anamon-book · 11 months
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エンジェル・トーク ~天使の涙~完全版 クリストファー・ドイル=著・写真、芝山幹郎=訳 プレノン・アッシュ 1998年第3版 装丁:アートディレクション=祖父江慎、デザイン=藤井裕子(COZ-FISH)
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jareckiworld · 10 months
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Harue Koga (1895-1933) — Harsh Heritage [oil on canvas, 1931]
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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos a un nuevo especial, en esta ocasión vengo a celebrar que ya somos 2726 seguidores mil gracias por el apoyo que le dais a este proyecto que empezó en diciembre de 2021 y para esta ocasión os voy a traer una publicación de historia del arte japonés, ya que me lo habéis pedido. Además, es el arte que más me gusta, ya el del resto del mediterráneo, no me gusta para nada en absoluto dicho esto comencemos. - La pintura que podéis apreciar data del siglo XIX fue realizada en papel de hierva, el autor se llama Hiroshige Utagawa, pero su nombre real fue Tokutaro, estudio el arte occidental y fue uno de los personajes más destacados en lo que respecta al arte del paisaje. ¿Conocían a este artista? ¿Os gustaría que hablara de él? Dejármelo en los comentarios. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de arqueología e historia japonesa. - 考古学ジャポニストの皆さん、ようこそ、新しいスペシャルへ。今回は、私たちのフォロワーがすでに 2726 人に達したことを祝うために来ました。2021 年 12 月に始まったこのプロジェクトへのサポートに感謝します。この機会に、日本美術史の出版をお願いしたので。 さらに、それは私が最も好きな芸術であり、地中海の残りの部分ではまったく好きではありません. そうは言っても、始めましょう. - ご覧になれる絵は19世紀にさかのぼる草紙に描かれたもので、作者は広重さんです。 歌川は本名を徳太郎といい、洋画を学び、山水画の第一人者でした。 このアーティストを知っていましたか? 彼について話してくれませんか? コメントで私に任せてください。 - 考古学と日本史の今後の出版物でお会いしましょう。 - Welcome, archeological japonists to a new special, this time I come to celebrate that we are already 2726 followers, thank you very much for the support you give to this project that began in December 2021 and for this occasion I am going to bring you a publication of the history of the Japanese art, since you have asked me. In addition, it is the art that I like the most, and that of the rest of the Mediterranean, I do not like it at all. Having said that, let's begin. - The painting that you can see dates back to the 19th century and was made on grass paper. The author's name is Hiroshige. Utagawa, but his real name was Tokutaro, he studied western art and was one of the most prominent people when it comes to landscape art. Did you know this artist? Would you like me to talk about him? Leave it to me in the comments. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications of archeology and Japanese history.
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syvip542 · 5 months
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chinesehanfu · 1 year
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【Historical Reference Artifacts】:  
Portraits and Mural of Women in the Late Yuan-Early Ming Dynasties
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Chinese Ming Dynasty Yongle period(1360–1424) Hanfu Relic: 长袖夹衣&素纱单裙
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Yuan Dynasty Clothing Relics: 妆花凤戏牡丹纹绫夹衫,Unearthed from the tomb of Wang Shixian(汪世显)'s family in Zhang County,Gansu Provincial Museum Collection
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Yuan Dynasty Clothing Relics: 印金团花图案夹衫
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[Hanfu · 漢服]China Late Yuan to Early Ming Dynasties Traditional Clothing Hanfu Refer to Portraits and Mural of Women in the Late Yuan-Early Ming Dynasties
Typical styles of Han ethnic Women in the Late Yuan and Early Ming Dynasties
And it seen that the jacket has a certain connection with the jacket of the Southern Song Dynasty to some extent as blow:
Cotton jacket unearthed from the tomb of Huang Sheng(黄昇) in the Southern Song Dynasty in Fuzhou
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Chinese Southern Song Dynasty Painting<仙馆秾花图>,Collection of National Palace Museum, Taipei
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📸Recreation Work: @-盥薇-
👗Hanfu: @YUNJIN云今
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tokyostreetphoto · 2 years
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Hair Salon Taiyo, Ekoda 江古田
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crazyfox-archives · 3 months
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"Portrait of a Woman" (婦人像) by Koga Harue (古賀春江), 1924
"Retrato de una mujer" (婦人像) de Koga Harue (古賀春江), 1924
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wankohouse · 3 months
刺青 和彫り古典
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2) 刺青 和彫り古典
刺青 和彫り 迦陵頻伽 雷神 
背:迦陵頻伽(筋:彫五郎 ぼかし:初代彫文)
「原色日本刺青大鑑」 芳賀書店 (1973年)より
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刺青 和彫り 不動明王(右) 雷神(左)
右:彫錦さん 不動明王 初代彫よし
左:ブリ庄さん 背 羽衣(筋:彫五郎 ぼかし:初代彫文)腹 雷神(初代彫文)
TOKYO TATTOO (1970) ©Martha Cooperより
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oniwastagram · 2 years
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📸禧長(旧喜多七右衛門邸)庭園(滋賀県近江八幡市) Kicho Garden, Omihachiman, Shiga ——The former residence and garden of Kita Shichiemon, a merchant family that wholesaled tatami mats to Oda Nobunaga. This historical space is now being used as the center of the international art festival "BIWAKO Biennale"! ——あの #織田信長 に畳を卸した商家“喜多七右衛門”の旧宅と庭園。その歴史的空間は国際芸術祭“BIWAKOビエンナーレ”の発信拠点として活用中! 【通常非公開】 ———————— ▼他の写真や解説のつづきは @oniwastagram のプロフURLかこのURLから。 For more photos and commentary, please visit @oniwastagram 's profile URL or this URL. https://oniwa.garden/kicho-omihachiman/ ———————— #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #beautifuljapan #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanarchitect #japandesign #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #landscapedesign #omihachiman #びわこビエンナーレ #BIWAKOビエンナーレ #近江八幡 #古民家 #町家 #machiya #庭園 #日本庭園 #建築デザイン #ランドスケープ #枯山水 #karesansui #庭院 #庭园 #喜多七右衛門 #omihachiman #おにわさん (Biwako Biennale) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqsKr7vgD9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shirasuphoto · 2 years
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No.377 東京八景 やぁドラえもん-38101F DORAEMON GO!
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anamon-book · 2 months
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おんながつづる おんなのくらし 6 楽しむ 2 田辺聖子・中山あい子=編 筑摩書房 装画=井江春代
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jareckiworld · 9 months
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Harue Koga (1895-1933)—Scene in the Deep Sea [oil on canvas, 1933]
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日本の考古学と科学思想の歴史。 第3章 : 日本の考古学者の皆さん、哲学的観点から見た新しい日本考古学へようこそ。 - 1868年当時、日本にはヨーロッパやアメリカで見られるような科学的根拠はありませんでした。日本がその精神やその一部を開放したのは、1868年から1869年の戊辰戦争後になります。米国のような国は日本の科学をモデルにするだろうから、非常に保守的だった。 日本で骨董品への関心が芽生えたのはいつ頃ですか? 江戸時代にはすでに骨董品への関心があったことが知られており、はるか昔にヨーロッパでも同様のことが起こりました。 日本の発掘の始まりは19世紀のほぼ終わりに始まり、数年前に日本でいくつかのローマ硬貨が発見されました。どうやら日本の封建領主は古遺物を収集するのが好きでした。おそらくそれらは中国のどこかの港から海岸に到着しました。日本語。 - 過去を知りたいという欲求は、どの大陸に属していても、すべての人類に共通のものであり、問​​題の時代についても同じことが言えます。 ヨーロッパやアメリカの様々な勢力が日本に到来したとき、彼らはその住民に影響を与えました。そのため、日本人によって日本考古学の父と考えられているエドワード・モースを、他の登場人物の中でも特に取り上げています。 19 世紀には、アメリカ哲学の最も偉大な学派の 1 つであるテイラー主義があり、これは台湾で考古学的発掘を行い、中国および韓国との関係を確立する日本の考古学の最も偉大な人物の 1 人である鳥居龍蔵に影響を与えることになります。 - 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください。 - HISTORY OF JAPANESE ARCHEOLOGY AND SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT. Chapter 3 : Welcome, Japanesearchaeologicalists, to a new installment of Japanese archaeology, seen from a philosophical point of view. Having said that, get comfortable and let's begin. - In 1868 Japan did not have a scientific base per se as we can see in Europe or the United States, it will be after the Boshin War of 1868-69 when Japan opened its mentality or part of it, since a good part of the population was very conservative because Countries like the United States would model Japanese sciences. When did interest in antiques arise in Japan? It is known that in the Edo period there was already interest in antiquities, something similar happened in Europe a long time ago. The beginning of the Japanese excavations began almost at the end of the 19th century, a few years ago some Roman coins were discovered in Japan, apparently a feudal lord in Japan liked to collect antiquities, they probably arrived from some port in China to the coasts Japanese. - The desire to know the past is something that all human beings share, no matter what continent you belong to and the same can be said about the era in question. When the different powers from Europe and the United States arrived in Japan, they influenced its inhabitants, thus we have, among other characters, Edward Morse, considered by the Japanese, the father of Japanese archaeology. During the 19th century we have one of the greatest schools of American philosophy, Taylorism, which will influence one of the greatest figures of Japanese archeology Torii Ryūzō who will carry out archaeological excavations in Taiwan, establishing relations with China and Korea. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a good week.
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nezi-i · 1 year
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水着ウイヒナ とハナコハ
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chinesehanfu · 2 years
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[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Tang Dynasty(618-906 A.D)Traditional Clothing Photoshoot
【About Hairstyle “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]”】
During the Tang Dynasty, Li Shan(李善) quoted "record of the Customs/《风俗通》" recorded : “‘堕马髻者,侧在一边’,......始自梁冀所为,京师翁然皆效之”。
 ( “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]” is a hairstyle with a side hair bun. It was created by Liang Ji's family and later imitated by the people in the capital.)
The characteristic of this hairstyle is that the hair hangs sideways to the shoulders, and a lock of hair is separated from the bun to scatter freely. If  combine with “啼妆(Makeup that make people look like they are crying)” and “愁眉(sad looking brows)“, it will look like a woman who has just fallen from a horse, which can increase a woman's sense of charm.
The“堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]”appeared again during the Tianbao era(742–756) of the Tang Dynasty, and became popular during the Zhenyuan period(785–805) of the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, some people described the shape of roses hanging down and petals gently touch the ground, like the hairstyle “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]”. “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]”has slightly changed from generation to generation, but its basic characteristics, the sideways and inverted shapes, have not changed. “堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]” is mainly favored by married middle-aged women.
“堕马髻 [duò mǎ jì]” hairstyle originated in the Han Dynasty, during the Han Dynasty, "《后汉书∙卷六十四∙列传第二十四∙梁冀》" recorded:
Liang Ji(梁冀)'s wife Sun Shou(孙寿) is very beautiful and good at being "bewitching”. She make “愁眉(sad looking brows)“,“啼妆(Makeup that make people look like they are crying)”,as shown below:
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“堕马髻(comb your hair bun on one side)” ,”折腰步(refers to swinging the waist when walking)”, as shown below:
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“龋齿笑(Refers to a woman's intentionally contrived smile that looks like a toothache, although is very happy inside, woman don’t laugh out loud)”, she thinking these makeup & action that will make her very cute and to attract men.
Sun Shou is jealousy because she can subdue his husband Liang Ji. Liang Ji dotes on her very much, but is also afraid of her.Sun Shou's actions and the makeup she created were deeply loved by women in the imperial city of the Han Dynasty at that time, and they imitated her. And this trend gradually spread to other cities.
which has record in  《搜神记∙卷六∙梁冀妻》:
But these trend is actually portending a tragic end.
Heaven warned: "The army will come to arrest, the women are sad, frowning and crying; the officials and jailers push and kick, break their waists and spines, and make their hair buns tilt; even if they are forced to talk and laugh, they will no longer have that mood." 
In the second year of Yanxi(159 AD), the whole clan and family of Liang Ji's was exterminated.
In Chinese history, it is not difficult to found that when a kind of makeup or fashion that tends to show"sad”,“crying" etc,and becomes popular among women. In many cases,It heralds the imminent demise of a dynasty.
Just like the "Blood Halo Makeup/血晕妆" in the late Tang era and popular in the Han, Tang and Southern Song Dynasty brows makeup “愁眉(sad looking brows)“.When these makeups appeared, the empire also getting weakened.
Therefore, Chinese literati and scholars of in history criticized these fashion/trend, and believed that it was a sign of the collapse of the country.
📸Recreation Work & 🧚🏻‍♀️Model: @-盥薇-
🛍️Hanfu:https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-21304955845.18.1b7ccf3ekxddWc&id=703584063035 & https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-21304955845.20.1b7ccf3ekxddWc&id=703118697215
Comb: @江琛复古生活馆
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tokyostreetphoto · 2 years
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Pharmacy, Ekoda 江古田
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