winterlyblac · 1 year
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amaotoeros · 7 months
2024.02.10 | Portrait003
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yomuamukurashi · 2 years
洋書日記#13 The Sea Cloak by Nayrouz Qarmout
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jajihealth · 2 years
「バーチャル渋谷 au 5G ハロウィンフェスティバル 2022」詳細情報発表! 期間中いつでも楽しめる日本発のハロウィンアトラクションが盛りだくさん
3年目となる今年は、日本のポップカルチャーと渋谷発のテクノロジーが融合した新しいエンタテインメント「Culture Crossing ~渋谷と世界が交差する~」をテーマに、約16社・パートナーとともに開催。 世界に発信します。 イベント期間中、ハロウィン気分を満喫できる「バーチャル渋谷」にアトラクションコンテンツが登場。 Bub MONSTER BUBBLEの巨大バスタブ、最新のトヨタカローラスポーツがハロウィンの街に登場、サダコのアバターに変身して街を散策、黒ひげクライシスなど日本発のクレイジーな体験ができる。 .…
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oq-oq · 7 months
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anza-langblr · 10 months
conjunctions - words that are used to link phrases together
情報を加える // Adding information:
しかも besides そのうえ moreover, on top of that さらに moreover, on top of that そればかりか not only that, but also... そればかりでなく not only that, but also...
情報を対比する // Putting into contrast:
それに対して in contrast 一方 whereas
他の可能性・選択肢を言う // Giving alternatives:
あるいは or perhaps (presenting another possibility) それとも or (presenting another option within a question)
結論を出す// Drawing a conclusion:
そのため for that reason したがって therefore そこで for that reason (I went ahead and did...) すると thereupon (having done that triggered sth. to happen) このように with this (adjusting a conclusion to the arguments given beforehand) こうして in this way
理由を言う // Giving a reason:
なぜなら...からだ the reason is というのは...からだ the reason is
逆説を表現する // Expressing a contradiction:
だが however, yet, nevertheless (contradicting what one would have expected) ところが even so (spilling a surprising truth) それなのに despite this, still それでも but still (despite a certain fact, nothing changes)
説明を補う // Amending one's explanation:
つまり that is, in other words (saying the same thing using different words) いわば so to speak (making a comparison) 要するに to sum up, in short
説明を修正する // Revising one's explanation:
ただし however (adding an exception to the information stated beforehand) ただ only, however もっとも however (obviating any expectations that might arise through the previous statement) なお in addition, note that (adding supplementary information)
話題を変える // Changing the subject:
さて well, now, then (common in business letters after the introductory sentence; is often ignored in tranlations) ところで by the way
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chikuri · 5 months
「民主党政権のどこがどう悪夢だったのかきちんとした説明を聞いたことがない」という主張は定期的に出現しますね。とはいえさすがに「聞いたことがない」なんてはずはないので、おそらく「自分の気に入る説明ではない」という意味か、「バカに分かるように説明したところで、そもそもバカは聞いてない」パターンのいずれかとは思いますが。 悪夢のような時代を生き抜いてきた者として私が言えるのは、「とにかく、あのような惨劇は二度と繰り返してはならない」ということだけです。あの時代がいかに酷いものであったか、ご存知ない方もぜひこの機会に知って頂きたいので、支持者から叩かれること覚悟で全力で反論していきますね。 個人的に、「悪夢の民主党政権」における大きな問題点は次の3点と考えています。 (1)国家運営能力の欠如により、内政上の失敗を数多く引き起こし、国益を損ない続けた。 (2)拙劣な外交を繰り返し、日米関係をはじめ、周辺諸国からの信頼を大きく毀損した。 (3)総理・閣僚をはじめとする所属議員の度重なる不祥事や、自分たちに都合が悪い情報を隠蔽する体質によって、国民の政治に対する信頼を失い続けた。 では、それぞれどんなことがあったか振り返っていきましょう。はらわたが煮えくり返る覚悟で読み進めてください。 (1)国家運営能力の欠如 ・財源の見込みが甘く、政権交代の際に掲げたマニフェストはほぼ未達成。 ・官僚を敵視して排除し、国家業務の停滞と質低下を招いた。 ・金融政策と財政政策が食い違い、タイミングの悪い増税も重なり、景気や株価は低迷を続けた。 ・歴史的水準まで進んだ円高を放置し、デフレを加速させた。 ・法的根拠がないばかりでなく、仕分人の選定や対象事業選定にも透明性を欠いた「事業仕分け」をデフレ時におこない、必要な公共投資を削減。経済を悪化させたにも関わらず、結果に責任を負わなかった。 ・「コンクリートから人へ」という誤った政策により、災害対策を疎かにしたうえ、地域社会を破壊した。 ・「朝鮮王室儀軌引渡」「尖閣事件の船長釈放」「運用3号通知」「国家公務員採用大幅減」など、閣僚たちが思い付きレベルの意思決定を独断でおこない、結果的に我が国の将来に禍根を残した。 ・法的根拠のない組織を乱立させ、意思決定過程が曖昧になり、指揮命令系統も混乱。 ・法的根拠のない大臣や副大臣を任命したり、個人的な友人を参与に、党職員を内閣官房職員に任命するなど、ルールを無視、公私の別がつかない人事を実施。 ・原発停止、ダム建設中止など、法令根拠や事前協議が必要な決定を手続無視で断行。 (2)外交能力の欠如 ・普天間基地問題が迷走し、沖縄とアメリカの信頼を大きく損なった。 ・来日したオバマ大統領を日本に残したまま、鳩山総理がAPEC首脳会議に出席するためにシンガポールに向かうという非礼行為。 ・尖閣沖漁船衝突事件では、中国側の脅迫や報復に屈して船長を早々に釈放、不起訴に。その後の尖閣諸島国有化でも迷走。 ・領空侵犯が頻発するも、実効的な対策をとらず。 ・韓国に対しては、通貨スワップ協定締結、朝鮮王室儀軌引渡し、慰安婦問題での「知恵を絞っていきたい」発言など、不用意な譲歩を重ねた。 ・韓国の歴代大統領として初めて、竹島へ李明博大統領が上陸。 ・旧ソ連時代を含めて初めて、北方領土へロシア国家元首が上陸。 ・実現に向けた方策が何ら決まっていない状態で、国連気候変動サミットにおいて「CO2の25%削減」を突如国際公約化。 ・実現の見込みも全くないまま、G8の場で、「太陽光パネルを1000万戸に設置する」と突如国際公約をおこなった。 (3)閣僚・所属議員の度重なる不祥事と情報隠蔽体質 ・鳩山総理⇒偽装献金問題、脱税問題、引退撤回、「最低でも県外」「Trust me」「国民の皆様が聞く耳を持たなくなった」 ・菅(直人)総理⇒外国人献金問題、北朝鮮関係団体献金問題、「顔が見たくなければ法案を通せ」 ・野田総理⇒在日韓国人献金問題、脱税企業献金問題、民団選挙協力お礼発言、「大きな音だね」 ・小沢元代表⇒政治資金規正法違反容疑で強制起訴(無罪判決)、献金虚偽記載で公設秘書が逮捕(有罪判決) ・仙谷官房長官⇒尖閣漁船衝突事件、「自衛隊は暴力装置」 ・赤松農水大臣⇒口蹄疫問題、「だから早く殺せって言ってるのに」 ・松本復興担当大臣⇒「知恵を出さないやつは助けない」「書いたらその社は終わりだから」 ・長妻厚労大臣⇒運用3号独断決定、職務停滞 ・蓮舫行政刷新担当大臣⇒事務所費架空計上問題、国会内ファッション雑誌撮影、「2位じゃダメなんでしょうか?」 ・前原外務大臣⇒外国人から政治献金受領 ・川端文科大臣⇒事務所費架空計上問題、キャバクラ費用を政治資金で計上 ・鹿野農水大臣⇒対中不正輸出疑惑、機密漏洩疑惑 ・鉢呂経産大臣⇒「死の街」「放射能をうつす」 ・一川防衛大臣⇒「安全保障に関しては素人」 ・柳田法務大臣⇒「答弁は二つだけ覚えて��けばいい」 ・山岡消費者担当大臣⇒マルチ商法業者からの献金問題 ・中井国家公安委員長⇒議員宿舎にホステス連れ込み&カードキー貸与、式典で秋篠宮ご夫妻に「早く座れよ」とヤジ ・小林議員⇒違法献金問題で選対委員長が逮捕、選対幹部が公職選挙法違反で有罪 ・土肥議員⇒竹島領有権放棄を日本側に求める「日韓共同宣言」に署名 ・横峯議員⇒賭けゴルフ、女性暴行、恐喝事件への関与 ・緒方議員⇒「スーパー堤防はスーパー無駄遣い」 ・原発事故対応(SPEEDI、米実測値の非公表、議事録不作成など)、尖閣ビデオ、北朝鮮ミサイル発射への対応、温暖化対策の家計負担、年金改革の財政試算 など、自分たちに都合が悪い情報は隠蔽し、政府への深刻な不信感を招いた。 ・総理-閣僚間で見解の方向性や意見の不一致が常態化。それらも含め、自民党で同様の事態があれば野党のみならずマスコミも総出で吊し上げられる事態となるが、マスコミも概ね民主党に好意的な報道姿勢。 そんなに民主党時代が良かったなら、下野以降何度でも政権を取り戻すチャンスはあったはず。なのにただ一度もそうなっていないということは、それが民意ということです。私もあんな地獄のような時代は二度と御免です。
新田 龍 / X
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hiromusicarts-blog · 7 days
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ただいま発売中のJazz Life 10月号に新譜「叙情 - Lyric Suite」のレビューが掲載されています。 ヒロオガワのことを、とことん知り尽くした深い目線に驚愕と恥ずかしさを禁じ得ない内容です。 確かに現代音楽風ではあるけれど、プログレ的なアプローチであることを見透かされてしまった。悪い気はしないけれどね。ただ、無調であったり、変拍子であったりする曲も割と入っているので、そこは見解が分かれるところだ。「異質な作品ではなく~代表作として列するべき」と言う力強いお言葉に感謝します。最後に「小難しそうなのに聴きやすい」と言う言葉が、印象的でした。 レビュワーの富澤さんとは5作目「bue eye」からの付き合いなのですが(毎回ではないけれど)いつものことながら流麗な言い回しに感心しきりです。 レビューページの左隣に、かつしかトリオのウチュウノアバレンボーが載っていて、ついでに見てくれないかなぁ?なんて。 The October issue of Jazz Life, now on sale, features a review of the new album "Lyric Suite." The deep perspective of the reviewer, who knows Hiro Ogawa inside and out, is shocking and embarrassing. It certainly has a contemporary musical style, but the progressive rock approach was clearly seen through. I don't mind, though. However, there are quite a few atonal and irregular time signature songs, so opinions are divided on that point. I appreciate your powerful words that "this should be ranked as one of his masterpieces, not as a unique piece." The final words "It sounds difficult, but it's easy to listen to" left a strong impression on me. I've been acquainted with reviewer Tomizawa since my fifth album "blue eye" (though not every time), and as always, I'm impressed by his elegant way of speaking.
Facebook ページの同内容の記事です
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daruma1004 · 4 months
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ウェブサイトの一種で日記形式のもの。英単語でも”blog”がありますが、もともとは”Web”と記録を意味する”log”が合わさった言葉である”web log”の略です。
英語で「遠隔操作」を意味する”remote control”から略されたものです。TVなどに向かってリモコンから赤外線をデジタル信号で送ることでチャンネルや音量などを操作することができます。
海外では「柔らかいクリーム?」となり伝わらない和製英語です。英語では” soft serve icecream”であり、ソフトクリームサーバーの製造などを行っている日世の創業者・田中穰治が日本でソフトクリームを広めるのにわかりやすくするために省略したとされています。
英語で”ball-point pen”と言い、これを略した言葉です。ボールという単語が使われている理由は、ボールペンの構造上、先端に小さな回転玉(ボール)があるためです。
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taizooo · 9 days
映画『きみの色』山田尚子監督×はくいきしろい対談。嫉妬し合うふたりが語る、色と光の表現|Tokyo Art Beat
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koch-snowflake-blog · 8 months
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大原 優乃は、日本のグラビアアイドル、女優、ファッションモデル、ダンサー、YouTuberである。エイベックス・マネジメント所属。Dream5の元メンバー。 鹿児島県川内市。 神村学園高等部卒業。 ウィキペディア
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出生地: 鹿児島県 鹿児島市
生年月日: 1999年10月8日 (年齢 24歳)
身長: 154 cm
カップサイズ F
学歴: 神村学園高等部 (2018年)
事務所: エイベックス・マネジメント
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takaki2 · 4 months
第一に、皆保険がなくなっても、現在の医療費の全額を自費で払える人なら今のレベルの医療が受けられる、と思ってませんか? でもおそらく、ほとんどの治療で医療費は半端なく上がります。
市場に任せれば自由競争で医療費が下がると主張する人もいるんですが、市場で価格が最適化されるのは、売り手も買い手も充分な情報を持って複数のオプションから自由に選べるという前提がある場合です。ちょっとした風邪や慢性疾患ならいくつかの医者を回ってサービスと価格を比較して選ぶこともできるでしょうが、階段から落ちて骨折ったとかいきなりお腹が耐えがたいほど痛くなったなんて時に、いくつも医者を回って相見積りを取るわけにいかないでしょう? 医者の側は、価格を上げれば患者が減りますが、高くても治療して欲しいという患者は一定数いますから、患者が減りすぎて儲けが出なくなる寸前までは価格を釣り上げられます。ブラック・ジャックが言い値で手術代を請求できるのはそういうわけです。
保険があると、個々の患者vs医者の価格交渉ではなく、保険会社が加入患者全体の代表として価格交渉に出れるため、医者の言い値になることがありません。医者側にも、保険によって見込み患者数がうんと増えまますから、価格を下げてもやっていけます。これは皆保険に限りません。皆保険の無い米国でも、民間の保険に入っていれば、医療費明細を見るとprovider adjustmentといって「本来はこの値段だけど、保険会社と交渉したんでこんだけ割り引きますよ」っていう額が示されています。この割引率が時には50%以上になったりするので、団体交渉の力というのはばかになりません。
皆保険、あるいはすべての患者を束ねるsingle payer systemというのはその最も極端な場合です。どんな医療を保険の対象とするか、などを国家レベ��で決めないとならないので柔軟性は落ちるんですが、価格は最も低く抑えられます。医者はその契約に合意しなければ、保険を使っている人がほとんど来なくなるので、合意せざるを得ません。現在の医療費はその結果で、そこからさらに保険で7割とかカバーされます。保険による団体交渉の力がなくなれば、抑えるインセンティブがなくなります。
金を稼ぐのに必須なのは何でしょう? 金を稼ぐ才能? いえ、「あなたが受け取るお金を払ってくれる人達」「あなたがお金を儲けるために作り出す富の、素材となるものを提供してくれる人達」です。
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 403 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 なんのためえにぃうーまれて nan no tamee nii uumarete What are you born for and
book cover あんぱんまん anpanman Anpanman
2 なぁにをしぃてえいきるのかぁ naani wo shiitee ikiru no kaa what are you going to do? (Note: The above lines are the opening lyrics to the Anpanman theme song.)
tagilne オールマイト幼き日の記憶ーー オールマイトおさなきひのきおくーー OORU MAITO osanaki hi no kioku-- All Might's childhood memories--
C (copyright) やなせたかし Yanase Takashi Takashi Yanase
3 思い返せば おもいかえせば omoi kaeseba If I think back,
4 誰もが通る道にあったモノだ だれもがとおるみちにあったモノだ dare mo ga tooru michi ni atta MONO da it's something that was on the path everyone walks.
5-6 原点と呼ぶにはあまりに柔らかな記憶 オリジンとよぶにはあまりにやわらかなきおく ORIJIN (kanji: genten) to yobu ni wa amari ni yawaraka na kioku A memory too soft to call my origin.
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1 私がした事といえば わたしがしたことといえば watashi ga shita koto to ieba If we're talking about what I did,
2 ふとその道を振り返っただけだ ふとそのみちをふりかえっただけだ futo sono michi wo furikaetta dake da I only happened to look back down that path.
3-4 それがとても大事なものに見えただけだ それがとてもだいじなものにみえただけだ sore ga totemo totemo daiji na mono ni mieta dake da [What was there]* just looked like it was very important. (*Note: Literally the word here is just "that.")
tagline No.403 The End of An Era, And---- 時代の終わり、そして  堀越耕平 ナンバー403 ジ エンド オブ アン イアラ、 アンド---- じだいのおわり、そして----  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 403 JI ENDO OBU AN IARA, ANDO---- jidai no owari, soshite----   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 403 The End of An Era, And----  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 だから dakara That's why.
2 英雄らしく えいゆうらしく eiyuu rashiku "Like a hero."
3 キュウ…ン KYUU...N (Note: This is a sound effect for the drills destroying the gauntlet.)
4 死に方を選べると? しにかたをえらべると? shinikata wo eraberu to? "Choosing how to die?"
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1 やっと yatto "Finally"
2 出し切ったな! だしきったな! dashikitta na! "got that out!"
3 「凝血」 「ぎょうけつ」 「gyouketsu」 Bloodcurdle
4-5 手負いのヒーローの恐さは散々教わった ておいのヒーローのこわさはさんざんおそわった teoi no HIIROO no kowasa wa sanzan osowatta "I've learned well how terrifying an injured hero is."
6 君には何も果たさせはしない きみにはなにもはたさせはしない kimi ni wa nani mo hatasase wa shinai "I won't let you execute anything." (Note: He means he won't let All Might do anything like a trick or a plan to fight back.)
7 その表情を待ってた そのカオをまってた sono KAO (kanji: hyoujou) wo matteta "I was waiting for that face [expression]."
8-9 君が最も嫌がる時だ きみがもっともいやがるときだ kimi ga motto mo iyagaru toki da "The moment you can't stand the most."
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1 ジェントル‼︎ JENTORU!! "Gentle!!"
2 ああ‼︎雄英は安定した‼︎ ああ‼︎ゆうえいはあんていした‼︎ aa!! yuuei wa antei shita!! "Ah!! UA has stabilized!!"
3 行くぞ!行ってやる いくぞ!いってやる ikuzo! itte yaru "Let's go! I'll go for it."
4 わあああ‼︎ waaaa!! "Waaaah!!"
5 撮るのを止めるな! とるのをやめるな! toru no wo yameruna! "Don't stop taking video!"
6 ぐぅ!!! guu!!! "Ggh!!!"
7 雄英に吸われて狙いがズレたか… ゆうえいにすわれてねらいがズレたか… yuuei ni suwarete nerai ga ZUREta ka... "Perhaps my aim was off because it got absorbed by UA..."
8 まァいい…善性に抑えられていろ飛田 まァいい…ぜんせいにおさえられていろとびた maA ii...zensei ni osaerarete iro Tobita "Well, it's fine... Stay restrained there by your good nature, Tobita." (Note: He means basically "Get stuck holding up UA because you have a soft heart.")
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1 レーザー一斉照射用意‼︎ レーザーいっせいしょうしゃようい‼︎ REEZAA issei shousha youi!! "Ready for simultaneous laser fire!!"
2 オールマイトに当たっちまう‼︎ オールマイトにあたっちまう‼︎ OORU MAITO ni atacchimau!! "[But] I'll hit All Might!!"
3 彼は かれは kare wa "He"
4 スターの憧れだ! スターのあこがれだ! SUTAA no akogare da! "is Star's aspiration!"
5 スターと共に弔を追い詰めたXー66ーー…! スターとともにとむらをおいつめたエックスーダブルシックスーー…! SUTAA to tomo ni Tomura wo oitsumeta EKKUSU-DABURU SHIKKUSU--...! "The X-66s that cornered Tomura together with Star--...!"
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2 スターは不在だろ スターはふざいだろ SUTAA wa fuzai daro "Star is absent, you know."
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1 あやばい a yabai "Ah, crap."
2 え e "Eh?"
3 オールマイト逝くっ オールマイトいくっ OORU MAITO iku "All Might will die,"
4 オールマイト逝く! オールマイトいく! OORU MAITO iku! "All Might will die!"
5 うん終わり うんおわり un owari "Yeah, it's over."
6-7 そんな…ダメだって! sonna...DAME datte! "Something like this...is hopeless!"
8 オールマイトが OORU MAITO ga "All Might is..."
9 わしゃ…昔たすけられたんじゃ… わしゃ…むかしたすけられたんじゃ… washa...mukashi tasukeraretanja... "I...was saved by him a long time ago..."
10 どんな姿であれ…彼の死は どんなすがたであれ…かれのしは donna sugata de are...kare no shi wa "No matter what form he takes...his death"
11 おじさまっ ojisama "Uncle."
12 俊典… としのり… Toshinori... "Toshinori..."
13 時代の節目になる じだいのふしめになる jidai no fushime ni naru "will be the turning point of the era."
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1 嫌だ いやだ iya da It can't be.
2 嫌だ--- いやだ--- iya da--- It can't be---
3 ---誰か--- ---だれか--- ---dare ka--- ---someone---
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1 No.403 ナンバー403 NANBAA 403 No. 403
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1 The End of An Era, ジ エンド オブ アン イアラ、 JI ENDO OBU AN IARA, The End of An Era,
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1 And------ アンド------ ANDO------ And------
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1 The Beginning ザ ビギニング ZA BIGININGU The Beginning
tagline 想いは今一つにーー‼︎ おもいはいまひとつにーー‼︎ omoi wa ima hitotsu ni--!! Their feelings* now [become] one--!! (*Note: This word has MANY meanings: "heart, mind, thoughts, feelings, desires, wishes, hopes, etc.")
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82mitsu · 5 months
{18Trip} The Mayor Wards' Oshi Quiz
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Ever find yourself in a bind when discovering a game and seeing there's so many bishounen and ikemen you just do not know who to pick as your oshi...!?
Well, 18TRIP's got you covered with their Oshi Quiz!
As the website says:
Answer to the 10 given questions, and we will predict which of the HAMA 18 Mayor Wards will end up in your top 3 as your potential oshi!
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Now that's not the only kicker, each top 3 candidate has their own little quip given on their ranking. This post will cover all questions, answers to the questions, and answers to the answers of your questions~!
BTW, big shoutout and thanks to @sasaranurude for extracting all of the quiz results, this wouldn't have been possible to have been put together so quick w/o their help!
EDIT: When this was originally posted, not all quiz forms were included, it has been done now! There should be a total of 3 variants of the quiz you can take.
So sit tight & make sure your seatbelts fastened, it's time to go on a ride and take the Oshi Quiz! (warning: very long translation under the cut)
Q1: What kind of atmosphere (cute, cool, elegant and such) do you prefer in terms of appearance?
A childlike (face) and charming atmosphere
A cold and mature atmosphere
Individualistic and unique atmosphere
What matters the most is on the inside.
Q2: What kind of personality are you fascinated by? 
A cheerful, charming disposition
One with gentle demeanor
From here on out questions may vary. You will either get quiz form A, B or C. The quiz itself does not randomize these questions and are rather different variants.
(A) What style of clothing are you attracted to? (どんな服装を魅力的に感じますか?)
Committed to being original
I don’t really pay attention to it
(B) What shape of eyes do you like? (目の形状の好みはありますか?)
Round eyes
Droopy eyes
Slanted eyes
Narrow/half-open eyes
I don't really pay attention to it
(C) What kind of person do you tend to like? (どんなスタイルの人を好きになりやすいですか?)
Tall type
Small type
I don't really pay attention to it
(A) When it comes to doing something, do you prefer the type that challenges new things, or the type that plays it safe? (何かをする際に、新しいことに挑戦するタイプ、安全を選ぶタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that challenges new things
The type that plays it safe
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type bad with crowds of people, or the the sociable type? (人混みが苦手なタイプ、人と交流するのが好きなタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type bad with crowds of people
The sociable type
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the type that plans everything out, or the type that doesn't make plans? (物事を計画的に進めるタイプ、行き当たりばったりのタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that plans everything out
The type that doesn't make plans
None of these are my type
(A) Which do you prefer, the type that's open about his feelings, or the type that listens more than he speaks? (頻繁に意見を言うタイプ、聞く方が多いタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that's open about his feelings
The type that listens more than he speaks
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type that speaks what on his mind, or the type that bottles everything up? (本心を表情に出すタイプ、内に秘めるタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that speaks what on his mind
The type that bottles everything up
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the type that worries about the small things, or the type that's open-minded? (細かいことを気にするタイプ、大らかなタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that worries about the small things
The type that's open-minded
None of these are my type
(A) Which do you prefer, the type that’s good at taking care of you, or the type that you want to care of? (面倒見が良いほうが良いタイプ、面倒見たくなるタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that’s good at taking care of you
The type that you want to care of
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type that is considerate towards others, or the type that speaks his mind without holding back? (他人を気遣い遠慮するタイプ、遠慮せずに意見を言うタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that is considerate towards others
Type that speaks his mind without holding back
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the spontaneous type or the type that does as told? (自発的に行動するタイプ、言われたことをこなすタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The spontaneous type
The type that does as told
None of these are my type
(A) What is your type when it comes to how he feels about himself? (自分自身のことをどう思っているタイプが好き?)
He loves himself
He hasn’t no confidence
Doesn’t like nor dislike himself
Doesn’t dislike himself but does have an inferiority complex. 
(B) Would you prefer that he has a lot of experience in love? (恋愛経験は豊富なほうがよい?)
Having a lot is good
Not having a lot is good
A reasonable amount is good
Whichever is fine
(C) Would you prefer that he's carrying a lot of emotional baggage regarding his past? (重い過去を背負っているほうがよい?)
That's good
It's better to not let him get dragged down by it
Whichever is fine
(A) Imagine your ideal type, if he existed in reality, whether at work or at school, what kind of role would he be in your life? (あなたの理想のタイプが、実際に職場や同じクラスに存在したらどんなポジションになっていそうですか?)
He everyone’s favorite guy
The oddball within the group
You’re both involved with each other, for better or for worse
You keep your distance from each other
(B) Which unexpected side of him would be to your liking? (どんな意外な一面があると良いですか?)
A lonely side
A cold side
A family-oriented side
A clingy side
Unexpected sides are unneccessary
(C) Which type is to your liking when it comes to line of thinking? (どちらの思考タイプが好きですか?)
I like the type that enjoys causing burdens to others
I like the type that finds it fullfilling to put burdens on themselves
None of these are my type
(A) What is your preferred type when it comes to customer service to clients at a travel agency? (旅行代理店にきたお客さんにどんな接客をするタイプが好きですか?)
Receiving a lot of proposals in any kind of case
Carefully listens to your demands and then put everything nicely together in the end
Gives simple answers regarding the necessary information
Gives suggestions with a twist to them
(B) When facing thing's he's bad at, or scared of, what kind of reaction aligns with your type? (苦手なものや怖いものに直面した時、どんな反���をするタイプが好き?)
Gets meek and hates it / gets scared
Puts on a brave front
Pretends to be chill in order to not expose himself
(C) Imagine a situation where he has to lie, what kind of lie would you prefer? (もし嘘をつく場面があるとしたらどんなふうに嘘をつくタイプが好き?)
Lying as an act of self-protection
Lying for the sake of wanting to protect something else other than himself
Tells lies on the regular
Can't tell lies due to being honest (gets exposed)
(A) When travelling abroad with your family, what kind of behavior is to your liking? (家族と海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Taking initiative and making plans
Leave the planning to family
If the plane ride and hotel is secured, simply succumbing to the flow of things
(B) When traveling abroad alone, what kind of behavior is to your liking ? (ひとりで海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Everything is planned out to a T
Not making any plans, just letting yourself go with the flow
There's days where there's plans, and there's days where there aren't any plans
(C) When traveling abroad with your friends, what kind of behavior is to your liking (友人と海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Taking initiative and making plans
Leave the planning to friends
Dividing the plans amongst friends
If the plane ride and hotel is secured, simply succumbing to the flow of things
Now after taking the quiz, you get your top 3. Each character reacts differently to where they ended up ranking. Now follows a translation of all of these quotes~ Here was my result, by the way!
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Again, big thanks to my friend for extracting all the info from the site to have made this possible. If you wish to see all of the original quotes as is, please send a MSG and I will privately provide the spreadsheet link.
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Renga Nishizono
FIRST: 1st place…!? I’m h-hap… Ahem, ahem. This is a natural outcome for a first class celeb like me! So um, do you want, like an autograph or…? 
SECOND: I’m grateful to be in 2nd place… but don’t you dare believe that makes me a second-rate celeb for ending up here!
THIRD: I, me out of all people, am in 3rd!? W-well, I’m content enough that I’m included… Wait, don’t tell me I ranked lower than Liguang, right!?
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Kafka Oguro
FIST: I thought it was a given how I’d end up being in 1st place for you, but… it still makes me happy. Obviously, you’re my number one too.♪ 
SECOND: 2nd place… Guess stuff like this isn’t out of the question. …Actually, no way Yukikaze is in first place… right?
THIRD: Grr… 3rd place, huh. Well, too bad I don’t know when to quit. Guess I’ll have to start planning out a strategy to become your number one. 
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Ten Murakumo
FIRST: My condolences for getting me in 1st~ lol. Ain’tcha got people often rattling off how your god awful taste in men won’t ever make you happy? 
SECOND: Yeah, 2nd place’s just comfy enough for both of us. How’ bout we go have the kinda fun you can’t get with Mr. First Choice? Lil missy. 
THIRD: Uwah~ Nice you got buncha guys to fawn over, eh. Well, seeing I’m here all on my own means I gotta give ya the cold shoulder treatment, no? 
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Yukikaze Kamina
FIRST: …Receiving a golden medal from you? I can’t contain my happiness. I’m going to end up cooking a boatload of gyoza at this rate tonight. 
SECOND: While the media might refer to me as the Silver Collector… I’ll work hard enough in order to become your gold.
THIRD: Even if I’m bronze to you, you will always be the gold prize to me… Remember that.
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Lu Liguang
FIRST: You want to be number one in the Lùróng Family...? So you got what it takes to carry out your duties, huh. If you do, I’ll also take a fair share of the responsibility.
SECOND: Your second choice is the Lùróng Family...? The likes of you wanting to be under my wing is quite a bold move. You’re funny, I’ll give you that.
THIRD: I get why you applied, but you’re not qualified given how your required level of competence isn’t there yet. You’re rejected. Go redo your application. 
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Akuta Isotake
FIRST: Ah, did I win Best Director and Male Leading Actor…!? Does this mean I’ll get treated to steak as congrats…?
SECOND: Oh, did I win Best Director and Male Supporting Actor…!? Are you gonna buy me my fav snacks as congrats…?
THIRD: C’mon I gotta be in 1st~ Pretty sure you need to pick the unique options and all for each question. So, how ‘bout one more round? 
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Kiroku Kinugawa
FIRST: …! …1st, place… As thanks… I’ll make you… a drawing. Do you have, any requests…?
SECOND: 2nd… Um, since my little sister, taught me, how to text by pager… “999”. D-did you, get what I said…? 
THIRD: …I’m not, that interesting… But… 3rd place… makes me happy. When I go pick up, my little sister… I’ll tell her. 
TL note: 999 is サンキュー(thanks) in pager code. 
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Nanaki Nanamegi
FIRST: Huh… I’m Chief’s number one…? To me, you’re obviously also, like, if I had to…! Ah, I’ll hit the character limit… 
SECOND: Um… I’m happy with being second. It’s like the second movement of a sonata… the gentle and quiet part so to speak, which I really love. 
THIRD: Of course I’m happy even if I’m in third. Being third out of 20 people, means we do have a lot of chemistry, right…? 
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Muneuji Kaguya
FIRST: The first star in our solar system is Mercury. Mercury is a small star yet has high density. That is the kind of man I wish to be. 
SECOND: The second star in our solar system is Venus. The temperature on the ground surface is approximately 470° degrees… Yet, there is a certain romance precisely because you can’t set foot on it. 
THIRD: Do you know what the third star in our solar system is? …Yes, that is our very own Earth that we live on. Therefore, the Earth must also be included in my gratitude.
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Ushio Kurama
FIRST: Getting me in 1st… you plan on stanning me? Hold up, who’s on the right side of the slash? I won’t hesitate to report you if you’re getting any weird ideas. 
SECOND: Seeing Reito getting 2nd in Patti-battle!’s third popularity poll made me happy and prou… Uh, nevermind me. 
THIRD: Times like these just calls for a character to go like, “Damnit, I lost to ___!”...I won’t be saying that though. 
TL note: Amongst JP otaku, ‘left’ or ‘right’ is a heated debate in ships, or fictional character pairings. On the left, you have the more dominating character, and on the right, you have the more submissive character. Be wary to not trigger any landmines when reversing the order… TL note2: Unsure how to read 礼人 precisely, so I have settled for Reito. This will be changed once more information has been revealed about Patti-battle!
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Raito Kitakata
FIRST: I’m happy to be in 1st place. By the way, there is a house style ramen restaurant that I have as number one on my recommendation list, how about we go there together? 
SECOND: I have a pet theory where a restaurant’s philosophy shines through its 2nd most popular item on the menu. Which means I ended up ranking in a significant place. 
THIRD: 3rd place, huh. I’m grateful but currently, more than anything, I have an intense craving to slurp on some noodles ASAP. I’ll catch you later. 
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Kinari Azekawa
FIRST: Verification of compliance with Master's ideals registered. Efforts will be made to elevate my performance further going forward. 
SECOND: Verification of the potential margin to elevate performance further registered. Feedback for the sake of becoming Master’s “bias” is kindly requested. 
THIRD: Verification of failure to comply with Master’s ideals registered. Room for improvement is present. Please input instructions for desired behavioral patterns. 
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Chihiro Natsuyaki
FIRST: Chii’s 1st in the bias ranking!? Isn’t your taste like way too good!? Gonna go sicko mode on the fanservice☆ 
SECOND: 2nd place means like, you’ll be on TV till the last sec even on survival shows, aka just the right amount of delish~ So I’mma leave a buncha marks on you♪
THIRD: 3rd! Just within reach… but, I’m happy enough for being included~ …Srsly, it’s like, heaven and hell.
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Tao Kinouchi
FIRST: Eh, me in 1st…? Uwah, kinda feeling humbled here, or well… Just in case, it’s not some prank or whatever like, right? 
SECOND: 2nd place’s also not for me. I wanna live up to expectations and stuff, but hearing others out is about all I can do… if that’s up your alley, then I’m always good to go.
THIRD: I’m just happy to end up ranking anything, but for me this is just right that I can sigh with relief and calm down. I was on edge earlier. 
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Kuguri Domeki
FIRST: To have me in 1st… How adorably pathetic. I’ll give you the mercy of touching my body as a reward. So, where would you like to feel me up the most?
SECOND: The 2nd place you want to touch is… my collarbones? …Hmmm. Not that I care much, but you have some banal, disappointing tastes. 
THIRD: Leaving me behind in 3rd… You have some nerve. Looks like someone wants to get retrained by me from scratch.
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Nagi Hachioya
FIRST: …Huh. I’m 1st? I’m so surprised I fail to understand… But as thanks…  I’ll become your servant for as long as you live. Or do I offer my kidney… 
SECOND: 2nd, thanks. I’m happy… Right, here’s a flower as some thanks… ah, nevermind… the bottom of the basket fell off… 
THIRD: 3rd… I don’t deserve this. As thanks you can have this horsetail. Did you know these are pretty delicious when used to cook tamago toji? 
TL note: Tamago toji is a Japanese soup dish where, for examples, vegetables are cooked in dashi broth and beaten eggs are added to make a kind of soup. 
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Ryui Shiramitsu
FIRST: This ain’t the time to be stanning me! Go back right now, redo it until you get Toi in 1st!
SECOND: Oi, Toi better be ahead of me, yeah…? Not gonna let you have it if he isn’t…
THIRD: It’s not like I give a crap about being stanned or whatever. Just, if you feel like cooperating with me, you better guarantee Toi’s safety.
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Toi Shiramitsu
FIRST: I’m your best boy…? I’m so happy! I’ll tell your fortune of the day as thanks… Wah, looks like your fortune’s as good as it can get♪
SECOND: You kindly graced me with 2nd place! Your fortune of the day is… slightly good luck. Take in all the small bits of happiness. 
THIRD:  Please let me do some fortune telling for you. Your fortune of the day is… Howawa, bad luck!? Watch out for any unexpected banana peels! 
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Yodaka Natsume
FIRST: …Hm. If I remember correctly, your driving technique led to a violent explosion right at the last corner… I wonder if our machines would’ve ended up 1st. 
SECOND: …Hmn. Right… I ended up 2nd in the Senbatsu General Election. So the center of the debut single will be you… Congratulations.
THIRD: …Ngh. I also tried chasing after Liguang’s riichi when he went all in during oorasu… As a consequence, I discarded a tile, lost and ended up in 3rd. A shame.
TL note: Senbatsu General Election is an annual event where fans of AKB48 and adjacent groups can vote for their faves. More info here.  TL note2: I will simply link this wiki page to get enlightened about mahjong terms. 
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Netaro Yowa
FIRST: Wahey, I landed 1st~♪ Which means I may do whatever I want to, yes? Which then means you’ll become my guinea pig, yes? 
SECOND: I am not dissatisfied with landing in 2nd place, yet I shall cast an enthralling spell onto you! Feast upon this enchanted meat bun!
THIRD: 3rd~? How dicey~... Well, I will thank you. A special gift of 2,7 mystery buns planned for disposal~
TL note: Bad foresight on me not seeing メロメロリン coming back again. For now, I will simply make it be something to “casting an enthralling spell” like in the previous instance until I workshop it into something better? 
That’s the end!
Thank you, thank you!
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straycatj · 8 months
We all know Mr. J is a toasted marshmallow, but has he seen a toasted marshmallow (food)? Do they have marshmallows in Japan?
This is one of Japanese marshmallows...
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g-men-movie · 1 year
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