#❛ such is not your strong suit yet you call to those who answer. // asks.
apomaro-mellow · 2 years
Part One of Steve Disappearing
Eddie still remembers the last kiss he gave his husband. It was a soft thing. A promise. 
“I’ll be back for more later”, Steve had said, grinning. Cheeky. Eddie had appreciated it at the time. Steve was more experienced with this sort of stuff. If he was being this easy-going, then surely the job had to be an easy one, right? Just a quick in and out.
Eddie wishes he had gone too. Maybe if he did...
Sometimes he wished Steve didn’t go. There were plenty of resourceful and strong folks on their team. Sometimes Eddie would peek into Lucy’s room. He’d imagine what her life would’ve been like if neither father had returned. 
What if Eddie alone was the one that disappeared? Steve was like a professional dad. Even now, Eddie felt like he wasn’t doing enough. Like he wasn’t enough. Like Lucy would’ve been better off with someone else.
But those days she beamed at him when he made her favorite chocolate chip pancakes, or came home from school with a test she did well on, or pulled him excitedly to sit down for movie night....It was in those moments that he heard Steve’s voice, telling him he was more than enough.
Eddie had never ever EVER thought he’d have to tell his little girl about the real monsters of the world. But Steve had been gone for three years. And if they were going to hold a funeral, she deserved to know the real reason. She was about the same age as Dustin when he first found out about all of this. And his kid was way more badass than Dustin.
Lucy was about to rush out the door when he caught her.
“Hey, can we talk?”
“Can it be later dad? I really need to go see Noah.”
Eddie let out a sigh but he figured this could wait for a couple more hours. “Go on then. You know the drill.”
“Back before dark, call if I’m gonna be late, don’t talk to suits!”, she called out as she left the house.
Eddie smiled to himself. All the typical things a parent would tell their child. But he knew what lurked in the dark. He knew what a missed call could be and he knew even the nicest looking suits would shoot a kid if it meant covering up a failed telekinesis project. Well, failed in they never fully militarized El. She was very clearly a success in every other way.
Lucy went to Noah’s house, picture in her bookbag, and showed it to him.
“These are your dads?”
“Yeah, I think they were in a gang. Anyway, I think that’s what happened to my dad. Someone from a rival gang killed him.”
“They could just be in costume”, Noah said, pushing up his glasses. They sat in his living room, tv put on to something to make it look like they were watching while his mom did work in the kitchen.
Lucy looked uncertain now. “You think?”
“Why would they have gang photos? Wouldn’t you destroy the evidence?”
It didn’t make entire sense that they would have it. Or that they’d be looking at it where Lucy could find it on their own.
“Well, they were drinking. And you know what alcohol does. Anyway, this is officially a mystery. And we’ve gotta solve it.”
“Your....your dad’s murder?”
She stiffened when he said it like that, even though it had been exactly what she was envisioning. “Let’s call it his disappearance. I haven’t proven anything yet.”
“Did you ask your other dad?”
“He’s not gonna tell me anything.”
“Anyone else in your family?”
Lucy thought about her family. It wasn’t entirely traditional. Most people had a mom, dad, and then all the extras related by blood. Lucy didn’t know either of her grandparents. All of her aunts and uncles were family friends. And seeing as none of them talked about it, she knew she couldn’t get any answers from them.
There was one though. One who was removed enough that he might not tell her everything but he wouldn’t hide away either.
“I gotta call my Uncle Wayne.”
Eddie’s in the middle of deciding if they should get takeout or if he should cook, perusing delivery menus when the phone rings.
“Eddie, it’s Wayne.”
“And to what do I owe the honor?”, Eddie asked, trying to think of any special events coming up that he might’ve forgotten. They had just talked last week about the possibility of a fishing trip, maybe he was trying to finalize that?
“Just got off the phone with Lucy, wanted to get to you before she got home.”
“What’d she call for?”
“She was askin’ about Steve.”
Eddie felt his stomach drop. Just hearing that name still did things to him but for the wrong reasons now. In the time since Vecna, Eddie had given his uncle an abridged story. His bat bites were all the proof he needed but he also had the alibis of everyone else. So when Steve disappeared, Wayne got the rundown so it didn’t seem like Eddie was deluding himself.
“Sounds like she’s getting curious. I’m telling her today Wayne.”
“You sure she can handle it?”
Eddie thought about the time Lucy took a hard fall of her tricycle, got a gravel-filled gash on her arm and immediately got back onto her trike; the time she got into a fight with not one but two girls for picking on her; the time she decided at 5 that she was too old for stuffed animals and gave one each to her fathers so that they could sleep at night.
“That girl can handle anything.”
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vay99 · 2 years
Nami x f!reader
Ferris wheel by the sea
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Something for my fellow 🏳️‍🌈 who are into woman
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"Where the heck is that dumbass of a captain again?!" Nami yells once you've arrived at the new island. Which happened 30 seconds ago.
"This island is famous for its festivals and food, he's probably somewhere eating." Robin chuckles right before Sanji jumps off the ship.
"Festivals mean that there'll be beautiful ladies!!!" following his captain into the city Sanji keeps calling out for ladies.
"Food and Ladies, shouldn't you run towards that city like a maniac as well (y/n)?" Franky questions as you watch the guys disappear.
"Weren't you the one swooning over this island due to their world famous cola?"
"Look after the Sunny for me I'm off!! Suuuuperrr!"
"And there he goes. Do the men on this ship only have the brain capacity for one focus? Look at Mr always lost over there is fast asleep." Nami comments causing Robin to chuckle.
"They all share one brain cell and Chopper is currently in charge of it." you point towards the reindeer dochter who's mixing some medicine.
"Agreed." Robin and Nami answer in choir.
"I'll just read a bit until the party starts tonight." Robin leaves you two behind.
"I should work on my maps as well. What will you be up to?" Nami asks, playing with a strand of her dazzling hair.
"I don't know yet, but haven't you asked me to cut your hair a few days ago?" you step closer, touching the ends of a few strains.
"Oh, right, yes, if you want to, maybe you could." she scratches her neck, pulling her head back in the process which let's her hair run threw your fingers.
"Your ends are getting frizzy again, let's go."
She sits down on the chair as you lay the coat around her, preparing everything.
"How short do you want them to be? Or just the ends?"
"Just the ends please."
You begin cutting her hair as you both share the room in comfortable silence, which is a rare opportunity since the chaos mostly dominates the ship. You run your fingers through her hair as you take another layer down to cut.
"I know I say it every time but you've got beautiful hair, strong and healthy, a real eye catcher." you compliment her as you move to her bangs.
"Thank you." she whispers, not wanting to move an inch so you could easily cut her hair.
The boys returned after a while and everyone got ready for the huge party this evening. Franky got some nee tools and decided to stay on the sunny and watch the fireworks from there later on. You styled everyone's hair, Sanji is begging you to do that on a daily basis, besides Nami, she's been avoiding you since you've cut her hair.
"We'll head to the party already!" shouted Ussop as he, Nami and Chopper disappeared into the city. You heard them leave, as you run out on deck they were already out of your sight, frustrated you walked back into your shared room.
"So what are you going to do now? Have you missed your chance to ask her out again?" you didn't like the how Robin pronounced 'again', it's not like you don't know that you blew another chance.
"Why don't you help me choose an outfit so I can go after her and ask her? I can't decide whether I should wear a dress or a suit." you hold up your preferred outfits.
"Nami wore a short red dress." Robin didn't have to say anything else because you immediately knew which dress she meant and which outfit would be the best choice.
"Thanks Robin, you definitely got your eyes everywhere." you look at the eyes above the door, before you leave to the bathroom to get yourself ready as well.
"(y/n)-chan in a suit looks absolutely perfect!" the lovesick cook expresses his feelings before he and Zoro go back to bickering once more.
"He's not wrong." compliments Robin, who knew that you'd pick a black suit, with an oversized blazer and a red lace lingerie top. Nami was always a blushing mess when you wore those tops and it fits the suit perfectly. Let's also not forget the rings on your fingers.
*Nami, Ussop and Chopper*
"Why did you not let (y/n) style you'd hair Nami?" Ussop asks, nudging her with his elbow.
"The way she touches my hair, the hair ruffling, how close she was to check the details... I just wanted to melt right there. I know that I couldn't keep it together if we were to be alone right now. I just wanna feel her touch." Nami sighs, face buried in her hands.
Ussop, Chopper and Robin are the ones she told about her feelings towards you.
"We're rooting for you!!" the boys start chanting Namis name causing the navigator to laugh and act as if she didn't knew them, by now everyone is staring at them.
Once you've reached the town you're blown away, the whole city is part of an amusement park, roller-coasters move in between houses, a ferris-wheel that moves you from the city to the shore and cotton candy growing on trees.
"Well that's something." you mumble, eyes searching for a certain navigator.
"Searching for someone special~" Robin chuckles while you just roll your eyes in return.
"She's with Chopper and Ussop so they're probably at some candy booth, I'll just keep an eye out for those." you head off, searching everywhere.
"Wow." Nami stops, eyes widening as she sees a big teddy on a shelf. It reminds her of the one Bellmere once sewed for her, same color with a rainbow heard on the tummy. Ussop and Chopper went further without noticing how Nami was falling in love with the bear.
"You want that teddy don't you?" you ask, glad you finally found her
"Oh no, I'm too old for that." she laughs, slightly startled by your sudden appearance. "But since you're here let's just go onto that roller-coaster!" she grabs your elbow, trying to pull you away.
"I just need one throw, you know that right?"
"For 78 cans?" Nami asks in disbelieve.
"Watch me." placing the money on the table you ask for a single ball, the guy handing it over already laughing.
"Young lady, don't overdo yourself, nobod-" the now speechless men watches the cans fall down... as well as the top shelf.
"Yeah I take this, thanks." you grab the teddy, Namis hand and run off as the men shouts at you for destroying his booth that has a huge hole at the back now as well. After all, you're a straw hat, so what else could he expect?
"(y/n)!" Nami tries to scold you but it comes out with a laugh.
"What? You wanted the Teddy." you laugh back, stopping to flee from a guy who's not even following you.
"I did... Thank you." she hides her face within the Teddy's fur, hugging it closely. Said plushy is the size as her upper body and has the perfect size to hug it.
/I love seeing her happy with the Teddy but I'd love to swap places/ you think to yourself, hoping this night could go on forever.
"What shall we do next?"
"There should be a ferris wheel that takes you to the beach, I'd like to go there." she says, chin resting on top of her new fluffy friend.
"Let's go then." you
"So the carts are open? That should give us a nice view." you comment as you two enter your cart. It is a classic ferris wheel, besides the fact that it's not spinning on one place but rolling over the island towards the beach, in a slow Tempo.
"It's moving!" Nami yelps, startled by the sudden movement, holding onto your arm. You're slowly on the way to the top as the last few people enter before the ride begins.
Once it does you two get an amazing view over the city, the lights dance and there are happy faces everywhere. Nami doesn't notice that she's still holding onto your arm so you slowly intertwine your fingers, feeling how cold they are.
"You're shivering." you state as you remove your blazer, wrapping it around her shoulders. "You didn't have to freeze Nami."
She stays silent but whispers a quite thank you before hugging the blazer and Teddy close to keep her warm. As you keep watching the city she rests her head on your shoulder while your hands find their way back to the other.
"Isn't this a cliché?" Nami breaks the silence after some time, pointing at your blazer over her shoulders.
"I can take i-"
"No!" she hugs the blazer even closer to her body as she sits straight up again. "Forget what I just said."
"I could do that, but you'd have to erase that from my memory." you suggest, daring to go for it.
"And how am I supposed to do that?"
"Why don't you replace it with another instead." one glance at her lips was enough to let Namis heart race and eyes to widen.
"Are you sure?" she asks in disbelieve, fumbling with her fingers.
"I've never been so sure of something in my life." you cup her cheek with one hand as the other wraps around her back. Brushing your thumb over her lips you let your eyes drown in hers. Her brown eyes have never looked more comforting than right now. "May I?"
"Please do." she pleads, answering your kiss by instant. Her lips are as soft as the cotton candy you can taste on her, she wraps her free arm around your neck, not wanting this to end either. Once you parten your lips from another you've both got a love sick expression in your eyes.
"This is more addictive than I thought it would." Nami breaths, forehead resting against yours.
"Then let's be each other's drug." you tug her chin upwards, about to kiss her again. "Want another dose?"
She answered by sealing your lips with hers.
Spending the rest of the ride with kisses and a tiny make out session you've reached the beach way to fast for your liking.
"How did you know??" Namis face bursts into red shades.
"I'm the only one you never ask for money. That spoke for itself."
"I'll charge you for this kiss then." she states with confidence, the red color on her cheeks say otherwise.
"Which one?" you smirk, enjoying her flustered state.
"Y/n!!!" she hit you with the Teddy before holding him close again.
"You're so adorable when you blush, we both know that you'd pay me to kiss you." guiding her lips back towards you with one finger under her chin you keep your eyes locked.
"When I'm with you I don't care about money, so you can have it all if that means I can kiss you again."
Closing the gap between you once more you can hear the fireworks going off at the sky.
"Nami, I love you." you hug her from behind, watching the last fireworks explode, feeling full of life.
"I love you too, y/n."
*Small extra*
"Nami are your legs alright?!" the reindeer worries about her as you two enter the kitchen the next morning.
"I'm fine, just really, really exhausted." she smiles, sinking into her seat.
Robin and you exchange knowing glances, you can't thank her enough for staying at the library the entire night... without having any eyes in the room as well.
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a1307s · 10 months
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I Hate You #1
(Wally West)
[Art is not mine! Credit to croaky]
Request By: Fandom_Princess_21
Y/N - Your Name
H/C - Hair Color
Word Count: 2,839
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Mentions of cheating
Name Calling
Mild abuse tendencies/Rough man handling
Mentions of injury/bleeding
Mentions of abandonment
The Central City air is cold and sharp through my suit as I carefully slide open the living room window to the apartment I share with Wally. Through my silent hopes and prayers that Wally isn't home yet, I think about how our seven year anniversary is coming up in a few days. Back in our sidekick years we were in and out of each other's lives a lot, partly because of Black Canary's and Flash's friendship and partly because of our mutual friendship with Robin.
When our superhero mentors decided we were old enough to start fighting as vigilantes on our own, Wally and I - along with Robin, Kaldur, and Superman's surprise son - got thrown into a stitched together team. From there our relationship bloomed. We spent everyday, every waking moment, and every weekend together. Of course our time got spent with the other boys - and M'gann and Artemis later on - which ended with all of our bonds being pretty strong.
By the time Wally was twenty-one and had served as a hero for eight years he was done with the superhero gig. Me on the other hand didn't want to give it up. I loved being a superhero and unlike Wally, I had only started the gig at fifteen so I was at a good five years instead of the eight Wally had under his belt. He always swore it was because I was younger than him - only by a year mind you - but I'd manage to grow out of it.
My retirement was always a fire starter between us. He was scared of losing me without having himself out on the field to cover my back. I was scared of losing myself if I gave up the superhero thing. Before Oliver and Dinah adopted me I was nothing more than a Star City street rat. All I had ever known was the filthy underworld of Star City and the world of being a crime fighter. Who would I be without either one of those? At the end of things I decided to retire with Wally, which was not taken very well by Richard or Conner.
In a turn of things, Richard came to see me one night after my college classes. He begged me to help him just one more time for a mission he couldn't possibly do without me. Well then one more time turned into two, and then three, and before I knew it I was sneaking around when I could to help the team with the hope of Wally not finding out. I know it's not good to lie to my boyfriend, but he never could understand when we were younger so how could he understand now?
The window creaks against its old frame as I slide it open. I let out soft curses as it lifts up. I'm careful not to knock over the lamp as I climb through the window. "Where the hell have you been?" Says a voice from the living room, causing me to lose my balance and knock over the cheap lamp. It crashes down on the floor, shattering into the pieces.
"What... What are you doing home Walles? I thought you were working late," I say towards the direction of the voice as I carefully pick myself up and avoid the glass pieces.
Wally flicks on the lamp next to him, filling the room with warm lighting that stretches to the tips of my toes. "I called to tell you we finished working on the engine earlier than I thought but you were too busy to answer your phone, so I went to the flower shop down the street to get you flowers. I thought it would be a nice surprise for you when I got home but you weren't here. So, where were you?" Wally says, pulling at my heart strings.
"With Richard," I answer, slinging out Nightwings name as I walk towards Wally, letting the light engulf me.
"And what were you doing with Richard?" Walles asks, looking over my latex thrown together suit.
I play with my finger tips, pulling at the black gloves. "Would you believe me if I said I was fucking your best friend?" I ask, laughing nervously and taking a quick glance at my boyfriend. His eyes are dark and his frown is deeper than Batman's.
"Really Y/N? You're going to joke about adultery right now?" Wally asks, anger dripping off his words. My teeth sink into my lip as I focus on the ground, slowly shaking my head. "For starters you absolutely hate Dick. You can't stand his body count, not to mention how he talks about women. And for two you can't handle unstability. It would take me leaving your ass for this relationship to be over," Wally yells at me, standing up from his chair and walking towards me.
When he gets to me, Wally grabs my waist. His fingers dig into my sides, stabbing into the open wound from today's mission. "Wally-" I start, tugging at his arms.
"What the hell is wrong with you Y/N? Sneaking around at night while I'm at work? Doing stupidly dangrous hero actvity? Sneaking around my back?" Wally keeps yelling, pushing me backwards towards our bedroom.
Wally's fingers keep digging deeper into my sides as I walk backwards, trying to stop myself from tripping over anything around our apartment floor. "Wally, please let-" I try again, digging my nails into his arms and trying to pull them off me.
"Please what? Please let you keep risking your life for people that'll never recognize you?" Wally asks, slamming me against the bedroom door. His hips dig into mine, pinning me against the door as his fingers dig into my bones. They're so deep now that I can feel the blood starting to trickle down my side.
"Please Wally, let go of my side! You're hurting me. Please! Please let go of me!" I beg, tears starting to roll down my cheeks.
"Ba... babe?" Wally whispers out, letting go of me and stepping back. "Did I hurt you?" Wally mumbles, reaching out to cup my face. "I didn't mean to slam you so hard."
"It's... it's not that. I... I got hurt today... on the... mission..." I mumble, adding pressure onto my side.
Wally moves his hands to my side to help me add pressure. "Stupid... you're udderly stupid..." Wally mumbles, moving one hand from my side to the door knob and fiddling it open. After the door clicks open Wally roughly moves his arms around me and carries me into the room bridle style. "Completely reckless and I'm going to beat the shit out of Dick for letting that happen," Wally mumbles, as he drops me down on the bed, causing me to bounce up once before I settle on the bedding.
He continues to talk to himself about how incredibly "recklass" and "stupid" I am as he walks out of the room and heads to the kitchen for the first aid kit. I take the few minutes of peace to lean back on the bed and enjoy the silence. By the time Wally walks back in, my anxiety is chewing at my heart. Different scenes play out in my head about how Wally is going to react after I'm patched back up.
"Sit up," Wally snaps, setting the first aid kit down and snapping the lid open. I obey his angry request and sit up. I peel my suit shirt off as Wally lays out the bandages and disinfectant wipes. "You're giving this up, Y/N. For real this time." He barks, roughly pulling off the bloody bandages.
"Who gives you the right to decide that?" I hiss back, taking the bandage wraps from his hands to finish unwrapping them myself. "You're not my goddamn father".
"You're right, I'm not because if I was I would have left your ass to rot away in that goddamn mount with Dick just like your father did to you on the streets of Star City."
"What the fuck Wally? That's too far." I say, glaring at him before picking up the disinfectant wipes.
I start dabbing at the wound with the wipes before Wally rips them from my hands. "At least I'm honest, unlike you," The words come out laced with venom. I look at Wally completely dumbfounded. His eyes are burning with anger and his jaw is clenched as he looks at me. "I absolutely hate you, do you know that? That I hate you? You're unbelievable Y/N," Wally mumbles, causing tears to prickle my eyes.
"Get the fuck out," I whisper, the image of Wally getting blurry.
"What?" He asks, lifting his head to look at me.
"Get the fuck out of my apartment, Wallace." I yell at him, getting up from the bed and pushing Wally towards the door. "Get out! Out of my house!"
"Last time I checked my name was on the lease. This is my apartment. You get the fuck out," Wally barks at me, his eyes going slitted as he looks down at me.
"Fine," I say hushly, grabbing my shirt off the bed and throwing it on before I walk out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Wallace asks, following after me.
"Why the fuck does it matter?"
"Because I'm your boyfriend," Wally yells at me as I walk out the front door.
"Are you sure? Cause you're acting a lot like my father right now," I snap at him, glaring into his dark eyes. He looks back just as angry as I am.
"I hate you!" Wally yells as I slam the door closed behind me.
"Good," I mumble to myself.
Wally's POV
The noise of the lock turning fills the empty hallway of my apartment complex. When the door swings open I'm met with darkness. A part of me wants to turn on a light and see the face of my girlfriend but the reasonable part of me knows Y/N isn't inside our home. The reasonable part of me knows she's been staying with Dick in his apartment. The reasonable part of me knows Y/N has been sleeping in Dick's bed as he's been toughing it out on the couch for the past two weeks because my dumbass had to explode on her.
Reluctantly I flip on the light and even though I know Y/N isn't there I'm still disappointed to not see her asleep on the couch after her Friday night English lecture. The apartment is a mess from my lack of cleaning and the lack of Y/N picking up after me. Dishes are piled up in the sink, the laundry basket is overflowing, and the dust from my shoes still litters the floor.
My heart aches at the lack of presence of my long-term girlfriend. She's wanted absolutely nothing to do with me since our fight. She took it so hard that she made Conner come over to pack her bag. I've never seen him want to knock my teeth out as bad as he did when he stopped by on Y/N's behalf.
I step into the hallway, untying my shoes and leaving them at the door because Y/N 'hates the dust and oil that gets tracked in' when I get home. I drop my work clothes down the hallways as I head to the bathroom. By the time I get there I'm only in my boxers. I strip those off as well before climbing into the shower. I turn the water up high, as high as Y/N usually has it when she showers with me. The water burns my skin as it streaks down my back.
I don't know when it started but at some point my eyes started watering and mixing with the steaming shower water. Just as I'm about to break down and call Y/N to beg her to come back to me, my phone rings from the bathroom sink. Dick Grayson is calling! Dick Grayson is calling! Siri tells me. Reluctantly, I poke my head out and push the answer button.
"Wally?" Comes Dick's wearry voice.
"What do you want, Boy Wonder?" I ask, a bit sharper than I intended.
"You really need to come to the Mountain. Like, now." He says before letting out a hiccup.
My heart drops at the sound of Dick's voice. Without a single word of confirmation, I can already imagine what happened. "I'll be right there," I say, ending the call and hopping out of the shower, I race around the apartment, throwing on some decent clothes and pulling out my sneakers from under the bed. "I swear to God... to God Y/N," I mumble, hopping on one foot out of the door as I struggle to put on my shoe.
A million different scenarios and thoughts run through my head the whole six hundred and seventy miles from Central City to Happy Harbor. All the scenarios end with Y/N dead in a box somewhere in the world.
When I get to the mountain I don't slow down, speeding all the way through the mountain until I find Dick. He's sitting in a fluffy chair in the Medbay with his back turned away from the door. Machines beep and buzz next to him as he looks down at the person in the bed in front of him. "Please tell me you're joking," I mumble, slowly walking up behind him.
"I'm not joking Walles," He says back without lifting his head to look at me.
Y/N lays in the bed in front of us. Her H/C hair stands out against the bright white pillow. I can smell her shampoo wafting off of her hair, wrapping me in the familiar smell of her. Her color is washed out of her, leaving her looking lifeless and if I didn't know any better I would believe she was already gone. There's a dark bruise on her check and a bandage wrapped around her forehead.
"What... what happened?" My jaw feels heavy and my mouth feels full of cotton when I finally manage to get the words out.
Dick takes a deep breath in and wraps his hand around hers before he answers. "Y/N, Barbra, Conner and I all went on a mission to scout out Joker's and his goon's newest activity. Conner's dumbass couldn't obey orders so he tried to sneak up on Joker. It failed, like always, and we all jumped in to help. Then..." Dick cuts himself off, bringing Y/N's hand up and gently pushing it against his forehead. He mumbles something to himself in some language - probably Romanian - that I don't understand.
"Then what?" I ask, tears pricking the sides of eyes yet again.
"Then in the middle of the fighting I turned around to check on Y/N and... and she looked back at me, getting distracted by whatever I decided was important enough to yell towards her in the middle of a fight. While she was trying to listen for my command one of Joker's goons bashed her head with a baseball bat." Dick doesn't look up at me once during his explanation, keeping his eyes on my girlfriend.
"What... what's going to happen to her?" I ask, my words shaking as I spit them out.
Dick takes in a deep breath and kisses Y/N's knuckles before he speaks up. "Batman said that there's bleeding internally, which is what caused the coma. We rushed her into surgery but..." Dick snaps off his mask and lays it on the bed. His eyes are red and puffy, just like I'm sure mine are.
Through the years I've forgotten how much he sees Y/N as his little sister and the guilt of that forgetfulness hits me hard right now. "But Bruce said she might not ever wake up. The chances of that happening is slim to none. He wants to know what you want to do. He offered to keep her on life support for a month or so and if she doesn't wake up he... he'll write it off as brain dead."
The words send bullets into my heart. My head hurts and feels heavy with the heart breaking news. "The last thing I said to her.. The last thing she heard from me was... was that I hate her," The last three words come out as a whisper as the tears finally streak down my face. "She's going to die thinking I hate her."
Dick stands up from his chair and reluctantly lets go of Y/N. "It'll be okay. She'll wake up," He says, wrapping his arms around me. I bury my head into his shoulder and wrap my arms around him as well. "She'll wake up and you'll be right by her side," Dick says as my tears start spilling out like a rainstorm. "She knows you love her. She'll wake up," He repeats as I fall apart in his arms, hating myself for the words I'll never be able to take back.
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midgardian-witch · 1 month
Potestas Nominum
I like the idea that all the Papas have actual normal human names just as much as the idea that Nihil was just like ‘Uh that’s one, two, three and the spare one.’ So this happened - I’m sure this is neither groundbreaking nor original but this was fun to write. Idk what to do with this headcanon drabble thingy but yeah. 
My first reader fic without a ship and it’s Ghost lore headcanon shenanigans - lovely 😂 
Reader could be a Sibling of Sin or a Ghoul or just a random person, feel free to imagine what suits you best.
tags: Sister Imperator being smug | gn!reader | hints of Papa Nihil's bad parenting (if you squint) | this is mainly me jazzing with the most shallow takes 😂
ships: none
word count: 0.8k
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“I appreciate the history lesson but I don't quite follow.”
Sister Imperator nods in understanding, leaning back into her plush armchair.
“Names have power,” she explains calmly, “Titles have power too but only for the one holding them.”
You scrunch your nose in confusion. “But Primo still goes by Primo. Same as Secondo and Terzo. Only Cardi- well Copia - doesn't go by his name anymore.”
Sister Imperator snorts, her mocking laugh echoing through the small office. “Do you really think those are their actual names? Oh dear, you still have a lot to learn.” You huff, offended, and cross your arms. Sister shakes her head at your demeanor, bemused. “While I understand people are easily led to believe that Papa Nihil would name his children after the order they were born in,” she sighs like she had been suffering under Nihil’s antics for a long time, “Remember they still have mothers. They all have names, real names, but at this point only they still know them. And me, of course.” Her smug smile grates on your nerves but you take a moment to let her words sink in. And once you do it's all you can think about. 
You think of the various Papas, trying to figure out what name would suit them. 
For Primo something ancient; a name that makes you think of dark crypts and dusty tomes, of rituals performed in the dead of night, of secrets shared in darkness. One that invokes secret meetings in graveyards, the smell of incense and the echoes of choirs singing haunted hymns.
For Secondo something seductive; a name that conjures silk sheets and sleepless nights for all the right reasons, the temptation of the unknown; a name that makes you think of bodies drenched in sweat from the exhaustion of frantic fucking and the taste of only the most expensive wines.
For Terzo something awe inspiring; a name that will be idolized for centuries to come, that promises fame and fortune to those who follow it; whispering to you of all the things you could ever want, tempting you with words coated in the sweetest honey; a hand reaching out, eager to be held.
And Copia? If that is really not his name then you imagine one that nurtures loyalty. A name that makes you think of gentle words of comfort in the darkest night, of compassion for even the smallest and weakest creatures, of community. The name of a strong yet kind leader bringing the young and old, the weak and the strong together.
“I suppose you wouldn't tell me their names, right?” you ask, already knowing the answer. Sister Imperator only smiles at you sardonically. “Yeah, I figured,” you mumble dismissively. 
“So that's why they all go by Papa now? Because names have power?” you emphasize that last part with a mocking tone, “And what do you mean ‘titles only hold power for those that have them’?”
“I meant what I said. The power of a title can only be used by the person who holds that title. It elevates them to be more than just a normal human.”
“None of them are normal humans.”
She smiles again, nodding. There is a glint in her eyes like she's happy you're finally getting it, but maybe you're just imagining things.
“While true, that's besides the point,” she waves off your comment quickly, “Why do you think C goes by Cardi more than Copia? When he doesn't insist on being called Papa.” Her face looks funny as she refers to Copia as Papa, like she bit on a lemon while watching two raccoons fuck. 
“It's short for Cardinal, right?” you confirm, your brows furrowed. 
“Exactly. Which is?”
“...a title.”
“There we go. I knew you were a smart cookie.”
You didn't feel very smart, more confused than anything. But slowly everything snapped into place.
“Sister Imperator. Papa Emeritus. And the Ghouls,” you mumble mostly to yourself, since saying your thoughts out loud had always helped you to put things together in the past, “Nameless Ghouls. The Ghouls don't have any names either! Other than the nicknames Papa and the others give them.” Nobody at the Ministry keeps their names. It's all just titles.
You're having your ah-ha moment while Sister Imperator is watching your mind unravel with that smug smile she always wears in front of the Clergy. 
“That is all…a lot to take in,” you sigh, “Thank you, Sister Imperator. This was enlightening.” You rise from your chair and give a short bow. As you turn to leave the office space she stops you.
“Just remember: don't go digging for information you should not have. We trade in secrets here, yes, but some things are secret for good reason.”
Says the one knowing all the secrets, you think to yourself but nod at her, holding your head low in deference. “Of course, Sister Imperator.”
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I've been meaning to ask: there's a call on day 3 (?) i think, of Saeran's AE and the option is "i remember how i used to starve", what does he answer if you pick that option? I've never wanted to say that to him but i also want to know ;;
Okay. This is specifically an outgoing call you can get on the second day right after Jumin wakes up from the Elixir Gas. I'm going to give you the answer to every option the game gives you because I don't think I've seen anybody share the answers before in any threads online. You can tell him... four different answers to his question. This is what it will look like in your call history once you have it.
I'm putting everything under a cut because there's a lot of images.
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Saeran is speaking to you for the first time since you were dropped off at V's house in the mountains, and he wants to ease your fears. Granted, I do think he's trying to ease his own fears, too. Reminiscing seems to be the best way to do that in his mind at that point. "This is the first time that... we've been separated since Magenta, isn't it?"
So, you can respond to him in four ways. Here are the options that you can choose from at that very moment. Most people... do not click the one that talks about starvation. Personally, the first one I clicked on my first walkthrough, of course, to take my breadcrumbs for Ray. But! I have the answers to all four!
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Do y'all want me to say as much as I'm thinking about Ray when we've already heard it a billion times since he first appeared in the game from me? Probably, why else would you be here? It is appealing to me GE Saeran is capable of pointing out that Ray and Suit Saeran both are trapped in cages, though. Now that's what I call growth and reflection.
The two of them and their experiences cultivated who he is as a person and understanding them both at a core level shows a lot of perspective into how he feels about those two. He carries their love, mistakes, fears, hopes, dreams, nightmares, and everything in between.
So these little comments as few as they are in this DLC, are the breadcrumbs you want to see.
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In this statement, it is the reflection that stands out to me. It is a fact that he is able to understand what went wrong back then. How Suit Saeran thought he was doing what he needed to do to be strong and have the things he wanted, and how those things were not the same as what he intended.
He understands strength does not come from anger and animosity. True strength comes from devoting yourself to the right thing not because you know it gives you a reward, but because it was the right thing to do.
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In contrast to the starvation comment, you can tell him you warmly remember all of the food Ray made during that time. Ray put a lot of thought and care into making sure that you were able to have something delicious.
In fact, if you've ever read his diary, you would very well know how long he spent trying to learn different recipes since they are outlined in the diary itself. I don't know, I prefer this more if only because it shows his devotion and care toward you.
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Yeah. I don't know what I expected from the "I remember how I used to starve." option, but it crushed me emotionally. Not only does it do the worst in reminding him how he used to have food withheld from him as a child, but it also brings the guilt of knowing that even if you did forgive him for what happened with Suit Saeran, he still isn't able to forgive himself yet. It's proof that GE Saeran wants to be better at every chance if you wish to have him in your life.
He'll fight to be a better man every day.
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tc-doherty · 9 months
Book One | Chapter Two
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The name spread as quickly as dragon's fire on dry grass. As she traveled through the gardens or slunk through the halls she was greeted with the name Lady Patrice. Now that she had a name she was less strange, less other. Before people had gossiped and stared but mostly left her alone. Now they tried to engage her. Even the three maids had forced their way back into her suite.
By the time two days had passed, not a single person in court had missed hearing her name.
"How dare you do this to me?" She snarled at the red-headed knight the next time the woman dared to follow her into the gardens. "They could not hold me before, and now you have given them chains! What gave you the right?"
The knight didn't seem surprised to be greeted with anger. She brought another offering of meat, pork this time, which she set down on the ground in front of the dragon. "I told you, someone would've named you sooner or later. At least I had good intentions."
The dragon did not touch the platter of meat. "I should rather be called anything else than to hear my true name butchered by humans." Her fingers dug into the manicured lawn beneath her, ripping out chunks of sod and soil. "And now they tell me their names, as if I care. How do you find yourselves in such meaningless syllables?"
The knight watched her destroy the grass with a small smile. Her smile, her easy-going attitude, and the question that followed only served to enrage the dragon further. "How do dragons find each other under the weight of such heavy names?"
The dragon couldn't answer that, could never describe in human words the weight that dragons accorded names. She shook her head. "I cannot be Patrice. I do not belong here. Take it back! Free me from this cruelty you've inflicted." Her anger swallowed her distress, and the grass and soil beneath her hands began to smoke.
The knight laughed. "Two things you can't take back: love freely given and words once spoken. If you hate us so much, why not flee this place and return to the dragons, hm?"
"I cannot."
"Then you do belong here." The knight nudged the platter forward a little more. "Eat and grow strong again. Try to find yourself in the name Patrice. Live. There are good people here too, who would be your friends."
She wanted to be angry. She truly wanted to be angry. She was a dragon after all! She was something dangerous and wild, and here this…this measly human, thisknight dared to approach her so casually without any fear at all. This knight had dared to chain her down with a human name, had the audacity to suggest that she should forgive the people responsible for her mother's murder. More than that, to befriend them! And yet, she could not work up the energy to be truly angry.
She continued to ignore the platter. Food was not the least bit appetizing. Her fire had died as if it had been doused with water and the grass had ceased to smolder under her touch. "I should change my name to 'the despair only felt by those who have lost everything'. How do your people say that?"
The knight stood, crossed the distance between them in two steps, and struck her hard across the face. "Now you're acting like a human. Have a little self-respect, Lady Dragon."
The dragon snarled and rubbed her cheek. The knight was strong, as all knights are, and the slap had enough force that it made her rock backwards and almost caused her to fall. "How dare you?"
"How dare you?" The knight asked from where she stood. "I thought dragons were strong. Adaptable. Your carrying on like this shames the names of your family."
She glowered at the knight. Anger, embarrassment, and grief warred within her. She already knew that her mother wouldn't have approved of this, she had thought the same herself. Dragons did not live wrapped in despair and hatred, the knight was right about that. They examined their surroundings, accepted them, and adapted. But she could not let go so easily.
She wanted to be left to mourn in peace.
She wanted to lash out; to hurt these humans as they had hurt her.
Either option would be easy, although she already knew neither option was entirely possible. And certainly, to a dragon, neither option was acceptable. She closed her eyes.
"I will try to find myself in Patrice."
"It's not a death sentence," the knight, no…Felisjyta, said, sitting down again. "You can still be your mother's daughter and Lady Patrice. If you don't like being Lady Patrice, you don't have to stay here. There are other human lands, who will call you differently. Treat you differently."
The idea of leaving this place only to go to a place with even more humans was exhausting. She didn't want to contemplate such a thing. This was already hard enough. "I suppose we will have to see," said Patrice. She reached at last for the meal Felicity had brought her.
"I'll listen, you know, if you want to talk about her. That might help."
"It would mean nothing to you, you never met her."
They sat in silence for a time, as Patrice forced herself to eat at least a little of what had been provided. Whether she wanted to or not, whether it was appetizing or not, even dragons had to eat. And although it did not match her mood at all, it was indeed a lovely day to sit in the open air and enjoy a meal. Even her taking her frustration out on the grass had not ruined the fact that the cypress grove was a beautiful and peaceful place.
When Felisjyta spoke again, it was seemingly at random.
"If you ask someone what they think the best part of humanity is," she said, "you'll probably get a lot of different answers. People might say invention or building, or bravery, medicine, or art. Some might claim it's mastery over the elements and other species."
Patrice said nothing, but it seemed Felisjyta did not expect her to reply.
"Personally, I think the best part of humanity is our compassion. It's true that I never met your mother, and I can't grieve for her personally. But that does not mean that I cannot sit with you and your grief, and offer what support I may."
Patrice studied the knight, with her bright red hair and clear green eyes. They were like dragon's eyes, without the layers of trickery and plans that most humans showed. Or so it appeared. She did not yet know how to read human faces well, but Felisjyta wasn't smiling anymore, just meeting Patrice's gaze straight on.
Felisjyta seemed sincere, and Patrice found that she did want to talk about her mother. Or at least, she no longer wanted to be the only person who knew about her. If there was one thing her mother had always craved, it was attention. An audience. Surely she would want her stories told, and her name remembered.
"Her name, you would say, was 'the tap of claw against scale in mock battle'." Patrice paused, caught again by how thoroughly these human tongues stripped dragon names of all their beauty. "She was beautiful and elegant, and she was a proud and ferocious warrior. Mostly, however, she loved to laugh."
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The maids clearly didn't expect her to arrive back in her chambers during the day. When she opened the door from the gardens, they froze like rabbits under the shadow of a hawk, torn between the desire to bolt and the need to remain where they were. It's true she had wanted a little bit more reverence or fear from Felicity, but this level was just ridiculous.
"L-lady Patrice!" One of them managed to say. "Your clothing!"
Patrice glanced down. She wore only the single white gown they had put her in before, and several days outside had not been kind to it. She was stained by the grass and the dirt, and by the meat she had eaten. Realizing it, she suddenly felt filthy. She had never taken such poor care of herself as she had recently, and it embarrassed her almost as much as Felisjyta’s chastisement. She tilted her head as she thought about the problem the maids presented.
So far she has spoken only to Felisjyta. These maids were nothing like the redheaded knight, but typical people of this land – pale of skin, with rounded faces and three shades of hair somewhere between blonde and light brown. They reminded her of the knight who had brought her here and she wished to snap at them and order them to leave.
But she knew that they were not the knight who had brought her here, and she knew that was not how people behaved – among humans or dragons. If she was to attempt to live here as Patrice, then she had to be civil.
The longer she waited to speak, the more nervous the maids became. The one who had spoken first twisted her apron in her hands, creasing the white fabric. Another began nibbling on her fingertips. The third stood still a stone next to the window with a rag in one hand. She broke the silence.
"You'd like us to leave, milady?" She asked. Her voice trembled only a little as she spoke. It was a pretty voice, melodious like bird song and far gentler than either Patrice's own or Felisjyta's. It was the first time Patrice had heard anything resembling beauty in the language of this land.
"What is your name?" Asked Patrice.
The girl gaped at her for a moment before recovering her poise. "Maria, milady."
"What does it mean?"
Maria shook her head. "I don't know. I was named after my great-grandmother."
"And you two?" Patrice looked at the other two maids, the two who had fidgeted.
The blondest of them, the one who had spoken first, continued to play with her apron as she replied. "Anna, milady. I don't know what it means."
"Elaine, my lady. I don't know either," said the third.
Patrice sighed. "I do not understand humans. But you," she pointed at Maria, "may stay. I will not need you other two for the moment."
"Yes, milady," all three said at once. Elaine and Anna did not hesitate to leave the room, abandoning their companion to the dragon's whims. Maria remained by the window, and only the whiteness of her knuckles betrayed her nerves.
"What may I do for you, milady?" She asked. Even the tremor had gone from her voice. She was a brave one.
Patrice shut the door behind her and studied the room, which she had not previously paid much attention to. It was furnished with plush chairs, a carved wooden table, a small bookcase, and a thick rug to cover the stone floors. The wall behind her was taken up with a brick fireplace, a large window, and the door which led into the gardens. The other three walls each had a door. One of them presumably let out to the corridor through which she had first entered, of the other two she had no idea. The spaces between them were hung with tapestries of nature scenes. It was small, certainly, but not as suffocating as it had seemed at first.
At last her gaze landed back on the maid, who was still waiting patiently.
"First, stop saying 'milady'," Patrice said. "I have committed to the name Patrice and no others. And then, I think I will need your help to get changed."
Maria laughed. If it was slightly strained, Patrice could not judge her for that. But it was a surprisingly rich sound, considering the maid's small frame. The laughter of humans could not compare to the laughter of her mother, but even so the sound made her feel more at home.
The tension drained out of the room like water from a broken cup and Maria dropped out of her rigid pose. "Yes, mi-er...Lady Patrice. I think you will need help. Are you joining the court at last?"
Patrice moved forward and dropped into the nearest chair, heedless of the mess she made. "I did not say that." She ran a finger over the scales of her mother's cloak, but the smooth scales brought no comfort without her mother's warmth beneath them. The alien coldness was a stark reminder that she must adapt to her new surroundings, and quickly. "I did not look at the clothing they provided me, but pick something simple. I need not strut around decked like a songbird in search of a wife."
"I'll do my best," Maria said, "but that is the style right now." She looked Patrice up and down, tapping her foot while she did so. There was no trace of her former formality now that the dragon had been replaced by nothing more unusual than a young, out of place girl, new to the court. Surely she had seen such things hundreds of times. "There's no helping it, you'll need a bath first. Even your hair will need to be washed. Wait here while I draw water for you." She turned and went through the mysterious door to the right.
Patrice sat in her chair and listened to the sound of water pouring. She stroked the scaled cloak over and over again, and wondered if she was doing the right thing. Her mother might be pleased – the black dragon had loved humans. It was that fact that had gotten her killed – the human stories of dragons amused her and her dramatic nature longed to live up to them. Before that, it was what had gotten her and her bastard daughter exiled in the first place. It was the reason that she had to become Patrice instead of flying away to join other dragons. She could not fly at all, because her mixed blood prevented it – a fact she intended to keep securely locked behind her fangs.
This had not necessarily bothered her when it was just her and her mother. She had needed no place other than that. But without her mother's protection, what else could she do but this? Where else could she go, who else could she possibly become? Perhaps something like this was always fated to happen and it was her own fault for not being prepared for it. But she had never wanted to be anyone else other than her mother's daughter.
Silence descended, interrupting Patrice's thoughts. Maria interrupted them more when she poked her head around the doorway. "If you don't mind me suggesting it, Lady Patrice," the maid said, "you could go to the tournament on Friday."
"Tournament?" asked Patrice, seizing the distraction from her previous line of thought.
"Oh, I guess a dragon wouldn't know." Maria ducked back into the side room. From there her voice came with a curious echo. "It's almost the end of the court season. There's lots of contests and festivals that lead up to the tournament on Friday and Saturday, and the feast on Saturday night."
"What day is it today?"
"Today is Wednesday," Maria said. "This evening is the carousel, where knights try out for the tournament. Overmorrow the top forty-eight who pass will face each other in combat."
Patrice rose and followed the conversation to the doorway. The room she saw astonished her. The walls and floor were covered in a mosaic of tiles, mostly white but with splashes of color to form geometric patterns. The center of the room was dominated by a large painted basin, which Maria was filling with water. The water came out of a metal spout, attached to a wooden handle the maid pumped up and down. In all her life, Patrice had only ever cleaned off in ponds and rivers, nothing at all like this. She could not have imagined such a thing.
"May I try?" She asked.
Maria shook her head. "It wouldn't be appropriate for a lady to do such things."
How quickly humans forgot things! Patrice crossed her arms and stared at Maria. "I'm not exactly a lady."
"Ah, right. But you are a lady in the eyes of the court."
This would get her nowhere. She walked forward, forcing Maria to take a few steps back, and stood beside the handle. Copying what she'd seen Maria do, she lifted it up. The handle stuck a little, and became harder to push the higher it went. Pulling it was not as easy as she had thought either, and Patrice had to use a lot of her considerable strength to force it back down into place. "You're quite strong," she told Maria. "I was unaware that being human was so difficult."
The whole exchange seemed to have bemused Maria, but she covered it up with a small laugh. "Not half so bad for the rich, they get to pay us to do this." She took over at the handle again.
Patrice left her to it and bent down to look under the basin, where a small fire was burning. She wanted to ask about that as well, but instead returned to the previous topic of conversation. The one which had brought her in here in the first place. "Will Lady Felisjyta compete in the tournament as well?"
"You mean Felicity? That foreigner?"
Patrice sighed, but nodded. It seemed Felisjyta had not been exaggerating. Humans here were willing to butcher even each other's names.
"It's 'dame' for knights, not 'lady'," Maria said. "Dame Felicity has signed up to compete today but her odds aren't good. She's smaller than most of the knights and so is her horse. She's got what we call a 'rouncey" – barely larger than a pony! A knight really ought to have a proper destrier, I think."
Patrice knew destriers. She had seen them in many colors over the years, ridden by many different knights. But she hadn't known that there were other kinds or sizes of horses. For every answer Maria gave her, she only ended up with more questions. She put that issue aside for later. "And the knights will fight each other, for what?"
"For entertainment, and for prestige." Maria gave one final pump and then locked the handle in place.
So humans had their own mock battles. Her mother would certainly have approved of that, she would've wanted to see such a thing. "What is it like, this tournament?"
"Loud, messy, and very, very hot. A lot of people get drunk and rowdy." Maria moved to one corner and pulled some small sticks off a pile that Patrice had not noticed, then ducked down to put them in the fire. "There's a lot of food, games, and parties. There's all kinds of entertainment, from music and dancing to games to mages doing tricks. It's all outside so it's not as fussy as the court. Lots of us commoners get to go too."
Patrice dipped her fingers in the water. It was hot, though not as hot as her own internal flame. So that, she realized, was the purpose of the fire under the basin. Completely different than lakes or rivers only warmed by the sun, if at all. "Is the carousel the same?"
"Not nearly so many people go to that," Maria said. "You want to?"
"I must think about it."
"Well, in any case you still need to get cleaned up and learn how to dress."
Faster than Patrice would've thought possible, the maid was by her side. Deft hands pulled off the scaled cloak and soiled gown. She hesitated upon finding the ridge of purple scales that ran down Patrice's spine, and the smaller scales that spread out across her shoulders and hips like stars.
There were tiny scales running along her cheekbones too, but they were easily covered by Patrice's loose hanging hair. This was probably the first evidence Maria had that Patrice was what everyone said she was. But whatever her thoughts on the matter were, Maria paused only for a moment before shoving Patrice in the direction of the basin. "Go on, get in. There's soaps in that wooden box off the far side. I'll pick out a dress and come back to help you."
Patrice did not mention that she didn't know what soap was. "I wish to wear that cloak too," she said instead.
"Of course, but not until you're clean." With that, Maria whisked out of the room, taking the cloak and gown with her.
Patrice shrugged and stepped into the water.
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winters8child · 3 months
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 34
I had been hiding in the kitchen since my unpleasant encounter with Loki, trying to make sense of things. He was probably just trying to get under my skin, and to my chagrin, I had to admit that it had worked. I was sitting over a cup of coffee I had made myself. The whole airship was full of high-tech gadgets, but they still had an old filter machine, which I found kind of funny.
"There you are," Natasha said, sitting down opposite me. "Steve has been looking for you." There was something about her that made me want to like her; she was strong yet demure.
"I just needed a break. All that science talk is not my thing," I laughed, looking down into my mug. "It is an honor to meet you, by the way. I've read so much about you—the first female superhero," she said in admiration.
I looked up in surprise. It was always Steve who got the praise; he was the face of American patriotism. I was just the sidekick. "People wrote about me?" I asked shyly.
"Of course. You showed the world that women can be strong too and fight for what is right and not just be housewives," she said, laying her hand on mine. "You are an inspiration."
It was still hard to believe that anybody looked up to me, but I did miss the last 70 years, so what did I know? "I never thought of myself as strong. I assumed that someday I would be one of those housewives. This whole superhero thing feels more like a costume," I confessed.
"You are strong, or you wouldn't be here today," she said, looking me in the eyes. "And forget what Loki said. He's a manipulator and a trickster. That's why you're hiding here, right?"
I gulped, having assumed that nobody had paid attention to the fact that he addressed me. "So you noticed, huh?" I asked cautiously. I wondered how much she knew exactly. We had only met today, but she worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., and who knows what they had on me. Maybe they even sent her here to confirm their suspicions.
"It's kind of my job to notice things," she answered. "Speaking of which, there's something I need to do. And welcome to the team, by the way," she added with a smile before she got up and left. The last team I was part of was the commandos, and they had felt more like a family to me. I could not imagine having that with anybody else. Sadness overcame me at the thought of them, so I decided to look for Steve since he was looking for me anyway.
I found him and the others in the lab, arguing about S.H.I.E.L.D. and how they had been planning to use the tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction. I knew they couldn't be trusted—they had been lying the whole time. Steve and Tony were standing face to face. "You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle," Tony taunted Steve.
I wasn't planning to get involved, but something in me snapped. I stepped between them, pushing Tony back. "Leave him alone, or I will carve you up like a fish." If he didn't stop speaking like that, I would show him his place. He looked down at me condescendingly. "What are you, his little guard dog? What did Loki call you? A bloodthirsty demon? You know what, I kinda see it."
Steve held me back. "Stop taunting her, Stark," he warned, but Tony was unimpressed. There was only one way to handle this. I grabbed my knife, slicing the air. "You know what I can see? Why your father never loved you." I grinned, seeing the hurt on his face masked by a fake smile.
He took a step back, finally taking me seriously, but before I could do anything, Steve dragged me back. He was no fun. "Go hide in your suit, metal man," I laughed as the others looked at me, shocked.
Except for Thor, who started to laugh for some reason. "You people are so petty and tiny." That was enough mockery. I would finally get a taste of godly blood. "Who are you calling tiny? You will bleed for this!" Fury had his hand on his gun, ready to shoot me. Just when I was about to stab him, all the computers started beeping, breaking the tension.
"You located the tesseract," Thor pointed out as Dr. Banner went to check on the screens. I put my knife back, feeling like a fog had lifted, making me think clearer again. These issues were getting out of hand. Being reckless in battle was one thing, but these people and I were on the same side. I walked out to catch my breath, still hearing Tony and Steve arguing—the last thing I wanted was to get involved in their bickering again.
Just as I was about to take the stairs, a huge explosion went off, blowing up the whole lab. I flew backward against a wall and crashed to the ground. My ears rang, and smoke was everywhere. Alarms were going off while people around me panicked, not knowing what had caused the explosion.
I called out Steve's name, worried that he had been injured since he was closer to the blast radius. "I'm here, I'm here. Are you okay?" Steve crouched down next to me, checking me for injuries. I swatted his hands away. "I'm fine. What happened? Do you know what caused the explosion?" I wanted to know.
"This must be Loki's doing. Stark went ahead, but he needs help. You stay here, I'll be right back, alright?" He took my face into his hands. "Don't do anything reckless while I'm gone," he continued. He quickly kissed me, got up, and sprinted away. I was about to follow him when I heard an earsplitting roar coming from where the lab used to be.
I dusted myself off, pulled my pistol, and jumped into the opening the explosion had caused. It was dark, and heavy footsteps thudded ahead of me as the pipes creaked, putting me on alert. Something was in here—something big. I wasn't sure if I wanted to find it. I peeked around the corner, hearing movement to my left, so I tiptoed forward, pressing myself to the wall, gun at the ready.
There was someone or something on the other side of the wall, but before I could check, someone jumped at me, almost hitting my face if I hadn't pulled up my arms. "Oh my god, it's you. I'm so sorry," Natasha whispered, holding her hands up.
"You scared me to death, you know that, right?" I whispered back, holstering my gun. "What is that roaring I've been hearing?" The heavy steps just in front of me answered my question as the Hulk screamed in my face. Natasha didn't hesitate; she shot into the pipes above his head and yelled, "Run, run, run!" grabbing my hand and pulling me after her.
That just seemed to make him even angrier. He followed us, breaking everything in his way. I ran as fast as I could without leaving Natasha behind, but he almost had us—I could feel the ground shake under my feet. Soon, there would be no way to run.
I quickly looked back when I heard Natasha scream in pain. The Hulk had thrown her against the wall and was now advancing on her. I pulled my gun, unsure if bullets would do anything, but I had to try. Suddenly, someone crashed into him with such impact that both of them broke through the wall. The workers on the other side saw who had caused the massive hole in the wall and made a run for it.
Seeing that Thor had saved our lives, I walked over to Natasha to check on her. "Are you hurt?" I asked, looking her over and helping her to her feet.
"I'm good, thanks," she answered, smiling, while Thor and the Hulk continued fighting in the background.
"I think he's more suited for this job, don't you think?" Natasha pointed in Thor's direction.
"I couldn't agree more," I told her. She held up her hand, trying to hear what was said on the comms. "This is Agent Romanoff. I copy," she answered. She looked frightened. "It's Barton, my friend that Loki captured. I have to help him."
"Then go. I'll check on Steve and see if he needs my help," I told her, and we ran in opposite directions. I didn't know where Steve was; this whole aircraft was huge, so I made my way through all the halls and rooms.
When I had almost given up on finding him, a wall on my right burst open, and Loki landed face down at my feet. He was groaning as he pushed himself up on his knees, a grin adorning his face when he saw me. "This must be fate," he said smugly, pointing his scepter at my chest. Then there was only darkness.
Next Chapter
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
Harrowing Love - (Asylum Patient!) Arthur Harrow x (f) Reader - 18+
Summary: It started against your will, yet, you find yourself more and more falling in love with this man. Asylum Patient Harrow x Reader, Breeding Kink fic. There's a way for Ammit's powers to come out, but Harrow and his goddess will need you for that. [ Read it on AO3 Or continue below ]
Fandom: Moon Knight (TV) Pairing: Arthur Harrow x Reader Lots of warnings on AO3, but to name a few: 18+, explicit material, will contain smut, breeding kink, noncon/dubcon/eventuallycon, age difference, older manxyounger female, Strangers to Lovers, and much more! Dedicated to @nicktremblaywayfu & Lotsa notes below the chapter.
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*~* Intro *~*
“Jot it down, a stronger dose is needed for patient forty-seven, Arthur Harrow,” the nurse said, eying her younger colleague.
“He can’t keep his hands off our nurses. During the day he is actually quite docile and pleasant, but at night, a whole different person emerges. He keeps grabbing our nurses and getting quite handsy. Plus, he is incredibly strong when he has one of these psychoses. I think we need to double his dose and prevent him from harassing our colleagues. I have two of them who are refusing to work the night shift because of him.”
The younger nurse quietly scribbled down the new instructions and bit her lip. Her heart thumped in her chest, loudly, for both her former leader and her Goddess Ammit.
~* ~
“And?” the young nurse asked her taller friend, also dressed in a nurse’s outfit. They stood in the faint amber glow of the night light, safely away from Arthur Harrow’s chamber. Faint roaring faded until the drugs had made the man fall into a dreamless sleep.
“You were right,” the taller nurse replied. She pressed a hand to her chest to calm her own beating heart. “It is a good thing you called for me. Ammit is alive in him. Whenever he roars at night it is because she tries to come out,” here she paused, and both listened if they heard footsteps, but no one approached. The hallway remained quiet. “She reached out for me, mad with a desire to be free. Said that in order to be free, she needs Arthur to – Oh, I can hardly say it, but there is no kinder way to translate it - she literally said breed. It must be due to her crocodile nature. Surely it wasn’t intended to sound this harsh but yes. She says Arthur needs to breed. Then she tried to reach out for me, but I sidestepped her.”
The smaller nurse frowned, lost in thought. “You mean, our leader has to procreate?”
“A child,” the taller one said again. “She asked for a child produced by Arthur to unleash part of her powers within.”
“Did she say how this is to be done?” The other nurse asked again, worried. “Can it be done with anyone?”
“I can understand ancient Egyptian, but I do not know how to answer in it,” the taller nurse said. She paused and then smiled down at her friend. “But I do think by her hiss that I was not suitable. I would have let them if they had wanted me,” the nurse blushed now. Her smaller friend did the same, being of a similar state of mind. Who did not want to be the lucky chosen one to bear the famous Arthur Harrow’s child?  Especially those of his followers who had seen his power and awaited Ammit’s paradise with bated breath – none would refuse.
“We shall have to see who is suited then,” the smaller one replied. “Will you stick around to help me, Monique?”
Monique nodded with a knowing smile. “I could use the extra hours,” she said, chuckling. “Besides, I have missed our friendship. I’ll gladly stick around.” She hesitated. “So, what do you say? You’ll be up next?”
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~ * ~  ONE ~ * ~
Arthur Harrow had seen you arrive from his spot behind the patio windows. It was a spot the nurses had put his wheelchair so he could enjoy the greenery outside of the hospital. He was stuck in the psychiatric ward part of it, but from this point, he had a view over the entrance that lead to the hospital part. The normal hospital was attached to the psychiatric ward via two heavily guarded doors and a hallway. They had made it deliberately difficult for the psychiatric patients to get into the hospital area because some of the patients would try and escape via that route, acting as if they were normal. Arthur wasn’t one of them though. He was content with just sitting and enjoying the little things in life. Not that the state he was in allowed for much more, with the heavy dose of medicine given to him.
But his content didn’t mean he had given up on his purpose. Ammit was still alive through him and within him, and at the beginning of his stay here he had brokered a deal with her that he would let her do whatever was necessary to get out, so long as she would spare him until she was free again. He was her vessel, nothing more. Valuable to her, because she inhabited his body, but powerless compared to how he was before.
She seemed to have accepted his offer and treated him as her avatar and servant still. She would leave him to his peace during the days and only emerge during the nights.
It wasn’t until one of the new nurses came to inform him of Ammit’s words that he understood the goddess had found a way to unleash her powers once more. It was a tricky, risky little plan, as patients were not allowed to become intimate with guests or other patients. But he understood that if it had to be done, it had to be done.
The task of producing a child now rested upon his shoulders. But Ammit and Arthur both held reservations. Arthur hadn’t been intimate with others for a long time. Not since he had joined Ammit on her quest and not since he tried to do penance for mistakes made earlier in his life. It didn’t help that he had become sort of numb and insensitive when it came to feelings such as arousal. Having known pain for most of his life, and now growing older and not feeling sex to be a necessary thing, Arthur had started to take delight in the fact that he felt no need to be intimate with lovers any longer. Asexual, one might even say. If the need for release became too high, and it seldomly was, he could always use his hand. But he found no pleasure in the act itself.
So to hear he had to perform intercourse to please his goddess was greatly unsettling to him.
He shared his reluctance with Ammit, who was uncomfortable in the body of the man and found herself more attracted to the male humans. On top of that came the many requirements she held for the one to carry Arthur’s child. A list, Arthur faintly was aware, which was long and demanding. It held things about looks, purity, innocence, fertility, and even factors that would ensure the child would be exactly as Ammit had pictured it to be.
A list full of needs that would never be met.
Arthur Harrow took delight in that knowledge, for it meant that he would not be forced easily by his goddess to lay with a woman he had never met before.
The nurses were another point of bother. Arthur had become aware that slowly, one by one, the asylum staff was being replaced by Ammit’s followers. A good thing concerning his safety, but a troublesome development for his privacy. The nurses would often appear at night to offer themselves to him as a potential mate. But when he had refused them all, they would bring in potential mates. Both young and mature women had been paraded in front of him, while he had been paralyzed. They had placed their hands on him and had tried to seduce him. But none had achieved the desired effect. Ammit had cursed Arthur silently for remaining unaffected and limp, but she had praised him afterward for respecting her list. It seemed neither of them had been tempted by the partners offered to them.
Which brought everything back to you. Arthur caught sight of you only a few weeks ago. He watched how you followed your mother into the hospital area, and how you left about an hour or two later. Intrigued by your looks and the way you moved, he asked the nurses to put him in this same spot again the very next day. And it had been like this for a while until he had discerned the pattern.
You came here each week on a Friday afternoon, visiting along with your mother who drove the two of you. You would arrive around two, then visit your elderly grandmother to play games with her in the hospital cafeteria and chat. After about an hour or two, the two of you would leave with a wave and a smile. Grandma would be in the hallway, in a wheelchair of her own, waving back at you while you smiled brightly.
That smile. It did things to him.
For the first time in years, Arthur felt himself stir. Aroused to a point where he felt his hands would no longer do. It could never be enough.
He longed for you ever since the first time he clapped eyes on you. It was a feeling he had tried to subdue, but it was no use. Ammit had felt it – and how could she not when she came to the surface in his body to find him fisting his own stiff cock? Ammit had taken delight in it.
Even now she watched along with him through his eyes and growled gently inside his head, the sound of approval.
You ticked all the boxes on Ammit’s list. Ammit, who despite having been sealed in Arthur’s body, still held some of her powers and instincts. Unlike Arthur, she didn’t need to hold your hands to read your scales. She could sense things like this. As if being trapped in his body had made her more like a crocodile in the water, eyes and nostrils still above, observing everything while being unobserved herself. Only those who knew she was there would be able to spot her. And she had sensed you were fertile and ready to become a mom.
Young enough, she crooned inside of Arthur’s mind, for more than one hatchling. Pretty enough, she continued, for you to enjoy. Innocent enough, she concluded, for her scales to tip to the light.
Arthur’s eyes darkened when he saw you enter the hospital, towing after your mother. He signaled with his hand, alerting the tall and slender nurse that belonged to his community. She came to stand next to him, placed her hands on the edges of his wheelchair, near his shoulders, and leaned down. She squinted her eyes, observing you and your mother as you entered the hallway.
“That girl,” Arthur murmured, voice weak by the number of drugs pumped through his system. Inside of him, Ammit crooned again. Make her swell, she thought, pump her full of your cum and see her turn round with your child. Let me pass my powers onto your hatchling.
“That girl?” the nurse asked, she gestured with her head.
Arthur merely nodded. There were no others he could have meant. Your mother would have been that woman. The nurse in the hallway would have been that nurse. And it was clear he wasn’t indicating any of the three elder men who sat in the hall, waiting for a taxi to come to pick them up.
The nurse slowly stood up again and nodded thoughtfully. “Let me bring you to your room so you can prepare.”
No questions asked, no doubts spoken. Arthur was glad she was like that, a follower who did not doubt the ways of Ammit. He felt how the chair dipped back slightly, then started to glide over the floor. Contently, he tapped his fingers against the armrests of the chair, humming a soft tune while the nurse wheeled him back to his room.
Inside of him, Ammit chortled happily. ~ * ~ End of Chapter ~* ~
AN: Hello dear readers, here's another shameless self-indulgent Patient Harrow x Reader insert I promised to write for someone. It starts out quite dark with the non-con start, but rapidly transforms into a more romantic tale with the angst slowly bleeding out of it and the fluff coming into play. I enjoy writing the more daily and ordinary activities for this. But there'll be lots of smut as well. Expected length: *Story length, no dirty thoughts tusk * I have not finished it yet, and knowing me, I am very curious to find out if I ever will. When I do, I will update the expected chapters for this fic in the chapter count, so keep an eye on that. Note: Despite the series being set in America, the situations and locations in this fic are based on my experiences in the local hospitals and on traditions in my area. You will see a lot of European influence. Requests: Thank you for sending in requests for scenes in this fic. I have tried to add as many of the requested situations as possible. I'll make a banner for this tale once I have decided about the title. Also, if people have Arthur Harrow stock material they wish to share, send it to me :3
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doodles-with-noodles · 4 months
*There is a weird voice in your home that suspiciously seems to come from the fireplace*
I AM BACK! AS A... a... a... A GHOST!!! FEAR ME! (don't check your roof please)
Oh yeah and also I have more questions!
Any characters that are scared of each other?
What are the limits of magic?
Those that have magic, where did they get them from?
Stupidest and/or funniest thing that someone sincerely believes?
Most likely to accidentally join a cult?
How did you get the idea(s) to make these specific characters and stories?
What would any character(s) say if there was a doppelgänger of them and they had to prove they were the real deal?
Alternatively, how would they react to suddenly finding out that they were a doppelgänger and there was someone out there who was them? That they were the one who's not real (so to say)?
If they were animals, what would they be?
Does anyone have any pets?
To finish this totally real job interview, where do they see themselves in ten years?
*I lean forward so far that I fall down the chimney into the fireplace and get up, wiping the ashes off my very professional suit I bought at the dollar store.*
Thank you in advance and you will be hearing from us.
I DIDN‘T INVITE YOU IN *sprays you with holy water* 1. Hilariously enough, Norna and Cecil- at least before the team splits up and they are stuck with each other and become funniest best friends ever. They both think the other is quite intimidating, but working together brings them around.
2. Basically you can go on until your body is destroyed or you konk out. For example, if Mathildis wanted to die he could achieve the same effect as the bombs in the mistletoe project and destroy whole cities, and in theory he could make his light collapse into itself- probably ending a whole lot more than just a city. If we’re talking about stuff he can do without dying it’s making some pretty and very, very hot light. They often put restrictions on users that don’t pass psych exams (although they’re very amateurish).
3. Magic can often be inherited, but there are sometimes also people that just. get them. Religious people say the gods gave it to them. Scientist look at the people’s blood, which have a substance that is called signasteini in them. It also exists as larger magic stones. Research was largely stopped and even lost when the war came- during both, magic users were mostly used for science and warfare.
4. Morris, that he gets spared from marriage just because both of his brothers also aren’t married yet (he isn’t)
Rose, that she just can waltz into Mathildis‘ lecture and ask him about his whole fucking life after and just get a short answer
5. Treeve. He’s just one of these people that’s so fucking used to do whatever they are ordered to.
6. I take a whole looot inspiration and throw it in a blender. Mostly it starts out pretty recognizable, but the longer it mixes and the more ideas I have, the more it becomes my own. Sometimes I just see a cool looking person- sometimes I go „Hey, wouldn’t that be fucked up and cool?“ I also like to make men that don’t have tragically dead wives lol. And flip some stuff on its head in dynamics. AND STRONG WOMEN THAT ACTUALLY HAVE FLAWS. And I go: „Hey, what do I think is horrible and want to talk about (but not directly)?“ and make it into a concept.
7. Mathildis (his one‘s sounds so eerie): the Preusheim disaster.
Maura: Do you remember our first time working together? *launches into a story w information only she could know*
Jules: I know where you carry your amulet.
Lachlan: *describes a baby blanket one of his little brothers had in extreme detail and still almost gets shot (it’s one of his brothers)*
Maura: Mental breakdown
Jules: Would probably be terminated by a team
Lachlan: already shot and thrown into the river
9. huhhh hmm……
Mathildis: Raven maybe? Treeve: snake. U get it.
Lachlan: a ram, Morris: bunne, Cian: a dog.
Roscoe: BIGASS BEAR, Maura: BIGASS YAK, Ed: Honey badger, Anthony: BIGASS MOOSE, Cecil: Bleeding heart dove, Norna: Little eagle
Jules: Long eared owl? I think?, Malik: cat (gatito), Charlie: Tiger or smth
10. I was thinking about the museum owning a cat. He’s big and orange and his name is Mr. Whiskers.
11. Mathildis: trying to discover more and more and more and teaching, Treeve: exactly where he is now, Rose: Author
Lachlan: married and kids (and safe from the family crimes), Morris: just doing more on his own, Cian: floating face down in the river after being shot in the head
Roscoe: having a basis for other mind burglars, Maura: taking down corporate shitheads, Ed: doing the same shit with the bonus of being married to Anthony (he’s hearing the wedding bells), Anthony: chemistry teacher, Norna: ENGINEERING, Cecil: working as an astronomer in an observatory
Jules: working as a guide, Charlie: Historian and researcher, Malik: getting his team the credit they deserve
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candiid-caniine · 8 months
Hello lovely! I hope you're doing good!♡ (Sorry if you don't wanna be called that!!)
I was wondering how you vch piercing is healing and all that. I really want to get this piercing but I want to see how it's like for someone who already has it. Yknow? Here's some questions:
Did it hurt really really bad or was it not that bad? For context I have a medium pain tolerance. Have you had any significant problems with it? Would you recommend this piercing to a friend? How much did it cost for you to get? I know price depends place to place ofc. How long do you feel it took to heal? If it has yet! And any pros or cons?
If you're not comfortable with answering I understand! Thank you for your time. I hope you have a beautiful wonderful day♡
(Can I perhaps be " 🎀🍓 " anon??)
awaaa hi yourself, lovely!! (absolutely <3 being called that ty for checking tho!!)
i'm not at all uncomfy with answering!! and ofc that can be your anon signoff <3
talk of piercing + piercing aftermath under the cut!
so, here's the DL on your VCH questions:
pain level: extremely minimal! the thing that hurt the worst was being clamped (which was a bad sign - i've learned since then that people who know their shit piercing VCH will use a receiving tube, not clamps, so ask your piercer about their process during a consultation appointment and then make your decision!) i have my nostril, 2 cartilage, 6 lobe, and a vertical labret piercing on my lip. of those piercings, the vch and lip hurt the least. there's no cartilage to go thru, and even though we think of the clit as a very sensitive area, the hood of it, when it's isolated, isn't super sensitive for most. your anatomy and your pain tolerance will differ, but as a piercing veteran, the vch was the least painful!
problems with it: unfortunately, my vch rejected about two months after it'd healed (y'all can fact check me on this, i'm guesstimating). i *don't* think it was necessarily inherent to the VCH; rejection can happen to anyone for various reasons, but (afaik) is more of a risk when a piercing is more surface-based, like an eyebrow piercing. what i think happened: i think my piercer placed it too low on my clit hood; the top ball should have been higher up. this, combined with a poor jewelry fit and, uh, the fact that that area gets a lot of friction...probably contributed to the rejection. i took it out once i noticed because i didn't want to tear. as i mentioned above, my piercer used a technique that is *not* considered best practice by genital piercing professionals. (she's an excellent piercer otherwise, i love her, but now i know genitals are not her strong suit.)
another problem: due to the friction (not necessarily me rubbing it, more so clothing, my spouse's pelvic bone, etc), the ball was constantly coming loose, prompting a frantic hunt in the bedsheets/my laundry basket for the missing piece...pain in the fucking ass, but i think it also depends on your anatomy!
something that *wasn't* a problem that i expected to be: i don't think it ever once got caught on anything. once or twice, i had a pube get sort of wound around it, but since i was touching it...all the time...soooo much >.> i usually noticed pretty quick lmaoooo
i would recommend this piercing (done well, taken good care of) to a friend wanting a little bling downstairs and a little extra stimulation!
mine cost $100. but it's common to cost more than that from genital-specialty piercers, and for good reasons; i think my piercer priced it reasonably (small town economy + again, she didn't do a *great* job) but expect to pay more. that said, never equate cost with quality: ask your piercer...
where they learned to do a VCH
their process (receiving tube vs. clamps)
if they have any photographs of completed VCHs they've done. to assess all these best practices, check Elaine Angel's website. she basically invented the best practices, and she has plenty of good and bad example piercings for most types of genital piercings!
it took ~2 weeks before i'd say it was fully healed. most piercers caution you to wait 4-6 weeks for full healing; my body (and what i consider "healed"), as well as my new piercing aftercare routine, are specific to me. but for most people, it's <6 weeks. the rejection didn't happen until after healing. as far as healing the piercing *hole*, after taking it out, i don't notice any difference; there's maybe a pock mark sort of thing, or dimple? but it's not a "hole" anymore. just a mark, and there's not any scarring or tissue that irritates my clitoris, given i took it out so fast!
if you have my specific kinks, you are not gonna want to wait to start touching yourself >.> you can browse through my #kinky mods tag (tagged on this post for easy access) for a play-by-play of how fucked up it got me lmao.
as in, even tho it ached, i touched that shit the second day (gently) and had the craziest ruined orgasm of my life.
there is really something to be said for the tiny, itty bitty piece of stimulation achieved by the barbell under your hood.
also really something to be said about the balls themselves sliding over your clit when you rub with your fingers ;-;
vibrator against the barbell = weirdest overstim in the world.
heals fast; lots of cool jewelry options out there; doesn't hurt very much [compared to my other piercings, ymmv].
can be expensive to get one that's done properly.
you do eventually stop being as sensitive to the new stimulation. however, most people just switch jewelry to change things up after awhile, so nbd.
that said, jewelry change can be a bitch. it's hard to do that shit on your clitoris. you may find yourself needing to go to your piercer for jewelry changes, but many piercers offer this service at cost of jewelry/even free of charge, depending.
if you lose a piece of your jewelry, you might cry. lol. keep backups on hand. (my piercer, bless her fucking heart, has incredible aftercare services - she will literally drive to the shop at 1 am if your jewelry falls in the toilet. yes, she gives her clients her personal cell number. bless up, J, you can't pierce a clit worth a damn but you love what you do!)
how do i say this,, u know how. a new piercing might sort of get crusty. esp if you don't clean it often (follow ur aftercare instructions! always!!!!!) but uh. my regular aftercare did not prepare me for the crust being *under* the clit hood. it wasn't much, and it came off when i downsized jewelry, but eugh. it should be minimal, anyway, but still, don't be surprised.
the swelling was mainly the thing, in the hours after i got it pierced, but it didn't hurt worse than, say, biting the inside of your cheek really hard when you're chomping down on food - just that sort of ache you get. honestly i've had worse clit pain in the aftermath of being clamped, tho.
hope this helped ;-; i know it was a lot but y'all know me, i tend to go ham on these general/educational/experience questions. you're following an autistic puppy, what'd you expect? <3
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kuumara · 1 year
A turn of events
"Thank God you're here,"
"No problem."
"I don't- I don't know how to make him normal anymore, or what to do to make him eat- he doesn't even eat! He's just down there all the time, I'm telling you it's because-"
"It's alright, miss. I advise you to wait here, we never know what can happen while dealing with people like him,"
"Oh, alright- Do you need anything? Water?"
"No, no thank you, miss. We better get this over with quick."
"Alright. It's down the hallway, third door on the left and down the stairs,"
"Thank you, miss."
"No, thank you- and be careful, please,"
He smiles calmly. "I'm a professional,"
The miss smiles back, nervously, and he's already halfway down the stairs. His suitcase is heavy, a Holy Cross tied to it, clanging.
As he gets to the bottom of the stairs, to the basement, he holds the cross in order to stop it from making noise.
The basement is a stark contrast from the rest of the traditional, well-kept manor. It's filthy, grey, and the ceiling is full of metal pipes.
There's only one closed door at the end of the hallway he's standing in. The other rooms' doors appear to have been taken off.
He carefully and quietly makes his way to the door, highly alert in case the patient comes from one of the dark rooms with no doors. He halts right before the door and pulls out a spray bottle, filled with Holy Water.
He slowly starts opening the door, heart pounding loudly. He's done this numerous times, yet he's never gotten used to this feeling.
This feeling? He thinks about this feeling, and realizes: this feeling is now much more intense than any time before. He has felt very violent, negative energy from some other patients, yes, but this is different. The energy here is melancholy, sad, desperate, more than anything he's ever felt before. And it fills him with sadness as well.
He finally opens the door, and in the small room there's only one candle lit and a lot of books. A lot.
As his eyes get used to the darkness, he sees, in the corner, surrounded by walls of books, the patient.
He hasn't attacked him, or even lifted his head from his hands for that matter. He's just sitting there, long hair blocking his face in a filthy room with his rich, bourgeois clothing.
He steps closer to the patient, he can see that he's shaking. He crouches to meet his eyes, but the patient is scared more than anything.
"Hello," he whispers softly, not wanting to scare him more.
"Hi." The patient, much to his surprise, answers. His voice is hoarse and weak.
"I'm here to help you."
"Everyone says that." The patient replies, voice and the energy getting angrier.
"Who is everyone?" He asks, sitting down and facing him. He needs to let him know he isn't trying to hurt him.
"The doctors. The priests. The scientists." The patient shivers. "They wanted to electrocute me, drill holes in my head- I barely made it out alive,"
His breath catches, and the patients lifts his head, revealing his face. His eyes are curious now, but still wet and red.
"What's your name?" he asks the patient.
"You first."
"Will Byers."
"Michael Wheeler," the patient says, and Will thinks it suits him. Michael was an angel, and this one isn't far from that, he thinks. But- he's getting distracted, by Michael's dark eyes and strong nose, making his lips curl into a calm smile.
"Mister Wheeler, I'm not here to do anything those people did."
Michael's expression eased a little, humming.
"What are you going to do, then," he asked, never breaking eye contact.
"Well... your mother called me to perform an exorcism... But I doubt that will be necessary..." he said, careful not to scare Michael.
"You're troubled, and not because of a literal demon," Will tried to make him feel safe, and it was succeeding, since he was no longer trembling. Michael's eyes lit up.
"So. Tell me about this."
"About what..."
"How did you end up here?"
Michael shifted, carefully to not knock over the towers of books.
"They want to kill me, that's how," he whispered. "They don't want me to feel better- they just want me to..." he trailed off, and Will looked at him with understanding.
"To be like them," Will hummed. Michael looked at him again, surprised, and huffed a laugh.
"Yeah." He smiled.
They sat like that in silence for a while, all until the little bit of candle that was still there went out. They both felt like they finally found someone to trust. And it was true.
"You still have to eat." Will said, as the candle flickered out.
"I'm not eating their food." Michael groaned, and Will felt him getting mad again.
"What about someone else's food?" he suggested.
"Well- I- I can't just leave, if that's what you're implying..."
"I can tell them you're- dangerous, or not sane, whatever you want." Michael looked at him, disbelieving.
"I'm a professional. They will believe me." He smiled reassuringly.
"But... how do I know you're not going to hurt me after you take me away? Or actually put me in a facility?"
"I won't. I swear," Will eagerly explained. He will do anything to rid people of their demons, literal and metaphorical- especially Michael. They're alike, and he would regret not helping him for the rest of his life.
"Michael," Will said quietly, after a moment of silence and Michael thinking.
"Listen... They could kill you here," he lifted his gaze to Will's now, eyes wide.
"I know," he matched Will's tone. "I know, I-" and then his breath hitched. His shoulders were shaking uncontrollably, trying to catch his breath to finish his sentence. But he couldn't, all he could get out his throat was sobbing.
Will scooted closer, and leaned on his hand on the floor next to Michael's legs. With the other, he held his arm, dragging his hand up and down soothingly.
That only made Michael cry more, mostly because Will understood him.
He's been soothed by his mother before, after the electro-shock therapy, but she didn't understand that he was crying then because he didn't want to change, not because he wanted to. She cried with him because she desperately wanted him to be a heterosexual, whereas he cried because he was being held tightly by a person that only loved a version of him she had made up in her head.
Michael threw himself at Will, leaning forward and sinking his face into the fabric of his coat. And Will held him just as quickly as he came close, hugging him firmly.
Eventually, Michael stopped. Will didn't know how much time had passed; feeling Michael's whole being so close to him made him feel dazed.
"I'll go with you," Michael said, not pulling away.
"Okay." Will whispered into his ear.
However, neither of them wanted to pull away, so they stayed like that all until they heard mister Wheeler walking down the stairs, presumably wanting to check if something had happened.
Will explained to him that he'd talked to Michael about the demon, but unfortunately couldn't get it out and said he wanted to study Michael and his demon at his own residence.
Mister Wheeler of course agreed, he would try everything without hesitation in order to cure his son of homosexuality; his own words. And so, Michael had escaped his manor prison and begun a new story.
At least Argyle and Jonathan, the manor's gardeners say so.
And Max, whom Will and Michael met when they had first changed location in order for Michael's family to not find them
And El, the owner of a house they stayed at once when running from mister Wheeler's hired hunters.
And Dustin and Lucas, the owners of a pub they sought safety at.
And Jonathan and Joyce, who...
blahbla blha 20th or 19th or 18th century byler blahblah bla exorcist will but really he's just a therapist looking for people in need blahblablha mike being rejected by his rich family for his homo tendencies blablahbla them running away together lbablaalbabla i love it sm
annnyway in this fic i intended mike to actually be possessed and then he falls inlove wit will and fluff and menace mike but it turned out angsty but anywwway 😋
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transdorcasmeadows · 2 years
Just wanted to throw something together for Jegulus Week before it ends so here you all go (ignore that I chose the very last day of the week to do this):
A Quiet Night
🌟Word Count: 1,448🪴
Regulus Black was never one to get overwhelmed; he had been taught from a young age that boys looked ghastly when they cried, and that no one would love a boy who allows himself to feel overwhelmed.
He found very early on his first year that the astronomy tower was particularly empty on certain nights of the week, and it was on those nights that Regulus Black would do what he was always punished for doing growing up.
He would cry.
He would cry, and yell, and let out every nasty feeling he'd kept bottled up in the days between- kept bottled up his whole life.
It was there he kept with this routine for three years of his school life, three years of relief when he wasn't at the house he was forced to call a home.
On a cloudless night at the start of his fourth year, Regulus rounded the same stairs he always did, well after his fellow students were supposed to be far past well asleep, when he saw him.
Dark, unruly hair, tanned skin, glasses that never sat right on his nose: James Potter.
The Gryffindor turned to look at him, startled for a moment before relaxing once more, ever-present grin on his face. "Regulus." He breathed. "You gave me a damn fright. What are you doing here so late?"
The Slytherin boy shifted slightly on his feet, avoiding James' gaze as he gave a shrug in reply. "Wasn't tired, I came out to look at the stars. What are you doing here, Potter?"
James hummed, looking out the window as the moonlight hit his face just right, right enough to drive Regulus mad. "Same as you, couldn't sleep. The stars look wonderful tonight, you picked a good time to stargaze." He turned to look at the younger boy and grinned, nodding his head towards the open sky to motion him closer.
Regulus fisted his robe in his hands, keeping his gaze lowered to the floor as he approached cautiously.
He figured he should count himself lucky to be in a situation like this; of all his brother's friends, James was bound to be the least likely to poke fun at him if he happened to crack and shed some tears around him. Though he'd still firstly drop dead before willingly letting anyone see him in such a sorry, pitiful state.
"Beautiful, aren't they?" The boy asked beside him, bringing Regulus from his thoughts. "The stars."
The Slytherin lifted his gaze from the window ledge to peer up at the sky, wondering to himself why the astronomy club wasn't there on such a clear night.
"Sirius." Regulus said, pointing out his brother's star like it was second nature, instinctual. His brother was always the star guiding him along, whether they were on the best of terms or not.
"Sirius?" James glanced behind him as if expecting his friend to appear.
"Honestly, Potter." Regulus shook his head and pointed up, lining his finger with the star in question. "Canis Major, and in it, Sirius."
James leaned his head closer to see where Regulus had pointed, seemingly taking no notice of the way the other boy tensed beside him at the action.
"That one?" The boy whispered, despite the fact that they were completely alone in the tower.
"Yes." Regulus answered, humoring him by speaking quietly as well. "Do you not pay attention in Astronomy?"
James chuckled and leaned against the wall beside them with his shoulder, shrugging with a smile. "It's not one of my strong suits, Astronomy."
Regulus hummed, keeping his eyes on the sky above. "I gathered."
"Yes, well, if only there was a smart Slytherin with a star's name to teach me." James mused, tapping his chin as if pondering it.
Regulus rolled his eyes, scoffing and shaking his head as he resisted a smile. "Or, better yet, do your homework."
"Come on, don't be like that." James chuckled. "Show me some constellations. Which one's yours?" He wondered, peeking up at the stars again with an obnoxiously wide smile.
Regulus sighed and pointed further off to another star, not as bright or large as his brother's, but his all the same. "There's Regulus, in the Leo constellation."
James followed his finger to the star and grinned impossibly wider. "Brilliant." He said with a nod. "Leo is a lion, right? Just like Pads is in the wolf one."
"That's right." The Slytherin nodded.
"I suppose that makes us pretty similar, don't you think?" James tilted his head in thought.
"How do you figure?" Regulus raised a brow.
"Well, I'm a Gryffindor, y'see, and Leo is a lion. So when you think about it, we're nearly the same!" The tanned boy exclaimed as if he'd solved some grand puzzle.
Regulus couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping his lips, shaking his head at the logic James had concocted. "You and I are about as similar as quidditch and Potions."
James frowned dramatically deep, pushing off the wall to step just slightly closer to the younger boy. "Come on, we aren't entirely different. We have things in common, don't we?"
"What could we possibly have in common?" Regulus challenged.
"Sirius, for one." James said with a shrug, noticing too late the way the other boy tensed and folded his arms over his chest. "Oh, right..." He added after a beat.
"No, it's fine. I hardly care that my brother spends more time with your family than his own, even outside of school. I couldn't care less." He said, sarcasm bitter on his tongue as he rolled his eyes and turned to sit on the window ledge, legs dangling dangerously down though he hardly thought to care. He'd spent enough time here to learn how to be safe, even with a large drop waiting for him to slip from the edge.
"Regulus, it wasn't meant to seem that way." James tried, letting out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. "Sirius, he told me the kind of house you call a home. I'm sorry if my invitation to let him stay whenever he liked came off as me taking him from you. He and I both feel awfully wrong about the way things have gone since then, but you know you can always stay-"
"Stay with you?" Regulus cut in, letting out a sharp huff. "I'd sooner lean forward." He rolled his eyes and demonstrated by moving just the slightest bit closer to the edge before James leapt into action, arms wrapping around his frail body and pulling the boy's back to his chest.
Regulus took a moment to process the moment after it passed before his cheeks coated pink, struggling weakly to free himself while stupid Potter held him in a vice grip.
"Let me go, you arse!" He grunted, trying in vain to escape the jock's hold.
"I'm not letting you fall!" James shouted over the other boy, holding him tight enough to hurt until he tripped, falling onto the cold stone floor.
Regulus groaned, lifting up on shaky arms to see James Potter, the insufferable quidditch boy just one year his senior, the boy who stole away his only brother, lying flat on the ground beneath him.
And man, did he look good.
It had always been a thought in Regulus' head, that James Potter was a charming bloke he wouldn't mind kissing if the opportunity presented itself, but it had never felt so real before now, so possible.
"Sorry, are you alright?" The other boy asked quietly, eyes never leaving his. Regulus nodded slowly, letting out a shaky breath. He slowly sat up and stood, brushing off his robes despite no debris covering him.
James stood as well, practically springing to his feet and adjusting his glasses even when he should know they'd never be cured of crookedness.
"I should probably head back before Wormy or Pads wake up and start a search party for me." The Gryffindor chuckled, scratching the back of his head before smiling softly at Regulus, more sincere than he'd ever seen on the older boy. "I'll see you around, Regulus. I hope you can get some rest tonight. I know how you Blacks need your beauty rest, and it isn't wasted on you."
Regulus stood silently as he watched James descend the stairs, waiting until he couldn't hear footfalls any longer before making his way down himself.
It wasn't until he arrived back in his room, blanket up to his chin and sleep hanging on his eyelids, that Regulus realised:
He'd never felt less like crying in his entire life. And it was all thanks to that pretty bloke of a boy, James Potter.
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
Malex VegasPete au chapter one teaser.
Alex thought he’d gotten used to working as a bodyguard for the mafia... until a psychotic member of the family, Michael Guerin, joins their midst. Suddenly, Alex discovers a violence and something else in him that he’d never felt before.
trigger warnings: graphic violence, domestic violence, gore, self-harm.
               When he’d joined the Evans family’s secret service, Alex Manes had told himself that he was a retired Air Force captain. He was the best there was in getting people to do what he wanted them to. The Evans had asked for him specifically, and even when their business had turned out to be on the darker side, Alex had told himself that he’d never really been good anyway.
               He was clever, strong, and had always been willing to do what he needed to. He hadn’t used his heart in too long for it to start mattering now. That was simply fact, and over the years he’d found less and less reason to remind himself of it.
               The closer he got to the Evans, the more family he made, the more threats he saw, and the more willing he was to dispose of those threats.
               Like now. As he stood behind the bars of what Max Evans had long ago deemed, The Dungeon, watching a man that looked like he could’ve been a father strung up to a steel chair bolted into the ground. He was coated in blood, his clothes torn, and his shoes and nails removed. His voice was hoarse from screaming, and his tears mingled with the red down his face. Not that tears would save him now, not from the man across from him.
               “You gentlemen can wait outside,” Michael Guerin had told them at the start of this. Just as he’d done then, he wore a smile now that was far too entranced for a so-called sane man doing what he was doing. “Wouldn’t want to dirty your suits.”
               It had been a cheap insult, and Alex had known it. They’d tortured themselves, and he’d had blood on his hands long before the military ever took him in. But on the other hand, none of them ever tortured like Max and Isobel’s relative. None of them took such meticulous time with it. None of them enjoyed it.
               In a dimly lit cellar with nothing but a single bulb hanging over their heads and casting shadows along the walls, one bodyguard after the other slowly walked out. Michael stood in what could only be described as a raincoat, but the victim’s blood had already coated his collarbone, his chin, the tips of his curls.
               One by one, they all left. Unable to take the sight.
               All but Alex.
               He stood there with his arms crossed. He could feel a disturbance in him, a jolt of pain at every one of the man’s pathetic whimpers. Alex told himself there was no pity. The guy should’ve thought harder before he’d aligned himself with the drug cartel and made the Evans’ business dealings so much tougher.
               Still. Something in Alex poked and prodded every time, the sounds too close to the screams of the innocent in Afghanistan. Yet it wasn’t the victim Alex studied. It wasn’t him who Alex couldn’t take his eyes off of. It was Michael. The man who’d come in with a cowboy hat and a ridiculous belt two months ago, and while everyone else had scoffed at his appearance, sure that he couldn’t be the monster they needed, Alex had known there was something wrong about the look in his eyes. Something too hungry.
               “Pier 21,” the victim cried. More blood poured out of his gums where four permanent teeth had recently been. They now sat in a pool by Michael’s boots. “They’re meeting . . . at Pier 21.”
               Michael lazily turned to Alex, smirking. “There’s your answer, pretty boy.”
               And his gaze lingered on Alex’s. There, Alex thought. That. That was the most disturbing thing about Michael. The way he would rake every other guard’s body like they were potential playthings, but with Alex, he only ever held his eyes hostage.
               Alex looked away, freeing himself. He ran a weary hand through his hair. No one else ever shook him to his core the way Michael did. And Michael seemed to realize that power. His smile widened, but Alex was already heading for the door, gesturing to the two security standing guard there to get rid of the prisoner.
               “I’ll let Mr. Evans know,” was all he said as he walked away. He could feel Michael’s eyes on him until he closed the cellar door behind him. Then he stood there, his hand on the door handle, his knuckles white.
               He had no idea what was wrong with him. He never did when it came to Michael’s effects on him. But he pinched the bridge of his nose, worked his jaw, and took the long, carpeted corridor down to where he knew his boss, Max Evans, was waiting for a progress report.
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shunchitaro · 1 year
Chishiya x F!Y/N
Genre: Confusing Romance (literally) In which both parties have mixed feelings about each other (No bc this suits him so well esp since he's a character that's so hard to predict) Note: Slightly ooc, doesn't take place in the borderlands, college au I suggest listening to this song and knowing the lyrics before reading this to connect to the oneshot better
["Every time we talk, it just hurts so bad 'Cause I don't even know what we are"]
Y/N L/N was sitting at a table alone at lunch with her chin rested on her arms, zoning out. Why you might ask?
Her best friend was Chishiya Shuntaro. They both were close- like two peas in a pod. He was the only other girl that he got along with properly aside from Kuina. Like he was with Kuina, he was comfortable to be with Y/N hours on end. The pros of this was that Y/N easily got help for her thesis and such, and she also got to go to the arcade with Kuina whilst Chishiya paid for their arcade tickets.
But being best friends with Chishiya Shuntaro was also a con in itself.
Chishiya wasn't easy to predict. Not even Kuina, who new him longer than Y/N did, could predict him. Chishiya wasn't the type to be an open book- you'd have to read between the lines to know him better. He wasn't also very open about his emotions. Though he did laugh around with the two girls, he didn't show any emotion other than happiness around them. This also meant that Kuina and Y/N has never seen him in love.
Because of Chishiya's lack of showing if he ever had a love interest, it made Y/N overthink.
Naturally, Y/N had her opinion but she didn't want to seem like she was assuming. It annoyed her though that she couldn't read Chishiya. Normally something like this wouldn't bother her, unless she had a huge fat crush on him.
Which she did.
Oh how she hated how he messed with her. It wasn't like she really was down bad for him at first, but the way he acted with her made her so frustrated.
Frustrated because it made her think he was interested in her.
Y/N slightly jerked as she felt a hand on her head, patting it lovingly as the sound of a chair scraping against the floor was heard; and a soft plop indicating someone had taken the seat next to her. "Are you alright, Powder?" The voice asked with a strong hint of concern, and it only made Y/N's heart sink even more.
The reason the voice called her 'Powder' was because she once absentmindedly drank a cup of cocoa powder, forgetting she hadn't poured hot water into the cup yet.
The reason she hated the voice was because it belonged to none other than Chishiya Shuntaro.
She glanced up only for her eyes to clash with his dark orbs. Her eyes scanned his facial features: from his knitted eyebrows to his small smirk, drifting to the beauty mark right under his left eye.
"Do I look a mess, or is there handsome written all over my face?" He teased
'Yes, Chishiya, you're so handsomely attractive it's annoying'
"Handsome? Don't feel so mighty about yourself, you look like a monkey" She interjected instead.
She felt something tugging at her shoes and looked underneath the table to see his shoe stepping on her shoelace and pulling away, causing her lace to untie.
She scowled and smacked his arm making him groan as she reached down to also untie his lace. "Jeez, your shoelace was already loose." Chishiya winced, rubbing his arm.
Kuina suddenly appeared, wrapping her arms around their shoulders.
"Guys, let's hang out at my place. There's a new movie and a friend of mine downloaded it, so we can watch it at home."
Y/N looked at Kuina "Isn't that illegal?" "As if those series you watch aren't on illegal sites" Chishiya said as Y/N smacked him yet again.
"Stop fighting and answer me, are you going or not?" Kuina asked, making Chishiya look at Y/N.
"I'm going if Powder is"
His statement made Y/N's heart flutter but she ignored it, rolling her eyes. "I'm going, why would I back out of a hang out with dearest Kuina?"
They were at Kuina's place and it had been a few hours or so. They were munching on snacks and Kuina sighed, throwing her gaming console on her bed. "Snacks won't do, I'll go heat the pasta so we can have a proper meal." She said as she headed out of her room.
Y/N continued playing but could see Chishiya at the corner of her eye as he got up and shifted to Kuina's seat which was next to her.
"What are you doing? That's Kuina's seat." She mentioned, turning her head to face him.
He didn't speak but leaned towards her and she moved back on impulse, only for him to grab her chin gently.
Y/N's breath hitched as she looked at Chishiya, her eyes darting on either of his. She watched as his gaze moved from her right eye to her left then to her forehead, before dropping to her lips. Y/N's grip on the console weakened and she felt as if her heart stopped then and there.
'Is he actually about to kiss me-?'
"Silly girl, can't you eat properly? You have chip crumbs in your mouth." He muttered calmly, his thumb swiping on the corner of her lips before pulling away and moving back to his seat, continuing to play like nothing happened.
Y/N again felt that horrible pit at her stomach with a mix of butterflies, but chose to push it aside.
Kuina came back to the room with a big bowl of pasta and three forks, and they all sat on the floor to eat. Chishiya had clumsily dropped his fork, making Kuina snicker. Without hesitation he took Y/N's fork out of her hand- twirling it in the pasta before lifting it to his mouth, but Kuina stopped him. "Oi, that's Y/N's fork. Go get another one or use mine, you know Y/N's still eating right?"
He just looked at her, eyebrows raised with that signature cheeky smile of his. "Well you're also eating. I'm too lazy to get up and besides you eat like a goat, your fork as sauce all over it. Y/N's fork is neater." He said as he ate the pasta on the same fork Y/N was just using.
Y/N stared in disbelief, her eyes trying to read him for any sort of sign if he was just simply messing with her.
Yet again she was falling for him even harder, yet again Chishiya Shuntaro couldn't see the things he was doing to Y/N.
Soon enough it was getting late so the two had to head home, both saying goodbye to Kuina before walking to the bus stop.
It was a quiet comfortable stroll, yet Y/N's throat itched to spill out what she'd wanted to ask Chishiya.
"I can feel that something is bothering you." Chishiya spoke randomly as he walked ahead slowly, hands in his pockets.
"Are you my psychiatrist?" Y/N jokes as she walks, stopping a few steps behind Chishiya since he too had stopped walking.
"Yes, in a year's time once I've graduated college and put up my own studio. I'll be generous enough to offer you a 10% discount on your first session."
Y/N could tell he was joking to ease the mood.
But then if she could tell whenever he was joking, why couldn't she tell if he was just messing with her in a friendly way?
"Tell me what's on your mind, Powder." He spoke gently, taking a step closer to her.
Y/N could feel that the wall she was trying to build was falling apart. It was so easy for Chishiya to capture her emotions in such a way that he could make her weak in the knees with just a few words.
"I can't tell you-" "Because you think it will ruin our friendship? Nothing you say can do that Y/N, I assure you. Please tell me what's on your mind." He interrupted her as she stood, mouth slightly agape at his immediate comprehension of her emotions.
She hesitated, nibbling the inside of her cheek before giving in. "It's just, I feel like what's happening between us is confusing me. I admit that I admire you but I can't say it to your face. The way you look at me makes me weak and I find it so hard to stop myself from telling you how I truly feel.. but certainly there's no way I could end up with you."
He remained silent for a few moments before responding. "Why?"
"I know you just see me as a friend, so I'm sorry I'm overwhelming you with my emotions." He was going to interrupt but she continued. "Every time you look at me the way you do now I have to constantly remind myself that I'm just a friend to you, and you're a friend who's just looking out for me-"
"Friends don't look at friends that way." He finally interrupts, causing Y/N's eyebrows to knit together in confusion.
Instead of replying, he chuckled and turned away, continuing to walk to the bus stop.
"After class tomorrow, wait for me outside the school gate. We can eat out at your favorite cafe and study together.
'Is this a da-'
"Before you ask, yes it's a date."
Her lips lifted into a smile as she walked after Chishiya, feeling a bubbly feeling inside.
Maybe Y/N no longer needed to worry about what Chishiya really thought about her.
A/N: heyy guys, another update. I wanted to write this because i'm in a similar situation (i think) with my crush. OR i'm probably being delusional, which seems more of a realistic answer. The reason I came up with the 'Powder' nickname is because that's what my crush calls me. I hope you have a lovely day! If you have requests, kindly put it on the Author's Note section of this oneshot compilation :))
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sleepydross · 1 year
If you would write a pulp fiction mystery, or something similar, what would the opener be? Who gets merced? How does the victim die? What would be the perfect opener in your specific eyes?
this if itll finally let me post it Normally, the streets would've been dark, too dark to see without the streetlights - but those were out, too. All kinds of things were going to Hell, and fast. There was one thing Walter knew, however…
It was the same thing everyone else knew, too.
So he took a sip of his scotch and stopped looking out the window, and listened to the dame on the stage - she was something else entirely, tall, gorgeous, muscles tight beneath skin shiny with sweat. The humidity was bad, but the streets were flooded, the tides too wild and unpredictable.
"Have there always been three moons? Have there always been three moons?" she sang, and these questions hung in the air like streams of leaden smoke, curling and twisting and resonating too hard.
It wasn't dark out there, on account of Luna's new sisters. Their official names were 'Scarlet' and 'Roanoke' for government-code-name reasons he'd never get to understand. He liked to think of them as 'Pam' and 'Mabel,' sounded more friendly.
She sang on, about those moons and those questions. People had lots of questions, those days, and were short on answers. Life had gone and gotten hard, and everyone was flagging.
And then he sat down, right across from Walter. A server followed, setting the table with a bounty - a bottle of dark whiskey and enough sushi to put him to sleep for a week.
"What do you want?" he asked the newcomer - but he poured some whiskey on his sad, boozeless rocks and took a sip. It was high end, good shit, probably pre-lunar fracture. The newcomer was handsome, skin dark and rich, cool in tone - near blue, in the dim light of the joint.
"What don't I want, Walter?" he asked, and Walter had to stop himself from swooning - no vapors on cases, he kept his head clear. Clear enough. Acceptably clear. Alcohol was a slight issue. "Got your attention, then? Marvelous. I'll keep this brief. Luna's hurting, we can all see the red smeared across her surface - but the question we all want the answer to? Who killed her, and let her sisters and their friends in?"
"Yeah, we all want that answer, buddy, but we ain't gonna get it - some spook from whatever's left of the CIA will peep that shit long before civvies like me hear about it. So, that in mind, tell me what you want, or let me drink in peace," Walter replied, coming on strong and keeping the heat up - most people balked when they started to sweat.
"Aren't you precious? There is no CIA, Walt, not anymore - there is, however, Grimbo Shanks… a man with not inconsiderable resources and a desire to find out who killed the moon," this tall, devilishly handsome stranger said, drawing a card from the breast pocket of his immaculately tailored suit. "There is a payphone, on East Third and Birmingham, on street level - it's not flooded, not yet. Get there… and call this number if you want answers too."
With that, the stranger rose and walked briskly away. Walt tried to follow him, and lost the man almost instantly in the moving ocean of servers and sad drunks that he numbered so humbly among. Grumpy, Walter sat down, and picked up the card.
'Grimbo Shanks - The Order of Eyes.'
"…fuckin' nutter," he muttered - but before he could toss the card away, he sniffed it, finding a familiar odor touching his nose. "Impossible."
But it wasn't. A sniff again brought that gut wrenching smell right back into his nostrils, and left him aching for more. It hadn't been made, hadn't been available, since before the Fracture… and he'd, once upon a time, known the man who wore that cologne and complained like Hell when they discontinued it, even if it was awful and a bit too woody.
"Can't be," he said. He hadn't gone by Grimbo Shanks, back then… but it wasn't a far cry to imagine that theatrical prick taking up a new name in a new world.
Grunting, he got up, slumping towards the door, intent on seeing if there were any Gossha around the lower levels who wanted to drink some blood - if he was going to get to a phone before high tide hit, he was going to need to sober up.
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softpine · 1 year
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i’ve been so busy lately and then i get extremely sick and i’ve been in a haze from all the pain meds the past 2 weeks so if i already answered any of these asks or if i forgot any, please forgive me 😩 i really have no memory at the moment jfksjds
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awww thank you :’) i have such a soft spot for those moments where a character who isn’t normally vulnerable opens up (but only for one special person). and so does elaine!!
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@lullabysimblr​ omg thank you so much!!! reading my story from the beginning is a herculean task fjskjds i really appreciate it 💖 i looove giving my characters flaws, it’s one of my favorite aspects of writing!
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technically they all have iphones because i just use the same phone accessory so that i can reuse poses and just quickly recolor the screen depending on the scene :/ but i honestly can’t imagine any of my characters dick riding for any corporations fjksjds
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 @alltimefail​ fksdjskj words have never been casper’s strong suit but it’s always fun to write dialogue for him!! and i’m so happy you like reading the bts posts because i feel like a self absorbed weirdo if i post them without someone prompting me first lmao so i’ll definitely post one for you!! i know i already sent you a dm but yeah i plan to combine the last 3-ish posts into one behind the scenes post because i can barely remember what i’ve already said or didn’t say 😭
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so let me just say that it’s been a while since i watched season 1 and i haven’t started season 2 yet, so some of this might not be accurate. but!! i had the same gripes when i watched it but i eventually changed my own mind. the shrooms scene is definitely not a realistic portrayal of what shrooms would make a normal person act like, but these aren’t normal people. they’re teenagers who have been removed from society, are starving, scared, beginning to think they’ll never go home again, combined with alcohol, and they don’t even know they’ve been drugged (that can make you feel real crazy REAL quick). the madness was already started to take hold in them while they were sober, the shrooms were just the gentlest little push they needed to give into it. personally i dislike how media treats shrooms in general (or like any hallucinogen) because it’s never realistic, but i don’t think yellowjackets was any more unrealistic than any other trip scene i’ve seen on tv. i agree that it was a cop-out and nothing more than a plot device which is pretty disappointing. i would’ve rather seen them descend into madness more gradually.
as for jackie’s death... if i remember correctly, all the girls had just fallen asleep outside the previous night and it was only a bit chilly, not dangerously cold. no one had reason to believe they were sending jackie to her death that night by making her sleep outside. and i live in an area where the weather fluctuates rapidly especially in the fall or spring, where one day i can be wearing a t-shirt outside but within a couple hours we’ll get 6 inches of snow. homeless people tragically die all the time in my city if they’re not able to take shelter when this kind of weather hits, because it happens so suddenly that you might not even wake up in time to realize that you’re freezing (or you’re half awake but your body is in shock and you become delirious). so i don’t find that part to be unrealistic at all. i can’t really remember where nat and travis were at the time so i can’t say why they would ignore jackie, but if it hadn’t started snowing yet, they probably just weren’t concerned. same with ben, he’s a voice of reason but he’s not really good at putting his foot down. taissa didn’t want to disagree with shauna and she didn’t think jackie would die, so she didn’t say anything. that’s all just my interpretation obviously but i’ve seen a lot of people call jackie’s death unrealistic and i just don’t agree
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i don’t even know what the bed glitch is, i’m sorry :( is it not the same glitch you can fix with an s4s batch fix?
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thank you so much for the advice! now that the weather is warming up i’ve been able to spend more time outside which has helped a lot. i’m sorry about your grandparents, i’m sending you & your family all the peace and love ♥
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i believe they’re still these eyes but i’ve customized so much of my main sims cc that i can’t say it’ll look the same. i also edited their eyes in that post to make stevie look like she’d been crying and to make elaine’s eyes more dramatic!
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i think they’re these ones :)
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