#🤦‍♀️ anyway.
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somewandomnoobtalks · 9 months ago
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hello dungeon meshi fandom
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cheeseburger443 · 1 year ago
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silusvesuius · 9 months ago
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ildari x varona 🤗
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months ago
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me stubbornly forcing myself to drink green tea and rest from my THIRD COLD THIS MONTH
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whereismyhat5678 · 8 months ago
The image of this popped into my head while listening to this one song and I couldn’t stop thinking about it
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It looks a little funky but it’s okay
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He’s just a very sad man right now <:(
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bisexualobiwankenobi · 1 month ago
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JackieShauna, Yellowjackets // What We Buried, Caitlyn Siehl
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starlit-roses-ships · 3 months ago
Being in denial about a new f/o is just like:
Me: Oh yeah, (character) isn’t an f/o!
Also me: (daydreams about them, scrolls through their character tag countless times, stares at them in gif sets, stares at them in fanart, looks for fanfics with them in it, daydreams about them some more, etc.)
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starry-eyer · 6 months ago
I have a significant issue with the way the fandom often reduces asoiaf’s complex exploration of morality, power, the cycle of violence, oppression, corruption, rulership, class, etc., into simple, one-size-fits-all buzzwords. This strips away the complexity and moral ambiguity that are central to asoiaf.
This simplification of these discussions asoiaf opens is often done to push an agenda, and that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
And while we all have biases and hold a few narrow minded opinions, I just wish the fandom would avoid rigidly boxing asoiaf into categories that leave no room for nuance.
One example of this oversimplification is the belief that asoiaf is anti-monarchy, which has become a bit more popular recently due to HOTD.
To understand why calling asoiaf anti-monarchy is a severe oversimplification of its complex exploration of rulership, class, power, etc., one must first understand what the term ‘anti-monarchy’ means:
Anti: opposed to; against.
Monarchy: a form of government with a monarch at the head.
So, ‘anti-monarchy’ means being opposed to a form of government with a monarch at the head; and according to google, ‘anti-monarchical’ refers to showing opposition to a king or queen, or to the idea of a country being ruled by one.
The reason I find the idea that asoiaf is anti-monarchical so bizarre is because Dany, as queen of Meereen, exists.
The narrative painstakingly weaves Danys' storyline as Queen of Meereen, opening up discussions about rulership, what it means to be a good ruler, justice, the abuse of power, class divisions, systemic violence and oppression, how a ruler must navigate the pitfalls of power, the difficulties of challenging the status quo, pragmatism vs idealism, and the difficult balance between all of this and a ruler’s own morality.
If asoiaf were truly anti-monarchical, then Danys' queenship would not be portrayed as it is in the narrative. The story would have consistently condemned her position, both subtly and overtly. Instead, her journey is depicted as one of empowerment—the path of a revolutionary whose position as queen is essential to achieving the changes she seeks, and the changes the world needs.
When looking at things this way, can one objectively call asoiaf anti-monarchy?
I sometimes think calling asoiaf anti-monarchy is a way for people to scapegoat the monarchy, avoiding deeper engagement with the idea that the rot in Westerosi society is systemic. It's not just the fault of the ‘mad’ Targaryens and their terrible ‘nukes’—it's a broader societal issue.
I just wish the fandom would stop scapegoating certain groups and be a bit more open to nuance.
That’s all :)
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achillesep · 7 months ago
of course leo thinks everyone is going to abandon him because that’s all he ever does. he is always on the run and he is always leaving and always abandoning everyone he meets so of course he thinks they’re going to do the same to him. it’s like it’s built into him he fundamentally cannot allow himself to stay in one place because of this all-consuming loneliness that’s reinenforced by his own actions. every single time he leaves a foster home, leaves people behind, leaves even the seven behind in boo, he reinforces his belief that someone always has to leave first. and every single time he makes sure that it’s him. it must be lonely
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silverbastardgoldenfool · 1 year ago
The Fool (notoriously in love with Fitz):
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FitzChivalry Farseer (notorious heterosexual):
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cruyffista · 4 months ago
marco van basten & johan cruyff / off to the races - lana del rey
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mortifying-macaroni · 1 month ago
Need to draw Gretchen, Andrei and Victoria again. I NEED to. They're the cuntiest of the L.A. Sabbat. Gonna play dress up with them probably after the next piece or whatever.
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readingismyhobby24 · 4 months ago
Yeah so Update On Faith's Injuries!!!! They just never stop 🤣
I almost had to get stitches on my finger from a cardboard cut...
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compressednerve · 7 months ago
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refinedstorage · 2 years ago
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bleue-flora · 2 months ago
Hi! For the wip Game: Only The Best Dream’s Come True
Oooo I don’t know if I’ve talked about this fic much. Basically it’s part of the Sweet Dreams series and it’s a compilation of nightmares Dream sucks people into while in prison. So it starts with Sam and ends with Sapnap camping outside the prison waiting to kill Dream… I’d post some of it but unfortunately I don’t have the chapters that come first written and I think I should post is in order. Anyways, here’s some of Sapnap’s chapter.
He’s not sure how he ended up standing, he could have sworn he was laying down a minute ago. And yet here he is and he feels exhausted as an ache encumbers his body.
Every part of him hurts like he’s standing on hot coals and his brain is telling him to get off of them, but he doesn’t. He continues standing on his legs that feel on fire.
“Why did you get out?!” An angered voice startles him.
It’s his voice.
He looks up and sure enough two brown eyes meet his.
And he finds himself peering at his own face like a 3D mirror. Except it’s obviously not a mirror, more likely a dream but he’s never seen himself in a dream before.
He feels his lips move in response, “Oh, you want me to rot—I was getting tortured. You want me to rot in prison forever?!”
The incredulous sound isn’t his voice though, it’s Dream’s. The all too recognizable tone he wishes he could forget.
Nothing in the situation makes sense. It’s all so inverted almost like he’s not in his mind but an outsiders.
Why is he Dream?
Shouldn’t he be himself?
The only answer he receives is his own words delivered callously back to him, “You’ve been tortured?… Who is torturing you?… You were getting tortured?” Despite the question the tone doesn’t sound curious just skeptical, like a disinterested parent indulging their kid’s wild story.
He never thought his voice would sound so indifferent and hardened in his ears. But facing it now he feels numb.
Did he really sound like that?
The contents intensifying the senselessness of the tone, the heinous words like poison to his ears. The words making it obvious that it’s the memory after the prison break.
“Yeah, Quackity was torturing me.” His own mouth answers definitively and bitter, a shiver spreading through his body as the name leaves his lips.
And if he could laugh he would. He almost laughed back then too. He still can’t believe Dream tried to used his exfiancé as part of his manipulation. It’s actually so fucking ridiculous he wonders how Dream even came up with the idea. Prison must have made him insane because the idea that his cuddly warm fiancé tortured Dream and Sam allowed it is ludicrous.
Unsurprisingly, his reflection voices back the same disbelief, “Quackity was torturing you?… What do you mean he was torturing you? Like literally torturing you?”
“Yes!… He was trying to get the revival book and so he was torturing me.” His body huffs sounding furious as he crosses his arms across his chest.
Playing the other side of the memory feels odd in many ways. For one, his body seems to be playing the part so perfectly that actual desperation tightens his muscles in false affliction and betrayal. It’s like his body is in on the joke and Sapnap is the oblivious audience. But in reality the only hurt Dream felt then is that Sapnap didn’t fall for his lies.
They were lies right?
It was all a ruse. A play for pity to get his armor back so he could wreak havoc on the server. They were lies.
As if to counter his conviction entirely, he suddenly finds himself strapped to a chair. Where decorative stone was is now dripping obsidian. Where Sapnap was standing dressed in Nightmare, Quackity now stands with a hammer clutched tensely in his hand and blood stains soiling his typically pristine shirt.
“Give me the revival book Dream. Give me the fucking book or—or I swear I’m gonna break every tiny fucking bone in you hand one by one! Do you want me to do that Dream? Huh? You want me to do that? Then give me the goddamn revival book!” Quackity threatens and he feels his heart pound ecstatically in his ears.
An internal pain pulses in him, like every crevice of his body is soaked in liquid pain to the point of utter woeful weariness. Unimaginable suffering would be a tame description and yet apparently his brain has conjured the fantasy despite never having felt such agony in his life.
Through the torment taking the attention of his senses, he meets the scarred face of who’s most likely responsible given the context of his nightmare. At the sight, his mind goes wholly blank as he stares into the luscious chocolate eyes of his exfiancé and sees nothing but violent rage and malice. There’s no spec of love in them. No contagious joy. No life, just a soul eating darkness promising pain.
A strong desire curls in him, to hide. To yell. To crawl into a hole and cry. To clasp Quackity in a hug and fix what has been broken. Anything to avoid having to see those irises of oblivion again.
But he can’t move. He can’t do anything, all he can do is experience it with no control over anything, not even his own body. Well he supposes not his body anyways, but Dream’s body.
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