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If you enjoy my work and would like to access exclusive content like my daily purrs (special messages crafted to inspire, uplift, and sprinkle a little joy into your everyday life) please join my Patreon 🐾✨
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i know i’m cute but you can remind me
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You’re worth caring for. You were always worth caring for. I’m so sorry if someone has made you feel otherwise.
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Have a very nice weekend ✨✨✨😽
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Comparison is never useful. In no way. It's not fair, your lives have not been the same, your priviledge or lack thereof have not been the same, your DNA is not the same, your hardships are not the same. That person is not you, not similar to you. You have been trough a lot, and you're still here, trying, putting in effort. Don't hurt yourself for no reason.
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garlic bread to share to your aspec friends :)
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rb to share
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inspired by boop day, reblog this post if its ok for people to send you random asks and interact on your posts with no judgement. i want to talk to people.
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Your exhaustion is not shameful. It is not a moral failure to be physically, mentally or emotionally tired. It is okay to be overwhelmed. You're not inferior to anyone just because it's hard for you to keep up with a fast-paced life.
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One Piece characters as cards against humanity
Was that last one too far?
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without you, none of your goals, relationships, dreams, hopes, experiences exist. not just these, you are also deeply entwined in the lives of others and their experiences as well, whether you realize it or not.
please, hold on, stay. you are needed here. your life is not worth nothing.
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Bella Bash Questionnaire
Help everyone! So the questions I’ve been asking before are leading up to this! I am working with Bella herself to make a website for Bella Bash! I hope we can work together to make an informative website that is helpful for everyone interested in attending.
I hope it’s got some good information for new folks and maybe even some clarifying information/a fun place for people who have been to one, two, or more Bashes!
This Google Doc will be open consistently (I’m going to keep it pinned for a while) so feel free to fill it out whenever! Thank you all so much for your help!
The responses should be able to be anonymous and Bella and I will go through them together whenever we meet up to work on the website.
We hope to eventually make a “blog” page where we address questions and make general informative posts to help people and share stories from anonymous bash goers.
What is Bella Bash? Well, it’s lightly gone into in the questionnaire but basically it is a tickle gathering that happens once a year in Columbus Ohio. Typically it’s the second weekend of November (note in the questionnaire this year it is earlier).
There are various events including but not limited to: karaoke, “Bash Court” (think like a mock trial. Silly and fun), dodgeball, and some nice dinners out together!
Thanks again for all your help with this! I look forward to info from you!
(P.S. boosts/reblogs are both welcome and appreciated.)
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Remember folks, there is no such thing as unskilled labor.
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I wish platonically falling in love was talked about more often
Not being able to drive to work without smiling about your favourite coworker also being there that day
Not being able to stop thinking about how much joy a teacher/coach/lecturer/tutor brings you (for learning and in general)
Being absolutely HYPED the first time someone you look up to asks to hang out outside of your normal meeting space/time
Constantly wishing a friend was free more often so you could see them every day
Daydreaming about mundane activities with people you love to help you sleep at night
Getting the greatest vibes from someone you just met, knowing the potential for a bond is strong, and looking forward to creating that relationship
Just, platonic love 😭
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Tickling community ask game
Odd number for tickle questions, even number for non-tickle questions.
For lees, is your most ticklish spot your favorite spot to be tickled? For lers, is your favorite spot the lee's most ticklish spot?
What would be your choice for your last meal?
Have you ever had a "tickle crush"?
What's a good way to start a conversation with you?
On a scale of 1-10, how intense do you like to tickle or be tickled?
If you had to listen to three pieces of music for the rest of your life, which three works would you choose?
How does tickling make you feel?
If you could become fluent in one language, which one would you choose?
If you have lee/ler mood and no way to tickle or be tickled, how do you try to satisfy your mood?
What is an interest of yours that you wish were more popular with people?
Fill in the blank: Tickling and _ go best together.
If you had the opportunity to meet your younger 10-year-old self, what message would you share?
Is there a tickling fantasy or scenario that you've always wanted to experience?
What is your go-to music when you want to feel happy?
What made you create your Tumblr blog?
What's one thing you are really good at? What's one thing you want to be really good at?
For lees, what kind of lee are you? For lers, what kind of ler are you?
What is an unpopular thing that you actually like?
Tickle fights, yes or no?
If money were not a concern, what would your ideal vacation look like?
Do you get flustered by tickle scenes in movies or TV shows?
If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
For lees, what kind of ler do you like? For lers, what kind of lee do you like?
Give yourself a compliment!
For lees, are you in lee mood right now? If so, what kind of lee mood is it? For lers, are you in ler mood right now? If so, what kind of ler mood is it?
Give the person who asked this a compliment!
What is the ideal number of lers?
Do you like spicy food?
Link a post that made you flustered.
Do you have a favorite poem? If so, what is it?
For lees, do you have fictional characters you'd want to be tickled by? For lers, do you have fictional characters you'd want to tickle?
If you had to choose three movies to watch for your entire life, which three would you choose?
Share a popular opinion on tickling you have.
Share a line of lyrics that you like.
Share an unpopular opinion on tickling you have.
If you had to move to another country, which country would you choose?
Spontaneous tickles, or a planned session?
Share a line from a book that you like.
How well can you say the word "tickle"?
If you had to give a Ted-talk without any preparation, what topic would you choose?
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Question for the class:
Tried to cover all bases. Trust me this is going somewhere.
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The veteran trio official arts 🤍
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Back with some more
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