#❛ new interactions for mutuals — open. ❜
lavenderspence · 2 days
Missing the happy hormone | S.R.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Content warning: emotional reader, period mention, fluff
Word Count: 1.8K
Summary: Apparently Spencer Reid could make anything better - even the emotional disaster of being on your period
A/N: First, huge thank you to the cutie that sent in this request, you literally caught me while on my period so this was born. Also, here’s to my inability to write short fics, this is your only warning that i can make and will make anything long, lol. Also, my titles suck omg. And shoutout to my crazy bestie for making me a Mamma Mia girly, she rocks.
But also, happy one month to this blog! When I carved out this little space for myself a month ago I wasn’t really sure how I’d feel being back here and writing again, but so far it’s been a treat. A huge thank you for all of your support and love and thank you to my mutuals and everyone that interacted with my blog. 💕 Here’s to many more months to come!
Request: spencer x fem!reader on her period/ovulating and shes in tears all the time?? Im ovulating and have been crying for hours and keep calling my mom lmaoo he’d been so lovely and sweet I know it I can feel it in my bones
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It was a slow day at the BAU. The most exciting thing in the 6 hours Spencer had spent at work was Rossi’s invitation to dinner the following weekend. 
Paperwork had piled high after their last 2 cases, so every team member was hunched over their desk, writing and revising reports. It was a never-ending cycle - finish a report, close the file, open a new one, and start all over again.
His eyes had started getting tired after four and a half hours, his hand had started cramping and he was down two pens so far, yet there was still a prominent pile on his desk.
He suspected Morgan and Emily might have pushed a file or two from theirs onto his load, seeing as he was getting done the fastest. Regardless, every few hours JJ was bringing even more to pile on top of everything that wasn’t finished, so buried in paperwork they stayed - no matter how fast he wrote or read, or how used to the load he was.
He was just thinking about getting up to prepare a fresh pot of coffee so he could function properly for a few more hours when his phone started ringing. He felt around the pockets of his suit jacket, where it sat draped on his chair, and then pulled it free. 
His display showed an incoming call, a picture of you as he hugged you, hands around your middle and face almost buried into your neck, a soft smile gracing both your faces. A scenery rich with reds, browns, and yellows stood behind you, the beauty of fall was nothing short of spectacular. 
The picture you’d taken last year when the team spent a weekend at Rossi’s cabin in the woods, surrounded by the beauty of landscapes and leaves, nature for miles. 
He accepted the call right away, a small smile on his face. 
“Hey sweetheart.” His voice was gentle, if a little raspy from misuse. He hadn’t talked much in the last few hours - just a distracted short answer here or a hum there. He was happy you were calling, though, welcoming the reprieve from the most recent report. 
It was silent for a few seconds, and he wondered absentmindedly if maybe you hadn’t called him on accident, and then there came a tiny little sniffle from your side. 
“Sweetheart?” He prompted, “Are you there? What’s going on?” Worry was starting to creep into the base of his spine, but he still remained calm and kept his voice gentle. 
“I’m here. Hi.” Another small sniffle, “All’s good. Just…I was just wondering how much longer you’d be gone.” Your voice was small,like you thought you might upset him by asking, and a little crackly, like you yourself were upset about something. 
His eyebrows furrowed, and he checked the time quickly - 3:57 pm. 
“Probably about two more hours, there’s a lot of paperwork we need to go through.” His eyes met Emily’s as she sent him a curious, questioning look. 
“Oh, okay.” The resignation was clear in your voice, “I’ll see you later then.” The call ended abruptly, and it took him a second to catch up.
He couldn’t help but feel like not everything was as good as you claimed it was. For one, you rarely called to ask when he’d be home - you knew his work could span into the late hours, or even stretch for days. You let him update you on any changes in his work schedule. 
In your interactions, your voice was usually upbeat and teasing - especially on the phone. Your kindness was always evident in your voice, as was your mood. You were a sunshine person, if he ever met one, that’s probably why you and Penelope formed such a close bond upon meeting. 
There was something that nagged him - a change in your mood he could pick up on just by your voice - too low, too small, and the cracks that he could now identify as he replayed your conversation in his head. You were keeping yourself from crying out, and yet there was nothing more apparent than the tears in your voice. And that made him worry. 
“Reid, are you okay?” Emily’s voice snapped him from the hard stare he’d been giving his phone in the last several minutes since the call ended. 
“I…I don’t know.” His eye twitched, and he cleared his throat before he tried and failed to articulate exactly what was happening - he himself had a hard time understanding. One thing he knew was that he needed to get home. “I..um, I need to go. Can you, please?” He asked, gusting at the remaining three files on his desk before he pulled his suit jacket on and grabbed his satchel. 
Morgan and Emily shared a mildly concerned look before they both nodded their heads, “Yeah, go. Text to let us know if everything is okay.” Morgan reminded him before he exited the bullpen with a fast step and tried to keep calm.
He was aware the situation wasn’t anything that he needed to be incredibly worried over - if something was really wrong, he knew you would have let him know. Yet, he couldn’t help the way his heart constricted by the sound of your voice, or the overwhelming desire to come home and gently hold you, see what could have caused this behavior. 
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You were curled up on the couch, watching as Donna helped Sophie get ready for her wedding, the gentle melody of “Slipping through my fingers” filling the empty apartment. Your eyes were watering, to the point that everything was starting to get blurry. A shaky exhale left your lips.
Today has simply been a rollercoaster. Kissing Spencer goodbye this morning was the highlight of the day. What followed was nothing short of an emotional disaster. 
You’d teared up during breakfast, images of picking berries with Spencer flying through your mind. The desire to make it a reality was strong. 
Following that had come the overwhelming urge to bawl your eyes out, for no apparent reason whatsoever. Just cry and cry until you had it all emptied out and you could take a deep breath and continue with your day. So, cry you did, and then you’d finished with your chores for the day. 
Apparently letting it all out and emptying your tear supply hadn’t happened. Seeing as around 3:30 you’d started missing your boyfriend so much, the need to hear his voice had won out, so you’d called him. You felt the need to have him home to hold you because this month’s visit from mother flow was making you feel like a crybaby.
But then there was disappointment at the notion that you needed to wait close to 3 hours before that could happen. So you quickly ended the call before he could pick up on the tone of your voice, and then you shed a few tears. 
Now here you were, rewatching Mamma Mia because you really needed a pick me up, and once again, eyes shining as the tears started falling. At this point, it was a losing battle, so you let them fall, humming to the song with a broken voice. 
That’s exactly how Spencer found you, not a minute later. His keys were in his hand, the satchel on his shoulder, and he was just a little bit out of breath. 
The moment his eyes met you, they softened as he dropped everything and sat down next to you. His hand reached up and he cradled the side of your face, wiping your tears away. 
“Hey, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” He asked in a whisper.
“Look at Donna painting Sophie’s nails, it’s...” You hiccuped, another wave of tears washing over you. “And you’re home, why are you home?” Your question was met with a furrow in his brow, as his thumbs continued wiping underneath your eyes. 
“You called.” He answered simply. 
“But you said-” He stopped you before you could finish your sentence.
“I did, yes. But you sounded off and sad, so. Want to tell me what’s going on?” He prompted you gently as he pushed your hair back and pulled you into his lap after, feeling like you needed the physical contact. 
You weren’t ashamed to admit it, per se, but you were ashamed that your hormones had caused him to leave work and race home to be with you. 
“It’s my period,” you mumbled, hands wrapping around his neck as you hid your face in his chest, too tired to prevent your eyes from watering again. “It’s been going on all day. Randomly, I’d just get so emotional, and the tears would start. I was missing you so much too, and then hearing the song, bam, tears again. I’m so done with this Spence.” You sounded barely coherent, with your face pushed as close to him as possible. 
It all made sense now, you’d been cranky a few days ago, and then you’d told him last night your cramps were unbearable, so he knew you were on your period, but right now he felt like an idiot for not figuring it out himself. 
“It’s okay, everything is fine. The drop in estrogen and progesterone, following your ovulation triggered this. This in turn reduced the production of serotonin, your happy hormone. So, we just need to boost it a bit.” He whispered into your ear as you played with the hairs at the nape of his neck. 
“How?” You sighed into his chest, almost being able to pick up on the sound of his heartbeat.
He got deep in thought for a few seconds as you breathed in his scent, and a sense of calmness slowly overtook you now that he was home and holding you. One of his hands was running soothing circles on your back as the other held your hand, fingers interlocked. 
“How about we take a trip to the store and get you some snacks? We’ll pick up dinner on the way home and then I'll hold you some more and you'll pick a movie for us to watch.” He suggested, kissing the crown of your head once, twice, and many more times until you gave him an answer. 
“Yeah, yeah, I think that would help, but just having you here has done wonders.” You finally laid your head against his chest, looking up to meet his eyes. He smiled, and so did you. Having him here really had helped immensely, and when had it not? He was your other half, your rock, and even when your emotions ran rampant or you were feeling down, just his presence, his touch, and his understanding were enough to make it all okay. 
Later in the evening, Penelope sent you a photo of Sergio sleep-hugging a little plushy you’d gotten him, and the waterworks started all over again. Luckily, Spencer was there, wiping your tears and kissing your head, saying a thousand things without actually speaking a word.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Requests are open for both Spencer and Hotch if you want to send any!
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chainmemories · 1 day
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i know i just made this blog a few days ago, but i need to be sappy for a moment. i've been coming & going in between blogs for the past 7 or so months now, trying to stick to what muse clicked. it .. was a process. along with my job & rl family ordeals i have been / am going through. i had friends beside me & i cannot thank them enough for that. they've been so supportive & always been keeping my spirits up. i almost thought i was gonna abandon the tumblr rpc, leave it behind me. but writing is so much fun & an enjoyable way to build communities, as well as making even more friends. i have my server to thank for that, to still wanting to write with me here. as well as all of you, for not forgetting me.
in the past couple days, i have been able to recreate old bonds with past mutuals from old fandoms, as if we never stopped speaking. despite it being months. funny how that works, funny how time is such a little thing even though it passes us by so quickly. i have also made new mutuals, that i can already consider best friends. everyone here is always so loving & caring, it makes me happy to be apart of such a welcoming group, EVEN THO drama still lurks .. eyeing @ u anons.
unfortunately, work keeps me away from my creativity & time being here. there's moments throughout the day of me groaning wanting to just sit down & write with you guys. believe me, i'd want nothing more than this. creating bonds with our muses & each other is the greatest pleasure i have ever felt. i want so much more of this. there's never a time limit nor rush on things, i know this all too well. but that only makes me wanna explore more in our interactions. & i hate, hate, haaaate for things getting in the way of that. i am just so eager to start things with you all.
i love you guys. i am so, so happy to be back with a new, fresh & open mind. i am already loving every ask, starter, thread, reply, etc. thus far & i look forward with what we can do together ♥️
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lilisouless · 2 days
I have some thoughts on the Grishaverse and the manic pixie dream girl trope, to avoid essays quick thoughts:
-Inej and book!Nina ,despite maybe sharing traits, are not an example by the simple fact that they are their own person. Sure one brings light to a tortured man’s life,the other teaches him to question his status quo, yet their sole role is far from what they do for their male love interest, they are defined by their personal goals and are fighting their own battles (I could write more but let’s not make it short).
-Leoni Hilli ,despite being typically paired with a grumpy man,is more like an aversion as well.The man in question doesn’t emotionally change too much after getting together with her nor is ever implied he needs to be ligth up. Same applies to show!Fedyor , despite being a sweet happy guy paired with a grumpy guy,the guy is not shown to be needing to be saved (emotionally) and it’s just a dynamic they have
-show!Alina is a subversion, the show version of the darkling clearly sees her like that on season one the subversion comes when she dares to defy being a satellite that exist only to bring him light (note: book!Alina also does the rebellion part,but she is not lively nor active enough to fit in a MPDG subversion,book!Alina is mostly snarky in their interactions)
-show!Wylan would have been a subversion having the spinoff being greenlit , so the show version sticks as borderline example. While he is his own person,he is mostly unexplored and most of his emotional and personal issues are shown in regards to his relationship with Jesper, accompanied with being a force that makes Jesper want to be better,more open and vulnerable, other words: he effortlessly charms him into deviating from his comfort zone.Show!Jesper ends the show not in love with Wylan, but with the idea of what he does to him. The spinoff would have turned it around by having Wylan being his own person and Jesper falling in love with him for real.
-Kaz is his own person,but one of his traits is being is the inversion: he is the manic demon nightmare boy (i promise this is not me slandering Kaz,i have a point) he pushes the girl (and a boy in a platonic version) out of their comfort zone but not by showing the happiness of life,but the darkness and cruelty of it. He pushes people to save themselves and to survive even without his help.
If someone wants to explore more tropes,I’ll be open
Here is an example of a character that DOES fit the label (mutuals will probably know who is) putting it on the cut to not end up in a bitter note
-The only straight up example is show!Nina, this is a character whose goals go around about a man with little exploration of her outside of him. The little traits she has outside of him are more quirks that anything, every single part of her construction ends up being for the sake of her ship with him.While being a MPDG doesn’t automatically mean a character is bad, she is particularly insulting because she has actually MORE time the guy in question (guy that btw is completely useless for the plot,you can take him out,nothing matters) . This is a new level of bad even for the worst MPDG characters.
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xxxemogrrlxxx · 5 months
i love mha so much in such a autistic way but god i cant bare to go toe deep into the fandom ITS SO EMBARRASSING 😭😭
when u want mha friends but the idea of finding one of those mha fans is so scary id rather kms
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starseized · 7 months
slaps a new starter call onto the dash while i have the energy. it'll be random lyrics for the most part, but if you'd like a plotted starter please hmu on d.iscord ( which is the same as my url )
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vocesincaput · 6 months
OPEN STARTER: Thomas Hamilton
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Having been determined to not let the institution break him, Thomas had remained as together as possible whilst at Bethlem. Putting on a positive face and not letting those who ran the place see how it effected him. He befriended one of the orderlies, Lewis, early on in his time there and Thomas was more than thankful for the friendship as he knew it helped keep him sane.
After 2 years at Bethlem, Lewis came to Thomas and told him that he could get him on a ship to take him an away from London. Not wishing his friend to endure any more of what he had been put through.
And so, after several weeks of careful planning between the two men, Lewis smuggled Thomas out of Bethlem and to the docks. When introduced to the Captain of the ship, Thomas gave the only name he had had in his mind throughout the previous two years - McGraw.
Thomas quickly learned from the crew how to operate the things on board the ship. It didn’t take long for him to realise that the crew were in fact pirates. What surprised him about the realisation was that he felt comfortable amongst them. None of them judging him for anything about who he was within himself.
They taught him multiple things over the years and Thomas quickly found that he was rather adept at sword fighting and a fine shot with a pistol.
He rose up through the ranks until he became Quartermaster. Developing a reputation for only taking a life when necessary but being cunning and completely ruthless when the time called for it.
He usually stayed on board whenever the ship came to Nassau, the memories of what the place meant tying into his memories of James. Too painful to step off the boat, Thomas would usually come up with good reasons for him to stay on board, despite being the Quartermaster.
This time, however, the ship was having to undergo repair after getting into a battle with a Spanish ship. Despite winning, they had taken heavy damage and the Captain ordered every member of the crew to leave and go into the town.
Thomas felt a sharp spike in anxiety as he first stepped onto the docks. A wave of it rushing over him like a storm and mixing with a swirling mixture of feelings that had him sway upon his feet for several moments before he managed to steady himself.
The fact that he had set foot in Nassau for the first time after everything that felt like a lifetime ago, after everything he had lost and everything that had been done to him... Thomas had to clench his jaw so tight to stop himself from breaking that his face began to ache. He stood looking at everything and everyone around him for slightly too long before slowly making his way in to town.
There were a few things he could probably pick up whilst they were docked for a while. Nothing absolutely needed but could possibly come in handy to be stocked up on. Thomas didn't intend on entering any of the establishment or meeting with members of any other crews.
But he knew it were possible that someone would want to speak to him, familiar or not, so he prepared himself to have to interact if the need arose.
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chronoscout-writ · 2 months
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Hi! Thanks for sending the ask!
Mechanical keyboards
Tomodachi Life
Plushies of my blorbos
Foam swords
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velv3tdream · 5 months
Send me questions, anons welcome 🫶🏼
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
always get so pleasantly surprised when people really like my stuff i post :) love you all. whether you celebrate something or not around this time i wish you all the best <3
#i always first and foremost post for me if not otherwise stated on the post itself#and that is what i always have done and aspire to continue. but#it makes me happy to see so many likeminded people around me#sorry. i am getting sappy and emotional; today has been draining for reasons i do not know#i am very tired and it is late for me so i will try sleeping soon#i am glad to have found such a nice and large fandom in sonic. it has allowed me to try and be more approachable and friendly while still#being myself at my core interactions. this year has been strange and new and exciting so i figured i might as well try#and make some more friends. which i have; i am happy to say :’) i have always had a hard time socializing. and to find people willing#to understand the things i say even though it’s worded weirdly#and i’m happy so many can enjoy the art i post <3 it means a lot to me#especially when i feel as if i don’t do enough. i like many others have some. issues regarding worth and content but i am trying my best#and. am getting better at it 👍 i think i might be getting sick ergo the sappiness and long tags#but i don’t regret the things i say. i love you all followers mutual ppl i follow#there is so much space in my heart and i am not afraid to admit that i get attached easily and do not know where friendships begin.#but i. am willing to try and find out! if the gods are willing; hopefully a good new year for us all next week! and more commmunity and love#i hope you understand what i am trying to convey. ive been scared of being this open but if i am not then i will never know living#and loving <3 will still be posting obvs i am simply joyous rn! gonna sleep now :3
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Plotting Call
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Give this a like for me to pop on by your DMs to discuss...basically an all-encompassing variety of whatever muse stuff you want. Plotting for a thread, talking out a new or existing dynamic, kickstart an ask, you just want to say hi <3, etc. etc.
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dutyworn · 1 year
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❝ I’ll sleep when I’m dead. ❞
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ensuists · 1 year
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❝ Hey. Spell ICUP. ❞
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umbrx · 2 years
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Inbox call! For mutuals old and new. It will take me time to cover my drafts and inbox (and I would love to interact with everyone) so if you have no problem with being invaded by this bird, drop a like. Multis please specify the muse.
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what if someone wants to be your friend but is shy? (for mun and muse)
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// Hii dear Anon. I'm pretty chill and shy myself so i truly understand approuching at first will be difficult. But i wll need to reasure you and anyone who wants to reach out and /or be my friend - i welcome new interactions i fully welcome making friends through this hobby. <3 While i'm nervous to be the first to make the reach please know if we mutuals ( or not yet ) i wont ever be rude or ignore anyone.
I myself get scared.. of even hitting the follow button. ;; But take that step IM me, or if its the muse jump into my askbox at anytime - im slow i have other blogs- but truly i love meeting and getting to know the mun's behind the Muse(s) All i can really say is, im relaxed roleplayer and even more relaxed mun. My muse as it is thief king - it depends on the verse / iinteraction if he will be mean/rude but approuch him too?? i wont mind at all i encourage you to! ;;
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"If you don't annoy me i'll befriend you... or anyone, i even befriended a Mariku / Yami Marik years..and years ago. And we annoyed each other-. So bascially you can't annoy me, I get others are shy but i..could use some friends.... everyone either hates me or....or are gone..."
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stormbcrn · 1 year
trade offer: you like or comment on this post, i send you memes. deal ? ? ?
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vocesincaput · 7 months
OPEN STARTER: Edward Kenway
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After making sure to give the precise instructions as to what he wanted done with repairs to the Jackdaw , Edward had spent some time on board whilst letting his crew leave the ship and enjoy some downtime. Letting them relax and enjoy themselves was more important to him than having his own time away from the ship. All of them had been working hard and whilst he really wanted to relax, having multiple drinks... he needed to make sure some things were taken care of first.
Once several of them had returned and he have asked for them to keep an eye on the repairs, Edward finally left the ship and stepped out onto the docks. It had been quite some time since he had stepped foot in the Republic of Pirates and some time since he had been on land anywhere and the memories of previous times he had been there came to mind with a mixture of emotions.
He made his way through the streets until he came to Spanish Jackie's and glanced around briefly. Same as the last time, it seemed. Edward was a little different than the last time he had been inside the establishment. He had been just a low time member of a crew the last time he had been there, far from having his own ship and crew to command.
As he approached the bar and ordered himself the finest drink they had, Edward glanced around again. Wondering if any old and familiar faces would be around. As well as any enemies he had made along the way.. Things had changed for him since he had last been there and, old habits dying hard, Edward steeled himself for any problems that would arise. Both old or new.
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