#��� shepherd’s delight
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theborzoiarebackintown · 11 months ago
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Dog bathing can be a team sport
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romajuliettemai · 1 year ago
Foul Lady Fortune B&N Exclusive Story (The Priest & The Shephard)
Part 1/3
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solitaireships · 3 months ago
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Tumblr hates me editing my description on mobile so in the mean time, Christmas icon time! Lovely Chae-Yeong art by my friend Leo
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gay-caesar-truther · 5 months ago
I might tweak the timeline so both Brutus AND Shepherd survive the first battle of hoover dam in the Courier!Shepherd version of events. Brutus stays with the legion, but leaves after Shepherd kills Caesar- then later reunites with Shepherd post-game.
There's something about Caesar KNOWING Shepherd is alive but willfully keeping that from Brutus as a trump card is Brutus decides to step out of line that is just delicious to me.
Brutus probably won't find out Shepherd is even alive until post-game, they probably run into each other after Brutus decides to sign up with the followers- Shepherd often helps the followers with resources and hangs around the fort a lot so it's only a matter of time before they meet there.
Obviously Brutus will have majorly mixed feelings when he learns Shepherd is the one who killed Caesar- but those mixed feelings would quickly fade when he learns Caesar KNEW his brother was alive and kept it from him. He's so happy to have his brother back, even if Shepherd doesn't remember who he is.
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my-life-a-reading-list · 1 year ago
In True Delights spoilers:
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I'm so happy about these two, about time
-Foul Heart Huntsman, In True Delights by Chloe Gong
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feastingonchrist · 28 days ago
oh my goodness this little baby girl today was the absolute sweetest. just loving all over me non-stop all day. she kept looking up and smiling at me in complete and total adoration. she wanted to be near me and hold my hand and was crawling all over me during nap time lol. i still have her sweet little face and smile in my head. i wonder if that is how God looks at us as His children & when we delight in Him.
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gar-a-ash · 4 months ago
His toe fluff is so fucking cute
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butchshepherd · 2 years ago
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7 months old dutch shepherd. first one i get to meet and man oh man did it make me love them even more
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homunculus-argument · 4 months ago
Once upon a time, in the heart of a dark and rainy night, a creature appeared at an abbey, climbing through a window to into the room where the abbess was writing notes. It was a wretched beast, not quite human but neither did it resemble any animal that the abbess could name. It was dripping wet, with scarred skin and odd patches of thin, sparse fur, long cracked claws that scraped the stone floor, and sharp teeth so haphazardly scattered that it was hard to say whether there were two rows of teeth or one.
"What do you want, creature?" the abbess asked it calmly.
"I want to become a nun", the creature said. And there was no rule in the books that the abbess could remember that would prohibit a strange beast from becoming a nun, if it so desired. So, the beast was accepted into the abbey, and it took to life in the order as naturally as a shepherd dog to herding. She was a meticulous beast, first to wake and rise at dawn, neat and tidy with all tools and tasks she was given, dutiful and devout in all things.
No nun nor novice dared to question the creature's right to be there after the first time the she demonstrated that her teeth are not merely for decoration, and then apologised to the novice who had tried. The beast even graciously offered to mend the habit she had torn. After the incident, she was never bothered again. A handful of other postulants, novices and even a few of the nuns flocked to her, knowing that the creature would not allow anybody to be mistreated in her presence.
Watching the creature wolfishly lope across the abbey courtyard, with her ill-fitting, haphazardly placed cowl flopping as she went, the abbess contemplated the strange being. Despite of her sloppy, haphazard appearance, the beast really did have great potential to become a nun. A being so gentle and friendly could have done well just about anywhere, as would anyone so devout, but what made the creature such a good fit for monastic life was her love of routine. Waking up each morning at the same time, performing the same tasks and duties at the same time, the beast was not only tireless in her work, but actively delighted in regular routines. Which was why the abbey was such a good place for her, and she would one day make an excellent nun.
She was, without a doubt, a creature of habit.
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romajuliettemai · 1 year ago
Silas is so adorable it's pathetic he's literally obsessed with two people who are secretly one and the same
He deserves a million hugs
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solitaireships · 4 months ago
Just got sent this by my friend who just said “you”
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just-a-cinnamon-bun · 8 months ago
Today on my way to work, I saw possibly the most beautiful dog I’ve ever seen.
So beautiful that I started crying.
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lesbiannieism · 9 months ago
this has 50 likes, i’m gonna live forever
every time someone likes one of my random posts about tommy shepherd or david alleyne or the young avengers, a year is added to my lifespan
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months ago
When I was growing up we had a German Shepherd called Mischa. She was truly the goodest girl. We found her tied up in a parking lot having been left there by her previous owners. It happened to be Father’s Day and my dad, allergic to most animals, was cursed to have my mom bring home new pets year after year on Father’s Day specifically.
Her history was unknown but she was just about a year old when we got her. She was a lovely sweet tempered dog who loved us with all her heart. Her greatest desire was just to be where we were, vibing with whatever we were up to at the moment.
So no one thought it was odd that she was hanging out near my dad while he worked on the roof. Our house was set in a hill, so the upstairs was at ground level from one side and had a balcony on the other. My dad set up a ladder on the shorter side of the house and got to work.
After a few hours he came back down to get lunch. It took us a while before we realized we couldn’t find Mischa. We started calling her and were met with faint whining. We looked all around the house and it baffled us that east to west we could hear her whining. Which is when we finally looked up.
There was Mischa on the roof, delighted that we were finally looking up at her. We couldn’t understand what had happened. My dad went up and carried her down the ladder while her tail wagged happily.
It wasn’t until he went to go back to work and she instantly followed him up the ladder that we really conceptualize how she’d gotten onto the roof in the first place. She loved climbing ladders it turned out. But unfortunately it was a one way trip.
After that any time the ladder came out we had to secure her lest she pop up to join the workforce.
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elodieunderglass · 6 months ago
You posted a while ago about Grant Howitt's RPG There But For The Geese of God, where the players are archangelic geese trying to shepherd Martin de Tours into sainthood by whatever means necessary; you might also be interested in
His RPG Everyone is Seagulls, where the players are a flock of 30 seagulls and you can only communicate by loudly yelling at each other what you want to do, and
Sean Bean Quest, which is a modification of his RPG Goblin Quest in which you play five Seans Bean (in series, not in parallel), trying to ensure that at least one of you survives until the end of the movie.
Thank you so so much for thinking of me. I am hanging this up in my house in a beautiful frame and adjusting it so that it’s beautiful. I am grateful for your friendship and good taste.
I should be honest though. I actually know fuckall about roleplaying games. Absolute black hole of knowledge actually. People kindly and generously sent me the goose one because it’s highly elodie-coded (and you can see why! It’s elodie reblog bait!) and I admired and reblogged accordingly in complete support of the vision. No further thoughts or opinions. HEAD EMPTY. “Haha sounds great!” I say, instantly filing it where I put the isogenic cryptography I had to learn about against my will for work and which I refused to retain in any meaningful way. My brain has simply left the building to pick flowers. “I would enjoy that it’s right up my alley,” I say, eating the bottoms of the grass blades vacantly.
I have exactly three experiences of tabletop roleplaying games ever in my life and i should write a post about them but
- single session of dnd with older guys when I was a teenager
- shepherding children through an interactive storybook in which Bug, 4, simply kept assassinating their older sibling (they were not supposed to be able to do this??)
- playing a small amount of gloomhaven: jaws of the lion, in which I became distracted by hating the whole concept of unpainted ugly gaming miniatures so much that I made my own and then. Wandered off. Apparently forever
Anyway even if it’s wasted on me these are delightful and I’m happy to admire them conceptually and share them and hang them on the wall
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undead-cypress · 2 months ago
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Strohl and Hulkenberg are so funny to me as a duo. They're the exact same type of people - they NEED to pledge their life to a liege or they'll start ripping up your couch like an understimulated shepherd dog. However they go about it in polar opposite directions. (Early-game story spoilers ahead, mid-game gameplay spoilers) Hulkenberg had her life purpose taken away years back and comes to realize hyperfocusing probably isn't the optimal way to go about it, so she expands her horizons to do her duty better. Strohl had no will to live until joining the assassination plot, and then it fails so bad he resolves to hyperfocus so hard the classes he unlocks can only do one thing, critical slash damage really really well
Hulkenberg is the formal knightly one but she delights in mucking around and would rather fist fight people than think. But then she demolishes you in chess and teaches you tactics while Strohl, the familiar casual guy who's a lot more stategically minded is the one always sharpening a sword and implying if anything happened to you, seppuku may be on the table - Gallica this is so scary play encounter music - my courage has increased
It all clicked when I saw their third tier classes are paladin/dark knight and samurai. Ohhhh you guys are henchmen. You wanna be henchmen so bad. They're the exact same kinda guy but are completely baffled by everything the other guy does. They have everything in common and nothing in common. They both think they're the normal one of the group. They have completely different ideas about how to best do their jobs but they simply must beat the shit out of each other on the deck daily or else they might have to actually go to therapy. I need an early 2000s team up/roadtrip action movie with these two where Will is faking being kidnapped to draw out the bad guys but Gallica didn't tell Strohl and Hulkenberg because their bad acting would immediately give it away and they proceed to absolutely demolish the metaphorical furniture of the house of Euchronia looking for the world's most specialest lil' captain. Do you see my vision 🤌
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