#👀 curious about said character youre thinking of tho?
kenmaiii · 4 months
Have you ever watched Soul Eater :0? No idea why but your style reminds me of it just slightly. Might also be my brain saying a character would look awesome in your style from said anime ^_^
i have actually!! it was among my earlier set of animes i watched as a kid back when it first aired on toonami ^-^/ i enjoy a lot of it still from what i remember, and thank you! the SE style is really awesome especially the earlier manga stuff
though funny that you say this:
i really wanted my own Death the Kid so i used him as inspo for one of my OCs. his name is Reaper! who.. is aptly the Son of Death and my beloved grim reaper hehe
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rebouks · 4 months
hi becca! i was just curious, as a huge fan of your storytelling, do you have a method to how you do it? is that something you've talked about before on here i may have just missed? do you write everything out as a sort of script or just kind of go with the flow? i love hearing about how people create! i hope you have a wonderful day <3
ooooh what a fun question! and ty for being a fan too!! 😭🧡
i suppose i do have a method but it's a bit chaotic as i mostly work everything out as it happens and don't really plan ahead other than a few ideas or a direction i wanna go in u kno? like i have nothing written out for my next arc yet.. only a few ideas for a few scenes 😱 ideas do be forming tho! i may have a first scene in mind 👀
i mostly ask myself where i'm going and/or what i want to show! for example i have a bullet note for the future that says "someone gets injured/breaks smth and [redacted] faints" because said someone is squeamish abt that kinda thing so i want a way to show that rather than tell! all my notes are abt as vague as this & i'll only flesh em out with dialogue/poses closer to the time along with figuring out how they fit into a timeline of other events which is also pretty random depending on what's going on 😅
there's pretty much two things that make up my story.. 1. overarching themes that span a long time eg. Robin struggling with then somewhat gaining control of his gift - these usually centre around character growth or lack thereof! 2. random ideas - the kind of scenes i usually think of in the shower or bed & think YES i need to do that at some point skdjskj i have so many of these for Robin/Wren especially 🤸‍♀️
tldr: 2% last minute planning 98% brain rot 🧠
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sukirichi · 2 months
I mean i love rin and i love your writing so i could i not pay attention to details 👀
So this chapter.. The very moment kyoomi said 'she's been having quite the appetit' I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT: Sukiiiii you really made her pregnant with Rin's kid....
I swear i was reading this in my car (im still in my car) and i groaned so hard and then yup its confirmed shes pregnant dhdhshjakak and then i remembered when you wete brainstorming about it long ago and you said you were thinking about making her pregnant and 🥹🥹🥹🥹
ALSO I FUCKING KNEW THAT BITCH DIDNT LOVE HIM AAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANT TO PUNCH HER SO BAD holy fuck how didnt we punch her when she was all like 'yeah i didnt love him, yeah i used him, yeah i was here first- can we be friends tho?' LIKE ARE YOU FOR REAL? I WOULD HAVE THROWN FISTS
Also rin all cute this chapter and needy and clingy and whining we didnt watch his game he's such a dork 🥺 i want to litter his face in kisses ughhhhh i should be angry at him but knowing my theories where right cause i got all the hints you left and that hes just confused and actually loves us but just doesnt really know how to deal with it just 🥹🥹🥹🥹 i want to protec him
Aaaaaa what fictional men do to me uwu
Also i really want iris and the kid to begone like realllllllllllyyyyyy 😒 im already having war flashbacks from broken records... Although the idea of iris also dying....... Isnt too bad 👀
i remember the brainstorming process too, there was just too many good ideas and deleted scenes we had to say goodbye to 🥹 the pregnancy had to happen though because . . . cough cough . . . it’s gonna be the main start of rin redemption arc.
also i know! it may seem like iris is one confusing character but everything will make sense once we finally see why she was so desperately trying to make amends with the reader. you would think she’d announce her pregnancy right away because that’s the crown prince’s baby, but somehow she’s more persistent in keeping her marriage with kiyoomi . . . curious, curious. but yeah rin please, he’s been awful but also he is soooo sweet when he wants to be. so much wasted potential if you ask me 😭 also nope HAHAHA no one is dying here but we’ll see whether they keep the baby or not
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wings-of-ink · 4 months
Hello! I went to sleep while finishing GC so naturally I had dreams abt it and some random questions- would you ever consider adding character descriptions for a Trans MC? (I know this is more work for u so feel free to ignore jus curious).
Also on that note I wanna add that the naming scene did in fact make me cry, I know it’s not the internet to be trans coded but- it just struck a cord with me- jus the fact that I got to choose my name and my fathers were happy for me🥲😭🙏🏼a whole box of puffs+ gone in one sitting. I can’t express how much I LOVE Da and Papa, they’re my Roman Empire I love them so much. They’re just so loving and accepting 🥲I wanna hug them
Speakin of characters I’d like to hug- Will we still be able to dig deeper into Zahns backstory even if we don’t romance them? Bc…I just…I wanna drag them back home far FAR from their Sect and just love them (platonically) forever. I wont deny tho I’m just very curious about their cult and like…wtf is going on there 👀
Ok this is already too long I’ll leave it at that💞gonna go reread this masterpiece now.
(Side note your description of the honey cakes made me wanna try them so I’m currently looking for recipes 🕺gonna eat them while I reread)
Have the loveliest day!
-Oswin obsessed anon
Hello my dear!
First off, that is very sweet and I am loving that you dreamed about it!
I had wondered about making something of the sort, but like you said, it adds to an already complex system. My thinking when I did the character creation as it is was that, at least in this world, whoever you are - you just are. That's kinda how I see myself because I've always been in a grey area for my own identity. So, I just am. That's why I didn't enter any sort of specified option for transitioning.
I don't know if anything like the Trans descriptors will be in the game. If I did them, I'd want them to be at least meaningful. So, I won't say no, and it's something I'll take to heart when I consider the scope of the project.
I am thrilled that the naming scene was meaningful for you. I think I know how you feel there.
If I could magic any two people from my IF to life, I would probably go with Papa and Da, lol. Sorry to the RO lovers, but the world needs these daddies!
You will definitely see more of Zahn's backstory even if you don't romance them. Each RO will have that sort of baggage and you will be able to "try before you buy" so to speak. I haven't decided how deep that will go or how those will change depending on if they are romanced or not. I'm considering designing it so that you would need to romance them to get the entire scope of their background, problems, and such and help them find some sort of closure during their route. Zahn will start opening up more before you know it though!
Not to worry about a long ask - I love reading! Lol
I actually found a honey cake recipe that I wanted to post with a future update for chapter 3! But I'll pop it in here for you in case you want it. It's a bit fancier than what would be available to the MC's family, but it would be delectable. This chef is my all time favorite as well. Love the way he talks and his silly puns. I use his methods and recipes a lot and they never fail.
I hope your day is also lovely, Anon! Thank you for dropping in! ^_^
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leonscape · 1 month
im sorry for the confusion huhuhu 🥹
anyways ill answer your questions :
looks like we are soulmates (platonically) were same but different.
and as you can see I BRO ZONED EVERY IKEPRI SUITOR because i don't imagine myself being on a romantic nor sexual relationship with any of them...it feels...weird..and odd at the same time.
of course that doesn't mean i won't stop simping nor having a crush nor fangirl over them, especially towards leon 👀 (besides most of them are jokes and is satire, i didn't mean most of the words i said-).
also despite me liking both men and women, AND SUPRISINGLY IM ACTUALLY NOT BISEXUAL- im in the ace spectrum just like you 😊🫶🏼, and my sexuality can be a bit confusing...so anyways, im actually aego aroace (in closet) just search it in google 😅.
actually my faves are LEON and CHEVALIER, the faction leaders eifnekdmedkw.
as for jin, i used to like him at first impression then he became meh to me but then slowly i liked him back now, dang i feel moody to my liking of jin-.
i liked jin a bit because his name is jin (i have a thing for fictional characters that are named jin), he is leon's bro, best big brother figure, likes women, mantiddies, caring for his younger brothers 🥺, handsome to me (idc about his haircut), a sweet tooth like me 🫶🏼, etc. (suprisingly he's one of my least faves, doesn't mean i disliked him tho).
about the pig emoji, it just suits me...i love pink, im a foodie, likes getting dirty (not THAT kind), im average looking, i can be fun and enthusiastic, im a bit fat, etc.
well that's a lot of yapping...please let me know if you want me to stop, i don't wanna bother you lots you know 😔.
anyways take care of yourself, alright? 💟
im sincerely sorry...(im not og keith i swear-).
hmm perhaps we are platonic soulmates. i also don’t see myself and any of the suitors in a romantic/sexual relationship. well except for leon of course he confuses me a lot. i just thought you’re some kind of bi because you said you’re into women as well. but i think i understand, you just like the idea or seeing romantic/sexual relationships? i am curious to know what your journey was like when you found the aro/ace spec because i think mine is kinda funny.
i don’t trust people that like chevalier and leon tho it’s suspicious to me 🤨 how are you gonna like someone that threatened you over a book but also like someone that would save you and dust off the book? as for liking jin, i’ve always felt like you either like him or you don’t so i can see how you’re going back and forth on it 😹 i actually don’t mind his haircut too i think it has a certain boyish charm. it’s much cleaner than leon’s mullet bc leon seems to have hair going everywhere💀
i also like food too. i like regular meals but i prefer baking dessert over cooking.
you’re not a bother, i don’t mind 😸👍 take care of yourself as well!!
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spidercrusadersworld · 10 months
hiii!! I'm here to ask about Maya🕵🏽
I'm curious about her age, since she was married and had a job at some stage which is really cool!! I keep forgetting that point and imagining she's like.. 18 which I'm not sure is right😅 unless maya and jade were like child prodigies or something🤔
SPEAKING OF JADE, how did the 2 meet? who asked out who? who proposed? what was their wedding and wedding outfits like👀👀
(unrealted: I'm kinda curious what maya and fern's (my spidersona) dynamic would be like if they ever met. they're both characters who suffer through a lot of grief and idk I think it would be interesting)
sorry for the word vomit🏃🏽‍♀️
That’s a good question! To be honest, when I made Maya’s backstory, I never actually considered what age she would be. But in my mind, the education system in Mayas universe is different, as well as the average age of employment and marriage. Keep in mind, Maya is not Married, but she was engaged. (Tho I don’t blame you for thinking that I’m pretty sure at one point I said she was married)
So I imagine that high school is instead of further learning, taking notes, ect, it’s hands on learning applying what you’ve learned. In Mayas universe, elementary school is very effective, it covers most high school topics, of course there are more traditional schools that students can choose to go to, but they mean that you are less likely to get a steady job, most people go to those kinds of schools, but some, like maya, found the thought of the hands on experience, more beneficial than sitting in a desk all day writing stuff down. But to be honest, most people who go to “schools for higher education” are forced to by parents. In these high schools, you are given an option of three subjects you excelled at in elementary, and you get to choose the one you are the most passionate about.
For maya that was biological sciences. Where she was partnered with Jade at age fourteen Both of them chose to go to the schools of higher education, and had seen each other around there elementary school for higher education. Maya may or may not have had a major crush on Jade, but never said anything due to social anxiety. But when given the option to choose a lab partner, Jade b-lined to maya.
Maya assumed it was for any other reason than the fact that she had any positive emotions towards maya, and often lost sleep wondering why a popular, smart, cute NO CAPABLE girl, would choose an anxiety ridden mess like her, over all the other popular and smart guys in the class.
Jade was very outgoing, and was very good at reading people. Maya was quiet and curious. So when Maya was thinking of something but was to nervous to say it, Jade could get her to say it, not in a forceful way, in a natural way, that made her feel heard and valued. And when Jade would go rambling on with theory’s Maya would be right there with her, admiring her innovating and different way of thinking. I wouldn’t be wrong to say that they where perfect for each other. You really couldn’t blame Maya for developing feelings.
One day Maya really wanted to ask Jade out on a date. Jade could tell something was up, so she as usual, encouraged maya to get it off her chest, and was quite pleasantly surprised when Maya had very nervously (she found her tripping over her words very cute and endearing) asked her out on a date. And she said yes.
So they went out, on a date to get bubble tea, and they hit. It. Off! they have many common interest, and on the walk back home, when passing the alchemax building, they see large vibrantly coloured spider, spinning a glowing web. Jade getting curious, trappes the spider in a container, and is about to poke holes in it, when they see it jutting out solid sharp, almost needle like strands of webbing, to poke out holes itself.
That is what finally gets maya to agree to take it back to the lab for further observation. The high schools for higher education are different, due to the fact that, if your project gets noticed by someone, they might ask to hire you and have your project funded in a better place with better equipment for further studies. Meaning that you can graduate early and continue being employed for doing your field of study.
And that’s exactly what happened with Jade and maya. Just over three months after finding the spider, they where payed top dollar to continue researching it under employment at Alchemax. It was more than either of them could ever dare hope for, so of course they took the job. And at fifteen years old they where both official employees at the most prestigious scientific lab in the UKA (United Kingdoms of America). Their official tittle being Bioharmonic Alchemist (remember all science and math sounds like magic in her universe)
They continued to date for four years, Jade was working on the bus since she was thirteen, and after meeting Maya they started to work on it together, by the age of eighteen it was finally finished. so at the age of nineteen Maya proposed to Jade in the forest, amongst all the colossal trees, she said yes. Maya got bit the Jade died when she was just under the age of twenty, and by the time the stories start with Peter, she is twenty two and a half. BOOM TIMELINE.
As for fern, it’s hard to find her whole narrative by looking on your page, could you maybe give me a run down of her character so far, just so that I can see it all in one place (and assume I will draw the two of them together lol) anyway thank you so much for asking, any more questions are TOTALLY welcome! I love sharing Mayas story with people! I know it’s HELLA LONG so I thought I would leave it here and then go into fern later, if you could reblog this with a rundown of her backstory, personality, lore, abilities, likes and dislikes ect, I would love to go into further detail about her relationship, sorry this took so long btw!
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night-faye · 2 months
Future Macky's face during all this is like "wha...is that how it happened, is that what I did?" "So Monkey King really was...a bad guy?" "That's what I believed. What Azure would have you believe." SMELLS LIKE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT MACARONI. "Wukong was on a path to self destruction. We all were." WE??? Curious, he doesn't even sound angry at the monk 👀 Even approving. Yeah, one theory was he internalized Wukong's whole "cause normally you just rush to my rescue!" And tried to free him from the circlet torture.
"Every choices has consequences kid. For someone." He says, while looking utterly downcast. OKAY.
Wowie. Narrative Macky is a FLAVOR. Showing the wasteland, "everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story." "He's even fooled himself." and he's always so calm through it like an experienced war veteran, no judgement just saying how the old history was. This is great insight into his own psyche if you're crazy and tear it apart like a chew toy.
I wasn't the anon about Fluffy's audible sniff but lol, I would've said that.
Agony. This monkey has been put through the wringer and has to look MK up and down to see if its really him. that "you found me." I am *falls to the floor.*
*stares at the camera* I'm gonna be screaming about this in S5 but Macky instinctively reaching for the peach in the memory visage and getting interupted by his old self and just stunned about the fragile innocence and happy times of their past and the longing and tentative yearning and baby steps and him being cut off from MK and Wukong bc of all the golden cracks in the ground. The way his arm falls, his face, HE'S THINKING SOMETHING. *shakes him like a chew toy.*
Macky in his own shadowy corner as the Brotherhood gears up for battle we love to see it, man what did he say to Tang again hmm. Yeah they get on fine without you, but then Wukong drops in instantly noticing his bestie AND FIXING HIS CLOTHES FOR HIM LIKE 😭 TOO CLOSE BUDDY. the writers are killing us with this, like??? that's an act of love im sorry and JTTW Wukong is aroace coded btw, this is so <3 he cares and doesn't want Macky's armor to trip him up doing the fight. who ties his shoelaces in the future maybe that's why he his lego print is without armor bc he can't do it without Wukong LOL. and Macky is so flustered and awkward over it this is EVERYTHING to me. his little embarrassed SCOWL.
Royalty duo <3 <3 <3 also Azure's crayon coloring is like that "this is your badness level" meme from Lilo and Stitch and the ShadowPeach nuzzling is a reference to some anime iirc where the two girls were a canon couple 🤔
Love Macky talking about Azure and revenge as if he didn't have a whole episode about that too. Oh he STINKS DOES HE yet you know his scent so well 😂 didn't hear you complaining earlier. Love the teasing. "Don't worry, I almost beat the Jade Emperor single handed once." considering the fall out from that, I should toss you off a cliff for hiding the horrors with your nonchalant but that's just like my other blorbo of you. These two will NEVER communicate and ignore the fine print of the horrors and talk about it differently or make cryptic comments and expressions. cue Macky frowning in the background as he does this tho.
Just picture me, laying on the floor, rain pouring down
This show is destroying me i love it so much
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cyncerity · 2 years
Soooooooo Cyn. I have da questions for your epic Au. :3
Even tho it’s not finished finished but I’m asking anyways!!!
Alright Wilbur is obviously our human boi but I want to know are they MK or are they the MK’s dad? (Do they even have a name?)
Depending on the answer to that depends on this question but how does Wilbur become small? Did a character die and bring him there? Orrrrr are we going for an Epic au that’s more built in the world of Epic rather than following the actual storyline of Epic? Like Wilbur is a scientist and somehow becomes small and meets Tommy? I’m very curious :3
Any ideas for characters you’d like to include or have in mind to include?
Yeah really I’d just like some of your thoughts about the au and to get a picture on your thoughts about it. No pressure tho!!! :3
Thanks for your time! Have some lollipops. 🍭🍭🍭
Wilbur is this au’s MK! MK’s dad (he has a name i just don’t remember it rn) is gonna be Kristin in this au cause i love her
He’s not exactly like MK, he ends up getting sent to his mom’s house for different reasons (that are somewhat important but shhh spoilers)
The au isn’t exactly like Epic, it doesn’t really follow the same story. No one dies to shrink Wilbur, but there is definitely magic involved. the same basic world building stays, too; there’s the bright and colorful area of the forest with the leafmen and the dark and decaying area for the Boggins (though there are gonna be some people that traverse these lines and don’t fit neatly into one place or the other 👀), and the two sides are in a major feud (though one side is extremely more hostile).
I will tell you tho that Wilbur definitely does not shrink on purpose lol. In fact, due to the nature of why he’s even out in the woods in the first place, it’s pretty bad that he has to go on this giant adventure. That sounds confusing as fuck, sorry but i swear it’ll make sense eventually. Kristin, however, does have MK’s dad’s obsession with little people cause i think it’s funny.
Anyway i’ve already said that Tommy is a leafman and Ranboo is a boggin, but i should also mention that Phil is here too and he’s Tommy’s father, and Techno is Phil’s head knight and Tommy’s occasional bodyguard. Phil and Tommy are kinda high ranked in the forest. Em duo are both leaf men as well. The feral boys are also here, and I can’t give away what all of them are, but I will say that Dream is a boggin too. Tubbo is also here but i won’t say what he is yet cause 1. i’m not fully decided and 2. if he ends up being what i think he’s gonna be, he’s gonna be one of those characters who doesn’t fit neatly into one side of the forest.
And thank you for asking, i’ve been thinking about this au a lot, i love to ramble hskdlsjshk
thank you for the lollipops have some donuts!
🍩 🍩 🍩
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purplecritter · 2 years
Finished Dragon Age Absolution here's my thoughts as I was watching this (under the cut because it CONTAINS SPOILERS)
"I will kill everyone here before I let you touch her" AYO????
Miriam is so cool. she can shoot a bow AND use the daggers AND use the wire thingy... IN LOVE
"THE HERO OF ANDRASTE KILLED CORYPHEUS. THEY SEALED THE BREACH" INQUISITORS WHO USE THEY/THEM WE WON TODAY!!! inquisitors who don't like to be called heralds we lost today but hey you can't win em all!
"If you don't take him, I will ;)" GO QWYDION GOOO
ohhhhh they built the divine's palace ATOP A TEMPLE TO THE OLD GODS??? delicious
another Blight hinted...... HoF baby you'll never catch a break
if we can't punch Solas at least we can PUNCH THAT OTHER BALD MAN WOHOOOOO
Fairbanks has a wife!!!!! Good for them!!!
oh so Miriam's mark is not random and it's special Like That huh 👀👀
magister Amelia PAVUS??? HELLO?? MA'M. WHO ARE YOUUUU
"Rezaren, you look like every bad rumor about us combined" yeah tell him Tassia!!
Neb… 👀👀 pssst tell me your secrets
“You sky-sucking idiot!” Lacklon ily
did Miriam grow up with Rezaren?? And the other elf with them was usen to restore Rezaren’s life force or smt?
not roland seducing lachlan into continuing the heist SDFGHJK
NEB…….. they have the same mark on Miriam’s face!! but on their clothes!!!!!! huhu. they're the other one in her flashbacks aren't they
Lacklon: “Show-off.” Roland: “It’s pronounced thank you.” YOU’RE NOT SUBTLE
to Kirkwal????????? TO THE HANGED MAN???? TO WHOMMMM
did thet get mercer to voice every side character in this? not complaining it's just funny hbfdnsjkxcnvjf love that
so magister families get their own slave marking each. interesting. i hate it. i wonder if fenris’ marks were at all "customized" by danarius
Lacklon said FUCK MAGES try natural medicine idiots!!!
oh oh no. it was his arrowing. oh. OH THAT MOTHER MOTHERFUCKER FUCKED IT UP. oh miriam……..
rezaren getting his mansplain manipulate malewife evil magister meow meow allure. he's too far gone and there's no fixing him but i can watch him as he gets worse :)
OOOOOH I WOUL LOVE TO SEE DIVINE AMMOSINE IN DA4 so i have a reason to hate the imperial divine specifically! fuck you in particolar!!
so Hira found Miriam as she fled? Still in Tevinter? Is she a Magister too??her necklace does kinda look like Dorian’s except less snake-y and more geometric. it mmight be just a "tevinter likes their rhombuses" thing tho
rezaren is sooo slimy qwydion was right, “he’s hot but yikes”
“There’s a reason the Tevinter flag has a damn snake on it” YOU TELL HEM ROLAND!!
Qwydion worked with Fairbanks for years. she was in the inquisition too? COOL if they said it before i missed it somehow
OHHHHHHH HIRA IS FROM TEVINTER!! AND HER NECKLACE IS A BIRTHRIGHT!!!! WYEAHHH oh AND her family was/is anti-slavery?? I wonder if Dorian and Mae already know her!!!
prediction for da4: we’ll have to choose if we want a “burn all of Tevinter to the ground” or a “save what’s left and rebuild Tevinter” route. 
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i might be seeing what i want to see but doesn’t the golden door resemble the depictions of what we’ve seen of the golden city so far?
i’m curious. Tassia speaks to Neb a lot, but is it because she doesn't know that he's (un)dead or does she think that he’s still conscious somehow?
Ohhhhh Lacklon calling Roland “Rolls” again… He’s really in it now!!
OH MIRIAM’S STOCKED!!! must be one hell of a heavy cloak but THAT’S SO COOL OF HER
th e intro fucks so hard btw it’s great
UHHHH he’s doing real blood magic now!! slay
besties i really wanted the betrayer to not be the mage this time… on the brightside fairbanks is a good boy. OH NO OH NOOOOOOOOOOO I JUST REMMEBERED HIS WIFE OH NONOOOOOOOOOOO
skyhold!!!! she’s so pretty i miss her wahhhhh
ngl if my inquisitor heard Hira call him Herald so many times he might have become a little hostile oops
curious about Hira's brooch! i wonder if her family was a known one or nah
“The Inquisition was never going to stand up to Tevinter” NJHBGVFCDXR HIRA DEAR THE LEADER OF THE INQUISITION IS SMOOCHING THE MAGISTER THAT WANTS TO STAND UP TO TEVINTER. give them TIME to deal with one catastrophe at a time!! (i know this is not everyone's canon but it's mine and it's very funny to me heh)
th. the crimson. the crimson knight……….. in kirkwall? uh oh someone check on meredith’s statue i have a bad feeling about this
WE LOVE LACKLON’S CHAARACTER DEVELOPMENT. from not trusting miriam to trusting her slightly!! go king!!!
“you can’t come back not in that thing not in this life” WHOEVER WROTE THIS ILY BUT YOU BROKE MY HEART
YSSS MIRIAM STAB THE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE DRAGON LIVES!!! THANK YOU QWYDION!!!! i was going to be upset if she died. BIOWARE STOP GIVING US MISSIONS TO KILL THE DRAGONS i can never do them :( if i see her in da4 i might cry a little ngl On that ^ note, here's accurate footage of me during the actual show: It’s a fucking bear dragon! NOOOOOOOO—Oh shit it’s right there :D
GFDHK JZANLZZZZ -> “I wish I could” = “I wish it could, vhenan” SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP!!!!!!!!!!!! (/pos)
the scarf T^T i REALLY wanted it to not be a mage this time.... i was once again blindsided by the Lovers to Enemies tag 😔 Me: "So basically, what I was thinking of is--" (the mage in a Bioware media was the traitor all along) "--Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this."
fuck meredith’s statue really did corrupt everything in the city huh OH. OH FUCK SHE’S IN THERE STILL!!???? smh no wonder kirkwall's still not operational years after IT'S BECOME RED TEMPLARS PLAYGROUND. varric bestie are you seeing this??
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
Thank you sm for letting me chat with you even if its over anon! I've been dying to talk about MHA and S/Is!!!! Mha was a big inspiration for me! It got me back into writing, drawing, and being active on my self shipping page :) I don't ship with anyone in mha but for a while I was really focused on All Might/Toshinori. I really admire him and I enjoy writing angst and battle scenes against AFO involving Toshi(THAT episode tho.. //SOBS)... Like I said I'm a sucker for angst haha. But my focus has gone to Mirio now... I'm just weak for sunshine boys and I think he's such a cool character. I consider him a platonic soulmate <3 He's silly and fun and his quirk animated is so cool!! I'm a complex person with complicated feelings- as is my s/i, so being around the positive bright people makes me really happy :) (and despite her great love for mirio she has extreme beef with Sir Nighteye) for her quirk she can basically convert her own energy into shocks of power but it can only be produced from the palms of her hands. she uses it to boost her own close-combat physical attacks(that was a bad description sorry I'm trying not to go on and on and spam your asks this message is already so long SORRY /Sobs im excited) I love writing fight scenes and anything angsty so my s/i is all in for combat. But since her quirk takes energy it makes her tired quickly- she can't handle long dragged out battles. Sleep helps her recover <3
A good friend of hers is Aizawa even though they buttheads a lot, he helped get her a small job at the UA. she helps with combat training every few days a week :) (gosh sorry again for the long message I tried to keep it vague) (i feel like im exposing myself a little with this ask but I NEED to talk mha so badly)
HIIIII AGAIN!!! :D 💖💖💖 gosh, first of all I understand what you mean about a piece of media inspiring you to create more!
But GODDD THE AFO/TOSHINORI FIGHT COMPLETELY WRECKED ME 😭😭 I have SO many thoughts about it, and I couldn't help but wonder how my s/i would react or play a part in it or the aftermath if she was there. I am VERY interested in your thoughts about it and about Toshi angst in general though! Tbh MAKE ME HURT, I love it!! 😂😂
That being said, I'm just starting to get to know Mirio in show and at first I was a little distrustful of his personality but I see he's just a genuine himbo after all!! I love how ppl are constantly pointing out that his grades are kinda below average but he's a fucking BRICK HOUSE!! Im also SUPER curious about your beef with Sir Nighteye 👀 he's so attached to Mirio, I love that his whole problem with Midoriya is "why did HE get to inherit OFA, what's wrong with MY boy? >:/" but barring that, I love seeing how he's actually very intelligent in other ways and I'm excited to see him in future arcs!
And about your s/i, I adore her already!! She sounds so fun, and her quirk sounds super cool and useful! Have you considered getting her any gear or anything to help her concentrate her energy blasts, or perhaps direct them in other ways she might not be able to by herself? :0 how long has she been a pro? Lots of fun things to think about!! And as a fellow Aizawa botherer I approve of that greatly! 😁💖💖
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aylaaescar · 2 years
hi hello open invitation/request to talk about Music and its Vibes and Relations to Characters and Ships I am very curious to hear your thoughts about your ocs and the last time you put some absolute bangers on the list 👀
[my longest yeah boy ever]
the way my brain is so centered on IFs lately that I'm p sure you don't read?? tho that said if you do, hmu talk 2 me about it bc I always wanna chat about IFs. ANYWAY mutual interests!!
the Lorde cover of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" + Mass Effect 3. like just in general? yes. for the plot of the war?? yes. for Shepard?? yes. I know this was covered for The Hunger Games but GOSH this puts me in a ME3 mentality literally every time
oH and as a fellow Iron Bull romance enjoyer (Iron Bull my beloved, I could talk about him for days): "Set Me on Fire" by Estelle makes me think of the Bullmance?? just the vibes of how I imagine their relationship, or at least w my own Ealisay Trevelyan specifically. being the Inquisitor's overwhelming, but being with Bull is to be safe and taken care of
okay last one but more Dragon Age: this one's on Rosemary's playlist, and it def wouldn't fit every single Hawke out there (my own Katrina and Zacharias wouldn't lol), but for the more bemused Hawkes out there who've just kind of accepted that their life is kind of insane. also it reminds me of a friendship route w Varric? yeah. "You Told the Drunks I Knew Karate" by Zoey Van Goey
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st4rbwrry · 2 years
ugh i just got finished reading your fic sketch and boy (or girl in this matter) was it good. there are no words to describe how good it was oh my lordt. your fic is the first one i’ve ever read on this app & you have exceeded my expectations (this is coming from someone who has read wattpad fics while growing up, embarrassing ik lol) i have never read anything like it. to start it off, ive never read a fic where one of the main characters has ocd or anything related in that nature so it instantly had me curious as to where this fic was going. i like that we go to know both eren’s & the fl thoughts a little bit throughout the fic, it added a little pizazz (at least to me). like everything in this story flowed perfectly. them meeting at the museum/gallery & becoming interested in each other, them exchanging information so they could kick it later on, the fl not being happy in her relationship, eren & the female lead thinking of each other, & the fl actually coming over. the way you described eren’s place i could imagine it & mind you it’s literally so hard for me to imagine settings in stories when author’s describe the scene but you did it so perfectly i could literally imagine myself floating in 3rd person & seeing every lol. whew & don’t get me started on the build up to the smut- lawd. the cake part where eren was getting some & literally puts it in her mouth! i didn’t know if i wanted to be the fl or eren like- gawd i never wanted to be a character so bad in my life. & then when it finally started to go down i was blushing so hard because it was so hot. ugh i wish i wasn’t such a pussy so i could show you the ss of the parts that i was literally getting 💢⭕️💢⭕️ but i’ll just say it lol. ik exactly what position you were talking about when you said he but his arm around her collarbone & his whole weight was on her 👀 (even tho i’m literally a virgin but we’re just gonna skip over that lmfao). & when he pressed on that spot & was talking to her while doing it, the butterflies i got mann. WHEN HE TOLD HER TO SINK ON IT LAWD. IT WAS SO FUCKING HOT like the switch from eren being the dom to sub my heart almost couldn’t take it. i’m literally a sucker for sub men & the dialogue during that part WHEW. & even the little time skips around afterwards when they were chilling trying to make pancakes/waffles then it lead to the female lead getting ate out, the bathtub scene, & finally them in the bed together as the fl fell asleep while eren was reading warmed my heart fr fr. BUT THE ENDING?!?! the way i didn’t see that coming from a mile away like whaaaaat?! the worst (not like worst worst but in like worst that got me sad fr but best) one night stand i’ve ever read. the very end i was confused on. what did you mean that he was finally free & that the fl wouldn’t find him if she looked? free as in left the earth? 😭 or free as in he dipped & is just never coming back?
moral of this all is, the way of words you have & your attention to describing detail is so fucking good omg! i hope you take writing seriously because the gift that you have ma’am?! 👩🏽‍⚖️💥💥you have a real gift/talent & i can’t wait to read the rest of your fics because this one was straight up heat istg. ugh i wish i didn’t say this anonymously but i’m literally nervous interacting with people so i do it anonymously but still! supporting you from behind the mask ✊🏽 have a lovely day <3
JAJSJSJDD AHHHHH OMGGGG THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING REVIEW FOR SKETCH EVERRRRRRR. thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly. that’s one of my favorite fics i’ve written and, known fact, took me like two months to finish lol. i wanted it to be PERFECT. i’m really really really glad you took your time to read it, analyze, and enjoy it as well as sending me this review. this means EVERYTHINGGGGGGGG to me. i put my foot in that fic so im very grateful. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCHHHHHHHHHHHH. and i completely understand about being on anon and not feeling to comfortable sharing screenshots. your comments were enough fr. thank you. <3
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astrxealis · 2 years
Apollo hi hello, I hope you’re doing well <3
I keep seeing your hades II rbs on dash and I am looking 👀 (I love seeing them sm) I remember wanting to get into hades a while ago but I never got the time <//3
So I was wondering what you like about it the most?? I’m considering buying the first game since there’s a discount going on but I was just curious about how the game is and all that, like your general thoughts on it. Sorry if this is random and coming out of no where :’)) feel feee to ignore this if I’m bothering you in any way
Anyways, remember to take care of yourself. Drink lots of water and eat your meals 🫶🫶 remember to take breaks and try not to overwork !!
- tired
TIRED HELLO HI i am doing WELL RN !! but also not because there's so much reqs bcs final week before break but also i am doing mostly good <3 I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AS WELL !!!!! <33
okay omg YEAH i am currently super obsessed my brain is so -@;!()!-?-&!;/!@,' (sobbing) but TYSM FR WAH ..... >___< and honestly i really do rec hades it's so good (I GET YOU BTW i haven't actually. like got incredibly far in the game but i do have a fair amount of time in it + the only reason why i have it tbh is bcs of a family member <//3)
(OKAY I PUT THIS UNDER A READ MORE IF THAT'S FINE I'M SORRY IF THIS GOT LONG i was just replying normally and didn't realize i said so much oh my god)
OKAY SO. okay. tbh i'm not completely sure what i like the most but it's probably a combo of the art design/style + gameplay + characters. the art i'd say is incredibly beautiful and unique !!! the designs are really lovely and all (esp as someone who is a big fan of greek mythology which is one factor as to why i love the game so much!) <3 the gameplay is REALLY fun. and good. it's a roguelike game and it actually ties to the game's concept of death and resurrection ?? (underworld stuff. zag is literally the god of rebirth) and it's REALLY good at what it does. very addicting. no run is exactly the same and i personally didn't think i'd be fond of roguelike games but hades just really hits with it !! (a lot of people who don't like roguelike games seem to think this way too). tbh if hades is your kinda game then it genuinely is. sort of. really a Perfect Game ?? story + gameplay + visuals are like the three pillars of it and as far as i personally know all of that is just incredibly good. the protag is likeable, the other characters are likeable, i don't know some of the most important story bits yet but so far it truly is very interesting, each run is connected to the last (such that if you get a different boss, zag actually says smth abt that! it is a very fluid game. if that's properly describing it). LOWKEY EVERYONE IN THE GAME IS HOT. most likely bcs of the artstyle which is really just so nice <3 BUT YEAH i don't really like roguelikes bcs you kinda restart progress right? but hades really feels productive with each run (i even look forward to dying in game!!!!!) and there's so much failure but i don't really feel frustrated. it's a really rewarding game imo and no wonder a lot of people considered it to be their goty of 2020 (and it won a few awards for that too i think) <33 SORRY FOR RAMBLING SO MUCH BUT YEAH .... the game genuinely is just so good. also the voice acting is actually great. ALSO the romance options are super cool (AND POLY IS ACTUALLY POSSIBLE I THINK. INCREDIBLY COOL) and yeah the devs are worth supporting from what i know and are very inclusive it seems. might be wrong tho FKHSKDNSJ (EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTION THERE IS AN AROMANTIC CHARACTER IN HADES AS WELL. SUPER COOL. actually im not too sure but yeah)
DW THIS IS VERY WELCOME AND I WAS GLAD TO RECEIVE THIS FR !!!!! not a bother at all >;)) lowkey should put this writing for my school work SOBBING BUT NW LOL IT'S JUST A BIT FUNNY TO ME
so yeah SORRY IF THIS IS WAY TOO LONG and TYSM AGAIN !! and for the very much needed reminder gah i should drink water fr >___< <33
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thaleleah · 3 months
it's amazing that an actual language was made for this franchise!
yesss neteyam, his death was heartbreaking. i've seen a lot of edits on him on tiktok 👀 i'm assuming he's really popular in the fandom, right?
it makes no sense how far these people would go when something bothers them so much. like focus on real shit 🤦🏻‍♀️ so many people just like reading non con because it's just a fantasy of theirs (there's literal studies on this being a common fantasy amongst women; and these people should educate themselves) and so many people who read and write non con are also survivors of sa and it helps them. so stfu with telling people what's wrong and what's right. it's fiction. it's their life and there is nothing you can do about it 🙄
(Does that person you mentioned who writes for Avatar write smut? Or is she a minor? I'm so curious)
all her stuff is smut and she's a grown ass woman. her blog is very cringe because she literally acts like a 15 year old. and she's really bitter and hateful tbh. a very negative person. she's always trying to start something.
tal... your spider fics were sooooo good. i loved the rumor mill (he honestly looks like someone who eats a girl out well 🤭) and push me, push back (a lil dark too, huh?) you capture is character so well because he's already so cocky as it is 😌 tal... you sure did him justice 🩵✨
so who's your favorite character to write for from the avatar fandom? 🥰
oh the dog story is def bs! it was either stepshit or stepshits shitty brother!
istg stepshit literally has a death wish. i honestly wouldn't be surprised he does it on purpose to rile you up to get your mom to turn against you. cause that's what stepmonster does with me.
i still can't believe that pos isn't helping your poor mom clean up with anything... 🤦🏻‍♀️ what a fucking loser.
i'm doing well, tal 🩷 kinda been spending the week only watching shows and movies so it's been quite relaxing!
also since we're on avatar. i saw this photo on insta a couple days ago of tom from halloween:
i'm assuming the guy below him is neteyam...? such a cute lil crossover we having going on here 🥰
and this photo of jack...
this has me feral. but i'm curious tho. is he going to be an avatar in the next film? because of his suit?
- 🍯🐝
I'm so impressed with everything world-building related to Avatar cause its just so amazing. Very few things capture my attention and heart for as long as Avatar has.
Neteyam is def the most popular in the fandom lol. No other character can compare to the amount of fics there are for him (except maybe Jake). Neteyam is my fav character to write for though. I feel like his personality just comes through really easily in the writing.
EXACTLY! I'm so glad you get it cause I'm so tired of seeing people get put down just for liking to read something. It's all fantasy - what's wrong with letting people read what they want? It also makes me sad because I struggled with wanting to read noncon for a loooooong time cause of the guilt I felt about it, and it took me a long time to finally understand that liking it isn't bad. And it makes me sad to see other people getting bullied for liking it too when I know they either probably struggled with the same thing or are still struggling and the nasty assholes who don't know how to mind their own business won't leave them alone. So frustrating.
all her stuff is smut and she's a grown ass woman. her blog is very cringe because she literally acts like a 15 year old. and she's really bitter and hateful tbh. a very negative person. she's always trying to start something.
The way my curiosity is shooting through the fucking roof. You should send me a separate ask with her tumblr name so I can know who this person is. I don't think I interact with anyone on my other blog that's said this but now I'm nervous.
I'm so glad you liked my Spider fics! Eeeeeeeee~ The Rumor Mill is def my fav so far. He's actually really fun to write for too.
🤦🏻‍♀️ what a fucking loser.
You said it, babes. Both our stepparents are fucking losers.
I'm glad you're doing good! That sounds soooo relaxing and I def need a week like that. What kind of stuff have you been watching? Got any recs for me?
The pics are so cute! Tom looks adorable as Shaggy lmaooo. And Jack is a cutie. I hope that this is him getting an Avatar, but I doubt it. Mayyybeee in one of the future movies but I know he had to wear a motion capture suit when filming A2 I think to make up for the height difference between him and the Na'vi. He had to film every one of his scenes twice lol
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deathberi · 2 years
Hi hi Eri! Hope your week was great!!!
Ohhh that sounds lovely, you're gonna spend time with your family!!! Even if you have to work I hope you'll enjoy it a lot 🥰
Ahhh you're so similar to my best friend about that! Even if she likes a lot something, she always will notice every single thing which sounds wrong to the serie!
Yehhhh i really have to remember a lot about bleach! I surprised myself to not remember names of (majors) characters 🤣 But I think i can enjoy the current season, at least if I find somewhere to watch it! i just need to don't remember how disappointed i was when i read this part of bleach years and years ago lmao
Ahhhh you're so strong, really, I can't stay anime only for too long, i'm quickly so frustrated! You can't even imagine how much I'm trying to not read blue lock. I wanted to read it before they have announced an anime and I've been caught up by time and finally not reading it (for now!) I highly recommend you to watch blue lock if you still haven't!!! 🫣 I seriously dont know how did I resist to not read Kaguya until now lmao
Ahhh tokrev tweets pissed me off an incredible amount of time! I tried to ignore a majority of them but you couldn't scroll without seeing something offensive said against it 😵‍💫 Well, not sure about editor's issues for Wakui but it wouldn't surprise me 😪 It made me very sad for Kubo when I heard that, and it was the same for Shokugeki no Soma. I really loved to follow it weekly tho. Did you read/watch it already?
Dhsqlfjzla maybe one day you'll get that push for one piece, and you'll find the ship you'd living for!!! 👀👀👀 Anyway i love your ship combination, deuteragonist + best girl is working so well!!!
I've almost finished your gift and ahhhhhhh i'm so excited , i tried something slightly different of what i'm used to do as an edit and i'm proud of the result even if it's not 100% finished! Hope you'll like it ❤️
See you soon for the reveal 👀👀👀
- Your animanga secret santa 🎄
hi santaaaa 🥰🥰🥰
yes totally chilling at home, hope you’re having a wonderful holiday time too!
probably just cuz i like whining while i’m at it pointing out the flaws lmfaooo also the new bleach animation could be your cup of tea, it is indeed animated well unfortunately.
it must really depend on the show and the random bout with whether you shall dive into the manga. most certainly you won’t stop once you open a chapter 🤣
a lot of the tweets are just dumb and clout chasing stuff like yeah sure you do you twitter folks 😂 unfortunate that editor issues really happen and can make or break a good manga run. i was interested before to at least try to watch it, you know for the food, but i also heard that it’s very fanservice-y so idk i just put it off since i wasn’t in the mood for that then and forgot it altogether 😅
at the right time for sure!! 💖💖 ahhh omg that makes me so excited!! i’m sure i’ll love whatever it is, and wow thanks for even trying out different stuff for this hmmm makes me curious too!!
i enjoyed our exchanges so much! i’ll see you soon~ merry christmas my santa! 🥳
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speedystarshine · 2 years
(Because I said so, also for 33 followers because Holy shit I hadn't noticed! Thank you all so much for the support <3)
Matpat Egos with a Winged!Reader
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (crewmate/engineer/dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat
The minute he sees you he's all 🤨👀🧐. He's uh... Not really used to seeing entity's or hybrids or other egos, so sometimes he forgets that not everyone is human. Fully human, anyways.
He's really interested in them, though! (Even if you might take it a different way due to his facial expressions 😭) He mainly wants to study them and understand how they work, but outside of him wanting to know everything about them, he thinks they're really cool! And soft, he sometimes picks up stray feathers that have slipped for them. Is also immediately there if you mention needing help preening. I mean, c'mon! A) their soft, B) you like it and C), he likes it! I don't think he really understands that preening is usually done by uh....yk. Not new friends, let's say.
Probably asks if he can fly with you once and then starts crying the second you're both 0.1 centimeter of the ground 🙄
5/10 very helpful, but also very annoying.
"That's cool, now if you don't mind I'm on fire and-" IM JOKING IM JOKI- He's not tho
He thinks they look amazing! He likes the markings/colours on them, and asks you about them.
The only thing he's curious about though is, how do you balance with them? They look very heavy they are and are certainly bigger than you.
As long as you're okay though, he doesn't mind!
He's heard about preening before, but has absolutely no idea what it is exactly or how it works. He reminds you about it daily, though.
He also collects the feathers that fall out, but gives them back to you instead of keeping them. Probably keeps one or two to study them, though.
He won't ever tell you this, but he is very intimated and turned on when he sees your wings stretched out at full height. Just sorta 'eeps' and scuttles away.
He's also very careful with his weapons when he's around you, since he knows that if he swings stuff around too much he could hurt you :(
Probably turns on his chainsaw every now and then and then giggles like the bastard he his when you jump
Stops after the first few times though, since sometimes you knock stuff over with your wings, and also, you have wings. He does not. You will and have suddenly flown of with him as revenge. And he knows you'll do it again.
Mack (crewmate)
You'll definitely know the first time he sees them since it'll be silent and then you'll hear a little "oh!"
He's like a little puppy and just follows you around everywhere, and it's very obvious that he has a lot of questions.
He's too nervous to ask you outright though, probably asking Celci to ask you since he knows that if he asked Mark then Mark would tease him and he'd probably die tbh-
You definitely notice that he's following/staring at you, so sometimes if you stretch n yawn you make sure to stretch your wings full height so he can see.
Also picks up feathers bro why do all of them but instead of waiting till your gone like the others, it'll be a mad scramble to get them before they hit the ground. What can I say, he's a little bit of a germaphobe.
He doesn't really know what they fully feel like, but from what he knows they're very soft and silky, you obviously take good care of them.
His favourite pastime is ruffling them so their all fluffy :)
One day when the two of you are alone you feel him staring for the bazillionth time that day, so you eventually cave and tell him he can touch them if he wants too.
Mack is processing-
When he does, he'll be so excited! And nervous. His hands are probably shaking. Eventually though he melts into it, and actually finds it very relaxing both of you. Probably turns into an accidental preening session.
Mack (Engineer)
Instantly notices, how could he not? He absolutely adores him, but acts as if they're a massive nuisance all of the time (We're not stupid, Mack-)
Cleans up your feathers after you, all the time, even though you haven't asked him too.
Sometimes you shed more on purpose because it's funny to hear him mumble stuff like "If I were Captain, I wouldn't leave feathers all over the place!" Yeah yeah sure, we know you have a big fat crush on-
Every single feather he collects, he keeps in a little cabinet in his room. If anyone where to ask he'd get very flustered, but is reasoning is "Well we can't throw them out the Airlock, littering is bad!" Uh huh, sure-
Sometimes if he's walking closely behind you, going on his rants about how he is clearly the better captain, or something else, you smack him in the face with your wings
He's so shocked help 😭- He's trying to process what happened, like yeah it hurt but how come it was so soft? What even- OH
Captain is cackling their ass down the corridor all ready, not waiting for his reaction.
He'd be so flustered for a second but then remembers 'wait I'm supposed to hate them' and just storms off after you, yelling shit like "Captain! Ugh! They are so immature- 👹"
Calls you 'bird brain' as an insult but it eventually becomes a pet name as time passes
Mack (Dictator)
Is immediately in love with them and you the second you step onboard-
When you land, he gives you the final choice to make the 'right' decision and make him Captain.
And you know what? Yeah sure, go ahead.
Captain: *giggles* IM FREE YES FUCK YOU-
Tee hee, no. No you are not.
Anyways, his thoughts about them!
He really does think they're pretty on you, heck, you always look amazing! But... He does need you to rely on him, and knocking you a peg lower than you already were seems to do the trick :( sorry.
He's not a total monster though (🤨) and he knows how uncomfortable it can be for you to have feathers, since he'll sometimes wake up to heaps of them in your shared bed.
He'll also preen them for you, though he constantly tugs on your collar which can make it annoying.
Sometimes if he wakes up before you, he'll pet them gently. Will instantly scream like a girl and shove you out (and most likely off) the bed when he notices you waking up.
He also likes how they unfold and seem to shelter you two from everyone else when you two are, uh...... 😳Holding....hands...?
^He'll also tug on them if he knows it'll get a reaction out of you
Throws out the loose feathers :( What's the point of having feathers when he has the actual bird? Thing?
He loves you (🧐) but will snip them if he feels like/catches you're trying to run away too much.
The Detective
He will trail around with you, but unlike Mack, and unfortunately for you, will asks lots of questions. And I mean a lot of them. Writes down everything you say in his goofy little notebook 😭
Also calls you 'bird brain', but it comes out more teasing and friendly than derogatory.
*sighs* keeps your feathers. Probably has a separate journal with all of them in there, yk how some people do those flower stamp journals?
Claims it's for 'research' or 'evidence' like bestie the only 'evidence' I'm seeing is how much of a simp you are-
Is a lot more touchy than the other egos, probably just immediately holding them and being like 🧐😳🤨 whether or not you're comfortable of people touching them 😭
Preens them for you, but he does ask first though. However, if your wings were really dirty and not taken care of, he'd sit your ass down straight away and start-
Probably puts on gloves when they're dirty because he's a dramatic ass bitch-
Sometimes when he feels really tired and just wants to go home he'll make 'little' hints like "y/n would it be odd if you gave us the answer to this puzzle" or "y/n wouldn't it be so funny if you just flew of with the strongman rn haha" yeah no sorry bestie
Yk how sometimes ppl do the thing where they ruffle someone's hair? Yeah he does that but with your wings because he has a teensy tiny theory that it's practically the same thing. it's not, don't tell him tho
Yeah if you got jumpscared you'd probs accidentally smack him in the face with them since he's always like. The closest person in your general vicinity.
Sometimes if you two cuddle you wrap them around the both of you like a blanket and let him pet it :)
Poor guy just needs to lie down, yk that image of a pathetic looking kitten with milk spilt all over it's face yes that is him 24/7
He loves you tho :)
The Hermit
Oh you'll be wanting to stay away from him 24/7.
It's not that he'll actually hurt you, it's just a general vibe, and the fact he keeps making little comments that imply he wants to roast and eat you.
He doesn't get social cues though, having lived by himself for so long, so he probably doesn't get that it's coming across that way or why you look so scared 😭
He is super affectionate towards you, practically begging to preen you despite probably having no idea how to do it.
You have to show him 😭 you also do his hair! Bro's been living in a cave for god knows how long, you can't tell me he doesn't have random stuff in it.
He won't keep your feathers, although if you were to give him one he'd do something silly like tuck it behind his ear :)
He also keeps one on a necklace, kinda like how he has that mini skull :D
Is overall super affectionate and friendly, despite everything else about him practically screaming "sketchy" and the fact he never seems to want you to leave his cave or side
He doesn't really have a lot of questions about you tbh, instead just pinning it as 'the many beauties of nature'. He does find them fascinating though, and tells you so every so often.
BlackBoxWarrior - Will Wood, 2:46
Bro will probably drag you by the wings into his goofy ass studio >:(
Frames if as an interview but honestly he just wants to know himself-
Asks if he can give a 'live demonstration' of preening even though A) the answer is probably most definitely no B) he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's like a kid playing tag except they don't know the rules so they add random shit to make it looks like they do-
You eventually let him, in private, since he won't leave you alone and every single fucking door you open leads you right back to his studio >:((
He still takes a sneaky little video or picture because of course he did 🙄 istg he's like those girls who my teacher will be like "guys my friend died :(" and then you just hear "A NEVER ENDING STORYYYYY AHHHHHHHHHH STORIEEEEEE" and look back to see two white girls twerking
He loves you though :) he finds that your wings make great blankets/pillows if he's tired!
He swears it's like cat hair though he'll wake up with feathers in his fucking mouth and hair and even his moustache
If he's being too annoying though don't worry you can just swoop him up and fly off with him :)
Which.... Uh doesn't actually work the way you'd want it to because he finds it fun and pretends to fake swoon because he's a bastard
I'm sorry I don't know his character that well 😭
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Tee hee finally finished *collapses*/j I guess this is technically a 30 follower special, hope y'all enjoy!
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