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一昨日は午前中、埼玉県の保育園さんにて研修。終わってダッシュで渋谷に向かい、マザーズコーチングスクールの4年振りのリアル勉強会に参加してきました。 親として、また人として、どうしたら言葉に重みが出るか 言葉に重みがある人=〇を感じない人 でも、○がある人にも、重みを感じない人がいる けど ●●が○を消す では、●●がある人とはどんな人か? そんな内容を深い視点から学びました。心の中で『くあ~』と唸りながら、すごいしっくり腹落ちしました。 リアル勉強会に参加すると不思議と自然に動きたい!行動したい!というエネルギーが湧いてきます。 オンラインは便利だけど、リアル勉強会はそれ以上に感じる得られるものがあるのを改めて感じました。 コーチ仲間とリアルで会える、一緒に学べる時間はプライスレスということを改めて実感しました。 募集中【ペアレンツコーチング…

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◆下記に当てはまる方は特に募集します! ▪️副業初心者の方 ▪️今の副業でなかなか収入に繋がらない ▪️子育て中で時間をなかなか働く時間がない ▪️隙間時間で効率よく稼ぎたい ▪️家事・本業・育児と両立したい ▪️安心安全な副業がいい、リスクは背負いたくない ▪️この副業で5年後、10年後も稼ぎたい ▪️1人でやるのは不安 ▪️毎月安定した収入が欲しい ▪️権利収入で寝ている間も稼げる仕事をしたい ▪️無償でビジネスを学び、スキルアップをしたい ❇️きちんとやる気のある方に紹介したいため、誰でもいいから紹介したい!とかでは���いです× こちらから、無理な勧誘は致しませんので、気軽にお問い合わせしてください ▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽ 問い合わせ▶︎@fuji_u_u LINE▶︎https://bit.ly/3WL89t1 #在宅ワーク #ネットビジネス #副業 #副業初心者 #おすすめ副業 #子育てママ #主婦ビジネス #安心安全 #ママサロンパルフェ #副業始めました #副業💫 #ネットワークビジネス #ネットワークビジネスで一緒にやりたい方 #ネットワークビジネス集客 #ビジネスパートナー #ビジネスパートナー募集 #在宅ワーク #募集中 #メン募 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6oLP_vlir/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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母「明日から学校だけど,お母さんも勉強したいから,習ってきたことを教えてね」そう言われた私は母に伝えたいので必死に授業を聞いてたため、テストは常に100点だった - Togetter [トゥギャッター]
小林さやか| Sayaka Kobayashi @sayaka03150915 先日、この子賢いなぁ..という子に会ったので親御さんはどんな人か聞いたら「勉強しなさいと言われたことはなく、父がわたしの教科書で勝手に問題解いてて、わからないところを質問したいと先生宛のメモを渡されたりしてた」と。やはり近くに学びを楽しんでる大人がいることが1番の英才教育。
白ふんZ(2024Y済・2019Y済) @Anas2024Y うちの母の最終学歴は高卒だが,今にして思うとすごい母親だった(まだ生きてます)。小学1年生の時。 母「明日から学校だけど,お母さんも勉強したいから,習ってきたことを教えてね。」 私は母に伝えたいので,必死になって授業を聞いてた。つまり,アウトプットを意識させて,授業を受けさせてた。
白ふんZ(2024Y済・2019Y済) @Anas2024Y 帰宅して、学校で習ってきたことを伝えると、母は嬉しそうに、 母「とても勉強になったよ。明日もよろしくね」☺️ マザコン少年だった私は、母を喜ばせたくて、お土産を持って帰るように、先生の話を完璧に聞こうとするのだった。
白ふんZ(2024Y済・2019Y済) @Anas2024Y 小学校のカラーテストは、授業でやったことしか出題されないから、常に100点。勉強したというより、先生の話を集中して聴いてた。母のお陰で、学校における授業の受け方が身についた。この「聴く力」が身に付かないと、どんな良い塾や学校へ行っても、教育的効果は低い。
学習,勉強,教育ママへ,知的好奇心,興味関心,アウトプット,教える,ラーニングピラミッド, アクティブリコール勉強法,
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MHA Chapter 431 Part 1 spoilers translations
Rough/literal translations for the first part of the bonus chapter are under the cut.
1 ここどこやっけ… koko doko yakke... "Where is this...?"
2 資料まとめんと… しりょうまとめんと… shiryou matomen to... "I need to compile [those] documents..."
1 ああ aa Ah.
1-2 お茶子ちゃん おちゃこちゃん Ochako-chan "Ochako-chan."
3 またこの夢か またこのゆめか mata kono yume ka This dream again?
tagline No.431 More ナンバー431 モア NANBAA 431 MOA No. 431 More
4 まさか先輩たちの都合がつくとは‼︎ まさかせんぱいたちのつごうがつくとは‼︎ masaka senpai-tachi no tsugou ga tsuku to wa!! "I didn't expect all my senpai* would be available!!" (*Note: Senpai is what one calls their seniors, such as in work or a career field or at school.)
5 きっと皆 喜びます! きっとみんな よろこびます! kitto minna yorokobimasu! "I'm sure everyone will be happy!"
1 俺なんかでいいのかな‼︎ おれなんかでいいのかな‼︎ ore nanka de ii no ka na!! "I wonder if they'll be okay that it's me!!"
2 なんでそんな事言うの? なんでそんなこというの? nande sonna koto iu no? "Why would you say something like that?"
3 ふしぎ! fushigi! "How strange!"
4 ウラビティの"個性"カウンセリングに協力できるなんて光栄だよ ウラビティの"こせい"カウンセリングにきょうりょくできるなんてこうえいだよ URABITI no "kosei" KAUNSERINGU ni kyouryoku dekiru nante kouei da yo "It's an honor to be able to help with Uravity's quirk counseling."
5 リューキュウ事務所は優秀だよね! リューキュウじむしょはゆうしゅうだよね! RYUUKYUU jimusho wa yuushuu da yo ne! "Ryukyu's agency is outstanding!"
6 コメディヒーロールミリオン チャートNo.1(→) KOMEDI HIIROO RUMIRION CHAATO No.1 (->) Comedy Hero: Lemillion Chart No. 1 (->)
7 後進育成に移行してるもの こうしんいくせいにいこうしてるもの koushin ikusei ni ikou shiteru mono "We're transitioning to training the next generation."
8 ワンダーヒーローネジレちゃん チャートNo.7(↗) WANDAA HIIROO NEJIRE-chan CHAATO No.7 (↗) Wonder Hero: Nejire-chan Chart No. 7 (↗)
9 あの日以降だよね あのひいこうだよね ano hi ikou da yo ne "Ever since that day, huh?"
10 悪喰ヒーローサンイーター(ファットガム事務所サイドキック) チャートNo.18(↘) あくじきヒーローサンイーター(ファットガムじむしょサイドキック) チャートNo.18(↘) akujiki HIIROO SANIITAA (FATTO GAMU jimusho SAIDOKIKKU) CHAATO No.18 (↘) Bizarre Diet Hero: Suneater (Fat Gum agency sidekick) Chart No. 18 (↘)
11 この学区の児童の資料目を通してもらったと思うんですけど このがっくのじどうのしりょうめをとおしてもらったとおもうんですけど kono gakku no jidou no shiryou me wo tooshite moratta to omoundesu kedo "I think you have had a look at the reference materials for this school district, but"
12 何より大事なのは なによりだいじなのは nani yori daiji na no wa "the most important thing"
13 コミュニケーションです KOMYUNIKEESHON desu "is communication."
14 無重力ヒーローウラビティ チャートNo.24(↗) むじゅうりょくヒーローウラビティ チャートNo.24(↗) mujuuryoku HIIROO URABITI CHAATO No. 24 (↗) Zero Gravity Hero: Uravity Chart No. 24 (↗)
1 一見 何の問題もない子でも いっけん なんのもんだいもないこでも ikken nan no mondai mo nai ko demo "Even with children who [seem to] have no problems at first glance,"
2 悩みをしまい込んでる事が多いです なやみをしまいこんでることがおおいです nayami wo shimaikonderu koto ga ooi desu "many of them will be stowing away their worries."
3 大小問わず だいしょうとわず daishou towazu "Regardless of [where those problems] are big or small,"
4 特に家庭環境なんか とくにかていかんきょうなんか toku ni katei kankyou nanka "when it comes to especially their family environment,"
5 初対面の大人に話せる人は多くないです しょたいめんのおとなにはなせるひとはおおくないです shotaimen no otona ni hanaseru hito wa ookunai desu "there aren't many people who can talk about [such things] with adults they meet for the first time."
6 でも時間をかければ必ずサインを出してる事に気付けるので でもじかんをかければかならずサインをだしてることにきづけるので demo jikan wo kakereba kanarazu SAIN wo dashiteru koto ni kidzukeru node "But if you take the time, you'll definitely notice when they're giving you signs,"
7 資料に頼りすぎず! しりょうにたよりすぎず! shiryou ni tayori sugizu! "so don't rely too much on the reference materials!
8 目安は一か月程度ですが めやすはいっかげつていどですが meyasu wa ikkagetsu teido desu ga "The guideline is about one month, but"
9 内容次第で全然変動します ないようしだいでぜんぜんへんどうします naiyou shidai de zenzen hendou shimasu "it can change completely depending on details,"
10 数は意識しないで かずはいしきしないで kazu wa ishiki shinaide "Don't focus on the numbers,"
11 お友だちになるつもりで! おともだちになるつもりで! otomodachi ni naru tsumori de! "just plan on making friends!"
12 大変だね たいへんだね taihen da ne "It must be tough."
13 全然!人員のサポートは十分ですし ぜんぜん!じんいんのサポートはじゅうぶんですし zenzen! jin'in no SAPOOTO wa juubun desu shi "Not at all! There's enough personnel support, and"
14 皆さんすごく丁寧なお仕事をされるんですよ みなさんすごくていねいなおしごとをされるんですよ minasan sugoku teinei na oshigoto wo sarerundesu yo "everyone does an amazingly thorough job."
15 ホークスが文科省に掛け合ったり ホークスがもんかしょうにかけあったり HOOKUSU ga monkashou ni kake attari "Hawks negotiates with the Ministry of Eduction*," (*Note: The full name is '"Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.")
16 各所に協賛を積めったりしてくれて"個性"教育の環境はだいぶ改善されてきてるんです かくしょにきょうさんをつめったりしてくれて"こせい"きょういくのかんきょうはだいぶかいぜんされてきてるんです kakusho ni kyousan wo tsumettari shite kurete "kosei" kyouiku no kankyou wa daibu kaizen sarete kiterundesu "and he gathers support from various organizations, so the quirk education environment has improved quite a lot."
small text 1 若人に投資せんでなーにが未来ですか わかうどにとうしせんでなーにがみらいですか wakaudo ni toushi sende naani ga mirai desu ka "What kind of future will there be if we don't invest in young people?"
small text 2-3 なんかうさんくさ��みえます nanka usankusaku miemasu "You sound kind of shady."
1 じゃあ今は自分の為の時間も取れるんだ? じゃあいまはじぶんのためのじかんもとれるんだ? jaa ima wa jibun no tame no jikan mo torerunda? "So then, you're able to take some time for yourself now?"
2 わああルミリオンだああ‼︎ waaa RUMIRION daaa!! "Wooow it's Lemillion!!"
3 ウラビティ〜〜〜‼︎ URABITI~~~!! "Uravity~~~!!"
4 フロッピ! FUROPPI! "Froppy!"
5 フロッピッ‼︎ FUROPPI!! "Froppy!!"
6 ネジレちゃあああああ好きいい ネジレちゃあああああすきいい NEJIRE-chaaaaaa sukiii "I love Nejire-chaaaaaa!"
7 サンイーター!ファットはあーー!⁉︎ SAN IITAA! FATTO waa--!!? "Suneater! Where's Fat--!!?"
8 お! o! "Oh!"
9 きたな小学生 きたなしょうがくせい kita na shougakusei "Here come the elementary schoolers!"
10 ルミリオンあれヤッテエエエ!!! RUMIRION are YATTEEEE!!! "Lemillion, do THAT [THING]!!!"
11 桃早く ももはやく momo hayaku "Hurry, the peaches!"
large text 奴穫しな���ゃあアアア どれいしなきゃあアアア dorei shinakyaaAAA "You gotta harvest theeeem!"
12 へんなのっ hen na no "So weird."
13 "個性"で穫ってみな!!! "こせい"でとってみな!!! "kosei" de totte (kanji: katte) mina!!! "Pick them with your quirks, everyone!!!"
sound effect 2 わああ waaa "Waaah!"
sound effect きゃああきゃああ kyaaa kyaaa (Note: This sound effect denotes happy screams of excitement.)
1 穫れないだろう⁉︎ とれないだろう⁉︎ torenai darou!? "You can't pick them, huh!?"
2 全部 俺のだ‼︎出荷後にスーパーで買え‼︎ ぜんぶ おれのだ‼︎しゅつかごにスーパーでかえ‼︎ zenbu ore no da!! shutsuka go ni SUUPAA de kae! "They're all mine!! Buy them at the supermarket after I ship them!!"
3 あっ a "Ah-!"
4 ふふ… ふふ… fufu... "Hoho..."
5 収穫されたのは去年の"空巣大将軍"以来だぜ… しゅうかくされたのはきょねんの"あきすたいしょうぐん"いらいだぜ… shuukaku sareta no wa kyonen no "akisu taishougun" irai da ze... "It's the first time it's been harvested since last year's Thief-in-Chief*..." (*Note: Literally, Mirio calls this person "Thief Commander-in-Chief".)
6 な…あの大島が…! な…あのおおしまが…! na...ano Ooshima ga...! "What...it was Ooshima...!"
small text KAIJO "Release."
7 ん〜〜〜 n~~~ "Hm~~~"
8 わたしたちがつくりました watashi-tachi ga tsukurimashita "We both made [some peaches]."
1 すげぇ!大島が生産者だぁ! すげぇ!おおしまがせいさんしゃだぁ! sugee! Ooshima ga seisansha daa! "Amazing! Ooshima is a peach farmer!"
2 いいなァ大島すげ〜‼︎ いいなァおおしますげ〜‼︎ ii naA Ooshima suge~!! "That's great, Ooshima is amazing~!!"
3-4 義務とか…責任とかないわけじゃないですけど ぎむとか…せきにんとかないわけじゃないですけど gimu toka...sekinin toka nai wake ja nai desu kedo "It's not like I don't have [a bunch of] duties...or responsibilties,"
5 後からついてきたものです あとからついてきたものです ato kara tsuitekita mono desu "but those just come after." (Note: I think she's saying duty and responsibility are secondary to what she actually gets out of this program, which she goes into next.)
6 喜ぶ顔を見るのが好きなんです よろこぶかおをみるのがすきなんです yorokobu kao wo miru no ga suki nandesu "I like to see happy faces."
7 私がやりたい事してます わたしがやりたいことしてます watashi ga yaritai koto shitemasu "I'm doing what I want to do."
8 ねぇ天喰と同じだねぇ ねぇあまじきとおなじだねぇ nee Amajiki to onaji da nee "Hey, that's the same as Amajiki,"
9 短絡的だった たんらくてきだった tanrakuteki datta "I was short-sighted."
10 入る穴がないなら掘ればいい…‼︎ はいるあながないならほればいい…‼︎ hairu ana ga nai nara horeba ii...!! "If there's no hole for me to go in, I can just dig one...!!"
small text へんなとこがポジティブに hen na toko ga POJITIBU ni "To be positive in such a strange place..." (Note: Amajiki is lamenting the positivity vibes they're throwing at him.)
11 梅雨ちゃんもほぼずっとチームアップしてくれてるし つゆちゃんもほぼずっとチームアップしてくれてるし Tsuyu-chan mo hobo zutto CHIIMU APPU shite kureteru shi "Tsuyu-chan is almost always teaming up with me, too,"
12 友だちとも会えてるし ともだちともあえてるし tomodachi to mo aeteru shi "and I can meet up with my friends,"
13 梅雨入りヒーローフロッピー チャートNo.34(→) つゆいりヒーローフロッピー チャートNo.34(→) tsuyuiri HIIROO FUROPPII CHAATO No. 34 (→) Rainy Season Hero Froppy Chart No. 34 (->)
14 全部 自分の為の時間ですよ! ぜんぶ じぶんのためのじかんですよ! zenbu jibun no tame no jikan desu yo! "so all my time is for myself!"
1 またヒミコちゃんの夢見るようになったの? またヒミコちゃんのゆめみるようになったの? mata HIMIKO-chan no yumemiru you ni natta no? "You've started dreaming about Himiko-chan again?"
2 うん一か月くらい前かなあ うんいっかげつくらいまえかなあ un ikkagetsu kurai mae ka naa "Yeah, since about a month ago."
3 内容は忘れちゃうんやけど ないようはわすれちゃうんやけど taiyou wa wasurechaunya kedo "I'll forget the details though."
4 無意識で自分追い込んでんのかなって むいしきでじぶんおいこんでんのかなって muishiki de jibun oikonden no ka natte "I wonder if I'm unconsciously pushing myself."
5 お医者さんにも行ったけどーーー おいしゃさんにもいったけどーーー oishasan ni mo itta kedo--- "I also went to the doctor, but---"
6 特に異常はないですね とくにいじょうはないですね toku ni ijou wa nai desu ne "There isn't anything particularly abnormal."
7 体が疲れてるんじゃないですかね からだがつかれてるんじゃないですかね karada ga tsukareterunja nai desu ka ne "Isn't it because your body is tired?"
8 セカンドオピニオンは⁉︎ダメよナァナァは!あなたすぐ溜め込むんだから! セカンドオピニオンは⁉︎ダメよナァナァは!あなたすぐためこむんだから! SEKANDO OPINION wa!? DAME yo NAA NAA wa! anata sugu tamekomunda kara! "[What about] a second opinion!? Don't compromise in the wrong places! Things build up quickly with you!"
9 溜めとらんつもりやけどなあ ためとらんつもりやけどなあ tametoran tsumori ya kedo naa "I'm not planning on [letting] things build up, though!"
small text 紹介してくれたんつゆちゃんやん しょうかいしてくれたんつゆちゃんやん shoukai shite kuretan Tsuyu-chan yan "You're the one who introduced me [to the doctor], Tsuyu-chan."
10 何か伝えようとしてるのかも なにかつたえようとしてるのかも nanika tsutaeyou to shiteru no kamo "Maybe she's trying to tell me something."
1 あの日ヒミコちゃんの血で命を繋がれて あのひヒミコちゃんのちでいのちをつながれて ano hi HIMIKO-chan no chi de inochi wo tsunagarete "That day, Himiko-chan's blood connected our lives,"
2 彼女は亡くなって かのじょはなくなって kanojo wa nakunatte "but then she died,"
3 血も消滅した筈だけどーーー ちもしょうめつしたはずだけどーーー chi mo shoumetsu shita hazu da kedo--- "and her blood should have also disappeared---"
4 ひょっとしたら hyotto shitara "but perhaps"
5 混ざって まざって mazatte "[our blood] mixed,"
6 まだ中にいるのかなって まだなかにいるのかなって mada naka ni iru no ka na tte "and she's still inside me, I wonder."
7-8 ワン・フォー・オールみたいに… WAN FOO OORU mitai ni... "Like One For All..."
9 じゃあ jaa "Then,"
10-11 夢の内容思い出さなきゃね ゆめのないようおもいださなきゃね yume no naiyou omoidasanakya ne "you need to remember the contents of your dreams."
1 ったく何で俺がデクのアッシーやんなきゃいけねンだよ ったくなんでおれがデクのアッシーやんなきゃいけねンだよ ttaku nande ore ga DEKU no ASSHII yannakya ikeneNda yo "Jeez, why the hell do I have to be Deku's driver*?" (*Note: The term Katsuki uses here refers to a man used by a woman for free car rides.)
2 いや〜〜〜ありがとねえ iya~~~arigato nee "Uh, well~~~thanks."
3 おめーが行くっつったンじゃん おめーがいくっつったンじゃん omee ga ikuttsuttaNjan "Didn't you say you would go though?"
4 納車したてで自慢してーんだ のうしゃしたてでじまんしてーんだ nousha shitate de jiman shiteenda "You were so proud when [the car] was delivered."
5 シート沈むんだけど シートしずむんだけど SHIITO shizumunda kedo "The seat sinks, but"
6 すごくない?何これ すごくない?なにこれ sugokunai? nani kore "isn't it amazing? What on earth?"
7 「乗せてくンなきゃ硬化してボンネット触る」っててめ〜が脅したンだろが‼︎ 「のせてくンなきゃこうかしてボンネットさわる」っててめ〜がおどしたンだろが‼︎ 「nosetekuNnakya kouka shite BONNETTO sawaru」 tte temee ga odoshitaNdarou ga!! "You're the one that threatened, 'If you don't let me ride, I'll harden and touch the hood!!'"
8 いーや脅しに屈するダイナマイトじゃねーもん いーやおどしにくっするダイナマイトじゃねーもん iiya odoshi ni kussuru DAINAMAITO ja nee mon "Nah, Dynamite isn't one to succumb to threats."
small text 一言一句おぼえてんのかよ いちごんいっくおぼえてんのかよ ichigon ikku oboeten no ka yo "Do you remember [what I said] word-for-word?"
9 つかてめェ迎えとかいらねーだろ‼︎断れよ! つかてめェむかえとかいらねーだろ‼︎ことわれよ! tsuka temeE mukae to kairanee daro!! kotoware yo! "You bastard, you don't need me to pick you up!! Refuse [the offer]!"
10 うん un "Yeah,"
11 でも生徒の"個性"伸ばし方針まとめられたから助かったよ でもせいとの"こせい"のばしほうしんまとめられたからたすかったよ demo seito no "kosei" nobashi houshin matomerareta kara tasukatta yo "but it really helped me, because I was able to put together the plan for developing students' quirks."
1 緑谷さぁ!学生で俺と合いそうな奴いねえ? みどりやさぁ!がくせいでおれとあいそうなやついねえ? Midoriya saa! gakusei de ore to aisou na yatsu inee? "So Midoriya! Are there any students who seem like a good match for me?"
2 カロリーメイトこぼしたらほうり出すぞ カロリーメイトこぼしたらほうりだすぞ KARORII MEITO kobashitara houri dasu zo "If you spill that Calorie Mate, I'll throw it out."
3 切島くんサイドキック考えてるんだ? きりしまくんサイドキックかんがえてるんだ? Kirishima-kun SAIDOKIKKU kangaeterunda? "Kirishima-kun, are you thinking about a sidekick?"
4 まァな! maA na! "More or less!"
5 剛健ヒーロー ごうけんヒーロー gouken HIIROO Sturdy Hero:
6 烈怒頼雄斗 チャートNo.12(↗) レッドライオット チャートNo.12(↗) REDDO RAIOTTO CHAATO No.12 (↗) Red Riot Chart No. 12 (↗)
7 今は独立したばっかで いまはどくりつしたばっかで ima wa dokuritsu shita bakka de "I've just become independent now,"
8 ファットと天喰先輩が助けてくれてっけどさ ファットとあまじきせんぱいがたすけてくれてっけどさ FATTO to Amajiki-senpai ga tasukete kurete kkedo sa "though Fat and Amajiki-senpai are helping me."
9 「他人の人生に責任負わな見えん景色があんねんで!」ってさ 「たにんのじんせいにせきにんおわなみえんけしきがあんねんで!」ってさ 「tanin no jinsei ni sekinin owana mien keshiki ga an nen de!」 tte sa "[Fat] said, 'There are views you can't see until you're responsibile for another's life!'" (Note: The phrase literally reads, "There is scenery you cannot see when you are not responsible for other people's lives!)
small text 1 こいつは koitsu wa "This guy"
small text 2 それにビビっとんねん sore ni BIBItton nen "is scared of that."
small text 3 俺がファットを手伝いたいんだ おれがファットをてつだいたいんだ ore ga FATTO wo tetsudaitainda "I [just] want to help you out, Fat."
10 BMIヒーローファットガム チャートNo.11(→) BMI HIIROO FATTO GAMU CHAATO No.11 (->) BMI Hero: Fat Gum Chart No. 11 (->)
sound effect ほおお hooo (This is a sound a person makes when they're impressed, for instance.)
11 確かに飯田もヤオモモも仕事の質が違ェんだよな! たしかにいいだもヤオモモもしごとのしつがちげェんだよな! tashika ni Iida mo YAOMOMO mo shigoto no shitsu ga chigeEnda yo na! "It's true, Iida and Yaomomo's quality of work is different!*" (*Note: He means Iida and Yaomomo have sidekicks and their quality of work has risen likely because of it.)
12 向こうのが独立早ェのもあるけど… むこうのがどくりつはえェのもあるけど… mukou no ga dokuritsu haeE no mo aru kedo... "The others went independent earlier [than me] too..."
13 やっぱカッケェよなあ yappa KAKKEE yo naa "they're all really cool."
14 かっちゃんはサイドキック志望殺到したけど全員泣いて辞退したんだっけ かっちゃんはサイドキックしぼうさっとうしたけどぜんいんないてじたいしたんだっけ Kacchan wa SAIDOKIKKU shibou sattou shita kedo zen'in naite jitai shitandakke "Kacchan was flooded with requests to be a sidekick, but all of them cried and declined."
15 触れんな ふれんな furenna "Don't bring that up."
16 爆烈ヒーロー大・爆・殺・神ダイナマイト チャート初登場No.4その後みるみる下がり現在チャートNo.15 ばくれつヒーローだい・ばく・さっ・しんダイナマイト チャートはつとうじょうNo.4そのごみるみるさがりげんざいチャートNo.15 bakuretsu HIIROO daibakusasshin DAINAMAITO CHAATO hatsutoujou No.4 sono go mirumiru sagari genzai CHAATO No.15 Explosive Hero: Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight first appeared on the chart at No. 4 and since then has gradually declined to his current No. 15
17 AFO戦の印象がずっとあるもんだから オール・フォー・ワンせんのいんしょうがずっとあるもんだから OORU FOO WAN-sen no inshou ka zutto aru mon da kara "They always had an impression of him from the AFO battle,"
18 幻想抱いて応募してきたんだよな げんそういだいておうぼしてきたんだよな gensou idaite oubo shite kitanda yo na "so they applied with a fantasy in mind."
19 面接だけで幻想を打ち砕く口の悪さね めんせつだけでげんそうをうちくだくくちのわるさね mensetsu dake de gensou wo uchikudaku kuchi no warusa ne "He has a bad mouth that shatters illusions in just the interview."
20 マジで降ろすぞ マジでおろすぞ MAJI de orosu zo "Seriously, I'm gonna throw you out."
1 誰か一言でも「ダイナマイトを超えたい」って言やぁそいつを採ってたよ だれかひとことでも「ダイナマイトをこえたい」っていやぁそいつをとってたよ dareka hitokoto demo 「DAINAMAITO wo koetai」 tte iyaa soitsu wo totteta yo "If someone said 'I want to surpass Dynamight,' I would have taken 'em."
2 おまえ教師辞めねェの? おまえしごとやめねェの? omae shigoto (kanji: kyoushi) yameneE no? "You're not going to be quitting your teaching job?"
3 うん un "Yeah."
1 アーマーでのデータ収集は アーマーでのデータしゅうしゅうは AAMAA de no DEETA shuushuu wa "Data collection with the armor"
2 基本授業のない日にやってるし きほんじゅぎょうのないひにやってるし kihon jubyou no nai hi ni yatteru shi "is done on days when there are no basic classes,"
3 相澤先生たちと同じ感じだよ あいざわせんせいたちとおなじかんじだよ Aizawa-sensei-tachi to onaji kanji da yo "and I feel the same as Aizawa-sensei and the others."
4 小学校や施設の訪問とか講演とか しょうがっこうやしせつのほうもんとかこうえんとか shougakkou ya shisetsu no houmon toka kouen toka "With visits to elementary schools and facilities, lectures, and such,"
5 少年少女に自分の経験を直接伝える機会も毎日のようにある しょうねんしょうじょにじぶんのけいけんをちょくせつつたえるきかいもまいにちのようにある shounen shoujo ni jibun no keiken wo chokusetsu tsutaeru kikai mo mainichi no you ni aru "we have the opportunity every day to directly share our experiences with young boys and girls."
6 アーマーはすごく嬉しいけれど アーマーはすごくうれしいけれど AAMAA wa sugoku ureshii keredo "The armor made me very happy, but"
7 前と気持ちは変わらないよ まえときもちはかわらないよ mae to kimochi wa kawaranai yo "my feelings haven't changed from what they were before."
8 OFAが残ってたとしても ワン・フォー・オールがのこってたとしても WAN FOO OORU ga nokotteta to shitemo "Even if One For All remained,"
9 僕は「先生っていいな」って考えたと思う ぼ��は「せんせいっていいな」ってかんがえたとおもう boku wa 「sensei tte ii na」 tte kangaeta to omou "I think I would have [still] thought, 'It'd be nice to be a teacher.'"
1 先生もやれて せんせいもやれて sensei mo yarete "To be able to work as a teacher"
2 昔みたいに皆と活動もさせてもらえて むかしみたいにみんなとかつどうもさせてもらえて kumashi mitai ni minna to katsudou mo sasete moraete "and do activities with everyone like before"
3 すごく嬉しいありがとうかっちゃん切島くん すごくうれしいありがとうかっちゃんきりしまくん sugoku ureshii arigatou Kacchan Kirishima-kun "makes me so very happy, so thank you Kacchan, Kirishima-kun."
4 ふーーーーーん fuuuuuun "Hmmmmm."
5 フラれちまったなあバクゴー‼︎ FURArechimatta naa BAKUGOO!! "You got rejected, eh, Bakugou!!" (Note: The word here means, "to be rejected, to be jilted, to be given the cold shoulder, to be dumped.)
6 え? e? "Eh?"
7 緑谷おめー今誘われてたんだよ事務所に みどりやおめーいまさそわれてたんだよじむしょに Midoriya omee ima sawaretetanda yo jimusho ni "Midoriya, you were just now invited to his agency."
8 え⁉︎ああ‼︎ごめん入らない え⁉︎ああ‼︎ごめんはいらない e!? aa!! gomen hairanai "Eh!? Ah!! Sorry, I won't join."
9 っせえもうわっとるわ ssee mou wattoru wa "Yeah, I already got that."
10 緑谷ってその辺ニブいよな みどりやってそのへんニブいよな Midoriya tte sono hen NIBUi yo na "Midoriya is so thickheaded like that."
11 おまえさぁ omae saa "Listen, you."
12 ったく俺が言える事かわっかんねぇけどよぉ ったくおれがいえることかわっかんねぇけどよぉ ttaku ore ga ieru koto ka wakkannee kedo yoo "Jeez, but I'm not sure if this is something I can say." (Note: Katsuki is emphasizing that he may not be the best person to say what he's about to say.)
1-2 いいかげんもうちょい自分を高く見積んねーと いいかげんもうちょいてめーをたかくみつもんねーと ii kagen mou choi temee (read as: jibun) wo takaku mitsumonnee to "If you don't finally start thinking a little more highly of yourself,"
3 気付けるもんも気付けねーぞ きづけるもんもきづけねーぞ kidzukeru mon mo kidzukenee zo "you won't be able to notice the things you [otherwise] could have." (Note: This one's hard to translate literally. The most literal would be something like "you won't notice/realize the things you would notice/realize.")
4 ……? "......?"
5 ど do "Lo-"
6 どの口が どのくちが dono kuchi ga "Look who's talking." (Note: This phrase means things like "I don't want to hear that from you/Are you in any position to say that?")
7 "皆 特別"は "みんな とくべつ"は "minna tokubetsu" wa "'Everyone is special'"
8 誰も特別じゃねえンだってよ だれもとくべつじゃねえンだってよ daremo tokubetsu ja neeNda tte yo "means no one is special." (Note: This word, "special," when used to describe people, can mean either or both unique/extraordinary and special/important "to you.")
9 なんだァ…? nandaA...? What in the world...?
10 何で後部座席これにしたん なんでこうぶざせきこれにしたん nande koubu zaseki kore ni shitan "Why did you choose this for the back seat?"
11 え〜〜〜では‼︎ eeeee de wa!! "All right then!!"
1 元A組の轟焦凍がチャートNo.2にランクアップした事を祝しまして‼︎ ぼくらのとどろきしょうとがチャートNo.2にランクアップしたことをしゅくしまして‼︎ bokura (read as: moto EE-gumi) no Todoroki Shouto ga CHAATO No.2 ni RANKU APPU shita koto wo shuku shimashite!! "Congratulations to our former Class A member Shouto Todoroki for moving up to No. 2 on the chart!!"
2 悪ィな わりィな wariI na "Sorry,"
3 皆 都合つけてもらって みんな つごうつけてもらって minna tsugou tsukete moratte "everyone, to have you all find the time for this."
4 エアコンヒーローショート チャートNo.2(↗) EAKON HIIROO SHOOTO CHAATO No. 2 (↗) Air Conditioner Hero: Shouto Chart No. 2 (↗)
5 いーのいーの!口実口実! いーのいーの!こうじつこうじつ! ii no ii no! koujitsu koujitsu! "It's fine, it's fine! [That's just] the pretext!"
6 スタンガンヒーローチャージズマ チャートNo.44(初) スタンガンヒーローチャージズマ チャートNo.44(はつ) SUTANGAN HIIROO CHAAJIZUMA CHAATO No. 44 (hatsu) Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt No. 44 (first ranking)
1 そう sou "Oh,"
2 だったのか… datta no ka... "is that so..."
3 言葉のアヤだぜ祝う気前提だよ ことばのアヤだぜいわうきぜんていだよ kotoba no AYA da ze iwau kizentei da yo "Just a figure of speech, it's a given we want to celebrate!"
4 44位が2位に何してんだよー 44いが2いになにしてんだよー 44i ga 2i ni nani shitenda yoo "What is number 44 doing to number 2?"
5 やめよそういうの! yameyo sou iu no! "Quit it!"
6 テーピンヒーローセロファン チャートNo.36(↘) TEEPIN HIIROO SEROFAN CHAATO No. 35 (↘) Taping Hero: Cellophane Chart No. 35 (↘)
7 そうだよ瀬呂くん上がる事は勿論立派だか そうだよせろくんあがることはもちろんりっぱだか sou da yo Sero-kun agaru koto wa mochiron rippa da ka "That's right, Sero-kun. Rising [in the rankings] is of course praiseworthy."
8 チャートも拡張と細分化が進み以前程絶対ではないんだ チャートもかくちょうとさいぶんかがすすみいぜんほどぜったいではないんだ CHAATO mo kakuchou to saibunka ga susumi izen hodo zettai de wa nainda "The charts have expanded and become more segmented, and they're not absolute like they used to be."
9 ターボヒーロインゲニウム チャートNo.13(↗) TAABO HIIROO INGENIUMU CHAATO No. 13 (↗) Turbo Hero: Ingenium Chart No. 13 (↗)
10 触手ヒーローテンタコル チャートNo.9(→) しょくしゅヒーローテンタコル チャートNo.9(→) shokushu HIIROO TENTAKORU CHAATO No. 9 (→) Tentacle Hero: Tentacole Chart No. 9 (→)
11 万物ヒーロークリエティ チャートNo.19(↘) ばんぶつヒーロークリエティ チャートNo.19(↘) banbutsu HIIROO KURIETI CHAATO No. 19 (↘) Everything Hero: Creati Chart No. 19 (↘)
12 立派だ… りっぱだ… rippa da... "Praiseworthy..." (Note: Kaminari and Sero are lampshading how the people talking--Iida, Momo, and Shoji--are ranked higher than Kaminari and Sero and are thus more "praiseworthy".)
13 言葉は刃物だぞ ことばははものだぞ kotoba wa hamono da zo "Your words are knives."
14 モギタテヒーローグレープジュース MOGITATE HIIROO GUREEPU JUUSU Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice
15 扱いに気をつけろ あつかいにきをつけろ atsukai ni ki wo tsukero "Be mindful of how you handle them."
16 チャートNo.108(初) チャートNo.108(はつ) CHAATO No. 108 (hatsu) Chart No. 108 (first ranking)
17 108って充分上だよ 108ってじゅうぶんうえだよ 108 tte juubun ue da yo "108 is more than enough."
18 ヒアヒーローイヤホン=ジャック チャートNo.30(↘) HIA HIIROO IYAHON=JAKKU CHAATO No. 30 (↘) Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack Chart No. 30 (↘)
small text まあまあ maa maa "Now, now."
19 リドリーヒーローピンキー チャートNo.28(↗) RIDORII HIIRO PINKII CHAATO No. 28 (↗) Ridley Hero: Pinky Chart No. 28 (↗)
20 独立組は大変だね どくりつぐみはたいへんだね dokuritsu-gumi wa taihen da ne "The group who went solo are amazing."
21 ふれあいヒーローアニマ テンタコル事務所所属サイドキック ふれあいヒーローアニマ テンタコルじむしょしょぞくサイドキック fureai HIIROO ANIMA TENTAKORU jimusho shozoku SAIDOKIKKU Petting Hero: Anima Tentacole agency-affiliated sidekick
22 ヒプノシスヒーローナイトハイド チャート圏外 ヒプノシスヒーローナイトハイド チャートけ��がい HIPUNOSHISU HIIRO NAITOHAIDO CHAATO kengai Hypnosis Hero: Nighthide Chart - not contending
23 積極的に露出する感覚わかんない せっきょくてきにろしゅつするかんかくわかんない sekkyokuteki ni roshutsu suru kankaku wakannai "I don't understand the desire to actively seek exposure."
24 ね‼︎ ne!! "Right?!"
25 ステルスヒーローインビジブルガール チャートNo.39(↑) SUTERUSU HIIROO INBIJIBURU GAARU CHAATO No. 39 (↑) Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl Chart No. 39 (↑)
1 しかしよく都合ついたなあ しかしよくつごうついたなあ shikashi yoku tsugou tsuita naa "But it was really convenient"
2 こうも短い間にまた集まれるとは こうもみじかいあいだにまたあつまれるとは kou mo mijikai aida ni mata atsumareru to wa "[for us] to be able to gather again in such a short time."
3 甘味ヒーローシュガーマン (ウォッシュ事務所サイドキック) かんみヒーローシュガーマン (ウォッシュじむしょサイドキック) kanmi HIIROO SHUGAAMAN (UOSSHU jimusho SAIDOKIKKU) Sweets Hero: Sugarman (Wash agency sidekick)
4 敵犯罪も年々減ってるしね ヴィランはんざいもねんねんへってるしね VIRAN hanzai mo nennen hetteru shi ne "That's because villain crime is also decreasing year-by-year."
5 武闘ヒーローテイルマン チャートNo.32(↘) ぶとうヒーローテイルマン チャートNo.32(↘) butou HIIROO TEIRUMAN CHAATO No. 32 (↘) Martial Arts Hero: Tailman Chart No. 32 (↘)
6 なくなりはしないが nakunari wa shinai ga "It won't disappear, but"
7 減らす事はできるーー… へらすことはできるーー… herasu koto wa dekiru--... "it can be reduced--..."
8 漆黒ヒーローツクヨミ チャートNo.17(↗) さっこくヒーローツクヨミ チャートNo.17(↗) sakkoku HIIROO TSUKUYOMI CHAATO No. 17 (↗) Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi Chart No. 17 (↗)
9 ウィ☆ UI☆ "Oui ☆"
10 キラ��キヒーロー CAN'T STOP TWINKLING (インビジブルガール事務所サイドキック) キラメキヒーロー キャンとストップトゥインキリング (インビジブルガールじむしょサイドキック) KIRAMEKI HIIROOO KYANTO SUTOPPU TUINKIRINGU (INBIJIBURU GAARU jimusho SAIDOKIKKU) Shining Hero: Can't Stop Twinkling (Invisible Girl agency sidekick)
11 ラビットヒーローミルコ チャートNo.6(↘) RABITTO HIIROO MIRUKO CHAATO No. 6 (↘) Rabbit Hero: Mirko Chart No. 6 (↘)
12 ファイバーヒーローベストジーニスト チャートNo.5(↘) FAIBAA HIIROO BESUTO JIINISUTO CHAATO No. 5 (↘) Fiber Hero: Best Jeanist Chart No. 5 (↘)
13 アクアヒーローギャングオルカ チャートNo.21(↗) AKUA HIIROO GYANGU ORUKA CHAATO No. 21 (↗) Aqua Hero: Gang Orca Chart No. 21 (↗)
14 あの日以降も戦い続けたヒーローがその存在を以て示した あのひいこうもたたかいつづけたヒーローがそのそんざいをもってしめした ano hi ikou mo tatakai tsudzuketa HIIROO ga sono sonzai wo motte shimeshita "The existance of the heroes who kept fighting even after that day demonstrates that."
15 樹木ヒーローシンリンカムイ チャートNo.4(↘) じゅもくヒーローシンリンカムイ チャートNo.4(↘) jumoku HIIROO SHINRIN KAMUI CHAATO No. 4 (↘) Wood Hero: Kamui Woods Chart No. 4 (↘)
1 山岳ヒーローMt.レディ チャートNo.3(↘) さんがくヒーローマウントレディ チャートNo.3(↘) sangaku HIIROO MAUNTO REDI CHAATO No. 3 (↘) Mountain Hero: Mount Lady Chart No. 3 (↘)
2 洗濯ヒーローウォッシュ チャートNo.8(→) せんたくヒーローウォッシュ チャートNo.8(→) sentaku HIIROO UOSSHU CHAATO No. 8 (→) Laundry Hero: Wash Chart No. 8 (→)
3 そして次は俺たちーーそしてまた次へ… そしてつぎはおれたちーーそしてまたつぎへ… soshite tsugi wa ore-tachi--soshite mata tsugi e... "And then, we're next--and again after that..."
4 デステゴロ(No.42) DESU TEGORO (No. 42) Death Arms (No. 42)
5 プレゼント・マイク(No.45) PUREZENTO MAIKU (No. 45) Present Mic (No. 45)
6 リューキュウ(No.40) RYUUKYUU (No. 40) Ryukyu (No. 40)
7 グランド(No.20) GURANDO (No. 20) Grand (No. 20)
8 マッドマン(No.14) MADDOMAN (No. 14) Mudman (No. 14)
9 ファントムシーフ(No.10) FANTOMU SHIIFU (No. 10) Phantom Thief (No. 10)
10 バトルフィスト(No.23) BATORU FISUTO (No. 23) Battle Fist (No. 23)
11 リアルスティール(No.26) RIARU SUTIIRU (No. 26) Real Steel (No. 26)
12 リザーディ(No.22) RIZAADI (No. 22) Lizardy (No. 22)
13 コミックマン(No.33) KOMIKKUMAN (No. 33) Comicman (No. 33)
14 その果てに示されるのはーー… そのはてにしめされるのはーー… sono hate ni shimesareru no wa--... "what will be demonstrated at the end--..."
15 レップウ(No.16) REPPUU (No. 16) Gale Force (No. 16)
16 ケミィ(シシクロス事務所サイドキック) ケミィ(シシクロスじむしょサイドキック) KEMII (SHISHIKUROSU jimusho SAIDOKIKKU) Camie (Shishikross agency sidekick)
17 シシクロス(No.41) SHISHIKUROSU (No. 41) Shishikross (No. 41)
1 自らの不要証明 みずからのふようしょうめい mizukara no fuyou shoumei "is the proof that we are unnecessary."
small text 1 どうせわさびいれたでしょ douse wasabi ireta desho "Anyway, I bet you put wasabi in that."
small text 2 いれてない iretenai "There isn't any."
2 俺たちは おれたちは ore-tachi wa "We"
3 消え征く為に存在を証明するのだ きえゆくためにそんざいをしょうめいするのだ kieyuku tame ni sonzai wo shoumei suru no da "prove we exist so that we may disappear."
4 あの広告会社…何が「もっとファビュラスに」だ… あのこうこくがいしゃ…なにが「もっとファビュラスに」だ… ano koukoku gaisha...nani ga 「motto FABYURASU ni」 da... "That advertising company...what's the point in 'making me more fabulous'...
5 俺は闇ぞ おれはやみぞ ore wa yami zo "I am the darkness."
6 それノンアルだよな? sore NON'ARU da yo na? "That's non-alcoholic, right?"
7 まァ真理だよな まァしんりだよな maA shinri da yo na "Well, it's the truth."
8 そうだね sou da ne "That's right."
9 最近よく言われるんだけどさ…… さいきんよくいわれるんだけどさ…… saikin yoku iwarerunda kedo sa...... "I've been hearing this a lot lately but......"
10 自慢話か⁉︎ じまんばなしか⁉︎ jimanbanashi ka!? "You gonna brag!?"
11 どうだろう…そうなるのかな dou darou...sou naru no ka na "I wonder...it could be become that."
12 "厳しい運命に抗った" "きびしいうんめいにあらがった" "kibishii unmei ni aragatta" "They say, 'You resisted a harsh fate.'"
13 "使命を果たしている" "しめいをはたしている" "shimei wo hatashite iru" "'You're fulfilling your calling.'"
14 迷ってフラついて…その果てに選んだ道の筈なんだけど まよってフラついて…そのはてにえらんだみちのはずなんだけど mayotte FURA tsuite...sono hate ni eranda michi no hazu nanda kedo "I was lost and wandered...but in the end I'm sure I'm on the path I chose."
15 なんていうか…こうーー… nante iu ka...kou--... "How do I say...something like this--..."
1 運命だとか使命だとか うんめいだとかしめいだとか unmei da toka shimei da toka "Whether it's something like fate or a calling,"
2 得体の知れねえ大きな枠組があったとして えたいのしれねえおおきなストーリーがあったとして etai no shirenee ooki na SUTOORII (kanji: wakugumi) ga atta to shite "even if there's some big story I don't know about,"
3 抗うのも果たすのもそうしたいって思ったことも あらがうのもはたすのもそうしたいっておもったことも aragau no mo hatasu no mo sou shitai tte omotta koto mo "everything I fought and fulfilled and wanted to do,"
4 全部必然だった気がしてさ…… ぜんぶひつぜんだったきがしてさ…… zenbu hitsuzen datta ki ga shite sa...... "I feel like all of it was inevitable......"
5 だから今度石川のお椀と箸づくり体験教室に行くことにした だからこんどいしかわのおわんとはしづくりたいけんきょうしつにいくことにした dakara kondo ishikawa no owan to hashi dzukuri taiken kyoushitsu ni iku koto ni shita "That's why I decided to go to a bowl and chopsticks-making trial class in Ishikawa."
6 何で なんで nande "Why?
7 自作の食器でそば食べたらもっと旨ェんじゃねェかと じさくのしょっきでそばたべたらもっとうめェんじゃねェかと jisaku no shokki de soba tabetara motto umeEnja neE ka to "I think soba would taste even better if I ate it with tableware I make myself."
8 石川ってこたァ輪島塗か いしかわってこたァわじまぬりか ishikawa tte kotaA wajimanuri ka "You say Ishikawa, is it Wajima lacquerware?"
9 山中塗と両方 やまなかぬりとりょうほう yamanakanuri to ryouhou "That and Yamanaka-style."
10 プライベートなんだ PURAIBEETO nanda "[The class] is private."
11 燈矢の仏壇に手を合わせてる時に とうやのぶつだんにてをあわせてるときに Touya no butsudan ni te wo awaseteru toki ni "When I was praying at Touya's butsudan*," (*Note: A butsudan is a Buddhist home altar for deceased family.)
12 ふと気付いたんだよ ふときづいたんだよ futo kidzuitanda yo "I suddenly realized [something]."
1 俺飯食うの好きだったなって おれめしくうのすきだったなって ore meshi kuu no suki datta na tte "I liked eating food."
2 "なりたい自分"以外にも俺ってもんはあるんだって気付いた "なりたいじぶん"いがい��もおれってもんはあるんだってきづいた "naritai jibun" igai ni mo ore tte mon wa arunda tte kidzuita "I realized there's more to me than just the person I want to become."
3 余裕かよ よゆうかよ yoyuu ka yo "You've got the time for it?"
4 心に暇ができたのかもな こころにひまができたのかもな kokoro ni hima ga dekita no kamo na "I was able to make free time in my heart, maybe."
5 寄生獣読んだろ きせいじゅうよんだろ kisei juuyon daro "You read Parasyte, didn't you?"
6 え〜〜〜〜!⁉︎本当ぉ⁉︎ え〜〜〜〜!⁉︎ほんとうぉ⁉︎ e~~~~!!? hontouo!? "Ehhhhhh!!? Really!?"
7 黒色くんと希乃子ちゃん くろいろくんときのこちゃん Kuroiro-kun to Kinoko-chan "Kuroiro-kun and Kinoko-chan"
8 付き合ってンの〜〜〜〜⁉︎ つきあってンの〜〜〜〜⁉︎ tsukiatteN no~~~~!? "are dating~~~~!?"
9 マジっす! MAJIssu! "Seriously!"
10 前 チームアップした時はそんな感じしなかったのに! まえ チームアップしたときはそんなかんじしなかったのに! mae CHIIMU APPU shita toki wa sonna kanji shinakatta noni! "But it didn't feel that way when I last teamed up with them!"
1 その辺ーー君らはどうなの? そのへんーーきみらはどうなの? sono hen--kimira wa dou na no? "On that note--what about you guys?"
2 上鳴の事務所耳郎の隣のビル借りたんだろ? かみなりのじむしょじろうのとなりのビルかりたんだろ? Kaminari no jimusho Jirou no tonari no BIRU karitandaro? "Kaminari's agency rented the building nextdoor to Jirou's, right?"
3 そういうンじゃないよ sou iuNja nai yo "It's not like that!"
4 聞いて俺マジで独立不安でさ きいておれマジでどくりつふあんでさ kiite ore MAJI de dokuritsu fuan de sa "Listen, I was seriously worried about going independent,"
5 したら丁度空いてんだよ真隣‼︎ したらちょうどあいてんだよまどなり‼︎ shitara choudo aitenda yo madonari!! "then, right next door [to her] was just empty!"
6 ���決に決まってんじゃんね そっけつにきまってんじゃんね sokketsu ni kimattenjan ne "It was an immediate decision."
7 くっそ情けなくない ⁉︎ くっそなさけなくない ⁉︎ kusso nasakenakunai!? "Isn't that damn pathetic!?"
8 高一ん時の席っぽくて安心するじゃん こういちんときのせきっぽくてあんしんするじゃん kouichin toki no sekippokute anshin suru jan "It's like our seats from the first year of high school, so it gives me peace of mind."
9 気がゆるむ きがゆるむ ki ga yurumu "A blissfully empty mind!"
small text 平和ボケだ へいわボケだ heiwa BOKE da "You're complacent in peaceful times." (Note: This phrase here refers to someone who has a naive belief in continued peace, such as one who takes peace for granted.)
10 必然…か… ひつぜん…か… hitsuzen...ka... Inevitable...huh...
11 先生もやれて せんせいもやれて sensei mo yarete To be able to work as a teacher
12 昔みたいに皆と活動もさせてもらえて むかしみたいにみんなとかつどうもさせてもらえて kumashi mitai ni minna to katsudou mo sasete moraete and do activities with everyone like before
13 僕は今やりたい事をやれてるこの上なく恵まれてる ぼくはいまやりたいことをやれてるこのうえなくめぐまれてる boku wa ima yaritai koto wo yareteru kono uenaku megumareteru I'm extremely blessed that I'm able to do what I want to do right now.
14 せいぜい seizei To the fullest,
15 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare do your best.
16 自分でもーー気付かなかった じぶんでもーーきづかなかった jibun demo--kidzukanakatta [A version of] myself--even I haven't noticed.
17 自分か……… じぶんか……… jibun ka......... [A version of] myself.........
1 南区二丁目ガレキ通りで盗難者を追跡中! みなみくにちょうめガレキどおりでとうなんしゃをついせきちゅう! minami-ku ni-choume GAREKI doori de tounansha wo tsuiseki-chuu! "Southern district, second block on Gareki Street, in pursuit of a thief!"
2 "個性"による妨害が激しく大事故につながる恐れがある! "こせい"によるぼうがいがはげしくだいじこにつながるおそれがある! "kosei" ni yoru bougai ga hageshiku daijiko ni tsunagaru osore ga aru! "There is concern that interference due to his quirk could be severe and lead to a major accident!"
3 これだからアルコール飲めねンだよなァ これだからアルコールのめねンだよなァ kore dakara ARUKOORU nomeneNda yo naA "This is why we can't drink alcohol."
1 くそう‼︎サーセン‼︎ kusou!! SAASEN!! "Shit!! I'm sorry!!"
2 出来心がサーセン‼︎ できごころがサーセン‼︎ dekigokoro ga SAASEN!! "It was a sudden impulse, I'm sorry!!"
3 俺のが早かった おれのがはやかった ore no ga hayakatta "I was the fastest."
4 いや飯田くんだったよ いやいいだくんだったよ iya IIda-kun datta yo "No, it was Iida-kun."
5 競ってあげなよ きそってあげなよ kisotte agena yo "Let's not compete."
6 しかし出来心とはまたタチが悪い芯がないというか……… しかしできごころとはまたタチがわるいしんがないというか……… shikashi dekigokoro to wa mata TACHI ga warui shin ga nai to iu ka......... "However, if it was a sudden impulse, he's not wicked at his core........."
7 被害がなくてよかった ひがいがなくてよかった higai ga nakute yokatta "I'm glad there were no casualties."
8 閑古鳥が鳴くのはまだ先だな! かんこどりがなくのはまださきだな! kankodori ga naku no wa mada saki da na! "It's still a long time before business gets slow!"
9 うむ umu "Yeah."
10 短かったけど今日はお開きにするか みじかかったけどきょうはおひらきにするか mijikakatta kedo kyou wa ohiraki ni suru ka "Though it was short, will we adjourn for today?"
11 え〜〜〜 e~~~ "Ehhh?"
12 また集まれるよ またあつまれるよ mata atsumareru yo "We can get together again."
13 あ 店 俺払っといたからこのまま解散でいいぞ あ みせ おれはらっといたからこのままかいさんでいいぞ a mise ore harattoita kara kono mama kaisan de ii zo "Ah, the shop, I paid for it, so it's okay to just disband from here."
14 はあ⁉︎主賓が何してんの⁉︎ワリカンに決まってんの‼︎ はあ⁉︎しゅひんがなにしてんの⁉︎ワリカンにきまってんの‼︎ haa!? shuhin ga nani shiten no!? WARIKAN ni kimatten no!! "Huh!? What is the guest of honor doing!? We're splitting the bill!!"
small text 1 まだ現金持っといたほうがいいな まだげんきんもっといたほうがいいな mada genkin motto ita hou ga ii na "It's best to carry cash still, right?"
small text 2 非常時はそうですよね ひじょうじはそうですよね hijouji wa sou desu yo ne "That's [very] true for emergencies."
small text 3 おつりあるよ otsuri aru yo "I have change."
1 帰り送ンねーぞ 俺明日エッジショットの帰国で朝早ェから かえりおくンねーぞ おれあしたエッジショットのきこくであさはえェから kaeriokuNnee zo ore ashita EJJISHOTTO no kikoku de asa haeE kara "I won't take you home. Tomorrow I'll be starting early with Edgeshot returning to the country."
2 大丈夫ありがとう だいじょうぶありがとう daijoubu arigatou "It's okay, thanks."
3 車みせて くるまみせて kuruma misete "Show us your car."
4 方向いっしょ ほうこういっしょ houkou issho "We're going in the same direction."
5 途中まで とちゅうまで tochuu made "Until halfway."
6 またな mata na "See ya later."
7 うん un "Yeah."
8 また特別講師よろしくね!相澤先生がコミュニケーション概論やらせたいって またゲストよろしくね!あいざわせんせい��コミュニケーションがいろんやらせたいって mata GESUTO (kanji: tokubetsu koushi) yoroshiku ne! Aizawa-sensei ga KOMYUNIKEESHON gairon yarasetai tte "We look forward to seeing you again as a guest lecturer! Aizawa-sensei wants me to do an Introduction to Communication class."
9 悪例で呼ぶなよ あくれいでよべなよ akurei de yobena yo "Don't call me a bad example!"
10 "皆 特別"は "みんな とくべつ"は "minna tokubetsu" wa "Everyone is special"...
11 誰も特別じゃねえンだってよ だれもとくべつじゃねえンだってよ daremo tokubetsu ja neeNda tte yo ...means no one is special.
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 431#bnha 431#my hero academia manga spoilers#epilogue arc spoilers
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戦後80年にあたり、日本人にとり必読の書として『アメリカの鏡・日本』を挙げたい。これはGHQの諮問機関「11人委員会」のメンバーとして来日し、戦後日本の労働基本法の策定に関わった米国人ヘレン・ミアーズによって書かれた「日本論」の名��である。本書は当時マッカーサーによって邦訳が禁じられた。日本が次第に大東亜戦争へと追い詰められていく過程や、それが欧米による教育の結果であったこと、大東亜戦争における日本のみならず欧米の過ちについても冷静かつ中立に書かれている。米国人が書いた本だからこそ価値がある。われわれ日本人は、「戦争はいけない」と言うだけの思考停止論からはいい加減に脱却すべきだ。私はこの本は、義務教育で取り上げられるべきものであると思う。極論ではなく、すべてのページにマーカーを引きたくなる。その中から一節を紹介したい: 「私たちが日本人に対してつかった原子爆弾は、日本に対してつかったのではない。なぜなら、日本はすでに完全に敗北していたからだ。 原爆はソ連との政治戦争に使用されたといえる。占領は私たち自身の政治・経済目的を達成するための装置だ。この目的に日本人が関係してくるのは、たまたま日本人がチャモロ族と同じように戦略的に重要な島に住んでいるからにすぎない」 なぜマッカーサーが邦訳を禁じたのか、読み終えればわかるだろう。そして、日本人が日本人として持つべき自我・誇り・いましめに気づくだろう。良書である。多くの人に読んでほしい。
Xユーザーのリフレ女子さん: 「戦後80年にあたり、日本人にとり必読の書として『アメリカの鏡・日本』を挙げたい。これはGHQの諮問機関「11人委員会」のメンバーとして来日し、戦後日本の労働基本法の策定に関わった米国人ヘレン・ミアーズによって書かれた「日本論」の名著である。本書は当時マッカーサーによって邦訳が禁じられた」 / X
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タリバンがどんだけ酷いかというと、 男性医師は女性の患者見るの禁止→女性の医学教育禁止で、今かろうじて残っている女性医師がいなくなったら、女に生まれた時点で病気も怪我も治してくれる人がいなくなり、治せる病気でも原因すら分からないまま死ぬのをまつしかなくなるんです。
タリバン、女子学生の留学を認めず ドバイへの「出国を阻まれた」 - BBCニュース
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私は、高校を卒業してすぐに就職した。生まれ育った静岡県の山奥から、千葉県松戸市へ。 やたらと地方出身者ばかりを集める会社だった。会社名義でアパートを借りてくれ、家賃まで払ってくれる。なんていい会社に入れたのだろう、というのは若さゆえの勘違いだった。 とにかく休日というものがない。シフト上で「休日」とされている日にはタイムカードをうってはいけない。それだけのことだった。 そんな環境でも二年間勤めたのは、単に逃げられなかっただけだ。会社名義でアパートを借りているので、職を失うというのは住居を失うのと同義だった。 食事もろくに摂れなかったため、がりがりに痩せた。食事の時間があるならば、そのぶん寝る時間にあてたかった。となると歯など磨くはずもない。虫歯が痛み、前歯を一本失ったが、それすらどうでもよくなっていた。 関連会社の男性社員から「借金してでも逃げろ」とまで言われ、ようやく逃げたのが二十歳の頃。 振り返れば、その二年間に休日という休日はなく、七百連勤以上を続けていたのだ。 千葉県内に土地勘などなかった。あてもなく新京成線に乗り、新津田沼駅で降りた。新津田沼を目指したわけではない。単に人がたくさん降りたから、つられて降りた。それだけだった。 駅とイトーヨーカドーがくっついているのは驚きだった。そんな場所がこの世にあるとは知らなかった。 そのままイトーヨーカドーへ入った。エスカレーターで上の階へあがると、そこにはゲームセンターがあった。ゲームセンターといっても、小さな子どもをメインターゲットにしたもので、真ん中には大きなトランポリンが設置されていた。 ここで働きたい。そう思ったのは、子どもが好きだとかそんな理由ではなかった。暇そうだったからだ。もう一生懸命働きたくなどない。この二年間で、一生分働いた。そんな気分だった。 求人誌で見つけたのか、インターネットで見つけたのかはいまとなっては記憶が曖昧だが、そこのゲームセンターは求人広告を出していた。アルバイトで、週に三日程度から可。 とはいえ、住所不定の若造を雇ってくれるとも思えない。先に住居を探した。 幸いなことに、新しい住居はすぐに決まった。駅から遠い、築五十年超の木造アパート。壁を叩けばゴキブリが五、六匹出てくるような部屋だったが、ようやく自分の居場所を手に入れた気分だった。 その住所を履歴書に書き、就職の際に両親が買ってくれたスーツに身を包み、伸びたままだった髪は自分でカットした。がりがりの体と失った前歯はどうしようもなかった。 鏡を見て、「まあ、これは雇わないだろうな」と自分でも思うほどだったが、面接ではなんとなく好感触を得た気がした。 そして数日後、採用が決定したと連絡があった。なぜ採用されたのかは知らない。他に応募者がいなかったのかもしれない。 赤いポロシャツに、黒いズボン。センスがいいとは言いがたい制服だったが、不満はなかった。 とにかく来客数が少なく、やることと言えばクレーンゲームの景品の補充だとか、当時流行っていたムシキングとかおしゃれ魔女などのカード補充とか。 あとはトランポリンで遊びたい子が来たら対応をした。たしか五分で百円。十分だったかもしれない。詳細は覚えていないが、百円玉を握りしめた子どもが目をきらきらさせながら声をかけてきたのは覚えている。 一度の勤務が四時間程度。それを週に数日。時給はたしか八百円ほど。食っていけるはずもなかったが、しばらくはその生活を続けた。とてももう、まともに働く気力などなかった。 借金がある程度膨らんでから、ようやく他にも仕事を始めた。コンビニ、警備員、チラシのポスティング、宅配便の仕分けなど。非正規雇用ばかりを山ほど抱えて、なんとか借金は返した。 ゲームセンターでのアルバイトは続けるつもりだったが、近いうちに閉店すると耳にした。一時間あたりの売り上げが私の時給を下回っているような有様だったので、遅かれ早かれそうなるだろうとは思っていた。 閉店まで続けようかとも考えたが、そのときに面接を受けた倉庫作業の会社で正社員の誘いがあったので、そのまま辞めてしまった。辞めた後、しばらくは営業をしていたようだったが、たしか一年経たずに閉店してしまった。 私は就職し、転職し、結婚して離婚した。また就職して、転勤して、いまは東京の西のほうで暮らしている。 津田沼まで片道一時間強。あまり気軽には来れなくなってしまった。 あれから約二十年。私はすっかりおじさんになってしまったが、おじさんになれてよかった。いま振り返ると、あの頃の自分はいつ人生を終わりにしてもおかしくはなかった。 あそこで働いたのは一年だったか、二年だったか。もっと長かったかもしれないが、まったく思い出せない。 あのゲームセンターはたぶん、七階のマクドナルドの前にあったはずだが、いくら検索しても情報は出てこない。 まるで幻だったかのように、私自身にも曖昧な記憶しか残っていない。検索しても、トランポリンがあったのは屋上だという情報ばかり。屋上ではなかったのはたしかなのだが。 ともあれ、私がなんとか再起をはかれたのは、あそこで働いた期間があったからだ。変に忙しい職場に入っていたなら、きっと潰れてしまっていた。 しかしまさか、イトーヨーカドー津田沼店自体がなくなってしまうとは。 なんとなく、イトーヨーカドー自体はずっとそこにあってくれるような気がしていたので、いつでも行けると思い込んでいた。 二十代���半の、あの時期の私の中心にはイトーヨーカドー津田沼店があった。書店にもよく寄ったし、四本の親知らずのうち三本はヨーカドー内の歯科で抜いてもらった。 あと、誰も気にしていないようなことだけれど、トイレの洗面台の脇に置かれた小さな花瓶に花が生けてあったのが好きだった。造花かもしれない。ただ、誰かの気遣いがそこにあった。トイレ自体古かったが、きちんと清掃しているのはよくわかった。私とは違い、仕事熱心な人が清掃を担当していたのだろう。もう何年も訪れていないので、最近はどうだったのかは知らない。 テナントが徐々に撤退していったのは伝え聞いていだが、それがなんだか思い出の場所が徐々に衰弱していくようで受け入れられなかった。 さて。ここまで長々と書いてきてどう締めればいいのかわからない。結局、歳ばかり重ねて、あの頃からまったく成長などしていない。 「さようなら、いままでありがとう」 でいいのだろうか。 あと、「寂しい」と「もう大丈夫」を付け加えて文を締めたいと思う。 小山征二郎さんが、イトーヨーカドー津田沼店閉館に寄せたエッセイ
時給800円のゲーセンに救われた… 閉館の商業施設に寄せた思い出
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大久保 桜子は、日本の女優、グラビアアイドル。オスカープロモーション所属。身長152cm。 神奈川県横浜市出身。暁星国際小学校・中学校・高等学校卒業。2017年4月から大学在学中。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1998年7月20日 (年齢 25歳)
出生地: 神奈川県 横浜市
学歴: 暁星国際小学校
身長: 152 cm
事務所: Wonderwave; (2012年 - 2020年); HI RANK INDUSTRIES; (2021年 - 2023年); オスカープロモーション; (2023年 - )
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いやさ、沖縄は沖縄戦があったから戦争アレルギーわかるんだけど 「戦争嫌なのはわかった。じゃあ攻められた時にすぐに無条件降伏するのもわかった。で、その後に男は殺され女は犯され子供達は洗脳され財産奪われ土地を奪われ軍事基地を作られても平和第一で無抵抗を貫くの?」 みたいに聞いたら 「そんなのは平和じゃないから抵抗する。抗議活動をする」 みたいに言われた事があるので、それなら攻められた時に抵抗しろよ...ってしかなるよ。結局は考えるのではなく考えさせない為の学問が沖縄の平和教育なんだなと、教員のおじさんを見て思ったよ。
Xユーザーのりん ルートビアンさん: 「いやさ、沖縄は沖縄戦があったから戦争アレルギーわかるんだけど 「戦争嫌なのはわかった。じゃあ攻められた時にすぐに無条件降伏するのもわかった。で、その後に男は殺され女は犯され子供達は洗脳され財産奪われ土地を奪われ軍事基地を作られても平和第一で無抵抗を貫くの?」 みたいに聞いたら」 / X
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Quirk counseling: canon, the cultural references and what we can guess from this all (now with the bit about Chap. 431)
So, a recent ask I received pushed me to dig more into Quirk counseling, in hope I could offer better information about it.
Also thanks to @poppy5991 who helped me to expand the overmentioned ask adding to it things I forgot to mention. Hopefully this time I've covered things better. If not, I apologize.
2024-12-05 edit: As Horikoshi added a bit about Quirk counseling in Chap. 431 I've expanded this post to include that too. You can find it at the bottom of the post under the title "CHAPTER 431 AND WHAT IT TELLS TO US".
There’s not much about Quirk counseling as it gets mentioned, as far as I know, exactly 6 times in the whole 42 volumes (and the anime).
The first time Quirk counseling comes up, is after Shigaraki’s attack in chap. 22... and not much is said.
MIDNIGHT ‘Shōgaku-ji no “issei ‘kosei’ COUNSELING” uke tenai no kajira...’ ミッドナイト「小学時の『一斉〝個性〟カウンセリング 』受けてないのかじら...」 Midnight “Didn’t he receive “universal/mass/simultaneous ‘Quirk’ counseling” in elementary school?” [Chap. 22- Ep. 14]
From what Midnight says we can infer that ‘Issei “kosei” COUNSELING’ [一斉〝個性〟カウンセリング “universal/simultaneous/mass ‘Quirk’ counseling”] is given in elementary school as kind of a group activity or class lesson as ‘issei’ (一斉) generally is used to say “simultaneous”, “all at once”, which should imply all the kids at elementary school (or more likely, all the kids in a class) get it at the same time.
For contest, Midnight brings this up because they think Tomura has too much power and was never taught to ‘control’ it (as in not to use it to do what he wants). So we can guess Quirk counseling would, in their mind, have given Tomura a better grasp of what was allowed to do with his Quirk and what wasn’t (with becoming a Villain being definitely on the ‘Don’t do it’ list).
The discussion about Quirk counseling won’t progress any further.
The next time Quirk counseling is mentioned is in chap. 165.
Ikoma Komari ‘Hai… shōgakkō teigakunen wa jinkaku keisei ni oite taisetsuna jiki desu...〝Kosei〟 no chigai ga ōkiku eikyō suru tame COUNSELING o okonai. Sukoyakana seishin o hagukumeru yō SUPPORT suru no desu ga... COUNSELING mo bannōde wa arimasen. Kono CLASS no ko-tachi wa watashi-tachi ni kokoro o tozashite shimaimashita. Watashi no sekinindearu koto wa shōchi shite imasu...! Desuga...! Yume ni mukatte hagende rassharu minasama to fureau koto de massuguna kimochi o omoidasa sete age rarereba…’ 生駒小麿里「はい…小学校低学年は人格形成に於いて大切な時期です...〝個性〟の違いが大きく影響する為カウンセリングを行い。健やかな精神を育めるようサポートするのですが...カウンセリングも万能ではありません。このクラスの子たちは私達に心を閉ざしてしまいました。私の責任であることは承知しています...!ですが...!夢に向かって励んでらっしゃる皆さまと触れ合うことでまっすぐな気持ちを思い出させてあげられれば…」 Ikoma Komari “Yes... the early years of elementary school are an important time for personality development... differences in “Quirk” have a big impact, so we provide counseling. We support them in developing a healthy mind... but counseling is not a panacea. The children in this class have closed their hearts off to us. I know that it is my fault...! But...! I hope that by interacting with all of you who are working hard towards your dreams, we can help them remember their honest feelings...” [Chap. 165-Ep. 79]
Here we don’t talk specifically of Quirk counseling, just of counseling and of how ‘differences in Quirk’ have a big impact on personality development, also adding that counseling is not a fix-it-all. Ironically though, all the kids in the class seems to be the same according to their teachers, ‘mondaiji’ (問題児 “problem children”) who’re always ‘hanko-teki’ (反抗的 “rebellious”/“defiant”) no matter what she does despite them all having very different Quirks, children who have ‘closed their heart’ to them (aka they aren’t listening to them anymore) and feel they’re better than anyone else and it’s clear with this class counseling didn’t work at all.
We jump at chap. 226.
CURIOUS ‘Inō no yokuatsu ni yotte jibun o koroshita fukōna shōjo, sore ga anata nandesho? Toga Himiko. ‘“Kosei” COUNSELING’, jita rikai no yugami o kyōseishi shakaisei no suri awase o hodokosu jōsō kyōiku (read: PROGRAM). Mochiron, kanpekina PROGRAM de wa naishi, kojinsa o yori tsuyoku kanjite shimau to iu mondai o kakaete imasu. Chi o nomi henshin suru, umaretsuki motsu sono inō ni yotte anata wa “chi” ni tsuyoi kyōmi o hikareru yō ni natta. Shikashi shin no fukō wa “akogare” to iu dareshimo ga daku futsū no kanjō. Chi to akogare kamiatte shimatta nitsu no yōso wa tōtei shakai ni ukeire rareru MONO de wa nakatta. Dakara, anata wa FUTA o shita. Jishin o yokuatsu shi kamen o tsukutta.’ キュリオス「異能の抑圧によって自分を殺した不幸な少女、それがあなたなんでしょ?渡我被身子(トガヒミコ)。『〝個性〟カウンセリング』、自他理解の歪みを矯正し社会性の擦り合わせを施す情操教育(プログラム)。もちろん、完璧なプログラムでは無いし、個人差をより強く感じてしまうという問題を抱えています。血を飲み変身する、生まれつき持つその異能によってあなたは〝血〟に強い興味を引かれるようになった。しかし真の不幸は〝憧れ〟という誰しもが抱く普通の感情。血と憧れ噛み合ってしまった2つの要素は到底社会に受け入れられるモノではなかった。だから、あなたはフタをした。自信を抑圧し仮面を作った。」 Curious “You’re an unfortunate girl who killed herself by suppressing her supernatural powers, aren’t you? Toga Himiko. ‘“Quirk” counseling’, it’s an emotional education (read: program) to correct distortions in self-understanding and other things, and to adjust for socialization. Of course, it’s not a perfect program, and it has the problem of making individual differences even more apparent. Your innate ability to transform by drinking blood has made you very interested in “blood”. However, your true misfortune is “admiration”, a normal emotion that anyone can have. The two elements that go together, blood and admiration, were never going to be accepted by society. So you put a lid on it. You suppressed your confidence and made a mask.” [Chap. 226]
Episode 109 should be the one in charge to transpose this scene in animation but episode 109 cut the references to Quirk counseling.
CURIOUS ‘Inō no yokuatsu ni yotte jibun o koroshita fukōna shōjo. Sore ga anata nandesho? Toga Himiko. Umaretsuki motsu sono inō ni yotte anata wa chi ni tsuyoi kyōmi o hikareru yō ni natta. Shikashi, shin no fukō wa akogare to iu dareshimo ga daku futsū no kanjō to chi e no kyōmi, kono futatsu ga kamiatte shimatta koto. Sore wa tōtei shakai ni ukeire rareru MONO de wa nakatta. Dakara, anata wa FUTA o shita. Jishin o yokuatsu shi kamen o tsukutta.’キュリオス「異能の抑圧によって自分を殺した不幸な少女。それがあなたなんでしょ?渡我被身子。生まれつき持つその異能によってあなたは血に強い興味を引かれるようになった。しかし、真の不幸は憧れという誰しもが抱く普通の感情と血への興味、この二つが噛み合ってしまったこと。それは到底社会に受け入れられるモノではなかった。だから、あなたはフタをした。自信を抑圧し仮面を作った。」 Curious “You're the unfortunate girl who killed yourself by suppressing your supernatural powers. That's you, isn't it? Toga Himiko. The supernatural power you were born with has made you very interested in blood. However, your true misfortune was that your fascination with blood and your normal emotion of longing were intertwined. This is something that could never be accepted by society. So you put a lid on it. You suppressed your confidence and made a mask.” [Ep 109]
It’s a bad decision as Quirk counseling was meant to become important later but that’s what they decided to do.
Anyway in the manga there’s something we can work with, if before we were told Quirk counseling helps in developing personality, here it’s clarified the help is aimed at helping people to act ‘normal’, so that they can have a correct perception of themselves as well as socialize and interact correctly, the problem is it suppresses whatever is judged ‘not normal’ in a person and Quirks often generate wild differences between what’s normal for a person and what’s normal for another.
The result of this is that Quirk counseling ends up remarking in an even stronger way the differences between people, by forcing them to suppress feelings that are dictated by their Quirk.
We then jump to chap. 370.
? ‘“Kosei” COUNSELING!” Kosei” kyōiku! Kore ga nise (read: mayakashi) de aru koto o! Wareware wa “katachi” o motte shitte iru!.’ ?「〝個性〟カウンセリング!〝個性〟教育!これが贋(まやかし)である事を!我々は〝形〟を持って知っている!」 ? ““Quirk” counseling! “Quirk” education! This is phony/bogus/sham (read: fake/deception)! We know it due to having this “shape/form”!” [Chap. 370-Ep. 152]
At this point we’ve a nameless heteromorph guy claiming Quirk counseling (along with Quirk education) is basically a sham, it’s not it didn’t work with that class of kids by coincidence, it’s just something that doesn’t really work with Heteromorphs.
While there’s not really an explanation we can guess that, if the point of Quirk counseling is making people ‘normal’, Heteromorphs, who in Japanese are called ‘Igyō’ (異形 “abnormal”), have a hard time with it, since they’re not normal by definition and can’t really change/suppress their ‘not normal’/‘heteromorphic’ traits.
We aren’t told what Heteromorphs are told during Quirk counseling, and the thing is made more complex by how somehow in big cities there’s no discrimination, while in rural villages people still go for ‘chiharai’ (血祓い “blood cleansing”), beating and scarring Heteromorphs who dare to come into contact with not-Heteromorphs, no matter if it’s to save them.
We then jump to chap. 392.
? ‘HAI kyōsei shite ikimashou “futsū” ni. A HAI mō chotto matte kudasai. Sugu sotchi ikimasu. Etto… ē daijōbudesu. Sō desu ne… tsuyoi “kosei” o motsu ko niarigachi na tōsaku desu yo. Kono shakai de wa yoku aru koto desu. Tadashite keshite ikimashou.’ ?「ハイ矯正していきましょう〝普通〟に。あハイもうちょっと待ってください。すぐそっち行きます。えっと…ええ大丈夫です。そうですね…強い〝個性〟を持つ子にありがちな倒錯ですよ。この社会ではよくあることです。正して消していきましょう。」 ? “Yes, let’s correct it and make it “normal”. Ah, yes, please wait a moment. I’ll be there right away. Um... yes, it’s okay. Well... it’s a common perversion among children with strong “Quirks”. It’s common in this society. Let’s correct it and eliminate it.” [Chap. 392]
Here we see a person talking with Himiko’s parents. We aren’t told this person is a Quirk counselor but, I guess, that’s the idea. It’s hard to say if she’s Himiko’s teacher or an external figure, however it makes clear Quirk counseling is more or less what Curious said. That person thought Himiko being fascinated by blood was wrong, she actually calls it a ‘tōsaku’ (倒錯 “perversion”), albeit one she labels as common, and tried to force Himiko to suppress her feelings so she could perceive herself and socialize with the others in a ‘correct’ way.
An interesting difference between the manga and the anime is that in the anime that person’s talk is more streamlined... and we see her also talking with Himiko's parents.


? ‘Hai kyōsei shite ikimashou futsū ni. Sō desu ne… tsuyoi kosei o motsu ko niari-gachina tōsakudesu yo. Kono shakaide wa yoku aru kotodesu. Sei shite keshite ikimashou.’ ?「ハイ矯正していきましょう普通に。そうですね…強い個性を持つ子にありがちな倒錯ですよ。この社会ではよくあることです。正して消していきましょう。」 ? “Yes, let's correct it and make it normal. It's a perversion that is common among children with strong Quirks. It's a common occurrence in this society. Let's correct it and eliminate it.” [Ep. 158]
This might imply that in the manga that person is actually busy with more things at once, she doesn’t have a lot of time to dedicate to Himiko’s parents and therefore she doesn’t have a lot of time to dedicate to Himiko.
Back to the conversation though, regardless of the source, the person talking makes clear that what Himiko does isn’t just something that’s “rude”/“inappropriate” to do in society but that it’s a “perversion”, a common one, yes, but a “perversion” and she says so to her parents who were already worried she wasn’t human.
Chichioya ‘Mō nekko ga!’ 父親「もう根っこが!」 Father “Her core/roots is/are already– (gone/rotten)!”
Hahaoya ‘Ningen ja nai ko un jatta!’ 母親「人間じゃない子産んじゃった!」 Mother “I gave birth to a child that isn’t human!” [Chap. 392-Ep. 158]
And later
Hahaoya ‘Watashi-tachi ga waruin desu. Mō… tsugunai kirenai desu… ganbatta kedo damedattan desu… ano ko ha… akuma no konan desu.’ 母親「私たちが悪いんです。もう…償い切れないです…頑張ったけど駄目だったんです…あの子は…悪魔の子なんです。」 Mother “It's our fault. We can never make up for it. We tried our best but it was no use. That child is a demon's child.” [Chap. 226]
So Quirk counseling didn’t really reassure her parents nor solved Himiko’s problems. They weren’t going to accept that Himiko could have different feelings from the norm and help her to cope with them correctly, they just wanted to eradicate them from her. As she couldn’t, she was forced to suppress them… and since she couldn’t keep them bottled up forever they eventually exploded and lead her to hurt Saito.
The last time Quirk counseling comes up is at the end of the manga.

? ‘Tsudzuite wa TEAM-UP NEWS. INGENIUM, FROPPY, CREATI soshite URAVITY ga zenkoku no shōgakkō o megutte imasu. Teki (read: VILLAIN) hasseiritsu no genshō ni tomonai katsudō no haba wo hirogeru “HERO”-tachi sono naka demo-- URAVITY no uchidashita “kosei” COUNSELING kakuchō keikaku wa ima mottomo hitsuyō fukaketsuna katsudō to iwa rete imasu.’ ?「続いてはチームアップニュース。インゲニウムフロッピー・クリエティそしてウラビティが全国の小学校を巡っています。敵(ヴィラン)発生率の減少に伴い活動の幅を広げる〝ヒーロー〟たちその中でもーーウラビティの打ち出した〝個性〟カウンセリング拡張計画は今最も必要不可欠な活動と言われています。」 ? “Next up is team-up news. Ingenium, Froppy, Creativity and Uravity are touring elementary schools across the country. As enemy (read: Villain) occurrence rates decrease, the “heroes” are expanding the scope of their activities. Among them, Uravity’s “Quirk” counseling expansion plan is said to be the most essential activity right now.” [Chap. 430]
In this bit it seems that expanding Quirk counseling became a key factor in lowering the occurrence rate of Villains… which, of course, doesn’t seem to be possible since in almost all the other cases in which Quirk counseling was mentioned it turned out it either didn’t work (with the Masegaki elementary school kids) or made matters worse (Himiko and the heteromorphs). Is it a typing mistake as apparently the program already reached all the elementary schools so it didn’t need to be expanded and, anyway, didn’t work? Or does ‘expanding’ refers to actually put more resources and people in Quirk counseling so they can actually devote more time to the kids and help them better? Hard to say.
Counseling in Japan
While, of course, there’s no Quirk counseling in Japan, by 2006 Japan had school counselors (スクールカウンセラー) available in all the public middle schools. Prior to it though, this work was entrusted to the homeroom teacher (担任教師 ‘Tannin kyōshi’) and often also the school nurse (看護教諭 ‘Kango kyōyu’ ) who were meant to dispense discipline, encourage better conduct, increase motivation, provide career guidance, and offer advice. Those teachers though, were not trained in counseling, and it was often a duty they disliked, often choosing to use their classroom hours for something different than “moral education” depending on their personal educational agenda. Now instead, when problems arise, the teacher or the students or the students’ parents can ask help to the school counselor, which would also offer the plus of being a third party figure, so that they would be people not involved in evaluating students (and therefore have no conflict of interests with them) and would be professional in the field of psychology so as to offer better help to them.
Currently in Japan a school counselor visits a school about once a week to give children advice about various problems they face. School counseling is provided by clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and other professionals with expertise in mental health issues. In addition to advising children, the counselors can advise parents and teachers about how to handle their own day-to-day. A school counselor stands by in a counseling room where he or she listens to children’s problems one-on-one. Children can seek advice about whatever may worry them, such as relations with their friends, their family problems and uncertainties about their future and the counselor will advice them about how they should handle their problems while also talking with their homeroom teachers about what would be the best solution to each problem.
The problems with this system are often that the Clinical Psychologist isn’t also trained as a school counselor which leads with problems of interaction with the teachers, that there is confusion about the role of teachers and school counselors, and that there’s a HUGE stigma of shame at the idea of students or parents seeing a counselor. Much of the counseling that is now conducted in the Japanese schools is remedial with the individual as the focus; an approach that is contrary to the Asian interdependent view of self, an approach that seems to further exacerbate the student’s reluctance to see the school counselor.
It’s possible that Horikoshi, for earlier Quirk counseling, went with mix of the above, with it given both by the class homeroom teacher and by a specialist, or it given by the homeroom teacher only. It's not really clear.
Honne, Tatemae and Giri
Honne (本音 “true sound”) refers to a person's true feelings and desires.
Tatemae (建前 “built in front”, “façade”) refers contrastingly to the behavior and opinions one displays in public.
Giri (義理 “duty”, “obligation”) refers to the social obligations each person have.
Okay, fine, why should we care about these three words? Because Japanese people go to great length to hide their honne (true feelings) and show their tatemae (facade) so as to fulfill their giri (social obligation). They must do everything they can to avoid the disapproval of others, to avoid direct confrontation or disagreement. They’re completely justified in telling white lies to hide their true nature and present their Tatemae, so completely justified they can lie even in trial, that they’re expected to do so (remember when, in chap. 306, a guy said Enji should have just lied in regard to what Touya declared?).
Part of the Quirk counseling plan is clearly based on this, on teaching children how to show a socially acceptable tatemae and hide their own honne. This is what Himiko was taught, that her own fascination for blood was an unacceptable honne and needed to be buried inside herself if she wanted to be ‘normal’. That it was her duty to present herself as ‘normal’ and therefore show solely an acceptable tatemae.
Tōsaku (倒錯 “perversion”) and double meanings
As said before ‘Tōsaku’ means “perversion” and it’s used to describe how Himiko is fascinated by blood… but this is a word also used to describe sexual deviances… and Horikoshi clearly had fun with using words with double meanings in Himiko’s case, for example the onomatopoeia for sucking blood (ちうちう ‘chiuchiu’), sounds also like the onomatopoeia for kissing, Himiko is referred as a ‘ijōsha’ (異常者) which can be translated as “deviant” but also as “pervert” and so on. In short Horikoshi subtly create parallels between Himiko’s love for blood and the fact that Himiko’s way of loving people is not what in Japan is labeled as normal (she also loves girls and not just boys and would like to hurt people she loves). So, while Himiko’s problem of being fascinated with blood might seem distant from the audience as people in real world don’t have a Quirk that makes them fascinated with blood, the parallelism with sexual inclinations bring Himiko back into someone with whom people can relate and, in a way, someone that stands in parallel with Magne.
Heteromorphs, how ‘not normal’ they are meant to be and blood impurity
In English the word ‘Igyō’ (異形) had been translated as “heteromorph” but a better translation is “abnormal” or, more literally “not normal shape”. In a Quirk counseling program that aims at making everyone ‘normal’, who already starts with a name that states they’re not with a normal shape is clearly cut out of the race.
When Shouji talks of what was done to him he mentions ‘chiharai’ (血祓い “blood cleansing”) [Chap. 371] and, in the previous chapter, he was told he had ‘imi chi’ (忌み血 “cursed blood”) [Chap. 370].
Japan is very invested in blood purity, in pre-Meiji era Shinto and Buddhist traditions considered blood (血 ‘chi’) a source of symbolic pollution or ‘kegare’ (穢れ “uncleanness”, “defilement”) with elaborate rituals of avoidance and purification, however, in the Edo period (1603–1868) blood gained the positive meaning of “lineage”/”life force”, overtaking the preceding key metaphors for heredity. This though ended up causing the solidification of a hereditary status system that placed certain groups of people as being permanently “polluted” because they had works tied with blood, like executioners, undertakers, slaughterhouse workers, butchers, and tanners called ‘eta’ (穢多 “great filth”) as well as beggars, street performers, prostitutes, convicted criminals, and the physically disabled among others called ‘hinin’ (非人 “not people”) which together form the group called ‘burakumin’ (部落民 “village people”) and were considered outcasts. Their own blood was considered permanently impure, they were subject to increasingly stricter sanctions that prohibited their contact and mixing with the rest of society by means of restricted residences, economic activities, special clothing, hairstyles, and tattoos and since now blood also was a term used to define lineage, its polluting property also came to be regarded as inheritable and permanent which is why people still don’t want to marry (aka ‘mix blood’) with people whose ancestors were ‘burakumin’.
This was also made worse from the 1900 eugenicist obsession with blood as a medium to modernize the Japanese race and nation.The pure Japanese blood, or “Yamato blood,” was now heralded as a refined superior substance to be protected or enhanced through social programs of reproduction and health also through eugenic marriage counseling services.
This ultimately expanded to include people who had mental illness or familiar with mental illness but also with people who are of not pure Japanese ancestry. We would probably talk about genetics. In Japan it’s referred as blood.
Blood type is, in Japanese mentality, also tied with personality and discrimination can be so high that some would just discriminate people with blood type B or AB as negative stereotyping credits the B types as selfish, and ABs as eccentric and unpredictable and therefore more prone to have a loose morality.
As a result even if Shouji being a Heteromorph is tied to his Quirk and his genes, the story talks about his ‘cursed blood’… and people could refer to it also in relation to how the Todoroki are related to a criminal, Touya/Dabi.
(Plus this also tells you why Himiko's fascination for blood could NEVER be accepted since things related to blood lead to impurity)
While all this doesn’t tell us much about Quirk counseling, it helps to get a better perspective on why blood is mentioned when Heteromorphs are discriminated and how strong discrimination can be based to blood ties, clearly making it something that can’t be overcome with just the discriminated person in question trying to ‘act normal’ by presenting an acceptable ‘tatemae’.
The series leaves unclear what exactly falls into the Heteromorph category because, if the problem is just the shape being not normal, things like having tapes in your arms or engines in your legs, or horns on your head also give you an abnormal shape. Overall we can assume that the more the shape is abnormal and hard to ‘disguise’ as normal, the more one ends up being considered as an Heteromorph (Shouji’s arms are a much more visible ‘abnormal’ trait than Iida’s legs or Sero’s arms).
Just so you know currently Japan lacks any law which prohibits racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination nor has any national human rights institutions. Although racism exists it’s a taboo topic. In the past in the name of national unity, the Japanese government identified and forcefully assimilated marginalized populations, which included indigenous Ryukyuans, Ainu, and other underrepresented groups, imposing assimilation programs in language, culture and religion. Japan considers these ethnic groups as a mere “subgroup” of the Japanese people and therefore synonymous to the Yamato people, and does not recognize them as a minority group with a distinct culture. This is why in the story Heteromorph discrimination isn’t punished but it could also be the basis for why the Quirk counseling doesn’t keep into consideration how Heteromorphs are different but tries to force them too to act ‘normal’.
We’re all familiar with the term Quirk that in Japanese is ‘kosei’ (〝個性〟 always written between quotation marks) which, translated literally means “individuality” or “personality”. In a country that is group oriented, values uniformity and thinks standing out is bad, Quirks that instead grant an even more marked ‘individuality’ and that are unique to each person, should feel like a big deal… but also it you tie a superpower with your personality you might get some unpleasant combo that aren’t really meant to be. For example thinks at Tomura and at how his Quirk destroy/decay things. If you think that his Quirk is his ‘personality’ or tied to it, you get the idea Tomura is someone who can only destroy/decay, that has a destructive character, or that who has an animal Quirk has an animal character.
Japanese youths have been fighting so as to have their individuality recognized in various subtle ways but it’s still an ongoing battle. The same goes for the descendant of the Burakumin and for people in the LGBTQ+ community. Sadly most of those topics are kind of considered taboo to discuss in Japanese culture so it’s possible that Horikoshi’s attempt at saying that Quirk counseling would be improved is a subtle message that’s meant to say that in the BNHA world steps would be taken to improve the acceptance of those people and the recognition of each person’s individuality, implying more a change into mentality/education than a change into some institutionalized thing called ‘Quirk counseling’, hence he didn’t need to develop much how it would work.
Of course mine is purely speculation.
Ultimately, if we solely look at the story, how Quirk counseling work/is administered is hardly well explained in the story, and how is reformed is explained even less (saying just it underwent an expansion) as well as why Uraraka, who had no idea of Himiko’s problems with Quirk counseling, decided to focus on it. But it’s likely the cultural context that’s meant to make it work for Japanese readers using solely what little is explained as reference and, for them, improving it, is likely a big step.
For whose of us who are instead cut out from the whole cultural context, there’s just too little to work with and it feels forgettable and confusing.
Okay, my analysis originally was meant to end here but then chapter 431 was released and it talked about Quirk counseling and so I added this extra bit.
In the volume version only chapter 431 we have a last mention of Quirk counseling, which ‘shows us’ a bit how it’s done now.





Uraraka Ochako ‘Masaka senpai-tachi no tsugō ga tsuku to wa‼ Kitto minna yorokobimasu!’ 麗日お茶子「まさか先輩たちの都合がつくとは‼きっと皆喜びます!」 Uraraka Ochako “I never thought my seniors would be able to make it! I'm sure everyone will be happy!”
Tōgata Mirio ‘Ore nankade ī no kana‼’ 通形ミリオ「俺なんかでいいのかな‼」 Tōgata Mirio “I wonder if I am the right person for this?”
Hadō Nejire ‘Nande sonna koto iu no? Fushigi!’ 波動ねじれ「なんでそんな事言うの?ふしぎ!」 Hadō Nejire “Why would you say that? Strange!”
Amajiki Tamaki ‘URAVITY no “kosei” COUNSELING ni kyōryoku dekiru nante kōei da yo.’ 天喰環「ウラビティの"個性"カウンセリングに協力できるなんて光栄だよ。」 Amajiki Tamaki “It's an honor to help Uravity’s ‘quirk’ counseling.”
Uraraka Ochako ‘Kono gakku no jidō no shiryō-me o tōshite moratta to omoundesu kedo nani yori daiji na no wa COMUNICATION desu. Ikken nan no mondai mo nai ko demo nayami o shimaikonderu koto ga ōi desu. Daishō towazu toku ni katei kankyō nanka shotaimen no otona ni hanaseru hito wa ōkunai desu. Demo jikan o kakereba kanarazu SAIN o dashiteru koto ni kidzukeru node shiryō ni tayori sugizu! Meyasu wa ikkagetsu teido desu ga naiyō shidai de zenzen hendō shimasu. Kazu wa ishiki shinaide otomodachi ni naru tsumori de!’ 麗日お茶子「この学区の児童の資料目を通してもらったと思うんですけど何より大事なのはコミュニケーションです。一見何の問題もない子でも悩みをしまい込んでる事が多いです。大小問わず特に家庭環境なんか初対面の大人に話せる人は多くないです。でも時間をかければ必ずサインを出してる事に気付けるので資料に頼りすぎず!目安は一か月程度ですが内容次第で全然変動します。数は意識しないでお友だちになるつもりで!」 Uraraka Ochako “I think you've looked through the materials about the children in this school district, but the most important thing is communication. Even children who appear to have no problems often keep their worries to themselves. Not many people, can talk to adults they meet for the first time, about problems big or small, especially about their home environment. But if you take your time, you'll definitely notice the signs, so don't rely too much on the materials! The guideline is about a month, but it can vary greatly depending on the content. Don't worry about numbers, just try to make friends!”
Amajiki Tamaki ‘Taihen da ne.’ 天喰環「大変だね。」 Amajiki Tamaki “That's tough.”
Uraraka Ochako ‘Zenzen! Jin'in no SUPPORT wa jūbun desu shi minasan sugoku teinei na oshigoto o sarerun desu yo. HAWKS ga monkashō ni kake attari kakusho ni kyōsan o tsumettari shite kurete “kosei” kyōiku no kankyō wa daibu kaizen sarete kiterundesu.’ 麗日お茶子「全然!人員のサポートは十分ですし皆さんすごく丁寧なお仕事をされるんですよ。ホークスが文科省に掛け合ったり各所に協賛を積めったりしてくれて"個性"教育の環境はだいぶ改善されてきてるんです。」 Uraraka Ochako “Not at all! There is enough staff of support and everyone does a very careful job. Hawks has been negotiating with the Ministry of Education and providing support from various places, and the environment for ‘Quirk’ education has improved considerably.”
Amajiki Tamaki ‘Jā ima wa jibun no tame no jikan mo torerunda?’ 天喰環「じゃあ今は自分の為の時間も取れるんだ?」 Amajiki Tamaki “So now you have time for yourself?”
Uraraka Ochako ‘Gimu toka… sekinin toka nai wake ja nai desu kedo ato kara tsuitekita mono desu. Yorokobu kao o miru no ga suki nandesu. Watashi ga yaritaikoto shitemasu. Tsuyu-chan mo hobo zutto TEAM-UP shite kureteru shi tomodachi to mo aeteru shi zenbu jibun no tame no jikan desu yo!’ 麗日お茶子「義務とか…責任とかないわけじゃないですけど後からついてきたものです。喜ぶ顔を見るのが好きなんです。私がやりたい事してます。梅雨ちゃんもほぼずっとチームアップしてくれてるし友だちとも会えてるし全部 自分の為の時間ですよ!」 Uraraka Ochako “It's not that I don't have obligations or responsibilities, but they came after. I like to see people's happy faces. I'm doing what I want to do. Tsuyu-chan has been teaming up with me almost all the time, I've been able to meet up with my friends, and so it's all time just for myself!” [Chap. 431] Now, I’m not 100% sure if the idea is to always involve Pro Heroes or ‘the supporting staff’ can be composed also of ‘not Pro Hero’ people, but we get a general idea of what the people who decide to take part to the project should do. They read the documents about the kids, they’re encouraged to make friends with them, possibly/likely involving them in a game in which they use their Quirk which will allow them to receive what we can call ‘Quirk positivity’. All this in order to help children to open up and talk about their (Quirk related) problems. This last for around a month then, if no problems are detected (or if they are but they’re solved by that time), the people involved move to another school.
Now… maybe it’s just me but this is basically what was done during the ‘remedial course’ arc with the kids from the Masegaki school, only, they’re given documentation about the kids and, instead than lasting one time, it last one month and it involves Pro Heroes, not Heroes in training who might not be interested in interacting with children but are forced to do it if they want their license.
In this sense the whole ‘expansion’ thing of chapter 430 finds it’s explanation. Heroes are expanding their activities (aka also taking part to other activities like Uraraka’s Quirk counseling program) and the Quirk counseling program is being expanded as well as now its scope isn’t anymore to just help children to fit into the standards of normalcy society created but to offer them Quirk positivity and to create a connection so that THE CHILDREN will be willing to talk about their problems with Quirk and with their family.
Storywise it’s a pity the original characters involved in the ‘remedial course’ arc aren’t mentioned as being involved in all this, especially Shouto (who not only had an extremely troublesome Quirk related family situation plus a brother with problems with his Quirk who almost killed himself, was targeted by a Villain, became a Villain and eventually died). Yes, we can picture they are, but, as far as canon is concerned, he isn’t mentioned AT ALL, not even as one of the sources of inspiration for how Uraraka’s project is structured (canon also didn’t show Bakugou or Shouto talking about their remedial course with classmates) but okay, this isn’t really related to Quirk counseling.
Now with all those additional info I can talk a bit of something else aka:
Uraraka’s project is nice and well meaning but it’s also very fairytalesque, in the same way as Hawks claiming that Heroes having free time would be a good thing. It’s all well and good and, since BNHA is a tale, I’m sure it’ll work like a charm and if you want to stop reading here and enjoy such a happy world I’ll understand you.
However if you want to know if this will work in the real world…
In the real world, if the request for Heroes were to decrease because there are less Villains (and having less Villains would surely be a good thing), it wouldn’t mean people would hire the same amount of Heroes and keep on paying them just the same, we would simply have more unemployed Heroes or society would self regulate itself by simply giving out less and less Hero licenses. In short, society would NEVER allow Heroes to have more free time, it would just hire less Heroes or, in the very best case, pay them less. Sure, the problem can be solved with Heroes reinventing their job, for example volunteering to take part to Uraraka’s Quirk counseling project so as not to lose their job and their source of income.
With this though, comes a worsening of the main problem I see in Uraraka’s Quirk counseling project.
There is no mention whatsoever that the people involved are TRAINED to spot (Quirk related) psychological problems. Kids with psychological problems (due to their Quirk and family environment reacting badly to their Quirk) aren’t necessarily always showing a villainous behavior or a transgressive behavior (which is what Heroes are trained to spot), they can be acting as ordinary well behaving kids, or be meek or be people pleasers or vivacious but apparently harmless kids.
While it’s true that elementary school kids are generally more direct in their actions and reactions, some of them could have already mastered the fine art of hiding/masking things for fear of repercussions or due to them being educated to lie about certain things or even being made believe in such lies so they don’t even know they’re lying anymore.
Quirks, it’s worth to mention, don’t necessarily manifest at 4, they can manifest as early as their childbirth (see the luminescent baby or AFO himself), and sometimes a child can be born in a house where the ‘Quirk problems’ are caused by the parents’ expectations (think at how Enji wanted his children to have a certain Quirk and inherit his place). In short they might have been forced BY BIRTH to interact with ‘unpleasant’ situations and might have also been forced to learn to cover them up.
Fuyumi for example, lived in a toxic environment but, likely, masked that up well. Himiko took longer at learning to mask it up well, but her Quirk manifested when she was areound 3 or 4 and gave her a really strong instinct, for which she was left with zero family support (actually her parents’ reaction is completely out of proportion, kids at that age do plenty of stupid and gross things and then can grow up perfectly normal provided they’ve normal parents to guide them, there was totally no need to beat Himiko up and panic like that) and yet she learnt to mask it perfectly by the time she was in middle school, possibly even sooner as the journalists couldn’t find early signs and they likely searched for them like starved piranha.
In truth even professionals might miss the signs or might approach children in the wrong manner, causing more troubles than good because it’s a HARD job… so the idea that if completely untrained adult people who just read some data about the children (which might have been written by who already missed the signs or is misinformed about the real situation of the children) were to make friends with them, they would surely get them to open up or would surely notice signs that something is wrong and act in the appropriate manner to fix it is… well… very naïve.
It’s well meaning and it can surely help in some cases but, unless Japan had a REALLY ABNORMAL PROBLEM so that the TINIEST help would make a BIG difference, don’t expect the big change the press is talking about… especially if Heroes who have no more Villains to capture and zero interest in helping kids will be ‘forced’ to join the program so as not to become unemployed.
On the other side the lack of psychological preparation in people can be very well explained with how there’s a strong stigma in Japan regarding psychological problems.
The reason why real life normal counseling is often not used in Japan is because Japanese people don’t want to talk with a Clinical Psychologist (as said before now that’s the specialization a counselor needs to have) so Horikoshi’s ‘hey, but those people are normal, well meaning people, possibly even Heroes kids admire, not psychologists so talking to them doesn’t mean you’ve psychological problems so you can totally open up with them safely’ is meant to address this fear and, of course, it’s better to talk to an untrained person than not to talk at all so in this vein, this could be seen as an ‘improvement’.
I don’t know but I guess this is now really all we have about Quirk counseling.
Said all this, which is likely still an incomplete overview, I hope my ramblings will help people to understand Quirk counseling better. If not, I apologize.
#boku no hero academia#bnha meta#mha meta#bnha spoilers#Toga Himiko#bnha observations#bnha ramblings#Uraraka Ochako#Kayama Nemuri#Ikoma Komari#Kizuki Chitose#Iguchi Shuuichi#Shouji Mezou#Shigaraki Tomura
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まず、「ふつう」と言われそうな人生を見ていきましょう。 中学校卒業時点の1000人のうち、全日制・定時制の高校を3年で卒業したのは896人です。4年制大学に現役進学したのは413人で、そのうち4年で卒業したのは331人。すぐに正規雇用されたのは240人で、そこから3年以内に離職しなかったのは163人でした。
(「ふつう」の人生を想像する | 松岡亮二「『凡庸な教育格差社会』で」 | せかいしそうから)
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MHA Chapter 428 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.

1 中継で、AFOとの戦いを見て… ちゅうけいで、オール・フォー・ワンとのたたかいをみて… chuukei de, OORU FOO WAN to no tatakai wo mite... "On the live broadcast, watching the battle with All For One..."
2 私は体育祭から轟先輩が… わたしはたいいくさいからとどろきせんぱいが… watashi wa taiikusai kara Todoroki-senpai ga... "For me, ever since the sports festival Todoroki-senpai was..."
3 俺も…!指針になったんです! おれも…!ししんになったんです! ore mo...! shishin ni nattandesu! "Me too...! It became my compass!"
4 私も わたしも watashi mo "Me too."
5 僕も…! ぼくも…! boku mo...! "Me too...!"
tagline 1 新1年に囲まれて… しん1ねんにかこまれて… shin-1nen ni kakomarete... Surrounded by the new first years...
6 憧れるのはいいが彼らも人間だ集団で追い回されたら驚いてしまうよ! あこがれるのはいいがかれらもにんげんだしゅうだんでおいまわされたらおどろいてしまうよ! akogareru no wa ii ga karera mo ningen da shuudan de oimawasaretara odoroite shimau yo! "It's okay to admire them, but they are also humans, and if they're chased by a big group it will take them by surprise!"
7 一人一人となら話せるんだが ひとりひとりとならはなせるんだが hitori hitori nara hanaserunda ga "But I can talk to you if it's one by one."
8 轟くんが対話をほっぽり出すなんて余程だ とどろきくんがたいわをほっぽりだすなんてよほどだ Todoroki-kun ga taiwa wo hopporidasu nante yohodo da "Todoroki-kun throwing out conversation would be reasonable."
9 廊下を走ってたぜ廊下をよォ‼︎委員長‼︎ ろうかをはしってたぜろうかをよォ‼︎いいんちょう‼︎ rouka wo hasshiteta ze rouka wo yoO!! iinchou!! "They were running in the hallway! In the hallway!! Class rep!!"
10 うむ規律は守らねばならない! うむきりつはまもらねばならない! umu kiritsu wa mamoraneba naranai! "Hmm, you must abide by the rules!"
tagline 2 No.428 笑顔が好きな女の子 堀越耕平 ナンバー428 えがおがすきなおんなのこ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 428 egao no suki na onna no ko Horikoshi Kouhei No. 428 The Girl Who Loves Smiles Kouhei Horikoshi
11 後遺症もある!安静にさせてやってくれ! こういしょうもある!あんせいにさせてやってくれ! kouishou mo aru! ansei ni sasete yatte kure! "There's also the aftereffects! Please do them the favor of letting them rest!" (Note: I assume by aftereffects Iida means the trauma but who knows, maybe he means Katsuki's medical condition. Yes this line is updated.)
12 ご…ごめんなさいなんてことを!… go...gomen nasai nante koto wo! ... "I'm...so sorry, for such a thing! ..."
13 お見かけしてつい…‼︎ おみかけしてつい…‼︎ omikake shite tsui...!! "It's just we happened to see them...!!"
14 爆豪ってワーキャーされるの好きだと思ってたけど ばくごうってワーキャーされるのすきだとおもってたけど Bakugou tte WAAKYAA saseru no suki da to omotteta kedo "But I thought Bakugou liked being oohed and aahed over."
15 数が多過ぎてさすがに困惑してるな かずがおおすぎてさすがにこんわくしてるな kazu ga oo sugite sasuga ni konwaku shiteru na "There are too many of them, anyone would be flustered."

1 いいなァ‼︎ ii naA!! "Seems nice!!"
2 昔からかっちゃんわりと女性に距離置かれてたから慣れてないのかも むかしからかっちゃんわりとじょせいにきょうおかれてたからなれてないのかも mukashi kara Kacchan wari to josei ni kyou okareteta kara naretenai no kamo "For a long time, Kacchan was relatively kept at a distance by girls, so maybe he's not used to it."
small text 僕幼なじみなんだ ぼくおさななじみなんだ boku osananajimi nanda "I'm his childhood friend, [that's why I know.]"
3 へー意外 へーいがい HEE igai "Eh? That's unexpected."
4 意外じゃねェだろクソが いがいじゃねェだろクソが igai ja neE daro KUSO ga "It's not unexpected, damnit."
5 活躍は認めるが… かつやくはみとめるが… katsuyaku wa mitomeru ga... "I acknowledge his service contributions, but..."
6 ヤンキーがモテるのは認められん ヤンキーがモテるのはみとめられん YANKII ga MOTEru no wa mitomeraren "I can't acknowledge that a Yankee* is popular." (*Note: "Yankee" in this context refers to a type of delinquent subculture that Katsuki's character directly takes after.)
7 とっとと去ねや‼︎ とっとといねや‼︎ tottoto ine ya!! "Hurry up and leave!!"
8 ひ!本当に失礼しました! ひ!ほんとうにしつれいしました! hi! hontou ni shitsurei shimashita! "Eek! We're really sorry*!" (*Note: Literally, this phrase means "We were really rude.")
9 確かに意外じゃなかった たしかにいがいじゃなかった tashika ni igai ja nakatta "That was certainly not unexpected."
10 あ!あの! a! ano! "Ah! Um!"
11 緑谷先輩‼︎ みどりやせんぱい‼︎ Midoriya-senpai!! "Midoriya-senpai!!"
12 あの! ano! "Um!"
13-14 見てました みてました mitemashita "I was watching you."
15 マジで勇気もらいました! マジでゆうきもらいました! MAJI de yuuki moraimashita! "It really gave me courage!"
16 自分もなんかしなきゃ!って じぶんもなんかしなきゃ!って jibun mo nanka shinakya! tte "[I thought] I have to do something, too!"
17 ほんと…!思ったんです! ほんと…!おもったんです! honto...! omottandesu! "Really...! That's what I thought!"
18 あの… ano... "Um..."
19 ありがとうございました! arigatou gozaimashita! "Thank you very much!"
20 失礼します! しつれいします! shitsurei shimasu! "I'll take my leave now*!" (*Note: This phrase means a lot of things. Again, it literally means "I will be rude," but in this case it's something someone says before taking their leave.)

1 えと…いやあ… eto...iyaa... "Uh...thanks..."
2 ……この痛みはーーー… ……このいたみはーーー… ......kono itami wa---... ......This pain---...
3 緑谷と轟はいい…‼︎ みどりやととどろきはいい…‼︎ Midoriya to Todoroki wa ii...!! "It's fine for Midoriya and Todoroki...!!"
4 オイラはヤンキーがモテる事を認められない オイラはヤンキーがモテることをみとめられない OIRA wa YANKII ga MOTEru koto wo mitomerarenai "I can't accept that a Yankee is popular."
5 魂がそうなっている たましいがそうなっている tamashii ga sou natte iru "That's what's happening in my soul."
6 まア maA "Well,"
7 戦いがでかすぎたよ たたかいがでかすぎたよ tatakai ga deka sugita yo "the battle was too big."
8 んでその中心にいたんだ んでそのちゅうしんにいたんだ nde sono chuushin ni itanda "They were at the heart of it all."
9 無理ねえよ むりねえよ muri nee yo "It was impossible."
10 (sound effect) ズキン… ZUKIN... Throb... (Note: This sound can indicate the throbbing or stinging of a physical or mental pain.)

1 職員室 しょくいんしつ shokuin-shitsu Staff Room
2 また2ーA取材交渉 また2ーエーしゅざいこうしょう mata 2-EE shuzai koushou "Again with the 2-A interview negotiations."
3 Noで ノーで NOO de "Give them a no."
4 受ケタイ奴モイルンジャナイカ? うケタイやつモイルンジャナイカ? uKETAI yatsu MO IRUNJA NAI KA? "Isn't there someone who wants to take it?"
5 峰田トカ みねたトカ Mineta TOKA "Such as Mineta."
6 そうじゃない奴もいるんで そうじゃないやつもいるんで sou ja nai yatsu mo irunde "There are also some who aren't like that."
7 そっち優先です そっちゆうせんです socchi yuusen desu "They are the priority."
8 じゃ 今日はここの復旧再建だ じゃ きょうはここのふっきゅうさいけんだ ja kyou wa koko no fukkyuu saiken da "So, today the restoration and reconstruction will be here."
9 お!A組やないか! お!エーぐみやないか! o! EE-gumi ya nai ka! "Oh! If it isn't Class A!"

1 ��ァット‼︎お願いします‼︎ ファット‼︎おねがいします‼︎ FATTO!! onegai shimasu!! "Fat!! Please [have us]*!!" (*Note: This is a standard greeting that translates literally to "please do me this favor" that is used when someone is about to work together with someone else on something, sort of like "If you please" in English.)
2 おうよ ou yo "Sure!"
3 サンイーターももうサイドキックやっとるで! SANIITAA mo mou SAIDOKIKKU yattoru de! "I also hired Suneater as a sidekick!"
4 君らはあっちを きみらはあっちを kimira wa acchi wo "You all [will handle] over there."
5 金属類はこちらへ きんぞくるいはこちらへ kinzoku-rui wa kochira e "Put various metals here."
6 っし! sshi! "Okay!"
7 まず聖地だ まずせいちだ mazu seichi da "First, the holy site."
8 ん! n! "Yeah!"
9 相当なダメージデニムだろ そうとうなダメージデニムだろ soutou na DAMEEJI DENIMU daro "Aren't you equivalent to distressed denim?"
10 おとなしく休んでいればいいものを…まったく おとなしくやすんでいればいいものを…まったく otonashiku yasunde ireba ii mono wo...mattaku "It's okay if you just rest quietly...jeez."
11 軽作業かっちゃん けいさぎょうかっちゃん keisagyou Kacchan Light-duty work Kacchan
12 やっぱそのままなんスか yappa sono mama nanSU ka "So you really are still in that state, huh."
13 気にするな徐々に回復している きにするなじょじょにかいふくしている ki ni suruna jojo ni kaifuku shite iru "Don't worry, I'm gradually recovering."
small text 手ができた てができた te ga dekita "I can make hands."

1 元には…戻るんスか? もとには…もどるんスか? moto ni wa...modorunSU ka? "Will you...go back to the way you were?"
2 俺は元より全部獲りに行ったつもりだ! おれはもとよりぜんぶとりにいったつもりだ! ore wa moto yori zenbu tori ni itta tsumori da! "I plan to attain something greater than what I was originally!"
3 おーい君たち おーいきみたち ooi kimi-tachi "Hey, all of you!"
4 これお昼 これおひる kore ohiru "Here's lunch."
5 うわぁーおにぎり‼︎ uwaaa onigiri!! "Wow, onigiri!!"
6 いいんですか!⁉︎ iindesu ka!!? "Is it [really] all right!!?" (Note: This is an expression of politeness, like "Is it really okay for us to eat this?")

1 ウチの土地は今回の戦いでふっとんじゃまったがーーーーー ウチのとちはこんかいのたたかいでふっとんじゃまったがーーーーー UCHI no tochi wa konkai no tatakai de futtonja matta ga----- "Our land was was all of a sudden done in by the battle this time-----"
2 全部取り戻します ぜんぶとりもどします zenbu torimodoshimasu We'll bring it all back.
3 ごめんなさい gomen nasai "I'm sorry."
4 いや!責めるつもりで言ったんじゃねぇワリィ いや!せめるつもりでいったんじゃねぇワリィ iya! semeru tsumori de ittanja nee WARII "Oh no! I didn't say that with the intention of blaming you. My bad."
5 君たちの頑張ってる姿を見たら俺たちもクヨクヨしてらんねーって思ったんだ きみたちのがんばってるすがたをみたらおれたちもクヨクヨしてらんねーっておもったんだ kimi-tachi no ganbatteru sugata wo mitara ore-tachi mo KUYOKUYO shiterun nee tte omottanda "When we saw how you all were doing your best, we also thought 'We can't mope.'"
6 任せっきりじゃなく自分たちでまたいくらでもつくりなおすさ まかせっきりじゃなくじぶんたちでまたいくらでもつくりなおすさ makasekkiri ja naku jibun-tachi de mata ikura demo tsukurinaosu sa "We can't leave everything to you forever. We'll rebuild however many times it takes."
7 いやあこんな飯まで戴いたんだ いやあこんなめし��でいただいたんだ iyaa konna meshi made itadaitanda "Wow, and we got all this food!"
8 今日中に片そうぜ‼︎ きょうじゅうにかたそうぜ‼︎ kyou-juu ni katasou ze!! "Let's clean up everything today!!"
9 それはさすがに人手が足りんわ それはさすがにひとでがたりんわ sore wa sasuga ni hitode ga tarin wa "That's because we don't have enough helping hands."
10 ん? n? "Hm?"
11 何だァ予定にないハズだ なんだァよていにないハズだ nandaA yotei ni nai HAZU da "What's this? This definitely wasn't the plan."
12 すみませんイレイザーヘッド sumimasen IREIZAA HEDDO "Sorry, Eraser Head."

1 ウチのがどうしてもお詫びをと ウチのがどうしてもおわびをと UCHI no ga doushitemo owabi wo to "My [class] really wants to apologize..."
2 先程は失礼致しました さきほどはしつれいいたしました saki hodo wa shitsurei itashimashita "We apologize for our rudeness earlier."
3 皆さんの事情も配慮せず みなさんのじじょうもはいりょせず mina-san no jijou mo hairyo sezu "We didn't even consider everyone's circumstances."
4 マジですげえな一年…‼︎ マジですげえないちねん…‼︎ MAJI de sugee na ichinen...!! "The first years are really amazing...!!"
5 なんでつれてきた nande tsurete kita "Why did you bring them?"
6 詫び圧が凄くて わびあつがすごくて wabiatsu ga sugokute "The pressure to apologize was immense."
7 皆の為に戦った先輩たちのように みんなのためにたたかったせんぱいたちのように minna no tame ni tatakatta senpai-tachi no you ni "Like our upperclassmen* who fought for everyone's sakes," (*Note: It's "senpai.")
8 俺たちも先輩たちの力になりたい‼︎ おれたちもせんぱいたちのちからになりたい‼︎ ore-tachi mo senpai-tachi no chikara ni naritai!! "we also want to be helpful to our upperclassmen*!!" (*Note: Still "senpai.")
9 仮免どころか入学間もないですが かりめんどころかにゅうがくまもないですが karimen dokoro ka nyuugaku-ma mo nai desu ga "We haven't been inducted into school* let alone received our provisional licenses yet." (*Note: In Japan there is a concept of "entering school" called nyuugaku which is basically the opposite of graduation. It's an induction or welcoming ceremony.)
10 やれる事やらせて下さい‼︎ やれることやらせてください‼︎ yareru koto yarasete kudasai!! "Please let us do what we can!!"
11 2年生の邪魔になるから隅で軽作業ね 2ねんせいのじゃまになるからすみでけいさぎょうね 2nensei no jama ni naru kara sumi de keisagyou ne "So that you don't become disturbances for the second-years, please do light-duty work in the corner."
12 ハイ‼︎ HAI!! "Yessir!!"
13 後輩ってこんな未知の生物だっけ こうはいってこんなみちのせいぶつだっけ kouhai tte konna michi no seibutsu dakke "The underclassmen are such unknown creatures." (*Note: This word is "kouhai.")
14 飯こんなに用意してないんだけど めしこんなによういしてないんだけど meshi konna ni youi shite nainda kedo "We didn't prepare food for this many though."
15 食べてきました! たべてきました! tabete kimashita! "We ate and then came [here]!"

1 なんかよくわからんが……… nan ka yoku wakaran ga......... "I don't really understand, but........."
2 こんな感じで頑張りが数珠つなぎになっていくんだな こんなかんじでがんばりがじゅずつなぎになっていくんだな konna kanji de ganbari ga juzu tsunagi ni natte ikunda na "it's like this that hard work links people together*, huh." (*Note: This idiom literally reads as, "string together like rosary beads.")
3 ……お茶子ちゃん… ……おちゃこちゃん… ......Ochako-chan... "......Ochako-chan..."
4 うんーー un-- "Yeah--"
5 …少しずつだけど …すこしずつだけど ...sukoshi zutsu dakedo "...It's little by little, but"
6 前向きになってるようで まえむきになってるようで maemuki ni natteru you de "looks like things are looking forward."
7 良かったなって よかったなって yokatta natte "That makes me glad."

1 そんだけ! son dake! "That's all!"
2 ごめんね!梅雨ちゃんデクくん何食べてる? ごめんね!つゆちゃんデクくんなにたべてる? gomen ne! Tsuyu-chan DEKU-kun nani tabeteru? "Sorry! Tsuyu-chan, Deku-kun, what are you eating?"
3 高菜⁉︎ 私も高菜がいい たかな⁉︎ わたしもたかながいい takana!? watashi mo takana ga ii "Takana*? I also like takana." (*Note: Takana is a type of Japanese mustard greens vegetable.)
4 高菜と梅干しこそ至高‼︎ たかなとうめぼしこそしこう‼︎ takana to umeboshi koso shikou!! "Takana and umeboshi* especially are supreme!!" (*Note: A pickled plum condiment.)
small text おめぐみや omegumi ya "Such a blessing."
5 (sound effect) ズキン… ZUKIN... Throb...

1 PM 7:00 ピーエム7:00 PIIEMU 7:00 7:00PM
2 寮制は緩和され りょうせいはかんわされ ryousei wa kanwa sare The dormitory system was relaxed.
3 自宅へ帰る事も選べるようになった じたくへかえることもえらべるようになった jitaku e kaeru koto mo eraberu you ni natta Now we can choose to return home, too.
4 麗日一旦家帰るって うららかいったんいえかえるって Uraraka ittan ie kaeru tte Uraraka said she'd go home for the moment.
5 お茶子ちゃん… おちゃこちゃん… Ochako-chan... "Ochako-chan..."
6 既読がつかないの きどくがつかないの kidoku ga tsukanai no "It won't show that she read [my text.]"

1 ああ!!!くそお!!! aa!!! kusoo!!! "Ahh!!! Shit!!!"
2 何⁉︎ なに⁉︎ nani!? "What!?"
3 しくった! shikutta! "It screwed up!"
4 急にヘリ出せなんて言うから…‼︎ きゅうにヘリだせなんていうから…‼︎ kyuu ni HERI dase nante iu kara...!! "It's because they suddenly told me to go out on a helicopter...!!"
5 カメラのバッテリーが KAMERA no BATTERII ga "The camera battery"
6 切れた‼︎ きれた‼︎ kireta!! "died!!"
7 あの日 あのひ ano hi That day
8 私たちの結末は わたしたちのけつまつは watashi-tachi no ketsumatsu wa our conclusion
9 カメラには映らなかった カメラにはうつらなかった KAMERA ni wa utsuranakatta wasn't shown on camera.

1 もう街並みが元通りだ もうまちなみがもとどおりだ mou machinami ga motodoori da The cityscape is already back to normal.
2 少しずつだけど前向きになってるようで すこしずつだけどまえむきになってるようで sukoshi zutsu dakedo maemuki ni natteru you de It seems like things are moving forward little by little.
3 良かったなって よかったなって yokatta natte That makes me glad.
4 事態が良くならないあの日からまるで日が沈むにつれて影が伸びていくような じたいがよくならないあのひからまるでひがしずむにつれてかげがのびていくような jitai ga yoku naranai ano hi kara maru de hi ga shizumu ni tsurete kage ga nobite iku you na Ever since that day when the situation didn't get better, it seems like, as the sun sets, the shadows go and grow longer.
5 これまでと違って本当に終わったんだ これまでとちがってほんとうにおわったんだ kore made to chigatte hontou ni owattanda Unlike before, now it's really over.
6 決着がついた けっちゃくがついた kecchaku ga tsuita The conclusion has arrived.
7 良かったんだ よかったんだ yokattanda It was good.
8 明るく前向きに取り戻していく時だもん あかるくまえむきにとりもどしていくときだもん akaruku maemuki ni torimodoshite iku toki da mon It's time to get back to being bright and positive*. (*Note: The grammar pattern here notes a sense of disatisfaction with what was said, like "but I don't like this.")
9 私は皆が笑ってるのが好き わたしはみんながわらってるのがすき watashi wa minna ga waratteru no ga suki I love when everyone smiles.
10 水を差したくない みずをさしたくない mizu wo sashitakunai I don't want to put a damper on things.

1 だから dakara That's why
2-3 ずうっと痛むこの傷もしまっておくんだ ずうっといたむこのきずもしまっておくんだ zuutto itamu kono kizu mo I'll put away even this wound that hurts all the time.
4 うぐっ ugu "Ngh."

1 うぅ uu "Uu" (Note: These are sound effects for grunting and sobbing.)
2 うぐ… ugu... "ngh..."
3 麗日さん うららかさん Uraraka-san "Uraraka-san."
tagline 少女が秘めた想いデクはーー… しょうじょがひめたおもいデクはーー… shoujo ga himeta omoi DEKU wa--... The girl's hidden feelings, and as for Deku--...
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 428#bnha 428#my hero academia manga spoilers#epilogue arc spoilers#there have at it
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February 13, 2024
My dog, "NICO" celebrated 1th birthday :-)
I always wish her health and happiness.
And dear Tumblr's friends,
Nico is always grateful for your kind messages and daily support🐶❤️
#photography#dog portrait#my dog nico#my dog hug#puppy#jack russell terrier#love song#Vanessa Paradis
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