thisgirlnamedblusy · 3 days
♡ Hiya Blusy! hope ur not too overwhelmed with requests, sendin' love, support and appreciation over from the great land of Chuck-E-Cheese. ♡
anyways, onto the request.
Prompt where Hyper-femme, Fem!Reader, (obviously) who is already in an established relationship with Donna, who always likes to dress cute, as to look vaguely like a porcelaine doll for Donna (and Angie, because, that doll just loves sneaking into Readers poofy petticoats and scaring the living shit out of Reader when they grab the petticoat out of the closet, for wearing), one day, decides to up her (Readers) game by going into town, or in this case, village, buying some cute, ruffly, pastel (pink, white, yellow, ya name it!) fabrics, with a variety of textures, and colours, and means of usage (such as, fabric for a bonnet, fabric for a dress, thin, stretchy material cloth for stockings), sewing (Reader knows how to sew) themselves a VERRRYYY doll looking outfit (poofy tea dress, bonnet, bright colours that clash yet dont clash, curled hair, to resemble those antique dolls with bottle-curled locks, -- Imagine Lolita-wear, basically),
Reader also gets prim-and-proper, by fluffing on those white powder, makeup thingies (the one lottie uses in princess and the frog?? Sorry, non-english speaker, dunno what that is) and whatnot, to REALLY drive into that doll-y aesthetic
Reader suprises Donna, who, at the time, was just innocently reading,
Donna looks at Reader and just starts like, violently sobbing, because of how, 'Reader did so much to look like the stuff she likes!! She doesnt deserve them!!' (If that makes you uncomftorable to write, replace it with something more mellow)
Reader comforts Donna, through giggles, because of how ridiculous she sounded, -- reassuring Donna that she wasnt laughing at her, but at how stupid her reasoning for crying was, because, ofcourse she would dress cute if Donna liked it?? Reader would wear a trash bag if Donna had asked them to, no questions asked! (Okay.. maybe a little bit dramatic, Reader is an eloquent, feminine, 'pink! Pink! Pink!' lady that wouldnt dare to approach black clothing to wear herself, but, you get the point)
Reader promises to Donna that it was no hassel to make herself so pretty, -- 'sewing is a breeze! I love makeup! I just really like those doll vibes..'
Reader also promises Donna that, she'd love to doll (aha, get it?) herself up for Donna every once in awhile, because Reader just loves Donna, and how cute they feel in their respective style, so much, that they just HAVE to.
After Donna had calmed down from that whole 'you sewed yourself stuff for me??!!??! You put on makeup for me??!?@ you did your hair for me?!??!?@??@?!' crisis (again, if that makes you uncomftorable, mellow it down!! No worries!! 💞), and, plopped Reader onto her lap whilst she finished working on her dolls, taking pauses to kiss, and appreciate, and maybe shed some more self-concious, overly-thankful, singular tears, every once in a while --
The end result? A doll that, for some reason, really resembled how reader looked .. down to every scar, and fold, and pocket on Readers body, or bonnet, or dress.
Huh.. weird!
I ask of you to make this just mildly-sfw (meaning, kisses, carresses, etc are okay), -- not smutty or anything, if thats okay! Just cotton-candishly fluffy.
Hope my writing isnt too confusing? Dyslexic, non-english speaking, neurodivergant mess. Aha, please laugh! Anyways, write-ya later, alligator!
-- Chuck-E-Cheese employee, Anon 🐭
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your funny words :D and also for your request!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))
Doll face
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: fluff,
Word count: 7,440
Summary: She loved you, she loved her dolls... Maybe it was time to put those two things together...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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Another day began and you walked slowly towards the living room. The sound of your heels bounced off the wood like an elegant music that accompanied each morning. Before getting close enough, you looked at yourself in the mirror to make sure everything was in its place. You couldn't help it, you were always like that.
Every morning was a confirmation for you that your life went on, that you could continue to light up that dark mansion with your joy. The bright colors of your dress always contrasted with the sadness of those dilapidated walls, with the darkness that you, every day, tried to eliminate.
Being born with the gift of joy and color could seem strange in a place like that. The village always played with the same color palette, everything was white, black, gray... There was nothing that could stand out, that could change the sinister atmosphere of the place where you were born.
You always went against those principles, against the gray, the black, the darkness. Your friends envied you and you knew it. It wasn't your beauty, your intelligence or your skills, no, they envied your colorful way of facing life.
Proud of your femininity, you always looked for a way to put on makeup, to dress in an elegant and striking way. It was your style, yes, but also a hobby. Playing with darkness, facing it became almost an addiction.
You spent your days sewing, putting on makeup, telling the world that if it wanted to be black it would have to walk all over you. Joy, elegance and the desire to feel different, that was your motivation when you got up every morning.
The masses, the Black Gods didn't seem bothered, quite the opposite. Everything in your life went well, or so you thought, since you always saw the good side of things. Being happy was quite an achievement in a place like that and appearance was the first step to prove it, to stand out in a world of shadows.
But that different attitude had consequences. You were not shunned by the village. They didn't look at you with dangerous eyes, quite the opposite. Wherever you went, you attracted attention, you caught the eyes of everyone who was present, villager or even...Lord.
Yes, you noticed how the gazes of the four of them were fixed on you. One of them seemed more interested, unable to take her gaze off you.
Like a ghost, like the complete opposite of you, that black figure always followed you with its gaze. You couldn't know how, you couldn't see her eyes. A woman in mourning, covered by a black veil, a sinister doll... The dollmaker, Donna Beneviento.
At first you thought it was just another look, that the always bright tones of your clothes blinded her vision, bothered her. It didn't take long for you to find out that it was precisely the opposite.
Your joy, your determination to look good, to stand out from the boring crowd was what really caught her attention, what made her approach you with curiosity. That was the first step towards a perfect future.
It might seem that you two were like water and oil, like light and darkness, but perhaps that was precisely what made you slowly become addicted to her. You had much more in common than it might seem at first.
 You both loved sewing, beauty... Well, really, when that black veil disappeared, when Lady Beneviento showed her deformed face to you, you began to know what beauty really was.
She was a beautiful woman, really beautiful, she just didn't know it. You did, and you wouldn't let a second go by without reminding her, always. That contrast of black and pink, of paleness and color was perfect, a perfect mix that ended up leading to a kiss, a kiss that said much more than any clumsy word.
And so, time went by and your relationship settled comfortably. You even left your old home for that sad and dull mansion, with the certain objective that your presence would bring the light that it needed, that joy that was missing in that place, in that woman.
Donna was a dark just like her clothes. Her problems and misfortunes turned her into a wandering spirit, into a lonely entity waiting for the days to end. Your arrival didn’t change that erratic attitude, nor her inevitable madness.
You weren’t going to lose her. You were not going to let the darkness invade you too. You would be like a lifeguard, like the light that illuminates a dark path, showing the way out of a labyrinth of sadness and bitterness.
Despite those problems, despite the constant mockery of the Angie doll, you were happy, you couldn’t help being happier than ever. You would do anything for Donna and she would do it for you. An unexpected love, but one you would never let go of, ever.
“Good morning,” you hummed as you approached the table, always sporting the same bright smile. A fake smile to look elegant or to pretend? No, not at all, it was a genuine smile, one that always achieved the desired effect, that the lady in black would return one of hers.
“Ciao, tesoro…” Donna replied, leaving her coffee cup to extend her hand towards you, one that you took and caressed, letting yourself be carried away by the subtle pull that took you to her lips, placing them on yours cautiously. “Good morning…”
“Did you sleep well?” you asked, reluctantly abandoning those lips, going around the table and sitting in your chair.
Her gaze rose to yours, nodding as she poured you a cup of coffee.
“As always when I'm with you,” the lady said, with a slight blush on her cheeks, a reaction of her body that, despite all the time, she couldn't avoid.
“Mm, okay,” you said amused, causing a shy laugh from the woman in black. “Today is a splendid day.”
“Yes, it really is,” she murmured, nodding slowly.
“We could go for a walk,” you suggested, spreading jam on one of the toasts, a strawberry jam that, unintentionally, matched perfectly with your clothes, as always.
Maybe the color and you had a much more special relationship than you thought.
Donna shook her head, making that smile she always put on when she saw you, disappear.
“I have a lot of work, (Y/N), I don't think I can,” she commented with a serious tone.
You tilted your head, frowning.
“What a shame, because I have to go to the village and it would have been great if you came with me… So I could show off a little bit about you,” you said, pretending to pout as the lady laughed again.
“In any case, tesoro, I would be the one to show off about you,” Donna murmured, looking at you with a mischievous smile behind her cup.
You bit your lip and sighed, blinking in a petulant and romantic way.
“You never get tired of being adorable, do you?” you said amused. “Anyway, I really have to go to the village.”
“Do you have to go? What do you need?” she asked curiously, continuing with her breakfast, repressing all those words and flattery that always interrupted any conversation.
“Look at this dress,” you said frowning and pointing at your clothes. “It's already pretty old.”
“Old?” the lady asked, looking at you confused. “I thought you got it last year.”
“Mm yeah, but… I don’t know, today I woke up really, really wanting to sew,” you sighed, looking up at the ceiling, remembering all the designs you had thought of while you were taking a shower.
“Oh,” she murmured, arching her eyebrow. “If you’re so willing to sew, you could help me with my dolls.”
“Really?” you asked surprised. It was the first time she asked you something like that. Her dolls were something almost sacred to her. She would never let a stranger intervene in their creations.
“You sew very well, I think you could be of help to me,” she commented passively, taking a toast, looking away in a subtle way. “If it’s okay with you, of course.”
“I think it’s a great idea, Donna,” you said enthusiastically.
Actually, going down to that dark workshop was something you tried to avoid, but at first you had no choice. Your love for sewing forced you to hide your pride and spend hours with Donna in that sinister place.
Over time, the lady in black agreed to let you use the guest room for your sewing work, one blessed with sunlight, much better.
But that day you had no choice but to go down to that horrible basement.
“Are you comfortable, tesoro?” Donna asked, putting a chair next to hers and indicating you to sit down.
You nodded, earning a soft kiss on the lips, one that you deepened, making the lady in black give a shy laugh to your ears.
“Take these fabrics,” she indicated, sitting in front of the old sewing machine and giving you an assortment of dark fabric that you looked at with disdain.
It didn't matter how much you loved Donna. You liked how that black dress framed her figure but that color was still your worst enemy.
“Let's see…” you whispered, looking at each of the colors with reluctance. “Hey, Donna, are you going to use these colors?”
“Mm, I always use those colors,” she explained, looking for something in the notes of an old notebook and showing it to you. “Look, I'm sure that dress over there won't be a problem for you, do you understand what it says?”
You looked at the notes and with a small effort, you nodded pleased.
“Luckily Angie has taught me,” you commented amused, translating those elegant words written in Italian. Donna smiled pleased, getting a little closer to you.
“Always try to embroider it…Mm… This way,” she indicated, turning a few pages and showing you the designs.
“Okay…” you sighed in an exaggerated way, looking sideways at the black fabrics.
“Is something wrong, tesoro?” the lady asked, alerted by your sudden reluctance. “You, you don't have to help me… If, if you want to go to the village…”
“Oh no, it's not that, I'd love to help you Donna, but it's just…” you whispered, biting your lip and picking up one of the cloths. “Does it really have to be black?”
“Yes,” she said, with a concentrated expression, moving away a little and observing a porcelain head. “If you don't like it you can make it grey, I don't really care.”
“Grey…” you sighed with a tired look, glancing at a few dolls on a shelf, all of them sad, dark, depressing… “Have you never thought about giving them a bit of color?”
“Color?” she asked in a low voice, skillfully mixing paint and cleaning the imperfections of that lifeless head. “I don't understand you.”
“Always grey, black… Donna…” you sighed, drawing her attention. “What harm can it do to a doll to not look like it has in a funeral?”
“Explain yourself,” the lady murmured, painting the lips of that head, barely listening to you.
“You should use pink, or white for your dolls' dresses, they would surely look much better,” you said, nodding, touching the soft black fabric and hoping that the darkness wouldn't spread to your dress.
“Oh, I didn't know you made dolls,” Donna said with irony and a mocking smile.
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
“Donna, color gives a lot of joy to everything,” you said, leaning on the table and guiding her head to look at you. She sighed annoyed, putting down the head and crossing her arms.
“If I want to see colors, I just need to look at you,” she joked, frowning, with an intriguing smile.
“Thanks,” you said amused, blinking flirtatiously.
Donna laughed too, but looked away.
“I like my dolls just the way they are,” she said quietly, going back to painting the head. “It’s my style.”
“Oh, okay…” you said with a mocking look, starting to draw patterns on the black fabric. “Well, your style is very bland, honey.”
“Bland… have you come to help or criticize me?” she asked, her tone a bit colder, but with her smile telling you she wasn’t upset.
“It’s constructive criticism,” you commented, getting up from your chair and walking over to one of the shelves, picking up a random doll. “Look at this one. Isn’t she supposed to be having tea?”
Donna turned to look at you and tilted her head with a sigh.
“It seems so,” she murmured.
“Well, she should have a white and red frilly dress with a matching pretty hat, not a boring dark grey dress,” you said, looking at the doll's fabric.
“Then she would look like you,” she said as you sat back down, shrugging.
“Oh, you don't like the way I dress?” you asked with a feigned look of shock and offense, cutting the black fabric to shape that boring dress.
“You're not a doll,” Donna whispered, glancing at you out of the corner of her eye.
A wide smile spread across your face and you leaned towards her ear.
“Oh, would you like it?” you whispered, kissing her ear softly before returning to your task.
The lady in black looked at you briefly, about to say something. She apparently changed her mind at the last moment and laughed softly, shaking her head.
“If you were my doll…” Donna murmured, after a moment of calm and silent work. It seemed that this innocent question was floating around in her head, something that caught your attention. “You would wear black clothes.”
“Mm, that's what you say now,” you said defiantly, sewing the sleeves of the black dress, afraid that this horrible color would cause an allergic reaction on your skin. “I'm convinced that once you try to leave the safety of these horrible colors you will no longer want to go back to black.”
“You are very sure of yourself,” she murmured amused, coming closer to kiss you slowly, something she always did when she couldn't prove you were wrong. “But I'm afraid you're not a doll.”
“Well, that can be possible,” you said to yourself. The lady blinked in confusion, but returned to her work.
The morning passed quietly. You sighed in relief when you finished that hideous black dress, one that Donna looked at closely.
“Do you like it?” you asked expectantly.
She nodded pleased.
“Good job, (Y/N)…” she sighed, placing the dress to give it some final touches.
“Brr…” you said, pretending to shiver. “I think I need a walk, that horrible color has stressed me out.”
“You're so exaggerated, tesoro,” Donna joked as you stood up, pretending disgust at that black fabric. “Are you going to the village?”
“Yes…” you sighed, stretching in an exaggerated way. “Do you want something?”
“No,” she said with a dry tone, looking away.
“Are you sure you don't want some colored fabrics?” you asked, leaning over one of her shoulders, opening your eyes like a puppy.
She smiled, pinching your cheek and kissing you before shaking her head.
“Whatever, don’t complain if people stop buying your dolls,” you said in an ironic tone, slowly moving away, stopped by a hand in yours, which kept you in place.
“All my dolls are sold, (Y/N),” she told you, in a somber tone, indicating that you had managed to offend her. Luckily, you were used to playing with the doll maker.
“Right, maybe it's because you're the only doll maker in the village and also a Lord. You could put a ball of wool on a stick, call it a doll, and the village children would buy it,” you joked, blinking cockily.
Donna growled, letting your hand go abruptly.
“Why don't you just leave now?” she asked in a dark tone, turning away so as not to make eye contact with you.
“Oh, are you kicking me out?” you said defiantly.
“Yes,” she whispered. “Don't tell me how to do my job.”
“I'm just advising you... If you make all your dolls the same, where's the originality?” you asked, insisting without fear. Donna would never blow up over something like that, and you knew it.
“(Y/N)…” the lady hissed.
“Okay, okay, I'm leaving,” you said amused, approaching again, surrounding her by the shoulders in an annoying hug and repeatedly kissing her cheek, causing her to laugh as she tried to escape from your kissing attack.
“Hey, lasciami…” she protested while laughing.
You obeyed, but when you moved away you felt a strong tug on your wrist that brought you back to the lady, kissing you in a deeper way.
“Actually, I would like you to be a doll…”
“Oh, would you?” you asked amused, playing with her hands. She nodded with a dark look, pulling you closer to her ear.
“Mm, if you were a doll you surely wouldn't say nonsense,” she joked with a sensual tone.
You responded by giving her shoulder a protest hit while she laughed amused.
“Oh, okay, okay,” you sighed, crossing your arms and walking towards the doors. “But you know what? I would be the prettiest doll, and the most colorful…”
Donna shook her head, sighing, giving you a tender smile, a completely in love look.
“Ti amo, (Y/N),” she said without looking at you.
“Oh, Donna…” you murmured, with all your cheesy side forcing you to get closer again, giving one last kiss to the brunette. “I love you, I love you, I love you…”
“Go away,” she said amused, struggling again with your excessive affection.
You nodded and obeyed, walking happily towards the bedroom. Of course, you couldn't leave the mansion without putting on makeup and spending excessive time to find something that matched your clothes.
You sighed as you carelessly opened the closet. You'll be wondering ‘Why careless?’ simple, because there was someone else in that house, someone who liked to scare you.
“Are you looking for something?” a sinister voice came out of the closet, hidden among your clothes. “Because if you were looking for me, you've found me, you fool!”
“Ah, Angie!” you said with a hand on your chest, startled by the sudden appearance of Donna's doll, peeking out from your clothes like every morning.
You didn't know if Angie scared you because she hated you, or because it was her way of having fun. You really doubted that doll had anything against you, after all, you came into Donna's life to make her happy and that is something that, discreetly, Angie would always thank you for.
“Scare, scare...” the doll mocked, humming triumphantly.
You smiled, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms.
“You're going to wrinkle my clothes,” you said amused, gesturing to the doll to get out of there.
“What are you looking for, silly? An accessory?” Angie asked, shuffling through your colorful dresses.
“A coat that matches this,” you said with disinterest while the doll continued to shuffle through the clothes. “Oh, wait, that one,” you interrupted, taking the garment that the doll held expectantly.
“Another day in which Great Angie helps you with your clothes,” the doll said laughing and getting off the furniture with a comical jump. “You're welcome, loser.”
“Thanks…” you said with a falsely elegant tone, putting that pink coat on the bed.
Then you walked to the old dresser, thus beginning another of your makeup sessions.
“Can I help you, silly?” Angie asked, sitting at the small table and taking your utensils.
“Okay,” you said smiling, gathering your hair. “Bring me that powder over there.”
The doll obeyed and silence reigned again in the mansion.
“Hey, Angie,” you said, glancing at the doll, at her white dress. “I think you're the only doll that doesn't wear black. It doesn't seem that Donna made you.”
“Donna didn't make me, you fool!” the puppet protested, startling you, making you growl. That was the moment when you were putting on eye makeup, it was dangerous.
“No? I thought so,” you commented, getting a little closer to the mirror.
“No, silly, silly, her father made me,” Angie commented, watching you from very close, watching you put on makeup.
“Oh, I didn't know that,” you commented, preparing the blush. “But I shouldn't be surprised. She would never make a doll in a color different than black or gray.”
“Do you have a problem with the way my Donna works? Because if so, get ready for a fight,” she said, moving her fists comically.
“No, no,” you said amused, moving your hands away from the doll as you put the blush on your cheeks. “I just can't explain her aversion to color.”
“Donna doesn't have an aversion to color,” Angie said, leaving you some room.
“Mm, well, it seems like it... Has she never made a doll in a different color...? A more cheerful one?” you asked curiously, distracting you too much from your makeup session.
“No,” the doll said shrugging. “But why would she want to do that? She already has you.”
“I'm not a doll,” you said amused, shaking your head, looking at yourself in the mirror, puzzled.
“Are you sure? Because you look like one…” Angie said amused, pointing at the mirror.
“What's wrong?” you asked, frowning. “Oh, too much lipstick…”
“Too much blush…” the doll added, making you sigh and take a piece of cotton to fix that mess.
“Now you are a doll,” she said amused, making you look at her confused. “I'm sure Donna will go crazy if she sees you like this.”
“Oh, you think so?” you asked, looking at yourself carefully and correcting some imperfections in your makeup. “She already has hundreds of dolls. She doesn't need another one… right?”
“What nonsense, if Donna is obsessed with those dolls it's because she loves them,” Angie commented. “I don't understand why, I'm infinitely better than them, in every way.”
You laughed amused, with an absurd idea going through your head. If Donna liked dolls that much… How would she react if you really looked like one of them? Curiosity was much stronger than rational thought and it was never a bad chance to make the lady in black smile.
“So…” you murmured, putting away your makeup. “Do you think Donna will love seeing me like this?”
“Oh, sure,” the doll nodded, crossing your arms. “But, but, wait, I didn't say anything. Don't tell her…” she said hastily. “Donna hates when I read her mind.”
“Mm…” you murmured thoughtfully, excited by the idea of ​​testing that statement. If you were successful… Well, your mind was already taking care of the rest.
After putting on your bright and elegant coat, you went up the elevator, finding Donna by surprise. She seemed to be reading something at her desk.
“Honey,” you said with a wide smile, walking slowly towards her and leaning over the furniture. “Weren't you with your dolls?”
“No, obviously I’m not anymore,” she said, with a cold tone, reluctantly letting you kiss her cheek softly, accidentally marking it with your lipstick.
“Oh, I'm sorry,” you said amused, running a hand over her painted cheek. “What are you reading?”
“Niente,” the lady said, nervously covering a strange catalogue, something that made you suspicious.
“That seems like a lie to me, dolcezza…” you joked. “Let me see, please, please…” you said insistently with a high-pitched, pleading tone.
Your extremely cheesy and affectionate gestures had an effect on the brunette, forcing her to give in with an annoyed grunt.
“Wow…” you whispered, looking at that old catalogue of dolls, some very different from Donna's. “I see that my words have had an effect.”
“Sometimes I think you're a witch,” the lady commented while you looked at one of those dolls, one with a white dress, with ruffles, terribly adorable. Your mind was already working on ideas, but you still didn't know exactly which ones.
“A witch?” you asked amused, bringing the catalogue closer to your eyes, memorizing every detail of that pompous doll. “I'm just saying what I think.”
“Mm, yes, and you make me think,” Donna whispered, looking up and opening her eye wide when it made contact with yours. “(Y/N), tesoro…” she sighed, mouth agape.
“What's wrong, darling?” you asked passively, leaving the magazine on the desk again, meeting the doll maker's dazed gaze.
“You look… beautiful…” she said in a surprised voice, looking at each and every detail of your exaggerated makeup. “You look beautiful, today, tesoro…”
“Do you really think so?” you asked, surprised by that unexpected reaction. Donna nodded softly, with a tender look.
“Yes, you are, I don't know, different,” ​​the lady commented, taking your hands and swinging them with hers. “I, I like the way you've put on your makeup.”
“Oh…” you sighed, blushing at the compliment and at the reaction that your doll look had the desired effect, even better. “Well, I thought it was too much blush…”
“No, you look, you look gorgeous…” Donna said, pulling your body so she could kiss you softly.
“Donna, the lipstick…” you joked, moving away from that tender kiss.
“I'm sorry, I got carried away,” the lady in black apologized. “Your beauty never ceases to amaze me.”
“Mm, could it be that I remind you of a doll?” you asked amused, tilting your head with your hands on your waist.
“Maybe,” she murmured, distracted again by that catalogue, confirming your suspicions. “La mia bellisima bambola”
Well, now you could put into practice those ideas that were traveling alone through your mind.
 “Okay, Don, I could spend the rest of the day letting you tell me such nice things but… I'm afraid I have to go to the village.”
“Don't call me Don, I hate it,” she protested, receiving in response a wink and an elegant turn that made your dress dance in a hypnotic way.
“Okay, you grumpy spaghetti…” you sighed amused, looking at Angie. “Are you coming with me, Angie?”
“Bah, I don't think so, the Duke has the wool balls counted …” the doll said, sitting on the lap of her owner, who looked attentively at that catalogue, with a sweet smile.
Humming, you walked through the forest. The bright colors of your clothes illuminated you among the dull and pale white of the snow. You almost thought you were shining.
Your head worked remembering the colors, the shapes of that porcelain doll you saw in that old photograph. But what you really couldn't forget was Donna's face when she saw you made up like that, noticing your obvious resemblance to a doll.
Seeing that poor tormented woman happy was much more to your liking than sewing, much more than putting on makeup or matching clothes. Donna was your favorite hobby since you met her and besides, each of her smiles was a reward for you. The joy and tenderness of her gaze hid the pain, the suffering, everything she went through before becoming a Lord.
You were definitely completely determined to make her forget, to make every day with you special. It already was but... Maybe that makeup mistake could be useful in the near future.
“Oh, elegance itself approaching my humble carriage...” the Duke murmured when you walked towards him.
You nodded at him kindly, with your hands on your hips.
“Don't flatter me, Duke, I'm not going to pay you more for that,” you said amused. “Fabrics, I need fabrics.”
“Well…” he sighed, laughing satisfied. “Are they for you or for Lady Beneviento?” he asked, taking out a few rolls of fabrics of many colors.
“For me,” you said, coming closer to look for something similar to the doll in that catalog. “Do you have something with ruffles?” you asked curiously, running your hand over a fabric of a color very similar to the one you were looking for.
“Ruffles? Sure…” the merchant said, laughing pleased and showing you what you were looking for. “It doesn't seem like the typical fabric order you usually make me, Miss (Y/N).”
“No, it's for a personal project,” you commented, searching among those fabrics for something that could help you make a matching hat.
“Sounds interesting,” the man commented, with a gloomy look.
“No matter how much discount you give me, I'm not going to tell you anything,” you said amused, knowing the thirst for information that the greedy merchant always had. “Mm... Do you have this fabric in pastel pink?”
“Of course...” the man murmured, taking out the required roll. “By the way, let me tell you that you look beautiful this morning.”
“Wow, thank you,” you said, smiling pleased by the compliment, checking the quality of an elastic fabric that you would use for stockings.
“There's no doubt why Lady Beneviento is completely crazy about you. I always thought that you looked like... Well, don't be offended, one of her dolls,” the Duke commented, laughing amused.
You smiled and raised your eyebrows.
“Mm, do you think that Donna loves me just because I look like one of her dolls?” you joked, crossing your arms.
“I didn't say that, Miss,” he said, making a gesture with his hand. “But it's clear that you know how to please her.”
“Of course,” you said satisfied, picking up a much thicker cloth, perfect for a matching bonnet. “But… I'm not going to tell you anything. I doubt you are interested in my way of pleasing Lady Beneviento.”
“I'm interested in everything, dear,” he joked, to which you gave him a dark but amused look. “Oh, I'm sure these bows are perfect for what you're looking for.”
“Mm, let me see…” you sighed, picking up those showy bows.
Of course that man couldn't even guess what you had in mind, but you shouldn't underestimate him. He wasn't exactly a naive fool.
Satisfied with your purchases, you returned to the mansion, ready to start your little game, one that sounded better and better in your head and that you were eager to put into practice.
Naturally, poor Donna didn't suspect anything. She always tried with all her might not to get involved in your affairs. She rarely succeeded, but that time, luckily, was one of them.
Little by little, taking advantage of a carelessness of the lady in black, you managed to get that old doll catalogue, carefully observing each of the details of that doll chosen for your plans.
An elegant hat surrounded by a yellow bow, white stockings matching patent leather shoes... Definitely a classic doll, but with touches of your own style, replacing that boring white of the original design with a deep pastel pink color.
“Mm…” you hummed as you sewed, with the atypical blessing of sunlight streaming through your makeshift workshop. That guest never-used room that was something like your secret lair. “Let's see…” you murmured, checking the size of the hat, checking that it fit your features perfectly. “Yes, perfect.”
Satisfied, you put that pompous bonnet away in a place where Donna couldn't look and continued with the dress, the part that would take you much longer.
“(Y/N), tesoro,” a voice interrupted your sewing along with some soft knocks on the door. “Amore mio, are you there?”
“Oh, Donna, yes, w-wait a minute,” you said, hastily putting away all your work and opening the door, trying to put your hair up first.
What you were doing didn't matter, you always had to be perfect for her, and you loved being that way.
“Ciao…” she said with a sweet voice when you opened the door, looking at you with that bright eye.
Of course, your makeup didn't change since that day. You always tried to perfect the doll look that provoked those tender sighs, those caresses...
“Hola,” you said amused, enjoying how her gaze ran satisfied over your features. “Do you want something, my love?”
“Oh, well, I wanted to see you but...” she whispered, grabbing you by the waist, lightly pressing your body against hers. “I actually wanted to ask if you were hungry.”
“Hungry? Oh, well, now that you mention it...” you said with a tender smile, biting your lip at the gentle rocking of your bodies. “I’m a bit hungry.”
“You're distracted lately,” the lady commented, placing a lock of hair behind your ear. “What are you up to?”
“Me? Nothing,” you whispered innocently.
Donna smiled mockingly, arching her eyebrow and leaning in to kiss you slowly again.
“You’re a terrible liar,” she whispered playfully, releasing you from her romantic hold. “You spend a lot of time locked up in here, tesoro…”
“Well, spring is coming and I have to hurry if I want to be up to date,” you said in a calm voice, closing the door when the lady in black peeked in to see what was inside.
“Don’t give it so much importance. You look beautiful in anything you wear, cara mia…” Donna whispered romantically, stealing another kiss from you again.
“Hey, I can make something for you if you want… How old is that dress?” you asked playfully, subtly changing the subject and playing with the black fabric. “Don’t you want me to make you a…? I don’t know, a red, or an orange one, or…”
“No, tesoro,” she said, laughing playfully, like every time you hinted at her taking off her horrible mourning dress. “I like this dress.”
“Okay, okay…” you sighed, hanging onto his neck. “But some embroidered flowers…” you murmured, running a hand over her chest.
“I'm not going to put flowers on my dress,” she said, with a more serious look, crossing her arms.
“As you wish, grumpy…” you whispered jokingly, getting her to grab you by the waist again while you resisted, laughing shyly.
“Maybe you don't want me to cook for you,” she mocked, pretending to pout.
“Oh, no, no, um… let's go to the kitchen and I'll help you, okay?” you said, apologizing in a soft tone, earning a kiss on your made-up cheek.
“It'll be a pleasure, doll face…” she whispered, immediately paralyzing and putting on a nervous look. Surely she didn't want to say that, but she said it, to your ears’ delight.
“Mm, what did you call me?” you said, biting your lip and approaching her seductively.
“I'm, I'm sorry,” she apologized nervously. “I didn't mean…”
“You didn't mean to? Well, I liked it, Donna,” you said, turning around, making your dress dance like you knew she liked and walking towards the stairs.
That was one of the many proofs that your doll makeup was working perfectly. Donna looked like she had just met you, she was more in love than ever, watching you whenever she could, telling you those things that made you melt and replacing little by little her usual ‘tesoro’ or ‘dolcezza’ with ‘doll face’, something that wasn’t unpleasant for you at all.
The days went by and your project was almost finished. A last embroidery on your dress was the last piece for your plan.
“Okay… what do you think?” you asked the doll that sat on the small bed, watching your work.
Angie never said anything to her owner under the threat of revealing that, indeed, reading the lady's thoughts was one of her favorite hobbies, as well as scaring you.
“A cheesy, cheesy, cheesy thing,” she said amused. “Aren't there too many ruffles?”
“No… Look, it's almost identical to the model,” you commented, running your hands over the newly finished fabric, playing with those ruffles, caressing them while you turned the magazine so Angie could take a look.
“Hey, but that dress is white!” the puppet protested. “Why did you turn it pink?”
“Look here, it has white fabric underneath, do you see?” you explained, showing the parts inside of the dress, which matched perfectly with the stockings. “Besides, I wanted to give it my own style.”
“Yes, your silly, cheesy, cheesy style,” Angie mocked, moving your new dress curiously.
“Donna likes me being cheesy,” you said, moving the doll away from your new creation and hanging it on under the bonnet, observing the outfit from afar.
“Donna likes anything that has to do with you or her dolls,” Angie corrected, observing the outfit, imitating your posture in a comical way.
“So if we put the two things together…” you said with an expectant voice, satisfied with the final result.
“She's going to have a heart attack, for sure… Uh… That's not your intention, is it?” Angie commented, pointing at you accusingly, to which you simply rolled your eyes, taking the hanger and walking towards the exit.
“Do me a favor and distract Donna, she's reading downstairs, right?” you asked, opening the door cautiously.
“Yes, she is, silly,” the doll said, crossing her arms. “Relax, I'll take care of the silly Donna…”
As expected, Angie kept her word, forcing the lady to chase her after stealing her book. You took advantage of that distraction to go down to the basement and get dressed and well… put the finishing touches on your plan.
“Okay…” you said, looking at yourself in the mirror while putting on your makeup. At first your resemblance to a doll was more or less subtle, but that occasion required a little more powder on your face and blush, more striking lips and of course, a beautiful curly hairstyle.
You already had the golden hair color naturally, but it used to fall down, so curling it was perhaps the most complicated part, but nothing that was out of your reach.
“Perfect, it's wrong for me to say it but... I'm a genius,” you said, adjusting your hat, looking at yourself dressed completely as a doll. “Now let's see what you say, dolcezza...”
The sound of your handmade shoes was pleasant. The clothes were really comfortable, even forgetting about the whole doll thing, it was a beautiful dress that would undoubtedly accompany you from time to time, well, if Donna liked it, of course.
“Honey...” you hummed as you went up the elevator, walking slowly to where the lady in black was, reading innocently.
“Ciao,” she sighed, turning a page, without looking at you. “I thought you were upstairs.”
You laughed shyly, holding the sides of your dress so they moved elegantly as you approached the couch, slowly lowering the brunette's book.
Donna glanced at you briefly and then went back to her book, but that only lasted a second, the second it took her brain to process your change.
“Mamma mia… (Y/N)…” she sighed with her eye wide open, her jaw dropping slightly. Just for that face, it was worth all the work.
“Do you like my new outfit?” you asked amused, turning around to move your dress, to further hypnotize the paralyzed lady in black. “I've given it a little more personal touch…”
“But, but, but…” Donna stammered, slowly getting up. “(Y/N)… Sei come una bambola…”
“Yeah, well, it's just that I used a doll for the design, I don't know why, I thought you would like it, what do you think, honey?” you said passively, not giving importance to Donna's apparent nervousness.
“It's, it's incredible…” she stammered, grabbing your hand and giving you an elegant spin, touching, brushing the fabric, caressing your curls. “D-Did you make it?”
“Of course,” you said smiling, enjoying her exploratory caresses. “I know how much you like your dolls, so I thought that maybe seeing me almost turned into one of them would make you happy,” you explained, putting a hand on her cheek so she would look into your eyes. “Do you like it, my love?”
“W-Wait,” she said, blinking confusedly, moving away. “Do you mean that you…? That you… You did it this for me?” she asked, increasingly nervous, a reaction that you didn’t expect.
“Of course, darling… I like to make you happy. I'm not going to say that it has not taken me a lot of work but, well, you already know how easy it is for me to sew and… Donna?”
You stopped talking when you heard a sob, when you saw the sadness in the brunette's eye, an inexplicable one. You got a little closer to her. Poor Donna seemed unable to stop crying.
“My love, what's wrong?” you asked with a sweet voice, worried about her reaction. “Don't cry, Donna…”
“Y-You have, have, have you done that…? For me?” the lady in black repeated, with a voice broken by that irrational crying. “Just for me? But, but… You, you've been sewing for weeks and… You've put on makeup like that and… And… Just for me?”
When you realized what the reason for her crying was, you sighed in relief, lifting her chin and laughing amused.
“Donna… Of course I did it for you…” you said between soft laughs, wiping away her tears.
“But, but, tesoro… You didn't have to… You didn't have to try that hard… For, for me…” she stammered again, shaking her head.
You laughed a bit louder, causing the lady in black to protest by kicking the floor.
“Don't laugh at me,” she hissed, wiping her tears herself, looking at you in annoyance.
“I'm not laughing at you, darling,” you said, cupping her face in your hands. “I laugh at how absurd those tears are,” you whispered in a soft voice, coming closer to lightly place your lips on hers, in an almost imperceptible kiss.
“How do you want me not to cry? You, you know how much I like dolls and, and, you, you sewed that for me, you put on that outfit for me… Just to make me happy… I, I don't deserve you, (Y/N), I don't deserve you!”
“Shhh, don't yell, my precious Donna…” you said, calming that incipient crisis with more kisses, with more caresses. “When will you learn that I would do anything for you? Anything…  I don't know, if you asked me to wear a trash bag instead of clothes, I would do it without thinking, or even worse, I would be able to wear something black for you, my love…”
Donna smiled, calming her crying and shaking her head, taking a moment to contemplate you before hugging you lovingly, with all the love she dared to express.
“You are perfect, (Y/N)… Perfect…” she whispered lovingly in your ear, playing with your curls, calming the sobs that still came out of her lips.
“Just because I'm with you,” you said, smiling adorably, perfectly matching your doll look.
“Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo…” the lady repeated, showering you with kisses, caresses… Smiling after that little moment of crisis.
“Hey, the makeup, Donna,” you joked, gently pushing her away. “I love you too, so much…”
The lady looked you up and down again and suddenly frowned.
“I have, I have an idea…” she murmured, taking your hand and starting to walk. “Come with me.”
The two of you went down to the basement and entered the workshop. Donna didn’t say anything, but she seemed nervous, rummaging through her stuff for something you didn’t know about. When she apparently found it, she sat down on her chair, pulling your hand.
“Will you sit with me, doll face?” she asked you kindly, guiding you to sit on her lap, which you did happily.
Without saying anything to you, she began to work on a porcelain body. She seemed focused, but she was easily distracted by your kisses, the ones she gave you from time to time, with a tear running down her cheek.
“Mm,” you murmured, dying of love for those displays of affection, for those tender kisses that soothed your skin.
“(Y/N), do you have any fabric left in that color?” Donna asked pointing to your dress, after shaping the curly mane of an upcoming doll.
You brought her everything she asked for and as the hours passed, which seemed too short for you, you began to sense what she was doing. Your same hairstyle, your same dress, the stockings, the hat… Everything was reflected in miniature in that doll.
“Is it me?” you asked in a sweet voice, placing yourself well on her lap. She looked at you and nodded pleased, handing you the doll. “Donna, it's incredible… She has the same spot as me,” you said amazed by her mastery, by having replicated you in such a perfect way.
“You were right, (Y/N), the color suits the dolls well,” she said, kissing you sweetly on the lips. “It's a gift for you, amore mio…”
“Wow… It's amazing, Donna, I don't know what to say…”
“Just say that you will continue being the way you are… That you will be my favorite doll forever…”
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cupidspup · 1 day
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I’ve been super stressed and needed some time to partake in my hobbies again sooo I give you agere art of myself!! I hope you guys like it! ^^
Agere Version-`♡´-
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Non Agere Ver!-`♡´-
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I don’t want to sound full of myself for saying this but please don’t repost my art or use it for anything (such as faceclaims or profile pictures etc!!)
This art is personal and unique to me and I’d like it to stay that way :”) I am open to people for asking for permission for other things but I just wanted to put it out there!!
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡Art/Outfit Credits:
All poses in this were taken from these pose reference thingies I got from Pinterest! I didn’t copy them fully I just did my best with them and this art credit goes to their original artists!!
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As for the outfits in this art I used the outfit board thingies made by the lovey @sweetpeapuppy !! I love their content sm and it absolutely inspired me to draw any of this in the first place!! I’ll show the ones I used for inspo below!
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Anywho thank you for letting me have this space to create content and I hope to post more soon! I love you guys ^^🩷
Cupid ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡
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goxjo · 15 days
how I found you : I think you followed my sideblog and I was like ‘ooooo who’s this pink pfp over here’ and went to visit your blog. instantly fell in love with your vibes 🤍
why I follow : I haven’t followed you for too long, but I can tell you are an incredibly sweet (and chaotic 🤍) person. always love seeing you on dash and hi hello ms incredible writer. (currently saving the reader as Sukuna’s vessel for when JJK ends this month so I can be h word instead of sad about the series ending BWAHHAHAH)
OMG I’m so happy you said that, I’ve lowkey been waiting for someone to say ‘pink’ or ‘blog vibes’ AHAHA I’m glad the pink @/stephaniepriscillart pfp caught your eye and we became mutuals because of it !!!! 💓
ALSO THAT’S SO SWEET OF U TO THINK I’M SWEET AND CHAOTIC KZKSJSKD (it’s what I’m going for truly lol and I promise you it gets worse lmao) and hello, I love seeing you on the dash too?!?!
pspsps ! tell me why you follow me or how you found my blog on or off anon ♡
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sensual-obscurity · 2 years
Merry Christmas || @insanespada ♡~
Their mutual chase back and forth had led them to nothing else but the valuable knowledge of delirious desires brought forth in hushed tones and even more 'chaste' movements, insisting on something else to happen, while the incident of their current cat and mouse play was entirely self-made. He had teased and taunted enough for the evening, trying to get a rise out of the scientist, who had decidedly ignored him in favour of whatever little screwed experiment he wanted to work on while in the presence of his partner. Obviously, [ did they both not know? ] it was just a means to get a reaction from the Noah, to see him unravel in the finest ways and most subtle little flickers of his artful thought-filled creations.
Those creations he had brought forth to run rampant around their little cages and confines; would they not want to have this power elegantly moving through the premises all to themselves? He had mentioned before that they were quite so hungry, quite so ravenous for whatever Tyki would hold inside his core, but have yet to show it and yet to manage to reach it. Alas, maybe another time! For now, he was suitably displeased with the lack of attention brought forth by that dearest partner of his.
Eyes would narrow then. A quirk of his lips into something of a warning he would offer when only he comes closer again, wrapping an arm around the slender waist, ignoring whatever the former Espada did on his table, as destructive and detrimental these things could truly be, a touch of danger was nought else but the suitable experience to their never-ending pursuit for more. " Now, my dear. " Within that deep laced set of singular syllables strung together. He could feel the slightest tremor it got out of his partner, could feel it in the subtle shiver running down his spine. " You ignored me for long enough, now haven't you~? " The breath near nothing but a whisper, chillingly spoken right along the shell of his ear to draw out that smallest explanation of a gasp to the heresy of not paying attention to who was more worth it than all around them could ever be. He sighs just when he hears the laugh, hushes it all down to nothing within the way his hand would dig deeper into that fine piece of clothing, hiding so sure what was only his own to behold. Whatever this was all about, it mattered little to him.
He could feel a provocation when it was presented so openly, so beautifully before that deep gold of his eyes.
" Don't be so hasty, darling. "
It was a simple set of words, a simple nuance of a flirt that would offset something - someone - deep within the apostle [ did Szayelaporro know? ] that could become the most torturous display of person's well-placed patience, now torn and frayed at the edges when he allowed for it; when he craved it. There's something guttural, primal, about the noise he released a moment later, urging his partner with uttering his desires, in the most open of displays to reach for and drag them out, bit by bit. What could there be to wait for, what could there be to achieve? He does not care for the rabble around them, their agonized screams and wails when all but his sharp attention had been drawn to nothing other than the being before him, so tempting, to tantalizing in ways he has yet a hard time describing.
It is rare that he would feel this way, rare that anybody could have captured the Noah's fleeting interest in ways unbeknownst to them [ and maybe to him? how laughable was that not? ], lingering ever longer in the touches and tastes he's so willing to grasp and indulge in. Such a taste as it was, when encouraging him to tilt his head, to expose the back of his neck, an arm then moved by the Arrancar to burry a hand into the long silken strands still bound together would they come loose without much of a hurry, without much of a tug given. The enjoyment following is lasting only as long as a mere second ticking away somewhere in the back of his mind. More and more, drawling together like hourglass sand, threatening to overflow, if not kept secure and contained.
Slow, slow the path travelled along exposed skin, the fine breath he exhales when only pulling his partner in closer, offering minute attention of that wicked desire that had gone over unsatisfied and ignored just seconds prior. And still? Szayelaporro did refrain from giving him what he wanted [ what was that even? ], pulling out of his grasp soon after with all but a fine exhale, the subtlety of a gasp had left parted lips. And permit he was, for their engagement was always a tug back and forth mutually wanted. He could wait for as long as it would take if waiting like this would not be such an agonizingly slow descent in something so far more hazardous, so risky in opposition to what it already had been. He knew he would be repaid for his patience, even tho as short-lived and deceptive as this would be, did his partner not know that it was a game he played with the possibility of it being turned around in any second? At any given moment?
Thus he made to offer a reward. For the will and want and permission to wait where Tyki usually would not, but was their back and forth not desired in its heavy cadence to tear out the fine slivers of someone's soul? Lay it bare, pry it open, just as one's heart would be if one were through with the other [ how often had he not wished to see that hole inside his lover's chest? ]. Maybe not now, not here, with the loss of closeness and distance brought between them, his eyes had grown darker, a shade of a shadow of something that does errupt in the back of the Apostle's mind. [ not now? not now?! ].
" Good~ " Each step calculated, each movement adjusted, it only takes a moment for them to realise, for them to know, that indeed, he did deserve a little treat for his abundance of mentality offered on a silver platter for Szayelaporro to reach for and tear into, just for now, he would permit his mind to be flayed before turning inside out who had provoked him so [ would they not both like it? ].
With the fine gleam of silver underneath bright laboratory lights, the ridicule of a star caught in someone's hand now moved and tilted and up towards the Espada's neck in a very telling invitation to take what was otherwise not offered before. Deft hands make quick work of high-collared attire, unsheathing, unclothing, all but the smallest bit of neck needed, to fulfil a promise that neither of them had known to be one in the hours spent before. He had seen all of him, or so Tyki thought, in the quiet togetherness of pleasure and satisfaction. But was there not bits and pieces yet unknown? Quick work would he make with it all, would set the fine line of a sharp knife against otherwise untouched skin, cutting, deep and deeper, along the underside of his neck, where it would flow into the fine curvature of his collarbone. As if to drag out the spectacle for all the little inklings it was worth, before attention would drag itself back to his partner still so patiently waiting to be allowed his treat.
Oh, it did not take too long till that well-trained tolerance would be broken into fine and glittering pieces in the time that could only be accounted for as a handful of pulses. With eyes as dark and glowing red as the pure hellfires, the scientist had to make some quick work to not accidentally have the weapon prick even more than it should. But the laughter that followed was all worth it. The way he would feel his partner's arm around him, pulling him close, would perceive the hand of the one not used to wrap around his wrist, tightly, yanking the knife away and keeping it out of reach till he wanted to use it for whatever means there were. He could sense then, the tongue that had set to travel along split open skin, hot and wanting, within a sweeping motion that would clean off all that had coated the otherwise pristine surface leaving nought but the crater of his own doing to allow this ocean to well up again and again. Who would have thought that there was such avaricious greed for something he never offered anybody [ but why not him he had thought today? ]. Forcing the movement of uncaught hand, to fasten and sink into the deep black of long hair. Pull and twist and just desire to draw him in deeper; to offer him all he would ever want.
One would think this was an animal he kept so close and contained within his grasp, a shuddering breath when he feels essence leave his body and be so dutifully, so delightfully lapped up by someone that knows true worship. Until this tremor turned into a deep sting in his lungs the second he heard it. Heard it so close to his very core. " Do you like to dance with the Devil? " So divine. So perfect. So truly immeasurable in all its subtle nuances that he got offered just here and right now. A shaking exhale. There was only so much Szayelaporro could do in that moment of true enlightenment, for had he not unleashed something else, someone else, within that moment of crazed frenzy? Oh, but of course. The truth behind Tyki's golden eyes, the control he held and had over the beast inside of him, a monster like none other, now only for him to play with. " Answer me, darling. "
And answer him he shall, for a Devil's Dance was a spectacle none other would ever be worthy to behold. " I do. I do truly do. "
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manikas-whims · 3 months
the fake dating u did was so good, like, ate and left no crumbs?? and i feel like its so spot on?? you did amazing thank you so much for ur writing
could u do a follow up on it?? i need to see the angst and confusion of the reader and the fluff at the end 🥹🥹
have a good day!!
OMG thank you for the shower of compliments 🫶😭
As i said in another ask, i wrote those HCs as a one shot thingy, and i’m still shocked so many wanted a part 2 so here it is!..FINALLY!
with a dash of misunderstandings, a sprinkling of pent-up desires and a spoonful of angst with a happy ending.
Fake Dating the Love and Deepspace men but you catch feelings pt. 2
new readers make sure to read [PART 1] before you read this..
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❄️ You know you crossed a line when you requested Zayne to kiss you.
❄️ That one kiss led to the start of many more. Now Zayne kisses you whenever he drops you off at work and whenever he comes by to pick you up. And before you can even realize, they've become a part of your normal routine.
❄️ Speaking of kisses, they aren't merely innocent pecks anymore. Now they feel passionate and longer, involve a little tease of the tongue here and there, and always leave you weak in the knees.
❄️ But this controlled manner of feeding off of his generosity is proving to be quite difficult for you. If anything, the kisses have made you greedier. Every time his lips touch you, you hope that it doesn't simply end there. That he doesn't stop. You desire more than you should out of this fake relationship. You desire more than you deserve.
❄️ But before this desire of yours can take over and make you do something you can never take back, you decide to end things with Zayne.
❄️ It's a normal evening in his office. He's sorting through his patients’ files when you call out to him.
❄️ He looks up and patiently awaits whatever it is you have to tell him.
❄️ You feel your lips quiver.
❄️ Zayne may have agreed to be your fake boyfriend because you had practically begged him to but he isn't obligated to give you anything that isn't needed. Him picking and dropping you to and from work, sharing meals together and kissing you in front of others is already so generous of him.
❄️ That is all it should've been. Only you ended up developing real feelings.
❄️ But if you let this farce run any longer, you'll end up mistaking his kindness for genuine affection. You'll end up fooling yourself into thinking its real. Not just for you but him as well. That your feelings are reciprocated.
❄️ Your mouth opens and shuts, as you try to muster the courage before softly murmuring. “I think we should stop.”
❄️ For a moment, he stares at you, unmoving as ice. Then his mouth motions but you don't hear word. You run away.
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❄️ Days pass with you ignoring Zayne's calls and texts. You skip work as well in order to avoid him.
❄️ Your doorbell rings one night and you almost jump. Dread instantly begins pooling in your belly. What if it's Zayne?
❄️ With anxious limbs, you answer the door only to find your friend Tara.
❄️ Tara tells you that she was only trying to set you up on dates because she hasn't seen you genuinely whole ever since you lost your family. That she wanted you to have someone who could complete you. But now that she's seen you with Zayne, her worries have faded into thin air. She is happy for you two. She is happy to see you happy after so long.
❄️ Though her words may have been supportive and full of warmth, they only make you feel worse. You end up crying and spilling the truth– the entire truth about the fake dating arrangement.
❄️ To your surprise, Tara is as kind as Zayne and instantly empathizes with you. She understands. And she apologizes for being so forceful in her attempts to look out for you by finding you dates.
❄️ Tara comforts you for a while but before departing, she suggests you come clean to Zayne and confess. She believes that it will all turn out fine in the end.
❄️ Well, its easier for her to say that. You're the one who actually grew up with Zayne. You know he's always been an honest man and how much it will hurt him when he learns that you've been taking advantage of your arrangement to enjoy his affectionate gestures. That after a while, you began deliberately prolonging the kisses in hopes of getting something more..
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❄️ You wake up the next morning to incessant knocking at your door, and wonder if it's Tara again, come all this to check up on you.
❄️ Sleepily you answer the door. And the drowsiness dissipates from your eyes the moment you find the familiar tall figure of your childhood friend clad in his tight black shirt and dark trousers.
❄️ Dread seeps into your being once more and you lower your head in shame. If Zayne is here then it can only mean one thing. You knew this was bound to happen. But you are a coward nonetheless, and you can't bear to look at him as he breaks your heart.
❄️ Zayne let's out a breath and speaks. “That evening in my office..I’m sorry if its because of something I did..”
❄️ His apology makes you feel sick. You will not let him take the blame for your own misdeeds.
❄️ “No Zayne, I’m the one who asked for your help. And I didn't even consider the fact that I might catch feelings for you.” You pause to collect your thoughts. “But I know how wrong and stupid I was for it. And that is why I ended things between us. Before I could do something worse and spoil our—”
❄️ You stop abruptly as Zayne pushes the door further open and steps up on the threshold, hovering intimidatingly over you. He tilts his head low and speaks. “The arrangement wasn't just yours. Any decisions related to it should be reached only after proper discussion between the parties involved.”
❄️ His statement takes you by surprise and you finally move your lashes to hesitantly look up at his face. “I didn't think it mattered to you. I thought you were merely being kind and helpful..like always.”
❄️ “On the contrary, I was enjoying our little arrangement. After all,” Zayne inches even closer, his voice an octave lower. “it allowed me to spend more time in the company of the person I yearn for.”
❄️ It isn't his statement but the intensity of his gaze that arouses a tiny flicker of hope within you. “Zayne..you..I thought..I was the only one taking advantage of the situation..”
❄️ He chuckles lightly. “Apparently we both were. It seems our arrangement stopped being fake the moment we kissed.”
❄️ That tiny flicker of hope bursts into a lively flame of desire. “Then, you also wanted it to be real?”
❄️ He gives no verbal response but his lips quirk up into the barest hint of a smile as he nods.
❄️ For a moment, you stare at each other, processing all the words exchanged; the next, Zayne takes off his glasses and and tucks them in his pocket. And your lips find his, like many times this past week. Only now, neither of you stop just there for this isn’t pretense anymore. It's mutual, and it's real.
❄️ His hands slip beneath your shirt, cold fingers leaving a trail of warmth along every inch they touch.
❄️ And he kisses you harder, his tongue prying your lips apart as he pushes you inside the house and shuts the door behind him.
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⭐ Things have been going pretty well ever since that “incident” in front of your apartment door. The creepy resident has stopped showing up.
⭐ You can freely enjoy the gym and pool in your apartment complex and everything else without the constant intrusion of that weirdo.
⭐ And although Xavier still goes out for morning laps and evening walks with you, accompanies you for the exercise sessions and even checks up on you at your apartment, he has cut-down on everything else. He is holding your hand a lot less and doesn't slip his arms around your waist as much.
⭐ It’s only fair though. Since the strange man isn't hitting on you anymore, there isn't much need for Xavier to act either.
⭐ You can live with it. Bear with him not engaging in any sort of skinship anymore. But your mind simply cannot forget the way his lips had felt against your own.
⭐ In the loneliness of the moonlit nights, you often find your fingers tracing the same spot his lips had sucked on your neck. You close your eyes and revisit the memory of his lips pressed gently upon yours. The memory of him kissing you a second time but with much more impatience and fervor. And you wish he'd do it all again.
⭐ It's not even surprising that you like Xavier. The guy has been nothing but helpful, protective and co-operative. And he indulges all your requests– from hanging out at the claw machine or playing kitty cards to something as unnecessary as a late night walk– when he could be spending that time reading a book or dozing-off.
⭐ You have found Xavier attractive ever since your first encounter. It's just that only now his searing kisses have left a mark upon your heart. Made you realise that you harbor an emotion far deeper than mere attraction for this man. And it's quite vexing how quickly he seems to have moved on from those shared kisses.
⭐ How can he smile at you with the same lips that nearly stole your breath away? How can he simply go on with his life while you lie awake in bed at nights, reminiscing those moments over and over?
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⭐ Xavier has completely ruined you.
⭐ You can neither focus on work nor are you interested in gossiping with Tara and Nero. And to make matters worse, you get assigned to a mission with the last person you wanna face right now— the eccentric, silver-haired neighbor who claims to have killed more than 70,000 wanderers. The same man who had you pinned against a door just a week ago.
⭐ The mission starts smoothly. You and Xavier arrive at the location of a forest with high protofield fluctuations. You are synced as ever, efficiently taking down wave after wave of wanderers.
⭐ But there's a tension radiating between the two of you. It distracts you momentarily, resulting in you almost getting struck by a wanderer swerving it's blade towards you.
⭐ Fortunately, Xavier steps in at the last instant, slips an arm around your waist and pulls you closer. With his other arm, he effortlessly swings his blade and deflects the wanderer's blows.
⭐ He is saying something now, his expression full of concern. But you can barely hear a thing due to the loud drumming of your heart. You are too lost in the sensation of his strong arm firmly holding you in place.
⭐ When you give no response, he tilts his head adorably in confusion and stares at you. And for the briefest of moments, his eyelids lower, his gaze seemingly lingering upon your lips before he licks his own and lets go of your waist, flexing his gloved fingers as he does so.
⭐ He clears his throat, tightens his grip around his sword and resumes his battle stance.
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⭐ By the time you've cleared out the wanderers, you want nothing more than to go home. However, Xavier is already approaching you.
⭐ “You seem a little preoccupied. Is that creep bothering you again? Do you need me to beat him up?” He asks.
⭐ “What!?— No! I told you that you can't beat him up!” You wave your hands frantically.
⭐ “Then,” He pauses, his eyes narrowing. “it’s that kiss, isn't it?”
⭐ Your face instantly heats up at his direct mention of the kiss. You aren't good with confrontations, especially not when they involve the very man responsible for the sickness of your heart. So you bite your bottom lip and and try leaving again, hoping this is enough of a response.
⭐ But if there's one thing you've come to learn about Xavier, its that he can be very assertive when he wants to be. And right now he's unrelenting. He grabs you by the wrist, gently making you face him again. “I went a little too far, didn't I? I should've asked you before doing something like that. Let me make up for it.”
⭐ The sincerity in his eyes melts your heart. You're the one who had come to him with such an unusual request. You're the one who said he wasn't convincing enough, so he tried to make it feel more genuine. And yet here he is, not even questioning you for a second but already striving to make up for it.
⭐ You can't let him punish himself for it, especially since he didn't hurt you at all. Only left you wanting for more. “Xavier, you didn't go too far. And I don't want you to make up for it.”
⭐ His thumb runs over the back of your hand. “What do you want then?”
⭐ There's a conviction in his eyes– the same one he has before promising he'll win all the plushies for you at the claw machine, the same one he has when slaying wanderers. And you can't help but be honest with him. “I..I want you to kiss me like that..again..”
⭐ There! You've said it now. To hell with shame! And to hell with frustration! You're too tired to hide your feelings any longer.
⭐ Yet at the same time, the anticipation of his response is stressful. You try to pry your hand free of his hold but it only grows tighter now.
⭐ “You– You didn't mind it?” Xavier's eyes darken. So does his demeanor. He takes a step forward, and you take two back. “You’ve been wanting me..to do it again?”
⭐ You nod slightly, and he exhales a breath.
⭐ Xavier draws you closer, his eyes wordlessly asking permission this time. You nod again.
⭐ The next moment, his lips press softly against yours. And for the first time this week, you feel a little sated. It's not all you have ever wished for. Barely anything at all. But it gives you enough strength to live with your feelings for him.
⭐ The kiss deepens as he pushes you against the nearest tree branch, his lips parting your own. You gasp and turn your face away.
⭐ “Xavier, you don't need to do more.” You whisper breathily. “This is enough.”
⭐ He leans his face down, lips moving along your neck. “It’s hardly enough.”
⭐ Even with the pleasure clouding your thoughts, you remind yourself that you can't keep taking his willingness for granted. You can't let him go on. “Xavier, you don't need to pretend for my sake.”
⭐ “I’m not pretending. I want this too.” His response is immediate. “I’ve been wanting this for a very long time.”
⭐ His words hold weight, unlike any declaration made in the heat of the moment. So you give in. Let his hand guide your thigh around his waist as he kisses you again, under the evening quite of the forest.
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🌊 “Keep up the act for some more time?” Rafayel asks, surprised.
🌊 It's the day after you'd attended that fancy gala with him. You're both sitting on the couch in his studio and you're the one who give this lame suggestion.
🌊 He rests his chin on the back of his palm and smiles mischievously, a twinkle in his eyes. “Don’t tell me, Miss Bodyguard..have you caught feelings for me?”
🌊 If you were drinking something, you would've probably sputtered it all over by now. But thankfully, there are no refreshments in your hands, and you will not embarass yourself by admitting how accurate he is in his guess (even if made only in jest).
🌊 You school your face into a stern expression as you look back at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. If we break up right now, after you've been parading me around in everyone's faces, then people will talk. Critics will latch onto this opportunity to write think pieces in hopes of sullying your name. I'm only being cautious as your bodyguard.”
🌊 Rafayel puts a hand over his heart and feigns a hurt expression. “And here I thought you've finally fallen for my irresistible charm.”
🌊 You scoff and roll your eyes. “Don’t think so highly of yourself.”
🌊 “I don't need to think so because its a fact. I am amazing.” He sits up straight. “Anyways I don't care much for critics. I don't care if people misunderstand or hate my art. But I know Thomas will be pulling his hair out if I get a bad name right now.”
🌊 “So,” He pauses for effect as you edge closer to him in anticipation. “I guess we'll keep running this charade for some more time.”
🌊 Before you can even realize, your lips are stretching up into a small smile. You know this is a foolish arrangement. One that is bound to end in nothing but pure agony for you. Yet you insist on dragging this along because you are desperate for a little more time with him. You cannot imagine going back to simply being Rafayel the painter's “bodyguard”.
🌊 You may have developed feelings for him a long time ago but its that kiss that made you realize how far gone you are for this man.
🌊 And you foolishly hope and believe that not all of it had been a mere act for him either. That there's a possibility of him liking you just a teensy bit. And this crazy belief has deluded you into entertaining fantasies you should not.
🌊 Now that you've had a taste of what it's like to have him as your lover, it's impossible for you to settle for anything less. You want him, and you wish for him to want you too.
🌊 The snap of a finger in front of your face draws you out of your juvenile daydreams. Rafayel is assessing your face. “Where are you? Come back to the real world, Miss Bodyguard. We're discussing some important things here.”
🌊 Your cheeks heat up and you apologize for getting distracted. “Yes, I'm listening. What is it?”
🌊 Rafayel shakes his head but begins explaining. “I’m saying that since we can't break up abruptly, then let's do it,” He pauses again, spreading his arms out and staring up at the high ceiling dramatically. “publicly.”
🌊 Your hear a crumbling sound and feel an ache in your heart. “What does that mean?”
🌊 He grins excitedly. “If we break up publicly, in the presence of a huge crowd with big names and paparazzis around, then surely it will leave little to no room for speculation and criticism.”
🌊 You feel fissures steadily forming on your heart. This isn't what you had expected when you had suggested him to continue on with this charade. A sinking feeling looms over you yet despite that you try your best to force a smile upon your face. “That..seems like an interesting idea.”
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🌊 From that point onwards, any time to you meet Rafayel, the passionate kiss you had shared at the gala plays in the back of your mind. And you wonder if you'll ever get to kiss him again, even if only for the sake of this temporary farce.
🌊 Now every time Rafayel steps even an inch closer to you or lowers his head, you find yourself expecting– and hoping for– a kiss. A kiss that sadly never comes.
🌊 And the worst part is that you can't get mad at him. He merely asked you to play pretend. He never asked you to catch feelings. If anything, you should've been just as professional as he is. At least it would've saved you from experiencing the heaviness you feel within your chest.
🌊 But lets ignore all that because today you are at Rafayel’s place to discuss how the two of you will publicly carry out a fake break-up of your fake relationship during an upcoming exhibition.
🌊 Rafayel explains how you are supposed to yell at him during the exhibition, and make sure everyone around hears how difficult it is for you to date someone well-known. That it is becoming impossible for the two of you to make time for each other.
🌊 You scoff. “And then what? You'll say how I've always been nothing but a gold digger, chasing after you for your money and fame?”
🌊 Rafayel claps his hands. “Actually not bad. And then you can say how I am just as rotten as the rest of the celebrities.”
🌊 You can't help but laugh despite the ache in your heart. “This is so trope-y and predictable. No one will buy it.”
🌊 “Oh trust me they will. Everyone loves a little drama.” Rafayel tries convincing you. “You can add a few more insults and break my heart. And I can dedicate my next art piece to you, my cute but cruel ex.”
🌊 You laugh some more and he laughs with you.
🌊 Rafayel may act a little arrogant and childish at times but he is a good person by nature. Whether intentional or not, he always makes you laugh. The time spent in his company may not always be relaxing but it is certainly always entertaining.
🌊 And you realize how these moments will be gone forever after this so-called “break-up”, and how truly unprepared you are to endure it.
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🌊 The eve of the exhibition finally arrives.
🌊 Rafayel keeps repeating the things you are supposed to say and do if you are to end this arrangement tonight. But you can only focus on the unease bubbling within your belly.
🌊 He quirks his chin, signaling for you to begin but you find yourself rooted in spot, unable to utter a single word. The unease in your belly grows and you take a deep breath before finally speaking.
🌊 “I’m..I’m getting tired of this.” You mumble softly. You aren't sure if anyone heard that but you continue. “You’re the one who asked me out yet now I feel as if you don't even care.”
🌊 Your voice is shaky now. You're taking in more breaths with every word you speak. Rafayel's calm expression falters as he watches the way you ball your palms into tight fists. “I..I don't think I can go on any longer!”
🌊 Your words resonate with your actual feelings. You really cannot go on like this much longer. You will miss the silly moments spent with him. You will be unable to genuinely smile with him after this. It will become impossible for you to even be his bodyguard. And you don't want that. You don't want any of it!
🌊 The unease in your belly spreads all over your skin like a wildfire. You feel tears streaming down your cheeks as you shake your head at him. “I can't do this.” You choke out before running off, the crowd of people around gasping in shock.
🌊 Rafayel follows right on your heels, grabbing you by the waist before you can trip on the stairs and fall.
🌊 “Let me go!” You yell but he's pulling you into a secluded room.
🌊 “Hey..calm down.” He tucks the loose strands of your hair behind your ears and gently wipes your tears with his thumb.
🌊 But you can't do this. You can't tolerate him being so tender with you right before he mercilessly breaks your heart. You step away from him and his eyes widen, a hint of anguish now swimming in them.
🌊 “What's wrong, Y/N?” He asks, calling you by your actual name instead of the nickname he loves so much.
🌊 And you actually respond, words flooding out of your mouth like a crumbling damn. “Rafayel, I can't do this. I am drowning in my feelings for you. And I know it's not your responsibility to feel the same way just cause I do but I..” You sob, unable to say anymore.
🌊 He stares at you for a moment, an unknown emotion alight in his eyes. Then he breaks into a shrill laugh, the sound of it echoing loudly in the silent room. And he wraps his arms around you in an embrace, his shoulders shaking as he laughs some more.
🌊 “Look at you, falling for me just when I try to distance myself from you.” He strokes soothing circles on your back. “When I try to end all this to run away from my own feelings for you..”
🌊 Your own eyes widen now and you pull away to look at him, waiting for him to affirm what he just said. He chuckles, wiping your tear-stained face before leaning in to rest his forehead against yours.
🌊 “Yeah yeah I'm madly in love with. And it seems you did, after all, fall for my irresistible charms.” He drawls out as if talking about something insignificant.
🌊 Then he leans closer, his breath tickling your lips. “If you wanted us to date for real, you should've simply asked. Instead you made me chase after you like some besotted prince in a fairy tale.”
🌊 You find yourself laughing at that and he lets out a breath.
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🌊 “There’s the laugh.” He murmurs, sealing his lips with yours, his fingers carding through your hair as he tilts your head and deepens the kiss.
Hope it was upto your expectations or atleast as enjoyable as part 1 of this ♡ It's unedited so i apologise for any errors (i'm a little sleepy and will edit later). And thank you for all the love and support on all my LADS headcanons so far 🥹🫶
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fictoculus · 3 months
౨ৎ genshin men; love languages...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... aether, albedo, alhaitham, ayato, childe, diluc, gorou, heizou, itto, kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, neuvillette, scara, thoma, tighnari, wriothesley, venti, xiao, xingqiu, zhongli
A/N... ohemgee kaede is back ?!! i'm sorry it's been so longggg i've really missed writing, i think i js kinda lost my spark for a bit but i should be back to posting nowww hooray !! even if i don't come backkk (since i'm not fully certain) i hope you can still enjoy these hc drabble thingies nd also my previous works, thank you ♡
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✧ quality time.
he wants nothing more than to spend time with you, to smell the sweet fragrance of your perfume as it dances in the gentle breeze. he wants to watch as your hair flows gently, each strand delicately swaying back and forth, as if to mimic the way he swings his arms when his hand is holding yours. just being around you gets him all excited, though you'll never catch him actually admitting it. he has countless photos of the two of you together, each one connected with a memory that will stay with him forever. he often finds himself looking over them late at night when he's missing you, wishing you were there to hold him, or tell him about your interests, even sitting in silence would suffice. he just wants to be with you, whether that be studying, sleeping, reading, shopping, eating - he doesn't care, he'll do anything as long as it's with you..
xiao, alhaitham, aether, heizou, wriothesley + your favs
✧ gift giving.
it's almost like routine. at least once a fortnight, he comes knocking on your door with some sort of gift, stops you in the corridor with a bag full of goodies, or has a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers delivered straight to your front door when he's unable to come see you. he goes through a lot of trouble behind the scenes to get these things together for you, but it's all worth it when he sees that pretty smile light up your face, eyes glistening with pure excitement as you see whatever he's prepared for you. his eyes, on the other hand, are full of love as he sees the outcome of his hard work; your happiness is of utmost importance to him. the gifts he gives come in all different shapes and sizes, anything from a snack you'd said you'd been craving to a ridiculously expensive piece of jewellery, but you know that no matter what it is, he put so much thought and care into picking it out for you; that's what mattered to you most. even if he didn't shower you in his love this way, you wouldn't love him any less - of course you wouldn't. you care about him, not the things he gives you (though you really do appreciate them). he loves you more than words can say, and this is his way of showing it.
zhongli, ayato, albedo, neuvillette + your favs
✧ physical touch.
he's all over you. from the second you wake up to the moment you drift off to sleep. 24/7. he just can't get enough. he's practically addicted to your warmth, the softness of your skin, scars and all. it no longer comes as a surprise when you feel his arms snake around your waist from behind, or even when he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, his hair tickling your cheek as he moulds around your figure. he can't seem to stay away from you. the second he hears your voice, or the mention of your name, even your footsteps (yes, he knows), he comes rushing over, immediately insisting on intertwining his fingers with yours. your contact is replenishing to him. no matter how tired he is or how many hardships he had to face that day, feeling you run your hands up and down his back or cup his cheeks, his mood is immediately uplifted.
itto, childe, diluc, tighnari, kaeya, kaveh + your favs
✧ words of affirmation.
"i love you" "i love you" "i love you" it's constant, over and over and over. he repeats it a thousand times, as if it's an ancient incantation, but he still doesn't think it's enough. he just wants you to know how perfect you are, how beautiful you are, how easy to love you are; he wants you to see yourself the way he sees you. he's desperate to talk about you, to tell someone how much he loves you, and who else would he tell than the person he trusts most? and so, when the two of you are finally snuggled up close, he'll whisper in your ear the most poetic words you've ever heard, trying his best to capture your essence, though to him, it always feels just out of reach. he knows he'll never be able to truly explain how he feels about you, because there are no words for that feeling he gets in his heart when he hears your voice, or lays his eyes on you, let alone thinks about you. he recites your own stories and little habits back to you as if you're a complete stranger to yourself, and honestly, you can't help but find it endearing. he loves you so much, and he always knows the perfect things to say to see that smile he treasures deep in his heart.
kazuha, xingqiu, zhongli, venti, neuvillette + your favs
✧ acts of service.
sure, he may not be so good with words, but not to worry, he makes up for it one way or another. it's the little things for him. every morning without fail, he'll pack your lunch and leave it on the kitchen counter for you, a little memo hidden inside signed off with his initials and a small doodle, as always. he'll iron your clothes and hang them in your wardrobe, all neat and tidy for when you get dressed the next day. he'll get up 15 minutes earlier than when you usually arise, cooking breakfast for you and letting the scent of crisp bacon waft into the bedroom and wake you from your slumber. he'll do anything for you, big or small; he just wants to make sure you know how much he loves you.
scara, thoma, alhaitham, diluc + your favs
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you’d like me to write next!
TAGLIST…@maopll . @nyxmainex . @avensuersa . @moondrop-gummies. @lacunaanonymoused apply here
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© FICTOCULUS 2024; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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200markies · 25 days
    chenle ♡ is the type of boyfriend to ... ⁺ (1)
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chenle soft hours & headcanons. all are fictional.
pairing: zhong chenle x fem!reader
genre: romance, fluff
part 1 of "chenle is the type of boyfriend to..." series
author's notes: hey y'all........ felt 100% delusional so i decided to do this because all these dreamies soft hours headcanons are literally making me go crazy 😭😭 hope y'all enjoy, i JUST really love chenle (it's obvious)
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chenle is the type of boyfriend to come over to your place every evening just to give you kisses, or food, or flowers so that you wouldn't feel alone and so that he'll remind you everyday that he loves you so much! he has every single time to cuddle with you and tell you sweet compliments to enlighten your mood whenever you're stressed.
"i love you so, so much, pretty." chenle says as he kisses your forehead, ruffling your hair softly while he holds you in his arms. he felt cozy wrapping his arms around you, watching you lie down on his chest as you listen to his sweet compliments. "i love the way you are, how pretty you are, how sweet you are, how kind you are... i'm so, so glad you're mine."
chenle is the type of boyfriend to surprise you with gifts at the best times and occasions, giving you gifts and bouquets that expressed his congratulations and how proud he is for you. he always wants and expects you to come home to his gifts after work, all displayed and decorated by him once you get inside.
"i tried my best decorating this for you... do you like it?" chenle smiles as he turns to the balloons on the living room and the flowers that he's holding, chuckling softly as you were still surprised with the way chenle did all this for you. "i know this whole decoration thingy doesn't look good enough, but it's enough to express how proud i am and how much i love you."
chenle is the type of boyfriend to drop everything, whether it's schedules or special occasions, just to attend your special occasions. he wants to be there for you in every single occasion, whether it's major or not, because he wants to witness you do your best, or he wants to be with you if you couldn't find a date for that certain occasion. he doesn't care if dropping schedules would cause consequences, but as long as it's you he's prioritizing, he'll go for it.
"you have an awarding ceremony tomorrow?" chenle asks as he looks at you, immediately thinking of canceling all his plans just to be with you. you nod, asking, "yeah, are you gonna come?" since you really didn't want chenle to miss this out. the moment you ask him, he immediately took his laptop to go and cancel every single plan he has for tomorrow. "i'm canceling all my plans, i'm coming."
chenle is the type of boyfriend to get a little bit jealous whenever he hears or spots you talk with another guy on the phone or right in front of him. just by looking at him while you're talking to someone else on the phone, you already know how jealous he is by the look in his eyes. he would usually deny the fact that he gets jealous everytime, but whenever you catch him, it seems like he can't deny it any longer.
chenle looks at you with a low, death glare, impatiently waiting for you to end the call. "when are you gonna end that?" he whispers, as you look at him and tell him to wait before you ended the call. "jealous?" you ask him with a chuckle, settling your phone on the side as you looked at him with a soft smile. you loved seeing chenle jealous, it's cute of him. "yeah, yeah, can't even deny that anymore... can we cuddle now, please? i'm too impatient, i want you badly."
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©️ 200markies / jyanihaes, 2024
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recaltera · 7 months
pretty when you beg
pairing: enzo vogrincic x fem reader
🏷 smut (minors dni) teasing, underwear kink(?), oral (f rec), overstim, orgasm countdown, orgasm control, hard dom enzo and kinda mean enzo if u squint, spitting
a/n: (IMPORTANT!!) hiii this is my first fic ever i hope u like it :D if u wanna i can also translate into spanish so more people can read it. please let me know what u think and if u have any requests let me know in the ask box thingy, i write for everyone in lsdln’s cast. tyvm !! have a good day/night mwah ♡
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ꙳⭒ ༒ ✧⋆
deep breaths was all that could be heard, his lips trailing down from your neck to your abdomen. leaving a trail of wet kisses on his way to your clothed cunt.
he kept teasing you tonight, you went out to celebrate your three months together and instead of being all romantic and lovey-dovey, he was whispering the dirtiest things into your ears. but to be honest, you weren’t complaining at all, that’s one of the many things you loved about him, how dirty he could get, even in the most innocent occasions.
— going to fuck you so good tonight, angel.
all you could do was blush and giggle it off.
so here he was kissing your clit through your black laced panties you wore just for him tonight over and over again. it felt so good, yet it wasn’t enough, you needed more.
— enzo, please
he used his thumb to rub over your lips, something he did when he wanted you to open your mouth for him, wether it meant he wanted you to suck him off, or just make you suck in his fingers. however, this time he leaned over to spit in your mouth. and you gladly opened up and swallowed for him.
— shut the fuck up.
you kept bucking your hips into his face, but to no avail cause he ended up pinning you to the mattress, with his slender, pretty fingers sprawled out on your stomach. the fingers you oh so wanted somewhere else. the fingers you had spent HOURS thinking about.
as he was busy making out with your clothed pussy, kissing and sucking here and there, making the lace panties wet with his saliva. you were getting desperate to feel something, anything. you took his fingers into your own hands and guided them where you needed him the most.
— nuh uh, i want you to cum because of my mouth tonight.
you groaned when he finally took your panties off and kissed your inner thighs… slowly. still teasing you.
— fuck please, please, give me something.
and so he did, he kissed your now bare clit and started sucking on it like a desperate, starved man. the sounds he made while eating u out were like music to your ears.
he kept alternating between licks and flicks to your bud until you came, kissing your clit over and over to ride out your high. just to get off the bed and look for your favorite vibrator. he put it on a medium speed and pressed it lightly over your clit making you moan a little too loud from the overstimulation.
— s’too much enzo, no. no. no. no, stop it.
but he knew you didn’t want him to stop, if you did actually want that you would have used your safe word. he knew how fucking greedy you were. how no matter how many times he made you cum, if he wanted you to cum again then that’s what you’d do. you’d do anything to please him. anything for him.
he pressed it harder and started dragging it along your folds only stopping once the toy was on your clit again. he loved seeing your fucked out face, and how just by playing with the bundle of nerves he could get you to look like a mess; legs sprawled out and open for him, cunt red and glistening with your own juices and his spit. it was quite the sight if you asked him.
once you had relaxed and let him have his way with you for a couple of minutes, he used his index finger to put the toy on the highest setting. making the vibrations buzz around your whole body. making you shake because of the pleasure he was providing you.
he knew you were close, he already knew every part of your body, what you liked and what you didn’t. how to make u cum, how to get you on your knees for him, and how you reacted when you were about to hit your orgasm, so without moving the toy away from you, he leaned down, sticking his tongue inside of u going in and out at a fast pace. making you close your legs around his head for that extra feeling. you were so close to the edge, literally about to let go when he says;
— you cant cum until i say so.
he proceeded to begin with his 10 second countdown he loved to do when he wanted you to beg and cry for him. he loved hearing how desperate you were to cum for him. how pretty you looked with tears in your eyes.
“10… 9…”
— m’so close please
you could literally feel the tears in your eyes.
“8… 7… 6…”
— i don’t think i’ll last, please let me cum
“5… 4… 3…“
— please please please
— fuck enzo
— cum baby, make a mess for me, hm?
you came, you came so fucking hard letting him guide you through it.
— good job, angel. hope you are aware of the fact that we are not finished yet. or is my little doll too dumb to think right now?
he said with a pout on his lips, faking sympathy at your fucked out state. and you would be lying if you said you didn’t want whatever the fuck it was this beautiful man standing in front of you wanted to give you.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ꙳⭒ ༒ ✧⋆
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giamee · 1 year
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ཐི♡ཋྀ featuring -> luocha, blade, dan heng, jing yuan, gepard landau, welt yang
ཐི♡ཋྀ contains -> soulmate!au, no warnings just fluff (?) and maybe a bit suggestive for welt. ALSO LUOCHA'S IS SO ANGSTY AND FOR WHAT IDK IM SORRY
ཐི♡ཋྀ gia's notes -> ok so you know that soulmate au thing where the moles on ur body are where ur lover in a past life kissed you the most? yeah. i opened star rail for the first time in like 2 weeks today cos i rage quit after getting silver wolf while trying to build pity for luocha and then i did the story quest thingy and brainrot happened. sorry for being gone for so long. have this <3 (ppl who requested stuff two months ago i see you i hear you i'm just a slow writer)
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ LUOCHA has a particularly noticeable mole on the right side of his neck. with his high collar and serious expression, that remains another guarded secret of his that is privy to only his own searching eyes, a secret that raises colour in his cheeks at the insinuation of its placement.
having spent more time around the dead than the living these past few months, love and human connection is not exactly an occurence that can happen naturally within his profession.
and for the most part, that's alright.
yet there are some lonely nights where luocha finds his gloved fingertips grazing the dark spot on his neck, wishing that he could be graced with the same tenderness in this life that he had received in his previous one. if he closed his eyes and concentrated hard enough, he could almost feel the ghostly brush of a pair of lips against his cool skin, the feathery sensation sending a soft shiver down his spine, accompanied by the distant giggle of a past lover in his ear before it slips his grasp and he rolls onto his side in frustration.
that damned spot might as well be placed directly over his heart, considering the amount of influence it held over him.
he could only hope that his dreams tonight would reunite him with the figure that haunts his conscious mind too now, and continue his fruitless search to find them once again in his waking realm.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ BLADE has moles on his chest and back littered amidst the scars that mar his porcelain skin. always a skeptic, the man has never been one to believe in the fanciful stories of soulmates destined to be, sneering in the face of such notions as fate, preferring to keep his head resolutely on his shoulders and feet planted on the ground.
and in some sense, he's right.
because when he met you, in this current life, you joined him in his rejection of a perfect other half. and then, slowly but surely, you had wormed your way into his heart, and his insistence on not having any such thing as a soulmate seems like such a flimsy rebuttal to the way you gaze at him in adoration, fingers trailing in your lips' wake as they brush over each individual mark on his chest.
he tries not to shiver when he feels your warm lips descend upon the skin of his back, your fingers tracing the faded marks that depict his life story with a silent promise that you'll be there for him, and to count every mark on his skin with tender care.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ DAN HENG often finds himself staring in wonder at the moles which litter his arms. starting from his wrists, there is a dusting of them that creeps all the way up to his shoulders, placed upon his skin with such deliberate care that it's almost a foreign concept to him.
in the later hours of the night, he allows himself to muse over the possibility of a soulmate, a lover in a past life destined to find him again, trying to solve the mystery of their identity by peering at his arms as if their face is etched into them.
and when he meets you, he feels breathless all over again as your hands interlink with his own, clasping them so fervently that lightning practically runs up his spine as your lips reunite with his skin, once again staking their claim as you make your way from his wrists to the rest of his body.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ JING YUAN bears his mark with pride, the distinct spot residing comfortly underneath his eye, attracting his attention to it every time he paises to study his reflection.
he wouldn't call himself a vain man, so he appraises that one mole before continuing on with his day, but it's not until you have his face cupped in your palms, and your eyes study his features with an intensity he had not felt until now, that you mention that he has two other moles on his face, albeit fainter.
and you make a point of reaffirming their existence at every chance you get, with you and jing yuan's morning routine involving your lips brushing against the faint mole on the apple of his cheek and bridge of his nose before landing a last one underneath his eye.
those only serve as a mere guidline, though, as you do not hesitate to pepper the rest of his unblemished face with kisses as your symbol of affection.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ GEPARD does not know what to think of the moles that litter his collarbones. they're rather prominent, and if he lets himself think about them for too long, he'll start blushing.
even the thought of someone kissing him there makes his brain short circuit, so the sensation is definitely one that he will have to get used to with you.
the slightly sadistic part of you revels in the way his blushing face hides itself behind his hands when you kiss him on those marks, a muffled boyish giggle escaping his lips at the ticklish sensation of your lashes brushing against his skin when you lay your head against his chest.
you decide to place a few additional marks for his next life when you kiss the backs of his hands, until your lover relents and reveals his face to you once more, letting you place a final tender kiss to his lips.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ WELT finds the little triangle of moles on his hipbone more humorous than anything. there's a certain intimacy to their placement that surpasses the more innocent and easily visible marks a person may have been granted by their soulmate, and he fonds himself wondering what kind of person his soulmate is for there to be the most frequent place they kiss.
and it's a pleasant surprise, really, as to how right it feels when you see those marks yourself and giggle, continuing their tradition by dropping a kiss to each in quick succession before grinning up at him with a smile so endearing that welt finds himself desperately committing the scene to memory.
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY: bound 2 fall in love!
honkai star rail masterlist ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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mangocustard16 · 7 months
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genre: fluff warnings: fake diseases, mentions of ER, hospitals, accidents and blood lmk if i missed someting wc: 512 a/n: i really wanted to use the 'spin wheel thingy' so i chose 6 members using this also i have zero medical knowledge so don't come at me with for the medical terms
excited to use all the cheesy pickup lines he learned from the internet
“Doctor! I think there’s something wrong with my heart. It keeps fluttering every time I see you.”
super proud, brags about it everywhere
got a cold and called Hoshi to tell him that he couldn't come for practice cuz he got rhinorrhea
acts like he gains medical knowledge just by being in your presence
loves absolutely loveeesss to introduce you as Dr. Y/N
would cringe whenever he hears you talk about surgery or every time you describe a particular night in the ER
doesn't understand patient privacy, don't get him wrong he respects them
but whenever you tell him about a specific patient, he has to know their name to relate more to the story
brought back a hurt dog so that you could help him heal
"Baby I’m not a veterinarian! Take out the car we need to go to a vet"
you had been out of med school for about three weeks and had applied for different hospitals and hospices but no one had gotten back to you
joshua was very supportive, driving you to all the interviews and buying you meals
As you stared at the floor soaking in the rejection, you felt a little sad and upset when the doorbell rang and the mailman dropped off a mail
you asked joshua to read the mail for you, not having the energy to get off the couch just to read another "We regret to inform you." letter
"Dear Dr. Y/l/n, we would like to first thank you for your application to work at our hospital, we hope you can come by to discuss your working hours by-"
"I'M IN!" You screamed throwing yourself into joshua's arms
he knew that being an EMT was a very emotionally taxing job and that you've to desensitize yourself towards accidents to help the patients
but boy is beyond shocked when he sees you in action
someone had accidentally slipped down the stairs and hit their head
you jumped right into action and called an ambulance while a pool of blood surrounded their head while everyone around you froze 
He would be so happy you were a doctor and that you were so smart 
he would love to see you talk about work and patients and speak about some things he didn’t even get
would be your number one supporter
loves to wear your coat and act like a doctor
"Sneezes, headache, and pelvis pain.... yeah you just have noseadvisitis, there is no cure it just comes with old age byee"
expect lots and lots of fake medical terms cuz he loves to pretend like he knows medicine
everything's fine as long as you are not descriptive about wounds 
urges you to describe your day at the hospital
but grimaces at the mention of blood
finds it kind of weird that you don't smell like the hospital
homeboy always thought that the doctors smelled like the hospital, but is internally grateful that you don't smell like the hospital
is very nosy whenever he sees you studying
"I thought you already passed med school? What are you studying for now"
@kflixnet @k-films@k-labels
taglist⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅: @bangchansbae @haecien @aaniag @aaasia111 @weird-bookworm @gigification @bewoyewo if you want to be added just send me an ask ♡⸝⸝
reblog if you liked !!
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Hey! Doing good I hope? I’ll make this quick:
Please, I beg, can I request a Percy x reader with the following prompts -> “I think you need a break” and “I can admire you all day?” If you need inspiration, they could be stargazing or the reader is practicing their abilities in front of Percy? So… maybe the reader can be a child of Hades or Hecate? Oh! And they share a kiss or two as well?
Thank you!
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Summary: Stargazing with your boyfriend while you show him a small spell you've been working on in your freetime.
Warnings: uhmmm kissing? couply thingies. Child of Hecate reader.
Requested: Ye
GN Reader!
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Despite the chill hanging in the air, you felt more than warm enough.
You were huddled up next to Percy on the beach of Camp Half-Blood, the two of you watching the stars. You took to pointing out the different constellations and their orgins and meanings.
Percy found it cute, but to you it was necessary. The magic you did heavily relies on the stars and their cycles.
It was late, and if the harpies found the two of you, well it'd be bad, but... you couldn't deny this little date was needed.
It had been a while since you and Percy had been alone together, you were both so busy lately, but you especially.
In fact, when Percy had come to get you for this surprise date, he'd found you hunched over your spell book, throwing things haphazardly into your couldron.
"Hey." He'd whispered softly, holding a large fluffy blanket in his arms, "You busy?"
"As a matter of fact, I am." You huffed glaring at the bubbling liquid swirling in your cauldron, "Its gray. It's not supposed to be gray." You grumbled, flipping afew pages.
"Well, I think you need a break." Percy stated, closing your spell book, ignoring your whine of protest, "I wanna spend time with you."
Damn this boy and his pretty green eyes.
You groan, allowing him to pull you up from the floor with a small pout. Percy grins, pecking you quickly on the lips before tugging you along behind him.
And now here you were, leaning into his side on the beach, the stars shimmering above you while the two of you drank coca-cola and talked.
"Hey, you wanna see something cool?" You ask quietly, pulling the blanket you were sharing tighter around you.
Percy nods, resting his chin ontop of your head, "Mhm. Whatcha' got to show me, sweetness?"
"I made a spell." You state, pulling a crumpled piece of paper from your pocket.
Percy watches with interest as you use your finger to trace a pattern into the paper before crumpling it up once more.
You bring the ball of paper up to your lips, whisper "Glow" in ancient Greek, and the paper turns into a floating ball of light.
Percy gasps, "That's so cool! It's like a little star."
You laugh, holding the light up, allowing it to float away and meld together with the stars. You watch it for a moment, waiting until you can no longer make it out amomgst the millions of tiny lights to finally turn your gaze back to your boyfriend.
You feel your cheeks heat up when you find him already looking at you with a dopey smile on his face.
"Hi." He whispers, resting his forehead on yours.
You chuckle, "Hi."
"Your cute." He says, kissing your nose.
"I sure am." You say, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Glad you think so," Percy says, grinning, "Because I could admire you all day."
Before you could respond, he pulls you in for a soft kiss. You could taste the sugary soda on his lips, and the kiss was sweet and fleeting.
But it definitly made you consider taking a break more often...
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hoshigray · 1 year
Hiii!! I rlly love your work & I appreciate you! Ty for ur writing <3 I was wondering if you could do something where reader convinces Toji to let her do his makeup and and and and she straddles him while he’s laying down to do it 🥺 maybe reader gets a little confident n bratty bc of the position n it gets a little spicy ? if you’re feeling up to it ! 🌲💕 this is my first ask so please lmk if my etiquette is off!
Oh, no worries, noonie! Your etiquette is okay, and your request is so cute like wth!!? :00 I worked on this after coming back from my trip, so apologies if this doesn't seem to be in my usual writing style. Also, to make this funny, I tried makeup for the first time while I was away!! Lol, so the experience really came around for this ask, so I appreciate it and hope you like what I jotted down! Other than that, hope you had a wonderful weekend ♡
Cw: Toji x reader - fluff mostly, but it gets suggestive at the end - grinding (m! receiving) - thigh riding (?) - impact play/spanking (2x) - pet names (baby, princess, pumpkin) - putting makeup on Toji <3 - reader and Toji being adorbs omg stop hehehe~ Wc: 1k
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"How long is this shit supposed to be?"
"Sit still, will you? I can't work with you constantly moving."
"Tch, you're lucky I'm lettin' you do this because of a bet."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Open your eyes so I can see how it looks." Begrudgingly, Toji opens his eyelids to reveal the emerald eyes you're familiar with. "Okay, close them again."
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. You and your boyfriend hang out at your place to chill, spending time cuddled up on the couch and watching television. It was your usual weekend routine, being close o your boyfriend like this. However, today was different compared to the other relaxing days prior.
Here you are on your living room couch, straddling Toji's lap with your hands occupied by a palette of green and gold eyeshadow in one and a brush in the other. Reason why? About two days ago, Gojo and Toji got into an argument as they usually do, something about their favorite sports team going against each other. Your man then had the fantastic idea to bet on his team, saying he'll do whatever Gojo says if his team doesn't win.
Why was the idea fantastic? Frankly, it's no surprise to you and the snow-haired other that Toji cannot win a bet to save his life. So when the score showcased the apparent outcome of the older man's loss, Gojo took his win in playful pride. And the punishment? Well, mounting on top of him today should explain it.
"You know, you got a pretty nice eye shape. You're pulling this look off quite nicely." Dadding his closed eyelid with the brush, you paint lime green atop the dark green eyeshadow cascading around his eyes. You chose to do nothing too audacious for the man, as you're just taking pictures and sending them to Gojo afterward.
He scoffs at your comment. "You said that about twenty minutes ago with the other shit you put on me."
"Yeah, well, can't blame me for admiring my handsome man being so fetching. If I slapped a nice dress on you and headed to the club later, I'd bet you'd have a line of men and women trying to ask you out."
"You tryin' to say I'm hotter than you, pumpkin?" He lifts a brow and then snickers after you bonk him in the head with a white highlighter pen.
"Shut up and stay still so I can put this on." You use the pen to apply by the corner of his eyes. Now two white hearts are harbored close to the bridge of his nose. After asking him to open his eyes again, you maneuver around to ensure that both eyes are even. And you beam when you feel accomplished with what you've done. "Perfect! Alright, onto the next part."
"The liner thingy?"
"Yup!" He chortles at your enthusiasm while you grab the item from your makeup bag. Closing his eyes again, you work on the bottom of his lids to form a steady black wing that ventures out. You giggle; who knew doing makeup on your boyfriend would be so much fun? Maybe I should put him in a dress.
With a gleeful attitude and a merry hum, you swing your hips around as you work. But you halt when you feel Toji's hands come to your hips, and you stop moving.
"Hold on there, baby." Toji's hands rub your hips. "Movin' too fast."
It doesn't click you until you realize the position you're in. Your legs still slip apart to sit atop his lap, your bottom directly above his groin. And that's when an idea pops up in your head, unable to fight the grin sneaking up on your face.
Your hips move once more but in a slower motion this time. Toji opens the eye you're not working on to look at your face, but you don't acknowledge it and just continue applying the eyeliner.
"I know you heard me the first time." A silent giggle confirms his suspicions.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Close that eye up." He gives you a furrowed look, yet he does what you instructed, allowing you to examine your work before laying the black material on his other eye. And as your hips continue to apply pressure on his crotch, Toji groans at the motion.
"So you're just gonna act deaf on me, huh."
You bit your lip to conceal the giddiness in your smile. But then it's replaced with an abrupt shriek from your lips when a sudden smack of pain comes down on your ass. "Oww!! Hey, quit it!"
"Quit what?" Now it's his turn to act dumb, giving him a glare while Toji chuckles.
"Whatever. Let me finish this up." You grumble while laying the last strokes of your eyeliner, yet you still grind on Toji. And you can feel the tent of his sweatpants slowly protrude. After a few seconds, you close the eyeliner and put it into your bag. "Now for the final touch. Some cute lip gloss for you...Ahhhh!! Toji, stop it!"
"Then quit grindin' up on me, brat." he snarkily warns you, rubbing his hand on your ass after hitting it again.
"Why? Hate that I'm making you hot and bothered like this?" Your hips grind harder on his tent, and he exhales with scrunched brows. He scowls at you, lidded emerald eyes branding holes into yours. But you don't falter and resume acting tough. "Don't want me to give you attention for being so pretty?"
Before you get an answer, Toji grabs for your ass and shifts to stand up from the couch, and you scramble to warp your arms around his neck before you stumble off the older, muscular man. He walks out of the living room with your arms. And he throws you down to the bed of your room with a tiny 'oof' coming from you.
"You wanna give me some attention, huh?" Toji crawls up on the bed and kisses your lips while sliding a hand down in your leggings, fingers nestling and pushing onto your soaked panties. Your whimpers are taken by his mouth as he kisses your neck. The gloss on his lips leaves sticky marks where he places them. "How 'bout you sit there and look pretty fr' me, then?"
"Mmmph...At least, let me take a picture of your makeup," you say with eyes sewn shut. "Gotta send it to—Ahhmmm..."
"Later," Toji withdraws himself to take off his sweatpants. "In the meantime, lemme fuck the shit outta y'r cute and bratty ass, princess."
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urprettylittlething · 22 days
Hiii, I have a scenario opinion in my mind. After a few days, our little kitty became upset because she wanted to go outside and play with butterflies or puppies. So they couldn't stand seeing her like this, so they decided to walk her around. they take her to a park that has puppies and butterflies. She plays with them cutely and tries to catch a butterfly as they watch her. She was so cute...
After they went home, little kitty tried to reach them on their cheek cutely, putting her small hands on Gojo's knee while she was on tiptoe. But when she couldn't reach him (she is too short lol) Her eyes fill with tears
You are loved <3
Thank you so much for this ask ml! <3 This is such a cute ideaaa omg I just had to write some little headcanon thingy for it!! I actually had a different version of this in my notes app ready to be edited but I lost it earlier today in some kind of glitch, so I had to write it all over again :,) so I apologise if it's not my best, but it's such a cute idea how could I not write something <333 and thank you so much :,) you are very loved as well <3
warnings - fluff, mentions of rules, collar and leash but very brief, not used in a weird way, more like they don't want her running off kind of way
♡ I imagine that Kitty had been sulking for a few days, her ears flattened and her tail all curled and droopy
♡ Geto would be the first person to notice, of course
♡ A few days before, they had finally let Kitty watch some tv programs with them, the only deal was that they would both be there the whole time and be able to monitor what she watches
♡ That whole thing was going smoothly for a while, until Geto was in the kitchen fixing up a snack and Gojo had 'quickly' scurried off to the bathroom
♡ That meant Kitty was alone with the tv for a short while, and it just so happened that the tv program had rolled over to the next one
♡ A nature documentary, about butterflies
♡ And like at the start of every documentary it starts showing clips of loads of butterflies, some swarms and some singular, zooming in on their beautiful patterns and filming them perched on flowers and leaves
♡ One of the boys eventually came back in time to turn it off before it could really begin but not before she had seen those first few clips, leaving her to deflate at being denied what she wanted to watch
♡ Geto had eventually told Gojo about how sad kitty had been recently
♡ The both of them piecing together that it was probably from the TV incident from a few days ago
♡ So they spend the next few weeks discussing ideas and going back and forth with each other before finally settling on an agreement
♡ When they told Kitty for the first time that was she able to go outside, only for a short while if it would help cheer her up, she was over the moon
♡ Her ears instantly perked up, tail swishing from side to side in her euphoria
♡ While she was rubbing her head all over their chests and purring the loudest they think they've ever heard, they explained the rules that she has to follow
♡ She was to be kept on collar and leash
♡ She was not to stray further than the lead would allow her from them
♡ She is to listen to everything they say when they say it because her safety, her life, depends on it
♡ Kitty was just happy to be able to go outside so she agreed wholeheartedly
♡ The plan was that Gojo would be the one to teleport them all there, to avoid any car travelling or Kitty seeing anything she shouldn't
♡ When they arrive it's to a beautiful spot in the middle of some forest, a big patch of open land filled with wild plants and flowers, honey bees buzzing back and forth in search for nectar, birds chirping and searching for food to feed their young, and the butterflies
♡ Fluttering about and perched on stems and petals
♡ The two boys stood back and let her explore
♡ She looked radiant basking in the sunlight and chasing after butterflies, in the hopes of being able to hold one
♡ Her happiness almost contagious in the way they were admiring her, smiles on their faces
♡ It wasn't long before a little tug on her leash brought her back to them and they headed back home
♡ It had only been about 10 or 15 minutes that she spent outside but it could have easily been the best day of her life
♡ The two of them gently praised her, petting her ears and calling her a good girl for listening to them so well and following their rules
♡ She tried her hardest to reach up on her tiptoes, trying to give them each little kisses to show her happiness to them since she just couldn't find the words 
♡ They both shared a chuckle when she couldn't quite reach, a small pout appearing on her lips until they each bent down one after the other
♡ She immediately perked up again, covering both their faces in little kisses and nuzzling into their chests with a content purr
♡ An eventful day for Kitty that ended with them all sandwiched in bed for a nice long and peaceful nap
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leviathanofdeath · 1 year
rotb spoilers
watched it again. need to talk about Mirage.
im thinking abt how Mirage was peeping in on Noah's brothers room . he was just curiously watching them, trying to be sneaky but accidently crushing the car under him (of course cuz he is huge) and then accidentally smacking his head on a rail, causing his lights to turn on. very silly typical Mirage thing. He really went home with Noah and then instead of staying put he wanted to see what Noah was up to ♡ and then him promising Kris that he'll protect Noah no matter what, even receiving a walkie talkie to make sure. I fucking love that shit. even before Noah got in the car, Mirage was fucking with him by continously locking the car door. you cannot tell me its not love at first sight GRAHHH
Mirage defending Noah in front of everyone. explaining that he already likes Noah just from the little cop car chase, and that he thinks the human is cool! I love how attached he already became. and him saying "I cross my spark, hope to die" and realizing how cheesy it sounded. literally Gold
And i noticed that Mirage is always near Noah. Hes always close to him in some way. Whether it be in his garage, outside his apartment, walking/standing next to Noah, giving him the little gauntlet thingy so they can at least communicate and Noah can protect himself. They're always together, and hes always keeping his promise. hes so dedicated to protecting Noah.
the death scene. Mirage confidently saying hes going to deal with Scourge while Noah and Elena go to enter the code, even tho he knows he isn't going to win. But Noah immediately stops as soon as Mirage gets downed. And then he's there, about to get hit when Mirage covers him. Literally dying on top of him. Losing an arm and a leg just to keep Noah safe, to keep his promise. are u serious. And its not until this moment Noah realizes what's being taken from him and he begins to freak out because!! Mirage is Dying! And after he does, Noah almost gives up. He is devastated; he's lost someone. He says he can't move, he can't do anything, and its his brothers words that help him regain his composure.
And then luckily, Mirage comes back with a quip and tells Noah to take the wheel. And Noah does. And Mirage continues to protect Noah. HE CONTINUES TO SHIELD NOAH EVEN AFTER HE'S LOST SO KUCH OF HIMSELFN!@ HES WILLING TO DIE FOR NOAH!!! HE DID DIE FOR HIM!!
because of mirage, Noah was able to meet Elena and get that key. because of mirage, Noah was able to enter the temple and receive the codes for said key. because of Mirage, Noah helped save the world. all because an alien had to keep a promise and thought that Noah was cool.
now listen if that ain't complete and utter infatuation then idk what is
and Noah deciding to not sell Mirage is SO IMPORTANT. He originally went to take the key from the museum because he wanted to be able to sell Mirage for cash and save the planet, so seeing Noah go through so many changes throughout the film and then eventually changing his mind is so impactful. when he took the Mirage suit off, he was looking at it so fondly because he realized now that he can't get rid of Mirage. Mirage became special. he then began to use spare parts to build Mirage back up, stating that its his car and he's not gonna sell it no matter what because Mirage is special. Mirage saved his life and this is what Noah is doing to pay him back.
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dollywons · 2 months
hello!! i hope youre doing well today~ if its okay i would like to place an order for a light pink and light green thingy that says ‘welcome to my café’ it’s for my main notion page !!! (* ˊᵕˋㅅ) thank you kindly 🥐🍰
hi hii!! yes I’m doing well!! tysm for asking :> ♡︎♡︎♡︎ I hope you’re doing well too! ♡︎ ♥︎ ♡︎ here is your order! have a lovely day!!! (≧◡≦) ♡
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free to use! credit would be appreciated of course!! :> ♡︎
𝒸𝒽ℯ𝒸𝓀 𝓉𝒽ℯ ℴ𝓋ℯ𝓃! 𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓇ℯ’𝓈 𝓂ℴ𝓇ℯ 𝒹𝒾𝓋𝒾𝒹ℯ𝓇𝓈 + 𝓇ℯ𝓈ℴ𝓊𝓇𝒸ℯ𝓈! ♡︎
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onlyangle1 · 10 months
HELLO LOVERS!! this is my very first fake instagram fic so i do apologise if this is a bit shit, but if you like it i will continue this and make it a bit of a series/fic thingy.
had no clue who to choose as a face claim so i decided to use ari! <33
Summary: Y/N supports her big brother when he goes to the x factor!!
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Liked by niallhoran and 64 others
Y/Nhorran I can’t believe my smelly big bother just sang infront of KATY PERRY!!!! LIKE WHAT? No no in all seriousness im so proud of you, dont forget me when your all big and famous!!!
p.s next round tell katy i love her!! xx
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Niallhoran Thanks tiny ❤️ I’ll be sure to tell her next time she comes round for tea, shall I? You are a melon aren’t ya x
Y/Nhoran Yes that would be much appreciated thank you! xx
Maura.horan He is a cutie isnt he! We’re all so proud my love xx
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Liked by Niallhoran and 72 others
Y/Nhoran LOOK AT THESE MUPETS!! Who knew Ni-Ni could fly? Crazy days.
(thank you mumzy for catching my reaction x)
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Niallhoran Thanks pumpkin, now come to my room so I give you a big cuddle xxx
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Liked by Y/Nhoran and 172 others
Niallhoran Tiny has been watching my X Factor performances at least twice a day for the last week, as much as i love her support, she needs to turn it the fuck down! xx
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Harrystyles Don’t be horrid Nialler
Y/Nhoran Yeah ni-ni, listen to your mate.
Maura.horan Aw she just loves ya, darling x
Niallhoran Don’t be on her side mum!!
Y/N lounged on the comfortable bean bag she had brought into Niall's bedroom, her eyes fixed on the vibrant posters that adorned the walls. The room was a mix of music and Hannah Montana memorabilia, a reflection of Niall's interests. The soft hum of their favorite tunes played in the background, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Niall, her big brother, sprawled out on his bed with a guitar in hand, strumming casually as they shared stories and laughter. His fingers strummed the strings effortlessly, a skill he had gained over the years. Y/N admired her brother's musical talent, feeling a sense of pride as he effortlessly played familiar tunes.
During their childhood, the two often enjoyed karaoke, and other musical activities together, finding comfort in each other's singing. Y/N, having a desire to audition for the X Factor alongside Niall, never mustered the courage, letting him take the stage and eventually become a part of the growing band, One Direction. As the five boys' musical journey unfolded, Y/N eagerly looked forward to meeting them, hoping they were as friendly as Niall made them out to be.
“So when ya’ gonna come meet me mates then?” Niall questioned looking up from his guitar almost like he was reading your mind.
“Not sure you know, whenever really.” She said with a shrug looking back down at her phone and quickly messaging someone back.
“I’ll sort something for ya pumpkin, these are my best mates! Need to meet them at some point.” Niall sent her a soft loving smile beginning to think up ideas to make the day they all met even more special.
A note from moi: Im sorry it’s so short but i really didn’t know what to do for the first post but i hope this was okay and i’ll be making better as time goes on 🫶🏻🩷 Remember to eat, drink water and wear your suncream, love ya’s xx
Taglist: (if you want to be on the taglist just let me know!)
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