#sburb glitch faq
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hi my godteir bed has heart AND light symbols..
couple possible things this could be, im gonna need a liiiiittle more info than this.
things ive seen cause that before:
systems occasionally will have dual aspects for whoever the primary two alters are. never more than two, idk why. not a glitch though, this seems to be a feature.
you and another player were in too close proximity to each other when you entered the medium (and this distance is farther than youd think) and it merged your lands and you now have a dual quest bed. shouldnt be game-breaking, but a lot of things meant to be for one or the other of you will combine, and some dialogue may break. you also may encounter cities or ruins spliced in half by like mountains and stuff. your denizens might...well, thats more info than you needed. if this is you ill elaborate. glitch.
youre a mist player and your land is fucking with you. feature. or glitch. i dont know its mist.
either way, goodluck. this is going to be an interesting session for you.
-mod fs
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sburb glitch faq/rvau mentioned (BRAIN EXPLODES)
Some analysis of the overlap between Homestuck chumhandles/trolltags and Rain World iterator names (and pseudonyms)
because what else do you do when you're bored and have Imminent Tasks to do?
To start with, though, some analysis of each individual category to formalize the patterns and "rules" of both naming types!
Chumhandles actually follow a pretty consistent set of rules other than the session-specific ATGC initial conventions! In particular:
It must be either two words exactly, or in the rare edge case of a session leader, one word split between a prefix and a noun (ectoBiologist, carcinoGeneticist). One is too few; three is right out.
No chumhandle is less than four syllables, or more than eight, although one-syllable words are allowed in either half (e.g. twinArmageddons, arachnidsGrip). The longest individual words seem to cap out at 5 syllables (terminally, auxiliatrix).
The most common format is adjective/modifier + noun, with the noun generally being some kind of person or role. (i.e. trickster, biologist, therapist, godhead, gnostic, toreador, geneticist, auxiliatrix, calibrator, culler, gumshoe, gnostalgic, terror) but not always (armageddons, catnip, grip, umbra/ge, testicle, aquarium). The few remaining exceptions either 1) put the noun first (apocalypseArisen), 2) consist of an adverb and adjective instead (terminallyCapricious), or… whatever the fuck Dirk and Tavros had going on (timaeusTestified, adiosToreador).
There is an overall preference for "fancy" and somewhat obscure word choices.
Non-english words are uncommon but acceptable (adiosToreador).
Actually, I'm not sure they even have to be real words either; "gnostalgic" seems to be more of a pun than anything else
For the humans, there tends to be a trend of specific cultural references, generally gnostic or otherwise religious (gardenGnostic, golgothasTerror, timaeusTestified (philosophy but we'll count it), tipsyGnostalgic, arguably turntechGodhead); in trolltags, there's a trend of negative descriptors, violence, and references to the apocalypse.
Iterator names seem to be a little looser overall, probably not helped by the multiple groups of devs not always 100% agreeing re: lore. Thus we can probably say more about acceptable chumhandles than acceptable iterator names, although templates clearly do exist.
Names use whole words and form full phrases, though those phrases don't have to be nouns
Permissible nouns tend to be restricted in category - mostly inanimate natural entities (Moon, Pebble, Sun(s), Straw, Wind, etc) or abstract qualities/behaviors/concepts (Innocence, Harassment)
For natural objects, nouns tend to be simple - one syllable, two at most. More abstract qualities are allowed longer, fancier nouns.
Observed formats/templates include: "[number] [optional adj.] [object]" (Five Pebbles, Seven Red Suns), "[verb]s [preposition] [object]" (Looks to the Moon), "[adjective] [object or abstract quality]" (Unparalleled Innocence, Grey/Chasing Wind, "Erratic Pulse"; in Downpour: Pleading Intellect, Secluded Instinct, Wandering Omen, Gazing Stars), "[noun] of [object]" (Sliver of Straw; in Downpour: Epoch of Clouds). No Significant Harassment is a bit of an outlier but arguably fits group 3, with "No Significant" as the adjective/descriptor part.
The first category of names also seems to overlap the strongest with Ancient naming conventions, so the type of object could speculatively be extended to non-natural objects like bells, beads, etc (though those also seem to be mainly low-tech and "simple" objects), but there's not clear precedent for it.
Overall tone of names is neutral to positive, which makes sense given the context of iterators as the Ancients' "gift to the world" and all that
Looking at these analyses, we can find there is surprisingly small overlap between the two naming conventions! (Although it definitely exists.)
The greatest overlap is probably in iterator names that fit the third template ([adj.] [obj/quality]), most of which can comfortably pass for chumhandles so long as they're just two words and fit the four-syllable minimum. So erraticPulse [EP], unparalleledInnocence [UI], pleadingIntellect [PI] etc scan pretty well.
Chumhandles to iterator names is actually a lot harder, mostly because the range of appropriate nouns for iterator names seems to be narrower overall, and many chumhandles make more explicit cultural or material references which don't translate well into Rain World. Additionally, a lot of trolltags have very negative leaning names, while iterator names tend to be more neutral or even positive in tone. The best few I'd say are maybe Terminally Capricious, Apocalypse Arisen (doesn't strictly fit the naming template but has the vibes~ ok), Undying Umbrage and tentatively Arachnid's Grip (if arachnids can be assumed sufficiently existent for the reference to work), but none of them fully fit the vibes for a proper iterator IMO. Ironically, I've had better luck taking a page out of SBURB Glitch FAQ's book and converting soundtrack titles - Endless Climb, Upward Movement, Plays the Wind, Carefree Action, etc.
This was totally unnecessary but uh. Yeah.
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every so often i do classpect related stuff with friends and realize all of my classpect analysis is based on the stuff done in the sburb glitch faq. unfortunately i know no one who's read it. fortunately this means i can say completely insane things (light has luck through increasing abstractions of what light is- literal light - seeing the path forward - being guided forward - never treading the wrong way despite not knowing where to go - blind luck) and people will just not know where i get it from
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PLEAAASSEE read sburb glitch faq im begging
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I have a theory about why that guy didn't get Knight syndrome:
I firmly believe that each class in Sburb is basically a different take on what it "means" to be mature.
The Thief, for example, is for those people who think maturity means being yourself no matter what anyone else thinks, proving yourself to be useful in a material sense to the point that you cannot be disposed of, etc. while not really valuing the interpretations of maturity that focus on socialization, or doing what others want you to do, or not spending resources, or what have you.
To give another example, the Maid would be someone for whom maturity means doing your job. No matter how tireless, thankless, and generally exhausting it is. Someone who's idea of a mature adult does not particularly include moments of rest or relaxation beyond perhaps the occasional scheduled-out and earned vacation.
So my idea of the Knight is: in another game, where classes didn't have the one syllable rule, the Knight would be called the Soldier.
And not the actual reality of a Soldier, but instead, the sort of culturally idealized version. Someone who must fight. Not because they want to, but because they have to. For the money to support their family, to defeat an intolerable evil, for the sake of their friends, and so on.
And of course, the absolute most idealized version of a Soldier, must not enjoy fighting. They cannot revel in war. It is their grim task, that they must train to even be capable of performing, and that will scar them forever.
I think Knight syndrome is Sburb trying to force that last bit. Which it kind of needs to do, because you mostly just kill underlings in this game, and they are mostly not worth thinking about when it comes to morality. The task at hand, while still grim (creating new worlds that will themselves someday be destroyed to make more Sburb sessions), is almost the opposite of what this "ideal" Soldier should struggle with. They should not be fighting for a dubious goal, they should be fighting for a glorious one, but have to do awful things to get there, and the game (mostly) just isn't set up like that.
So if a Knight doesn't experience Knight syndrome, then I think by this logic there's a few reasons why that may be. That guy seemed to imply that he was generally following orders from others about what to do. I think that's normal for a Knight, as a passive class (bluh, something about that doesn't sit right with me, but that's a topic for another time) but I do think most Knights struggle with it?
I think that "following orders" is something the hypothetical Soldier class would be a bit mixed about. Obviously a lot of people's idea of the perfect Soldier *WOULD* disobey orders sometimes, to do what's right instead. But then, in real life, doing that could be downright treasonous.
So I think a gradient may exist. If there was ever a Knight who truly believed in their heart of hearts that following the orders of others was part of their duty, to such a degree that it should exonerate them of everything, that to apply their own will would make them a *bad* Soldier... they could perhaps skip the "put their emotions aside" thing that the Glitch FAQ says they are to do. No need for it. They truly and absolutely believe that questioning what they are doing is not something they are supposed to do, and so they don't.
And without that self doubt, the game can't spin up the syndrome inside them.
...Well, those are my guesses anyway. Sorry this was so long! Hope it doesn't read like total nonsense! I've only ever rolled Knight once, and personally my syndrome was so bad I nearly didn't make it through the session, so I'm not really speaking from experience.
The first bit on "Classes as a meant to maturity" is pretty commonly accepted game lore, which is not only corroborated in how Classes are attributed, but GGTG even made the "Knights are soldiers" metaphor originally. I understand it's building up to the main point though, so I won't harp on it.
A more critical misunderstanding is that Knight Syndrome is not exclusive to Knights. It happens to Knights *frequently*, most likely because the Knights have to suppress their own desires to act as executioner (as opposed to the Page, who achieves actualization through constant combat), but Knight Syndrome is found in both the Combat Classes. And if you're willing to entertain my iconoclasm, might just be a general "tendency" that we point out more frequently in the Combat Classes, in the same way everyone makes home bases and hideouts but we recognize a Seer's Den as being a specific thing for questionable reasons. The same way everyone gets hasty and makes an assumption that causes issues, but we pathologize it when Seers and Sages do it, even though I've never made an assumption that didn't end up being correct. But that's beside the point.
The point I AM getting at, is that Knight Syndrome, from my perspective, happens for a few reasons. Firstly, Page/Knight is assigned to people who don't want to fight in the first place, so breaking down and not wanting to fight later on hardly seems surprising. Second, while Underlings are basically negligible as far as killing goes, a Combat Class fights in a fundamentally different way. Other people fight Underlings they run into while doing a task, or temporarily go on a grinding spree when they need Grist. Pages and Knights are constantly getting sent to the really tough bosses, the enemies with nasty or tricky abilities, the Atomyk Ebonpyres, or "advanced Grinding duty", which is certainly more stressful than "normal combat", where those things are to be avoided or circumvented. Third, and more specific to Knights, it's the eradication of the self I alluded to earlier. Where the Page wields their Aspect like a weapon, it's not a stretch to say that the Knight is turned into a weapon by their Aspect. They have to walk up to other people, ask for permission to kill something, or get told to kill, and they walk off and do it. That's the essence of a soldier, and it can be quite dehumanizing. I know I hate being told what to do, so imagine my angst if my job for the entire Session is not only to get bossed around, but to constantly put my body at risk doing someone else's dirty work.
I do agree with your final conclusion though. If one not only doesn't mind the dehumanization inherent to soldiering, but in fact derives comfort or strength from it (strong sense of duty, abdication of responsibility, genuine love for challenge, weird sex thing), then it's unlikely to sap them of the will to fight, thus preventing Knight Syndrome. Though I do have to say, I still find the "I'm immune to Knight Syndrome because my brain is wired wrong and I'm literally built different" explanation to also be a compelling alternative. God personally hand-crafted that guy to be a Knight and like it.
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#all of this is still up in the air im still figuring shit out it may be awhile lol
I dreamt that my denizen's preborn!life was as a prince on a Land so maybe the stewardship and journeying idea I have can be something else...like how denizens play sburb...a special quest thing only denizen!spirits get? Like how denizens also get a custom house on their respective dream moon but it evolves and changes as they play the game...
What happens before sBurb begins on the Player’s Land?
This is in terms of a storytelling standpoint, not in the literal where a Land is generated as the Player enters the game.
Before a player is born/hatched/otherwise brought into the world:
1) Their Hibernating Soul rules their Land in peace and harmony.* 2) The opposite Dream Moon of the player attacks the Land in order to gain an advantage over their enemies.** 3) Amidst the chaos, the Denizen enters the Land. The carapacians of the royal’s dream moon ferry them away to safety. Before this happens, the Hero or Noble scatters their treasures from their reign across the Land.*** 4) The royal flees to the body they will soon inhabit as a newborn. 5) At the same time, the newborn form of their dreamself floats to the dream moon of the carapacians that helped their waking self escape.****
*In the Land’s history, this is considered to be the “fairy tale” age of the Land. Thus, each Land’s population views their respective Monarch differently. Some resent the Player for leaving when they were needed the most. Others don’t even believe the Player really existed and view them as we view Lady Liberty or King Arthur. And yet others still are complete and utter nerds dedicated to their Player. **Double dreamers (of which there are only 1 in a billion) are overthrown by their own subjects. ***Players born prematurely instead bring their reign’s treasures to their own mind/heart, and would be regained by doing specific Quests on their Land instead of just coming across random caches. ****Carapacian players are sponsored by a noble family on their respective dream moon.
Thus, every Player is an exiled royal from their Land who needs to reclaim their birthright and their honor. As said in the Sburb Glitch FAQ, “A title of nobility without a Land means nothing.”
A Land starts with only one descriptor. (The Land of Shade, the Land of Frogs, etc.) The second part of the Land descriptor only comes when the Denizen does. This second descriptor is the problem that the Land is facing. After the Player solves the problem, this descriptor will take on a positive meaning.
Example 1: Born 3 months premature, I flee the Land of Diamonds with my Land’s treasures. A sickly Glow envelops the Land. My tiny dreamself floats to Derse in a specialized incubator. Example 2: Born at the normal time, my boyfriend escapes the Land of Circuitry empty handed. The Synthesis of the Land is corrupted. His dreamself floats to Prospit in a cradle.
#hs#homestuck#sgrub#sburb#meta#my theories#sburb glitch faq#preborn stuff#preborn lives#preborn vibes#denizens
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i made some fankids specifically for the "Glitch SBURB FAQ" fanfic, which is one of my favorite pieces of fanwork in the world. an oldie but a goodie
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well i made a promise to post here the stuff im too nervous to post on main so.
a list of media fates that, while horrible, are also kind of mutuals do this to me:
- tulip 15. or just darwin in general but especially tulip 15
- smile for me Big Event
- appointment with dr birdbrain
- ^^^ extrapolate
- big glass of fuel
- false prophet
- oots soul splice
- oots greg incident
- actually just. in general meeting a vampire
- cabinet man (doing the same thing)
- soft fuzzy man (meeting him)
- isekai'd to inscryption like that one kaycee comic
- sburb
- sburb (glitch faq style) (read: significantly worse)
- house of leaves (going there. i simply would fall in love with the house)
- rat god helps me achieve my wish
- aperture science test subject
- on a blaseball team (preferably the shoe thieves or The Breath Mints. or the wild wings)
- on a blaseball team, but then vaulted by lootcrates (worse)
- on a blaseball team, but then vaulted by lootcrates, but then playing for the vault legends (worse still)
- on a blaseball team, but then playing for the rising stars, but then vaulted by lootcrates (worse than before but not as bad as NOT being vaulted by lootcrates)
- on a blaseball team, but it's the shelled one's pods (SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE THAN ALL OF THE ABOVE) (but.... idk)
- shelled
- turned into marketable plushie
- fulton recovery'd to mother base
- gnome
- in a situation that involves meeting the fae
- weirdmageddon
- chillin in 17776
- in the EXIT
- nestor-10 (in dr calvin's place)
- herbie from the same series (in dr calvin's place)
- cutie from the same series (on the ship)
- the brain from the same series (on the ship)
- on snaktooth island chowin down on bugsnax (i havent finished the game i have no idea if this is going to age poorly dont spoil me)
- kidnapped by bowser
- kirby's epic yarn (i'm a boss battle)
- helped to win the second season of the show im in by an interloper who can speak in a frequency only i can hear
- stuck in the plane
- stuck in the constant
- stuck in the good place even though i aint great
- stuck in the infinite ikea
- stuck in the habitat
- member of team galactic
- lategame inscryption
- stuck on the be not afraid game show We Have Fun Here
- whatever happened to head of lettuce
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Intro Post
Hello, Multi-session sburb veteran here, i give posts mythological titles (class and aspects)
I am Mark Warren, Native Seer of Hope, Current Knight of Breath, on the Land of Miasma and Storms
OOC Blog Explanation:
i give blogs classpects, i list the places where the classes and aspects are done as this is Replay Value Au, would highly recomend reading Sburb Glitch Faq, and then other Replay Value AU works, it's good
the explanations:
#RV AU#replay value#replay value au#homestuck#sburb#intro#intro post#blog intro#introduction#pinned intro#introductory post#ooc
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I honestly prefer the interpretation of Sburb's titles from the fanfic Sburb glitch Faq, give it a read a sometime
Link to fic for any others that are curious too. Thanks for the recommend!
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been reading sburb glitch faq and i was like Oh my god its that one blogs url
i had no idea what you were talking about but i think this is about a fanfic ?? and yeah if they mention ocean stars falling its a homestuck song !!
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Howdy! Sylph of Blood here! I got an issue with our Kight of Breath in our session. He's going on a bit of a rampage at the moment on his planet. He found a weird black orb and alchemized it into a pair of great swords, and so now he's destroying just about everything and kicking up a storm that won't let anyone into his atmosphere. And he apparently godtiered recently. I can't contact any of our other players at the moment, and I don't want to have to kill him. Any advice?
That sounds like what he's casting is [Wrath of the Storm God], which is Breath's arguably most powerful ability. This is likely caused by a SBURB mental disorder--I'm not a psychologist, and I don't know the full situation, so it's hard to say which one. Possibly Aggrievance, in which case the cure is a good ol' hug until the crying stops. If not that, then perhaps MeGaLoVania? That one is a bit harder to treat, really just doing your best to be there for them is all you can do.
Quite honestly, I'd let him be if you can't get close. He's not hurting anyone on your team, and if he's made it to God Tier, he's far enough that most of his important quests likely won't be affected by his little temper tantrum. Message him, be there for him, and try to get in there and see what's happening once he calms down.
Of course, this is not medical advice, and if he doesn't have Aggrievance or MeGaLoVania and you die trying to hug him, I am not liable for the outcome.
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RIP Sburb Glitch Faq, APART guide, Sburb etiquette guide, and all the others
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcdefvNhrN1qe9g4mo1_640.jpg)
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Does anyone have any examples of "fake GameFAQs guides" or fanfics formatted to look like game fans guides? The only one o can think of is SBURB Glitch faq back in the day but that's it. Wanna try my hand and writhing a fanfic in that format, see if that does anything for me
#writeblr#writing#fanfic#fanfic discussion#questions#ao3#fanfiction#writing advice#writing talk#fanfic talk
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heuugghh (old man noise) does anyone remember sburb glitch faq.. sburb glitch faq....
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The Sburb Glitch FAQ says "Every Player will have a Showdown at least once during the playthrough of a session. It can't be helped. It's like some sort of rule."
Is it just me, or is that, uh, totally wrong? I've had plenty of sessions where at least one guy player managed to keep a more-or-less level head the whole time- or at least, if they ever did lose it, they did so in private, and calmed down on their own.
Not to mention, I think plenty of players permadie before they even unlock the abilities that are associated with berserk triggers..
Well hold on now, the entire point of Berserk Triggers is that it doesn't matter whether you've unlocked those abilities yet. You enter such a psychotic state that you access endgame abilities you don't or shouldn't be able to use.
As for the "every Session will have a Showdown" thing, this is a common folly among Replayers, and GGTG is unfortunately not immune to it. That folly being the "I keep experiencing this weird thing so I assume it's actually hardcoded to happen" disease. It's a type of disease where you keep experiencing a weird thing and assume it's hardcoded to happen. There is merit to this type of thinking, because the game DOES seemingly keep making certain things happen. When computers get too stressed out or crash, they ALWAYS explode, Cataclysm classes ALWAYS trigger a Cataclysm, and so on.
Then there's the "tends to happen" scenarios. Seers TEND to get their vision damaged, Knights and Pages TEND to lose the will to fight at some point, the Reckoning TENDS to end the world via meteor storm by default and only come up with variant methods in worlds with anti-meteor defenses, or if something happens to the Veil during the Session in the future. But it doesn't ALWAYS happen. For example, Seers and Sages TEND to get arrogant and make a short-sighted decision that causes issues, but my insight has never been clouded by spite or resentment. Similarly, while I've certainly had a meltdown or two, I don't recall if I ever Berserk Triggered. But in those Sessions, someone else did Berserk Trigger.
It could just be that "a Showdown always happens and someone always Berserk Triggers" isn't a statement of "the game mandates this event to happen", but rather "the game is really fucking stressful and we're all teenagers so it just tends to happen, the conditions are almost perfectly set up for this to happen". For example, if I said "someone always permadies in a Session" and you go through a Session with no casualties, you would realize this is less a statement of "the game will forcekill someone to meet quota" and more "the game is really hard and poorly put together actually", you know?
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