sakeandit · 1 year
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zegalba · 10 months
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Yoshitomo Amano: 源氏物語 (1993)
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nagaino · 3 months
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chinesehanfu · 2 years
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Chinese Ming Dynasty Painting(1485 CE):【明宪宗元宵行乐图/Ming Emperor Xianzong Enjoying the Lantern Festival (part)】showing court lady in the ming dynasty
※ Women with gold patterns in Hanfu (top) had titles/rank in the court of the Ming Dynasty, and they may be imperial concubines, princesses, etc.
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[Hanfu · 汉服]Chinese Ming Dynasty Chenghua era(1465-1487 AD) Traditional Clothing Hanfu & Hairstyle
【About horsehair skirt (马尾裙) petticoat】
A horsehair petticoat (马尾裙) is a petticoat that is worn under the skirt to give it a puffy appearance. This kind of petticoat came from Korea Joseon at that time.
❗ However, it would be wrong to say that the entire outfit above is Korean origin as someone claim.
In Ming Dynasty record "寓圃杂记/Yu Pu Notes" By Wang Kai王锜 emphasizes that this style of clothing  (马尾裙horsehair petticoat) is a kind of ominously strange clothing , which is what the ancients called "服妖(A derogatory term that describes people wearing weird clothing is bad symbol)". It is only popular among rich and uneducated people, and will let decent people look down on, the original words are " 然系此者惟粗俗官员、暴富子弟而已,士夫甚鄙之,近服妖也 "
Horsehair petticoats are popular in Beijing. Demand was low at first, and local production was impossible and unnecessary. They are all imported from Korea Joseon. When it becomes popular, even men like to wear horsehair petticoats under their robes, and the demand and market will naturally increase, so localized production began. But the number of horses is limited, and the most important raw material, horse hair, is not easy to obtain.
So some people went to the army camp to steal the horse hair of the army horse, which made the army horse look thin and bad.
❗In the Early Emperor Hongzhi era,the officials reported these incident to the Emperor Hongzhi(1470-1505)of the Ming Dynasty said”京中士人好著马尾衬裙,因此官马被人偷拔鬃尾,有误军国大计。乞要禁革”Saying that such behavior is not good for the country and suggest to ban horsehair petticoat. So Emperor Hongzhi make an order to banned people wearing Horsehair petticoats
Since then, this horsehair petticoat gradually disappeared from China history 
❗ It is worth mentioning that even in the period when horsehair petticoats were popular, not everyone wore horsehair petticoats, as shown in the book "释氏源流应化事迹" in the Chenghua era of Ming Dynasty (AD 1465-1487): ( Women that not wear horsehair petticoats)
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After Emperor Hongzhi banned the wearing of horsehair petticoats (back to the silhouette of Hanfu in the Ming Dynasty), as shown below
Murals in the tomb chamber of Zhengde period (1506-1521) - Jiajing period (1522-1566):: 
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💡��Produce: @衔鱼录
📸Photo: @超级方便MAN
🎥Post-production : @还是叫我雪影吧
🔖Hanfu Research:  @玩泥巴的豆角 @邈邈阁的颜掌柜
🧚🏻‍ Model : @还是叫我雪影吧 @曾嚼子 @记不住密码的小基崽 @NanFu_南赋吖 @玩泥巴的豆角 @纭澈 @言言衍晏 @子可_POTTERY @祁祁萝祁萝贰祁
💄Makeup Director: @还是叫我雪影吧
🧵Tailor: @邈邈阁的颜掌柜
🏮Lantern provider: @纭澈
CC organization: @南宁汉服小组  @汉洋折衷bot @大朙时尚搭配频道 @大明穿搭bot @说给大明服饰
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papatomom · 1 year
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源氏物語ミュージアムで上映されていたアニメ映画「GENJI FANTASY ネコが光源氏に恋をした」の舞台にもなっていた「さわらびの道」を宇治川に向かって歩く。
「平等院」は人が多く並んでいたので今回はやめて、伊藤久右衛門 平等院店でお土産「宇治抹茶ガトーショコラ 宇治のこみち」を購入後、宇治田原町にある「正寿院(shoujuin)」へ。
今の時期は風鈴まつり(wind chime festival)も開催されていて、短い時間だったけれども、楽しむことができた。
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oldtimejapan · 8 months
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rurukoten · 1 month
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cleaetpauline60 · 1 year
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♡ Heroine Otome Game ♡
❥ Heroine [ Ikemen Genjiden ]
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eophisxskies · 10 months
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tsun-zaku · 6 months
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ナショナルゴールデン劇場 『掌の中の卵』広告(1970年) 原作=源氏鶏太 出演=和泉雅子、山本陽子 ほか
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putschki1969 · 1 year
Wakana 「Kara」 Recording Documentary Short-Film
Great news! Wakana's song "殻/Kara" from her 3rd studio album "Sono Saki e" has been appointed as 4th anniversary tie-up for the mobile game 『Ikemen Genjiden』. The game is part of the popular "Ikemen Series", a romance game for women with a total of 40 million members worldwide. A special recording documentary has been uploaded to Wakana's Official YouTube Channel so be sure to check it out! Additionally, a special video commemorating the 4th anniversary of the game has been released on the Ikemen Series Official YouTube Channel!
■ "Ikemen Genjiden" 4th Anniversary Special
■ “Ikemen Genjiden” Official Homepage   https://ikemen.cybird.ne.jp/title/genji/original/
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renwritesrandomthings · 7 months
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New Sueharu card.
I need to pay more attention bto Genjiden before Cybird axes it.
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zegalba · 10 months
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Yoshitaka Amano: 源氏物語 (1993)
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vegehana-food · 8 months
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✿ 粉熟 ・粉熟(ふずく)。米・豆・胡麻などの粉に甘葛煎をあわせ、丸く成形したもの。源氏物語、「宿木(やどりぎ)」の帖に登場します。源氏の孫 匂宮に子供が生まれたお祝いに源氏の次男薫が贈ったお菓子でした。
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redsamuraiii · 10 months
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Iine! Hikaru Genji-kun (Ep 7)
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papatomom · 1 year
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梅雨なので、紫陽花で有名な京都市宇治にある三室戸寺(mimurotoji、本山修験宗の別格本山、あじさい寺)と、来年の大河ドラマの予習もかねて源氏物語ミュージアム(THE TALE OF GENJI MUSEUM)へ。
お土産にミュージアム内にある日本茶カフェ「雲上茶寮」さんで、香皿とセットになったお香「夢の夢 《春眠の香》」と、源氏物語しおりセット6枚入りを購入。
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