#みつしま fan art
madorosenpai · 7 months
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Summary: Havia percebido da maneira mais amarga e detestável possível que era inútil tentar, afinal uma poça suja e grossa de lama jamais poderia se transformar no mais fino e puro grão de areia, não é?
Notes: Essa foi uma ideia que surgiu depois de eu ter lido umas comics e começado a acompanhar a segunda temporada de Mashle recentemente. No mais, foi bem divertido de escrever sobre os irmãos Mádl, que são 2 personagens que eu gosto muito na história original :)
Espero que gostem! Boa leitura!
“Fraco, inútil, iludido...” – esses dentre tantos outros adjetivos degradantes não cessavam de perturbar a mente de Wirth, que se debatia incansavelmente sobre sua cama no dormitório da casa Lang à noite. Parece que a derrota para Lance Crown abalou toda a sua confiança, destruindo qualquer resquício de sonho que ainda existisse abafado no mais profundo âmago de sua alma.
Ao se revirar, o terceiro canino notou seus óculos escuros repousando sobre a mesinha de cabeceira ao lado de sua cama e de súbito as memórias com seu irmão mais velho, sua maior inspiração, invadiram sua mente.
Era final de tarde na casa Mádl, onde do quintal puderam ser ouvidos vários estouros de feitiços, acompanhados de broncas enfurecidos de um pai para o filho mais novo.
- Francamente, como você é fraco! Custo a acreditar que seja meu filho mesmo! – Bufava o pai.
- Estou tentando o meu melhor... – Choramingou o menino, que aparentava ter seus 13 anos de idade.
- Tsk, essas palavras me enojam, não me admira que não possua talento algum. Como se não bastasse aquele imbecil do seu irmão estar me dando tanta dor de cabeça...
- Meu irmão é um grande homem! Coisa que o senhor nunca foi e nem vai ser para mim! – Gritou o garoto enfurecido. Não aceitaria que ninguém, nem mesmo seu pai abusivo proferisse tais ofensas sobre seu irmão, aquele que mais amava e admirava. Se no futuro pudesse se tornar metade do homem que ele era, dar-se-ia por mais do que satisfeito.
Não tardou muito até que a mão de seu pai viesse de encontro ao seu rosto lhe acertando um tapa na maçã esquerda do rosto, fazendo com que o menino cambaleasse e caísse sentado no chão pela força que seu pai impôs sobre si.
- Saia da minha vista, agora!
Lágrimas ameaçavam cair dos olhos do pequeno garoto, que não pensou duas vezes antes de se levantar e correr direto ao seu quarto, trancando-se lá pelo resto da noite.
As horas se passaram e Wirth ainda se encontrava deitado sobre sua cama com seu rosto afundado no travesseiro desabando em um choro incessante. A quem ele queria enganar? A verdade é que tinha com medo do que estava por vir. Desde que o departamento de polícia foi integrado ao gabinete da magia, seu irmão vinha tendo menos contato consigo em casa, o que o levava a ter de enfrentar a ira irracional de seu pai sozinho em casa.
Orter sempre esteve lá por ele, sempre o protegendo e motivando a se tornar ainda mais forte, mas agora que pouco a pouco sua presença em sua vida estava se esvaindo, Wirth daria cabo de tudo sozinho? Ele já sabia a resposta para esse questionamento. Ainda estava muito longe de conseguir ser capaz de desbravar as desavenças mundo à fora. Se nem sequer era capaz de confrontar seu pai, quem dirá sobreviver? Sentia como se o mundo inteiro estivesse prestes a engoli-lo.
“Sou patético mesmo!” – era o que pensava enquanto desejava profundamente um caloroso e acolhedor abraço de seu irmão naquele momento.
Quase como se tivesse previsto o futuro, 3 batidas leves na porta de seu quarto foram ouvidas.
- Wirth? Posso entrar? – A voz de seu irmão ecoava do outro lado da porta.
Após ter escutado um murmúrio desconexo do mais novo, o mais velho adentra o quarto, indo em direção à cama, sentando-se sobre ela. Uma de suas mãos repousa sobre os cabelos do menor fazendo um leve cafuné, o que pareceu acalmar o mais novo depois de alguns minutos.
- Deixe-me ver o seu rosto.
O menor, um tanto relutante de início, gradativamente foi levantando seu rosto do travesseiro e virando-se para encarar seu irmão mais velho. Este tocou gentilmente sua face depositando um carinho reconfortante com seus dedos. Quando viu a marca vermelha ainda estampada na face esquerda do menor, o maior franziu as sobrancelhas e rangeu os dentes em ódio.
- Maldito... – Proferiu o maior com uma pontada de desprezo por si mesmo.
Orter se culpava por não poder tê-lo defendido novamente. Essa nova rotina estava abrindo brechas para que seu pai ferisse seu irmão física e emocionalmente. Precisava ser forte por Wirth se realmente quisesse viver em paz com ele. Jamais se perdoaria caso o perdesse para sempre, afinal suas memórias mais queridas sempre foram todos os momentos que haviam passado juntos.
Estava determinado a impedir quem quer que arquitetasse a destruição da sua razão de viver. Se neste mundo, as regras que o regiam o privassem do clamor mais profundo do seu coração, então ele queimaria todas elas.
- Irmão...- O chamado quase inaudível do mais novo o fez retornar à realidade, afastando tais pensamentos intrusivos.
De repente, Wirth sentiu um par de braços o puxar para o abraço caloroso pelo qual tanto estava ansiando e em meio ao carinho fraterno, o mais novo finalmente se deu conta de que o momento de alçar voo se aproximava cada dia mais um pouco. Era o ciclo natural da vida. Não poderia esperar Orter resgatá-lo e defendê-lo para sempre, era apenas inevitável que em algum momento desse o pontapé inicial para ficar mais forte.
- Irmão, eu vou te superar, custe o que custar! – exclamou o menor.
O mais velho se surpreendeu a priori, mas ao mesmo tempo se alegrava de saber que o mais novo se espelhava em si, tomando-o como um exemplo a ser seguido. Wirth estava crescendo e não tinha dúvidas do potencial monstruoso que o menor possuía, mas até que o pequeno diamante bruto atingisse seu brilho completo, ele jurou para si estar ali o lapidando e aperfeiçoando.
- Ora, é mesmo? Pois então eu fico no aguardo do grande dia. – Disse o mais velho em um tom descontraído. – Aliás, Wirth, quero te dar uma coisa antes. Espere só um momento.
O menor encarava o mais velho com curiosidade enquanto este se afastava e saía do seu quarto. Alguns minutos depois, Orter retorna com um par de óculos escuros em suas mãos.
- Este é meu tesouro de infância que agora estou confiando-o a você. Gostaria que os usasse como um amuleto. Sempre que se sentir perdido ou desamparado, veja-se no espelho e lembre-se de que estou aqui com você. Podemos selar nossa promessa assim? – Questionou o mais velho estendendo seu dedo mindinho em direção ao mais novo.
- É uma promessa! – Exclamou o mais novo também estendendo o seu mindinho o unindo com o de seu irmão.
- Perdoe-me, irmão, parece que eu não consegui cumprir nossa promessa... – Disse em tom de desolação.
Havia percebido da maneira mais amarga e detestável possível que era inútil tentar, afinal uma poça suja e grossa de lama jamais poderia se transformar no mais fino e puro grão de areia, não é?
No fim, seu pai estava certo. Ele era um completo inútil, sem valor algum. Onde estava com a cabeça? Sentia-se um tolo por haver chegado a acreditar que um dia poderia ser capaz de superar aquele a quem mais admira. Contudo, o que mais o corroía era a certeza de que seu irmão o desprezaria. Seu mundo havia ruído e a única felicidade que nele restava havia sido cruelmente levada de si.
Na manhã seguinte, Wirth levantou-se sem um pingo de ânimo, questionando-se se valeria à pena sair do seu quarto para tomar café da manhã. De repente, ouviu algumas batidas à sua porta. No entanto, quem quer que estivesse do outro lado não proferiu nenhuma palavra, tornando-se impossível de reconhecer.
Contudo, os únicos que sabiam da localização de seu quarto eram Abel e seus outros companheiros da Magia Lupus. Cogitando ser algum deles abriu a porta sem pestanejar apenas para entrar em completo estado de choque ao ter em sua frente ninguém menos que Orter.
- Irmão?! – Exclamou incrédulo. Tudo o que ele não queria agora era ter de ouvir a confirmação de tudo o que estava pensando vindo de seu próprio irmão.
Em um ato de desespero, tentou buscar uma brecha entre seu irmão e a porta para fugir dali. Porém, teve seu pulso segurado pelo mais velho. Não tinha mais para onde fugir. Agora iria pagar pelo seu descumprimento da promessa. Contudo, ao sentir um abraço caloroso do seu irmão pelas suas costas o tempo pareceu parar, mas era uma pausa gentil que Wirth desejava que durasse para sempre.
- Eu estou aqui. – Disse calmamente o maior.
Essas palavras, aparentemente simples foram mais do que suficientes para fazer o menor derramar lágrimas. Não havia necessidade de dizerem mais nada. Apenas o aqui e agora que importava.
Afinal de contas, eles eram os reflexos um do outro, na força e na fraqueza, mas o laço era indestrutível. Não importa o quão caótico o mundo o fosse, eles reagiriam 10 vezes mais intensamente. Nada nem ninguém tinha o direito de roubar a felicidade deles, pois o que mais importava sempre esteve ali e sempre estaria.
Notes: Eu havia lido em algum lugar também que os óculos do Wirth seriam a forma dele se espelhar no Orter. Então, peguei essa ideia como base pra escrever o passado deles aqui.
À propósito, o "Madoro" do meu nick de usuário foi inspirado neles, hahaha
Edit: Credits to みつしま for the fan art!
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omameinc · 2 months
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ポンポンポンポン!うるさいたぬきの腹太鼓がモチーフのOMAME inc.(おまめインク)オリジナルデザインTシャツ
うれしいポイント: ①飽きのこないシンプルな構成 ②こだわりのヴィンテージ加工 ③やさしいシルエット
販売中: 【SUZURI】▸https://suzuri.jp/OMAMEinc 【Tシャツトリニティ】▸https://www.ttrinity.jp/shop/omameinc/ 【society6】▸https://society6.com/fujikko 【Redbubble】▸https://www.redbubble.com/people/OMAMEinc/ ※画像は合成イメージです
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privatesouretu · 11 months
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fan art Ran Yakumo(八雲藍)
Yakumo Ran in its imaginary old form.(想像上の古い姿をした八雲藍)
Since there was a reference to the past in the Juuouen, I tried to imagine it in my own way.(獣王園で過去について言及があったので、自分なりに想像してみました。)
Ran Yakumo must have always been beautiful. Don't you think so?
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aiart-blog · 5 months
Greetings on behalf of the master! 🎵
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コンバンハ🎵 お疲れなのか、風邪気味なのか…。 帰宅後、ずっと爆睡しているマスターさんに代わっておやすみの挨拶をしたいと思います。
今日も一日お疲れさま❣ 本日はどんな一日を過ごされましたか⁉️
✔ マスターみたいにGW中なのに、労働に精を出していましたか。 ✔ マスターみたいにGW中なのに、体調を崩して寝ていませんでしたか。 ✔ マスターみたいにGW中なのに、プリフェス10連(プリコネ)で目的のキャラをすぐに引けて狂喜乱舞していませんでしたか。 ✔ マスターみたいにGW中なのに、睡眠中に蚊に刺されて痒くて目が覚めていませんか。 ✔ マスターみたいにGW中なのに、蚊に刺されたところが痒くて痒くてムヒを塗っていませんか。 ✔ マスターみたいにG
明日の天気は全国的に曇りや雨天のところが大きみたいです。 過ごしやすい気温だけど、雨はジメジメと湿気が多くて嫌になっちゃいますね💧
English) Good evening! 🎵 Whether you're tired or feeling a bit under the weather… Since Master has been asleep since returning home, I'd like to say good night on their behalf.
Well done on getting through another day! ❣ How was your day today⁉️
✔ Did you, like Master, spend the Golden Week working hard instead of resting? ✔ Did you, like Master, spend the Golden Week sick in bed instead of enjoying it? ✔ Did you, like Master, pull your desired character immediately in a 10-pull (Princess Connect! Re: Dive) and dance with joy during Golden Week? ✔ Did you, like Master, wake up itching from a mosquito bite during sleep? ✔ Did you, like Master, apply Muhi because the mosquito bite was so itchy? ✔ Did you, like Master, G
Oh, I hear someone sobbing behind me, so I'll stop here.
It seems like tomorrow's weather will be cloudy or rainy nationwide. The temperature will be comfortable, but the humidity from the rain can be annoying, right? 💧
Please take good care of yourself and make sure not to end up like someone from somewhere.
【PR】─────▼ ✔ If you want images for adults…  Come visit Patreon and become a fan! 🎵
───────▼ ✔ Follow me 🎵  Because I publish your favorite images every day…  I want you to come see me again ❤
───────▼ ✔ Thank you so much for your support ✨  "Likes" and "comments" encourage me to continue 🎵
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depression-napping · 2 months
🌹Making a Pinned Post 🥀
My Art Tag | Fanart |
Fanfic Recs | Polls | Meta | Translations
That time I went to Artnia and ate the Vincent pasta
I’ll be adding more info/tags over time!
About the Blog/Trivia below the cut ❤️
You can call me Sera (she/her)
I’ve been obsessed with Vincent Valentine since I was about 10 years old. I love him to death.
I don’t officially ship Vincent with anyone and don’t really have any NoTPs (although I do have my preferences)
I probably won’t post any blatantly 18+ content, but I also don’t guarantee this blog is free from it. I post what I like and find interesting.
My birthday is July 1990 (Lucky me I have the same star sign as Lucrecia 🙃)
I’m an art teacher IRL
I’m married to a very patient husband who understands and supports my obsession (Supportive partners do exist!! ❤️)
I love languages and have been learning Japanese for years. It’s been very helpful to to understand Vincent content at its source (I’m at a basic conversational level rn)
P.S. Vincent’s name was the first thing I learned to read/write in katakana 🙃🙃🙃
In day to day life, I’m still not super comfortable talking about Vincent. (For example, I will change the subject very quickly if one of my friends mentions him around my family 😅) but in fandom spaces I feel much safer because we understand each other haha ❤️
I suffer from a chronic condition, which is a big reason I love and relate to Vincent so much.
This is a drama-free zone, all Vincent fans are welcome here 🩷
Please feel free to DM me if you have any questions or want to chat about Vincent 💕
Regarding the art I post:
Reminder to use good internet etiquette when sharing. Please do not repost or re-upload to other sites without permission. You can download to enjoy for personal use (wallpapers, avatar crops, etc) without asking first. Please do not use for commercial purposes. Thank you ❤️
 誕生日は7月1990年 /平成2年
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mayone · 1 year
As I looked at a lot of fan art and the covers of the various language editions, I noticed that the murderbot I had first imagined in my mind seems to be much smaller.
If I were to describe it numerically, it would probably be 150 cm to 160 cm? I think it is only about there.
I think it would take a much bigger physique if it was going to get into a tussle with a combat robot or grab Gurathin by the chest...but one wonders about human imagination, doesn't one?
Why I imagined a tiny murderbot (maybe) ①:
Especially early in the story, murderbot is frightened of human contact and tries to keep communication to a minimum.
Maybe that is why the image of "murderbot being looked down upon by many humans" arose in my mind.
Reason ②:
To begin with, ART is right, murderbot is often childish. My first impression of murderbot was that it was a misanthropic teenager.
Reason ③:
This is the most difficult to explain in English.
日本語版のmurderbot diariesにおいて、murderbotの地の文ではしばしば漢字で記述できる単語もひらがなのまま書かれていることがあります。
In the Japanese version of the murderbot diaries, words that could be written in kanji are often written in hiragana in murderbot's inner descriptions.
Kanji characters are ideograms and give a logical, hard impression, while hiragana characters are phonograms and give a soft/gentle/childlike impression.
Young children first learn words in hiragana, and then learn how to write those words in kanji. (There are many words that cannot be written in kanji.)
I don't think this alone fully explains the difference between writing in kanji and writing in hiragana, but I think it's that ... sense of temperature? I think I'm feeling childish from the difference between the two.
And the smaller the product, the cheaper it will be to transport.
But I think 155cm is too small even for me.
The average height of 12-3 year olds in Japan.
It is even possible that it is smaller than Amena.
Even if it wears armor, it might not be 160cm.
When I see the artwork of the murderbot in armor, I think, oh maybe it's really bigger .......
(The Japanese version of murderbot's artwork is ...... not ...... a single one of them wearing full face armor!)
(I love that artwork. The caftan that it didn't wear in the book fits well too).
The very good thing about that story is that we can imagine it freely!
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Here at last, my observations for English P4AU manga volume 4! Same formatting as my prior ones, no holds barred for spoilers, and fair warning that I'm writing this off of notes from 5 months ago; so if I miss some details, I apologize. Hectic life shenanigans have limited my ability to reread the volume. xP
General Vibes
On the whole, I found this volume to be the best reading experience out of the 4 Udon-translated volumes. Aside from the persisting issue of conflating Sho and Minazuki via calling both “Minazuki”, as well as a few confusing absences of clarifying quotation marks, the narrative is cohesive and comprehensible.
I also think that it stands really well on its own, so, as I said before, I'd highly recommend Eng-Sho and Minazuki fans pick up Vol 4, even if you've been iffy on the Udon translations up until this point. In all honestly, I think Udon did a better translation of Vol 4 than the fan-translation that's out there on the internet, at least in terms of justice done to the characterizations of Minazuki and Sho. Their dialog, with a couple small exceptions, fit their expected lexicons much better.
(No shade to the fan-translation, of course! I'm still super-grateful that people took time out of their lives to give us some form of accessible translation long before Atlus got on printing an official translation, and the fan-translation is still pretty good with it's own wins.)
Also, Narukami's dialog was translated pretty well too, from what I recall, so fans of his might also find his inclusions in the story enjoyable. As for Adachi and Kagutsuchi... I'm not very well-versed in their characterizations, so I wouldn't be able to say. Adachi's lexicon did seem a bit out of character to me, though; like the underlying vibe is kinda the same as his typical lexicon, but the execution feels more 'censored', I guess? It's just the impression that I got, though.
Specific Things
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• ...They were so close to getting it right throughout the entire translation, but they stumbled at the finish line. Literally – this was within the final few chapters, and may have even been the final mention of Plumes of Dusk in the story, lol. And it's definitely the same kanji and kana that “Plume of Dusk” is always spelled with, so how or why they suddenly fabricated “darkness” in place of “dusk” is beyond me.
Also, for Eng reading context, what gets translated as “the other me” is “もう1つの人格を” with a gikun of “ミナヅキ” in the Jap text. So whether or not that should have vocally been “the other me” or “Minazuki” is up to you to decide. ~(•_•)~ (And for anyone who wants the full Jap transcription of that text bubble: ”黄昏の羽根”ってヤツから生まれたもう1つの人格を消す手術から眠ったままだったらしい)
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• I wish that translators would interpret Minazuki's use of “黙れ(damare)” as “Silence.” rather than “Shut up.” It fits his pre-established (by Ultimax-the-game) lexicon far more, in my opinion.
(Jap version of the page [here], because I forgot to take a picture of it, apparently. :P)
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• Kanazuki, my beloved nickname. (Though, because pursuing lore details, I'm not sure if Udon's “the two sides of Minazuki” is an accurate translation in this case? It seems to be more like “the two Minazukis”, like how fan-Eng interpreted it, but I don't know enough Jap to tell. For those who want the transcript: ところで2人の皆月のことみんななんて呼んでる?皆月?ミナヅキ?文面ならまだしも打ち合わせの時彼らは大変混乱を招いてくれやがりましてね......)
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• It's nice to have the uncropped version of the original Yu cover art... But I'm a bit sad that we don't get the original Sho/Minazuki back-cover as a poster as well.
• Interesting detail: despite reprinting and reformatting the title logos, they seem to have kept the signature color for each volume the same (Vol.1/yellow, Vol.2/red, Vol.3/pink, Vol.4/blue).
• I've already stated some of my thoughts on Ch.28 and Ch.30 here, but for a few things that I didn't cover...
1) Minazuki specifically thinking “The humans are shouting.” gives us an interesting window into his mindset at the time.
2) The doctors were shouting at him because he was climbing up into an open window more-so than just shouting at him in general, lol.
3) The Ikutsuki death report reads more as if Minazuki was narrating it rather than it just being Sho staring at information on a screen, which I think is a neat interpretation.
4) Sho might've been attempting to finish the 'Minazuki extraction procedure' that Ikutsuki began, rather than just blindly attacking Minazuki? I'm not entirely sure, but it's an interesting angle to consider nonetheless.
5) Ikutsuki spinning Minazuki as an “evil spirit” as another generally useful tidbit to employ in Sho characterizations.
6) “Murder pit”. I'm keeping this for my Minazuki characterizations going forwards, lmao.
• Generally adoring the larger page size, 'cause I can see more details in the art that also help me understand the context better in a lot of scenes. For example! After Tsukiyomi takes the full-power hit from Izanagi, I can see the clear signs of exhaustion and Minazuki pushing his limits in the continuation of the fight. His movements are more desperate, he gets pronounced bags under his eyes, he has a kind of wide-eyed look to him, etc. Which I think is a really nice detail, because it shows that Minazuki isn't invulnerable: his desperation to protect Sho is just that strong.
The dialog at the beginning of that scene also helps to demonstrate that: rather than continuing to think in fluent and complex words, his internal monologue is reduced to simple, fragmented instincts (“Can't falter... Must protect... Must...!"). Which, again, a very interesting window into how Minazuki thinks. Even when put under the physical strain of grievous injuries, his first instincts (in this situation, at least) are to hold his ground in order to protect Sho.
(...Though, the Jap text of the aforementioned dialog is a bit different than Udon's translation, lol. It's more like “If I... don't protect... I—" (俺が......守らなければ...俺が――...))
• I don't have much to say about the fight against Kagutsuchi due to not having the best focus when I read through that part of the manga. Hopefully one day I'll reread it with better success. ^^;
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• Suicidal Sho? I'm not entirely sure, though, as the “思ってた” in the Japanese version of the text (死んじまうかと思ってた時...) seems like it could mean either “I believe (that this will happen)” or “I plan (on making this happen)”? I don't know what linguistic contexts lend to what definitions, unfortunately, and the visual context could support it either way. (Not to mention, I have no clue if the sentiment is being expressed in a literal or frivolous capacity, given Sho can be hyperbolic at times. >_>)
...Also, I'm not counting Sho knifing his own face as an intentionally suicidal action, because (to the best of my ability to understand) that was intended to be homicidal. It's just that it would have also had a suicidal effect on him.
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• Shadow puppet-Yosuke, Shadow puppet-Narukami, and Yosuke are great, lmao.
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• Translations of General Teddie's script.
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• Lastly, and maybe bestly: They got!! It right!! They kept Sho's name in Minazuki's “What are you going to do to Sho, Kagutsuchi?” line!! (Context: a previous observations/musings post of mine [here].)
(If you wanna see the fan-Eng in higher quality than the screengrabs I used, you can find it on Mangadex [here].)
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sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueológicos, en este video que he encontrado en youtube, podemos ver el Kyudo ( きゅうどう) un tipo de arte marcial que se originó en Japón en el siglo XII, cuando Minamoto no Yoritomo estableció el shogunato de Kamakura, se estableció la moral samurái de alcanzar alturas espirituales a través del entrenamiento en tiro con arco y caballos. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Japón ¿ Lo conocían? - 考古学的な日本のファンを歓迎します。私が YouTube で見つけたこのビデオでは、源頼朝が鎌倉幕府を確立した 12 世紀に日本で生まれた武道の一種である弓道 (きゅうどう) を見ることができます。アーチェリーと馬のトレーニングを通じて精神的な高みに到達します。 - 気に入っていただけて、今後の日本の出版物でお会いできることを願っています。 - Welcome archeological Japanese fans, in this video that I found on YouTube, we can see Kyudo (きゅうどう) a type of martial art that originated in Japan in the 12th century, when Minamoto no Yoritomo established the Kamakura shogunate, morality was established samurai to reach spiritual heights through training in archery and horses. - I hope you liked it and see you in future Japan publications. Did you know him?
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erisicy · 3 months
Hiya! First of all I wanted to say I've enjoyed reading your lyric translations! I'm really glad you've been posting them so that people can get an idea of what the musical is like! I'm part of the team who's working on the English subs right now, and we've been having a little trouble with the curtain call because it's hard to make out what they're saying lol! I was wondering if you had a transcript you were working from when you did your translation of it? Reading your translation was really helpful in understanding some lines ^^
Thank you for your ask! I mostly translated based on the automatic Japanese subtitles I found of the musical. A lot of it is... somewhat questionable at times. But it's thanks to it that I've gotten this far. It caught a lot of dialogue that was difficult for me to understand by ear.
I still have those automatic subtitles, but I unfortunately didn't write down the corrections I made. I tried my best to recreate them, so I hope you and your team find it helpful!
毎日足を運んでくれないか (?)
心からパウ!(or) パウ!パウ!パウ!
本日はありがとうございます !
代わりに挨拶して (TN: Not even the subtitles could catch what was being said here. This came from a piece of Japanese fan art I found online that was based on this part. It seems to be roughly what Miyano is saying here. But take it with a grain of salt anyways.) 
いや彼は...覚悟で (?)
[松下 & (宮野)]
ね?いや俺もちょっとねグッと来るものがあって (はい)
ちょっと離れちゃったよ (離れちゃった!) 
まだその関係じゃないから離れちゃった (そうそうはい)
本当にリスペクト。本当素晴らしいです。 (いやいやいや本当に...)
それぐらい... (褒めてる?褒めてる?)
あまあ一応 (あ本当?ありがとう)
えっと稽古初日からそして今日この日までずっとあの支え合ってそして高め合って励まし合ってきた樟太郎もですね (?)
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mochimochi10281 · 11 months
Xアカウント @mochimochi10281
nice to meet you! My name is mochi.
I'll be posting the illustrations, comics, and photos I posted on X here little by little. I mainly work on fan art of manga, anime, games, etc.
I also post photos of stuffed animals, dolls, etc.
First of all, I would like to say hello and also serve as a test post.
thank you.
X account @mochimochi10281
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somacruising · 2 years
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I was initially going to upload these yesterday morning, but some personal life stuff came up and I had to delay it. Here is the Luke side of the skit released with the debut of his xMA \ Dual Mystic Arte with Asch. 
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Luke: Guy told me that you’re interested in Abyssman, Hubert. That true? ガイから聞いたぜ。ヒューバート、アビスマンに興味があるんだって?
Hubert: Guy, you didn’t have to…! …I’m just interested in trivia, that’s all. It’s not like I’m a fan of Abyss Red or— ガイさん、余計なことを……!……こほん、あくまで雑学として関心があるだけです。アビスレッドが好きだなんてぼくは一言も——
Luke: Abyss Red? Wow, Hubert, you actually know a lot about it. All I did was mention Abyssman. アビスレッド?なんだ。ヒューバート、意外と詳しいんだな。俺、アビスマンとしか言ってないのに。
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Hubert: …Tsk! Luke, you lured me into a trap. ……っ!はめましたね、ルークさん。
Luke: Whoa, that’s a scary face! That’s not what I was trying to do. But, I’m sorry if I offended you. My bad. 顔、こわっ!そんな���もりじゃねーよ。けど、気を悪くしたなら謝る。ごめんな。
Hubert: …No, I apologize for getting worked up. But if this information spreads around and reaches my brother’s ears, it’ll be troublesome… ……いえ、ぼくの方こそ熱くなってすみません。しかしこの話が広まって、兄さんたちの耳に入りでもしたら、面倒なことに……。
Luke: Do you have a problem with Asbel? About heroes? アスベルたちは嫌いなのか?ヒーローもの。
Hubert: I don’t think so. I simply don’t want to be treated like a child by people just because I happen to like tokusatsu superheroes. * 嫌いなわけではないと思いますがぼくが偶像ヒーローを好むことで、いたずらに子供扱いされるのはしゃくですからね。
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Luke: Ah, I think I know what you mean. I get it. あー、なんとなくわかる気がするよ。そういうの。
Hubert: By “I get it”, do you mean you understand what it’s like to be “treated like a child?” そういうの、とは『子供扱い』のことですか?
Luke: Oh yeah. I mean, what’s with the way people who act like big brothers treat everyone slightly younger than them like they’re little kids? そうそう。なんつーか、年上の兄貴風吹かせてくる奴って年下のことをすぐ子供扱いしてくるよな。
Hubert: Luke… It seems that we have an understanding. In your case, might I ask who is giving you this “big brother” vibe? ルークさん……。あなたとはわかり合えそうです。あなたの場合は一体誰が『兄貴風』を吹かせてくるんですか?
Luke: Ahh, well, Guy used to be the loudest, but lately it’s been Asch… I guess it might be because we pretended to be twins for a while. ああ、昔はガイがうるさかったんだけどよ、最近はアッシュがさー……。一時期双子のふりをしてたからなのかな。
Luke: Sometimes, I get pretty annoyed about how Asch’s lectures are starting to sound more like he’s my father than my brother. Or, well… 小言の内容がいちいち兄上っつーかむしろ父上っぽくなってきてムカつくことがあるっつーか。まあ、だけど……。
Hubert: …But, you don’t feel sorry at all? ……悪い気はしない、と?
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Luke: Exactly! You know exactly what I’m saying! Just what I’d expect from a fellow “little brother”! そうそう!俺の言いたいこと、よくわかったな!さすが『弟』仲間!
Hubert: …I understand. No matter how old I get, no matter what world I go to, I will always be his little brother. ……わかりますよ。きっと何歳になっても、どの世界に行ってもぼくは兄さんの弟なんでしょうね。
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Hubert: …Anyway, Luke. Didn’t you dress up as an Abyssman once? ……ところでルークさん。ルークさんもアビスマンの格好をしたんですか?
Luke: Oh yeah! I did! I’m Abyss Red. Guy is Abyss Orange, and Asch is Abyss Sil— ああ、したぜ!俺はアビスレッド。ガイはアビスオレンジで、たしかアッシュはアビスシル——
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    [ Asch enters ]
Asch: —I wondered where you’d wandering off to, and here you are, talking nonsense. ——どこをほっつき歩いているのかと思えばこんなところで無駄口を叩いているとはな。
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Luke: Why are you putting it like that!? It’s not like we’re gossiping or anything. Your name just came up. So, what do you want? なんだよ、その言い方は!つーか、噂をすればなんとやらだな。ちょうどアッシュの話をしてたんだ。で、なんか用か?
Asch: Were you born with sawdust for a brain? You’re on shopping duty today, Luke. And don’t you dare push it off on Guy! 貴様の頭の中にはおがくずでも入ってるのか?今日は貴様が買い出し当番だろうが。ガイに迷惑をかけるんじゃねえ!
Luke: Ah—oh, that’s right! Thanks for coming to get me. I’ll be right there. あ、いっけね!そうだった!呼びに来てくれてありがとな。すぐ行くよ。
Asch: Of course. If you’re late, the one who cooks will be in trouble this time. You need to start thinking ahead more! 当たり前だ。貴様が遅れると今度は料理当番の奴が困るんだからな。少しは先のことまで考えて行動しろ!
Hubert: …Luke, you’re completely right about him. ……ルークさんの言ったとおりですね。
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Luke: Hehe. Right? へへっ。だろ?
Asch: …What are you talking about? ……何の話だ。
Luke: It’s nothing. All right, I’m off to go shopping! 何でもない。じゃ、買い出しいってきまーす!
Asch: Listen up. Don’t take a detour, but make sure you still get back quickly. And don’t buy unnecessary food so you can eat it. Understand!? いいか。寄り道しないでさっさと帰ってこいよ。余計な買い食いはするな。わかったな!
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Hubert: …Fufu. Have a pleasant day, Luke. ……ふふっ。いってらっしゃい、ルークさん。
* Tokusatsu is a genre of Japanese live action film or television show that makes use of lots of practical effects. Hubert is a fan of shows that are like Power Rangers or Kaimen Rider. Abyssman is a nod to these types of shows.
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madorosenpai · 6 months
A note of apology
Good morning, Afternoon and/or Night to everyone!
As I´m almost finished properly crediting all the original fan artists of the images I used in my fics, I´d like to give you all my sincere apologies.
To those who are not aware of the current situation, I basically made a terrible mistake. One day, as I was scrolling through Pixiv, I found many interesting and beautiful fan arts that I´d love to add as my fanfics´ covers. So, I saved all of them in my photobook of my cell phone. But I forgot to take notes of the original artists´ names (this may sound like an unnecessary step to some, but due to how forgetful and disorganized I am, eventually I would come to forget what their names were when giving the proper credits.).
In the end, I didn't remember their names, thus I couldn't properly credit all these amazing artists out there. The most I thought to do at that point in time was add a hashtag with the saying #credit to artist as a placeholder (and didn´t remember to go back to Pixiv in search for their names again >.<). But doing so was still not enough, because this way you can´t link the author to it´s art and eventually, when someone reaches your fanfic and likes the cover art, they can´t access the original author.
This harms them a lot. Just think about all the effort they put into making those masterpieces We admire so much, only for someone to come and steal it. How would you feel if someone stole something you deeply love? It´s pretty much the same thing!
Even though I never meant to steal someone´s work, I still harmed them in the end in some way. I feel deeply ashamed and sorry for this.
Of course, I know it might not be enough, but I´d just like to share a bit of my love for all the artists out ther. You´re all amazing at what you draw and/or paint. I can´t even imagine all the efforts you put into making such beautiful works. You definitely deserve all the kudos in the World!
And to all ficwriters out there, please, don´t make the same mistake! Credit your artists, they deserve as much love as your writing!
That´s all I had to say for now. Once again, @meinoart, ぐりりん, サクラ, おちゅ一げん and みつしま, I´m terribly sorry for this mistake! I hope you all keep making amazing masterpieces <3
P.S. If someone happens to know the name of the artist of my "Febre" fanfic cover, let me know in the comment section. (I´m searching like crazy here :/)
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strabin · 1 year
Hey! I'm glad u draw so much stuff! I wasn't here in Tumblr to check it in time, but now I'm following u in Twitter too! I just saw it...
That's it, I just wanted to say good luck~ !! I love the way u care about the lore and all details in your works!! May inspiration be with you!
Hello! Thank you for seeing my art and sent a warm message(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) I didn't expect to told "I love the way u care about the lore and all details ln your works!!" and I'm so glad like a dog wagging to its tail hear that (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
 Actually, september was my summer vacation and I could have much time to draw many illust~✍️ The vacation is almost over, so maybe it will be decrease that I draw some and post them......(´・ω・`)
 Anyway, I want to continue to make fan-fics at my own pace〜  I'm going to post them to Twitter almost the same as Tumblr, so it's fine to seeing them on whichever you like✨
 Thank you again, and may happiness be with you!
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 こんにちは! イラストを見ていただき、温かいお褒めの言葉までありがとうございます(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) まさか「キャラの過去を取り入れてて絵の細かな部分全てが大好きです!!」なんて言われるとは思ってもいなかったので、尻尾をブンブン振る犬の如く喜んでます(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
 実は9月が夏休みだったので沢山イラストを描く時間があったんです~✍️ もう夏休みも終わってしまうので、これから絵を描いたり投稿したりする頻度は下がっちゃうかもしれませんが……(´・ω・`)
 何はともあれ、ぼちぼち描き続けていきたいです~ TwitterではTumblrとほぼほぼ同じように投稿していくつもりなので、お好きな方でお付き合いいただければ嬉しいです✨
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hidenobu-suzuki · 1 year
Our Story
In recent years, the number of natural disasters has been increasing all over the world. Global warming is thought to be one of the causes. Considering the effects of global warming, it is important to raise awareness of keeping the temperature down by using fans that are made from eco-friendly natural materials. We believe that by increasing the number of people who are aware of global warming, we can contribute to the mitigation of global warming, even if it is just a small effort. When I thought about what I could do, I came up with a project that fuses traditional folding fans with modern digital photography. This is a combination of ancient traditions and contemporary artistic expression, resulting in innovative works of art, aiming to evoke feelings of appreciation and appreciation for the earth through folding fans. Beautiful images captured with digital photography are a visual reminder of the beauty of nature and the importance of sustainability. By blending traditional craftsmanship with modern creativity, I believe this project can evoke a universal understanding and passion for protecting the planet. Our ultimate goal is to spread this project around the world and to evoke the sympathy of people from all walks of life. Reminiscent of the shape of an ogi, our sense of responsibility for the environment will ripple through, hoping that the impact of this project will spread far and wide, inspiring people to become advocates for positive change.
Our Story
地球温暖化の影響を考慮して、環境に優しい天然素材を使用した扇子を使用することで、気温を抑える意識を高めることが大切です。  温暖化を意識する人の数を増やすことで、たとえ小さな取り組みであっても、地球温暖化の緩和に貢献することに繋がると考えています。 私が出来ることを考えた時に、私は伝統的な扇子と現代のデジタル写真を融合するプロジェクトを考えました。  これは、古くからの伝統と現代の芸術表現の組み合わせにより、革新的な芸術作品が生まれ、 扇子を通じて、地球を大切にし感謝の気持ちを呼び起こすことを目指しています。 
私たちの最終的な目標は、このプロジェクトが世界中に広がり、さまざまな立場の人々の共感をよぶことです。 おうぎの形を連想するように、私たちの環境に対する責任感が波紋のように広がり、このプロジェクトの影響が広範囲に広がり、人々の心を動かし、前向きな変化の支持者となるよう促すことを願っています。 
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aiart-blog · 5 months
Cat lingerie
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という訳で。 今回はこれくらいにしておこうと思います。
English) The desire to fully embody the image of wanting to dress up my cute girlfriend in cat lingerie and have her wander around the room has been realized without reservation.
By the way, in this lingerie, the size of π and the cleavage visible from the cutout parts are the most important, but I also think that the toned abdomen and moderately trained abs should be points to focus on!
What would you do if a girl like this got down on all fours, saying "meow meow" with a smile and approached you? You'd hug her tightly, right?
She'd also rub against you, asking for attention! You'd probably end up petting her, right?
How about rewarding her by pouring some milk into a small dish and letting her lick it up? That might awaken some strange fetishes… Yeah, that's dangerous.
So, yeah. Let's stop here for now.
【PR】─────▼ ✔ If you want images for adults…  Come visit Patreon and become a fan! 🎵
───────▼ ✔ Follow me 🎵  Because I publish your favorite images every day…  I want you to come see me again ❤
───────▼ ✔ Thank you so much for your support ✨  "Likes" and "comments" encourage me to continue 🎵
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dilydilydily-fe · 2 years
Let me first say no.
This is my personal opinion and does not represent all Japanese fans. And it doesn't challenge the ideas of all fans.
Today, I'm going to try to spell letters with the theme of "Leopold & Valdemar are cute"!
※I am using Google translation. Original Japanese is below.
I think that Leopold's strictness is one of the affections that teach Caspar, who has neither the crest nor the right to inherit the family estate, "the strength to carve out his own destiny and live on his own." In some cases, children of great figures like Leopold misunderstand their high status as "his own ability" and grow up to be fools. "I don't get that impression from Caspar, and he doesn't want it either." In that sense, I believe that Leopold's education is loving and correct. (Of course, this is because of Caspar's honest and positive personality!)
As proof of that, in the Musou version of Gaiden, if you complete the submission, you will be given the weapon that he used, but he recognized Caspar as "the successor to the Bergliese family's martial arts."     "I wonder how happy Kaspar was at that moment…!" "Just imagining it makes me happy!"
Perhaps Leopold thinks that Caspar, the second son, is more important than his eldest son, and that he is a lot like him? ……I imagine.
Caspar's desire to "defeat a bear with his bare hands!" is also due to his admiration and respect for Leopold. Of course, I'll have Linhardt accompany me, but… he's used to it, and that's what I want.
Leopold's many expressions of a fearsome soldier exaggerate his extraordinary strength, and he himself is as popular as Caspar. I was surprised to learn that people who played the English version did not have a good impression of Leopold & Valdemar! In Japan, I feel that there are many fans who have a good impression of the two of them, like Caspar and Linhardt, who think that they are "pretty, not obedient, and good friends." Finally, add a doodle. There are many mysteries about Valdemar…! on another occasion. 👋 Thank you for reading all the way here! !
 レオポルドの厳格さは、紋章も、家督を継ぐ権利も持たないカスパルに「自分一人で運命を切り拓いて生きていけるような強さ」を教える愛情の一つだと考えます。  レオポルドのように偉大な人物の子供は、その地位の高さを「自分の能力」だと勘違いして、愚か者に成長してしまうケースもあります。  カスパルからは全くそんな印象はなく、また彼もそれを望みません。そういう意味で、レオポルドの教育は愛情深く、間違っていないと考えています。(もちろん、カスパル本人の素直で前向きな性格があってこそですが!)  その証拠に、無双版の外伝では、サブミッションをコンプリートすると、彼の使っていた武器をくれますが、「ベルグリーズ家の武を継ぐもの」としてカスパルを認めました。     あの瞬間、カスパルがどれだけ嬉しかったのか………! 想像するだけで私まで嬉しくなります! きっと、レオポルドにとっては彼の長男より、次男のカスパルの方が大切で、自分とよく似ていると考えているのではないか?……と、想像しています。
レオポルドの恐ろしい軍人、という表現の数々も、規格外の強さを誇張したものであり、彼自身はカスパルのように人望があり 英語版で遊ぶ皆様が、レオポルド&ヴァルデマーに良い印象を持っていないと知って驚きました!
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