#��bro is creeping…
rendevok · 3 months
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Act I ~ The Prince
A tapestry for Let No One Sleep by @azalawa-scroggs on ao3
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kohhomaru · 5 months
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Let him in…
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doctorsiren · 22 days
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I had a thought
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ministarfruit · 7 months
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day 20: chose violence ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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faggy--butch · 9 months
Trans men and women tend to get viewed as either disgusting male freaks or perfect feminine female goddesses based entirely on identity and vibes alone, forcing trans men to either detranstion to talk about the issues faced, or shut up and hate themselves and grovel at the feet of their "betters", and trans women are forced to preform the highest standards of femininity or be shunned and live in fear of being cast out and not being "woman enough" facing the constant need to prove themselves to avoid being seen as interlopers. these things are similar, these problems overlap, and yet people go on to pretend that one is the most victimized victim and the other is the "subjector and oppressor" (Interchangeable) and neither can truly understand the other. these ideas being perpetuated by others within and outside of these groups. It drives me up the wall that there are people pretending this helps anyone, that either benefits from the others oppression in anyway. Personally, from what I've seen a lot of it comes out as like gender insecurity, from the inside groups, which is pretty sad, but also extremely frustrating to be lashed out at for being unwilling to accept this gender essentialist false binary
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sigilthecursed · 2 months
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Was in the mood to make something spooky and made this with Mr. Puzzles
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crushedsweets · 1 month
nobody ever listens to toby, not without questioning him 100 times. he's used to being interrogated, ignored, brushed off, assumed to be stupid or useless or a mindless attack dog. he feels like he has to protect everything, prove himself, kill everything to keep what matters safe. always on high alert, the first to act, told what to do, never to be listened to, never to be trusted.
but kate asks him what he wants her to do. kate looks to toby when something happens. kate lunges before toby has the chance to. goes to him the second something is wrong. toby says attack, kate slaughters. she doesnt trust anyone the way she trusts toby and she'd kill anyone getting in the way of their friendship. cuz someone like kate doesnt get someone like toby too often.
she doesnt get someone who'll drag a mattress through a forest and dirty mineshaft so she can rest easier. doesnt get someone who gives her shitty band t shirts so she can stop wearing the same shirt from the last 5 years. someone who brings her food and water and doesnt treat her like a goddamn animal for once in her proxy life. she thinks he's a dumb asshole, but he's also the most clever, hardworking, genuine friend she's had. somehow...
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kathaynesart · 10 months
in the time of the holiday special, do the boys all still have their ninpo?
They do! In fact this is pretty much the height of their Ninpo strength. Remember this?? This is where they're at right now!
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We'll get to see some of this soon. I'm really excited to dive into more of their abilities. Got some ideas on how their powers have evolved that I've yet to see utilized within the fandom. Like... what ELSE could Mikey do other than just use chains to throw things? How else could Leo use portals both defensively and offensively? It's a fun puzzle to ponder. I just hope I can do the upcoming action sequences justice because I really... really... don't do them ever. Pray for me.
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bathroom-sand · 3 months
the public response to neil gaiman being accused by several women of sexual assault is exactly why victims often struggle to come forward. like how is anyone gonna give the benefit of the doubt to a guy claiming one of his victims has “false memories” as if that isn’t the type of stupid ass rebuttal only a science fiction writer could come up with. 20 year olds don’t create false memories, neil, that’s pseudo science.
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ufo-driver · 21 days
Meant to take a photo of my cat in his beautiful majestic stance in front of the TV but came out with this
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britishlightyear · 3 months
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Five Nights at Shockwave's
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Anybody else literally physically recoil from Bobby Dawn
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appri-dot · 7 months
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cotton-could · 25 days
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THERE'S NO WAY YOU PUT 2 TEENAGE BOYS IN LOVE IN THE SAME LIST AS THE DISGUSTING SCUM OF MELIODAS?? I swear, people will see a teenage boy acting like a teenage boy and will call him a creep and associate him with a pdfile 💀
Yes, Hanako and Zenitsu can be weird when it comes to girls/their crushes but come on, at worst they don't respect their crushes'/the girls' personal spaces but doesn't do it with malicious intentions. Meliodas on the other hand, assaulted an unconscious girl, touch her in a very inappropriate way without consent and so on... There's so many creeps in anime and cartoons but they choose the tamest ones 😭
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lilacpaperbird · 5 months
Peculiar, Missouri
May 2, 1998
Dean had pocketed them from the Price Chopper down the street. A birthday present, he had said. Sam had eyed the package, furrowed eyebrows forming a silent question mark. Dean had just smiled, lips stretched in the sharp shape of danger. Then he had kissed him right there, on the sidewalk.
“Stay still.” Dean was so close he could feel the words on his skin. His left hand gripped Sam's face, fingers digging into his cheeks. “Sam, stop blinking.”
Sam blinked again. “I can't control it.” He looked up, fixing his eyes on the exposed wire on the ceiling, leftovers of a torn-off bathroom lamp. His ass was getting numb from sitting on the edge of the sink.
Dean applied another layer to his waterlines for what felt like the twentieth time. Then he went over the top eyelids once again, for good measure. Sam’s eyes twitched, but he kept them open.
Without breaking eye contact, Dean put the pencil eyeliner down on the dirty porcelain sink. He stepped back a bit, enough to admire his work while keeping his place between Sam’s knees.
Sam held his stare and his breath. Confused, defiant. Dean grabbed the second item in the plastic package.
Sam wanted to rub and scratch his eyes. He didn't. He wanted to turn around, look at himself in the mirror. He didn't. He wanted to ask Dean why he was doing this. He didn't.
Dean uncapped the little container. Sam stared at the brushed tip covered in black goop.
“Close your eyes, Sammy.”
He did. A kiss caressed the tip of his nose. “Good job,” Dean murmured. Sam’s chest trembled.
The bristles brushed back and forth over his eyelashes, hard. It itched. It felt like it was gluing his eyes closed. Sam zeroed in on the sensation of Dean’s fingers digging into his jaw. Intoxicating.
Dean’s hands left his face. He heard the container being closed and left on the sink.
Sam opened his eyes. They stung. He blinked a few times, unable to stop it. Dean was looking at him, hedonistic hunger in his eyes.
“Fuck, Sammy…” he pushed a strand of hair away from his forehead, tucked it behind his ear. He grabbed his chin, turned him to face the mirror.
Sam’s breath hitched. On the grimy, scratched mirror he saw a boy he didn’t recognize. He had seen those eyes before – heavy darkness framing a hazy stare with red-tinted whites. But only on magazines kept at gas stops or hidden in the bottom of duffel bags. His mouth was slightly parted in surprise, shiny and puffy from biting his lips. He couldn't move. He wanted to look away. He didn't. He felt so–
“So hot,” Dean murmured next to his ear, crowding behind him. “So pretty,” he said, placing a kiss where neck meets jaw. The hand that was holding his face snaked down, settling two fingers on his bottom lip. Sam watched their reflections as Dean slowly put his fingers into his pliant mouth – deep. Sam gagged, eyes watering. He blinked frantically, willing them to dry. A single tear escaped, painting his cheek black.
Dean smiled at the sight, animalistic. He kept his fingers buried deep inside his little brother’s mouth. “And you're going to look even prettier when I’m done with you.”
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crushedsweets · 1 year
The idea of Toby being able to do so many random little things because he was homeschooled and had no friends intrigues me so much. Rubix cubes, guitar, basic programming, drawing, origami, fucking calligraphy hell if I know. But he absolutely needed something to fill all those empty hours
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