#Study Korean
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hrtsri · 1 year ago
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korean learning resources !
hello, my name is ri (ree) and i've been learning korean for almost 2 years. when i started learning korean, i tried using almost every source i could find and watched a whole lot of youtube videos.
whether you have just started learning the language, or have been a learner for a couple of months, here's a list of resources you can use!
﹡﹡ ʳᵉˢᵒᵘʳᶜᵉˢ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ᵃʳᵉ ᵒⁿᵉˢ ⁱ ʰⁱᵍʰˡʸ ʳᵉᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵈ
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♡ miss vicky hangul in 30 minutes
♡ all about batchim (part 1)
♡ all about batchim (part 2)
♡ all about batchim (part 3)
learn hangul in 90 minutes (start to finish)
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♡ talk to me in korean: provides a grammar course & other learning materials.
how to study korean: provides free grammar with vocab lists with pronounciation.
loecsen: phrases & vocabulary with pronounciation.
♡ learnkorean: provides a course, grammar lessons, flashcards, worksheets & more all for free!
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seemile korean: topik help
♡ choisusu: learn korean vlog, podcasts & more
♡ conversational korean: vocabulary videos, lessons, listening practice tests & more!
♡ banzi's secret diary: cute cartoon for listening practice! (no subs for a challenge)
learn korean with jadoo: another cute cartoon with english & korean subtitles.
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brunch story: stories by users in korean. (for more advanced learners)
♡ korean comics: one comic in korean & english with small vocab list!
do you want to go eat?: a cute & simple webtoon comic
♡ story korean: stories with vocabulary & grammar tips.
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mirinae: korean sentence analyzer & more (android & ios)
audioclip: korean podcast app for listening practice (android & ios)
todaii easy korean: learn koran by reading & listening to news (android & ios)
vocat: create your own vocabulary lists (android & ios)
podo korean: grammar lessons, vocabulary, reading & listening (andoid & ios) ** for vocab only download podo words
eggbun korean: learn korean with a chatbot tutor names lanny! (android & ios)
drops: korean vocabulary apps (android & ios)
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cozy story time in korean
♡ choisusu
♡ tayoni's korean podcast
korean story
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hopefully this is useful to you and good luck with your learning journery! and let me know if any of the links aren't working!
you can follow me on my instagram: wrldwithri ✨ to follow me along my language learning journey.
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mietillo · 1 year ago
one thing about learning languages is that yes, learning in itself is fun but what’s even greater is the fact that all your other interests and hobbies can be looked at with another shade of light. I personally love philosophy and to be able to read another language’s nuances and concepts and understand it more than you ever could with a translation? incredible.
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koreannook · 7 months ago
2024년 8월 11일
안녕하세요 여러분!
As promise, second part is here!
Telephone numbers (05860791834)
Metro/Bus lines (Line 8 / Bus 576)
Height/Weight (150cm and 50kg)
Years (2024, 2000, etc)
Minutes and seconds (45min and 20 seconds)
Prices (5,000 wons)
Directions (Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney)
Let’s take ( 05860791834 ) as our example.
You have to say number by number: 0-5-8-6-0-7-9-1-8-3-4
공(0) / 오(5) / 팔(8) / 육(6) / 공(0) / 칠(7) / 구(9) / 일(1) / 팔(8) / 삼(3) / 사(4)
For zero, you can say both (영/공)
Line 8 / Bus 576 = 팔번 / 오백칠십육번
We will use “번” to say “line”.
150cm and 50kg = 백오십센치 / 오십킬로
We use: 센치 for height and 킬로 for weight.
To say year we will use 년, for example:
Year 2022 = 이천이십이 년
For minutes, we will use 분 and for seconds we will use 초. For example:
45 minutes / 30 seconds = 사십오 분 // 삼십 초
30€ (euros) = 삼십 유로
4,000 ₩ (wons) = 사촌 원
56$ (dollars) = 오십육 달러
It’s the same as before, if you live in house number 40, you will say “사십”.
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yuyamuya · 8 months ago
Korean Emotions (part 1)
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가뜬하다 (adj.) : refreshed; light-hearted 몸이나 마음이 가볍고 상쾌하다. Body or mind being light and refreshed. 예.) 가:너 오늘 기분이 굉장히 좋아 보인다? 나:과제를 다 끝냈더니 마음이 가뜬한 게 날아갈 것 같아.
가련하다 (adj.) : pitiful; poor; pathetic 마음이 아플 정도로 불쌍하다. Sadly sick or troubled. 예.) 직장에서 해고를 당하고 집에서 놀고 있는 형이 매우 가련하다.
가소롭다 (adj.) : ridiculous; absurd 비웃고 무시할 만하다. Deserving to be belittled and ignored. 예.) 형은 내 말을 형편없고 가소롭다는 듯이 들은 척도 안 했다.
가엾다 (adj.) : feeling pity 마음이 아플 정도로 불쌍하고 딱하다. Feeling heartfelt pity or sympathy for someone. 예.) 나는 자식들을 먹여 살리느라 평생을 고생하신 어머니가 가엾게 느껴졌다.
가증스럽다 (adj.) : despicable; detestable 다른 사람의 말이나 행동이 화가 날 정도로 몹시 밉다. Behavior or a remark being mean or hypocritical enough to upset others. 예.) 승규는 남들 앞에서만 착한 척하는 지수의 행동이 가증스러웠다.
가책 (n.) : admonishment; rebuke 자기나 남의 잘못을 꾸짖음. The act of scolding oneself or others for doing something wrong. 예.) 나는 친구를 속이고 한동안 심한 죄책감과 가책에 시달렸다.
갈등하다 (v.) : be ambivalent 마음속에서 어떻게 할지 결정을 못 한 채 괴로워하다. To experience agony and inner struggle over what to decide. 예.) 나는 시험 준비를 할까 좋아하는 드라마를 볼까 한참을 갈등했다.
감개 (n.) : deep emotion 지난 일이 생각나서 마음속에서 솟아오르는 감동이나 느낌. One's state of feeling deeply moved and getting emotional from one's memory of past events. 예.) 작가는 몇 년 동안 고생하면서 쓴 소설이 출판된 것을 보고 깊은 감개에 젖었다.
감개무량하다 (adj.) : touched deeply; emotional 지난 일이 생각나서 마음속에서 느끼는 감동이 매우 크다. Feeling deeply moved and getting emotional from one's memory of past events. 예.) 상을 받은 여배우는 감개무량한 표정으로 소감을 이야기했다.
감격하다 (v.) : be touched 마음에 깊이 느끼어 매우 ��동하다. To be deeply moved and touched by someone or something. 예.) 대회에서 일 등을 한 선수는 감격한 표정으로 소감을 말하였다.
감동하다 (v.) : be moved; be touched 강하게 느껴 마음이 움직이다. To be touched by something very deeply. 예.) 나는 어려운 환경에서도 꿈을 잃지 않고 살아가는 청년의 이야기를 듣고 무척 감동했다.
감명 (n.) : impression 잊을 수 없는 큰 감동을 느낌. 또는 그런 감동. A state of being deeply touched, or such a feeling. 예.) 지수는 가족의 사랑을 그린 영화를 보고 감명을 받아 눈물을 흘렸다.
감미롭다 (adj.) : mellow; sweet 달콤한 느낌이 있다. A story, voice, song, etc., sounding sweet. 예.) 김 감독은 사랑에 빠진 남녀의 행복하고 감미로운 사랑 이야기를 영화로 만들었다.
감복하다 (v.) : be impressed; be moved 진심으로 크게 감동하다. To be impressed deeply and sincerely. 예.) 공연이 끝난 후 관객들은 배우들의 훌륭한 연기에 감복해 박수를 쳤다.
감탄하다 (v.) : admire; wonder 마음속 깊이 크게 느끼다. To feel strongly and deeply about something. 예.) 관객들은 서커스 단원의 공중 묘기에 감탄하여 박수를 쳤다.
감회 (n.) : reminiscence 마음속에 일어나는 지난 일에 대한 생각이나 느낌. Thoughts or feelings on the past. 예.) 아버지는 돌아가신 할머니의 사진을 보며 감회에 젖으셨다.
개탄하다 (v.) : deplore; lament 분하거나 안타깝게 여겨 탄식하다. To sigh at something out of anger or regret. 예.) 나는 경솔한 말 한마디로 사랑하는 여자를 떠나보낸 뒤 자신이 어리석었다고 개탄했다.
거부감 (n.) : sense of refusal 어떤 것을 받아들이고 싶지 않은 느낌. The feeling of not wanting to accept something. 예.) 이 책은 고전을 청소년들의 눈높이에 알맞게 개작하여 그들이 거부감을 갖지 않고 쉽게 읽을 수 있다.
걱정하다 (v.) : worry; be worried; be concerned 좋지 않은 일이 있을까 봐 두려워하고 불안해하다. To feel fearful and anxious that something bad might happen. 예.) 그는 다가올 시험에 대해 항상 걱정했다.
겁나다 (v.) : be afraid; be scared 무서워하거나 두려워하는 마음이 들다. To feel afraid or scared of something. 예.) 나는 교통사고를 당한 이후 차 타는 것이 겁난다.
격노하다 (v.) : be furious; be enraged 몹시 화를 내다. To be extremely angry. 예.) 강제로 해고된 직원들이 회사에 격노하여 복직을 요구하는 시위를 벌였다.
격분하다 (v.) : be furious; be enraged 몹시 화를 내다. To be extremely angry. 예.) 사기 피해자들이 격분하여 사기꾼의 멱살을 잡고 분통을 터뜨렸다.
격정 (n.) : passion 강렬하고 갑자기 생기는 참기 어려운 감정. A powerful, sudden burst of uncontrollable emotion. 예.) 나는 알 수 없는 격정으로 가슴이 꽉 막히는 것 같았다.
겸연쩍다 (adj.) : embarrassed; abashed; sheepish; awkward 쑥스럽거나 미안하여 어색하다. Awkward due to being shy or sorry. 예.) 나는 짝사랑했던 그를 마주 대하기가 겸연쩍어 자리를 옮겼다.
KOR-EN Basic Korean Dictionary through Naver Dictionary. National Institute of Korean Language. Accessed 14 July 2024. <https://en.dict.naver.com/#/main>.
Park, In-Jo., & Min, Kyung-Hwan (2005). Making a List of Korean Emotion Terms and Exploring Dimensions Underlying Them. Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, 19(1), 109-129.
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ddaome-kr · 7 months ago
Korean Vocab _ Body Parts 신체 부위
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머리: head 얼굴: face 눈: eyes 눈썹: eyebrows 코: nose 입: mouth 귀: ears 목: neck 어깨: shoulders 팔: arms 손: hands 손가락: finger 가슴: chest/breast 배: stomach/abdomen 허리: waist 등: back 다리: legs 무릎: knee 종아리: calves 발목: ankle 발: foot 발가락: toes
🤸‍♀️As always, here's a link to our instagram post!
*icon credits: Icon made by freepik from www.flaticon.com
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thekimchibear · 8 days ago
The O.G.s of Korea
One recent show I watched was Trauma Code (중증외상센터) - a bit extreme but fun in that typical K-drama kind of way. Throughout the show characters get nicknames, and one of those was 조폭, which was translated as Gangster. Now I’ve heard multiple words that were translated as “gangster”, but this was a new one for me, so I decided to break down the differences.
깡패 - A thug, rough & violent. More of an individual criminal than literal gang member.
양아치 - A bully, punk, generally called this more because of their behavior, not serious crime.
날라리 - A troublemaker, delinquent. Similar to 양아치, but a bit more carefree.
조폭 - An actual violent person with power, generally in organized crime (closest to actual “gangster”).
Example Sentences
"어제 밤에 왠 깡패들이 가게에 와서 없던 자리세를 내라고 하면서 다 때려 부수고 갔지 뭐야?"
"What the hell, last night some gangsters came by the store and demanded protection fees while destroying everything."
“너 중학생 들한테 또 삥 뜯었어? 갑자기 탈색도 하고 이상한 문신도 하고, 진짜 양아치 다 됐네...”
"Did you steal the middle schooler's money again? Suddenly bleaching your hair and getting weird tattoos, you really have become a delinquent."
"학생 때 나는 완전 모범생이었고 그 애는 미래가 없는 날라리 같았는데, 나는 그냥 회사원이 되었고 걔는 유명한 유투버가 된 걸 보니 맥이 빠진다."
"When we were students I was a model student and they seemed like a futureless troublemaker, but now I'm just a office-worker and they are a famous YouTuber... so I feel so defeated."
"이 도시는 조폭들이 조직적으로 많은 사업을 운영하고 있어서, 그들과 엮이지 않고서는 진입하기가 쉽지 않아."
"The gangsters have organized and are running a lot of businesses in this city, not getting intertwined with them and entering is not easy."
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Other fun related words
딴따라 - Entertainer
모범생 - Model student (opposite of 날라리)
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istartedastudyblr · 2 years ago
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sunset and sunsetting ✨
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zookacestance · 3 months ago
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a-pop-of-korean · 2 years ago
Semester in SK: Korean Curse Words
안녕하세요 여러분! I’m sharing yet another Instagram post with you all--this one is about a bunch of Korean curse words! Very silly, I know, but curse words are a big part of any language and can be fun to learn about! Of course, be careful when using these and please do not use them often--I’m just sharing them for fun and so you can recognize them if you hear them :) I hope you enjoy! 화이팅!
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saranghandagom · 5 months ago
한자어 - 적/的
적(的). affix. '과녁'이나 '목표', '분명하다'라는 뜻을 가진 글자이다. (a letter with the meaning of 'target' or 'aim, goal', 'clear, distinct'.)
the suffix -적 is used to turn nouns into adjectives or adverbs, for example:
대화적 - oral, conversational, dialogic
세계적 - global
일반적 - common, regular
정신적 - mental(ly)
남성적 - masculine
the suffix 적 is often used in combination with the copula -이다 to form an adnominal -인, or with the instrumentative particle -으로 to form an adverb of manner, for example: 정신적으로 힘들다 (to be hard mentally), 남성적인 여자 (masculine woman)
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aja-aja-hanja · 2 years ago
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All about Hanok, the Korean traditional home, using the oldest surviving example of the Maeng clan haeng-dan! It is an example of architecture from the beginning of the Joseon dynasty (start:1392) which has been maintained according to the old way of building.
The name 행단 refers to a place with a gingko tree, which makes reference to Confucius teaching pupils under a gingko tree. In Joseon, Confucian culture became a main part of the national culture, replacing previous national Buddhism in Goryeo dynasty.
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koreanstudygram · 9 months ago
익숙하다 - to get used to
결국 - in the end, finally
취업하다 - to get a job
국내 - the interior of a country
제품 - a manufactured product/s or good/s
비교 - comparison
인정 - acknowledgement, approval
영향 - influence, effect
서로 - mutually, each other
안부 - well-being, tidings
솟아오르다 - to soar (upwards), fly up
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mietillo · 1 year ago
language, the building blocks of communication. how could i not want to learn it all?
ughhhh every script, every grammar structure, every word… i love it all so much.
the feeling of when you watch something you used to not understand? when you finally communicate your thoughts after struggling to get your words out? when you meet someone new? when you understand an untranslatable joke? when you learn one word then start seeing it everywhere? when your brain starts to hurt in the good way because its all so confusing? then months later down the line those things come to you like second nature… it’s incredible.
the human mind can do so so so much. why not learn it all? why not at least try?
even forgetting things, making mistakes, and getting embarrassed feels good at this point. it feels like it’s all part of the process.
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koreannook · 8 months ago
2024년 8월 5일
안녕하세요 여러분!
Today we are going to learn personal pronouns, as well as when to use some suffixes to add to the name of the person we are going to talk to.
The blue ones are in the informal form and the purple ones are in the formal form. Always try to use the formal form when you start speaking and/or writing. If there is an X, that means there is no word to say that.
I = 나 / 저
You = 너 / X
He/She = 그 (he) or 그녀 (she) / 그분 (both)
We = 우리 / 저희
You = 너희 / X
They = 그들 (group of boys) or 그녀들 (group of girls) / 그분들 (all)
We only used 그분 or 그분들 when that person is not with us in the moment we talk about them.
How we can address someone who is our boss or someone who has a more power than us? There are words for this one, so we won't use any of the pronouns learnt today. For example: Boss (상사님), Teacher (선생님). That 님 means kind of "sir".
If we don't know the person, we add -씨 at the end of their name: 송 민기씨.
If the person is our friend, we add -이 at the end of their name ONLY if ends with a consonant: 김강민이. This only works with korean names, don't do this with foreigner names.
If you want to call someone (a friend) who is a little far away from you, we will use -아 at the end of their name if ends with a consonant or -야 if ends with vowels: 신정근아 or 김준호야.
And that's all for today!
If you have any question, please, feel free to ask me !
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yukistudyjapanese · 8 months ago
🌌Study log 24/07/2024
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my messy study space
⛅Weather report: sunny, hot
🙂Mood report: depressed but kinda okay
✅Finished task: 14/17
⏱️Total time of study: 3h 44 min
🗒️Notes: KGIU chapter, memrise vocabulary, Korean reading or beginners, typing practice, drawing, making Lowpoly model in Blockbench - Korean Reading for beginners is finished
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ddaome-kr · 7 months ago
쫓다 vs 좇다-
Sometimes even Koreans make mistakes of using 쫓다 in places of 좇다, but there are differences! Read more to find out the difference between these two similar words :)
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🔸️쫓다 - To rush after something in order to catch or meet an object - 쫓다 is chasing something physical - Used with words like 술래(tagger), 추격전(chase), 사냥꾼(hunter)
🔸️좇다 - To pursue goals, ideals, happiness, etc. - 좇다 is chasing something abstract - Used with words like 목표(goal), 이상(ideal), 명예(honor), 행복(happiness)
Try out the quiz! click the read more to see the answers to the quiz :) As always, here's a link to our instagram post. We upload first on instagram, so if you want the latest posts from us, consider following us on instagram as well :)
축구 선수가 축구공을 쫓는다. (The soccer player chases after the soccer ball.) 그는 꿈을 좇아 열심히 연습하는 배우이다. (He is an actor who practices hard chasing his dream.)
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