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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos a un nuevo especial, en esta ocasión vengo a celebrar que ya somos 2726 seguidores mil gracias por el apoyo que le dais a este proyecto que empezó en diciembre de 2021 y para esta ocasión os voy a traer una publicación de historia del arte japonés, ya que me lo habéis pedido. Además, es el arte que más me gusta, ya el del resto del mediterráneo, no me gusta para nada en absoluto dicho esto comencemos. - La pintura que podéis apreciar data del siglo XIX fue realizada en papel de hierva, el autor se llama Hiroshige Utagawa, pero su nombre real fue Tokutaro, estudio el arte occidental y fue uno de los personajes más destacados en lo que respecta al arte del paisaje. ¿Conocían a este artista? ¿Os gustaría que hablara de él? Dejármelo en los comentarios. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de arqueología e historia japonesa. - 考古学ジャポニストの皆さん、ようこそ、新しいスペシャルへ。今回は、私たちのフォロワーがすでに 2726 人に達したことを祝うために来ました。2021 年 12 月に始まったこのプロジェクトへのサポートに感謝します。この機会に、日本美術史の出版をお願いしたので。 さらに、それは私が最も好きな芸術であり、地中海の残りの部分ではまったく好きではありません. そうは言っても、始めましょう. - ご覧になれる絵は19世紀にさかのぼる草紙に描かれたもので、作者は広重さんです。 歌川は本名を徳太郎といい、洋画を学び、山水画の第一人者でした。 このアーティストを知っていましたか? 彼について話してくれませんか? コメントで私に任せてください。 - 考古学と日本史の今後の出版物でお会いしましょう。 - Welcome, archeological japonists to a new special, this time I come to celebrate that we are already 2726 followers, thank you very much for the support you give to this project that began in December 2021 and for this occasion I am going to bring you a publication of the history of the Japanese art, since you have asked me. In addition, it is the art that I like the most, and that of the rest of the Mediterranean, I do not like it at all. Having said that, let's begin. - The painting that you can see dates back to the 19th century and was made on grass paper. The author's name is Hiroshige. Utagawa, but his real name was Tokutaro, he studied western art and was one of the most prominent people when it comes to landscape art. Did you know this artist? Would you like me to talk about him? Leave it to me in the comments. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications of archeology and Japanese history.
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merpmonde · 4 months
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I promised more impressive views from the hills above Toba, and here they are. They're not very hard to reach: the Hiyoriyama circuit is only a couple of kilometres long around the station and involves climbing around 50 m. Hinoyama is further away, further South and a little higher.
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The views of the coastline at Toba were good enough for Hiroshige to use in his Famous Views from the Sixty-Odd Provinces to illustrate Shima province (though there wasn't much else, I presume, Shima province was tiny, it was just Toba and the neighbouring town of Shima - also Shima is 志摩 and not 島 "island").
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Beyond the islands near Toba, lies the mainland again, the Southern part of Aichi prefecture across the Ise Bay (Minamichita and Tahara), which the car ferry in the above picture traverses.
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michiyo-japan · 10 months
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I went to the Ota Memorial Museum of Art to see an original painting by Katsushika Oui.
It was my first visit with a fresh feeling that I could see Ukiyo-e in Harajuku. The works by Oui were good, but once again I felt that Hokusai and Hiroshige were amazing.
This time I particularly liked Hiroshige's 'Toto Sumida Tsutsumi' and 'Kyo Arashiyama Oigawa'. They are not flashy works, but they are wonderful paintings of two women standing in their own way in a paired world of spring and winter. It was a great learning experience in picture-making.
I would like to visit the museum again to learn more about Ukiyo-e, as it is a museum specialising in Ukiyo-e🍀
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Kobe-Gyudon Hiroshige, Restaurant(Hyogo, Japan) 神戸牛丼 広重★★
I ate Kobe-Gyudon(Kobe beef bowl)at Hiroshige (^o^)
It was a Saturday, but when I went before 10am, there was no one in line and I was the first one (^o^)v
For the purpose of eating deliciously, it is recommended to order a raw egg additionally and eat beef soaked in a raw egg (^o^) 広重の神戸牛丼を食べて来ました(^o^)
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orchidblack · 1 year
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Hiroshige, Foxes Meeting at Oji (1857)
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holespoles · 6 months
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"Cherry Blossom at Asakura" 1830s Hiroshige Utagawa
2代目 歌川広重 東都三十六景「吉原仲之町」
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baursakpenkulpinai · 4 months
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Moon-Viewing Point by Utagawa Hiroshige (Ando), part of the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, no. 082 , part 3: Autumn, 1857.
歌川 広重/安藤 「月の岬」, 『名所江戸百景』。
Brooklyn Museum
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hirorin2013 · 5 months
Sera Kouzan by hirorin 2013
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kyotomoyou · 2 years
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【広島県】尾道 天寧寺 . 2枚目は天寧寺坂、 3枚目は猫の細道 . (2021/03/29撮影) . #天寧寺 #天寧寺三重塔 #桜 #尾道 #尾道観光 #猫の細道 #猫の細道🐈 #広島県 #広島観光 #広島旅行 (天寧寺三重塔) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6IJnoPpqg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukimi-gogo · 1 year
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Sean Bienvenidos, japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva entrega sintética, en la cual mencionaremos una de las muchas obras de Hiroshige, del cual ya hablamos en una publicación, pero no publique ninguna obra, ahora llego el momento dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Características Año: 1852 - 1858 Título: Itsukushima in Aki Province. Estilo: Ukiyo-e - Espero que os haya gustado os deseo una feliz semana y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Japón. - ようこそ、ジャポニスタサルケオロジコスの新しい合成配信へ。その中で、広重の多くの作品の一つを紹介します。その作品については、すでに出版物で話していますが、私は作品を出版していません。今、その時が来ました。そう言って、あなた自身を快適にして、始めましょう。 - 特徴 年:1852年~1858年 タイトル:安芸国厳島(あきこくいつくしま 様式:浮世絵 - お気に召していただけたなら幸いです。今週もよろしくお願いします。また、今後の日本の出版物でお会いしましょう。 - Welcome, japonistasarqueologicos to a new synthetic delivery, in which we will mention one of the many works of Hiroshige, of which we already spoke in a publication, but I did not publish any work, now the time has come, having said that, make yourselves comfortable and let's begin. - Features Year: 1852 - 1858 Title: Itsukushima in Aki Province. Style: Ukiyo-e - I hope you liked it, I wish you a happy week and see you in future Japan publications.
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yamada50 · 2 years
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鞆祇園 沼名前(ぬなくま)神社 大綿津見命を祀る渡守(わたす)神社と鞆祇園宮が明治になり合祀し、延喜式神名帳にならい沼名前神社と改称し主祭神を大綿津見命、相殿神を須佐之男命とし旧国幣小社に列しました 合祀当初は須佐之男命が主祭神でしたが5年後に主従逆転した珍しい神社です 渡守神社は景行天皇の御代の創建と伝わる古社です 一方鞆祇園宮は備後国風土記逸文に見える疫隅国社にあてる説もあり祇園宮発祥地とも一説にいわれています #沼名前神社 𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍 沼名前神社(ぬなくまじんじゃ) 鎮座地:広島県福山市鞆町後地1225 主祭神:大綿津見命、須佐之男命 社格:式内小社 国幣小社 別表神社 #国指定重要文化財 𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍 #神社#神社巡り#神社好き#神社好きな人と繋がりたい#神道#shrine#shinto#日本の風景#参拝#神社巡拝家#recotrip#御朱印#御朱印巡り#御朱印好きな人と繋がりたい#神社建築#神社仏閣#パワースポット#広島県#福山市 #鞆の浦 (沼名前神社 鞆の祇園さん) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9ZlD3v1xZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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s-engetsu · 1 year
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Utagawa Hiroshige, 名所江戸百景 王子装束ゑの木大晦日の狐火, 1857
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crazyfox-archives · 1 year
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A pamphlet from Sensōji Temple (浅草寺) a.k.a. Asakusa Kannon (浅草観音), founded in 645 long before Edo was the shogunal capital or Tokyo the national capital, with the cover featuring a print of the temple by Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川広重) dating to the mid-19th century
Acquired at the temple May 5, 1995
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kinop37p · 5 months
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比治山公園 の 
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