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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueológicos a una nueva entrega para esta cuenta, en esta ocasión os voy a contar la historia del Guion Matsuri (祇園祭) aparece por primera vez primera en el siglo IX( 865) durante el periodo Heian. - ¿Qué significa esta festividad? Representa cuando se sofocó la epidemia que tuvo lugar en Kioto durante el período Heian se fabricaron 66 alabardas en el Jardín Shinsen-en y se rezó por la extinción de la epidemia. - El Gion Matsuri se celebra cada mes de julio y es una festividad muy característica del verano que van desde: 1 al 31 de julio. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de arqueología e historia Japonesa un cordial saludo. - 考古学ジャポニストは、このアカウントの新作を歓迎します。今回は、平安時代の9世紀(865)に最初に登場した祇園祭の物語をお伝えします。 - この休日はどういう意味ですか? 平安時代に京都で起こった流行が鎮圧され、神泉苑で66の鉾が作られ、流行の絶滅を祈願したことを表しています。 - 祇園祭は毎年7月に祝われ、7月1日から31日まで続く夏の非常に特徴的なお祭りです。 - あなたがそれを気に入ってくれて、日本の考古学と歴史の将来の出版物であなたに会えることを願っています、心からの挨拶。 - Archaeological Japonists are welcome to a new installment for this account, this time I am going to tell you the story of the Matsuri Script (祇園祭) first appears in the 9th century (865) during the Heian period. - What does this holiday mean? It represents when the epidemic that took place in Kyoto during the Heian period was quelled, 66 halberds were made in the Shinsen-en Garden and prayers were made for the extinction of the epidemic. - The Gion Matsuri is celebrated every July and is a very characteristic festivity of the summer that goes from: July 1 to 31. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications of Japanese archeology and history, a cordial greeting.
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rurukoten · 7 months ago
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missmyloko · 1 year ago
What's In a Kimono? Part 10
On The Ninth Day of Fun I present... a new kimono! Another series makes it to the double digit mark at last! Let's take a dive into the kimono that's gracing the cover of my upcoming book ^^
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Name: Kichō No Yume (几帳の夢) - Partition Dream Type: Houmongi (訪問着) Time Period: Heisei Period (1989 - 2019) Condition: Excellent Material: Silk Motifs: Partitions, Clouds, Fans, and Flowers Execution and Techniques: Yuzen and Stencils Value: $200 - 250 USD When I originally went to purchase this piece I thought that it was shibori (tie dye), but I was very surprised when it arrived and found that it's all hand dyed instead! The entire piece, including the background, is either hand painted yuzen or stencil dyed with extremely small, intricate stencils! This gives the whole piece a very dreamy effect that makes you want to stare and pick out the all of the details. It's almost hard to believe that the black background or the blue clouds aren't solid colors. The main motif here are Kichō (几帳), which are partitions used by the nobility during the Heian Period (794 - 1185), and cypress fans, also used by the nobility during the Heian Period. The partitions would be set up in rooms and block the viewer from gazing directly upon the face of the other noble. Just like the partitions, these large cypress fans were used by court women to hide their faces in large rooms and when meeting with potential suitors. The partitions and the fans were both decorated with pieces of silk that accentuated their length and drew the eye of the viewer to their lovely designs. You may have noticed on the right hand side near where the hem meets the collar that there's a random white square among all of the color. This isn't there by accident, but it being blank is! This is the area where the artist would dye their signature. That it somehow got skipped and sold as-is is gives it an air of mystery as it was clearly a work of art made by a famous artist, but who? I haven't found any other markings on this piece, so I guess we'll never know ^^
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mvrider5 · 21 days ago
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kensasuke23 · 7 months ago
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vegehana-food · 1 year ago
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✿ 椿餅 ・甘葛煎で甘みを付けた餅を椿の葉に包んで供したもの。平安時代に軽食として食べられていた餅菓子。若者達が遊びに興じたあといただきました。椿はまた、ずっと綺麗な緑を保つことから「長寿」を意味する縁起がいいお菓子でした。
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vykoscore · 1 year ago
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here is a new toreador oc, he remains unnamed.
but goddamn i have a really unhealthy relationship with art
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ashitakaxsan · 10 months ago
🎉 Celebrating Five Years of MAO:
A Murder & Mystery Series by the princcess of manga, Takahashi Rumiko🌙✨She has influenced me so much.Her great Influence has reached in Iran too. As we approach the fifth anniversary of MAO, it's time to reflect on the captivating journey this murder and mystery series has taken us on.
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Created by the legendary Rumiko Takahashi, MAO may not have reached the same heights of commercial success as some of her older hits like Ranma and Inuyasha, but its impact on readers is undeniable.
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Below(from left to the right):Hyakka,Kamon(Up is)Mao,derssed as inmuoji Shiranui,(with the military uniform)down Hakubi:
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In MAO, sensei masterfully combines elements of mystery, romance, and the supernatural to craft a story that keeps us on the edge of our seats with each chapter. From the chilling murders to the intricate plot twists, MAO immerses us in a world where danger lurks around every corner and nothing is as it seems.
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Despite its modest sales, MAO has garnered a dedicated fanbase who appreciate its unique blend of genres and its compelling characters. While an anime adaptation may seem uncertain at this time, the impact of MAO extends far beyond its commercial success, reminding us that true greatness lies in the depth of its storytelling and the emotions it evokes in its readers.
As we celebrate five years of MAO, let's cherish the moments of suspense, intrigue, and heart-pounding excitement that have made this series a standout in Rumiko Takahashi's illustrious career. Here's to many more years of unraveling mysteries and uncovering secrets with Mao,Nanoka, Otoya and the rest of the cast of MAO! 📖💫
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ututumyou · 2 years ago
風鈴の音 世界の皆様に捧ぐ!
Genden-TukuRich®️の世界へようこそ!VOL.240 蒸し暑い日が続いている。 皆様方はどうお過ごしだろうか? 毎日寝苦しい! 風呂に入っても気持ちが良いのは束の間だ!! エアコンがないとせっかく風呂に入って汗を流しても また汗をかいているのではないだろうか? 寝る頃には汗ばみ不快な思いで ベッドに横たわることになっているはずだ!! そこで役立つのが風鈴だ!! 風鈴の音はなぜか耳触りの良い音を奏でてくれる。 寝苦しい熱帯夜も涼しい気持ちにさせてくれる。 日本人で良かったと思う。 湿度の高い日本だからこそ生まれた文化であろう! 先祖に感謝の思いである!! では風鈴はいつ生まれたのだろう?! 中国で竹林に吊り下げて風の向きや音の鳴り方によって吉凶を占ったのが始まりのようだ。 中国2000年前のことである。 と言うことは中国にも風鈴があると言う��
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osasater · 1 year ago
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imgine · 1 year ago
【1時間500円の学習塾イマジン】 歴史の平安時代についての 解説動画の3つ目です。
国風文化、空海、最澄、源氏物語などについて 解説しています。 AIアプリ Study monster との���携で学習効果を発揮します。
動画の最後に LINE、AIアプリ、塾HPのQRコードが出るので 入塾やアプリ利用についてはそちらからご連絡ください
HPはこちらです https://snowflakes4405.wixsite.com/imagine
高校受験 #中学受験 #中1 #歴史 #勉強 #期末テスト #studywithme #学び直し #勉強嫌い #勉強垢  #中学生   #不登校
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Capítulo 1: Introducción a los Emishi. Sean bienvenidos amantes del mundo japonés a una nueva publicación, en esta ocasión vamos a hablar sobre los emishi dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Para empezar, el término emishi hace referencia a todas las tribus y pueblos que vivían y que todavía viven al norte de Japón es decir la mitad norte de Tohoku, incluida hokkaido a este pueblo se le denominaba y se le denomina todavía a día de hoy Ainu, considerados los primeros pobladores del archipiélago a lo largo del siglo XVI hubo una serie de campañas militares para controlar dicho territorio aunque ya en el siglo VII siglo VIII después de Cristo durante el apogeo del clan yamato crearon una serie de fortalezas al norte para mantenerlos a raya. De hecho eran denominados bárbaros del norte que además se revelarán en más de una ocasión bajo el dominio japonés sin resultado alguno, actualmente se les da un reconocimiento a esta cultura, que en el pasado no lo tuvieron, como por ejemplo hay un museo dedicado a ellos y a su cultura. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. - 第 1 章: 蝦夷の紹介。 日本世界を愛する皆さん、新しい出版物にようこそ。今回は蝦夷について話します。とはいえ、気を楽にして始めましょう。 - まず、蝦夷という用語は、日本の北、つまり北海道を含む東北の北半分に住んでいた、そして今も住んでいるすべての部族と民族を指し、この民族は現在もアイヌと呼ばれていると考えられています。 16 世紀を通じてこの列島に最初に定住した人々は、その領土を支配するために一連の軍事作戦を行ったが、すでに 7 世紀から 8 世紀にはヤマト氏の全盛期に、彼らは北に一連の要塞を築き、領土を維持していた。湾。実際、彼らは北の野蛮人と呼ばれていましたが、日本の統治下でも何の成果も得られずに何度も姿を現しましたが、現在では、この文化は、例えば、そこでは過去にはなかった認識を与えられています。は彼らとその文化に特化した博物館です。 - 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください。 - Chapter 1: Introduction to the Emishi. Welcome lovers of the Japanese world to a new publication, this time we are going to talk about the emishi, that being said, make yourself comfortable and let's get started. - To begin with, the term Emishi refers to all the tribes and peoples who lived and still live in the north of Japan, that is, the northern half of Tohoku, including Hokkaido. This people was called and is still called Ainu today. , considered the first settlers of the archipelago throughout the 16th century there were a series of military campaigns to control said territory although already in the 7th century 8th century AD during the heyday of the Yamato clan they created a series of fortresses to the north to keep them at bay. stripe. In fact, they were called barbarians of the north who also revealed themselves on more than one occasion under Japanese rule without any result. Currently, this culture is given recognition, which in the past they did not have, such as, for example, there is a museum dedicated to them and their culture. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a good week.
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rurukoten · 7 months ago
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kkdysnd · 2 years ago
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株式会社フェイバリット様よりかみさまはなよめスカートが販売開始しております。 平安装束から着想を得たスカートです。
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shunsuke-imai · 2 years ago
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悉有仏性。 ___________ #亜字型華瓶 #仏教美術 #密教宝具 #平安時代 #漆箔緑青 #今佐 #urushi @imasa_works https://www.instagram.com/p/CpoN8MPSsze/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yossixx · 1 year ago
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