orcinus-veterinarius · 11 months
Why didn't SeaWorld's AZA accreditation get revoked after they transferred pacific white sided dolphins multiple times to Miami Seaquarium (Non-AZA facility) but Columbus zoo lost theirs?
Transfers to non-AZA facilities are allowed if the proper channels are followed. It’s a lot of paperwork.
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What do you think about the situation going on with the commersons where they are bullying the sharks? People are blaming SeaWorld and calling it animal abuse so I want to hear your opinion on it. https://twitter.com/AkulaEcho/status/1708574652354699566
If the dolphins actually are continually harassing the sharks, then they should be moved. That’s one of the downsides of inter-species habitats, as awesome as they can be. But I really can’t tell what’s going on from that one image unfortunately.
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