I am a treasure that is only worthy of someone I choose.” 
“Yeah, good luck with that.” Remy looked over to his friend and sighed dramatically. “What?”
“How are you so ignorant? I’m irresistible, Virge! No one can keep away from me for long! It’s just a matter of me picking who I want.”
“Whatever you say, Rem.”
Virgil had a bit more free time now that he wasn’t delivering letters for the Dormir’s once more. It usually didn’t last very long. Remy had a streak of chasing away his parent’s latest attempt at having their son settle down. Then they hired Virgil to deliver more letters as they continued to look. It wasn’t perfect but it worked well enough for Virgil and let him stay close to Remy. He felt like the Dormir’s didn’t approve of their friendship but let Remy get away with practically anything, even having a friend they thought wasn’t worthy enough. Virgil was just glad they were too busy to realize the hopeless gaze he had for their son. Virgil was smitten but he would never admit it or act upon it. It was obvious enough that Remy didn’t return his feelings, but their friendship was something he’d always treasure. For now, he’d wait while Remy played with his newest guest.
Unfortunately, that meant that they were busy preparing for their visitors so he wasn’t exactly welcomed at the moment. He’d simply be in the way while ‘actual important people’ were there. The Darvin’s were sending their eldest son in hopes of doing what other families had failed to do--marry the only Dormir heir there was. Remy’s family was rich and owned quite a bit of land and everyone around knew it. Marrying Remington Dormir would give them power, something everyone seemed to be after. Remy was going to inherit everything himself which made him the perfect target for money hungry families to try and pair their children off with him, gender be damned. The whole idea sounded stupid and upsetting to Virgil, and not just because of his unrequited crush. He hated seeing people try to win over his best friend with promises of money and power that Remy obviously didn’t care about. Something good came of it, he supposed. If he could sit back and enjoy Remy calling out all these families and putting them in their place, it made dealing with it almost worth it.
Though, that part hasn’t happened yet. They were still waiting for this ‘Charles’ to arrive and that left Virgil incredibly bored with no one to talk to until the ordeal had passed. If they didn’t infuriate Remy by the first day, he’d keep them around for a bit to entertain himself, which means Virgil might meet them before they ultimately left. If there was one thing Virgil didn’t like, it was having to deal with new people. Shoving letters at them and taking new ones before walking away? Fine. Actually having a conversation? Just plain cruel.
There was one thing that Virgil held no doubts about. Remy wasn’t the type to settle or like anyone, really. Remy didn’t just swoon and fall in love. The fact he got along so well with him was so strange, it’s the only reason the Dormir’s allow Virgil to talk to their son at all he feels. Well, besides it being something Remy wanted himself. They never denied their only child whatever he wanted. Remy had chased everyone else in his life away after a while. Virgil was the only one to break through the tough exterior that was Remington Dormir’s personality and stay. Virgil took pride in that. He knew, no matter who they were, no one would ‘woo’ Remy and sweep him off his feet. Certainly not enough to chase Virgil off after so many years. 
Finally, a few days after delivering the final letter, the mysterious suitor came into town. He was traveling alone and sat atop a horse, but everyone figured out who he was. He was wrapped in a heavy wool traveler's cloak, embroidered around the seams and far too elaborate and expensive for a simple traveler. He didn’t ask for directions, heading straight for the massive building that peeked through the trees at the edge of town. He didn’t look at or greet anyone as he silently made his way through. Virgil watched him ride by, his perfectly quaffed hair and cleanly shaven face infuriating him to his core. Who did this guy think he was? He hoped Remy was smart enough not to fall for a pretty face.
Virgil was too anxious to follow after him, though. He’d leave them to their fate with Remy, the fear of being caught greater than his need to see how they interacted as they first met. This guy could be gone in a matter of hours, so what did it matter?
Remy sat at home listening to his parents fuss over how it was important he made such a good first impression before the suitor appeared, Remy not really caring what happened. All previous suitors were flops, surely this one would be as well. Their speech had been said so many times, he was sure it was rehearsed by this point.
The knock on the door was enough to have his mother take a step back and smile at him. “You’re such a handsome man, you’ll sweep Charles off his feet in no time!”
“Duh,” Remy mumbled under his breath. “It’s the other way around that’s the problem. I am a catch.”
Remy cleared his throat and looked uninterested as his butler brought a man into the room. The stranger took off his cloak and smiled at Remy as if he was genuinely happy to meet him. Remy couldn’t deny he was attractive, but that didn’t mean anything. So were all the others.
“Charles Dee Darvin, but you can call me Dee,” he offered his hand in greeting and Remy took it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Remington Dormir, you may call me Remy.” 
“We’ll leave you two alone,” Remy’s mother called out before shooting her son a glare. “Be nice, Remington!”
Remy waited until the footsteps trailed off and pulled his hand back from the handshake. “Okay, look, ‘Dee’, I’m not looking to get married anytime soon. My parents don’t listen to me when it comes to this stuff. They think shoving every rich person my way will suddenly make me ‘fall in love’ or whatever.”
“Oh thank goodness!” Dee let out a sigh. “Me neither! Truth be told, my parents have recently passed away from illness and, no offense, I’m not really interested either! There’s still so much more I want to do before I get married and take over the family business, you know? Your parents just seemed so excited, I figured I could at least stop by to meet you.”
Remy blinked in surprise before snickering. “Well, then we might just get along great! We can stage a whole fight and get you out of here in no time, but I can at least show you around first!” Dee nodded as Remy strutted by. “I can even show you the town, but we will have to be careful. Everyone around here loves me, of course. How could they not? The only one who isn’t aware of how much they’re in love with me is my best friend, Virgil. He’s in complete denial.”
“Oh? Is he now? How are you so sure of that?”
“Oh, pshh, he’s always coming over and hanging out and checking on these ‘suitors’ my parents send. I mean, I don’t blame him, really. My charm is irresistible!”
“Well,” Dee fell in pace with Remy and smirked devilishly. “How about before I go, I get him to admit he had feelings for you?”
“Oh? Sounds intriguing. And what do you have planned?”
“Well, we pretend we’re falling for each other. We do a bit of flirting and get him to admit he’s jealous. You haven’t had a successful suitor yet, correct? If he thinks this might work, he might slip.” Dee glanced over at Remy as he smirked, proud of his plan. “What do you think?”
“Ohh, how evil! I like it, this could be quite fun! A masterful performance from us and have the whole town be the stage!” Remy threw back his head and laughed. “I think we’ll actually get along rather well!”
“Well, let the flirting begin, shall we?”
“Virgil!” The sudden voice startled the man as he jumped, turning toward the source. “I heard you were back in town!” An older man waved and walked over and Virgil resisted a sigh. He was not one for casual conversation.
“Yeah, hey.” Virgil shifted a bit awkwardly, not used to talking to people around town. Most folks just left him alone unless they had work for him. “Did you need something delivered?”
“What? No, I just wanted to say hi!” Virgil tried to believe that, but there was no reason to talk to him unless they wanted something. “Haven’t seen you around! Have you been to Dormir manor?”
Ahh, so that’s what they wanted from him, information. “Yes, I was doing business for them for a while but that’s ended. I haven’t been there recently if that’s what you mean.”
“Oh, so you haven’t seen their newest visitor, then! Quite a handsome young man, this one.”
Virgil had not. It was always exciting news when anyone traveled to their town. They very rarely got random travelers so most people came by for the Dormir’s. When the man on horseback rode through, Virgil tucked away and waited for him to ride by as he always had. He did not want to see the face of the latest person trying to marry his best friend. Not unless they were actually going to stick around this time.
Virgil shook his head and glanced away. “Nah. I know Remy. If they’re just after money and flattery, he’ll have them out of town before sundown.”
“Oh? I thought you’d care about the people trying to marry young Remington.” Virgil looked up at the old man who smiled back. Something about the look he was giving Virgil spoke more than words could. Virgil couldn’t help but blush before he ducked his head away again. “Come now, boy. When are you going to say something about this? You care for that young man, you should step in and--”
“Look.” Virgil took a harsh tone as he glared up at the old man. “Remington Dormir is a brilliant man who can marry whomever he chooses. No suitor will be able to waltz in here and change that.” Virgil took a moment and held his breath. “No matter who that person will be, I will respect his choice because he’s my best friend. Whatever makes him happy.”
The old man let out a sigh as his shoulders dropped. “Boy… What about what will make you happy?”
Virgil closed his eyes and shook his head. “If Remy is happy, then I’ll be happy too. No need to have someone important get mixed up with a peasant boy and become the biggest laughing stock this side of the kingdom.”
“I hope you have a nice day, sir.” Virgil quickly spun on his heel and marched away, his tattered cloak billowing around him. The old man called out for him once more but gave up once Virgil didn’t respond.
Remington Dormir. From the day they met as kids, he didn’t care about Virgil’s ‘lower status’. When Virgil didn’t treat him special like everyone else in his life, he was interested in what Virgil had to say. For the first time in Virgil’s life, someone cared about what Virgil thought. As they grew up, Remy lost more of his filter and spoke his mind. He chased off suitors that tried to get rid of Virgil for being ‘lesser’. He scared away anyone who was after him for his money or status. Virgil respected how he kept his values and would stick by the man to keep him safe. Remy was ignorant to peasant life and would sneak out to the pub to try and rebel against his parents. Virgil was afraid someone would want to take advantage of him or his parents or try to get money from him because of his name so Virgil was there every night to keep him safe. Remy never asked, but he always thanked him at the end of the night. If that’s all Virgil got as payment for it, then it was more than enough for him. Seeing Remy safe and still wanting him around was more than he could ask for.
So how could he let him know that he’d been harboring these feelings? It would ruin their friendship, something Virgil treasured more than anything in the world.
Virgil floated around town for a while after that. His home was nothing too cozy. He spent so much time traveling that it was a small place he never wanted to spend any time at alone. It was old and drafty but sturdy and a perfectly good shelter for anyone. He didn’t own much besides the essentials and a decent suit Remy had convinced him to get tailored just in case. However, he mostly was avoiding going home in case he missed their newest guest storm out of town. 
Though, a short time later, he heard the townsfolk start to happily greet someone in town square. It was enough of a change to pique his interest, though it didn’t sound like someone storming out of town like he had hoped. He made his way closer into the square and found the crowd, standing on the edge and listening in.
“Did you have to travel far?”
“Will you be staying long?”
“You two seem friendly already!”
“It’s nice to see young Remington behaving for once…”
Eventually, someone turned and saw Virgil, smiling and stepping out of his way to allow him to get closer. Soon, others followed and Virgil ducked his head, wrapping his arms around himself under his cloak. He never was a fan of attention, what were these people looking at?
“Oh, Virge! Perfect timing, come here!” Virgil looked through the crowd and barely made out Remy standing with someone else. Remy seemed oblivious to all the tension around them, waving Virgil over excitedly. “I want you to meet Charles!”
“Please, Remington, you may certainly call me Dee.”
“I will when you start calling me Remy, darling. Virgil!”
Making his way through, Virgil finally got a good look at ‘Dee’. He was tall, his hair was natural and wavy and god, why was his jawline so sharp? Even Virgil couldn’t deny he was attractive and his smile seemed genuine and friendly which only made Virgil hesitant to dislike him. Something screamed at Virgil to be on edge and Virgil tried to shove it down. Jealousy would get him nowhere right now.
He held out a hand, wearing a pair of silk gloves, and smiled. “My friends call me Dee and any friend of Remy’s is a friend of mine!”
“Oh, good! Because Virgil is sticking around, no exceptions! He’s my closest friend and my confidant! We’re a packaged deal!”
“Of course,” Dee let go of Virgil’s hand and smiled. “I could never come between your friends. I do hope we get along as well.”
“Especially if he wants to stay, right Virgil?” Remy walked up and placed his hand on Virgil’s shoulder. “No one comes between me and my best friend! No matter how cute he is.” Virgil watched Remy look over at Dee and wink, confused by the display in front of him. Was he… flirting? Remy flirts, yes, but usually not with the suitors picked out for him. 
“Oh, Remy, you flatter me so! Such high compliments of someone of your beauty, you must be careful. I may grow an ego at this rate and you have enough for both of us.” Virgil couldn’t help but chuckle, staring back and forth between the two. They seemed like… good friends already. Remy smiled and looked at Dee a bit and Virgil felt his stomach twist. Was… was this real? For the first time, did Remy meet someone who could match him? Someone he was actually interested in? Virgil hadn’t seen him give any of the other suitors the time of day. But this guy… handsome and charming and funny, everything Virgil could dream to be. Of course someone so perfect would finally catch his attention.
‘I’ll respect his choice because he is my best friend.’
It was still too early to say, they had only just met a few hours ago, but Virgil had never seen a suitor get this far before, especially so quickly. 
“W-wow, Remy. You two seem to get along great already.” Virgil smiled and turned to Dee. “Just remember, buddy. I’m the best friend and no matter what happens, that doesn’t change.”
Remy seemed to frown at Virgil’s words, not that his friend had seen. Dee most certainly did, however. “I would never take your place intentionally. However, I do see a bright future ahead of us. Just have to see where it takes us, right Remy?”
“Oh, yes! Absolutely! If you’re in my future then I guess it’s looking pretty good.” Remy smiled and glanced at Virgil again. He was still smiling. Why was he still smiling? “Well! Sorry to leave so suddenly, but we have dinner plans, right Dee?”
“Of course,” Dee held out his arm for Remy to take. “We should make our way back  before it gets too late, my dear.” 
‘It’s still early! You have plenty of time!’ Virgil wanted to shout it for everyone to hear, but he kept his mouth closed. “Well, I hope to see you soon! I’d like to get a bit more acquainted with your new friend if he’s going to be staying.”
‘You’re not supposed to be happy about this! Say something!’ Remy nodded and waved. “Of course, I’ll see you around, Virgil!”
Virgil watched the two make their way back to Dormir manor for a bit before glancing around. He jumped, realizing dozens of eyes were on him, each giving him a look of pity. He shrugged it off and spun around, retreating to his home finally. The day was still early, but he felt exhausted enough to sleep through the night.
“That didn’t work at all!” Remy huffed, pacing back and forth. “He was just… all nice and supportive!” Dee sat in a chair with his legs crossed, watching the other each time he walked by. “He was supposed to be mad!”
“Is it really a bad thing he was supportive?”
“Yes!” Remy stopped and stomped his foot. “He has to be jealous! He has to like me!”
“Why?” Dee tilted his head and leaned against the armrest. “Why does it matter that one person in the world doesn’t see how enchanting you truly are?”
Remy waved him off and turned away, a scowl forming on his face. “Because! It just does!” After Dee didn’t give any sort of response, he turned back and saw Dee staring at him in surprise. “What?”
“Nothing, I apologize.” Dee folded his hands in front of him. “We can try again tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but what if that doesn’t work? We’re gonna need a plan if we’re going to get this to work!”
Dee scrunched his nose in distaste. “You want to keep trying?” He frowned a bit before a thought came to mind. “You want me to help you?”
“No one else is going to and you’re almost perfect. Handsome, smart, rich. I’d call you absolutely perfect but I’m standing right here.”
“Yeah,” Dee leaned on his hand and smiled up at Remy. “I’ll agree to that.”
Remy held up his hand and silenced the other. “Save it for when we see Virgil!”
Virgil couldn’t believe it. 
This new guy has lasted longer than any other suitor by a long shot. He’s not only still hanging around, but Remy was practically draped all over him. The Dormir’s were thrilled and basically picking out flowers for the wedding. Dee didn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon.
“Remy, meeting you has been such a pleasure. You’re far more enchanting in person than I had been told.”
“Oh, Dee, you flatter me so. Keep going.”
Virgil hated all of it.
The worst part? Remy kept inviting Virgil over, wanting him and Dee to get along as much as possible. So he had to watch Remy flirt with the man while Dee stared at Remy with gooey eyes like he was in love and it hurt. Virgil kept smiling and hiding his pain and Remy seemed to be falling for it. Dee, however?
“I know you like him.”
Remy had invited Virgil over for dinner, something he didn’t normally do when suitors were still visiting. He had accepted out of courtesy and had been dreading the night ever since. Even Remy’s parents seemed a bit surprised at how well he was getting along with Dee.
“What?” Virgil responded before Dee’s words sunk in. “I mean, duh. Of course I do. We’re best friends.” Virgil chuckled nervously for a bit before noticing Dee wasn’t buying it. He stopped and looked away, trying not to panic. “What does it matter?”
“It doesn’t, not really.” Virgil looked up at Dee who smirked back. He looked cocky and it was enough for Virgil to throw out everything he felt about the guy and just loathe him. His initial distaste when they had met floated back up to the top once more. “Remy had a chance to pick you and oh, look. He picked me instead. You can like him all you want, I can certainly see why, but that doesn’t change a thing.”
“I know that.” Virgil glared back, not backing down. “My feelings don’t matter, as long as Remy is happy.”
“Oh, sure, of course, but why stick around if you know you’ve lost?”
“Lost?” Shaking his head, the messenger actually felt a bit confident for once. “Lost what? Remy? He’s not some--some prize to win, I get to be his friend. I get to see him happy. We get to spend our lives with one another. Where in any of that have I ‘lost’? He doesn’t return my feelings, so what? He doesn’t have to and I can’t make him. I’m certainly not losing out on my end.” Dee stood stoic as Virgil went off on his tangent. “You know that you can’t get rid of me, so don’t even try. So, fine. Get married. Be the love of his life or whatever. I’ll still be here for him.”
“Oh, you foolish boy.” Dee chuckled and shook his head. “You underestimate me.” Dee leaned in a bit closer. “Good. Makes my job easier.”
Dee walked away to try and find Remy who had left the room a few minutes before. 
Virgil stood back and thought about everything that Dee had said. Sure, he didn’t explicitly say that he was going to drive Virgil away, but shouldn’t he warn Remy? Dee was trying to break the first rule that he put down… but does that mean that if he tried to explain, he’d make Remy pick between him and Dee? He was sure he would be picked but… Did he really want to chance that and find out the true answer?
Virgil had gone back and forth about it all afternoon. As it grew closer to the end of the day, it was almost time for the dinner he had already accepted before the talk with Dee. Virgil spent every moment since then figuring out how to back out of it. That was, until the moment that Remy’s parents had called Dee away for something, leaving the two of them alone.
“Alright, girl, spill it.” Virgil looked to his best friend who was unamused. Remy crossed his arms in front of him and huffed. “What’s with you this afternoon? You’ve been acting super weird.”
“Oh, it’s--”
“No, none of that.” Waving his hand away, Remy walked closer and pointed at Virgil accusingly. “You are not about to lie and tell me it’s nothing. Babe. We’re best friends. I know you better than that.”
Virgil felt his face flush in embarrassment. “It’s… just… something Dee said bothered me, I guess. I’ll get over it.”
“Oh? What did he say?” Virgil remained silent and Remy let out a huff. “Vee! Just tell me, you can talk to me about anything. You know that, right?”
“He talked like he was going to get rid of me. Like, not those exact words, but he asked why I hung out with you and no one else. Like he was accusing me of something.”
“Something?” Virgil looked at Remy and felt his stomach drop. Why was he smiling? This was serious! “What do you think he was accusing you of?”
“I dunno… Maybe he felt I was going to chase him away so he wants to do it first?”
“Virgil,” The serious tone in Remy’s voice put Virgil on edge. “Are you… jealous?”
“Of what, Dee? Gosh, no. You can have him!” He shook his head and his face twisted like he had tasted something sour.
Remy nodded and tried to hide his smile. “If not Dee, then… Me?” Virgil froze and Remy felt his heart soar. Yes. Yes! This was it! This is what he had wanted to hear for all these weeks. All of his and Dee’s efforts were finally paying off. “Virgil, do you like me?”
“I’ve gotta go-” Virgil turned to run.
“No, Virge, let’s talk about this! Virgil!!” Remy chased after him but it was no use. Virgil was lithe, agile and much faster than Remy could hope to be. He was out the front door and down the road before Remy had a chance of catching him. “Oh, Vee…”
“What’s with all the commotion?” Dee walked out of the other room, Remy’s mother trailing close behind.
Remy shifted on his feet while trying to think of an answer. “Oh, Virgil was feeling a bit upset! Ran right out the door! I don’t think he’ll be back for dinner.”
“What a shame, I hope he will be alright” he watched his mother wave off the closest person in Remy’s life without a second thought before turning to Dee. “Well, you can check on him later. Dinner is almost ready.”
Dee walked up and smiled, raising a brow. “Everything alright, my dear?”
“Yes!” Remy squealed excitedly. “Dee, our plan worked! He’s been totally super jealous this whole time!”
“Yeah, that much was obvious, you just figure it out yourself?” Dee wrapped an arm around Remy and directed him toward the kitchen. “You two have it bad for each other, I figured that out on my first day.”
Remy tensed and waited until they got to the door of the dining room before taking Dee’s hand and removing his arm from him. “Right, well, thanks for sharing earlier. Now that I’ve heard it, we can finally call this whole thing off.”
Remy strode into the dining room, leaving Dee to watch him as he sat down. Dee scowled and glared for a moment before collecting himself and painting the smile back on his face. 
Remy heard a loud bang and shot awake, blinking and trying to make out the shapes of his room. Even with his curtains drawn, he could tell it was still pitch black outside. Usually he was dead to the world but something had put him on edge, his heart racing and short of breath. He adjusted to the dark and glanced around, sitting silently on his bed as he listened for any unusual noises.
Just as he was about to give up and lay back down, he heard creaking outside his bedroom door before it slowly started to open. He reached over to his end table to grab a dagger he had on display. He wasn’t sure if it was actually sharp but he wasn’t willing to take the chance.
He let out a sigh of relief when he was able to make out Dee slipping into his room, fully clothed and ready for… Remy wasn’t exactly sure.
“Dee, what the shit are you doing in my room? I need sleep to stay this beautiful!” Dee slipped quietly over to the bed as Remy placed the dagger back down on the table. “Nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Wouldn’t want that.” He spoke softly, his deep voice could send shivers down someone’s spine with the way he spoke. “Now, get dressed. We’re leaving.”
Remy sat for a moment before chuckling. “The hell are you talking about? It’s the middle of the night, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Yes you are. You’re going to write a little letter to your parents about how excited you were after I told you the news and just couldn’t wait so we left as soon as possible.” Dee leaned one hand on the bed, getting closer to Remy as he backed away. “They’ll think we left last night.”
Remy pushed back against his mountain of pillows and started to turn away. “What news? What are you talking about?”
“Oh, have I forgotten to mention?” Dee smiled and crawled onto the bed. “I talked to your mother last night. She said if I had your approval, we were to be wed. Just as Virgil ran away, how perfect.”
Remy pulled his knees to his chest to make a barrier between him and Dee. “Yeah, no. Sorry, hun, not interested. You do not have my approval, remember? I was doing this to make Virgil jealous.” Dee reached out and grabbed Remy’s arm. “Let go of me!”
“Or what? You’ll run to that peasant boy? The same one who ran away from you today?” Remy pulled his arm free and glared at the other intensely. “What do you think will happen? You’ll be whisked away to live with him and everyone will be okay with it? He doesn’t even have to guts to admit he likes you. Hell, you can’t even admit to yourself that you like him, you had to use me to do it!”
“The hell should I listen to whatever you have to say?” Remy’s voice wavered, suddenly realizing his hands were shaking as they gripped his sheets tighter.
Dee smirked and crossed his arms. “Because I now know your biggest weakness now. So,” Dee pushed himself off of the bed and glared back at the other. “Get up. Get dressed. Pack your things, and I won’t have to use every ounce of influence I have to ruin that low life into a shallow grave where you’ll never see him again.”
Remy sat there for a moment as he watched Dee waiting impatiently by his bedside. “No.”
“No?” “I’m not going to allow you to threaten me in my own home so you can get your way!”
Dee stood there a moment before letting out a sigh. “Then we will do this the hard way. Guess my note is going to do.”
Dee moved in an instant, launching himself across the bed. Remy held up his hands and pushed him away, but not before Dee reached out with something in his hand. Remy wasn’t sure what it was, but it smelled sweet and was overpowering. That’s all he could make out before everything turned dark.
Virgil hardly slept that night. He kept thinking of ways to convince Remy that he was just imagining things again. He had a tendency to get ahead of himself and go overboard with very little context and Virgil knew that, but usually he wasn’t so… accurate. Remy had been ignorant of his feelings for years and yet the slightest bit of hesitation and he was able to guess what was going on?
Virgil knew that he just had to wait for sunrise and head over like he did every day and pretend things were normal. Say he ran away because he didn’t want the Dormir’s to think he was getting in between Remy and Dee. The two had grown close exceptionally fast and Virgil’s feelings finally coming to light would only make Remy’s parents more suspicious of him then he already was.
“He what?!”
“Left last night! Poor boy must have been so excited that he couldn’t wait! Should have talked to us first but you know how he can be.” Remy’s mother smiled as she turned to her husband. Virgil glanced behind them and noticed the butler loading up a coach to the side. He made no comment of it when he arrived, hoping it was Dee finally leaving. “We’re on our way to follow them now! Charles had told me he wanted to make the announcement at a social gathering!”
Virgil looked up at her confused. “You mean… like a party?”
She scoffed and waved him off. “Someone of your social status would make that assumption, but it’s much more high class than a party. They’re going to announce their engagement to anyone who is anyone!”
“Oh, right. I guess that’s what he meant, then.” Virgil bit his lip and glanced away as everything pieced together. Charles was right, Virgil did underestimate him a bit and now Remy was gone.
“Who are you talking about?” Mrs. Dormir asked, curious to Virgil’s mumblings.
“Dee, sorry, Charles mentioned something to me last night.”
“He told you about the engagement?!” Virgil looked up to the surprised look on her face and froze. “I know he talked to me about it, but he told you? And you actually gave your approval?”
Virgil felt a fluttering of panic in his chest for a brief moment before he got an idea and smirked. “Yeah, I mean, we got along pretty well and it’s Remy’s decision anyway. It’s kinda why I ran off. Charles asked me to keep it a secret but I’m terrible at keeping secrets. Remy knows me well enough that he could tell something was off so I ran away to keep the secret. I was just a bit surprised that he took off last night, but it makes sense. It’s a very Remy thing to do after all.”
Waiting with baited breath, Virgil hoped that they took the bait and half baked story he came up with on the spot. Mrs. Dormir smiled and turned to her husband with a chuckle. “It is like him to just run on ahead like that, isn’t it? Our little fire crackle!” She turned back to Virgil with a genuine smile on her face. “Would you like to come with us?” Virgil visibly tensed and she waved him off. “Oh, none of that! You’ve been more than welcome in our home and you and Remington are the closest of friends! It would be a shame you miss his engagement! He’d want you to be there and I know you would want to be there for him.”
Mr. Dormir nodded in agreement. “We will be leaving shortly. Do you have a nice suit of some sort? Can’t have you going to the masquerade like that!”
Virgil nodded and pointed over his shoulder to the pathway. “Yeah, Remy told me I should have a nice outfit just in case so I got one tailored at that shop when I was doing a delivery for you once.” Both of them seemed a bit surprised at that. “It was a bit pricey but I don’t really spend the money I make on anything other than the essentials and you never know when you’ll need to dress up, right? Looks like he was right and I’ll get some use out of it after all.”
“Good, we can pick up masks for all of us once we arrive! Surely after word gets out, there will be plenty for sale!”
Virgil let them talk before they walked off, excited about the plans for the future. Finding out that Remy left in the middle of the night? He had underestimated Dee but he had also been underestimated. He was going to show up and find Remy and discover the truth and get some answers. 
Virgil spun and ran off to his home to pack for the trip. Leaving in the middle of the night? Holding a huge party to announce the marriage? That all sounded like Remy, that was undeniable, but something kept him on edge. Something wasn’t sitting right and had the warning bells ringing in his head like crazy. 
“Virgil, do you like me?”
Why did Remy seem so… happy? He was smiling! Virgil had thought he was plotting something, but what if--?
What if, for once in his life, he didn’t just shrug it off and believed it to be true? Remy always made him welcome, always defended him. Always thanked him after a crazy night at the bar and always said he would never leave him behind. So maybe it was his heart being hopeful, but Virgil decided to take a page from Remy’s book. 
He was going to face him and find out before he lost his chance forever, even if nothing has changed. Even if Virgil was wrong, he couldn’t let this just go by. Not knowing would eat away at him for the rest of his life.
“Don’t look so glum! Guests will be arriving shortly!” Dee walked over and placed his hands on Remy’s shoulders. “And please put your mask on. Don’t want everyone falling at your feet before I can even make the announcement! Your beauty knows no bounds, my darling.”
“You mean hide me away in plain sight so I can’t try to escape?”
Dee scoffed and rubbed Remy’s arms, which he decided he had deeply hated at that moment. It was an action meant to comfort someone but instead it simply made his skin crawl. “Not like it would matter, my dear. You’re in my home now, not yours, and I’ve got friends who can keep it that way. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, don’t want your parents having an accident on their way home, now do we?” Dee patted Remy on the back and walked out, a grin across his face. 
Remy waited for the door to close before he turned to the dresser where his masquerade mask sat. Of course he would pull something so elaborate that also worked so well in his favor. Hide him away in a sea of people until the announcement was made. Then anyone who was anyone wouldn’t let him break the engagement due to social bullshit. He was trying to think of a way out of this whole situation and this stupid party was his best bet, not to mention also his last chance. However, his parents wouldn’t understand he was being used before he would get caught trying to escape. If he just had someone to help him out, if only he had someone who would listen, if only Virgil were here.
Remy picked up the silver and golden trimmed mask and looked back to the mirror, holding it up to his face. He frowned, upset at how good he looked. I mean, of course he looked good, but he didn’t want to look good for Charles. He didn’t want to wear anything that man and picked out for him. Sure, the guy was charming enough, but the whole ‘kidnapping and blackmailing you to marry me’ thing kind of killed any chance he would have had, not that he had any to begin with.
Come to think of it, it was Dee’s plan to flirt together to make Virgil jealous. As soon as Remy had mentioned Virgil was probably hopelessly in love with him, Dee had immediately offered the idea! Was it to get him to flirt back? Was that just a coincidence or… Had he really planned this from the beginning?
“That son of a bitch.”
That had him plummeting down a mental spiral as he thought back to their previous conversations. Dee’s encouraging words to take it a step further to try and get a reaction from Virgil. They kept up the charade in front of his parents so it didn't seem suspicious. Dee did not want to plan the break up until Virgil finally caved… everything that made sense in the moment seemed to only lead up to what inevitably happened.
Kidnapping and blackmail? That's what Dee's plan was if he didn't go along willingly? Threatening him and his family so he would agree to marry him? Remy needed to come up with a plan to get away from this psycho and fast, he only had a few hours left.
Virgil scoffed at the price of the cheap black and purple mask he had picked up and handed over the gold. It was necessary to get in and not immediately be noticed by Charles Darvin. Mr. Dormir helped style Virgil’s hair, slicking it back instead of having it fall in his face like it normally did. Virgil stood up and squared his shoulders instead of his slight hunch. He looked completely different than he normally would and even Mrs. Dormir made a noise of approval. He knew he’d at least blend in well enough that he may sneak by Dee but finding Remy would prove difficult.
The Dormir’s led the way into the manor, greeting the butlers at the door as they made their way in. The entryway was larger than Virgil had ever seen and it led to the front room which was packed full of people in masks. Virgil felt his heart plummet, unsure of how he would find Remy in this mess.
After a while, he had excused himself from the Dormir’s to mingle with the guests and try to get away from some of the noise to assess the room. Unfortunately, every corner had someone chatting away and laughter all around, celebrating whatever news Charles had planned to announce. As the night dragged on, Virgil felt no closer to finding Remy. Was he even here? Would he find him too late?
He was in a full blown silent panic when someone reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the side. Virgil turned and looked up at the man in the silvery mask as he started to collect himself.
“What?” Virgil’s eyes lit up as he started to collect himself. He looked exhausted and not nearly as confident as he usually did but this was, without a doubt, his best friend.
“Sorry,” Remy pulled his hand back as he apologized. “You just almost looked like someone I knew. The masks have been throwing me off all night, I do apologize.”
“Remy,” Virgil reached out and smiled, gently placing his hands on Remy’s shoulders. He watched Remy tense up and rubbed his arms to try to relax him. It worked and Remy smiled before launching himself at the other. “Woah, okay! Hello to you, too!”
“Oh goodness, Virgil! It’s really you! I thought I recognized that suit, you look so good, babe!” Virgil laughed and Remy pulled back. “Oh, it’s the absolute worst! Charles planned this whole thing from the beginning and he’s threatening my parents into getting me to agree to this engagement and it’s the worst!”
Virgil frowned and grit his teeth as he tried to contain his anger. “I knew something felt off about this whole thing.”
“Girl, you know I’d have taken you with me if I was doing anything fun, you always have my back.” Remy sounded genuinely sincere as he spoke, not an ounce of his usual sass in his tone. “I don’t know how to get out of this one.”
“Do you trust me?” Virgil spoke low enough that Remy barely was able to hear. He nodded without hesitation and Virgil smiled. “Keep him distracted long enough before he makes the announcement. I have a plan, okay? Just play along.”
Virgil then wrinkled his nose in disgust and took a step back, dusting himself off. Remy looked confused before an arm fell over his shoulders. He looked over to see a mask that mimicked his own with gold and black, piercing eyes glancing down at him. “Everything alright, my dear?” The voice asked and Remy tensed, recognizing Dee’s voice anywhere. 
“Is he with you?” Virgil spoke in a deeper tone to hide his own. “Seemed to think I was someone else. Does he not understand what a masquerade is?” Virgil let out a ‘hmph!’ and stormed off, fixing his vest and not looking back at all. His heart was pounding, hoping Dee wouldn’t pick up on the fact that it was him in the least. Even Remy wasn’t sure it was him at first which was a good sign. Once he was far enough away, he glared over to where they were before finding them missing. He ran a hand over his hair, reflexively wanting to push it out of his face like he normally would, and walked away.
“And whom did you think that could have been, my dear?”
Remy shoved the arm off his shoulder and spun around, staring Dee down. “I don’t care if you succeed, I will make you regret ever messing with me until the day you die, is that understood?”
Dee chuckled and shook his head. “You’ll come to love it here as soon as you get out of your head that your messenger boy is not coming for you. However, if it makes you feel better, I’d be more than happy to hire him myself. I’m sure he could help me keep tabs on your parents.”
Remy felt his face burning with anger. “So you can keep a tab on him as well?”
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do to make you safe and happy here, so yes. Now,” Dee held out his hand with a smile. “Let us give our special announcement, shall we?”
Remy glared at the hand and crossed his arms, refusing the offer. Dee chuckled and shook his head as if enjoying the little rebellion. He reached out and cupped Remy’s face with his hand, gently brushing his cheek with his thumb. Remy smacked it away immediately, leaving Dee open to grab it in return. Refusing to let go, he pulled Remy along toward the staircase where they could get to higher ground and make their announcement.
As they broke away from the crowd and climbed the steps, Dee turned and smiled. “Remember, your parents will be watching and I have made sure they won’t leave without my say. Don’t you want them to make it back safely?”
“Go choke on a turkey leg.”
Dee smiled and turned on the stairs, facing the crowd. He waited for Remy to turn to the crowd and look back at him reluctantly. “Well? Can’t make the announcement without you.”
“Right now? Are you sure you don’t want to wait?”
“Why? Nothing will change between now and later. Don’t you want to celebrate?” Dee smiled and held out his hand once more. Remy ignored it and took the last final steps to be level with him, pushing the hand away. “A little better, you’re already learning. Don’t forget, we still have to sell it.”
Remy huffed and turned away, searching the crowd as best he could.
“Could I get everyone’s attention?” The roar of chatter quieted down as everyone turned toward the stairs. “Thank you. My name is Charles D. Darvin and I welcome you all to Darvin Manor. As you all may know, I have returned from a trip a few towns over to meet the lovely Remington Dormir.” Remy took the opportunity to remove his mask, hating how much it was made to reflect Dee’s. “Since my parents passed, I’ve been hoping to meet someone to help me take over the family business.”
Which was contradictory to what he had told Remy when they had met. He had said he wasn’t looking to be married anytime soon. Now he’s finding out it was the opposite and he went to Remy with that specifically in mind, just like he had thought.
“When we had met,” Remy spoke up, cutting off Dee. “Charles assured me we didn’t have to simply be married.”
“We had clicked right away, however, and things changed.” Dee challenged back. “As the weeks grew on, there was one thing that we both became aware of. We were in love.”
The crowd gasped and Remy felt his heart skip a beat. “Dee was in love with me, and I-”
A man pushed through the crowd and approached the stairs. “Was in love with me.”
Everyone in the room watched as Dee turned red, glaring at the figure as he advanced up the stairs. He slowly took off his purple mask, a few strands of his hair falling out of place and into his face. “Virgil,” Remy smiled, reaching out for him. Dee wrapped his arm around his shoulders and forcefully pulled him in. 
“Remy, we talked about this,” he hissed under his breath.
“Yes, we did.” Remy looked at him and smiled. “When you came to me, I told you my best friend was in love with me, something you admitted you noticed when you met him immediately. Together, we decided to flirt to make him jealous and admit his feelings.”
“What you both forgot,” Virgil approached slowly, one step at a time. “Was that I was willing to do anything for Remington’s happiness, even if that meant stepping aside. I am a messenger, not one fit to be with someone as high class as a Dormir. Until that final night, when you approached me about your plan.” Virgil turned around to face the crowd. “A gathering to allow me to prove to the Dormir’s and anyone else who had any objections see how far I was willing to go for Remy to prove my love.”
Remy shoved Dee off and took a step down, reaching back out for Virgil. “Dee explained it to me and we came up with a plan and now here we are.” He heard Dee make a noise of discontent behind him, but his eyes never left Virgil’s. “He came after me and I happily accept his affections, regardless of what anyone has to say.”
“Remington--!” Dee bit out before turning back to the crowd. “Surely, someone here would have objections to you being with a peasant when you could be with me?”
Virgil took the final step, meeting up with Remy, and wrapped his arms around him carefully. Remy had realized that it wasn’t the actions that made his skin crawl earlier. When Virgil had rubbed his arms to soothe him, it did. As Virgil held him in his arms, he felt at ease. His heart fluttered as it had with Dee, but not in panic. This whole time, he wanted to prove Virgil was in love with him. How ironic that it was Remy who was in love but completely unaware of his own feelings. 
“Remington Dormir!” Remy and Virgil looked to the figure at the bottom of the stairs and saw Mrs. Dormir looking furious. “You planned this whole thing to try to convince us to let you be with Virgil?!” She let out a sigh as Mr. Dormir walked up behind her, placing a hand on her back. “You stupid boy!”
“Mother, just listen!” Remy called out. “Virgil is-”
“That is enough, Remington, you listen to me!” She yelled back. “Did you think we were stupid? That you had to go and make a big show of all of this and make us look like fools?” Remy leaned back as if her words physically hurt. “We know you like Virgil, sweetie. Anyone who has seen you two together can figure that out. We were just waiting for you to do something about it!”
“What?” Virgil and Remy spoke at the same time before looking at one another in confusion.
“Son, why do you think we hired Virgil in the first place?” Mr. Dormir asked. “We knew Virgil wouldn’t speak up himself, it’s just his nature. We knew out of the two of you, it would be you who would say something against anyone who would have objected. Who cares if he’s a messenger boy if you two love each other? We were so worried when you ran off, we thought you were acting a bit brash and acting out because of a little misunderstanding you two may have had. We came here to talk to you and set it straight, but it was a masquerade and we couldn’t find you.”
“We would never have let you marry Charles, sweetie. We knew it wasn’t real.”
“What?!” Dee called out, marching down the stairs. “How dare you tell me what I can and can not do!”
“That is enough out of you, young man!” Mrs. Dormir shouted. “That is my son you’re playing with. I don’t care how rich the Darvin name makes you, you are outnumbered. We have respect for others!”
The crowd began to murmur as they glanced Dee’s way, frowns on their faces. “Wait, hold on just a moment!”
“It’s okay, mother.” Remy descended the steps, Virgil following close behind. “Virgil and I forgive him, he tried and failed. No need to tear him down too much.”
“I’m okay with it.” Remy elbowed Virgil in the side and sent him a glare. “Ow! Okay, no tearing him down. I mean, he is still grieving, isn’t he?”
“Anyone else have an issue with Virgil and I?” Remy challenged the audience, staring down the many faces in the crowd. The room remained silent as he turned, sending glances in every direction. “No one? Good. Now if you shall excuse me, we have things to discuss.” Remy reached behind him and grabbed Virgil’s hand, pulling him out of Darvin Manor. They marched down the pathway and into the town. Night had fallen and it was quieter by far, the crickets unable to be as loud as the chatter from earlier. 
“Remy, are you okay?”
“You are an idiot!” Remy spun around, tears in his eyes. “You were really just watching as my parents threw suitors at me and you weren’t going to say anything?!”
Virgil hunched over, more of his hair naturally falling back into place. “I just wanted you to be happy with whomever you choose.”
“You mean my parents, whomever my parents choose.”
Virgil stood up and scrunched his nose. “No! You didn’t seem to return my feelings and I wasn’t going to force you to!”
Remy blinked and a tear ran down his face. He cursed under his breath and wiped it away, angry it had even fallen in the first place. “My goodness, we are a pair of idiots!”
“I’ll agree to that.” Virgil stepped closer, grabbing Remy’s wrist as he rubbed away at his eyes. “You really return my-”
“Virgil, I swear if you finish that sentence, I will hit you. Hard.” He looked up at Virgil, squinting his eyes. “Got it, babe?”
“Got it, babe.” Remy blinked and flushed before he turned and hid his face. “Oh, what’s this? Can’t take your own nicknames when they’re thrown back at you?”
“Shut up!”
“Anything for you, babe.” Remy whined as Virgil reached out and pulled him close. “Anything.”
Taglist: @helloisthisusernametaken @entitydark @lightningbug04 @moonstone-fox @another-sandersidesblog @thesynysterunknown @roo-kangas @singingjo @unikornavenger @rememberfateau-nowoffical @sanders-sides-trasshcan @sleepyssnail @jemthebookworm @spectralheartt @fandomsofrandom @johnlaurensadmirer-johnsenpaiowo @rosie601 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @izzyfandoms @zaidiashipper @enbyamy @romanmustberomantic @daylnvale @that-one-sunfish-with-a-wig-on @squiddney69 @decayingfoxx @watchoutforthefanfics @pigeonsinatree @lynnthefander @k1ngtok1 @wewuzraw @blue-summer-sky 
If your name is in bold, I am removing you from the taglist. I am unable to tag you because of your settings/you changed your name and haven’t told me. Please keep this in mind!!
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fanfiction tag game
thank you for tagging me @witcher-and-his-bard and @dhwty-writes ! i did this faster than one business month, so I'm pretty proud of that. It's not because I'm avoiding doing my dishes at all...
how many works do you have on Ao3?
what’s your total Ao3 word count?
299,897... I had no idea I was that close to 300k o: I have about 15k that'll be posted in the next week, so look forward to me blazing past that
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
enough to drive a man mad ...you write one fake dating fic
five times geralt saw jaskier naked on accident + one time it was entirely on purpose
the thorny heart of a wolf Jaskier is a romance novelist, and Geralt is blissfully unaware
of stolen shirts and sorrow
yarn rants with dandelion
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
yes! for me, it makes my day just as much when an author replies to me as when I get a comment on one of my things, so I try to reply unless I miss something. It just might take me a while (:
what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I don't do sad endings, but I would say the happiest one is Gonna Take You Downtown
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Angst with happy endings only for me! (so far, I've got some sitting in my wips, for sure (;
do you write crossovers?
I might write a fic based on another piece of media, but I've never written an actual crossover before. too niche, even for me
have you ever received hate on a fic?
(: it's a sucky thing to do to someone! if you're leaving a mean comment on a fic, you obviously read it, and when you leave that comment all you're doing is killing someone's motivation to write. just delete it and keep scrolling
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
whatever the situation calls for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
have you ever co-written a fic before?
I about said no, but that's a big old lie. I've been a part of the three of the train fics that have been floating around! my job is to make it as hard as possible for whoever goes after me (:
what’s your all-time favourite ship?
...destiel. still the greatest love story of all time. when will there ever be an 11 year will they won't they with all the odds against them again?
what’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Mm... my fic that was a rewrite of supernatural still true to all the canon but Dean and Cas are in a relationship after they get out of purgatory. I didn't think they'd give us anything ever on screen, so that threw a bit of a wrench into my plans.
what are your writing strengths?
Openings? Maybe? I think I'm not too bad at jumping straight into the action and hooking people. Also banter! from real world experience (:
what are your writing weaknesses?
transitions, my beloathed
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
just depends. I go wild for people describing hand movements for sign language, but anything else? meh
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Supernatural! A very angsty fic I wrote in high school
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
stay lost in this moment forever It is 10k of domestic coast fluff where geralt gets to live his dream and has 3 horses named roach. (it's my dream too)
Thank you for the tags! I love getting the chance to sift through my ao3 :D
if anyone wants to do this, consider yourself tagged! but i am going to also tag @theamazingbard, just to be a nuisance. (:
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lululawrence · 5 years
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lululawrence’s Fics Posted in 2019
Master Fic Masterpost / Buy me a Coffee?
2019 was a bit crazy, but I’m so proud of the fics that I’ve been able to write and publish this year! There were quite a few of them, so here they are in order of when they were published. I hope you enjoy!
Hey Look, Ma (9k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
“I’m so sorry,” a deep voice said.
Louis made sure he’d only dropped his hat, reached down to pick it up, and was dusting it off when he finally looked up.
“It’s alright...mate…” Louis had seen this man before. He was gorgeous. He lived somewhere in the area, because Louis would often pass him on the street heading home from the tube or the nearest bus stop.
And now, here he was. Standing in all his fluffy, curly haired glory in front of Louis, apologising for nearly bowling him over.
“I really am sorry, though. Let me get you a coffee to make up for it?”
Or the one where Louis is a hybrid who agrees to go on a blind date with his neighbour's colleague's son the same night he literally runs into his dream man. Surely this isn't going to end well... or is it?
Charisma (5k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Harry was smiling, and maybe blushing a little as well, as he accepted the phone back. “Thank you,” he glanced down at his phone and then said, “Louis.”
Smiling happily at the way Harry had said his name, Louis watched him leave the room. The further away he got, the more confused Louis was. Yes, Harry was gorgeous, but how the hell had he forgotten that Harry was also the man who had caused him to almost have a major accident earlier because of his haphazard driving? How had he allowed Harry to distract him with his charm to the extent that instead of giving the man a lecture, Louis accepted the offer of a date?
Well. Whatever the reason was, Louis wouldn’t forget when Harry called. Louis would give him a piece of his mind then and see if Harry still wanted to go out with him at that point. Because yeah, Louis was not mad enough about his overreaction to Harry, both on the road and at the event tonight, to turn that opportunity for a date down. He wasn’t stupid.
Or the one where Harry feeds on awesomeness (possibly literally). Louis is awesome and also angry. They’re probably going to fall in love.
Drabbles for Harry's Birthday Drive 2019 (25k) - Various Pairings
Each chapter is a different drabble dedicated to a person who donated to Harry's birthday drive! The prompt requested as well as the pairing are in the author’s note for each chapter as well. There are multiple pairings due to various pairings being requested by the donors, so please pay attention to that information in each chapter! Pairings include Harry/Louis, Zayn/Liam,, Grimmy/Louis, Greg/Louis,  Zayn/Louis, and Niall/Shawn.
It’s the Climb (25k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Louis stretched out his back and turned around, startled to see the most beautiful man he’d ever encountered in his life riding towards him on a horse.
He had to still be asleep. This was one of those super weird dreams people had where the knight in shining armor (or in this case, red sleeveless flannel) literally rode up to them calling their name.
The Hannah Montana AU where Louis is a world famous punk rock singer with a stage name of William and Jay drags him back to Tennessee for the summer. In her attempt for Louis to get back to his roots, he just so happens to reconnect with Harry, and things never go quite as Louis expects them to.
It Was Only a Kiss (16k) - Various Pairings
I participated in a kiss prompt drabble challenge on Tumblr, and ended up writing thirty-three drabbles! Because of the amount all for one challenge, I decided to post them on AO3 to save them. Each prompt exists on its own without relation to others, so pick and choose as you like.
If You Want To Be Loved (0.5k) - Greg James/Louis Tomlinson
Greg can't sleep. For once, he doesn't really mind.
(Something’s Been) Hiding In My Heart (26k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
“My eyes must be deceiving me,” Harry said in his slow drawl. His voice was deeper than Louis remembered. Maybe some things had changed after all.
“They aren’t deceiving you. I’m here because I need you to finally sign these papers,” Louis said before he dropped the stack of paper on the hood of the car and held out a pen to Harry. “Just do it, Harry. Get it over with and then I’ll be out of your life forever, alright?”
Face blank of all emotion outside of a sneer Harry said, “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
“God,” Louis groaned. Harry just couldn’t let this be easy. His pride wouldn’t allow it. “You know, I never really understood that phrase, but no. I am not ‘shitting’ you. Just sign the damn papers.”
“Ya know, I don’t think I will,” Harry said before turning back to the front door.
When the screen door slammed behind him, Louis realized Harry didn’t have anything else to say.
Or a Sweet Home Alabama AU where Louis comes home to finally get his divorce from Harry finalized so he can move on with his life. Alderford holds its own set of challenges when he returns, but by facing his past maybe he can find the healing he so desperately needs.
You Try To Be Everything (I Need) (36k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Wars, and rumours of wars, were nothing new for the world in the twenty-fourth century. The fighting had evolved over the years, and rarely did it involve traditional weapons. A group most widely known as the Southern Powers gained strength amongst portions of the western European continent and spread quickly.
There was a fight the Southern Powers didn’t expect coming from the north of England, though. Resistance came in the form of an organised underground; a group comprised of people with the Touch that did the best they could to enforce a line that would not be crossed. Slowly, that line was moved from the Channel to boundaries further and further north. It seemed only a matter of time before the Southern Powers took over everywhere.
Until that time, people did the best they could to live their lives in some semblance of normality. For Louis Tomlinson, that sense of normality was about to change when his best friend, Harry Styles, goes missing.
Louis embarks on the journey of a lifetime where he uses his newly developed abilities to search for his friend, even when it takes him to places he never thought he would see while surmounting trials he never could have imagined.
You Turned Up (Like a Friend of Mine) (10k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Louis padded downstairs, feeling incredibly thirsty. He filled up a glass of water and was about to take a drink when a loud knock sounded at the door accompanied by some yelling and ringing of the doorbell.
“What the hell?” Louis muttered, setting his glass on the counter and rushing towards the door.
As he got closer to the door, though, his mind stopped whirling because the voice was one that was etched forever in his mind, but one that he never thought he would ever hear again.
“Why’s the door locked? Did you seriously go without me? And who’s car is in the driveway? Lou, I knew you’d be late to get me. We’re going to miss-”
Louis whipped the door open, sure that he was just imagining things. There was no way…
Except there was. Standing on the front step was the curly haired, boy-faced Harry Louis had last seen ten years ago today.
Or the one where Harry disappears on graduation day only to show up on Louis' door looking exactly the same ten years later. Through a series of strange events, maybe they can finally figure out that they're destined to be together, no matter what.
Stealing Flowers (4k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
When Louis finally arrived, he walked in and grabbed an apron. Without even saying hello, he immediately approached Jesy and said, “Sexy Stranger steals flowers.”
She kept pouring the Tanqueray shots she had lined up in front of her, but her face screwed up in confusion. “I’m sorry, he what? Did you finally talk to him and that was what you learned?”
He nodded to another couple of tourists and welcomed them to the Way Station as they eagerly made their way to the Tardis restroom.
“No, I didn’t actually talk to him, but—”
“Then how do you know he steals flowers?”
She was wiping down the bar and stacking the empty glasses to take back to the dishwasher when Louis realized maybe he should help too. After all, he was there to work, not just talk to her about his maybe crush.
“I saw a poster.”
Or the one where Louis pines after the Sexy Stranger on the Subway and almost asks him out. That's when the strange posters start showing up around Brooklyn.
Yellow, Is It Me You’re Looking For? (3k) - Greg James/Louis Tomlinson
Standing in the mess Greg’s shift had left behind, Louis decided he would start small. He’d organise the paint colour cards that displayed the names and then get started on the sample tins. It wasn’t until he started opening the boxes of colour cards that Louis started to wonder whether Nick had been the one to name the paint after all.
Yellow, Is It Me You’re Looking For? was along the top left corner of a mustard yellow card. Nick was as big a fan of puns and music as anyone, so while it was unorthodox, Louis didn’t think too much of it. Part of the appeal of Annie’s Hardware was that they didn’t take things too seriously while always maintaining professionalism.
The names that followed did leave Louis to wonder if Annie knew exactly what the chosen paint names were, though. The Colour Of My Tears When ‘FRIENDS’ Ended for a soft white, Barneys Blood for a pale purple, and Blond. James Blond. for a sand tone had Louis convinced that it was a different co-worker who had renamed the colours.
Or the one where Louis has pined after Greg for what seems like ages, but when Greg renames the company's paint colors, something might finally be ready to give.
Like a Lighthouse On The Coast (I Need You) (19k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Louis placed his order with the server and was about to type up some possible lyrics when he heard the music being piped in go silent and a throat was cleared into a mic.
Oh God no. If Louis had known there was going to be live music, he would have chosen somewhere else. Why did they have to ruin what was truly the perfect ambiance for Louis with some sub-par wannabe singer-songwriter?
“Hello, I’m going to sing some songs for you tonight. I hope you like them.”
The voice was deep and smooth, slower than Louis had expected. It made him want to look up at the singer rather than cower into the corner of his booth.
So he did. The man didn’t look nervous at all, but he didn’t look like the cocky asshole Louis had been expecting either. Louis continued to brace himself as he took in the simple Ramones shirt and jeans the man was wearing, when something Louis hadn’t been expecting happened.
The man began to play his guitar, and he was good.
And then, the man began to sing.
Or the one where Louis has all the pressure of his sophomore album and none of the inspiration, but maybe all he needs is someone like Harry Styles to turn all that around.
Oh Honey, Honey (4k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Louis hated honey. He didn’t like the flavour, he didn’t understand why some liked it in their tea, he hated when it was put on sandwiches or cake or anything really. But, standing stock still in front of a rather large display of honey in that 24-hour Tesco, Louis found himself grabbing the largest jar of “100% pure London-local honey” and adding it to his trolley, simply because he knew it would make Harry smile.
Louis always wanted to make Harry smile.
Or the one where Louis pines after Harry, Harry is passionate about helping save the bees, and a late night shopping trip gone wrong doesn't end quite as horribly as Louis imagines.
You Don’t Care About Me (One More Night) (60k) - Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson
“Nick. You’re into guys. What should I do?”
Nick snorted. “You think just ‘cause I’m gay, I know what you should do?”
Louis blinked at him and Nick admired his eyelashes against his will. “Well. Kind of, yeah.”
“That is not how this works,” Nick said. “Besides, it’s not like you can just go and suck someone’s dick to be sure you like it the way I did. You’re too famous to try it my way.”
Louis’ expression changed to one of awe. “That’s how you figured it out? You sucked some random’s dick?”
Nick shrugged. “Yeah. Basically. I mean, I knew for pretty damn sure before that, mind you, but that did solidify the matter for me.”
“I need to suck a dick,” Louis said, turning to look at the wall of Nick’s room.
“You could suck mine, if it would help,” Nick offered before he could stop himself.
Or the one where Louis pines for Harry and Nick helps ease his way into figuring himself out through a friends with benefits sort of arrangement. Things quickly turn complicated.
A Taste of Honey (3k) - Greg James/Louis Tomlinson
Louis opened the door expecting someone with Deliveroo. Instead his gaze lifted so he could look at a very frazzled, incredibly fluffy haired Greg James who was inexplicably holding out a very large jar of honey.
“Hello, Gregory,” Louis said slowly.
Shifting around, Greg stepped forward and held the honey out towards Louis again. “This is for you.”
“Erm, alright,” Louis said before carefully taking the heavy jar from him. “Thank you?”
Greg flashed a wide grin, nodded, and then without another word walked back out the front door of the building.
Or the one where Louis has been pining after Greg ever since he started his job. Greg randomly showing up at his flat with a jar of honey might be just the push Louis needs to finally talk to the man.
Just Like Honey (3k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Louis opened the door and he looked so soft and beautiful. He was in a ratty pair of grey joggers and that was it. Harry had never seen him look so good.
When Harry finally raised his eyes from Louis’ chest, he realised Louis had likely said something.
“Uh,” Harry said, clearing his throat. “Sorry, what did you say?”
Smirking a little, Louis crossed his arms and popped his hip. “I said, ‘Hello, Harry. What brings you here so late on a Saturday?’”
Then his brain kicked in.
“Right, fuck. Hi, Louis. I just wanted to give you this.”
Louis’ brows creased as Harry held the honey out to him. Taking the jar from Harry, he said, “Honey?”
Nodding, Harry said, “Yep. Hope you have a great night!”
Fisting his hands at his sides in frustration, Harry left the building as quickly as he could.
Honey, Honey, How You Thrill Me (3k) - Greg James/Harry Styles
Harry knocked once more before coming to the conclusion that knocking for longer than that was rude.
He’d just decided to leave when the door opened.
“Fuck, you were asleep, weren’t you?”
“Well, it’s past 8, so yeah, basically,” Greg said with a yawn.
God, he’d been asleep for over an hour. Harry was the worst.
“I’m so sorry. Here. Take this and get back to sleep. I’m so incredibly sorry for waking you up,” Harry babbled, shoving the jar of honey into Greg’s hands.
Greg looked at the jar then back up at Harry, still not saying anything. Probably because his brain was still asleep just like his body would’ve been if Harry hadn’t been a fucking idiot.
“Sorry again!” Harry said before giving a lame wave and rushing off to the nearest tube station.
Or the one where Harry pines after fellow Radio 1 DJ Greg James but doesn't know how to start a conversation with him...until he gets the needed inspiration.
Our Love is Timeless (6k) - Niall Horan/Shawn Mendes
He rinsed out his shampoo and began to scrub at his body. Turning around to rinse his back and wash his front, Shawn was not prepared to be met with a cursing blond Irishman.
Letting out a rather loud, high pitched scream and covering himself as best he could, Shawn backed up into the wall behind him, which also turned off the shower.
“Thanks, mate. Was hoping not to get my clothes entirely soaked,” the man said as he began stepping out of the shower stall. “Say, what year is it?”
“I...what?” Shawn sputtered. “You just show up, fully clothed, in a stranger’s shower and your first question is what year it is? How the fuck did you get in here? Why my shower? Who are you?”
“Well, yeah. I guess so. I’ve not quite got a handle of the whole time traveling thing yet.”
Or the one where Shawn falls for Niall, who just happens to be a time traveler. The course of true love never did run smooth.
Like Honey to the Bee (3k) - Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson
Nick didn’t even remember knocking, but suddenly the door he also didn’t realise he was leaning on opened and he started falling inside Louis and Harry’s flat.
“Fuck,” Nick blurted as he tried to right himself. He was caught by Louis, which was great because he was exactly who he wanted to see and he didn’t really fancy dropping a massive jar of honey on his doorstep.
“Nicholas?” Louis asked.
Nick couldn’t help it. Hearing Louis call him by his full name made him shiver. He usually hated it, but there was something magical about Louis Tomlinson that made the usual negative association suddenly become an incredibly positive one.
“I brought you honey,” Nick blurted as he handed Louis the jar.
“I can see that,” Louis said, sounding confused. “Thanks?”
“Of course! It’s what friends do, yeah?”
Or the one where Nick has been trying to find a way to get past the banter stage with Louis for ages, and honey might be just what he needs to finally do so.
Rings and Things (2k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Niall: I know you’re a lesbian and all, but this is fast even for you
Or the one where Harry wakes up after a night of drinking to find her bed isn't empty and there's a ring she's never seen before on a very important finger.
The Only Thing That Keeps Me Grounded (28k) - Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
“Shit, I definitely missed the last train.”
“Oh no,” Louis lamented. “I’d offer a ride, but I’m part of a carpool and we’re full already. I’m so sorry.”
“Really, it’s fine.” Then, what Louis said sank in. “Wait, I thought you were here alone?”
“Oh, I am. I’m the only one dancing here tonight. The others were working. In fact, here’s Nick now.”
It felt like slow motion as a tall, lanky man with incredible hair came walking over towards Louis. He smiled before pulling Louis into him and giving him a quick kiss.
“Nick, this is my new friend Harry. He just moved to the area and he’s amazing at swing. Harry, this is my husband, Nick.”
Or the one where Harry moves to Washington DC to be a nanny and never expects that his past struggles with love will be brought to a head. He definitely never expects the solution to it all will be the man of his dreams that just so happens to be married to the other man of his dreams.
A Halloween M(ass)hap (1k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Harry was never going to forgive Niall. He’d been so distracted by his roommate’s cleaning and fussing while he had been looking for the perfect trousers for Liam’s annual Halloween fancy dress party that he’d not realised the black leather trousers he’d chosen to complete his vampire look were arseless.
Of course there was a no return policy, so he’d done the only thing he could do in order to not waste the money he’d already forked out online for the damn things: he added a cape.
Surely, nothing could go wrong.
I Wanna Love (Like You Made Me Feel) (28k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
By the time Harry and Louis are eighteen years old, they've known each other all four years of high school. Through those years, they never have a real chance to spend time together just the two of them. The summer after graduation gives them that chance, and it changes just about everything.
Ten years later, Louis returns home feeling like a failure after losing his job and not knowing where to go next. He never expects to run into Harry again, much less rekindle their friendship. Could this finally be their chance to finish what they started all those years ago, or did they really miss their chance at love?
Swipe Right for a Clean Flat (3k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Harry was done. He was over this shit. He literally only asked his flatmate to do one chore, and that was the washing up. He couldn’t even handle a few plates and cups. Harry obviously overestimated him.
Louis wasn’t that bad. It was just that he only did the washing if he was going out to pull and wanted to bring someone home. If the dishes were put away, that was how Harry knew to vacate the premises. There was no way he was going to listen to yet another girl moan Louis’ name while Harry laid in bed and wondered what it might be like if only Louis liked men.
Glaring at the full sink and debating washing up himself - again - Harry finally turned and stalked to his room.
“Dire circumstances,” Harry muttered as he picked up his phone and unlocked it.
Or the one where Harry and Louis are flatmates and Harry is tired of Louis not doing the washing up. He figures signing up on Tinder as a hot girl might be just the fix for this issue.
You’re a Nightmare, I’m a Disaster (7k) - Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson
As Nick scanned the shelves, his eyes caught on a bright blue binding. Snooki, it read, A Shore Thing.
“Oh my God,” Nick mumbled, trying not to laugh as he picked it up. He’d watched bits and pieces of Jersey Shore way back in the day.
Without bothering to look any further around the store, he headed up to the counter where Blue eyes was watching him. Nick cleared his throat nervously and set the book on the counter and the man immediately flashed him a look of disdain.
“Seriously? Out of everything we have available, you chose the book we special ordered for a customer?”
“Well, it can’t be that bad if someone specifically requested it, right?” Nick said, trying to keep a teasing tone.
“Why do you think we still have it if it was a special order?” the man asked with a scoff. “They returned it after reading something like three pages.”
Nick frowned at the book. “Well that doesn’t seem very fair.”
Or the one where Nick is a writer, Louis works in a bookshop, and things don't exactly start off on the right foot, but they might just end on it.
The Goat Guy of Bethlehem (26k) - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
“What a pretty little thing!” a voice cried, catching Harry's attention.
Harry looked up, assuming it was a merchant talking to Gemma or some other “citizen” of Bethlehem, but when he did, he found a woman with bright eyes and long dark hair walking over to him.
“Me?” He wasn’t sure what to expect from any of this since she wasn’t a merchant he had met before.
“Yes, you! I think you’d make a very good husband for my son. Are these your parents?”
“Uh, yes?” Harry said, almost like a question. Robin and his mom just watched on with amusement, much to his chagrin.
Turning to Anne and Robin, the merchant woman said, “I’ll give you six goats for the marriage of your son to mine.”
Or every year, Harry and his family attend a church festival called Bethlehem. Harry's freshman year of high school Bethlehem expands, bringing in new vendors, including one that just might change everything for Harry. But first, he has to see if Anne and Robin are willing to part with him for the price of a few goats.
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I had LOADS of fun writing this 10k masterpiece with @jinmukangwrites. She’s an amazing writer and if you haven’t heard of her I suggest you check out her blog.
Inspired by a post made on @linkeduniversetweets (asked by @toschiworlds) 
Brief spoiler-free summary: The Links spend a few days at Lon Lon Ranch during which Time manages to get himself concussed.
The Links had endured countless battles, vicious monsters, cascades of blood, and cold, unforgiving nights in the wilderness for several months but what laid before them offered the heroes a vital reprieve.
Blue skies and a gentle breeze greeted the Hero of Time when he climbed the small hill leading to his home in the early afternoon. The sun shone brightly upon him, almost unbearably warm, but a comforting feeling nonetheless. The smell of hay perfumed the air and left a lingering sweetness. But the sight of the woman that greeted him made the experience one hundred times sweeter. Time swung Malon once before leaning in and leaving a gentle kiss on her lips, relishing the bliss the reunion brought. The pair embraced and the remaining heroes either coed over the joyous moment or turned away to give the couple their privacy.
“I’ve missed you,” Time whispered into Malon’s shoulder. Malon could only barely stop herself from tearing up at her elation at hearing her husband’s voice.
“I missed you too,” she responded, her voice cracking slightly.
Lon Lon Ranch had become a haven for the travelling band of heroes and, though their job was far from finished, the Links felt that their abundant efforts could be rewarded with the few days they were able to spend in safety behind the walls of the ranch. But that luxury didn’t come without its small price.
“Chores!” Malon slammed a metal pail on the kitchen table, causing the Links who were having breakfast to jump in surprise. A beaming smile adorned her bright face as she looked around the room at each individual face.
Wild nearly dropped his sausage and Wind gasped the water he was drinking down the wrong pipe at the sudden raucous noise, causing him to cough excessively. “Who’s milking the cows and who’s feeding the cuccos,” Malon asked.
The Links around the table glanced at each other before quickly responding. “I’ll milk the cows,” They volunteered in unison. Malon laughed and took the bucket back. “If you can’t decide I’ll dish out the work myself. Wild, you can stay with me and wash dishes-”
“Lucky bastard,” Legend said.
“Language young man,” Malon chided. Legend immediately shut his mouth and listened. Malon tapped her chin before she turned to Legend. “Legend, you’re on cucco duty.”
“What? Why?”
“Because of that potty mouth of yours.” Beside Legend Warrior snickered. Malon huffed. “Alright Warrior, you can help him.”
“Oh, come on,” Warrior complained, which prompted a laugh from Legend in return.
“WInd, you can feed the pigs.”
“Yes,” Wind cheered. He liked the pigs.
“Twilight, you and Sky are on shovel duty,”
“What’s shovel- oh,” Sky then realised the odd job he’d been given and cringed.
“Yeah,” Twilight said.
“Hyrule and Four, hmm, you two are on milking duty with me.”
“Aw, yeah! I love milking duty,” Hyrule exclaimed.
“I don’t. The milk always gets on me,” Four grumbled.
“Well, maybe you should get a higher stool,” Legend joked.
Four stuck his tongue out at the remark and took the offered bucket from Malon once he cleared his plate.
“What about Time?”
“What about Time- I mean Link?”
“What’s his job?”
 “Oh! I sent him to fix up one of the stables in the old barn. We’re planning on breeding the horses so we need more space.”
 “Cool! Epona needs more friends,” Wind said excitedly. “Can I name the babies, please?” Wind practically begged her, and Malon easily granted his wish.
“Of course,” Malon said simply, smiling widely. “There’ll be plenty of names to give next time you happen to roll around our neck of the woods.”
“Let’s see,” Time muttered to himself as he took inventory of the tools on the shelf in front of him. “Wrench, saw. What’s that called again?” Time snapped his fingers, trying to remember the name of the strangle apparatus. “Gimlet,” he exclaimed. Time had long since finished his repair job, but he decided to make a list of their belongings while he was busy. He liked order and he knew Malon would appreciate the extra effort. Just knowing what you had made missing items easier to identify.
After he was done counting the hand tools he moved on to the gardening section of the barn where the heavier instruments were kept. Hoes and shovels, rakes and spades, pickaxes and regular axes hung neatly on hooks right above the Hero of Time, making it easy for him to see each individual item. “Okay, what do we have here?” Time took note of all the different items hung on the wall, jotting them down on his bulleted list as he went along the row.
“Alright, that seems to be- huh?” Time whirled around just in Time to see Epona barreling towards him at top speed. Her eyes held a spark of panic, she moved frantically as if trying to escape something. It all happened in a split second.
Epona charged, ramming straight into the startled hero and carrying him into the wall, causing the tools hung on the short, narrow hooks to fall on top of him. Epona whinnied in surprise and ran away from the scene, leaving the Hero of Time crumpled on the floor.
Time was faintly aware of the serious head wound he had sustained as a result of multiple sharp, heavy objects landing on his head. It took him approximately two seconds to realise how weak he felt and that if he moved his head even slightly overwhelming nausea would wash over him. His ears were ringing, his head ached and he felt absolutely helpless.
Sleepiness slowly began to creep upon him but Time fought the feeling with his entire being. He would spend his energy trying to avoid the inevitability of sleep. He had to fight it! If he didn’t… he would not be the same when he woke up.
In his stupor, he hadn’t realised the day’s coming to an end and so the feeble hero laid helpless on the floor of the old barn, desperately trying to stay awake. 
"This brings me back," Twilight said, shoving the shovel down in his hands for the dozenth time that evening. He dug the blade of the shovel under a particularly large pile of manure and lifted it so he can dump in an ever pulling wheelbarrow graciously provided by Malon.
Beside him, Sky grunted as he too worked a shovel into the ground. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand and then continued. "This brings you back?" 
"Oh yeah. Growing up, I didn't have parents. I had to get money to fend for myself by doing odd jobs for the people of the village I lived in" Twilight explained, "one of those jobs was mucking up the fields. Didn't enjoy it at the time, but it was good and honest work for a child. Now that I'm older, I help out with herding and taking care of the animals. We have the younger kids cleaning the fields now."
"Odd jobs where I came from normally included carrying books," Sky said somewhat bitterly as he unloaded his shovel into the wheelbarrow, "or cleaning blackboards."
Twilight let out a chuckle and stuck his shovel into the ground, looking around the field to admire their work. Malon did a fantastic job with caring for the ranch herself, but she was probably overworked with her husband gone off on another adventure, and seeing her field all clean-looking filled Twilight's chest with pride. 
"So, what now?" Sky asked, looking at the pile of manure with a wrinkled nose. Twilight shrugged and grabbed the handles of the wheelbarrow. 
"I'm sure Malon has a place for us to put this so we can let it decompose."
"Oh," Sky hummed. "How long does that take?"
Twilight shrugged. "Depends. We can see if Malon wants us to throw any unused crops in there to help the process, but, either way, it should be fine to use as fertilizer by the time fields are ready-"
"Wait, did you say fertilizer?" Sky squawked and Twilight grinned. 
"Oh yeah, city boy. Every farmer does it."
"U-uses poo to-"
"There you boys are," a new voice chimed in and Twilight turned to find Malon walking towards them, a smile on her face. "All done?"
"Yes ma'am," Twilight nodded while Sky stood there gaping. "Was just wanderin' where you wanted us to put this?"
"Oh, we have a spot for it by the mill, that way it doesn't stink up the house while it bakes," Malon said with a wink.
"I think I'm going to barf," Sky said, clutching his stomach and both Twilight and Malon burst into fits of laughter. "This isn't funny! I'm never going to be able to eat a vegetable ever again!" 
"Oh honey, wait until you hear what we feed the pigs," Malon joked, and Twilight would have laughed along as Sky cried out in horror, covering his ears, but a different sound met Twilight's ears that took every drop of his attention away. 
As a goat herder, there are sounds that he was trained to recognize. One of those was the sound of frantic, escaping hooves. 
He turned his eyes away from Malon who was punching Sky's shoulder jokingly and looked towards the sound, only to see a horse raging right towards them. 
Instinctively—ditching the wheelbarrow—he rushed away from Malon—who at this point had noticed the startled horse as well—and threw his hands up, calling out. She was barreling right towards them, ears pinned back in panic and mouth loudly panting, until she reared up and cried out right before she could run into him. 
Something scared Epona, if the way she remained agitated until Malon pushed her way through and began to sing a song, something scared her badly. 
"Is she okay?" Sky asked hesitantly. 
"I don't know," Malon said softly, rubbing Epona's mane with gentle movements. "What scared ya, girl?"
"If Epona is anything like my horse, nothing small," Twilight mused, he too joining in to stroke Epona's neck. 
"We should find the others," Sky mumbled, pulling out his sword. Twilight agreed with a nod and unsheathed his own, the joking and good mood a mere fading memory now.
"If you don't mind, ma'am," Twilight said and gave his most assuring smile towards Malon, "you should head inside. I'll take care of Epona."
Malon looked like she was about to argue but then her shoulders sagged. "Bring everyone back safe. I'm sure it's just a wild animal."
"That'a'gal," Twilight hummed, leading Epona closer towards the stable, one hand still with his sword. Epona seemed to have calmed down some, but he's still worried about her. What could scare a horse that has been through so much?
He sighed and took another step towards the stable, and then he was knocked painfully off his feet by something appearing out from the ground. He landed harshly on his back with a grunt, just managing to avoid biting his tongue, but the sound of Epona's loud neigh was enough to get him quickly back onto his feet. He's back on solid ground just in time to jump to the side to avoid a fleshy, slug-like body and it's sharp pincers. 
A leaver. An almost true constant between worlds. Annoying, fast, and persistent. However, they are normally found in the desert. 
Twilight would wonder why this leaver was here if it wasn't for the disgusting inky tone to its body. 
Twilight jumped into battle without another second to lose. He didn't even have time to regret sending Sky to the opposite side of the field to search for the others before the leaver burrowed its strong body into the ground. Epona stomped the dirt with her hooves, whinnying loudly and angrily and he understood why she was so startled now. Any horse would be startled by something popping up from below them. 
A section of ground popped up a bit and Twilight was on it in a heartbeat, jumping forward and sending his sword down. He could hear an agonized gurgle come from the creature but it wasn't done yet. It shifted and pushed forward, knocking him back. He lost grip of his sword and with a startled yell he was once again on his back. He just barely had enough time to look up for the creature but didn't have any more to spend on defending himself when it raced toward him. 
Then, four raging hooves stomped on it and kept stomping on it until it was a gross pile of mush. 
Twilight relaxed against the ground, forcing his heart to calm down. 
Well, that happened. 
He shoved himself once again to his feet and grabbed his sword, glaring at the creature now turned pudding. Epona didn't look like she'd calm down again anytime soon if the way she was huffing and snarling and stomping her feet indicated anything. So, he decided he'd let her be and go inside the stable, remembering that the old man should be in there. He could calm her down better.
He walked towards the door, gave a small knock, and opened it. "Hey, Time?" He called, the smell of horse meeting his nose. There was no answer, so he went all the way in, eyebrows furrowed by the silence. 
Then, a groan. 
He turned his neck, and his blood froze. "Oh Hylia. Time!'
Time laid miserably on his spot on the floor, tools strewn on and around him. Twilight sprinted towards his mentor, desperate to see what had caused the strong hero to look so vulnerable. Upon closer inspection, Twilight noticed the blood coating Time’s hair and face. “Goddesses, Time what happened to you?”
Time could only reach up and touch his forehead, wincing at the pain the simple action brought on.
Twilight was quick to sling Time’s arm around his shoulder but couldn’t manage to haul him up. If only the hero had removed his armour he would have been easier to lift. “Holy Hylia, Time, you weigh a ton.” Twilight sighed. “Okay, I’m going to get help. I’ll be right back.” Twilight ran as quickly as he could from the stable as Time groaned again and slumped back against the wall. It wasn’t long before he ran into Warrior and Legend who were busy tending the cucoos.
“Always remember,” Legend said beside Warrior who was holding a bag of feed at arm’s length, a cucoo standing innocently in front of him. “They can smell fear.”
“I’ve fought cucoo wars, my friend,” Warrior said eliciting a snicker from Legend, “I am not afraid of feeding these little punks.” As if on cue the cucoo crowed and Warrior visibly startled. Legend began cackling at his side, doubling over at the hilarity. “Shut up. I just got a fright.”
“Guys,” Twilight called, catching the pair’s attention. They turned to Twilight, seeing the weary look in his eyes.
“What’s wrong,” Warrior asked, concern in his voice.
“Time’s hurt. I can’t carry him alone. I need your help to take him to the house.”
“Say no more. I’ll come with you.” Warrior stepped over the fence keeping the cucoos and joined Twilight’s side.
“Me too,” Legend said, making his way over when Twilight stopped him.
“No, Legend. I need you to tell Malon what happened. She should be in the house.”
“O-okay. I’m on it.” Legend dashed off to the house and while Warrior and Twilight made their way hastily to the barn.
“How bad is it,” Warrior huffed as they ran across the field.
“I don’t know. He was pretty out of it when I got there but I hope he’s doing okay. He might have a concussion.”
Warrior hummed in thought. “What exactly happened?“
“I don’t know, but by the looks of it, some tools fell on top of him. He was lying under a bunch of gardening equipment.”
“Shit,” Warrior cursed. “I think you might be right about that concussion. How did that even happen?”
“I don’t know. He can tell us when we get him inside.”
They came to a stop in front of the red and white wooden building and pushed open the large wide doors.
“Old man,” Warrior called, peering inside, “You okay?”
Time was still on the floor, covered in blood and moaning. His eyes were glazed over but they held a note of fear behind them.
“Time, we’re going to help you. We just need to-” Twilight began as he knelt next to the man and slung his arm over his shoulder for the second time when he was interrupted by a sudden outcry.
“Get away from me,” Time yelled as loudly as he could in the state he was in. Twilight startled at his mentor’s harsh words, but he continued to lift him with Warrior’s help. “No, NO! Leave me,” Time continued to shout, fighting to free himself from Twilight and Warrior’s firm grip.
“Time, calm down, we’re just trying to take you home-”
“No, please,” Twilight spared a glance at the old man and his heart sank. Was Time crying? “Not again. I beg of you.”
“Time,” Twilight said gently, “It’s going to be fine.”
Just then Legend burst through the door. He doubled over, breathing heavily. “Fuck,” more breathing, “Okay,” he straightened and looked at the trio, Time’s teary-eyed visage and blood-soaked hair catching his notice above everything else. “Goddesses, Time, what happened?”
“We don’t know, but we need your help getting him to the house.”
Legend needed no more instruction and jogged over to help Twilight and Warrior carry the injured man. He took hold of Time’s legs but got kicked in the face for his efforts. “Ow! What-”
“Let go of me!” Time was frantic. He began kicking and flailing his arms to try and get away, but his efforts were weak despite his dedication.
“Time, we need you to cooperate,” Warrior scolded. “Malon’s probably worried sick.” Legend tried again to take hold of Time’s legs, but Time wouldn’t relent. He kept thrashing. “Time please-”
Time began wailing out of nowhere. He stopped fighting and fell to his knees, escaping from their grips but making no move to run. “I can’t. Don’t take me back there. The sacred realm,” Time sobbed, “I don’t want to go back.” Twilight froze. The sacred realm? Time had been there? Could that mean he was imprisoned with Ganondorf? And if that was the case, could that be why Time had been fighting them so relentlessly only a moment ago? Maybe his head wound was more serious than Twilight originally thought if Time was freaking out about events from that long ago. Twilight moved to pick him up again and this time his mentor didn’t flinch, probably having spent all of his energy trying to keep them away.
Soon the three heroes managed to get Time to the house without too much trouble. But the whole scene was still on Twilight’s mind. Why did Time think that they were going to take him to the sacred realm? What had traumatised the hero so much that he showed such vulnerability; such helplessness, and fear?
Before Twilight could ponder any longer Malon rushed to help her husband. She shouldered the weight Warrior had been carrying and they both managed to nearly drag Time upstairs to bed. All the while Time muttered words of protest, though he was unable to fight back effectively.
 He seemed so lifeless. Boneless even. So unlike himself that it had Twilight swallowing something stuck in his throat. Something that felt like a seed of panic. Yet he knew he couldn't panic, not yet, because if he turned around he'd see the others looking at him, looking for some sort of direction, something to do. 
Twilight didn't have anything for them to do. He barely knew what to do himself. 
So he swallowed that seed and turned, keeping his face as neutral as he could manage, and looked at each hero in the eye. Legend, of course, was there, but until now Twilight hadn't noticed Wild and Four were there as well. Sky must have still been looking for the others.
Well, he supposed there was something to do. 
"Head out, find the others, and bring your swords," he said calmly, a stark difference from what he was actually feeling. "I ran into an infected Leaver out there. They travel in packs, there could be more."
"Alright," Wild mumbled, grabbing his sword and walking out the door even though Twilight didn't think Wild knew what a leaver was. Legend shared a look with Twilight before nodding and running out to follow the champion.
"I'll go check on the traveler," Four said, "he's cleaning up the cow pen. The pig parlor is near there too, so I'll see if Wind is still there." And then he was out the door.
Then, Twilight was alone, looking at the empty house and feeling almost… lost on what to do. He supposed he could head out and search for Sky, but his feet didn't seem to want to move from their spot. 
Then, the sound of creaking floorboards made themselves known behind Twilight. He turned around to see Warrior standing there.
Warrior gave Twilight a small smile and Twilight found himself smiling a tad bit back. Worry was a knot in his chest, but he was sure with the help of the others, this would just be a bump in the road. 
"While they're finding the others," Warrior offered, "you and I can check the perimeter for more monsters."
Twilight was about to respond that it sounded like a plan, but then Malon made her appearance as well. "Actually, I need one of you boys to help me a little more," she said softly. Twilight glanced at Warrior and he shrugged, fixing his scarf around his neck so it wrapped a little around his chin. 
"Why don't you help the lady," Warrior said, "I want to see these leavers for myself."
Twilight nodded, making a mental note to thank Warrior later, and then turned towards Malon as the other hero took his leave. Malon gave him a kind look before she stepped forward and brushed her finger across his cheek. "Look at you," she said, "you need a hose down more than the pigs."
Twilight released a breath and stepped away, folding his arms across his chest. "How is he?"
A grimace passed over Malon's features. "Tired. Confused. Scared. Nothing I haven't tackled before."
Twilight knew nightmares were not exclusive. Anyone could have them. Someone with a perfect life. Someone who've seen more war-torn days that simple days. Nightmares crept up on the cowardly. Pounced on the brave. It shouldn't surprise him that things like this had happened to Time before. 
"Thankfully, he's keeping himself awake," Malon continued, beginning to head towards the front door. Twilight quickly followed along. "I don't know if he's conscious enough to purposely keep himself awake, or if… if he's subconsciously doing it. But either way, it gives us time to find help."
She walked out of the house with Twilight at her heels, and eventually, she stopped by a small garden of berry bushes. She worked her way past them and revealed a small birdbath.
Well, a fairy bath actually. 
"Drat," Malon cussed, "there's only one."
"You collect them?"
"You boys and your collecting," Malon mumbled, walking forward to where a small ball of light hovered over the water in the bowl, dropping every so often to perhaps take a sip. "We're looking for one." She reached forward and gently cupped the fairy in her hands, mumbling a soft plea for help that they both knew the fairy would oblige without a single hesitation. 
"Navi," Twilight whispered in reverence. Malon slowly pulled her hands to her chest, the fairie's light glowing through her fingers. 
"How… how much do you know about my husband?" She asked.
Twilight swallowed. "Um, more than the others. B-but less than you, I'm sure."
She shook her head and began to head back to the house. "There's not a single thing I don't know about him. Do you know about the true nature of his adventures? Why he had been given the title of Hero of Time?" 
"I, uh," Twilight stumbled, placing his hand on the back of his neck and rubbing sheepishly. "Not really. I know he… traveled a few times. Back and forth into the future and the past."
"That doesn't just happen you know," Malon said as they walked back into the house. They stopped right in front of the master bedroom and she sighed, looking older than what he had ever seen her before. "He tells me that when he was a boy, he went to obtain a sacred sword. But his body… was too young and weak to wield a sword like that. Against his will and knowledge, he was locked away in the sacred realm… for seven years, only to wake up in a body that was older than his mind. To a world torn apart by power.
"He… he tells me he does not remember those years locked away, but sometimes he wakes up screaming to let him go. Let him leave. That he's afraid and he doesn't want to be there anymore. I think… I think the memories of that place are somewhere in his head, and when he's asleep or things like this happen, they're unlocked."
Twilight nodded somberly in sympathy for Time’s circumstances. Time had endured much more than any normal Hylian could even fathom, though Malon seemed uninterested in Time’s heroics and more in tune with the man he was inside. She would know what to say to snap him out of his state of anxiety. If anyone could bring him back to reality it was her.
The door creaked loudly as Malon opened it hesitantly. She tiptoed over to the bed on which Time was lying with his back against the headboard. His head faced the window across the bed. He kept muttering unintelligibly under his breath, his eyes would dart across the room, and he would jump at the slightest noise. The hero turned his head at their approaching footsteps.
“Dear,” Malon said, causing her husband to turn towards her completely. He looked exhausted as if he’d pass out any second, but they couldn’t risk him falling into any terrible consequences of a concussion. Time smiled at her, and, for the first time since the incident, he looked as if he felt truly safe. “I brought something that might help you.” Malon released the fairy from her hands, watching it whisk away and flutter over Time’s shaking form. Almost instantly he relaxed, though slightly. His pupils contracted, the dazed look in his eyes faded and he stopped shaking. He stopped muttering to himself and looked up at Twilight who had made his way over to the bed. Time, for the briefest moment, looked as if he recognised Twilight before he shot up and scooted back on the bed, shouting, “No!” and “Get away from me!”
“Not again, NOT AGAIN!”
“Link, sweetheart, it’s just Twilight,” Malon said, reaching out and trying to placate him. “Please, try to remember. He’s not going to take you back. I-I promise,” Malon choked out. Tears pricked at her eyes as she watched her husband agonise over the cruelty that had been done to him as a child. She didn’t think she could bear to see him crumble under the weight of all his years of torture and vulnerability.
Time saw this- her tears- and stopped. He drew closer to her and placed a rough but gentle hand on her cheek.
“Twilight, will you just-” she paused and took a calm, shaky breath, looking deeply into Time’s scared eyes. “Will you please give me a moment?”
Twilight respectfully nodded and left the room. He heard voices coming from the kitchen and made his way there to find that all of the Links had returned. They all wore worried expression, presumably having all heard the news about Time’s accident.
Twilight cleared his throat and addressed the room at their expectant glances. “He’ll be alright,” he said simply.
“Alright? That’s it? No ‘he’s responding to treatment’, or ‘we know how to heal him’?” Four asked bluntly
“What kind of treatment, dumbass? We have no potions, no fairies, and no doctor,” Legend declared, flailing his arms wildly. “And how are we supposed to know how to heal him if we don’t know what’s wrong?”
“We actually had one fairy,” Twilight answered, “and we might know what’s wrong with him.”
All heads turned to Twilight at the new information. “Well? Spill it. How do we fix him,” Legend demanded, tapping his foot impatiently. He tried to look nonchalant but the look in his eyes betrayed his concern.
“He might have sustained a serious concussion, but, with the fairy, we were able to lessen the injury, but we’ll still need to take shifts waking him up. We have to make sure he doesn’t bear any permanent damage.”
The group fell silent after that, worry casting its dark cloud over them. Twilight shifted and played with his fingers, revealing his nerves.
“There’s something you’re not telling us,” WIld pointed out suddenly, catching the group’s attention. Twilight paused. Even though he knew it was necessary to tell them and they would find out even without his help, he didn’t want to spread worry over a handleable situation. Despite these thoughts, he decided he needed to tell them the truth.
“There is… one problem. I don’t think the old man remembers any of us or trusts us. And more than that it seems like he’s trying to keep himself awake because of some past trauma.”
“Well, that’s good, isn’t it,” WInd asked hopefully.
“Not exactly. Concussed patients need sleep. They just can’t be asleep for too long periods at a time.”
“That’s sure to make things difficult, but it’s just a small setback. We can still get him to sleep and help him remember us,” Sky added cheerfully.
The rest of the Links didn’t look so sure, but they didn’t argue with Sky either. His optimism was welcome in their time of panic. They were willing to give anything a shot if it meant helping their friend.
“I think it’s best if we take shifts. Too many people at once will just overwhelm him.
“If that’s the case I’ll take the first shift,” said Warrior, standing. “I mean, we were pretty close. Maybe there’s a chance he’ll remember me.”
Twilight thought about that. Of course, there was a chance, but if the old man didn’t even remember Twilight he didn’t think he’d remember Warrior, even if they were close. “Okay, go for it,” Twilight said wearily.
Warrior nodded and left for Time and Malon’s room, leaving the rest to ponder the endless possibilities that might come of this.
"Oh good, you all have a plan," Molon said, walking into the room with the other Links'. She gave them a tired yet enthusiastic smile. " That means I can trust you all to hold down the fort while I head to Castle Town."
"Alone?" Sky asked, only to hiss out in pain when Wind elbowed him in the side.
"She can handle herself," Wind warned but Malon just chuckled good-naturedly. 
"I appreciate the concern, sky child, but it's just to the castle. My husband needs more medicine and the sun is still up for a little while longer. I'll be back by morning, just keep waking him up every so often to make sure he's not getting worse," she said, tugging a shawl around her shoulders.
"If you wish for one of us to accompany you," Wild offered smally, "I'd be happy to tag along."
Really, Twilight would almost like for Wild to join Malon. He looked out of his element, and he probably felt like the last one capable to help someone with memory loss and confusion. But Malon simply shook her head and walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling kindly at him. "Thank you for offering, but I'll be fine. My husband needs you all. You're all very important to him. Besides, I won't be alone, I'll have Epona with me."
"You're important to him too," Hyrule said quietly. 
Malon just beamed at him before she walked over to the door. "I'll be back by morning. Earlier if the gates don't lock me in. Take care!"
"Good luck," seven voices all chimed in. Then, Malon was gone, and the boys were all left to their own devices. 
And there weren't a whole lot of devices, so Twilight took a page from Time and Malon's book and set the boys to work. Wild returned to the kitchen, finishing up dinner while Legend and Hyrule went to clean up and prepare the guest room. To Sky, he assigned sweeping the floors and Four and Wild worked together to dust various cabinets. All the while, the door to the master bedroom remained silent, a boding forewarning of what the future had to bring. 
His head hurt. That was the simple truth of everything. His head hurt. Enough so that he would be quite content doing nothing. He was pretty sure he was asleep, but he couldn't really recall why. If he tried to remember, then the headache would just grow and he would rather it went away. 
Unfortunately for him, he had little choice in many things, one of those things was the over creeping sense of wakefulness forcing himself to become aware of his body, the sounds around him, and the gross taste lingering in his mouth. Something on his shoulder.
He would have preferred to keep his eyes shut, but they opened anyway, bringing a sharp ping of pain through his skull.
Blinking, he looked ahead of him, only to find a wooden ceiling above his head and not much else. He moaned as his headache smarted, but he quickly stilled as he realized that the pressure on his shoulder that he felt earlier was still there. 
He turned his head and his eyes widened. There was a man in the room with him, leaning towards him from a wooden chair set next to the bed, arm stretched out and hand resting on him. Face screwed up with concern.
“Hey, old man, you up?”
Instantly, panic washed over him.
He jerked away from the man, slamming his hands next to his side to perhaps find a weapon. “Get away,” he snarled and the man snapped back as if stung. It was now that he realized that he didn’t know where he was. There was a small inkling at the back of his head that promised that he might have been here, but the hysteria from waking up with a stranger next to him was blurring his vision, making it even harder to concentrate when combined with his aching head. 
“Time, it’s me,” the man said, his voice stern but a little rushed like he was nervous, and that certainly did nothing to make Link trust him any more than what he initially did. “Captain?”
“Where am I?” Link snarled, his voice sounding wrong in his own throat. He tried to shift up in the bed he was lying in, but his body felt wrong and the hurt in his head was traveling down his spine with the movement. A flash of familiarity ricocheted across his skull and he couldn’t help but whimper at it. He had felt like this before. Like his body was wrong and everything was different and wrong and that only made him want to panic more.
Yet everything hurt, he could hardly even think about moving without some sort of pain. He could just lie there and struggle to make sense of what’s going on, hoping his muddled mind would clear.
“You’re at your home,” the man (captain?) said slowly, making an effort to raise his hands and show he was weaponless. Not that Link believed him for a second. People can be crafty when they want to be. “What do you remember?”
“I-” Link swallowed, trying to grasp onto anything that was more clear than the rapid beating of his heart. He was so confused, and scared, and lost, and what was the last thing he remembered? He can hardly remember a single thing. Then, something calming washed over him with the soothing voice of a woman singing softly in his hair, her soft hands running through his hair. 
Safe, she said, you’re safe my love.
And just like that, her face appeared in his mind’s eye, and he was overcome with comfort and safety and finally, his heart calmed just a bit. He didn’t remember these walls, but he recognizes them now.
Home, they say. Safe.
He looked at the man again, trying to see him in a different light, try to puzzle together something he’s missing most the pieces to. 
A name flashed across the tip of his tongue, and he spoke it before he could question it. “You’re Link,” he said softly.
The man smiled and relaxed ever so slightly, and Link can feel the energy inside of him whither as well. He can barely keep his eyes open anymore, the adrenaline fading like a wistful song. “I’m Link too,” the man said kindly.
“Oh,” was all Link could say to that. His eyes are heavy now, almost like something unseen was wrapping itself around him, trying to drag him back into unconsciousness, and he almost fell into it if it weren’t for the hand replacing itself back onto his shoulder. 
“Hey, not yet, old man,” the other Link said. “We have to keep you awake just a bit longer, just to make sure your memory loss isn’t the only damage the concussion did.”
The man simply nodded with a gentle, reassuring smile plastered on his face. “Yeah, you wouldn’t remember that. We found you out in the barn. You were lying under a bunch of gardening equipment with blood running from a wound on your head. Malon, your wife,” Link confirmed, “patched you up with a fairy-”
“Fairy,” Time interrupted, a flash of hope sparking in his eyes. “Navi?”
The other Link’s face fell as he shook his head. “No, old man. I’m sorry.” The pair were silent for a minute. Link kept his gaze on the floor as if it was more interesting than their conversation. The man ran a hand down his face before he spoke again. “Even though your wound is healed the effects are still there. You’ll be out of commission for a couple of days so don’t even think about getting out of bed.”
Link didn’t argue. He felt positively shitty to put it lightly. His head felt like a blacksmith’s anvil… blacksmith… somehow that word felt important as if it stirred the fog enshrouding his mind, trying to reveal a secret that would rather stay hidden. He grasped at it, but it evaded him.
Then a thought occurred to him out of the blue.
Link stared blankly at the man and blinked.
“What,” the other Link asked.
“Why are you in my house?” The question came out of nowhere, unprompted by anything, and yet, this was his house? Why was this man here?
The man blanched. “I’m sorry, what?”
“This is my house, is it not? I remember… that I know who you are, but why are you here? Does my wife know? Are there others? When did you even find me?”
“We found you earlier today and, yeah, there are others Twilight was here-”
“Twilight,” Link said slowly. “Yes, he was in here.“
“He’s one of us,” the other said. He paused as if realising something. “Do you remember him?”
Link shook his head. “No, I- I thought… I didn’t trust him. I thought he was going to take me back. I sense his magic... He can’t be trusted.” Link spoke frantically, trying to get his nerves across so the other Link would listen. He couldn’t go back to that place, no, he wouldn’t!
“Time, nobody here is going to hurt you. We’re your friends.” The man said then he sighed. “Malon left to get you some medicine,” he said and Link wanted to panic, but he could tell that the other was sure of his words, that Link wouldn’t be hurt. “In the meantime, I’m just going to ask you a few questions to make sure you’re doing okay.”
“All right.” Link did not feel fine, but he guessed that the other man meant something else.
The man cleared his throat before he began. “Are you feeling particularly irritable at the moment?”
Link quirked an eyebrow. “What sort of question is that?”
“Just answer me,” the man said, eliciting a small giggle from Link.
“No, I don’t think so,” he said, coming out of his laughter. He still wasn’t sure of this man’s intentions, but a vague recollection at the back of his mind told him that he was familiar and therefore trustworthy.
“Good. Now, tell me everything you remember starting from when you met me.”
Odd question, Link thought. “Okay, I remember… I remember this-this portal of sorts.” Link tried to bring up the memories from his foggy mind and managed to recount his meeting with the man in front of him.
“We walked through another portal and,” Link gasped. He froze as the next memory came to him. “We were in the sky, on a floating island.” His eyes were wide. It was as if he was experiencing something supernatural, but, somehow, all of this felt like he was eating seconds from the same dish. “How is that possible.”
“Keep going,” the man cajoled.
“I remember we met someone, someone who always wore some sort of cape. It was mostly white- Link! His name was also Link.”
The man nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes, keep going.”
Link’s face scrunched up as he thought, but every card he drew after that was blank. “That’s it.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it. Also, why are all our names Link?”
“We share the name of the hero’s spirit. You remember that much, don’t you?”
“Yes,” Link replied slowly.
“Okay, moving on,” the other Link said, waving his hand in the air. “What are your symptoms.”
Twilight was biting his nails. He couldn’t shake the thought of having Time distrust him so much that he perceived him as a threat.
Twilight paced back and forth across the kitchen as Wild finished up supper. “Your fingernails are down to stubs. If you go any further you’ll bleed,” Wild cautioned, sparing a glance at his mentor from his spot at the counter.
“What if he doesn’t remember any of us Wild? What if he sees us as dangerous? We can’t defeat Dark Link without him.” Twilight felt utterly defeated, but he wouldn’t let the others know that. He needed to be strong, but it was so much more difficult being a leader than Time made it out to be. The whole facade that he put up in front of the others was starting to crumble with every minute Time was struggling to remember.
“Twi, just be patient. He’ll come to his senses soon enough. In the meantime, you just need to put a little faith in him. Help him remember.”
Twilight took a deep breath. “You’re right. This isn’t going to fix itself.”
Twilight heard footsteps descending the stairs and swiftly turned around to see Warrior making his way toward them. “I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?”
“What’s the bad news,” Wild asked instead of Twilight.
“The bad news: Time doesn’t remember you,” Warrior said, addressing Twilight.
Twilight groaned. Of course, he knew as much, but he was hoping Warrior could get a different result despite his doubts. “What’s the good news then?”
“He remembers me and Sky. Meaning I was able to get him to trust that the rest of you won’t hurt him. He’s willing to speak to you. Also, there doesn't seem to be any  long-lasting side effects.”
Twilight released a breath he didn’t realise he was holding. It was a start, Time was willing to see him. If there was any chance of Twilight getting Time to recover, he’d take it. “Alright. I’ll go talk to him.” Twilight rushed forward but he was stopped as Warrior put a hand out in front of him, keeping him in place.
“Ah ah ah, not yet. Time’s resting. You should wake him up in about two hours to check if he’s okay. Do. Not. Force it. If he doesn’t remember you, it’s okay. Be patient.”
Twilight nodded sadly. He didn’t want to wait, but, for Time’s safety, he supposed he had no choice. “Thanks, Warrior.”
Warrior flashed Twilight a warm, reassuring smile before he turned to Wild. “I’m absolutely famished.”
“Well and grand. Supper is just about done. Mind setting up the table?”
“Sure.” Warrior set off to find the crockery and cutlery and Twilight stood, staring out the window, into the distance. “Something on your mind?” Wild inquired.
“What isn’t on my mind?”
“Fair. Go take a seat. I’ll save Time a plate.”
Twilight grudgingly obeyed and took a seat at the dining table. He folded his arms and rested his head on them. It had been a rough day for everyone and the fact that Time remembered Warrior and not him made him feel just a tad jealous.
The others had arrived and conversations were going over their meal, but Twilight was part of them. His focus was drawn to their most pressing issue and, as a result, he felt perpetually stressed.
Twilight didn’t notice Wild come up to him when everyone had left the table. “It’s been two hours-”
Twilight didn’t even let Wild finish his sentence before he sprang out of his chair and dashed to the stairs.
“Wait,” Wild called. “Take this.” In Wild’s hands was a plate of food. Twilight took the offered food with a knife and fork. “He might be hungry when he wakes up.”
“Thanks.” Twilight gave a wan smile and headed up to the master bedroom.
Once Twilight reached the door he knocked before he could think better of it. Twilight facepalmed. “Dammit, Link. Of course, he’s not going to answer the door.” But Twilight gave a surprised yelp when his mentor swung the door open. “Y-you’re supposed to be in bed,” Twilight chided.
Time looked, in every sense of the word, like a crook caught in the lamplight. His eyes were round and surprised and he simply stood there, staring at Twilight like he didn't quite know what to do next. 
"But I suppose that's a good sign, isn't it?" Twilight asked nervously, uncomfortable under the elder man's stare. "You waking up yourself? I don't really know the fine details of concussions but-"
He's cut off as the door is suddenly slammed shut and he's left of the other side gaping, the plate of food left uselessly in his hand. 
It took him a moment to find his voice. He reached up and knocked again. "Old man? It's me, Twilight, I just came to check up on you and give you some dinner!"
There's no answer and a spark of annoyance ignited in Twilight's chest. 
"I'm not going to hurt you," he called, knocking again, "I'm your friend. Warrior said you remembered him and Sky; I'm their friend too!" 
"Go away, please!" Time suddenly called on the other side of the door. 
Twilight rolled his eyes. "Sorry, buddy, can't do that. We have to make sure you're doing alright. The sun is setting and I don't think Malon will be back until morning, so you have to work with us for a little while longer." He reached forward and placed his hand on the doorknob, feeling a little like he's about to breach his mentor's privacy, but at the same time his mentor is acting very childish and Twilight can't just leave him be. 
The doorknob jiggled but did not open. Twilight scowled and huffed. "Very mature," he said, "unlock the door. Look, I know you're very hard-headed, but you have to let us help you. You have to let somebody in."
"Send someone else!" Time called. 
And that blow was almost physical. 
It definitely had him stumbling back like it. 
Deep breaths Twi. Deep breaths. "Look! I don't know why you don't like me all of a sudden, but I mean nothing but goodwill! Plus, Warrior said that you'd be willing to talk with me?"
"... I changed my mind."
"Old man," Twilight said in exasperation. "Time. Open the door." He jiggled the doorknob. "C'mon, I'm not going to bite you or whatever. Time! Please?" 
Twilight had to step away to restrain himself from kicking the door down. 
"Fine! You win! But you will let someone in!"
He turned with a huff and walked back to the kitchen where the others were helping Wild clean up the kitchen but they all stopped when he entered the area, food going cold on the plate in his hand and face probably red. 
"That didn't take long," Hyrule said slowly. "Is he alright?" 
Twilight huffed and strides over to the younger hero, shoving the plate in his hands and then storming towards the front door. "He won't talk to me. It's your turn."
And then he was out the door before anyone could say a single thing. He stood in the cool evening air for a few seconds, panting like a wolfos. 
If Time wanted to act like a child, then that's fine by him. He took off walking, nowhere in particular, just in a random direction. He was sure though, that if anyone looked at him through the windows of the ranch, they'd see steam coming from his ears. 
Hyrule could only stand there a little dumbfounded by what had happened. It seemed Twilight’s behavior was a shock to the rest of them too because it took a good few beats of silence bore someone cleared their throat and attempted to make some semblance of a plan. 
“Hyrule… do you want to give Time his food?”
Hyrule looked at Legend, the one who had spoken, feeling like he was a trapped animal. There’s no way Time would react friendly with Hyrule. Not if he didn’t with Twilight. Hyrule barely even knew the guy. He respected him sure but it wasn’t like they had any kind of relationship or anything. 
His internal panic must have shown on his face because Sky gave a kind smile. “How about,” he said, taking the plate from Hyrule’s hands and setting it down on the kitchen table. “You invite him down to eat.”
“I don’t think he can handle a large company, Sky,” Warrior said, “he’s probably very tired still.”
“I think that for whatever reason he can’t handle our rancher’s company,” Sky retorted and everyone silenced. “And while Twilight is out blowing steam we can get him down here to talk to us as a group.”
Warrior bit his lip in thought before he sighed. “I see your logic. But we mustn't crowd him.”
“Maybe we can help him remember Twilight,” Wind offered.
“So by the time Twilight comes back, everything will be fine again,” Wild put in as well.
“Fine,” Warrior muttered, throwing his hands in the air. “Fine. But if we break him more, I won't take the fall with you all when Malon decides our lives are forfeit.”
It was meant to be a joke, but if the way the entire group stilled and became somber was an indication of anything, it certainly fell flat.
“Hyrule?” Four suddenly asked and Hyrule almost jumped a foot in the air, not expecting to be addressed.
“Are you going to get the old man?”
Heat flooded his face. “Y-yeah.”
He left the room before he could make a bigger fool of himself and practically scrambled up the stairs. He wondered what made Twilight so irritable. Did Time say something rude? And why was Time so insistent about not wanting to talk to Twilight? He wished he knew, that way he’d be more prepared with Time inevitably shut him down too. 
There was no way this would work, and he chanted it in his head like a mantra until he worked up the courage to knock on the door. There was silence for a few solid seconds, and then a voice called out in a more awake tone than what he had been expecting.
“Who is it?” 
Hyrule swallowed. “Um, Hyrule. Um- well, not Hyrule Hyrule. I- I’m the hero of Hyrule? So that’s what everyone calls me. It gets confusing sometimes and-”
The door was suddenly opened and he shut his jaw with a click.
Time stood there on the other side of the doorway, his single eye critically narrowed, almost like he was looking into Hyrule’s very soul. Hyrule squirmed under the gaze, but whatever Time was looking for seemed to be found because he stepped slowly out of the way to invite Hyrule in. Hyrule swallowed and stepped back. “Actually, we were wondering if you felt well enough to join us downstairs for some dinner?”
Time stilled and then he sighed. “I’m… not sure that is a good idea.”
“Twilight isn’t there,” Hyrule rushed out and Time’s eyebrows rose in slight surprise. “He went out. For a run or something, I think. The other’s all want to talk to you.”
Time remained silent for a second before he released a breath. “Did I hurt his feelings?”
“Who? Twilight?”
Time nodded and Hyrule swallowed. “Oh. Um. He’ll be fine.”
“I… I don’t recognize anyone, but each of you gives me a… sense of peace and safety. But Twilight… I don’t know why but I can’t bring myself to open up to him. I know I care about him, I can feel it in my bones that I care for each of you, but I… I can’t talk to him right now. I just hope I didn’t hurt his feelings.”
“I… yeah, he’ll get over it,” Hyrule repeated because he didn’t quite know what else to say. “He’s… strong. And whatever is off about him that you don’t like I’m sure will all make sense when you’re better.”
“When I’m better.”
“Yeah… so do you want to come down and eat or should I bring food up-”
“I’ll… come down. I feel trapped in this room, and some kind faces I think will help me feel better.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Hyrule stood there awkwardly as Time practically shuffled out of the doorway, his eyebrows drawn together with a tightness that could only be described as pain. His head must still be bothering him. Hyrule swallowed and took a step forward, ducking under one of his arms and grabbing onto Time’s side. Time made a thankful hum and wrapped his arm around Hyrule’s shoulders. 
“What is for dinner?” Time asked as Hyrule helped him down the first step. Hyrule grunted with his weight but was thankfully able to keep his balance for a few more steps. 
“Wild made Hearty Salmon Meuniere. It’s really good,” Hyrule grunted. 
They finally made it down onto the first floor and Hyrule almost bent over gasping, but he was stopped when Time squeezed his shoulder. 
“I don’t remember who you are,” Time mumbled, “but I have the sense that you’ve been through much. You are incredibly brave, little one.”
Hyrule swallowed, not really prepared for a revelation like that. “Everyone here is brave. You’ll see that I’m at the bottom of the ladder. It’s you who everyone looks up to. Everyone is taking this memory loss hard. Especially Twilight. I… I appreciate it though.”
“If the me without memories can tell how courageous you are, I’m sure the me with memories thinks even higher of you.”
Hyrule almost choked on his spit as his ears began to feel like they were on fire. 
“L-lets go. I’m sure the others all want to see you.”
The other’s all consisted of seven young men who for the life of him Link… or Time could not remember. He knew the faces. After they tell him their names he’s almost hitting his head against the wall in anger because how could he have possibly forgotten these young men?
Wind was a charming lad, and he gave Time the sense or recklessness and adventure. Curiosity. He smiled the widest when Time entered the room and talked the most like it wasn’t awkward at all. Time appreciated his energy. His kindness. It reminded him almost of himself before… before everything. Except, this young man somehow managed to keep that innocent part of him alive after his adventure. 
Legend was much on the opposite side of the scale. He can see the sadness in his eyes, but he can also see a spark of flame. The need for adventure still calls him, even though Time is quite confident that Legend has been through more than what he says. There had been many obstacles in his way, and he lost many parts of himself, but he still retains a kindness and carefulness that often goes unnoticed by his prickly exterior. He says things as they are, and Time can’t help but feel a large deal of respect towards the younger man.
Sky was… well, Sky was himself. Time’s impressions of him were that he was kind and positive and perhaps the happiest of the group. But he also has a righteous aura about him that Time isn’t particularly fond of. The sword on his back is confirmation of that. Yet, Time also knows that he would trust his life in Sky’s hands. 
Four was as blunt as a tree branch being used for swordplay. He didn’t dance around his words, and when Time asked for his story, he flatly said that Time had no business knowing. Time can respect that. Clearly, whatever relationship he had with Four was purely made out of trust. Neither knew that much about each other, but it didn’t matter. The boy had a quick mind and sharp tongue, and while he kept his secrets to himself, he still didn’t mind very much being around the others. 
Warrior, Time can’t help but feel a special bond with him. Besides himself, Warrior was clearly the eldest of the group. Time knew that this man has suffered much, and has seen much more, and yet he still went out of his way to be honorable. To be kind.
Wild was a special soul. Time instantly felt the need to pay special attention to how he acted. Searching for little signs that he was uncomfortable or happy or content. Time didn’t think Wild has had that much time to be himself. In fact, it almost felt like Wild was constantly watching himself to live up to someone else. Yet, despite all of that, Time could tell his smiles were genuine, his enthusiasm heartfelt. 
And of course, there was Hyrule. Insecure to a fault, yet his heart is bigger than that. He has a lot of heart. He might say he’s not that brave, but Time knew better. He knew that Hyrule has perhaps seen just as much hell as Time himself has.
The boys were all unique. Loud. Different. And even though the headache in his skull pulsed and his eyes felt heavier and heavier the night wore on, he wanted nothing more than to continue being in their company.
They told him stories. Tried their best to help him remember some of them. He couldn’t recall them all, like the one about how Legend apparently single-handedly fought off a hoard of moblins. He suspected that was just an attempt to butter himself up and trick Time’s memory. But the story Warrior told of the great Goron spice incident came almost immediately back to him with just a small bit of fuzz around the details. Wild looked scandalized at the mention of that story, seeing as it involved a piece of women’s clothing being found in his bad, but when Time started laughing, saying that he remembered that, all of the boys became eager to tell more silly stories about the rest of them.
Wild pulled out his strange slate and began a slide show of pictures, and quite some time passed and he hardly even felt his headache anymore.
Then, the slideshow stopped on a picture of a young man with dirty hair and markings on his forehead.
The mood instantly sunk, and Time couldn’t help but feel responsible for it. 
“He looks up to you a lot,” Four mumbled, “you’re… almost like a dad to him.”
And Time knew this. He knew this the moment he saw the picture down on the slate of that young man. Twilight… feels almost like a son to him too.
Now that some time has passed with the others, he can almost see how silly he was. Sure, he was out of it, memories shattered in his head like a mirror, and Twilight simply had the misfortune of being the one to find him. The misfortune of having dark magic within him that Time didn’t recognize. How foolish of him to make that mistake. How foolish of him to judge Twilight off of that simple misunderstanding.
Almost like a sign from the goddesses, Twilight chose that time to walk in the front door. His skin around his eyes, cheeks, and ears were red from perhaps the cold, perhaps something else. He stopped in his tracks as everyone turned to look at him but his eyes instantly locked with Time. 
There was something desperate in them, so instead of saying anything, Time smiled and scooted a little on the chair he was sitting on, making room for one more to join them at the kitchen table. Twilight smiled like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders and quickly grabbed a chair and made his spot next to Time like it was the most natural thing in the entire world to do.
Laughter filled the rest of the night, and as they told yet another story Time hardly even noticed his head drooping with tiredness until an arm wound itself around his middle and hefted him upward. He did his best to cooperate with his feet, but it clearly wasn’t much help. He was eventually laid down on a soft sofa, a throw placed over his body, and before the calming embrace of sleep could take him he looked at the boy above him. How foolish of himself indeed to think this boy could ever hurt a fly.
Malon returned in the morning, a stash of red potions in her hands and an irritating story to tell about her next-door neighbors in the castle town inn. Though, her irritation quickly faded when she saw her husband happily resting on the downstairs sofa with a smile on his face. The boys tell her that they helped him remember most everything the night before and gave him much-needed company. When she was able to give him a red potion, the most it did was un-fog some of the trickier bits of his memory and rid him of his headache.
She didn’t complain when he pulled her close, dragging her into a love-filled kiss.
Wind made a gagging sound but Malon didn’t mind a single bit. Clearly, there was no need to worry. Her boy’s always pull through, one way or another. 
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heamarvel · 5 years
Holiday Movie Challenge Prompt and Badge lists
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Hellooooo shippers of all Marvel ships!
This marks the kickoff to HEA (Happily Ever After) Marvel’s Holiday Movie Challenge! If you don’t know us, we’re a group of crafty mods under the direction of our own personal Pepper Potts ( @betheflame​​ ), so really, this is going to be great fun, and we hope that you’ll join us!
A brief intro to our event:
At no point do you need to sign up for this event. You are not beholden to post anything, even if you say that you will. This is a guiltless, fun event!
Pick a prompt, any prompt!
Interpret the prompt any which way you wish. We have prompt examples available for people to peruse on our blog and on our Discord, if you’re in need of a few examples.
Write (or art, podfic, or moodboard, etc.) any ship you want, even polyamorous relationships of any number or type (even if the prompts contain just two characters!).
Include additions from our badge list if you wish! They function like video game achievements (think World of Warcraft, or Xbox) and you will be rewarded with little achievement badges designed by the wonderful @kocuria​ that you can display anywhere you please.
The collection will open on November 1st and close on December 24th.
Around then we will provide a Google form to submit the badge info and other info for your fic.
BUT REMEMBER! All contributions to this event must have a Happily Ever After as per holiday movie standards (doesn’t mean there can’t be tons of angst and pain in the middle, though).
For any further info, please check out our Holiday Movie Challenge page, our Prompt and Badge page, our Frequently Asked Questions page, or ask us questions on Tumblr, Twitter, or on Discord! (Links on Tumblr.) 
But that’s enough mod-splaining, let’s take a look under the cut at the prompts and badges that we’ve been eagerly waiting to share with you!
*We have included both (1) images to download and save as well as (2) text for those who prefer or need that medium! The images are at the bottom of this post.
Here’s a separate post with just the images.
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1. Character A is a big city lawyer who swore to never go back to their hometown. Suddenly, their grandfather dies and leaves them the family Christmas Tree farm. They’re determined to go back and shut down the farm. Character B runs the farm and is determined to save it.
2. After losing their job as an au pair in New York, Character A accepts a position as a nanny in the castle of a small European principality no one has ever heard of. Character B is a single parent & ruler of the country.
3. When architect and Christmas amateur Character A finds themselves hosting their family for Christmas, they recruit holiday coordinator Character B to bring holiday joy to their home.
4. A high-powered executive reconsiders their priorities when car trouble leads them to Christmas Valley, a town in love with Christmas.
5. Two new students at nearby university, Character A and Character B, meet the first day of classes and become study partners. A local bookstore becomes a close part of their lives as their relationship grows.
6. Character A - a famous author who writes about how to stay single - is forced to look after their niece and nephew over the holidays. With the help of their Christmas-loving neighbor, Character B, they learn to find love and the Christmas spirit.
7. A young royal (Character A) escapes their entourage to explore New York City over Christmas. They meet Character B who shows the beautiful stranger their side of the city.
8. As Christmas approaches, Character A (the Lizzie Bennet character), a New York event planner, is sent to a quaint, small town to organize their holiday festival. When they arrive, they find Character B (the Darcy character), a high-profile billionaire lacking in holiday spirit, in the process of selling the charming estate they hoped to use as a venue.
9. An anxious bride-to-be (Character A, “bride” is non-gender assigned) throws in with broken-hearted and cynical Character B and a happily married couple for an emergency ride to NYC from New England.
10. Character A has to go to their cousin’s holiday wedding that’s taking place a year to the day they were left at the altar. Unable to face going alone, they con Character B into going “just as friends.”
11. When a restless young married Character A is granted a wish by a Christmas Angel to be single again, they soon discover their new life isn't what they bargained for, and embark on a quest to win Character B back.
12. Character A and Character B have been archrivals ever since a memorable fight over a coveted Christmas recital solo in elementary school. Now adults, they work side-by-side at the same school where they still constantly compete over everything. As the holiday season approaches, the entire school is getting into the spirit with the annual fundraising festival, which will feature an exciting new event - a teacher Christmas Cookie Bake-Off, judged by a tough five-star chef.
13. Character A inherited a toy factory. The town needs the factory to stay open, but they have no interest in being tied to their hometown. Especially when they find out that Character B - who broke their heart in high school - is the town’s mayor.
14. A WWII era nurse (Character A) is transported in time to 2019 and meets Character B who helps them discover the bonds of family and that the true meaning of Christmas is timeless.
15. Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Character A accepts a ride from Character B, who has just rented the last car in town.
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We’ll be custom-making the badges for whatever ship you choose to bring to the table! (Just keep in mind our limits: no underage, no non-con, no nazis.) Popular ship or rarepair+, this group of multishipping mods would love to see whatever you choose to write!
General fic elements
Needing a passport
Non-abled character
Neuro-diverse character
Passes the Bechdel Test
Set outside the United States
Addresses a legitimate societal ill/charity/cause
Character learns a craft as a coping mechanism
Someone eats popcorn in a dramatic scene
Mention or include a Hallmark store or movie
Character is tracing their genealogy
Character writes fanfiction
Character learns a new skill
Sentinels & Guides
Soulmate-Identifying Marks
Historical AU: Scottish or Irish clans
Historical AU: Ancient Rome or Greece
Historical AU: Regency or Victorian
Historical AU: American West
Inclusion of animal other than a dog, cat, or horse
‘It Takes a Village’ (town or community helps them hook up)
Use of holiday other than Christmas - including non-winter holidays
One sentence or more spoken in a language other than Russian
Discussion on classic literature and/or classic rock ‘n’ roll
Write a pairing you’ve never written before
Holiday Movie and general tropes
Inversion/Subversion of any trope
Main character has a cuddly dog
Presence of a small town festival
'And they were roommates!'
Fake Relationship
Only One Bed
Snowball fight
Ice skating or Ice hockey
Interrupted first kiss
Stories from childhood
Sassy/nosy best friend
Conniving co-worker
Kid as matchmaker
Single parent
Holiday specific
Yule log
Playing Dreidel
Holiday movie pick: Die Hard
Use of the phrase “Santa! I know him!”
Home Alone style shenanigans, serious or not
Trying to balance an egg on the Solstice
A non-Jewish character mixes up Passover and Hanukkah
Writing format/style
Outsider POV
First Person POV
Text Message/Chat Room
3+ perspectives in one story
Dialogue Only
Avengers stereotypes/fanon
Thor is foreign
Bots as children
Tony has insomnia
Tony Is Worthy (of Mjolnir)
Tony as a non-Iron Man mechanic
Ceiling vent Clint Barton
Budapest Explanation
Natasha is a scary spy/likes sneaking
Super-Nanny Phil Coulson
Peter Parker being a klutz
Peter and Shuri team up on Tony
Bruce has anger management problems
Avengers Movie Night
Darcy uses her taser
Bucky speaks Russian
Steve and/or Bucky need to play catch up on modern and pop culture
Shrunkyclunks (Modern Steve/CA & non-Avenger Bucky)
Shrinkyclinks (Modern Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier & non-CA Steve)
Side Character speaking role (any apply): Dr. Doom, Reed Richards, Galactus, Ghost Rider, Frank Castle, any Inhuman, any Runaway, Sif or one of the Warriors Three, Frigga, Amora or Lorelei
Set in a Marvel canon universe (even if not canon-compliant), for example: 1872, Noir
Mod Requests
Supernatural creatures
Gender swapped MC
Someone wears a tiara
Someone wears a kimono
Long-distance relationship
Snuggling to keep warm
1940s AU
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Disclaimer: The above plot summaries in the prompt list belong to numerous movies in the Hallmark catalogue. We do not claim to own them, and are not making any money off of this, nor are we being paid by Hallmark to run this event.
Additionally, as of December 14th, 2019, we are no longer associating with Hallmark even in name, due to their poor choice to cave to pressure and remove an advertisement of a gentle, loving same-sex kiss occurring at their own wedding. We cannot and will not abide that.
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gukyi · 6 years
the snow globe effect | knj
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summary: when a freak blizzard hits and leaves you and kim namjoon trapped in the library together on the eve of new year’s eve, you realize that when life hands you lemons, you make lemon snow cones. 
pairing: namjoon x female reader word count: 10k genre: fluff warnings: ill-advised usage of book shelving carts. please don’t do this i can’t be held liable. it feels like slow burn except it’s snowing, so it’s slow freeze. a/n: happy new year, everyone!!!! here’s my gift to you to round out 2018. quite frankly, i think that this is some of the best writing i’ve done all year. i had so much fun writing this fic, so i hope you guys enjoy!! promise we’ll get back to gukyi’s regularly scheduled programming (aka i’ll start writing the things i say i’ll write) soon!
fic playlist: promise by jimin, crystal snow by bts, and moonchild by rm.
“Happy New Year’s,” your coworker, an elderly woman named Gretchen who shows you pictures of her daughter with her wife and their five dogs when you’re on break, says as she gathers her belongings from her desk, leaving just you and Namjoon to man the rest of the library. Not that it’s busy in the slightest—nobody wants to go to the library two days before New Year’s Eve when they have all of their last-minute party shopping to do—but still, it’s a decently large library.
“Bye, Gretch,” you say casually, scanning in a couple of books, the familiar beeping sound ringing out from the ten-year-old computer in front of you. “Tell your daughter I said hello.”
“Will do,” she chuckles. “Hope you guys will be alright. They’re saying it’s supposed to blizzard tonight.”
You shrug. Nobody really believes the weather forecasters anymore, not after the freak incident a couple of months ago when they said a surprise October snowstorm would hit the area and then it was sunny and warm. “I’m sure we’ll be okay. It hasn’t even started snowing yet.” You look up at the big glass windows across the library just to double check that it is as overcast and chilly as it was fifteen minutes ago.
“Alright, but stay warm,” she orders with a smile before waving goodbye to you and Namjoon, who’s standing in the back with a complimentary employee scone in his mouth. You don’t think you’ll have any problem with that—you’re wearing your thickest sweater and the library always has its heat on high—but you do pull up the weather on your phone just to see for yourself what the meteorologists are saying about the supposed incoming snowstorm.
“Psh, yeah, right,” you mutter to yourself, this feeling too much like a boy who cried wolf kind of situation. Not that you think the weather is a fluke, but you can’t say you have too much faith in the predictions. The day before New Year’s Eve and a freak snowstorm? As if. It’s your last day of work for the year—no library with its metaphorical head screwed on straight would be open on New Year’s Eve—and you only have two more hours before you’re free for the next few days. And all you really want to do is stuff your face with the obligatory New Year’s Eve party hors d'oeuvres.
“You know,” a voice says from behind you, deep and husky and warm. You can feel Namjoon’s body heat on your back, the thick cardigan wrapped around his body doing nothing but increasing the local temperature. “They might actually be right this time.” You whip around in the spinny chair to face Namjoon directly, scaring the apparent bejeezus out of him as he jumps up with all of his might, like a cat introduced to a self-moving mouse toy. “They as in the, uh, the meteorologists. Those are the they. I mean—”
“I know what you mean, Namjoon,” you say, calming him. His eyes are wide behind his thick-rimmed black glasses. He looks like he’s about to shrink into the beige cardigan that’s already on the verge of swallowing him whole.
“It’s because there’s a low pressure front over us right now,” Namjoon says, doing that thing you’ve noticed he does whenever he gets nervous, which is becoming wordy. He doesn’t talk much normally—too busy checking items in or shelving books or making jokes with the old ladies who are library regulars—and it’s not like when he does open his mouth he becomes a stuttering, bumbling disaster, but any time you strike up a meaningless conversation with him it turns into a word train. “So this low pressure area, which is called an extratropical cyclone, pushes warm, moist air up and if it’s over a mass of cold land then the cold air will cause the moisture to turn into snow. And apparently there’s a lot of water vapor in the air right now and it’s been below freezing for about a week, so they’re saying snow.” He seems to want to talk more, mouth opening again, but he shuts it immediately.
“Didn’t know I’d be getting a Weather Channel lesson today,” you comment snidely, smiling to yourself. Namjoon looks frozen solid, the only body movement his blinking eyes. “I’m kidding. Thanks, Namjoon. Maybe you should drop this job and go become a meteorologist. You’d certainly be much better than the geezers on TV.”
“No, I couldn’t, I don’t look good on camera.” A lie. Namjoon doesn’t know you think this, but he always looks good. Lived in. Cozy. Like he dressed for himself and not for anyone or anywhere else. “Besides, I’m having enough trouble paying for college as it is. Another degree is not in the cards.”
“What do you major in, again?”
“I’m doing a double in political science and philosophy,” Namjoon says like he’s talking about the cereal he had for breakfast this morning.
“Maybe it’s just because we’re on break right now, but those words just broke my brain,” you tell him intellectually. You’re pretty sure Namjoon could toss you into next year if you were to ever challenge him to a friendly game of Employee Jeopardy!. “So do you just… study meteorology on the side? A hobby, perhaps?”
Namjoon chuckles. “No, I just thought it was interesting. Especially because of that freak not-snowstorm a couple of months ago. No one can really be sure about anything anymore.”
“If that is not the mood,” you hum in solidarity. “But it’s not snowing right now.”
Namjoon looks up at the gigantic windows that your back is turned to, expression unsure. “I don’t know, those white globs outside look like snow to me.”
Shocked, you whip your chair around to find it, lo and behold, already beginning to flurry outside, the sky raining down gently, not like it’s crying but like it’s just bitten into a powdered sugar munchkin from Dunkin’. What? It wasn’t even precipitating in the slightest five minutes ago. Gretchen said goodbye to the both of you, the last two suckers left watching over this barren wasteland of a library, and you swore you could make out some sky behind those clouds.
Now it’s dark, snowing, and you’re stuck here for the next two hours.
“Already? Jeez, that was fast,” you say, flabbergasted. You just made yourself look like a total fool in front of your supernaturally intelligent coworker, and now he’s watching as you eat your words like they’re a three-course meal.
“The weather likes to creep up on you like that,” Namjoon says sagely. “Like you don’t realize it’s coming until it’s already arrived.”
You huff. You hate admitting when things are right and even worse, when they’re true.
“I still doubt it’s going to snow eighteen inches though, right?” You say, trying to retain at least a small semblance of your dignity. Though at this point, you may as well just chuck it out of the library window and let it float away with the rest of the snowflakes. “That seems like an awful lot.”
“You never know,” Namjoon says. “But right now, looks like a bit fat zero on the ground to me.”
“Pretty sure that that’s just because it started snowing like, two minutes ago.”
“Just trying to lighten the mood,” Namjoon says, forcing out a chuckle that sounds more like a horse whinny.
You don’t respond, too busy mentally cursing the meteorologists for being right about the snow. Or cursing the snow for letting the meteorologists be right. Regardless, Namjoon takes your silence as cue to go back to doing the rest of his own work, scanning in recently-dropped-off books before placing them on a cart, ready to be shelved. You, on the other hand, twist back and forth in the office chair with your feet unprofessionally resting on one of the stools you use to get to the high shelves as you organize the online requests from other libraries in the area.
Most days, working goes like this. You and Namjoon are in your own little worlds, doing your own little things, occasionally breaking out of your personal bubbles to crack a bad joke to another coworker. You do your duties as a library employee and mind your own goddamn business. You and Namjoon aren’t close. Just friendly. Enough so that it warrants a mutual smile when you two pass each other on campus once in a blue moon, but nothing more than that. Nothing more than the press of tight lips together as you acknowledge each other’s existence, both during work and outside of it. Most days, this is how it is.
“See you,” another one of the regulars, a girl who’s working on her graduate degree at your university, says as she’s walking towards the exit of the library, coat zipped up tight around her body.
“Leaving already?” You ask. “You’re typically one of the ones we have to kick out at closing.”
She smiles guiltily. She’s told you before how much she prefers working in the quiet of the library rather than her own apartment. “Yeah, since it’s snowing. I’m worried that they’re gonna shut down the buses.”
“It hasn’t gotten that bad just yet, has it?” You ask, taking another quick glance at the window. The gentle flurries have turned into something much more menacing, big clumps of snow that land on the ground with thuds instead of light pitter-patters.
“No, but I hear it’s going to. Better to leave now than to be trapped,” she says. “But I’ll see you guys in the New Year, right?”
If only you had the luxury of leaving the library. “Yeah, see you. Hope you get home safely.”
“Thanks,” she says with a grin, way too warm for this time of year when everything is just variations of cold. “I hope they’ve salted the roads enough, at least for the time being. Wish me luck. Bye, Namjoon.” She waves to him as she passes by the adult circulation desk where the two of you are camped out, the automatic door hissing as it opens for her.
When she’s gone, Namjoon places the book he was sneakily reading under the desk—Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sarte—on the table, the chair creaking as he stands up. “I’m gonna do a lap and see if anybody else is here.”
You nod as proof that you heard him, but say nothing. Namjoon walks out in front of the desk before making a right, heading to check all of the usual places where the usual suspects will hide amongst the bookshelves, hoping not to be found. You severely doubt anybody’s left in this building, the snow making for a major turn-off for library attendance. The girl that left is frequently the last patron in the library on normal nights. You’ll be genuinely shocked if Namjoon finds anybody else.
Sure enough, Namjoon returns empty-handed. Not that that automatically means nobody else is here—he’s not allowed to kick people out until official closing time—but you can tell from the resigned look on his face that he and you are the last two poor, unfortunate souls left to rot in the library for the next two hours.
In a way, it’s sort of comforting, knowing that you’re the last two people in here. Sure, someone could waltz right in through the automatic doors without batting an eye, settling in until closing time, but you don’t think anyone will want to make a purposeful trip out to the library on a night like this, in weather like this. It’s dark and snowy and cold and leaving the comfort of your own private residence is probably the last thing the general public wants to do.
You have the library to yourselves for the rest of the day. Then, the moment the clock strikes six, you’re out in an instant.
“Nobody?” You ask him. He shakes his head, settling back into his chair and picking up his book. “Damn. Don’t think I’ve ever been alone in the library before.”
“You’re not alone,” Namjoon says without looking up. He licks his pointer finger before turning the page. “I’m here.”
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The clock striking five o’clock means that you only have one more hour of sitting in silence as you finish up the last of your work responsibilities before being free. The clock striking five o’clock also means that for roughly the past hour it’s been snowing, the flakes getting thicker and thicker as time slowly ticks onwards. And it also means that because of all of those weather conditions Namjoon was mentioning earlier, there’s already a hearty layer of snow on the ground, blanketing the Earth in white around you. It seems to have even bested the salt they’ve put on the roads, a thinner but still formidable layer of white covering the asphalt.
This does not bode well.
“How deep does it look now,” you deadpan to the boy across from you. He’s gotten half of the way through the book within the past hour. It looks to be about an inch-and-a-half thick.
Namjoon pauses his reading, peers out the window, and tilts his head to the side slightly, thinking. “Looks like three or four inches.”
“Ugh,” you say. It’s the only conversation you have for the next forty minutes.
Namjoon is nice and easygoing, but also incredibly inoffensive. On more than one occasion you’ve walked into work and totally overlooked his presence. Not because he’s quiet as a mouse or always disappearing, but because he’s almost never doing anything that appears on your radar. He’ll be shelving books while you’re at the checkout desk, then he’ll walk behind where you’re seated and start doing work of his own, and then you get the fright of your life when he drops a book and it clatters to the floor. But inoffensiveness isn’t something you have the right to complain about, especially not in a library work environment where 90% of your day is spent sitting behind a desk watching as the seconds go by. Namjoon’s not a coworker you’re allowed to complain about.
The snow is piling up outside. Namjoon’s getting deeper and deeper into the enormous book in his hands. Your phone battery is slowly decreasing as you play Piano Tiles over and over.
This is how your days normally go.
It’s actually a real fucking shame that you and Namjoon know each other only and exclusively through work. It’s a shame because Namjoon is a genuinely decent human being who you’re almost positive you’d be friends with if you interacted outside of a work environment. And it’s a shame because you know that, if given the chance, the right time and the right place, you’d get to know him for who he is and not who he appears to be.
In your hands, rudely interrupting what is likely your thirty-fourth round of Piano Tiles of the hour, your phone vibrates with a text message.
Nayoung (5:46PM): hey will u be alright?? i know ur still at work but Nayoung (5:46PM): they’ve shut down public transport bc of the blizzard Nayoung (5:47PM): idk how you’ll get home
“How deep is the snow now?” You ask loudly, breaking the peaceful silence of the giant clock ticking away and the heavy yet soft plunks of snow on the window across from you.
Namjoon looks up from his book, less than a quarter left to read, and squints to look at the snow outside. Not that there’s much to look at other than a blanket of white and a navy blue sky, areas closer to the library illuminated in an ugly haze of orange ground lights. “Looks like it’s half a foot.”
“Fuck,” you say, collapsing back in your spinny chair. You’re sitting in the one with the funky back, so with the force of your figure pressing against it, it dislodges itself, making your breath hitch in fright as you momentarily feel like you’re falling.
“Whoa, you alright?” Namjoon asks, eyes wide. He looks too scared to come over to see if he can help you, like he thinks he’ll only make it worse if he does.
You topple off of the chair, landing on the carpet below you with a thud. It’s rough under your fingertips, and tickles the exposed skin between your socks and your cuffed jeans. With a great big push, you pop the backing of the chair back into its place and dust yourself off. You find that the floor of the library is actually quite comfortable, as floors go.
Tired, inconvenienced, and in despair, you huff to yourself, camped out on the floor as Namjoon watches you from above, where he’s seated in an actual chair and not on the carpet like a toddler, with concern and fear lacing his features. “I hate the snow. Why couldn’t there just be less water vapor in the air? Why couldn’t the extratropical cyclone be over a land mass that isn’t balls cold?”
Namjoon’s blinking at you like you’ve sprouted three heads and a handlebar moustache.
“What?” You ask, almost challenging him. You feel bad for being so aggressive—you’re usually much more laid back when you’re working, but desperate times (snow) call for desperate measures (unbridled rage).
He opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again. His expression is soft. “I didn’t know you actually listened to me.”
The surprise in his voice makes you, for some reason, sad. Like he didn’t expect you to actually be paying attention to him when he was telling you something, having a conversation with you. Like it’s normal for him to assume that the other person isn’t listening to what he’s saying when he speaks.
“Of course I was listening,” you say quietly, much quieter than the rest of your unusually boisterous disposition. “I always listen to you.”
It’s not much, not when the only times you regularly interact are when you’re asking him a question about a book that a patron checked out or complaining about how many overdue items you’ve had to track down, but it makes him smile to himself, warm and dimpled.
“The truth is,” you say, getting up off of the ground so you can speak to him without having to crane your neck, and also so it feels less like a kindergarten classroom and more like, perhaps, a library, “I’m mad because I underestimated how bad the snow would actually be, and now they’ve shut down the buses because of the snow and I have no way of getting home. So.” You follow up with a couple of finger guns for added effect.
“Wait, they shut down the buses?” Namjoon asks, eyes going wide, made even wider by the distortion of his prescription glasses. He sighs, but you can barely see his chest move under his cardigan. “Looks like I’m in the same boat as you.”
You pause. “I didn’t know you took the bus.” You’ve had the same shifts more than once. You think you’d remember seeing him getting on the bus at the same time as you.
“I don’t,” Namjoon says with a sigh, rubbing his forehead. “My friend Yoongi normally picks me up since he works at the music store nearby. We try to coordinate our shifts, but he stayed home today to produce, so I had to take the bus. Or, I did, until this happened.”
“So, we’re stuck here,” you deadpan. Namjoon nods.
Saying it out loud makes it real, which is your least favorite part about this. Saying it out loud solidifies the fate you already knew you were destined for but were foolishly hoping would be wrong. Now that you’ve declared it, now that Namjoon agrees, you know you’re doomed. There’s nothing else you can do—not when the blanket of snow outside is only getting higher and the weather doesn’t look like it’s getting any lighter.
At least the library’s heating still works.
“Great,” you say sarcastically, making the intelligent and executive decision not to lean back in your chair for fear of falling off of it again. You lean forward onto the desk, elbows resting against the surface as your hands cup your chin.
Namjoon looks like he has no idea what to do. So he gets up and gets a drink from the water dispenser, flipping the tap so cold water pours into the insulated water bottle he always brings to work with him. He returns to his seat, having almost finished his book, when—
“Your friend produces?” You ask him, and there is really nothing quite like the way Namjoon’s face lights up like the fireworks on New Year’s Eve when you mention his friend. Like all he wants to do is talk about the people close to him.
“Yeah! He does,” Namjoon says enthusiastically, with a head nod so violent it causes his glasses to slide down the bridge of his nose, resting on the button tip. “He’s really into music production, always has been. He learned the piano when he was little and now he works on songs for smaller artists from the area. One time he skipped on buying milk for us for a whole month—he’s in charge of the groceries—because he wanted to save money for a new synth, but I wasn’t able to eat my cereal so I just bought one for him instead. Actually, he—”
“You guys live together?” You interrupt, although you don’t really want to, not with the way Namjoon’s expression has lightened, animated itself.
“What? Oh, yeah, we’ve been living together for two years now.” Namjoon nods. “Sometimes I’ll come home to him blasting some new piece he’s working on, or hear him rapping into the kind of crappy microphone he’s got attached to his desk in his room. He makes his own music, too, and I think that he’s great and that he should send out demos, but he says he doesn’t want to get involved with the mainstream music industry. Says it’s too cutthroat. Which, I agree, but I think he would be such a refresher, you know? Because he’s so down-to-earth and just a generally wonderful person. I have some tracks of his on my phone, do you wanna listen?”
You don’t really have a choice—not that you were going to say no—because Namjoon’s already fumbling for his headphones, fingers digging through his pockets to pull out the white cords, knotted together in a tangle. Namjoon doesn’t need headphones—the library is empty save for the two of you, and it’s closing time now—but his fingers quickly work to untangle them. As he’s doing so, he rolls over to you, closing the gap between your chairs and your bodies as he finally pulls the last knot loose.
Namjoon hands over the earpiece for you to have, the shortness of the wires bringing you closer than your chairs can manage on their own. Next to him, you can feel the heat radiating off of his body, thick and warm from his knit cardigan. Maybe from the way his eyes are all lit up, too.
He fiddles around on his phone briefly before pressing play, and it’s quiet for a second before you can hear the rough, gravelly voice of who you assume to be Yoongi echoing throughout the headphones. There’s an anger to his voice, but not so much a furious kind of anger as much as it is a determined kind of anger. A resilience, like he’s rapping this to prove someone else wrong. It’s good. It’s brand new, but refreshing. The song cuts to some instrumentals, the intensity of them matching that of his voice, which then fades out as the second verse begins.
But this voice is different. It’s thicker in a way, less raw and jagged, smooth around the edges. Warm, but with that same determination in the tone. Then, you realize—
“Oh my God, is this you?” You ask in shock, wondering why you didn’t recognize the owner of the voice the moment you heard it. Now that you know who it is it seems obvious, like it had been staring you in the face all of this time.
Namjoon blushes, cheeks turning red when he notices that you’ve recognized him. He sounds different in this song than he does at work, loud like he wants to be heard, mad like he has something to be said, but still the same. Still the same honeyed tone, like sugar dissolving into tea.
The song ends, and you hand the earphone back to Namjoon, letting the pads of your fingertips rest in his palm.
“Yeah,” Namjoon says shyly, curling into himself. “I—I don’t rap, often. Not as much as I’d like, but Yoongi insisted I write this verse myself. I’m not as good as he is—”
“Are you kidding?” You say, shocked but pleasantly so, like you’ve just gotten a wonderful surprise. “It was amazing! Namjoon, it was so good. I’m serious.”
“It was all him, really—”
“No, you were on that track too. You sounded great, Namjoon. Like a rapper. A real one, too. Maybe it doesn’t have the music industry flair but that was real music, Namjoon. I loved it,” you say, insistent that Namjoon get it through his thick skull that his contribution was worthy. “You and your friend both have a future in music-making. It was beautiful, Namjoon.” Then, “Your voice is beautiful.”
Namjoon blushes again, like he can hardly handle such massive compliments. You think he deserves more than the measly flatterings you can give him, like perhaps a star on Hollywood Boulevard, or at least a Grammy or three, but for right now, this is all you have to offer.
“Thank you,” he says softly, smiling to himself.
“If you ever make more music, Namjoon,” you tell him honestly, truthfully, meaningfully, “I’d be happy to listen to it.”
Namjoon grins.
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If you thought time passed slowly while you were at work, it somehow passes even slower now that you’re not. You think that, at this point in the night, you’d give anything to just have more library-provided tasks to keep your mind active and your hands busy, because you’ve played so many rounds of Piano Tiles that when you close your eyes you can still see the flashing squares of white and black. Curse your responsible nature and your desire to always finish 100% of the things assigned to you before the day is done. Now, you have nothing left to do. Next to you, Namjoon’s placed his feet up on the desk, bright yellow argyle socks peeking out from under his clean-cut slacks. He finished the book ten minutes ago and looks equally as bored as you do, resorting to fooling around on his phone because nothing else in his immediate vicinity looks interesting enough to read. You think you see a Nicholas Sparks novel in the corner over there, untouched.
It would be different if you were alone. If you were the only worker left in the library as the snow settled down outside, trapping you inside like frosting cementing a gingerbread house to its platform, then it would feel futile. Feel like an exercise in solitary confinement, though you’d probably end up resigning yourself to reading the plenty of books at your disposal.
But you’re not alone. You’re with Namjoon. Namjoon, who you don’t really know outside of the library, have been given glimpses of who he really is through things like his fashion, his word choice, his music. Namjoon may not be the life of the party but he’s not someone to forget, either. You’ve always said that if you were given the opportunity to get to know him for who he is, you’d take it. Now, the opportunity is staring you in the face. You’d be a fool not to listen to it.
Feeling like a kid dragged out to a party with his parents that forgot his DS at home, you decide to take matters into your own hands, refusing to suffer in this non-awkward awkward silence any longer.
“Come on,” you declare, standing up from your seat, putting your phone facedown on the desk as you do. Namjoon looks up from his spot in the chair opposite yours, and his phone is low enough for you to be able to see what he’s doing. He’s on a color-by-numbers adult coloring book app. “Let’s go.”
“Go where?” Namjoon asks, but he doesn’t say it snarkily, like he’s not expecting a very intelligent response in return. He asks it genuinely, out of pure confusion.
“Around. The library’s big and we have nothing to do.” This is starting to feel like a red-eye flight. “We should stretch our legs, get in our daily steps.”
“I don’t exercise much,” Namjoon says to himself, but he obliges, getting up alongside you. He places his phone right next to yours.
It’s not like you have a lot of ground to cover. Despite your library’s size, you’re still restricted to it. You can’t leave it because you’d end up locked out if you did, so it’s assumed its position as Your Entire World until further notice. Maybe the snow will let up eventually.
“What do you want to do while we go on our walk?” Namjoon asks by your side. You’re already turning the corner into the children’s department.
You think for a second. More silence would be peaceful and comforting, but you’ve been sitting in relative total quietness for God knows how long already, and your mind needs stimulating again. It feels like it’s been dormant for 84 years.
“Let’s talk,” you say, keeping your eyes trained on anywhere except him. It’s weird, being this close to him. He’s not a stranger but you can hardly call him an acquaintance, either. And the label coworker feels too formal, too professional, too restricted. You’re college students who just so happen to be employed at the same library. You’re not office workers who see each other on a nine to five basis without ever saying hello. It’s different. “Tell me anything.”
Namjoon seems to ponder this for a moment, trying to think of something to say that isn’t the standard ice breaker. You’re not here to listen to him say, “Hi, I’m Namjoon and I like eating pizza.” You’re here for something real.
“Did you know that crabs can swim sideways?” He asks, turning to face you. It is the strangest and most wonderful answer to the prompt you could ever think of. He’s grinning. He must love this.
“No, I didn’t,” you say. “Now that I think about it, actually, it makes sense. If they can walk sideways, there’s no reason why they can’t swim sideways.”
“Yeah!” Namjoon says enthusiastically, bouncing on his feet. “It’s cool, isn’t it? Crabs are a lot cooler than we give them credit for.”
This is the nicest conversation about crustaceans you think you’ve ever had. “That’s really interesting. Do you have any more facts about crabs I should know?”
“They communicate through sound,” Namjoon continues. He must have an entire bank of crab facts up in his brain. “Drumming, mostly. And this weird flapping sort of sound. But a lot of crab species are solitary, so they don’t get to talk much. It makes me sad.”
“Don’t be sad,” you say, reaching out to hold his arm. Not his hand. Specifically not his hand, despite your original trajectory being closer to his hand than his arm. “It’s kind of like us, right? We don’t talk much.”
“We’re talking now,” Namjoon says. “And we should talk more.”
“Well,” you say, passing by the play area, where wooden rocking horses and big Lego blocks sit idly, waiting for the next kid to entertain for the duration of their brief attention span. “We’ll just have to work on that, don’t you think?”
“Tell me something about you,” Namjoon insists. Not that the crab fact had any sort of relation to him, but you learned something anyway. You learned that crabs can swim sideways, and you learned that Namjoon is delicate. Soft. Selfless enough to tell you about something he loves rather than something he is when asked a question. “I think you’ve heard enough of me talking about crabs.”
“What?” You say, feigning offense. “I would never. I love your crab facts, thank you very much.”
He grins and it makes you wonder how many times he’s whipped out the crab facts to an unsuspecting crowd. Makes you wonder if everyone loves listening to him as much as he loves talking about them. He gives you a nudge, prompting you to answer him.
“There’s not really much to tell,” you admit. You’re not the most interesting person. Certainly not when you’re next to Namjoon, who seems to know a little bit about everything. “I don’t have a bank of random but welcome factoids like you do.”
“Well, you must have something to tell me,” Namjoon declares. “Everyone has a story.”
“Okay, but some stories are like children’s books and some stories are like Tolstoy’s War and Peace,” you reason.
Namjoon frowns at your comparison. “Both equally as fulfilling,” he protests. “It just depends on who’s listening in.” So wise, so philosophical. Anything that even borders on self-deprecation Namjoon turns into a life lesson. He’s like a college professor. Or a grandfather. “We’re surrounded by books. You must have one of your own.”
“So insistent,” you muse fondly. Normally you would find such encouragement to be pressuring and awkward, but it’s not that way with Namjoon. It’s less feeling like you have to talk about yourself out of obligation, and more like you’re going to talk about yourself because you want to.
“I just want to get to know you,” Namjoon admits guiltily, like it’s a crime for him to have such a desire.
“Did you know I changed my major three times?” You prompt, making him raise an eyebrow. It’s no secret you’re an indecisive piece of trash but it’s a better conversation-starter than “My favorite animal is a dog” or “I like to sleep.” And it makes Namjoon raise an eyebrow in intrigue.
“Really?” He asks, all lit up. “What did you want to be originally?”
“I don’t know,” you admit. “I was an English major, then a history major, and now I’m in linguistics. Not necessarily the most employable of fields.”
Namjoon makes the kind of sound a balloon makes when it’s losing air. “Are you kidding, those are super employable fields! Anything can turn into a job if you try hard enough. I mean, I’m literally majoring in philosophy, but since it’s something I enjoy I’ll find a way to make a career out of it. Maybe not something super lucrative, but something that will make me happy. That’s important.”
“Doesn’t music make you happy?” You ask, wondering why he didn’t major in that instead. He seems to know an awful lot about the subject—more than you do, for sure—but it’s as though he doesn’t see a future where he and music can be joined together.
This question renders Namjoon relatively silent. You’ve rounded the children’s department, weaving through the back bookshelves lined with nonfiction, Dewey decimal markers decorating the tops of the shelves so that patrons know where to find the book they’re looking for. Namjoon’s eyes are tracing the outline of each book you pass, scanning the titles that peek out on the covers, the spines.
“It does,” he admits, perhaps more to himself than to you. It’s not as though you couldn’t figure that out for yourself—no matter if he’s talking about himself or his friend, his face lights up like nothing else when music is the topic of conversation. “But it’s not really something that’s a trustworthy career path. I wouldn’t want to go into music performance or anything. I just—”
“Who says it needs to be a trustworthy career path?” You interrupt. You feel bad for doing it so often, but Namjoon needs to hear something about this that isn’t coming from himself. “You don’t need to rearrange your whole life around music. You can still major in political science and philosophy and make music. You can make a name for yourself through the songs you and your friend produce without having to change your major three times like I did.”
Namjoon looks like he doesn’t really know what to say to that.
“Maybe it’s just me, but you have a future in music-making. There’s a whole world out there for you and your friend to explore. You shouldn’t hole yourself up in your apartment together spitting fire that nobody will ever hear.” In an attempt to get his full attention you stop in your tracks, turning to face him so he’s forced to face you, as well. His eyes are bright, dark brown, deep and endless but laden with flashes of worry, of doubt. “You’re good at so many things, Namjoon. It’d be a fucking crime if you didn’t do as much of them as you could.”
Namjoon smiles.
You keep walking.
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There are only so many times you can walk the perimeter of the library before getting immensely bored. By the third lap, you begin to figure that there are better ways to spend your time until the snow subsides and the local transportation system starts back up. Next to you, Namjoon’s also getting restless, fiddling with his cardigan and his glasses and fingers. Every now and then you will point something only remotely funny to him, like the title of a book or trees outside, and the two of you will chuckle halfheartedly to yourselves before settling back into silence. It’s not that awkward, or at the very least, the two of you are trying your hardest not to make it awkward, but there comes a point when you need to stop before the Dewey decimal signs are ingrained in your mind.
You could, you know, read, but no matter how much you love being surrounded by books and cultivating a love for them in others, reading seems remarkably boring right now. Maybe it’s just the fact that if you wanted to read you could while on the job. Being here, being trapped, and most importantly, being unsupervised has created this sort of incessant desire to disobey the laws of the library. The feeling of freedom makes you want to see how free you can be.
After all, there’s no one else here to stop you.
“How much do you work out?” You ask. Perhaps it’s a random question, but you’ve got a purpose to it.
Namjoon looks caught off guard. He looks down at his body, at the cardigan wrapped around his torso making him look much buffer than what’s underneath, and smiles sheepishly. “Not much. Not at all, really. Most of the time I burn my calories by slipping in the shower.”
That is the most endearing thing he could have responded with.
“Well,” you say, coming to a halt in front of one of the empty adult circulation carts. Typically, the pages will fill these with books to place back on shelves, but now there’s an empty one right in front of you, and a whole entire library to explore. “Think you can push me around on one of them?”
Namjoon looks awfully frightened the entire time, even as he’s steadying the metal contraption so that you can settle on top of it. “Are you sure you’ll be alright? I don’t think these carts were built to hold this much weight, Y/N—”
“Psh, it’ll be fine. I’ve shelved books the thickness of your head on these carts and everything’s been fine,” you say, hoping to God that you don’t come crashing through it because breaking it means paying for a new one. Unless you and Namjoon can come up with an incredibly believable lie, but you’ll burn that bridge when you come to it.
“I don’t know about this, Y/N,” Namjoon says, but he doesn’t seem to be making an attempts at stopping you. “I don’t want you to get hurt because of some dumbass cart.”
“If I do, will you kiss it better?” You ask, sort of joking (but also sort of not). Namjoon freezes up for a moment, tensing his body as he grips tightly onto the handles of the cart. “Come on,” you say to break the ice forming amongst his bones. “You’re the truck driver and I’m the cargo. We have a lot of ground to cover.”
“This is nuts,” he mutters to himself, but instead of worry lacing his features there’s a smile in its place. He pulls you away from the wall where the cart was parked and begins to push you, slowly and slowly as he gains momentum. You nearly topple off the damn thing in the beginning, but you keep your ground by quickly grabbing onto the handles, where Namjoon’s hands rest. The touch is fleeting, warm and soft but only for the moment it takes for you to regain your balance, but you swear you can feel little sparks where your skin touched his.
After a couple longer passages between bookshelves, Namjoon’s developed something of a rhythm, like he’s pushing a million watermelons in a shopping cart in front of him.
“Are you still okay?” Namjoon asks loudly, over the sounds of your giggles at the rush of adrenaline through your body, the feeling of your bloodstream, electrified.
“Yes, I am, keep going, keep going!” You encourage, smiling and smiling and smiling because it’s like you’ve created your own little rollercoaster, right inside of this library on a cold, snowy night. God, if your manager saw the two of you doing this, she’d probably fire you instantly. Unfortunately for her, she’s safely tucked inside her warm house. Sucks.
At this point even Namjoon’s broken out into a beautiful grin, mouth open wide like there isn’t a care in the world that’s crossing his mind. He’s awfully strong, much stronger than he gives himself credit for, and so despite the fact that you’re sitting on top of a rickety metal book cart with nothing else to keep you padded and safe, it feels like you’re in control.
Famous last words, really.
Amongst all your giggles and laughter and bubbles, Namjoon turns a corner too roughly, too quickly, and suddenly you find the cart colliding with one of the newer displays, a smaller bookshelf with all of the latest releases lining the wood. It’s not so much a head-on collision as it is Namjoon t-boning the damn thing, the side of the cart smashing together with the front of the display.
You feel a jolt run through but you’re still safe and sound, albeit your breath is a bit quicker. The cart didn’t take much of the damage, but what has is the bookshelf, books clattering to the floor at your feet as Namjoon curls back into his cardigan like a pillbug.
For a second, you’re silent.
And then, you laugh. You burst into giggles, letting the wave of hysteria wash over you at how fun this is, no matter the damage you’ve caused. Things can be fixed. They can be replaced. This is a library—people have treated the books more horribly than you have. There are much worse things to do to the books then cause them to clatter to the ground from a bookshelf that’s as high as your waist.
With Namjoon still steadying the cart, you hop off of it, moving it out of the way so that you and Namjoon can clean up the mess you’ve made. This is by far the most fun you’ve ever had on the days right before New Year’s Eve, when you’re usually struggling to complete some last-minute resolutions from the closing year or out shopping for the subpar party you’ve been invited to attend.
Together, you and Namjoon kneel down to redo the book display, flattening out any bent pages and smoothing over any dents in the covers. Instinctively, the both of you start arranging them by alphabetical order according to author, Namjoon handing you the right book without even needing to be prompted as you slowly begin to put them back on the shelf.
“That was fun,” you tell him. You don’t think you’d take back a second of it.
“Yeah, it was,” he agrees. “Oh, look, we’ve dented the shelf.”
Sure enough, right where the handle of the cart met the wood of the shelf there’s an indent, a little dip in the otherwise pristine design. From afar, it’s hardly noticeable, but once you move a little closer you can see the shadow where it rests.
“You think they caught this on the security cameras?” You ask, looking around the ceiling. Even though you’ve never actively sought out any sort of video-recording device while working, you have a sneaking suspicion that they’re here.
“Even if they did, I’ve asked Gretchen and she says that they haven’t checked them for years. There’s never been a need to,” Namjoon says. Normally, you’d peg him for someone who would worry about something like that, fearing that, if found out, it would cost him his job. But now, he seems much more carefree.
There’s a final book on the floor, one written by someone with a last name that begins with Y, so the two of you reach for it at the same time, intending to place it in the last empty spot on the shelf. As you do, your fingertips touch, the book not big enough to separate both of your hands as they hold it together. It’s so high school, so Hallmark movie, but it makes your heart beat faster all the same.
When you’re finished, the two of you get back up and dust yourselves off, taking the cart back to its rightful position along the wall before heading back to the adult circulation desks.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had that much fun in this place, and I hide in the shelves and read Harry Potter when I’m bored,” Namjoon admits as the two of you settle back down.
The moment you hit the back of the chair, the power cuts out.
For a couple of seconds, you and Namjoon wait in silence, hoping that there’s a generator that will kick on and bring back the central heating and lighting that you don’t necessarily need, but would vastly prefer over cold darkness. But when thirty seconds have passed and it doesn’t look as though there’s anything coming on any time soon, you sigh. Even outside the lights have shut off, the snow that was once decorated in an orange glow now blanketed in darkness. If you squint, you can see it still piling up. Eighteen inches, they said.
“I’m surprised it took this long for the snow to cause a power outage,” Namjoon says like he’s impressed at how long the library’s power source held out. “It must be at least a foot out there by now.”
“At least this didn’t happen while we were cart surfing,” you reason. You suppose the damage would be much more catastrophic if the power had gone out while you were mid-adventure. You lean back into your chair a bit too far again, but even in the darkness Namjoon reaches his arms out to catch you before you fall to the floor.
“I think we should migrate to the chairs over there,” Namjoon suggests with his hands held tightly around your wrists, keeping you stable. He nods his head towards the big, comfy ones meant for reading, a little oasis in the sea of bookshelves.
“Good call,” you say, quickly getting off of the chair and dusting off your legs. Not as if they need any more dusting. You just need something for your hands to do that isn’t holding onto him.
You settle into the two enormous grandfather chairs, decked out in a floral pattern that looks like it may or may not be one hundred years old. Namjoon seems to relish in the comfort, pulling his legs up and wrapping the cardigan around his body impossibly tighter. It’s like he thrives in the darkness, feeling much more at home when the lights are low and the moon is high, hidden behind the clouds that have trapped you inside.
“I don’t get to do this much,” Namjoon says aloud. Not like he’s speaking to you directly. Like he’s just letting the world know.
“Yeah, this is the first time I’ve been snowed in at my place of employment too,” you joke.
“That’s not what I meant,” Namjoon says with a smile. “I mean, I don’t get to just sit and relax very often. I’m always busy.”
“All work and no play makes Joon a dull boy,” you say sagely. You think that Namjoon’s on the verge of chucking one of the paperbacks at your head, if the roll of his eyes is anything to go by.
“No,” Namjoon says, somewhat exasperated. Not necessarily at you, but at life. “It’s just—I love what I do, and even though it’s technically considered work I enjoy studying and being in university and working towards a degree or two, and I like being here, as well. Staying occupied is good for me, because if I’m left in silence for too long I start thinking about things that worry me.”
“Like what?”
“The future,” Namjoon says. “I know that everyone’s scared of the future, but I don’t like thinking about it just as much as the next guy.”
“You don’t need to invalidate your fears, Namjoon,” you tell him. “Your worries are as valid as everyone else’s. Just because someone else fears the same thing doesn’t make yours less important.”
Namjoon’s silent, but even in the darkness of the library, cold and isolated, you can see him smile to himself. Like your words are all the reminder he needs. The new year’s almost here. If he wants to start anew, rebuild himself piece by piece, there’s no reason he can’t start now.
“I’m just worried that—”
“You don’t need to explain why if you don’t want to,” you continue. “We’re almost through with this year, and anything you have yet to accomplish can be dealt with next year. I’m scared of the future too. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do with my degree, and thinking about grad school gives me a headache. But the future is almost here, it’s almost the next year, and we can blossom then if we haven’t already.”
Namjoon hums softly to himself. “You’re so wise, Y/N. Maybe you should be the philosophy major instead of me.”
“Oh my God, no, I think my brain would explode if I was a philosophy major,” you say quickly. “No offense.”
“Bold of you to assume my brain isn’t already totally fried,” Namjoon jokes. “Where’d you learn to be all deep, though? I don’t know if linguistics is as philosophically stimulating as it could be.”
“Pfft, all we do is talk about dumb English is as a language,” you tell him. “But I don’t really think I’m that deep, or wise. I think I just picked up a couple things from the best.” You give Namjoon a nudge, your elbow pressing against the thick sleeve of his cardigan. He grins softly, eyes closed like he can hardly bear such compliments being paid to him. He deserves so much more than the ones you can give him, though.
In the dark of the night, the silence of an empty library, it only takes a couple of questions to get to know Namjoon. For who he is, and not who he seems to be. There’s so much swirling around in his brain, as he furrows his eyebrows and twiddles his thumbs, anything and everything from meteorology to crab facts to his doubts. Namjoon is the kind of person that makes you wonder why you didn’t speak up before, why you didn’t try earlier, because now he feels like someone that would leave a hole in your life if he left. There’s so much more to him than meets the eye, as cheesy and cliche as it sounds. There’s a kind of aged innocence to him, youthful and wise all at once. Like he knows what he’s destined for but excited for the journey to get there.
He’d make a fantastic musician.
“Have you composed anything by yourself?” You ask. Namjoon nods. “Will you play me one?”
He’s allowed to say no and you wonder, for the brief second of silence that follows, if you’ve overstepped a boundary. He was already resigned about his music to begin with, but he’s beginning to open up like a lotus flower in the spring, slowly but surely showing you what’s inside. He pulls out his phone and his headphones, this time much less tangled, and offers one to you.
“It’s called Moonchild,” Namjoon tells you softly before pressing play.
It sounds much different from the song he showed you earlier. Raw, the same kind of raw, same kind of exposed feeling, but less angry. Less of an anger and more of a wistfulness, nostalgia seeping out of the lyrics and the instrumentals and bleeding into your bones, your bloodstream. Namjoon’s expressionless as the two of you listen in, feel the heavy but certain beat of the drums echoing throughout the headphones. It’s the kind of song that makes you wish it wasn’t snowing or cloudy, so you could peer out the window and see the moon waiting amongst the stars, keeping watch over the world until the sun will come to take its place.
When it’s over, the first thing you say is, “Is that what you think of yourself? A moonchild?”
“Yeah,” Namjoon says like it’s a weight being lifted off of his shoulder. “I mean, it’s hard to explain but I just feel connected to the moon more than the sun. Maybe because she’s so lonely.”
“She’s not lonely,” you tell him, interrupting him. “Just because she’s bigger and brighter than everything else in the night sky doesn’t mean she’s alone. There are all of those stars to keep her company.”
It’s your way of reminding Namjoon that no matter what, he’s not alone. He has Yoongi, and he has you, too.
The darkness, no matter the time, always makes you tired. You begin to stop fighting the way your eyelids are starting to droop closed, the only reason you’re still awake being the chill that’s settled into your bones, the heating having been long shut off.
“I’m getting tired, aren’t you?” You ask with a yawn. Never pegged yourself as someone who would sleep in the library, but it’s not like you have anywhere else to go.
“It’s getting somewhat late,” Namjoon agrees.
With another yawn, you curl into yourself, pulling your knees up to your chest to conserve as much body heat as you can. The chair you’ve practically dug yourself into is comfortable, but does very little for your overall temperature. You’re so tired, you barely notice the way Namjoon gets up, peels the cardigan from his body to place over your frame, until you feel the thick fabric laying on top of you. At the sensation you dart back up to see Namjoon settling back into the chair, significantly less warm.
“What? Namjoon, take this back,” you insist, holding the cardigan out for him to grab.
“No, you looked cold. I’ll be fine, I swear,” Namjoon insists with a shake of his head.
“No, I refuse. This isn’t some Titanic-type bullshit. Your cardigan is big enough for the both of us,” you say. If Namjoon won’t take his sweater back, you’ll just take matters into your own hands. Cold but insistent, you get up from the grandfather chair to sit on the couch opposite it, a kind of ugly forest green that’s hidden by the darkness. You make yourself comfortable, body digging into the couch cushions, as Namjoon watches you. “What are you doing? Get over here.”
Namjoon’s eyes widen at the prospect of having to be buried under the cardigan next to you. It’s a large article of clothing, that’s for sure, but not big enough for your bodies to be under it without touching each other. Not that you mind.
“Come on,” you insist, holding out the cardigan so there’s room for him to join you under it. Namjoon’s steps are slow, hesitant, but he does as you say and slides in next to you. You arrange the cardigan neatly over your bodies, the extra body heat not just from the blanket but also from him already making you sleepy. You even make the daring decision of resting your head on his shoulder, less padded from lack of fabric but comfortable and warm all the same.
“Feels like we’ve gotten closer because of this snowstorm,” Namjoon says.
“We’re literally cuddled up under your behemoth cardigan,” you point out.
“Not just that, I mean in general.”
You hum your agreement.
“I’m glad,” Namjoon says, and even though you aren’t facing him you can hear the smile in his voice.
“Yeah,” you say. Under the sweater, you feel your hands interlock with his. This time it’s no accident, but he doesn’t shy away like he would have before. Instead he holds your hand tighter, pulls you closer (you tell yourself it’s because he’s cold), and lets his body relax, tense after years and years of wear and tear. “Me too.”
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The next morning is particularly bright, from the sun reflecting on the bright white snow piled up outside. It feels like you’re straining your eyes, blinking and blinking to get them to adjust to the change in light, like someone on Photoshop has switched the saturation bar from black to white. On the table in front of you your phone is buzzing and buzzing and buzzing, left for so long without any sort of contact that it’s going through withdrawal.
Nayoung (8:37AM): Y/N WHERE ARE YOU Nayoung (8:40AM): DID YOU STAY AT THE LIBRARY Nayoung (8:45AM): ANSWER ME !!! Nayoung (8:45AM): ARE YOU SAFE Nayoung (8:45AM): I’M ABOUT TO CALL THE POLICE Y/N WHERE ARE YOU
You (8:51AM): I’m fine Nayoung! Stayed overnight at the library!
Nayoung (8:52AM): oh thank god alright!! well, the buses are back up and running so please come home :(
Next to you, Namjoon’s soft, continuous snores are slowly subsiding as he stirs awake, a couple grunts leaving his lips before his eyes finally open. You turn to meet him when they do, and at the sight of you, first thing he sees in the morning, he grins lazily to himself.
“What time is it?” He asks as he slowly sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His cardigan sits in a pile on the floor in front of you—you must have kicked it off in the night.
“It’s nearly nine,” you tell him. “The buses are back up.”
“That’s alright,” Namjoon says, voice thick with tiredness. He sounds even more attractive like this, though can hardly believe that’s possible. “I’ll probably just call Yoongi to come and pick me up.”
“Oh, well, I don’t want to miss the next bus, so I should just—” Before you can get up off of the couch, Namjoon’s reaching out for you, pulling you back into him, tucking you into the curves of his body. A small gasp leaves your lips as you fall into him, but the noise morphs into a pleasant hum as his arm wraps around you.
“No,” he grumbles into your shoulder. “Stay here. You were warm last night, right?”
“The warmest,” you tell him. Despite everything, it was one of the best sleeps you’d had in a long while.
“Then there’s no reason to go,” Namjoon says. “It’s not like anyone else is going to come in. It’s just you and me.”
Eventually, you do manage to escape his grasp, pulling him up with you as you stretch out your limbs and get ready to go. His friend is parked outside, the snowplow having already come to shovel away the snow in the parking lot outside. Namjoon pouts at the lack of warmth but you just hand him back his cardigan. That’s enough warmth for now.
“We should do this again sometime,” you say jokingly as you’re walking out of the library, Namjoon making sure to lock it up on your way out. “It was fun.”
“I don’t think we need an impending snowstorm to enjoy each other’s company,” Namjoon says.
“It was certainly cozy.”
You don’t know where you’ll go from here. You’ve exchanged numbers but you never see him on campus as it is, your paths only ever crossing when you have the same shifts at the library. But it’s different now—you can feel it in the air around you. Maybe you’ll start making time for each other, make efforts to align your shifts and cross your paths. There’s more to life than what’s already given to you, you realize. Some things you need to take into your own hands.
“I hope the next time I see you won’t be at work,” Namjoon admits, a light red flush decorating his soft cheeks.
“How about we go out for coffee sometime? I mean, we’ve already slept together, so I think a date would be in order,” you suggest.
“A date?” He asks cheekily, though you know he’ll say yes.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”
A whistle. The two of you turn to look at Namjoon’s friend, who’s rolled down the window just to shout at the two of you. “Hey, lovebirds, hurry it up! My car’s heating isn’t working and I want to get the fuck home!”
“I’ll text you, okay?” Namjoon says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You feel the sparks again, where his lips met your skin. Next time, you’ll see what electricity you’ll feel if you press your lips on his. “See you soon.”
Namjoon scurries off to get into the passenger seat of the car, leaning forward to wave out the window. A gust of wind blows by as they drive off, and white falls off the empty branches of the trees that surround you, like it’s snowing all over again. Though it’s cold, though there’s eighteen inches of snow by your shins, there’s something in the air that feels different than before.
Namjoon (9:12AM): I miss you ♡
You smile.
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⇒ hmu with feedback or just talk to me here!
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 13
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ok, I didn’t mean to take...(doesn’t bother to look at how long since it’s been since I’ve posted anything for this story because the guilt will kill me) however long (feels longer than forever) to update this story. I literally had it all planned out in my head. And then when I went to write it my brain went “fuck you, I am on fumes, I need a break, I’m done.” and it didn’t matter how much I tried to restart or jump it- no go. So I moved on. I went back to school, I’m getting my licence to be a massage therapist, I’ll be doing that until July of next year which I’m currently on break with until Tuesday. But GOOD NEWS. I was going through my tumblr and I still find all these RaeLena pictures and when I went back to this- I found, lo and behold, FUEL. So I started this back up and this baby is running! Wooo! @the-immortal-marshal​ and @warnjai-17​ hopefully you’re still here to enjoy this 
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 13
The morning of Crowe’s wedding day was bright and brisk and the trees around the farm seemed to have come into spectacular color just for her. The sunrise was especially beatuiful and Prompto and the photographer got some outstanding pictures of it. 
The horses had been washed the day before and kept in their squeaky clean stalls so they didn’t get dirty right before the ceremony. Crowe woke up feeling so happy and excited because today was the day her and her best friend were getting married and Chelsea had worked overtime in making sure every detail was perfect and to make sure Crowe only had decisions to make in a timely manner but no actual work to do through the whole process so it had been a breeze. The girls had all stayed at Sylva’s house and she had had another caterer come in and make everyone breakfast and a team of hair and makeup artists to make sure each girl shined like the jewel she was as Luca and Lilly and all the other little sisters of the those in the wedding party got to get glammed up too. 
Meanwhile Libertus woke up with the worst hangover and felt like death warmed over. He had stayed up half the night, him and his friends around a campfire on Craig’s farm and drank and just talked, some of it was casual, most of it was deep though while Tredd did manage to keep his mouth shut about Ada being pregnant. But he sure did hint at it to Luche which Ravus and Nyx picked up on as Ravus was suspecting that the reason his mother favored Tredd as much as she did was because he had the gift too. 
Craig Sr. and his wife Charla were already hard at work making a mountain of food for the boys and they chuckled to themselves as they watched all of them wake up to the smell of food and come in, each one’s hair crazier than the last as they all did the zombie shuffle to get the food before sitting down at the table as the guys downed pot after pot of coffee and ate in relative silence as bottles of Tylenol, Advil and Aleve were passed around. 
“You boys alive over there?” Craig asked before there was a chorus of groans as an answer which cracked Craig Sr. and Charla up. 
Meanwhile Hazel was sleeping blissfully away in Titus’ bed before the smell of her own breakfast woke her up only moments before Titus came in with their breakfast on a tray. 
“Good morning Beautiful.” Titus cooed to her as her eyes fluttered open before she smiled adoringly at him as she stretched. 
“Good morning, what do you got there?” She asked as she sat up, keeping the blankets up to cover her nakedness but moved the pillows to the headboard so she could sit up comfortably. 
“Breakfast.” Titus beamed. 
“Aww,” Hazel fawned as he gave her the tray and then got back into bed before they cuddled together with the extra large tray over Hazel’s lap. 
“This is really sweet,” Hazel gushed as she started to dig in to the bowl of berries before she pulled the lid off of the plate to see an engagement ring sitting on top of some french toast and gasped as Titus’ heart beat so hard in his chest he thought it was going to break his ribs as his mouth felt like it was full of cotton all of a sudden. 
“So, I was thinking, I know you really like your apartment and I really like the peace and quiet and space of the country, but I thought we could find a happy medium if we built a house together, Oak Creek Estates still has a bunch of lots available and if…” Titus was cut off by Hazel quickly attaching her mouth to his and kissing him as deeply as she could from her spot under his arm as his arm curled around her before his other hand went up to gently caress her gorgeous face, hoping she could understand what he was trying to say because words were failing him but actions never would.  
“Yes, that’ll be perfect, a fresh new start for both of us.” Hazel beamed happily as she had already slipped the ring on before Titus moved the tray over to the floor before he really got to enjoy his fiance for breakfast which is what he really wanted. 
As the clock ticked down Libertus went from hungover to happy to nervous and by a surprise, Luche was too. 
“Cut it out, they’re all gonna think you’re playing with yourself.” Tredd teased as he sat down next to Luche after he came back into the house from helping the firework guys set up all the fireworks for the night before he sat down on the couch as Luche frowned over at him. 
“Cut what out?” Luche tried to deflect. 
“You keep fingering that engagement ring thing in your pocket, it looks like you’re trying to jack off.” Tredd chuckled as Luche frowned. 
“How…” Luche began as Tredd gave him an unimpressed look. 
“Really? You really wanna play dumb? Come on, let me seee.” Tredd questioned as Luche humphed before he pulled it out and handed it to Tredd. 
“I do, I will marry you.” Tredd gushed in an overly feminine way. 
“Oh my God, stop.” Luche rolled his eyes as Tredd opened the fancy slim ring box to see a paper flower fold out holding the ring. 
“Aww, this was one of Victor’s rings for Ravus wasn’t it?” Tredd asked as Luche sighed deeply. 
“Yes, I bought it off of him.” Luche admitted. 
“Of course you did, you spent what? A whole dollar?” Tredd teased. 
“Ravus gave me a price and I paid it, no negotiations needed.” Luche defended. 
“A whole five dollars because you don’t cary singles anymore blue blood.” Tredd grinned triumphantly. 
“I hate this about you.” Luche sarcastically quipped as he tried to take the ring back but Tredd pulled it out of his reach. 
“Hey, hey, don’t get all huffy. I think it’s nice- a whole 20 carats just on the center diamond and that has to be...another 5 carats in the bezels and blue diamonds are coming back into fashion again, platinum?” Tredd appraised as Luche just frowned deeper and deeper. 
“Since when do you know anything about jewelry?” Luche asked.  
“Since mom adopted me too and has been taking me under her wing and teaching me the same shit she’s teaching you but I get the super fun hands on versions, and she is paying me in stock options now and recognizes that I have a good eye and can spot a fake a mile away.” Tredd answered casually as he gave it back. 
“Wait paying you? Paying you for what?” Luche demanded. 
“You didn’t think you were her only eyes and ears did you?” Tredd grinned smugly. 
“How much is she paying you?” Luche pressed. 
“Eh, it started off as 5k here, 10k there, now it’s stock options and percentages and 401ks and trust funds and all that which I find I like much better, especially since I’ve been reinvesting that money in said stocks. Project Recovery alone has quadrupled my money in just the last couple of months alone and Sylva says I have the same gift she has in that oracle shit. I see things with my special eyes that you don’t.” Tredd teased as he poked his finger near Luche’s ear as he batted his eyes suggestively at Luche.  
“Stop,” Luche batted Tredd’s hand away. “What do you see that I don’t?” Luche questioned. 
“I knew before anyone else did that Crowe was pregnant.” Tredd grinned. 
“You got lucky.” Luche countered. 
“Did I? Did I also get really super lucky when I knew Ada was pregnant over the summer on the cruises?” Tredd revealed. 
“What?” Luche blinked. 
“Yeah, I saw that before Sylva did, And that fifteen grand? That was to keep you two from fucking so you wouldn’t lose your mind when she lost that pregnancy. Which sucked by the way, but hopefully it doesn’t happen again.” Tredd revealed. 
“You…” Luche didn’t know if he should laugh, cry or just go bang his head against a wall. “How? How did you know?” Luche demanded. 
“There’s just a lot of subtle changes that most miss but to me they just all add up for some reason.” Tredd shrugged. “But looking back, aren’t you happy you didn’t fuck her senseless on the cruise?” Tredd asked. 
“...yeah.” Luche ducked his head with a sigh. 
“Well I knew the moment those two got together that it was gonna crash and burn in a matter of months. She’s always been your girl, she was just the last one to realize it.” Tredd offered which made Luche and Tredd both grin lopsidedly at each other. 
“Thanks.” Luche thanked him. 
“You’re welcome. By the way, I want to be a groomsman.” Tredd insisted which made Luche snicker a laugh. 
“Oh do you?” Luche returned. 
“Hell yeah, am I or am I not the Bro who was purposefully a douche to save you from that clusterfuck?” Tredd prodded. 
“You are that douche.” Luche laughed. 
“So I’m a groomsman?” Tredd prodded. 
“You are the douchiest of my groomsman.” Luche chuckled. 
“Good,” Tredd grinned victoriously as Ravus and Nyx came up. 
“Oh is that Ada’s ring?” Nyx asked. 
“Yeah, I was thinking I was gonna pull a Rae.” Luche admitted as he handed it to Nyx as Ravus smiled proudly. Happy that the ring was going to go to a “brother”. Besides that still left a few to save for his children to use when they would get engaged. 
“Awesome,” Nyx smiled happily before he gave it back. 
“Shower is clear.” Craig called out after he got out of his since every shower was being used on the property to get all the boys ready as Luche got the ring back as he got up and claimed the empty shower. 
“So what else do you see with your special eyes?” Ravus asked Tredd once Luche was well out of earshot. 
“Jesus, you have the ears of a rodent Beavus.” Tredd rolled his eyes. 
“Ada’s pregnant again isn’t she?” Ravus grinned. 
“Sssshhhh!” Tredd shushed him as he quickly looked around to see if anyone else had heard that. 
“See? Told you.” Ravus put to Nyx who gave him an unimpressed look. 
“Does he know?” Nyx gestured to where Luche went. 
“No, absolutely not, and none of us can tell him either, we gotta let Ada find out on her own and have her be the one to tell him, we can’t spoil this for him. I mean you know me, I’m all for spoiling shit but that’s the special shit you don’t spoil.” Tredd urged them. 
“So what do you think it’s gonna be?” Ravus put to Tredd curiously. 
“Pppfff, boy.” Tredd snickered. “Watch they’ll name him something super British, like London or Oxford or something so English the Royal Family will be like ‘calm it down now’. “ Tredd predicted. 
“London.” Nyx and Ravus grinned. 
“Any other girl preggers?” Nyx asked Tredd. 
“Right now? No. About to be? Oh yeah,” Tredd laughed. 
“Who?” Ravus and Nyx asked as Tredd looked at them unimpressed before he looked over to Gladio pointedly before turning back to them. 
“No way,” Nyx shook his head. 
“A hundred bucks, they’re going to be expecting in the next say...four months?” Tredd offered as he offered his hand for a shake. 
“Deal.” Nyx agreed as he shook Tredd’s hand as Ravus just shook his head, knowing Tredd was right and knew that Tredd had the same gift he had. Which instead of denying it or downplaying it or getting jealous, he felt a sense of relief that he wasn’t the only one with it. 
Once all the girls arrived the boys got the horses saddled and ready to go as the guests started to arrive and take their seats. The weather couldn’t be more perfect, small, almost cartoonish puffy clouds rolling in the sky, it was warm enough to be comfortable but not chilled enough to be cold but that message didn’t seem to get to Libertus who was sweating buckets so much so that everyone thought he was going to lose 10lbs in sweat alone and Chelsea was grateful she had extra shirts for Libertus to change into and basically bathed him in deodorant and antiperspirant and loaded him up with anti-nausea meds as his own mother and Crowe’s mothers gave him the pep-talk of the century as Chelsea was copying that down for future use. 
When it finally came time for the actual ceremony, the horses suddenly decided to shit where they stood at the back of the aisle before Chelsea and her team tried to hurriedly clean it up, the horses then tried munching on the flowers on the sides of the aisle, there was practically a whole hive of bees there to collect the nectar from all the flowers even though Sylva had a case of Epipens which thankfully didn’t need to get used but thankfully, at least- there were no mosquitoes and Libertus was thankfully laughing too hard at the horses being horses to cry too much because the sight of Crowe in a wedding dress coming down the aisle to him was overwhelming to him. 
Because Crowe’s smile shamed the sun. She was radiant and beautiful and practically glowing and Libertus had never seen her look so beautiful in his life. It was perfect and after the vows, Libertus finally seemed to ease up and become himself again. 
At the reception Sylva went ahead and practically glued herself to Linda, Luche’s mother as Luche was slow dancing with Ada because she had caught the bouquet in the bouquet toss, thanks to Sylva organizing her girls to guarantee it and thanks to Sylva also organizing her boys- Luche caught the garter belt and now they were dancing together, the rest of the world falling away. 
“I really like the fairy lights.” Ada noted at all the twinkle lights around them. 
“Would you want fairy lights at our wedding?” Luche asked and Ada didn’t give a second thought to his choice of words before she began telling him all about what she would want for their wedding. 
Meanwhile on the sidelines-
“Linda, you better get used to the idea of them being together.” Sylva urged as Linda gave her a side eye. 
“Look, it’s very simple, it’s either Ada or this cum guzzling gutter trash.” Sylva continued as she pulled up a video of Beth on a porn site that had Linda choking on her winecooler and looking particularly aghast. “That could have been your daughter in law who by the way flirted and eye fucked before she actually did fuck Chinese billionaires trying to get the best deal possible while Luche was sitting right next to her and would have been way more unfaithful to him than Ada ever will be again, Ada is allowed to sow a wild oat or two in her youth, and now that she’s done that and seen that the grass is indeed not anywhere near as green as it is with Luche and I can tell you that she won’t be making that mistake again.” Sylva assured Linda. “Now, count your blessings as you read this.” Sylva furthered before she pulled out a prenup and it had Linda grinning from ear to ear as she read it.  
“You see the line we have to walk as mothers is to let our children enjoy life and live it how they want to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t put them in some safety gear, I’ll have Ada sign this before we go wedding dress shopping but here’s the deal-” Sylva lowered her voice. “You and Luke will be nothing but nice, happy and supportive of Luche and Ada from here on out. I have already talked with Luche and he’s ok with me paying for a bulk of the wedding expenses, all I’m asking you and Luke to pay for are the invitations and Ada’s parents will be buying Ada’s veil, fair enough?” Sylva put to her. 
“That’s more than fair.” Linda nodded in agreement with a thankful smile to Sylva. 
“Good, now, watch your son propose and be happy about it.” Sylva nodded to the dancefloor where Luche had gotten down on one knee and proposed to Ada as Sylva was smiling brightly while Linda plastered on a smile, happy that her son was at least protected and grateful that Sylva had adopted him and cared for him as her own because the Lord knew she wasn’t willing or ready to pay for much of anything else as Sylva offered her own winecooler over to Linda to clink with a knowing smile when Ada said yes. 
After that, that’s when the party seemed to get into full gear, the moment the sun began to set they lit the fires in the fire pits inside the bale circles so people could sit on the bales and make smores since the wedding had been catered by a competition BBQ joint that had all the BBQ and steaks anyone could ask for. There was a mountain of throw blankets to keep the guests warm as they did this and then at the finale- that’s when Tredd- being a fireman and pyromaniac- set the fireworks off which everyone fully enjoyed before the party sent Crowe and Libertus off on their honeymoon which Sylva got them a cabin and a hunting excursion out in the northwest. 
Luche and Ada barely made it home and in the door before they were on each other and removing the remainder of their clothes and made it to the bottom of the stairs before Luche had pinned her to the wall and started fucking her hard up against it, Ada’s engagement ring nearly getting snagged in his hair as Ada scratched his scalp roughly as the loudest and longest pleasured moan left her throat. 
“Oh Luche!” Ada keened as the back of her head hit the wall behind her, knocking the picture of them hanging next to her head slightly askew as Luche’s hips pounded into hers. 
Luche proposing to Ada after she caught the bouquet came as a surprise to Ada but not really to anyone else, but that was all that mattered to Luche. Ada was completely wrapped up in wedding fever and the joy and excitement of the moment to notice anyone outside of Luche. Their relationship was better than it had ever been since she came back to him and together they both worked exceptionally hard to make the other happy. 
Ada was blown away by the drop dead gorgeous ring Luche proposed with.
Luche had wanted his proposal to be more eloquent but in the end, he just went for simple and straight to the point. 
When Ada had said that she liked something about the decorations for the wedding, Luche found himself asking her what she would like for their wedding and Ada had answered it without a second thought and before Ada realized it she revealed what she had always wanted and fantasized about as a little girl and Luche was grinning ear to ear and when she was done Luche didn’t hesitate to just get down on one knee and offer to give her everything she had just said and pleaded for the chance to make all her dreams come true as everyone quickly gathered around them with eager eyes and ears to hear her answer and Ada didn’t even get to see the ring before she said yes and when she did see the ring, her eyes nearly popped out of her head and her jaw fell and rolled away on the floor. But she readily had him put it on her finger. 
From there, it was like they were velcroed to each other and receiving all the congratulatory wishes before Chelsea made a point to make sure they had her business card and to give her a call when they wanted to set a date and get things in motion before Luche repeated, almost verbatim what Ada had just said to her as Chelsea quickly made notes, using up the last half of her notebook since the first half was already full of notes for Hazel and Titus’ wedding plans that she had gotten earlier before she left Luche and Ada to enjoy more congratulations since Ada was the last to be engaged and didn't notice how Chelsea had then gone to Sylva, Linda and Luke as well as Ada's parents who Sylva had gathered together to force a congratulatory toast between them all before Sylva informed them that she would be paying for the bulk of it if Luche's parents were willing to buy the invitations and if Ada's parents would pay for Ada's veil since wedding dresses could be so expensive, that she would take care of the rest since Luche was like another son to her and brother to Ravus which she received very little argument to. 
Luche felt he smiled more that night than he had in the previous year combined. But he was so happy. Finally things were coming together. He had the dream job, had fantastic friends, supportive family and the girl of his dreams and everything was perfect and he couldn’t ask for more. 
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firjii · 5 years
Alternative goals/approaches to strict NaNoWriMo that might be obvious but I'm saying them anyway in case they’re not
Yes hello again, it's your friendly neighborhood "wild horses couldn't drag me back to writing and yet I do still write sometimes" recluse. 
Given how often I've talked about the physical (not just psychological) toll that extreme amounts of writing can take, y'all can probably guess my opinions on NaNo: it's an admirable concept but no way in hell would I ever participate. Aside from a joke or two, I usually go a bit quiet when that special time rolls around again because a) I'm not your mother, and b) my specific personal experience is a fairly extreme example of burnout (so for all I know, there are people out there who cheerfully finish NaNo without incident).
But I know that setting goals, practicing an interest/hobby/skill, and making progress are still, y'know, important and very human things. NaNo is very serious business to some people. To some of us, it can even tread somewhere near a pseudomeasurement of job skills (the jury’s out on that in practice, but since some of y'all do actually write or edit for a living, I get it). 
So instead of trying to dissuade people from trying NaNo, I humbly suggest these alternatives (especially if you haven't done this event before).
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Do a "half nano." 
A lot of people start strong and can manage until the halfway mark but get stuck or tired after the first 2-3 weeks. Variant: stretch the halfway goal out over the whole month.
As someone who actually has plenty of free time to write, I promise that 50k words in a month is really, really pushing it even in the most optimal circumstances (when I was completely unemployed, I'd commonly spend at least 5 hours a day 5-6 days a week on writing and still only got anywhere near that kind of number...maybe twice in 5 years??). I understand that the minimum length of a finished novel does tend to be at least 50k words and the hope is to basically write a whole book in a month, but a lot of people don’t hit 50k anyway. Some of us can deal with 25k in a month just fine. 25k is still a hell of a lot of words and a hell of an achievement. 
Still look like too much? Try 10k in a month. You'll still be participating in the spirit of the challenge and you'll have more opportunities to really step back and think about the words you’re writing.
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Make a daily or weekly writing goal for the month, but don't also lock yourself into word counts. 
Have a bunch of unfinished chapters? Make finishing a chapter your goal. Have unfinished scenes or ones that don't connect to each other? Make connecting the dots your goal. This might mean the finishing touches or it might mean a big slab of words, but chances are that it's more manageable than starting from absolutely nothing. Personally for me, reconciling unrelated ideas was usually a lot more satisfying than mindlessly bloating my progress with words that didn't really serve much purpose.
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Here's a wild one. Do you really, really, REALLY struggle with outlines or planning on longer fics? Take an entire month just to plan a longfic out. 
It'll still be an achievement (ngl there's a chance you won't finish it if it's that detailed or you're like me and genuinely have that much trouble with that aspect of writing, but you'll still probably get an excellent start on it). You'll be doing yourself a great service for some other point down the road when you want to actually write the fic.
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If you have writing/editing experience and want to get involved with NaNo but don't want to write, consider being a beta or hanging around a community where you can give your advice/experience/support during NaNo. 
One tiny comment or pinch of encouragement can go a very long way. (Obviously doesn’t need to be limited to NaNo but I’m wording it like this in case you’re easily stressed and don’t want to/can’t commit to anything beyond that one month a year for whatever reason).
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Do a full nano but don't also lock yourself into daily/weekly word count averages. 
That should be obvious, but for some reason it isn't. This is indeed a way to chip away at the big scary beast, but it's actually super unrealistic for a lot of people and IMO it can just make you fear word counts. 300 really crafted words mean more than 5k of disorganized rambling.
Did you write 3k (or any other number that's big compared to your average output) yesterday? Great, so take today and maybe also tomorrow off, you earned it. Even if you're really fueled with inspiration, it's not unusual to feel absolutely hungover the day after a big writing session. That feeling tends to compound after a few really productive days in close succession. The human brain does try to sort out problems 24/7 but it still needs a decent chance to do that and sometimes this means skipping a day or two here and there.
Or if you need extended amounts of time for writing or rest, do alternating weeks instead. This does mean doubling up in the weeks when you're writing, but some people work very well with having longer breaks in between like that.
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volleydorkscentral · 5 years
First of all: 
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Second, questions under the cut: 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? - Spotify! all the way. i hoarse my bf’s account so he can never listen but i don’t care it’s mine now it’s full of my music and my playlists and whenever i’m listening to it and it suddenly changes cause he tries to use it on his phone I call him, “are you using spotify?” “oh. i mean i can listen to something else?” “cool, thanks!” and i get my music back. :D
is your room messy or clean? - it’s somewhere in between. my actual ROOM (bed room, i assume) is pretty clean, except i never make the bed. but the house is .. a work in progress. it’s not dirty but it’s cluttered so my bf and I are having to work together to clear that and build shelves and stuff for more storage space.
what color are your eyes? - dark brown! (with little green flecks when I cry)
do you like your name? why? - Not really? i don’t hate it. My mom wanted to name me Savannah but they had her sign the certificate while she was still drugged from her c-section so it ended up as Crystal?? Idk. She named her dolls Crystal when she was a kid.
what is your relationship status? - dating for almost six years. 
how many times a week do you shower? uhhh idk. I don’t shower every day (unless i get gross). AT LEAST four times… but I don’t wash my hair every time cause that’s bad for my hair. I SHOWER WHEN I AM DIRTY.
favorite tv show? does Haikyuu!! count? that’s probably a given. HM. Well, we don’t have cable so I don’t watch a lot of NEW shows? …. OH. Duh. Fuckin me I’m a dumbass. Bob’s Burgers. I literally have it on ALL THE TIME. I don’t like silence so it’s ALWAYS on in the background if i’m not listening to music. I’ve seen every episode a zillion times. I can usually pinpoint every scene and the major lines/jokes.
shoe size? most brands it’s 5 1/2 
how tall are you? SHORTER THAN NISHINOYA BUT TALLER THAN YACHI. I’m like… 5ft-5’1 depending on how much my back hurts. (i used that earlier and someone said it was funny and i’m trash so i’ll repeat it here!)
sandals or sneakers? i wear Bobs LOL. (knock off toms) and i’ve got one pair of sneakers and sometimes I wear my ballet flats around even though my bf says they look dumb fuck u they’re comfy.
do you go to the gym? No. I used to, but where I live now it’d be like a 45 min drive. I don’t really LIKE gyms though? working out is boring to me. No matter how hard I try. I’d love to start dancing again for real.
describe your dream date - April 25th because it’s not too cold and not too hot. Okay but jk that’s a lie where I live it’s balls hot in april. Idk. I’d like to go hiking when it’s not very hot? Take my dog, let her run around. Take a picnic. Sit in a grassy field and talk about dumb shit cause we know each other’s dreams and hopes by now.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? UHM. fuck like…. $27? i know there’s a twenty and a handful of ones. And a handful of change.
what color socks are you wearing? - NONE. MY FEET ARE COLD. FOREVER COLD.
how many pillows do you sleep with? - pft like 6.
do you have a job? what do you do? - No; I quit after being over worked, under appreciated, cheated out of my paychecks a few times, and no job still due to lingering health issues.
how many friends do you have? answered this already!
whats the worst thing you have ever done? - UHM. Idk i haven’t murdered anyone. I don’t like this question cause if i really try to answer it i’ll spiral into a frustrated, furious depression and self-hatred so… NOPE.
whats your favorite candle scent? i’ve got this candle i got from etsy that’s like… Scottish Highlands? It’s grassy and kinda MAGICY.
3 favorite boy names - i don’t really have favorite names?
3 favorite girl names - answered already
favorite actor? god idk. i’m so bad with names and celebrities. uhm. I really like don’t have a favorite. I LIKE a bunch. Benedict Cumberbatch; Freddie Highmore… uhm. uh. Hugh Laurie? 
favorite actress? IDK OKAY?? I LIKE a bunch but i don’t favorite?? I really like Gwendoline Christie. Uhm. Anne Hathaway makes me laugh. MAGGIE SMITH. how could i forget!??!
who is your celebrity crush? I LEGIT don’t have one.
favorite movie? CLUE takes the top spot most days.
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to read a lot more. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
money or brains?  personality, bitch.
do you have a nickname? what is it? not *really* but people online used to call me Chrys. My bf calls me ‘sweetie’ sometimes but he also calls the dog that so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how many times have you been to the hospital? - uhm. like the er? Once when I broke my arm. Doc in the box? Not since 2017.
top 10 favorite songs - PFT. Uhm. Jesus just let me die a little. Excluding all Disney; Not in any order:
No One - Biometrix
Danser - Lisandro Cuxi
A Single Moment of Sincerity (E) - Asking Alexandria (the band I was listening to when I designed my rockstar MC that I love so much)
The Annabel Trilogy (a series of 3 albums) - Alesana. Can’t pick a single song because they’re all a part of a huge story. Listen to them.
Chucky vs. The Giant Tortoise - Dance Gavin Dance
Anticoagulant - Sianvar
Ohioisonfire - Of Mice & Men
Coincidance - Handsome Dancer (Watch the Video for the love of god. THANKS ASH FOR THIS GEM)
Devil’s Backbone - The Civil Wars
Still Here - Digital Daggers (i’ve been listening it to a lot for inspiration for a new AU so… yup. That’s gonna be fun and painful)
do you take any medications daily? - yup
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) - i got dry ass skin it sucks
what is your biggest fear? - uhm… physical fear? idk. Heights is a big one that I developed? I used to not care but a while ago I was walking on a bridge and I just… looked over and got FUCKING DIZZZY with nausea and fear that I was gonna fall and almost fainted. 
how many kids do you want? - HONESTLY… one or two.
whats your go to hair style? - tried to brush but gave up so just threw it in a claw clip
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) - moderate? one story, four bedrooms. big ass yard though for the dog
who is your role model? - I don’t really have one.
what was the last compliment you received? - answered already
what was the last text you sent? - actual TEXT message? ‘as long as there’s someone with her overnight she’ll be okay during the day cause of the dog door and stuff. just play with her before you go to work and maybe hide some treats around the house for her to hunt for’ - texting my friend that’s gonna house sit while we go on a family vacation soon.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? - UH idk the age? i know I saw my mom writing scavenger cards though. My fam has never had a lot of money so to make Christmas more interesting my mom/grandparents (we lived with them till I was in 3rd grade) would make these elaborate scavenger hunts for me and my cousins to do to find our presents around the house or out in the barn or, on one memorable occasion, at the bottom of our pool! Good memories. 
what is your dream car? - one that RUNS and has badass AC and speakers
opinion on smoking? - hate it. please don’t do it around me. my bf’s family alllllll smoke all the time and i get so sick when i have to go on vacation with them and be around it for a long time. 
do you go to college? - i DID. I went to Culinary school and majored in Baking & Pastry
what is your dream job? - Author or Dog Trainer
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? - rural as all hell. give me trees, cows, and horses. 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Not usually? but usually the people i’m with do. 
do you have freckles? Not on my face (except one) but i’ve got more like… on my arms and just randomly all over but i dont think ‘freckles’ would be what anyone thinks of when they think of me
do you smile for pictures? - only if i’m forced to be in them
how many pictures do you have on your phone?  - HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well. Before I got my new phone it was over 10k. Now though its only about 2k. 
have you ever peed in the woods? - Only when I was camping. 
do you still watch cartoons? - ALL THE GODDAMN TIME
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? - neither. but i HATE WENDYS and can tolerate McD’s fries and they’ve got ballin’ sweet tea so I guess McD.
Favorite dipping sauce? this honey dijon creamy thing at my favorite French restaurant but idk what is is.
what do you wear to bed? - t-shirt 
have you ever won a spelling bee? - YUP. 2nd grade.  
what are your hobbies? - writing, crocheting, photography, reading, uh… i forget what else
can you draw? when i was doing it all the time i did ok? but i’m WAY TOO IMPATIENT now a days to do it. 
do you play an instrument? - no but i wish i did :(
what was the last concert you saw? - i’ve never been to a concert. crowds are icky
tea or coffee? - tea!
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? - already answered this
do you want to get married? - Yes pls
what is your crush’s first and last initial? - (bf, but I suppose i still have a crush on him? is love considered a crush?) J. Y. 
are you going to change your last name when you get married? god yes. my current last name is my shitbag of a sperm doner and i hate it. my mom kept it after they divorced only cause she thought her maiden name would be too hard for me to spell but i would give anything to have that name instead
what color looks best on you? - idk. i prefer black but i’ve been told green and certain shades of pink/yellow. 
do you miss anyone right now? - not until i thought about it, thanks
do you sleep with your door open or closed? open so my pupper can go in and out
do you believe in ghosts? not until i’m faced with darkness and creepy things 
what is your biggest pet peeve? people chewing their food loud. people not picking up after themselves. people interrupting me (but not in the excited, OMG way. that we can work though) but in the ‘i don’t care what you’re saying i’m going to talk now’ way
last person you called` - my bf to discuss plans for his brother’s bday
favorite ice cream flavor? cookies n’ cream!
regular oreos or golden oreos? DOUBLE STUFF OF EITHER
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? FUCK SPRINKLES
what shirt are you wearing? a shirt that has my dog’s face on it :D
what is your phone background? - the art that Ash drew of Bokuto from my fic Just a Taste!!
are you outgoing or shy? - i hate talking to strangers but with my friends i’m pretty fucking loud and chatty
do you like it when people play with your hair? only people i know
do you like your neighbors? nope. he’s an asshole who neglected his dog and i wanna skin him alive
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? i do my best to remember to do it at night but i always do it when i shower
have you ever been high? yup. 
have you ever been drunk? yup
last thing you ate? BIRTHDAY CAKE
favorite lyrics right now - idk? i guess the first lyrics that came to mind, even though they’re not my favorite, just ones that i like and were stuck in my head for a while: “All of the handsome fiction / will melt away / and when the flame burns brighter / Evaporate” Evaporate - Dance Gavin Dance
day or night? both have their merits
dark, milk, or white chocolate? - all chocolate but i prefer white to just EAT. 
favorite month? uhm. uhh. November maybe? for NaNoWriMo. 
what is your zodiac sign - pftt.. i think i used to be a Gemini? i don’t believe in all that stuff 
who was the last person you cried in front of? - ….. my dog? but probably my mom and Grandmother when my GM basically said my bf didn’t love me and was a shit human being and i was a shit granddaughter for loving him. i was both upset and furious and i walked away from them. (my mom called and apologized, but i haven’t spoken to my GM since)
THERE ASH ARE YOU GODDAMN HAPPY. that took so long LOL (I hope the formatting came through I had to redo it on this tumblr page UGH)
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