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tainted-be-the-light · 2 months ago
"Oi, Chibi. Guess why I'm here? Unfortunately, I have to announce to you that I'm not dead yet and I'm here to annoy you."
"... I didn't even drink yet, what the hell"
*^ very much convinced that Dazai isn't real.*
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melancholicmoonlight · 2 months ago
Jameson and Reid, now alone with only their horses and whatever money they've got, have been scouring the larger towns and cities they come across for any information on werewolves they can find. Nothing has been helpful, of course.
But now, they're hiking their horses through a snowy countryside, Reid in the front with a lit lantern in their hand as they trudge on.
Jameson had been trailing behind Reid, moping, but after a while he makes his way next to them, clearing his throat. “We should probably find somewhere to stop, it’s getting late.”
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alburnusgecko · 3 months ago
@dr-octayve @mr-rey-of-sunshine @intern-ko
*gecko knocks on the daycare door* hello? Is anyone here? Me and Dr Octayve figured out how to reverse the de-aging gun!
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gfthe-fearsome-foursome · 9 days ago
*magic anon time! Stan and Ford are wearing their old man outfits from Canon*
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"Haha! This ain't so bad!"
"Huh?? Where did these clothes even come from???"
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cyberghost-scout · 27 days ago
A little mead with a plea
Four were perched in a little seating inside a busy bar. There was a multitude of species and merriment. Some were getting drinks, and some were watching the people get drunk with games and all. While the youngest to drink were just hanging out and having snacks.
"Remind me again, why were we here again?" Phantasma drawled, her mouth puffing away the strand of hair as she leaned forward at the table. Of course, the group decided to try to lay low, haloforms. but smartly in travel gear to cover some suspicion.
"Because I miss being in a bar once in a while...missing those idiots," Fedelis answered, the largest and only old man as he fixed his covering after placing his beverage down. "You could have waited, Fed." The golden femme said, before leaning back in her seat, craning her neck to her little sister and Flow. Ghostwire cooly accepted her simple drink and paid while the seeker got an item that was innocently looking by the scent of juice covering its high alcohol contents.
"I'm always amazed you can stomach that," Ghostwire muttered as she gave Flow and encreboules a look. The albino looked happy as can be to have it. "We all have our strengths, Ghosty~!" the seeker giggled.
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verytiredmedic · 13 days ago
Open roleplay, cw for alcohol.
Dani sighed, getting up from his bed. He grabbed the half-empty bottle of beer on his desk and walked out of his room.
It was... a week indeed. Horrible was one word for it.
Lost in his own head, he walked through the halls until he finally reached the outside. Though, there were people around. He had to find somewhere less crowded.
And so he walked, exhausted beyond belief and stuck in his own thoughts.
Maybe he deserved the bad week. Lord knows what terrible things he done. Maybe a terrible person such as him...
It took a while but he did find a quieter, less crowded spot. Just like he needed.
With a sigh, he popped the bottle in his mouth and drank, just a tiny bit. Trying to distract himself from his thoughts.
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thethreefaes · 4 months ago
Living on Berk was a dream. Lyra was learning fast from Gothi to be a healer and Altair was finally warming up to being around other dragons again! The two often flying in the evenings together. And Lyra exploring the forests for plants and herbs. She felt alive. Free.
It was only three months later when the dream would shatter. Lyra was working on a garden she’d placed by her hut. Her home! She smiled bright. Altair resting near by when she suddenly raised her head. Scenting the air before hissing. Her eyes sharp and teeth bared. The dragon all but pushing Lyra into the hut.
“Altair? What’s gotten into you? Wh-“ she covered her mouth to stop the panic that bubbled up. Thanking the stars the hut was big enough for both her and Altair to hide inside before they were seen.
Two large men, though smaller than most of those on Berk, approached the village. Dragon hide armor with metal spikes adorned them. One with a sword on his hip and the other with an axe. And hanging from both, iron shackles.
“We request a meeting with the chief of this place.” One of them called out.
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royalblades-cosmicfates · 1 month ago
《《▪︎▪︎▪︎ @cyberghost-scout ▪︎▪︎▪︎thread
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The shade among the trees was a comfortable presence to the venturing Altean man beneath its branches and coverage of leaves. Only reminding him of the time of day between the glances of sunlight peeking through its foliage.
The Altean had his hair tied into a neat-low ponytail and wore traditional Altean clothing. A light turquoise tunic with a contracting dark brown satchel crossing it. Weighed down by its contents inside.
The pathway he had usually taken had been an option, though this time he decided to venture from the usual pathway and head towards one of the less ventured areas. Being wary of his presence and the somewhat intelligible pathway. Overgrown and shadowed by time. One of which he could barely recall from his own history.
While walking, he paused as he swore he had heard something not too far from his current standing point.
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trials-of-trust · 1 month ago
let's start :33
I'll be replying from @mystic-rp-events again :3
(Felicity: aighty :} you know the drill)
The Valkyries approach the chosen team captains around midafternoon one day. “Are you ready for your journey to the Grand Tournament?” They float down from open sky if there is such access, otherwise they appear out of a blue portal. They all behave in a rather similar way, as if they all had the same personality programmed into them.
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le4ves-1n-the-w1nd · 2 months ago
Of Wind and Wrath and the Pride Between
Leaf leaned back against the cave wall, the cool stone soothing some of the pain. Various bottles of alcohol were scattered around him, most drained completely.
Misty-liquid blood leaked from his arm stump from where he had been untangling Danny's voice from. In his lap was a pile of ethereal string still connected to his shoulder.
He had lied Rory just a little. He wasn't done, but he just couldn't do it anymore. It hurt too badly. There was no amount of alcohol in the world that could numb this pain. And with his allergy, he couldn't use pain medication.
So he was stuck here, three sheets to the wind and wracked with pain fucking Lucifer, bastard fuckwad
He hadn't meant to. Take their voices, he means. It was an accident. He didn't even know he even had that power to begin with. He... He had been scared. It was the first time in three decades that something had physically hurt him.
He threads his fingers through the vibrant green threads, hearing wordless whispers of a soothing voice. It was nice, Danny's voice, but Rory's was better.
It was a soothing rumble that he could feel in his bones. Probably because it was wrapped around his bones. It wasn't going to be fun to get out... And he was probably going to have to do it himself. The thought made him sick.
More wispy blood floats down to the cave floor.
(( @d3vils-in-th3-d3tails ))
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melancholicmoonlight · 10 months ago
In the dark afternoon, two horses guided by lanterns trudge off down a snow whipped path, up to a shabby cabin off in the distance. Ice nips at their noses, and in the distance, the sound of howling wolves echoes throughout the mountains.
Jameson tugs his scarf up to cover his face, glancing over at Reid. “Do we have enough firewood for the night?”
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alburnusgecko · 3 months ago
Okay! So I have all the unlabeled guns in that box in the corner, do you want to pick one out? I’m pretty sure all of them are mostly safe!
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thesovereignfanclub · 19 days ago
@aria-aisling @that-one-harpy @twice-damned-birdie
Is everyone alright?
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dr-octayve · 1 month ago
* far away from the field, a small device careens through the air and into a fast stream of water*
*the figure who threw it goes and curls up under a tree*
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 2 months ago
RP starter
(Info post)
It's cold in Driftveil City; snow dusts the grass and falls lightly through the air as you make your way to the former Plasma safehouse. It's a dramatic old building with an arched entryway and a tower.
An unfamiliar redheaded woman (perhaps one of Anthea and Concordia's IRL friends) opens the door for you. With a bright smile and a cheerful greeting, she ushers you inside and shows you where to hang your coat.
You enter into a large front room decorated with tinsel and fake candles. Tables are set up with craft supplies, and a Chrismas tree glows brightly in one corner of the room. Several humans and Pokémon are milling about already, filling the room with cheerful chatter. An old herdier wags her tail at you from a dog bed in the corner.
To the left is an equally large dining room where the various refreshments promised by the invitation can be found--hot drinks, soup, and various baked goods, as well as space for guests to place any of their own dishes. (And is that a bowl of...plain canned tuna?) To the right is a study where more tables have been set up with various board games and card games. There's also a staircase leading downward, but it's blocked off with a rope and a sign reading "Residents Only." A Unovan zorua sits and observes the room from the top step of the stairs.
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novaxanomaly · 11 months ago
Father-Son Day || Nikolai/Lucifer || Open Starter
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Lucifer, the fallen angel, had started living here, and pretending to be human. Even going as far as giving himself a human name, Nikolai. He had children from multiple mothers all over the world and it wasn't uncommon for one of them to walk into his life and demand attention.
Nikolai lifted his head up to look at his child, "How about we spend some time together, hmm?" He asked, tilting his head to the side just a bit. "We don't do that much, huh?"
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