#♡ jason rose ♡
dozenrozez-a · 3 months
Baby scarlet getting walked by jason and mateo to her kindergarten. Baby scarlet: bye bye. Jason: be good, don't get in trouble. Baby scarlet: i wont. Mateo: ... you wont be good or you wont get in trouble? Baby scarlet: bye bye *goes to class* Mateo: now i'm worried Jason: we got her to class, our job is done. anything after that is her teachers fault.
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dozenrozez · 10 days
What if any business does Jason use as a front?
this is a great question because there is multiple business that i never talk about. let me start by saying this if you're associated with the rose family you're hands arent clean. as for businesses first: Mateo's boxing gym. and Seth's security company. this is where most of his men are trained. if you get to train with seth Lenz you're doing a lot more than the men being trained with Mateo Rose. Being trained by Mateo is basically a test, mateo might not be heavily involved in his brother's "Work" but he knows who could be valuable
next Rose motors and Catalyst gaming & robotics, Rose motors is runed by warren rose and Caleb Sullivan. they can freely order parts and equipment, and for the more out there parts Catalyst gaming & robotics gets them. since it's just for robotics, and battle bots. or that part is just for a new computer.
then we have an unnamed casino runed by Valentino Rodríguez.
all these businesses and more are owned by Jason. these are just the ones i have thought about.
now im thinking i need another muse who provides him weapons like owns a shooting range or something.
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zyhkoo · 2 months
♡ flowers for me? - batboys x gn!reader
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you gave the batboys flowers
a/n: I have no idea how to write tim, i hope i did him justice
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Jason Todd
You handed him a bouquet of roses in his hand. Jason raised his brow “What’s this?” you answered his question “Right, so when someone places a seed-“
He rolls his eyes and cuts you off “I know what they are I mean what are these for?” he asked, getting to the point. You only shrugged “Flowers, a flower shop opened beneath my apartment and I wanted to give you some.” you replied.
Jason looks at the roses and then back at you “Eh, I’m not really a flower person..” he says, a frown formed on your face.
“Yeah, my bad. I’ll just return them-“ as you were about to reach the flowers on his hand he shields them away from you.
“No, I.. I never said I didn’t want it. Plus it's red, so I like it.” he looks away from your gaze, your smile returns from your face.
“I’ll give you way more red flowers then.” you said excitedly.
“Do whatever.” though it looked like he didn’t care, deep down he felt very happy for some reason.
Dick Grayson
You handed him a bouquet of Daisies “For me?” he smiles. You nodded “I got it from my mini-garden, there were a lot so I decided to give a few to you.” you answered.
He took the bouquet and admired it “Well, this is beautiful. Thank you, I’m happy.” he smiles as he kisses your forehead, you softly smile at his gesture.
“You think you have a vase for this?” you asked, Dick stays silent. “Uh, hold on a second.” he goes through his cupboards and finds an empty pitcher.
He then goes to the sink and fills water “Give it here.” he says, you nodded and you carefully placed the daisies in. You had a little trouble inserting it at first but with a little force if fitted perfectly.
“There we go.”
Tim Drake
You were on your phone, looking around. You were on a date with Tim today and this is the meeting place you both agreed on.
“Why do you have flowers?” Tim asks, scaring you from behind “Oh, jeez!” you gasped as Tim apologizes.
“These are for you.” he squints, absolutely confused “For me?” you tilted your head “You don’t like it?” you asked.
He shook his head and took the bouquet “No no, I love it. It’s just that lovely things fit you more.” your cheeks turned pink at his statement “Well I just wanted to give you something special Tim.” you replied.
He smiles “If you say so, I’ll cherish these. Shall we go?”
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jiarkives · 4 months
julia’s favorites ! (vii)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ☆ - series
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criminal minds
♡ can we have one? - spencer reid, wife!reader ft. platonic!aaron hotchner, platonic!jack hotchner
↳ @qlossytbh
♡♤ cryptic - spencer reid
↳ @pathologicalreid
♤♡ it’s not your fault - spencer reid
↳ @dreamsontheirway
♡ in the mirror of your eyes, my love, my life - spencer reid
↳ @cerisereids
♡♤ 24 hours - spencer reid
↳ @radiant-reid
♡ blurb - derek morgan
♡ blurb - aaron hotchner, pregnant!reader
↳ @luveline
♡ sweet and right and merciful - spencer reid
↳ @januaryembrs
a court of thorns and roses
☆ just a little bit of your heart - azriel, pregnant!reader
↳ @fieldofdaisiies
☆ not again - azriel (throne of glass crossover!)
↳ @fanwarriorfictions
♡ take it off - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
↳ @florencemtrash
♡♤ shadows entwined - azriel
♡♤ shadows of secrets - azriel, archeron!reader
♤♡ secrets with the shadowsinger - azriel, tamlin’s sister!reader
↳ @small-z24
♡♤ take it slow - azriel, cassian, rhysand (poly!)
♡ late night drive - modern!cassian
↳ @danikamariewrites
♡ finally found you - eris vanserra, stark!reader (marvel crossover!)
↳ @marvelsmylife
♡ head in the clouds - rhysand
↳ @serpentandlily
♤♡ the time traveller’s husband - rhysand
↳ @utterlyotterlyx
♤ we lay here - cassian
↳ @invisible-lint
♡♤ (what if?) all i need is you - azriel
↳ @empiresofstorm
♡ azriel’s girls - azriel
↳ @daycourtofficial
♡♤ long story short - single dad!cassian, best friend!reader
↳ @flickering-chandelier
♤♡ here without you - azriel
↳ @readychilledwine
♡ body count - azriel
↳ @illyrianbitch
♡ scratches - azriel
↳ @padyprongs
♡ i’ve been waiting for you — azriel, seer!reader
♡ i’ve been waiting for you (bonus) — azriel, seer!reader
↳ @prythianpages
♡♤ thank you, mclaggen - james potter
♡ whimsical!reader - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ peace & quiet [& sirius] - regulus black, mute!reader
↳ @ellecdc
♡ blurb - remus lupin
↳ @ahqkas
♡ finally found you - eris vanserra, stark!reader (marvel crossover!)
↳ @marvelsmylife
♤ 1 missed call - tasm!peter parker
↳ @liz-allyn
♤♡ the last time - tasm!peter parker
↳ @wokeupinmars
♤♡ he hates me, doesn’t he? - bucky barnes
↳ @winterarmyy
♡♤ laryngitis - bucky barnes
↳ @skaye44
♡ drunk!reader - bucky barnes
↳ @infictionalwonderland
♤♡ you were my sunshine - bucky barnes
↳ @literaryavenger
♤ through the fire - jason todd ft. batmom!reader
↳ @hannibals-favourite-meal
jujutsu kaisen
♡♤ college boy!sukuna accidentally knocking you up - modern!sukuna, pregnant!reader
↳ @yuujispinkhair
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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dayasusays · 7 months
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“ WRITING ” are my writing batboys x reader. . .𐙚
hearts -- smuts !!
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౨ৎ ! — BRUCE WAYNE . . .
⮑ “ say i love you ”
⮑ “ you don’t sleep at home anymore ”
⮑ “ you are love ” ୨♡୧
⮑ “ loneliness as love ” ୨♡୧
⮑ “ baby, listen ”
⮑ “ the big bang ”
⮑ “ feral ” ୨♡୧
⮑ “ distraction ” ୨♡୧
⮑ “ rest ” ୨♡୧
⮑ “ aftercare ” ୨♡୧
⮑ “ love ” ୨♡୧
⮑ “ apologise ” ୨♡୧
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౨ৎ ! — DICK GRAYSON . . .
⮑ “ come back ”
⮑ “ body paint ”
⮑ “ argument ”
⮑ “ hurt ”
⮑ “ welcome back ” -` ♡ ´-
⮑ “ teasing ” -` ♡ ´-
⮑ “ pregnancy ”
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౨ৎ ! — JASON TODD . . .
⮑ “ paper roses ” ᥫ᭡
⮑ “ companion ” pt. 1
⮑ “ adore ” ᥫ᭡
⮑ “ milady ” ᥫ᭡
⮑ “ comfort ”
⮑ “ big ” ᥫ᭡
⮑ “ not a friend ” ᥫ᭡
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thinking about m.list | headcanons m.list
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Waiting On You~ E.M
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Author's Note : This is for my valentines @pleasantlycrazyworld <3
Summary: You knew Valentines Day wasn't one of Eddie's favorite holidays, but you wanted to surprise him when Chrissy came around to hand out candy, roses and anything else she thought of in her basket. What happens when Eddie gets a surprise?
He scrunched up his nose hearing you talk about Valentines Day that was coming around tomorrow. He wasn't very fond of all the loving couples, the candy, the whole day made his stomach turn inside out.
" I never really had one but I'm surprising someone tomorrow" this news brought his attention as he sat up straighter in his seat.
" You? Y/N have interest in someone" he teased, wiggling his eyebrows but you couldn't really see because of his bangs. You rolled your eyes tossing a chicken nugget his way. He rose his eyebrow as it bounced off his chest and rolled onto the floor.
" Ha, Ha, really funny, Eds" he waved his arms with his dimples out. " I'm aware I'm the funniest guy you know" the rest of the table groaned at the two of you. It was clear to see to them that the two of you were made for each other, it was just that the both of you were blind over the fact that you had feelings for each other.
" What's with the moaning and groaning, little sheeps?" he turns to glance at Dustin as he poked his food with a fork on his tray. " Something say, Henderson?" Dustin looked over at you watching as your eyes pleaded to not tell him what he wanted to say. He was very aware of your feelings towards his Dungeon Master but he promised not to say anything.
" Nothing, just lame you don't have a Valentines or a date"
Eddie rolled his eyes, " To make it clear. I don't like the lovey dovey so called holiday. Just another day, I rather eat dirt that watch mushy couples kiss and giggle like they never been laid before."
Your heart sank hearing his answer but Eddie only wanted one Valentines every year since you've met him. You. He was too scared to admit his feelings for you and instead he bite his tongue.
" You're just jealous that we all have dates and you don't" Gareth says.
" Whatever man" Eddie rolled his eyes as he took a peek at you to see you playing around with your own food. " You know it's not nice to play with your food like that, princess. You know chewing is a thing, right?" he asked.
" Yeah" you mumbled. He frowned hearing your answer. Usually your pushing at his shoulder or chuckling underneath your breathe. But this time, he didn't like what he heard.
Instead he watched you walk away carrying your tray in your hands.
It was a week ago that you walked up to Chrissy Cunningham and stood swaying back and forth on your heels as you waited for her to notice you. Jason sneered at the sight of you to only have Chrissy backhand him in the chest.
" Don't worry about, Jason. What can I do for you?" she asked, sweetly. Chrissy has never treated you unkindly, she was one of those that usually perked up at the mention of your name or smile at you when you passed her in the halls.
" I was wondering if I could have you deliver the candy and a little note to the person I've had my eye on for awhile"
Jason snorted.
" Surprise, surprise the freak like someone" he mumbled with amusement in his voice. " Jason, go over there for a few minutes" Chrissy shooed him to the side while she stepped closer to you, shooting a glare at her boyfriend.
Jason rolled his eyes as he walked away.
" Who is it? Is it someone I know?' she asked, with a giggle. Your cheeks hinted with the color red as you slowly nodded your head. She squealed clapping her hands.
" Who is it? Look at you blushing, you're so cute!" you shook your head and told her about who you were into. Her eyes got wide, " Oh that make sense now. You know he likes you too?"
" No he doesn't, stop joking Cunningham" she frowns titling her head to the side. " I'm not, he likes you. I can tell. He got a look on his face" she motions towards her face with her hand.
" Right, thank you for this. Just don't tell him it's from me"
" Your secret it safe with me" she reassures you with her hand on your shoulder giving it a squeeze.
You were too busy doodling in your notebook to hear Chrissy had walked into the classroom carrying a basket full of Valentines Day things inside. You felt goosebumps run down down your arms as she there calling people's name who got something from Valentines.
" Eddie Munson" at the sound of his name, Eddie's head snapped up not expecting anything today. To his surprise, a note and a small bag of candy laid on top of his desk where Chrissy dropped it. You can see in the corner of your eye how shocked he is.
Eddie's eyebrows knit together as he looked around the room thinking this was some sort of joke that was being pulled on him.
" Are you sure?" he asked Chrissy, she turned her head to glance down at him with a small nod as she carried on. You bite the inside of your cheek hoping he didn't figure it out fast.
His head turned towards you as he leaned over.
" Do you think someone is playing a joke on me?" he asked, pushing the candy side to side with the cap of his pen.
" N-No" you shook your head, " This person must really like you if they did this on a day you despise."
He hums in agreement as he leans away from you and picks up the note. He rereads over the small poem that's there and a hint of red crawls on his cheeks. Someone must really like him, but who?
Inside you were screaming at his reaction, it was the most adorable sight in the world. He took pieces of his hair putting them into his mouth as he sank in his seat with his cheeks still painted the color red.
The bell rang, you hurried to grab your things making your way out of the door in hopes that Eddie didn't ask you anymore questions.
Eddie frowns at the lack of your presence at the lunch table, crossing his arms over his chest as he tapped his foot underneath the table.
" Do you guys know where Y/N is?" he motions to your empty spot at the table. Mike sighs as he drops his fork into the food he has on his tray.
" Are you really like blind or where you always this blind?" Dustin nudges him in the ribs. " Ow" Mike rubs the spot that Dustin elbowed.
" What are you on about, Wheeler?" Eddie asks uncrossing his arms.
" You never see anything, Eddie. You never do" Jeff says. Eddie more confused as ever as he turns to Jeff.
" Are you going to explain or am I'm going to sit here and have to figure out what you sheeps are on about?"
Dustin sighs, closing his eyes.
" Henderson?" he asked, waiting.
" Your valentines, that candy in your lunch box is from Y/N. She likes you. Is that clear enough for you?' Dustin says, shaking his head. " God, your such a butthead'
Eddie's mouth falls open as he looks inside his lunch box and takes out the note. How could he not see it earlier? This was your handwriting. How could he miss it?
" Oh my god" Eddie says as he waves the note in his hand. " Oh my god" he says as he stands up catching some attention from the other students.
" Now he gets it" Gareth says.
Eddie scrambled up from his seat, " Thank you buttheads."
He had to find you.
You had skipped the rest of the day, walking home and not wanting to embarrass yourself more in front of Eddie. By now, probably someone has told them what an idiot you were to confess to Eddie like this through a holiday he didn't like.
" You home, sweetheart?" your mom asked as she peeked from the kitchen.
" Yeah, I'm not feeling well' your mother frowns as she makes her way over to get a good look at you. The color from your face is drained and there is a deep frown on your face.
" Oh hunny, you don't look so good. Go lay down" she says, " I'll make you something to eat" you nod as you head to your room, closing the door as you shrugged off your backpack onto the floor. You didn't really care where it landed as you collapsed on bed, face first.
" I'm an idiot" you mutter to yourself feeling the tears sting your eyes. " He's not going to feel the same way, who was I kidding?" you mumbled turning over to lay on your back staring up at the ceiling.
It felt like hours before someone rang the doorbell. There was talking downstairs as your mother let in the person. You had your eyes closed when you heard a knock on your door.
" I'm not hungry mom" you shout, removing your face from the pillow. The door creaked open to reveal not your mom, but he stood there with the letter you wrote to him in his hand as he shyly waved at you.
" I thought I find you here" he jokes, lightening up the mood. But it doesn't work as he watches you sit up on your bed and scoot up with a pillow of your stomach as you lean against the wall.
" Here I am" you mutter without enthusiasm.
The bed sinks letting you know he sat down. His ring clad hand reaches out to bring your face up that you were looking at him.
" I've gotten this letter" he waves it in your line of vision. You know it's yours seeing the notebook paper ripped out of one of your notebooks. Your mouth was in a thin line as you stared at him.
His brown doe eyes searched your face for an answer, he was saw fear for a moment and sadness.
" Why are you sad, sweets?" he asks, his thumb running over your chin in comfort.
" It doesn't matter" he tilts his head, sighing to himself.
" It does matter to me" your heart raced seeing the small smile appear on his face. He was so pretty.
" It was stupid idea-" he cuts you off with a finger to your lips.
" It's never a stupid idea to tell me how you feel even if it's through a letter and some candy, which were pretty good"
You didn't know weather to cry or what to do as he brushed your hair behind your ear.
" We don't need to talk about this right now, but you should know the feeling is mutual. I'll wait for you when you're ready. I know how you are with your emotions."
The edges of your lips turned up, feeling his hand cup your cheek before feeling his lips on them. The boy you have feeling for and your best friend had kissed you on the cheek. He was so understanding.
" Thank you" you tell him.
" You're welcome sweets, you know where to find me" you nod watching him walk out the door.
It didn't take long for him to wait for you as the very next day you stood in the middle of the hall way.
" Eddie!" you shouted his name. He stopped having his conversation with Gareth as he heard you. He moved to stand on the other side of the hall with a smile on his face.
He waited for you to make your move.
When he noticed you walking past the rushing students, he met you half way in the hallway where eyes fell on both of you.
" I'm ready, I was always ready" you say. His heart flutters at your words as the dimple smile spreads across his face.
He opens his arms for you to walk into and when you do, he wraps his arms around you and nuzzles his nose into your hair, breathing in your shampoo.
" I love you" he hears you mumble into his chest. He pulls away as he levels with you, taking your hand in his.
" I love you too" he says, bringing your hands up to his lips as he kisses them. He watches as your eyes lit up with happiness and light and from then on he was the reason your face lit up with happiness.
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gayandfairycore · 2 years
Updated masterlist ༶•┈┈୨♡୧┈┈•༶
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Requests status: always open
♡~Who I write for~♡
Jennifers body: 🩸
Jennifer check
Needy lesnicki
Percy Jackson: 🏛️
Percy Jackson
Annabeth chase
Grover underwood
Leo Valdez
Jason grace
Piper McLean
Wednesday 🕷️
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Lockwood and co: ⚔️
Potc: 🏴‍☠️
Jack sparrow
Will turner
Elizabeth Swann
Spider-Man 🕷️
Andrew Spider-Man
Tom Spider-Man
Doctor who: 🔭
15th doctor (ncuti gatwa)
10th doctor
11th doctor
9th doctor
Bbc Merlin: 🧙
Narnia: 🌲
Peter pevensie
Edmund pevensie
Teen wolf: 🐺
Stiles stilinski
Alison argent
Scott McCall
Titanic: 🚢
Jack dawson
Fic masterlists ✩‧₊˚
All Finished fics
BBC Merlin masterlist 🧙‍♂️
Jennifer’s body 🩸
Wednesday 🎻
Spiderman masterlist 🕸️
Titanic masterlist 🏴‍☠️
Mbsav masterlist 🧛
Request terms ༶•┈┈୨♡୧┈┈•༶
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Percy Jackson:
for any Percy Jackson x reader they will be the book characters purely for the fact I feel uncomfortable writing fanfiction about characters whose actors are literally like 15…
That being said I will write scenarios that are in the show but not with show actors cause they’re children
• I am willing to write any character mentioned above or if they appear in the series (only by request)
• I also may take awhile getting to requests, or completing them)
I do write smut, but all characters are aged up
Things I will not write:
• non-con
• piss
• self harm
•glorification of sexual assault
(not to be confused with writing about the effects of sexual assault in relationships)
Fics about sensitive content
I will not write rape fics, or fics that glamourise self harm, sexual assault and abuse.
I will write fics with heavy content, tho I may refuse to write them based on the type of content, and what it may include.
I may refuse a request, or may not write it right away, I write for free, I don’t earn anything by putting out this content.
I write poly fics with any character
I write for female, and gender neutral readers only, but if you have already sent me a request with a male reader/ gender fluid reader I will write it
Requests sent about characters I no longer write for:
If you have sent me a request about a character I no longer write for I will still complete the request but I after I clear out my drafts of those characters and their repespective requests any new requests sent about characters from my old master list I will not complete the request.
༶•┈┈୨♡This is a safe space for lgbtqia+ people, poc, trans people, and any other lovely humans! Welcome to my blog! ♡୧┈┈•༶
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deadboywalking227 · 3 months
✩-- IᑎTᖇO ᑭOᔕT . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
⟡🦴 ⩇⩇:⩇⩇ 🦴⟡
clémentine / clem / clemmie ( they / she / he ) ₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚.
bellringer / belle / yarrow ( they / she / it ) ⋆。˚🌿•✧˖°
ali ( they / he ) ⋆.˚🦋༘⋆
winnie ( they / fae ) ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.
keagan ( he / xe ) ⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
nico ( he / xe / rot / void) ⊹₊ 🦴⊹₊
will ( he / doc / sol ) ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀ ⋆⁺₊⋆
piper ( they / rose / she) ₊˚✩ ₊˚🎀♡⊹
frank / jason ( he / it ) ⋆˚🐾˖°
hazel ( she / ruby ) ˚⟡⊰⋆:💎:⋆⊱⟡˚
leo ( they / he / gear ) ˗ˏˋ ⚙️ ˎˊ˗
percy ( he / sea related neos ) ˚˖𓍢ִִ໋🌊 ˚˖𓍢ִ✧˚
annabeth ( she / they / owl ) ˚‧ ₊˚.⊹ 🦉ྀ⊹ .˚ ₊ ‧˚
these are my names, and the preferred pronouns for each ! you can pick one or two, or switch it up, idm ! <3 i'll actively remove and add names as time goes on :]
i'm achillean ( attracted to men ) and polyam !
i usually consider myself a transmasc ! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
⟡🦢⩇ I : ⩇⩇ 🦢⟡
infp !
cancer ! ♋
i'm 15 ! ( ⚠️ minor ⚠️ )
⟡🦇 ⩇ 2 : ⩇⩇ 🦇⟡
fav color is orange <3
fav show switches up a lot lol
fav game is prob minecraft :')
fav animal also switches up, but maybe hyenas ? :O
⟡🕯️ ⩇ 3 : ⩇⩇ 🕯️⟡
likes : animals, bugs, mismatched socks, drawing, my dog, music, the color orange, strawberry shortcake, haikyuu, vld, coffee, ink drawings, vintage / boho fashion, my ocs, chucks, storms, reading, pjo, greek mythology, raw bell peppers, len kagamine, project sekai / vocaloid, the hercules movie, and much more :]
dislikes : cooked bell peppers, projects with due dates, animal death, crying babies, fast cars, sports car, avocados, cotton balls, mayo, dysphoria, talkative neighbors, pranks, k-pop / j-pop (don't come at me,) and much more ! :P
birthday is july 18th !
⟡🧷 ⩇ 4 : ⩇⩇ 🧷⟡
discord : @ 2.lilali.2_20199
roblox : @ julietsboy777
insta : @ julietsboy777
yaelokre / meadowlark blog : @holy-harkers-47
⟡☁️ ⩇ 5 : ⩇⩇ ☁️⟡
that's all ! <3 thanks for visiting, friend !
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thececeverse · 4 months
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ say it, and i'm yours ...
❝ you call the shots, babe. i just wanna be yours. ❞
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character(s): chouka aikawa, jason day-fujiwara
genre: fluffy asl ! these two are simply too cute like i love them bad !!
warnings: none !
word count: 3.6k
summary: in which—after a year of pining after each other—jason and chouka share how they truly feel on the rooftop of their favorite restaurant.
a/n: first chouka fic we cheer ! anyways, this one explains how they got together and it's just so so cute like her and jason are my babies ! like truly the best couple EVER they mean the world to me,,, this one is sickeningly sweet so prepare urselfs BMSMDMS hope y'all enjoy <33
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Beverly Hills. 7 o’clock. Friday.
Friday evenings are usually when Chouka sets up to film, aided by a social media team fit for an influencer of her caliber. After two hours of reciting scripts and hashing out orders, the redhead resigns herself to a night of hedonism, from a bubble bath paired with her favorite Ladurée macarons (strawberry and pistachio) to binge-watching Sex and the City for the fifth time and sipping on a freshly made rose latte, curled up on her couch with her two beloved pets.
Normally, Chouka’s Friday evenings would be devoid of interruptions (minus a last minute business call or an invitation to some sort of social event). This time, however, the sound of her doorbell ringing immediately got her attention. No one comes to her door after 6 o’clock (truthfully, she despises being bothered after then), and unless it was one of her staff coming back to collect a forgotten item, who else was at her door?
Chouka’s Bichon Frisé, Rosie, began barking as soon as she heard the door, filling the redhead’s high ceilings with echoey, high pitched yips. Chouka herself looked over the back of her couch, furrowing her eyebrows in both confusion and curiosity. Her maid rushed to get the door, and with its creaking came a very familiar voice.
Chouka perked up the second she heard said voice, and it would be wrong to say that she didn’t realize what she was doing. She was a bit lovestruck, yes, but she certainly wasn’t stupid. She knew exactly why she had gotten so excited.
It was Jason.
“Good evening, mademoiselle.” Jason said, a charming smile on his face as he filled Chouka’s house with his equally charming English accent. A smile mirroring Jason’s own brightened Chouka’s usually icy demeanor the second she laid eyes on him.
“Good evening, monsieur.” She responded, the poshness of her voice carrying an underlying cheeky tone, one that was reserved solely for the people that she truly took a liking to. “What brings you to my house at 7 o’clock in the evening?”
Jason’s smile somehow widened further at the fact that Chouka decided to humor his charmingly goofy way of speaking. “Was thinking of you, and I wanted to see you. That’s pretty much it.”
Chouka’s eyes widened ever so slightly at his response, and she almost started blushing. It’s not every day that someone confessed so brazenly at spontaneously showing up at someone’s home because they wanted to see them, let alone to thinking of them. Chouka herself wouldn’t even do such a thing, preferring to dance around her reasons rather than admit them outright. It was either due to her sense of pride, or due to the fact that she was too “posh” to be that direct (under certain circumstances). Jason, however, was neither. The “posh” did apply to him, yes, and that was one of the reasons why Chouka was drawn to him in the first place. At a glance, the 24-year-old was everything you could ask for. Kind and compassionate, tall and handsome, and practically perfect. He shared Chouka’s icy demeanor, although he was a bit more approachable than she was, and if you checked a dictionary for the word “cool,” Jason’s name would be there.
However, Chouka soon learned that Jason was a goofball, and he was probably the friendliest person she ever met. She didn’t sense a hint of hesitation when he first came up to her two years ago. He was outspoken and out there and completely unafraid to speak his mind. He cared for her and made her laugh and he was just… great.
Chouka had to hypothetically smack herself to snap out of it.
“I appreciate your company, then.” The 21-year-old said with a laugh. That’s when she noticed what was in Jason’s hands. It was a white bag, with “Dior” printed across it in a pretty, shining shade of gold. He also happened to be cradling a bouquet of roses in his arm; her favorite flower. And they were pink, too; her favorite color.
“Are those for me?” Chouka asked, raising a single eyebrow. Almost immediately, Jason hummed. Yet again, he didn’t hesitate.
Chouka didn’t have to ask how Jason knew roses were her favorite flower. For one, Rose was one of her middle names. They were just intrinsically linked with her very being. And two, a year and a half ago, she and Jason had a rather deep conversation about Japanese flower language, where they both asked each other about their favorite flowers. In Chouka’s opinion, that was one of the best conversations she’s ever had with, well… anyone. Never in a million years did she think that she could have such an insightful conversation about flowers with a person, but of course, Jason was there to prove her wrong. The color was easy to explain, too, as pink was also a core part of Chouka’s identity. It was everywhere on her, from her clothes to her car to her house itself.
Chouka didn’t have to ask how he knew she liked Dior, either, as he went straight into explaining. “I thought of you while buying this, too.” He said, holding up the bag. “It was pink, of course, and I thought you’d like what I chose. Feel free to tell me if I’m wrong.”
The pink-clad girl let a giggle escape her lips, and as Jason walked over to take a seat next to her, she turned back towards her television. “I assure you,” Chouka said. “Whatever you chose, I’ll be fine with it.”
Jason hummed, smiling at her words. Nothing made him feel so warm inside other than Chouka’s voice. “Then here you go.” He spoke, handing her the shopping bag first. Chouka took it into her perfectly manicured hand, and swiftly placed it next to her once Jason held out the bouquet. She cradled it in her arms, and sighed almost dreamily at the flowers’ sweet and earthy smell. “I hope you like it.”
The girl turned to pick up the bag again, setting it in her lap. Softly undoing the delicate white ribbon perched on top, she set it to the side and pushed open the bag. It felt like it was her birthday, even though it was over a month away, but that was the best part. It didn’t need to be her birthday for Jason to spontaneously shower her in gifts. In fact, Chouka remembered exactly when he started doing such a thing. It was six months ago, and it all started with a necklace from Cartier. It had a sparkling C-shaped charm hanging from its pretty rose gold chain, and although it most likely stood for the brand’s name, Jason thought it stood for Chouka. Her name. Even then, he was thinking of her.
Pushing the white paper to the side to reveal what was inside, Chouka let out a soft, barely audible gasp at what she saw. It was a pink Lady Dior, shiny and brand new. The redhead had so many of them that it was hard to count, and Jason just gave her another.
Chouka pulled the handbag out, handling it so delicately that it could’ve been glass. “Thank you for what’s most likely my fourth one.” She finally said with a laugh, her voice coated in a peculiar kind of softness. “I love it.”
She couldn’t see Jason’s adorably elated look because of how she was still gazing at the handbag in her hands, turning it over multiple times and admiring the pink leather. The smile that had practically split his face open made his face so bright that it nearly rivaled Chouka’s TV screen. “I’m glad you do, Chou.” He said, that same softness that was in Chouka’s voice appearing in his own.
“Come here.” The 21-year-old cheekily said, pulling Jason into an abrupt hug. The boy in question let out a soft oof at the sudden contact, but he was quick to return the hug regardless, tightly wrapping his arms around Chouka’s midsection and softly resting his chin on her head. Like he’d done for the last two years. “You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for, Jace.”
Jason hummed once again, but there was an underlying feeling of hurt that neither of them caught onto. Unbeknownst to the both of them, they both wanted to be more than just friends.
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Ever since they first became friends, Jason and Chouka were practically inseparable, so of course the former didn’t want to leave after seeing the latter open her gift. That “wouldn’t be fun” according to him. So, for the next thirty minutes, they sat and watched the rest of Sex and the City’s second season, laughing over the snide commentary that each of them would make. Jason himself was surprisingly invested, but it wasn’t unusual for him. Whatever Chouka was interested in, he was, too. However, he also had an idea.
“You know, Chou,” He started. The girl in question looked over after hearing her nickname. “While I was driving here, I was really craving sushi. So, you want to go out and get some?”
A smile spread across Chouka’s face for what was probably the eightieth time that night. He always had something like this up his sleeve. Usually she wouldn’t go out this late; it was nearly 9 o’clock, anyways. However, it was Jason, so she just couldn’t resist.
“That doesn’t sound too bad. That gives me a chance to use this, too.” She replied, gesturing to her new Lady Dior that she had gingerly placed back into its original bag. “Where are we going, exactly?”
Jason grinned. It was the type of cheeky grin that screamed ‘I’m plotting something.’ Stretching his arms, the boy stood up from the couch, holding out his hands for Chouka to take. She did exactly that, using his toned arms to pull herself up. “You’ll find out.” He simply answered, which made Chouka raise a single eyebrow.
“It sounds like you’re planning to kill me, Jace.” The redhead said, her voice playfully deadpan.
“I would never, Chou.” Jason responded, still smiling. “You know that.”
Chouka rolled her eyes in faux exasperation, all too familiar with her friend’s humor, but it was true. Jason knows that he would die if he ever lost her. But, of course, he wasn’t going to say that out loud just yet.
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Within four minutes, the two were at their destination. Living in Los Angeles, it was a perk that everything was so close together. Chouka recognized where they were, but she’d never actually been. Jason, on the other hand, had been here quite a few times, usually with his parents or his large group of friends. It was his favorite. They got a table quicker than most, tucked into the corner of the restaurant and right next to a window. Chouka enjoyed that. She got to observe the streetlights and the groups of people walking down the streets of West Hollywood when waiting got a bit too tedious.
Soon enough, they were chatting over plates of sushi and virgin cocktails (neither of them wanted to get tipsy that night). On their second round of drinks, it became rather quiet, but of course, Jason had another idea.
“You know, it’s nice out.” He said, breaking the silence. “Feel like going to the roof?”
Chouka looked up from her phone, a slightly surprised expression taking shape on her pretty face. That expression turned into a smile, though, and she instantly responded. “So we can get out of this stuffy corner?” She added. “Say less, Jace.”
Jason laughed, of course. The two of them got up at the same time, scooping up their drinks to take with them. Jason held out a hand, and Chouka immediately took it as if it was instinct.
Reaching the rooftop, all the wind was knocked out of both Chouka and Jason’s lungs at the sight of the view. The vast expanse of Los Angeles, dotted in sparkling streetlights that made the city look like it was full of stars. Cars glided across the highways, taking with them people and stories from all different walks of life. Chouka thought that it was always so beautiful, as did Jason. But, to him, nothing was more beautiful than the girl standing right next to him.
Leaning on the railing, Jason turned to look at the girl in question, watching as she took a sip of her drink before copying his movement. Her face was coated in the soft yellow lights beneath them and in the harsh white light above them, and even though the lighting was far from professional, Jason still thought that Chouka looked so pretty. Her unique ginger hair was pulled up in a perfectly curled ponytail, and she was wearing the simplest outfit to ever leave her closet, but she still shined. He never wished that he had his camera with him more than now. However, Jason then realized that his gaze was still lingering on the 21-year-old for longer than he thought, and he had to suppress an awkward cough. He could feel his face begin to heat up.
Jason’s thoughts of Chouka were beginning to drive him crazy. Everyone always said that she was so perfect. So poised. But Jason liked to think that no one believed that more than he did. He was so drawn to her when they first met. He was one of the few people that weren’t afraid to approach her. She was everything he could ever want. He thought they fit together like two puzzle pieces. He wanted to be hers.
But the truth is, he was a coward.
He couldn’t admit that to her. He was always thinking about the ‘what ifs,’ too scared to just tell Chouka how he felt. He didn’t want to ruin what they already had. They’d been so close for so long. It was one thing to be together, but it was another to not be together at all. The last thing he wanted was to lose her, all because he chose to tell her how much he loved her.
Jason looked back down, taking a shaky sip of his drink. But, he couldn���t go on like this. He couldn’t go the rest of his life silently in love with Chouka, refusing to tell her because of something he wasn’t even sure would actually happen. He’d been in love with her for a year, and if he had to go another being just her friend, he’d completely lose it.
“This is driving me insane…” Jason mumbled, but he was loud enough that Chouka heard. As he placed his drink down, the redhead raised an eyebrow.
“Jace?” She asked, obviously concerned. “What’s wrong?”
“A lot. A lot’s wrong.” He answered, running both of his hands through his hair. “For one, I can’t keep living my life being so damn afraid.”
Jason looked up and into Chouka’s eyes, and she looked back. Chouka never broke eye contact, unless Jason happened to stare far too long just to fluster her. She still looked confused, though, wondering what her friend was hinting at. “Jason, what do you mean?” She asked. Her concern was growing by the second.
Jason didn’t bother to answer. “You know, Chouka,” He began, leaning on the cool railing to offer himself some form of comfort. “When we were told that our characters would be getting together, I had never felt so relieved.”
At those words, Chouka could feel the world around her go quiet. Like it was just her and Jason, all alone on a rooftop. Her lips rounded like she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t get anything out. Her words fell out as broken, shocked gasps of air. Jason’s behavior was perplexing. Out of left field. She didn’t like being confused, but she definitely was now.
“I think it started the moment we filmed our first scene together.” Jason continued. “But the longer we had to sit in front of the cameras like that, and the longer we actually got to know each other, the more those feelings grew. I started feeling things I’d never felt before, but I got so scared. I knew I wanted more, but the last thing I wanted to do was ruin what we already had. And because of that, Chou, I thanked God every day that I got so many chances to work with you. That we got to be together and enjoy each other’s company. That I got to hold you like the world was ending and kiss you ten times over every time we messed up a scene, all without the fear of tearing us apart because it was just our job.”
Jason had to take a breath, and Chouka had to take time to process what she just heard. She knew blood was rushing to her face, and she desperately wanted to say something, but she also knew that Jason wasn’t done. So, she stayed silent, watching as the man across from her ran his hands over his face.
“But I didn’t want it to be just our job, Chou.” Jason continued. “I couldn’t admit that, though, because I’m stupid and a coward. I know my fears were valid, but God, it was eating me up inside that I couldn’t be yours beyond a script.”
“Jace—” Chouka started to say, but she was cut off by the same man she was trying to reach. Once Jason began spilling his guts, he didn’t stop.
“So, I’m going to stop being so fucking scared and I’m going to stop beating around the bush.” He said. He held onto the railing so hard that it could have snapped clean in half. He internally prayed, hoping that this wouldn’t go terribly wrong. “I… I’m painfully aware of how hopeless of a romantic I am, but I don’t want it to be hopeless anymore.”
For the first time in a long time, Chouka’s heart rate sped up in a way that she enjoyed. It was the kind of anticipation that she liked. 
“I am so in love with you, Chou. Nothing makes me happier than you do. You’re incredible and I love you and if you’ll let me…” Jason trailed off, taking a breath. This was it. He could only hope and hope and hope again at this point.
“I want to be your boyfriend.”
It took everything in Chouka to not melt into a puddle on the floor. Hearing all of that, she felt a bittersweet warmth in her chest. It was so tragically hilarious that she felt the exact same way. That she would wonder every day if Jason liked her beyond their friendship, to the point that she would drive herself up the wall. That if what they felt on set was truly real, or if it was just an unfortunate byproduct of their line of work. That there was truly a future for them as lovers and not as friends. Not as co-workers who needed to smooch on camera a couple of times. There were so many times when Chouka caught Jason staring at her from across a room, and she would shamelessly stare back. So many times when they would act closer than friends should. Despite their intelligence, they could be so unbearably stupid sometimes.
Chouka sighed, exasperated but relieved all at once. “Come here.” She said, pulling Jason by the collar and into a kiss that both of them had wanted for so long.
As if they had been together for a lifetime, Jason’s hands immediately found their way to Chouka’s waist. The kiss was soft but desperate. Gentle but needy. Reserved but fervent. All at the same time. They kissed like the entire world simply didn’t exist, like there wasn’t an entire restaurant’s worth of people beneath their feet. Like it was just the two of them, finally together and so in love.
They pulled away after a while, resigning to staring into each other’s eyes like they’ve always done. Like they had galaxies swimming in each of their differing shades of brown.
“I could never leave you, Jason.” Chouka said, still panting. One of her hands was resting on the boy’s cheek, tracing soft circles on one of his high cheekbones with her thumb. “And it’s the most idiotic thing because… I felt the same way. I was terrified and so unbearably worried if you even liked me more than a friend and… it was all so stupid and stressful and I distracted myself for days on end thinking about nothing but you.”
Jason smiled, although this one didn’t quite reach his dark brown eyes. He rested his forehead on Chouka’s. He couldn’t bear to look away from her, even for a second. “It’s reassuring, then.” He said. “Knowing that I wasn’t alone in that.”
Chouka giggled, moving her other hand upwards. “Say it again, Jace.” She breathed out, her hands cradling each side of Jason’s handsome face. “Say it, and I’m yours forever.”
Jason smiled, pulling her just a smidge closer. He knew exactly what she wanted him to say. Three words. Eight letters. And of course, there was no hesitation. “I love you.” He said. Immediately, Chouka smiled, wider than she ever had the entire day.
“I love you, too.” She responded, tears of pure elation behind her words. Jason almost began crying himself, pulling her into another kiss. This time, it was nothing but soft, sealing the deal for the both of them.
One thing was for sure, they were each other’s. Now and forever.
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dozenrozez-a · 1 month
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Rose family tree i realized i marked their rosalinda rose as dead. she's not dead. she alive and well.
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dozenrozez · 4 days
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azrielgreen · 15 days
AHH i’ve been forcing my partners to read prism & small town boys with me and watching their reactions to everything has been so fun, the new chapter of stb made me SOB i love how infectious steve & eddie are and that they’re DEFINITELY plotting something together even if their a couple states apart. steve calling Jason a rose⁉️ from eddie⁉️ as an apology‼️‼️‼️
that is such a red flag. everything about these two is a red flag & the way jason is just ignoring all of it?! i have such mixed feelings about what’s to come in ch3 im terrified and EXCITED ♡♡
i love you sm thank you for these gifts
BABE??!?😭💕✨️ Thank you so so so much wow🖤🖤✨️🖤✨️🖤✨️🖤 I cannot WAIT to share the insane fucking finale!!!🥰🖤✨️
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jiarkives · 5 months
julia’s favorites ! (v)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ♕ - nsfw ; ☆ - series
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jujutsu kaisen
♡♤ throughout heaven and earth - gojo satoru
♡ drunken angel - nanami kento
↳ @chuluoyi
♡ sleepy!megumi x shy!reader - fushiguro megumi
↳ @just-jordie-things
top gun maverick
♕ slow ride - jake ‘hangman’ seresin
↳ @vivwritesfics
☆ time warp - james potter
↳ @astonishment
☆ what we were, what we are - james potter, sirius black
↳ @jimblejamblewritings
♤♡ opening about past sa (tw!) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ talking to a cat - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♤♡ temper tantrum from draco - sirius black (cbbh universe)
↳ @ellecdc
♡ blurb - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @moonstruckme
♤♡ say don’t go - james potter
↳ @pretty-little-mind33
a court of thorns and roses
☆ suspicious - azriel
☆ mate - azriel
↳ @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms
☆ everything is not as it seems - azriel
♡ cassian: the annoying brother - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡♤ use somebody - azriel ft. platonic!lucien
♡♤ capture the mate - azriel, pregnant!reader
♡ i know something you don’t know - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡ snapshots of time - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡ your little hand’s wrapped aorund my finger - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡♤ hickeys and the marks we leave - cassian
♡ save your tears - eris vanserra ft. lucien vanserra
↳ @daycourtofficial
☆ low on hope (tw!) - azriel
↳ @violet-shadows
☆ untouchable - azriel ft. brother!rhysand
♤ falling apart for you - rhysand
↳ @serpentandlily
☆ arrows and ashes (tw!) - azriel
☆ forget me not (tw!) - azriel
↳ @assassinsblade
☆ of oblivious minds - azriel
♡ all over again - azriel
♡ by the book - azriel
♤ to feel at home - azriel
↳ @pellucid-constellations
♡ what we make of what we’re made - azriel
↳ @illyrianbitch
♤ take them all down (i) — (tw!) - rhysand
♤♡ take them all down (ii) - rhysand
↳ @danikamariewrites
♡ forever and a day - rhysand
♡♤ love and loathing - rhysand
↳ @ughthatimagineblog
♡ colliding visions - rhysand
↳ @cherhys
♡♤ false confessions - azriel
♤♡ how we survive - azriel ft. platonic!rhysand
♡ home to us - rhysand ft. nyx
↳ @writingsbychlo
♤ in this shirt - azriel
↳ @utterlyotterlyx
♤ in every lifetime (i) - azriel
♤♡ in every lifetime (ii) - azriel
↳ @shadowdaddies
♕♡♤ all my dreaming (i) - azriel
♕♡♤ all my dreaming (ii) - azriel
↳ @theeveninghour
☆ flame, shadow, beast - azriel
☆ the artificer - azriel
♡ heads will roll - azriel
♡ he feels safe with you - azriel
↳ @florencemtrash
♤♡ was any of it true? - modern!azriel
♡♤ second chance - cassian
♡ you drew stars around my scars - azriel
↳ @flickering-chandelier
♡ bumps, blunders & baby kicks - azriel
↳ @acourtofmishapandmistakes
♡ finally - azriel, fairy!reader ft. platonic!cassian, platonic!nesta archeron
↳ @itsswritten
♤ escapism (tw!) - azriel ft. past!lucien
↳ @thewulf
♡ count on mom - bruce wayne ft. bat family
↳ @alisonwritesimagines
♕♡ still wanna play? - jason todd
♡ meet the family - jason todd ft. bat family
♡ guard dog (i) - jason todd
♡ guard dog (ii) — (tw!) - jason todd
↳ @mostly-imagines
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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allmoshnobrain · 5 months
writing updates! ♡
I was going to do this to keep track of all my wips but I thought it would also be fun to share it with you guys! So I have a few upcoming fics over the next few weeks and I'm really excited to get to all of them
♡ Multichapter series and AUs:
Finished outlining the plot for Valley of Roses (jason newsted x reader) and I'm probably gonna start writing the first chapter this weekend.
I already have the plot for a part 2 of Summer Heat (jason newsted x reader) and some ideas that I may use for future parts. I may turn this into a whole new AU, so prompts and suggestions are welcome!
A sequel for Spoil me Rotten (dave mustaine x spoiled!reader) is also in the works with lots of smut just like we all love it 💖
For Heartbreaker I still want to do an alternate ending headcanon list and a bonus chapter featuring this lovely anon suggestion
I've started outlining the plot for Dragonslayer, a medieval/fantasy short series with knight!dave mustaine x princess!reader but it'll take me a while to start writing this one
♡ One shots and requests:
Got some seriously awesome requests for Dave, James, and Jason sitting in my inbox right now – big thanks to all of you for sending them in! I'm not writing them in any particular order, I kinda let them simmer in my brain until an idea pops up and then I get to writing. But don't worry, I'll get to all of them eventually 💖 So if you sent one and I haven't written it yet, it will be soon!
My requests are currently open, so feel free to hit me up with anything or just chat!
that's it for now, loves 🖤✨
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Rushing things: Chapters 9 to 16
chapters 9 to 16 of my fluff/smut papyton fanfic! (aka the entire pregnancy arc ^^)
Chapter 9: is it worth it?
That was the question Mettaton was asking himself. Now that he remembered it, that movie saga still made him cringe... But, was it worth it, to waste their energy trying to convince a movie director to take down a movie before it comes out?
The more MTT thought about it, the more he realised that plan was ridiculous.
No, it wasn't worth it.
《- Alphys, I think we should just let it slide... let the movie come out, let people see just how awful it is and move on. - W-wow... that was... surprisingly mature of you. Replied the reptile lady. She didn't need to lower her voice anymore, since Undyne moved the cocooned egg to their bedroom (of course, she was still latched to it, but now a forest of spears appeared around her every time anyone other than Alphys tried getting close to her precious.) - So anyway, how's your egg doing? Is it going to hatch soon? Added Mettaton, recovering his usual peppyness. - Oh, uh, y-yes! Said alphys, a bit startled by the sudden tone change. T-the due date is in a bit more than a week, actually! - Aww~ I can't wait to meet your little buddle of joy! The lizard giggled and blushed a bit. - Another question, darling, do you have any names planned? - W-well, we're hesitating between a few: maybe Achilles, or Jason, or Circe if it's a girl... listed Alphys on her fingers. - Going for an ancient Greek mythology theme, huh? - Greek mythology is just ancient anime.
Well, couldn't argue with that.
- I hope your baby will be healthy... said Mettaton, a bit sombre. Mixed race monster babies have a tendency to be more fragile. - I... I know...but even if they're not perfectly healthy, I'll fight for them to survive! Assured Alphys, a look of determination on her face. - Attagirl! Cheered the robot. His gaze rose up at the clock. Oh my! Look at the time! I'm gonna be late! - Do you have a filming session? - No, better than that.
I have a date~♡》
Technically, Mettaton assumed it was a date.
Because all Papyrus said when he called him was: 《- H-HEY METTATON... COULD YOU COME BY MY PLACE AT AROUND 5:00 PM? PLEASE? His voice was shaking weirdly, but it didn't sound like he was crying. - Of course, sugarskull~ - OKAY! I CAN'T- he let out a weird, soft grunt, and continued. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! P-PLEASE BRING PROTECTION...》
Oooh~ what a naughty skeleton~♡ Mettaton thought, after hanging up.
As asked, He packed in a purse a few condoms, as well as lube and other... toys, to play with Papyrus with~
So, after hanging out with Alphys for a little bit, MTT drove to Papyrus and Sans's apartment... And it was Sans who answered the door. He looked serious, the light of his eyes gone. 《- oh, hi, you. He said in an almost... judgemental..? tone. - Oh, hello, Sans. Is something the matter? Asked Mettaton honestly. - remember when I told you Papyrus being in heat wasn't as bad as I made it out to be? scratch that. it is that bad.
Oh... OH..!. THAT'S why Papyrus acted weird when he called him!
- He's already experiencing his first heat? I thought it would've happened in a few months! - well, it true for the majority of skeletons... but my bro always has been a precocious not-so-little guy... now... get yo dick in there. He said hurriedly, pushing Mettaton down the corridor to the younger skeleton's bedroom.
Wait, wait, WAIT! The robot had no idea what to expect once he would enter the room, how exactly did heat affect a skeleton's personality? Was Papyrus still himself, or did the hormones turned him into a whole new person?? Based on Sans's behaviour, probably the latter.
- the only thing you need to know is to not make out with him. - What??? - good luck! And Sans shoved Mettaton through the door, slamming it shut behind him. - HEY!! yelled MTT, apprehensive.》 But no one answered.
It was only now that he actually noticed Papyrus on his bed. But a few things stood out: First of, his body was already blue and almost opaque -which meant he was already pretty damn aroused- but something in his lower belly was faintly glowing periwinkle. Second, he was shaking and squirming in place, sweating profusely, until he, too, noticed Mettaton's presence. Swiftly, he sat up on his bed, trying to hide the rock-hard boner in his briefs with his hands. 《- M-METTATON!! he exclaimed, drool dribbling from the corner of his mouth. YOU'RE HERE! - Indeed I am, darling! Sans told me about your heat... - Y-YES... HE EXPLAINED TO ME WHAT IT MEANT AND WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME, BUT... I... I... I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GOING TO BE... SO... - Intense? - YES. It looked like it took all of Papyrus's willpower for him to not rip off his clothes and fuck Mettaton here and now. - Well there's no use in waiting around, so let's do this, shall we?~ Mettaton barely had the time to put on protection, before Papyrus leapt on him, slamming the robot against the wall, and strongly pressed their lips together. - Oh wow! You're really eager~ Purred MTT, breaking the kiss. The skeleton had already started to grind on his thigh. - I... I'VE BEEN PENT UP ALL MORNING... Huffed Papyrus, his eyelids heavy. I WANT...I NEED YOU SO BADLY. - Say no more~♡ whispered Mettaton sensually.》 Pushing Papyrus back on his bed and crawling on top on him, MTT kissed Papyrus's soft lips again. The skeleton literally tore off his briefs, revealing his erect cock and his soaking wet pussy, which looked a bit swollen.
Not waiting any longer, Mettaton stood up, grabbed his lover's legs, shoved his dick between the periwinkle folds -more violently than he wanted, but Papyrus seemingly loved that- and started thrusting. Pleasure instantly washed over Papyrus's whole body, finally receiving the stimulus his nether regions craved so desperately. He moaned and begged for more, not caring in the slightest if Sans could hear them. MTT greatly enjoyed the view: Papyrus splayed out on the bed, arching his back, looking for anything that could bring him more pleasure, getting his pussy railed so aggressively by Mettaton's textured cock. He was whining very loudly, saliva oozing from the corners of his mouth.
Seeing him like that, so submissive and needy, turned Mettaton even more, and so he thrusted even harder, going as fast and as deep as he could, since, apparently, in his euphoria, Papyrus couldn't feel pain.
The robot bent down, to be able to thrust deeper, and he took that opportunity to kiss his partner again, and this time, Papyrus tried worming his tongue in Mettaton's mouth.
"the only thing you need to know is to not make out with him." He remembered.
But why? Mettaton asked himself...
Well if Sans was going to be his cryptic asshole self, then he had to deal with the consequences of not saying why MTT shouldn't make out sloppy style with Papyrus.
Their tongues danced around eachother, mixing their salivas... Suddenly, a new wave of pleasure went through Mettaton's body, making him even more aroused than before, realising at that moment just how breedable the man under him was.
You would think it was a murder scene, based on the sheer VIOLENCE of their intercourse and how much Papyrus was screaming in ecstasy.
And fatally, the condom ripped, and with the passionate movements, rolled back to the base of Mettaton's cock, freeing all of the texture of the throbing silicone member. Papyrus threw back his head with a loud screech of elation. He fully felt the many little bumps on his boyfriend's dick, stimulating his insides in all the good places.
He was rapidly approaching climax, and MTT's twitching length told him he was close as well. 《- AAAHHH, FILL ME UP, METTATON!!♡》 Hollered Papyrus, his voice shaking, tears of pleasure (and of unregistered pain) overflowing from his eyes.
And pink semen started to flow out of Mettaton's cock, and kept on coming out, fulfilling Papyrus's wish. But they didn't stop. Oh no they didn't. Mettaton kept on thrusting and his cock kept on pumping his lover's womb full of cum. Eventually they both calmed down, and flopped onto the bed, exhausted. Mettaton looked at his boyfriend laying down next to him. Papyrus's belly was round and swollen, full of Mettaton's pink seed, which the robot could see slooshing around through the slightly transparent blue flesh, giving it the most beautiful shade of purple he'd even seen. Instinctively, MTT gently caressed and laid a kiss on the bump.
And he passed out from his low battery.
Chapter 10: Whoops...
When he woke up, Mettaton didn't remember a thing from yesterday. All he knew was that he charged in Papyrus's bed, but he didn't remember plugging himself in... he concluded that Papyrus must've done it.
Wait, why was he at Papyrus and Sans's apartment again..?
He got up, not completely awake yet, and unplugged and put away his charging cable back in his purse. When he saw the content, it brought back some memories from the day before: condoms, lube and sex toys, "We didn't even get to use those" he thought, suddenly remembering the passionate session he had with Papyrus.
Wow, he didn't know he could lose his cool over someone like that.
Mettaton heard the door creak and turned his head to see that his boyfriend had walked in, wearing new briefs and an oversized t-shirt.
《- GOOD MORNING, DARLING ! He said a bit... surprised? Looked like all the cum had drained, somehow, as his belly -almost- returned to it's original size. - DID YOU SLEEP WELL? The skeleton asked happily, sitting down on the bed. - I-i guess... were you the one that plugged me in? - YES! YOU FAINTED AFTER OUR LOVE-MAKING, SO I TOOK YOUR CABLE FROM YOUR PURSE AND LET YOU REST. YOU WERE OUT FOR A WEEK!!
Mettaton checked his phone... it actually has been a week. AND UH... I... I USED ONE OF THOSE TOYS AFTERWARD.... B-BECAUSE I STILL FELT A BIT... NEEDY... Now that Papyrus said that, Mettaton noticed that the vibrator had a bit of dried orange and pink cum on it. But... A WEEK? Damn. That was a VERY passionate session.
- Heh,you had fun with that, didn't you?~♡ Said Mettaton, regaining his composure. He took the vibrator from the purse and handed it to Papyrus. I think you should keep it, darling. I case you feel needy again ♡.》
The skeleton smiled, blushing, and put the sex toy in the safety of his bedside table drawer.
After talking for a bit, mostly Papyrus telling the robot what he did that week, the two of them headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast.
Since Sans didn't make anything, and both Papyrus and Mettaton were too tired to cook, they settled on cereal.
They ate in comfortable silence.
Until Papyrus decided to stretch his arms, making his shirt rise up and showing his belly. He still was a bit pudgy from their lovemaking, Mettaton noticed. It was kinda cute, that little stomach pouch ♡.
Wait... How did he noticed that Papyrus was a bit pudgy... shouldn't his body have returned to being invisible by now?
《- Papyrus..? Can you lift up your shirt please? Asked Mettaton, a bit concerned. The skeleton gave a little smile and did just that.
His body was almost fully transparent... Apart from his abdomen which... wasn't opaque, but it looked... cloudy? Like a strange periwinkle haze in his lower belly... And MTT could also see some pink leftovers.
- What...is that..? He wondered outloud. Papyrus looked down. - I... DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW! replied Papyrus. BUT IT APPEARED A FEW HOURS AFTER YOU FAINTED, AND HASN'T GONE AWAY SINCE THEN. - M-maybe it's a side effect from your heat? Said the robot, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was. - MMM... MAYBE! I THINK WE PROBABLY SHOULD ASK SANS... - ask me what? EVERY TIME. Sans appeared out of nowhere, sitting in the chair next to Mettaton and semi-facing Papyrus -since the lovers were in front of eachother.- And of course, he scared the shit out of MTT. - Can you please STOP DOING THAT- - doin' what? -.... Forget it. - SANS. Interjected Papyrus. I THINK YOU SHOULD SEE THIS.
He stood up, showing clearly his misty belly.
Sans's eternal smile quavered at the sight.
- wait... was that there all week?.. I thought you two used protection! - We did!.. said Mettaton, a bit offended. But at that moment he remembered that the condom ripped. Well at least at first...
Wait! DOES IT MEAN- - Papyrus, how to hell did you managed to hide this from me for a week? Interrupted Sans, serious. - I DIDN'T! Said Papyrus in a angry, annoyed tone Mettaton never heard before. I JUST THOUGHT IT WOULD GO AWAY! A short silence set in, before Papyrus spoke up again, much calmer now: - I-I'M SORRY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT CAME OVER ME... - Papyrus, I'm sorry in advance for the weird question... but how does your chest feel? Asked Sans calmly.
The younger skeleton fell silent again, and then fondled his pecs (Sans looked away, embarrassed). -...A BIT SORE ACTUALLY. - so, sore chest, cloudy belly, mood swings, and a few days ago you told me you felt sick when we walked next to that food truck, and it only got worse the next day...
Mettaton heard Papyrus gasp.
He was looking at his foggy belly in awe.
- AM-AM I PREGNANT?! He asked, stars shimmering in his eyes.》
MTT's face sank between his hands as his emotions became overwhelming... Until he felt Papyrus's gentle fingers peeling his hands off.
Papyrus saw it: Mettaton was on the verge of tears, looking conflicted about the current situation.
He thought that MTT would be happy... They... they were going to be dads! They were going to have a baby!!
But... Mettaton looked... scared? Worried? ...sad? Seeing him like this cracked Papyrus's heart. He looked at his brother, but he didn't say anything, simply watching the two of them, waiting for either one to speak up.
《- METTATON? ARE YOU... NOT HAPPY? The robot stayed silent, looking away from Papyrus's gaze. -... DARLING... PLEASE TALK TO ME. -.... I... I'm sorry, I'm... I'm rushing things again... Whispered Mettaton, tearing up.
Papyrus gently wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, and gave him a small peck on the cheek. - METTATON, I'M... I'M SO HAPPY TO BE WITH YOU... IT'S OKAY IF YOU THINK YOU'RE RUSHING THINGS, BUT I WANT TO LET YOU KNOW: I'M HERE. NO MATTER WHAT. I DON'TREALLY KNOW HOW TO BUT IF YOU WANNA SLOW DOW-
Papyrus was interrupted by Mettaton throwing his arms around him and pressing his face into his neck, letting out muffled sobs. The skeleton rubbed his back soothingly, whispering comforting words.
-... What did I do to deserve someone as great as you, darling? Mettaton finally said, his voice shaking under the emotion.
Papyrus held him tighter.
- SAME GOES TO YOU... he replied softly. I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR A COOLER BOYFRIEND ♡ NYEH HEH HEH. A small giggle rose up from Mettaton's throat, shivering through the tears.
- I don't mean to interrupt. Suddenly chimed Sans. but technically, we don't know that Papyrus is pregnant. a cloudy belly is just the aftereffect of a very passionate night, like sweatin' excessively or pelvis aches... I can last for quite a bit.
...Sans you motherfucker...
- YOU COULD'VE MENTIONED THAT SOONER!! Yelled Mettaton. - heh relax, Metts. while you two were discussin' your feelins like mature adults, I went and got this for ya. And he pulled out a freshly-bought pregnancy test out of his pocket. How?? Mettaton just told himself to stop asking questions when it came to that man.
MTT thought about it for a second... and gave a little smile. - I think I do...》
Papyrus smiled back.
He walked to the bathroom, locking the door once inside.
So Mettaton had to wait outside, in the corridor, with Sans.
They talked while waiting.
And Sans now had all the time in the world to explain why Mettaton wasn't supposed to make out with Papyrus: When a skeleton goes in heat, their saliva becomes oversaturated with hormones, to the point where it turns into a pretty strong aphrodisiac. So when Mettaton and Papyrus French kissed, all those hormones were absorbed via the inside of MTT's mouth, basically making him go in heat as well.
《- It would've been nice to know that BEFORE I destroyed your brother's pelvis, Sans. Said Mettaton. - please never say that again. Replied Sans. - Obliterated his pussy? - somehow worse. - Fucked his hole to smithereens? - Mettaton. - Bred him? - s t o p.》
Meanwhile, Papyrus opened the small cardboard container, read the instructions, and got to work. The test was now sitting on the small table next to the sink, while Papyrus was nervously pacing the room.
Finally 10 minutes passed, and Papyrus checked the test.
The bathroom door unlocked and flew open, startling Mettaton and Sans.
Papyrus stood in the doorway, beaming.
He held up the test.
Chapter 11: first two weeks
The two of them immediately wanted to tell all their friends about the news. The timing was immaculate when they visited Undyne and Alphys, since, the moment Papyrus and Mettaton told them they were expecting, their egg started to hatch.
Undyne was screaming and panicking the whole time, Alphys was panicking too, but stayed somewhat professional, helping the baby break out of the thick shell. Mettaton and Papyrus tried their best to help Alphys, bringing her whatever she needed.
They had a beautiful little boy, that they named Achilles.
Achilles was a small gator-like monster, with mint scales -the same shade as the egg he came from-, little fins for ears and two rows of tiny horns going from his forehead to the base of his neck. between those rows sat a mop of red-orange hair.
Now, not only did Mettaton and his boyfriend go around telling people they were expecting a baby, they could also tell everyone that Undyne and Alphys's egg hatched.
Toriel hugged them both tightly, congratulating the new dads-to-be, and immediately texted the scaly couple to congratulate them too.
While they visited, Frisk ran down the stairs and gave Papyrus's midsection a hug as well, flashing a big grin.
Asgore already knew about the egg, since Alphys sent his a photo of Achilles, all cleaned up and in a tiny onesie (Mettaton recognised it as one of the onesies he got them), but he was very surprised to hear that Papyrus was pregnant.
Frisk texted a lot of people the big news, both Achilles being born and Papyrus's pregnancy, almost everyone in their contact list.
Mettaton was so busy caring about their future baby that he didn't even noticed that the 3-movies saga had come out, and was only reminded of it when he saw memes of how stupid the plot was. That brought a smile to his face. And, now that he thought about it...
If it wasn't for that saga, Mettaton probably wouldn't have met Papyrus. Huh.
At that moment, Mettaton actually felt a bit happy to have participated in those movies...
Until the director of those movies was discovered to be a robot fetishist.
It... explained a lot, honestly. But ew.
The following week, paparazzi unfortunately heard the news of Mettaton, the newest star from the underground, having a pregnant boyfriend...
Mettaton couldn't go ANYWHERE without being accosted by journalists shoving their microphones in his face or paparazzi taking photos of them without their consent.
At least, he always miraculously managed to hide Papyrus's face in the shots. He didn't need to get roped into this.
《- Ugh, it's a nightmare, Alphys! Whined Mettaton. - Yeah I can imagine. Replied Alphys who was bottle feeding Achilles. - And the worst part is that Papyrus also has to go through this! He added, trying to not raise his voice too much. All that stress of being potentially assaulted in the street by random journalists can't be good for him or the baby! - M-mettaton... I have a crazy idea... they probably won't recognise Papyrus as your boyfriend if you aren't next to him... at least In this form.
Alphys's idea intrigued MTT.
- Go on... he said. - S-so what if I made another version of your body, similar, but just different enough that they don't recognise you? - OMG ALPHYS DARLING, YOU WOULD DO THAT FOR ME?? - SHHHHHHH! She hushed hurriedly, pointing to Achilles in her arms, who was now sleeping. - Whoops sorry! He whispered. Omg Alphys darling, you would do that for me?? - Yes! I-i can do it! Just give me a few days! - Oh my! Alphys, you are an angel!》
The passing week, Mettaton did not DARE to go outside his house, instead asking Papyrus to come over.
Instead of coming, staying a bit and going home every night, Papyrus basically moved to Mettaton's place -at least, until term- which meant Mettaton would go to sleep, every night, cuddling with his lovable dork of a boyfriend. And every morning, Papyrus got a shower of kisses from Mettaton like he always wanted.
Sans took the time to write a "baby skeleton manual", a journal depicting what to expect from the pregnancy as it progresses.
"First of, a skeleton's gestation is twice as fast as a human's, meaning the pregnancy will only last around 4 months and a half. So in the first 2 weeks, Papyrus's body won't physically change much, he will mostly feel more morning sickness and mood swings, along with his chest getting even more sore."
MTT read that small booklet over and over, memorising the symptoms.
And, as promised, Alphys finished Mettaton's "incognito" form: it looked like a young adult human with deep tan skin and fluffy pink hair. Completely unrecognisable. Perfect.
Of course, he had to tell Papyrus about it, telling him to not freak out when he saw the new form.
Well, he did freak out, but not in the way Mettaton expected: he enthusiastically walked circles around the robot, trying to see every small detail about this amazing alternate form. The tour of Mettaton's incognito form ended with a kiss from the skeleton.
Welp... it was time to test it out.
The two lovers got out of the house, Mettaton wearing a cute red crop top and some daisy dukes, and Papyrus wearing an oversized t-shirt, baggy jeans and his scarf.
It worked like a charm! The whole time they shopped for baby stuff, not a single fan, journalist or paparazzo came up to them!
They returned home, still really happy to see that it worked, to unwrap and prepare their haul of baby things: bottles were cleaned and dried, baby clothes were folded, toys were freed from their packaging...
Now that they had the materials, it was now time to prepare a room for the baby.
Of course, it would be at Mettaton's house, since it had a few spare rooms that Sans and Papyrus's apartment didn't have.
Sleeves rolled up, Mettaton and Papyrus spent the rest of the day dusting the room, getting rid of cobwebs and overall making the place somewhere a baby could actually live in, before putting down a first layer of soft lavender paint on the walls.
After a dinner break, during which the first coat finished drying, they passed another one on top before going to bed...
But... in the middle of the night, MTT woke up, without Papyrus by his side.
Turns out he was in the future baby's room, putting a third and final coat of paint on the walls. In the middle of the night.
《- Papyrus, please go to sleep. Said Mettaton, drowsy. - BUT I'M NOT TIRED! MIGHT AS WELL WORK ON OUR BABY'S ROOM!》
MTT had to pick up Papyrus and force him to go back to sleep.
In the following days, the skeleton's morning sickness (or more accurately, day-round sickness) only got worse, making him gag at almost any food he was offered, apart from oatmeal.
And the end of the first two weeks of Papyrus's pregnancy drew close...
Chapter 12: Weeks 3 to 6
A new week began. And Mettaton spent it focusing on the future baby's room, Papyrus insisted on helping, despite his nausea.
Now that the lavender base was ready, Mettaton and Papyrus had fun painting light pink clouds and glow-in-the-dark stars on the walls, then, they covered the whole floor in a fluffy lilac carpet. The crib was put together and personalised with soft blue fabric and cute pompoms. A purple dresser was pushed against the wall and was filled with the haul of clothes that they bought a few days ago. Alphys even changed the ceiling light from an on/off to one who's luminosity could be dialed up or down, as well as being able to change colours.
A few other things, like a cute ghost-shaped nightlight, blackout curtains, and a small chest filled with some toys, and...
At the end of the week, Mettaton and Papyrus stood back and admired their work. That little guy was going to had the best bedroom ever ♡.
During the fourth and fifth weeks, Papyrus's chest started to look fuller, since it started to produce milk, and the skeleton also became pretty fatigued at that stage. Just getting up the stairs was enough to wind him out.
So it was a good thing they were done with the baby's room.
One day, near the end of the fifth week, Papyrus called out to Mettaton from their bedroom: 《- METTATON, COME HERE ! - What?! What's wrong?! Sputtered the robot in alarm, barging into the room. - LOOK! Replied Papyrus, smiling and holding up his shirt.》 It was easy to miss it... but a tiny bump in his belly started to show.
Mettaton just stared at it, first in confusion, and then in awe.
Bending his knees, so that his face was on the same level as Papyrus's abdomen, Mettaton gently caressed the small bump.
Damn... they really were creating a whole little living being... Mettaton still couldn't believe it. He softly kissed Papyrus's belly.
During the sixth week, while Papyrus was washing some dishes, Mettaton came up behind him, held his hips and kissed his neck, earning a giggling "nyeh heh heh" from the skeleton. Papyrus's hips... it was only then that MTT noticed that they were now a bit rounder and wider than when they first met.
And it looks like they caused a problem, because on Sunday, Papyrus wailed in despair from their room.
《- What's wrong?? Asked Mettaton once again, this time a bit calmer. - MY FAVOURITE SHORTS DON'T FIT ANYMORE!! Whined Papyrus, tearing up. Mettaton didn't really know what to say but he sat down next to his crying, hormonal boyfriend and comforted him best he could. - THIS IS THE CULPRIT! Complained Papyrus, making vague gestures toward his thighs. LIKE, LOOK AT THIS! he got up and tried pulling up his shorts, and it did in fact had trouble going higher than his upper thighs, but it was not the only reason... "Lord have mercy..." thought Mettaton, seeing Papyrus's shorts struggling to stretch over his ass. - ARE YOU SEEING THIS?? asked Papyrus, upset. - YUP. Quickly replied Mettaton, trying to calm down the hardening boner in his leggings. - I THINK I'VE GAINED A FEW POUNDS... AND NOT JUST BECAUSE OF MY BELLY... Continued Papyrus with glistening eyes.
But of course, Papyrus noticed...
- M-METTATON! He loudly said, blushing.
- I-I'm sorry! I...i- - YOU... YOU STILL THINK I'M... ATTRACTIVE..? EVEN WITH THESE... CHANGES..? -... What do you mean? You're always gonna be the hottest skeleton in my eyes, darling! Replied Mettaton, earnestly.
It didn't even occur to him that Papyrus could ever think so lowly of himself. He always was the one to lift everyone else up...
That had to change immediately!
MTT took Papyrus's hands and pulled him next to him into the bed, tackling him into a hug.
- Papyrus, I love every single little thing about you... He said, smothering his boyfriend's face and neck in kisses. Your positivity, your enthusiasm, your love of everything, big and small, all of your quirks, both positive and negative... Papyrus giggled a bit, covering his flustered face with one of his hands. Mettaton's face wandered lower, now nuzzling Papyrus's full, swollen chest. - And as a bonus, you have great tits, so soft and full of milk~♡ And Papyrus's sternum was, too, covered in smooches. The skeleton was now bright periwinkle and laughing.
Going even lower, Mettaton gently pulled up Papyrus's t-shirt, revealing the tiny blue bump on his belly.
- Hello, sweetheart. He whispered to their child. Your daddy talking, I just wanted to let you know that your papa is the sweetest, the most hardworking and the most genuine man I've ever met... And he has the nicest ass I've ever seen~♡ Papyrus snorted at that last part, hiding his blushing face in his hands. - I want you to be nice to him, okay? Once you get out of here, I want you to love him, just as much as we both love you ♡. And Mettaton ended his little speech by leaving a sweet kiss on the bump.
- THANK YOU, MY DEAR... said Papyrus softly. I NEEDED THAT. - Oh, I'm not done, darling. Replied Mettaton with a smirk.》 And the robot's long delicate hands started to caress Papyrus's thighs...
It wasn't much, but it was effective. MTT could already see the tip of Papyrus's periwinkle cock peeking out of it's sheath...
And the rest of the day was a passionate blur...
Chapter 13: Weeks 7 to 10
The next weeks were interesting.
The thing that stood out the most about Papyrus in these few weeks was how much his appetite had increased. But it was for a good reason: he needed the extra nutrients and magic to help build up the baby's SOUL, which was now partially visible through his cloudy blue belly. Also, that fatigue he felt in past weeks was just... gone. From one day to the next.
Papyrus was back to being his energetic self, although a bit more careful, now that he was carrying precious cargo.
But he also was nervous, since Mettaton and him scheduled an appointment with an obstretrician to get a first good look at their baby.
They only had gotten one ultrasound before, around Papyrus's third week, and it didn't go like he thought it would.
Since he was so early in his pregnancy, the doctor had to do a transvaginal ultrasound, meaning that she had to insert a transducer inside of Papyrus's vagina to get an image of the embryo.
"It's not supposed to hurt" she said. "But you might feel a bit uncomfortable."
"A bit uncomfortable" was an UNDERSTATEMENT. It didn't HURT per se, but it didn't feel good.
So now Papyrus was really nervous about the appointment because he did NOT want to go throught that again, despite Mettaton reassuring him and telling him this time, the ultrasound will be external.
The obstretrician was a very sweet man named Dr. Daniel. He let Mettaton be there to comfort his anxious boyfriend. And Papyrus did calm down, once Dr. Daniel spread a thin layer of gel on his belly and gently moved the wand across it.
The video feed on the screen was pretty blurry... until the doctor pointed out a tiny hand.
Mettaton and Papyrus could finally see their child... tears of joy welled at the corners of the skeleton's eyes.
It has developed so much since the last ultrasound! Instead of being a vague bean-like shape, they could actually see it's tiny limbs and it's round head!
Of course they got a printed photo of the ultrasound.
Dr. Daniel said that everything looked a-OK, their child was developing well and was healthy, but Mettaton still had... worries.
Papyrus was a skeleton, and he was a ghost inside of a robot. The fact that they even managed to GET PREGNANT was a mystery in itself, but... then, what exactly is their child going to be? A skeletal ghost? A baby skeleton who's body is haunted by its own ghost?? Will their baby need a body? Or will it even want one?? Will the baby be a robot, somehow???
All those thoughts boiled in his mind, but MTT tried to put them on hold, after all, guests were coming.
A few days after the ultrasound, the boyfriends threw a baby shower, and invited all of their close friends. And Mettaton actually forgot his worries for a bit, just celebrating the fact that he was going to be dad with his loved ones...
They got quite a lot of gifts, too! Toriel made them a whole-ass "first time parents" kit: a baby bathtub, a bunch of baby soaps and shampoos (assuming that their child was going to have hair), a few parenting books, teeny tiny socks and a little blanket knitted with love, a milk pump, a cute bib... Honestly, Mettaton and Papyrus were very grateful for all of that, but they did told Toriel that it was A LOT.
Frisk's gift was much simpler: a ball of SUPER-DUPER SOFT wool that they found in a craft store. Since Papyrus knew how to crochet, he could probably make something for the baby with it. He was already looking forward to it.
Undyne and Alphys gifted them a moving mobile of the solar system, to hang above the crib. Alphys took care of the electronics and Undyne recorded herself playing the piano so that the mobile played soft music while it moved.
《- Achilles helped a bit. Snickered Alphys, playfully poking the infant in Undyne's arms, who let out a cute giggle. He painted Mars!》 And indeed, the small red planet had a tiny, lighter red handprint on the side. It looked really sturdy as well. They were definitely gonna put it up later!
Asgore gave them a small cylindrical metal container, with a hand-made label that read "Pain relieving tea mix". It was Asgore's special tea recipe, which he first created when Toriel was pregnant with Asriel... A very soothing tea, which helped relieve labor pains. Papyrus earnestly thanked Asgore.
Napstablook saw everyone else's gifts and what about to leave, before Mettaton caught them. The ghost had sewn a simple star-shaped bag in tulle and filled it with a floral potpourri.
"I know it's not much... oh no...everyone else's gifts are so much better..." and they started to fade away, but Mettaton held them softly. "Thank you, Blooky, it is very nice. And it smells really good!"
And finally, Sans's gift... it was a long-sleeved cream colored shirt with "bun in the oven" written on it in a loopy font, as well as having a cute drawing of a toasty bun with a little face.
Papyrus said he didn't find it funny. (But it was the only shirt he wore for the rest of the pregnancy.)
The mobile was put up on the crib, and guests left... and anxious thoughts came back...
In the middle of the night, during the 10th week, Mettaton woke up... not suddenly, not violently... he just woke up and looked back at Papyrus, who was spooning him.
He was sleeping so peacefully... or so he thought.
《-Trouble sleeping? Whispered Papyrus, startling Mettaton slightly. - *sigh* yes... responded the robot. - What's wrong?.. MTT shuffled and turned in bed to face Papyrus. - I'm... I'm just worried about our child... he confessed. Mixed race monster babies have a much higher chance of being too weak to survive... Mettaton gently put a hand on Papyrus's belly... - I- I really wish... with ALL of my heart... that our baby will be as lucky as Achilles... - Mettaton, i-》 Papyrus was suddenly cut off. Not by a noise. Not by Mettaton. But by a small movement inside of his womb...
The baby just kicked.
Both of them immediately sat up and turned on the bedside lamp.
They sat in silence, all four of their hands on the bump...
They looked at eachother, wide smiles stretching on their faces.
Chapter 14: Weeks 11 to 14
Now that the baby had started to kick, they simply wouldn't stop! Papyrus could feel their little one squirming, kicking and overall being very active inside of his belly.
《- Looks like they inherited your energy, huh? Said Mettaton, chuckling, while gently stroking the round bump. - I KNOW! Replied Papyrus, delighted. I BET THAT THEY'LL BE A LOT LIKE ME! AND LIKE YOU, DARLING! He added, cupping Mettaton's face with his hands. The robot let out a small laugh and kissed his partner. - Our child is going to be the greatest ♡. - OBVIOUSLY! WITH SUCH COOL DADS! NYEH HEH HEH!》 Mettaton smiled softly and looked back at the cloudy blue belly, admiring the blurry, silhouetted shape of their baby.
A few days later, Jake, the director of the small studio, called Mettaton to tell him that they had a prerelease version of the new movie, that he could get if he wanted. Of course! But MTT specifically requested that he brings it to his house, since going outside was still a hassle for him.
And Jake obliged, driving to Mettaton's house, which had a pretty damn nice view of the ocean.
《- Hello, darling! Exclaimed Mettaton happily as the young man showed up at his door. Come in! Come in! Jake, this is my boyfriend, Papyrus. The skeleton was sitting on the couch, crocheting. His head turned when he heard his name. - Papyrus, this is Jake, the director of the small studio movie I told you about. - OH, HELLO, HUMAN! chirped Papyrus, twisting his body to face Jake. WOWIE, I LOVE YOUR HAIR!
Jake snickered, playing with the few blue and turquoise streaks in his light brown hair.
- Thank you! my barber did a really great job. - Do you want to drink anything, darlings? Asked Mettaton to the both of them. - COULD YOU PLEASE BRING ME A CAN OF ORANGE SODA, HONEY? chimed Papyrus, gesturing at Jake to come take a seat. - Of course. Jake? -... I wouldn't mind a can of orange soda myself. Replied the human, sitting next to Papyrus on the couch. - Alright, I won't be long dearies!》And just like that, Mettaton left to the kitchen.
Papyrus and Jake sat together in silence.
Until Jake noticed what the skeleton was doing.
《- Oh, you like to crochet? He asked excitedly. - YES! IT'S FUN, AND YOU CAN MAKE SO MANY THINGS WITH JUST WOOL AND A HOOK! Replied Papyrus with the same enthusiasm. - Yeah, I would know! Y'see this top? Jake said, pointing to his pink tank top, which had a white bunny head with hearts for eyes on it. - I crocheted it myself! - WOWIE! A FINE PIECE OF ART!
Jake puffed out his chest, proud of himself after getting such an honest compliment.
- So... what are you making? Interrogated Jake, trying to look at the bundle of yarn in Papyrus's hands. - I'M MAKING A LITTLE BUNNY BINKY FOR THE BABY! That answer startled Jake a bit. -... the baby? A quick silence stood. Before Papyrus spoke up: - METTATON DIDN'T TELL YOU?
He pulled up his shirt, revealing his baby bump. Jake was silent, and just stared at the gravid blue belly, in a mix of confusion, curiosity and awe.
- Can... can I touch it..? He finally said. - OF COURSE! THEY LOVE THE ATTENTION ♡.
Very delicately, Jake put his hand on Papyrus's belly, immediately feeling a tiny foot kicking against his palm.
- Woah... No wonder Mettaton is so scared of going outside... said the young man, a bit sombre.
Papyrus looked a him, confused.
-... I mean, there's nothing wrong with you two having a baby, congrats, by the way! But... a celebrity having a baby with someone they're not married to is the perfect bait for journalists to stir up unnecessary drama... And I understand that Mettaton doesn't want to be assaulted by these guys.
Oh... - RIGHT.... I FORGOT THESE KINDS OF PEOPLE EXISTED.... Replied Papyrus sadly. - Hey. I'm still really happy for you two! You guys are going to have a little bundle of joy! Added Jake, trying to cheer up the skeleton. Papyrus smiled. And then smiled even more when he saw Mettaton coming back from the kitchen with a six-pack of orange soda.
- Hey, darlings, what are you talking about? Asked Mettaton, sitting down on the armchair closest to Papyrus, and setting down the cans on the coffee table.
- Mettaton! You didn't told me you two were expecting a baby! Playfully scolded Jake.
The robot looked sheepish.
- Nah, don't worry about that, I get it. Said the human, opening a can of soda. Nosy journalists already made a big deal out of it, didn't they?
Mettaton nodded, looking relieved and a bit tired.
- Well, Congratulations from me! Said Jake happily. A toast! To... um... have you two thought of a name yet?
Papyrus and Mettaton looked at eachother. They never really discussed this matter.
- We didn't... really talked about... muttered MTT, before being cut off by Papyrus. - W-WELL... I THOUGH ABOUT IT... HOW ABOUT "COLONNA"? Proposed Papyrus with a small smile. - "Colonna"... repeated Mettaton pensively. I like it! It rolls off the tongue!
- Well then! A TOAST! TO COLONNA! Cheered Jake, holding up his can of soda like a wine glass. - TO COLONNA! the three of them shouted together, clanking their cans.》
Even the baby shuffled in Papyrus's belly, as if they were cheering as well.
They ended up talking for a bit, catching up, sipping on orange soda, until Jake remembered why he came here.
"Here's the early release of the movie!" The dvd case passed hands. Then Jake's phone went off, he was, after all, a movie director, and he needed to leave. "Trust me, the moment I leave this house, I don't know anything about a robot actor and his pregnant boyfriend *wink*"
Mettaton was really grateful for Jake being so understanding.
Well, now that Papyrus and Mettaton were by themselves again, they watched the movie together. Papyrus was still crocheting his bunny plushie, which was impressive, since he was fully immersed in the story on the screen.
At the end of the movie, after the high school prom Queen quit her position to give it to her crush, and the two of them realising that they don't care about stupid high school status and ending up confessing their love for eachother, Papyrus was finally done crocheting the plushie.
It was made with the yarn Frisk got him, so it turned out to be an adorable and SUPER SOFT white bunny with light pink speckles.
Now Papyrus had to embroider the bunny's face. So he tried to get up to get black yarn and a needle, but he realised at that moment that his lower back was really achy.
Hearing his boyfriend grunt in pain as he tried to get up again, Mettaton immediately became concerned.
《- Papyrus? Are you OK? He asked, gently helping him get up. - D-DON'T WORRY, HUN, IT'S JUST SOME PREGNANCY ACHES... Responded Papyrus, putting his hands on the small of his back.》
No. Mettaton DID worry.
After some convincing, MTT managed to get Papyrus to sit back down to give him a massage.
Chapter 15: Weeks 15 to 18
Now that Papyrus was nearing the end of his pregnancy, it became harder and harder to move around, since, you know, he basically had a bowling ball inside of his womb. A bowling ball that wouldn't stop kicking and moving.
That fatigue he felt back during the earlier weeks came back, and twice as strong.
His chest started to LEAK. The t-shirt that Sans got him now had two large, wet milk stains where his nipples were.
And to top it all off, Papyrus had experienced his first Braxton-hicks contractions.
Needless to say, he was VERY ready to have this kid out of him.
And Mettaton knew that very well, being very gentle with his boyfriend, offering massages any time he could, and satisfying his every whim.
The two of them settled on having a home birth, because, for some reason, Papyrus was TERRIFIED of going to the hospital. And also, giving birth in a familiar place was going to bring him very needed comfort during such a tense ordeal.
Mettaton talked to Dr.Daniel on the phone, and he says he will be able to come to their place when Papyrus goes into labor, which relieved the robot.
They talked a bit more, Dr.Daniel telling him what to prepare for a home birth: Somewhere clean and warm, he should prepare a mattress and towels-
Mettaton had an inflatable mattress that took only a few seconds to be pumped, it was perfect! Said mattress was tucked under Papyrus and Mettaton's bed, ready to be pulled out the moment Papyrus goes in labor.
Now that he thought about it, their room actually was the perfect place to set the birthing mattress: it was warm and since both MTT and Papyrus where clean freaks, it was, well, clean. And it was where they cuddled together every night, so it was a comforting, familiar environment.
So first step, check!
Then, they should have an emergency bag in case there's any complications during the birth and they need to quickly get to the hospital-
Mettaton hoped for dear life that it won't be NEEDED. But better safe than sorry. He packed a bag with a water bottle, extra towels, a heating blanket and whatever else he thought would be needed.
Second step, check!
And Dr.Daniel was already in MTT's emergency contacts, so he could called pretty fast.
And finally, Mettaton needed to know what to do exactly when the skeleton's water breaks.
The doctor taught him to count how long contractions were and why it was important, then he explained how to check Papyrus's cervix to see how dilated it was, and how dilated it needed to be for him to start pushing.
Mettaton listened carefully and took notes.
Okay. They were fully ready now! That baby could come, and they were gonna be ready!
Around the 16th week, Undyne, Alphys and Achilles visited.
《- Hey Metts! Said Undyne when he opened the door. - Hello Undyne! And Co! Responded Mettaton. Come in, darlings! Undyne immediately bolted to the living room, where Papyrus was laying down on the sofa, reading one of the parenting books Toriel got them. - Hey PapyrooOOOAH- She had just noticed how big Papyrus's belly got. WOAH. - YES, I KNOW. said Papyrus sweetly, petting his baby bump. Alphys entered the living room as well, carrying little, almost 4 months old Achilles in her arms. - Hello Papyrus! She said, sitting down on the armchair and settling Achilles on her lap. H-how do you feel? - WELL. started Papyrus, sitting up on the couch and stretching a bit. TIRED AND ACHY, MOSTLY, BUT STILL VERY EXCITED TO BE SO CLOSE OF MEETING OUR LITTLE ONE ♡. Colonna gave a tiny kick. - OOP! I THINK THEY SAY HI! He added, chuckling.》
Mettaton, Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys chatted for a bit, talking about the pregnancy, and what it was like to have a baby, giving some tips...
Achilles, who was previously teething on a toy, was now staring at Papyrus's belly, curious.
Alphys noticed it.
"Papyrus? She asked. D-do you mind if Achilles takes a closer look at your belly?"
The skeleton answered by lightly laughing and pulling up his shirt, uncovering his swollen baby bump. Alphys held Achilles close to Papyrus. And he put both his tiny chubby hands on the soft surface.
Colonna kicked again, startling the infant, who looked thoroughly confused.
It was adorable ♡.
The scaly couple stayed for a few more hours, still chatting, but lowering their voices, because Achilles fell asleep in Undyne's arms.
Mettaton made hot cocoa for everyone, putting a lot of whipped cream in Papyrus's, just how he liked it.
While Alphys was talking to Mettaton about what their baby might be, a ghost, a skeleton or otherwise, Achilles woke up and started to cry for milk.
"CURSES!" Yelped Papyrus as his chest leaked milk at the mere sound of a crying, hungry baby.
Undyne quickly pulled out a bottle of formula from the baby bag they took with them, and fed her son. "Whoops! Sorry, Paps!" She said, looking at the stained t-shirt.
The skeleton sighed and precariously stood up to get changed in their bedroom.
After removing the soaked shirt and drying his chest with a few tissues, Papyrus looked at himself in the mirror, topless.
He turned his body to see it from the side.
He really was huge.
(And, has- has his ass always been this... noticeable??)
He sat on the bed, tearing up.
Mettaton walked in the room, asking if everything was okay, until he saw his crying boyfriend. He hugged him tightly, telling him he loved him no matter what his body was like.
Undyne also came in the room, holding a now fed and snoozing Achilles.
She obviously joined in the hug, using only her free arm.
And finally, Alphys showed up and also added herself to the hug pile.
Now that Papyrus felt better, Alphys and Undyne decided it was time to leave, saying their goodbyes to the boyfriends.
The two next weeks weren't very interesting, since Papyrus couldn't do much, he mostly spend his days in bed, reading, looking at stuff on his phone, or doing small crochet projects.
However, during those weeks, Papyrus had that strong desire to constantly cuddle with Mettaton, which unfortunately, they couldn't do all day.
Friday night, during the 18th week, the skeleton felt something weird inside of his vagina. Something... slimy?
He went to the bathroom to clear that out.
It was a weird... slime... string... thing. What the hell was that?..
Chapter 16: HERE IT COMES!!
The next morning, Papyrus felt... weird... A bit out of breath, for some reason. Oof! Colonna just kicked, it was pretty strong that time...
Mettaton was still asleep. Well, since he was awake, Papyrus told himself he would make breakfast, cook some waffles or something...
But he was so warm in his boyfriend's arms, and his smell was so comforting... And he knew that when MTT was going to be awake, he would leave the bed, so he savoured every seconds.
Papyrus smiled, and was about to fall asleep again... When he suddenly felt a dull pain in his belly. It was faint, but it was still painful, and it lasted about a minute.
When it stopped, Papyrus looked at Mettaton. He was shuffling in his sleep.
Should he wake him up? Eh, it probably was just some more Braxton-hicks contractions...
10 minutes later, Papyrus felt it again, but it was now more intense and lasted a few seconds more.
Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Papyrus kept telling himself.
It was only the first two contractions... Dr.Daniel said labour lasted on average 12 to 24 hours for first-time mothers.
He needed to rest... but he felt another contraction, closer than the last one, longer and DEFINITELY MORE PAINFUL. Okay, nevermind, he needed to wake up Mettaton.
《- DARLING? whispered Papyrus, gently shaking Mettaton. The robot let out a sleepy groan, before answering. - mmnmjmn... Whutizit baby?... - I THINK I'VE GONE INTO LABOUR.
Mettaton's eyes popped open.
The robot immediately sat up, a panicked look on his face.
- How much time was between each of them?? He asked hurriedly, gently grabbing Papyrus's shoulders. - UHH.. ABOUT TEN MINUTEsACK-! Replied Papyrus, cut off by another contraction, which was pretty damn painful at this point.
... 59... 60... 61... 62... 63... 64... 65...66... counted Papyrus in his head, clutching his belly. 70 seconds. Mettaton had already called Dr.Daniel to tell him his boyfriend went into labour.
Meanwhile, Papyrus called Sans. He needed the support of another skeleton.
《- SANS! exclaimed Papyrus when his brother picked up. - Paps, it's like 7 AM... you know I don't get up until at least 14. Replied Sans sleepily. - BROTHER IT'S IMPORTANT!! PLEASE COME HER- Agh! - huh? what's wrong? Asked Sans, his voice serious with worry. - I'M IN LABOUR, SANS! Yelled Papyrus, exasperated.
Sans didn't respond on the phone. Instead, he simply was here. In their bedroom.
- FUCKING CHRIST- yelled Mettaton, yet again scared by this short man appearing out of nowhere. No- no Stan, this wasn't for you! He added hurriedly to the phone in his hand. Papyrus's brother showed up out of nowhere and scared me!
Mettaton kept on talking to Dr.Daniel, telling him that Papyrus has gone in labour about 30 minutes ago-
- wait. 30 minutes??? Yelled Sans, uncharacteristically tense. Tell that doctor to get their butt over here NOW!! - SANS! IT'S JUST THE START OF LABOUR, WE STILL HAVE A FEW HOURS BEFOR- Papyrus was yet again interrupted by a contraction. - Papyrus, skeleton labour is WAY faster than humans's! there was only 3 hours between dad's first contraction and you being born! - WHAT?! Shouted Mettaton, overhearing. SORRY, DANIEL, APPARENTLY SKELETON LABOUR IS WAY FASTER THAN A HUMAN'S, PLEASE HURRY-
MTT could hear Dr.Daniel moving quickly on the other end of the call, followed by a car door opening and closing.
- Okay, I am on my way! He said, starting the car. I'll try to be here as soon as I can. - Thank you doctor!》
And the call ended.
Sans had pulled out the mattress and inflated it, covering it in a towel, and was now comforting Papyrus by holding his hand and rubbing his back.
Papyrus was breathing heavily, a hand on his big belly, and tears were pearling at the corners of his eyes.
Sans was already by his side, so Mettaton went downstairs to fetch something for Papyrus: The special tea mix Asgore gifted them.
He prepared a cup, putting 2 sugarcubes in -Papyrus loved to put a LOT of sugar in his tea, and Mettaton was trying to get him to put less- and stired it, while getting back up the stairs.
"Here you go, darling." Said the robot, settling the cup on the floor, next to his boyfriend. He smiled, and they kissed. "Dr.Daniel is coming, don't worry..."
Between two huffs, Papyrus replied "M-METTATON!.."
Mettaton and Sans looked down: There was now a big, wet orange stain in Papyrus's briefs.
His water just broke.
Mettaton held the crying, heaving skeleton close to him with one arm and called back the obstretrician with the other.
Mettaton could hear Dr.Daniel cursing and car horns honking.
- I'm so sorry! I'm stuck in a traffic jam!! Put the call on speakers! I'll assist you via phone! He said, not catching his breath.
MTT did just that. Putting down his phone on the bed, Mettaton helped Papyrus strip naked. (Sans looked a bit uncomfortable, but focused on his brother's wellbeing)
- How dilated is he? Asked the doctor, a bit calmer.
Mettaton scooted in front of Papyrus and inserted two fingers inside of his vagina, trying to be as gentle as he could.
7 centimetres already.
- 7 cm! Answered Mettaton.
- Okay, so he's not fully dilated YET. Papyrus? Can you hear me?
- Y-YES! Uttered Papyrus through another contraction.
- Breathe deeply, do anything that helps you relax, and most importantly, do not panic.》
The skeleton obeyed, trying to regulate his breathing, and using that moment to drink his tea.
It did helped a bit with the pain! And it tastes really good! Thank you, Asgore!
Okay... both his older brother and his lover by his side, in a room filled with good vibes, Papyrus was ready...
Mettaton checked his cervix again...
It was almost fully dilated.
《- Doctor, how far are you?? Asked Mettaton, getting a bit stressed. - I'm not in the traffic jam anymore but the roads are still pretty crowded! Why? Is he fully dilated?? - Not quite, but almost!
Before the doctor could respond, Papyrus screamed in pain.
It was the worst contraction yet! And he felt the baby's head starting to push through-
- THE BABY'S COMING!! He howled, grasping his belly. - WA- WAIT! Said Mettaton, alarmed. - Don't hold it in! Yelled Dr.Daniel through the phone. Start to push! I'm nearly there!》
Papyrus didn't needed to be told twice. He pushed as hard as he could, feeling the baby's crown passing through his cervix.
Mettaton immediately prepared his hands to catch the baby when it comes out.
The swollen lips of Papyrus's pussy started to stretch as Colonna was crowning!
Mettaton did NOT know it could stretch THAT MUCH.
He encouraged Papyrus to keep pushing!
Colonna's head was fully out now, and their shoulders were starting to peak throught!
Their arms were out!!
Papyrus was sweating bullets and huffing!
Sans was holding his hand and encouraging him!
AND!.. .... .... .... ..waaaAAAH!..
The room was silent, apart from the baby's crying.
Mettaton couldn't believe it... He was holding... the tiniest little skeleton in his hands.
Colonna. Their son. They could finally hold him...
Mettaton and Papyrus looked at eachother, heavy tears of joy streaming from their eyes.
Oh-so-delicately, MTT placed the newborn on Papyrus's chest.
He looked a lot like Paps, but he had soft, brown hair (quite a lot, for a newborn), and instead of blue, his body was pink, turning periwinkle around his tummy, shoulders and knees. His chubby cheeks had small, round, pink markings on them.
Colonna whimpered softly, moving his tiny limbs around, before calming down.
"He's so small..." whispered Papyrus through tears. "He's beautiful ♡"
The new dads gently caressed him.
Sans stood back, smiling at his bro, his lover and their little guy.
They didn't care in the slightest that the baby was still slimy with orange amniotic fluid, he was their most precious thing in the whole world.
Suddenly, they heard a honk from the front of Mettaton's gate. Dr.Daniel finally arrived.
Sans let him in, and guided him to the room where the child was already born.
The obstretrician took care of things: clipping and cutting the umbilical cord with sterilised scissors, cleaning the fluids, disposing of the placenta, and bundling the newborn in a soft towel, before giving him back to his dads.
Now that Colonna was fully dry, they noticed that his hair was light purple around his temples.
"Hello, little star ♡" cooed Mettaton, gently stroking their son's hair.
Slowly... Colonna opened his eyes.
They were a bright peachy pink.
The newborn looked at his dads as they were talking softly to him, he didn't understand what they were saying, but the sound of their voice soothed him.
He whimpered quietly.
And he smelled something, something really good.
Colonna pressed his face against Papyrus's chest, making tiny noises.
"Oh! I think he's hungry!" Whispered Mettaton. Papyrus carefully guided his son's mouth to his nipple, and helped the little one latch on.
Papyrus was carried unto the bed, still feeding the baby boy.
And since Colonna was getting breakfast, the others decided to eat something too.
《- Mettaton, can you make waffles, please? Asked Papyrus, his voice weak. - Of course, darling ♡.》
And with a peck on the cheekbone, Mettaton, Sans and Dr.Daniel went downstairs to make those waffles, leaving Papyrus with Colonna.
He was EXHAUSTED... but seeing his son, happily drinking his milk... it was all worth it ♡.
When MTT came back with a plate of waffles for Papyrus, he found both of them asleep, so he set down the plate on the nightstand, gave them both a kiss on the forehead and let them sleep.
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emmylous-world · 2 years
Inferno - pt.1/?
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♤ Jason has a crisis ♤
Devil!Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1k
A/N: This is so short I'm sorry, but life yk, This has been on my mind for a while now, just Jason sitting on hell's throne all sexy and stuff. I wanna thank my good friend Serv, for helping me with this *Disclaimer: Due to ADHD, the chapters are going to be short, but the series will be long and not edited or proofread*
Warnings: swearing, violence, blood, mature subjects
Jason sat in the dining hall, alone and in silence, the room was grand and dark, with pillars of black marble all over the room, and the floor was shiny black tile, matching the king's dark soul. Tall, brightly lit candles and upturned animal skulls full of wilted roses were arranged along the long dark wood table. Sat before him was Jason's dinner; Lamb, a joke, a reference to the saying of the devil feeding off of virgins, and since humans were gods' sheep and he was their shepherd, the lambs were the virgins. He picked up a shiny set of utensils and cut through the steak, he sat in silence, simply allowing him to wallow in his thoughts. 
The day started with Jason waking to a knock on his door and then one of his servants calling him done to the grand hall to access the recent events, a ward barrier on the far east side of Hell was cracked and was being invaded by creatures of unknown kind. He sent patrol groups out to scout the invaders, which caused Jason to go into a frenzy, barking orders and losing his temper, maybe after dinner, his lover Emma would help him get his frustrations out, with soft touches,  her whimpers, and moans. Jason got up after drinking the last of the red wine and wiping the lamb sauce from his lips. He headed towards his chambers, hopefully, to fuck the brains of Emma, but right now, tonight, he had to take, to feel like Hell, his kingdom isn’t falling apart, and he was desperate for it; control. 
“I need Emma?” he snaps on his way out. His black robe drags on the floor behind him while he makes his way down the halls. Once at his chambers, he threw off his robe and shirt, letting the chilly air hit his skin, he sighed, he liked the cold, the feel of the chill down the spine and into the bones. But Emma hated the cold, he knelt down and lightly blew on the logs, putting them ablaze.  He poured himself a glass of scotch and sat at his desk, flipping through letters and files, nothing appealing or interesting showed themselves to him. He pulled out a pen and a slip of paper, jotted down some notes, and his thoughts about the day; well what the underworld considers a day. He put down his pen and sat back in his chair, rubbing his hands down his face with a huff and a groan. He got up from the desk, threw back the last of the scotch, and walked over to the fireplace. He poured himself another scotch and sat down in one of the armchairs, waiting for Emma. A half hour or so had passed when a soft knock on the door and his
“Come in” he gruffly spoke.
“My Lord, you call?” Emma’s voice sang, she then gracefully walked over, standing before him, in all her glory. In her light blue nightgown, her golden curly hair was pinned up, strands falling down the sides of her face. She shone so brightly making the glooming place of the underworld not seem so gloomy. 
“I heard about the wards in the south,” she ran her hands down his biceps “Any news, what has the council have to say?” He looked up at her, you could almost see him crack, the sear pressure of his world falling apart put on his shoulders. Instead of responding, he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her deeply, He felt it down to his bones, his shoulders released and he ran his hand up her back and took out her hairpin, letting the bronze curls fall into her his. He could smell her soap, lavender, and honey, where she got it in this damned place, he didn’t care, her scent drove him mad with desire. He pulled her in closer to him, her breasts flushed against his chest. Gasping her name over and over again.
Jason sat against the headboard, a book in his lap and a cigar between his lips. Emma was sound asleep beside him, all wrapped up in the blankets, soft snores falling from her lips. The room was dim, the only light coming from the lamp on the nightstand, the walls were dark mahogany, the curtains were black and the floor was black marble. On the other side of the room was a set of french doors leading to a balcony, they were opened, letting a breeze in. He wished he could stay there forever, in peace. he took a drag, from his cigar, filling his lungs with smoke, he closed his eyes, relishing the moment.
Jason closed his book, and softly brushed his hands through Emma's hair. He got up and walked over to the balcony. The view from above was magnificent, the rugged fire rock mountains, spitting ash and hellfire surrounding the fields, and the castle itself was black stone, it was old, it had sat in the valley for hundreds of thousands of years. Jason put his hands on the railing, it was rough under his palms, and the wind was cold on his bare chest. Goosebumps rose all over his arms, making Jason shiver, the stone was rugged under his bare feet. Jason ran his hand over his face, he was restless, sleep wouldn’t come no matter how much he tried, because dark things haunted his mind, putting him in a place viler than his kingdom. He wanted to scream, he pushed off the rail and went back inside. He went to the closet and changed into a pair of sweats and a black tank, once changed he filled up a water bottle and headed to the gym.
The gym was big and dim, just how Jason likes it. He went straight to the punching bag, wrapping his hands in boxing tape, and went at it at the bag, letting the pent-up frustration and rage onto the bag. Hours spent at the bag, knuckles bleeding until the nonexistent sun rose.
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