#mortal kombat liu kang
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v5m4k · 9 months ago
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mom is very stress to deal all lizards in the house😔
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yumchxa · 1 year ago
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‘I’ll make a man out of you’ but it’s Liu Kang (I had a vision ok)
(thanks again to @/niku30_ on Instagram for the template for Liu’s tattoos. it really saved my life and time. 😭)
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tiredfox64 · 4 months ago
Liu Kang × unimpressed person that does their best to make fun of him. If you could do him and a girl who could not care less hes a god and instead is making fun of his bob and the fact that he seems allergic to shirts given that he cant wear more than 75% of one at aany given time
I'm Not Impressed
Yip notes: I feel bad when I have to fake being impressed. It's a lot of "Really?!" which is the equivalent of "That's crazy"
Pairing: Liu Kang (MK1) x Afab reader
Warning‼️: I never warn about my language, second half not proofread cause I was in class
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So god comes to your door one night and tells you that he wants you to be one of his champions. Right, okay, cool.
Cool? Sweetie, that’s your creator right there. Your creator asked YOU to be one of his champions to fight another realm. Did you need time to process that or…no, alright…I don’t know why I am trying to talk to you.
You’re not the kind to marvel at Liu Kang not that he asks for that. You’re not all that impressed. Sure, he’s the god of fire but if you think about it hard enough you could extinguish him with a fire extinguisher.
Let’s get this straight, you’re not undermining him at all. You understand that he could still beat your ass terribly. Nobody wants a burst ass. But you’re just not someone who is easily impressed. Some think you are plain rude. Some think you aren’t entirely neurotypical. You don’t see it that way, this is just who you are. You find it would be ruder to pretend to be impressed. This rule applies to everyone, not just Liu Kang. Even your family understands that about you.
Liu Kang could see that you weren’t like Johnny who didn’t believe Liu Kang at first. He knew you understood that he was the god of fire and the protector of Earthrealm. That didn’t stop you from making comments though.
Even after first introducing himself you made it clear that you didn’t care who he was. I mean you were outright ready to start shit the moment you opened the door.
“Who the fuck did your hair?” You said the moment your eyes landed on him.
“I beg your pardon?”
You saw his glowing eye go wide before narrowing in disappointment. He was hoping your comment was because you wanted to drive him away. A little tease like that won’t drive him away. So he explained the whole god thing and the protector bullshit to you.
“Oh yeah? Is that right?” Your tone was not rude you were actually asking if what he just said was the truth.
“Yes. Please, I must discuss important matters with you. May I enter?” He asked in his gentle voice.
“I mean, whatever, sure. But don’t try anything stupid I won’t hesitate to beat your ass.” You warned the literal fire god himself.
You believed everything he was saying which was surprising. If he could make himself burst into flames right in front of your eyes, you’d believe anything he says. You accepted his offer to go to the Wu Shi to train. It’s for a good cause so whatever. You could get out of the house.
Poor Liu Kang, you never give him a break.
You always find something about him to make fun of. It could be his hair, his clothes, his face in general. You were warned to be more respectful of him. In a way, you do respect him by listening to what he has to say and the advice he gives you. But that doesn’t stop you from pointing out some silly things.
For example, his hair. You’re always pointing out the bun in the back. It does nothing. His hair is still down and possibly getting in the way. And when he mentioned to you all that he used to have a bob cut, hah, fuck him he shouldn’t have said it. You snorted the moment you heard that. You laughed at the thought of it because you could never understand why he would have that cut. Good thing he didn’t mention what color it used to be; he would never hear the end of it.
You also make fun of his facial expressions. He’s calm and you know it. But his resting face seems so disappointing. When he’s disappointed, like when Johnny doesn’t take something seriously, it adds more fuel to the fire. You only figured out the difference when you first said something.
“Well, ain’t you just a ray of fuckin sunshine. Why are you so upset?” You asked as you looked at everyone else training. They seem to be doing fine, what does he have to be upset about?
When you looked back at him you saw his eyebrows were more furrowed and you could see the corners of his mouth tip down. Now he was upset. He was upset with your assumption.
“I am only displeased with your attitude. I was fine beforehand.”
“Oh so you just look like that.”
May the elder gods help this man.
You watched him roll his eyes as he grimaced at your attitude. He pointed at the others to signal you to return to training. You put your hands up like you didn’t just insult this man’s face. He could see that smug fucking grin on your face.
His clothes though, ugh, that is so easy to poke at. It’s like he’s allergic to covering up. You would expect some modesty from a god but you could always be wrong.
You found it funny that the sleeves were rolled up. The shirt is already short-sleeved but apparently it’s not short enough for Liu Kang. If you wore your button-up shirts like he wears his you would be called a slut. Side titties would be shamed in this Academy except by Johnny, he would welcome it.
At first, you thought he purposely got a shirt that was too small for him. The sleeves looked like they struggled to contain his muscles. Those things are bound to rip if he flexes a little too much. Oh but remember he’s “modest” so he would never do that. No, no, he’s too modest to gloat but not modest enough to cover up. And to answer your question, no, his shirt is not too small. In fact, it might be his size. He’s scrunching it from the back.
Why it took you so long to notice you had no idea. You were more focused on the front and not the back.
You only noticed when he was explaining to all of you why the Mortal Kombat tournament was important, something about making sure those Outworld fuckers stay back. You were staring at the back of his head before lowering your gaze. Wow, he has a nice ass OH something is up with his shirt look at that. How could your eyes not be drawn to that area. The red sash wrapped around his waist called for your attention. His shirt was bunched up in the back. It’s like those girls who would tie a hair tie at the back of their shirt to make it squeeze against their body which just made it funnier.
As you all gathered to figure out who would be the true champion, you decided to stand near Liu Kang instead of with everyone else. Johnny had already aggravated him from the start so a fire was already going. Oof that eye-roll and grimace came from the soul. He was already side eyeing you as you scooched over to him. Before you could say something he was ready to interrupt you.
“Please act well today. Do not provoke me.”
“I wasn’t gonna provoke you, damn. I just wanted to ask you if you’re feeling a little cold?”
He wasn’t confused, he knew you were starting something. His hand went up to his forehead as he leaned against the armrest. He’s so tired.
“I’m just asking cause, ya know, you could easily button up that-“
“Enough!” He pushed your hand away which was slowly inching towards his chest.
“I’m just trying to help. You could easily button up if you untuck your shirt. Here.” You reached towards his back and started to untuck his shirt from the tight red sash.
“By the Elder Gods, you are out of your mind!”
It became a scuffle between you and Liu Kang as he tried his absolute best to stay calm. The monks that were near were either occupied with Raiden beating Johnny’s ass or trying to avoid being stepped on by you. Once you got it untucked he was mentally defeated. Liu Kang gave up, you won.
“See, now we can button that up. No need to show the universe your man tits.” You used the loops on his right side to hook the buttons.
He let it happen. His eyes stared straight ahead, not at the fight but past the horizon. Where did he go wrong? Why him?
You stared down at him, waiting for any other reaction than that blank stare. All you got was him holding his hand out to tell you to fight Raiden. You looked over to see that Johnny was flat on his back, clearly the loser of the fight. You shrugged and made your way over. He clearly didn’t want to talk to you. Now time to get your ass beat.
No, you will not win this match. You were never gonna win this match. You got your ass handed to you by a simple farmer who speaks softly. And could call Liu Kang cruel or even sadistic for how he was feeling. But by the gods was he satisfied by seeing that fight. Karma!
Yap notes: Yeah so I died whoops lol. Nah but I'm glad to get another fic out and hopefully I start feeling better soon. Uni is killing me this semester ugh. Maybe I’ll make a post explaining more. Adiós!
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musearchives · 1 year ago
"In this, Your time of need, The Taira will not fail you."
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Been inconsistent with posting but hopefully this comeback with Kenshi suffices as a good apology LOL
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Aaand some Liu Kang doodles.
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bunniekittiee · 1 year ago
Movie Night
I wanted to do headcanons for a movie night with some of the men from MK cause rn I wanna watch a movie and eat snacks and cry my feelings out lol. I just did gender neutral reader instead of fem.
A little nsfw but only at Kung Lao and Raiden’s part . Not detailed or anything, just hinted at.
Characters- Tomas, Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, Kung Lao, Raiden
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He was probably the one to suggest movie night. He loves watching movies, as well as spending time with his s/o.
He will make sure to set aside time for movie nights so that he doesn’t miss it or get sidetracked with other things.
Tomas likes to watch comedy movies, but he will watch a good horror movie.
He doesn’t like action movies too much as he lives in the action. He doesn’t want to see what he does on a day-to-day basis on the tv screen.
He will watch Spiderman though (hehe). Thinks Spiderman is great. Peter Parker reminds him of himself (hmm I wonder why).
Tomas doesn’t get scared very easily when watching horror movies. He can expect the jump scares a lot of the time.
But he doesn’t mind if his s/o cuddles into him or grabs onto him if they’re scared. He thinks it’s cute.
He likes to tease them about it.
Tomas loves to have a lot of snacks available for him and his significant other. He will go shopping beforehand and get everything for movie night.
Will make crazy concoctions of his popcorn with M&M’s and chocolate syrup sometimes (I’ve had that before I will admit it and it was good so don’t even bully him)
He likes the saltiness and sweetness of his weird popcorn concoction.
Absolutely feels like crap after he eats a lot of bad snacks. He’s got a bloated tummy, and he feels a bit gross.
Will ask for a tummy rub during the movie.
Likes to wear matching pjs during movie nights.
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Kuai Liang-
He looks forward to movie nights because that is when he gets time to relax and spend time with his lover.
He and his s/o will eat a meal while watching movies. He prefers it that way a little bit.
So he will have their kitchen cooks prepare what they want so it is ready for their movie time. Or sometimes Kuai Liang will make it himself.
He is a great cook, he is skilled at many things.
Loved cuddling while watching movies. He will increase his body temperature to be his s/o’s personal blanket.
Expect a lot of kisses from Kuai, he’s v affectionate, esp during movie time.
He will like to watch romance or rom-coms. He isn’t a horror fan, he will watch them but he isn’t into it really.
Kuai doesn’t get scared, he is just tired of seeing bloodshed. When it’s something he deals with everyday, he doesn’t want to see it at home when he’s relaxing.
But paranormal movies are a little different, he will watch those.
Sometimes gets a little paranoid but he won’t admit it.
Kuai dresses comfortably during movie night so he’s typically shirtless and in lounge pants or sweats. Maybe even his boxers, it just depends.
Liang will indulge in snacks though, even if he prefers meals. But nothing crazy. He’s not like Tomas where his sweet tooth is crazy big, but it’s still there.
Will fuck up a pack of cupcakes to himself. Licks the container clean.
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He’s the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, why should he waste time watching Hollywood films?
You put on the Addams Family, and he’s glued to the screen. He finds it interesting.
It’s hard to sit and watch a movie with Bi-Han. He has to find the time to watch a movie, but also because he has a hard time sitting still.
Not in like an ADHD way, more like in a “there’s important work I need to do and I’m stressing about it” kind of way.
He will watch anything but Johnny Cage’s films. If his s/o put one of his movies on, Bi-Han is walking out and going back to his paperwork.
How dare they waste his time like that?
He does like fantasy films despite living in a fantasy world himself. He’s never seen a dragon, but wouldn’t that be cool to see?
He’s sure they exist in one of the realms. He just has to find it.
Doesn’t really snack on junk food, he’s more of a fruit salad kind of guy (fruit salad is good tho so i cant blame him).
Eats his vegetables. Ugh, why Bi-Han?
He will indulge in some sweets like dark chocolate, but that’s the farthest he will go. He’s just never been a fan of sweets or carbs I guess.
Party Pooper Bi-Han.
But he will buy his s/o all the snacks they want and what foods they want as well. He’ll even have the chefs cook something.
He wants his lover to be happy and content. Plus he doesn’t mind if they eat junk food. He thinks it’s cute.
Will make the temperature cold so his s/o cuddles with him closer. He pretends like he doesn’t do it on purpose.
Kinda prefers to watch TV in bed rather than sit in the living room or somewhere else.
He only feels that way because he can turn over on his side and go to bed if he’s tired enough. On a couch, he can’t do that.
Especially on the uncomfortable ass couches in the Lin Kuei palace that are not made for comfort. He would rather get his spine ripped out.
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Kung Lao-
You have to have an entire four-course dinner catered to this man during movie time.
He’s a bottomless pit. He has to do a lot of shopping if he knows he and his s/o are having a movie night.
He will eat so many snacks it’s ridiculous.
He likes comedy movies, but he will sit down and watch a horror movie too.
Slasher films to be specific. Doesn’t like poltergeist movies, he’s afraid he will be haunted.
He won’t admit that though. But if he and his s/o watch a poltergeist movie he will do his best to seem like he’s not scared.
Is the type to overanalyze horror films and point on the flaws or how unrealistic it is.
Has choked laughing at a comedy film and it just about gave his s/o a heart attack.
If cuddling ensues, be prepared to have crumbs stuck to you. He makes a mess.
Kung Lao was also the one to probably suggest movie night similar to Tomas.
Will give his s/o small kisses during the movie but doesn’t do it too much. He knows he will get too horny, and there will be no point of return.
Sometimes there has been movie nights ‘ruined’ by his horniness. I say ruined lightly because it’s not really ruined yk.
He just gets distracted easily. He cant help it.
Does make up for it with another movie night and tries to control his horniness but don’t bet on it.
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Big on cuddling, absolute cuddle bug.
Has a lot of blankets ready and will make the house cold so he and his s/o can cuddle close.
Likes watching family kind of movies or romance. Doesn’t like horror really.
He’s a mix of junk food and healthy food. He likes to keep his physique nice.
But he doesn’t care if his s/o eats junk food, he will buy them anything they want.
Raiden will give his s/o small kisses during the movies, and he will pull them closer to his body. He likes having them close to him.
He’s a big softie as everyone knows, so movie time is mainly just kissing and cuddling. He’s not outwardly sexual about it.
But he won’t turn his s/o down if they engage in it.
Tends to fall asleep during movies. He gets so comfortable esp around his s/o, so he feels sleepy.
Loves it when they play with his hair. It makes him feel even more drowsy.
He loves their fingers going through his locks and the sensations.
Doesn’t outwardly ask for a massage during movie time but he may hint at it.
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Liu Kang-
He’s excited for movie time!!
He does love some relaxation after a stressful day. He has a lot of stress in his life being Earthrealm’s Protector.
So he likes to unwind when he can. Liu Kang is never against taking mental health days.
He likes to watch peaceful movies. Something romantic but not heart wrenching.
Horror movies aren’t something he wants to watch. He’s seen much worse in his life.
They aren’t frightening to him, but he does like it when his s/o cuddles closer to him because they’re scared.
Makes him feel big and strong.
Showers his s/o in kisses. Kisses all over their face and body. He attacks them with kisses.
Smiles when they kiss him back.
Cuddles are great with him, he holds his s/o in his lap practically and he is just v comfortable to be around.
After watching sci-fi movies, he likes to discuss different theories both he and his s/o may have about the lore of the movie.
He likes to hear them talk about things that they’re questioning and what they’re interested to know.
Of course, he doesn’t have the answers, but he likes to theorize.
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year ago
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-Liu Kang x Reader
{A soft moment between you and Liu Kang}
Super fluffy and very domestic!! Hope you enjoy my lovelies!
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Evenings in the Shaolin monastery never fail to take your breath away, how the pink and orange hues from the setting sun seem to bleed together, casting its warm light across the horizon. You admire the beauty of the scenery from the quaint little space you found. Hidden away from the other monks, a small open room lit by candles, where you could enjoy some tea in peace.
You allow your mind to drift as you take a deep breath, taking in the sounds of nature and distant water, only to be pleasantly interrupted by Liu Kang as he enters your quaint space with consideration, careful, so as to not rip you away from your meditative state.
“Nice of you to join me” you smile, shuffling to make space on the wooden floor for him to sit beside you, and he does so without hesitation, sitting on the blanket you laid upon the floor, “How did you find me?” You wonder as he looks at you with soft eyes.
“I couldn’t find you anywhere, I figured you’d be here” he explains, his hands finding yours, stopping you from pouring him some tea. “How is your head?” He tilts his chin slightly as he caresses your cheek, thumb soothing the space under your eye.
You had told him you weren’t feeling all too well this morning, way before he left to help Raiden and Kung Lao with whatever needed their attention around the Shaolin Temple. He had offered to look after you, the ever-caring man that he was, but yet his duties called him and he was whisked away from you.
Liu Kang can’t help but smile as you lean into his warm hand, the fabric of his bandages are rough against your skin but that doesn’t stop you. “A lot better than this morning” you hum, fingers wrapping around his wrist, gently bringing his hands down to your lap.
“Nothing some ginger tea couldn’t help” You begin unwrapping the bandages from his hands ever so carefully. He relishes in the way it feels, almost as if the tension from him unravels along with the tough cloth. You take a moment to run your fingertips across his slightly calloused palms, making a mental note to buy more hand cream.
The absence of the sun brings a cold chill, one that causes a shiver to run down your spine. Liu Kang notices, and with a soft frown, he reaches from behind you, picking up the knitted shawl and draping it over your shoulders before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Mhm, I am glad to hear” he whispers, shuffling to sit behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as you continue to drink the warm liquid. “Tomorrow I am all yours my heart, the two of us can do whatever you please,” he says and you don't have to look at him to know there's a smirk on his lips.
His chest blooms with warmth at the way you giggle, a sound Liu Kang couldn’t possibly ever get bored of, “Whatever I please? Hmm, you might come to regret saying that” There’s a certain playfulness in your words that only drives Liu Kang to hold you tighter, peppering your shoulder with soft kisses.
“Learn from it… perhaps, but regret I could never, every moment with you is deeply cherished” his words carry a certain weight to them, something that doesn’t go amiss as his lips continue to playfully trail up towards your jaw.
“Like you learned from the baking incident?” you remind him of the series of unfortunate events all over again. How the sweet treat ended up being terribly charred and completely inedible. You can feel Liu Kang's chest rise and fall from behind you as he laughs, calloused hands slipping into your own.
“Yes, I learned not to let you distract me” he teases, thumb soothing along your knuckles. Another gust of wind pushes through the trees, and you’re thankful that the god of fire is sitting behind you, holding you close to him. But despite his warm presence, he still notices the goosebumps that invade your body and the slight shiver that crawls through your spine.
“Let’s go home before you catch a cold” he whispers, lips grazing against your ear before standing up. The loss of his warmth hits you suddenly, and you are made very aware of the autumn winds. Liu Kang helps you to your feet, and with linked arms, the pair of you make your way home.
The rest of the night he spends practically glued to your hip, touching you in any way he possibly can and true to his words, the next day is spent doing whatever you please.
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quartzalynlove · 1 year ago
First Time Cuddling w/ Liu Kang
Pairing: Liu Kang x reader
Summary: just what the title says👍🏽
Warnings: none
A/n: something to post while I try to figure out how I'm gonna write Raiden in this hc list
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The silence that fell over the room was comfortable despite Liu Kang's slightly shocked expression. He wasn't shocked that you had never cuddled before; it was the fact that that meant no one had wanted to cuddle you before, which didn't register in his brain.
The silence had gone on too long, and seeing you were becoming uncomfortable, Liu Kang finally spoke. "Would you like to try with me?"
Your brain froze at Liu Kang's question. As always, his voice was so steady, offering a true suggestion. No judgement in sight. Although you wanted to say yes, you really weren't used to things like this. Honestly, you were scared.
"There's no pressure," he spoke again. "If you don't want—"
"I do," you cut in a bit too fast, "We can cuddle." You slowed yourself down, lowering your voice.
A small smile curled onto Liu Kang's face as he stepped forward, taking you by the hands. After sweetly kissing each of your fingertips, Liu Kang gazed into your eyes, running his thumbs over your knuckles. With each movement of his, you could feel yourself relaxing.
"Do you have any positions in mind?" He asked softly. "I could spoon you, we could face each other, or..."
Liu Kang finished, but you actually had an idea in your head for some time. "Can I lay on top of you?"
Liu Kang's face lit up as if he liked the idea as much as you did. Nodding with a smile, he led you over to the bed.
You laid on Liu Kang's bare chest with his arms wrapped around you. The only word you could use to describe his embrace was loving. His hands rested on you so gently, and his fingers traced your skin with such interest and innocence. With your cheek pressed to his chest, you could feel Liu Kang's warmth. As you heard his steady heartbeat and felt the rise and fall of his chest with each breath, you felt in tune with him. It was as if he were hypnotizing you into a deep relaxation. However, you got a bit too lost. As if you lost control of your body, you suddenly found yourself sighing against Liu Kang and your eyes fluttering shut. Quickly, however, you got a hold of yourself and hoped he didn't notice you trying to melt into him.
There was a small sympathetic smile on Liu Kang's face that you didn't see. You were still overthinking this.
Suddenly, you felt Liu Kang's lips press into the top of your head as his arms squeezed tighter around you.
"My light," he spoke softly. "Don't be embarrassed, I like seeing you relaxed against me."
That evening, you cuddled for the first time, and you couldn't think of a better first than Liu Kang. As he held you tight against him, tracing slow patterns into your skin, you fell asleep against Liu Kang's rising and falling chest to the steady sound of his heart.
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st4r-th0ughts · 2 months ago
Lord, give me one more chance.
I wonder, if this will be the last?
Comments and reblogs are more appreciated than just likes!
Mk1 characters x Liu Kang’s child! Reader
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4:00A.M. (Taeko Onuki) ▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:47
tw/cw: reader is very much feeling guilt for shedding so much blood, this is a nightmare so dw our pookies ain’t dead, reader remembers very very vague stuff from mk11 timeline (aftermath and being Shinnok’s spawn carries onto the next timeline), it’s like not making sense? Ig cause it’s a nightmare lmfao, gorey scenes and descriptors, body horror, light religious? themes, drowning, neck snap, shits painful in general bruv, third person pov (you/yours), dw shits dark but it’s a bit happy at the end. Mostly.
notes: first time writing a fic that delves into gory descriptors and I’m doing research in how to write nightmares lol so forgive me if it’s unrealistic, corny or smth
summary: A nightmare that comes back every time you fall into dream land.
characters in focus: Liu Kang mainly (father figure), Earthrealm champions, Shirai Ryu duo, Edenian sisters, and Syzoth x Ashrah and the rest are just rlly implied but they still are nightmarish in descriptions lol
Heavy breathing. You heave as your feet connect with the cold, stone slate as opposed to the smooth, soundless wood of your bedroom floors. It’s the same. The same. The same nightmare tormenting you for weeks.
Everything around you is hazy. Blurred lines of dull clouds gloss over the supposedly clear night skies, the stars whispering words of goodbye as they disappeared from your sight. You blindly reach for them, stumbling forward as your feet loose its footing despite there being solid ground in front of you.
A scream escaped you as darkness swallowed you whole, your yells echoing against the stone around you, your hands mindlessly scraping the walls that seem to grow further from you, your fingers scraping them desperately, the pain searing as you feel your nails peel and scrape away.
You prided yourself for being the level headed one, the one who didn’t scream while everyone else was panicking, a trait your dear father… your father. He was in the distance. No wait, no, you’re falling. You’re supposed to be falling.
A gasp. Your standing in front a temple. Deep in the forest, in front a worn down temple, the walls crumbling ever so slowly as you step forward. You don’t feel good. You don’t feel like yourself. Your legs are stumbling forward onto the stairs.
The incense burner is abandoned. Everytime you came here, to watch the mortals worship the God of Fire, people pile up in lines to pay their dues. The ash is pale and white as you pick it up and let it crumble in your hands.
The temple is too silent. You stumble through empty halls of prayer halls, staring straight ahead. There are eyes in the shadows. They follow you. Judge you. Whisper about you. It makes you feel nothing.
There’s a small pond in the temple. You remember. Orange… blobs… float around. There’s no lily pads. There’s a statue of him in the temple. A dragon accompanies him. His marble eyes make contact with yours, half of his face having crumbling into fine dust.
You feel parched. You grasp your throat with bloody fingers, the nailless fingers clawing the skin so hard you think you’ll tear out your trachea. Your legs stumble mindlessly to the pond, and you can feel the marble statue crumble and his eyes following you.
Your knees slam into the pond’s edge as you feel them crack and snap as you cup algae infested water into your mouth, the liquid tasteless and stale as the familiar man’s marble feet crumble as it fell forward. The crash is loud. Your ears ring and there’s warm liquid leaking out of your eardrums.
Your head turns, and you come face to face with those familiar glowing eyes, blood seeping and dripping where his jaw should be. His teeth are bloody, his tongue moves in a weak attempt to speak, and his eyes are glassy and bloodshot.
A empty wail escapes his mouth, and you scream in pure terror as he reaches out for you with cold, bandaged hands, scrambling back as you crawl and scrape the floor, gagging as you feel bile rise up in your throat, a sob of sorrow for this familiar man and fear as your vision blurs.
You can’t run. Faces stare back at you. Their faces. Their names. Their voice. It’s a blur. There’s so much blood. Too much blood. The blindfolded man’s throat is torn out. There’s blood flowing and dripping in front of your feet like a river. If you could hear past the heavy ringing, you’d guess he’d be straining whatever words he can make out.
There’s black shards in the American man’s face, his face looking like it was torn apart by a serated knife you stare blankly into his lifeless eyes as a duo step out from behind him, one decapitated as it stumbled forward, blood spurting out of his neck, and the other was split in two, crawling towards you as he cried out in agony.
Your knees are broken. The bones are jutting out of your flesh as you writhe away from the familiar, mangled states of people you’re begging forgiveness from. Why are you begging forgiveness? You don’t know. The words are tumbling out of your mouth, you know they are despite the ringing.
Unbeknownst to you, your frantic movements edging you closer to the pond’s edge as flashes of bodies, bloodshed, and carnage as you shake your head in despair. Why do these memories torment you? Is the Elder Gods punishing you?
You feel your body being shocked as freezing temperatures drag you down. The water is disturbed as your legs scrape the floor, trying to surface to scream and breathe the stale, dusty air. Your legs cramp, and with that, the icy water swallows you whole.
You struggle. There’s an invisible force dragging you down, you thrash and writhe in its grip, your eyes forced open as your faced with bodies floating around you, bubbles escaping your mouth as your hands weakly struggle to locate them, or locate anything alive at all.
Your lungs are burning. Your legs are useless, limp and floating along with the force as your hands slowly cease your struggling, the overwhelming feeling of helplessness as your dragged deeper as the surface is further and further out of your grasp.
You turn your head as you come face to face to a bloodied face. Two of them, lifeless and floating limply in the dark depths of the water. A scarred right eye housing empty eye sockets and missing limbs, and another man with bloodied gray hair had his mask floating not far from his mouth. Or whatever it was supposed to be considering his entire lower face was torn off, the loose flesh making you almost vomit.
There’s too many faces around you. Mangled, bloodied, grotesque. They are familiar. Some… some you know well. Friendly. Some are those you can feel are enemies. People you’ve battled against before. People whose blood you’ve splattered before, and people who’ve sunk their weapons into you as well.
You feel your neck strain as your slammed against the stone hard floor, gasping weakly as bubbles escape your mouth, your eyes darting around to search for a futile escape. You see two ladies. One dressed in blue, one dressed in pink. They look similar. Their faces are intact, leaving your to stare at their beheaded forms as the sharp teethed lady’s face passes too close to your face.
You gag, your vision blurring as you gain a burst of adrenaline, your hands scraping hard against the stone and dirt of the water, trying to move against the force pushing your neck harder and harder against the floor.
There’s bodies beside you, their necks wrangled as you see a green cloaked man with tattoos lie beside with a black eyed lady as the force on your neck becomes unbearable, your vision blurring as you feel the last of your life leave you.
There’s a crack, and everything goes silent.
You jolt awake, a strangled gasp escaping you as your hands grip the covers, your nails intact and neatly cut, your knees are still in place, and you’re not being drowned and chased by abominations of the dream.
Your father is beside you, worriedly feeling your forehead as he wipes the cold sweat with a comfortingly warm cloth, a shiver running down your back as you remember the harsh, bitter coldness of the pond’s water drowning you.
“Are you feeling alright?”
Liu Kang’s voice rings out gently as he pats your back, coaxing the fear out of you with ease as he brought you into his arms, kissing your forehead.
You nod barely as you hug him back, flashes of that statue of him staring at you, his jawless form trying to embrace you into his cold hugs. This is warm. And it feels like home.
Blood is not uncommon in your life. Your father has always trained you to be one of the consistent Earthrealm defenders. You just hope your battles don’t end up shedding blood of people you cared about.
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© st4r-th0ughts 2025, I don’t allow reposts, reuploads, translations, or copies.
a/n: would love to hear your opinions and what I can improve on when writing stuff like these next time!
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kswwxr · 3 months ago
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tomas-smoked-sasuage · 7 months ago
MK1 Kast reaction to AOU! Scarlet Witch! Reader (Earthrealm Addition)
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*I don't want any controversies, I'm a sucker for Wanda, FYI, you're Johnny's assistant*
Warning??: Down Grading, Johnny wanting you in his movie, Geras being threatened, me doing side events with this one, Liu Kang Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon
Requests are available
He already knew...
I mean what, you were in the last timeline, but neutral? You had your reasons for being evil (or so you would say), but also good
Much of speaking, you won't necessarily die or be erased from history, because without chaos, there would be no balance in the universe
So he has options to either Shinjuku mind erase your ass and restart or seal, cause yea...
He finds your power intriguing the more you learn and develop, there even somethings he didn't see you do previous timeline
You also almost killed a few of his students "accidentally" per say
He also finds out you have relatives that are Edenian ancestors of the magic, even if you come on top, you have much to learn
He prevented you from interfering with Johnny's fighting against the Lin Kuei brothers when they arrived at his mansion
He also noticed you cast an illusion when you were about to leave after Johnny fought the brothers, to not be involved in what was happening
He's surprised you even had powers, let alone be born with them
He likes the combination of his lighting with your magic, impressed that you can mimic lighting, he will also feel a little intimidated about it
He totally kicks your ass in combat, hand to hand precise
He will lecture about using combat more than your powers, but is impressed about your abilities
He annoys the living the fuck out of you with his humbleness
He finds it amazing that you are able to hold more than you once did
He still wants to know if you're able to do more with your magic than what he's read in books about ancient magic in Edenian
He worries of your mental state with your abilities the more you learn about them, but he finds you interesting that you are abnormal
He's surprised that you can tolerate Johnny, hearing about his previous assistants, you are the only one who can tolerate the egotistic (but generous) man-child
Cocky son of a bitch...
He'll work too hard to try and impress his abilities to you and brag that you can't prevent them
Overall, he does like the sight of your abilities glowing and swirling in your hands
He finds them ticklish when it holds when they calmly wrap around him
He's literally the type of guy to ask you to "do it again!" just to make him feel like he's flying
You somehow managed to block his blade hat, but nearly got your head split into two
He's wondering about your limits and wanting to try and overdo them, in other words he wants to cheat
The more your power grows the less he understands
He and Sento can sense you, just like you can sense them.
He was curious if you could hear Sento without any contact with the blade. Both him and you were surprised that your ancestors knew each other
You both help each other with telekinesis and mind reading
Johnny and Kung Lao call you two the "Perfect Duo"
Johnny tries setting y'all up, but you declined due to "not seeing it" (neither can Kenshi)
It weirds out Takeda that there was someone else quite similar to Kenshi
Takeda also comments that she's out of his league...
They will literally talk shit telepathically, especially about Johnny. I headcanon the way they do it is like in Young Justice, especially when they argue. The entire squad just looks at y'all as you two throw your arms and yelling at each other in y'all minds like y'all crazy...✋🏾😭
Brother is STUNNED
How dare you keep this secret from your boss, he's livid AND dramatic...
Even those Liu Kang prevented you from interfering, you didn't really listen to him. You knew Johnny for six years and was close with him
Helping him push Bi-Han with your magic was always entertaining for him during the fight
You did kinda slapped him for trying to use you for his movie as you said you didn't want to and your power was too unpredictable anday cause harm
He enjoyed watching you beating the shit and levitating Shang Tsung and slamming him on the ground
He does notice your magic gets darker the more you use it, he also noticed you get headaches and hear voices from it
He was losing his fucking mind when Shang Tsung kidnapped you after he set out poisonous gas in his gruesome basement of Tarkat clones, man was ranting and worrying about you to Liu Kang who kept telling him to calm down
He remembers your ex, Kira, (Yes, the Kira from the previous games), that she got out of prison for trying to kill you, or more like someone let her out and she joined the Red Dragon group
He's extremely worried about you all the time, like that's you bad bitch, you're bestie✨💅🏾
Y'all are literally the Mean Girls, along with Kenshi
He's more cautious about your abilities than Liu Kang, even though Liu Kang is aware, Geras is more strict about it
He knows the extent of your abilities and various triggers that can happen. Throughout the times in other timelines, he always see you are going from good to evil.
There's even one timeline where he sees you erasing all the realms due to sadness of someone you love during a realm battle of all realms
He remembers you were Shinnok's spawn in a previous timeline, but it glad you were down a different path, still causes of what you might do
He will eventually see you as a threat if your power corrupts you, knowing he can't erase you due to chaos and order balance, he deems of sealing you, which Johnny was mainly against
He knows you don't intentionally mean harm, but does trust your mind set
Geras is a bonus since he's not intentionally an Earthrealmer, this list is mainly for those who are born in Earthrealm, for example since Liu Kang is a God and Keeper of Time, he still was and is an Earthrealmer
I was gonna add Thunder God Raiden, but if I'm in the mood or someone requests the MK11 version, I will do it
I will make an Outworlder one but I won't add the villains, they'll have their separate section
Again! Requests are open!
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liumango · 1 year ago
i may be laughing but on the inside i'm crying
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isacoremeow · 2 years ago
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Guys, congratulate Fujin on her transition
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yumchxa · 5 months ago
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Chosen one :((
I hope I captured his sad angel eyes bc I miss him deeply and I know he misses HIS Kung Lao and Kitana.
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tiredfox64 · 9 months ago
Okay I have a prompt that’s been stuck in my head for WEEKS and I can never get it right (probably because I’m the one who wrote it) but it’s a Liu Kang prompt, the reader is fem and is VERY OF AGE like late 20’s or something so nothing gross. But it’s “sweetheart, my tattoos are older than you.” RAHHHH RAHHH RAHHH FIRE GOD LIU KANG RUIN ME TO THE DAWN OF TIMEEEEEEEEE
You’re Not That Old
Yip notes: no entienda ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
Pairing: Liu Kang (MK1) x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: It's short I'm sorry
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Ah late 20s. Time to slow things down and take a step back. You’re not a party animal anymore. You’re not a young adult anymore for some odd reason even though your late 20s are not at all old. Really, you got a long way before death comes and takes you naturally. Death’s eyes are not on you so why are you still complaining?
“Ugh! I’m so freaking old.” You whined.
Your boyfriend looked at you with this somewhat disappointed look. Or he might have been judging you. It’s hard to tell with those godly light eyes. His arms folded before he began speaking.
“Old? I would hardly call you old. I do not see a single wrinkle on your face that would indicate your age.”
“Yes there is, look.” You pointed to a smile line. Those are natural and could appear at any age. It’s not even that noticeable!
Like the sassy god that Liu Kang is he rolled his eyes at your display of sorrow. It’s unnecessary. You’re still as young as a blooming flower yet here you are acting like you’re sixty. Shoot, even Liu Kang would consider sixty young since not many naturally die at that age.
Could he really judge fairly though? He is a god who has lived for eons. He has seen life created and life succumb to death. He has seen it in all eras at all ages. But this isn’t the 1800s when it was impressive to reach thirty without being close to death due to pneumonia. You’re young and full of energy still. You don’t even feel any strain in your joints or have any complaints of back pain. He wouldn’t even say your age is an age of concern when it comes to wanting kids. You’re not on thin ice, the ice is thick and sturdy.
“I believe you are seeing things that are not there.” He reassured you.
“Oh sure, it’s easy for you to say that when you’ve stayed the same age for years,” Eons actually, “There is nothing about you that indicates that you are older than me.”
That’s when Liu Kang got closer to you. You were still looking at yourself in your vanity mirror before you saw his hand come closer to you. He gently placed his hand below your chin before guiding your face to look at him. He tilted your head up and you saw how he looked down at you. You could already tell by that smug grin of his that he was about to prove you wrong.
“Sweetheart, my tattoos are older than you.” He said in a low, husky voice.
He’s…not wrong. You were proven wrong.
Liu Kang has had those tattoos ever since he became a god back in his original timeline. It just seemed to be an aspect of being a god. Those tattoos may be younger than him, but they are older than you.
If you haven’t already noticed those glorious dragon tattoos even though you have been with Liu Kang for a long time he will help you notice. They began glowing like they usually would when he uses his fire powers except he was holding back. He can’t burn that pretty face of yours. The light blue light radiated and caught your eye. Then your attention was brought right back to Liu Kang’s face once you felt his thumb lightly caress your face.
“See? I told you that you are not old.” He said before he leaned down and gave you a kiss.
He let go of your face before walking off to do some important duties. Probably to train the others or have a word with the Lin Kuei’s grandmaster about an upcoming mission. I don’t know, you don’t care. You’re just stunned by what he said.
1: God just called you sweetheart.
2: That was so smooth and you don’t understand why.
It might have been the face grab. It might have been his voice. It might be because he made his tattoos glow in that moment so you could get the point.
Whatever it was, thank goodness it worked. It made you forget about how old—I mean young you are!
Yap notes: I'm genuinely sorry if this is not what you wanted, I read the prompt so many times and I just think I wasn't the right woman for the job. I think this is more on me and something not going correctly in my brain. Once again I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted I hope someone else will be able to get it right for you.
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supermeiko · 7 months ago
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I got the OD Liu Kang skin, it's so good, I've set up an altar for lewdness here.
If you use it, please reblog to show your intent. If you want it without the watermark, please DM me. I will attack you if you don't use it correctly.
It says, "Establishing a lewd altar! (どすけべ祭壇設立!)"
When you repost this without permission, you are letting the whole world know that you are establishing an altar to filth. Drill OD Liu Kang's asshole.
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musearchives · 1 year ago
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Where are all the Religious Themed Mortal Kombat art huh.... I'm starving.
Those 7 hours I pumped into this was torturously worth it.
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