thethreefaes · 5 months
⛱ - Shifter!Rose and Shifter!Rachel :3
Oh this was nice. This was very nice. The water was clear and the perfect temp. The sun was out and the sand was warm. Oh how she could just curl up on the towel and sink into the heat of the sand. No one was around so she let her tail show and sway happily.
But the best part? The absolute best part was the view. Because as Rose laid on her stomach she had the perfect view of Rachel. And fuck if she didn’t look amazing. No. That didn’t even cover how beautiful that woman looked.
Rose rolled onto her back and looked at Rachel upside down.
“Nope. Still fucking gorgeous.”
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thethreefaes · 5 months
Say which muse or it’ll be random. ^_^ Lyra, Kiara or Rose.
Summer Activities Prompts!
Send one of the emojis for our muses to do said activity together! Put a ‘+’ to add an additional emoji/scenario. You can also add more details to the prompt if you want to!
⛱ : Spend the day at the beach 🎆 : Watch fireworks together at night 🚗 : Go on a cross-country road trip 🧺 : Have a picnic in the park ⛺ : Camp in a tent in their backyard 🩱 : Go swimming at a local pool 🎡  : Go to an amusement park/summer fair ☀️ : Sunbathe outside 🪵 : Have a summer bonfire 🌌  : Stargazing in their backyard 🌭  : Summer barbecue at a friend’s house ☔️ : Stuck inside due to a summer storm 🚤  : Spend the day out boating/tubing/water skiing ⚽️  : Play soccer/frisbee at the park 🛀  : Take a bath to escape the heat ☕️ : Hang out at the local coffee shop 🌕  : Play Ghost In A Graveyard (and other games) at night
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thethreefaes · 6 months
“It’s like it never changed.” Rachel mused wistfully, passing by the cottage and taking in a deep sigh, smiling.
“Magical, yes?” Lyra walked around the side of the house. A basket of new flowers to be planted in her arms.
“Though she does need a bit of tending to.” The woman’s eyes sparkled playfully. It was good to see her old friend again.
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thethreefaes · 6 months
The house at the edge of the forest had been abandoned for some time. Once loved and cared for, it stood a shadow of itself.
Then, a shimmer in the air twisted and warped. Until from the lights a form appeared. Wrapped in a forest green cloak it stepped into the over grown gardens of the home.
“Oh it has been too long.” Lyra lowered the hood, smiling brightly at her house.
“It’s good to be home.”
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thethreefaes · 2 years
Nope, good guess. The answer is used with all of them.
Lyra isn’t discouraged. The young fae pacing now. Rose sat upside down in the chair watching.
“Huh. I thought ya had it with that one.” Rose wiggled her toes over her head.
“Still, wet bodies gettin dirty together in the water? Sounds steamy.” Rose laughed.
“Oh stop it! We both know you’re not as much of a harlot as you make yourself out to be.” Kiara threw a pillow at her.
Lyra paused in her pacing and looked at Rose.
“Water! You can’t really clean water! Right?”
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thethreefaes · 2 years
The answer is related to both showers and washcloths.
“Huh… kinky.” Rose smirked as Kiara shook her head. Lyra on the other hand was thinking hard.
“Is it… a bar of soap?” Lyra was grinning, bouncing excited. This was turning out to be such fun!
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thethreefaes · 2 years
You’re both on the right track.
“How can they both be on the right track?! They had completely different things!” Kiara facepalmed.
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thethreefaes · 2 years
Wash me and I’m dirty. Don’t wash me and I’m clean. What am I?
Lyra hummed in thought.
“Two people in the shower having fun?” Rose answers with an eyebrow wiggle. Kiara smacks her upside the head.
“Is it… a dish cloth?” Lyra tilts her head.
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thethreefaes · 2 years
Do you girls enjoy riddles?
Kiara eyes the anon suspiciously while Rose and Lyra nod excited.
“Oh yes! They are quite fun!”
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thethreefaes · 2 years
"Do you guys project your relationship with your sisters onto fictional sisters whenever you watch something that features a sister relationship in it?" Rachel asked the fae. "Or is that just me?"
“Er… hmm” Lyra tilts her head as she tries to figure out how to answer.
“I think we often pick a character and comment how it reminds us of one another. Rose is always doing this.”
“They don’t even have to be related! It’ll just be funny how two characters react and I just… yep! That’s Kiara! Or that’s Lyra!” Rose laughed.
“And every time there’s a loud mouth annoying character, it’s Rose.” Kiara raised a brow as Rose yelled. “But we haven’t… indulged in many movies. So we haven’t had the time to actually… see ourselves in the characters.”
“Rose and I have seen more. She’s been doing a movie night with me. I do enjoy them. And sometimes see us in the characters. Much like Frozen. It was… surprising to be so similar.” Lyra smiles awkwardly.
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thethreefaes · 2 years
Do the girls have Disney movies that they particularly like? What are their favourites?
“Disney?” Lyra looks at you confused. Rose in turn, looks at Lyra horrified.
“You haven’t seen any Disney movies?!”
“Can’t say we’ve watched many movies in our time here.” Kiara shrugged.
“Oh Hell no! Be right back anon.” Rose then drags the two fae women away.
~~some time later~~
“Okay, but you have to admit the similarities!” Rose nudges Lyra.
“It is kinda funny. I rather liked Anna.” Lyra giggles as Kiara scoffs.
“So, now that I’ve educated them with days worth of Disney, I’ll answer first. My favorite movies are Aladdin and Big Hero 6.” Rose grinned.
“There were so many! It’s hard to choose.” Lyra hums in thought. “I think my favorites were Beauty and the Beast and Oliver and Company.”
“Maleficent and Princess Mononoke.” Kiara answered shortly.
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thethreefaes · 2 years
“What are your guys’ favourite birds? I have a real soft spot for owls. Barred Owls, specifically.” Rachel asked, curious.
Lyra hummed in thought. There were just so many to choose from!! How could she pick just one?!
As Lyra panicked to pick one Kiara spoke up.
“Ravens. Such intelligent and beautiful birds. And messengers between worlds.”
“Red tail hawks!” Rose grinned. “Don’t have a reason other than I think they’re cool!”
“Snow owls! No wait, nightingales… no no. Err… how do you pick just one?!” Lyra covers her face as Rose pats her head.
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thethreefaes · 2 years
10. Coffee or tea?
15. This one isn’t a question. I just want to show my love <3
For me? Tea. I have a lot of different flavors.
Rose: Coffee!!
Lyra: Tea with honey.
Kiara: Coffee with cream.
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thethreefaes · 2 years
Reblog this to have people go into your inbox & ask your character questions!
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thethreefaes · 2 years
Not sure how much D&D you’re into, but what would D&D versions of the girls look like?
Ahhh!!! I love D&D! And actually a while ago I found that site where you could make your characters. Hmm maybe I’ll update them because now I think the girls would be different beings as well.
Like Rose. Rose is a rouge through and through. With a bit of Artificer too. As for race, I see her being either a Changeling or a Fire Genasi.
Lyra would be a Druid. And her race an Eladrin. She often shifts between Fall and Spring. Her hair turning fire red and skin orange when she’s fall and in spring her hair turns orange and red and her skin a light pink.
Kiara would be a Sorcerer and a Winter Eladrin.
Ok… now I want to find that site again and create these versions!! I love this question thank you!
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thethreefaes · 2 years
Very old meme, but I was going through your blog for nostalgia/curiosity’s sake and I found this post: https://at.tumblr.com/thethreefaes/this-is-perfect-heehee-send-in-what-fae-you-or/j1xb0l2aqgo6
And it piqued my interest. I’d firmly say that Rachel would either be a pixie or an ocean fae.
Pixie. Most certainly a pixie. I love her so much! And so do the girls. 💜
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thethreefaes · 2 years
50 Dialogue Prompts
“It’s really not that complicated.”
“Close the door.”
“It’s three in the morning.”
“I should have told you a long time ago.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“You have to leave right now.”
“Just trust me.”
“I’ve been waiting a long time.”
“You’re in love with her.”
“Come here.”
“We could get arrested for this.”
“What are you thinking about?”
“I thought you were dead.”
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Was that supposed to hurt?”
“I can explain.”
“Love is overrated.”
“Watch me.”
“I’ve missed this.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Sometimes, being a complete nerd comes in handy.”
“I don’t owe you an explanation.”
“We have to be quiet.”
“You’re trembling.”
“I want an answer, goddammit!”
“It was you the whole time.”
“Tell me again.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“You don’t see me.”
“I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
“You could have died.”
“Prove it.”
“I might never get another chance to say this.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“Lie to me then.”
“You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”
“We need to talk about what happened last night.”
“I never stood a chance, did I?”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“I’m only here to establish an alibi.”
“Are you drunk?”
“I still remember the way you taste.”
“How much of that did you hear?”
“What happens if I do this?”
“Why are you whispering?”
“You make me want things I can’t have.”
“I don’t want to screw this up.”
“People are staring.”
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