#🎵i love you always forever...🎵
eliounora · 9 months
gwen: why haven't you fallen under the spell of the witch who seems to enchant only men? merlin:
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jimingyue · 9 months
Cat Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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🖋️ meowful-musings Follow
🕊️ birdwatching Follow
what's wrong with dry food??? my humans feed me it all the time and i think it's fine
💀 elusivehider-deactivated948204
op wheres the natural feeding option
🌲 outdoorsy Follow
you guys are getting fed?
#im a barn cat so maybe im missing something here #meowtthew don't look
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☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
extra special shout out to cats who have "common" coat colors. grey tabbies and black cats i am rubbing against your head affectionately <3
🪤 m0usetrap01 Follow
as a grey tabby i really needed to hear this :"3
#i feel like i never see positivity posts for moggies even tho we're the most common type of cat....
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🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
i cant believe there are cats ACTUALLY advocating for kittens to be separated from their mothers before 12 weeks??? kittens still need to learn how to interact with other cats before being placed into their furever home omg you guys know you're advocating for undersocialized and aggressive cats right
❤️ loving-paws284 Follow
um op some of us??? matured early??????? i was separated from my mother at 7 weeks and i turned out fine... interesting how you assume that kittens being separated from their mothers at a younger age will lead to the degeneracy of the next generation...hmm i wonder where i've heard that before...
🐈 fluffy-the-cat Follow
OP got bit too hard during a play-fight as a kitten and it shows XD
🐟 tunafeesh Follow
also op have you ever considered that just because somecat is kind of scared and unable to deal with strange cats or humans, it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be adopted?? you sound like a vet psyop honestly
🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
oh meow god saying that kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother is NOT veterinarian rhetoric and i never said that they deserve to be euthanized!!! my mother literally died when i was 3 weeks old and it seriously messed up my development so stop putting words in my mouth, thanks
anyway friendly reminder that underweaned kittens are prone to illness and often struggle with basic cat behaviors like litterbox usage, and in some nyavinces it's even considered kitten abuse
#discourse #cant believe "kitten abuse is bad" is controversial now
32,456 notes
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🍃 naturalliving Follow
猫神 Kill Em All 1989
I am trash cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDS
#outdoorliving #outdoorcats please interact #outdoorcat friendly
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🎣 salmonpurina Follow
can't believe cats are uncritically reblogging that born to die world is a fuck post. i know it's funny but op is literally an outdoor cat truther
#like cmon now you just have to go to their blog #lulu speaks
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💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
gentle reminder that pushing cups off the table is not cute and can cause a lot of distress in your human!!!! gentle reminder that our teeth and claws can easily hurt them more than they can hurt us!!!!
🐰 evil-tabbystripes Follow
evil reminder that the cup should always be pushed off the table. evil reminder that you should always bite and claw at your human no matter what. you can do whatever you want forever
💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
make your own pawst
💀 laser-point-deactivated8574721
umm i know a tomcat who did that and his human ended up putting him down so...
👬🏻 nyasunaruenjoyer Follow
Nyaverage shelter cat behavior
#not nyaruto #re-nyab #pickles shut up
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🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
saw two male cats sleeping together on the porch today. homeow behavior imo
💡 discourse-meows Follow
hey um what the fuck??? it's really not okay of you to go assuming other cat's sexualities, especially cats you don't even know???? as a queer cat i'm VERYY uncomfortable. real-ass cats didn't consent to your nyaoi fetish, thanks
🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
1. i was making. a joak
2. i'm literally gay???
#literally what's your pawblem
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🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
reblog if you've ever caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
i know you fuckers are lying
🍭 gaykittens Follow
this tom hasn't caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
shut the heull up
988,653 notes
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🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
grey toebeans >>>>>>>>> pink toebeans and don't let the haters make you believe otherwise
🐁 ladymouser Follow
op shut the fuck up ALL toebeans are beautiful!!! just bc you're miserable and insecure doesn't mean you can bring others down based on things they can't control
🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
oh so the cat-human separationist wants to preach to us
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alastor-simp · 8 months
Special Guest🎙🎵 - Alastor x Singer Reader
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Whoosh!~ A cool breeze was blowing, giving you goosebumps. Your body was sitting on the railing of your bedroom porch. Just one more inch and you would tumble down. You were gazing at the sky, admiring the crimson red and the black stared orb. Peaceful moments like this were relaxing to you, despite the mast amount of pollution in the air. Heaving a sigh, you continued to gaze at the stars, humming out a song. That humming eventually turned into lyric, and you sang them outloud to yourself:
🎵If you weren't born with it You can buy a couple ornaments Just be sure to read the warning, kids 'Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it Sexual, hey girl if you wanna feel sexual You can always call up a professional They stick pins in you like a vegetable
Kids forever, kids forever Baby soft skin turns into leather Don't be dramatic it's only some plastic No one will love you if you're unattractive
Oh Mrs. Potato Head tell me Is it true that pain is beauty? Does a new face come with a warranty? Will a pretty face make it better? Oh Mr. Potato Head tell me How did you afford her surgery? Do you swear you'll stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Even if her face don't stay together...🎵
(Song/Lyrics Credit - "Mrs Potato Head" - Melanie Martinez)
As you continued to belt out the lyrics, an ominous shadow appeared behind you, watching you. Soon your song drew to an end. A sound of clapping hands appeared from behind you, making you yelp it fright. Turning your head back, you realized it was Alastor. He was smiling widely like a kid in a candy store. "Bravo, my dear!! What an amazing voice you have!" His feet carried him over to you, standing very close to the railing where you sat. Blushing, you casted your head down: "I'm not that good Al." Hands were placed on your face, pulling it back towards Al. "Don't be harsh on yourself, my dear! That was the best performance I have ever listened to! Why have you been hiding this secret from me?" Alastors hands continued to pinch your cheeks, his crimson eyes gazing at you with excitement. Pushing him back a bit, to leave your cheeks alone, you turned back towards the view. "I always had a fondness for music growing up. It was quite a shock to me when I realized that I could sing. I honestly suspected to sound like nails on a chalkboard when I first tried it out." Chuckling to yourself, you looked back at Al, who was laughing along with you at your explanation. "I imagined later on in my life I would make a career out of it, but I just never got around to doing it."
Alastor continued to gaze at your melancholic expression. He admired how passionate you were about singing. He himself adore music and he could sing as well. It pained him a bit that you never got to pursue your dreams. Leaning his body down, crossing his arms on the railing, he gazed at you, eyes flashing crimson. "Well I must say my dear, I'm already an instant fan! I wouldn't mind you showing off your talent during one of my broadcasts!" Almost falling off the railing in shock, you caught yourself. HE WANTED YOU TO SING DURING HIS RADIO BROADCASTS!!! "Y-you joking right?" Waiting for him to admit that he was joking. He laughed outloud. "Yes Indeedy! The wayward souls in hell would enjoy it very much, including myself!" His words were sincere, no distrust was spewing from his mouth. Twirling your hair with your finger, you looked down. "O-okay, if its alright with you." Alastor jumped back into his normal height, and wrapped his arm around your back, giving you a brief hug. "Excellent my dear! My broadcast starts at 11:00 AM, on the dot! Try to give some thought on what song you wish to perform. See you tomorrow, darling!" He was practically beaming, when he was talking to you. He soon disappeared, melding into a shadow.
It took you a bit to figure out what just happened. Alastor really wanted you to sing at his radio tower. You knew how much he valued his radio broadcasts, so you knew you needed to prepare yourself. Last thing you wanted was ruining the broadcast and upsetting Al. After that interaction with Al, you searched for what song you wanted to sing. Memorizing the lyrics and singing some parts out, making sure your vocal cords could handle it. You went to bed that night, nervous and excited for tomorrow.
**Tomorrow Morning, at 10:50 AM**
Sitting on a chair, you gazed around, taking in every little detail. Both you and Al were inside his radio tower, attached to the hotel. It was a cozy little studio. There was a giant window, looking down at the city. There was a desk and chair adorned with dear horns. A large stag head was mounted on the wall. On top of the large desk, was a set of microphones and buttons. Alastor was pressing a bunch of buttons, making sure everything was set for today's show. It still felt like a dream that you were in this situation right now. Maybe Alastor is a bit of a softie behind that evil radio demon status he holds. Settling down in his chair, he set his microphone cane in front of him, and adjusting yours at the same time. "Its showtime!" he says, smiling like the joker.
"Salutations! Ladies and Gentleman. What a good day to be on the air!" he started his introduction, causing you to smile. "Today's broadcast is a very special one indeed! Today I have a very talented sinner performing for all you people listening in! Allow me to introduce, Y/N!" His hand extended to you, like he was in a play. An applause soundtrack played as well. "U-um Hello everyone!" you stuttered in your speech, mentally cursing yourself for doing so. "HAHAHA! They are a little shy, but don't be fooled. They have a voice so incredible it will knock your socks off! Ready, my dear?" His eyes glanced over to you, making sure you were ok to start. Nodding yes, you took a deep breath, attempting to calm your nerves. Then you started to sing.
(Credit to Annapantsu. Check out her covers. Shes amazing!!!)
🎵Birds flying high You know how I feel Sun in the sky You know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by You know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea You know how I feel River running free You know how I feel Blossom on a tree You know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean Sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean And this old world is a new world And a bold world For me For me
Stars when you shine You know how I feel Scent of the pine You know how I feel Oh, freedom is mine And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new life For me
And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I feel so good I feel so good🎵
During your whole performance, Alastor was staring at you in shock. Your voice was heavenly!!! Not only did you sound spectacular, but you were singing his favorite genre of music, JAZZ!! Oh how delightful!!! Catching him staring at you, you gave a small wink. Radio screech! His heart starting beating out of his chest at your little action. Getting back into singing, you failed to notice the slight pink in his cheeks after you did that. Soon your performance came to end. "I hope you all enjoyed it." You said into the mic. Looking back at Alastor, you noticed he look slightly off. He was staring at you like a deer in headlights literally. Waving your hand in his face managed to alert him. "Heavens! What an amazing performance that was! Encore! Encore!" His radio staff began to play another applause, causing you to blush. "We will be right back! In the meantime, please enjoy this incredible song, Lets Misbehave by Irving Aaronson!" Alastor pressed a button, letting the song play, and also pressed another to mute his and your mic.
He didn't say a word after he did that. Oh no, did you mess up? He didn't appear upset when you were singing. Your thoughts were interrupted when a set of strong hands grabbed you. It took you a moment to realize that Alastor had brought you into a hug, a tight one at that. "Astonishing performance my dear! You did such an amazing job!!" His arms continued to squeeze you, rocking you back in forth in excitement. Giggling at his actions you returned his hug. The hug lasted longer then you suspected, especially knowing Alastors physical contact condition. "Um Al? You can let go now." Jumping at that, Alastor released you. "Y-yes my dear! Apologies! I had gotten overexcited!" You told him it was fine. Straightening his suit and fixing his hair, he looked back at you again. "Given that adorable smile on your face, I take it you are very satisfied as well!"
Smiling you nodded: "I admit I was very nervous in the beginning, but those feelings went away the minute I started singing. Thank you Alastor!" His eyes were tender, looking back at you. One of his hands grabbed yours, giving it a squeeze. "I'm glad my dear! Would you be opposed to becoming a part of my business? I would very much like to have you as partner during my shows! I can also put in a good word for Mimzy to have you perform at her club! What do you think?" His enthusiasm was exploding like fireworks, it was honestly adorable how giddy he was. Not even wasting a second to think, you squeezed his hand back. "Seems like we got a deal, Alastor!"
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen , @aceofcards0-0 , @jyoongim , @saturnhas82moons , @unholycheesesnack, @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah , @cookiekyo , @iiotic , @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie
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pixelnrd · 2 months
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On the eve of the new millenum, Ginger ran downstairs to inform her family of their potential impending doom. Having read all about it online, Y2K could posssibly be the biggest disaster they would face in their lifetime.
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Her frenzied explanation of the situation as she tried to convince them all tospend their new years down in the basement caused confusion for the rest of the family. None of them understood why, and yet to appease Ginger in her heightened state they all agreed to go downstairs to Quincy's basement bedroom, which Ginger had turned into a temporary shelter.
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'We all have to stay down here just in case, but I've got a whole cooler of food and beds for us all. It'll be fine! We just have to wait it out!' she insisted.
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Once everyone realised that Ginger was trapping them all in the basement together, they were suddenly less compliant. But Jenny and Heather worried that Ginger might be right, so they decided that everyone should go along with it, just in case. Jasmine and Quincy were furious, and began to berate their sister for ruining their New Years plans. Everyone ate cold cereal for dinner and went to sleep on the floor.
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Come the next day, having been trapped together in a basement for 24 hours, the tensions dissolved. Heather and Jenny woke up to find their near-adult children all playing video games together in their pjs, and talking to eachother with affection and kindness.
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Ginger confessed to her siblings that she was scared of life once they left the basement. Even if things were all fine, and disaster had been averted, they were all about to graduate high school and go their separate ways for the first time in their lives. It scared her, leaving behind their shared childhood here.
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'But Ginger, we're all still going to be friends,' assured Quincy. 'We'll always be in touch, even if we aren't living in the same house. We can always IM or email or text.'
'I thought you guys couldn't wait to get away from me, though,' confessed Ginger.
'No way! I'm going to miss you both,' said Jasmine, feeling sad too. 'Even if you guys drive me crazy, I love you both so much.'
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It was like old times - being forced into the company of one another had broken down the walls they had all built up as they strove for individuality. Heather and Jenny smiled with happiness, seeing what kind and caring young people they had raised, who could put aside their differences to remember that they loved one another. They felt like they had got it right.
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If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends 🎵
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wintfleur · 6 months
ꔫ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Pretty boys b-day! — Stella Hughes AU!
au masterlist - you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
°. — asks about stella and rut are under #⋆ ˚。⋆୨🩷୧˚ stella & rut!
﹕─┈ pairings (Estella Hughes oc! X Rutger McGroarty )
°. — summary ( Stella’s post for Rutgers birthday! )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I really wanted to write a blurb for Rutgers birthday, but I have been so busy that I totally forgot! I do hope you guys still enjoy, please let me know what you guys think !!! )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
stellahughes added to their story !
🎵 Always forever - Cults
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[caption1: it’s pretty boys birthday 🫶🏻] [caption2: in my sugar mommy era 🤩]
rutgermcgroarty reacted with 🩷
luca.fantilli replied with ‘fridgeee 😍’
lilybaileys replied with ‘MOMMY 😩’
carmenbarlowe replied with ‘oh the song, you picked the song 😭’
edwards.73 replied with ‘this is favoritism, you always make me pay 😐’
stellahughes replied with ‘you’re not the one fucking me every night ??’
edwards.73 replied with ‘ . . . rutger give Stella her phone back”
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liked by gabeperreault44, cuttergauthier_, bboeser and others
🏷️ rutgermcgroarty
🎵 My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski
stellahughes; happy birthday to the sweetest boy I’ll ever know, the only one who can make me smile so big! Can’t wait to spend many more with you !! 🩷
comments have been limited
lhughes_06 happy birthday ig 🫤
rutgermcgroarty thanks bro!
jackhughes @/rutgermcgroarty NO NO 🙅‍♂️
lilybaileys happy birthday old man!
rutgermcgroarty 🖕🏻
stellahughes my fav dilf 😩
rutgermcgroarty BABE???
nick_moldenhauer bros perfect
g.brindley4 MY MAN MY MAN 😍
adamfantilli FRIDGEEE 😍
_quinnhughes happy birthday rut!
rutgermcgroarty thank you q!
elblue6 happy birthday sweetie! 🩷
rutgermcgroarty thank you mama Hughes! 🩷
markestapa happy b-day sexy!
edwards.73 RUT! RUT! RUT!
luca.fantilli happy birthday; love you bro!
rutgermcgroarty thanks luc! Love you 2
luca.fantilli no photo creds??? 🧐
stellahughes 🙄
rutgermcgroarty I love you so much stell 🩷
stellahughes 💋💋
rutgermcgroarty THANK YOU CARMEN 🥳
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liked by _willsmith2, trevorzegras, adamfantilli, and others
🏷️ rutgermcgroarty
🎵 Those eyes - New west
entersteller; I close my eyes and all I see is you 🩷
📍rutgermcgroarty hehe 🎥
entersteller shhhh 🤭
jackhughes Happy birthday rutger!
rutgermcgroarty thanks BRO!
Trevorzegras happy birthday 💋
Trevorzegras I did not mean to use that emoji…
entersteller you have somthin to tell me trev? Hmm? 🤔
rutgermcgroarty thanks man 💋
colecaufield please tell me you have clothes on ‼️
entersteller my mama told me not to lie 🥳
colecaufield 🤢🤢🤢
Ihughes_06 🤢🤢🤢
jackhughes 🤢🤢🤢
edwards.73 🤢🤢🤢
_alexturcotte 🤢🤢🤢
entersteller u guys are a bunch of haters omg.
tatemcrae hottest couple mhm
entersteller MARRY ME PLEASEEE 😩
carmenbarlowe the cutest couple ever 😭
entersteller ilysm minnie 💋💋
rutgermcgroarty nope 😁
entersteller no! 🫶🏻
lilybaileys damn okay…
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( smaus are so fun omg I need to do them more ! This is kinda rushed sorry . . . hehe if anyone gets Rutgers comment with the 🎥 I love you! )
°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lxvelyzoe @lovings4turn x )
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spiderliliez · 4 months
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“I Love You Always Forever” 🎵🎶 Based on the non-fiction book by Rebecca Godfrey UNDER THE BRIDGE (2024)
[+] LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 [+] ..more on “Under the Bridge” 🎬
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hendersister · 1 year
cruel summer
summary: steve gives you a ride home after a late night working at the mall.
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!sister reader
title 🎵: cruel summer by bananarama
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It’s summertime. While most of your friends are spending the season outside and relaxing under the sun, you’re stuck working inside all day at Starcourt Mall. You got a job at Waldenbooks because you’re trying to save up money to buy a car. You’re about to enter your senior year at Hawkins High and you want to be able to drive yourself to school instead of bumming rides off of friends.
At least you’re not completely alone at the mall. Steve Harrington works at Scoops Ahoy, which isn’t too far from Waldenbooks. Sometimes when things are slow at the bookstore, you go down to the ice cream parlor to hang out with Steve. 
You became friends with Steve last fall around the same time that your little brother, Dustin, started bonding with him. But you think that working at the mall has really brought you and Steve closer together. Over the past few weeks, you two have been seeing each other on a daily basis. Steve’s face lights up every time he sees you walk into Scoops Ahoy and it always makes your day when Steve visits you at Waldenbooks. You and Steve genuinely enjoy spending time together. 
Whenever you’re both working late, Steve offers to give you a ride home. The last bus always leaves as soon as the mall closes and most of the time you need to stay later. Tonight is one of those nights. You’re working OT, re-organizing a bookshelf after some kids moved several titles around, and Steve has to stay late waiting for a shipment. The delivery driver is running way behind schedule.
By the time you finish work, the mall is closed. You go downstairs to Scoops Ahoy. Just as you arrive, you see Steve walking out of the ice cream parlor. 
“You ready to go?” he asks you.
“Yeah,” you nod.
You watch him pull down the security gate and lock it. Then you two make your way to the exit. No one else is around and most of the lights are off except for the big neon signs outside of the stores. You love it when the mall is closed because it's so quiet and calm.
“You know, I think I prefer the mall like this,” you say.
“Me too,” Steve agrees.
You and Steve walk together across an almost empty parking lot until you reach his red BMW. He gets in the driver’s seat and you sit shotgun. You keep your eyes on the rearview mirror, watching Starcourt getting smaller and smaller as Steve drives away.
“I feel like I need to enjoy this time alone with you while I still can. Because when Dustin gets back from camp, you’re gonna want to spend all your time with him insead,” you joke.
Steve chuckles, shaking his head.
“That’s not true. I’ll still wanna hang out with you too...”
You look down at your lap, hoping Steve doesn’t see you blush.
“Truth is, hanging out with you these past few weeks has been the best part of my job. Scoops Ahoy totally sucks! The only reason I have this stupid job in the first place is because I couldn’t even get into Tech and my douchebag dad’s trying to teach me a lesson. I make like $3 an hour slinging ice cream and I have no future…” Steve vents.
You shake your head.
“Don’t say that! You have a future,” you try.
“I just don’t want to be stuck in Hawkins forever…” Steve shrugs.
You take a deep breath.
“Steve, I get it… Honestly I think part of me wants a car so badly because I’m afraid I’ll never get out of Hawkins. That car is like my last ditch exit plan. I don’t want to be stuck here either,” you quietly admit.
Steve sighs, understanding. It’s comfortably quiet for a moment. And then-
“I forget about all that shit when I'm with you though…” Steve says.
You bite your bottom lip to stop yourself from grinning ear to ear. Steve looks at you and sees you blushing. You couldn’t hide it from him this time. You shyly smile back him and then change the subject-
“You should lose the sailor’s hat. It’s hiding your best feature,” you suggest.
Steve nods in agreement.
“Yeah, I know! It completely screws up my game. But I have to wear it… company policy,” he complains.
You slowly reach towards Steve.
“Well you’re off the clock now-”
You take the hat off Steve's head and toss it in the back seat.
“Much better,” you smile.
Steve smiles back at you. You look into each other’s eyes. You both feel the electricity in this moment. After a beat, Steve turns his focus back to the road. The car is approaching your street.
“Ok so I’ll just turn right and take you home…. Or I could keep going straight and then we’ll just be driving around town for a while,” Steve tells you.
Steve is having a good time. He doesn’t want this night to end. And neither do you.
“Keep going straight,” you nod.
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holywizardheart · 2 years
💭My thoughts about synastry aspects💭
This is my personal experience in relationship and friendship with people!
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🎵12th house synastry is a karmic placement. At first, you will spend a lot of time with each other and then this person just disappears from your life. Like it never happened. Also, it can mean that you often see them in your dreams. For me, it feels like this person understands you and you can show your true self without expecting criticism from them. It just feels like heaven and a dream that doesn't last long forever. But guys don't forget that the 12th house can represent your hidden enemies. Just be super careful when sharing your deep feelings and secrets.
💋Mars/Moon negative aspects can be really good, especially in sexual life but not in a relationship. You'll definitely argue a lot. Hurting each other's feelings and there may be a little jealousy :)
Mars person hurts Moon person's feelings. Sometimes Moon person may be scared of the Mars person. It also can mean physical violence. I'm sure that Mars person wants to have sex with Moon ;)
💦Moon opposite Moon aspect is such a good synastry in my opinion. Like there is a quick understanding of each other. I know that it's not perfect for EVERYONE but in my opinion, it works if you're determined to adapt or change. I'm a Pisces Moon and I like Virgo moon and other Virgo placements. For me, they're the most beautiful and kind people I've met in my life. Sending my love to Virgo placements.
💌Venus opposite Mars aspect I was Venus person and the other person is Mars. Honestly, I was so scared of this person because they were so aggressive and argumentative. I just didn't want to have a bad relationship with this person. Like never ever. I felt that I have to be more careful and mindful when it comes to this person. Because the aggression of this person is so terrifying and threatening to me. But maybe the reason is that they have moon mars opposition. Because it literally means emotionally expressive and violent. But right now our relationship is going well and I don't find them life-threatening. We sometimes talk to each other but it's on a very superficial level.
🔥5th house synastry is just about having fun with each other. Like it's so entertaining and awesome being together. Dancing and singing and having a great time. It's funny and enjoyable being with them because you are never bored when you're with them. And dating this person is like being in an adventurous fantasy book. You can try new things together but when something doesn't work out you'll just laugh at each other. Sex is gonna be fascinating and unforgettable.
💕Venus conjunct Descendant is a great placement in my opinion. You'll feel attracted to this person because this person has the same traits that you want in your partner. It means their personality and their looks are literally a perfect match for you. It gives me a lovely couple vibe. From my experience, I was just attracted to them but we couldn't have a relationship with each other. Because I always had bad aspects with Moon and Mars. Yeah, it's killed the connection and we said bye to each other. It was really hard to deal with it and left without any words. But if you have other good and harmonious placements then it's gonna be an amazing romantic love story.
🍀Mars/Saturn negative aspects in this synastry I was Saturn and he's Mars. You know this guy was so annoying and irritating like I just want to throw myself away. His behavior and actions were irrational and chaotic. Like Jesus Christ please save me from this person. I just can't stand near him and I always want to be away from this person. Like, don't touch me keep your hands away from me. It reminds me of being with a child who is constantly crying and annoying me.
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shelby-fangirl00 · 11 months
Good for you-part 3
previous part
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So I’ve been avoiding tumblr lately. Sometimes I get into these stupid funks after I write something I’m really proud of. It’s like I can’t do another good piece of writing after. I don’t know, I’m just scared of not being good. I honestly don’t know how well this one’s even written, but it was still fun to write.
So I took sometime to just fall into dark romance novels in order to help me feel inspired/grow as a writer. I know I don’t really have many people waiting on me to write or anything but I just have this guilt about not posting. BLEHHH ANYWAYZZZ…
🎵I can heaaaar the belllls🎵 it’s wedding day y’all! Enjoy:)
Warnings: (18+ MINORS DNI) strong language, smut, loss of virginity, dark!Tommy, dark!Tommy being soft, angst, fluff, jealousy and a bit of cheating
You hadn’t spoken to him in days, not since you woke up alone in his bed. he had left your ass bruised to hell. You weren’t sure why he had been avoiding you. It all seemed like one big mind game of his. Punishing you, soothing you, then disappearing. What was his angle?
Now, you were about to manually put one pearly white heel in front of the other as you walked down the church aisle, only moments away from signing over your life to him.
You looked at your father before he opened the doors of the church to expose you to a room full of people you didn’t know. He went to reach for the door handle, but you stopped him, pulling his arm back. He looked at you, confused at first. He could see the tears pricking at your eyes and the scrunching of your brow. Your chin began to quiver as you saw your fathers eyes soften with empathy and maybe a bit of guilt.
“I’m so scared, dad.’ You whispered to him, the tears finally falling down your cheeks.
“Oh sweetheart…” he pulled you into a bear hug, the kind that made you cry ever harder. You felt the child inside of you dying as his familiar arms wrapped around you, the arms that always protected you. It was a dark and empty feeling, knowing that you’d never have that gleaming light in your eyes that children have. That you always had. You’d never have the same rosiness to your cheeks anymore. You’d never experience real love, never experience traveling, never have your own life. You would always have that depressing mansion. Forever hiding behind the shadow of the man you’re marrying. Reality sank in and you tried to accept the hand that life had dealt you.
“Be strong, y/n. He may seem like a cold man but he will take care of you. You will never have to struggle again. We will never struggle again. And it’s all because of the sacrifices you’re making today. They don’t go unnoticed, love.”
You shook your head, wiping the tears away and composing yourself. You always understood your role in your family. It was all just happening so quickly at once.
You heard the church’s organ hymn to life, knowing that this was really it.
The doors opened, revealing nearly a hundred people or more standing and watching you, examining your body. At the end of the green aisle stood Tommy, hands crossed in front of him, watching you, with no expression at all. Everyone was dressed eloquently, but so we’re you. You’re dress was light but fitting, accentuating your best features with rhinestones and lace.
Tommy watched you walk slowly down the aisle, hips swaying back and forth. He always thought you were a pretty girl, but you looked beautiful tonight. He especially liked the way you chose to wear your hair in a low loose bun, strands falling down your neck. The way he favored it.
He coughed a bit as his mouth went dry the closer you got to him.
“Don’t get cold-feet now, Tommy.” John giggled from behind him. Tommy rolled his eyes, unmoving from his position.
As your father handed you off to Tommy who took your hand, walking you to stand in front of the aisle with the priest.
As the priest went on with the service, you felt yourself looking for comfort in Tommy’s eyes, your new protector. He gave you an amused smile, winking down at you playfully, like this wasn’t a big deal at all. His ability to not take it all so seriously (or at least not show you his fear) calmed down the rambunctious beating of your heart.
“I do” Tommy said, his voice booming through the church. You almost forgot how intimidating his voice was after not hearing it for days.
“I do” you said quickly, not daring to hesitate and risk embarrassing him. He smiled at your eagerness.
“In the sight of these witnesses and God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!”
The drop in your stomach was quickly replaced with butterflies as Tommy cupped your face sweetly and kissed you for the very first time. His lips were soft and supple, pressing lightly against your own. Being kissed by him was better than you imagined.
You both started to laugh into the kiss as the roar of people (mostly Tommy’s family and men) whistled and clapped for you both. Feeling the tension break away from the situation, you pulled away, smiling so widely at Tommy. His heart skipped a beat as he had never seen such a beautiful and authentic smile.
For a few moments, it felt like it was just the two of you in that church. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
You had ditched the champagne halfway through the night and snuck a few swigs of whiskey from Tommy’s office. All you could think about was what would happen after all of his fancy guests left. Would you still have a separate bedroom from him? Hell, you didn’t even know if he’d touch you. You never talked about anything. But you wanted him to. Deep down, there was a need to be consumed by only him.
The booze helped with your worries. You figured it would help with the pain you might be experiencing after tonight. You were a virgin. You never told him, but he never asked. You assumed he already knew. You had no clue where you stood with him, but the liquor told you to go find out.
You fought to find Tommy in the crowded hallways, trying your hardest not to get lost in the “congratulations” people threw your way.
Suddenly, you felt his presence nearby. Like you could sense where he was, you turned around to peer through the crowd. He was sitting alone in an empty room to your right, down the hallway. The door of the room was only cracked open and the lights were dim around him. Your body froze as your eyes followed his line of sight from above him in the dimly lit room.
A tall woman came into view, with fiery red hair and a slim figure. She leaned over Tommy, whispering something in his ear, her diamond encrusted necklace dangling in his face. It sparkled off his deep blue eyes.
You could almost make out the growl he let out in response as he pulled her forcefully onto his lap. She wrapped her delicate fingers around his neck as he shoved his face in between her chest, kissing her skin so softly. His hands, the hands that you so desperately wanted all over your skin, we’re gripping this beautiful woman’s instead.
The entire room and people around you faded into the background. Your ears rang out and you couldn’t look away from them. The more you gawked, the harder it was to pull yourself away. On your fucking wedding night of all days. Sure, you didn’t think that you’d be his last fuck, but surely not tonight. Maybe this was just the way of his world. This is what you signed on for.
Your vision blurred as tears flooded out. Your body suddenly felt 1000 pounds heavier as the blood pulsed through your ears.
“Darling, is everything alright?” Polly’s soft voice purred behind you, not noticing the scene Tommy was so obviously making down the hall.
Blinking once to free your eyes, you wiped them away just as quickly. Forcing yourself back to reality. In that very moment, something inside of you awakened, something devious, but also something very fucking angry. Deciding to shut your emotions off, you turned to her kind eyes.
“Oh just lovely Polly. But it is my wedding night and now that I’m officially a Shelby, I intend to drink like one. Join me?” You said so effortlessly, shocking yourself with the confidence you oozed out instantly.
Polly’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, giving you a questioning look. She’d never heard you stutter out more than a few words to her or anyone in the family, really. She took you for the shy and submissive type, which to be fair, you were. But not right now, not tonight. He wouldn’t take this night from you.
After a few seconds of silence, her mouth slid up into a devilish grin.
It didn’t take long before all of the worries and pain dripped off your shoulders, evaporating into the air around you. At some point, Polly and her strange friends that surrounded her had disappeared into the crowds, chatting away with people you didn’t know.
The jazz music blared from the small band Tommy had hired for the night. Your body moved and swayed to it as you stood lazily at the bar. You hadn’t seen Tommy since he was eye-fucking whoever the hell that woman was. You told yourself that he was the last person you wanted to see. But it was a lie. You’d always want to fight for his attention or even his devotion.
But suddenly, like a fucking ghost, you felt the back of your neck prickle and your palms sweat. You knew he was close by, you could feel it in the way the air thinned and the way people’s back straightened.
You decided to not look around for him. If he needed you, he’d find you, but you were sure he didn’t give single fuck what you were up to.
Your eyes scanned the ridiculous bar and landed on the tall man to your left. He was sitting opposite, staring up at you as he brought his glass to his pink lips. You stared, a bit taken aback by his boldness. He lowered his glass, never looking away. You threw him a playful smile, never looking away.
His skin was tan, opposite of Tommy’s. His eyes were almond shaped and honey coated. His aggressively large shoulders and slim torso enticed you as his body seemed to lean forward, preying on you.
Without your mind fully catching up, your body moved slowly towards him, but not before you shot back another glass of champagne.
“I have a feeling you’re the designated wedding crasher?” You almost whispered as you sat down on the stool beside him.
His eyes softened, and his grin turned even wider at your examination of him.
“What makes you so sure?” He sipped on his glass, his loosely slicked back hair tumbling into his face as he moved.
“Because only an enemy would try provoking Mr.Shelby by making eyes at his new wife…especially on her wedding night.” You giggled, lazily crossing your thighs together.
He didn’t miss the movement. His eyes traced over your body, stopping at your exposed thighs before meeting your face again.
“Well you don’t seem to mind, do ya love?” His voice turned husky as he leaned in closer, making you do the same.
You looked past the man’s shoulder, zeroing in on those deadly blue eyes, watching you from the corner of the room.
Now you had his attention. You didn’t even give a shit how much trouble you and this mystery man would be getting into. He clearly wasn’t welcome here anyways, whoever he is.
You smirked at Tommy, never taking your eyes off of him as you leaned even closer, pulling the man’s neck closer to you, putting your lips to his ears.
Before you could even get a word out, Tommy was stomping towards you both. You slowly let the man go and watched in awe as Tommy grabbed the man by the back of his collar, pulling him off the chair. His back slammed onto the floor, making the entire room fall silent.
Unfazed, you sipped on a glass of champagne in your hand, watching Tommy’s anger boil over, ready and waiting for your own punishment.
He placed both feet on each side of the man, whipping out his pistol effortlessly from under his coat and pointing it in his face.
“Fuck off.” Is the only words he spoke to the man, but they were deadly enough to make any person run away in fear.
The man didn’t need to be asked twice before he pushed himself up and stomped to the front door. Well that was easy enough.
As Tommy holstered his gun and brushed his pants off, the band began to play again as everyone slowly continued on with the party. As the noise picked up, he finally turned to me, eyes on fire.
He yanked me from the stool by the arm, dragging me down the hall and up the stairs. You giggled your way up, too drunk to even care how mad he was.
He threw you into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Stumbling back, you cocked an eyebrow up at him, challenging him.
“Are you that fucking dense? Are you trying to embarrass me or do you just not give a fuck?” He voice was filled with disgust. While his tone was vile, his composure was also slipping.
You tapped your pouty lips with your finger like you were thinking hard.
“I was so lonely, husband. I just needed some attention.” You giggled, skipping towards him lightly, your chest bouncing out of your low cut dress. Ignoring his insult completely, you batted your thick lashed at him.
His eyes shot down to your chest but they were still full of fury.
“Oh I see! Only you are allowed to play tonight.” You said in an annoyed tone.
His shoulders rolled back and he tilted his head in suspicion. He knew you knew.
Seeing the realization in his eyes, you rolled your own, turning your back on him. Before you could take another step, he yanked your arm back, pushing you into his chest. You yelped, attempting to push him off of you, but his grip on you was too tight.
“Fuck off, Tommy. Let me go.” You said, finally dropping the whole “I don’t care” act. His fingers dug into your sides so hard you knew they would bruise.
His eyebrows shot up to his fucking hairline, letting out a laugh that was deadly.
He pinched your cheeks with one hand, forcing you to look at him.
“You’re hurting me! Let go!” You whimpered out. He used his other hand to pin your hands behind your back. He rotated both of your bodies, pushing you again the wall with a loud thud. You winced in pain.
He pressed your face into the thick walls, shoving his nose into yours.
“This is my house. I can do whatever or whoever the fuck I want, ya hear me? You may not act like a whore.”
You didn’t feel scared or threatened. You felt fucking rage. It was bubbling up inside of you, clawing at your throat.
“I wouldn’t have to act like a whore if my husband could do the fucking job himself.” You said at an angry whisper.
His eyes darkened and his lips curved up into a smirk.
“You’re awfully cheeky tonight, love. What happened to my submissive little pet?” He cocked his head to the side, making you shudder.
His hand curled it’s way around your throat, squeezing a bit too tight.
You preferred being good for him. But you were still too angry for that.
“Fucking other women on your wedding night…that’s gotta be a bad omen or something, no?” You squeaked.
“What makes you think I fucked her?” He chuckled, examining the way your body was pushing into him.
“Because you have quite the reputation for acting like a whore yourself.”
You yelped as his palm smacked the side of your cheek, not hard enough to hurt you, but enough to get your attention.
Without another word, he let you go, but not before forcing you to your knees as he pushed your shoulders down. Finally.
Quickly, he freed his cock from under his dress pants.
“That naughty mouth of yours needs to be taught a lesson.” He growled before forcing your jaw open with his hands. Before you could process what was happening next, he was shoving his cock down your throat.
You moaned at the sensation, greedily trying to take back control. You bobbed your head back and forth, using your tongue to swirl around the tip of his cock. You were a virgin, yes. But you’d had a few dicks down your throat before. Maybe none as big as his though.
His hand fisted into your hair, taking control of the rhythm. As he forced himself farther and farther down your throat, you gagged, drool dripping out onto your chin.
Both of your eyes were locked onto each other as you let him fuck your mouth relentlessly. You folded your hands behind your back, letting him have the control he desperately seeks.
He smiled sweetly at you.
“There she is. My good girl.” He said huskily, not stopping his relentless movements.
Your pussy clenched around nothing at his words, making you moan around his cock again, sending vibrations up his body.
Your thighs opened up and you attempted to rub small circles into your clit, trying to relieve the built up tension between your legs.
As he watched you, he pulled out of your mouth and smacked your hand away from yourself.
“You ask for permission to touch that needy pussy. It’s mine now.”
You whimpered, wishing he would stuff your mouth full of him again. Noticing your expression, he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth.
“Get on the bed. I need to be inside you.”
Your body froze for a second, preparing yourself for your innocence to be taken away.
“Tommy…I’ve never-
“I know. You think I would have waited to fill that pussy with my cock until tonight if you weren’t?” He stalked over to you, placing his open hand out for you to take. You do, standing to your feet and allowing him to lead you to the bed.
He stalked behind you and you felt his fingers zip down your dress and push it off your body slowly, finally exposing you naked body to him for the first time. Goosebumps covered your skin as you could feel his eyes all over you.
His hands snaked around your stomach from behind, slowly reaching down and stopping above your pelvic bone.
You were desperate for his touch.
He leaned over from behind you, forcing your head back to kiss your lips softly as his hands crept up and down your thighs. Every one of your nerve endings were set on fire as his unfamiliar hands touched your skin.
“I don’t know if you’ll fit inside me..” you whispered, resting your head on his chest.
He smiled knowingly, kissing your nose. His changing moods were giving you whiplash.
“It will, love. It’ll hurt at first…” he kissed down your neck, sending goosebumps down you again.
“But I promise I’ll make it feel so good.” He whispered in your ear, biting at your lobe.
He pushed you towards the bed and you laid flat on your back, almost shaking with anticipation.
The only exposed part of his body was his throbbing cock standing center.
His eyes devoured every inch of your body before he hovered over you, kissing your cheeks softly.
“Tommy.” You whispered, your hands wrapping around the back of his neck.
His eyes lifted to find yours.
“Please be gentle with me?” You watched as his eyes softened for only a second and quickly changing to mischief.
“Relax, love. Do you want this?”
“Of course I do.”
He smiled down again, giving you one last kiss before he lined himself up with your pussy. Your body stiffened as you felt him tease you, rubbing the head of his cock against your slick slit.
“Beg for it.”
You did as you were told.
“Please, Tommy…I cant wait anymore.”
“Good girl…you feel how wet you are? You’re ready for me.” He moaned out as suddenly the head of his cock popped through your entrance making you gasp.
Your hands shot to his shoulders, trying to find comfort in him.
He brushed his nose against your neck, making you shiver. He inched in further before stopping to let you adjust to his size.
He groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head.
“I’m going to push all the way in now, ok?“
You shook your head, ready to get the pain over with.
“Fuck!” You yelled as he plunged into you, breaking through the thin wall inside of you so easily.
“Shhhhh…I’ll make it feel better.” he cooed, taking his hand to wrap your leg around his waist. He froze again, letting you adjust.
“Tommy, please fucking move!” You wined as the pain was too much to bear.
He chuckled, moving all the way out just to thrust back in again.
“Christ, this pussy was made for me, y/n. It’s all mine…you’re all mine.” The use of your name made your head reel.
After moving in and out of you a few more times, your body relaxed. You pushed him into you with you legs, reveling in the pain mixed with the pleasure.
“How does it feel?” He moaned out, pinching your nipples between his fingers.
Your back arched up off the mattress, chasing his touch.
“So fucking full…” you barely mumbled out as his pounding never relented.
Thrusting inside of you once more, he flipped you with ease so you were on top of him.
You froze for a second, feeling intimidated by this position. But you couldn’t deny it. You liked the way he looked under you, eyes glazed over and mouth popped open in ecstasy.
Noticing your timidness, he squeezed you hips, signaling for you to move up and down.
“Fuuuck..” you panted out, tilting you head back and planting your hands on his chest. Like your body knew exactly what to do, you slowly found a pace, moving up and down on his dick.
“Good job, love. Just like this.” He led your hips up and down, meeting your hips with his own.
You pulled the buttons of his vest apart, exposing more of his broad figure, but still fully clothed. For some reason, you liked how exposed you were and how covered up he was.
His encouraging words boosted your ego, making you bounce faster and faster on him. You felt him pulsing inside of you. The sounds of your skin slapping together and the shared panting and moans drowned out the music from behind the door.
He used his palm to push you back down, forcing you to lay flat on his chest. He took the opportunity to lift your ass and fuck up into you. Shots of pleasure were
You let out a guttural scream that you were sure someone would have heard. Riding him felt good, but this felt intoxicating. Your body was at the complete mercy of his movements. A knot started to form in the pit of your stomach, pulling tighter and tighter around you.
“I think I’m-
“Yeah, I can feel you squeezing around me. Come for me, please.” He panted out. Did Thomas Shelby just say ‘please’?!
He pushed his hand in between your bodies, letting his thumb draw circles along your protruding clit with one hand while the other lifted your ass up and down onto him. This can’t be what sex feels like for every man. This is what sex feels like with Tommy. You felt like he was finally seeing you and you were finally seeing him for the very first time. He smiled up at you, watching you find yourself through him. A sense of belonging and power washed over you and you let all of your fears of Tommy go…in that moment at least.
Seeing flashes of a vulnerable Tommy was fascinating. He never let his guard down around you, except for right now. He had completely fell into this moment, your bodies moving as one, like you’d done this 100 times before.
You sunk your claws into his thinly covered chest, leaning your head into his neck as he fucked you through your orgasm. Thousands of tiny sparks ignited inside of you. Your body tightened as you silently screamed in pleasure.
He didn’t stop even after you came down. He flipped you over to your back again, chasing his own release now.
You both groaned out as your back hit the mattress and he pounded into you with such force. His hand lifted your leg up to rest on his shoulder, pulling at your tight walls.
“I’m gonna put a babe in here…plant my fucking seed in you.” He growled. Normally, you’d reject this. But fuck, you didn’t care right now. You wanted to know what it felt like when his cum shot up into you.
His thrusts became sloppy and his free hand held your chin in place, not allowing you to look away as he finally came inside of you.
The whimpers that left his mouth as he stared down into your soul. You smile deviously, now addicted to this vulnerable expression. You wanted to see that drunken-on-lust look over and over again.
Both of you panted over each other, not moving from inside of you. You could see in his eyes that something had changed between the two of you. He had finally made his mark on you and you were now a brand new woman. A woman with power and needs, that he would happily fulfill for you whenever you wanted.
He giggled cheekily, letting his head fall to his shoulder.
You chuckled, sitting up on your elbows.
“Come here.” He said softly, reaching his hands out for you to take.
Finally, he pulled out with a gasp, watching your pussy as the cum dripped out of you. He used his two rough fingers to collect the excess and brought it to your mouth. You eagerly sucked off the juices on his fingers, greedy to know what it tasted like when you were mixed together.
He slowly led you up and towards the connecting bathroom, starting a hot bath. It was sweet, the way he was trying to take care of you now. You would’ve never expected this type of treatment from him before. You had broken down his wall, at least a small bit.
You watched as he finally removed the clothes from his back. You were gawking at the way his tight muscles moved when he did.
Normally, you’d be shy about standing there naked in front of someone, especially him. But not anymore. He’d taken away the awkwardness and the fear you usually had around him, and you were thankful for that.
With the bath filled almost to the brim, he undressed completely, exposing all of him to me now. He sunk down into the water with a groan and held out his hand for you to join him.
You smiled, stepping and sinking in too. You hissed as the water hit your hips, feeling the sting between your legs. You rested your back against his chest. You hummed in satisfaction as you let you head rest against his hard body.
His hands snaked around your stomach in the water and he leaned his chin against your neck. You loved the way his skin felt on yours. This is the longest you’d ever been around Tommy without feeling on edge.
“Shouldn’t we be out there entertaining all of your fancy friends?” You giggled, feeling him smile against your skin.
“That’s the last thing on my mind right now. Polly and Ada can handle it. Im right where I need to be.”
You craned your head to press your lips on his. The both of you seemed different now. The softness he showed was only reserved for you.
You didn’t feel pain or regret. You felt calm and happy to be wrapped in his strong arms.
“Y/n?” He whispered, making you look up at him.
“If you ever pull something like that again, I won’t be as forgiving. You’re all mine from now on, understand?” He brushed the water up and down your arms soothingly.
You shuddered into the hot water, squeezing his arm as a sign of affection and remorse, for some reason. But you couldn’t even be mad at him anymore. He fucked all of the anger and jealousy out of you.
“And you’re mine, too.” You stated without questioning yourself and letting you eyes fall shut.
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cooki3face · 1 year
what will your marriage be like 💍
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I’d been thinking about how much humans fight and disagree but the one thing we have in common is the love we share for things around us. For people in our lives. We have wars, we fall into different categories politically, we have different souls purposes, we have different needs, different desires. But most often, what we do share, what we all desire is to love and to be loved. So anyways, here’s the reading for today. I’m working on trying to crimp out two readings a day or within the week.
channelled music 🎵:
There Is Something on Your Mind- Big Jay McNeely
Misty- Ella Fitzgerald
At Last- Beyoncé’s cover from the Cadillac record’s soundtrack
I Wonder Why- Dion & The Belmonts
Stormy Weather- Etta James
A Sunday Kind Of Love- Etta James
Channeled locations 📍: Vancouver, New Orleans, San Francisco, New York city, Maine, South Carolina, Seattle
I see this being a marriage with someone you knew in the past whom you had a true love with that you may have had to walk away from or put down for a while in the name of growth or internal alignment. Like right person wrong time. Of course that doesn’t exist spiritually because all the time is the right time, divine timing is always right but you know what I mean. I see happiness and genuine joy within this marriage with this person. I see two people celebrating their marriage and their love and what it took to get them there every single day of their lives together like you know that drake song where he says “it might not mean nothing to y’all, but understand nothing was done for me, so I don’t plan on stopping at all, I want this sh*t forever.” The two of you put a lot of work in for yourselves for this connection, this connection was divinely orchestrated. All the pain, all the hardship, all the separation was for the greater good so you guys can grow and have the divine love you wanted.
Everyone’s gonna be looking at the two of you. I see you guys glowing, I see the two of you rising to success in each-others love and in each-others presence. There’s so much self love and confidence between the two of you. It’s giving power couple, it’s giving when two people in a connection are very attractive and have a lot going for themselves. Everyone wants to look at them, everyone wants in on their connection and the love they share, everyone aspires to have that one day. I’m hearing Beyoncé, “so many people that I know, they just tryna touch ya. Kiss up, and rub up, and feel up on ya. Give you some time to prove that I can trust you again I’m gonna kiss up, and rub up, and feel up, kiss up, and rub up and feel up on ya”
I get heavy feminine energy within this group. Some of you are involved with a masculine or this masculine from your past is someone who is very desired or that people will desire even more when you guys come together and wed. This masculine could’ve been someone who clung to romantic/sexual company in his past for some time out of insecurity with me getting something from Beyoncé’s lyrics about getting time to prove she can trust someone again so she can really love on them and I think that’s kind of the energy of this connection. The two of you rising out of karmic cycles and habits and finally growing up and coming out of the storm to be the people you two need for each other and being able to share the most divine love and forgive the past and have peace.
Yea, the king of cups is coming out, this is my favorite masculine in tarot. This is a masculine whose caring and compassionate and loving. Emotionally in tune, in connection with his own inner feminine. He’s the embodiment of a healed water sign masc lover in my opinion. Some of you could want a water sign partner or have water in your own chart and need someone who can appeal to your needs in that way. And this is going to be the relationship, open, caring, gentle, and supportive and this person will be that as well. I see this marriage or this union being a personal celebration for you pile one, maybe even for your significant other as well. You guys have worked so hard and this is your reward or your personal idea of success and fulfillment to be with this person and share a life with eachother.
All the stagnancy, all the pain, will be gone from your lives and from this connection. You guys struggled individually and as a collective and I hear spirit saying that now you deserve someone to be happy and abundant with. This person is gonna be really good in bed as well, their going to keep you over the top satisfied. I see you guys having very passionate and loving s*x lives and maybe even potentially creating a large family together. Like if you’ve ever seen queen Charlotte where she’s telling her kids that her and George created all the many children they had all by themselves without any help. You guys give queen Charlotte and king George vibes. Love is so deep and real and unconditional despite obstacles or obvious flaws within one another. You love eachother through it all. Regardless of it all and that’s all that matters. Go watch queen Charlotte on Netflix if you haven’t man. Ugh. It’s so good.
Yess, this ten of Pentacles upright here speaking of wealth, long term success, and family !!! I see you guys becoming very wealthy together as well, being able to give your children and yourselves good, long, prosperous lives. So beautiful. You and this person may end up having a lot of children together as well. I see you guys getting to work. Someone carries the energy of the empress, or the divine mother here. You could have a cancer moon or some prominent cancer placements in your chart. This person is gonna load you up, keep you pregnant like clock work. Everyone is gonna be tired of y’all like damn do you really need another baby shower this year too.
Overall success and abundance with this ace of pentacles proud and upright. Very good.
channeled music 🎵:
Drunk In Love- Beyoncé
Adorn- Miguel
Tennessee Whiskey - Chris Stapleton
Ooo Baby Baby- Smokey Robinson & the miracles
channeled locations 📍: Texas, Little Rock Arkansas, California, Alabama, Connecticut, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Georgia, Philadelphia, Country sides and suburbs,, Canada
You may meet this person at a rough time in your life or at a time where you may have isolated yourself from others or stepped into some sort of hermit mode. This could be after some sort of heart break or some type of significant life experience that causes a lot of insecurity and self limiting beliefs to come to the surface to be purged or be removed. A dark night of the soul or some sort of right of passage towards your ascension with this eight of swords upright speaking of negative thoughts and imposed restriction here. I’m getting this pain or this isolation and hurt may be caused by your spouse or your significant other. But there’s a lot of change and transformation here with the death card upright. Cycles ending. There’s a lot of mixed energy here for this part of the collective. I’m getting some of you may be coming out of rough relationships and being burned repeatedly in love and mistreated and pushed into a path of learning and healing and some of you may end up marrying someone or are married to someone who doesn’t have good intentions towards you and that you may separate from and grow into yourselves because of.
You may have an astrology placements that indicate complications and love and long term relationships. You could potentially get married early and get divorced due to turbulence or general just lack of happiness and harmony within your marriage. But whatever this downfall is or whatever this drama or turbulence is will lead you down the path of releasing limiting self beliefs and embarking on your own personal spiritual journey and path to self love which will bring in a greater love and a true love for you later in life when the time is right here. This person that you’ll find yourself married or committed to in the beginning, some type of truth will come out about them that will lead to this not working out.
But, this new love that blossom and come from your ending in your first connection or marriage will further propel you into soul searching and really finding out who you are and becoming secure in yourself here. This is going to be someone whose going to benefit you, whose going to compliment you and push you to be a better person and continue to heal and improve. You could have similar chart placements as Ariana grande or relate to her love life in some way. She’s known for having somewhat of a turbulent love life or to have issues within her personal relationships.
channeled music 🎵:
Valerie - Amy winehouse
Beggin’ - Maneskin
Hey ya - outkast
Milk - Kings of Leon
Creep - Radiohead
Cherry wine - Hozier
Ho Hey - The Lumineers
channeled locations 📍: Brooklyn, Chicago, San Diego, San Francisco, Colorado, Oregon, St. Helens Oregon, Washington, New York City, Long Beach California
I’m getting that some of your are masculine energies, masculine energy dominant or are literally men lol. I keep hearing over and over the opening lyrics to Hey ya by OutKast.
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The song Hey Ya is a really chaotic and high energy song we all know that but there’s an artist on TikTok who has a beautiful soft cover of the song and i feel like it really captures the energy I’m getting from these lyrics. Link to her TikTok.
You could marry someone you feel really anxious or worried about your connection with. I hear someone worried about losing their person or losing this person in particular. Many of you will marry someone you know already or someone who plays a massive part in your life or who shaped what love means and what love meant for you. Spirit is telling me that this person and this connection was given to you to to you to test your strength and push you to become the person you were meant to be become all along because this person inspires you to grow and go the extra mile in life.
This person gives you hope, you may feel as though your purpose in life is to love this person because they inspire you so heavily. This person may trigger some sort of spiritual awakening for you or lead you down a journey of self discovery and soul searching as well. I see this person teaching you and allowing you to release your fears and open up your heart. Someone’s heart chakra could be blocked or has been closed off for a long time due to trauma and other issues. This marriage with this person will be full of clear communication, in depth conversations, and clear and healthy boundaries and ideas. This person could create a safe space for you or a safe environment. I see you and this person becoming an example of what a harmonious and healthy relationship is meant to look like. You out of anybody knows what it feels like to be in unhealthy relationships or have a turbulent and draining relationship dynamic with someone I’m hearing and this is not that. This relationship will be a breath of fresh air for you.
I see you being someone who is anxious in energy or is prone to pessimistic ideas or thinking due to your anxiety as well. Like the second something positive happens with this person especially if you know this person already your mind finds a way to push you away from them out of fear of becoming too comfortable or too vulnerable and then leaving you or pulling away from you but I don’t see this with this person with the four of wands upright. This person loves you unconditionally, you can’t lose something that’s unconditionally. That’s gentle and that doesn’t judge you or intend to hurt you the way that people may have in the past.
I’m hearing it took someone a while to come forward and take the leap of faith to pursue this relationship because they couldn’t decide if they were worth this persons love and time or if they were strong enough to handle this person rejecting you or walking away from you because you felt that they would and that they would wake up one day and realize that they don’t want you anymore or feel burdened by you. But I see you looking at this connection when you guys are married and the rough part of the push and pull that you feel in regards to this person blows over and you being proud and abundant because this relationship is long term, steady, and giving.
This person is made for you, your relationship and connection is very divinely protected and orchestrated pile three. And all of this will be revealed to you more and more as years progress within this marriage here. You and this person are incredibly connected on an intuitive and spiritual level you share so much love and compassion for one another as well. You think yourself less than this person or someone who doesn’t deserve this persons love and presence and that’s simply not true. I hear spirit saying if anyone deserves this person, if anyone is made for this person, if anyone deserves a love or connection like this it’s you.
That’s it, lol I might take a break from love readings for a moment because the collective is very steady and my readings can often be repetitive but many of people within the collective are about to get married or be in the most divine love within their life. A good amount of the collective is still learning what love means and it may take them a while to find that but otherwise everyone is exactly where they’re meant to be. 💕
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emmerrr · 1 year
adam parrish hcs
because it’s his day!! it’s today!!!
adam always kicks off his shoes without undoing the laces then gets annoyed when he has to untie them to put them on again
so for his birthday ronan dreams him up a pair of velcro sneakers
they’re super bright and obnoxious (neon green or something) but they ALSO light up when you stomp your foot AND they glow in the dark
adam: “they’re hideous. i love them.”
he hums when he concentrates really hard but doesn’t really realise he’s doing it
usually 70s or 80s songs that play a lot on the radio when he’s working at boyd’s
so he gets a lot of songs stuck in other people’s heads accidentally
adam: *humming the final countdown by europe while doing his homework*
ronan, later: 🎵it’s the final countdown, na na naaaa naa, na na na na na naaa🎵
adam: why are you singing that
ronan: are you fucken kidding me
he’s forever fixing things around the barns or 300 fox way
leaky faucet, loose door-handle, stiff window, squeaky hinges? adam’ll fix it
i already have a hc that ronan makes adam a new mixtape every time adam heads back to college for a new semester
but i think that adam makes mix-cds for ronan too
he has an older laptop that still has a cd-drive in it because it’s second hand
so he makes cd’s for ronan’s car, filled with songs that ronan finds irritating as a payback for the murder-squash song
think like uptown funk, hollaback girl, call me maybe, happy, somebody that i used to know -- stuff that probably got way overplayed and/or was annoyingly catchy
he leaves them in ronan’s car after he drives it so the next time ronan drives it and presses play he’s bombarded with 🎵A FEW TIMES BEEN AROUND THAT TRACK SO IT’S NOT JUST GONNA HAPPEN LIKE THAT CAUSE I AIN’T NO HOLLABACK GIRL🎵
(but maybe adam sneaks some songs on there that remind him of ronan too. maybe. just maybe)
gansey teaches him how to play chess and adam rapidly becomes better than him and now every time they play he wins
gansey always thinks this will be the time he wins until adam makes a move that turns the whole thing around and gansey realises adam could’ve ended it several turns back but was just humouring him
through carefully cultivated habit his expectations for his birthday are low to non-existent
but he has friends who think the world of him and who also have the worst poker faces of all time
so when blue arrives to take him out for a birthday breakfast it takes him all of two minutes to get her to admit they’re throwing him a surprise party
“you better act surprised or ronan is going to murder me”
they get back to the barns later on and there’s a bbq going and lights floating in the air around the deck and gansey, henry, matthew, ronan, opal and the fox way ladies are all there.
adam, trying to act surprised: um wow thank you guys oh my god what a shock
ronan, narrowing his eyes: sargent i fuckin’ knew you’d cave
anyway he spends his birthday surrounded by people who love him who would do anything for him :’))))
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rodolfoparras · 9 months
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Hello sugar cubes!
Since the year is coming to an end I wanted to take my time and make an appreciation post for everyone who’s shown support and appreciation for me and my blog!
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@its-ares thank you so much for being one of the very first people to follow me and for showing so much appreciation and support for my work when I first started out!
@lieutnt one of the writers I looked up to and admired when I first started writing on tumblr, when u first followed me I thought you’d done it by accident but I’m glad it wasn’t, forever ur #1 fan 🔈
@miguel-owhora genuinely consider you a friend you feel so familiar if that makes sense?, always so supportive and appreciative of my work always so kind and sweet to me
@bonesnmore also known as 🚹 anon will forever and always appreciate the period where we’d be absolutely unhinged about any and every kink and any and every cod character (especially graves) I’m so happy you decided to make ur own blog and it’s been absolutely amazing seeing you grow your following 🫶🏻
@alligatorstomachacid always so much fun to spitball ideas with you, i always feel like someone is listening or reading my posts bc you’re always there to talk to me about them 🫶🏻
@agoofyannoyancetolaw also known as ⚰️ anon who checked in on me daily and is always so supportive and appreciative of my work I absolutely love seeing your work on my dash 🫶🏻🫶🏻
@gazmialmagemela also known as 🐻‍❄️ anon literally such a sweet and considerate person both off anon and on anon I’m so glad you started your own blog bc as I once said you are so skilled at writing such vivid stories and I absolutely love seeing you grow
@thegnomelord I have to mention the person I co parent with who’s an absolutely amazing writer and deserves sm more appreciation and support
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I started my blog in March I think but had properly started
gaining followers in June and these are the people that
basically made me fanboy when they followed bc it felt like
such an accomplishment
@yourftmfriend ✨ @pastelclovds✨ @odetodilfs ✨ @astroknottt ✨ @fatigueeed ✨
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Skilled writers and artists that deserve so much appreciation and support
@gildedkrone 🪐, @tamago-art.🪐 @batfleshh 🪐, @topmalereaderblog 🪐@kingambrosious🪐
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Last but not least I want to thank the beautiful council aka my anonies who have been nothing but appreciative and supportive of me and my work may all the good you have given me return to you 10x and here’s to another year of sexualizing old men (price)🎇🎇🎇
🌷 anon, 🔮 anon, 💉 anon, 🦩 anon, 🐺 anon, 🐍 anon, 💎 anon, 🐱 anon,💓 anon, 🔪 anon, 🎸 anon, 🎭 anon, 🤠 anon, 🕷️ anon, 🪐 anon, ⛈️ anon, 🐊 🌈 anon, 🦷 anon, 🐕 anon, 🍱 anon, 🗝️ anon, 🔭 anon, 👾 anon, 🐶 anon, 💤 anon, 🎵 anon, 🕸️ anon, 🌶️ anon,🖼️ anon,🌃 anon, 📢 anon, 🃏 anon, 💭 anon,🧮 anon,📚 anon, 🧬 anon,🎲 anon, 🐈 anon, 🪶 anon, 🕊️ anon, 🎥🎞️anon, 🫁 anon,🫀 anon,🚭 anon, 🧪 anon, 🐙 anon, 🐐 anon, 🗿 anon, 🐾 anon, 🐁 anon, 🛹 anon, 😈 anon, 🦝 anon, 🪔 anon, walkie talkie anon,💋 anon🐺 anon,🪽 anon,🐕 anon,🎸 an,🐛anon, 🪢 anon, along with everyone and anyone who’s been sweet and kind to me
Happy new years sugar cubes!!!
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sadaveniren · 8 months
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Happy 9 years in this fandom to me 🥳🥳
I made this tumblr so that way I could start posting my first 1D fic (spoiler it’s unfinished - blame Zayn leaving) and try and make some friends in a new fandom. Very quickly I befriended @ashavahishta (because I asked for beta/britpicking help in my author’s note and she reached out to me 🥺) and I’ve been lucky in fandom friends ever since. I joined fandom during a really difficult time for me personally and sure! The nonsense that was 1D in 2015 was absolutely wild but it also kept me distracted from what I was dealing with and so I will always, always be thankful for this fandom for the people it has brought into my life.
I’ve seen Harry 4 times, one of them being ONO for HS3. I’ve seen Niall twice and will forever be bitter about the canceled Niall/Lewis tour with Fletcher as opener. I’ve seen Louis 3 times, once was for his album release in NYC for walls - WHERE I ALSO MET HIM WITH @crinkle-eyed-boo AND @onesweetworld18 AND HE SIGNED MY CD (and also swore so loud when he realized I was 36 weeks pregnant 🤣) I helped @londonfoginacup and @lululawrence and LOML Jenna hand out hundreds of rainbow flags in Iowa and then danced with Sus waving our flags the entire time and Louis kept coming over and watching us and then gave the SPEECH HE GAVE IN IOWA ABOUT BEING BRAVE AND TRUE TO YOURSELF THAT WAS FOR US IT WAS FOR US SUS HE LOVES US 😭😭
I’ve written over a million words in this fandom, 72 fics in total. I’ve brainstormed so many fics and read even more fics. I’ve been moved to tears and changed by fics I’ve read. Hell fic is what brought me to tumblr to begin with because everyone just had to keep writing this stupid trope where Harry and Louis have complimentary nautical tattoos and this company Modest is forcing them to be closeted 🙄 like what popular fic gave rise to THAT madness (it was them your honor. Those fuckers right over there)
I cried at music the boys have made. I’ve laughed at the dumb interviews they’ve done. I have a stupid teddy bears number in my phone because of these assholes. I’ve been woken up at 3am by a phone tree to let me know new music has dropped. I’ve been here for leaks and demos and rumors and it’s been such a huge part of my life and my identity. You literally can’t say “we are all moving in one direction” in front of me without me giggling.
I love this fandom so much. I love tumblr larries. I love my friends. I am so happy to have been here for 9 years and I can’t wait to celebrate more years 🤗
🎵 The friends we make, the love it takes is worth, is worth, is worth it all this time 🎵
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teamstarkid-polls · 3 months
People of Hogwarts!!!! It is time…for the next tournament!
I am back!! This next tournament is all about celebrating Starkid’s songwriting and the amazing duos they’ve graced us with over the years, so starting tomorrow at 3pm EST, we’ll be commencing…
The Best Duet in Starkid Tournament!
I’ve gone through all of the shows and picked out each and every duet, and I’m HYPED for this one y’all. Starkid loves a duet and they knock it outta the park every single time!!
The battle pairings for Week 1 are as follows:
* Different As Can Be ❤️‍🩹 vs Even Though ❤️‍🩹
* Granger Danger 💟 vs Take Me Back 💟
* Me and My Dick 🤍 vs Perky’s Buds 🤍
* I’ve Seen You Around Here Before 🧡 vs When I Was… 🧡
* Ain’t Nothin Like A Dick ❣️vs Axe Man ❣️
* Gettin Along 🖤 vs Virginity Rocks 🖤
* Guys Like Potter 🩶 vs Take Off Your Clothes 🩶
* The Dynamic Duet 💙 vs Always Dance 💙
* To Be A Man⚜️ vs Tonight this School is Mine ⚜️
* A Thousand and One Nights 💘 vs My Hair/My Watch (IDK the song title oops) 💘
* The Power in Me 💖 vs Dirty Girl 💖
* Just A Taste 💚 vs Do You Want to Play 💚
* Paint Me 💛 vs If I Loved You 💛
* Together 💜 vs Cool as I Think I Am (Reprise) 💜
* CaliforMIA 🩵 vs Forever & Always 🩵
Get ready to rock, roll, and harmonize 🎵
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noonaishere · 11 months
Music of the Heart [Jeong Yunho] - Masterlist
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By: noonaishere (main blog: symphonyofmars)
Fic type: social media au / traditional
Pairing: Yunho x fem!reader
Genre: music industry setting, musician/producer, enemies to lovers, mutual pining, running from the past
Warnings: overbearing parents, verbal abuse, sexual harassment
Status: Currently updating
Updates: Thursdays and Fridays at 12pm EST
Synchronously posted with Online/Offline (any asterisked (*) chapters means they’re shared between both fics)
[intro post explaining y/n and t/n]
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T/n has always loved music, though her experience of it wasn’t always the greatest. Forced by her parents to learn the violin - almost purely to climb the socio-economic ladder - she’s since forged her own path. She auditions at Wonderland Entertainment and becomes one of their studio musicians, but how will she deal with seeing her ex-best friend who also happens to be contracted under the company?
Also, how does t/n’s existence connect to y/n, someone she’s never met?
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🎵 main cast
🎵 Prologue | a long time ago… in a town far, far away…
🎵 one | “local celebrity”
🎵 two | mahler
🎵 three | emperor nero
🎵 four | come meet the kids
🎵 five | duck and cover
🎵 six | his feefees were a little hurt
🎵 seven | homework
🎵 eight | give her my number
🎵 nine | canard et couverture parte deux
🎵 ten | a date?
🎵 eleven | the fight scene at the end of the count of monte cristo
🎵 twelve | we never talk
🎵 thirteen | youtube recommendations
🎵 fourteen | calendar man
🎵 fifteen | a ✨godsend✨
🎵 sixteen | no ducking nor covering
🎵 seventeen | he’s got pipes
🎵 eighteen | thinking about hats
🎵 nineteen | it is still apples
🎵 twenty | i know exactly who you are
🎵 twenty-one | busking
🎵 twenty-two | he got an audition or something
🎵 twenty-three | best friend
🎵 twenty-four | garage band
🎵 twenty-five | it’ll be worth it
🎵 twenty-six | more like “drone strike parenting”
🎵 twenty-seven | interrogation
🎵 twenty-eight | it’s over
🎵 twenty-nine | more like constipated
🎵 thirty | maybe
🎵 thirty-one | JUPiTER
🎵 thirty-two | no horses in space
🎵 thirty-three | Crom3r
🎵 thirty-four | punk rock
🎵 thirty-five | what a feeling
🎵 thirty-six | do we need a hot air balloon?
🎵 thirty-seven | gotta let the fans know
🎵 thirty-eight | i’ll bring the wine
🎵 thirty-nine | girl’s night
🎵 forty | that’s a no on the hot air balloon
🎵 forty-one | new kids
🎵 forty-two | splash fight
🎵 forty-three | a recluse and a traitor
🎵 forty-four | merch drop
🎵 forty-five | lol i’m screencapping
🎵 forty-six | do you know how to do cubes?
🎵 forty-seven | surprise modu girip baksu
🎵 forty-eight | sometimes the kickball inspires music
🎵 forty-nine | but what can you do
🎵 fifty | no need for sunglasses
🎵 fifty-one | need for sunglasses
🎵 fifty-two | D-Day
🎵 fifty-three | best friends forever
🎵 fifty-four | mission update
🎵 fifty-five | miss me?
🎵 fifty-six | that was really weird and I hated it
🎵 fifty-seven | good point
🎵 fifty-eight | the great outdoors
🎵 fifty-nine | please don’t use memes of yourself
🎵 sixty | ballad mashup with choi jongho!
🎵 sixty-one | scandal??
🎵 sixty-two | two giants
🎵 sixty-three | you really *are* a capitalist
🎵 sixty-four | benevolence and beef
🎵 sixty-five | lyrical content
🎵 sixty-six | principles
🎵 sixty-seven | well?
🎵 sixty-eight | can’t sleep
🎵 sixty-nine | what’d you say?
🎵 seventy | looking for an Ans:wer
🎵 seventy-one | whirlwind
🎵 seventy-two | she’s a me
🎵 seventy-three | solving problems
🎵 seventy-four | the great (less confined) indoors
🎵 seventy-five | pedagogy
🎵 seventy-six | going for a walk
🎵 seventy-seven* | WHAT?
🎵 seventy-eight | misc
🎵 seventy-nine | where the hell are you
🎵 eighty | chauffeur
🎵 eighty-one | public breakup
🎵 eighty-two | somewhere nice
🎵 eighty-three | the start of an apology
🎵 eighty-four | meeting ONiiX
🎵 eighty-five | sting operation
🎵 eighty-six | hack behavior
🎵 eighty-seven |
🎵 eighty-eight |
🎵 eighty-nine |
🎵 ninety |
🎵 ninety-one |
🎵 ninety-two |
🎵 ninety-three |
🎵 ninety-four |
🎵 ninety-five |
🎵 ninety-six |
🎵 ninety-seven* |
🎵 ninety-eight* |
🎵 ninety-nine* |
🎵 ninety-nine* |
🎵 ninety-nine* |
🎵 one hundred* |
🎵 one hundred and one* |
🎵 one hundred and two |
🎵 one hundred and three |
🎵 one hundred and four |
🎵 one hundred and five |
🎵 one hundred and six |
🎵 one hundred and seven |
🎵 one hundred and eight |
🎵 one hundred and nine |
🎵 one hundred and ten |
🎵 one hundred and eleven* |
🎵 one hundred and twelve* |
🎵 one hundred and thirteen |
🎵 one hundred and fourteen* |
🎵 one hundred and fifteen* |
🎵 one hundred and sixteen |
🎵 one hundred and seventeen* |
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Epilogue 4
Epilogue 5
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Send an ask or leave a comment if you want to be added to the tag list! 🎵
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Our Lady of the Earrings
Almost 3 AM and as always before any flight/train (but mercifully not when driving myself) trip I am struck by a severe case of Reisefieber, which translates to almost complete insomnia, in this noble house.
Thanks to one of @bat-cat-reader's Anons, I immediately went to watch C & Alfred Enoch's seven minute segment on The Booker Prize 2023 Livestream you can watch, too, on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/live/OgIGnfxISk0?si=nfUz7KoCFgEzQmQB
Some quick observations:
Not one, but two new ear piercings I took the gracious pain of documenting (sorry for the thumbnail size, it's the best I could do with the primitive technical means readily available) :
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What would that be? Punk C? How could that even be? A speculative coin dropped: last time, it was cutting her hair, but now I see a body modification impulse. I am still pondering this one and I have to say I am torn between a simple fashionista reflex and something deeper than that (new beginnings? healing? letting go?). Either way, I am not in a hurry, because I know dots will eventually connect.
Also, the rings. I have never been paying much attention to that particular merry-go-round, but anyways, for the fandom pundits, there goes:
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Because I am not an Our Lady of the Rings kremlinologist, I shall leave it here as is. By all means, do comment, if you feel inspired.
Onwards to content. You know, by now, that I am a book freak (after all, my fandom journey started with a bookshelf!), so I listened very carefully. Her answer to the comment prompt on Paul Lynch's Prophet Song was, I am sorry to say, so restrained it sounded almost cookie-cut. She mentioned the tension of the quoted and performed (almost to perfection, I have to say) passage of the book, but little else and it left me still hungry for more. I mean, when you love a book, you have this urge to talk about it at length. She was almost subdued, even if I am absolutely sure she read it and liked it.
By contrast, Alfred Enoch (🎵it's a small world, after all 🎶) was totally chill. I shamelessly skipped, yet couldn't help but notice the contrast.
Second question was very interesting: 'what books made you fall in love with reading?' I always find this very telling about people, because anything related to books is very personal. We are not only the sum of our choices, but also the sum of all the books we read. Something C apparently knows very well, too, because she elegantly sashayed and said absolutely nothing about her first love book. She simply mentioned her mother taking her to the library, from a very early age and how all these books were windows which opened on The World and finally how seminal this experience is for someone growing up in a small village. But no particular book made it to her lips and again, I found it very curious. I am nobody and I can still quote not one, but two books that changed my whole world (and then I never looked back): Alice in Wonderland and The Wind in the Willows. It's not that she couldn't, it's that she wouldn't. So, for Christ's sake, Mrs. B, stop punishing your fandom like that! There's nothing wrong about sharing your joy of books, it really isn't!
Third and last question: 'are you a Kindle reader? do you like a physical book? audio books? what's your favorite medium for reading?' I could have bet handsome money she was not a Kindle reader, for obvious reasons (cannot remember/retain information), but I found endearing the almost sneaky confession she needed her couch and snacks for a good reading session (same, same and since forever: I grinned). She buys a lot of books, 'and then they sit and look at me and it takes a certain time to get in'. Same as Enoch, who wondered what the Japanese word for 'buying books for the simple pleasure of seeing them pile up' was (it is, correct me if I am wrong, tsundoku).
One of the other people talking about reading and books was Dua 'Behave' Lipa. I am legit howling like the cretin I am, but the project she supports is about bringing Booker Prize books to women in prison. And this, my friends, is absolutely extraordinary.
Also, no red carpet pictures on Getty. The only one who made it was Alfred Enoch:
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And somebody else seems very interested by Getty, lately (as of yesterday, to be more exact):
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But surely, that is only a coincidence.
PS: it has been asked in the comments thread chez Bat. C's pinky ring is Cartier's Trinity. My favorite of them all, spare my big butterfly 1925 chevalière (which is a Chaumet, by the way).
[Edit]: I am told she had the three ear piercings for years. My bad. I can't know just about everything. Thank you @crispyflapdeputyflower for the info. The rest is fresh, though!
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