#🎻 my wonderful friend
squiddy-god · 2 months
Crashing Winds
venti x reader soulmate AU
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Fjekekekeke more re-uploads (I'm going crazy) thankfully the 6 page nuvi smut is a light at the end of the tunnel (I know many of you where very excited for it lol) no beta, no prof 🎻🤏
♥︎REQUEST ARE OPEN♥︎ don't be shy, send request for any of the fandoms on my fandom list, you can even recommend shows/games if they aren't there. Or even if you just want to chat! Anon is also always open!
CW : bit of angst if you squint, fluff, soulmate timer AU
Venti had long covered up his soulmate timer, thousands of years counting down yet he never cared. The anemo archon had never liked the concept of soulmates, sure someone destined to love you was sweet to most "but what is love if demanded by fate?" He thought to himself, words echoing in his head. 
It was a warm day, birds sang their songs of joy as the wind caught their wings; the sun filtered rays through the large tree that the Bard stood under. It was the first time in so long that he looked at the timer on his wrist- 00:00:00 written on his skin. His lips quirked upwards as his eyes shone brightly even in the shade, perhaps his joy made him cruel, but he had denied fate, escaping the chains that once bound him to another. "Ehe, finally~" He sang as he spun around "freedom" It came out like a whisper, a hopeful plee for this feeling to stay, to not drift off like dandelion seeds. 
The snap of a branch caught his attention as he peered over to the God statue sitting in front of the tree. And there you were, sat on your knees with your head hung low as if ashamed of something. "Lord Barbatos is there something wrong with me? " You muttered, venti's eyes widened as he listened in, curious about what was the matter. "Why don't I love them? No matter how long I stay I can't find the love I should feel" You gripped at the fabric on your legs, knuckles growing lighter as your grip persisted.  "Why can't I love my soulmate? " Eyes downcast and shoulders tense you sat there. 
"Now what's a bright traveler like you mopping here? " The Bard sang. You jolted back, landing on your butt as your arm flew up in front of you to grip your chest. "Ah! You startled me! " He only laughed, his airy voice ringing out. "Why don't you come drinking with me? Maybe the sweet taste of wine will help to lift your spirits~" He said wistfully as you stood up. 
Your hands fumbled with each other as your gaze shifted out to the vast fields of windrise. "I'm sorry but I've met my soulmate-" The way your beautiful eyes darkened in a veil of sadness when 'soulmate' left your lips made the bards heart sign in sadness. "No no! This is just a friendly drink between friends!" He said, whisking you away as flashing his soulmate timer. 
The drink was fun, jokes cracked by an enthusiastic bard as he plucked the strings of his lyre. It was the most fun you'd had in ages, all your worries drifting off as his music seemed to carry them. "Hey, Bard? What's your name? " A cheeky smile etched onto his face "venti! And you dear traveler?" You chuckled "y/n!" You stated, taking another sip from your glass. 
The heart works in mysterious ways, yet still you wondered if you could even love. "Am I broken?" You asked yourself looking into the mirror, eyes stained red from your tears and worry. They were kind, a gentle person who seemed to love you fully, yet every touch from your soulmate sent no sparks through your heart. 
Three years of love not returned, you wondered if your heart could feel- "how can my heart work if it can't love the one person it's destined to? " You wondered. 
You saw others walk through the mondstat streets hand in hand with love and fate. Yet it left no bitter feeling in your mouth, only a sad longing. Can one really learn to love if their heart dines them so? 00:00:00 scrawled on your wrist in neat writing was a constant reminder of how cruel fate could be. 
For how can fate lead if the heart does not follow? 
Yet the bard's words caused you worry, "what is love if demanded by fate?" He had sung, the tune of his lyre clearing your mind as his words echoed through it. 
Why did your heart love another? The silly Bard and his damned lyre! The calm when your shoulders slumped and your brow relaxed! Damn the feeling of your racing heart and pounding veins! 
So enticing was the feeling he gave, the bubbly sensation in your chest and the feeling of wind against your face. You felt free! Like a bird soaring through wind and snow, or the soft petals of Cecilias swayed by cool breezes. It was an addicting feeling that he gave, but one you said you couldn't have 
Oh how he loved your voice, the way you laughed so freely as his teasing, or the look of wonder while he played his lyre. How angelic could a mortal really look? More angelic then he, he thought as you stood on top ruins with the wind blowing against you. 
And the warm feeling you gave him, as if you snatched his worries like stars from the sky and tossed them into the rivers below. 
He grappled with these feelings for only a few days before they took hold of him. His eyes went soft when they gazed at you, his songs always drifting to love when he sang to you, and the feeling of freedom that you gave him made it feel as if the wind was under his wings. 
It was conflicting, to gaze into the eyes of your promised one and only be able to think that it doesn't feel right. But as they stood in the home of your parents, a ring in their hand- you felt the constricting pressure of eyes burning your skin. The light seemed hazy as if the world had been shrouded in grey. Walls closing in and the floor seeming so much closer than before. You said yes. Could you really say no? With the peering eyes and excited chatter the words acted on their own, flowing like water from your mouth. 
Avoiding the jovial Bard was hard but you knew that you would have to. Yet his music always drifted in the winds, Harmony's of his lyre caught like dandelion seeds in the breeze. You knew you couldn't handle it if you saw him now, so as much as hit hurt you avoided him. 
Barbatos rang in his head, he had always heard when his name was said, but this was different. The sound of your voice echoed in his mind, his teal eyes going wide when you said wedding, how you didn't want to get married but- he knew what he had to do. 
The gentle tunes of the lyre outside were familiar, yet in the hazy state of your head you couldn't recognize it. You began to walk out and down the aisle, the music was too loud in your head- almost loud enough to drown out your beating heart. 
A flash of bright teals and greens caught your eye as you walked, sparkling pleading eyes that begged you to run as nimble fingers strumbed the astral iron strings of his lyre. Your thoughts raced as you almost frantically glanced between the Bard and altar. You didn't hear anything until your name was called, "do you take them to be lawfully wedded?" You snapped out of your haze and glanced at the Bard, the realization hit you like a brick, your throat felt dry as you took a deep breath before speaking. "N-no" Your voice was barely above a whisper but the winds carried it far, the winds also decided to carry the table cloths. Billowing and blowing sheets of white around the venue as a joyous laugh rang in the air, while all were distracted by gusts of winds and sheets wreaking havoc the Bard grabbed your hands. 
You ran, legs carrying you as you weaved through the crowd, venti takeing in your smile he found so radiant- no longer overshadowed by melancholy in your eyes. "Y/n, I don't care much for fate, I want to be free with you" He said, turning back as he slowed to a stop. Gazing down at the 00:00:00 on your wrist and smiled. "I want to be free with you to venti- besides, who needs a soulmate anyways? " You laughed as the Bard tackled you in a hug. "Thank you venti" You kissed him on the cheek and he flashed you a cheeky smile. "Awww~ just a kiss on the cheek? Is that any reward for your Savior?" Shaking your head you rolled your eyes- how you loved this annoying Bard was the archons best guess, but you relented. Lips pressing against his, a kiss all too short for his liking as his cheeky grin widened. "Ehe~ much better" 
The Bard, once ancient archon of wind was right, what is freedom if asked of you by a god, and what is love if demanded by fate? Nothing but silver shackles doomed to break. 
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baileypie-writes · 2 months
Hello! is it too late to submit a request? I keep forgetting to ask this one, but I was wondering if you could write about a platonic reader + Twilight from Princess Precure as the reader's wingman/wingwoman/wingbestie or something- ya know, just the reader being Twilight's bestie but also she's their wingbestie who sometimes calls her for silly stuff- I hope that makes sense and if it's too much to ask, I'm sorry! Also here's a Twilight photo so you don't gotta search for one!
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I'm obsessed with her plz help lol /j
A/N ~ Sure! I unfortunately couldn’t save the image provided, but I was able to find another one, so it’s okay:) Also, I hope I used the “wingbestie” term correctly. I’m not too familiar with the term haha. Hope you enjoy!
Twilight + GN!Villain!Reader
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Fandom: Go! Princess Precure
Fanfic Type: Oneshot
Reader: Gender neutral, a villain
Relationship: Platonic
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Twilight was ordered by her mother not to leave the castle. Though, being a good friend, you helped her sneak out.
Warnings: Mention of the possibility of Dyspear destroying Reader, kind of abrupt ending
~Go! Princess Precure Masterlist~
As you wondered through the dark palace, your annoyance only became more definite. The one person you were looking for was nowhere to be found. In fact, it seemed as if the only times you couldn’t find her was when you actually needed her. Her mysteriousness could be highly inconvenient sometimes.
Though to your relief, the start of a somber, lonely violin solo began echoing throughout the halls. You followed the sound, almost as if the music notes created a physical trail for you to follow. Soon enough, the song led you to a large, open room. There, standing in the center, under a large crystal chandelier, was Twilight.
She continued playing, her bow moving in a perfect, natural fashion, almost as if the song was playing her. You knew she knew you were there. She always did. Though you didn’t mind being ignored. It was always a pleasure to hear her breathtaking violin skills.
After the song concluded, you gave her a round of applause. She lowered her bow, while keeping the instrument tucked under her chin. She gently lifted her dress a bit, giving a tiny curtsy. “What is it you need me for, (name)?” She asked after coming back up.
“Aw, c’mon Twi. Don’t you think it’s kinda rude to assume I only come to you when I need something?” You laughed, acting hurt.
“I’ve told you before to not call me that. If you wish to refer to me, use my full name.” She said, lowering her violin to rest at her side.
“We’re friends, aren’t we? A lot of friends have nicknames for each other. You can make up one for me!”
“I refuse. And again, call me ‘Twilight’.”
“Aww, you’re no fun.” You slumped. But you knew she could’ve been meaner. Not too long ago, she completely denied the idea of being friends. So you at least had that.
“I still suspect that you need something from me. If you don’t tell me now, I’ll be going.” Twilight turned her back to you, preparing to leave the room.
“Okay, you got me.” You laughed. “I was wondering if you’d wanna come to summon a Zetsuborg with me?
She sighed. “I suppose. I will have to get my mother’s approval though.”
“Yay!” Your excitement was through the roof. Twilight usually didn’t agree to leave the castle with you. However, your victory was short lived.
“But Mother-“ Twilight said, but was cut off.
“No buts. I said I don’t want you going out today. Don’t make me say it again.” Dyspear said, her calm face contrasting with her chilling voice.
Twilight sighed. “Yes Mother. I’m sorry.” She then walked away, hiding her annoyance and disappointment. “Sorry (name). We can’t go.” She told you once she left the room.
“Aw darn. Why is she so controlling all the time?” You rolled your eyes.
“She’s just trying to protect me. Though I admit it can get overbearing at times.”
“Well…” You gave a mischievous look.
“What are you planning?” Twilight said, already sensing a bad idea.
“I could sneak you out.” You offered.
“No way. My mother would know.”
“Not if we’re careful! And we won’t be gone long!” You pleaded.
Twilight crossed her arms in thought. Her eyes closed her a few moments, and then she sighed. “Alright. But if we get in trouble-“
“-all the blame will go to me!” You finished the sentence for her.
She cracked a small smile, and you swore you heard a chuckle. “Well then, shall we go?”
You nodded, then snapped your fingers, summoning a keyhole shaped portal. You looked to your left, then your right, before taking her hand. “Okay, quickly!” You then both jumped into the portal.
When you reached the other side, you were on the rooftop of Noble Academy, the Pretty Cure’s school. You immediately began scanning the area below you, looking for a victim.
As if she read your mind, Twilight began looking as well. It didn’t take long before she pointed to a girl next to a flower bed. “How about her?”
“She looks interesting! Thanks Twi!” You said. Twilight simply rolled her eyes at hearing her disliked nickname.
With a snap of your fingers, you teleported a few feet above the girl. “Hey! Lemme see that dream of yours!” You demanded.
“Huh? Who are you?” The girl asked. But no answer was given. You took a glimpse inside the girl’s dream. She held up a unique looking flower, while everyone around her cheered. The words “I wanna breed a new type of flower!” echoed in the picture.
“Huh, what an interesting dream. Too bad it’s mine now.” You said in a teasing tone. “Go forth, Zetsuborg!” You commanded. A lock wrapped around the dream, and took the form of a giant, thorny flower. The girl was then put in a cage that suspended in the air. “Go on, Zetsuborg! Have some fun!” You told it. It did as it was told, firing giant thorns from its body. All the nearby students began screaming and running away. With a chuckle, you turned to Twilight. “And now, we wait.”
“Do you think you’ll defeat the Pretty Cure this time?” She asked.
“Eh, not sure. But I don’t really care about that right now. I’m more in it for the fun!”
She simply hummed, and continued watching the chaos unfold.
Unfortunately, your fun didn’t last long. The Princess Pretty Cure defeated your Zetsuborg in no time, freeing the dream from your grasp. “Darn. Oh well.” You shrugged. “C’mon Twi, let’s-“ A sudden voice in your head interrupted your sentence.
“(name), Twilight, see me immediately.”
It was Dyspear. And from the town of her voice, she was not happy.
“Mother…” Twilight whispered to herself, implying that she heard it too.
“Hey, it’s okay! Remember, I’m taking all the blame!” You placed a hand on her shoulder as an attempt to comfort her. Though, she didn’t seem convinced.
A portal sent the two of you back to the castle in no time. As expected, you could tell Dyspear was furious, even though her face appeared neutral. “Twilight, I believe I told you that you were not to leave the castle today.” Her voice was eerily calm.
“I know mother, but-“ Twilight began, though you cut her off.
“Dyspear, if I may. I was the one who took her out. I wanted to summon a Zetsuborg, and thought it would be good for her if she watched. Y’know, to get some experience. It was truly my fault. I’m very sorry.” You got on your knees, bowing lowly.
Dyspear hummed, and tapped her fingernail on the armrest of her throne. “Whether your intentions were good or not, you convinced my daughter to disobey my orders. And on top of that, you failed to defeat the Pretty Cure. So I’m sure you’re prepared for a punishment.”
“Yes, your majesty.” You remained bowing.
Your punishment was surprisingly not too harsh. You were simply temporarily banned from going out and creating Zetsuborgs. You were also not allowed to be around Twilight for a while.
You were simply amazed that your life was spared. Though, you knew that Twilight most likely had something to do with it. And for that, you were eternally grateful.
A knock came from your bedroom door, so you went to see who it was. A piece of paper was slipped under it, so you picked it up. It was a note.
“Dear (name),
I’d like to sincerely thank you for taking all the blame. It was very kind of you. In return, I had convinced my mother to spare you.
You’re surprisingly enjoyable to be around, so I figured keeping you around would be better than having you destroyed.
I await for more of your ideas after your punishment has ended.
~ Your friend, Twi”
You were ecstatic at her note. Not only did she admit to being your friend, but she used her nickname! You hastily looked around for a piece of paper, eager to write her back.
“Dear Twi,
Thanks for getting me out of trouble! I guess we’re even now!
But I’ll still always be there for you. I’m your wing person and best friend. Your ‘wing-bestie!’
~ (name)”
You slid the note under your door, and eagerly waited. The clicks of heels signaled that Twilight was there again, and just a few moments later, another paper was given to you.
“Dear (name),
I appreciate your loyalty.
But please don’t use the term ‘wing-bestie’ ever again.
~ Twi”
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forgeofthenine · 10 months
I also wish to simp over the tieflings😁
So I have a question for you. In your opinion, which would be the fittest class for being each tieflings batchelor partner?
My best friend and I were playing bg3 yesterday (both sipping for Dammon so the conversation was more focused on him) and the question came out.
My bf defended that for our fav blacksmith a paladin would be the best option for going on a date. Cause they're usually loyal to their beliefs, tend to have a kind nature and they're always in need of good armor and weapons. It was paladin for her.
But I differ. I firmly believe that a nice ✨Bard✨ would be the correct answer. And here's why:
1. Dammon is a kind, polite and (probably) organised soul. Most bards have chaotic energy. I believe that a bard partner would be a nice influence on him and vice-versa. He calming his partner when they get too overexcited and them trying to get him out of his comfort zone.
2. They're both artists in a way. I think that a bard would admire and see the beauty in Dammon's job. Maybe even getting curious about it, ask him questions and see him work. He would be so happy. And also Dammon would admire and enjoy the Bard's music, singing, drawing, etc. (whatever bardic gift you got people, it doesn't matter to him. He'll love it)
3. We all know Dammon reads smut and I sincerely cannot picture a more smut reading class than a bard. Like I can perfectly see the scene of the bard discovering "A pleasurable deal" (I think that's the name of it, if not I apologise) and being totally chill about it, read a few pages with all the calm in the world and Dammon finding them out, grabbing the book terribly ashamed of it... Just to see them mock him a little bit to finally say "Hey and if when you finished with it you need any recommendations I have a few that might interest you". (Insert all the fantasy young adult with spice novels here)
And finally but not last:
4. (And this is a more personal one) I have the personal belief that if you play a bard you are personifying the need of a traumatised being who always tries to feel better through music and a charismatic behaviour while being in need of a found family even if you're in denial. I might be wrong, it might be me who plays bards this way but it's just a single theory I have.
But guess what, we're having a Bard here. And what better option to have a family with than Dammon.
🤣🤣🤣But really, I would like to hear your opinion on this debate. If you had to choose what would it be and why?
(All classes are equally nice and fitting, no hate here to any of them👌🏻)
I know that this got long ah so thanks for reading it. I love your blog and I hope that everything goes perfectly well on your day-to-day. Byeee!!💛💛💛💛
🎻- Anon
This is actually a very fun question because I've never actually thought about matching people based on classes.
I agree with both of you that either a paladin or a bard would definitely work well with Dammon thematically. However, I raise the option of him being with an artificer. While I love opposites attract tropes, Dammon is a fiercely proud and passionate man, his dedication to his work is enough to scare off almost anyone. So, who would work best with such a wonderful but independent man? Someone who understands his thinking on a fundamental level. An artificer that knows what it is to be an artisan, to dedicate yourself to 'making', to spend late nights working on various blueprints. I just feel like he'd work well with someone that understands him and doesn't fault his dedication to his work.
For Zevlor, I'm a big supporter of the Zevlor x cleric idea. I feel like as a paladin, having him with a cleric just works so well thematically. He's a paladin who believes himself to be disgraced and what's better to help 'bring him back to the light' and support him other than someone else that understands his relationship with his patron god and his intense need to protect everyone. It's easier to accept help from someone that you feel understands your issues, and I feel like being with a cleric just really suits Zevlor.
Rolan with a sorcerer. That's it. Imagine the sass, the cat fights, the endless bickering before they even realise they're attracted to each other. Rolan definitely does the whole 'sorcerors just can't control their magic and tried to make it a thing', specially with a wild magic user. It never quite ends either, even after years of seeing each other Cal and Lia still walk in on their little sarcasm spats. I don't feel like there's a deeper reason to this, other than the fact I feel like Rolan had very little guidance in learning magic (much like a sorcerer might) and is doing a bit of light projection to start with.
So here's my humble opinions, I'd love to hear everyone else's and I hope everyone is having a lovely day <3
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aturnoftheearth · 1 year
you've been gone for a long long time you've been in the wind you've been on my mind you are the purest soul i've ever known in my life take your time let the rivers guide you in you know where you can find me again i'll be waiting here 'till the stars fall out of the sky when you left i was far too young to know you're worth more than the moon and the sun you are still alive when i look to the sky in the night i would wait for a thousand years i would sit right here by the lake my dear you just let me know that you're coming home and i'll wait for you years have gone but the pain is the same i have passed my days by the sound of your name well they say that you're gone and i should move on i wonder how do they know baby? oh death is a wall but it can't be the end you are my protector and my best friend well they say that you're gone and that i should move on i wonder how do they know, baby? oh how do they know? well, they don't
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silly-sirenz · 7 months
I saw my friend do this so I was wondering if I could get matched with a Hazbin Hotel character too 🥺
• My pronouns are she/her
• I am straight
• I’d say I can be sort of shy with groups of people, but once I’m in a one-on-one conversation with someone I am fun and energetic. I always try to make people laugh, and I always have a lot going on in my mind, so I tend to talk a lot. I also get very anxious, so I tend to overthink things a lot and I often ask for reassurance that I’m not being annoying and stuff. I am also protective of the people I care about. Overall I just love to have a fun time and make people happy 👍
• I. LOVE. MUSIC!! As in I am constantly singing all the time. There’s a song stuck in my head? I am belting it out loud when I’m by myself. In public I will just hum it though. I also play the violin 🎻. I am also a HUGE anime nerd, it’s like the only thing I watch. I am a purple belt in judo (a martial art, like Ju Jitsu). I love reading as well, I have so many books it’s basically a collection at this point.
• I am a Virgo
• I love puns hehe
Thank you so much!!!! 🩷🩵
Thank you for asking . I might have got a bit carried away with this one, but i hope you enjoy 🖤
I would match you up with...
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● The Hotel can get quite overwhelming at times. So often, you will spend your evenings playing violin by the balcony.
● It's a way for you to de-stress from the crowds of loud personalities downstairs, and you find it rather relaxing until one night where you catch a snake moving towards you from out of the corner of you eye.
"Not bad, kid."
● You shriek and jump back, causing him to chuckle.
● Lucifer didn't realise that there was another violinist in the hotel, and he asks to listen to you play some more.
●Nervously, you oblige. Not wanting to mess up in front of the King of Hell.
●However, as he listens, you notice a relaxed smile upon his face. He seems to be enjoying it, even though in your opinion you're far from perfect.
●He sees that you're still overthinking and proposes an idea.
"It's been too long since I've had a violin playing companion. Why don't you come over to the Palace every now and then? I'd love to tutor you."
● And so over the next few weeks, you play together and occasionally sing as well in the Palace library. It's huge and quiet and has all the music you could possibly need. He even lets you borrow books and sheet music between visits.
● It's nice spending one on one time with Lucifer. You can really discuss your shared passions with a lot of excitement, and he has no problem matching your enthusiastic energy.
●And sometimes (as long as you don't have any other plans, obviously), he lets you stay around longer to share some tea and freshly made royal pastries.
● The formalities drop between you, and you become close friends, who giggle at inside jokes and stolen glances.
● A few months later, he is helping you learn a very complex Paganini piece. However, the more you practice, the harder it seems to become.
● You groan with frustration.
● He asks you to put down your instrument and then takes a hold of your hands.
"I think I know what the problem is."
You find yourself subconsciously stepping closer as his thumbs stroke over your knuckles.
"There's too much..." he tries to find the right word, "tension."
With uncharacteristic timidity, you look up, meeting his unwavering gaze.
"Is there anything we can do?" You ask, in a hushed tone, feeling a new sensation of the temperature rising.
Inching closer, he suggests, "Perhaps..."
● He jumps back when he is interrupted by a servant bursting into the room. There's an urgent meeting he has to attend.
● He sighs, almost turning back to say something to you. But he decides against it, storming off and leaving you in stunned silence.
● You lie on your bed back in the Hotel that night, replaying the events of the afternoon in your head, overthinking into oblivion. Perhaps it was guilt? Perhaps excitement? Maybe you had made the whole thing up.
●You jump when there's a knock at your window. Lucifer has turned himself into a bird and he taps once more on the glass with his beak.
●He reverts into his more familiar humanoid form once inside and after a moment of silence he begins to apologise for his behaviour that afternoon. The lack of boundaries, the rudeness of his departure.
●You are glad to accept his apology and forgive everything until he says,
"I don't think you should come back to the Palace anymore. It's nothing against you, I promise. I'm just too... tempted. And I dont know how you feel, but it wouldn't be right to jeopardise our friendship like that. I hope you understand -"
● Something hits you then. You stride over to him and take his uncertain face in you hands. You kiss him passionately, waiting for him to pull you closer before moving back, whispering against his lips.
"Next time you're not sure," you breathe, "just ask."
"Okay." He smiles before dipping you down, causing you to gasp.
"Now my love, let's try this again..."
● He is ever the gentleman in your relationship. Always polite, suave and loving.
●He's your biggest cheerleader, supporting your interests, admiring your physical strength and mental resilience.
●He often creates trinkets for you. Sometimes jewellery, sometimes little ornamental pairs of ducks...
●He's even written a song for you to boost you up on those days when you're not feeling your best and you need reassurance.
● Your senses of humour only grow as the relationship does, and you often leave little notes with puns on for each other to find.
●Eventually, when Charlie finds one of these notes, she is overjoyed. It's been a while since she's seen her dad so happy, and now that she finally knows why, she is eager to welcome you into her family dynamic with open arms.
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gunilslaugh · 10 months
Hello! I really enjoyed the response to my last request (the bad habit reader with Jun hun), and I was wondering if I could get a part two?
Like the reader is having a party and Jun han brings the rest of the band to meet reader but a fight breaks out between either reader and a random person, or reader and a band member,
And Jun han takes the readers side and takes care of them afterwards?
I hope this isn't too much ,
Also can I be 🎻 anon?
Of course you can be 🎻 anon! I changed your request just a tiny bit, instead of the reader having a party. I wrote where they go to a party I hope that you don't mind, it was easier for me to write that way. :)
Part 2 to Why Do You Stay?
Han Hyeongjun
Summary:It’s been over a year since you’ve been to a party, but you feel like you’re ready now and you have Hyeongjun by your side, so what could go wrong?
Warning: reader gets into a fight, minor injuries, one cuss word
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photo not mine credits to owner.
An annual party was coming up. It was a party that the buskers of your area always held as a little celebration for the year coming to an end. You were still undecided about going to it or not. You skipped out on it last year, due to working on yourself to become a better person, ie not trusting yourself to be near alcohol or other substances that would probably be there. The party was always fun though and you were admittedly bummed about missing it last year. However, you still weren’t sure if going to a party would be a good thing for you. 
“Hey, y/n you had a nice set tonight, looks like you did pretty good money wise too.” One of your busking friends came up to you as you were beginning to pack up. 
“Thanks. I watched yours for a bit before I had to start mine. Your set was good too.” It was kinda weird having another friend that wasn’t Hyeongjun, but it was nice at the same time. You and her weren’t the closest of friends, but you talked to each other often enough and sometimes grabbed dinner together. 
“Are you coming to the party this year? I know you skipped last year,” she asked you. 
“I’m not sure,” you told her, which caused her to pout a little. 
“Oh come on,” she sulked. “Ooo what if you invited your boyfriend to come with you? Didn’t you mention that he was in a band too? It would be fun!” she tried to persuade you. The thought of Hyeongjun going with you did make you feel more at ease. 
“I’ll ask him. If he agrees I’ll probably go then,” you say. 
“Yay!” She did a little jump. “Ok, you get home safe,” she told you.
“You too,” you returned. 
“Bye,” she tells you as she begins to walk away.
“Bye,” you said back. You finished packing your belongings and headed back home. 
The next day Hyeongjun was over at your place, the two of you sitting on your little couch, munching on snacks, while watching a movie. 
“Hyeongjun,” you called his attention, setting your bag of snacks down.
“Yes.” He turned to look at you. 
“How would you feel about going to the busking party with me?” you asked hesitantly and looked down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers. 
“Are you sure you want to go?” he asked, quickly noticing your uneasiness. You let out a small sigh.
“I want to go, but I’m scared that I’ll do something stupid,” you admit in a small voice. “If you go with me though I think I would be ok. I do miss not going to it last year,” you said. Hyeongjun took a moment to look at you. Almost as if he was analyzing every micro-expression you made. 
“Ok, let’s go,” he agreed. More excitement filled your body than you thought it would upon Hyeonjun’s agreeance.  
“Really?” you questioned. 
“Yes,” Hyeongjun stated. 
“Oh yeah, you can invite your members too if you want,” you added. 
“You know they are always asking me about you. This would be a good chance for them to finally meet you,” he says. Truth be told you felt a little nervous about meeting his members. You don’t know what Hyeongjun has told them about you. Granted you know that he wouldn’t say anything bad regarding you. It still made you nervous because there were plenty of bad things to say about you, your past specifically. 
The day of the party rolled around and all the excitement you had about attending had turned into doubt and worry. You didn’t want to relapse into your bad habits that you worked so hard to get rid of again. 
Knock knock knock the ease to your worries has just arrived. You went to your apartment door and opened it up. On the other side stood Hyeongjun and his members. 
“Hey, come in.” You stepped aside allowing them all to enter your apartment. 
“So y/n really is real,” Jiseok said as he walked in, causing you to laugh. 
“Did you think that I was fake?” you chuckled out.
“Him and Jooyeon had a theory that Hyeongjun wasn’t leaving in the middle of the night to go visit you, but because he was a secret agent,” Jungsu disclosed. 
“I’ve shown you guys videos of y/n busking before though,” Hyeongjun states. 
“That was a part of your cover,” Jooyeon dismisses.
“Well I’m very much real. It’s nice to meet you guys and Hyeongjun definitely isn’t a secret agent. Trust me I would know,” you said. The group of you made conversation for a little while before deciding to head off to the party.
Once you arrived at the location of the party you tensed up a bit. Hyeongjun sensed this and linked his hand with yours, giving you a reassuring smile. The music was loud and the scent of alcohol wafted through the air, but with Hyeongjun’s hand holding yours you felt secure. 
“Y/n you made it!” Your friend excitedly made her way over to you. 
“Yeah I did. You’ve seen Hyeongjun before and these are his band members,” you gestured. They greeted each other politely. Your friend stayed with you and laughed as you guys watched Seungmin and Jungsu desperately trying to keep Gunil from the dance floor.
“Can you come with me and hold my drink while I go to the bathroom?” your friend asked you.
“Yeah, just let me tell Hyeongjun,” you responded. You tapped Hyeongjun’s shoulder. He leaned closer to you in order to hear you better. 
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom with f/n” you told him.
“Do you want me to come with you?” he offered. You shook your head. 
“No, it should be fine. I’ll be right back,” you said. Both you and f/n linked arms as you made your way through the crowd and to the bathroom. It was a one person bathroom so you waited right outside the door, holding f/n’s drink. All was good until a voice you didn’t want to hear again filled your ears.
“Well if it isn’t y/n. I knew you couldn’t stay away from the party scene forever,” he spoke to you in a condescending tone. 
“Go away,” you spoke tiredly, but he completely ignored your words. 
“Drink in your hand too. Although I think there are very few times I saw you without a drink in your hands.”
“It’s not mine. I’m holding it for a friend they’re in the bathroom,” you explained. The a-hole laughs. 
“You? Have a friend? You don’t do friends y/n. Well,no I guess there is that one guy that always picked up when you were wasted or got kicked out of a bar for violence. No clue why he stuck around though.” Your short temper was starting to snap.
“Shut up,” you told him sternly. 
“Aww are you gonna get violent with me now?” he spoke menacingly. “ Don’t forget you owe me. You know how much money I spent buying you drinks, other things,” he pokes. 
“If you want me to pay you money I will. Just leave me alone,” you huffed. 
“I don’t want your money,” he says. 
“Then what?” you spit. 
“You. I want you to party with me again. I miss having you around.” He said the last sentence as if he was being sincere. 
“Not happening. I don’t party like that anymore,” you told him. 
“Oh come on. You seriously think that you’ve changed. People like us don’t change y/n. Come back to having fun. You played good girl long enough,” he reached out to tuck your hair behind your ear. You snapped, catching his wrist and twisting it.
“Ah, you bitch!” he hissed in pain. He used his free end to grab you by your hair, yanking it harshly. You kicked him in the gut in return and it turned  into a full blown fight from there. Your friend exited the bathroom terrified at the sight of you fighting. She tried yelling at you to stop, to no prevail. She quickly went to get Hyeongjun. She panickedly explained the situation and Hyeongjun went rushing over to you.
“Y/n stop!” he yelled at you, arms trying to grab you to pull you back. Hyeongjun’s voice instantly registers in your ears, bringing you back from being blinded by rage. You stumble backwards into his arms. 
“See y/n you haven’t changed.” he straightens himself out, whipping the blood from his bruised jaw. “Seriously, I don’t get why you stick around them dude,” He patted Hyeongjun on the shoulder as he walked away. 
You haven’t changed, you haven’t changed, you haven’t changed. 
“Hey it’s ok. You’re ok now, don’t cry” Hyeongjun soothes you, wiping away your tears. You didn’t even know you were crying.
You haven’t changed, you haven’t changed, you haven’t changed. 
“Come on, let's get you home and cleaned up.” Hyeongjun gently guides you out of the party. You don’t even know if Hyeongjun said goodbye to his members or not. All that rings through your ears is, you haven’t changed, you haven’t changed, you haven’t changed. 
Hyeongjun sits you down on your couch and goes to grab the supplies to bandage you up.
You haven’t changed, you haven’t changed, you haven’t changed. 
“Sorry, this is going to sting a little,” he apologies before going to disinfect your wounds. You hiss in pain upon the disinfectant meeting your wounds.
You haven’t changed, you haven’t changed, you haven’t changed. It’s not the first time Hyeongjun has patched you up.
Seriously, I don’t get why you stick around them dude. Why should Hyeongjun stick around? Not when, you haven’t changed.
“I haven’t changed,” you stated as Hyeongjun carefully covered your busted knuckles. 
“That’s not true y/n you’ve changed a lot,” Hyeongjun tells you. 
“Have I? It’s not the first time we’ve been here Hyeongjun.”
“Yes, you’ve changed y/n. You can still see the floor in your laundry room. You don’t stay out too late. Your life is completely different compared to how you were living last year.”
“But after going to one party. I feel right back into a bad habit. I got into another fight,” you voice was filled with defeat. 
“No, it was him who caused it. Anyone would punch an a-hole like him. He deserves it,” Hyeongjun tried to console you. 
“I let him provoke me though. I should have walked away.” you said. 
“We both know that he would have followed you. Remember how many times you had to block him from contacting you?” 
“Your members probably hate me now right? I messed up. They think I’m someone who goes around fighting people at parties,” you spoke with discontent. 
“They don’t hate you y/n. They would actually like to hang out with you again,” he tells you. 
“Why?” you asked, completely confused. 
“Well Jooyeon said that you should be our body guard. He saw the damage that you did. Gunil says he should have been with you to beat him himself. Jungsu kinda started crying after seeing you cry. Seungmin and Jiseok were really concerned about you being ok. They could tell how distraught you were,” Hyeongjun elucidated. It felt weird. You could hardly understand why Hyeongjun cared about you and now he’s telling you that his members care about you too. 
“Thank you,” you hugged him tightly, tears falling from your eyes again.
“Why are you crying again?” he rubbed your back, in relaxing circles. 
“I love you,” you hugged him impossibly tighter. Hyeongjun smiles. 
“I love you too,” he gently rocks you both side to side. Hugging you equally as tight with no intentions of ever letting you go. He was always going to stay with you.
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
Hi there! This is for the Emoji Monster Challenge: 🎻🐊🎀. Hope you have fun x)
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Crocodile Monster (Jonas) x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
(Yay!! Thank you! I had a lot of fun, I normally don’t try to draw crocodiles, so this was a challenge for me! I love Jonas already, he is a cute beanie who likes to play music and wants to make friends but is a shy outcast! :’O Also! I drew my little stand in human with the silly phone dating app picture, because that was the first image that came to mind with the emoji’s you sent me xDD So I thought that would be fun to include it! But, in all truthfullness, trying to help Jonas find a partner is ultimately going to backfire. . . because there is someone he already likes A LOT and gets super shy around. ;’)))))) Hope you like the short! )
The air was hot and muggy, as fireflies danced and jittered between tall thin trees. The humming of frogs and crickets buzzed in the air around you. Punctuated by the splash of something moving in the water. Lily pads speckled along its dark surface, dotted in clusters. Almost nightfall, the last twinkle of sunlight glittered across the still and silent pool.
You walk along the boarded walkway, head up and alert as you make your way across the largest and darkest of the vast lake. The wooden walkway was constructed like veins that were inlaid overtop of the swamp below your feet. But despite the trek, you knew the path well, and took it many, many times to visit a friend that lived at the very edge of town.
You heard him, before you saw him. A ramshackle house in the very heart of the dark water. The sound of music joining the hush of sound from the unseen critters that surrounded you. The sound of a deep reverberating sound of a cello washing over the thickets of tall whispering grass.
From the glow of yellow you can see a hulking figure, with a large instrument hugged to their chest. His head was down in concentration. Your steps slowed and grew careful, as you crossed the threshold over the land that marked his home.
You kept silent as you pulled up an empty seat to listen. The sound was inexplicably sad and melancholic, it made you wonder, if not for the umpteenth time, how the rest of your village would be weary of such a creature that could pour their whole soul into the music they played.
And as the song came to a close, a bright yellow eye opened, then as if an invisible wire was connected from his eye to his nose, his snout lifting to look at you taken aback.
You wave your hands in a silent hello, before they fall back onto your lap to patiently wait for Jonas to continue. A roll of a growl sounded at the back of his throat, a sound you had distinguished long ago to be made from his nerves. The growl jars into an awkward sneeze. He shakes his head, reptilian eye focusing on your uneasiness.
“What are you doing here?” The sound is grating and deep, coming from someone who normally doesn’t make it a habit to talk to others.
You point at yourself with a smile, “Me? I just came to say hello, I didn’t mean to intrude! I can go if you want.”
Jonas blinks, and growls again, before he lifts the bow back to the Cello, glancing back at you multiple times before he continues. You lace your fingers together and close your eyes. You hope that one day he could be comfortable around you, but for now, having tolerance for your presence was good enough for you.
The last liquid drops of sunlight disappear into the water, as a sky fades to deep pink, oranges to purples and deep navy.
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oathofoaksart · 1 year
i gotta, for charlie: 😥🎻💯
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😥- is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool?
charlie is a laid-back person (or at least tries to be), even when he reaaaaaally shouldn't be. so in a general sense, yea, he's pretty good at keeping his wits together when things start going haywire, but he tends to downplay just how bad the situation is even after it's plenty obvious it's getting out of hand.
he's bad at deadlines and tends to procrastinate, two very deadly things when one owns a business, and you'd think that'd make him buck up a bit but no
not really.
🎻- does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
i mentioned this in this ask but charlie played and taught guitar! (past tense being operative here given his uhhh lack of ten complete fingers).
but he was a self-taught virtuoso, played both acoustic and electric-- preferred electric, the guy's a massive metalhead. his musical legacy lives on in lei who despite saying she only took it up for a cover story, doesn't let her lessons go to waste for his sake.
i go back and forth on whether he played with one john constantine back in the day
💯- share three random facts about your oc that others may not know
1: charlie was one of felix faust's students when faust was still an archeology professor. they were rather amiable until faust went off the deep end and charlie rejected an apprenticeship under him when he found out just what faust had been doing to those mocking his mystic research.
2. timeline wise, charlie's "first appearance" is during yj side comic issue the demon rises as a background character at kent nelson's funeral. he later shows up as a supporting character during misplaced, working alongside his old friend, zatara. this makes him the first oc in my roster to interact with the team.
3. his personality is very much based off po ping from the kung fu panda franchise. he's easily excitable, affectionate, and strangely endearing to the people around him. he sees the wonder in the smallest of things and his goofiness tends to get him written off as an oversized oaf-- that is until he opens several cans of whoop-ass.
more asks? here
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adamsbulletwound · 3 months
WONDERFUL! And how art thy day, dear’st friend? Hast thou eat’n? Dranketh well?
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finleyforevermore · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you, get to know your mutuals and your followers!
(edit : :D)
-- 🪬 anon (can I still sign off as anon if I'm not asking anonymously???)
Thanks for the ask, Lucas! And yeah, you can still sign off like that if you want! :) 💚
My wonderful friends! (like you!)
Watching shows I like, like Bluey!
Listening to music I like!
Playing my instrument! 🎻
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kopivie · 11 months
That idea about him losing a wing… ouch. I love it. It’s perfect. The added angst could really work considered his old master as Aphrodite, because in the original myth, despite Aphrodite being angry at Eros for disobeying her, she still loves him, but in Xiao’s case… there’s no motherly warmth to be found. His punishment is cruel and hard, with no sentiment or guilt behind it.
And then the reader still loves and accepts Xiao despite him being mutilated (which potentially has made him think himself unworthy of their love) and aaahhhhh the potential for hurt/comfort is strong here.
About the whole cliff deal… this might not be the best idea, but maybe it has something to do with Osial? As in, that’s who they’re originally fated to marry, and he could be some sea god who lingers around Liyue and occasionally terrorises inhabitants by the shore with floods and stuff. to slightly mix in another myth (Perseus and Medusa), maybe the reader was meant to be either a sort of offering to him—not to be eaten or anything like in P&M, but… appease him, which is a bit yucky—or to try and slay him, which despite their prowess, is practically a death sentence considering they are only mortal at the end of the day.
Regardless of which it is, Xiao would come in before it’s too late, either just taking them away or fighting Osial for (or with?) them, but maybe not before they’ve experienced their own share of angst and trauma (possibly near-death experiences, betrayal at how they were just left to their fate after hearing the prophecy without their loved ones making any attempt to change it, loneliness depending on how long they were there for, and so forth. Hell, to stray from the original, maybe they lost a friend/ family member/ etc. to a flood caused by Osial before, and now confronting him themselves is traumatic and painful to think about.) I like the idea of him being the one who carries them on the wind himself, but Venti could also potentially work if we want to stick closer to that little detail of the myth.
I think some liberty can be taken with the sisters’ characters, considering the reader obviously isn’t playable or has any canonical relationships to other characters, but if playable characters could be given those roles, it would probably be the most… engaging to work with, I guess, rather than conjuring up OCs solely for this purpose. The only problem is that all the Liyue cast is too nice to be jealous like the sisters are…
Also, the thing about the old god’s hatred arising from jealousy because they see themselves in the reader? Amazing.
-🎻 anon
the way i get flashes of scenes that could be written for this au... my thoughts are a little non-linear as a response, but bear with me! god i love this au so bad.
the idea of xiao swooping in to save the reader at the last moment is a good idea! like you said, adding that layer of complexity via trauma at the hands of osial is so good. throughout the fight, you have moments where you freeze or go limp when you otherwise would not. you wonder if the fear that you're suppressing is even a fraction of what your loved one felt before osial killed them.
to add another layer, maybe that loved one was the "offering" before you? and then of course you get chosen to be the offering by pure chance, but what are the odds of you being in their shoes next? you try to fight osial for revenge, but the grief that you kept locked away overtakes you and then xiao comes to your rescue when you physically cannot fight anymore.
(maybe he literally swoops in? with one golden wing and the other a fractured skeletal mess?)
the thought of the god having no remorse for mutilating xiao's wing is so heartless yet so.. WOW. i was thinking about it like... a twisted view of motherhood (or parenthood).
"i'm hurting you because i love you." or "you're always so obedient, so because you've disobeyed, i have the right to hurt you this way." or "this hurts me more than it hurts you. i gave you these wings; i gave you my trust, and now i have to take it away. look what you've made me do."
the point i'm trying to make is that xiao is held hostage literally and emotionally/mentally in this toxic relationship with this volatile god. and so when you, the reader, come into his life, you expose him to real love.
real, unshakeable love. the kind that isn't built on appearances, but built on mutual trust and understanding. eros is passionate, physical, and dare i say superficial love. but you teach him pragma — enduring love.
let me.. shift gears before i write an impromptu thing.
the sisters can probably just be close friends who voice their worries. their concerns are welcome and come from a good place, but it probably comes across the wrong way and causes the misunderstanding that sends xiao away from you.
and about that misunderstanding... the way we've been describing the reader thus far makes them incredibly unlikely to try and kill xiao in his sleep and reveal his identity by accident. i have no idea how that would happen.
because in the myth, that's what sends psyche on her trials and blah blah blah, big reunion at the end and they live happily ever after.
if this fic gets written (and i sincerely hope it does — i'm more than open to co-writing this with you!), it'd probably be a longer one. that is, if you want to touch on all parts of the plot. not adhere to it per se, but just.. touch on it. cause the rest is creative freedom :D
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awritingcaitlin · 2 years
🔥Find the Word🔥
I was tagged by @mjjune for the words play, medicine, spray, shoot, fire
I'll be tagging: @legiomiam, @juls-writes, @baroquesse, @muddshadow, @tananaphone
For the words: plan, blink, swore, small, run
Snippets are from Siege of Berthingtonn
“So what’s the plan?” Taryn asked once they reached it.
“Well, I wanted to go to Temple, but that’s out of the question,” Rinnie said.
Taryn grimaced.
“So let’s actually enjoy the nightlife.”
“Glad to see you becoming more of yourself again,” Taryn said.
They walked down the street the palace was on and turned down a thoroughfare into the town proper. As soon as they did, they were accosted with sights and smells of everyone in Berthingtonn, it seemed, being on the streets. Vendors had tents set up at every corner. Performers had set up stages to dance, play instruments, and other more complicated performances.
Nathaniel blinked at her. “Did you go to school?” he asked after a moment.
“Mmhmm,” Rinnie said. “I had to, to become a doctor. I did that after I was a surfer. Though, to be fair, I didn’t plan on going into medicine.”
“I had wondered,” Nathaniel mused, taking the fish out of the pan and putting them onto a plate. He put some cooked vegetables next to them. “What did you go to school for originally?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Rinnie said bitterly. “The Navy told me I couldn’t do it anyway. I had to be their pet theramancer instead.” She focused on cutting the carrots into perfect coin slices.
Nathaniel licked his lips. “Isn’t that what the military does though?”
“Frechit-nayn,” Kanjo swore, handing the notes back.
“Am I right?” she whispered.
He pursed his lips. “The correct thing to do would be to warn people. Perhaps even stop them.”
She swallowed. “I had thoughts so.”
They heard artillery in the distance, sounding like pillows being smacked together. Rinnie looked south and saw the prismatic spray of colors from various attacks. Everything had taken on a greenish-greyish hue. Overhead, a Berthan light bomber, one engine trailing a thick stream of smoke and multicolored sparks, indicative of badly channeled energy, was being escorted to the main city by a single small, wedge-shaped fighter. Rinnie shivered again.
Riela held a small revolver in her hands. It seemed out of place there as she stood out by Mama’s garden. She knew virtually nothing about it. It would hold six bullets. Mama’d told her the bullets were .38 caliber. The numbers meant something to a part of Riela buried deep. Yet even that part of her hadn’t used guns much. They were hard to come by and required perishable ammunition. All the escapee kids kept to knives. They’d rather steal food.
Riela handled it hesitantly.
“So, you’re gonna learn how to shoot this gun,” Mama said, a smile playing on her lips.
Riela was still unsure. “Oh, I don’t know, Mama, I’ve never needed a gun before.”
“And you’ve always had to sneak up on your enemies to kill them,” Mama replied. “I’d much rather see you face off against some sorceress with a gun than a knife.”
“Maybe it’s time I stop running,” she argued. “Put my skills to use.”
“Are you sure you mean that?” Adler asked. “Because I can bet that whatever you saw back in Eswaisil is nothing compared to what’s coming. War is ugly. It’s painful and you don’t want to be here for it.”
Riela slammed her glass down on the counter and marched up to Adler, fire in her eyes suddenly. “How can you even begin to say what’s coming will be worse when you don’t know what you’re comparing it to?” she seethed. “I watched my friends die one-by-one as we were picked off by the authorities. I escaped prison multiple times and not unscathed. If it wasn’t the cruel bitches, it was hunger, or infection. I’m the only one of our whole group that made it out of Eswaisil.”
Adler swallowed. “Riela, that will happen again. Your bag’s already packed. Just go. You don’t need to do that to yourself again.”
“So I go in there and leave you to it?” she spluttered. “That’s no better.”
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
im back! ive read more babe!
doms pov is amazing. i see why everyone is deeply in love with her. add me to that list because this girl is a queen.
like that: listen, i need a word with the depths of your brain because 🥴 i mean what the hell. yoongi dropping in the “i’ll wait forever if I have to” in between a whole litany of filth. this man is in l$ve. ngl read this smut scene like three times dammmnnn. the “hot clown” hair convo def made me laugh though they’re so cute. the tickling they’re such a couple stop.
anytime: yoongi stayed the whole damn night 😭 bro is sus with not yelling (like he shouldnt but if thats his normal then sus) TAE AND JIMIN WHAT TAE AND JIMIN. tae coming to the game but not the club makes so much fucking sense now. yuri is also a real one. but dom… yeah im still a tae enthusiast here but im for real in love with her now. but also bro. god all your characters are beautiful… flawed and human and beautiful. dom,bro,tae, jimin though best “side” characters ever. YOONGI IN THE KITCHEN… literal l$ve… oh shit jimin dropping the truth about basketball (i went back and reread and wow… everything makes sense. mygs paranoia on their walk damn ryen) yoongi thinking oc forgot him im dying. and then that phone call… youre killing me
sundress season: i have little to say. this is just perfect. texting yoongi is the hottest. yoongi being so turned on by oc looking like that (i mean who can blame him) her friends clowning cause she so fucking obvious made me laugh. and then this phone call. you want us in pain right thats what this is ryen?
okay so i have dal segno and apple bobbing left. and then im also gonna peek at those slices you have too. im almost all caught up!
VIOLIN YESSS you're almost all caught-up! i'm so happy for you (and it's definitely a lot, huh? lmfao i gotta know how you are once you've gotten through it all.)
*slams table* DOM!! hell yeah. get in line for dom bc that girl is, as you said it, an absolute queen.
like that: SDIFJFJ oh my god like that is one of my faves!! yoongi being a smidge soft amongst all the filth was so fun to write. he's in what now?? i'm stoked as hell you like the spice here bc these two def surprised me! and the end with the hair playing?? tickling?? can these two just.. i mean.. ???
anytime: YEAH. AND TAE AND JIMIN AHAHAHA things are starting to fall into place, huh! and yuri is so fcking cute i want to hold her. of course we have dom being the baddest, my g o d. so happy you enjoy the whole character list! it's been a joy to write everyone, both their flaws and their shining moments. tbh i'm getting a little choked up just thinking about all of them and how much they've come to mean to me. they're all human, and they're all just trying their best. i think that's what we all should strive to do. and then yoongi in the kitchen LMFAO THAT LITTLE-😭 he needs to answer for his crimes!! everything slotting into place after jimin's reveal, too. when i tell you how hard it was for me to keep that in for months? the hardest thing in existence but i knew i wanted to do it for y'all.
sundress season: perfect? what? hold on i'm gonna sob :(( yoongi's phone needs to be confiscated at once lmfaoooo but him losing his mind? gd. that's what we love to seeeeee!! reader's always seen losing it but to see his perspective was great, too. in pain? i meeean. if i have to suffer, we are all suffering lmfao.
have a good ass time with the rest, love! this commentary is just wonderful and made me feel so warm. see you in 3tan9!
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Saw u reblogged an ask game and. Haven't interacted w/ u in a hot minute so I wanted to drop something in for ur Yuus hehe!
🐉 for all, but 💯 for Mayuu and 🎻 for Anro (sry Annie but I didn't see any that stuck out to me for her. If u wanted to tho maybe 👨‍👨‍��(or whatever the right family emoji is) for her?
Feel free to pick n choose if u don't wanna do all of these tho!!!
Anon, you just made my day. Like srsly.
Anyways!! Ask game!!
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Mayuu was a writer, back in her world. She had hundreds of worlds at her fingertips, dozen of OCs with semi-sad backstories. Before twst, she was such a creative girl. Always singing, always smiling. Nowadays though...I haven't seen her smile.
She has a Trey plushie back home. It was a gift from her friends. They had a running gag, gifting her Trey Clover themed items, even though she has insisted that he wasn't her favorite!! Never mind that she coded a visual novel of Trey or owns a key chain of him. Mayuu missed those times, where she could just laugh with her friends, not a single care in the world.
Mayuu is from the Phillipines! Southeast Asian!! Her favorite snack is boiled duck embryo (balut)!! Actually, it's not her fav, but it's soon good!! Trust me, guys/j.
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
That one barbie movie said "Voice" was an instrument!! Anro would definitely shout that, her olive cheeks turning a shade darker. Though, to be honest, Anro isn't that skilled with her voice. Her skill level is Intermediate. She could sound like an angel, but she can also sound like a dying bird. Really depends on the day. Even so, Anro loves singing. She loves the feeling of being on stage as people watch her perform. Anro is also a self-proclaimed Voice Actor, and she loves making her voice super masculine.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Of course. Asking the puppet girl about family. This wouldve been a wonderful question for any other, but for Annie...
It's complicated. She has a family, somewhat. Is the people out there, in reality, her family? The ones who raised her, at least in her backstory? They could be, she supposed. But they've never really interacted.
What of the author? The one who made her? The one who haphazardly gave a self-insert consciousness? Is she family? Annie supposed she was as close as she could get. But honestly, the "author" was more like her little sister. Someone fun to annoy mwehehe.
She supposes Aqua could be like a brother to her, seeing as they spend lots of time in the lounge area that is the author's mind. He's also the only other one who is conscious. Stuck in the middle of reality and fiction. Never really a part of either. They are so similar, from their personalities to their reality-warping powers. Too bad they don't see each other often, since they're in separate universes.
Mayuu too, could be considered family. She annoys her enough to be considered a little sis. Honestly, all the other self-inserts could be considered Annie's fam. They all lived in a house together, at one point.
Tldr: it's complicated
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
Mayuu - Siren, she supposed. They could lure you with their voice, then tear the flesh from your skin when you're close enough. Being able to sway another's mind is quite an interesting power, in Mayuu's opinion. Definitely something she wished she had. (And totally not cause someone commented that the song "Fish Inside a Birdcage" was about sirens and harpies). That, and she used to play Siren with her family when they went swimming. She'd grab their feet from the water, as they struggled against her grip. Ah, Those were the days.
Annie - Myths don't interest Annie that much. Maybe faeries? Since they're just as mischievous as her. Or were those fairies?
Anro - Shapeshifters!! I know that doesn't count. But wouldn't it be so cool to change your appearance like zap, zippity zoom, boom you're Jamil? Like, cosplay would be so easy and effortless. Plus, I could switch from girl to guy to girl so quickly! For cosplay reasons, of course.
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andronicmusicblog · 1 month
🎬 Unlock the Power of Music in Film: Elevate Your Storytelling! 🎵 by Andronic Music (DMCMUSIC) Calling all film directors! 🎥 Have you ever wondered what makes a movie truly unforgettable? As a film composer, I know that music 🎶 breathes life into every scene. Imagine a tense moment 😨, a heartfelt reunion ❤️, or an epic battle ⚔️ without music—it's just not the same, right? That's where I come in! I create melodies 🎼 that amplify emotions, underscore pivotal moments, and elevate your storytelling to new heights. From sweeping orchestral scores 🎻 to intimate piano pieces 🎹, I tailor each composition to fit your unique vision. Remember, the right soundtrack can transform a good film into a masterpiece 🌟 that resonates with audiences long after the credits roll. Are you ready to give your film the sonic boost it deserves? 🎧 Tag your filmmaker friends, and if you need help with your project, follow the link in my bio! 🔗 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcjAlCuBNDE
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
Bcch*g*ri Liveblog Ep 6.5 & 7 (7&8)
A Recap Episode in a 13 episode series??????
I don't think anyone is lost babes.
I do live that it's important enough in the recap thay every gang leader has Fallen In Love with Arajin! 😂
They made sure we'd remember that.
Yoy know after seeing Outas backstory I wonder why he isn't jealous of Arajin?
Then again he wasn't jealous of Kenichiro either. He just loves his friend as a friend. What a great guy.
I bet the only reason Incest Ingenue hates him is because he stole her brother away from her.
Ok nothing of note the rest of Episode 6.5 (7) so on to Episode 7(8)!
Awwwwww Blondie! 💖💖💖💖💖😊
DODGED!!! Lmao poor Matakara. 😂
OP TIME!!!! 🎶🎻🎻🎻🎶🥁🎸🎺🎶🎹🎶
I guses the reason we don't get much Genie Fanservice is because those first shots in the OP are so good.
So Proud Of Him!!!!
Lmao Marito is so upset that she's there! I'm surprised Outa isn't there to buffer! 😂 He probably doesn't want to have to deal with her either to be fair!
OOF girl you feed him that and he'll make negative progress! 😆
HE ate it anyway!!!!!! True bravery!
A GROUP DATE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Damn Marito thinks he's got this in the bag
Meanwhile Arajin thinks Mahoro will be there! 🤣
ITS AT A BEACH?!?!?!?!?!,!,!,!,!
Blondie!!!!! Oh!!!! It's a bath house!!! That's why he's exercising naked in front of a window because it's the window to the wash room.
You're awesome in your own ways!!!! Don't get discouraged!!!!!! Blondie still loves you!!!! He's just got a little crush now!
Finally some Genie/Senya focus!!! 💖💖💖💖
AH!!!! They're the tiniest of crumbs but they're there! 😭 The surprise on Butler's face!
SJSJWJSBSJSJ of course he showed up without clothes lmao
God Bless you Utsumi!!!! YOU BRILLIANT BITCH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! 💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖
Every frame of this fight is just pure h**t*i! 😂
Outa's got cake damn!
POOR MARITO!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
He's gonna kick the shit out of Outa for that one and Outa knows it to!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love how Outa and Marito coordinated outfits!!! 😂 Outa has purple hair and green tights and Marito has green hair and purple tights!
How Unfortunate! 💔💔💔 Better Luck Next Time Marito!
He still put on the jacket before jumping in the ring!!!! 😂
God I hate this trope so much I want to root for her because I LOVE a Fangirl but like! Not like this! 😭💔
Lmao Senya you coward yall are a match made in he'll
HIS COSTUME!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
TEAL TERROR IN THE CLOAK AND ONE PIECE LMAO How do they manage to put him in the most Tsundere shit possible????? He's SO Hiei Coded it's sickening! 😂
I know it makes sense because Matakara's gunning to fight Arajin again (he is a Man Possessed by the need to grab and straddle and pin this guy) but like DAMN!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 DID YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR BESTIE THAT SAVED YOU LIKE THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Thank God Blondie is always there for him!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
LMAO Arajin thinks he won't have to fight Matakara because Matakara has to fight Marito but like. Kenichiro and Outa already fell out for Bullshit Reasons and Arajin is Trapped By The Narrative. 😂
I wonder if the drive to get his arms and legs around Arajin will Push Matakara To Victory or if Some Cosmic Bullshit is about to befall Marito?
A TEAM UP!!!!!!!
EVEN BETTER!!! I'm so sad that Teal Terror didn't get to fight Javascript but IVE BEEN WAITING FOR JAVASCRIPT THIS ENTIRE TIME!!!!
JAVASCRIPT MY OTHER BELOVED!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 (Blue Tsume!!!!!)
What the hell does his tattoo say???
LMAO this anime man. It showed a close up exactly as I asked! 😂😂😂😂 "The Folly if Enthusiasm" what an interesting phrase underneath a butterfly - whose only purpose is to fuck. It really helps tie him and Kenichiro together though and I Love That!!!! 💖💖💖
What a line of dialogue! 😂 I'm guessing Honki has been a dick euphemism this entire time?
Arajin...... Sandwich......... It actually happened but not all all how I was expecting.....
I mean. I do love these guys (Genie/Senya and Matakara)..... but funnily enough I would have preferred the Marito/Arajin/Kenichiro Sandwich WAY More..... *which is also funny considering that the visual aesthetics match King Pinned almost to a Tee if Natasha was a man and somebody let my man Argo out in the sun after running him under some Manic Panic! 😂
It's so funny they have that Tsume/Hige aesthetic! 😂
I know he's not gonna win but I'm rooting for Javascript!!!!
Fun fact Tsume/Hige was my 2nd ship in Wolf's Rain behind Tsume/Toboe up until She (love her don't want to spoil) was introduced and paired with Hige. Then they were my All Time Het Couple for that show and one of the only her couples I ever actually cared to look up art and fic for as a teen.
I can still hear my nightcore, pop rap, euro techno, jpop, and emo playing on windows media player if I take a moment to think back. Dang.
Anyway enough reminiscing about Tsume/Hige fights. Back to Matakara/Javascript fight.
Again this whole episode is just h*n**i poses with clothes on. 😂 👏👏👏👏👏
This fight is SO AWESOME!!! I love Javascript's fighting style!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Arajin you ain't shit! 😂 he's gonna wipe the floor with you!!!
What an expression. He looks like fucking Midousuji. 🤣
THE FEAR!!!!!!!!
"Come to me Ara-teen" lmao duuuuuuude
How does his sister not hear and understand that he's a big old queer?????
Babe he ain't lettin you leave THAT easy. 🙄
JAVASCRIPT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
DANG Pink Petals and Javascript BOTH have cake aplenty!
Love Marito's spins!
ARAJIN!!!!! Babe you didn't! 😨😂😨😂😨😂😬!
He is ABSILUTELY NOT letting him get away with this one.
Castlevania ass music!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Arajin sshould have known better because Noone humiliates someone who cares so much about their appearance like Marito does. He was acting on pure instinct though! 😂
MATAKARAAAAAA !!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖🎉 SAVE UR MAN!!!!!!!!
LMAO NVM You forgot you've got your own beef to settle! 😂
As angry as he is you know fro a fact Marito's loving this. 😂
JAVASCRIPT!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
Djdidjdndjdjdb Like a couple of coconuts
Amazing. My blue guys can't catch a fuckin break! 😂
Love that Blondie and Big Titty Redhead swapped color pallets for the day!
They're like twins with different dye jobs!
It's Kurahi and Kuwameshi at the same time! o7 God Bless
Big Titty Redhead and Teemu Makoto Tachibana are Popsicle Buddies! 💖
Gosh he's pretty!!!!! 💖💖💖 Love that bracelet, choker, and upper arm bangles combo!!!!
ED Time!!! 🎶🎺🎶🥁🎶🎹🎵🎸
Funny you'd think the little card with her brother would have her swooning over him in it. She doesn't even notice he's there yet it seems.
Uhg Ivy Soulcalibur ending. 😞
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