#❜ — there's so many things there that's gonna lift you up. / saved.
doitforbangchan · 2 months
Captiv(e)ate - H.H
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Pairing:Mafia boss! Hyunjin x Doctor/EMT!reader
Requested: Yes, you can see the original ask here.
Warnings: Fem/afab reader, Guns, blood, kidnapping?, cursing, kissing, suggestive, petnames (angel and darling), and probably more
WC: 4.4k
Sorry to the original asker that this took literal months 🙃i also want to add that i took a lot of creative liberties here and changed it up a bit. Hope you like it! Not proofread Masterlist
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“Are you sure we’re in the right area? I don’t see any businesses, only abandoned buildings. Wasn’t the call for a business injury?”  
“This is where the address is showing on the gps, Y/n.”
“Yeah, I get that,” you sighed, looking out the front window of the ambulance. “But doesn’t it just seem a little… off?” 
Ray, the driver, shrugged, “ Guess we’ll see when we get there. The building should be right around the corner.” 
You continued to look out of the window, doubt etched across your face. Being an EMT has taken you to many sketchy places since you started your career, but nothing has ever set the knot in your stomach so tight as it is now. A few minutes later the gps alerted that the destination was directly in front of you. With a deep breath you prepared to enter work mode and put your nerves aside and as the vehicle stopped you opened the doors. 
Immediately you saw a small swarm of men filter quickly out of the building. Before you could hop out, the one who came out first reached behind him and pulled out a silver pistol, aiming it directly at you. You froze, eyes wide with terror and a chill down your spine.You slowly put your hands up to show you are unarmed. You could hear Ray behind you yelling in fear but you remained silent.
“No one move an inch.” The man with the gun growled menacingly, he had an Australian accent. “This is how this is gonna go. We are all getting into this ambulance, and you are going to treat our friend. You cooperate- you leave with your lives. You don’t… then you don’t. Capisce?” 
You both nodded quickly, keeping your hands up. The man was satisfied with your choice and he motioned for you all to move aside. Once you did all the men began to hop into the ambulance, two of them carrying another who was nearly unconscious. 
The men dropped the injured one onto the gurney then shut the doors harshly. “First things first,” The man with the gun said. “Give me your cell phones. No calling the cops.” The two of you shakily took out your phones and handed them over to the man. “Alright now do your jobs. Driver, head south towards Gangnam.” 
It was incredibly cramped in the ambulance with all of the people but nonetheless you scooted closer to the man on the gurney. Your eyes did a quick sweep over the men; some were glaring at you in intimidation, others were looking at the injured man with deep worry on their faces.
With a deep yet shaky breath, you snapped on some rubber gloves and began to access the patient in front of you. He was a young guy, probably early 20’s. His lips were plump- the shape reminded you of a dumpling. His eyelashes were long and dark, flitting on his cheeks as he twitched with his eyes closed.  Overall he was a very handsome man, they all were really, but something about this man in particular made your heart flutter. If he wasn’t bleeding out in front of you you might have taken a little more time to eye him up, but now was not the time to get distracted. Especially since your life was on the line if you didn’t save this man. 
You could see that the blood was pouring out of a wound on his side and you lifted his shirt to find a bullet wound. You winced, finding a cloth and holding it on the wound quickly to help with the copious amount of blood. When you pressed into it, he gasped from the pain and his eyes shot back open.
 “Nnnnhgggghh” He choked out and suddenly his hand was grasped from beside him. A young looking man with shoulder length blonde hair held his hand and with an unexpected deep voice tried to sooth him. 
“Shh easy, Hyune. The docs gonna patch you right up.”
Another one spoke up from behind you, “Yeah you’re gonna be alright boss!” 
Hyune, as he was called, looked over to you, his teeth clattering as he tried to hide his pain, and with a shaky nod he motioned for you to continue.  You steeled yourself the best you could and got to work. 
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‘Hyune’ was banaged the best you could, but you would need a more steady place to work that wasn’t speeding down a highway. When you conveyed that to the men around you, you were met with glares. 
“No, you will get it done here and now.” The one with the gun still out stated with a growl. 
“C-chan..” Your patient croaked, “H-home..” They all did a double take at the man on the gurney, some scoffing and looking like they wanted to disagree but before they could he held up a hand and instantly they all stopped talking. “That’s an order.” 
The man with the gun, ‘Chan’, sighed. “Ok, you got it.” Then he turned to you with hard eyes, “Do you know how to drive this thing?” 
You were taken aback, “Uhh, no I don’t.” 
He hummed, then looked at a man with copper colored hair and thin eyes, “You’re up, maknae.” the both of them went over to where Ray was. “Pull over in this cluster of buildings.” Ray did as he was told and pulled over behind a large factory. 
The copper haired man reached behind him, “Sorry man, this is the end of the road for you.” 
You couldn’t help the gasp that left you at the man's words. “No, please no!” 
Both the men looked at you as if you were dumb, and then the younger one pulled out a wad of cash from his back pocket. He shoved it into the hands of Ray who was shaking in his fear. 
“Take this as a token of our appreciation for your help and your silence about this.” 
Ray nodded and got out of the ambulance, not even sparing you a glance. The younger man got into the driver's seat and began to drive the large vehicle with ease. You looked out the window to see Ray counting his large stack of cash with a smile on his face. It almost made you sick with how easily he was bought off. 
One of the men who was still standing near you pulled a dark piece of fabric out from his pocket - a blindfold- and smirked at you. “Sorry, we can’t have you knowing where our hideout is.” 
He sure didn’t sound sorry… 
Your thoughts were cynical as the man wrapped the fabric over your eyes. He tied it tightly and then held your arm for the remainder of the ride. 
It had felt like hours (though it had only been about 15 minutes) before you could feel the vehicle coming to a stop.The doors to the ambulance were quickly opened and you could feel the heat from outside immediately seep in. You yelped as you felt someone lift you into their arms.
“Shut it, I’m just helping you get out.” It was the voice of the one who blindfolded you. He hopped out with you in his arms and set you back down on your feet. You wobbled and almost tripped when he started to usher you to move, keeping a hold on your arm the whole time. You were led into a building and down a hall.
 Suddenly the fabric was ripped from your eyes as the other men hurriedly wheeled in the gurney with ‘Hyune’ on into the room. The blonde one rushed in behind them with his arms full of medical equipment. The items were laid on a table and you were pushed closer to the injured man. 
Chan threw a pair of rubber gloves at you, “Get to work doc.” 
You put on the fresh gloves and breathed deeply to steady your nerves. You were a medical professional that worked as an emt, you thrived under pressure. This was no different… at least that’s what you told yourself as you got to work removing the bullet from this very good looking man. 
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You were able to breathe a sigh of relief when you finally finished sewing up the man. The entire time you worked you had been supervised and scrutinized by Chan and the blonde one, both of them keeping their gaze trained on your every move. You had worked in silence the whole time, and you were thankful for the quiet as it allowed you to focus. The silence also helped you think about the circumstances you have found yourself in. 
You came to the conclusion that these men were part of the mafia- or some kind of gang- and the man you operated on was their boss. The realization did nothing to ease your anxiety, nor did the awareness that once you were done here they would most likely be done with you. You ignored the sick feeling within your stomach as you took off your bloodied gloves and stepped back from your patient. 
“I-i’m done.” Damnit, you didn’t mean to stutter. “He just needs to rest and heal for a while. I gave him some morphine for the pain so it’s imperative that he relaxes to avoid further risk.” 
The blonde one was by his side in an instant, grabbing his hand and checking him over. “Hear that, Jin? You’re gonna be fine.” Hyune tried to lift his head up but he was lightly pushed back down by the blonde. “Nuh uh you have to rest.” 
“Felix..” He mumbled and tried to speak but it was coming out so quietly you couldn’t hear what was said, you only saw the brow raise from ‘Felix’ at what Hyune was saying.
“Uhh yeah, ok. Whatever you say.” Felix waved over Chan who came over. Chan side eyed you as Felix whispered something in his ear, making him sigh in frustration. Then he waved you closer to them. 
You gulped and shuffled over to them. You were surprised when the injured man reached out and grabbed your hand, and he turned his head to look directly in your eyes. His eyes were droopy as if he was struggling to stay awake and he had a dopey grin on his face that made him look even more boyishly handsome. 
“You saved me..” He started, staring directly into your gaze. “You must be an angel.” 
“Uhh.” You felt your face heat up despite the small tinge of fear that still remained inside you. “No, m’ just a doctor. My name is Y/n.” 
Your response caused him to burst into a fit of giggles, which in return made both men next to him let out a few chuckles. Seeing them laugh so casually made you feel slightly less anxious and you felt your shoulders relax a little. 
“You’re funny. I like you.” He squeezed your hand again, his grip was shaky and clammy but for some reason it comforted you. His eyes flickered over to Chan, who rolled his eyes and approached you. “Be nice to her, Channie. S’ not everyday we have an angel among us.” 
Chan snorted and grabbed your arm again, leading you away from the others and down a different hallway. He led you to a room and he opened it, motioning for you to enter. When you were apprehensive he ended up shoving you in and closing the door quickly behind you. The pit in your stomach grew as you heard the distinct click of the door being locked. You spun around and grabbed at the handle of the door but it didn’t budge. 
It was at that moment that all the emotions you’ve been holding onto since this whole ordeal started came rushing to you all at once. All of the fear, frustration and anger began to pour out of you in the form of tears. Your hands went to your face as you sobbed and your back slid against the door until you were seated on the ground. 
How did you get yourself into this mess? All you did was come to work. And now look at you. Locked away in some mobsters house. You finally lifted your head to look at your surroundings and saw you were in a bedroom. There was a small bed in the corner and another door that led to a small bathroom. You looked around for windows but there was only one tiny one with thick looking glass. So you couldn’t break it and escape.. 
You supposed there were worse places to be held, at least you weren’t in a jail cell,  though you would have preferred to not be captive here in the first place. For what had to be two hours you sat there and thought about how unlucky you were, until finally there was a knock on the other side of the door. 
You scrambled up and to your feet just as the door was unlocked and opened, revealing a man whose name you did not know. He had chunky cheeks and big dark boba eyes. He offered you a gentle smile when he saw you standing there. 
“Hi. It’s uh- it’s time to check on Hyunjin.” So that was his name. Hyunjin. “He started complaining about the pain again.” 
“Oh, ok.” You let him lead you out and down another few halls and up a set of stairs. The house you were in was huge and gorgeous. Beautiful floral paintings lined the walls and crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings. Obviously these people had taste. 
The man with you- who had introduced himself as Han- opened another door and led you inside. Laying in a massive bed was Hyunjin, blinking up at you as you carefully approached his bed side. He beamed when he saw that it was you who entered his space. “There's my angel.” 
You shook your head, “I’m not an angel, sir. I’m just a doctor. How are you feeling?” 
“Don’t call me sir, my name is Hyunjin. But my friends call me Hyune.” He winked after he said ‘friends’ and it brought more heat to your face. “And I’m feeling alright, Angel. Just a little tender with the morphine wearing off.” A quiet scoff and a ‘little tender my ass’ was heard from behind you, then Hyunjin sent a glare at Han who mumbled his apology quickly with a giggle. “How are you, Angel? My boys treating you well? You are my special guest here after all.” 
“I’m your special guest?” You asked, shocked at his words and that he cared that you were being treated nicely. You tried not to show your surprise as you got back into work mode, checking his wounds and beginning to replace the gauze. 
“Of course. You saved my life and I don’t take that kind of thing for granted. So you are the specialist guest I’ve ever had.” He gave you that dopey grin again and you felt your heart palpitate. Why are you reacting this way? Get a grip! He’s just a man! A dangerous one at that..
But a really really cute one.
Han cleared his throat, “Uhh boss, I don’t think your in your right mind yet, seems like the morphine is still-” 
Han was cut off by another harsh glare sent his way by Hyunjin, “ I think I’m perfectly in my right mind, Jisung, and I appreciate your concern, but what I would appreciate more is you shutting up.” Han mimicked zipping his lips and locking it, raising his hands in surrender. Then Hyunjin turned back to you just as you finished wrapping him up again with that charming smile. 
You offered him a small one in return, “The wound has been cleaned, it’ll have to be cleaned and rewrapped twice daily to avoid infection. No strenuous movements for a few weeks while it heals and make sure you’re drinking enough water and eating.” 
He grabbed onto your hand once again, “Ah thank you so much, Angel. Speaking of food, have you eaten? Are you hungry?” You shook your head but he didn’t accept your answer. “ Oh come on you must be a little hungry, you’ve been working so hard today. I’ll have dinner set up, whatever you like, hmm?” He nodded over at Han who pulled out his phone and sent a quick text. “So what will it be? Steak? Lobster?” 
You said the first thing that came to your mind in a panic, “How about pizza?” 
“Pizza?” He laughed, crinkling his eyes. “You could have anything in the world and you choose pizza? Oh Angel, you are surprising.” He brought your hand up and laid a kiss on the back of your hand. “It’ll be done before you know it.” 
You found your confidence in that moment, the burning questions rattling around and begging to escape. “Can I ask you something, please?” Your voice came out more timid than you intended and you mentally cursed yourself. 
“Of course.” He didn’t even hesitate, having an inkling about what you wanted to know. 
“I’m still not totally sure what is going on here.. I mean I get that you guys hijacked my ambulance and you needed medical help, but I don’t know what I’m still doing here or why you’re being so nice to me or even who you guys are.” You twiddle your thumbs and avoided eye contact, though you were not sure why you were so nervous. 
Hyunjin chuckled, patting you on the back of your hand, “Promise not to freak out?” You nodded in agreement. “This is the Straykids headquarters. You’re still here because you have been more than useful to me and you saved my life.” 
Upon hearing the name ‘Straykids’ you knew exactly who he was. This was the leader of the most notorious mafia group in Seoul; Hwang Hyunjin. This man was known for being dangerous, violent and bloodthirsty. His whole gang was, really. You had seen first hand the leftovers of one of their shootouts, having been called to the scene a few months prior to try to find any survivors. There were none. 
But this man doesn’t seem to be the cruel criminal that he had been made out to be- though maybe it was the drugs you had administered that was altering his mind. So far he had been kind to you, and had worried that you were being taken care of. 
It was like he could see the gears turning in your head and he let out another chuckle. “Don’t worry, Angel, you’re safe here. No one here is going to do anything to harm my special little Angel.” Hyunjin winked again, then a ding was heard from his phone. He leaned over and read the text, “Pizza is here. Hannie will take you down to the dining room, I will join you in a moment. Ok?” He finally let go of your hand and sent you off with Han. 
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You were seated at this long elegant oak dining table, a gang member on each side of you as they call scarfed down the slices of pizza. Hyunjin sat at the end of the table, keeping his eyes on you as you picked at your food. He could see how nervous you were to be surrounded by infamous criminals but he was also intrigued by how well you were holding yourself together. He was starting to like you more and more. 
“So how long have you been an EMT?” The question came from the boy next to you- I.N he was called- as he shoved another bite into his mouth. 
You cleared your throat, “About a year. I worked in the hospital for a while before this as a resident.” 
He nodded, swallowing . “What made you leave working in the comfort of the hospital? Seems like it would be a pretty cushy gig” 
“Yeah it was.” You agreed, “But it was so boring. I like to be out there in the action.” 
That had caught everyone's attention. A few looked at you with raised brows. “Action huh?” Minho had asked from across from you. “Like what?”
They noticed how you lit up as you started talking about some of the medical emergencies you had seen, how passionate you sounded as you described how you helped people. Hyunjin especially could see all your emotions as you spoke. 
“Sounds bloody.” Minho said, earning him a light hit to the head from Seungmin. “Fuck off!” He grouched at the boy next to him.
You shrugged, already feeling more comfortable. “It can be. Nothing you guys aren’t used to, I’m sure.” 
All eight men started to laugh, some nodding along as your words rang true. They were all much more personable now, acting like normal guys and cracking jokes and laughing together. In fact they were all so normal it was almost unsettling. These are not the kind of men you envisioned when you imagined the deadly mafia. They seemed more like a family than a gang. 
You felt a hard pat on the back from Chan who was sitting on the other side of you, “You’re kinda funny, doc.”
“Thanks I try.” You gave a small grin to him and finished your pizza. 
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It had gone like this for the next two weeks. Every day you were let out of your room to treat Hyunjin and keep the wound from getting infected, and then you would either go back to your room or were allowed to hang out with some of the mafia members. 
Every day Hyunjin would flirt with you, calling you Angel and telling you how much he valued you. You didn’t want to fall for his charms but you were just a girl. And he was one appealing man. He made sure you were cared for, and showed you kindness. There was never a moment (other than that first day) that you had felt like you were in danger with him or the other members.
His injury was healing nicely and you knew that soon there would be no use for you, and that was the only thought that brought you any kind of anxiety. You doubted they would just send you on your way; you knew way too much about them and their ‘organization’. They hadn’t been exactly secretive about it since you’ve been there. 
You went to find Hyunjin to do his exam and found him sitting at his desk in his office. Since he was healing he was able to do more behind the scenes work and as the leader he definitely had work to do. Organized crime required more work than anyone realized. 
You walked in and he looked up from whatever he was studying and offered you one of his dazzling smiles. “Hiya Angel. Is it that time again?” 
You nodded, “Uh huh, lemme see it.” 
He smirked and lifted his shirt to reveal his toned abdomen. “If you wanted me to take my clothes off you should have just asked. I would never deny an Angel.” There he was with his flirting that always brought a deep heat over your face and ears. 
“Yeah yeah, just come ‘er.” You muttered and took off his bandage. You examined the wound. Just as you thought, it was healed enough that you would no longer need to take care of it. “It’s healing very well, Hyunjin. You have been taking great care of it.” 
“That’s all thanks to the incredible doctor that stitched it up and brought me back from the brink.” He said, looking down at you and dropping his shirt back back. 
“Well you’ll be happy to know that you no longer require my expertise, it should be just fine as long as you keep it clean.” You tried to smile but it didn’t reach your eyes and Hyunjin could see right through you. 
“What’s wrong, Angel?” He cupped your cheek with his big hands, making you face him. 
You tried to shake your head, “Nothing, I’m happy you're doing better.” 
“Buuuut” He prompted. 
You let out a sigh, embarrassed you even feel this way. “ But I’m done treating you. And now you're going to toss me out.” 
His eyes widened and confusion washed over his features. “What? Who said that? Did one of the boys tell you that?”
“No they didn’t say anything but I just assumed tha-” 
“Don’t assume anything, I had no plans of getting rid of you.” He stared hard into your eyes. 
“B-but you don’t need me anymore..” 
He tsked, “You silly girl. Haven’t you come to realize that I’ll always need you? Who else would take such good care of me and the boys. Don’t think I didn’t see it when you patched up Minho after his cooking incident. Or when you cured Felix's cold last week.” 
“Oh that was nothing.” You protested, your hands coming up to fist his shirt as he got even closer.
“Not to me.” He leaned closer to your face, getting his point across. You thought he was going to kiss you but instead he pressed a peck to your forehead. Then he pulled back slightly. “If you want to leave, then I will let you go. I know you wouldn’t say anything about us to anyone. But before you have to know that I want you here. I want you to stay by my side. Not just as my medic but as my woman. You are the most interesting and incredible woman I’ve ever met. You captivate me like no one ever has.” 
Your hands wrung in his shirt at his sentiment. You didn’t know how to answer. You knew the smart thing would be to go- to leave this place and never think twice about these mobsters. But for once you wanted to follow your heart, not your brain. You wanted to stay and you wanted him. 
“I-I want that too..” You said quietly and screwed your eyes shut. “I would like to remain here. With you, Hyunjin.” 
You heard him hum in satisfaction and then you felt your face being tilted up and suddenly the softest pair of lips you had ever felt were on yours. You let out a squeak of surprise and then melted into his kiss. You groaned when his tongue swiped on your lower lip asking for entrance which you gladly gave him. 
Hyunjin suckled on your own tongue for a moment then pulled away from you, leaving you breathless. Both of your lips were swollen and you couldn’t stop gazing into each other's eyes. He ran a thumb along your cheekbone, “Welcome to heaven, Angel.” 
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Im not the proudest of this but it took me so long 😭😭 plz enjoy. comments and reblogs are appreciated
Tagged; @jehhskz @athforskz
713 notes · View notes
some-bunniii · 5 months
Lucifer dotes on a mama!reader
・❥ Caring for an infant isn’t easy, but luckily, you’ve got a charming king willing to do anything for you.
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
x: reader is fem, no use of y/n.
xx: it’s here! a bit of angst, a bit of fluff, but lots of think you’ll enjoy it! keep your eyes out for some pretty art i commissioned inside!
~ 15k words
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When you welcomed your daughter into the realm, and finally reached that next long stretch of motherhood, you had prepared yourself for the many changes that accompanied the new addition.
For example, your sleep schedule flipped entirely on its head once you realized that newborn babies slept only a few hours intermittently, which meant a good, long night's rest did not exist anymore. 
You found yourself putting your daughter down for a nap at six in the morning, having spent the previous night breastfeeding and soothing her cries. Sometimes, her wailing lasted several hours, and you began to worry if she had a hellish form of colic. You prayed it wasn’t that, because that would mean it would worsen for the next month or so.
The first few weeks were spent holed up in your room, away from the loud noises and constant active state of the rest of the hotel. It was pretty easy, seeing as it was basically a studio apartment, save for the kitchen, which was an exhausting walk down the hall, even more so than when you were pregnant. 
“Ya look terrible, mama,” Angel Dust had grimaced with a laugh when you appeared like a ghost late one night inside the much posher lobby, your complexion sunken and drained as your feet dragged across the red carpet.
He had just arrived home from a long day at the studio, his expression equally as drained but his demeanor much livelier than your zombie appearance.
You probably did look terrible, in your oversized pajamas that no doubt had stains of baby spit-up and breast milk. You looked unsightly, a mess, that pregnancy glow extinguished like a flame as you tiredly frog blinked in Angel’s direction. 
“Need… to clean the milk bottles… before she wakes up,” you mumbled, lifting three small, dirty baby bottles to view.
“Ya need any help?”
“No, thanks. M’fine,” you waved him off with a yawn, slowly crossing the room towards the kitchen doors. 
There was no reason to bother him with such a task, it was your baby, and he already had enough to deal with at the studio.
“Well, have a good time then. I'm jus’ gonna call it an early night an’ head ta bed,” Angel replied, bidding farewell as he turned and left the lobby. 
Your head twisted to catch a glimpse of his figure turning the corner, surprise crossing your features at his sudden departure. Usually, Angel Dust had a couple of drinks after work or went out to party until the early hours of the morning. 
Tonight, the only thing on the spider demon’s mind was to curl up with Fat Nuggets and sleep those troubling emotions away.
He had been drinking far less lately, or, at least, had been keeping his habits away from the hotel ever since the new hotel was built and your daughter was born. No more did the pornstar burst in after a night at the studio, eyes red and speech slurred as he spoke gibberish and laughed at nothing in particular. 
Even though it was Hell, you were determined to keep the gateways into a chaotic life away from your daughter. She was going to have the best quality of life possible in such a place, and you were vocal about your disapproval of those habits, especially in a place that’s supposed to be free of such sin.
When Cherri began staying longer and longer at the hotel, you were apprehensive at first with how much deeper she seemed to be in ‘the life’. Would she sink further into the depths after Sir. Pentious’ death? It wasn’t easy for someone to deal with both grief and guilt at the same time. 
Fortunately, she had the support of the residents inside the hotel, and she was finding healthier outlets than a thin line of white powder to quell her pain. 
You were grieving too, even if you hadn’t known Sir. Pentious that long in comparison to the others, the little time you spent with him was all but enough. 
Sir. Pentious was kind, and courteous, and made the best cookies you’d ever tasted. You had a connection with the snake demon with your shared enjoyment in cooking, and you welcomed the assistance of his Egg Boiz taste-testing your delicacies. 
Now, he was gone, and the emptiness of his departure was palpable inside the hotel. His loyal egg companions now dwindled to just one singular yolk, the rest having sacrificed their shells along with their selfless general. 
Frank, who had survived solely because he had guarded you at the hospital, returned home to an empty nest and no boss.
You weren’t sure whether the little guy could understand how double death worked, but the way he stared longingly at Sir. Pentious’ portrait in the lobby that he knew his old family was gone for good.
Charlie had done her best to integrate him into the staff, him a room service attendant. He stayed your faithful helper in that way, summoned to your door by the newly installed service button whenever you needed.
“Sorry for bothering you, Frank,” you had smiled down at him, poking your head out from the inside of your room, your daughter latched onto your nipple, “But I’m out of toilet paper and I'm kind of busy right now. Could you go grab me some, please?” 
“Sure thing!” He replied chipperly, lifting his hat courteously from the top of his shell before he scampered down the hall and out of view. 
He’d return with your items of request, as he did for all the rest of the residents. It kept him busy, allowing his one-track mind to stay away from thinking hard thoughts about what was lost for too long.
Those hard thoughts plagued you as well, as you dealt with the grief of losing a friend and the mood swings that began to take over you. The hormonal changes that came post-birth was also something you prepared for, the ‘baby blues’ as most would call it.
It had started as mood swings, the typical sudden bursts of emotions that accompanied your pregnancy, and the ones that liked to show their face around your period. Suddenly, you’d find yourself shooting a glare at a particularly noisy conversation outside of your door, or find your eyes welling up with tears at the slightest inconvenience.
A mix of sleep deprivation and postpartum hormones was not a good one, and you were determined to keep this weakness away from your friends. 
What if they thought you weren’t doing a good job as a mother? All that time, energy, and resources that were used to help you and your baby. They’d think it was all a waste, caring so much only for you to end up a disappointment. 
Was that… how your ex had felt when he chose a whore over his lover and child?
Those thoughts began to plague you, and your anxiety heightened with every passing day. The idea that their judgments on your parenting would be harsh had you withdrawing for longer periods inside your room, and farther away from your friends.
Unfortunately, you weren’t able to keep your feelings completely hidden from them, and you realized quickly how erratic your emotions actually were.
One day, Vaggie had swung by to inform you that they had ordered some pizza, and you were welcome to have some too. You were busy breastfeeding your baby at the time, and had to wait until she was sound asleep to sneak out of your room and into the kitchen. 
When you finally arrived, your stomach growled with giddy anticipation as you passed by the others who had mostly finished their plates, your lateness obvious. The lobby was filled with chatter, all the residents gathered for a nice meal and to catch up on anything new that had transpired during the week.
When you reached the partially open pizza box inside the empty kitchen, that delicious scent wafted to your nose and you licked your lips hungrily. Gripping the lid, you lifted it quickly, your mind already picturing whatever goodness lay inside. 
Was it the classic pepperoni that couldn’t go wrong? Maybe it was from that new pizzeria down the block with their best-selling macaroni and cheese… 
Your train of thought derailed, your gaze narrowing at the contents inside the box. 
A singular slice of pizza was all that remained inside, your most hated topping sprinkled atop the now-cooled cheese. 
Your lip curled at the sight, irritation flickering across your face at the lonely slice. You heard laughter from the conversation behind you, and that only had your eye twitching.
You had lived with these guys during the most intense months of your cravings, and they were aware of what kind of pizza you devoured in an instant and which ones had you gagging. And, only one slice? Had they forgotten about you, even though you had told Vaggie you’d come down after feeding the baby? 
You were itching to commit some sort of violence, which had you steeling your arms from lifting the box and chucking it against the wall. 
Those intrusive thoughts had you rubbing your temple with a frustrated sigh, before lifting a hand to begin plucking the disgusting toppings from the slice. 
As you placed the last of it onto the cardboard, you grabbed the pizza and threw it into the microwave nearby. Your foot tapped impatiently against the marble tile as the slice spun slowly inside the appliance, your thoughts spinning along with it.
By the time you had made it out of the kitchen with steaming food, your tolerance for social interaction was drained, and it seemed a better idea to just eat in your room. 
Passing by a few familiar faces, you only greeted them with a tight smile, walking fast enough so that they’d assume you were busy and it would be less likely for them to invite you to chat. 
Right as you were about to turn the corner into the hall, plate in hand, a figure rounded the corner and smacked into you head-on. Your chests collided, and you felt the plate slip from your grip, you snapped your head up to see the familiar apple-cheeked woman meet your gaze.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Charlie gasped, right as the pizza slid off your plate and began to free-fall down to the carpet.
Your eyes widened, and Charlie tensed as the pizza splat face-down, the tomato sauce beginning to ooze from the sides like a bloody scene and your hand began to tremble.
At first, those intrusive thoughts were prodding you to snap at her, but you held your tongue. That anger quickly morphed into gloom, and your eyes cast down longingly to the overturned slice.
Your lip quivered, and your chest heaved as you took a shaky breath to keep those tears from falling. Charlie’s brows furrowed and she slowly matched your expression as guilt squeezed her stomach. The banter around you quieted, but your gaze was firmly on the woman in front of you. 
Fuck, that was the one thing you were looking forward to today. You couldn’t lose your composure in front of the princess, however, that would heighten her concern, and she already had enough on her plate with the new clients.
“Here, let me get Niffty to clean this up and I can get you some more piz—”
“It doesn’t matter anyway,” You interrupted her, a quiet growl laced in your wavering words as you chuckled humorously, “There isn’t anything left, this was all you guys cared enough to save for me.” 
Charlie’s eyes widened at your tone, before she opened her mouth to speak again just as Niffty walked forward to clean the mess. Looking down, you took notice of the large glob of sauce that had landed on your top, and you clenched your fists in frustration.
“If you excuse me, I have to get changed now,” you huffed, spinning on your heels to face the hallway, not giving the princess any time to press further as you briskly walked away.
That hot, salty liquid began to spill down your cheeks right as you entered into the long corridor, and you desperately tried to wipe them away. Your face was rubbed dry in a desperate bid to silence the tears.
What was wrong with you? It was one slice of pizza, yet your heart ached like your lottery ticket was one number away from winning. Charlie’s expression had proved your mask was beginning to crack, with the mix of concern and surprise toward your change in demeanor. 
Motherhood isn't easy, that had been clear since day one, but you had hoped your emotions would have stabilized by now. It seems that sleep exhaustion and maternal hormones just don’t mix very well, huh?
That incident had been so embarrassing, that you kept to yourself the rest of the week, only venturing out when necessary, which had you spending most of your time with your daughter. 
Your baby couldn’t speak yet, and wouldn’t for quite a while, which meant you had to speak for her. Usually, you attached words to the silly little faces she would make at any action you or another demon did around her. 
The one time you switched her bottle from breast milk to formula, she didn’t seem too happy about it with how big of a stink eye she sent you chugging down her dinner. Peaches was only a month and a half, but her expressiveness was that of a moody, hormonal teenager.
You spent many hours cooped up with her, sometimes, you needed to have a little fun and play puppeteer one evening as the two of you lounged on your bed.
You squished your daughter's cheeks, making tiny little duck lips as you pitched your voice higher, “Yes, Mama, I promise to sleep through the whoooole night this time!”
“Wonderful,” you beamed, using your other hand to pat her approvingly on the stomach, “And you’ll drink your whole bottle without fuss?”
“Yes, Mama! And, I wi—”
“What are you doing?” An amused, honeyed voice came from across your room.
You froze, turning towards the open doorway, your fingers still pinched around the baby's lips as your eyes widened at the familiar face.
There, standing leisurely against his cane, was the casually dressed ‘Big Boss of Hell’. Lucifer’s blonde hair was slicked back, a few curls framing his statuesque features. Those warm, golden eyes and skin that practically shimmered against the waning daylight from your window.  
He tilted his head with a soft, playful smile, as he drank in your figure. The red evening light basked the bed with a warm glow that lit your eyes up like diamonds, enhancing your maternal elegance as you bonded with your daughter. 
Your love for her was obvious, and that always had Lucifer’s heart fluttering, seeing something so pure exist in such a grim world.
Slowly, you slid off the bed, your smile widening every step closer you took towards the king as you crossed the room. Somehow, even in your melancholic state, his presence always seemed to have you energized and bouncy.
“Your Majesty,” you batted your lashes, coming to a stop at the doorway before leaning casually against it. 
“M’lady,” his grin widened into a wide, teeth-glinting smile as he lifted his hand to present a caramel-coated apple nestled snugly atop a thin, wooden stick. Your stomach growled on cue, and the scent that wafted to your nose had your mouth watering.
“Looks like that glow hasn’t left you yet, if I do say,” he replied, his eyes flicking across your figure before meeting your gaze again.
You only shook your head with a breath of laughter, reaching forward and plucking the delicacy from his grip and turning it in your fingers.
“Charlie says she hasn’t seen you for a few days, you really should go and get some fresh air once in a while,” Lucifer continued as you widened the doorway for him to enter, shooting you a stern glance as spoke. 
Is he talking right now? You quirked a brow as he slid past, lifting the offering to your lips and taking a large, hungry bite out of the treat. 
Lucifer’s eyes were on one being in particular, swaddled snuggly across the room on your bed. His gaze lingered on your daughter for a few moments, before he turned to face you again. 
“How is everything going?”
“Good,” you lied. 
“That’s great to hear,” his warm smile widened, and his eyes flicked back over to your daughter, before snapping back to you. 
Lucifer’s cane twisted between his fingers nervously as he opened his mouth to speak, before disregarding his thoughts and clamping his mouth shut with a small huff.
You only titled your head at that, your lips curving into a more genuine smile as you watched him. 
Children were such a soft spot for Lucifer, you could tell the way his demeanor changed instantly when he was in the presence of a baby. His voice turned to velvet whenever his gentle tone gained from experience in soothing their little ears.
You couldn’t imagine how beautiful lullabies sounded with those vocals of his, the very thought making you melt like butter. Although, you haven't gotten the chance to hear them yet. 
His parental instincts seemed to have resurfaced with the birth of your daughter, and that natural affinity for caring for the innocent and helpless buried along with his angelic began to emerge with each passing visit.
He kept his love at a distance, at first. Almost as if he was afraid of getting attached to such a tiny being, like the emotions that came along with it were a deadly force that could take him out far quicker than angelic steel.
Was it because the baby wasn’t his? Did he think you didn’t want him around your child? Maybe, one day he assumed you’d take the baby and leave, and those growing would only break his heart along with your departure. 
You just needed to prove him wrong. 
“Come on,” you finally nudged him with a laugh, setting the apple on a table nearby, before beckoning him to follow you towards the bed. 
It seemed as if Lucifer had been waiting for your approval, as his demeanor lightened at your words and he slowly followed you. His steps were light and quiet as you neared the side of the bed, stopping just as he settled beside you. 
“Peaches! You’re looking quite radiant this evening,” Lucifer greeted with a flourish, as he leaned over the side of your bed, and your daughter’s eyes widened at the familiar face.
Your eyes flicked up to the fallen angel at his words. Peaches, the nickname he had come up with. Shockingly, a name that didn’t derive from apples, ducks, or the circus.
“Well, aren't you just a peach, so quiet and easy for your mama!'' Lucifer had cooed to the little one her first days in Hell, she lay in your arms as he softly brushed a thumb across her chin, “So adwowable wit those chubby wittle cheeks.” 
Your baby had only frowned at the strange man’s touch with a half-lidded gaze, but soon she’d learn to get used to Lucifer’s presence, as he never disappeared for too long without visiting his three favorite girls. 
You had a real name for your daughter that was chosen after her birth, but that could be reserved for when you’d have to pull out the full name card during arguments in her teenage years. Peaches had been a simple phrase that seemed to stick, and even if you weren’t fond of the cute addressal, you wouldn’t dare ruin his first attachment to your daughter.
Peaches had only stared up at the porcelain figure invading her space with a curious gaze, no doubt wondering who this silly was, and why he always left her gifts to fawn over. 
Like the first day you came home from the hospital, he presented you with a beautiful red, silken bassinet, with intricate gold lines woven into the detailed design, enhancing the elegance of the crib. Its plushness looked very comfortable for your daughter, and you adored that Lucifer got you something in the first place.
Another time, he brought you a golden mobile that depicted ducks flying rhythmically in circles, ones that threw vibrant, warm lights across the walls late at night, soothing the girl’s late wakings before they woke you at times. 
That seemed to be Lucifer’s love language towards your daughter, always presenting her with toys and other little gizmos he cooked up inside of his workshop. Finally, the fallen angel had found purpose for the dusty space, instead of constantly tweaking the same old, yellow rubber ducky day after day.
“For you, a fan-favorite from the vault,” Lucifer hummed as he snapped his fingers, and a stuffed goat with devilish horns and bat wings materialized in his hands.
Right as he pulled the plush from behind his back, Peaches became enamored with it, kicking her legs in excitement as the stuffed animal was held high for her to get a full view. Her motor control was still poor, and she couldn’t grasp the amusing creature, but its colorful fur and dragon-like features were something to gawk at in the little one’s eyes.
“Look, she’s smiling!” You beamed beside the fallen angel, heart melting as you watched the little girl’s mouth open with a squeal at the offering, “I think that’s her biggest one yet!”
“It seems I’m just a natural at this kind of thing, huh?” Lucifer winked playfully your way, before he levitated the toy just above your daughter’s head, whose attention was solely on the little goat plush, “I think she’s even starting to like me, too.”
‘You’re such a good daddy, please let me make you one again.’
“Don’t give yourself too much credit,” you replied instead with a simple nod, before turning on your heels to hide your goofy smile and retrieve the caramel apple once more.
You plucked the apple from the table, before biting another large chunk from its side. The flavors swirled in your mouth, and that fog in your mind lessened a little more with each bite.
You watched from a short distance, as Lucifer’s index finger pointed towards the air above your daughter’s head. With a flick of his wrist, a trail of golden sparks shot from his fingertip and upward above their heads, before exploding into a flurry of sparkles that sent golden shadows across the room.
Peaches was digging the light show, her eyes fixated on the floating spectacle before they flickered out of existence. 
“Anything else going on?” The king finally spoke, turning his head slightly to catch a glimpse of you. 
“Not really, just taking it one day at a time,” you responded absentmindedly, lifting the coated apple to your lips to take another bite. 
“Are you free tomorrow?” He blurted, smile cracking wider as straightened himself against his cane. 
You froze, brain short-circuiting as those words processed in your head. You, free? As in, available to partake in some sort of activity with Lucifer?
“Yes, technically…” you trailed off, gaze flicking to your daughter, giddy on her bed as she watched the stuffed goat, “But I can’t just leave the baby alone all evening, she needs me.”
“She doesn’t need you, she’s fine with someone else for a few hours,” he waved off your excuse, before throwing another trail of sparklings into the air, and they exploded in a flurry of golden glimmers above the baby’s head, “I’m sure Charlie would love to spoil the kid for a few hours anyway, don’t you trust her?” 
“I was thinking,” Lucifer continued, beginning to take a few slow, deliberate steps towards you, “Nothing too crazy, just a nice, quiet evening with good food. Maybe throw some of my good wine into the mix, what do you say?”
He sent you a sultry, half-lidded gaze as he sidled closer to you, the caramel apple in your grip lowering from your lips as Lucifer enraptured your full attention, heat blooming across your cheeks at his expression. 
“If that is what His Majesty wishes, then I cannot refuse such an offer,” you struggled to keep your voice from wavering, the heat in your cheeks creeping farther down your body.
“But do you want it?” He pressed, only a foot away from you now, his lips upturned in a smirk at your flustered expression. 
Apparently, those horny hormones had also stuck around after your pregnancy. Having such a gorgeous, ethereal figure so close to you made your heart skip a beat as butterflies fluttered in your stomach. 
“I… think that is a very lovely offer, and I would enjoy being able to spend time in just your company,” you finally replied carefully, a smile blooming across your lips.
“Perfect!” Lucifer clapped his hands together, his eyes glinting with glee as he took a step away from you, back toward the bed.
“Goodbye, sweetheart,” The king cooed softly to your daughter, as he plucked the stuffed goat from the air, “Take good care of this little guy, he’s a special one.”
Lowering the plush, Lucifer placed it gently against your baby’s chest, and her chubby little hands came up to wrap firmly around the toy. Ungracefully, the goat was lifted to Peaches’ lips before she opened her mouth to begin suckling on its ear.
“I bet that tastes delicious,” Lucifer laughed, and you smiled fondly at the duo with a tilt of your head.
The fallen angel took a step back from the bed after a moment, before he lifted a hand and snapped his fingers. That familiar white, brim hat materialized from thin air into his grasp, and he turned to you with a smile.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I'm a very busy man and have other matters to attend to,” Lucifer sighed dramatically, brushing past you towards the doorway. 
“I have no doubt,” you shook your head with a laugh, following him towards the end of your room.
Lucifer reached the open doorway, before turning to face you again. He met your gaze for a few moments, before he leaned forward in a bow.
“I’ll see you tomorrow evening, m’lady,” he hummed with delight, adjusting his hat against those beautiful golden curls as you smiled warmly.
“Is there a dress code for our little outing?” you responded with a mischievous grin.
The king only sent you a playful wink, before he stepped out of view and the soft thuds of heeled boots against carpet faded as he disappeared down the hall.
That interaction with Lucifer stewed in your mind for the entire night, as well as into the early morning. Your thoughts drifted to the previous conversation as you snuck down the hall and into the lobby to grab breakfast from the kitchen.
The others were fairly busy, so you were easily able to travel unseen. Angel Dust was working overtime at the studio for a new porn flick, and Charlie was using the extermination to push her hotel further into the spotlight and attract new clients. Vaggie always went along with her, and Alastor was probably up in his fancy new radio tower, doing whatever it was he did up there. 
It was only Husk who remained, always behind the bar, shining the bottles and whistling a strange blues tune. He had begun to rope in his drinking as well, choosing to pick up a bottle much later in the day than usual. It was the early morning hour, when you passed by the bar with breakfast in your hands, and the sober bartender turned to you.
“How’s the kid doing?”
“She’s fine, growing very fast too, gaining more control over her movement every day.”
“That's nice,” Husk’s lips curved a smidge, as he placed the glassware neatly underneath the counter, “Haven’t seen you in a while, glad to know ya ain’t dead or nothin’.”
“Yes…” You said slowly, mind racing for a good excuse, “She has just been fussy lately, so I’ve been tending to her.”
“You should bring her out one of these days,” He lifted his eyes from the glass in his paws, meeting yours with an unreadable expression, “I’m sure the others would be happy to see her.”
You couldn’t tell whether Husk was using the term ‘others’ as an inclusion of him as well, you knew the furry demon had a heart somewhere beneath those layers of fur and grumpiness.
You nodded your head at his words, taking a bite of your breakfast, thoughts drifting as you chewed. You’d have to ask Charlie about babysitting anyway, and you couldn’t avoid her forever.
Maybe, knowing that you were going out with her dad, she’d be thrilled to shoulder the responsibilities of a newborn for a single night, or, she could hate it… which was something you desperately tried not to think too hard about, for your sanity.
Needless to say, Husk was right, your daughter really brought the best out of your friends, as they melted in her vicinity. None of the residents at the hotel had any problem looking after the adorable little demon.
Charlie had stood quietly in the lobby, humming a tune as she rocked the baby softly in her arms. Vaggie stood beside her, tilting her head as Peaches’ eyelids began to droop at the gentle motions.
“They’re as cute as the ones in Heaven, maybe cuter,” The fallen angel spoke with a smile, her hand lifting towards the little girl’s head, before tiny fingers wrapped around a single digit and clamped tight.
“And strong too, wow,” She laughed, trying to gently dislodge her finger from the steel grip.
In the hallway behind them, you turned the corner into the lobby, anxiously fiddling with your appearance as you neared the trio. Dressed in a wine-red outfit, you stumbled slightly in your heels as you navigated over the plush carpet. 
Finally, you were actually able to fit into fashionable attire. Your stomach was no longer inflated with an eight-pound baby, and the aching of your once swollen feet no longer bothered you to continue venturing the world in socks and flip-flops.
“You look really nice in that outfit!” Charlie beamed as she turned at the sounds of footsteps, and Vaggie nodded beside her. Your daughter’s eyes widened at the exclamation, before moving to your figure, tracking your figure as you joined them near the bar. 
Angel Dust was lounging on a bar stool, swishing alcohol absentmindedly inside a martini glass as he scrolled on his phone. He glanced up at the sound of Charlie’s voice, before catching a glimpse of your outfit with a knowing smirk.
“Someone is dressin�� to impress,” he playfully nudged Husk’s shoulder over the bar counter, who turned his head from the bottles he was organizing to sneak a peek. 
Everyone knew who you were trying to impress, and when you came back, they would no doubt prod you for any juicy details. 
You stopped in front of Charlie, smiling as you adjusted your outfit again. You had spent the past few hours getting ready, which also included multiple outfit changes because you were never satisfied with your appearance. You needed to look good, really good if you were going on a date with the king.
Why would Lucifer want anything to do with you? You had nothing to offer, just tired eyes and a baby on your hip. There had to be better options, surely. Just because the man never went anywhere other than his manor and the hotel, didn’t mean there wasn’t a line of demons wanting to fill the place of Charlie’s mother.
Lilith. You tried desperately not to think of her, for your own self-esteem. You had seen pictures of her, in old magazines and glimpses of family portraits in Charlie’s room. Lucifer spoke of her when talking about his daughter’s childhood or humorous memories, but he seemed to keep the reminiscing of her specifically curt around you. 
You struggled to understand why, did he think you’d react poorly to the mention of his ex-wife? Except, It wasn’t your place to act that way, though. She had been married to the king for thousands of years and was the mother of his child. She was the Queen of Hell for crying out loud! Not to mention, drop-dead gorgeous, had a fantastic voice, and cared deeply for her people’s wellbeing. 
In comparison, you were a sad sack of potatoes. At least, in your opinion. 
Self-conscious thoughts like these had slowly begun to fester during your early pregnancy, and peaked when your stomach resembled a watermelon, and, for some reason, it had decided to make a nest in your brain postpartum. Laying more seeds of anxiety and dejection deeper within your mind.
But, when Lucifer was around, it was like you could finally breathe again. His energy was warm and inviting, like taking a sip of the finest liquor and that buzz in your brain thirsting for more. It felt like snuggling your face into soft sheep's wool, nothing but comfort and relief from the harshness of the realm. 
Even if the fallen angel was no longer welcomed inside Heaven’s gates, he still retained that ethereal grace that made you feel like you were committing the largest sin just by staring too hard at those soft lips of his.
The king cared about you, in a way nobody did. He was the only demon in your group who had any experience with raising a child, and he was your support when it came to understanding the same stages of parenthood you were currently going through. In a much lesser light, of course, he had never actually birthed a child and suffered the effects of such a–literal–mind altering experience.
Tonight, you’d be able to have Lucifer all to yourself, and you were determined to make the most of it. 
You had held back from making any advances towards him for so long due to that golden band on his finger that glinted painfully in your eyes. A reminder of his attachment to his ex-wife, and the fragility of your close bond. 
What if Lilith were to come back? Would he choose her, and distance himself from you? What of you then, being dragged by the heartstrings for so long just to have them snapped in your face at his rejection?
That thought had terrified you, so you kept your feelings hidden, and let Lucifer set the pace on how far things would go. You were determined to start changing that, starting tonight.
As you came to a halt in front of Charlie and Vaggie, your daughter cooed softly, and you reached out a hand to run gentle fingers across her cheek lovingly.
“Okay, I think I’ve got everything taken care of. Bottles in the fridge you just need to warm up, first aid kit in my room, and I’ll have my phone on ring in case there’s an emergency,” you nervously triple-recounted everything in your mind.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” Charlie sent you a confident nod of her head, her fingers tightening around your baby as her smile grew.
It is then you come to realize how good of a big sister the princess could make if she were to have a younger sibling. Your heart swelled at that, as you imagined your daughter at least finding companionship in the young woman. Charlie looked like she could really pull off a stellar children’s tea party.
“I know you do, you’re always so responsible,” you replied warmly, and the princess's eyes widened for a moment, before her lips upturned into a grateful smile as you lowered your hand from your daughter’s face.
“So, where are you going?” Vaggie inquired.
“I don’t know, he just told me to wait outside my balcony door. Which means I should probably head there now, if everything is fine out here.”
“We’re good, toots!” Angel Dust called from behind Charlie, throwing his head back before downing the rest of the liquor in his glass, “Go have some fun!” 
You nodded, before wishing farewell to your daughter and the rest of the demons in the lobby before turning on your heel and heading back towards your room. 
“I hope those two have fun,” Vaggie said as you disappeared around the corner. 
“I have to use the bathroom, will you take Peaches for me?” Charlie turned towards her girlfriend, only for Angel Dust to shoot up from his seat with a large grin. 
“I would like to hold the baby!” He strolled up to the duo, and Charlie glanced over to Vaggie, before shrugging and carefully holding the little girl towards the demon. 
“C’mere, cutie!” Angel Dust beamed, arms outstretched to take the child as she kicked her feet in little baby glee. 
“You love your uncle, Angel, dontcha’?” He cooed, lifting the baby with secure hands underneath her armpits, before he leaned in and rubbed noses.
Peaches sneezed, and Angel Dust positioned her to sit in his lap at the bar counter. Husk leaned across to get a better look, before taking a claw and reaching it towards the baby.
Gently, he squished her chubby arm, trailing down towards her hand. Husk didn’t have time to retract his claw, before a tiny hand wrapped around the cat’s finger and refused to let go.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” He grumbled as he allowed your daughter to stay latched onto his digit.
You had just made it inside your room, adjusting your appearance one final time as you reached the balcony doors. Grasping the handle, you pull it open to slip outside, the lights from the city illuminating the balcony’s white tiled floor.
You turned your head to search for the fallen angel, but he was nowhere in sight. Instead, you were left to twiddle your thumbs, eyes casting towards the demons strolling the streets down the hill in the neighborhood below.
Lucifer didn’t forget about the date… did he? He was getting much better at being on time, but you still could not help to worry. 
You jumped with a gasp, spinning to face the familiar voice. You had to grip the chair beside you to keep from stumbling in heels, your gaze lifting to meet those familiar, yellow eyes.
Lucifer was perched across from you on the balcony’s thin railing, one pair of his large wings stretched wide, throwing shadows across the tiles beneath your feet. The other two he kept folded at his sides, white against the crimson underbelly of his open wings.
They practically shimmered in the waning light, their shape and color unique to only one kind of being, an angel. Husk’s wings could not compare to the exotic beauty before you, and you struggled to keep eye contact with its owner as you examined the rare sight.
“Lucifer!” You scolded playfully, your eyes tracing across every feather that rustled slightly against the gentle breeze, “You scared me! What are you doing up there?”
“I apologize for the fright,” Lucifer chuckled, rising to his full height as he balanced across like a tightrope, closing the distance between the two of you, “I just thought I’d give you a peek of what tonight has to offer.”
His wings beat softly for balance, before they folded in slightly and the fallen angel lowered himself back to sit on his feet, smiling mischievously as he lowered a hand in a gesture for you to take.
“First, you should take off those heels. They look really nice, but I don’t think you’re going to be able to climb up here with them on.”
You furrowed your brows, suspicion in your gaze as he extended a hand for you to take. What was your darling king planning? 
“Why exactly am I climbing onto the railing?” You kicked off your heels, and you shivered at the cold flooring against your skin.
Your bare feet planted on the cool tiles for a few moments, before your fingers laced with Lucifer’s, and he effortlessly lifted you to stand beside him.
“Well,” He started, his fingers brushing up your wrist to grip your forearm, before steadying you with a flap of his wings, “I just thought you wanted a better mode of transportation to our little dinner than walking in those stilettos.”
“And what ‘mode’ are we talking about here?” You turned to him with widening eyes, realization slowly dawning on you.
Lucifer’s grin only widened, and you gulped. He really was serious about taking an evening flight, and you mentally prepared yourself as your gaze lowered to the long drop beneath you. You steeled your gaze towards the fallen angel, who scooted even closer.
“Are you ready?” His honeyed voice whispered in your ear, and you felt like exploding at the feeling of his touch across your waist.
Were you? Never did you guess this was what he had planned, and never did you imagine finding yourself being able to travel with your feet off the ground. Adrenaline began to pump through your veins the longer you stood there in thought.
With one final deep breath, you moved your hands to grip tightly against Lucifer’s dress shirt, and nodded your approval. Lucifer’s hold on your waist tightened, and you screwed your eyes shut just as you felt him pull you forward and off the side of the railing.
The wind whipped past your ears, your eyelids still locked shut as you clamped your mouth shut to keep from screaming. The two of you were falling fast, and for a moment you imagined Lucifer unable to lift in time, and you’d become a splatter against the grass.
Instead, you heard his other two pairs of wings unfurl and spread above you, the thrumming of heavy flaps and the feeling of being lifted once more had you cracking an eye open. The wind whistled its natural tune, and your eyelids fluttered open to see your legs dangling beneath you. 
You were very high up, as Lucifer glided across the outskirts of the city, those vibrant, flashing strobe lights that lit up the sky above V Tower passed in a multicolored blur. 
You were flying! Free and uncaged from the stress back on the ground, that weightless feeling was something you’ve never experienced all your years in Hell. The adrenaline rush that hit your body had you laughing in the thrill as the fallen angel dipped and rolled. Cars passed below you, and you waved to the pedestrians walking on the streets underneath your feet, if they even noticed your presence.
“Having fun?” Lucifer called from above, and you cocked your head up to meet his playful gaze.
“More than I ever imagined!” You replied, the wind carrying your voice to the king’s ears.
“Good, now hang on!” He laughed, and his wings tightened against his body, causing the two of you to dive with greater speed towards the buildings below. 
Your grip on Lucifer’s shirt tightened and he pulled you closer as he sped towards an illuminated rooftop below. 
Rather carefully, your feet hit the cold bricks beneath, and Lucifer released his hold around your waist to land beside you. His wings folded against his back, and with a split-second flash of golden light, they completely vanished from his frame. 
Lucifer began to walk toward the center of the rooftop, beckoning for you to join. Taking a few steps forward, your eyes follow his path, before widening at the scene. 
Powerful magic had transformed the space into a romantic, candle-lit dinner right out of the movies. The string of bulbs that cast warm light across the small, cute table before you held an intimate glow, paired with the soft, classical tune that filled the air.
A single, elegantly shaped candle stands at the center, casting a warm, flickering light that dances across your face. The table was adorned with a lace-trimmed cloth fluttering gently in the breeze. On top, there's an assortment of delectable treats—cheeses, fruits, and a selection of fine chocolates.
The backdrop is breathtaking, with the city spread out below, its lights twinkling like stars in the distance. The distant hum of traffic and city life is a soothing contrast to the quiet rooftop ambiance. 
Lucifer only smiles at you, before he pulls a chair slightly from the table and gestures for you to sit. You oblige, settling into the comfortable padded seat as he pushes the chair back in place.
He settled into the seat across from you, and you leaned over the table slightly to take a look at the charcuterie board lined with various cheese, meats, and chips. Your stomach growled, and you plucked a few items from the board and placed them on the white plate sitting before you. 
“Is everything to your liking?” Lucifer hummed, as he popped a slice of prosciutto into his mouth, before meeting your gaze.
“This is really nice,” you smiled, lifting your eyes to trace the string of lights that zig-zagged across your head, “I had expected you to just take me to a fancy restaurant, not something like this.”
“I like the atmosphere of places like these much better. Less noisy and more.. personal,” he replied, lifting another meat slice to his lips  “I just thought you needed time away from that suffocating little room, the both of us, really.”
“I appreciate your thoughtfulness, this was very kind of you.”
Lucifer smiled softly, and heat spread across your face at his staring. You took another bite of cheese, and the king’s eyes flicked across the table and his brows furrowed.
“I feel like I’m forgetting something…” he started, rubbing his chin deep in thought, before his eyes widened as he perked, “That’s right, the wine! Waiter!”
The king snapped his fingers, and you turned your head in confusion. The rooftop was empty, save for the two of you, who could possibl–
Your thoughts were interrupted when footsteps echoed across the gravel, and a figure dressed in a black and white tuxedo strolled forward toward you. It was… another Lucifer, and your mouth dropped slightly at the familiar face, whose curly mustache bounced as he grinned.
A red bottle of wine materialized in the double’s hands, and with a loud pop the cork lid flew across the rooftop. Fizz spilled from the bottle for a few moments as the waiter stopped beside you. Lowering the bottom, he poured the empty glass in front of you to the brim, before standing straight once more.
“For you, ma chérie,” Lucifer #2 spoke with a perfect French accent, before bowing respectfully to you. 
He sent you a playful wink as he slid over to your Lucifer’s side, and lowered the wine bottle. Lucifer watched his glass fill, before shooing away his double, who backed away from the table and vanished into the shadows.
You lift the wine glass to your lips, taking a long sip of the dark red liquor. Its rich, apple flavor danced on your tongue as warmth bloomed from your stomach. 
“This is amazing! When you were talking about good wine, I didn’t think you meant this good,” you beamed, that buzz already tingling in your brain as you took another sip.
“An old recipe that’s been sitting in my cellar for, well… a few thousand years by now,” Lucifer swirled the wine in his glass, before lifting it to his lips.
As you nibble on the delicate offerings, conversation flows effortlessly between you both. The topics range from silly memories and active interests, punctuated by laughter and shared glances. Lucifer's eyes hold a warmth and depth that matches the glow of the candle, his demeanor a mix of confidence and vulnerability, as he shares with you details of his past.
Time seems to stand still as you savor each other's company, the burdens upon your shoulders vanishing for the moment, as you keep your gaze fixed on the gorgeous face across from you. The night feels infinite, filled with promise and the simple joy of being together.
Unfortunately, time passed much quicker than you hoped, as the sky above was blanketed in darkness at the late hour. Even with the giddy buzz from the wine, exhaustion was still creeping up your spine, and your eyelids were growing heavy.
Lucifer and you both stood at the same time, and when the king joined you at one end of the table, he lifted a hand toward you. It was a gesture for you to take, and when your eyes lowered, you found that the golden band usually around his finger was nowhere in sight.
Your eyes widened, and something stirred inside you. You didn’t waste any time in reaching forward and lacing your fingers with his, his touch soft and warmth bloomed from his fingertips. 
What now? Should you just lean over and kiss him? No, not on the first date, that’s silly! It must have been the buzz of the wine making all those intrusive thoughts seem very logical as you locked eyes with the king for a few moments.
But… was it really the first date? Sure, you had never spent time together so.. intimately before, but he was there for you a lot during your pregnancy. Helped you cook, filled your day with entertainment, and cared for your health, all he did by choice. 
Which is why you felt so weird asking for his help now, he had already done so much, any more and you’d feel utterly… useless.
It seemed like Lucifer wanted to say something, his brows furrowed slightly, lips moving as if he was just moments from speaking. He held his tongue though, sighing softly in the breeze as he turned his head towards the vibrant cityscape.
You followed his gaze, glimpsing the large, digital billboards a few streets away depicting lude models and VoxTek advertisements. 
“Are you sure you’re doing okay, with the baby and everything? You know you can always ask me for help, right?” Lucifer's words caught you off guard, and your head turned to meet his gaze.
Was he catching onto how much you were really struggling? You bit your lip, mind racing. You had tried so hard to seem normal, but the truth was, you felt like a different person after your baby. These emotions that refuse to leave you in peace were only creating a deeper divide between you and everyone else.
Your daughter was beautiful, and you loved her so much. But, she was still a mentally draining, constantly hungry being that begged for your attention 24/7 in the form of harsh, deafening wails. It seemed to be improving, hopefully.
“I think so,” you answered honestly, using your free hand to rub your shoulder soothingly, “It was tough for a while, but I think whatever has been bothering her is going away. Everything should be much smoother from here on out.”
Lucifer looked at you for another moment, as if he was finding it hard to believe you. He didn’t press further, instead giving your hand a supportive squeeze before tugging 
“Ready for round two?” He smiled, his wings unfurling from behind his back as stepped onto the edge of the roof beside him.
You only laughed as he pulled you close to him and the two of you fell off the side of the building. Lucifer’s wings stretched wide as they lifted the two of you towards the sky, your worries in the wind once more.
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You should have knocked on wood when you told Lucifer your daughter’s crying fits were improving, because only a few days later, it was quite the opposite. Peaches has been overcome with another intense round of colic, and her screams bounced across the bedroom as you rocked her gently in your arms.
You had spent the past hour trying to soothe her cries, to no avail. Tears pricked at your eyes as you lifted a binkie towards her mouth, it took a few moments for the little girl to even notice her outburst, before she clamped her mouth around it and began to suckle. 
Her crying turned to whimpers, which soon faded into sniffles as she suckled on the pacifier. You exhaled a sigh of relief, as you slowly lowered her into the red bassinet beside you. Carefully, you positioned her comfortably on the plush bedding, placing a small blanket snugly around her toes to keep her from waking from the cold, before you straightened again. 
What could she possibly be feeling that you were unable to help her through? You weren’t telepathic, and the mystery was only driving you mad. 
You needed fresh air, and your daughter’s wails were finally silenced long enough to be able to disappear for a few minutes and recollect yourself. With caution, you took quiet steps across the room towards the balcony doorways that were concealed behind dark red curtains. Slowly, you reached through the thick fabric to grasp at the handle, before pulling it open just a crack to slip through.
The door closed softly behind you with a barely audible click, and that large breath held in your lungs finally expelled with a heavy sigh, heavy with emotions you so desperately wanted to release from your mind in any way possible. If it meant collapsing to the ground and flooding the balcony with the outpour of unsung frustrations.
You felt so useless. Your daughter was in some kind of misery, and the effects of the constant jump to tears were starting to take a noticeable effect on the infant. She just seemed so tired, practically pleading for you to end whatever misery she could possibly be facing.
You were at your wit's end, and you stared out into the distance, your breath quickening as tears threatened to fall. You just needed some time alone, time to think, and maybe, just maybe, it was time to ask for hel–
“Boo!” A sudden voice near your ear pulled you back into reality, and your heart slammed into your chest.
This time you screamed, your back hitting the railing as you quickly pivoted to find Lucifer, perched atop the railing once more. His wings were gone now, and his smile was wide as he landed on the tile next to you.
“Ha! I got you good, didn’t I?” Lucifer laughed, and you tensed at the volume.
“Shhh!” You hissed, placing a finger to your lips and Lucifer froze.
“Sorry…” He grimaced, glancing at the glass doorway before taking a step closer toward you,  "is she asleep?” 
“Yes, I’ve been trying to get her to settle down all day… she’s been really fussy and it’s been hard,” you sighed, turning your head slightly to hide the emotion building on your face.
“Oh, I had no idea. I just swung by to ask you something, but I see you're a little preoccupied at the moment,” Lucifer chuckled nervously, concern written across his features at your glistening eyes and quivering frown.
You were having trouble containing all the horrible things you were feeling, and your body began to react to the pressure that was threatening to burst inside of you. Inhaling a shaking breath, you crossed your arms and held them close to your chest, your heart beating rapidly. 
“Hey... are you okay?” You felt a hand softly grasp your forearm, and that warm touch was what had you coming undone before the king.
Tears poured down your cheeks, your body shaking with sobs as you slammed a hand over your mouth to hold back the anguished, raw sounds that were begging to be set free. 
You felt utterly exposed, vulnerable in a way you hadn’t allowed yourself to be in a really long time. The weight of your emotions crashed over you like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf you in its depth. 
You felt a hand soothingly rub circles into your back, another one on your forearm as the king tried his best to show his support through silent gestures. You choked back another sob, straightening in embarrassment and you regained control of your composure. 
“I’m sorry,” you finally whispered, face twisting as you tried to compose yourself, “I’m trying to be a good mother, but it must be obvious how terrible of one I am.”
“What? Don’t say that!” Lucifer shook his head quickly, lips curving into a nervous smile as he spoke, “You’re doing a great job, nobody thinks otherwise.”
“I’m sure,” you replied bitterly, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Times like these can be really hard, I understand how you fee–”
“You don’t, though!” You snapped, lifting a hand to harshly rub your face free of the river running down your cheeks.
“Okay, maybe that's true, but I'm just worried about you, you’ve been—!”
Crying erupted from behind the door, and Lucifer’s mouth clamped shut at the sudden interruption. You jumped at the noise, one hand quickly reaching backward to grasp at the doorknob.
“I’m sorry, she’s crying again and I need to go. If you want to help so badly, come back another time!” the words spilled from your lips in a single breath, and your body moved past the threshold of the doorway as you turned away from the fallen angel.
“Wait! Please let me-!” 
The door locked into place, ceasing the desperate words from the other side. You couldn’t bear to listen any longer, embarrassed by your childish outburst of emotions.
Resting your forehead against the wooden surface, you squeezed your eyes shut, collecting yourself. Your daughter screamed for you across the room, only intensifying the ringing in your ears and pushing the tears to spill faster down your cheeks.
You saw Lucifer’s shadow behind the curtains for a few moments longer, before his silhouette backed away and disappeared over the railing. You rubbed a hand across your face as your daughter screamed, growling at yourself before you stalked towards the crib.
It had only been a few days later, when you heard your daughter's whimpers begin from across the room in her red bassinet sometime in the very early morning hours. You groaned, so comfortable in your nest of pillows and weighted blankets to heed her noisy demands.
You were exhausted, and for once there had been hope that you’d catch a few more hours before having to awake. Peaches wasn’t crying, though, not like her usual wails. You were still in the clutches of sleep, and your consciousness was drifting in and out, and the sounds around you were dampened by the dreamy state.
Then, something else joined the soft whimpers, a faint voice that had you stirring awake with heavy eyelids and sliding the plush covers from your figure. A rich, melodious tone hit your ears, delicate and soothing in the night. 
It sounded… like a violin. It was hauntingly beautiful, a lone siren in the stillness as it lulled your daughter into a deep sleep.
You lifted yourself from the warmth of the sheets, the cold air kissing your bare skin as you slid to the edge of your bed, eyes squinted to see through the darkness towards the corner. In the maroon lighting that escaped through a slit between the curtains of the balcony doors, you could make out some shadowed figure hunched slightly above the crib, your view limited by the small dining table in between you and the stranger.
Quietly, you slid over to the edge of the bed, before planting your feet softly against the plush rug underneath. You took careful steps as you snuck around the table in the center of your room, the music growing louder as you neared the bassinet.
Slowly, you peeked from behind the dining chair, your gaze followed the dappled, red light from the curtains, as they lit the features of a familiar, pearlescent skin with a ruby-like glow.
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His movements were graceful, like a swan, as he slid the bow across the strings, which glowed a subtle golden light as the heavenly melody left the instrument and filled your body with awe. His gaze fixed on the tiny figure nestled inside the crib, his features concentrated as he continued to play.
You only watched, silent as the lullaby began to damper, and the bow’s movements slowed. Soon, the music ceased, and Lucifer lowered the bow to his lap as he took a seat on a sofa behind him wearing a satisfied expression. Your heart swelled with emotion at the realization of the love behind his actions, and you took another step forward.
The king jumped at your voice, his fingers tightening around the instrument in his hold as he slowly turned his head with a large, innocent grin.
“Heyyyyy,” Lucifer replied awkwardly, lowering the violin from his shoulder, and setting it down onto the cushion beside him. 
The fallen angel met your gaze once more with an apologetic smile, rubbing his neck uneasily. He was trying to quiet without waking you, which he did the opposite, and it was rather awkward with his intrusion to soothe your daughter. You quietly moved forward, closing the distance between the two of you he chuckled nervously.
“I’m sorry for not announcing my presence, you told me to come back another time, then I just heard her crying and–”
Lucifer’s words caught in his throat, pupils dilating as your fingers came up to slowly brush across his chin, before settling to gently cup his cheek. Your thumb softly grazed across those red cheeks of his, and the tension in the fallen angel’s limbs subsided at your caring touch.
You didn’t know what had come upon you, but the craving to be close to this pure-intentioned being, in a literal and figurative sense, outweighed any thoughts of keeping your feelings at bay anymore. 
“Why are you so good to me?” You whispered, lips beginning to quiver.
Lucifer’s gaze softened, and he melted in your palm. Warmth spread across your fingers, easing the ache in your muscles and deep in your bones, as euphoria overcame you. 
“Because you’re one of the only good things left in my life,” he replied, his voice tight with emotion, as if he was choking back tears, “You, Charlie, and…”
Lucifer trailed off as his eyes lowered to your sleeping daughter, adoration in his gaze. It was pure love, the kind that lasted for an eternity. Your heart swelled at that, and lifting a hand to his other cheek, you cupped his face and smiled warmly.
“Can I kiss you?” 
“Kiss me? Well–ha–I don’t find anything wrong with tha–” Lucifer’s stammered reply was cut off once more as you pulled him forward into your embrace.
You pressed your lips to his, they were warm and soft, and you drank in the sweetness of Lucifer’s aroma, nibbling slightly at his bottom lip. You felt his hands slide to your waist, before grasping gently and pulling you flush against his chest. 
Lucifer leaned backward slowly, his back hitting the support of the sofa and you shifted to fully rest against him, your lips moving to delicately graze across his chin, and you felt his heart quicken at the touch.
Lucifer’s breath hitched slightly as your lips traced along his jawline, you lingered for a moment, feeling the warmth of his breath on your cheek. His hands, still at your waist, tightened ever so slightly. The softness of his lips beckoned, and you closed the remaining distance, meeting in a tender, lingering kiss. 
Your eyelids were heavy, and you slowly broke the kiss and let your head fall into the warmth of the fallen angel's chest, tightening your hold around him and snuggling closer.
“Thank you, for putting her to sleep,” you murmured into Lucifer’s shirt, before feeling claws slide up to your back, caressing the area softly as he hummed a reply.
The two of you embraced silently, lost in the intimacy as you listened to the gentle thrum of his heart, and he continued drawing circles in your back with pleasurable movements. You felt yourself drifting into slumber once more, and your breath slowed as you heeded your body’s exhausted demands.
“You should come stay at my manor,” Lucifer whispered above you, his chin resting gently against the top of your head. 
Your eyelids fluttered open at that, sleep in the back of your mind at his words as you lifted your head to meet his gaze with a raised, disbelieving brow.
Lucifer’s lips tightened, and his eyes bounced across the room as he struggled to formulate a response.
“Well, I–I mean, it would be a lot better than staying here, right? I could hire you as my… private chef! That way, you would make your own money to support yourself. You could even have a whole wing of the manor if you wanted, also a big nursery, a private kitchen, and a master bedroom as big as this entire living space!”
Your mouth opened slightly, head spinning. Live in the same house as Lucifer? The royal manor to call home? Probably the most luxurious and non-hellish place to exist in all the seven rings? He sounded completely serious, and you never expected him to make such a bold offer. You’d also be able to support yourself independently by working as Lucifer’s ‘private chef’, save for the free room and board.
“And, of course, you get to permit who comes and goes in that area, so if you wanted to keep everyone, including me, out…you could do that, too.”
Lucifer’s tone sank slightly as those words left his lips, and your brows furrowed in thought. 
“We’ll you give me time to think about it?” You asked slowly.
“Of course!” Lucifer nodded with a satisfied smile, content you were even considering his sudden proposition, “Take all the time you need.”
The two of you fell back into comfortable silence, and stayed locked in an embrace for the rest of the morning, and the crimson light peeking through the curtains began to lighten with the coming dawn. Even as you drifted into sleep, Lucifer’s words lingered in your mind as you slipped from consciousness.
They continued to linger the following evening, as you spilled your heart out to Angel Dust at the bar, your face in your hands as you recalled verbatim. He sipped from his glass of alcohol, lips set in thought as he listened intently. 
Out of everyone in the hotel, you didn’t know why you went to Angel for advice, especially in dealing with romance, but you told him everything nonetheless. About going to live with Lucifer, all the help he’s been to you thus far, and the encounter with him earlier. You even gave him a brief glimpse into the… physical intimacy the two of you also had shared earlier.
“I think ya should do it,” Angel Dust said after a few moments of silence, downing the remaining liquor in his glass, before turning to you. You lifted your head from your hands, you met his gaze with surprise written across your features.
“Yeah,” he nodded, placing one hand supportively on your shoulder as he continued, “Now I ain’t tryna be mean to ya, but… the hotel was a great place for you before the baby, but with our track record with keeping this place from being attacked by thugs and angels, it mayyy not be so good for the actual baby. Ya get me?”
You took a sip of the water in front of you, nodding slowly as the answer you had been searching for finally settled on your shoulders. You turned to face the spider demon, your lips curving into a small frown and he tilted his head at you.
“I’m really going to miss you guys,” you murmured, rubbing your hands together self-soothing.
“Oh, you’re gonna make me cry, toots! C’mere!,” Angel Dust wrapped all four arms around you, and you returned the embrace with a tight grip. 
And wow, his fuzz was soft. You finally understood the appeal as you held your friend close. Even though in retrospect you had only known the porn star for a short amount of time, the bond you shared was heartwarming and kind. One of the few relationships of Angel’s that didn’t devolve into debauchery and drugs. 
Two hours later, you stood in front of Charlie, hands once again rubbing together in an attempt to soothe the nerves that were making it difficult to hold eye contact with the princess as you filled her in on the decision regarding your future. You planned to move into the manor, and raise the baby in a place that most resembled a home, instead of growing up in a hotel room.
“You’re going to go live with my dad?” She asked slowly, her brows furrowed at your words.
You tensed. Was she apprehensive of the idea?
“Yes, but it’s nothing crazy like I’m getting with your dad or anything… haha.. yeah,” you trailed off, because you were feeling like that may turn out to be untrue sooner than later.
At least, you hoped they did. For now, it was just something along the lines of roommates, even with how silly that sounded in your head.
“Well…” She began, rubbing her chin in thought, and sweat beaded down your forehead as she continued, “I think… it's a wonderful idea! I really enjoyed growing up there, and I’m sure your daughter would too!”
Phew. You exhaled a sigh of relief, the tension leaving your body and your shoulders relaxed. 
With Charlie’s blessing, it was all you needed to give Lucifer the news. He practically jumped for joy as you gave him your answer, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
“I have to baby-proof the whole place beforehand!” he had proclaimed, racing around the makeshift room he had been staying in the past few days as he grabbed his cane. 
“She won’t even be able to crawl for a while longer,” you had laughed with a raised brow.
“I can’t afford anything less than perfect,” Lucifer shook his head, grabbing his coat and hat to get everything ready as soon as possible, “Don’t worry, I’ve got the power of creation, remember? It’ll only be a jiffy.”
The king had literally exploded into a burst of confetti, a sizzle of magic zapping him out of the room and away to the manor. You had blinked, the colored paper mache settling on your shoulders as you turned towards the hallway.
It seemed like the only thing that was left was to start packing, and so away you worked for the next few hours. 
Peaches was swaddled tightly against your chest in a makeshift baby wrap, made from a sheet of fabric that held her close and secure to you while you placed clothes and other items into organized boxes.
Lucifer had been back in a jiffy, appearing at your door right as you finished stuffing everything away into storage. It took a snap of his finger for all of your things to go poof in a cloud of red smoke, and the king had summoned a limo to take the three of you back to the manor, since traveling with magic was risky with an infant. 
You had stood on the front steps of the hotel, trying to contain the tears as you wished farewell to your friends. They watched you leave with furrowed brows, and Charlie had even sniffled once as you and your daughter climbed into the white vehicle. 
“Come by and visit us sometime!” Charlie called as the limo pulled off from the curve and you leaned out the window for a final wave as the hotel disappeared from view.
When you arrived at that glittering, white, and gold royal home, you were met with tall, imposing statues depicting regal figures from centuries past, their stony gazes fixed upon the entrance. As the limo pulled up to the front steps, you noticed the large gardens surrounding the manor, each flower seemingly in perfect bloom despite the season. Fountains sprayed later spouts of water up in the air, before cascading down into glittering pools.
“She’s a beauty, ain’t she?” Lucifer had smiled as you took your tour around the premises, examining the once-neatly trimmed bushes that lined the place.
There were no imp servants, or attendees at all really, which explained why the place was beginning to look overgrown by the hellish flora. Large red vines climbed up the manor’s side, a few even weaved across large panes of glass, windows that would have once offered a beautiful sight. 
It appeared the current homeowner was not doing a very good job maintaining the place, and you weren’t going to let this place rot any longer. You’d have to add landscaping to the job description when you felt good enough to do such heavy tasks.
Right as you stepped through those large, golden doors, you were greeted with crystal chandeliers that illuminated a giant corridor. Plush, red carpet met your feet as you a few more steps inside, your eyes tracing over the array of paintings and sculptures lining the walls, along with a few family portraits and other elegant decor. 
It was clear that the interior was designed by the women of the house, the lack of circus decor even prevalent inside the Hazbin Hotel was nowhere in sight. As you followed Lucifer down the hallway, you guessed his withdrawals had given him no strength to change the house to his liking. You stepped through a tall, open doorway into what seemed to be a parlor.
Lucifer paused, turning to you with a warm smile as you joined him with your daughter in your arms inside the living space. You took in the sight of velvet couches circling a large fireplace and a small bar snug against the opposite wall, bottles of liquor lining the racks behind the counter.
"Welcome home," he said, his voice soft as he turned. Peaches cooed softly, seemingly content in the entrancing, shiny surroundings. You followed Lucifer down another large corridor, and he began to give a proper tour of the residency.
You didn’t realize how big this place really was until he showed you the third parlor in the house. This one had more tables, seemingly for dining primarily, but with a similar fireplace nestled in one of the walls near two, red armchairs. 
When Lucifer said you’d have large, private areas, you assumed he was just being generous and giving you some of his dwellings. Now, you knew that wasn’t the case, as there was definitely enough for the both of you between three large bathrooms, five bedrooms, and two dining rooms. 
It took a few days to settle in, as Lucifer helped you unpack your things with easy magic and you found renewed energy in making the nursery perfect for your daughter.
It was clear, from day one, that the two of you weren’t going to be just roommates, when you found yourself stealing kick kisses from him as you organized the nursery, or when his hand found your waist as you rocked Peaches to sleep in your arms some days. Some nights, you found yourself playfully bantering with the fallen angel in front of the fireplace, a glass of wine in your hands as gentle music played in the back. 
Lucifer’s presence and companionship seemed to be what you needed for your emotions to begin to stabilize, along with the fact that you had practically an entire mansion to yourself, instead of sharing the living areas with a large group of demons like back at the hotel. 
The king wasn’t holed up in his home all the time anymore, as he joined his daughter in promoting the hotel and actually making an effort to go to a meeting here and there. He had a purpose now, and you noticed that subtle ethereal radiance that lined his figure began to glow brighter with each passing day.
Lucifer’s social battery was still adjusting to the changes in his daily routines, and some nights he’d return with heavy eyelids and sluggish steps, as if he had returned from a battle against Heaven.
You had been sitting in the front parlor one cozy night, a book in your hand as you waited for the king’s return. He usually wasn’t gone so long, and the dinner you had made had gone cold, so all there was to do was sit around and wait.
Your daughter’s colic seemed to have tapered off by now, as it has already been a few weeks since you arrived at the manor. This was a relief, and you found yourself sleeping much longer, your energy and patience naturally returning. 
That fear of being useless began to dissipate, now that you were able to enjoy time in the kitchen, testing out new receipts for Lucifer as his chef. He paid you very handsomely, even though you rarely did cook as you recovered from postpartum and kept busy with the baby.
You didn’t complain though, it was nice to see a paycheck that could actually cover all your groceries and bills, if you actually paid any of the bills around here... did Lucifer even have bills?
Your thoughts were cut off when the sound of heeled boots thumped across the corridor right outside the room, and the book in your hands lowered to the coffee table in front of you. 
Lucifer kicked off his boots at the door to the parlor, his hooves meeting the carpet as they dragged towards the couch you were lazing on. His blonde was hair disheveled, and some of the gold buttons on his vest were unbuttoned, revealing a glimpse of what lay below his collarbone.
He looked exhausted, his eyes tiredly frog-blinking as he fell against the cushions beside you, before exhaling a long, drawn-out sigh. 
“Rough day?” You whispered softly, and he turned his head slightly to face you.
“Just.. a lot,” was Lucifer’s response, his eyelids fluttering close for a few moments as he drank in the warmth from the crackling fire nearby.
You watched the fallen angel for a few more moments, his breath rising and falling slowly as he relaxed. His skin practically glowed against the soft colors thrown across the room from the dancing flames. A thought crossed your mind, and hesitantly, you reached a hand to Lucifer’s shoulder.
You felt him tense slightly from your touch, before relaxing slowly as you gripped his shoulder and forearm and began tugging him to lay down against you. He turned his head, raising a brow as he began to lean against you.
“Come here,” you smiled warmly, as you pulled him to fall over against you.
Lucifer’s head softly landed on your lap, his face upturned towards the ceiling as you smiled down at him. He watched the orange light reflect against your skin, enhancing your already perfect features. 
You lifted a hand towards his face, before you began to gently brush your fingers through his hair. Your nails grazed against the king’s scalp and a satisfied sigh left his lips. A hum reached his ears, as you quietly filled the room, with the soft tune. 
Something stirred inside the king, and emotions began bubbling up into his throat, and he could barely contain them as his lips parted.
“Can I tell you something?” Lucifer whispered after a moment.
“Of course,” you nodded, tilting your head down to him.
“I think… that I’m in love with you.”
Those words had your hands stilling against his scalp, and your breath hitched.
Lucifer in love with you? 
Oh, the joy you felt, at finally hearing those words you only had dreamed of for so long. Your grin spreading ear to ear as heat crept across your cheeks.
“Oh, you silly man,” you laughed softly down to the nervous face in your lap, before you gripped Lucifer by the collar and pulled him up from your lap.
You leaned down and pressed your lips softly to his, and the king rose the rest of the way on his own. He pulled you against him, as his back hit the cushions and you pivoted to straddle him as the kiss deepened. 
Lucifer’s arms were snaked around your waist, and your hands cupped both sides of his face as the two of you were lost in this intimate, quiet moment of affection finally revealed.
Time flew by fast after that, once your daily routines began to settle into place. Lucifer began to step in more in raising the baby, and sometimes you’d find your daughter in his arms, and a sweet, soothing tune coming from his lips.
You’d stand there, leaning against the nursery doorway as you watched with a warm smile. Peaches was beginning to like–no, love him. You could tell when she started to let him dress her up without her usual stink eye. She was now able to sit up and speak in her own, unique form of baby talk.
“Stop moving,” You had heard Lucifer laugh one day from inside the large bedroom, “You’re making this harder than it needs to be!”
A string of incomprehensible sounds followed, high-pitched babbling from the tiny figure in response.
“Hey, don’t give me attitude, missy!” You heard playful chastising from the king, and you turned into the doorway to see his back towards you, as he kneeled over your daughter. 
Her tiny legs kicked in protest as he wrangled something onto her, and you took a few steps into the room before announcing your presence.
“Lucifer…?” You started, nearing the bed.
He jumped at your voice, before pivoting to face you with an innocent smile. Your daughter was visible now, some kind of bright yellow fabric around her head and hugging the rest of her body.
“Hey! Don’t mind us, we're just testing something!” Lucifer’s smile widened.
“Testing what?” You asked with a smile.
Lucifer’s smile turned playful as he turned back to your daughter and lifted her towards you, and your eyes widened.
Peaches was dressed in a fuzzy, yellow duck onesie. Its head was designed into a hood that was pulled over her head, the orange beaking sticking out and resting slightly on her forehead. She babbled something incoherent with an open, gummed smile, something probably along the lines of ‘Look! Don’t I look so gosh darn cute?’
“I pulled out some of Charlie’s baby clothes from storage, and funny enough they fit Peaches just fine,” Lucifer continued, placing his cheek against your daughter’s and rubbing it affectionately with puckered lips, “She is so adowable in her wittle onesie, huh?”
“Yes, she is!” You cooed, leaning forward to pinch one of her cheeks with a grin.
The three of you were beginning to turn into a proper family, and it became obvious when Lucifer started making breakfast for the three of you in the early mornings, despite paying you for such tasks.
“You know that's my job, right?” You quirked a brow as Lucifer stood in front of the stone, flipping large, fluffy pancakes in a pan, before placing them upon a steaming pile of deliciousness. 
“You have days off, don’t you?” He hummed in response, turning off the stove and sliding the plate into his hands, “Will you grab the syrup for me, please?”
You opened the cupboards nearby, grabbing the large bottle of syrup as you followed him toward the dining area, your daughter playing with a rattle on the floor near the long table. She was able to crawl now, a speedy little demon that took off as soon as you turned the other way. 
Luckily, Lucifer had baby gates to help with that, and now she was easily confined into any room for fear of escaping. Her tiny stomach growled and she lifted her gaze from the toy as you and Lucifer stepped over the gate. 
Peaches squealed with happiness, and began to crawl towards you, her hands plapping against the tile as she moved. She slowed right next to the last dining chair at the table, before her head lifted to examine it for a moment. 
Your daughter began to lift herself onto two feet as she gripped the dining chair’s leg. She was getting good at standing by herself, but she had never managed to successfully step forward and not flop back onto her butt. 
You set the syrup on the dining table, ignoring her movements as first as you helped set the table. It wasn’t until you turned to place her into the high chair, did you watch your daughter’s foot begin to lift.
Peaches took one step forward, wobbling slightly as she tried to regain balance. Your mouth dropped, and your arm reached out to grip the back of Lucifer’s shirt and tug him beside you.
“What’s going on, why are yo–” Lucifer froze beside you, as your daughter lifted the other foot and took another wobbly step forward.
She had never remained on two feet for this long, and she didn’t look like she was stopping yet. Lucifer quickly lowered onto his knees, and you joined him as he stretched out his arms.
“Peaches, come on!” He called to the little girl, who was only a foot away from the two as she smiled at the fallen angel and took another step closer.
You joined him, cheering for your daughter as she took another step, and another, and then she reached out her little arms towards the two of you. She took the final step, before she lost total balance and fell forward.
The both of you jumped forward and embraced Peaches at once, the three of you in a tight huddle of affection as your daughter giggled against your chest. 
You peppered kisses against her forehead, tears pricking at your eyes as you lifted them to meet Lucifer’s gaze. His eyes were glistening as well, and you leaned forward to press a quick kiss to his lips, your smile large and brilliant. 
It was clear now, that your little family had grown to include another, and you were so thrilled it was Lucifer. Your ex, and the fears that came with his betrayal began to dissipate from your mind, and a tear rolled down your cheek in happiness. 
From that day on, you promised to make sure that your little girl would always have a father in her life, although it seems like you’ve already found the one who would cherish her for the rest of eternity.
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“Psst, Mom!” 
You grumbled incoherently, still in the clutches of sleep as the voice rudely interrupted the nice dream you had been having in the early hours of the morning.
“Moooooommmm, wake up!”
You stirred awake at the voice hissing in your ear, your eyes fluttering open inside the dark master bedroom of the manor. Someone was standing right in front of you, a short figure tapping her foot impatiently as you lifted your head from the pillows.
The room was still covered in blackness, the morning light unable to escape through the blackout curtains blanketing the large bedroom. You could see the outline of a small figure in the shadows at the edge of your bed, illuminated by the open doorway behind her.
“What is it, baby?” You rubbed your tired eyes, turning to face your daughter.
Peaches was much older now, the name long outgrown her as she aged from toddler, to child, to girl. She resembled a nine year old now, that cute baby fat gone from her limbs, and her chubby little cheeks beginning to sharpen into gorgeous features. 
“Can I go with Charlie to the mall? She said she’ll pick me up in an hour if that’s okay.”
Charlie and your daughter had been doing everything together lately, which you guessed was because of the older woman’s joy in having a little sister she could take under her wing. They may not be related by blood, but nobody could tell the difference with the bond those two shared.
Peaches often assisted her at the now-bustling hotel, learning how to best help the inhabitants of Hell through the teachings of her sisterly figure. 
“Sure, tell Charlie I said hi,” you nodded with a smile, and your daughter bounced giddily on her toes.
“Yay! Thank you, mom!” She lowered her face down to leave a quick kiss on your cheek, wrapping her arms around your neck for a tight hug before backing away, “I Love you, see you later!”
You watched her rush out of the room with a slip in her step, the door closing softly behind her. 
“What was all that about?” A voice tiredly mumbled beside you, and warm arms snaked around your waist. 
You laid your head back against the pillow, repositioning your body to face toward the naked figure beside you.
“She just wanted to go out and have some fun with Charlie,” you replied to the tired, pearly face before you, his blonde hair disheveled around him as he blinked the sleep away with a yawn.
“Those two are like glue, nowadays,” your husband, Lucifer, yawned, pulling you flush against his bare chest in one smooth motion.
You snuggled your face into the crook of his neck, placing wet kisses across his skin, earning a pleasurable noise from his throat. 
“Should we get up and make some breakfast?” You asked into his skin.
“Five more minutes,” you heard him mutter, as he rubbed his cheek against yours affectionately.
That gives me five more minutes to think about how lucky I am to have you by my side.
“Okay,” you smiled softly, placing a loving kiss against his forehead before snuggling closer, “Five more minutes.” 
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woah lots of emotions in this one, good thing everything worked out in the end, eh? the art was done by indxlulu over on twt, go check out some of their other work!
what did you think? let me know! <3
tags 🏷️
@ohnoivefallen @doodlebob2726 @coleisyn @undertale-is-sansational @nehy019 @mixplara @chewbrry @yellowsubiesdance @airwolf92 @lxkeee @jellybellyrulez @catnoirsleftnut @mbruben-stein @froggybich @moonlovers34 @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @lil-bexie @wings-of-sapphire @the-tortured-poet @enigmatic-blues @bethleeham @cherry-4200 @azullynx @luzzbuzz @for-hearthand-home @helluvapoison @th3-st4r-gur1 @concentratedconcrete @cimadreamer @marsenbie @guacam011y @maxiskindahere @purplerose291 @fictional-character-whore @0willowwisp0 @yourlocalgoldenretrieverboy @wpdarlingpan @halo-balo @chipper-chip @lvstyangel @acrazyartist @midorichoco @xoxohugslove @ivebeenthearchersstuff @indestructeible @otherthoughtsofbu
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struwberrii · 2 months
boyfriend! sakusa who isnt super big on physical touch, but always shows how much he cares with the little things he does, like holding doors for you and carrying your bags.
boyfriend! sakusa who doesn’t love physical touch, but still takes every opportunity he can to kiss you
boyfriend! sakusa who immediately comes to you when he’s in a bad mood and needs to talk shit about someone
you were relaxing on your couch when suddenly you heard a harsh knock on your door. you panicked thinking it could be the police, but upon further investigation (looking through the peep hole) you discovered it was just a very irritated sakusa. you opened the door and almost immediately he pushed past you and b-lined for your spot on the sofa
“you won’t believe what that idiot atsumu did today, i swear his stupidity may just drive me mad!”. he practically growled. you could already tell this was gonna be a long rant so you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and got comfortable next to him before he started.
boyfriend! sakusa who only allows you to enter his bedroom and has a blanket and pillow saved for only you (he regularly washes when he knows you’re coming over)
boyfriend! sakusa who leaves a get well soon basket at your doorstep and facetimes you for hours at a time when you get sick
boyfriend! sakusa who always surprises you with designer jewelry and shoes, not for any reason other than him wanting to see you wear it.
boyfriend! sakusa who likes going out with you at the most random times, just to avoid huge crowds (if he wasn’t with you he wouldn’t be making an effort to go out at all if possible)
never in your life did you think you’d be getting ready for a dinner date at 8:30 pm on a tuesday. your boyfriend was on his way to pick you up, he made reservations for the two of you at a nice restaurant with a beautiful view. you were slightly annoyed with the time and date since you had work/school the next morning but just seeing sakusa instantly lifted any negative emotions you had about the situation. you opened the door to see him in a white polo shirt, black pants, a luxury belt on and a fancy silver watch on his wrist. you were practically drooling. the two of you walked to his car and made your way to the restaurant.
“i forgot to say this earlier, but you look absolutely stunning tonight” he said calmly, keeping his eyes on the road. you laughed and returned the compliment.
“by the way, why’d you choose a monday to take me out, kiyoomi?”
“i really do hate crowds, y’know?”
boyfriend! sakusa who has the funkiest music taste and always leaves you confused when his playlists go from the doors band to aphex twin to chase atlantic
boyfriend! sakusa who doesn’t mind your germs getting on him
(he still makes you shower before you get in his bed)
boyfriend! sakusa who sleeps best when you’re lying on top of him under his blanket with his arms wrapped around you
boyfriend! sakusa who made a hand signal that only you and him know, that he uses when he wants to get out of any situation and sneak off with you
you were at one of sakusas games, you always arrived earlier with him since people wanted interviews with him and to take videos for tv, so you would usually just sneak around back and wait for him, but sometimes interviewers caught up to you and would sneak a few questions in with you. this time you and sakusa were both in the lobby of the dome he was scheduled to play in.
“do you know how long sakusas been training for this match?”
“has sakusa shared the secret behind his flexible wrists with you!?”
“are you only with sakusa because of his fame?”
you were being asked so many questions you could hardly even get one answer out, you looked over at your boyfriend to see what he was up to, and that’s when he gave you the signal, low enough for nobody else to catch it. then he made up some partially believable excuse and left the interviewers. quickly after you made up a slightly less believable excuse and followed pretty far behind him. you weren’t exactly sure where he went, there was way too many doors down the hall he took so you just walked in hopes of finding an open one.
that’s when you suddenly felt a strong arm wrap around you and pull you into one of the lounge rooms, followed by an attack of kisses to your face.
“i play so much better when we get to do this”
boyfriend! sakusa who lets you do hair care and skincare on him, and is surprisingly educated on skincare and which products/ingredients work best for different types of skin problems.
boyfriend! sakusa who let’s you count all the freckles/moles on his body and trace them with your fingers
boyfriend! sakusa who wakes you up every morning you’re together by the smell of him brewing your coffee and making breakfast for you
you woke up in sakusas bed earlier than usual. it was 8:25 am on a saturday, you had no reason to be awake this early. but something smelled so good, you couldn’t go back to bed after your nostrils had been blessed by such a scent. you grabbed one of sakusas sweaters and made your way to his kitchen. there he was in nothing but his boxers, cooking pancakes over the stove. the morning sun hitting his back at just the right angle to make all his muscles really pop out at you.
“sorry, didn’t mean to wake you so early love”. he says after hearing you come out of his room.
“it’s all good, just what is that heavenly smell?” you joked, sitting on one of the stools at his kitchen island, watching him finish up cooking. he turned around and slid a plate of pancakes infront of you. he even drew a little smiley face out with all your favorite fruits and whipped cream. then he handed you a cup of hot coffee, just the way you like it.
“what did i ever do to deserve you” you said as you smiled at your boyfriend.
boyfriend! sakusa whos love language is acts of service
boyfriend! sakusa who takes your makeup off for you, does your skincare for you and tucks you into bed when you’ve had a bad day
boyfriend! sakusa who always reminds you to do the little things, like washing your hands when you get home from being out, or drinking water
boyfriend! sakusa who’s trying his best for you
(sorry guys this may be a teeny bit ooc but i love him idc)
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quartzalynlove · 11 months
Coming Home Injured
Pairing: Liu Kang, Kenshi, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Sub Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Reptile x fem!reader (separately)
Summary: returning from a mission with a few bad injuries
Warnings: Canon typical violence, some descriptions of bad wounds
A/N: let's see if I can make personalized pet names for each of them without them being cringe. Feedback encouraged. Also if we're gonna keep writing for all 8 of these guys at once it's gonna take a minute for me to post so sorry abt that but more mk1 content is coming
Liu Kang
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The two of you sat in silence from the moment you returned home. You had completed the mission, but only by an inch of your life. The image of Liu Kang's concerned face, before you fainted in his arms, was still clear in your head.
Liu Kang assessed your injuries before treating them, trying not to be alarmed by the long, deep gash cut from your side into your abdomen. All the while, that look on his face never faded. You had seen Liu Kang when he was concerned many times, but this was different. That crease between his brows was deeper for some reason. As his hands shook, uncharacteristically, while he cleaned your wound, you finally identified the expression. It was the same one you saw when Kenshi lost his sight on the mission to capture Shang Tsung.
"Darling," your voice was weak as you looked down at him.
Immediately, Liu Kang's eyes shot up at you. With his worry growing, he placed a hand on your thigh.
"My light, please do not exert yourself."
Slowly, your hand took hold of his. Your grip was so weak that Liu Kang could hardly bear it. Instead, he took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles. You felt a shuddering breath against your skin as he pulled away.
"Don't you think you're a bit too concerned?" You asked.
With deep regret, Liu Kang bowed his head, not able to look at what he'd done to you.
"You shouldn't have returned this injured," his low voice started to break. "I shouldn't have—"
You stopped him before he could say another thing, "Lift your head," you told him.
Liu Kang looked up at you, slowly, his breaths still heavy and unsteady.
"You used your judgment as well as you could, and I fulfilled your orders. I came back to you."
Starting to calm, Liu Kang nodded in understanding.
"Not every round of Kombat is easy, but I'll be okay."
Upon seeing your reassuring smile, Liu Kang's breathing finally steadied, and his grip on your hand started to soften.
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You winced in pain as Kenshi finished a stitch on a rather brutal injury. If he hadn't gotten to you sooner, the blood loss would have killed you. What you did lose on your staggering trek back home already made you lightheaded. Kenshi insisted on you resting; he made you something to eat and made sure you were drinking water. As you laid on the couch, resting yourself after a tough mission, Kenshi was rubbing your feet. You noticed his clenched jaw and the tight line his lips formed. Part of you wished you could sit up and hold his face, but you didn't want to risk popping a stitch while it was still fresh.
"What's on your mind, Kenshi?"
He turned toward your voice before trying to dismiss you with a shake of his head. "Nothing, my flower. Please try to rest."
"Don't say 'nothing' when it's clearly something, love."
You didn't say anything else, still too out of it to try and coax anything else from him. Thankfully, he wasn't going to make you do the work.
"I should've been there," He said quietly. "If I were there to protect you, you this wouldn't have happened."
Kenshi was such a gentleman, your very own knight in shining armor, but he often piled too much on his plate without noticing. He did know he didn't have to save you every time, didn't he?
A lazy smile graced your face, "Honey, I'm fine." You told him.
"You aren't fine—"
You interrupted, "I'll be fine," you said slowly. "You've patched my wounds, forced food and water down my throat, and you're even keeping me company here and rubbing my feet. You've saved me already, my hero."
Kenshi sighed as your words put him at ease, silently accepting that you were right.
"Besides," you continued. "I'm a big girl; I can handle myself. You should ask Sento to show you the other guy."
As Kenshi started to chuckle, you wore a proud smile before feeling yourself fall asleep on the couch.
Johnny Cage
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Johnny was all over the place. While you held onto your side on the couch, he searched the area frantically for God knows what. All you could hear was his half-rambled sentences around.
"Johnny." You tried to get his attention.
He stopped for just a second just to point a finger at you. "Hey, don't move over there. I just gotta..."
As he left again, you let your head fall back, sighing in pain.
"I'm calling Liu Kang." You said.
Something in the kitchen clattered as Johnny shouted. "No, don't call him; I've got this!"
"I've been bleeding on our couch for five minutes!"
Sighing, Johnny came back again and looked at you. In any other circumstance, it would be cute how frantic he was over you. Unfortunately, however, your life was at stake and he was running around the house like the Roadrunner. Finally, Johnny finished assessing your injuries.
"Water," he snapped his fingers. "I'll get you some water."
"Johnny!" You stopped him before he could take off again.
In Johnny's defense, he was very worried. It was written all over his face. As you sighed, you spoke to him very carefully.
"I keep a first aid kit in the bathroom cabinet."
With many understanding nods, Johnny seemed to calm down before heading to the bathroom.
"First aid kit," he said to himself. "Why didn't I think of that?"
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You didn't know how you were still alive, and if it weren't for Raiden, you'd surely be dead. Once you got through the portal, you tried to make it home to him, but Raiden ended up finding you collapsed on the academy grounds as blood quickly made a pool around your stomach. When you came to, the only sensation you could make out was Raiden's feet striking the ground as he ran with you in his arms. You must have managed to say something because you saw his eyes meet yours before darkness obstructed your vision again
The next time you woke you were somewhere indoors. A bright yellow light blinded you before your eyes could adjust. You felt Raiden squeeze your hand as your head turned.
"You're awake." He gasped.
All you could muster was a faint smile. That searing pain from the gash that opened your stomach still wasn't gone.
"Not for long." You said weakly.
Raiden's face became worried as he inched closer to you from his chair at your side.
"I must keep you awake," he said almost as a plea to you. "I've taken you to the medics, and they said if you wake I couldn't let you close your eyes again."
You whined with a frown. "It hurts, Raiden."
Raiden brought his free hand on top of yours, trying to comfort you with small rubs.
"I know, but I am here. I've got you."
As you looked at Raiden, the pain seemed to lessen. Everything felt warmer as long as you focused on him.
"I bet Shao thought he killed me." You said.
A bright smile appeared on Raiden's face at your decision to stay with him. "He is in for a surprise the next time you meet."
Sub Zero
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You were a victim of Bi-Han's cold frustration. Honestly, it agitated you more than the searing pain caused by the cleaning of the open wound across your side.
From the moment you came back to him, limping through the front door with the last of your strength, he didn't utter a sound. You remained in awkward silence as he had you sit on the kitchen counter with your back straight while he patched you up.
As he stitched you up, Bi-Han was moving at a harsh pace. It wouldn't harm your wound, but it was almost more painful than the wound itself. Bi-Han was aware of the sharp breaths you sucked in and pained gasps, but they were no deterrent to quickness.
"Bi-Han," you finally snapped at him.
With a cocked eyebrow, Bi-Han stepped back, eyeing you with such an icy glare and that scowl you thought wasn't welcome in your home.
Your eyes searched his face, hoping to find your lover buried beneath that avalanche, "You're hurting me." You said.
A scoff came from Bi-Han as he attempted to work on you once again. "This can't hurt nearly as bad as your other injuries."
You wouldn't let him come back to you, however, pushing him back with the palm of your hand. "Well, it isn't exactly helping."
Bi-Han folded his arms over his chest. "Do you expect me to coddle you?"
"Some sympathy wouldn't hurt." You spat back.
In disbelief, Bi-Han came back to you, forcing himself into your view. "You want my sympathy for the consequences of your reckless actions? My assistance is enough comfort."
He readied the needle for the next stitch, but before he could jam another hole into you, you took the needle out of his hand.
You didn't look at him as you spoke. "I would rather help myself."
After staring at you for a moment, Bi-Han walked away with a grunt. However, even as he started to leave, your wincing continued. You tried to finish the stitching yourself, but the wound was in such a place that you couldn't reach it without straining the rest of your body. Not to mention aggravating the wound itself.
Bi-Han couldn't bear to watch and listen to you struggle. You were only hurting yourself more. Casting his face down for a moment, Bi-Han exhaled before returning to your side.
Before you could begin another stitch, you felt a cold hand stop the needle.
"The stitching will be ineffective this way."
That growl had left Bi-Han's voice, and his face softened, save the deep crease between his brows. Although his gaze would not meet yours, you gave the needle back to Bi-Han, feeling in the air that his anger had dissipated. As he went to work once again, he was much more gentle, and his work didn't hurt nearly as much. Still, he was very quiet. It was clear he wasn't angry with you anymore, but something still troubled him.
Once the stitch was finished, Bi-Han went to tend to your smaller injuries, remaining so quiet and drawn away from you. As he went to clean a cut on your cheek his eyes remained fixated on the wound, not once glancing towards you. Becoming concerned for him, you stopped him with a gentle hand on his arm.
"Bi-Han," you began turning to face him, but his face turned away. "Will you look at me, sweetheart?"
He couldn't; he was ashamed to do so. Although he should have had better control over himself, Bi-Han lost his temper with you.
"I was worried," he said, his face finally falling. "Seeing you come home in this state concerned me. I'm sorry I let it contort into anger."
With a small smile, you took the side of Bi-Han's face in your hand, fixing it towards you. It melted him a bit to see your face. Even after how he had acted, you still smiled at him.
"I knew of your anger long before we got together," you said. "And while it can be frustrating, that doesn't mean I'm not willing to work through it as long as you are."
Bi-Han leaned into your touch, sighing as he let his eyes close. "Just promise you'll act more carefully on future missions."
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Kuai Liang tended to the large gash across the length of the back. The wound was deep and wide, he could hardly fathom how this had happened to you. However, his focus remained on bandaging you before it suffered any infection. Kuai Liang worked gently as he secured the bandages around you, but you dreaded turning back to him. Once you did, you turned away quickly from his gentle face, eager to get away from where his eyes gazed. Confused by this, he stopped you, taking a soft but firm hold of your arm.
"You should let me help with getting you ready for bed. I don't want you exhausting yourself, precious."
You huffed, but couldn't lose your temper with Kuai Liang's warm eyes gazing at you. Still, you snatched your arm back, turning your back to him again.
"I can manage, Kuai Liang." Your tone wasn't exactly angry but somber instead, bringing a confused expression to Kuai Liang's face.
He started to catch up to you again, "Your injuries are very serious, Y/N." He said as a word of caution.
As your jaw clenched, you quickly turned back to Kuai Liang, your tone more serious now. "And I said I can manage."
Suddenly, a sharp pain radiated through your shoulder, causing you to wince and grab at it. You turned too fast. Kuai Liang placed a hand on your shoulder, generating the softest heat to ease the pain.
"Beloved, what is wrong," He said with concern as he turned back in front of you. "It can't just be your injuries making you this upset."
With a soft sigh, you started to break your frustration, letting the sadness you truly felt manifest in your face, "Aren't you disappointed?" You looked up at him.
Kuai Liang's brows furrowed in confusion. Your expression was so sad and apologetic. How could you think he was disappointed?
"In you," he asked in disbelief. "Of course not, precious. Why would I be?"
Gesturing to yourself, you let out a shuddering breath, "Look at me," your voice began to break. "This is no state for a champion to be in after Kombat,"
Kuai Liang felt his heart break; he knew you always held yourself to a status that kept you worthy of the mantle that was Earthrealm's champion, but he hated to see you acting this harshly towards yourself.
As tears started forming in your eyes, you continued. "You and your brothers fight to bring honor to your clan's name; you persist no matter the challenge. How can I be a champion when I haven't done the same for Earthrealm?"
You faced the floor as tears streamed down your cheek, but Kuai Liang wouldn't let you shut yourself out from him again. Lifting your head with his index finger, Kuai Liang started wiping your tears as his hands cradled your face.
"Beloved," his voice was soft as he spoke to you. "You accepted your challenge and fought with all you had. Honor isn't about winning but fighting valiantly in the name of your clan. By engaging in Kombat for the glory of Earthrealm and its champions, you have brought honor. For that, I am proud of you as I always am."
As your tears slowed, Kuai Liang gazed into your eyes with a nod of understanding. Once you nodded back, he planted a kiss on top of your head.
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Tomas hadn't left your side since you returned home last night, and though he tried his best to conceal it, you could feel how worried he was. All of your wounds were patched up, and you were starting to feel better, but he still insisted on doing every little thing for you. It was sweet; you knew how much he cared for his loved ones, especially you, but he did know you'd be okay, right?
By the time you had woken up, Tomas was in the shower, and you were starving. It wasn't going to strain you to cook breakfast, so that's what you went to do.
You had just begun cooking when Tomas came out of the shower. When he returned to your bedroom and found the bed to be empty, he froze in fear. Frantically, he hurried around the house, looking for you. It didn't take him long to reach the kitchen where you were cooking at the stove.
"What are you doing out of bed, my love?"
You turned to see Tomas' concerned face. Smiling, in hopes you would put him at ease, you gestured to the pan of bacon on the stove.
"Cooking," you answered him. "I'm hungry; I bet you are too."
With a small frown, Tomas sighed softly as he leaned against the island, "I could've handled this." He said.
As you turned back to the stove, you nodded. "Yes, but you were in the shower. Besides, I felt like cooking."
You could hear Tomas grumbling behind you as he came closer. Suddenly, he put his hand on top of yours, trying to take the pan from you.
"I'd much prefer it if you stayed in bed, my love."
Tightening your grip, you looked back at him. "I've been in bed since yesterday evening, let me cook us breakfast."
By this point, Tomas didn't know what to do other than pout disapprovingly, but you weren't going to have it.
"Tomas," you called him. "Look at me."
With a sigh, he listened, backing up to eye you before you explained your instruction.
"I'm doing better. It's not like I'm going to fall over at the stove."
He tried to interrupt, "You don't—" But you silenced him with a hand on the center of his chest.
You continued softly. "Go sit down and wait for your food."
The two of you shared a brief look before you closed your eyes, waiting for him to kiss you. Once he did, you opened your eyes to Tomas walking to sit at the table.
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You hissed as Syzoth finished a stitch on your shoulder.
"I know it hurts, but we're almost done." He tried to calm you.
Usually, you tried to fight him when he patched you up, but you came home in pretty rough shape. The only complaining you could manage was in the form of winces and grunts. Syzoth never really minded, though. If anything you reminded him of his younger siblings when they'd hurt themselves playing.
"There," He said, putting the needle down. "You'll be fine in a few days."
As Syzoth looked at you with a soft face, you couldn't help feeling a small sense of shame.
"I'm sorry." You apologized, playing with your hands in your lap.
Syzoth tilted his head at you. "For what?"
"I can be so stubborn when you're only trying to help."
An incredulous slithering laugh started to leave Syzoth at your words, confusing you a bit. Putting your hands in his, Syzoth looked into your eyes.
"Firefly, I have faced much worse than you upset about getting a few stitches. As long as you're okay, you can bicker and grunt at me all you like."
Syzoth kissed you on the forehead before leading you to the bed.
"I never did ask how your opponent ended up." He looked over at you.
With a proud smile, you answered him. "Let's just say if I was injured the same, would have done more than bicker at you."
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hewwokitti · 5 months
Brat (JJ Maybank x Reader)
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It’s not like you mean to be a brat sometimes it just comes out. You know JJ doesn’t like when you’re rude and you’re good- at least getting better- at controlling your mouth but your facial expressions need work. So that's how you found yourself with JJ’s hand firmly on the back of your neck, pushing you into the chateau after sneering at something John B said.
“How many- How many fuckin times do i have to tell ya to fix your damn face huh? I ain’t playin with you today. Get your ass in there”
Yup you’re screwed.
He bullies you inside, smacking the globe of your ass all the while.
“JJ.. I’m sorry, I-“ you’re cut off as he roughly grabs your face, making you squeal.
“Yeah… Yeah you’re boutta be REAL sorry here soon dolly. You know where I want you c’mon.”
And you do, assuming the usual position on the bed, ass up, cheek against the undone bed. He comes up behind you, rough hand pushing your face into the mattress even more. “I keep tellin you kitty to play nice huh? don’t need you bein a bitch to my friends.” JJ emphasizes his words by pushing your face harder, making you cry out.
“Shh shh shhh” he utters condescendingly, while flipping your flimsy skirt up, rubbing the now exposed flesh. “don’t want them to hear how much of a bitch ya are for papa hmm?”
You screw your eyes shut, whimpering softly. He’s right, the pouges are right outside and any loud sounds would be sure to make their way to your shared friend’s ears.
Your thoughts are cut off by the sharp sting of JJ’s hand colliding with your ass, feeling the flesh jiggle at the impact “Answer me” he barks.
“n-no!!” you wail. JJ grins.
He pulls your head up by your hair, leaning over you, lips pressed against your ear. “Now, you’re gonna be good for me hmm? gonna take this dick then, ya gonna walk this ass,” he grabs a handful tightly, making your eyes roll back, “back out there n apologize”
“Y-Yes im sorry!” you say.
“mmm save it, you’re not sorry yet.” JJ says, as he throws your head back down. “Don’t even wanna look at ya right now, got me pissed the fuck off, that what you wanted?” He unbuckles his pants and ties the belt around your neck like a collar, using the long tail like a leash.
He rams into you, making you let out a garbled scream as he pounds into you, teeth bared giving you his all.
“Yeah, this is what you needed. Gotta get the bitch fucked outta ya don’t ya? Fuckin whore.”
The tight belt around your neck makes your head swim, all you can feel is JJ… JJ… JJ.
“Nah nah nah what’s my name kitty?”
You hadn’t realized you’ve been saying that aloud but with the way your blood circulation has been cut off, you can’t realize anything other than his dick deep in your guts. “D-daddy-y-y” you whine out, speech almost incoherent with the rhythm of his bruising thrusts.
“That’s right kitty, I’m your daddy, I’m your fucking daddy… jesus kitty you’re squeezing the life outta me SHIT you’re such a WHORE”
His harsh words make your eyes roll back, the only thing keeping your face up is JJ’s pull of the belt. The moans you let out are staccato, more like high pitched grunts, long nails clawing at the belt but not tapping out yet.
“O-oh man, you gonna cum kitty? don’t lie to me, can fuckin FEEL it” JJ spits out.
You nod vigorously, unable to speak, pushing back against him as best you can.
“FU-Uck yeah kitty cum with me c’mon” he let’s go of the belt, the rush of blood back into your head makes you squirt around him, screaming his name between gasps of breath as you flop onto the bed. JJ growls as he empties inside, thrusts slowing but not stopping making your toes curl with the overstimulation.
“There ya go kitty hmm? don’t that feel better?” He rubs your back as you let out little gasps and twitches.
After a while, once he’s calmed you down enough, he’s helping you clean up, getting you into comfy PJs.
“Okay mama, you good?” he holds your face in his hands, lifting it up casually to inspect your throat, a red rim of his belt mark makes him feel just the tiniest bit bad. He massages it as you croak out “‘m good now J”
He hums in response, “A’ight then, up you get, there’s some apologies ya gotta make now hmm?”
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reblogs n likes apreciated! lemme know ur thoughts are requests
thank you to @rafeysdoll (ofc) @siriusly-star-crossed, @monkichixo for proofreading!
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reallyromealone · 1 year
I think this is it.
Aight, thank you. Here's my request: So Pro-hero Bakugou has a husband (reader) and a son who didn't inherit his quirk. Instead, he got m readers' "weak" healing quirk. The kid hates/dislikes reader for getting his "useless" quirk instead. Meek reader doesn't want tell Bakugou that the son has a crappy teen ego, but Bakugou comes home early to see son berating reader. And Bakugo just scolds the son and explains why the the healing quirk is useful and how reader is amazing. Its a bit angsty, but can we have some fluff comfort at the end pls? Thank you again. :)
I got this
One thing no one in U.A expected was for Bakugo to get with Recovery girls grandson, the Omegas quirk being "healing aura" the ability to create a healing must up to 12 feet.
The two teens didn't get along initially, Bakugo crass and rude and (name) very much no nonsense and stubborn, the two constantly butted heads during their stay at U.A.
It was a surprise towards the end of their high school career for the two to move in together with an upcoming engagement "when did they even start dating?" Some would ask only to realize those arguments and comments were actually the two flirting.
(Name) ended up much like his grandmother and travelling agency to agency and helping out post villain attacks and doing what he could, gaining adoration and fans through how much he helped.
They almost forgot he was an Omega till he went on maternity leave.
(Sons name) was very much like Katsuki, a spitfire who had many little options and though Katsuki calmed down considerably there was no denying they were practically clones.
And because of this, it devastated (sons name) when he didn't get his sires "heroic" quirk but instead got (name)s quirk, the boy over time developing a resentment to his Dam.
Due to (name) only being called for emergencies, he ended up taking his late grandmother's place at U.As Medical wing.
And because of these hours, he was often left to care for his son alone while Katsuki did hero work, and because of this missed his son developing into a mythic asshole.
(Name) was exhausted after work, needing to use his quirk a lot today along with quirkless medical practice as many students didn't need his quirk but a simple bandage and such.
The house was a mess, whenever (sons name) came home he always made a mess, deeming it "Omega work" as the teen scrolled his phone "arent you supposed to be studying for the written exam?"
"Why should I? Dad got me in on recommendation, thank god since all you gave me was a shitty quirk" the teen snapped and (name) looked absolutely heartbroken at this as the teen continued "thank god dad's been teaching me martial arts since it's so useless-- seriously why did I have to get stuck with something as useless as your quirk, I'm amazed dad settled for someone as useless as you"
"The fuck you say?" The two turned to see Katsuki Bakugo walk in, out of uniform after finishing work at his agency "d-dad..." (sons name) looked sick and (name) on the verge of tears "your dad's "useless quirk" literally saved countless lives and your dad hauled ass saving countless People from villains" his voice cold as he dropped his duffle bag "why's the house a mess? You not fucking helping your Dam? I know he just got home so I know this ain't his mess" he laughed without any humor "disrespectful little shit, get up and clean this mess, after we train and get ready because it's gonna be hell" Katsuki promised coldly and the teen got up not wanting to piss off his dad more as the pro led (name) to their room.
"How long?" He said pulling the exhausted Omega into his lap, only soft for his mate "honestly since he found out his quirk, it's just been coming out the past few months..." Katsuki was shocked at this, how did he miss this?! "Why didn't you say anything?"
"... You were busy... You were working so hard on building your agency and I wanted to lift some weight off your shoulders" he wanted to cry as his husband held him close "stop being stupid" his voice loving despite the harsh words "I'll whip I'm straight, rely on me idiot"
(Name) was left to relax in the bedroom as Bakugo handled his son, calling a few hero friends to help especially the teens uncle Izuku and uncle Aizawa-- the teen spending his break at his uncle Aizawas and subsequently with uncle Shinsou who was visiting.
By the written exam he was kicked into shape and Bakugo made sure his mate was reminded over and over again how loved he was.
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wosoragebaiter69 · 7 months
recovery takes time
part 2 of ‘you are broken on the floor’
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alexia putellas x keeper!reader
request: here
A/N: reminder that i’m a writer and not a med student so idk what times are like for this..
also since y’all wanted me to ask more questions.. if you’ve experienced anything paranormal lmk because i’m interested in that stuff and experienced stuff myself so 🤷
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The first few weeks of recovery are the worst, you can’t do anything at all. Even walking is a challenge, how would you ever go back to where you were?
Alexia was always by your side though, helping wherever she could considering you weren’t allowed to lift anything. The concussion went away as expected and now was just a long journey of recovery ahead.
“You and I both know you’ll be back out on the soon, give yourself time. Recovery isn’t a quick process, remember what you told me when I did my ACL.” She’d say things similar to that, and for a while you’d believe her until you saw what the media kept saying.
As much as it affected your mental health, it only made you want to come back stronger and be better, to prove the critics wrong. To show the world who you were and that you were staying.
- - - - -
After 10 weeks, you could do regular tasks again. It did tire you out but it gave you strength and the feeling you had control over something. It’s something you so desperately needed, outside of Alexia of course.
You started to head back to the training grounds for meetings with physios and trainers who were doing their best to assess where to start when lifting weights and doing other flexible motions with your arms and chest that isn’t too harsh.
While it still isn’t much, it’s still something. That’s all that matters.
- - - - -
When you were first cleared to lift 5kg, Alexia was there. She always was when you had more progress in getting closer to the pitch. She was your number 1 supporter and it really encouraged you to be better.
When you could fully stretch your arms without pain or feeling uncomfortable, she was there.
When you could go back to lifting regular weights in gym sessions, she’d watch you while feeling immense pride at how far you’d come.
When you were kicked balls to for the first time again, she watched and congratulated every ball you saved.
She’s your knight in shining armour.
- - - - -
The day of your first game, a year of recovery behind you. You were finally starting for your club again. You stand tall behind your girlfriend who sports the armband.
Ever since it was announced you were in training and back in the squad, the media had been relentless. Asking too many questions. Wondering too many things.
You had one job tonight, and that was to show the world who you were. Who you are. Who you will be.
You walk out, fans yelling and cheering as the Barça anthem plays in the background. You missed this so bad.
- - - - -
The game was tough, some shots on you but you managed to keep a clean sheet. Alexia smiling and crowd roaring at you as you did so.
When the final whistle blows, Ale runs to you first pulling you into a crushing hug.
“Mi amor, you did so well.” She wraps her arms around your waist and kisses your neck.
“Thanks Ale, couldn’t have done it without you.” You reply, hands brushing up and down her back.
No matter what happened in life, you’d always want to do it with Alexia. Only Alexia.
i’m gonna close my requests for the time being so i can get through my 7 other works 🙏
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talesofesther · 8 months
when the world sleeps | the stitches
Astarion Ancunin x Reader
Summary: Small tales of private and precious moments shared with Astarion, when the world still sleeps.
Today's tale: You're trying to stitch back together your shirt, Astarion must intervene to save the day.
A/N: A collection of little stories that will be released sporadically, in no particular order. A place for me to store all the sweet little ideas that lurk in my mind about this darling pale elf. Feel free to send requests for any moments you'd like to see. <3
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It was an accident. A split second of distraction that got the blade of your enemy slashing into you. It cut through more cloth than skin, you didn't even need a healing potion. But it was your favorite shirt.
You've never been very adept with the needle and thread. Having lived your whole life with the privileges that rested inside your family's estate back in the city, you didn't have much need to mend your own clothes back together whenever they tore apart.
And now you were paying the price for the unlearned skill.
The night was quiet, most of your companions had already retired for the night. Yet you sat crosslegged on a large pillow in your tent, soft candlelight illuminating just enough so you wouldn't prick your fingers.
Scratch insisted on laying beside you, his soft white fur warm as it rested against your leg.
The silence of the night was most welcome, when the days were as hectic as they have been lately.
As you passed the thread through the fabric of your shirt, needle piercing it quite clumsily, you couldn't help but think the stitches looked too far from each other. Or could it be too close? Should it vary depending on the thickness of the fabric?
You jumped at the sudden voice—soft as it may have been—yanking the needle back and not piercing your thumb only by an inch. You cursed under your breath.
"What in the hells are you doing?" Astarion's choice of words sounded strange in the tender tone of voice he used.
You looked up to see him staring down at you with a confused frown on his eyebrows. The flickering fire of the candles coming from beside you kissed his features ever so faintly, making him seem like the remains of a dream. Dark red eyes, silver hair that reminded you of stardust. What a goner you were. And to think he chose you, too; if anything to warm his bed on cold nights.
"I'm… mending my shirt," you shrugged, with a sheepish smile on your lips, briefly lifting the shirt and needle in your hands.
Astarion opened his mouth only to close it again. He blinked, and shook his head. "You're doing anything but that." He stated, a little exasperated. "Have you ever done this before?"
You shifted your gaze from him, to the shirt on your hands, and back to him. "… Not really, no."
Astarion scoffed, "Well, clearly not."
"Come on it's not that bad." You raised a brow, finding his indignation at your lack of skills rather amusing.
"Not that bad? That thing is gonna tear itself apart with the first movement of your arms." Astarion gestured wildly as if you'd personally offended him, and started walking to the other side of you that wasn't occupied by Scratch. "Move over," he simply said.
You shuffled to the side a little, giving him space on the fluffy pillow beneath you. It was a tight fit as he sat down, his thigh flush with yours.
"Hand it over." Astarion wiggled his fingers and you did so quietly, handing him your shirt along with the needle and thread.
He mumbled something about basic skills and how you'd be lost without him. You didn't pay much mind to it, instead, you were rather enraptured by the way his fingers worked; precise, gentle, and deftly, with not a single wrong movement as the fabric of your shirt molded between the digits. He sews the pieces together from the inside, the needle hardly piercing, more like caressing its way through. It was evident he had done it many, many times before.
You inched closer, and you only realized you had done so when Astarion's movements halted. Needle hovering in the air as his shoulders tensed. His lips pursed when his throat worked through a gulp. You followed the motion, breath fanning over the skin of his neck, you were almost certain you'd seen goosebumps there.
It was a beat, and then Astarion was back to his work. But it was enough to bloom a warmth to your chest, that maybe you had the same effect on him that he had on you.
Leaning your cheek against his shoulder, you asked; "where did you learn to do it so perfectly?"
A quiet chuckle fell past the elf's lips, though it held no amusement. "The clothes we wore were hardly a concern for Cazador, as long as we looked presentable enough to lure people back for him." He frowned, a bitterness flashing through his eyes as his knuckles grew even paler with the way he gripped your shirt, "If we showed up with a torn shirt or ragged pants, that was on us. Even if it were his orders that caused it." The last words were low and forced out, as if the mere thought of them had thrown Astarion back into those dark streets and into the arms of people who didn't care if they ripped him apart.
You wished there was any amount of comfort or honeyed words that you could tell him that would erase the memories altogether. But there wasn't. All you could do was kiss his shoulder and brush your fingers over his arm until his grip relaxed again. Hoping that your love would seep through your pores and melt into his skin.
Astarion leaned the tiniest bit towards you, his lips brushing your hairline in a silent thank you. It felt… strange, how you were able to bring him back from the depths of his mind so easily.
Moments were spent in silence, until the pad of his thumb brushed over the freshly mended corner of your shirt, admiring his work; it was barely perceptive. If you didn't look too closely, you wouldn't even say it had been slashed through with a sword at all.
"Wow, you're good," you whispered, following the same path he had traced with your own fingers. Feeling over the fabric.
A low hum came from the vampire beside you, "I know."
You bit onto your lower lip. Your fingers tangled with his when he didn't pull away, all timid and tentative yet brimming with affection. "Maybe you could teach me someday, and I could mend your clothes for you, too." It went beyond just torn fabric, he knew it, you knew it.
Astarion ducked his head, he hesitated, yet he squeezed your hand quite tightly. "I would like that."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Astarion’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us
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hihomeghere · 6 months
1 and 81 for Charles smut! I’m so excited for these prompts it’s gonna be so fun!
Knight in Shining Armor | Charles Smith/Reader
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I really didn't mean for this to be this long, and yet here we are! I hope you enjoy!
Prompt list
Word Count : 3.1k Prompts : 1. "Kiss me" "What-", 81. "Your heart is racing." Warnings/Tags : Mention of abuse, mentions of SH, piv smut, fingering, cleaning of cuts, getting bucked off a horse, cursing, female reader
The Parlour House was bustling with life, beer and whiskey freely flowing. Ever since moving to Clemens point, after that nasty business in Valentine, you had been frequenting the parlor house most nights. Dutch and Hosea had taught you well, pick pocketing was your specialty. It’s how you made your living in the gang, and there were more than enough drunkards to steal from in Rhodes.
Especially with the stupid rivalry between the Grays and Braithwaites. While Dutch and Hosea were dipping their hands into their pockets figuratively, you were literally doing it. 
“Honey, that must be so hard.” You cooed, not giving a shit what this Gray was actually saying. It was about the gold, always about the gold. Dutch was always talking about the gold, Hosea was always talking about the gold. Eventually to save your sanity you had to start tuning them out. You trailed your fingers down his chest, expertly slipping your fingers into his pocket, and pocketing his watch. 
“You have no idea darlin’.” He sighed, his glassy eyes raking over your body. 
“Oh but I do.” You said pouting your lips, your head lolling up and down in an exaggerated fashion. “It must be so tough.” Taking his hand in yours you lifted it to your mouth. Kissing each finger before slipping off his gold band. He wouldn’t be missing it, especially when he was flirting with any woman who would look his way. 
“Hey,” He grinned lazily, “You wanna get a room? Get a bath maybe?” He said trailing his fingers up your arm. You fought every urge to vomit, smiling sweetly at him.
“Oh honey I’m not that type of girl.” You said chuckling softly, pulling away from him. His featherlight touches turned firm, his hand wrapping around your wrist. 
“Don’t tell me you ain’t been thinking about it.” He says through gritted teeth.
“I haven’t honey, honest.” You whispered, shaking your head. Your eyes dart around the saloon for some knight in shining armor. Your eyes landing on a familiar outline outside. 
Why did it have to be him?
When you’ve been fighting feelings for the ox of a man for months. 
When he was asked to be your ‘chaperone’ after coming back to camp one too many times bruised from angry men’s fists. Turning down advances became second nature, but most boys didn’t take no for an answer.
Dutch and Hosea had given you two options, stop working or start taking a man from camp to act as muscle in case things got ugly. 
And things were starting to look ugly. 
You pulled hard against his hand, yanking your hand from his grip. Hissing as his fingernails scraped down your wrist. You turned on your heel, racing for the door. Pushing the doors open, gasping in a breath of fresh air, your eyes turned onto Charles.
“Charles!” You yelled, running into his arms. His large hands landed on your waist as you slammed into the brick wall of his chest.
“Y/n?” His brows furrowed as he looked down at you before his eyes snapped towards the sound of the parlor door busting open. 
“Kiss me.” You said grabbing his shirt, pulling him down to your height.
“Wha-“ Was all he managed to get out before you were slamming your lips onto his. He froze, his lips pursed against yours. A disgruntled huff came out of the Gray chasing you, along with a few not so kind words about your character. Although kissing Charles had deterred him, the door slamming behind the man as he headed back inside.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled pulling away from him, “I didn’t know what else to do.” You said tucking a piece of hair behind your ear as your cheeks burned. 
“I think you’ve had enough fun for tonight.” He said, clearing his throat, avoiding your gaze. You nodded, swallowing thickly as you both walked back to your horses.
Taima and your newer stallion waited for your return. You set your foot in the stirrup, swinging your leg over your horse's back. You snuck a few glances over at Charles, his brow was set as he climbed up onto the Appaloosa.
You both set off to Clemens point, following the setting sun over the Scarlett meadows. You tried to keep your eyes forward and your mind off his lips against yours. His warm hands squeezing your waist, how they would feel against your bare skin. Shaking your head, you pulled yourself out of your daydream. Glad that Charles was riding behind you, unable to see your flushed face.
It was like time stood still for a moment, your stallions ears pinned back, a started squeal leaving his mouth. Your hands gripped the reins, trying to pull him away from the diamond rattlesnake curled up. He fought against you, bucking you off of his back. You hit the ground, hard. Gasping like a fish out of water as you tried to get the air back in your lungs. Charles was immediately at your side, helping you into a fetal position.
“Deep breath in your nose, out your mouth.” He said softly, his hand resting on your shoulder. You had no idea how he possibly could have gotten off Taima that fast, maybe you had been on the ground longer than you thought. Gasping in small strangled breaths. 
Finally you were able to take in a long shallow breath. “There we go.” He said rubbing your arm, helping you into a sitting position. His thumb moved across your cheek, wiping away a stray tear.
“Stupid fucking horse.” You groaned, eliciting a small chuckle from him. 
“Well you won’t have to worry about it anymore.” He said getting to his feet, looking down the road.
“I told Hosea he was worthless.” You huffed, taking Charles hand as he pulled you up. You hissed, standing up. Your back burning, no doubt tore up from your fall onto the dirt road.
“I think you have high standards, Glory was a great horse.” He said dusting you off. You sighed, Glory was the best horse, but she didn’t make it out of Blackwater.
“She was.” You sighed, putting your hands on your hips as you looked down the road, “That was a good saddle, too.” You said, shaking your head.
“We’ll find you a new one.” He smiled down at you, his warm eyes meeting yours. “Come on, let’s get you back to camp.” He said, his hand connecting with the small of your back. Pain shot up your back as you let out a low hiss, arching away from his hand. “Everything okay?” He asked, his brows furrowed.
“Think I tore up my back.” You nodded, waving him off, “Get on and I’ll sit behind you.” He nodded, climbing up onto the gray speckled Appaloosa. You grabbed his arm, slowly moving your leg over her back. You wrapped your arms around Charles waist, laying your head between his shoulder blades. You could feel the pounding of his heart against your cheek as Taima started to trot forward.
“Your heart is racing.” You said softly, his chest rumbling as he chuckled.
“You gave me quite a scare, you know?” He said, turning his head slightly to look at you. 
“You probably think I’m a mess.” You chuckled nervously, shaking your head.
“No,” He said softly, “I don’t.”
You rode in silence, your hips bumping into his behind with the sway of Taima’s steps. You were glad you were born a female, because there is no way you wouldn’t have gotten a hard on. You didn’t have to worry about your breasts pressing against Charles' back for much longer, the familiar line of trees coming into view. 
He led Taima over to the hitching posts, giving her a firm pat before turning to help you off. His hands landed on your waist for the second time. He lifted you off of her back as though you weighed nothing. Setting you gently on the ground, his hands lingering on your waist. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” He said softly, nodding as he looked down at you.
“Alright.” You nodded, walking towards your tent. He headed off to grab some supplies while you pulled the canvas flap down. You sat down on your cot, staring at the discolored fabric of your tent. You couldn’t tell if it was anxiety or anticipation bubbling up inside you. You just knew if Charles didn’t get back soon you would explode from it.
He cleared his throat, pulling back the flap as he stepped inside your tent. “Can you take your shirt off?” He asked, “I need to clean your back.” You swallowed thickly, nodding your head.
“Yeah, yeah.” You said looking down, your fingers trembling as you began to unbutton your blouse. You bit your lip as you pushed your shirt off of your shoulders, moving your hair off of your back. The cot sank as he settled his weight down next to you. 
“This’ll sting.” Charles said softly, pouring alcohol onto a cloth before pressing against the cuts on your back.
“Shit.” You said through gritted teeth, your knuckles turning white as you gripped the cot beneath you. He mumbled an apology, pulling the cloth away from your back. Your breath hitched in your throat as his fingers replaced the cloth. Goosebumps erupting on your skin as they trailed down your back. You felt frozen, wanting more than anything to look back at him, but at the same time you were afraid he would stop if you moved.
You bit the bullet, turning your head to glance back at him. His dark eyes met yours, cautious, like he was afraid to spook you. Although you wanted to shy away from his gaze, you held it, an unspoken exchange passing between the two of you.
 He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder, holding your gaze. You reached up to cup his cheek, moving as though it was muscle memory. An intricate dance choreographed for you two. He let out a soft sigh against your skin as your hand connected to his face. Your soft palm resting against his scarred cheek. His hands moved to your waist, squeezing softly. His lips laid kisses from your shoulder up to your neck.
“Charles,” You sighed, not knowing what you were asking for. He hummed against your neck, his chest rumbling softly. You turned on the cot, pressing yourself against him. Your nipples rubbed against the cotton fabric of his shirt. You brushed your nose against his, your arms wrapped sweetly around his neck. He took the plunge, pressing his lips against yours.
Warmth flooded your body, like the first sip of whiskey. Heat spreads from your lips down into your belly. Arousal sparking between your legs as he moans softly into your mouth. You part your lips, swallowing his sounds greedily. Your tongue flicks into his mouth, dancing with his. Your hand threads into his dark locks, tugging experimentally at his scalp. 
He groans, low and reverberating through his chest. You smirk against his lip, repeating your motions. His hand, calloused and warm, laid over your breast. Kneading it gently, you gasp as his thumb runs over your nipple. You arch into his hand, closing your eyes as you pull him closer.
“Charles I-“ You said breathlessly, looking at him through half lidded eyes.
“I know.” He said softly, ducking his head to take your nipple into his mouth. You moaned, an unabashed whine pulled out of your throat as his tongue swirled around the bud.  He pulled away with a satisfying pop, his dark eyes meeting yours as he smiled up at him. “You need to stop with those sounds, sweet girl.” He whispered, leaning forward to brush his nose against yours again. A silent plea for a kiss which you eagerly gave. Your mouth clashed against his, unlike the first sickly sweet kiss you shared. 
“I’ll try.” You chuckled softly, looking at him with a lust filled gaze. His eyes only showed adoration, a look that had you faltering. “What?” You asked with a nervous smile.
“You’re beautiful.” He said nonchalantly, as though it was something as simple as saying the sky was blue. 
“Shut up.” You said, your cheeks burning as you pulled on the hem of his shirt. He chuckled softly, pulling the blue fabric over his head, throwing it onto the floor. 
Your lips met again, your hands laying on his bare chest. Feeling the heat radiating off of his body, feeding the fire between your legs. Your hands mapped a path down his chest, taking in every scar and divot. 
“I need you.” You whined, looking up at him. He smirked, a glint in his eye as he laid you back. You hissed, the rough fabric gliding against your cuts.
“That won’t work.” He said pulling you back up, you laid a chaste kiss on his lips before standing. You untied your skirts, letting them pool around your feet. He leaned back on the cot, unbuttoning his pants and shimmying out of them. You slipped your fingers into the top of your bloomers pulling them over the swell of your ass. You bit your lip, your eyes rising slowly to meet his.
“C’mere.” He said reaching for you, you took a step towards him. His hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. His head rested against your stomach, his other hand trailing up your thigh. You waited patiently for him to touch the place you needed him most. He didn’t make you wait long, his large hand cupping your mound. Trailing his fingers through your slick folds, his thumb pressing against the hood of your clit. 
Your breath hitched, pleasure shooting through your body. Your hands gripped his shoulders as he laid featherlight kisses on your stomach. His thick finger presses into your cunt, a low whine leaving your chest.
“Shh,” He said softly, starting to pump his finger in and out of you. You bite your lip to stifle your moans, your fingernails digging crescent shaped marks into his shoulders. 
Charles knows he shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as he is. Knows he shouldn’t like how you dig your nails into him. He knows when tomorrow comes those marks will remain, even if you don’t.
He adds a second finger and your knees start to shake, dancing dangerously close to the edge of your orgasm. You can feel his eyes burning into you, almost willing you to look at him. You’ve never felt this, this yearning for another person, not just for their body. You want Charles, you want all of him. You want him to be yours and you want to be his. You want to scream from the rooftops that you feel the closest to, well love, that you’ve ever been.
And fuck is that terrifying. 
Then his thumb circles on your clit and you’re fucking gone. Diving headfirst into a pool of pleasure. 
“There we go.” He cooed letting out a satisfied huff. You chuckle weakly, leaning your head against his. A bead of sweat runs down your forehead onto his. “You think you’re ready?” He asked, his deep brown eyes meeting yours.
“I’ve been ready for a long time.” You chuckled, shaking your head.
“That’s not what I meant.” He said taking your hand, placing it on his crotch.
How was that supposed to fit inside you?
You stroked up his length through his undergarments. You grabbed the piece of clothing separating skin on skin and pulled it down this thick thighs. Your mouth watering as his cock bounced up onto his stomach. Painfully hard and weeping. You spit onto your hand, spreading your saliva over his cock head. You stand over him, letting his hands guide your hips down. His girthy head stretches you open, your breath catching in your throat.
“My girl.” He groans, as you slide down onto his length. My, My, My, My. It’s a constant loop in your head as he fully sheathes himself inside you. Stretching you wider than you’ve ever been before, painful in a good way. You let out a shaky breath, craning your neck back in pleasure. Charles' lips press against your pulse point, a silent apology on his part. Although there isn’t a need for it, your hips rise off of him slightly, before slamming back down. 
A near animalistic moan falls out of Charles lips, his hands dimpling your flesh. You clenched around him, gasping as his hips thrusted upwards. Concern flashed across his face before it quickly turned lustful as you grinded down onto him. He let you set the pace, wanting you to enjoy the experience as much as he was. He was along for the ride you could say. If he had it his way he would have buried his head between your thighs until you were crying.
You raised your hips until he was almost out of you before slamming back down. Repeating the motion until you could feel the coil tightening in your stomach.
“Yeah? You close?” Charles asked, sucking a mark that would definitely get you a few stares in the morning onto your neck. 
“Mmhm.” You said, your head lolling back and forth. Biting your lip to stop the wanton moans that threatened to break free. He took over, thrusting up into you. Suddenly the coil snapped, you gushed over his cock, slamming your hand over your mouth to muffle your moan. 
“That’s my good girl.” He praises, his thrusts starting to get sloppier as he goes on. He quickly pulls out, groaning as he spills his seed onto the ground. You chuckled breathlessly, smiling as you laid your head onto his shoulder. He let out a long satisfied sigh, his hands rubbing soothing circles onto your thighs. “I didn’t hurt you, right?” He asked, looking into your eyes for confirmation.
“Far from it.” You laughed, shaking your head. “That was…” you trailed off grinning.
“Yeah.” He nodded, gently squeezing your thigh. A comfortable silence fell between the two of you. Nothing needed to be said, that was the wonderful thing about you and Charles. But you wanted- no needed to say something.
“Maybe I should get in trouble and fall off my horse more often.” You chuckled, rubbing your nose against his cheek.
“You don’t need to do that again.” He mumbled, a smile spreading across his face. “Just- just talk to me next time.” 
“Next time?” You asked, hoping bubbling up in your chest.
“Next time.” He nodded, brushing his nose against yours.
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lokiswifeduh · 4 months
Doll, please
Pairings- Mob!Bucky x Fem!reader
Summary- Bucky is taken by the reader's ex-boyfriend. You go to save him, not knowing it was a trap.
Warnings- crime, violence, mention of drugs, angst, minor fluff, character being shot, cussing, torture, graphic violence.
WC- 2.6k
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James was taken, that was definite. The reason was still unknown. Of course, many people had motives. He runs the city. Being the head of organized crime. He had eyes and ears everywhere. He moved drugs and was the owner of most clubs, restaurants, and companies.
His only weakness is you.
However, Rumlow didn't take you. He took Bucky. You knew that for sure.
"Steve, please tell me you know a location. Something, anything?" The blonde looks down at the computer, wanting to give you some form of information. But comes up with nothing.
"I'm sorry, we still don't have anything."
You groan, putting your head in your hands and groaning.
"Boss' tracker went dark before he made it across the bridge into Brooklyn." Sam walks in, throwing the last known location that was printed down onto the table.
Your head perked up, running over to look over the information. "So let's go check it out." But Steve shakes his head, "No." "Why not?!"
He moves forward, getting slightly in your face. "Because that bridge has over five thousand people on it hourly." He throws the paper out of your hands and into the trash bin next to the door. "Buck may be missing but damn it I will not endanger you in any way in his absence." "But Steve-" "No!!" He shouts, making you flinch slightly. "You stay put where it's safe until we know why and or how he was taken." You let out a long breath, "Fuck this." Taking long strides you run out of the room and to your and Bucky's shared bedroom.
"Watch her." Steve mumbles, making Sam nod.
There was protocol, you knew that. If there was ever a reason why Bucky couldn't run things, Steve was the one who was appointed to take over. But just as Bucky would have it, Steve would never put you in danger. Which made it harder for you to help.
Or Steve would think.
You paced in your shared room, trying to think of ways you could leave, a way you could find your husband. You fiddled with the diamond ring on your finger when suddenly your phone pinged with a text.
You ran over to your bed, grabbing your phone with both hands.
You went to the dial pad, dialing in the number with shaky hands and pressing call. It rang four times before picking up. All you heard was silence before you spoke, "Hello, James?"
"Not James, sweetheart." Your heart stopped as you heard the voice of your ex. Brock.
"W-where is he? Is he okay? Is he safe?"
Brock chuckled, requesting to Facetime, to which you accepted; facing the camera up in an attempt to conceal your face.
He switched the camera around, revealing a dark and bloody room, focusing on some steel tools before he panned over to Bucky.
The state of your husband shocked you, making you almost drop the phone. "James?" His face was bloody, cuts and scratches tore his cheeks and jawbone.
His wrists were red, blood dripping from them as the wire that held him down cut into his skin. a knife was sticking out of his thigh, and his chest was adorned with deep lacerations that even you could tell needed stitches.
"Doll?" He lifted his head. His blue eyes had lost the sparkle they had not only a day ago as he looked into the camera.
"Hi love," Tears streamed down your face as you looked at how much damage and torture he had been put through. "I'm so sorry. I promise we're gonna come find you okay? I promise." You hiccuped, sobbing as you watched him grimace in pain.
"Baby don't come. Send Steve. Please, don't come-"
Your husband was silenced with a punch as you yelped. "Stop! Brock, please." The video was taken off of Bucky and went back to Brock. You could still hear him groaning in pain in the background as your ex-boyfriend smirked.
"I'll let him go. But I need you to do one thing for me princess." You gulped, hearing Bucky scream and protest as loud as he could in the back.
"What?" Brock punched Bucky one more time, silencing him.
That only brought more tears to your eyes as you gulped, seeing him give you an evil smile. "You, for him." "You want me?" "I will let Bucky go, as long as I have you in my possession."
You bit your lip, thinking it over. Wondering about how you would even get away. But in the back of your mind, the schematics didn't matter. All that mattered was Bucky being free, even if that meant sacrificing yourself for it.
"Where do I meet you?"
You once again could hear Bucky protesting in the back but tried to keep a straight face while looking at Brock. He smiled again, "At the corner of East 96th and Park." You gulped, realizing how close that was. Brock must've known where your and Bucky's shared home was.
"And you promise you'll let Bucky go right?"
Brock nodded, "For old times sake princess."
You thought it over for a moment, before wiping the still wet tears on your cheeks. "What time?" "You'll meet my men over there in an hour and they'll drive you to the location." "No," You shook your head. "My husband gets dropped off before I even think about going with you." "Ahhh," Brock sighs, turning the camera back to Bucky before landing yet another hit against his already bleeding cheek. "That's not how this is gonna work, sweetheart."
"Okay! Stop!" You screamed, "I'll be there in an hour. Just please don't hurt him anymore."
"Sounds like a deal." Brock sneered, ending the Facetime.
You broke down, falling to your knees on Bucky's side of the bed, clawing onto the covers. You could still smell the faint scent of your husband. The musky pine and balsam were almost gone as you laid on his side all night, crying yourself to sleep.
You had to do this. Steve and Sam were no closer to finding or retrieving him. And you knew they wouldn't let you go alone, or go at all. You just had to find a way to sneak out without anyone noticing.
Thankfully you still had an escape route from when the house was being targeted by HYDRA's men and you needed to get out for your own sanity.
You realized you had been crying, staring at the framed picture of you and Bucky on your wedding day. Looking over at the clock, it was almost time to meet Rumlow.
You slipped on some black leggings, putting on a long-sleeved black shirt and a jacket. Opening Bucky's nightstand drawer, you grabbed the Glock he kept in there and two hand knives.
Slipping one knife into the holster under your shirt and the other one in your boot. Finally hiding the Glock in the back of your pants under the jacket.
Now all you had to do was slip out without Sam, Steve, or any of Bucky's men seeing you. You knew Steve had for sure put you on lockdown.
You opened your door, seeing one guy turn the corner at the end of the hall. You stealthy moved, closing your door behind you, and walked to the other end of the hall, opening the usually locked door to the armory.
Thank god Steve had unlocked it earlier when they thought they had a location.
Moving to the computer in the corner, you disabled the cameras that were placed on your and Bucky's bedroom door. Shifting over you scooted one of the gun racks out of the way, trying not to make too much noise as it revealed a hidden door behind.
You silently thanked Bucky's mom for making an escape door in the brownstone.
Unhooking the latches from the door, you slipped inside the small space and closed it behind you, carefully descending down the ladder. You jumped to the bottom, opening a door to the alley.
The steam from the subway got in your face as you locked the door behind you, blocking your view. You felt a hard hit on the back of your head as you fell to the ground on your knees. You touched the back of your head, feeling the sticky blood on your fingers.
Another hit made you fall all the way down as you rolled over, looking at who your attacker was. "N-Natasha?"
"Night night...doll." One final hit to your skull and everything went black.
The first thing you felt was restraints holding your wrists down. Pounding in your head made you not want to open your eyes. But you could swear you heard someone yelling your name.
Lifting your head with as much strength as you could muster you wearily did, squinting.
"Bucky?" You mumbled, still out of it.
"Doll? Wake up, honey. You gotta look at me."
You opened your eyes more, seeing a bloody, tied-up Bucky in front of you. "James!" You tried to stand up but as you did wire cut into your wrists and ankles. "Ah!" You screamed in agony as you looked down at your wrists which were starting to bleed.
"Doll, don't move, okay? It only makes it worse." Your eyes shot back up to Bucky.
"Are you okay? Where is Brock?"
Bucky shook his head, "He hasn't been in since they brought you in here." "Natasha. She hit me in the head." You remembered, wincing.
"I know," Bucky groaned, "I'm gonna fucking kill her for betraying me." You felt your head pound again, making you groan in pain once again.
"What hurts, baby?" Looking Bucky in his eyes, you saw the worry and guilt he held for this. "It's okay. I'm okay." But he could see the pain your body held. Blood dripped down your neck from the back of your head. An open wound was still bleeding on your forehead, and your chest heaved up and down as you tried not to cry. He vowed to protect you and here you were, tied down and bleeding.
"I swear, I will get us out of here, doll. I promise." Bucky gave you the best smile he could when suddenly the door opened. Revealing Brock, and the traitorous redhead behind him.
You kept your head high, not showing your distaste as Rumlow grabbed the front of your neck with his hand, bringing his mouth to the shell of your ear.
Bucky however did, pulling on his restraints which only made blood drip from his wrists more. "Touch her again and I'll have your fucking head, Rumlow."
Bucky's threat only made Brock laugh as he removed his hand from your flesh, allowing you to take a much-needed breath.
"This is how this is gonna go, Barnes." Rumlow walked over to a table, picked up a pair of pliers, and walked back over to Natasha, handing the rusty tool to her.
"You're gonna tell me the codes to that locked safe you have in Moscow. You know the one."
Bucky gritted his teeth, watching how Natasha pulled up a chair, playing with your hand which was still tightly wired down.
"Or what?"
Brock looks over to Natasha, giving her a nod. The redhead puts the head of the pliers on your index finger, pulling it backward, slowly ripping your fingernail back; eliciting a guttural scream from your throat.
"Stop!!" Bucky screamed, but the torture continued. Blood poured from your finger as you pulled and tried to twist away. "Okay! Stop! I'll tell you anything! Stop!!"
The rusty metal was released from your hand as tears streamed down your face.
Rumlow pulled another chair up, sitting in between you and Bucky. "Now that wasn't so hard was it?"
Bucky's brows furrowed in concern, looking only at you. "Doll, I'm so sorry."
You shook your head, "It's not your fault, Buck."
"So, what are the codes?" Rumlow looked over to your husband as Natasha slipped iron knuckles onto her hand. "Don't tell him." You groaned out, knowing Bucky would lose everything he'd built if he gave that information away.
"Shut up!!" Natasha screamed, slamming her fist into your face, the iron weapon hitting your cheekbone and nose, causing your head to whip to the side. You screamed, more tears coming to your eyes as blood started to pour from your nose.
"Stop!" Bucky screamed, "She doesn't know anything! She doesn't have anything to do with this!!" "Oh, but you do." Brock stood, walking behind you and maneuvering your face to look right at your husband. Your chest heaved as you couldn't breathe from your nose without blinding pain. Blood dripped into your mouth and your right hand trembled.
"And this lovely specimen is your only weakness."
Bucky shook his head, "I'll give you everything, just let her go."
But Brock tutted, also shaking his head in disappointment, "I need collateral, Barnes."
"You won't get anything out of me if you hurt her."
Rumlow laughed, "Oh, I bet I will." Moving out of the way, Natasha stroked your face three more times with the weapon, knocking you unconscious.
A tear slipped down Bucky's cheek, "Please, stop. You can have everything." He pleaded, not being able to take his eyes off your beaten and broken body. A sob escaped his chest. He hadn't cried since the day of your wedding, and this was breaking him to his core.
Rumlow moved the chair in front of Bucky. "What's the code."
Bucky gulped, "The code.." He sighed, closing his eyes, "It's her birthday." Opening his eyes, he glared at Rumlow. "It's her birthday." Brock grinned evilly, "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Standing up, he threw the chair to the side, moving over to you and cutting all your restraints off.
You fell to the floor, startling you awake. However you didn't move, your body not being able to gather the strength.
"I gave you the codes, Rumlow! Let her go!" Brock turned back, Natasha and him both standing at the door. "You really think I would let you both out of here alive?" His head pulled back as he laughed. "Not a chance, Barnes." Natasha opened the door, and ten men walked through all with guns, lining up in a row. "This city is mine now."
Closing the door behind him and Natasha, a loud speaker squeaked. "You have thirty seconds to say your goodbyes before the firing squad shoots you both to pieces."
Bucky gulped in fear, not noticing you lifting your boot to grab the knife that was inside.
"Doll, you gotta get up!" Bucky shouted, watching you struggle to pull yourself to stand. The ten men readied their weapons, aiming at you and Bucky. You were surrounded.
Finally, you pulled your body up, hobbling over to him with the knife as you tried to cut the wire from his wrists. "You gotta get out of here, doll." You shook your head, "I'm not leaving you." Tears streamed down your face, hearing Rumlow count down. "I won't"
"Doll, please." Looking up at Bucky finally, you let out a sob you had been holding. Ten seconds left.
"I vowed to stay by your side, Buck." Looking back, ten guns pointed at you. You knew what you had to do. "Doll?"
You dropped the knife, straddling Bucky's lap in the chair, wrapping your arms around his neck, and protecting his vital organs with your body. "NO! Doll, please!!"
The men cocked their guns. "Doll!! Stop!! Get up!!"
You shook your head. "I won't let you die!!"
Suddenly bullets rang through the air, but you kept your head down, your body shook into Bucky's as you felt two bullets hit. You screamed, still attempting to hold onto your husband. Bucky sobbed, "Don't do this to me." You looked up, shakily holding his face in your hands, "I love you, James Barnes." Blood dripped from your mouth, "Till forever and always." "Doll, please."
Everything went black.
part two
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blckbrrybasket · 15 days
Double Negative
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Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: past breakup, fluff, alcohol consumption, Rafe being sweet
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.8k
part 1 here
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Nobody’s gonna regret this for you
If it don’t make you smile (oh)
I’ll let your skeletons shake all evening
And bless your heart for tryin’
After running into you at the party, Rafe was unable to get you out of his head. He had worked so hard to forget about you after the breakup. It wasn’t that he didn’t love you anymore, he always loved you, but that was the problem. He was sure that he would love you until his heart stopped beating and without you it caused too much pain.
Forgetting was the easy way out of what he didn’t want to feel. Therapy was the other. He had tried, seriously tried this time.
Losing you was the largest eye opener he had in a long time. Getting clean and dropping toxic people from his life had done wonders, but therapy hadn’t. Rafe couldn’t get past the walls he had built since he was ten to speak about anything besides how horrible he was.
He had always blamed himself for how you two split. He knew he was to blame, he also knew you wouldn’t blame him. Ward was unbearable to him, infiltrating every part of Rafe’s brain until he couldn’t function as himself.
Rafe was the one to distance himself, focusing on getting his father’s approval. You were the one who broke up with him after so many lonely nights, struggling with your own mental health. Yet, you knew how Ward was. Without him you were positive Rafe wouldn’t have destroyed himself the way he did.
There was no one that could have saved either of you. Sometimes you have to go on your own to fix the problems. Rafe was certain you had said that before. You were always so wise. That’s all he could think about as he tilted his head back, downing his rum.
Drinking was an expensive habit picked up from his dad, but it was safer than the drugs he used to do. 
He had yet to see you working at the end of the counter. Rafe a few months ago would be at the country club, but now he was at a fancy bar in one of the nearby hotels. He didn’t like the recognition that he got at the country club anymore. 
Setting the glass down with a small thunk, Rafe lifted his eyes to the mirror behind the counter. He studied the eyebags that had come months ago and refused to leave. His hair had grown back out, closer to how you had known it when you first started dating Rafe.
He sucked in the side of his cheek, biting it while his eyes drifted around the space. Naturally they gravitated towards you, not even questioning why you were working there. Rafe wondered if you had quit your other job. There was zero chance that you had been fired.
You were an excellent employee, he was biased but also correct. Watching you now, dutifully making drinks while keeping conversation up with businessmen only strengthened his argument.
Rafe was too far to hear the comments of the man though. I’m on a business trip. The misses didn’t want to tag along. You’re so pretty and smart, you must be a heartbreaker. Your eye had been incessantly twitching since he had started speaking to you.
Feeling the second pair of eyes on you, you looked over to find Rafe. Instead of feeling unnerved at the second man staring at you, your stressed expression melted some. No matter what happened you were safe. Sighing imperceptibly, you turned back to the man.
“Sir, you have a wife,” you started at a volume you knew Rafe could hear as well as other patrons, “I know she isn’t here, but I doubt she would want you flirting with your bartender. Am I correct?” The man’s eyes widened, thoroughly shocked in how you spoke to him. Rafe’s eyebrows raised, looking quickly at the man. If he did a single thing out of line, Rafe wouldn’t hesitate to personally throw him out.
Didn’t you know who he was? Another washed up douchebag of a businessman, you’d had your fair share of them. “Ma’am I-“ the man started in an appalled tone. “No sir, I asked a question.” Your eyebrows lowered as you stood straighter, eyes casting an exasperated glance at Rafe. He chuckled silently, knowing you could hold your own.
Looking back in front of you, you tilted your head. “Would she?” The inevitable grumbling about the customer service came, his drink abandoned as he got up and briskly walked out. It had gone better than other times and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was due to him spotting Rafe as well.
Anyways, it was settled, you grabbing his half empty glass to clean. Out of anything you hadn’t expected Rafe to come over and sit on the now vacant stool. After the party a few weeks ago you had assumed he was ready to completely move on from being around you. Once again, you were wrong when it came to guessing his behavior.
“Hey,” he drummed his fingers on the counter. “Is this seat taken?” You rolled your eyes, turning around towards the sink to hide the smirk creeping up on your lips. “It is now,” you commented, sparing a look over your shoulder.
Rafe seemed pleased, smiling down at his glass. “Yeah?” He scratched behind his ear, “And is that a good thing?” Was it? You mulled over the question, placing the glass in the sink, and spun around again. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing if that’s what you’re asking.” 
Your crossed arms pressed on the counter as you leaned on them for support. Not bad, Rafe would take it. He nodded, glancing at the clock on the wall. “Good…good. Uh, what time do you get off?” With the absence of excess alcohol you had expected him to be less forward, surprise flashing in your eyes. He must have registered what he said, panicking.
“Not like that! I, uh shit, I was going to walk you to your car!” Okay, that is a way better approach. You snickered and shook your head at his worried face. “Rafe, it's fine. I’m off in like…” You looked at your phone tucked under the counter, “Five minutes?” You shrugged, “Is that fast enough for you not to lose interest?”
Rafe wished to say he could never lose interest in you, but he was sober enough to know that was a terrible idea. “It’s perfect. A minute later and I’d let you walk alone,” he said sarcastically, smirking. It was sweet to see him bantering with you again. 
“Oh and here I was thinking you were my prince charming.” Rafe snorted at your far fetched claim. “Yeah, whatever. I’m going to run to the bathroom, I’ll be back in a few.” You didn’t know that it was an excuse for him to nervously talk himself down. He needed to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid like he had plenty of times before.
You blissfully wrapped up your shift, unaware of him obsessively fixing his hair before coming back out six minutes later. Rafe swiftly found you leaning against one of the pillars in the lobby. “Ready to go?” You glanced up from your phone, a smile growing on your lips. You quickly tucked your phone in your bag and fell into step beside Rafe when he walked towards the door.
“As always,” you hummed. “Thank you,” you mumbled when Rafe held the door open for you, letting you walk out to the parking lot. “Where are you parked?” Rafe tried hard to make conversation without staring at you to study every inch of your face. If it was socially acceptable, he’d commit you to his memory any time he could.
“Second row, over there.” You pointed in the direction. It had to be a sadistic joke that Rafe had parked behind you, or maybe a subconscious need to be near you. “I’m behind you.” You didn’t have to be told that, you could see the silver of Rafe’s truck glinting under the parking lot lights.
Maybe it wasn’t intentional, either way you didn’t mind, not when his hand went to hover above the small of your back. Rafe didn’t know what was okay anymore, too scared to actually touch you and possibly scare you away. Halting for a split second, you let Rafe’s hand bump into your back, immediately walking again once it settled over your shirt.
Once again silence fell over you. It seemed to be a recurring theme in the last times you’d run into each other. The quiet seemed to linger on the border of talking about everything that was new and the long past you shared when you had once known everything about one another. Stopping at the side of your car, Rafe’s hand fell away, letting you unlock and open the driver's door.
“Drive safe, ‘kay?” You looked at him and nodded with a small, sad smile, “You too?” Rafe’s demeanor softened, hand clenching over his thigh. He already missed the feeling of touching you. “Always.” Your eyes slowly moved from his as you got into your car and started it up. Rafe granted enough space for you to pull out and drive out of the parking lot.
He didn’t get into his truck until he had watched you drive down the side road, car lights disappearing into the night. If he hadn’t pussied out at the party maybe he would be the one driving you home. You would be able to rely on him again, instead of having to do things alone.
Rafe knew you liked being self-sufficient, but he also hated knowing you didn’t have a best friend and partner by your side. You in turn hated how alone Rafe was. After cutting out the toxic people from his life, he had lost a lot of close friends.
Ultimately, it was his decision for the better, but your heart still ached for him. Could you even be that person again? Should you text him? What was the point of no contact if every time you saw each other that invisible string pulled you together?
There was no point. At some time along your journey of grieving your relationship with Rafe you had let go of the anger and sadness towards him. After the last week or so from seeing him at the party, it was impossible to think of anything but him. Red filled the front of your car, your hand moving faster than your brain to get to your pinned texts.
One text, that’s all you needed. ‘Thank you for walking me to my car 🫶 i knew you were soft’. It was sent before the light could even turn green. You tossed your phone into your passenger's seat, focusing on the rest of the drive home instead of panicking over the message.
Still near the parking lot, Rafe tapped his fingers on his steering wheel as he drove home. The ding of his phone distantly registered over his music, his eyes darting to the screen. He couldn’t read all of it, but he could clearly make out your contact name with the heart he never took out of it.
God he missed you. It couldn’t hurt to text back, right?
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Heyyyyy sorry this is my first time Requesting but can you do a earth 42 miles x reader where the reader has to go on vacation and he’s not happy.🤭🤭🤭
If not that’s ok and you can add your own little twist on it. Ty❤️❤️❤️
Yeah ofc!
A/n: keep requesting fics!!!! I’m sorry this one is so short y’all, I literally wrote it being half-awake
Warnings: possessiveness, miles being sweet, nothing else
Your parent’s had saved up enough money to go to Belize for your 16th birthday and you were ecstatic. The gorgeous views, the crystal clear oceans and the beautiful sunsets were just some of the things you were excited for, but Miles wasn’t as excited:
“You’re leaving me for 2 weeks? What am I supposed to do without you?” He questioned
“Well I guess you’ll just have to cope” you smirked
“What if some Cabrón tries to take you from me?” he said
“No Cabrón will try to take me away from you, Miles. I love you and it will always be you, okay?” You said reassuringly, touching his forehead with your own
“Si Mami, tu eres mio y solo mio” he spoke
You kissed your boyfriend on his temple and went back to packing your bags, all the while, he was lovingly admiring your movements. He decided to help you after a while and asked you some questions:
“you got your ring?"
“Yes, Miles"
“The Jordan’s I got you?” he interrogated
“Miles, it’s gonna be 95 degrees outside” You pleaded
“And?” he said
“and, I am not gonna wear them. Plus, we’re going out to dinner and Jordans aren’t exactly “dinner friendly”.” you said
“dinner friendly my ass, Mami; you’re mine and that counts for when you’re on vacation” Miles said, walking towards you
“I know Papi, I know. I’m yours even on vacation; okay?” you reassured
“okay. Let me know if you need some money or anything.” he said
“Okay, mi amor” you smiled
Sooner or later you arrived at the airport and were on your way to the terminal when you saw Miles waiting for you:
“what are you doing here?” you questioned
He pulled you in for a hug and placed a soft kiss on your lips
“I’m gonna miss you too, babe” you said with a smirk
“if something happens out there, call me.” he said
“of course, Papi. I’ll call you every night.” you spoke
And with that, you were off to your trip. It was beautiful and you got to see so many nice sights, meet new people and try new foods. It was the most fun you have had in a long time; it took your mind off of the grim, dull life of the city but you missed Miles more than anything in the universe so you decided to call.
“Miles, baby?” you asked
“Yeah, ma I’m here. You good?” he asked
“Yeah. I miss you so much. But its fun over here! I know you would love it.” you said
“Yeah well. I love wherever you are, Mami.” Miles spoke
“Awww you’re so sweet. How is it going over there?” you asked
“It’s going, that’s for sure.” he said, sarcastically
“Why? What’s wrong?” you asked
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you later” Miles said
“Oh okay!! I’ll see you in two days.” you spoke excitedly
“Okay, I love you hermosa.” He said
“I love you too! Bye.” you said as you departed
The last two days went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were home. You visited Miles before you went back to your house and he nearly jumped you when you walked in the door:
“I missed you, ma” he said in your hair
“I missed you too.” you confessed, breathing in his intoxicating scent that you missed dearly
“So did some asshole try to hit on my girl?” Miles questioned
“No baby, no. What happened while I was gone?” you questioned back
“Just some business stuff” Miles said, reassuringly
You kissed the man you loved dearly and he lifted you princess style and took you to the bed where you slept like a baby, after being home and being with the man you missed terribly.
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mj0702 · 3 months
The other Bronze – Part 21
“Magda... let go of her so we can have dinner” Pernille said for the fifth time rolling her eyes
“Just a second” the swede waved off pulling you into another room “... that was in Australia... we were on holiday and visited this Kangaroo sanctuary... they had a lot of little ones..”
“Magdalena Lilly Eriksson... NU!!” the Danish woman said annoyed losing her patience
“Jag ville bara...” Magda started turning around to be met with an angry looking Pernille
“... and I don't care... dinner table... now” Pernille sneered pointing towards the table
“I was just being” the swede started to argue but stopped talking immediately after her girlfriend lifted her eyebrow in challenge
Magda quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you with her to the dining room and unceremonially hauled you on a chair and plonked down next to you
“I don't think so...” you heard Pernilles voice behind you as you saw Magda flinch out of the corner of your eye
“But... I want to sit next to her” Magda whined knowing immediately what Pernille was referring to
“What about Georgia... maybe she wants to sit next to her girlfriend” the Danish mused
“She has her all the time” the blonde swede whined
“That's not true!!” your girlfriend exclaimed from the hallway
“Magda!” Pernille sneered harshly pushing her girlfriend not so lightly
“Man” Magda huffed but gave her chair up for Georgia to take the chair opposite of it
“Thank you” the blonde Dane scoffed and everyone knew she wasn't serious
“Yeah... thank you Magda” Georgia grinned knowing she could count on Pernille to have her back... or not
“Don't start a fight Stanway” Pernille said seriously
“I just thanked her” your girlfriend defended herself but couldn't keep the smirk of her face
“Save it...” the Dane scoffed “... and I swear if anyone starts throwing food again..” she looked warning at her and your girlfriend
“Yes ma'am” Georgia mumbled ashamed and Magda looked down guilty
“Good... wine anyone?” Pernille smiled happily and you shivered while your girlfriend snorted
“No thank you” you politely declined
“Come on Bronzey... you can have one... we won't tell on you” Magda said grinning
“It's not that” you said as you tried to not heave
“Drunky over here got drunk on red wine last night...” your girlfriend grinned and laid her arm around you on your backrest
“Look at that... and here I thought you were a responsible one” Pernille mused raising her eyebrow at you
“You know the people I grew up with right?” you snorted “Aside from that... I didn't think it would hit me like a Millie”
“Millie?” the blonde swede opposite of Georgia asked confused
“Bright... Brickwall” your girlfriend translated still grinning
“I mean I felt like nothing when I sipped it...” you shrugged your shoulder “... then we sat on the couch and bam.. good night”
“Oh no no... not good night... good night was after Alexia Putellas told you” Georgia laughed and you winced getting reminded of all the laps you will have to run once back in Barcelona
“Alexia Putellas?” Magda said shocked and impressed at the same time
“Yeah... I'm gonna run so many laps for that” you whined “... so many laps”
“Oh stop whining...” Pernille chuckled as she put a bottle of water in front of you “... you're young – you're bound to do stupid things”
“It's Alexia Putellas were talking about...” you looked at her intensely “She's worse than Renard when it comes to stuff like that”
“You played with Wendie Renard?” the swede perked up
“I played with no one” you grumbled and felt how Georgia started to stroke her thumb along the underside of your shoulder blade in a soothing manner “Lucy played with her in Lyon... I might have visited her.. I might got lost in Lyon and Lucy might brought Wendie along to collect me from the police because she didn't speak French so well... Wendie made me run two laps...”
“How are you always getting lost? But good to know I'm not the only one losing you” your girlfriend huffed
“What... you thought you special?” you snorted “The only one who HASN'T lost me is Keira...”
“How?” Magda asked confused
“I'm small.. it's easy” you shrugged your shoulders
“No... the other how?” the blonde swede clarified
“Oh... I just get distracted easily... and then drift off in a different direction” you explained smiling innocently “But that's how I learned “My sister is Lucy Bronze please don't call her she's going to kill me dead” in French”
This made the three blondes burst out laughing and Pernille started to dish out food which you eyed curiously
“What's that?” you asked interested
“Karbonader” Pernille said smiling as she saw you inspect the traditional Danish dish “It's a Danish dish... it's basically a patty made from pork and veal the covered with breadcrumbs and fried...”
“Is it like... spicy?” you asked carefully still inspecting the dish
“Not at all... it's only seasoned with a little salt and pepper...” the blonde Dane smiled “... try it.. if you don't like it I get you something else okay?”
“Okay...” you said and tried a small piece before your eyes lit up and you started to basically shove the whole patty into your mouth
Pernille laughed heart-warmingly as you already stabbed your fork into the next patty but not stopping at one but stabbed a second one on your fork as well
“You don't have to horde Søde... there are more than enough” the Dane laughed at your actions
“This stuff is good” you shot back with your mouth full barely chewing
“I'm sorry... she's a Bronze....” Georgia looked at Pernille apologetic “... I'm happy that she's at least chewing.... Bronzes normally don't chew... it's fascinating really”
“Not even I can eat like this” Magda said bewildered watching you as you jabbed another patty
“Søde... slowly... there are enough Karbonader for everyone... eat some potatoes too...” the blonde Dane laughed but you could here the slight strict tone
“Potatoes stuff up.... if I eat potatoes now I will be done in like... 15 minutes” you answered while chewing another Karbonader
“I don't feel good” you whined and groaned as you were laying spread out on the harderssons couch
“You ate 85% of the stuff yourself... of course you don't feel good...” your girlfriend laughed as she lifted your head to sit down and let your head down in her lap
“Why didn't you stop me then??” you whined as Georgia started to scratch your head lightly
“I TRIED!!! THREE times!!” G defended herself and you heard someone chuckle
“I'm happy I could fascinate you with the Danish cuisine Søde” Pernille chuckled as she followed Georgia and you into her living room sipping on a glass of wine
“Next time I cook” Magda promised smiling widely
“No you won't” Pernille said nonchalantly
“Next time I won't cook... I get Becks to cook... or Frido... you know Frido right?” the swede just kept on talking like her girlfriend didn't just casually forbid her cooking
“She the Barca swede right?” you groaned as you rolled on your side your head still in Georgias lap
“The Barca swede.... she's one of the best players in the world!!” Magda exclaimed shocked
“My sister was runner up to Pinoe in the Ballon d'Or 2019... and you talk about best player in the world” you mumbled but loud enough for everyone to hear
“So was Pernille” the blonde swede grinned smugly
“Magda stop” the Dane looked embarrassed
“You were runner up to Pinoe?” you asked confused looking at the blonde who laughed at your confused face
“No Søde... the year prior...” Pernille chuckled but clearly a little uncomfortable
“Who won?” you asked in awe
“Ada... Hegerberg...” the Dane looked at your childish excitement with a soft smile
“Ada?? That old hag??” you exclaimed your eyes wide as Georgia and Magda bursted out laughing
“Ada is 3 Years younger than I am....” Pernille said dryly
“You as ancient as Luce?? You don't look that ancient” you said with wide eyes
“Lucy is a year older but... thank you?” the Dane didn't know how to react
“Welcome to “Complements 101 by y/n Bronze” … if she likes you she complements you... if she really REALLY likes you it's gonna backhand you with her complement” your girlfriend laughed
“My complements are not backhanded!” you exclaimed
“They are... you congratulated me AND called me old at the same time Søde” Pernille deadpanned
“Am I wrong?” you asked which caused Magda to burst out laughing at the offended face of her girlfriend
“I am still playing on a world class level” the Dane huffed
“I didn't say otherwise... but you not 24 anymore” you shrugged as your girlfriends hand moved to scratch your neck lightly
“I dare you to try and get the ball of me at training” Pernille looked straight at you
“I'm not a defender... I'm not a midfielder... I'm not a forward... I'm not a anything” you said as you melted into Georgias body
“You forget one thing Søde... football is your blood...” the Dane said softly
“Not anymore it isn't... it was for a long time...” you sighed
“We'll get you back on the ball Søde... I saw clips of you playing... even if you can't play professionally anymore... you still need it” Pernille said softly and you saw that she didn't want to push you more then encourage you to get back to the thing you love
“We'll see” you mumbled as you relaxed under the soothing scratching of Georgias fingernails
“She's dead asleep isn't she?” Pernille whispered a few minutes later watching your chest rise and fall calmly
“She is” Georgia confirmed after glancing down at you quickly
“I'm not sure if I pushed her too hard just now” the blonde Dane looked a little bit guilty
“You didn't.... if you did you would've noticed... trust me” your girlfriend snorted
“What do you mean?” Magda asked now watching how your face got even softer as you drifted off deeper and deeper into your dream world
“Leah tried to push her once... y/n had a complete meltdown... so bad we had to get Keira on the phone to calm her down... It took Kei three hours to get her to calm down enough so we could actually enter the room she barricaded her in” Georgia spoke lowly
“What the actual fuck?” Magda looked shocked
“When she get's pushed too far or to hard she just shuts down...” your girlfriend shrugged her shoulders “... but maybe this is what she needs... a little push from Pernille Harder”
“G... I trust you to tell me when she gets overwhelmed.... she's too precious to hurt her further” Pernille looked sternly at her teammate
“I will... I love her you know... I don't ever want to see her as hurt ever again... but I also want to see her on a ball again... this is hurting her too... not playing I mean” Georgia said looking down on your sleeping form
“Oh we can see that” Magda seriously says “... we saw her one day after training when we were leaving – she tricks around a little bit but it was just....”
“... mesmerizing... that's what Keira always calls it...” your girlfriend help the blonde swede out knowing exactly what Magda means
“Yes... exactly that” Magda exclaimed and immediately get hit by her girlfriend when she saw how you flinched in your sleep
“You wanna stay over? I don't know how she is with getting up when she's sleeping.. Magda is a nightmare” Pernille asked smiling slightly when you pushed your nose a little further into Georgias leg
“She's an absolute pest to wake up... but thanks... I'll wake her up in a few minutes... what's on the plan for tomorrow?” your girlfriend said smirking
“Your call G.. we have a guest room and Magda would be happy to set it up for you” the blonde Dane grinned
“I'm what??” the swede asked confused
“You would be happy to set up the guest room for these two... wouldn't you?” Pernille looked at her girlfriend raising her eyebrow
“Ehrm... sure... I'm very skilled in setting up guest rooms” Magda said unsure
“Thanks but I'll just shove her in the back seat and then carry her inside when we're home” Georgia laughed as she started to wake you up by poking your side gently
You just grunted and tried to crawl even deeper into your girlfriends body
“Come on sleepy... let's get home shall we?” your girlfriend chuckled
“Nooooo...” you whined after a few more pokes “... leave me”
“Come on... up you get” Georgia nudged you a little firmer
“Geeeee...” you whined
“Yes... come on... P and Mags want to go to bed to” your girlfriend said as she pushed you up into a sitting position
“Yeah well... then they should go home and not hang around here” you said still half asleep which caused Pernille to burst out laughing
“WE have to go home...” Georgia laughed as you started to wake up a little more
“Why... we are home?” you slurred sleepily
“We are not home... Pernille and Magda a home... we're not home” your girlfriend stated gently
“Well.... why don't we go home then?” you asked confused not able to follow your girlfriends mind
“Because you keep from going home” Georgia chuckled “... come on Baby... up you get”
“Can't we just stay here?” you whined trying to fight Georgias hands who tried to pull you into a standing position while Pernille had to bite her lip really hard to not burst out laughing
“We have a perfect Bed at home and I don't want to listen to get Magda and P get it on” your girlfriend groaned pulling your dead weight up
“Pernille can be quite loud” Magda mused
“And you will pay for that comment” the Dane smiled sweetly making her girlfriend swallow hard
“Come on Baby... a little help” Georgia groaned again
“I help... I'm quarter awake” you slurred
“You can always stay G” Pernille offered again seeing how your girlfriend struggled to hold you upright
“If you maybe.... can drive us?” your girlfriend smiled at her teammate desperately
“Just stay G.... I promise Magda will keep her hands to herself” the blonde Dane said softly
“I'm what?” the swede looked confused
“Are you actually able to do that or do you want to take Bronways place on the couch?” Pernille looked at her girlfriend in challenge
“Bronway?” Georgia asked confused shaking her head lightly
“You really should keep up with hashtags... Bronze.... Stanway... Bronway” the Dane shrugged her shoulders before looking at Magda again “Bed or couch?”
“Bed” Magda mumbled looking down grumpily
“Thank you” Pernille smiled sweetly
“See... the better blonde said we could stay... take me to bed” you mumbled against your girlfriend
“We don't have any clothes here...” your girlfriend pointed out
“I'll just wear yours” you nuzzled your girlfriends neck
“Okay...” Georgia huffed out “.... thank you Pernille for having us”
“No problem” Pernille laughed seeing how whipped G is for you
“Good morning” Pernille smiled at you as you stumbled into her kitchen wearing some boxer shorts and your girlfriends shirt
“Nuh-uh” you grunted pawing at the Danes coffee cup
“I understand....” the blonde chuckled giving up her own cup and getting herself a new one
“What's thank you in dananish?” you mumbled into your coffee cup
“Tak skal du have” Pernille said smiling at your bewildered face
“Tak scandal you have? What scandal?” you looked so confused that the Dane couldn't hold back her laughter
“Tak skal du have....” the Dane spoke slower so you could get the pronunciation right
“Yeah no... keep your scandal... I have enough of that in me life” you waved off plopping down on one of the chairs
“I bet... I imagine it's hard to grow up being Lucy Bronze sister” the blonde said softly refilling your cup
“It's not... but Lucy is after Keira the best thing that happened to me... she never forgot about me... she always included me... every win, every loss...” you mumbled into your cup
“Where's Georgia ranked?” Pernille asked smiling
“Same step as Lucy... don't tell Luce... she'll try to push G off” you said lowly before taking another sip
“Your sister not happy with your relationship?” the blonde asked and you felt that she was genuinely interested
“Not really no... that's why I'm here right now... Lucy was not fair to G and I didn't really want to be around her right now” you whispered biting your lip
“She'll come around... it just takes some time...” Pernille said softly stroking over your wild hair
“You don't know her... she a rhino if she wants to be... ramming through everything that's in her way” you mumbled
“But she wants to see you happy... she wants to know you save” the blonde chuckled at your description of your sister
“Then she should pull the stick out of her ass and show me that she wants to see me happy” you grumbled
“She will” Pernille said before Magda and Georgia entered the kitchen and it was quickly decided that you all would go out for breakfast.
“Babe... we need to get goin” Georgia yelled towards your bedroom
“Yeah....” you yelled back “I don't have anything to wear!”
“You have half a wardrobe!!” your girlfriend yelled back already on her way to the bedroom
“What do one wear for an event like this anyway?” you looked lost at your girlfriend who just appeared in the doorway
“It's Pride Baby... you could go naked and no one would care... I mean... I would care... a lot actually.... and probably Lucy and Keira would care too... and Alexia Putellas.. so... don't go naked please... just wear some shorts and a shirt... something you feel comfortable in” Georgia said smiling
“WHICH shirt... WHICH shorts....” you exclaimed annoyed pointing at the bed where a whole pile of clothes was laying
“Dear Jesus... since when are you so picky when it comes to clothes?” your girlfriend rolled her eyes pulling out a shirt and some shorts from the pile “Here... wear that”
“WHAT????? That doesn't even fit” you squeaked
“It does... shorts...” Georgia held up the shorts “... shirt” she held up the shirt “... works”
“It's red and pink....” you pointed out “... even I know that doesn't work”
“Then... this shirt...” your girlfriend pulled out another shirt
“Black??? On happy parade day??” you questioned her choice
“Okay you know what... no shirt... bikini top” Georgia said clapping her hands not knowing what else to do
“Uuuuhhh... good idea Babe” you smiled happily pulling out a dark blue bikini top
“I know... I just have good ideas” your girlfriend smiled proudly at her solution
“You're dating a Bronze... not sure if that's a good idea” you yelled from the bathroom where you were occupied tying up the top
“That wasn't my idea but okay...” Georgia mumbled
“What?” you yelled not hearing her
“I said that was me best idea so far!!” your girlfriend yelled back as you appeared in the doorway
“I know...” you smiled pressing a kiss to her cheek “... shoes”
“Normal Nikes.. no flip flops... there will be a lot of glass and I don't want to spend me evening in the ER where you get stiches” Georgia said holding out a pair of Nike Dunk High in Dark blue matching the bikini top
“Thanks” you smiled taking the shoes from her hand putting them on “.... come on now Babe... we're going to be late”
You were sitting next to Pernille watching the Bayern girls having a friendly against a small club who was apparently on the outskirts of Munich as a little test game since there where some new Players like Lena Oberdorf and Alex wanted to try some new things – also in hindsight to the upcoming Champions League games. You were rather bored already seeing multiple things the team needs to work on just from the first 20 minutes of play. Lena was an outstanding young player and you kinda clicked with her – she was very reserved but had an amazing humor which you immediately picked up on. The two of you shared multiple insiders – mostly regarding towards Magda who was somehow immune to dark dry humor. You also saw how your girlfriend kinda tried to click with Lena on the field but somehow had her reservations about the young talent. You knew exactly what was going on – Georgia was jealous. She would never admit it but you saw right through her. Even tho you assured her that Lena was just a friend and you two only clicked over your shared love of making fun of Magda your girlfriend grumbled along when you two shared another laugh.
“God this needs to get a little more interesting or I'm gonna fall asleep” you mumbled next to the blonde Dane who just chuckled
“The girls from Obermenzing are playing amazing” Pernille pointed out and you hummed in agreement
“I didn't mean them... I meant your team... midfield fucks up quiet a bit” you said “... they don't connect with the backline and also not to the front.... it's embarrassing to watch it”
“It's not that bad.... and that's exactly why we have these games... to try new things” the blonde smiled starting to gently scratch your neck already figured out it always calms you down
“It is THAT bad!!!” you exclaimed before you threw your arms up “COME ON G.... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT???!!”
“I can't wait until you have a trainer license” Pernille laughed as the new players looked over to your yelling and the ones who already knew you hung their head low while Alex turned away from the field laughing quietly
“You wanna take over?” the man asked you a big smile plastered on his face
“Better not... I would kick their asses into next century and it's just a test game” you grumbled before jumping up “MAGDA!!!! STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR WIFES PUS...”
Pernille slapped her hand so fast over your mouth that you stumbled back a little bit
“I swear Søde... I'll will lock you inside if you don't calm down a bit.... no actually... if you don't calm down a LOT” the Dane sneered under her breath
“It's not my fault YOUR wife....” you grumbled under Ps hand
“Girlfriend.... she doesn't get her shit together so she'll still my girlfriend” Pernille huffed and you started to chuckle
“So you want to be her wife?” you smirked as Pernille finally released you again
“Of course... but I'm not gonna be the one asking... that's her job... I already asked her to be my girlfriend...” the Dane shrugged her shoulders
“I'll let her know” you smirked as the blonde pulled you into her side
“You can give her a hint.... don't you dare tell her drop down on her knee” the blonde said seriously “... she can use her brain”
“I can also kick her in the back of the knee and push a ring into her hand...” you chuckled which made Pernille laughed out loud
“I said a hint... not doing everything for her” the blonde laughed
“GEORGIA MARIE STANWAY!!!! YOUR TEAM PLAYS IN READ NOT IN WHITE/BLUE!!! ARE YOU SUDDENLY COLOR BLIND???” you suddenly exclaimed seeing how your girlfriend messed up another pass and she looked over to you ashamed shrugging her shoulders apologetic
“Full name? It's just a test game” Pernille chuckled
“I don't care.... that was an amateur mistake.... I don't tolerate amateur mistakes” you grumbled
“I wouldn't want to have you as a trainer... you need to calm down søde” the Dane said calmly
“What I need is for this team to pull the stick out of their asses and start playing” you grumbled your face dark
“Just a test game... not the Champions League final....” Pernille tried to calm you down
“If you guys play like this you'll never reach the final... Barca will eat you for Lunch” you said seriously “... and I don't want that... I want you to upset them... I want that you make them work...”
“We'll challenge that problem when we get there.. now lean back and enjoy all the ways Magda and Georgia play like they never saw a ball before” the Dane smiled softly
It was just after the second half started where you leaped out of your seat already on your way onto the field when Pernille grabbed your middle holding you back. Your girlfriend laid on the grass her face scrunched up in pain holding her knee
“Let me go” you fought Pernilles grip around your torso
“I can't... you can't go there right now...” the Dane whispered next to your ear
“That looked bad P... I need to...” you said your eyes never leaving your girlfriend as the team docs already kneeled down next to her starting their routine
“She's okay... she's okay søde” Pernille repeated into your ear her grip never faltering
“What if's...” you chocked out
“It's not.... calm down... she's okay” the Dane said calmly “They'll get her off for precaution but she's okay”
“If she walks off I'll kick that knee” you said seriously but Pernille knew it was your way of coping with the scare you just had
“And I'll let you... but look... she accepts the help from the guys” the Dane slightly tilted your head so you can watch your girlfriend hobbling off the field held up by two of the physios
“I need...” you immediately tried to follow but again got held back by Pernille
“Give them a few minutes to check her trough...” the blonde said calmly while Linda gets on the field replacing Georgia
“But...” you said helplessly
“I'll bring you to her as soon as they let us okay... but right now they need the space to work properly” Pernille stayed calm for your sake
“I just....” you tried again and again the Dane interrupted you
“I know... but right now you would be in the way... she probably just twisted it.. I know what you're fearing but it's not...” the blonde said seriously finally loosening the grip around your torso
15 Minutes later which felt like hours to you one of the physios appeared in the tunnel nodding towards Pernille who sat next to you letting you squeeze her hand so hard that she feared you'd break it. The blonde slightly nudged you signaling you to stand up and go with the physio but to her big surprise you pulled her with you. So Pernille followed you as you slowly approached the tunnel your fears getting the best of your
“Go on Søde... it's okay... Gs okay...” the blonde gently pushed you forward using her whole body
“I'm scared P....” you mumbled
“No need to be... she's okay....” Pernille said softly pushing you further down into the tunnel towards the medical room
“Promise me she's okay...” you mumbled still refusing to walk forward probably so the Dane pushed you
“I Promise Søde....” the blonde whispered and you took a tentative step towards the door looking at her for help “... just go I there... I need to get back to yell at Magda in your name okay”
“Okay...” you nodded but Pernille saw how your hands were trembling
“What's the diagnosis” you asked your voice cracking
"Hey Baby...” Georgia said the second you stepped through the door into the barely lit room
“Overstretched one of the tendons... nothing bad... two weeks of resting and crutches for a week and I'm as good as new...” your girlfriend answered calmly knowing where your thoughts went immediately
“Thank fuck...” you breathed out in relief and before you could stop them tears were running down your cheeks “... you can't do that G... you can't go down clutching your knee... clutch your ankle or head or wrist... but you can't clutch your knee... please”
“Come here Baby...” Georgia held her hand out still laying on the treatment bed her knee covered in two big ice packs and you waited until she wriggled her fingers at you before you took the step towards her “... another one... come to me Baby”
“I...” you chocked out
“I'm okay... come to me Baby...” your girlfriend said softly knowing why you were so hesitant
You finally made your way over to her and the second her hand closed around yours you broke down and if it wasn't for G reacting so quickly and closing her arms around you you would have found yourself on the floor
“It's okay Baby... I've got you and everything is okay” Georgia whispered pulling you up and on the bed next to her
“You just can't do that G... you just can't” you whimpered into her neck while she held you closely to her side
“I'm sorry Baby.... but everything is okay... I promise... you just have to hold open the doors for me now...” your girlfriend tried to lighten the mood as she pressed sweet kisses to your forehead
“The fuck I will... you can use your ass to open doors” you mumbled as you clinged to her frame “... I used my ass so you can too”
“You do have a nice ass...” Georgia smirked squeezing your ass making you squeal
After an amazing Day where you met even more amazing people you were laying in your girlfriends arms on her couch in her small Munich apartment watching a mens game as it suddenly hit you like a ton of bricks and you couldn’t stop the tears escaping your eyes. First Georgia didn’t seem to notice as she had her arms tightly around you, your head on her chest. Just as your silent tears soaked through her shirt she looked down at you to find you crying
“I know the men are playing bad Baby… but you don’t have to cry” she tried to lighten the mood but that only made you cry harder.
You choked out a heartbreaking sob as you accepted internally that there was no use in holding it back anymore. Your body shook with every sob as you fell into to the depth of your hurting
“hey… hey” Georgia said a slight panic in her voice as she tried to figure out what wad happening “what’s wrong babe… talk to me”
“It hurts G… it hurts so much” you choked out not having the strength in you to explain further.
“what hurts baby… please… tell me… I can help” your girlfriend asked as she was on the verge of tears herself seeing you like this
You just shook your head somehow trying to tell her you just can’t talk as a new wave of sobs made it out of your throat and you started to feel how breathing became a problem
“Okay… okay… you need to calm down and breathe for me baby” Georgia tried her best to calm you down (and stay calm herself) but she saw quickly that it was no use
“Lucy or Keira… Lucy or keira” she mumbled to herself as she thought about who to call
After the fifth time the woman she call FINALLY picked up
“I swear to God Stanway if my sis…” Lucy answered the phone being in Barcelona at a gym session for Georgia to interrupt her quickly
“She’s crying Lucy… she’s crying so bad and she hardly takes a breath and I don’t know what to do” your girlfriend rambled the panic in her voice returning as you held onto her shirt for dear life
“Face time” was the only thing Lucy said before hanging up and seconds later Georgias phone rang with a face time request.
She immediately accepted the request and as soon as Lucys sweaty face appeared on the screen she angled the phone so Lucy could see her sister.
Lucys heart broke the second she saw her baby sister sobbing heartbreakingly clutching to Georgia as if her life would end without the physical contact her girlfriend provided. Your face was red from crying your eyes puffy and Lucy would swear on her life that she saw a little blue tint on your lips from oxygen deprivation.
“Hey… hey Bubs” your Sister spoke softly as she tried to get your attention “Bubs I need you to breath…. Deep breaths”
Just like before as Georgia tried you didn’t react except for sobbing out choked flat breaths.
Georgia could see the movement on the screen as Lucy left the Gym to have more peace and quiet – you on the other hand just kept on sobbing
“Lucy… what… what can I do?” your girlfriend asked helplessly as she tried to pull you even closer.
“You’re doing great G… just…. Keep holding her… use those arm sessions they make us do every camp and hold her… I’m on my way” Lucy said encouraging hoping to calm Georgia down a bit “but I need to know what happened”
“I…. I… I don’t know” your girlfriend stuttered repositioning both of you so you were sitting up your head no in the crook of her neck continuing to cry “… we were just laying on the couch watching a game and suddenly she started crying… I tried to make a joke about how the men weren’t THAT bad and she just completely broke down”
“It’s okay G… I knew that day would come and I’m sorry for not talking to you about it… giving you a heads up… but you’re doing good… just try and get her to breath” your sister said already signaling Alexia she needs to talk to her
“Breath for me baby… I know you can… concentrate on me and my breathing” Georgia murmured into your hair as she pulled you closer.
You took a few shallow breaths before returning to just basically choke on the air
“That was good baby… you need to do it again” Georgia started to stroke your back hoping you would find comfort in the simple action “one more time baby” she whispered against your forehead before pressing a soft kiss to it
You started to calm down the tiniest of bit taking another shallow breath
“Good… you’re doing so good” your girlfriend mumbled against the crown of your hair “take another breath baby… I know it’s hard but you can do it”
“G… I need to go… I promise I’m on my way…. Just… hang in there G… you’re doing great as well you know... I’m there as soon as possible… text me your address” Lucy said and Georgia nodded before ending the call to concentrate on you.
Slowly – very VERY slowly – you started to calm down enough to take a real breath. You still were clinging to Georgia, her shirt (and neck) soaked in tears but hell she wouldn’t let go of you for all that was holy to her.
On the other end Lucy just reached Alexia
“What can I do for you Lucia?” the blonde asked seeing her friend and teammate in distress
“I need some time off… can’t tell you for how long” Lucy said her voice lined with stress and anxiety
“May I ask why? We have some important games coming up” Alexia asked confused knowing Lucy would never skip games
“Family emergency” your sister just said looking at her friend trying to bring her point across
“Go” was the only thing Alexia said as she caught up on the fact who this “family emergency” was about “I’ll talk to everyone just go…”
“Thanks Alexia” Lucy yelled over her shoulder as she ran back to the gym quickly gathering her stuff
All of her teammates looked at her confused and it was Mapí who spoke up
“What’s the hurry Lucy… is there an all you can eat buffet we don’t know about?” the tattooed woman joked and earned a few laughs from some teammates
“Family emergency” was the short answer before she looked up and met Keiras eyes just for a second but it was enough.
“I’m coming with you” the blonde englishwoman said determinant as she too started to grab her stuff
“You can’t… I just talked to capi for some days off and…” Lucy started but got interrupted quickly
“… and nothing… I don’t care…. I’m coming with you… they can fine me or kick me off the team but I won’t let you go alone… someone needs to look after G as well… poor girl is probably freaking out” Keira said and Lucy knew there was no way in hell her ex would stay put
“I’ll drive you book the flights” your sister simply said as she turned around to Ona “I’m sorry… I…. I be back soon”
“Just make sure she’s okay and don’t come back without her” the spaniard just said knowing from the second Lucy looked at Keira who they were talking about
“I’ll try…. But I don’t think she’ll come here without G” your sister offering a small smile
“Then bring her too… she’ll fit right into our team” Ona also had a small smile on her lips
“OH shit…” Mapí exclaimed finally catching on “… I’m coming too…”
“No you’re not" Alexia said sternly just entering the gym “this is a family matter that doesn’t concern you”
“But..” Mapí said desperately
“No but María León…” Alexia shot her a glare – the infamous captain glare before turning towards Lucy and Keira “why are you still here?”
“Already leaving” Lucy said as she already was halfway through the door
Lucy pulled out her phone to call Georgia back to find a message from her “She calmed down… won’t answer any calls don’t want to set her off again … here’s my address – second floor, go right when you come up, second door… my neighbor had a key and I texted her to let her know you’ll come and pick up the key”
“Okay… I can work with that” Lucy mumbled as she texted Georgia back “call me if you need anything..”
“Next flights out is in an hour…” Keira looked up from her phone as the two reached Lucys car “… and they’re not cheap”
“I don’t care – book them… here’s my card” Lucy answered as she slipped into the drivers seat opening her wallet and giving Keira her credit card
“I can pay for my own flight” the blonde rolled her eyes
“Just… book them woman” your sister said annoyed as she maneuvered her car into the traffic and towards the airport
Meanwhile in Munich you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of Georgia who retreated to stroke your back and whispering sweet nothings into your hair while she help you as tight as possible without hurting you. Your breathing was nearly back to normality but you still hadn’t moved your head from the crook of her neck. The silence between you was immensely calming to you just feeling your girlfriends love and presence without pushing you to talk.
“Music?” G whispered lowly not to startle you
As you nodded your head against her neck she moved a little to get the remote for the stereo which caused you to grab her shirt tighter again
“Not going anywhere Baby” the blonde whispered “just need to grab the remote – know you don’t like the quiet too much”
It were the little things like this that made you fall even more for her. Georgia might be loud and aggressive on the pitch and even louder after a win in the locker room but she notice the little things about you. How you prefer your coffee out of the same cup every morning for months before choosing a new cup. How you prefer the one brand of chocolate spread for breakfast over the other one. How you need your 20 minutes of peace in the morning before you were approachable. How you always stole her old England shirt and every time you visited it conveniently appearing on top in your drawer. How you love her hugs when both of you get home – just the two of you without the world watching. How her eyes always find you in a sold out stadium. How she looks at you like you’re the only person in the world even when you’re surrounded by 90.000 fans. Or just now how she knows you can’t stand the silence around you and starting her calming Spotify Playlist without needing to ask what you need to hear – all these things and more make you fall for her over and over again. But right now you needed Lucy – Lucy and Keira.
You don't know how much time passed before you distantly heard the front door of Gs apartment open and seconds later you got pulled off your girlfriend. You were startled for a second before a familiar scent hit your nose and all these feelings bubbled to the top again and you started to sob into Lucys neck as you clinged to her for dear life
“It's okay Bubs... I'm here now... I'm here” Lucy squeezed you against her getting the two of you away from Georgia and Keira who immediately went to her best friends side for support
“It hurts so much Luce... I wanna play again... I want to play and feel free... I want to feel the grass and the ball and the adrenalin when scoring” you cried into your sisters neck
“I know Bubs.. I know...” your sister just whispered as she laid down on the bed pulling you into her side while you simply can't stop crying
“I don't know what happened Kei...” Georgia was still in utter shock when Keira pulled her into the kitchen starting to make a tea for both of them “... suddenly she just.... I don't know”
“It's okay G.... you did everything right... we knew this day would come and I'm so glad it was with you” Keira said softly
“But... what happened??” your girlfriend asked lost
“She finally let go of the pain she bottled up... you just know her after she had to stop playing... but she's only a shell of herself – and I pray to god every night that he'll let her be the person she was before that... you'll see once she starts to work things out she'll be a totally different person” the blonde smiled through her tears
“But will she still want me in her life then?” Georgia asked scared
“Of course G... you are the reason she started to heal.... you made her feel so save and secure and loved – you managed something Lucy and I never did... you made her open up” Keira reassured her best friend
“I'm scared she'll only see hurt when she looks at me” your girlfriend mumbled accepting the tea Keira holds out for her
“Bullshit G.... I won't lie it's gonna be hard... on both of you – but you already showed that you'll be by her side no matter what and that you'll do the right thing when times are tough” the blonde squeezed her best friends shoulder lightly but then she saw the crutches “... why are there crutches in the kitchen??”
“Twisted me knee in a friendly...” Georgia admitted sheepishly
“Georgia!!!” Keira scolded her best friend pulling out a chair pushing the younger player down
“It's not bad... but it sent her spiraling...” your girlfriend said absently trying to hear what was going on in her bedroom with you and Lucy
“She's okay G.... Lucy won't let her hurt herself” the blonde said softly knowing what her best friend tries to do
“I should be with her...” Georgia mumbled “... she must think I abandoned her the second she let herself be vulnerable”
“She doesn’t.... and you will be with her... but Lucy needs to see and especially feel that she's okay you know... we're gonna get a room in a hotel and leave you two alone through the night and tomorrow morning we'll battle whatever we have to fight” Keira spoke calmly
“There's a small B&B around the corner here... I doubt Lucy wants to be too far away... the owners are nice and they're not too expensive...” your girlfriend said trying to stand up to retrieve the business card
“Stay.... I'll google it” the blonde said sternly pushing her best friend back into the chair when the two heard the bedroom door open and Lucy appeared in the doorway of the kitchen
“She's sleeping....” your sister said monotone sitting down opposite to Georgia with a stoic face
“Lucy....” Keira said softly trying to get a reaction out of her ex-girlfriend
“She's going to be okay... someday.... somehow... she's going to be okay” Lucy said her voice flat and suddenly she couldn't hold back the tears anymore and broke down – in the middle of Munich at Georgias kitchen table
“Lucy...” Keira tried again when her and Lucy walked the short distance to the B&B Georgia recommended earlier
“I can't Kei... I can't talk about it right now...” your sister said dismissively “We need to make a plan... I won't leave without her but she won't leave without G... so we need a plan”
“G twisted her knee earlier today.... so she unknowingly bought us some time... we'll take them both back to Barcelona... I'll text Alexia that she looks into vacation apartments... a week or two....” the blonde said knowing Lucy will talk to her when she's ready
“They can stay at mine and Onas...” Lucy said absently already fishing out her phone
“No Luce... they need their own place.... Alexia knows enough people to get an apartment where we all can be in five minutes if G calls us for help” Keira said laying her hand on top of Lucy telling her silently not to take actions
“You didn't hear her Kei... she begged me to let her kill herself... and apparently she tried before....” your sister started to cry again and all Keira could do is pull Lucy into a hug trying desperately not to cry
“I know... I knew... Lessi spilled the beans once when she was pissed drunk...” the blonde mumbled
“And you didn't think telling me???” Lucy exclaimed angrily pushing herself away from the blonde
“What difference would it have been Lucy?? You having a go at her for doing something stupid when she felt abandoned and alone?? You think that would've helped?” Keira also got upset a little bit
“I could've...” your sister tried but realized she had no idea what she would've done
“... done nothing Lucy.... you could've done nothing... it's done... in the past... and she never tried again... she doesn't even like to take pills anymore because of that... she's too scared that one Ibuprofen would kill her... so you could've done nothing and you won't do anything... you won't give her a talk and you won't hold it against her...” the blonde said firmly
“She's my sister!!! I need to protect her” Lucy said desperately
“She's my everything Lucy... and as much as I wished I can protect her from the world we CAN'T... we can be at her side when she needs us to help her stay upright but we can't protect her from everything...” Keira said trying to get through to her ex-girlfriend
“But what if it's not enough Kei?” your sister asked afraid
“Then we have to trust in everyone else who has her back that one of them is the right person to help her... and you have to trust G that she knows what she's doing...” the blonde said softly
“Okay...” Lucy took a deep breath “... okay... there are a lot of people who love her and will help when she needs it”
“Exactly.... you know she always had different people for different problems...” Keira smiled slightly “... but all of them would drop everything they're doing and come get her”
“You think we can go back to Barcelona tomorrow? I think it would do her some good... the warm weather and everything you know....” your sister looked up at her ex-girlfriend valuing her opinion
“Give her a day... G also needs some time to talk to the club if they're okay with her leaving.... Bitsy will sleep most of the time tomorrow anyway..... oh and Alexia needs time to set up an apartment” Keira answered “... but we should have a plan IF Bitsy wants to get out of the house tomorrow... I'll talk to G maybe she knows somewhere where we can have a little anonymity and can walk a little bit... but not too much with crutch-y”
“Good idea... zoo?” Lucy immediately started planning in her head
“Too many people... we can rent a car and go somewhere landside.....” the blonde said as they finally reached the small B&B and after a little communication problems (and maybe a call to G so she could translate) Lucy and Keira found themselves in small but cozy rooms where both of them fell asleep pretty quickly
“Slowly Bubs...” Lucy tried to grab your shirt as you sprinted forward
“But Lucy look...” you pointed excitedly towards the eagle who sat in his enclosure looking at you suspiciously
“A bird yes.... this is a bird place... they have birds” your sister rolled her eyes “... ooof”
“Don't be so sarcastic” Keira sneered after she elbowed her ex-girlfriend into the rips “She's having fun”
“She's pretending that what she is...” Lucy mumbled back “... she can't be nearly back to normal after she wanted to die yesterday”
“And if it helps her let her pretend...” the blonde huffed watching you as you looked up to the big eagle with awe
“Ehrm guys.... help please” you heard Georgia say and when Lucy turned around she bursted out laughing seeing her friend caught up with the rail and her crutches
“Just throw them crutches to the bottom of the stairs and hobble down Babe..” you said dismissively turning back to the big brown bird
“That's Harry... she's a seven year old Golden Eagle female...” one of the Keepers said having watched you for the last ten minutes
“She's beautiful” you whispered feeling like the bird looked right into your soul
“She's also very introverted... she doesn't interact with anyone” the young man said “... she doesn't even touch her food until everyone is gone....”
“She's hurting...” you said your voice low “... she misses her partner”
And just like that the big bird spread it wings and came down from her branch landing right in front of you
“You are, aren't you....” you whispered looking down at the majestic animal “... I know how it feels to hurt”
“She never done that... she never came down from her spot” the keeper says next to Lucy
“Yeah... my sister has some kind of talent...” Lucy watched you like a hawk when you decided to stick some fingers through the fence and the bird tilted its head a little bit
“Please don't...” the young man said and immediately got shushed by Lucy and Keira
“You need a new friend don't you” you whispered not noticing what’s happening around you but smiled when the eagle screeched at your words
“Bitsy...” Keira said softly trying to get you out of your bubble
“She needs a friend Kei...” you mumbled but your eyes never leave the bird
“But this can't be you... we can't take an Eagle back to Barcelona... and she wouldn't be happy there...” the blonde softly knowing exactly what you implied
“But...” you looked at Keira pleadingly
“No Bits... you don't want to make her more unhappy don't you... Barcelona is not a place for big birds” Keira said softly
“But we can visit her, sí?” you looked at the blonde with hopeful eyes
“Whenever you want Bits” the blonde smiled
“You need to find a friend for her... she doesn't care if it's another Eagle... try a parrot” you turned around to the young man marching of without looking back just as Georgia made her way down to the little group
“Oh come on... I just got here” you heard your girlfriend whine
“Bubs...” Lucy sprinted after you “... you know it's the best...”
“You don't understand Luce” you mumbled
“Go back and say bye to her... she's still sitting there waiting for you” your sister said softly
“I don't want to” you said and Lucy immediately knew why
“Don't leave her like her partner did Bubs... I know you two have a connection... everyone saw it... okay G didn't... she took to long... don't hurt her even more” Lucy kept her voice soft and it made you tear up again as you turned around and marched back to the enclosure
“Bye Harry... I come back soon I promise” you mumbled as you stick your fingers through the fence again and the bird pressed her head against your fingertips
“Okay... gracias Ale...” you heard Keira say into the phone as she kept stirring the tomatoes sauce “No... no that's okay... perfect... gracias Alexia”
“I'm hungry” you huffed bored
“10 minutes Bits” the blonde looked at you her phone still between her shoulder and ear “Go set the table”
“I'm sitting at the table” you groaned
“SET …. not sit... no sorry Ale...” Keira shot you a look before turning back to her call
“LUCY!! Keira said you should set the table” you yelled and smirked victorious
“I'm talking to G...” Lucy yelled back and you groaned knowing you have to do it
“I'll always be there Bubs... whenever you need me Bubs” you imitated her under your breath “... my ass”
“It's just setting the table” Keira lightly kicked you rolling her eyes just ended the call with Alexia
“What's the next step?” you asked changing the topic
“Tomorrow we all fly back to Barcelona...” Keira said as she drained the pasta “... Alexia found a small two bedroom apartment for you and G... not to far from Lucy and Ale herself.. a little further from my place... so whoever you need... we'll only be a text away okay?”
“How far is Mapí away?” you asked
“About 15 minutes...” the blonde answered truthfully
“Tweedledee and Tweedledumb?” you looked at Keira seriously
“Same... 15 Minutes... and before you ask.. I think even Jenni would come running if you ask” Keira smiled “... all the way from Mexico”
“I miss the Beach” you mumbled
“Tomorrow Bits... you can stay the whole day at the beach.... just you and G” the blonde smiled trying to cheer you up
“Okay...” you nodded before turning to the living room “DINNER IS READY!!!”
“COMING” you heard Lucy and when your sister and girlfriend entered the kitchen you knew something was up
“What's going on??” you asked eyeing them suspiciously
“Nothing” both of them answered quickly
“Georgia Marie....” you pointed at your girlfriend accusingly “... I swear...”
“The pasta is delicious” Georgia looked at Keira who started laughing
“No sex for a year” you sneered before taking a fork full of pasta yourself
“WHAT?? Baby” your girlfriend whined
“You sided with my sister” you grumbled
“You two can discuss that tomorrow in Barcelona...” Keira said firmly “... now we eat and then bed...”
“Yes mom” all three of you grumbled and you kicked Lucy for good measure against the shin
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rosemariiaa · 23 days
~Lines We Drew~
part: 1
pairing- Paige x Azzi
oookay hi guys! idk how many requests i’ve gotten in my inbox for this kind of fic for pazzi but I finally tried to work up something last night! (don’t tell me you don’t like it , i will be upset)
warning: language
Paige Bueckers had heard the news weeks before the official announcement: Azzi Fudd was coming to UConn. The so-called “golden girl” of high school basketball, the first pick in her class and NPOY, the one everyone couldn’t stop talking about. And Paige couldn’t have been less thrilled.
“Come on, Paige. She’s not even here yet, and you’re already acting all grumpy,” Nika ribbed as they lounged in their dorm room, prepping for the new season. “Besides, she is real pretty. You should be excited. Maybe you’ll finally find someone who can keep up with you.”
Paige scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I don’t need someone to keep up with me, Nika. And I’m not grumpy. I just don’t get what the big deal is.”
KK, lying on her bed with her feet propped up on the wall, chimed in, “The big deal is she’s gonna be a star. You know that, right? The two of you together on the court—UConn’s gonna be unstoppable and on the road to the national chip, yes ma’am.” Kk exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.
“Yeah, if we can stand to be on the same court without killing each other,” Paige muttered, more to herself than anyone else. But of course, Nika heard her and threw a pillow at her head.
“Stop being such a brat. You barely even know her. Maybe you’ll actually like her once you get to know her.” “Doubt it,” Paige grumbled, tossing the pillow back at Nika.
“Why don’t you like her anyway?” Ayanna asked from her corner of the room, where she was scrolling through her phone. “You guys don’t even know each other like that.”
Paige shrugged, knowing she didn’t have a good answer to tell her friends, she knows if she tells them something else, all hell will break loose. “We just… don’t click, okay? I dunno. She’s just not my type of person.”
KK rolled her eyes. “Girl boo save the excuses .” Paige didn’t respond, sinking deeper into her thoughts. She wasn’t going to be a bitch—she just wasn’t going to go out of her way to be friendly either.
The day Azzi arrived at UConn, it felt like the entire campus was buzzing. Paige’s friends were all smiles, eager to meet the new star recruit. Paige tagged along reluctantly as they headed over to the dorms where Azzi would be living.
When they got there, Azzi was already surrounded by some of the team, all of them helping her move in. Paige hung back, crossing her arms and watching as Caroline and Aubrey joked with Azzi as they were old friends.
“Ice, you gotta help me lift this,” Caroline called, motioning to a heavy-looking box. Ice, who was taller and definitely stronger, easily lifted the box and carried it into the dorm.
“Thanks, Carol,” Azzi said, smiling. “I think that’s the last of it.” “No problem,” Caroline replied, wiping her hands on her shorts. “We’re all in this together now.”
Paige tried to keep her expression neutral as Azzi glanced over at her. Their eyes met for a split second, and Paige felt a jolt of something she couldn’t quite name. It wasn’t exactly anger, but it wasn’t friendly either. She quickly looked away, pretending to be interested in something on her phone.
“Oh, hey Paige,” Azzi said, her voice polite but not overly friendly. “Didn’t see you there.” Paige nodded stiffly. “Yeah, I’m just here with the girls.”
Azzi nodded back, the silence between them awkward. Caroline, ever the peacemaker, jumped in. “Paige, why don’t you help Azzi get her room set up? She’s rooming with me, Aubrey, and Ice.”
Paige wanted to say no, but everyone was looking at her expectantly, so she forced a smile. “Sure. I can help.”
She followed Azzi and the others into the dorm, feeling like she was walking into enemy territory. Aubrey was already inside, arranging some of her things, and when she saw Paige, she grinned.
“Hey, Paige! Look at you, helping out. Maybe there’s hope for you yet,” Aubrey teased.
Paige rolled her eyes but smiled a little. Aubrey had a way of making her feel at ease, even when she didn’t want to be. “Yeah, yeah. Just trying to be a team player.” As they unpacked, the conversation flowed easily among the group, but Paige stayed mostly quiet, only speaking when directly addressed. Azzi seemed content to ignore her as well, which suited Paige just fine.
After they finished, Ice stretched her arms over her head and sighed. “Man, moving is exhausting. I’m starving.”
“Let’s grab something to eat,” Caroline suggested. “We can all go together. You in, Paige?”
Paige hesitated, glancing at Azzi, who was wiping sweat from her brow. She really didn’t want to spend any more time around her than necessary, but she knew saying no would make her look petty. So she nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
They all headed to a nearby café, where they pushed a bunch of tables together to accommodate the group. Paige ended up sitting across from Azzi, who was chatting with Aubrey and Caroline. Paige focused on her menu, trying to ignore the way Azzi’s laugh seemed to fill the whole space.
“Azzi, you’ve gotta try the chicken wrap here. It’s the best,” Caroline said, pointing to the menu.
Azzi smiled. “Ouuu that sounds good actually, thanks for the recommendation. I’ll take your word for it.”
Paige couldn’t help herself. “You don’t have to take her word for it, you know. You’re capable of making your own decisions.”
Azzi looked up at her, a spark of defiance in her eyes. “I’m aware, Paige. But sometimes it’s nice to get suggestions from friends.”
“Friends,” Paige echoed, her tone flat. “Right.”
Azzi’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Are you always this charming, or is it just me?” Paige blinked, momentarily taken aback. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Azzi shrugged. “Just making an observation.”
Paige opened her mouth to retort, but the words caught in her throat. She wasn’t used to being challenged, and Azzi’s calm yet sharp response threw her off balance. Instead, she just looked away, focusing on her food.
The table fell silent for a moment, the tension palpable. Aubrey cleared her throat, clearly trying to change the subject. “So, Azzi, what do you think of the campus so far?”
Azzi’s expression softened, and she started talking about how much she liked the facilities and how excited she was to start training. Paige tuned out most of the conversation, focusing on her food instead.
But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t ignore the way Azzi’s voice seemed to weave into her thoughts, making it impossible to completely block her out. And the more she tried, the more frustrated she became.
By the time they finished eating, Paige was more than ready to leave. As they walked back to the dorms, KK and Nika fell into step beside her, nudging her playfully.
“Why do you gotta be so mean to her?” KK asked, not really expecting an answer. “She’s actually super cool.”
Paige sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I’m not being mean. I told you we just… don’t click. It’s not that serious guys.”
Nika raised an eyebrow. “Not that deep? You barely said two words to her, and when you did, it was kinda snarky.”
Paige shrugged, not wanting to get into it. “It is what it is.” KK rolled her eyes and nudged Paige’s shoulder . “You’re so annoying. Just give the poor girl a chance, stop being mean to the pretty lady.”
Paige didn’t respond, but the words echoed in her mind long after she was back in her own dorm, lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. She knew her friends were right, or were they? Azzi hadn’t done anything to deserve her hostility. So she thought , but deep down there was just something she couldn’t get herself to really spit out. There was something about the way Azzi seemed to effortlessly fit in, the way she smiled and laughed with everyone, that just irked Paige. It made her feel… what? Jealous? Insecure? She wasn’t sure, but whatever it was, it was strong enough to keep her on edge whenever Azzi was around.
As the days went on, Azzi became more integrated into the team, quickly earning the admiration and friendship of everyone except Paige. And though Paige continued to keep her distance, she couldn’t deny that the tension between them was growing more complex with each passing day.
For now, the animosity remained unresolved, but something told Paige that this was only the beginning. The next few months promised to be full of surprises, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for what was coming.
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pearlfeline · 3 months
peter parker x fem!reader
word count: 900+
tw: black eye
a/n: this is short and it was in my drafts forever. and it was shorter than this before i added some stuff last night. posting it now for some validation and i want to feel better for my job interview tomorrow lol. hope its good enough.
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“plwase unlokc your window!! OMW”
“I told him not to text and swing.” You mumbled to yourself.
You huffed, making your way to the window to save him the trouble and just lifted it wide open.
Peter flops in immediately, earning a yelp from you.
“Are you crazy?!” You held your hand to your chest.
“Heeeeelp.” He groans. Peter tugs at his mask, rolling his head back for you to see.
He had a black eye. “Make sure when you fall, you don’t land face first into a fire hydrant.” He tries his best to pry his swollen eye open.
“Since when do you fall?” You shake your head. Not expecting an answer, you walk off to the kitchen and open the freezer, grabbing a bag of assorted frozen fruit.
You come back to Peter flipping through channels on your TV, slumped on the bed.
“Put this on your eye.”
Peter gingerly takes the bag, holding it up to his bruise.
”Why are you getting hurt in the middle of the night?”
“Avengers make mistakes too.” He grumbled.
“Peter. It’s late.” You sighed.
“I know I know but I needed your help specifically.” He sits up mirroring the posture of someone who would hold a corporate meeting.
“Do my makeup please.”
You stare at Peter expressionless.
“Like with the skin paint thing.” He adds.
“For your black eye?”
“PLEEEAAASE! I can’t have May see me with another black eye. She said if the kids keep picking on me she’s gonna call the school.”
You roll your eyes, motioning him to follow you to your makeup drawer.
“Concealer.” You handed him the small bottle and heard him repeat after you.
“Concealer.” He nods.
“How long will this last?” He twists it open.
“Stop, you’re gonna dry it out. And not forever. So I’ll let you borrow it to reapply in the morning.”
“How do I do that?” He starts blinking rapidly the same time your finger pats into his under eye.
“No blinking! Just do what I’m doing here. See? You don’t even need a sponge sometimes.”
You try to ignore how close you were to him. Seeing Peter from this proximity was something you’d never think to do. You never noticed how many little freckles he had. They’re so faint. He had a little stubble from running around all day and chapped lips. Your eyes follow the line of his bottom lip, like a crack in the pavement. You could feel his breathing hit your hand as you pat into his skin. As you look up from his lips, you find him staring at you back.
“Done.” You reeled your hand back, clearing your throat.
Peter looks at himself through your small light up mirror. Seems simple enough.
“See? Good as new. Just a little swollen.” You comb his curl away from his forehead so he could clearly see the coverage.
“You’re the best.” He stares at his reflection in awe.
“I know.” You shrugged.
“Don’t touch it or it’ll come off.” You grab a small pouch to put the concealer in.
“Here. Don’t lose it. I splurged for this one.” You hand him the pouch and he nods profusely.
“Guarding it with my life.” He puts it in the small pocket of his backpack.
“Thank you.” He smiles.
“No problem.” You avoided his eyes, hopefully he didn’t see the heat rising to your cheeks. “Don’t keep May waiting.”
Peter nods, giving an awkward wave. “Right. See ya.”
Peter jumps out onto the fire escape. Quietly this time. Out of sight.
“See ya.” You said quietly to yourself.
The next morning, you woke up to a series of messages from Peter.
“she didnt suspect a thing HAHAHA” 12:32 AM
“thank u again btw” 12:33 AM
“it hurts to blink.” 12:34 AM
“ok goodnight ill let you know how it lasts thru the night.” 12:34 AM
“hi it disappeared a little bit but im gonna add some more i hope that’s ok” 9:12 AM
You bit your lip, your finger hovering over the facetime button. You click it without thinking too much of it, waiting for him to answer.
Peter comes into frame with a newly pale complexion. His entire face was covered in concealer.
“Hi.” He grins at the camera, oblivious to how ghostly he looked. This would’ve scared you if he didn’t answer the call in that ridiculous angle.
“Peter…” You sighed.
“What? Did I miss a spot?”
“…No. You can’t possibly miss any more spots I don’t think.”
Peter frowns at the camera, he thought he did well.
“Too much?” He chuckled, embarrassed.
You roll your eyes.
“This stuff covers everything. I don’t have freckles anymore.” He runs away at his cheek, showing that it wasn’t coming off.
“Did May see you yet today?” You sighed.
“No.. Should I take this off?”
Before you could answer, May quickly knocks on Peter’s door, and doesn’t wait to open the door.
“Hey, I’m thinking pizza for lunch-“
Peter turns to look at May and you could see her blurry face peek through behind Peter's shoulder on your screen. She widens her eyes and blinks a couple times.
“What… What is that?”
“Sunscreen.” Peter blurts out.
“Y/N and I are going to the beach.”
May knits her brows together, thinking if that’s really believable or not.
“There’s no beach near by.”
Peter silently stares at his aunt.
“...I’m eating this pizza with or without you .” May shrugs. “Have fun at the… beach.” She gives Peter a look and then closes the door.
Peter turns his attention back to his phone.
“The beach?” You squeaked out, attempting to stifle your laugh.
“I would hang up if I didn’t need help taking this off.” Peter says flatly.
You let out a groan. “Just get over here.”
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creedslove · 11 months
Can you imagine seeing Joel being absolute psycho killing machine, because someone captured you and he is like WHERE IS SHE?!
Just to see him immediately soften, when he notices you tied up and hurt and he is just so sweet and caring towards you saying "it's ok baby. I'm here I'm here. I'm gonna fucking kill them all." and gently kissing your forehead, before cutting ripe from your hands and legs. ♥️
Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: bestie, you had no right to mess up with my hormones like that, now you got me whimpering and crying in need and horny for Joel 😭
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• you'd become Joel's girl while you joined him into his journey; he didn't want to let you come along at first, but he had to let you in eventually as you insisted so much
• on one hand, you were just another mouth to feed and another source of worry for him, on the other hand, you were fast and you were able to take down clickers and humans without whining, which was really valuable to him
• and slowly he began warming up to you and you got closer and closer, to that, getting physical was a quick step and the rest was history
• you were his and he was yours; the love and the hunger you felt for each other was huge and intense, and you didn't even know if it was healthy, but you didn't care, there wasn't such a thing as healthy in the world the two of you lived in, but you two were there for each other
• which meant you would kill and destroy anything and anyone in order to keep each other safe
• so when the two of you fell into that ambush, Joel couldn't believe he'd been so naive and stupid, he had done that trick so many times in order to looter but unfortunately it had been a larger group and they ended up knocking him out and taking you
• when he woke up, you were gone and Joel panicked, he knew damn well what a bunch of those animals would want to do with a beautiful girl like you
• so he immediately followed your tracks in order to find you, racing against the clock in order to save you
• and by following your tracks, Joel meant killing anyone he'd seen in sight, anyone he could get information from
• you were tied up, your head was killing you and you could feel your own blood dripping down your forehead, but at least they hadn't done anything worse to you... Yet
• you looked around, so anxious and nervous, your heart filled with fear of not seeing Joel anymore at the same time you were also filled with hope he would show up and rescue you, because he always did
• so the moment you began hearing screaming and gunfire, you felt your Joel was coming to the rescue
• he might not be a prince charming, but he was way better than that, he was your man, and you were his girl and no one could ever get between the two of you
• so it didn't take long for him to barge in, splattered in blood, gun in hands and killing anyone in sight
• he was furious, he was merciless but the moment he spotted you, he went soft
• you looked reasonably alright but he went so soft for you, god it was even dangerous how much he loved it, it drove him mad, he didn't even know he could love someone like he loved you
• when he saw the room was empty, with the exception of the two of you, he took off his jacket, wrapping around your body
"it's okay baby, I'm here. I'm here. I'm gonna kill them all"
• he whispered into your ear, pecking your forehead and cutting the ropes that kept you trapped
• he lifted you up easily and walked out of that place, making sure you were safe and warm into his arms
• he loved you and he would always make sure you were safe because you were his and no one would ever change that
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