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bicboss · 1 year ago
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rb7012 · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @noh.eul_89 오늘 불태웠다🔥 저녁...소..식..해야겠지😭 . #기구필라테스 #등운동 #엉덩이운동 #복근운동 #열심히운동하고 #붕어빵살까말까고민함 #참을인승리 #집가서닭가슴살먹어야지 #돼지야그만먹어 https://www.instagram.com/p/CL6hHSKFidt/?igshid=140rirqagky1y
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#흑백사진 #감성 #흑백감성 #레깅스 #레깅스룩 #레깅스핏 #엉덩이라인 #엉덩이운동 #힙운동 #힙업 #좋아요 #코로나싫어 #감기조심 #좋아요반사 #놀고싶다 #홈트 #홈트레이닝 #운동하는여자 #확찐자 https://www.instagram.com/p/B90qBgVJmJQ/?igshid=od0fv0udpun7
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fit-zona-blog · 6 years ago
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#glutes 🍑 Consistency and balance are the key factors of my fitness program. I never target only one group of muscles when working out, because doing so may lead to some of my body parts getting overworked which by my body is interpreted as an overall body tiredness. Instead, every day I do a full body workout and simply put slight emphasis on one body part so that the loss of energy and tiredness are more evenly distributed among all muscle groups and I can resume working out on the same tempo on the next day, while, again, giving a bit of preference to another group of muscles. . . . These exercises are perfect for starting your glute day! . . 🔴Watch full video on my YouTube channel: Fit-ZonA . . . . #gluteworkout #glute #howtotrainglutes #howtotargetglutes #lowerbodyworkout #glutedayeveryday #glutewarmup #gluteday #strongglutes #stronglegs #tonedglutes #consistancyiskey #consistanttraining #엉덩이운동 #다리운동 #센트리얼휘트니스 (at Seoul, South Korea - 서울) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByaRAr1luRz/?igshid=1rouylamyhtll
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rankingtalktalk-blog · 8 years ago
예쁜 뒤태 라인 만드는 운동법.avi 신년 오지게 각오하고 각 동작 15~20회씩 3세트 해보면 연예인 뒷테 부럽지 않음 ^^ ; #랭킹톡톡 #운동녀 #운동녀💪 #운동녀들 #운동녀그램 #운동 #운동스타그램 #운동스타그램💪 #허벅지운동 #엉덩이운동 #힙업운동 #힙업 #신년운동 #빡세게운동 #운동자극영상 #운동자극 #피트니스 #아령운동
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dreamjuhee-blog · 5 years ago
힙업운동 종류 5가지 애플힙 운동법 | Hip Up Exercise Video
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losephmartin-blog · 8 years ago
노화예방,노화방지 - 엉덩이운동법
노화예방,노화방지 – 엉덩이운동법
엉덩이근육을 단련하면 허리가 튼튼해지고 무릎, 골반의 부상도 예방할 수 있으며 골반을 바로잡아 주어 바른자세를 유지하는데 도움이 된다고 합니다. 노화예방,노하방지를 위한 취침전후 언제 어디서난 쉽게 할 수 있는 운동입니다. 500ml생수병 또는 두루마리 휴지를 준비해주세요. 두발 사이에 생수병 또는 휴지를 끼우기 바닥에 편안하게 엎드립니다. 생수병 또는 두루마리 휴지가 빠지지 않도록 힘을 줍니다. 다리를 직각으로 들어 올립니다. 무릎을 바닥에서 살짝 떨어지도록 들어 올립니다. 허리에 무리가 가지 않도록 1~2cm정도만 올려도 됩니다.
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theyoganews · 3 years ago
TheYogaNews.com:yoga 힙업 홈트 요가스트레칭 hip-up stretch before work at home at Home stretches workout 運動
New Post has been published on https://theyoganews.com/2021/08/05/theyoganews-comyoga-%ed%9e%99%ec%97%85-%ed%99%88%ed%8a%b8-%ec%9a%94%ea%b0%80%ec%8a%a4%ed%8a%b8%eb%a0%88%ec%b9%ad-hip-up-stretch-before-work-at-home-at-home-stretches-workout-%e9%81%8b%e5%8b%95/
TheYogaNews.com:yoga 힙업 홈트 요가스트레칭 hip-up stretch before work at home at Home stretches workout 運動
welcome to my work out story~ Be happy all you guys 💗💗
#workout​​​​#hometraining​​​​#stretches​​​​#yoga​​​​#glutes​​​​#hipup​​​​#pushup​​​​#leggings​​​​#ヨガ​​​​#ゆり活​​​​#筋トレ女子​​​#힙업운동​​​​ #홈트​​​​#엉덩이운동​​​​ #workout​ Video Rating: / 5
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b14ck-p34rl · 7 years ago
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하루에 한번 땀내기🤪🤪🤪 . . #운동하는여자#필라테스#pilates#exercise#땀빼기#힙업#엉신#운동#요가복#안다르#뮬라웨어#mulawear#오늘#행복#찾아서#힘#리본#리본필라테스
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중심잡기🤸🏻‍♂️ . .
Source: Instagram @zi_soo__
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mysticnerdstudentlover · 5 years ago
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#흰바지에 #데일리코디 #데일리룩 #잠실 #월드타워 #데이트 #일상룩 #쇼핑 #오랜만에 #답답해 #코로나19 #싫어 #운동하는여자 #새벽운동 #유산소 #엉덩이운동 #힙업 #좋아요 https://www.instagram.com/p/B93MqW8gV89/?igshid=lradgdn2aesb
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runatthedisco · 7 years ago
오늘 한 일
등산하면서 엉덩이운동
구름보고 감탄  
남의 고양이보고 침흘리기 
필름 현상 맡김 
조선 가지 3개 2천원에 사서 요리하기 (나도 할 수 있는 요리가 있따니)  
토마토도 같이 샀음
델몬트보다 manna 바나나가 더 마싱ㅆ는데 아무도 모르고 관심도 없겠지? 멕시코산이라고요  
커피가 다 ㄸㅓㄹ어졌다 ㅐ내일아침에 뭐마시지 
여전히 양주 꽃병에 꽂을 꽃을 구하지 못해씀.......... 
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fit-zona-blog · 6 years ago
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Those who want to have strong legs definitely should make a good use of the leg press machine! Personally, I love this machine and use it whenever it is "legs day", because it works all your leg muscles: glutes, hamstrings, quads, inner thighs and hips! All you need to do is put your feet in the necessary position, depending on which muscles you want to work. You can refer to the pics ☝️ Whether you use the standard horizontal leg press machine or the 45 degree one, never forget the basic rules: 1. Your spine and head should be in a flat position against the seat pad; 2. Your feet (heels) should be placed flat; 3. Your knees should never be locked out and never inwarded or outwarded; 4. Your forefoot or toes should almost never be used; 5. Your feet should never be placed at the lower part of the plate - it gives the knees unnecessary pressure; 6. Don't overload the plate; 7. Your buttocks should be absolutely flat on the seat. . . . #fitnesstips #gymtips #legpress #legpressworkout #legpressmachine #legday #legworkout #howtogetstronglegs #hamstringworkout #strongquads #innerthighworkout #howtotrainglutes #glutes #underbooty #strongandtonedlegs #howtogetridofcellulite #gymtime #зож #фитнессоветы #какнакачатьноги #жимногами #какнакачатьпопу #엉덩이운동 #다리운동 #회트니스 (at Seoul, Korea) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByFfzjlFPkP/?igshid=1heyh9a9pkmht
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theissuecollector · 5 years ago
엉덩이운동(언제 수축 해야하나?)스퀴즈?
레슨&협찬&광고 – https://open.kakao.com/o/so5kFG1 ——–‐——————————— 양선수 인스타그램 – https://www.instagram.com/physique_woogi/ —————————————— 매주 1회 실시간 온라인PT – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLG1XzhSPuuJ6hqaHhQaFkA/join —————————————— 강좌 제작비 후원하기 https://toon.at/donate/yangpt ——–‐—‐———————-‐—— 유럽1위 보충제 마이프로틴 – http://tidd.ly/b5590419 양선수할인코드 – "yangpt" (구매시 입력) 추천인코드 – "G8MI-R2" (회원가입시 입력) —————————————— 국내…
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mysticnerdstudentlover · 5 years ago
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#레깅스 #일상대화 #일상룩 #레깅스룩 #뒤태 #섹시 #좋아요 #좋반 #운동하는여자 #운동자극 #힙업 #힙업운동 #엉덩이운동 #헬스녀 #복근 #힙근육 #데일리 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9qhdlGgzxU/?igshid=5tv7zj3wgqkd
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