#''and what if i misinterpret what op was meaning?? or what if i want to look at ALL the posts of those two characters??''
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ms-all-sunday · 1 year ago
i mentioned this on a post before, but i really dont think people understand zoro/luffy/zoros relationship to the other strawhats in general. zoro is imo the most mischaracterized out of all the east blue members and because of the mischaracterization issues with zoro/sanji it only gets worse? people dont understand that he wants/craves validation specifically from his people, and he loves them even if he can't say that aloud or articulate it as well as sanji could, he loves them very obviously. (theres several examples of how zoro will try to look cool for nami and luffy the most. the way people misinterpret zoro and nami is actually very similar to how people misinterpret zoro and sanji, but i digress)
zoro likes all of his people. loves them. is their friend first and foremost. what people misunderstand about him is assuming a romantic context would override/diminish the feelings of devotion he has already, on a baseline, for his partners.
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sunmoonclouds · 3 months ago
ok so random update to this empty auditorium BUT!! i am apparently unable to be normal about organization so ive been developing a tag system. but then i got sidetracked by my ocs. and then again by some personal stuff BUT!!!! i am squirrelling away posts into my drafts to throw into a queue once i finalize the tag system and tag masterposts or whatever. because again i am apparently extremely unable to be normal about organization. so! i do plan on launching this blog. eventually. hopefully. and i do have posts ready to be. posted. if push comes to shove i may give up on the part of the tagging system thats giving me trouble buuuuut i DO really want to launch this!!! i just decided to be more organized about it. because something something gotta line up my toys (posts about thing i like)
- i do plan on actually using this blog
- ... but i kinda bitten off a bit more than i can chew with developing my tagging system
- i have 77 posts in my drafts waiting to be queued once i figure out that god forsaken tagging system
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bit-b · 1 year ago
About a trending Discord warning:
TL;DR: Discord is NOT making "Find your friends" enabled by default. You're probably not giving Discord your contact information without your knowledge. Their UI choices just suck.
There's a warning post going around by a person I'm not going to name, as I don't want people to dogpile on them. That is NOT the goal of this post, and if you DO harass anyone because of what I write, then you're a garbage person with garbage habits that needs to throw those habits in the garbage.
Rather, my goal with this post is to educate about a Discord feature that's not being represented properly.
Supposedly in the new mobile update, Discord added this ""NEW"" feature called "Find your friends", and then they enabled it by default. This feature allows users to use their smartphone contacts to search for their friends on Discord. It also enables others to be able to find you in the exact same way.
Obviously, this would be MASSIVELY dangerous from a privacy perspective.
Imagine if someone had relatives that use Discord. In a scenario like that, those relatives would have an easy way of finding the accounts of family members. And in some home situations, online anonymity from relatives could mean the difference between having an outlet and not having an outlet.
I'm also pretty sure I know some folks with alt accounts (you know who you are). And if Discord was somehow able to cross-reference all your contacts with the Discord accounts you're logged into, that would be DISASTROUSLY EMBARRASSING, to say the least.
So I totally understand how concerning this would be if it turned out to be true.
The thing is, it's not.
The person who made that warning misinterpreted THIS page:
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This is the new "Add Friends" page for the Discord mobile app. Obviously, a page to help you add friends. There's a big 'ol window at the bottom showcasing Discord's "Find your friends" feature.
Now, this feature is actually NOT new. It's been around for a long time. But there's a very subtle change that happened with the new update. Take a look at how "Find your friends" used to look:
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It starts by giving you a banner at the top of your friends list, telling you that this feature is available. Then when you click on it, it takes you to a page with UI elements that look awfully familiar.
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It's pretty clear what happened. In an effort to condense down their friend-finding functions into one menu, Discord took the "Find your friends" setup menu and tossed it in with all the other ways to contact friends.
But by doing this, Discord has made this setup window confusing. It's not immediately obvious if the "Find your friends" feature is ON and running, or OFF and waiting to be activated.
Maybe it would have helped to make the blurple button read something like "Sync contacts" instead of "Find friends". At least then, you could tell at a glance that nothing has been sync'd yet. (Or y'know, maybe just stick to "Grant Permission". That was working just fine before.)
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So it seems the OP:
Looked at the "Find your friends" setup menu that Discord hastily slapped into the "Add friends" page
Noticed the checkbox that read "Allow contacts to add me"
Saw that it was already marked
Then assumed that it must be some kind of tucked-away setting that was left ON by default.
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To make this abundantly clear, "Find your friends" only works if you opt-in.
That checkmark allows you to tell Discord you are okay with people finding you in this manner. Unchecking it makes it possible to use "Find your friends" without others being able to find you the same way.
It doesn't get set up on your device until you press the big blurple "Find friends" button. Even then, you still have to add your phone number to your account and verify it via a 6-digit code sent via SMS.
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After that, you have to give Discord permission to access your contacts via whatever phone OS you use.
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You have to be pretty deliberate for any of these functions to start.
I won't say it's impossible to set it up on accident. It's a strange world, and stranger things have happened. If you want to, go check your app permissions to make sure you don't have contact permissions enabled for Discord. It's always good to be sure. But rest easy knowing that you probably don't have to worry about it.
In my opinion, I think that anyone who reblogged that warning should consider reversing those reblogs.
Honestly, I also think the OP should just delete their post instead of repeatedly adding amended reblogs to it. At the end of the day, the core of that post was misinformation and misguided assumptions. There's no real reason to keep it up.
Besides, I'd rather pin Discord on things they're ACTUALLY guilty of. Like designing a new UI that's widely mocked. And making things 10x more confusing for the end-user.
Here's Discord's official "Find your friends" FAQ page:
I hate to beg, but I'd appreciate if people would reblog this post. I fear that the warning post is gonna steer a LOT of people to believe a lot of things about Discord that are logically and functionally not true.
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whompthatsucker1981 · 1 year ago
you said you think gay sex cats is the new duchamp's fountain. i dont disagree and i kinda see what you mean already but please elaborate
it was a silly and tongue in cheek way to say that a lot of people are getting mad about it in a way that implies reactionary views on art, and that there's no way to say gay sex cats isn't art that wouldn't also imply that the fountain isn't art. a funny meme image is a funny meme image, but it is also funny to overthink and recontextualize them as art.
and the reaction makes the comparison even more apt. neural net generated artworks are anonymized mass produced images, vast majority having no artistic pretension or meaningful content such as a thomas kinkade painting. gay sex cats was made with no intent to be art, but the discourse it has with audience reaction and its appropriation in derivative works make it so. why is gay sex cats not art if people talking about it negatively allow it to be called art? is art only things you find beautiful and valuable? if so, what is value and beauty, and how do you draw the line? if gay sex cats was still ai generated but had more "aesthetic qualities" would it be art? if someone copies the original image by hand with all its ai generated faults where is the value generated? does the original still have no merit of its own, even after appropriation as a digital ready-made?
but the main reason as to why gay sex cats is comparable to the fountain still is because it made a lot of people with bad takes on art really really mad. and that the pissed off tags wouldn't look out of place as reaction to modern art in the 1920s. art is a flat circle
EDIT: well. putting an addendum because in retrospect more people took either or both the op and image in face value and much more self serious than ever intended. a lot of people understood the tone i was getting at, and i still stand by the questionings i added on, but still for clarification. the original comparison is not serious. it's self evidently ridiculous to compare a meme image to a historically significant artwork, the comparison was only drawn because they were both controversial to an audience, who reacted denying their status as respectively as an image and as art, and that it was funny that the negative reaction people had to the original image explicitly denied its status as art, even if the meme never had pretension to be art, so it was funny to draw a comparison and iterate on that.
i did think it was valid to bring in questionings about art and meaning because that's the reaction i saw most and wanted to make people think about the whys, and that also i do not think it's valid to base your dislike on ai art on either grounds of questioning its position and value as artwork, or even as a question of ip theft. regular degular handmade art can be soulless, repetitive, thoughtless, derivative, unethical, open and blatant theft, and much more, and that does not make it any less of an artwork. neural nets are tools that generate images by statistic correlation through human input.
the unambiguous issue with neural nets in art is its use as a tool by capital, to threaten already underpaid and overworked working artists and to keep their labor hostage under threat of total automation. in hindsight i regretted not adding the paragraph above as it was a way in which people could either misinterpret or assume things about me, but hindsight is hindsight and there's no way to predict how posts would blow up. so shrugs. i had written more posts in my blog that elaborated on that because asks would bot stop coming. and i think my takeaway is that people will reblog anything with a funny image without reading the words around it, or even closely looking at the image.
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wei-ying-kexing-apologist · 2 months ago
Well, I was tagged in this reblog (linked for context because that post is wayyyy too long already and I’m prone to run on sentences) so I am going to respond to the part of this that @doublel27 quoted me on. 
I want to make some things clear before I start: 
Critiquing shows does not mean I always hate those shows, few shows are perfect, and for me it is worth discussing what a show did and did not do well. 
I do not care if people like the shows I do not like, and I do not care if people do not like the shows I like. It is extremely rare that people agree on everything in the same piece of media. Everyone is entitled to their own enjoyment of their preferred media and I guarantee you that Shan, Turtles, Ben, Twig, etc. etc. will say the same. Also, since you mentioned Twig’s post about We Are, please let me direct you to the episode of The Conversation where Twig, Ben, and NiNi talk together about their differing opinions on that very show. And in case you were genuinely concerned about Ben and Twig’s feelings on the quality of Thai BLs this year, you can stick around for the second half where they talk about Knock, Knock Boys! Hopefully that will assuage your fears.
Some of the issues I have with vague posting are (a) it can lead to confusion, especially in a case like this where, according to you, maybe boys do love posted a response to eight different people’s commentary simultaneously without attributing which op’s thoughts he was responding to at any point. (b) By bundling eight responses in to one post without @ ing people, it makes it seem like he has misinterpreted other people’s commentary or taken something in intentionally bad faith (c) other tumblr users in a fandom will let people know when an “unrelated post” makes commentary specific enough to be recognized as a response to someone else’s statements thus drawing them in to the conversation. It’s why I prefer to be tagged in responses to the thoughts I share. This is a public forum, whatever I post in here is able to be reblogged, tagged, or commented on. If I didn’t want people to interact with my posts
I wouldn’t post them. If you don’t feel comfortable tagging people who you are responding to, then at least acknowledge them in your writing. We love a cited source.
I don’t love policing language, but since you were more than happy doing it in your post, then I’ll say one thing here: the tone of maybe boys do love’s post does not read, to me, like it is intended to welcome people who appreciate that there is “not a single stance about what qualifies BL as good work.” It reads like it is “reminding” the supposedly eight people he is vague-posting about that they are being unreasonable in their expressed opinions. It especially does not read with the primary intention of welcoming others when Maybe Boys Do Love’s response to Turtle’s initial reblog was to comment on her “respectfulness” and Shan and Ben’s lack thereof simply because they blocked him on Tumblr. A thing which people do every day for any number of reasons. But I digress.
As for my part in your response, you referenced a statement from my tumblr post A Pause for Reflection: Part 2- Only Friends, Racism, and the Commodification of Queer Asians: 
“We all need to, but white Westerners especially, be extremely careful and introspective with the ways we are engaging with queer Asian media”
On the seriousness of this statement, doublel27, you and I are agreed. I think it is valid to state that this should apply to the decisions of writers, directors, etc. of BLs. And I also agree that preventing infantilization and removal of agency from writers, directors, actors, and audiences is a good addition. That said, I do not think critiquing media is in any way shape or form an infantilizing or agency-removing act. 
I do, however, think you are falling victim to the western paternalism/white saviorism you are so upset about by going on to a South East Asian woman’s post and chastising her about not speaking for a South East Asian audience when you are a white westerner?
Also, I think there I might be missing a step in your logical progression when you say “I’m of the opinion that what’s good for queer Thai television is not for foreign audiences to decide, ultimately. That’s for queer Thai people to decide.” It would amaze me greatly if this hypothetical monolith of queer people in Thailand were to be 100% in agreement about what constitutes good queer television. Personally I see your belief that no one outside of queer Thai people is allowed to critique queer Thai shows as actually undermining the legitimacy of this genre as a source of entertainment for audiences outside of just queer (in this case) Thai people. Media is frequently made with an intended audience in mind, but that does not mean people outside that target audience are barred from engaging with it. No one is saying “this is a bad queer Thai show and I am deciding that for all queer people” they are saying “here is what or why I did not like the decision they made about x,y,z."
If you are going to quote me, then I hope you also read the first half of my Pause for Reflection posts Taking Pause for Reflection- Part 1: Respectable Promiscuity and Only Friends where I talk about respectable promiscuity and discuss the ways in which respectability politics have resulted in “current LGBTQ+ political movements shifting away from highlighting sexual liberation as an aspect of queer culture, in order to make queer people more palatable to the overarching heterosexual society. And how that bleeds through in to the kinds of media that exist, the types of queer people portrayed within that media, as well as how often gay sex is shown, the type of gay sex shown, and the number of gay sex partners depicted. (Read: generally infrequently, generally vanilla, generally one).” Just so you are aware of where I stand in all of this and what people like Shan and myself are talking about when we critique the decision to remove sexual content from queer stories for the sake of storytelling or viewership.  
I haven’t mentioned this one in awhile but I used to talk a lot about my perception of queer content being able to be categorized in By, For, and About Queers formatting. For example, a film like Pariah (2011) is a story about a queer person created by a queer person with a narrative that feels like it is made for the enjoyment of queer people above all others (but of course anyone can watch).
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^I think this was made by abl, who I am not tagging because I do not want to drag them in to this conversation, but whose image I still want to cite.
This is obviously subjective, and I’m not saying it should always be used, but I know some people can find it nice to organize things by categories. 
Again, this is subjective but I’ll give a short list of a couple of BLs that I personally would categorize as being For queer people- by which I mean it feels like a love letter to queer people, I can see something of myself and my experiences in it, and I would not be surprised if the primary intended audience was queer people:
I Told Sunset About You
The Miracle of Teddy Bear
What Did You Eat Yesterday
Koisenu Futari
Here is a short list of some BLs I would personally categorize under About queer people- that is, queer people are the main characters but the piece feels like the primary intended audience is not queer people:
Kiseki: Dear to Me
My School President
Spare Me Your Mercy
That does not mean the shows about queer people aren’t queer stories, but it does mean the intention behind the work is different. Which brings me all the way back to Spare Me Your Mercy since that’s what started all of this in the first place: 
Lux Sirilux in an interview before the show came out stated:
“Having NC would steal the attention of the story because what we were going to talk about was dark drama and euthanasia.”
She also says: 
“The characters are gay, but we don’t offer [fan]service in every episode or include NC (explicit) scenes."
(I got these statements above from this post by clariredaring who I am not tagging in this because I do not want to pull them in to this whole ordeal any more than they already have been).
Lux is absolutely allowed to make the decision to remove NC scenes from SMYM if she believes that it will detract from the vibe and the overarching theme. Sammon is absolutely allowed to approve and accept the removal of NC content from the Spare Me Your Mercy television show. No one is arguing that. (And I feel comfortable speaking for Shan here at the very least because we talk about shows a lot and I know what her post was actually saying as it relates to viewership). I already wrote a post about my feelings on this matter where I discussed why I feel that choice went wrong in this case. That does not mean anyone else has to feel that way, and I’m not forcing anyone to agree with me. And if people disagree with me, fine, they are welcome to discuss with me why they feel like the story worked as is if they want to and ignore me if they don't. (And literally as I was writing this a great example of someone disagreeing with me came through in this post by elimstillnotgarak who I will not be tagging in this simply because I don't want to drag someone who is not involved in this in to a very different discussion). But there is a level of disingenuousness that comes with the statement 'you should not say anything negative ever about the stories you have watched from cultures outside of your own.' I'm not saying this is the belief you hold, but I am saying that is how I interpret your statements about not speaking for a queer Thai audience.
And, as someone who has written multiple essays breaking down sex scenes in BLs, let me just say that I believe there is a fundamental difference between NC scenes and fanservice. I think there are instances where fanservice can result in positive changes (The Magnus Archives, for example, updated their ending after seeing how much fans were shipping Jon and Martin together and I think the ending was better for it) but I think there are a lot of times when fanservice actually does undermine the narrative. As for NC scenes, there are definitely ones that detract from the story at hand, and there are ones that I think people throw in as a bandaid in the hopes that they can get higher viewership (Playboyy and Battle of the Writers are examples of that imo) but I think there are a lot of times when NC scenes actually improve the narratives they are a part of expressly because they can tell you a whole hell of a lot about a character’s relationship and feelings to another person in a very short period of time. 
For me, I think Sammon and Lux here engaged in respectability politics operating under a belief that NC scenes between these queer characters would take away from the larger story they were trying to tell. And I think that the believability of the romantic relationship between Kan and Tew suffered for it. This is a show that already was written for a larger general audience because most of Sammon’s work places some medical mystery narrative at the front and center (which makes sense because she’s a doctor). 
And personally doublel27 I feel you are drawing a false equivalency between critique and infantilization and I would appreciate it if next time you quote me, you make sure you read the entirety of the post so that you can better understand that I will continue to be critical of people who submit to respectable promiscuity and make the choice to tone down the queerness in their story because they are worried it will distract the audience at large.
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ns-media · 9 months ago
Elaborating on my previous Oda romance/LuNami post
For the ones who read my previous long post analyzing Oda's thoughts on romance in One Piece + LuNami, thank you!
I'd like to elaborate on some things right here in case some people may misinterpret some of my viewpoints on how Oda portrays LuNami. So, one thing I see many LuNami fans point out is that Oda making LuNami subtle in his manga is on purpose, which I do wholeheartedly agree with! While it definitely is intentionally subtle, my post was to point out WHY that is the case, because Oda goes out of his way to show off the more cliché or "obvious" stuff in non-manga material, while the manga basically exclusively contains subtle things, indicating that there is something holding him back from putting this cliché stuff in his main story, which is what 95% of the content Oda makes even comes from. And as I pointed out in the post, I think it's him wanting to appeal to boys. I do think that if it wasn't for that, plus his shyness about romance, that he would put in more obvious cliché things in his manga, as he seems to be doing that for his non-manga material.
Now, this subtlety LuNami has in the manga is what draws many LuNami fans to the ship, which makes a ton of sense no doubt, in the manga it's basically the ship's bread and butter. My post wasn't to say "Omfg stop being subtle forget your audience and put in obvious shit in your manga Oda!" Nope, definitely not. My post was to point out that he truly DOES see LuNami as romantic and the reason I pointed it out in the first place is because it's so subtle in the manga that some people need convincing that the subtleties in the manga are truly LuNami hints and not just something you can dismiss like all the naysayers do.
This is why I talked about the non-canon material so much in that post, to prove how it's obvious that he DOES really like LuNami because of how the non-manga shit is so much more obvious with LuNami hints. Mr. "I think romance is a good idea for Film: Gold" also said "OP is a shounen manga ffs, no romance depicted lmao". Totally different statements, one for his manga, one for an optional movie... hmm, there's no way my post has any sort of validity!
By the way when Oda said "no romance depicted" he's not full of shit or whatever, he clearly refers to obvious romances stories that aren't subtle hints like how he portrayed LuNami in the manga. Every time he mentions romance it's clear he means the obvious stuff, of course I think it's obvious how UsoKaya is basically canon but there's no dedicated romance story between them in the manga.
This predicament that I think Oda is in with making it subtle in his manga and less subtle outside his manga, is why LuNami seems so easy to trivalize for so many people. Because in the manga it's so subtle that people can easily just go "Nah that is not what it means" and in non-manga material it's like "No man it's non-canon bullshit who cares it's not in the manga". But see, these people saying this is exactly what I think Oda wants his boy audience to think! So... good job I guess!
Now, I know that I may seem to be putting in just a bit too much stock into Oda being restricted by his audience, which yeah I do see why you would think so if you happen to think that. However he keeps bringing up his readers, over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER again when nobody even asked him about that, dude.
Some guy asks: "So uhh who does Nami like?" Oda: "Uhh this is for boys and they don't care man"
The guy: Umm... I didn't ask for that but thanks?
Aoyama: "I wouldn't leave if you do romantic stuff"
Oda: "Well shit, PEOPLE seem so supportive of couples huh!?"
You uhh, seem a bit too concerned with the opinions of "people" and there's a bit too much "shounen shounen manga boys boys boys" when NOBODY ASKED YOU to talk about them in your answers for it. How should that not to arouse suspicion in me?
And those 2 examples aren't even the only time he's like that.
Buuut, I think this is all I gotta say... for now I think. I might edit this post to further elaborate on stuff later, no promises but I'll think about it!
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antenanotaic3 · 5 months ago
Things I believed when I watched TFP as a kid
Cough cough this is my list. Some are pure misinterpretations or weird conclusions, others were wishes.
-Breakdown must have been a former Wrecker and that's why Bulkhead was upset about him and yet wanted to rescue him
-Unicron was the first Con and Primus or Alpha Trion was the first autobot <=> Alpha Trion was their god
-Bumblebee got a lot of screentime
-Ultra Magnus was a meanie and that's why nobody liked him
-They should have let Ratchet use Synth-En cuz it was funny and seemed useful
-Insecticons are dumb to listen to Arachnid since she's not an ant
-Raff was the only useful human
-Predacons must be in fact good guys because Predaking is sentient and Starscream was mean to him
-Predaking trying to make BBQ out of OP in their battle in the snowy area was him trying to change his faction symbol to Predacon and 'turn' him into a Predacon
-Smokescreen would either become a Prime or die trying
-The Autobots should have used the Spark Extractor more often
-Toxen was a regular ore that appears in nature, just like Energon
-When the Nemesis got the dose of Dark Energon, it became possessed by Unicron; if the Autobots had blown up the ship at that time(regardless of whether it was feasible or not), all their problems would have been solved
-Megatron should have turned Earth into the new Cybertron because it seemed cool and I wanted to see more bots
-the Cons would release the humans' capsules on Cybertron and let them freeze to death once they had what they wanted
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boowomp · 22 days ago
What part of the calorie post is pissing you off, just the tone or like the content of it?
both bc like. in trying to make anyone who would ever want a low calorie meal sound like an idiot that person just ends up sounding really ignorant and patronizing. i might go on a short rant here and pls keep in mind that as someone who has been fat my whole life and like. pretty traumatized by fatphobia and medicalized weight loss shit im not advocating for diet culture as a whole but like
ok first of all. not everyone is an idiot i think most people who want low calorie meals know more or less what the function of a calorie is. unless someone is like. idk, anorexic and on the verge of death, they probably comprehend and accept that they need calories every day to function and stay alive.
obviously i'm against framing of calories as inherently evil and something to be avoided at all cost. but like. there are reasons someone might want a meal that is filling and high in protein but low in carbs. just because calories aren't the devil doesn't mean the only moral mindset to have is "i must have as much as possible." especially when it's a detriment to someone's goals with their own body.
it honestly just feels like another side of the moralizing health and diet coin- obviously not as harmful or powerful as the mindset of fatphobia, but like. idk. i think there are mentally healthy and body neutral reasons for someone to lose weight.
also the "haha this idiot thinks that putting cheese on broccoli ruins its nutritional value" shit is like. just willfully obtuse i think. like obviously nobody thinks that putting cheese on broccoli will take away the vitamins and fiber and shit. its obviously just referring to the fact that it makes the meal more calorie dense. and like. idk. anyone who's talking about the calorie density of their broccoli is probably someone with access to most of the calorie rich food our society has to offer. the whole "BUT CALORIES FUEL US!!" thing is like... idk. kiiind of irrelevant when it's kind of assumed that that person is getting enough to fuel them anyway. like. humans weren't built to have office jobs. our needs can change when we aren't running around hunting mammoth and shit.
honestly i get the feeling sometimes that some people kind of overcorrect for all the fatphobia in the world by acting like keeping track of one's diet, or god forbid, losing weight, means you're taking the opposing side in the cosmic health-moralizing war. and like. we KNOW fatphobia is bad and fucks up people's lives and makes it just hard to navigate the world as a fat person. so idk why we get surprised when people want to escape that. i mean. i've kinda been trying to lately too. in part because i'm trying to get approved for a surgery, but also bc of back pain, wanting to be stronger, wanting to do more, and also, yes, because fatphobia makes my life harder. it doesn't mean that i worship skinniness or even that i want to be skinny because honestly i don't feel the need to take it that far.
so yeah idk a big viral post willfully misinterpreting the entire point of anything being "low calorie" is pissing me off. i really don't want to start anything with op because i'm all for tearing down diet culture but i really don't think this kind of overcorrection is the way to do it.
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khaire-traveler · 8 months ago
Hi! 💙
Please, sorry if i bother you with this ask, i know you're focused on your dog treatment, i can't pay or donate, but i'll pray to Artemis for him 🙏đŸ„ș
My ask is about a post you reblogged... It's about Helios/Selene and Apollo/Artemis discussion. I'm not replacing a god or a goddess role, i see Helios and Selene as the sun and moon itself, but i also asociates Apollo and Artemis with the sun and moon, and that post make me feel like i'm doing something incorrect 😞
ÂżWhat op means with the original vision of them? The vision of Artemis and Apollo as moon and sun deites was not just in Roman Era... In greek religion they're linked to sun and moon too. And they had their roles as "light bringer".
Is incorrect to see them as sunlight and moonlight?
Khaire, Huntress, no worries!
I feel that quite a few people have misinterpreted that post, actually, so I'm glad you brought it up! It's absolutely not a bad thing to worship Apollo relating to the sun and Artemis relating to the moon; they did (and still do) have sun and moon associations in historical worship. From my understanding, Artemis and Apollo were originally worshipped as general deities of light. Artemis' connection with the moon likely came with the animals she was said to hunt - most, of which, come out around dawn, dusk, and at night. Apollo's connection with the sun, I'm not so sure about the origins of, but I know it was a much stronger connection in Roman worship of Apollo. They have both, however, been seen as deities of light for a very, very long time. Even their mother, Leto, was seen as having connections to light. It's not wrong of you to worship them with sun and moon associations, and it's not wrong of you to worship them with sunlight and moonlight associations either. I worship them this way myself!
The main point of that post wasn't to say people are worshipping Apollo and Artemis incorrectly; it was just to say that Helios and Selene exist and were seen as the sun and moon deities. Helios pulls the sun across the sky in his chariot, and Selene pulls the moon across the sky in hers. You are allowed to worship them if you want to, but you also don't have to. There's no obligation to do so. The post mostly just wanted to inform people of Helios' and Selene's existence which is why I reblogged it: solely to inform people that they do exist within the Greek pantheon. You can worship your deities however you want to! There is no rulebook. You're not being disrespectful at all.
Also, I just wanted to say that even if you weren't worshipping Artemis and Apollo exactly how they were worshipped historically, worship changes over time. While we can strive to replicate historical worship, it will never be exactly the same, and that's actually a good thing! It means that our religion lives on because a religion that has grown cold and stagnant is one that is no longer living. Religion should change with time; it should grow and adapt with its worshippers and the world around them. If it doesn't, then it's doomed to fail.
I hope this helped calm your nerves. You're not doing anything wrong, don't worry! Take care, Huntress! 🧡
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catras-breakup-song · 3 months ago
Do you think catra has a victim complex? I once read a post explaining she has one and while the op is a very passionate anti of the character and the show, I think they do make an interesting point explaining why she has a victim complex
Thoughts on this?
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i think she develops a "victim complex" (although i'm not sure that's the most accurate way to label it, nor am i comfortable claiming that's the complete picture here) in response to how she genuinely views the way the world treated her. she made adora's leaving the horde all about herself because she truly couldn't understand how adora might have a more empathetic motivation than glory until bonding over their friendship with glimmer on the velvet glove. as 5X5T puts it from 15:45 - 16:12 here:
at the same time that she's processing these memories, she starts to connect with glimmer; glimmer, who shares her burden of an impulsive choice that almost ended the world, glimmer, who has shared her same insecurities. catra listens to her talk about her friendship with adora and relates back with stories of her own. maybe adora didn't leave for power and glory. maybe adora loves glimmer, and maybe she really did love catra too.
not to mention, it really was the big deal catra had made it out to be, practically in terms of life or death. much more than losing a friend, she lost the only hope she had been promised of protection while growing up. before adopting and then later subverting the narrative herself, outside forces had made it clear to her that without adora, she was too vulnerable to be safe and shadow weaver would inevitably dispose of her.
when it comes to all the times catra shot down adora's offers to join the rebellion instead of staying behind, it honestly comes down to a misunderstanding of what that would mean, more so than a falsely-assumed deliberate misinterpretation in order to suit a narrative ─ that being said, it absolutely was intentionally twisted, though not by catra, but rather by light hope's holographic memory projections instead.
for analysis of how they each heard the other's words during the thaymor confrontation, take this whole entire post.
for another perspective, including but mostly focusing on fixing the alternate reality and going back to the way things were before, read/listen to five by five takes' quotes again, from here (11:10 - 12:02):
catra and adora are each deciding what the other means, and they’re not really expressing what they’re feeling, fearing, or wanting. catra can’t understand why adora can ask her to come with her, but not stay; adora can’t understand why catra can ask her to stay but not come with her, and it’s in the difference between “why can’t you stay” and “i will never go with you” that is the key of their misunderstanding, that they still haven’t resolved. we see the promise recontextualized, to see the same memory from different vantage points. for adora, asking catra to come with her is looking out for her; for catra, adora is still treating her as an afterthought and not staying. it’s not as simple as just “being together,” for catra. she clearly sees a distinction between "staying with me" and "going with you". one maintains things as they are, on her terms. the other is big scary change, following adora’s terms. ("oh, because i need to follow you everywhere you go?!")
& here (6:30 - 8:32):
"promise" is this thing that sort of haunts the entire show. catra and adora grew up in a dangerous environment, and so promised each other that they'd stay together and always look out for each other. [...] this is the first instance where catra really starts to embrace the idea that adora broke the promise, because despite her feelings until now, catra's still been looking out for adora (between friend kidnappings, at least...). her conviction has been and continues teetering back and forth throughout the episode. it may even be that adora was close to getting through to catra because it's right at that moment that she says "i never wanted to leave you. you could come with me! you could join the rebellion! i know you're not a bad person, catra, you don't belong with the horde." that the crystal castle pulls out the big gun. their opportunity to clarify their feelings gets cut short, but by the end catra becomes convinced that her desire to help adora wasn't reciprocated. she has a new view of the promise: "you wanted me to think i needed you; you wanted me to feel weak." not only did adora break the promise to stay together ─ "you never protected me!" ─ now it's no longer about keeping the promise and getting adora back, it's just about proving herself as a powerful, independent, and worthy opponent. [...] in her backwards way, catra reclaims what she sees as her lost power. adora wants her back and now she (catra) gets to reject her. by virtue of a perfect world, "remember" shows us catra's ideal way for the promise to be kept: "nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other." (1x11) vs. "everything will be perfect as long as we stay together." "stay with me, okay?" (3x05) this sheds some important light on the semantics of it all; the huge difference between "staying with me" and "leaving with you".
i know it's a lot of text, and i hope it doesn't come across as too lazy on my end, but i really think those blocks explain it better than i could just by attempting to paraphrase them. it shouldn't be difficult to realize how catra had always been set up from the start to have such an outlook on the people who came and went from her life. she drew conclusions based on what she had been taught thus far, and in those moments it made total sense, even if it wasn't the objective truth.
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sparkling-pink-lemonade · 1 year ago
Tell me you don't support mental health without telling me you don't support mental health.
Tw: anti bullshit, pedojacketing
Messages sorted by newest first, sorry!
Also there's the blatant misinterpreting of "fantasizing = wanting it to do that thing". Fantasizing just means imagining a scenerio. I'm talking about slasher films existing due to a fanasized depiction of serial killings, and teens who make fan art of Jeff the Killer with their self insert. Every single mafia AU where the citizen falls in love with the mob boss. Every house party scene where the protagonist first tries hard drugs, or gets irresponsibly black out drunk and has a wild night.
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Anyways, I once talked with my licensed psychologist about paraphilic disorders, she asked me what I thought the treatment for those illnesses are. And she said that the official treatment for it was talking about it with a support system, and desensitization through creating and indulging in writing and art. So that the thoughts become less distressing and less intense.
Imagining something =/= wanting it.
Edit: if you saw OP's username where I forgot to block it out, no you didn't
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ms-revived-frogs · 2 years ago
Anyways, so I've been seeing this gross misinterpretation of my post on unnecessary hysterectomy and I'd like to explain, even though the OP has me blocked (unsurprising).
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Gotta love seeing my post resurfacing and being taken wildly ou of context! Anyways @ratbastarddotfuck and @vergess, the meaning of my post was not that hysterectomy should be banned. I know that hysterectomy is oftentimes medically necessary for the health of a woman. And no, I do not believe it should be restricted only until after a woman might have had a child. I am not right-wing and do not believe this is woman's "role".
However, my post was in reference to this new phenomenon of young women trying to get hysterectomies simply because they never intend to have children or because they don't like having periods. Meanwhile there better, less invasive, and less damaging surgeries out there! One example can be tubal ligation. As back-not-broken said on the post, the uterus plays a key role outside of reproduction. New research is showing that the uterus has a role in your cognitive function (removing it is linked to higher risk of Alzheimer's), and plays a structural role as well (removing it is linked to risk of prolapse). In my post, I was attributing this desire for unnecessary hysterectomy to beauty culture and plastic surgery culture. Because yes, these two involve the division of the female body into a collective of parts, rather than one whole human organism. Women are already en masse cutting themselves up, and making the bulk of almost every plastic surgery (nose jobs, liposuction, BBLs). And while men out there do get these surgeries sometimes, they are getting them at a far less severe degree than women. So as feminists, we must inquire as to why women specifically are doing this and not men as much. And the answer of course points to self esteem issues and societal voyeurism into what a woman's body is or should be. It's not a coincidence that all these women are getting surgeries to look like the media's ideal woman. And it's not a coincidence that the media treats women like a collective of parts ("Increase your bust with X product!" "Shave your body hair with X product!" "10 ways to make your butt look bigger!").
I think the funniest part about this extremely liberal interpretation is that the idiot @vergess decided to list... wisdom teeth removal, tonsillectomy, and kidney donation, as if these all were done with the same intention as women wanting to cut out healthy organs because they don't intend on reproducing. Neither of the three above can lead to prolapse or Alzheimer's, and neither of them are male-exclusive either. Almost all of @vergess examples were gender-neutral! Which proves exactly my point that it is mainly women who are encouraged to cut themselves from inside out unnecessarily. Once again, I'm not speaking of medically necessary hysterectomy.
It's feminists' duty to analyse the societal behaviours of man and woman. Why should this be off limits, when it is so invasive and dangerous?
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months ago
Anonymous asked: its the anon that wanted incest tagged https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/760240297418588160/appreciation-for-andrewandy-graves-because-hes this one, sorry! and thank you.
this is a long post with additional anon ask responses.
Man. If that's incestuous, a lot of posts under the 'chara love' tag will be needing the incest cw tag.
Don't take this the wrong way. Incest is problematic and triggering and I do take tagging it seriously. But not everything is incestuous by default. We do need to account for alternate canons, platonicly intended sentiment, that in sme context people do not mean incestuous over / under tones even if they have an incestuous canon, and many other countless possibilities. And yes, I'm aware of the source material having incestuous overtones.
That said, the linked confession does not read as incest at all. I'm not going to tag it as incest for two reasons.
One) The op has confirmed none of that was intended as romantic or sexual, despite having an incestuous canon. A lot of other people, whether or not they have incestuous canons, often say the same or similar things. I think it would be hurtful and harmful to many people if we always interpret 'i love my sibling' as incestuous and not default platonic.
Two) I don't want to dilute the purpose of content warning tags. Meaning if a confession does not have explicit or implicit themes or topics, I will not use a content warning tag. That also means I will not blanket CW tag for sources. For example, if Supernatural has violence, blood, and murder, I'm not going to tag every Supernatural source confession with those tags. Otherwise it would become a useless tool to hide triggering content.
Considering I'm familiar enough with the name to tag the source, and that the op has a custom tag, perhaps blacklist one or both if it's a trigger for you.
Anonymous asked: I'm not the anon who asked, but the most recent Ashley Graves ask is this: https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/post/760240297418588160/appreciation-for-andrewandy-graves-because-hes
I'm curious if the anon asking for a TW is OP of the ask or not? Because this ask doesn't seem to say anything inherently incestuous. If it is, sorry for my misinterpretation. But the only thing I could see as romantic in this ask is "taking me to prom," which siblings do sometimes platonically. The intent could be romantic, but imo, it's not INHERENTLY. And If OP meant it that way, I'm really not judging them for expressing how they feel. That's what the blog is for. But, if someone else is trying to take ANY expression of affection that way, just because of the source, then though those implications ARE in the text at some points, I still find it a bit unfair (especially on a kin blog).
So sorry if this is worded horribly or something, I am a little tipsy. And sorry if this sounds slightly personal, I am an Andrew.
Anonymous asked: ACTUALLY, if the last ask (about the Ashley Graves ask) went through, ignore everything I just said. I am drunk and thought I was being helpful, but I'm probably actually just complaining, lol.
Not the anon who asked for a TW on this post, but here is the link: /post/760240297418588160/appreciation-for-andrewandy-graves-because-hes
All I'll say is, I'm not actually sure whether this seems inherently romantic/incestous to me, but I have in fact been wrong before, and trust ur judgement MPC /gen
I'm neurodivergent so maybe I too am reading it poorly. But none of that confession sounded incestuous. It just sounded like a person grateful for an ally during a traumatic childhood.
Anonymous asked: Reply to https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/760375296515014656/mpc-can-you-tag-the-most-recent-ashley-graves?source=share
Okay, Anon, are you the same person who asked to tag incest for the post about my memory about going to the mall with Andrew?
Do you think me saying "I love you, you're an amazing brother" is incest? Damn, I can't appreciate my brother for being a good brother, can I? Or was it the fact I mentioned he took me to prom in my canon?
Do you just think everything I say about Andrew is romantically/sexually charged?
-Ashley Graves (who is now just completely pissed off)
MPC, I'm sorry for this mess. If you can't post this reply, just please let Anon know to better themselves and understand actual relationships đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž
Clearly you can't, I guess. I can appreciate being told when I miss tagging something because I don't know the source or I miss subtext because I'm neurodivergent and don't understand the person. But like. Kinda weird they saw that and thought incest. I'm sure it's because of the source material, but still. Idk. That wasn't incestuous.
Connie / mod party cat
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Same anon about buggy hate here
Yeah I do think it’s especially funny when I see hate from die hard OP fans who definitely are up to date. They just misinterpreted 1082 because they want to hate this character. And for no actual reason whatsoever, other than they want their cool hot characters to be always on top (not that I don’t find buggy hot, please buggy simps spare my life)
I think of buggy more like an absent minded character though. Like I don’t think he’s just dumb dumb, but definitely he has this great comedy moments, coming from his hotheadedness and completely not paying attention. I genuinely think he’s one of the funniest OP characters. And I do think 1082 was big change of that in a way. He didn’t lose those characteristic, he just got more.
Tbh I didn’t even mean it in shippy way? I don’t really engage that much with shipping other than zolu tbh. I guess it could be interpreted in shippy way though so yeah
 I meant just dynamics that people choose to portray between those two. Definitely just see a lot of zolu/shanks/buggy mix there which is
 kinda iffy to me. People already have this type of relationship there but something stopping them from engaging
And yeah shanks and buggy literally have insane bond just on the fact of their shared experiences growing up. Just that fact is enough to make shanks like buggy, or see him as brother, or whatever you want to portray them as. (I’m more on brotherly bond but hey, it’s just marine’s interpretation, so nothing canon! Not hating on any shippers here). And I truly do think shanks just genuinely likes that guy. As in his character. The way he acts. He loves being playful with him, like me and my siblings. For me it’s like someone saying to me “why you love your sisters, she’s annoying”. That’s my sister and I don’t care how others see her. She’s just mine and always will be. You know? So definitely I agree with your point (in twisted way, agree bond exist, just different interpretation)
I’m sure buggy will have nice arc with cool finish. Probably do have some kind of moment about shanks too. It’s just makes sense from writing point and I think deep inside many people hate that fact.
Thanks for taking your time with answering me!
As somebody who reads chapter 1082 every day (a normal amount of times, thank you very much) people misinterpreting it makes my blood boil.
And I wish I could expand on what you've already said but I think we've talked about everything I've had in mind? Like, yes, Buggy is still himself even after 1082. In fact, it just added depth to his character and made him even better. The ships thing is pretty real too, and people often are afraid to engage with new dynamics and stick to what's safe. And it doesn't even need to be romantic, if you see them in a platonic way that's cool too, the point is that Shanks still cares for him and has his reasons to love Buggy.
I'm not even worried about Buggy's arc because I trust Oda with this, so we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
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youremyheaven · 9 months ago
I love your horse post!💘💕
Honestly I’d love to see more discussion about yoni animals. Here are some of my thoughts that I wanted to share with you because I’m not sure if I’m misinterpreting stuff or not
(Yap incoming)
-Snake yoni are the type of people to like sex for the emotional connection rather than the physicality? Not that they don’t like the physicality, but rather they like how physicality connects them with that person instead of just the pleasure of it. For mrig specifically, you talked a lot about mars and celibacy which I agree with, but I know a lot of mrig moons with horse/buffalo yoni suns who are very sexually active and open about it, but it’s usually not very casual to them even if it’s outside a relationship
- A lot of cat yoni have sex only so that they can have children. You mentioned a while back in a post about how sex is painful for cats and vaginismus in cat yoni women, but also historically cats have always been a symbol of motherhood due to the fact that they can have large litters. Again I’m sure some cat yoni moons still like sex bc of other placements but still
- But then you have rat/hares who have such huge litters to the extent that they become invasive species. I can’t remember if it was Claire who said about how jyestha men are the types to have 1000 illegitimate children due to the hare yoni influence 😂 I feel like these ppl are the opposite of snake/cat yoni because they just have sex to physically satisfy themselves
-Elephant yoni are kind of private about their sexual attraction? Even though they’re one of the horniest yoni, they have this sense of dignity which makes them keep most of their sex drive to themselves. Not as in they’re conservative, you just wouldn’t have them pinned as a freak if you didn’t know them like that
-I have a theory that smaller yoni are more passive sexually, mainly because the smaller sex drive means they don’t have that “instinct” to tell them what to do so they’d rather have someone else do the legwork.
Might apply less to straight men because of how they’re socialised, they’re scared to be a little passive because it’s “gay” or whatever. I imagine this would create the kind of guy who expects oral from you but never wants to finger or eat đŸ±. Need a field expert to verify that one though
thanku cutie <33 i'll make more yoni related posts in the future hehe
Snake yoni being emotionally intense and having an emotional attachment to sex is vv true. I dont think they feel satisfied unless they have one of those soul merging tantric type encounters. Their feelings run deep and sex to them is super profound. i feel like that intensity can be scary af for others. Snakes are scary creatures and if you've watched snakes fornicate, you know that its a weird visual where they kind of merge into each other. This is precisely the kind of intimacy these natives crave, they want to merge into you. đŸ„”scary but hot
the Cat yoni observation is interesting and could be true. idk if it applies to Ashlesha as much bc I've never really met an Ashlesha who had any maternal desire lmao but with Punarvasus it could be true but something I've noticed is that even if they dont really crave/like/want penetration, Cat yoni girliesss love the foreplay sesh,, they love to make out, they love to touch and fondle, they're like cats,, they want affection on their terms basically lmao,, I also think Cat yoni girlies love getting head more than anybody else lmao 👀 for them foreplay is sex and penetration is kind of an afterthought. I also feel like this makes them pillow princesses lmao
I had mentioned this about rat yoni before but yes precisely. sex does not mean much to these natives, they just love the satisfaction they derive from it. their libido is extremely high and they seldom feel satisfied with just one partner.
elephant yoni folks being private could be true??? but i feel like they are the people who are KNOWN for being sexy af,, they may or may not express it openly (some of them, def do) but they are 100% known for their sex appeal,, its the largest yoni animal for a reason. like rihanna, revati moon and rising, angelina jolie, revati moon, megan thee stallion, bharani rising,, cardi b, revati moon etc i feel like they wear their sexuality on their sleeve and talk about it openly?? they ooze such big dick energy, both men and women??? so intimidating and hottt đŸ„”đŸ„”
you're right about that theory of yours to some extent😉not all small yoni animals are passive, each animal has its own sexual nature, so there are many variations. like cat yoni is def passive and they're pillow princesses who will not reciprocate anything but rat/hare yoni and dog yoni are different from that?? not to let my Venusian men bias show but Purvaphalguni men (rat yoni) will literally cover your whole body in kisses and go to town on you without expecting anything in return,, they love to enjoy the female form?? they love to take pleasure in your physicality and sensuality. making love to you is what is pleasurable to them, not anything you can do for them. looking at you, touching you, feeling you, doing whatever they like with you,, thats whats fun,, so they are not passive in the slighest, in fact they're so passionate and over the top and truly nasty freaks.
Venusian men also love to give head 👀and dont really expect you to return it or anything,, im not saying they'll hate if you do,, except that they're doing it for themselves bc they want to taste you, not for any other reason 🙈
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sinlizards · 2 years ago
ok op I found your art a bit ago when I got back into aa and immediately got reinvested into narumitsu and I. Am obsessed with the way you draw Phoenix. he is so nice to look at and idk if I'm making sense with this but your art is so calming!! it's so good!! do you have any art tips for beginners? I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I just really enjoy your style and your art is a big inspiration. have a good day/night!
thank you so much ;_;! with art tips i never really know where to start esp cuz "beginner" is a really broad spectrum, but the best i can give (aside from telling you to do studies and dumping a masterpost of stuff people already have talked over endlessly) are 2 things that drastically helped improve my outlook on art 1) Draw things simply for the sake of it being fun. Basically this post
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sometimes I would get so caught up in my own head about trying to make the Next Best Thing but ended up just killing any joy drawing gave me which defeats the whole point of art for me. Sometimes you have to draw some silly shit just to be like damn this is fun !
2) Let yourself be inspired by other art. By that I mean look at other artists work and actually analyze what you enjoy about it (color, pose, composition, etc.) and see how you could apply that to your own work. It's not cheating to use some colors or a pose you found interesting in one persons work. the Key here is being INSPIRED and not COPYING please for the love of god nobody misinterpret this
if you did want any advice on something specific feel free to shoot another ask! im very bad with Broad topics like this </3 EDIT: i'm gonna go ahead an link a really good post iraprince made on the basics of getting started with art! It's a lot more thorough and also the part about learning to separate your inspiration is really good: https://www.tumblr.com/iraprince/674915305693265920/if-youd-never-seriously-practiced-art-how-would
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