#❝ ooc » lore specifics ❞
idolbound · 2 months
Anders kinnies on twitter in the year 2024 not understanding that while yes, Meredith had previously written to Val Royeaux to ask about invoking the Right of Annulment, the request was rejected.
In the throes of her paranoia being made worse with the addition of the red lyrium idol fashioned into a sword, she was getting desperate and looking to search the Gallows for blood mages as a reason to invoke the Right.
However, Meredith did not invoke the Right until after Anders blew up the Chantry.
During the argument with Orsino, it was clear that he was not going to allow Meredith to search the tower. And, much like the start of Act 3 in Hightown, he wanted to call upon Grand Cleric Elthina to settle their disagreement because he KNEW that Elthina was the only person who could control Meredith (and kept her on a proverbially short leash). To this, Meredith immediately raises her voice and says "You will NOT bring her Grace into this!" which CLEARLY implies she knows Elthina would put a stop to her actions then and there, which is the opposite of what Meredith wants to do.
So, with Anders' interjection in this scene and blowing the Chantry up:
Meredith (who was running Kirkwall as a Templar police state under martial law) had to respond to the crime in and of itself;
Elthina was dead, and therefore, the person who could have stopped her from invoking the Right of Annulment was no longer able to do so; and,
She was already at the peak of her paranoia, and this made her not seek justice on Anders himself (who had immunity from templar prosecution as a Grey Warden), but upon the innocent mages of the Circle.
So, she initiated the Right of Annulment as a response to the destruction and lives lost, and the Circle mages paid for Anders' actions (and depending on Hawke's choice, his own life could pay for it too).
It is not difficult to understand that Anders' actions - however morally justified he may have been - acted as the catalyst to the genocide of the Kirkwall Circle.
People will say "it would've happened anyway" but to be frank, if Anders did not blow up the Chantry and had Elthina been involved, she would've shut Meredith down again as someone who didn't want to get involved in taking sides but wanted to maintain the peace AND the desires of the Grand Cathedral in Val Royeaux. Alternatively, Hawke - Champion of Kirkwall - has enough influence at this point to influence Meredith and Orsino both as a popular (political) figure among Kirkwall's citizens and nobility. (it's why Meredith was reluctant to crown them Champion to begin with - it gave them power that she wanted for herself!).
I realize a lot of DA fans are not looking at these moments in-depth, but acting as if Anders is entirely justified in giving Meredith the fuel she needed to kill all the innocent mages is a bit ignorant and tbqh, misunderstanding this situation for what it is.
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dutybcrne · 1 month
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I'm rewatching Spreen's Egg event day VOD and taking notes because, as is the case with Fit and his original thoughts about the Eggs and Ramon, a lot of people don't do a Great Job depicting him in fanwork (q!Spreen was kind of a dick, he wasn't straight up Evil like some people make him out to be) but o o f... There are some things he says that are such gut-punches.
When Spreen talks to Vegetta and Foolish and finds out they don't have an Egg (they hadn't received Leo yet) Spreen turns to Ramon and says (approximately): "Well Ramon, I can tell that you're a lucky guy. There are people who could not be born, and you are here with us today."
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n1ghtwarden · 1 year
also, like everyone else, i am rewriting drow society lore.
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powerplaying · 1 month
Привет !! may i ask what time frame your universe is set in ?? i was curious as to what the time frame was, considering Amédée is a (ex) amish pirate :)
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🏈: “Time frame?”
🌊: The year. It’s 2012, for the record.
🌊: As far as Amédée goes, we try not to ask. He was born sometime in the 70s, but he might as well have been living in the 17th century. He was pretty much detached from modern society when he showed up.
🏈: I’ve asked where he’s from - never got a straight answer. Somewhere r - re - what’s the word?
🌊: Remote.
🏈: yeah, that. I didn’t think pirates were still kicking, but if they are, he’s the closest thing to it. Had to teach him how to use a microwave the other day!
🌊: Do you know how to use it??
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aotoreiki · 9 months
(not-)daily reminder that the pokemon ranger spinoff series consisting of 3 games with their own regions and evil teams and lore and stuff exists
MY ONE BIT I NEED TO COMMIT TO obnoxious pokeranger propagandist
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sburbglitchfaqblog · 9 days
Are you related to the tech support blog, SNTechSupport?
Not in the slightest, nope! I'd not heard of them before--looks like we were started around the same time, but they're a lot more tech-focused than us. I don't think either of us could tell you error codes, it's all lived experience here! That, and a fair amount of time spent reading SBURB-help forums.
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dxsole · 7 months
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OOC; i've got a lot of starters and replies to get to (not complaining, i am living 4 this) HOWEVER, I am also...in a bit of like? a meta writing mood SO if you have any questions about my muses, verses, interactions, etc., please send me an ask or reply to this post bc??? i have many thoughts u_u
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gcldenchild · 1 month
i am So sorry blog pages are taking so much time to be done yall. i did not expect my first 3-4 weeks of the job being me practically working full 40 hour weeks instead of the 24-32 im expected to ………. my schedule has been a lil hectic
i only get like around 6 hours of free time after work before i gotta head to bed to assure Maximum 8 Hours so im not absolutely exhausted in the mornings . page progress Will Be Made Though. i Swear it
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fog-and-isolation · 4 months
//OOC: I've decided, given the number of blogs featuring the same characters such as Peter or Elias, to make a quick post of blogs I consider to be part of the same "reality," so to speak. It will be added onto in time and does not affect previous or future interactions between blogs my blogs and other's blogs. This is partly for my own sanity but mostly for the sake of clarity.
@fog-and-isolation (run by me)
@until-death-and-beyond (run by me)
@flowers-and-mourning-songs (run by a friend of mine)
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parasitic-dreams-au · 5 months
Wut are the cannon ships in this au
Spive (split x bive) (except it's DOOMED YURIIIII)
Partybeetle (pest x poob) (except it's frienemies to lovers)
Hypertana (hyperlazer x katana) (both are on their last thread of sanity)
Medhammer (banhammer x medkit) (shared trauma 👍) (kissing the homies goodnight kinda situation, both of them are asexual btw)
and i can't think of any more so
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Me: Hnnn Harmony Lumine or Preservation Lumine works pretty well with her character-
Also me: Consider...Abundance-
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eorzeashan · 5 months
Headcanon that some Echani have folded/floppy ears; these ears saw a rise in popularity among their population because folded ears in potential mates are seen as cute and youthful, which also means sharp ears are a trait in general. (folded ears are a genetic mutation of this due to softening of cartilage). ancient Echani ears resembled the triangle-shaped ears of predators but over the course of evolution, became smaller and now rest on the sides of an Echani's head; some theorize ears became folded over time to filter out noise, which can be seen in the design of Echani clothing that greatly emphasizes hoods and headwear to protect the species' sensitive hearing.
Often, human hybrids of Echani gain the ears of their human parentage instead.
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savior-of-humanity · 6 months
sometimes when my ADHD Attention Span hyperfocuses onto some random thing (and by ""sometimes"" i mean frequently), i end up whipping out some sick fucking doodles for concept stuff that never really ends up coming to fruition
anyways ermmmm here's satan. he's for an evangelion/godzilla crossover project where he's the child(?) of a seed of life named lucifer and has funny shapeshifting powers :3c
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(reblogs are allowed + appreicated!)
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darabeatha · 8 months
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/ I say I do not like lb6 yet I have 4 characters that appear in it as muses
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feyarchived · 10 months
i want to cut down on the amount of canons i have on my main muse lists since it feels like they overwhelm things (and myself) when it comes to interactions and potential for plotting rather than focusing on ones i truly enjoy writing and leaving the others as ‘bonus’ or ‘request’ muses, so that will likely be a focus for this weekend. and if there’s anyone you want to see not get axed either entirely or from the main list that you can see yourself interacting with please feel free to let me know!
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