#러 오다
a-pop-of-korean · 2 years
One-Page Masterlist
안녕하세요! Hey everyone! I recently got an ask about my old masterlist, which is the same as my broken-down masterlist except it has all of my lessons on one page, rather than on multiple separate posts. Some may find this expanded version easier to navigate, so I’ll keep this up for y’all! My broken-up masterlist, of course, will still be available for those who find that more helpful :)
Hangul Lessons
Writing/Reading Korean Syllables
Some 받침 Rules
Stroke Order
Some More 받침 Rules
Irregular Verbs
The Basics
Common Phrases
Sino-Korean vs. Native Korean Numbers (Instagram Post)
Sentence Structure and Particles
Present-Tense Conjugations and Formal Language
Honorifics and Casual Language
Negative Sentences
잘 and 못
Past Tense
Future Tense (-ㄹ / 을 것이다)
-ㄹ / 을 까요? (Shall we…? / I wonder…?)
-(으)세요 (Giving Commands / Asking Questions)
Telling Time
-고 싶다 (I want to…)
How to Say “And”
-지만 (However)
아/어/여서 (So…)
Negative Commands
Spacing (띄어쓰기)
ㅂ Irregular
Comparatives and Superlatives
난, 날, & 내가
 -(으)면 (If…)
아/어/여도 (Even though…/Even if…)
(으)면 되다 / 아/어/여도 되다 (I can…/You may…)
-아/어도 되다: Asking for and Giving Permission (Instagram post)
-(으)면 되다 & -(으)면 안 되다 (Instagram post)
아/어/여야 되다 and 아/어/여야 하다(Have to / Should)
Present Progressive (-고 있다)
How to Say “Or”
All About 중
How to Use -(으)로
Before & After
-ㄴ/은 채로
Describing Nouns with Verbs (-는 것)
Describing Nouns with Verbs - Past & Future Tense (-ㄴ/은 / -ㄹ/을 것)
것 같다 (I think… / It seems…)
-러 가다 / -러 오다
-(으)려고 (In order to…)
-기로 하다 (to Decide to do Smth)
척하다 (To Pretend)
-게 되다 
-군요 / -구나
아/어/여 보다 (to try…)
-은/ㄴ 적 있다 / 없다 (I have / have not)
-ㄹ/을 게요 (Future Tense)
-ㄹ/을 수 있다/없다 (I can / cannot)
-ㄹ/을 때 (When…)
-ㄴ/는다면 (If)
-(으)면서 and -(으)며
-(으)니까 (Because / So)
-(ㄴ/는)다 (Narrative Form)
Quoting continued
(으)ㄹ래요? (Wanna…?)
More Quoting - 대 & 래
잘하다 & 못하다 vs. 잘 하다 & 못 하다 
-아/어 가지고
-는 길에 & -는 길이다
-(으)면 vs. -ㄴ/는다면 (Instagram Post)
-았/었을 것이다
-는 데(에)
-ㄹ/을 뻔하다
-(으)ㄴ/는지 (Whether or not)
All About 아무리
Expressing Surprise
-시 (Honorific)
Making Comparisons
I might…
So that…/To the point where…
Causative Verbs
Passive Verbs (part 1)
Passive Verbs (part 2)
-ㄴ/은가 보다 & -나 보다 (I guess…)
Other Meanings of 싶다
-자마자 & -는 대로(As soon as…)
-긴 하다
차라리 (Rather)
-(으)ㅁ Nominalization
-기는 무슨 & -기는 개뿔
-고 보니까
-(으)면 좋겠다 & -(으)면 하다
-길 바라다
-줄 알다/모르다
-ㄹ/을 테니까 and -ㄹ/을 텐데
아니라 and 대신에
-ㄹ/을 리가 없다
편이다, 별로, and More
-지 그렇다 (Why don’t you…?)
-ㄹ/을 걸
-ㄹ/을 까 보다
-다니 part 1 
-다니 part 2
뜻이다 & 말이다
Some colloquialisms: 아니시에이팅 and 뭐 이렇게
-(으)ㅁ Sentence Ending
 -다 보니까
What does 따위 mean?
Korean Idioms
Must-Know People
Must-Know Places
Must-Know Things
Must-Know Verbs
Must-Know Adjectives
Months, Days of the Week, and More
Clothing (옷)
School (학교)
Autumn (가을)
Autumn (w/Pictures!)
More Questions
House / Apartment (집 / 아파트)
Emotions / Feelings ( 감정)
Animals (동물)
Loan / Konglish Words
Food and Drink (먹을 것과 마실 것)
Parts of the Body (몸)
Modes of Transportation (교통 수단)
Colors (색깔)
Colors (with Pictures!)
Weather (날씨)
Winter (겨울)
Music & Instruments (음악과 악기)
Baking Gingerbread Cookies
Emergency (비상)
Hygiene & Bathroom (위생 & 화장실)
Indefinite Pronouns
Work / Office (일 / 사무실)
Spring (봄)
Coronavirus Prevention (코로나바이러스 방역)
How to Wash Your Hands (손을 씻기)
Time (시간)
Korean Cuisine (한식)
Summer (여름)
Summer (여름) w/Pictures!
Graduation (졸업)
Identity (독자성)
Korean Text Slang
Similar Words
Makeup w/Pictures! (화장품)
Family (with Pictures!)
How to Say “Still” and “Already” in Korean
Tastes & Textures (맛과 질감)
K-Pop Audition
K-Pop Fandom Terminology
Different Ways to Say “Change”
Flower Names
What Does 원래 Mean?
What does 오히려 Mean?
Hanja Lessons
부 & 불
Present, Past, and Future Tense
Question Words
잘 vs. 못 and Negative Conjugations 
Future Tenses 
-았/었던 vs. -던 (at end of lesson)
Some 받침 Rules
Gifving Commands
Conjunctions and -아/어/여서 vs. -(으)니까
-(으)면 vs. -다/라면 and Different Ways to Say “And”
How to Say “Or” (at end of lesson)
Telling Time (at end of lesson)
Comparatives and Superlatives
잘하다 & 못하다 vs. 잘 하다 & 못 하다 (at end of lesson)
Comparing 잘하다/못하다, 잘 하다/못 하다, & 수 있다/수 없다
Irregular Verbs
Pop Quizzes
Level 1
K-Pop Breakdowns
TXT - “Cat & Dog”
Twice - “Feel Special”
Enhypen - “Fever”
2NE1 - “Go Away”
Lee Hi - “Only”
“기억을 걷는 시간 (Time Spent Walking Through Memories)”
KCM - “An Old Love Story (흑백사진)”
Taeyeon - “Can’t Control Myself”
Epik High - “Lost One”
Colde - “A Song Nobody Knows”
IU - “My Sea”
Enhypen - “Polaroid Love”
유라 (youra) - “하양 (RAL 9002)″
BTS - “Ddaeng”
Stray Kids - “For You”
Woozie - “어떤 미래 (What Kind of Future)
TXT - “Eternally”
LOONA - “Heart Attack”
Stray Kids - “Muddy Water”
LOONA - “Girl Front”
Pentagon - “Daisy”
BTS - “Sea”
Semester in SK
Nami Island (남이섬)
Things to Buy at Daiso
Shopping Phrases
Ordering Coffee
Signs in Korea
Ordering at a Restaurant
Riding the Seoul Subway
Things at the 편의점
Korean Curse Words
Etiquette in South Korea
Drinking Culture
Hanja in Real Life
Holidays in South Korea
Korean Cuisine
Concert Ticketing in South Korea
K-pop Comebacks in Korea
Summer in South Korea
What I Learned
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dalgona-korean · 9 months
Saying Your Purpose/ Intention
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I find that whenever I want to state my intentions, I like to simply gravitate towards the future tense grammar -거예요, which is not only a super rookie method but also not very accurate in conveying the intended meaning. I decided to compile some of the most important grammar here with similar but differing sentences to convey their differences.
1. V - (으)러 가다/오다
Used to convey that you are going to/ arriving at a place in order to perform a certain action. Therefore the ending verbs can only be 가다/오다/다니다.
e.g., 식당에 그녀석을 헤어지러 갔어요. I went to the restaurant to break up with that guy
2. V - (으)려고
Used to convey the intention of the speaker. The 2nd clause happens 'in order to/for' the 1st clause to happen. This is the most general form that can be used with all verbs, but cannot be used with future tense.
e.g., 그녀석을 헤어지려고 저녁으로 만났어요. I met him for dinner to break up with him.
3. V - (으)려고 하다
Used to express the subject's information or plan that has yet to be acted upon. It means 'plan to' or 'intend to'. When '(으)려고 했다' is used, it means that the intended action did not materialize as expected.
e.g., 오늘 저녁 할때 그녀석이랑 헤어지려고 해요. I plan to break up with him at dinner today.
e.g., 오늘 저녁 할때 그녀석이랑 헤어지려고 했어요. I planned to break up with him at dinner today (but it failed).
4. N 을/를 위해(서); V -기 위해(서)
Used to show that the speaker will do what is in the 2nd clause, for the sake of accomplishing the 1st clause. This grammar can be used with future tense.
e.g,. 제 정신 건강을 위해서 오늘은 그녀석이랑 헤어져야돼요. For the sake of my mental health, I need to break up with him today.
5. V - 기로 하다
Used to express the making of a promise with another person, or to oneself. It is usually used in the past tense - '기로 했어요'.
e.g., 친구랑 그녀석한테 오늘 헤어지기로 했어요. I promised my friend that I would break up with him today.
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korstudying · 2 years
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V(으)러 N에 가다/오다 (N에 V(으)러 가다/오다)
= Go somewhere in order to do something
받침 O ➝ 으러 || 받침 X ➝ 러
저는 극장에 영화를 보러 가요 = I am going to the cinema to watch a movie
식당에 밥을 먹으러 가요 = I’m going to the restaurant to eat a meal
Q: 도서관에 왜 가요? = why are you going to the library?
A: 착을 빌리러 가요 = to borrow a book
*ㄹ-verb: 놀다 ➝ 놀러 가요
안 V/A
= Used to form a negative sentence
오늘은 일요일이에요. 그래서, 학교에 안 가요 = today is sunday, so I am not going to school
저는 커피를 안 마셔요 = I don’t drink coffee
저는 오늘 우동(을) 안 해요 = I don't workout today
안 + tense form
= Used to shorten what’s already been said
받침 O ➝ 은요 || 받침 X ➝ 는요
1: 유나 씨, 오늘 뭐 해요?
2: 친구하고 만나요, 재민 씨는요? (재민 씨 오늘 뭐 해요?)
1: 머리를 자르러 미용실에 가요.
Grammar || Vocabulary || Practice
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years
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How To Say 100+ Things In Korean
Modal Auxiliary Verbs Lesson
⚠️Disclaimer: Most of these grammar constructions are best to study individually. I’ll leave a list of some grammar at the end, so you'll know what to go for.
What Is An Auxiliary Verb?
Auxiliary verbs, also known as helper verbs or helping verbs, are minor verbs that support the sentence's main verb to communicate complex grammar concepts like aspects of time or modality.
Auxiliary verbs are widely used in Korean. They are always used together with a preceding main verb. There are many, but today I’ll go over the main ones that you may have seen or heard before. I’ll also provide a list of more at the end of the post.
Progressive auxiliary verbs (가다, 오다, 들다)
Verb stem + 아/어 가다/오다
To express the continuous performance of an action. The construction with the verb 오다 stresses that the movement comes toward the present and is continuous. The construction with the verb 가다 stresses that the movement progresses into the future, away from the present.
우리는 중국에서 살아왔습니다.
We have lived in China.
그 일이 잘 되어 갑니다.
That work is going on well.
The verb 들다 is used after the stem of an action verb with the suffix - (으)러.
Verb stem + - (으)려 + 들다
This construction expresses the idea of getting down to action.
그 여자가 말하려 들면 그가 말하지 못하게 막아요. "When that woman tries to say something (starts to try), he doesn't let her talk."
Terminative auxiliary verbs (내다, 나다, 버리다, 말다, 빠지다, 치우다)
This auxiliary verb shows the action has been completed or finished. Each verb has a slightly different meaning.
내다- the action is finished completely despite difficulties.
버리다- the action is completed with no room to spare, something is done fully or completely.
빠지다 - one is displeased with the state mentioned in the preceding sentence.
Form - 아/어/여 내다, 버리다, 빠지다, 치우다. The verbs 나다 and 말다 are attached to the stem of the verb with the suffix - 고. Verb stem + -고 +나다 (말다)
학생은 이 책을 끝까지 읽어 냈어요.
The pupil has read the book up to the end.
숙제를 하고 나서 잠을 잘 거에요.
I’ll go to bed after finishing my homework.
오늘 지하철에서 지갑을 잃어 버렸어요.
Today I lost my wallet in the subway. (completely)
Donatory auxiliary verbs (주다, 드리다)
Verb stem + 아/어/해 주다 ( 드리다)
This is a grammar structure that shows the action is performed for the benefit of somebody. 드리다 is the honorific form of 주다.
동생은 어머니를 도와 드렸어요. My little brother helped our mother.
이것을 설명해 주시겠습니까? Could you explain this to me, please?
Exploratory auxiliary verbs (보다)
Verb stem + 아/어 +보다
This form shows that a person attempts to make an action or has the experience of doing something.
선생님의 말을 들어 보세요. Listen to the teacher.
김치를 먹어 보세요. Please try (eating) Kimchi.
Retentive auxiliary verbs (놓다, 두다)
Verb stem + 아/어 놓다 ( 두다)
This grammar is used to show that the action is completed and can't be changed or is done for some future use.
문을 열어 놓았어요. I left the door open.
이 책은 책상에 놓아 두세요. Put this book on the desk, please.
Stative auxiliary verbs (있다, 지다)
Constructions with this auxiliary verb show that the action or state continues to exist. Note: The verb 있다 is attached only to action verbs.
그 남자는 문 앞에 서 있었어요. This man was standing in front of the door (the process).
~~The verb 지다 can be used with both action verbs and descriptive verbs. When it is used with action verbs, it forms a passive voice sentence.~~
옥수수가 잘 삶아져서 먹기가 좋은데요. The corn is good to eat because it has been boiled well.~~
When the verb 지다 is used with descriptive verbs, it expresses the intensification of the state. (To become)
날씨가 아주 따뜻해지고 있습니다. It is getting very warm.
Negative auxiliary verbs (말다, 않다, 아니하다, 못하다)
Verb stem + - 지 말다 (않다, 못하다)
These auxiliary verbs are used to form negative sentences. However, the verbs 않다 has a neutral meanings, the verb 못하다 has connotations of inability (can't), and the verb 말다 is used to negate verbs in the imperative and propositive forms (negative commands and requests - don’t do).
일요일에 회사에 가지 않습니다. On Sunday, I don't go to my office.
이 식당에서 담배를 피우지 마십시오. Please do not smoke in this restaurant.
우리는 자주 만나지 못합니다. We can't meet often.
Periphrastic auxiliary verb 하다
There are a lot of grammatical constructions with this auxiliary verb in Korean, with various meanings. Some of them are:
게 하다 forms causatives. (Force someone, make someone);
부모님은 아이를 공부하게 합니다. Parents make their children study.
아/어야 하다 shows that something must be done. (Have to, should)
건강할 때 건강을 지키야 합니다. You must treat your health while you are healthy.
곤 하다 indicates the action was repeated regularly. (used to do something.)
나도 독일로 출장을 가곤 했습니다. I used to go on business trips to Germany.
Here's a list of some of the grammar for you to study independent of this post.
~ 아/어 버리다
~ 고 나서 & 고 말다
~ 고 있다
~ 아/어 주다
~ 아/어 보다
~ 아/어 놓다/두다
~ 고 싶다
~ 아/어 있다
~ 아/어 지다
~ 아/어야 하다
~ 게 하다
~ 곤하다
Verb stem + 고 있다 is also considered a progressive auxiliary verb
Example: 친구가 지금 기다리고 있습니다.
My friend is waiting now.
✨Desiderative auxiliary verb (싶다)
This auxiliary verb is used after the stem of the main verb with the suffix -고. This form expresses the wish to do something.
✨Verb stem + -고 싶다
Note: When this construction is used for the third person, the verb 싶다 is changed to the verb 싶어하다. (Saying that someone else wants to do something)
저는 여행을 하고 싶어요. I want to go traveling.
학생들이 재미있는 책을 읽고 싶어해요. The students want to read an interesting book.
✨Extra notes for 보다 (exploratory auxiliary verbs)
This form is also used in first person questions that ask permission to do something.
이 소포를 선박우편 보내 볼까요?
- 예, 그럽시다.
Shall I send this parcel by sea mail?
- Yes, do that.
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cheste7 · 10 months
Day 1 (17/11/22) 🌟
tonight i didn't sleep very well because of several thoughts and the noise of the wind against my window. despite all that
i've done my morning simple skincare🧚‍♀️
i've eaten my not so big breakfast (just some water and cookies because yesterday i ate to a sushi all you can eat bar and i was so full)🍪🍣
i've changed my bed🛏
study achievements
i'm studying INFECTIVE DISEASES and even if the exam is in december i have to work hard because i've been procrastinating it for too long (also this is one of the causes of my struggle). 2 new diseases studied and im planning to revise another one this evening with my friend by videocall🦠
i started to study KOREAN in april i've been using a different method recently: watch a short clip (4/5 min) of a content i like, listen to it, transcribe it and underline all the new vocabulary and grammar points i find. the last clip i saw is from Wonwoo and Minghao' s vlog in Budapest, i understood almost everything without subtitles and i've learned -다고 해서, -기로 하다, -(으)러 가다/오다/다니다 so far 🇰🇷💎
in september i've started learning JAPANESE. at the moment i'm focusing on the minna no nihongo lessons by nihongoal on youtube, but today i only practiced with apps such as duolingo (just for the strike) and renshuu, one of my favorite apps to retain vocab and kanji. 🇯🇵
i started CHINESE just recently and for now my main and only source is the Superchinese app to learn the basics for free (I will looking for some yt channels once the free content will be over. today I learned 几 and 呢 with some basic dialogues about dates and stuff 🇨🇳
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songs i'm being obsessed with:
my love mine all mine - mitski
wrong - zayn ft. kehlani
god of music - seventeen
standing next to you - jungkook
somebody - jungkook
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dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years
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𝐊𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫: V-는 길에 and V-는 길이다 ✏️𝐔𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 - This expression is used when the speaker does an action while in process of going somewhere. - It can be translated as “one the way” or “while going” in English. E.g. 회사에 가는 길에 아이를 유치원에 데려다 줍니다 (I take my child to kindergarten on the way to work.) - This expression is also used in the form -는 길이다. In such cases, it indicates that the speaker is in the process of moving from one place to another. Thus, it refers to being in the middle of doing something. E.g. 여동생이랑 편의점에 가는 길이에요. (I'm on my way to the convenience store with my sister.) ✏️ 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 (1) The verb in this grammar must be related to physical movements (coming or going), such as 가다 (to go), 오다 (to come), 돌아오다 (to come back), 돌아가다 (to go back), 나가다 (to go out), 출근하다 (to go to work) and so on. E.g. 퇴근하는 길에 카페에서 한 잔 했어요. (I had a drink at a café on my way home from work.) (2) The expression V-는 중에/ V-는 도중에 has similar meaning to V-는 길에. However, V-는 중에/ V-는 도중에has no restrictions on what verbs it can be used with while V-는 길에 must be used with physical movements-related verbs. E.g. 일하는 길에 컴퓨터가 꺼져 버렸어요. (X) → 일하는 도중에 컴퓨터가 꺼져 버렸어요. (O) (My computer turned off while I was working) Cannot use - 는 길에 because 일하다 is not describing movement 집에 가는 도중에 백화점에 들렀어요. (O) = 집에 가는 길에 백화점에 들렀어요. (O) (I stopped by the department store on my way home.) Can use - 는 길에 because 가다 is not describing movement (4) Similar to the above point, V-는 중이다 has a similar meaning to V-는 길이다 (refers to being in the middle of doing something). However, V-는 중이다 has no restriction on used verbs (5) You can combine grammar V-(으)러 가다 and -는 길이다 to indicate “To be on one's way to do something”. E.g. V-(으)러 가는 길이다 밥 먹으러 가는 길이에요. (I'm on my way to eat.) ✏️ 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Movement Verb + -는 길에/는 길이다: attach --는 길에/는 길이다 directly to the verb stem, irrespective of whether the verb stem ends in consonant or vowel. 가다 → 가는 길에 오다 → 오는 길에 나가다 → 나가는 길이다 다니다 → 다니는 길이다 ✏️ 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬 1. 내가 어제 너를 봤어요. 어디 가는 중이었어요? - 어제 공부하러 도서관에 가는 길이었어요. (I saw you yesterday, where were you going? - I was on my way to the library to study yesterday.) 2. 그 뉴스를 어디서 들었어요? - 회사에 출근하는 길에 버스에서 라디오로 들었어요. (Where did you hear the news? - I heard it on the radio on the bus on my way to work.) 3. 아까 전화를 왜 안 받았어요? 내가 전화를 몇 번 했는데... - 미안해요, 내가 그때 집에 가는 길이었어요. (Why didn't you answer the phone earlier? I called a few times... - I'm sorry, I was on my way home.) 4. 그 친구를 어디서 만났어요? - 거래처를 방문하러 가는 길에 우연히 만났어요. (Where did you meet that friend? - I ran into him on my way to visit a client.) 5. 엄마, 저 지금 퇴근하는 길���에요. 뭐 필요한 거 있으면 사 갈까요? - 그럼, 집에 오는 길에 슈퍼에 가서 두부 좀 사 와. (Mom, I am on the way out of my office. Is there anything you need to buy? - Then, on the way home, stop by the supermarket and buy some tofu.) #한국어문법 #KoreanGrammar #LearnKorean #Studywithme
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soulinseoulnotes · 9 months
2급 1과 🌹
Cannot be used with (으)세요 / (으)ㅂ시요 / (으)ㄹ까요 basically cannot be used in future tense
“Expresses intention for going, doing somewhere / in order to “
# 회사에 취직하려고 한국어를 열심히 배워요.
I am studying Korean hard to get a job in a company
# 늦어서 지각하지 않으려고 택시를 탔어요.
I was late so I took a taxi.
V - (으) 러
Only used with 오다 / 가다 / 다나다 / 만나다
All tenses + 세요 / 니다 / ㄹ까요
# 류진 씨가 머리를 바꾸러 미용실에 갔습니다.
Ryunjin went to the hair salon to change her hairstyle.
내일 먹을 빵 가러 가요
I’m going to buy bread that I’m eating tomorrow.
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korean-germ · 11 months
~(으)려고 하다
① to express intention or plan to do something
으려고 attaches to verb stems ending in a consonant [except ㄹ]
려고 attaches to verb stems ending in vowel [or ㄹ]
Very similar to (으)러, which can only be used if the following verb is 가다, 오다, or 다니다.
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sayitalianolearns · 1 year
Diary entry 97 vocabulary from this listening video trying to break down some grammar pattern or sign a few so to check&understand them later -in yellow- (last time it was on day 56 so... it's about time ig)
차 값을 낼게요 = (I)'ll pay for the drinks 값 = cost 낼게요 = will [-게] pay [낼다 = to pay, to put out?] [-지요 formal ending questions/affirmations; 죠 informal] 거스름 = change 받으세요 = here you have [으세요 honorific ending] [받다 = to receive/get] 참 = really 비싸군요 = expensive [-군- when you realize something and are surprised] [비싸다 = to be expensive] 물건 = thing, object 올라다 = to go up
방학인데 = *seen that* it's vacation [-인데 = but, that’s how it is] 하시겠어요? = what are you going to do/what would you do? [-시- honorific; -겠- intentions/plans] 이번 = this time 고향 = hometown 계세요 = to exist [honorific form of 있다] 준비하셨어요 = have you prepared [-시- honorific; 준비하다 = to prepare] 백화점 = department store 부모님께서 = your parents [부모님 = parents; -께서 honorific subject marker] 좋아하실 (거예요) = will like [좋아하다 = to like; -실 future + -시- honorific]
강의 = class, lecture [-려고 하다 for plans/intentions with action verbs; works at the past too] 서울대 = Seoul National University [-대 as in 대학교] -보다 = than (comparison) 여러 가지 = various, several, different 다 = all, everything 사전 = dictionary 지도 = map 줄 = to (will) give [주다 = to give]
바꾸다 = to change 바꿔 = change 드리다 = to give [formal] 전부 = entire, all 돈으로 = with/into money [-(으)로 for changing sth into sth else] 여권 = passport 잘하시는군요 = you're good [잘하다 = to be good at; -시- honorific; -(는)군- surprise -> Adjective + 군요 and Verb + 는군요??] 자 = well (anyway, whatever)
시골 = countryside 사는 = living 여기저기 = here and there, everywhere 구경을 다니다 = to go sightseeing [you can ask "what about you/name?" by you/name+topic marker + ending: 윌슨 씨는요?] 그저 그래요 = so-so 심심하다 = to be bored 숙제 = homework 보러 가다 = to go to see [-(으)러 + 가다/오다 purpose for moving] 만화 = comic, cartoon -> [...안 좋아해요? 아뇨 -> to say yes you like them: don't you like? yes, I like]
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learning-k0rean · 2 years
V STEM{*(v,ㄹ)}러 오다 • V STEM{≠(v,ㄹ,ㅂ)}으러 오다
[…·reo o·da] • […·eu·reo o·da]
(verb) (purpose of moving) to come (in order) to V
If V STEM ends with a vowel or ㄹ ➡ 러 오다
If V STEM ends with another consonant ➡ 으러 오다
🔗 Irregular patterns with 으
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ggkorean · 3 years
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나는 토요일마다 그 애를 보러간다 every Saturday I go to see that kid • 나 me • -은/는 topic marking particle • 토요일 Saturday • -마다 every • 그 that • 애 kid • -을/를 object marking particle • 보다 to see • -(으)러 가다/오다 to go/come to do something
그래서 토요일 아침엔 눈이 빨리 떠지고 마음이 급해진다 so on Saturday mornings I wake up early and I become impatient • 그래서 so, therefore • 아침 morning • -에 location marking particle • 눈 eyes • -이/가 subject marking particle • 빨리 fast • 뜨다 open • -지다 become • -고 and (attached to verb) • 마음 mind, heart • 급하다 hurried, urgent, impatient
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a-pop-of-korean · 2 years
Intermediate & Upper-Intermediate Lessons
Click here for the masterlist of all my lessons!
Describing Nouns with Verbs (-는 것)
Describing Nouns with Verbs - Past & Future Tense (-ㄴ/은 / -ㄹ/을 것)
것 같다 (I think… / It seems…)
-러 가다 / -러 오다
-(으)려고 (In order to…)
-기로 하다 (to Decide to do Smth)
척하다 (To Pretend)
-게 되다 
-군요 / -구나
아/어/여 보다 (to try…)
-은/ㄴ 적 있다 / 없다 (I have / have not)
-ㄹ/을 게요 (Future Tense)
-ㄹ/을 수 있다/없다 (I can / cannot)
-ㄹ/을 때 (When…)
-ㄴ/는다면 (If)
-(으)면서 and -(으)며
-(으)니까 (Because / So)
-(ㄴ/는)다 (Narrative Form)
Quoting continued
(으)ㄹ래요? (Wanna…?)
More Quoting - 대 & 래
잘하다 & 못하다 vs. 잘 하다 & 못 하다 
-아/어 가지고
-는 길에 & -는 길이다
-(으)면 vs. -ㄴ/는다면 (Instagram Post)
-았/었을 것이다
-는 데(에)
-ㄹ/을 뻔하다
-(으)ㄴ/는지 (Whether or not)
All About 아무리
Expressing Surprise
-시 (Honorific)
Making Comparisons
I might…
So that…/To the point where…
Causative Verbs
Passive Verbs (part 1)
Passive Verbs (part 2)
-ㄴ/은가 보다 & -나 보다 (I guess…)
Other Meanings of 싶다
-자마자 & -는 대로(As soon as…)
-긴 하다
차라리 (Rather)
-(으)ㅁ Nominalization
-기는 무슨 & -기는 개뿔
-고 보니까
-(으)면 좋겠다 & -(으)면 하다
-길 바라다
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miumou · 2 years
Grammar Masterpost
➡️ Masterpost II here ⬅️
Beginner Level:
~과/와, 하고 & 랑/이랑 — “And” or “With”
~에게 / ~한테 / ~게 — “To” or “By”
~에게서 한테서 / (으)로부터 — “From”
~은/는 vs ~이/가
~부터 & ~까지 - “To & From” for TIME
~고 — And or then
~지만 — “But”
덕분에 & 때문에 — “Because” & “Thanks To”
포함하다, 제외하다, 빼고, 외에 — To include, To exclude, Take out, Outside of
만큼 — “As much as (x)”
N + ~(이)나 & A/V + ~거나 — “Or”
N + ~밖에 + Negative Verb — Only
~ㄹ/을 수밖에 없다 — “No choice but to…”
전에 (Before/Ago) & 후에 (After, From now)
~ㄹ/을 줄 알다 or 모르다 — Know (or not know) how to
~ㄹ/을 수 있다 & ~ㄹ/을 수 없다 — Can/Cannot (Extrinsic)
못 & ~지 못하다 — Cannot (intrinsic)
~아/어 있다 — In the state of
~아/어도 — Regardless
~아/어서 — So/Therefore & Then (standard)
A/V + ~아/어 가지고 — So/Therefore & Then (very casual form)
위해(서) — For
대신에 — Instead of
~ㄹ/을게(요) — Will (subject to the listeners opinion)
~았/었으면 좋겠다 — I hope / I wish
N + 에 대해(서) — “About”
N + 에 관하다 & ~에 관련되다 — Regarding/Related to
정도 — Degree
~(ㄴ/은) 적이 있다/없다 — Experience
V + ~(으)면서 or ~(으)며 — Whilst
척하다 — Pretending to do or be X
~았/었었다 — The Past Perfect Tense
Intermediate Level:
V + ~자마자 — As soon as
A/V/N + 잖아(요) — As you know
~지 / ~죠 — “… Right?” “… Isn’t it?” “You know”
~ㄴ/는/ㄹ 줄 알았다 or 몰랐다 — “I thought that…”
~아/어도 되다 — To be allowed or okay to do
안 ~아/어도 되다 — Don’t have to, OK not to do
~아/어야 하다/되다 — Must, Have to, Should
려고 & ~(으)러 — With the intention of doing…
~아/어 보다 — To try
~아/어 주다 — For charitable actions
~(으)니까 & ~(으)니 — Because (Reason/Justification/Excuse)
V + 기로 하다 — To decide to do
N + ~에 따라(서) — Depending on, depends on
N + ~을/를 통해(서) — Through, by way of, via/with
V + ~아/어/여 버리다 — To be done to totality/completion
V + 아/어 놓다 — Leaving an action in its completed state
V + ㄹ/을 뻔 했다 — Almost did
~(으)면 (안) 되다 — One must not, it’s okay if…
것 같다 — Seems like
V + ~는 중 • N + 중 • N + 중에 — “In the middle of”, and “Amongst”
X이/가 아니라 Y — “Not X but Y” & ~ㄹ/을 뿐만 아니라 — “Not only X but also Y”
~던 & ~았/었던 — Past descriptor
V + 는 편이다 & A + ㄴ/은 편이다 — Fairly, on the X side, rather X, tend to X
~ㄴ/은 채(로) — While in the state of
~ㄹ/을 수록 — "The more you do (X) the more (Y) happens.
A/V + ~ㄹ/을 리가 없다 — “There’s no way that…” “It’s impossible that…”
~구나, ~군 & ~군요 — Expressing Surprise 1
~네(요) — Expressing Surprise 2
~ㄹ/을 필요가 있다/없다 — To need to / Not need to
A/V/N + 는 것 (ㄴ/은, 는, ㄹ/을) + 듯이/듯하다 — As if…
Advanced Level:
A/V/N + ~든지 — Whether X or Y (Options)
~거든(요) — Because (giving context when the listener assumedly doesn’t know yet)
~는데 Connector — But/However & Background Information
는데(요) — At the end of a sentence (Usages)
~아/어 가다 & ~아/어 오다 — An action continues into the future or from the past until now (explicitly continual)
는지 — A Clause of Uncertainty (Whether, If)
~다가 & ~았/었다가 — Mid-action interruption & Two Action Clauses
뿐 — It’s just/only x (and nothing else)
~기(를) 바라다 — To hope for X, To request (very formal/authoritative)
A/V + 게 하다 — To make/let sb do sth
A/V + 하다 🔄 시키다 - To make
V + 게 되다 — To end up
~도록 — So that
A/V + 게 — So that, in order to
~기(도 / 만 / 는) 하다 — Grammar
~지 말다 ➡️ ~지 마세요 — The Negative Imperative (“Don’t”)
Quoting Masterpost
~ㄹ/을 수(가/는/도) 없다 / 있다 — Adding 가/는/도
~ㄴ/은/는 것이다 — Emphasis / Explanation /Verification on what one is doing/is/happening (It’s the thing of)
A/V + (ㄴ/는)다는 것, N + (이)라는 것 — The fact that, The thing that
Picked Up Phrases —Quizlet Flashcard Deck
~ㄹ까? vs ~ㄹ래? — “Shall…?” “Will…?”
~(으)면 vs ~다면 — The difference between
X 잘하다 vs 잘 X다 — The difference
Question Forms
Giving Commands (Imperative)
Plans, Schedules, Preparations, “To be Ready”
Diary Form Conjugation
~(으)시 — Honorific Addition
Adding ~아/어 하다 to Adjectives
Best Attempt at Imperative Adjectives? (Command)
~기 + Verb — List
~스럽다 — With properties of x
신경을 (안) 쓰다 — “I don’t care”
다르다 / 비슷하다 / 같다 — Different, similar, same
~겠다, as opposed to ~ㄹ/을 것이다
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honeyhangukeo · 3 years
~(으)러 가다/오다 - to come and do/go and do something
adding ~(으)러 오다/가다 to a verb stem allows you to make the meaning of ‘to come and do/go and do (verb)’. add ~으러 if the stem ends in a consonant, and add ~러 if it ends with a vowel. this verb stem needs no conjugation, just conjugate the 오다/가다  to show tense and honorifics. examples:
접정하러 왔습니다 - i came to get the vaccine (lit. came to do inoculation)
쇼핑하러 갑시다 - let’s go shop (lit. let’s go to do shopping)
밥 먹으러 갔어 - i went to eat (lit. went to do eating food)
내일 도서관에서 공부하러 갈게요 - i’ll go study at the library tomorrow (lit. tomorrow will go to do studying in the library)
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years
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How To Say "I'm Going To.." In Korean
(으)러 가다, (으)려고 하다, (으)려고, 기로 하다
-(으)러 가다/오다
Usage: is used to express the motive, purpose or intention of the action. It has the meaning of  " in order to do something... I go/come" and 가다, 오다 or even 다니다 is always followed by the verb in the sentence. Remove the 다 & add (으)러 가다/오다.
Ends in consonant - 으러 가다
Ends in vowel or ㄹ - 러 가다
Example sentence:
우리는 쇼핑하러 명동에 갈 거예요.
We are going to Myeongdong to shop.
-(으)려고 하다
Usage: ~(으)려고 하다 makes a complete sentence that can show intention for action or a possible state of the near future. Translated as “I’m planning to..” or “Intending to do...”
Remove ‘다’ from basic form of the verb, if the verb stem ends with a consonant, you have to add 으려고 하다 after the verb stem. (으)려고요 is the shortened form of (으)려고 하다.
Consonant - 으려고 하다
Vowels or ㄹ - 려고 하다
Example sentence:
오��� 도서관에 가려고 합니다.
Today I’m planning to go to the library.
하루에 20개의 새로운 한국어 단어를 배우려고요.
I’m planning to learn 20 Korean words per day.
Usage: has the meaning of “In order to do something, I did something else.” -(으)려고 can’t be used with suggestive (let’s do... and shall we..?) and imperative (commands and requests) sentences.
Ends in consonant - 으려고
Ends in vowel or ㄹ - 려고
Example sentence:
친구를 만나려고 커피숍에 갔어요.
I went to the coffee shop to meet my friend.
-기로 하다
Usage: ~기로 하다 has a similar meaning as ~(으)러 and ~(으)려고 하다 which is used with action verbs to express a plan or intention of any individual. It is added in the end of a sentence or clause to indicate that one “decides to do” an action.
When expressing it in past tense ~기로 하다 becomes ~기로 했다.
Remove ‘다’ from basic form of the verb,  you have to add ~기로 하다 after the verb stem.
Whether It ends in consonant or vowel use 기로 하다.
Example sentence:
인도 가기로 했는데 코로나 때문에 못 가거든요.
I intended to go to India but can't go because of Corona.
(으)려고 하다 vs ~기로 하다
Both ~기로 하다 and ~(으)려고 하다 are most often used in the past tense.
- V+(으)려고 했다/했어요 means 'to have planned something (but the plan might not have through)'. The speaker has some ' intention' behind speaking.
- V+기로 했다/했어요 also means 'to have planned something'. The speaker had made some 'decision' to communicate with this pattern.
That's It for this post! Want to know the different ways to say "If" In Korean? Check here
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bulletproof-korean · 4 years
Winter package 2020 + 줄임말
I decided I’d try something new that I was suggested about two years ago by one of you and pick some vocabulary/phrases from BTS content! I did a similar thing with this interview way back and never got to it again but I think this is a much better way to actually learn the language rather than from lyrics.
Screenshots are from this year’s winter package in Helsinki from @qdeoks
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[씰룩씰룩] 갑자기 시작된 웃음 참기 챌린지 ➼ 씰룩씰룩 - twitching/wiggling ➼ 갑자기 - suddenly ➼ 시작되다 - to begin (on its own) ➼ 웃음 - laugh / a noun made from the verb 웃다  ➼ 참다 - to hold, endure / 참기 - a noun made using -기 ➼ 챌린지 - challenge (konglish) = A game of try not to laugh began suddenly ➽  -ㅁ/음 vs -기 (nominalization, making nouns out of verbs) -ㅁ/음 - mostly in written language - as a sentence final conveys some information in public notices, reports.. - can be used as a suffix to create nouns (웃음, 기쁨, 춤, 젊음,...) - can be replaced by -는 것 in spoken language but not the other way around - is used on the internet to avoid honorifics 진에게 홀딱 반함 = I fell for Jin. -기  - less formal - has a more “active” feeling than ㅁ/음 - used when making “to do” lists - in many grammatical structures
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바로 달려와 안아주는 형들  ➼ 바로 - right away ➼ 달려오다 - to come running ➼ 안아주다 - to hug ➼ 형 - hyung, older brother = Hyungs who came running right away and hugged [JK]
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아미 포에버 방탄 포에버 ➼ 아미 - ARMY ➼ 포에버 - forever (konglish) 아포방포 is an acronym for it. Korean nowadays uses so many “shortened words” 줄임말 aka. acronyms that even Koreans don’t know them all. They are the so called “trendy words” that come and go really fast.  Here, BTS are making new acronyms
아무행알 (acronym JK created - not used widely) 아미는 무슨 일이 있어도 행복해야 해, 알겠지? ➼ 무슨 - any, what ➼ 일 - work, but can also mean “thing, affair” ➼ 행복하다 - to be happy 무슨 일이 있어도 = no matter what 알겠지, 알겠어요? = do you get it? alright? okay? ➽ ~아/어도 ➽ ~어/아야 하다 = ARMY have to be happy no matter what, okay?
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우정앞울행알 (another acronym, Jimin made this one up, actually not useful but I’m mentioning it because of what it stands for ^^) 우리 정국이 앞으로 울지 말고 행복해야 해, 알겠지? ➼ 우리 - we, us, ours. This word is used a lot when talking about your family/friends to say just “my” but here it actually means “our” ➼ 앞 - front 앞으로 = in the future ➼ 울다 - to cry = Our Jungkookie, don’t cry from now on and you have to be happy, ok?
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촬영 종료 후 막둥이 달래주러 온 형아들 ➼ 촬영 - shooting ➼ 종료 - end ➼ 후 [後] - after ➼ 막둥이 - similar to 막내 (the youngest) but cuter ➼ 달래다 - to comfort, soothe ➼ 오다 - to come ➽ ~(으)러 가다/오다 = Hyungs, who came to comfort the youngest after the end of the shooting
Other acronyms mentioned (don’t take these too seriously):
남윤석호지태정아사 (by V) 남준이 윤기 석진이 호석이 지민이 태형이 정국이는 아미를 사랑해 self explanatory
호오코반 (by Jimin) 호석이 오늘 코가 반짝거린다  ➼ 코 - nose ➼ 반짝거리다 - to sparkle = Hoseok has a shiny nose today.
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