#if it comes to it I’m sure the aza will have their legal team on it
orcinus-veterinarius · 7 months
is there anything we can do to stop the SWIMS act from going through if it gets seriously considered? It’s so ridiculous to me that people who get all their info spoon fed from blackfish and ric o’Barry can introduce these bills that could seriously affect conservation work and blatantly ignore all of the other (much more pressing!!!!) issues
If you’re a United States citizen, write your state representative and senators. Urge them to dismiss the bill or vote against it should it come to that. Explain the importance of zoos and aquariums to conservation and public education (be sure to mention your state’s AZA facilities as examples, even if they don’t house cetaceans. They’re all partners). Tell them exactly what you told me… how it’s wrong and unfair that documentaries have swayed the public’s opinion against the vital work these organizations do. Point them toward the Chicago Zoological Society’s Cetacean Welfare Study and the AZA accreditation guidelines for evidence of the superior care these animals receive.
And finally, ask them to focus on the real issues and protect our wild whales from the actual threats against them.
If the bill becomes a true issue, I will be drafting a letter to my state congressmen and will post the template here as a model! The SWIMS Act has the backing of a lot of very powerful ARA organizations (including PETA and HSUS) with very well-equipped lobbyists, so it’s important that congresspeople hear from the other side as well.
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