#✧༄ཾ┊ aza is answering
azaliyas · 1 year
wriothesely x u canon
(guess which silly moot this was)
i'm the duchess of the fortress of meropide for a reason /lh
pri don't hide behind the anon, you're too easy to guess ♡
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orcinus-veterinarius · 7 months
is there anything we can do to stop the SWIMS act from going through if it gets seriously considered? It’s so ridiculous to me that people who get all their info spoon fed from blackfish and ric o’Barry can introduce these bills that could seriously affect conservation work and blatantly ignore all of the other (much more pressing!!!!) issues
If you’re a United States citizen, write your state representative and senators. Urge them to dismiss the bill or vote against it should it come to that. Explain the importance of zoos and aquariums to conservation and public education (be sure to mention your state’s AZA facilities as examples, even if they don’t house cetaceans. They’re all partners). Tell them exactly what you told me… how it’s wrong and unfair that documentaries have swayed the public’s opinion against the vital work these organizations do. Point them toward the Chicago Zoological Society’s Cetacean Welfare Study and the AZA accreditation guidelines for evidence of the superior care these animals receive.
And finally, ask them to focus on the real issues and protect our wild whales from the actual threats against them.
If the bill becomes a true issue, I will be drafting a letter to my state congressmen and will post the template here as a model! The SWIMS Act has the backing of a lot of very powerful ARA organizations (including PETA and HSUS) with very well-equipped lobbyists, so it’s important that congresspeople hear from the other side as well.
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aza-trash-can · 1 month
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demcnsinmymind · 3 months
does Az have any interest in food when he is piloting Lance, if so does it have favorites?
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Aw this is such a fun question!
Az' main food sources are 1) heavy emotions and 2) power, be that physical, mental, magical, supernatural or whatever. I HC that personally, it has no interest in human food whatsoever. It's less than cardboard for it. It doesn't have any flavor for it, doesn't sustain it at all. In canon, it didn't even have any concept of what actual healthy human food really is, and did not really provide any.
I also HC ever since it was bound to Lance and has seen both him and others go through the motions countless times, and more importantly, ever since it has observed the way certain food has made Lance feel very fucking good after months of starvation, it has developed a fixation on getting him fed on nice things. Mainly because the obsession has turned in a way where it has no interest in physically tormenting him anymore. Mentally is something else, but it has found out that counteracting all the mental suffering with physical positivity creates a lovely and tasty cocktail of emotions inside him.
So it loves spoiling the dude on a physical level. I'm talking expensive food, healthy food, you name it. It's against him eating fast food because that's junk and doesn't help getting him back up top. I'm talking proper meals, vitamin bombs, anything that gets him back in tip top physical shape. It wants him healthy, it wants him pretty, it wants him to be the perfect lure and invitation all over again. Despite his objections and Lance's overall troubles with food after the Collingwood ordeal. But after a couple of months it'll manage to get him hooked on a super healthy diet and that'll certainly make itself known in his overall shape, condition and stamina. And Lance will continue to be all pissy about it, but secretly even he has to admit that this has been a good thing, and that he probably never would've gotten back to that state without it. Truth be told, some of the types of food it's put in him and/or encouraged him to try are things he never would've bothered with. I mean I hc Lance used to be shit at taking care of himself apart from being a sports junky, dude would call a redbull and tacos a proper fucking meal. Not on its watch though. And because of that, like a year or two after getting out this'll actually result in him looking better than he ever has before.
Az itself though? Can't tell the difference, can't taste the difference, doesn't feel shit, doesn't care one tiny bit about human food. But all the things and emotions good food brings along in Lance is more than a good fucking meal for it.
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flowers-and-pollen · 7 months
Honestly I just hope all of you evil zionist fucks die. It's so sickening how you just lie and lie and lie to kill people who just want to stay in their homes.
It's disgusting that y'all have the audacity to use apparent antisemitism as an excuse for genocide. Anyone with a functioning brain can see that Israel doesn't represent all Jewish people.
Ok I'm going to go through this hate anon sentence by sentence. imo anon hate in general is cowardice because you'll tell me to kms but not show your face? Coward. Look me in the eyes as you threaten and maybe then I'll take you seriously.
So! first sentance.
'Honestly I just hope all of you evil zionists fucks die.'
What do you think I did that makes me evil? Or are you just saying that because you're racist?
Do you even know what zionist means? Yeah I'm a zionist, yeah I'm proud of it, no you're not using it correctly. You're using it as if it's a slur, it's really really not, every zionist i know is proud of that fact
Hope all you like it's not gonna make it a reality
If you're looking to speak to all zionists, this is not the place. I am a single person who cannot spread your message even if I wanted to
Second sentance:
'It's so sickening how you just lie and lie and lie to kill people who just want to stay in their homes.'
Tbh if i could lie online I wouldn't be here
I didn't know the act of lying was actively killing people, pretty sure that's what weapons do
You think Israelis don't want to stay in their homes?? 134 hostages in Gaza who'll be happy to be back home, even though most of their homes were burned to the ground and destroyd by Hamas. So many families stuck living in single rooms because their homes were also burned to the ground and destroyd by Hamas. People who evacuated their homes from fear of being hit by rockets sent by Hamas.
We're the liars? Check again who bombed their own hospital, killing 471 of their own people, injuring 314 more, then blamed it on the IDF. Spoilers: it was Hamas.
I don't remember myself killing anyone. Again, I am not all of Israel, I am a single person.
Onwards to third sentance!
'I'ts disgusting that y'all have the audacity to use apparent antisemitism as an excuse for genocide.'
What genocide? Do you know what genocide means? It's against a race. Not a land. The Holocaust was a genocide, because no matter where the jewish people went the Nazis followed. this isn't a genocide. This isn't against the Palestinians, if they leave Gaza they will not be followed and killed. Stop calling what's going on here by names that don't fit.
'Apparent'? It's not apparent, the antisemitism jews face all over the world and have faced all over history is very true and real and painful.
Who's using antisemitism as an excuse? I've never seen anyone do that, I genuinly want some sources for that
Fourth (and last) sentence!
'Anyone with a functioning brain can see that Israel doesn't represent all Jewish people.'
I??? Never?? Said that israel represents all Jewish people???? Of fucking course it doesn't????
33.1% of Israel's population are atheists (Hilonim), 18.1% are Muslim, 1.9% are Christian, 1.6% are Druze, 4.8% are unclassified or other. Only 40.4% are Jewish, that's less then half.
There are 6.3 million Jews in the USA, that's almost half of the total 15.7 million in the whole world. Israel itself has 7.2 million Jews.
Then this means that a great chunk of the worlds population don't have a functioning brain, seeing the fact that jews all over the world are receiving hate, threats, and violence because of what's happening in Israel and Gaza
What I really wonder about here is that you said that anyone with a functioning brain can see that, yet you can see it even though your brain doesn't seem to be functioning.
In conclusion:
Go outside and touch some grass, pet a cat, watch the sunset, take a shower, take care of yourself, go to therapy, and for G-d's sake, stop spreading hate and misinformation. You are not immune to propaganda.
ובנוסף, לפחות תעשה קצת מחקר לפני שאתה פולט שטויות מהפה שלך. אתה סתם מפזר שנאה בעולם שלא צריך עוד ממנה. צר לי שהחיים שלך עד כדי כך עצובים שאתה מחפש לריב באינטרנט סתם כי אתה משועמם, חסר חיים, וגזען. אני באמת מצטערת בשבילך, צר לי שמישהו פגע בך בצורה בלתי הפיכה שגרמה לך להיות איך שאתה, אדם שונא שהעולם כנראה יהיה יותר טוב בלי. נראה אם בכלל תלך לגוגל לעשות לזה תרגום, מגיע לך להבין את זה. אבל בכל זאת, תודה ששלחת את זה. זה עזר לי לבריאות הנפשית. לצחוק עם חברים על כמה מטומטמים פרו פלסטינאים יכולים להיות, רוב החברים שלי התפקעו מצחוק כבר במשפט הראשון. תענה בתוך עוד שאלה אנונימית אם אתה רוצה, אני אפרק אותה משפט-משפט בדיוק כמו שעשיתי עם זאת.
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noctis-tempore · 10 months
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them-a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
wound: How does your OC deal with being wounded? Are they more often wounded physically, mentally, emotionally? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
For Aza and Hakuja :33
- tired
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
For HAKUJA, it’s the memories from the past. Hakuja has constant nightmares, no matter how good the day was, the night will always be worse. Hakuja’s main anxieties and fears stem from the past haunting the future. They always focus on what they could’ve done when they’re alone with their thoughts instead of the present. In the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping, Hakuja likes to sit on the roof with a blanket wrapped around them. They like to immerse themselves into the scenery and very rarely, they would hum to themselves.
Anything keeps AZA up at night. Whether it be a mistake he did, someone else did, a sound, anything will keep him awake. Because of this he doesn’t get much sleep but when he does, he surprisingly doesn’t have any nightmares. They used to happen a lot when he was a child to his teen years but Aza now sleeps peacefully like a baby when he can. Aza is anxious and fearful of the what ifs of any situation. Throughout the early hours of the night when he should be asleep are spent with him either crying or cooking something silently.
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them-a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
For the most part, HAKUJA is not really comfortable in their own skin. If anything, they choose to ignore and acknowledge their actual feelings on things. Because of this, Hakuja doesn’t really focus on their internal conflict. They tend to keep themselves busy to avoid this and it’s why they hate going to bed at night. It forces them to think by themselves which is uncomfortable. They’re all too aware of it and they hate it. 
Despite what you might initially think, AZA is comfortable in his own skin. It’s not a confidence thing, it’s just he’s come to terms with what he views himself to be. Does that mean he’s happy about it? No, not at all. But he’s not uncomfortable with it, it’s just…what he thinks is his reality. He acknowledges it.
wound: How does your OC deal with being wounded? Are they more often wounded physically, mentally, emotionally? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
HAKUJA does not mind physical wounds, normally at least. When you’re a sorcerer, it comes with the job. Emotional wounds? They try to distract themselves. Mental wounds? They also try to distract themselves. All three combined? It’s terrible for them. The night where he got his throat slit by his brother, it left a scar both physically, emotionally, and mentally. 
AZA cries whenever he’s wounded, no he cannot help it. He doesn’t get wounded much physically (anymore at least) since he’s learned to adapt to avoiding that but you can definitely see he’s been wounded emotionally and mentally numerous amount of times 😭 I’m not sure what the worst wound would be but I imagine it having to deal with his family.
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void-botanist · 1 year
🎤 describe the opening scene?
Thank you for the ask! It's a good thing I'm kinda doing Triad for these questions because TFA's intro is still a mess. For Triad it's definitely a scene that I posted this excerpt of recently:
The breeze ruffled the feathers of the bird Kirnus was brushing, disrupting the smooth lines he had created. It didn’t matter—the bird had been de-burred and could care less about the exact angle of its fluff—but it annoyed him slightly all the same. He patted it on its black and white spotted side and it ambled away on its long naked legs, back out into the field with a dozen others of various patterns.
Kirnus is finishing up normal farm chores, then goes into the mud room to change into something clean and gets a little glimpse of the new guests (Aza and Keearo) as he comes into the house. It's just enough to make him go "why are they my age??" and the viewer to go "is her hair really anime orange??"
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libraryofnini · 2 years
hi! just wondering if u are friends with aza (lovingyu04) and if they moved url’s or deactivated or moved somewhere else? rly miss their fics :( thank u!
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thettempest · 8 months
i have not had internet since saturday afternoon (except for the very occasional times i can get the phone's mobile hotspot to work, like rn) and i am in hell
gib internet pls 😭
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There's a viral video circulating from the Fort Worth Zoo, of two keepers who ended up in a habitat at the same time as a silverback gorilla. Spoiler for good news: neither the humans nor the gorilla got hurt. It's a bad situation that ended extremely well, and that's why I want to talk about it.
The audio for this video is mostly someone praying loudly, so if you need to turn the audio off to watch it, you won't miss anything relevant. If you don't want to watch it, here's the summary: it starts with a keeper running around the corner into the main exhibit, pursued by a large male gorilla. She is quickly able to get into a doorway at the back of the exhibit, but does not completely close the door because the gorilla is standing across from her, watching. He eventually moves off to the right hand side of the exhibit, where we can see a keeper is trapped in the corner at the front. She was trying to move towards the exit as he moved to the right, and she stops, standing very still behind a tree, while he stays along the far right wall. They stay like that for a minute, and then the gorilla runs to the front right corner, and the keeper is able to run to the door in the back of the exhibit and get to safety.
Let's start with basic information. Even though it's just going viral now, this video is from October of 2023. It was taken not by a guest, but by the zoo security officer responding to the situation. Hmmm, seems like he maybe should have been doing something else during that situation, instead of than taking a phone video. It's going viral now because the guy (who is no longer employed at the zoo) decided to post it on TikTok for his five minutes of fame. This guy immediately started giving all sorts of media interviews, answering questions like "why no tranquilizers" inappropriately, making memes out of his own video, generally distasteful shit.
Zoo spokesperson Avery Elander gave a public statement that "thankfully, there was no physical contact between keepers and gorilla, and all staff and animals are safe." A comment from the zoo has also indicated that the incident was due to keeper error. (As opposed to, for instance, something in the fencing breaking.) According to the guy who posted the video, a lock was left unsecured and the gorilla was able to open the door to the habitat. I don't know if I buy it, and again, this just... is probably why he doesn't have a job anymore. By sharing that detail - real or not - he places a ton of public scrutiny and blame on that keeper team. (If that's what happened, I can promise you it will have been dealt with internally.) He also was nice enough to say he wouldn't name the women in the video... but verified they're still staffers at the zoo... which means they're eminently identifiable! Excuse me while I ragequit for a second.
So there's two reasons I wanted to talk about this. The first is to make sure it is well known that this guy is purposefully and intentionally exploiting the worst day of someone's life for media attention. Their lives were in danger, and he's using it for fame. His name is in the media articles - I'm not going to share it because he doesn't deserve that attention. The second reason, though, is because this video is a masterclass on how to survive if you end up sharing space with a gorilla. Every zoo person I've spoken to or seen comment on the video is so, so impressed with how the keepers handled themselves.
The gorilla in this video is 34-year-old Elmo. All apes in AZA zoos are managed in protected contact, so keepers are supposed to be separated from them by a barrier at all times. The zookeepers were in the habitat putting out a mid-day meal when he got out. Watching the video, you can see he's not actively being aggressive towards them - he's not making threat displays or trying to approach them. Mostly, Elmo seems like he doesn't know what is going on and he's kinda freaked out about it. (This is confirmed in the zoo's press statement, too). The staff stayed calm, and importantly, watched and waited to see how he'd move and act.
The zoo did say one thing, though, that's a bit misleading. In one article, their press person I quote as saying “In general, gorillas are considered the “gentle giants” of the great ape species.” Just because this may be true in comparison to other great ape species doesn't meant gorilla aren't still incredibly dangerous. This type of messaging always worries me, because I think it leads people to misunderstand the risks of being close to megafauna. Gorilla are extremely strong animals, and their social norms/behaviors are very different from that of humans. That's why it's such a big deal any time people end up in gorilla habitats, and why sometimes in those circumstances lethal measures have to be taken to protect human life.
These keepers are incredibly lucky to be unharmed. These women stayed safe specifically because they're trained professionals who knew how to act around gorilla, they knew this particular animal well, and they'd learned the escapes from the exhibit just in case this ever happened. We should applaud them for their cool heads and quick thinking.
As for the guy who posted the video? As a colleague put it, may he always step on a Lego.
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shuicheese · 10 months
When you say Aza has a mask, is it a real one or metaphorical? If it's real, what does it look like?
metaphorically! :3 though her having a mask sounds like fun...but chaotic knowing her nature and she'd get tired of it fast kfjJSJJS
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azaliyas · 1 year
i’m stuck babysitting her until my brother comes back from his trip w his wife 😔 and i also have to deal w my nephew who spilled water all over the floor and keeps running around naked
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it’s hard.
i'll send you snacks and hugs
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this is you rn
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orcinus-veterinarius · 10 months
Why didn't SeaWorld's AZA accreditation get revoked after they transferred pacific white sided dolphins multiple times to Miami Seaquarium (Non-AZA facility) but Columbus zoo lost theirs?
Transfers to non-AZA facilities are allowed if the proper channels are followed. It’s a lot of paperwork.
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aza-trash-can · 5 months
Oh, this angst writing/dialogue scrap is certainly going in a direction
We've veered, but we've also stayed perfectly on topic
Neuv? Neuv, I'm sorry, are you good buddy?
Am I good?
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
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She is 500% angry about this and I am absolutely cackling. 😂
"You know, that might just make me like you a little more. Just a little bit though."
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neomachine · 10 months
please stop being a/ntisemitic on here for (1) second the lot of you. think before you reblog a post with some of the most default a/ntisemitic tropes like "The Evil Rich Powerful Jews" that even a 5 year old could detect
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