#open thread
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Open to Anyone
Muse- Dominique Luca
Relationship- Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Husband/Wife
Mun's Notes - This can go across any fandom, any ships, with any muse of your choice
Plot - Luca is home after work and just out of the shower before date night, whether it's a romantic quiet night or a wild night is entirely up to you 😉
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Luca only really took long showers whenever his back was hurting and because he had been overdoing it at the gym to keep in shape, and in the field as a SWAT officer, he had done something to aggravate his back. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to be attending date night. Sometimes, it felt like they barely spent any time together, so date night's were always special.
"Hey, babe." He called over to the bed where his partner was lying on top of the bed. "Have you decided if we're going out or staying in? Cause I'm good with either. Just let me get some of that medicated cream and take some painkillers, and I'm good to go." He looked over their body, smiling to himself because he was the luckiest guy on earth.
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johncon · 7 months ago
A Moment of Weakness
The words were beginning to swim. Constantine was certain he'd read the same sentence at least five times, and he still didn't know what it fucking said. He'd been reading one book after another for an undetermined amount of time, trying to figure out how to get Bart back, how to stop Barbatos and banish him from Killer Moth's body. Well, one part of that had been figured, at least. His room didn't have windows by choice. It forced Constantine to go out to have a smoke break, and kept him from being distracted by the passage of time or outside sound. But when the young magician stood for a smoke break, hoping it would help him focus, black dots swarmed in his vision, and Constantine went down. He came to a few minutes later, crumpled on the wooden floor, blinking dazedly. What had just happened? "Fuck," he muttered under his breath, holding his head as it throbbed angrily at him. When did he last eat? Constantine wasn't sure. It had been... ah, probably a couple days now, at least. And he hadn't had anything to drink except a shot of vodka here and there. Probably about ten or so, over that amount of time. "Right... Time to pick yourself up again, John," he mumbled to himself, closing his eyes as he pushed himself to hands and knees, trying to keep his vision from betraying him. But again his head swam, and a minute later Constantine blinked awake with a sore nose and knocked elbow. He growled under his breath and thumped the floor with his fist in frustration. And now that he was lying down, it felt so nice. Maybe it was floor time. Or perhaps a floor time nap. When did he sleep last? That was another good question. Constantine's eyes fluttered, threatening to close, and he let them this time.
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aster1017-grey · 4 months ago
The house is stiflingly empty when Grey comes home. That's not anything new, but it's one thing to be distressed. It's another to be distressed and alone.
Upon getting inside, they drop their bag to the side, not having the capacity to care much about it right now. It clumsily draws the curtains, dimming the living room as much as possible before curling up in the corner of the couch and breathing against the viscous mix of ache and sensory disorder clinging to the undersides of its plating.
They've never liked maintenance. Have always despised repairs. He's pathetic, really—a minor complication; a small mishap, and xe's offset like she's had wires tugged out.
[open rp]
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top-shelf-tender-moved · 1 year ago
“I’ve seen that look before. Spill it, what’s goin’ on?”
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keenie-bopper · 7 months ago
Open Thread - IGREEDA Cabinet Building
Fluff / Anything Goes! / Ever built IKEA furniture? Instead of conjuring up a new piece of furniture for the hotel bar, Charlie thought of a great team building activity. She purchased a Mammon-brand IGREEDA Cabinet, the only problem is that it didn't arrive fully assembled. It's up to the hotel patrons to put their differences aside and work together to build a new display cabinet for Husk's Bar.
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Keenie squints in confusion at the pile of wooden planks, glass panels, and screws. Out of pure frustration she asks, "I'm sorry but how in Hell do these flimsy pieces of junk make a functioning cabinet?" She flips through the instruction booklet and tried to make sense of the strange pictures, "I thought this was supposed to be easy! Thanks a lot, Mammon!"
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eldritch-horror-rp-blog · 8 months ago
Open Starter://
Simon had been shoved roughly to the ground by the wolf-like beast, his head smacking hard against cobblestone street. Dazed, the good doctor rubbed his head, vision swimming. Dressed in white in the fashion of the Healing Church doctors, Simon had been rushing to a home where there had been rumors of the second spreading of the sickness. Quickly he had been set upon by a this massive creature of all dark fur and golden eyes that loomed over him now, staring down at him with fangs bared.
"By the Gods..." the doctor murmured, unable to say much more in the face of his fear.
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freerangeranger · 9 months ago
Ellisa told us to be ready for campers to challenge us. Guess that means Lamp and I can put our year of kicking ass to good use!
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blood-of-the-eldritch-rp · 4 months ago
Open Starter (Only 21+ Please!!) -
(Themes: Tragedy; Angst)
The scholar tore at his burning eyes, crying out and stumbling blindly. With desperation Simon reached out, grasping for anything in order to steady himself and keep from falling over.
“What the hell?” The scholar yelled, stinging tears running down his pale cheeks. He couldn’t see, that much was plain enough. So focused was he on the research was he that Simon didn’t notice the reaction building from the combination of arcane ingredients, ready to burst forth with the brightest illumination that the scholar had ever experienced.
Turning around wildly and twisting body, he nearly tripped over a nearby chair, nocking it over with a clatter.
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luca-street-chris-deacon-rp · 6 months ago
Open to -Mutuals/Non Mutuals
Muse - David "Deacon" Kay
Open to Female/Male/ Everyone
Sexuality - Straight/Gay/Bisexual
Relationship- Friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, friend with benefits, stranger becomes friend
Plot- Deacon is at the gym, and he's pent up and full of adrenaline and needs to blow off some steam before going to work. (We can discuss interactions and plot out a long term ship)
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It had been a very stressful week with various call outs and being shot at, smacked around, and chasing criminals all over the city had left Deacon feeling a little stressed and with what he had going on in his personal life wasn't helping. So boxing was his option for dealing with the pent-up energy, then he saw a familiar face.
"Hey, how are you doing?" Deacon asked the other as he removed the boxing gloves from his hands. "How's things going?"
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katesgotabow · 5 months ago
She didn't know why she loved this place so damn much. Maybe it was because she built it from the ground up. Maybe it was because she could hide in plain sight, in a way. Maybe it was just simply because it was fun. But she loved it, like it was a piece of her own heart. She loved her staff, she loved working with her friends, she loved dancing, and mixing drinks. She loved almost all of it.
Paperwork and being in her office wasn't always the best but she'd do it when she had to. Sometimes she moved out of her office and spread paperwork across the bar top so she could. Other times, she left it for Clint.
Today she was doing paperwork.
Coffee in hand, laptop on the bar, and papers spread all within arms reach, she was balancing books and making sure payroll was caught up, including actually paying herself. Humming along to the music she threw on in the background, she heard footsteps behind her.
"Hey, sorry we're closed until later."
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johncon · 7 months ago
The Summer Gala
He'd put on his suit, fixed his makeup and shoes, and headed into Gotham. It wasn't far, even if he'd gone by car. The blonde wandered briefly amongst the streets near the building, then bypassed the flashing cameras to teleport directly, discreetly onto an empty balcony. Constantine then braced himself and stepped into the hubbub. (ooc- open rp)
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kotaromita · 5 months ago
Open Thread [Halloween Event, Mermaid AU]
The week leading up to Halloween the harbor was often crowded with yacht filled with rich teens partying where they were less likely to be caught drinking and getting high. The word Halloween didn't have much of a meaning for merfolk, but to Kotoro he'd come to associate it with an excess of observation opportunities. The music resonating off the boat Kotaro had currently suctioned himself onto was nothing like the hypnotic operatic of merfolk. He could feel it reverberate through his body; drums rattling his ribs and bass shaking his core. With a wet pop he pulls himself free from the side of the yacht to swim away just a little bit. It's easier to watch the human silhouettes dance when he isn't sidled up right next to it.
The LED lights reflect brightly in Kotaro's wide silvery eyes. How fun and exciting. There were bright lights at the bottom of the sea, too, but not in this many colors. Mermaids danced when they sang, but not this erratic and passionately. Suddenly, a human approaches the edge of the ship to look into the dark waters below. Kotaro sinks a bit deeper, letting his hair wave around his head to blend into the waves. Would this human sing too? Sing and rap and dance? His eyes shine in the dark, watching with rapt attention.
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determination-personified · 2 months ago
The rattling of a spray can would echo slightly, as a grungey dressed possum pace side to side in front a what seemed to newly painted wall, judging by the empty cans at the woman's feet. She's been working on something here for a while but one look shows she was nowhere near done.
The outlines were shotty. None of the insides of the semi half made sketche were even colored in yet, with a click of the tongue she'd raise the can a red puff of air would shoot out as she drag her aim to right before stopping.
"Ya mind?, you're in my light."
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aster1017-grey · 3 months ago
Tonight, the town is loud.
The last few weeks have been loud. Everything that had been boiling has reached the threshold, frothing over in scorching, suffocating foam. It's straining at best but for some it marks an ultimatum.
Human cacophony tends to fill the air here but after a step over tumultuous lines, there is the sound of straining metal and grinding gears. Slicing through the fog, a shriek of audial static and electricity bounces off the treeline at that stained edge of the town.
[Open rp]
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kingoftheneverwoods · 5 months ago
Starter Call!!!! (Peter)
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morgaiyn-the-golden · 9 months ago
Morgaiyn knew that he had fallen quite far in life now, as he dug through the trash of a sea side restaurant in search of scraps of food and any leftovers. His stomach growled, and the elf knew that he couldn’t ignore it anymore. He hadn’t made enough money today to cover food, and though he had gone without it before, today it was particularly difficult.
At the bottom of the barrel, he managed to find an apple core, which he quickly took up and started biting into. It tasted off, but it was at least something.
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