#And Chilchuck is spinning in my brain
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somewandomnoobtalks · 8 months ago
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hello dungeon meshi fandom
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lylahammar · 1 year ago
Randomly thinkin about Chilchuck today, and how he tries sooooo hard to self sabotage
like for example, other half foots on the island think that he's a greedy asshole who only cares about money, and he does nothing to try to disprove that
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but then there's this omake at the end of book 9 that shows that people treat half foots fucking TERRIBLY and chilchuck started a union to protect them
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and then in the bicorn chapter, he doesn't want Marcille to keep digging into his personal business so he tells her he CHEATED ON HIS WIFE
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but he just COMPLETELY fuckin lied about that and made himself sound so much worse than he is bc he's afraid of being vulnerable with people and would rather everyone believes he's a shitty person so he can keep them at a distance
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and the thing that's memed so often is that he refuses to help with fighting most of the time because it's not part of his contract
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but if you take this lore into account (not gonna add those particular images to this post simply bc I've used them in so many posts already LMAO) along with this tidbit from the world guide:
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then it's like. yeah he has to keep his weight low so if he gets killed or severely injured and has to be healed, that could be really dangerous for him. and even if he was healed at that point he'd end up being a burden to the party after that point, he would be too dangerously thin/sickly to be able to help.
Like, Chilchuck has so many things about him that APPEAR to be character flaws, but every single one of them has a very reasonable explanation. He just leans into the mischaracterization bc he's emotionally withholding and can handle people thinking he's an asshole more than he can handle opening up to anyone. he's such a well thought out and interesting character
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justphilia · 10 months ago
Rating Dungeon Meshi Characters Based on How Well They Can Take Care of Me When I'm Sick
Scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best. Precaution I have bias for women.
Laios - 7/10 He'll definitely try his best, but he's not very good at it. Achieves the bare minimum of keeping me fed and making sure I take my meds, but most of the time he wouldn't really know what to do to help more. As I drift in and out of consciousness, I see him staring at me with his autism eyes through the gap of my door.
Falin - 9/10 Practically my bedside nurse. Checks my temperature every so often, makes sure to keep my forehead cool. She makes it possible for me to be glad I'm sick, though I am not sure if she knows how to cook. Fortunately, too ill to gaf. Also it's Falin.
Marcille - 9/10 She will think I am dying and because of this she's desperate to help me recover. Heh. I love the attention. But I think. I THINK. she may not know what she is doing about a quarter of the time. She'll read the instructions on my meds like 5 times before giving it to me. She'll research what kind of foods is good for speedy recovery. She'll forget to wring the cold rag before putting it on my head, and every time I fall asleep she thinks I passed away.
Chilchuck - 6/10 Like my dad. "Don't forget to take your meds." Feeds me porridge for lunch and dinner. I don't see his face like the whole day, but I'll be unsure if it's because he's purposely checking in on me when I'm knocked out or he just doesn't want to bother me at all. I can't ask, because he wouldn't answer honestly (he's embarrassed).
Senshi - 8/10 I feel like he's gonna be like my mom and feed me herbal medicine and home remedies. My recovery will be slightly slower, but I'll recover. I will be eating soooo good, 'cause he'll definitely put a spin on every meal meant to help me recover. He sits by my bedside and does his own thang while I sleep, or talk about what he put in my food as like a bedtime story. When he goes to the toilet, I cry.
Toshiro (without his retainers [not including Izutsumi]) - 4/10 Porridge is simple enough to make, I think he is capable of that at the very least. I think he'd make sure I drink enough water, and will ask if I've taken my meds yet. But that's all his efforts and capabilities. I wouldn't blame him. He wears a mask when he enters my room.
Toshiro (with his retainers) - 9/10 Maizuru alone bumped the score by three points because she'll make sure to help Toshiro keep me well fed. But because she's only helping me for Toshiro, she wouldn't go all out with the care. It's okay, their company is enough. I will most likely think I died and went to heaven. They all are wearing masks under Maizuru's order—don't want them catching it and spreading it to Toshiro.
Izutsumi - 2/10 It may be over for me. But if she sleeps at the foot of my bed the entire time and gets me packaged food and water when I ask, I'll live.
Namari - 8/10 Idk. Like! Idk! I think she's gonna be like Laios about it, like she really tries her best, but she's unsure. She's like a combo of Laios and Chilchuck—she can make me food and make sure I take my meds, but I would hardly see her throughout the day. Sometimes she'll come in and ask if I need anything, and if I ask her to stay she'll linger at the doorway then step inside. When I wake up, she may be gone.
Kabru - 7/10 I kinda...don't want him here.....like....I like his face and everything, but I feel. scared. at the thought of being sick and him taking care of me. Might be the blue eyes. Nevertheless, he's able to make sure I don't get worse. He can cook and will help me take my meds, put a cool rag over my forehead, and keep me company until I fall asleep. "I guess you owe me one!" he'll laugh lightly as my fever-fried brain stares at him, and I won't know if he's serious until he tells me so.
Mithrun - 1/10 I am Gone but also he's very attractive so I think I'll die happy.
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dustgeonmeshi · 10 months ago
so i'm a ceramics student and this week is wet clay deadline so my brain has been nothing but pottery all week. which got me thinking about which dunmeshi characters would be into pottery. here, walk with me now.
ok so my number one candidate is marcille. given her lifespan i like to think she'd try plenty of new hobbies and i think she'd enjoy pottery when she got to make pretty things like vases. falin would definitely do it with marcille but her creations wouldn't be as graceful (she's a pinch pot kinda girl. it keeps the clay out of the feathers). i think marcille would try to get all of her friends to try it at some point because "it's a way for us to make memories while you're all still around..." would they like it? maybe. laios doesn't seem like the most delicate of people, so he'd probably be with falin in making more wonky (but fun) pinch pot cups and whatnot. chilchuck must have a delicate touch given his stature and his trap disarming skills, so i think he'd be surprisingly good at pottery. he'd be inclined to make functional vessels; pots, plates, bowls. marcille would tell him to spice it up and make something nice but he'd shrug her off. senshi's a big, strong guy, but he's not unable to be delicate. i think his strength could be a great asset in making larger vessels. i don't think he'd become passionate about pottery but he'd enjoy doing it for a little bit. izutsumi has claws which automatically makes it near impossible for her to throw on a potters wheel without it being a nightmare, so she's also chilling with laios and falin in pinch pot land. she'd hate it though. there's too much waiting involved with the entire process and she'd get impatient. plus, i think she'd lose interest after realizing the clay won't just magically do what she wants it to. i think she'd enjoy watching the potters wheel spin though, so she'd probably just watch marcille and chilchuck work. i had to google when potters wheels were invented to make sure this would be feasible in dunmeshi lore. did you know they can be traced back to the ancient Sumerians? very cool. what was i saying? anyways wet clay deadline is tomorrow night and im finally going to be free from the potters wheel
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 9 months ago
Random dialogue scene that popped in my head.
"We really shouldn't do this."
"No really. Last time didn't work out so well for me."
Brain keeps flipping from it being flirty to being funny like two people are lactose intolerant but sharing a milkshake or competing to see who can eat the most ice cream.
How does your brain read it? Do you have any ships you think it would work for?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Okay, so I went an entirely different direction with this. 🤣 And thought maybe some semi-angsty Chilshi with a happy ending?
Senshi paused as he looked over at his smaller companion. Chilchuck was shifting on his feet, refusing to make eye contact. Senshi huffed pulling Chilchuck closer so he could plant a kiss on the half-foot's forehead.
"You were the one who asked. I would never push you to do something you didn't want to do."
It did little to appease the other man as he pushed himself away.
"I know I did! Fine! Alright, we'll get married."
Senshi watched Chilchuck stomp off to the castle, shaking his head. He didn't quite know what Chilchuck was trying to prove here, but he would go along with him if it was what he wanted.
They were immediately shown to the throne room where Laios sat, looking quite regal, if it weren't for the way he hung his head as Kabru and Marcille stood nearby, stacks of papers in their hands. However, upon seeing his friends, Laios jumped out of his seat racing towards them.
"Chilchuck! Senshi! I'm so glad to see you."
"We want to get married, and you need to officiate it!" Chilchuck demanded.
Laios blinked in surprise as Marcille's mouth dropped.
"I can do that?" He asked.
"What? Really?" Marcille gasped at the same time.
Chilchuck seemed even more aggravated by their questions as he formed fists at his side.
"You're the king!" Chilchuck accused. "Of course, you can officiate a marriage. So go on! Do it!"
"You guys are wanting to get married right now?" Marcille squealed.
"Possibly." Senshi answered softly.
Chilchuck spun around on him. "I said I would, didn't I?"
"But do you want to?" Senshi asked him.
Chilchuck stood there trembling before spinning around to Laios again.
"Are you going to marry us or not?"
Kabru decided to step in at this point, an apologetic smile on his face.
"Guys, King Laios is very busy at the moment. Maybe we can set a time that might work better for all of us..."
"I'll do it." Laios declared interrupting Kabru.
Everyone turned to the king, but he merely repeated himself. His face set with determination. Senshi couldn't help but sigh. He guessed they were doing this. Laios stood before his throne, Senshi and Chilchuck before him, facing each other, while Marcille and Kabru hovered uncertainly in the background. Laios began, repeating the words Kabru fed him. Something about being in the presence of true love before asking Chilchuck and Senshi to make their vows to each other.
Chilchuck went first, shifting from foot to foot, before delivering his lines in a monotone voice.
"Senshi, I vow to love you to the end of my days. I vow to be a good husband, in sickness and in health. I vow to always put your needs before my ambitions."
Senshi felt himself wilt, hearing the one he loved in such pain.
"Chilchuck..." He started before taking his hand with a gentle smile. "I don't need to marry you for you to be mine."
Chilchuck suddenly looked up, a sharp look in his eyes.
"I know you worry about what you can offer me. How short our time together will be, but whether we're married or not, physically together or not, everyone will know how much I loved you. I will never take another after you, and I will make the years we are together the happiest you have ever known. With plenty of good food and a warm home for you to come back to every night. But above all, I will remind you every minute of our lives that yours is a worthy one."
Senshi heard a sniff behind him from Marcille, and Kabru urging Laios into the next part.
"By the power invested in me as King of..."
"Wait!" Chilchuck interrupted. "I would like to go again. Please."
Laios looked over at Kabru who merely shrugged.
"Yeah, okay, go ahead Chilchuck."
"I am happy with you." Chilchuck admitted. "So happy it scares me. I know I come with a lot of baggage, but you've never made me feel lesser for it. I may not be the best at showing it, I'll try to do better, but I really do want to marry you. I want to be able to look back on a life with no regrets, and I think I would regret not taking this chance more than anything. I want to be able to look back on the memories of my life fondly, but mostly with you. And when such a time comes that I have to leave this world, I want to leave you with enough memories to comfort you on the loneliest of nights."
Marcille was full on sobbing at this point, but Senshi hardly paid her any mind. There was the man who asked him, cuddled in his arms before the fire, to marry him. There was the man Senshi wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Senshi gave Chilchuck's hand a squeezed which made him give him a shy little grin. His eyes shining in his sincerity.
"I pronounce you married. You may now kiss to seal the vows of your love."
Senshi began to lean in only to laugh when he found himself with an armful of Chilchuck. Chilchuck grabbed his cheeks between his hands and proceeded to kiss the life out of him. Regardless of the journey it took to get here, Senshi felt he could look back at it with no regrets as well.
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eclecticmiasma · 9 months ago
Bathing in moonlight Anon here!
It was super sexy, and you wrote it even better than how my mind put it together in the first place. Your writing is amazing and I’m enjoying going through your pieces ❤️
Also, apologies for not clearing up that I did want to request an AFAB reader. I’m now so used to reading and enjoying GN reader that I forget to include that in my requests whenever I make one. Thank you so much.
And last but not least, man Chilchuck was ready to RISK IT ALL. He wanted to venture into the readers dungeon 😏.
I look forward to more of your DM content ❤️✨✨✨
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Absolutely! Always happy to spin these characters around in my brain like a washing cycle. I'm so glad you enjoyed it 🖤🖤
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angstandhappiness · 1 year ago
Randomly thinkin about Chilchuck today, and how he tries sooooo hard to self sabotage
like for example, other half foots on the island think that he's a greedy asshole who only cares about money, and he does nothing to try to disprove that
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but then there's this omake at the end of book 9 that shows that people treat half foots fucking TERRIBLY and chilchuck started a union to protect them
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and then in the bicorn chapter, he doesn't want Marcille to keep digging into his personal business so he tells her he CHEATED ON HIS WIFE
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but he just COMPLETELY fuckin lied about that and made himself sound so much worse than he is bc he's afraid of being vulnerable with people and would rather everyone believes he's a shitty person so he can keep them at a distance
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and the thing that's memed so often is that he refuses to help with fighting most of the time because it's not part of his contract
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but if you take this lore into account (not gonna add those particular images to this post simply bc I've used them in so many posts already LMAO) along with this tidbit from the world guide:
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then it's like. yeah he has to keep his weight low so if he gets killed or severely injured and has to be healed, that could be really dangerous for him. and even if he was healed at that point he'd end up being a burden to the party after that point, he would be too dangerously thin/sickly to be able to help.
Like, Chilchuck has so many things about him that APPEAR to be character flaws, but every single one of them has a very reasonable explanation. He just leans into the mischaracterization bc he's emotionally withholding and can handle people thinking he's an asshole more than he can handle opening up to anyone. he's such a well thought out and interesting character
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