#korean english
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yuyamuya · 8 months ago
Korean Emotions (part 1)
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가뜬하다 (adj.) : refreshed; light-hearted 몸이나 마음이 가볍고 상쾌하다. Body or mind being light and refreshed. 예.) 가:너 오늘 기분이 굉장히 좋아 보인다? 나:과제를 다 끝냈더니 마음이 가뜬한 게 날아갈 것 같아.
가련하다 (adj.) : pitiful; poor; pathetic 마음이 아플 정도로 불쌍하다. Sadly sick or troubled. 예.) 직장에서 해고를 당하고 집에서 놀고 있는 형이 매우 가련하다.
가소롭다 (adj.) : ridiculous; absurd 비웃고 무시할 만하다. Deserving to be belittled and ignored. 예.) 형은 내 말을 형편���고 가소롭다는 듯이 들은 척도 안 했다.
가엾다 (adj.) : feeling pity 마음이 아플 정도로 불쌍하고 딱하다. Feeling heartfelt pity or sympathy for someone. 예.) 나는 자식들을 먹여 살리느라 평생을 고생하신 어머니가 가엾게 느껴졌다.
가증스럽다 (adj.) : despicable; detestable 다른 사람의 말이나 행동이 화가 날 정도로 몹시 밉다. Behavior or a remark being mean or hypocritical enough to upset others. 예.) 승규는 남들 앞에서만 착한 척하는 지수의 행동이 가증스러웠다.
가책 (n.) : admonishment; rebuke 자기나 남의 잘못을 꾸짖음. The act of scolding oneself or others for doing something wrong. 예.) 나는 친구를 속이고 한동안 심한 죄책감과 가책에 시달렸다.
갈등하다 (v.) : be ambivalent 마음속에서 어떻게 할지 결정을 못 한 채 괴로워하다. To experience agony and inner struggle over what to decide. 예.) 나는 시험 준비를 할까 좋아하는 드라마를 볼까 한참을 갈등했다.
감개 (n.) : deep emotion 지난 일이 생각나서 마음속에서 솟아오르는 감동이나 느낌. One's state of feeling deeply moved and getting emotional from one's memory of past events. 예.) 작가는 몇 년 동안 고생하면서 쓴 소설이 출판된 것을 보고 깊은 감개에 젖었다.
감개무량하다 (adj.) : touched deeply; emotional 지난 일이 생각나서 마음속에서 느끼는 감동이 매우 크다. Feeling deeply moved and getting emotional from one's memory of past events. 예.) 상을 받은 여배우는 감개무량한 표정으로 소감을 이야기했다.
감격하다 (v.) : be touched 마음에 깊이 느끼어 매우 감동하다. To be deeply moved and touched by someone or something. 예.) 대회에서 일 등을 한 선수는 감격한 표정으로 소감을 말하였다.
감동하다 (v.) : be moved; be touched 강하게 느껴 마음이 움직이다. To be touched by something very deeply. 예.) 나는 어려운 환경에서도 꿈을 잃지 않고 살아가는 청년의 이야기를 듣고 무척 감동했다.
감명 (n.) : impression 잊을 수 없는 큰 감동을 느낌. 또는 그런 감동. A state of being deeply touched, or such a feeling. 예.) 지수는 가족의 사랑을 그린 영화를 보고 감명을 받아 눈물을 흘렸다.
감미롭다 (adj.) : mellow; sweet 달콤한 느낌이 있다. A story, voice, song, etc., sounding sweet. 예.) 김 감독은 사랑에 빠진 남녀의 행복하고 감미로운 사랑 이야기를 영화로 만들었다.
감복하다 (v.) : be impressed; be moved 진심으로 크게 감동하다. To be impressed deeply and sincerely. 예.) 공연이 끝난 후 관객들은 배우들의 훌륭한 연기에 감복해 박수를 쳤다.
감탄하다 (v.) : admire; wonder 마음속 깊이 크게 느끼다. To feel strongly and deeply about something. 예.) 관객들은 서커스 단원의 공중 묘기에 감탄하여 박수를 쳤다.
감회 (n.) : reminiscence 마음속에 일어나는 지난 일에 대한 생각이나 느낌. Thoughts or feelings on the past. 예.) 아버지는 돌아가신 할머니의 사진을 보며 감회에 젖으셨다.
개탄하다 (v.) : deplore; lament 분하거나 안타깝게 여겨 탄식하다. To sigh at something out of anger or regret. 예.) 나는 경솔한 말 한마디로 사랑하는 여자를 떠나보낸 뒤 자신이 어리석었다고 개탄했다.
거부감 (n.) : sense of refusal 어떤 것을 받아들이고 싶지 않은 느낌. The feeling of not wanting to accept something. 예.) 이 책은 고전을 청소년들의 눈높이에 알맞게 개작하여 그들이 거부감을 갖지 않고 쉽게 읽을 수 있다.
걱정하다 (v.) : worry; be worried; be concerned 좋지 않은 일이 있을까 봐 두려워하고 불안해하다. To feel fearful and anxious that something bad might happen. 예.) 그는 다가올 시험에 대해 항상 걱정했다.
겁나다 (v.) : be afraid; be scared 무서워하거나 두려워하는 마음이 들다. To feel afraid or scared of something. 예.) 나는 교통사고를 당한 이후 차 타는 것이 겁난다.
격노하다 (v.) : be furious; be enraged 몹시 화를 내다. To be extremely angry. 예.) 강제로 해고된 직원들이 회사에 격노하여 복직을 요구하는 시위를 벌였다.
격분하다 (v.) : be furious; be enraged 몹시 화를 내다. To be extremely angry. 예.) 사기 피해자들이 격분하여 사기꾼의 멱살을 잡고 분통을 터뜨렸다.
격정 (n.) : passion 강렬하고 갑자기 생기는 참기 어려운 감정. A powerful, sudden burst of uncontrollable emotion. 예.) 나는 알 수 없는 격정으로 가슴이 꽉 막히는 것 같았다.
겸연쩍다 (adj.) : embarrassed; abashed; sheepish; awkward 쑥스럽거나 미안하여 어색하다. Awkward due to being shy or sorry. 예.) 나는 짝사랑했던 그를 마주 대하기가 겸연쩍어 자리를 옮겼다.
KOR-EN Basic Korean Dictionary through Naver Dictionary. National Institute of Korean Language. Accessed 14 July 2024. <https://en.dict.naver.com/#/main>.
Park, In-Jo., & Min, Kyung-Hwan (2005). Making a List of Korean Emotion Terms and Exploring Dimensions Underlying Them. Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, 19(1), 109-129.
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skellyjingles · 4 months ago
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secret love songs
based on the bunnydoll music duo AU by brushteethjaxx on twitter
(KR translation under the cut)
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shattereddteacup · 2 years ago
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Past Lives (2023)
Dir. Celine Song
Language: Korean, English
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likeliteralee · 2 years ago
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duckprintspress · 1 year ago
when you reblog, tell us what languages in the tags!!
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oediex · 3 months ago
(Languages taken from the top 10 foreign languages learned on Duolingo in 2024.)
I would like to bring your attention to two fundraisers that are near and dear to my heart.
@elhamhamdan-gaza is a young woman trying to survive in Gaza with her family. She was a top student at university until October 2023, when she and her family were displaced from their home in Khan Younis and forced to flee to Rafah. After the invasion in Rafah, they returned to their home in Khan Younis only to find it burned. They had no choice but to live in it. Elham and her family desperately need funds for blankets and clothes, because winter is here and nights in Gaza are very cold right now.
Elham's campaign is very low on funds! So far they have only been able to raise £594 and they desperately need more support. Please donate to them if you are able, and share this post and campaign with as many people as you can.
This campaign was verified by the Butterfly Effect Project (instagram) and is number 1180 on their spreadsheet, which you can access through the link on their instagram profile.
You can contribute to Elham's campaign by clicking on the link below:
Secondly, @drdarine is a young woman who is a medical student in Gaza. Despite being displaced and suffering hardships we can only imagine, Darine is continuing her studies and helping out others in the refugee camps and shelters in southern Gaza. Her family consists of seven people, one of them being my friend @dawoudi who is selflessly and unfailingly helping many other families in Gaza by verifying their fundraisers and promoting them on Tumblr. Everyday I see more campaigns added that he has verified, providing an important service to the many families in Gaza that need our help.
Darine's family has been fundraising since February, which is almost ten months! Despite that, they have only been able to raise $5,765, 19% of their goal. Progress on their campaign is extremely slow, often needing to wait multiple days for another donation to come in. We can do better than that.
This campaign was vetted by @gazavetters, and is number 15 on their spreadsheet, which you can find in the pinned post on their profile.
You can contribute to Darine's campaign by clicking on the link below:
Please support these fundraisers! Thank you!
Tagging for reach, let me know if you want me not to tag you in the future
@commissions4aid-international @funds4gaza @a-shade-of-blue @dlxxv-vetted-donations @kyra45-helping-others
@northgazaupdates2 @bilal-salah0 @imjustheretotrytohelp @devilofthepit @ankle-beez
@lukewarm-lesbian @wellwaterhysteria @appsa @qattdraws @laughteronsilverwings
@felixander-official @nabulsi @mukkie @oursapphirestars @fruitwoodmac
@comrademango @sunflowersmoths @mindchalice @battleteacake @girlinafairytale
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ckducky · 4 months ago
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Learning to say "I love you" in each others language 
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naareblogs · 10 months ago
Today is speak your language day :D! Which is your first language?
Porque el mío es español xD
I tried to add as much as I could! But I got out of space :,D
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doyoulikethissong-poll · 2 months ago
Rosé and Bruno Mars - Apt. 2024
"Apt." (abbreviation for "Apartment") is a song by New Zealand and South Korean singer Rosé and American singer-songwriter Bruno Mars. It was released on 18 October 2024 as the lead single from Rosé's debut studio album, Rosie (2024). The song was written and composed by various contributors, including Rosé and Mars, and includes elements from the 1982 song "Mickey" by Toni Basil. It is an up-tempo pop, pop rock, pop-punk, and new wave track, featuring indie rock and electropop influences. Inspired by a South Korean drinking game, the song's chorus is built around the game's rhythmic chant of apateu (Korean: 아파트; lit. apartment).
It was a commercial success and spent ten weeks atop the Billboard Global 200 and Global Excl. US charts, becoming Rosé and Mars' second number-one single and the longest-running number-one song of 2024. In South Korea, it peaked at number one on the Circle Digital Chart for ten weeks. The song topped the charts in over thirty countries, including Australia, Japan, Austria, Germany, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Switzerland. It entered the top five on the US Billboard Hot 100 and the UK Singles Chart. The single topped the iTunes charts and broke records for female K-pop soloists on Spotify and Apple Music. Due to the song's success, Rosé and Mars both received the Global Sensation award at the 2024 MAMA Awards.
"Apt." received a total of 62,4% yes votes! Previous Bruno Mars polls: #386 "Uptown Funk".
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dailyhatsune · 18 days ago
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the tiger draws close
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faunandfloraas · 11 months ago
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My legs felt weak after I came down from the pitch. I was so nervous that I couldn't actually see anything except the mound but compared to other players, I threw the ball as I had practiced and it went straight down the middle! It felt so good ㅎ Team Korea hwaiting! LA Dodgers hwaiting! Thank you!
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musicallisto · 2 years ago
im curious to know how airtight music in a foreign language is to the majority of people.
please reblog this for sample size and include where youre from if you feel comfortable!
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
This video is only available to people who are members of Acau's ( 악어 ) Youtube, but one of his fans posted a short clip Acau shared of his and Quackity's conversation testing out the QSMP translator!
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[ Original Tweet ]
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khaoneowie · 5 months ago
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in another universe..
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faunandfloraas · 4 months ago
You really like your f words tonight ©️ stayslay5
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chrysalizzm · 1 year ago
Quackity: Luzu!
Acau: Oh! Hello!
Luzu: Oh? Hello! Then I’ll speak in Spanish.
Acau: Whoa, Spanish.
Luzu: How are you?
Acau: Wow, nice to meet you!
Luzu: The first thing you should know is: don’t try to get along with anyone. That goes for everyone. You have to kill every single one of them.
Quackity: [laughing] What?!
Acau: Huh? Oh my god…
Luzu: Listen carefully.
Acau: I have to kill people? PVP?
Luzu: If you want to live, listen carefully. Everyone steals from each other around here. Isn’t that right, Quackity?
Quackity: [laughing]
Luzu: Well, not all the time, just sometimes. Here’s your first present on the server. To do bad things with. I’ll just tell you this: don’t trust anyone here. They’re rotten to the core.
Acau: So you’re telling me not to trust anyone here?
Luzu: Correct, correct.
Quackity: [overlapping] No, that’s not true! Everyone’s really nice, especially me.
Acau: I feel like you’re the least trustworthy person of all.
Luzu: No, no, no, no, no, no, no—
source: 월클들만 있는 서버에 초대 받았습니다|QSMP #1
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