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electricsoul-rpg · 9 months ago
Netflix's 3 Body Problem
I tried watching Netflix’s American adaptation of Three Body problem. I watched five episodes and boy, is it painful.
(Full disclaimer: I really liked the Chinese adaptation by Tencent, I read the book after I watched the drama, and I am a European of Chinese descent, so I am definitely biased.)
The general whitewashing and westernization of the story is already pretty bad. Why take a Chinese story if you’re going to make it so blandly American?
Everyone is horny and thinks about sex, relationships based on ideals are reduced to attraction and sex. Everyone is so vulgar and crass. IQ seems very low.
Ye Wenjie. What did they do to Ye Wenjie. She’s a brainless horny fanatic woman now. And Shen Yufei is replaced by a generic unhinged lady. All the scientists seem supremely dumb.
White characters explain or emphasize things in Chinese, for Chinese people, when their Mandarin is bad. Not gibberish bad, but still pretty bad. Please just use English, your white actors clearly can’t speak Chinese. Your Chinese characters can understand and speak English. Don’t hurt our ears like this. It might be cool and exotic for the average Western audience who doesn't understand Mandarin but it’s cringe and painful for us.
A small thing but since I lost my father a few months ago, it struck me pretty hard. What was that altar in Clarence Shi’s house? Just two big pricey candles and one stick of incense? This is so cold and lifeless. Where is the FOOD??? The drinks??? The flowers/plants??? You're calling your wife and you're leaving her starving and depressed!
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(For info, a normal small home ancestor altar should look more like this. As you can see : FOOD. Take care of your ancestors!)
The cast and setting is supposed to make this adaptation more "international"...but two British dudes decide everything when, in the novel and the Chinese adaptation, it is truly an international decision and an example of global cooperation. Five Oxford alumni of different skin color does not make this more international!
And so so so so many more things that are wrong. I feel like there is not a single Chinese brain cell in this.
All in all, I did not expect anything good, but I am still disappointed. It is so bland. No build-up. No mystery. No menace. No ambiance. Nothing. Everything is said straight to your face. They must think the audience is stupid, I guess.
Watch the Chinese adaptation
Did you like the ideas behind the Three Body Problem, either the book or the Netflix series? Are you ok with reading subtitles and watching something not in your language? Are you ok with seeing something set in another culture, with another culture's codes, not simplified and westernized for your sake? Are you ok with not being able to binge-watch it in one weekend? Are you ok with more complex characters, a slower-paced plot? Then try the Chinese adaptation. It's on Youtube and Viki, with subtitles. Legal and free.
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stan-rabelais-et-diderot · 9 months ago
Small thoughts on the Netflix Three Body Problem adaptation
1) We are making it international" they said. They replaced all the international collaboration, the counsel of world leaders that we see throughout the books with... two British dudes deciding everything by themselves, not accountable to anyone. They managed to make it less international than the book. But more than that, they perverted the very themes Liu Cixin wove into his books, the very ideas the books revolve on: group mentality & collaboration versus the individual, banal or exceptional. The Netflix show removed the very notion of collective, of group mentality, without which there is nothing to contrast individuality against.
2) They made Ye Wenjie an unrecognizable shell of herself. Her back is not held up straight. An old Ye Wenjie, cursing, sloushing, moving to England. Is it really Ye Wenjie? It bothers me so much that they could get away with saying this is Ye Wenjie. This is not her.
3) They "simplified" the science to a point where nothing is explained, nothing can survive through any kind of analysis of the logic of the things shown & the actions taken. Just one example, because I’ve seen the headset being praised for looking “cool”. It’s not cool if it’s at the expense of a logical plot. The futurist headsets we are shown imply that either 1° the Trisolarians are able to send sizable physical objects [which they physically can't, the limit to what they could send through space is clearly explained, it is the two protons they did send Earth] or 2° the Trisolarians shared schematics of advanced technology with the ETO, letting them to develop the headsets. But that is the one thing the Trisolarians would never do, as their entire plan rely on humans’ technology not being able to develop any further than it already has.
4) I thought it was gonna be lesser than the Tencent show. I didn't expect it to be so utterly lacking on all front. If there was one point of worthy comparison, one point where I expected Netflix to do a good job, if only to show they had a bigger budget, it was “the” boat scene. Tencent spent 25% of their budget on that scene, so I expected Netflix would try to make their boat scene more spectacular, better on a technical level, to show that the US special effects are undefeated or something. I would have never expected that they wouldn’t even try to compete. That scene happened in the episode 5 of the Netflix show & it’s underwhelming. It has no gravitas, but of course it can’t have any gravitas, it’s not the culmination of the collaboration of humans across the globe, demonstrating that they can fight back & achieve greatness when they are united, of course it can’t be the same when it’s just 10 British people working in isolation. They didn’t just do something underwhelming on a technical level, they did something underwhelming on a narrative level. Just like the scene with the insects, the culmination of the Tencent show had no weigh & no impact when done by Netflix.
5) The misguided belief that somehow an American show could show Chinese history (the cultural revolution) to an international audience better & with more accuracy than a Chinese show to a Chinese audience because of the censorship in China is laughable. An international audience would need more context to understand a historical time that they or their parents didn’t live through, but that’s not what Netflix did. What they showed was mildly violent & shocking to be sure, but not very accurate to the content of the book. They cut out a lot of plot, but they could have done that, simplified it without stripping it of context or changing the story so much it resonates wrong. I'll just give small examples:
on the stage when they condemn Ye Wenjie's father (with microphones in front of a huge audience???) they keep saying "lies", which makes no sense, that's not the logic, the charge is propagating western propaganda, upholding western values & a capitalist way of thinking, not lying (see the end of page note on that point).
they call Ye Wenjie comrade during her time at the Red Coast (in the book [& in the Tencent show] her status as a political dissident & therefore NOT a comrade is emphasized, stated explicitly. If you don't understand the social implication, let's simplify & say that being a comrade is like being a citizen, not a comrade, not part of the group, not trusted).
Netflix Ye Wenjie unironically says: "how awesome would it be if China was the first [country to make contact with aliens]". She says it, mind you, not in front of the political commissioner because she is asking for something & need to butter him up, no, she is just enthusiastically patriotic? She is shown to be enthousiastically patriotic toward China & LATER she sells out the planets to the Trisolarians.
The inconsistencies are not only baffling deviations from the source materials that display a complete lack of comprehension of Ye Wenjie as a character, as well as an astonishing disregard for the accuracy of the ideology of (Mao-area) communism & the history of Maoist China. They didn't show a lot of content, so they could have easily avoided making such basis mistakes.
What really pisses me off is that I keep seeing press pieces saying that the Netflix version “doesn’t shy away from showing”, “won't censor” the part of the story taking place during the Cultural Revolution, sometimes outright saying it as a reason to watch the Netflix version over the Tencent one, implying to the readers the Tencent version is heavily censored, when in reality the Tencent version spend a lot more time than on it than the Netflix one, showing how bad it was, in an accurate way, very close to the content of the book. The political rhetoric fallacies, the bureaucracy, the hypocrisy, how miserable everything is, is shown very well.
[Disclaimer, I'm not Chinese, it's not my culture, it’s not the country I live in. But in France there are Maoists, so I’ve learned just enough about the history of Mao & the Cultural Revolution to hold very negative views about it. In reverse, in a very racist, sinophobic way, many Westerners think Chinese people can’t think for themselves if they don’t hate every single thing about China & they lump in the country, the people & the Xi Jinping administration. It’s absurd to ask other people to hate their country, to have no pride in anything from their country. What hypocrisy, in every country, nationalism is taught to us from the time we first attend school. Patriotism is a requirement, it’s ingrained, internalized in all of us. We can be critical of our country’s history, of our government, or many things & still find pride & love for some things. I know that’s the way I feel about France.]
Censorship does exist in China, it’s exist materially in a way that differs from the Hays Code in the US in both the scope of its autority & its function. It is enacted by a governement agency called the NRTA & everything that airs on tv has to be clear by the NRTA first. A clear guideline is not provided, we know what passed it, creators know what didn’t, so to a lesser extent we know what doesn’t passes NRTA censorship: graphic violence, nudity, sex, ghosts (or BL since 2021...) et caetera. It would be dishonest to pretend that the topic of Cultural Revolution is a taboo that cannot be spoken about, as if the current administration has a positive view on it & would therefore not allow it to be criticized. What is censored (as far as we know, what is different from the book) in the Tencent show is the opening scene, a very graphic violent scene. That’s it. It’s censored, probably more for the violence than anything else. Some people find it disappointing, but the symbolic meaning of that violence in not hidden in the narrative & the event are instead visually & auditory implied in a short flashback at the end of one episode.
NB) In the opening scene of the Netflix show (the same one that was cut on Tencent), the political tribunal has someone accusing: "Lies, all lies!". But lying is not a political charge. It sounds ridiculous. They just had to follow the book, they didn’t have to understand communism, but no, they had to come up with things themselves... My best guess it that the creators didn’t realized that "lying is bad" is a cultural value that is not universal.
I don't know if "lying" is a big deal in China, but I know it's not a big deal in my culture & in a Marxist/communist political context, lying is just not "a thing". They are a lot of charges you can get in a political tribunal:
-individualist behavior,
-liberalism/imperialistic thinking,
- lack of self-criticism (Maoism famously has the three principles, one of which being the practice of self-criticism so you/we can do better).
-deceiving the masses with xx propaganda [so they don't revolt when they would if they knew the truth], that’s as close to lying is a political charge can get,
-aspiring to bourgeois comfort [that can mean profiting of other people's labor, not doing enough or not wanting to sacrifice your life for the cause],
- treason & of course
- being counterrevolutionary / working against the revolution, are the two big ones !
Can you see what is not on that list ? Lying is not on that list.
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sinoeurovoices · 5 months ago
莫言與毛星火:本是同根生、相煎何太急? 毛粉毛星火起訴莫言一事鬧得沸沸揚揚。毛星火的論據主要來自莫言的小說《紅高粱家族》,他認為莫言的小說「涉嫌污衊英烈」、「涉嫌美化日本侵略者」,應當予以查禁。 毛星火原名吳萬爭,因為崇拜毛,改毛姓,且以毛的文章《星星之火可以燎原》為名。他是一名頗有戰鬥力的紅衛兵,但這次卻是大水沖倒龍王廟,自家人打了自家人。毛星火大概忘了一個重要事實:莫言跟他一樣,是毛澤東的好學生,擁有比他更老資格的毛粉的光榮履���。 二零一一年十一月,莫言為當時在重慶掀起「唱紅打黑」運動、欲以此問鼎中樞的薄熙來背書,寫了一首<打油詩贈重慶文友>:「唱紅打黑聲勢隆,舉國翹首望重慶。……中流砥柱君子格,丹崖如火照嘉陵。」跪舔腳丫,醜態百出。薄熙來倒台後,莫言再也不好意思公開展示這首詩,也沒有將其收入文集。 二零一二年四月,莫言在接受英國文學雜誌《格蘭塔》訪問時說,中國的言論審查有利…
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light-wisdom · 11 months ago
三位一體,不能簡單的理解為一個神三個名字。 聖靈無形無相,無處不在,充滿宇宙,不能論個。 父神創造萬物,也是無處不在,他體現在萬物當中,也不能論個。 耶穌的血肉之軀也是從瑪麗亞所生,也是有生有滅的,有生就有滅。
那些升入天國的人,他們為什麼能夠得到永生呢? 就是因為他們清除了罪性,才能夠和主基督與父神在天國在一起。 既然人類可以得到永生,說明他們這些人是可以和耶穌一樣的。
第一,不管是哪個宗教,哪個派別,只要信主,信上帝; 第二,相信輪迴,去惡行善,懺罪悔改; 這樣的人都是我們的弟兄姊妹,這樣的教派都是和我們志同道合的教派。我們要聯合起來,團結起來,傳播真理。 我們不僅要自己信,如果你覺得講得有道理,要傳播給更多的人。傳福音不僅是牧師的工作,是我們每一個信徒的責任。這也是升入天國時,主最看中的一個方面。
查經學習小組Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HElK31FQalL6lMScjY9MM9 郵箱:[email protected] 網站:www.wiselight.org
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cny2023 · 2 years ago
可能可以語音,聊淫慾騷的事情 可能可以視訊,看鹹濕色的畫面
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付費享受,帶質保。 有需要的可以了解一下。
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plwongm · 14 days ago
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artlife-efficacy · 4 months ago
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最簡單的方式,從市面上各種常見的繪圖軟體操作上,就能清楚看見任何物體的立體構圖,都是以點、線、面、體,所構成的 其他圖是我從網路上參考其他作者的意識圖 點為一點,兩點一線,三點一個三角面,四點一個錐體
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tanghouse · 5 months ago
「我有媽媽手,適合整復嗎?」 「我的腰痠已經好久了,整復有用嗎?」
No no no~整復的概念其實是很溫柔的,最核心的原則就是讓身體回復到原本應該在的位置。痠痛會發生大部分就是因為不當���姿勢或是動作,��骨頭移動到了不對的位置,而身體為了維持日常的運作,肌肉只能更加努力工作,最後就發炎了,而緊繃的肌肉,又會進一步牽制住骨頭,變成一種惡性循環。
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haylei-w · 6 months ago
VENTUNO滿點吐息-日本九州大學共同研發從體內根本調理的保養好物,優酪乳口味順口好吃,天天吃維持好口氣~健康保養/營養補給/保健補劑/日本原裝進口/藍子愛保養 本文網址 https://haylei.info/?p=36025 人類是群聚動物,不論智商再高,都無法完全不接觸人群,無法不傾訴自己的思想,因此,人與人之間的交流顯得格外重要! 然而,面對面交流有時也會遇到一點尷尬,比如關於口氣的氣味問題@@ 通常來說,我們的口氣問題可能源於忙碌工作壓力大(maybe口乾舌燥)、吃飯時間不規律(maybe體內調節)、年紀增長(maybe唾液分泌不足)……等原因,因此,從體內根本調理才是找回長時間口氣清新自信的關鍵! 日本原裝進口的VENTUNO滿點吐息就是藍子的好選擇,因為其內含柿子萃取物內含柿子單寧多酚、乳鐵蛋白過氧化酶、高分子CUA��藻糖膠等成分,據說有「吃的嘴巴除臭錠」的美稱~ 滿…
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世界佛教總部公告 (第20150110號) 關於須彌輪藍釦三段與日月輪金釦一段相比較,兩者之間的成就差別有多大?這個問題早有公告繪圖比喻,但為了大家更清楚,再次作一回答。 藍釦三段與金釦一段之間的差別,既很大,又很小,小到藍釦三段只差一步就是金釦一段,大到藍釦三段要差九十步才是金釦一段。金釦一段是從聖德的德質所證到的,而藍釦三段,大部分考人都是從聖德的德條考取的,簡而言之就是,一個是來源於整體的身口意結構德質,而另一個是某一條心行符合了聖德的某一個方面的言行,或者符合多個方面的言行,故德質與德條之間變數量是很寬的。就拿藍釦三段只差一步就是金釦一段來說吧,原因是這個藍釦三段在修持上已經只差很少一點就昇華到德質的金釦一段了,今以修法來做比喻,如修金剛換體禪,只要開了頂,神識內斂,就能考到藍釦三段,但離金釦一段還差九十步;如果能修到生起次第,即是在開頂的基礎上,神識自由出入起用,到此階段離金釦…
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antsloveyun · 8 months ago
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hkptgf96124149 · 1 month ago
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sinoeurovoices · 9 months ago
由《權力的遊戲》製片人監製,「網飛」( Netflix)新劇集《三體》(3 Body…
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light-wisdom · 6 months ago
問: 請問牧師,您在《牛頓和三位一體》的這個佈道中,(https://youtu.be/yxPf31XTM5o) 講牛頓是反對三位一體的,牛頓認為神不可能親自死在十字架上,三位一體的說法是不符合邏輯,您能否給我們講講為什麽傳統的三位一體的說法不符合邏輯嗎?
答: 我們來看這張圖,這張圖是傳統基督教給聖父、聖子、聖靈的一個解釋的圖。 我們知道,如果A=C,B=C,那麽,A=B。同樣,聖父是神,聖子是神,如果只有一位神,那麽,從邏輯上來說,聖父就是聖子,是一位神。
問: 請問牧師,您在很多的佈道中,都講主基督不是神,但在這裏您又說聖子是神,這好像有點自相矛盾,您能解釋一下嗎?
答: 通常,當我們講到神的時候,指的是父神,就是聖父,主基督通常指的是神的愛子,就是聖子,因為聖子不是聖父,所以聖經裏從來沒有說過主基督是神,都是說主基督是神的愛子,從這個角度來說,主基督不是神。
神是道,主基督是通往道的路,所以主基督說「我是道路、真理、生命」。 我們學習聖經,首先要明確和清晰每一個概念的內涵和外延,不能夠混淆概念,甚至偷換了概念,自己都不知道。
第一,不管是哪個宗教,哪個派別,只要信主,信上帝; 第二,相信輪迴,去惡行善,懺罪悔改; 這樣的人都是我們的弟兄姊妹,這樣的教派都是和我們志同道合的教派。我們要聯合起來,團結起來,傳播真理。 我們不僅要自己信,如果你覺得講得有道理,要傳播給更多的人。傳福音不僅是牧師的工作,是我們每一個信徒的責任。這也是升入天國時,主最看中的一個方面。
“如今常存的有信、有望、有愛;這三樣,其中最大的是愛。” Kristen,來自東方的牧師,對東西方宗教、文化都有非常深刻的研究。 在其牧師生涯中,尤其註重考證,澄清歷史事實,探尋聖經深意,兼收博採,不分門戶派別。 延續耶穌精神,不與世俗妥協,引領基督徒回歸真理、造福社會。
查經學習小組Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HElK31FQalL6lMScjY9MM9 郵箱:[email protected] 網站:www.wiselight.org
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sakurashop · 11 months ago
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lune6988 · 11 months ago
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