#tw: mpreg
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moociaoafterdark · 1 day ago
Horus getting Sanguinius pregnant
Sanguinius coming over to the Vengeful Spirit, enraged, marching down towards Horus and then giving him the mother of all slaps to the face. The Mournival are debating if they need to fight a Primarch in order to protect their Father, but Horus stops them with a wave of his hand. He listens to what his brother is yelling at him. Something about him being "too much" and how screwed they are if the Emperor finds out.
Then, a Blood Angel apothecary finally catches up to his genesire and offers a file of some sorts. Sanguinius yanks the file from poor apothecary's hands and shoves it into Horus' face. Horus opens the file... Which contain ultrasound photos.
They're having not one child, not twins, not even triplets. They're having a clutch of eggs. He is both confused, horrified and overjoyed. He hugs still angry Sanguinius, smiling, and tries to calm him down and reassure him that they got this. Sanguinius doesn't quiet his shouting, but he does hug back.
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Monster preg is so good. Can you imagine a Knight traveling through a Dungeon full of monsters and instead of slaying them he finds letting them fuck him actually tires them out and calms them. He goes through the entire dungeon fucking every monster, from lowly ghouls to centaurs. That's until he reaches the inner sanctum of the dungeon and comes face to face with an ancient deity, so beyond his comprehension, but it manages to seduce him and fuck him with its tentacles. It leaves him pregnant with the child of a forgotten God, and once he returns to the surface he becomes huge, whilst pregnant with a demigod...
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jeusus · 1 day ago
I see someone asked to see Chu Fei so here you go!
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I did the unthinkable, I gave Taxian Jun a baby and now he's unstoppable.
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dcxdpdabbles · 17 days ago
Alfred: Sir I don't mean to interrupt your meeting but we have a bit of a situation up top.
Bruce: No, it's alright, Alfred. We were just doing recaps of our patrols. What's happening?
Alfred: There is a young man at the front gate throwing eggs and toliet paper. He's chanting, "Wayne! Face justice!"
Dick: Is it a protest?
Alfred: I believe it's more of a scorn lover as he's also screaming, "You took my heart, and you crushed it!". Should I get the police?
Bruce: Yes I think it would be good to-
Dick: Wait. Is it a caucasian man about Tim's height, blue sometimes green eyes, hair like this, and in a white shirt with a red dot?
Alfred: Why yes, he is. Do you know him?
Dick: I don't, but I know Tim does. I've seen him sneak out of Tim's bedroom window before.
Tim: Oh, threw me under the bus when it's convenient, I see!
Dick: I'm worried about the men you date. You should find yourself someone nice like Kon.
Tim: Been there done that.
Dick: WHAT-
Tim: Anyway, Danny is harmless . He's just mad cause I accidentally married him, and now we're bonded for life and he might or might not be pregnant.
Bruce: *clutching chest* Is this a heart attack!?
Jason: What do you mean he might be pregnant???
Tim: We don't know since there only three other Halfas in the world, and normally, the ghosts version of getting pregnant is just their ectoplasm doing a sort of asexual reproduction after devouring enough living energy. Danny and I holding hands might have just been too much living energy, or his own body produced it, but FrostBite says it's too early to tell and-
Steph: Tim, buddy, I need you to get back on topic. Why is your ex outside-
Tim: He's not my ex. We're still together. He's just mad. He'll come inside once he's done crying about the eggs he wasted.
Damian: *coming down the Batcave Stairs* Why is there a man outside sobbing into the grass about poor kids in Africa?
Tim: See?
Bruce: *Kneeling over in a dead faint*
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mikimakiboo · 2 months ago
A second chance
Part 2
Hi hello here I come with some mpreg for you to eat (and Errormare also)
Original post with the context but basically it's Nightmare being pregnant and Dream not having a clue about it until he does
Can I even call it mpreg if I headcanon Nightmare as nonbinary ? Shouldn't I call it skelepreg instead ? But then again he does use he/him pronouns... hmmmm....
Aaaalso Nightmare and Error's baby was created by me ! His name is Moroz !
TW: male pregnancy, Dream being stupid for drama reasons, vomit, swearing
And I finished writing and proof reading this at 3:30am because fuck my sleep schedule (there might be mistakes left)
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Dream was staring at his brother who had been waiting for him, having entered this AU specifically to get his attention and make him come, but he didn't look like he wanted to fight. Dream didn't want to fight either. Not after everything that happened, not after how stupid he had been.
The raids in AUs were starting to get less frequent, the Stars noticed, and while they could have rejoiced about it, they couldn't help but think that this might have only been the calm before the storm, so when they felt Nightmare and his gang in a pacifist AU, they rushed to it. They didn't lose any time, the gang was here for a reason and they didn't want to wait and see what was said reason.
The fights didn't seem to change, Ink would take on Cross and Dust, and Blue would take on Horror and Killer, leaving Dream with his brother, as usual, to try and talk first before engaging in a real duel.
Nightmare seemed tensed, his tentacles were on a defensive stance more than an offensive one, but that didn't stop Dream from being careful, his arrow ready to shoot. He knew his brother's tactics, he knew that if needed he wouldn't hesitate to appear weak so that the positivity guardian would lower his guard, and then he would strike.
- You and your gang should leave, you know you are not welcome here.
Dream warned, earning a chuckle from his brother.
- Then please tell me where we are we-ourgh-
Nightmare abruptly stopped mid sentence, almost slamming a hand on his mouth, as he scooted closer to the nearest tree to keep balance as he bent over to throw up. Dream didn't expect that. This... wasn't like any trick Nightmare had pulled by the past, it looked very much honest and he could feel his brother's discomfort from where he was standing a few meters away.
- Are... you okay... ?
Dream asked, unsure of what to do as he lowered his bow. Nightmare raised a hand.
- Do not get closer.
He warned, spitting on the ground, before standing straight again and regaining his previous place.
- Okay I'm fine we can start again.
Dream stared at him for a moment, frowning. His brother just threw up in front of him. He had never threw up before.
- I'm not fighting you if you're sick.
He refused, to which Nightmare frowned.
- Fuck you mean you're not fighting me ?
Dream withdrew his arrow, making it dissapear.
- I mean I am not fighting you. You're sick, I'm not fighting someone who's sick.
- I'm not sick !
Nightmare protested, swallowing his saliva, the bad taste still in his mouth. Dream arched a brow, clearly not believing him.
- You just threw up, like, right in front of me.
Nightmare huffed, as if it was a false accusation.
- And since when do you even care ? You've never asked me if I was fine before shooting me !
- Because you have never been sick before !
Dream answered, defending himself.
- Oh I've been sick plenty of times I just didn't think to tell you because you obviously wouldn't have cared.
Dream frowned, did his brother think he was stupid ? That he would believe him ?
- Are you talking about your attempts at making me lower my guard by appearing weaker than you are ? Because that doesn't work on me.
Nightmare stared at him, seeming confused, not quite understanding what his brother was referencing to.
- What the fuck are you on about, I've never done that.
- Oh so you're gaslighting me now ?
Dream couldn't believe it, he knew his brother could set the bar low sometimes if it advantaged him, but this low ? He really didn't expect it, and it kinda took him aback.
- Bitch you're the one gaslighting me ! Telling me I did things I didn't do !
- I am not the one- !
- Boss ! Cross opened a portal, hurry before Ink's up again !
Killer interrupted Dream, catching his brother's attention. Ink had been knocked out by one of Dust's blasters and Blue rushed to his side, leaving enough time for Cross to open a portal to the castle and let the others throught. Nightmare turned his attention to his henchman and after a quick glance towards his brother, he left, which confirmed to Dream that he was sick, because Nightmare had never left a fight without lending at least one hit at him. He knew he should have felt relieved to see his brother leave so fast, but he really hoped he would get better soon..
Nightmare had already walked a few meters when he snapped Dream out of his thoughts.
- You're coming or what ?
Dream jumped, looking at his brother, he didn't notice he had started walking.
- Uh, y-yeah, sorry, got distracted...
He apologized, catching up to him to follow his lead, glancing at his round belly. He still couldn't fully believe it.
It had been quite a few weeks after the "fight" when Dream saw his brother again. He had felt the presence of the group in a peaceful AU but didn't feel any negativity peak, so before alerting the whole team he decided to check himself, not wanting to bother his friends if it was a false alert or a simple decoy. They seemed to be walking throught the trees, on a trail path, talking and laughing. What kind of plan was that ? What were they trying to achieve ? Were they looking to lure people near them by seeming friendly ? Dream didn't trust that. He discretely got closer when they stopped, Dust having found something on the ground that seemed to interest him enough to crounch down.
As Dream got closer, he noticed his brother's aura had changed, he couldn't quite tell why or how, but he seemed different, his tentacles weren't summoned, and when he turned around...
- Oh damn you've got fat !
Dream slapped his hands on his mouth, the whole group froze and turned to look at him, Nightmare frowned.
- I beg your pardon ?
Nightmare asked, rightfully offended. Dream didn't mean to say that. He didn't mean to talk at all but he had been so surprised ! Nightmare had gained weight since the last time they met, and it wasn't the first time they wouldn't see each other for weeks, but he had never gained weight like that. Killer took a knife from his pocket, and Cross summoned his blades, but Nightmare raised a hand before they could attack.
- Frist gaslighting and now fatshaming ? You've sunken lower than I would've expected you to, Dream. Nightmare hissed.
- I didn't mean it like that ! Dream defended himself. I mean, are you okay ? That seems like a lot of weight, are you sick ? Have you been taking care of yourself, eating healthy, exercising ?
Dust got up to join the others by Nightmare's side. Dream's twin looked at him like he could kill him with his gaze only, and the guardian felt chills running up his spine.
- I don't need any of your fucking "I'm better than you" lifestyle advice !
Dream took a step back when Nightmare got closer, but Horror had put a hand on his shoulder to prevent the negativity guardian from going too far from their protective circle, which Dream at first didn't get the need as Nightmare was strong enough to defend himself, but if he really was sick, he most likely was weaker too.
- I'm not trying to give you lifestyle advice, I'm concerned about your health.
- You're concerned about my health ? Really ? Tell me why you're here then.
- Wha-
- Tell me why you're here. Nightmare interrupted him, crossing his arms.
Dream thought for a moment, staring at Nightmare and the others as his twin waited for the answer. What point was Nightmare trying to make by asking him why he came here ?
- I.. came to make sure everything was alright..
- In the universe.
- Sorry ? Dream frowned.
- In the universe. Nightmare repeated. You came to make sure everything was alright, in the universe. Last time we saw each other I threw up and, sure, you didn't fight me this time, but you still accused me of lying about all the other times I've been sick and you still fought me, and today you are here, unaware if I'm doing better or not by the way, because you wanted to make sure your precious universe was doing fine, and first thing you say when you see me ? "Damn you got fat", not even a "how are you doing ?", just that I got fat. You don't care about my health. You've never cared about it.
Dream was speechless for a while, he didn't know how to answer that. He did care about his brother, he was genuinely worried about him, but Nightmare wasn't wrong when he said he came here for the universe, he did come here to make sure they weren't hurting anyone, not to ask if Nightmare was doing better, which Dream hoped he did but given his sudden extra weight he doubted it. Would it seem dishonest to ask now ? To ask only after Nightmare pointed it out ? It certainly would, but not asking would only confirm what Nightmare stated: that Dream didn't really care about his health.
- We're going home. Nightmare said as he turned.
Cross looked at his boss before nodding, using his blade to tear the AU's code and create a portal.
- How am I supposed to know when you're attacking an AU and when you're not ?
Dream asked before Nightmare could cross the portal, stopping him dead, and Dream could tell by his aura getting colder that he didn't take it well. Dream didn't mean it to be rude, he just didn't want to make another mistake. Nightmare turned, Horror and Cross were ready to stop him again and Killer seemed ready to jump at the golden guardian's throat, Dust's expression was hidden by the shadow of his hood but Dream was sure he was mad too.
- Oh I don't know, maybe when the fucking balance tips towards negativity ? Nightmare answered sarcastically. Which, mind you, didn't happen today because we weren't causing any trouble, and in fact, we specifically stayed away from the town to take a nice walk in the forest, unless we are forbidden to do that too ?
Dream frowned, he didn't like where this conversation was going, where Nightmare was orienting it.
- You want me to wait until you hurt people to intervene ? I'm not risking it and you know that.
Nightmare didn't seem to take this answer well either.
- Do you really think the only reason for us to go out is to bring chaos ? That our life revolves so much around hurting people that we cannot go out for anything else and you have to chase us the moment we put a foot in an universe ? And that's why you're here, isn't it ? Because you believe that sooner or later we'll attack ?
- Well excuse me but every time you go out with your subordinates we have to fight you to make you leave, if you weren't here for troubles we wouldn't have to fi-
- How did you call us ? Cross interrupted him, confused.
Dream frowned, not expecting to be corrected on that point, and not seeing how it was a problem.
- His subordinates ? Dream repeated.
- You're making it sound like they're slaves.
Nightmare accused him, sounding almost disgusted by the thought of it.
- Isn't that.. close ?
- We're not his- ! Killer tried to counter, but Nightmare stopped him.
- Killer. He looked at Dream, frowning. They are not my slaves or subordinates or whatever pejorative name you want to call them, they are my friends and we are a tea-
- They're your friends ? Dream cut him, the surprise he felt showing in his voice.
- Yes they are. Nightmare hissed.
Dream looked at him in chock. He never thought of that alternative. Why did he never think of that ? Why did he never think his brother was capable of making friends ? He never saw him having friends, even when they were children, but they weren't children anymore. But Nightmare got worse, he got corrupted, if he didn't have friends then, why would he now ?
- I... didn't know you had friends... he admitted.
- Well I do. Because guess what ? I don't spend my life torturing people like everyone think I do.
Dream frowned at that. He wanted to believe it, of course, he wanted to believe his brother still had some good in him, but with the amount of corruption he had, the amount of negativity he needed to feed himself, what guaranteed him that this wasn't a lie to make him feel bad ? What guaranteed him that Nightmare wasn't playing with his feelings to feed on them too ?
- That's... isn't that what you live for... ? More negativity... ?
He could tell Nightmare got mad by the way his gaze changed.
- No I don't. I don't spend my life hoarding negativity like some kind of dragon, I have other occupations you know, we all have.
- You don't just.. plan for future attacks.. ?
- No the fuck I don't ! Nightmare yelled, Horror put his hand back on his shoulder. I don't spend my free time planning stuff or plotting against you, my life doesn't revolve around you ! I do stuff, I go out, I read, I spend time with my friends, I go on dates, because yes I have a boyfriend, I play games, watch movies, I just live ! I live like a normal fucking person !
Dream took a step back, cautious, when Nightmare started to yell it usually never ended good. How was Dream supposed to know all that ? He had never seen his brother being anything but angry, bored or annoyed ! How could he have guessed ? It wasn't like anyone could attest it, no one had ever seen Nightmare show kindness to anything.
- Well I didn't know ! It's not something I could have guessed !
- Guess what ?! That I have a life ?! Nightmare barked.
- That you have feelings ! Dream yelled back.
Nightmare froze. Dream didn't add anything. It came out before he could refrain it. He didn't mean it like that, he knew his brother had feelings, of course he had, only objects didn't have feelings, what he didn't know was that he could feel positive emotions. Everytime they met, he only felt negativity, he thought the corruption was refraining him from feeling positivity, he thought he was cursed in a way, that he just couldn't feel fully. How could he have guessed it wasn't true when Nightmare never let him see it ?
He regretted saying that almost instantly, he saw the change in Nightmare's gaze, he felt the shift in his aura, he caught a glimpse of the tears forming in his eyesocket when Horror gently ushered him into the portal and he didn't resist. Killer jumped forward, Dust caught him by the arm.
- Let me at him ! I'm gonna fucking kill him !
Dust's gaze locked on Dream, cold.
- He doesn't even deserve our time. Let's go home, Night needs us. He added loud enough for Dream to hear the nickname, then pulled Killer throught the portal.
Dream watched it close behind them. He really screwed everything up, didn't he ? He didn't mean to sound like that, he didn't mean to make it seem like he didn't consider Nightmare like a person, like he was just some sort of beast, but how could he have guessed differently when that was all that he even saw ? All that he knew ? All that he heard ? Everyone was telling him the same things: Nightmare was bad, Nightmare didn't feel happiness, only sadism, Nightmare couldn't feel positivity, Nightmare used his henchmen like pawns. Dream heard that everywhere, and he never got to see the contrary. Was he at fault for believing the multiverse ?
Maybe he was. Maybe he should have investigated himself, looked for proof instead of believing words, but he was so young when he got out of stone. So young, so scared and so lost, what could he have done then ? His universe was no more, his own brother was the reason of it, and everyone agreed to tell him he was a bad person capable of no good. How could Dream not believe that when he had witnessed it himself ? There wasn't any reason for Dream not to believe them.
And yet here he was, standing on an empty trail path, shame burning his chest, wondering for the first time if everyone lied to him from the beginning just to make sure he was on their side. Did the villagers lie too ? Had he been lied to from the very beginning ? How many lies did he blindly believe ? Was he really that naive ? Was he really that fucking stupid that even now as an adult he couldn't think for himself and check if all of it was true ? He didn't want it to be true... he didn't want his brother to be but a negativity seeking monster, he didn't want that to be the reality, he had never wanted it, but he had always foolishly believed it.
Such a stupid child. Stupid child and now stupid adult. Couldn't even think for himself, always waiting to be held by the hand and guided into a fake reality.
Dream got pulled out of his thoughts again when he heard the sound of a bell ringing: Nightmare had entered a building, one that he knew very well for having spent time inside before: Ccino's cat cafe. It was way past closing time.
- Isn't Ccino closed at that time ? Dream asked, still entering after his brother.
- I've got a special permission, it helps when I'm not welcome anywhere else.
Dream looked down, his feeling of shame returning, knowing he contributed to that.
- I'm coming ! Ccino's voice called from the kitchen.
As the owner of the coffee shop arrived, a few cats followed him, some going to Nightmare to purr against his legs.
Ccino stopped when seeing his two clients, not used to having both the twins at the same time in his shop, but still smiled, looking at Nightmare especially.
- How's it going ? You didn't tell me you were expecting twins ? Ccino asked, guiding them to their table.
Nightmare chuckled. Dream never heard him chuckle. Never happily at least.
- Oh I'm not, he's alone in there, just taking up space.
- Well you know what they say: big belly small baby.
Nightmare arched a brow, smiling.
- Do they say that ?
- Well I do, Ccino snickered back.
Dream listened to their joyous conversation without intervening, the two obviously seemed to be good friends, enough for Nightmare to tell Ccino about his pregnancy, Dream didn't want to interfere with that. He felt his soul clench a little in his chest thought, he knew he had no right to feel sad about that but part of him was pained that his brother didn't tell him. He learnt he was pregnant by pure chance.
Dream was at the grocery store, he hadn't seen Nightmare in three months, and guilt hadn't stopped eating him since then. He wanted to apologize more than anything, but he didn't know how. He didn't know what to say that would make Nightmare at least agree to listen to him, he didn't need to forgive him, Dream couldn't forgive himself either, but he just wanted him to listen, to know he is sorry. But Dream didn't know what to say, where to start, if he should start by what happened in Dreamtale, or what happened after, what happened on that trail path or in that fight... he had so much to apologize for, he didn't know where to start. He should apologize to his gang, no, his friends, they were his friends, too.
He sighed, putting the can he was holding back on the shelf before moving to another aisle. He didn't know what he was looking for, he just came in the store to clear his mind, think about something else. Nature always reminded him too much of Dreamtale, he didn't need that right now.
He heard something fall on the ground next to him, and someone muttering a swear, looking at the fallen object he saw it was box of plastic spoons for babies, so he naturally bent down to pick it up, not wanting a possibly pregnant person to make unnecessary efforts when he could give them a hand.
- I've got it- he froze when he stood up, box in hand.
Nightmare was in front of him, frozen too, a hand on his full of baby stuff cart. Dream stared at him, he didn't expect to see him here, and especially not in the baby aisle. He suddenly had a thought when seeing him like that, and his gaze slowly deviated itself from his brother's gaze, going down until Dream saw what he thought was extra weight, but now very much looked like a pregnant belly.
Nightmare reflexively put his arm around his belly when noticing that Dream was looking at it, taking a step back as if afraid he would attack him inside the store.
Dream looked up, frowning, he wasn't going to attack him, but he could understand why Nightmare would think the contrary, and he didn't want to make him more nervous by staring at his belly for too long. He had told him he was fat. He had told him he was fat and looked sick when all this time he was just pregnant. He had told him such atrocities. He felt so much worse, but he was also relieved because it meant that his brother's health was good, that he wasn't sick, he was even expecting a child, he was truly happy for him ! He really was, but would Nightmare believe him if he told him ?
Nightmare's gaze kept going from Dream to the spoons, and that was when the guardian noticed he was still holding them. He slowly handed them back to his brother, watching him take them in a hurry to shove them in the cart and start leaving right away, not wanting to stay here any longer.
- Nightmare, wait ! Dream called before he could even think about it.
Nightmare stopped, not turning around, but Dream knew he was listening, waiting for what he had to say, giving him a chance of maybe not fucking it up this time... Dream wasn't sure what to say, apart from the truth...
- Congratulations.. I'm happy for you, I really am... I'm sorry for everything...
Nightmare didn't answer, waiting another few seconds before leaving the aisle and leaving Dream alone when he didn't add anything else. Was it a good sign ? Dream wasn't sure, he hoped it was, but he would also understand if Nightmare never wanted to talk to to him ever again, at least he knew he was sorry...
That must have been a good sign, or else his brother wouldn't have been waiting for him a few days later, leading him to this cat cafe.
- As usual ? Ccino asked Nightmare.
- Make it two, he answered.
- Alright, make yourself at home.
Dream watched as Ccino went back to the kitchen, leaving the twins alone. He was sitting in front of Nightmare, a cat was purring against his brother's laps as he was softly petting him. For how many years had Dream wished he could sit this peacefully with his brother ? For how many years had he been lied to, hearing that it would never be possible as his brother was too far gone in his corruption ? For how many years had he believed these lies ?
- Go on, Nightmare talked, say what you must.
Dream looked at him, playing with his thumbs under the table, nervous, he knew Nightmare could feel it too.
- You... you said "he"... does that mean you're having a boy.. ?
Dream asked, he didn't want to assume the baby's gender, he didn't want to assume anything anymore, he wanted to know for sure and the best way to know the truth about his brother was to ask his brother in person.
- I am. His name is Moroz, Error came up with the idea. Nightmare confirmed.
- Is... Error the dad... ?
Nightmare nodded.
- We worked on his aphephobia, he's doing way better. Guarding negativity also means knowing how phobias work and how to deal with them, not just terrorizing people.
Dream looked down, nodding. He didn't try to defend himself, why would he ? Nightmare was right.
- Here you go, have a good time. Ccino said as he came back.
They thanked him when he put their orders on the table before leaving them alone again. Dream looked at it: there was a mug of hot chocolate and a plate with a homemade piece of brownie and a vanilla ice cream ball on it. It looked delicious.
The two started eating in silence. The first to break it was Nightmare.
- I never hated you you know, I was mad at you because you never tried to understand me, from when we were kids to now, I felt like you never really cared about me... you never tried to ask me about my point of view, how I experienced things, you would just believe whatever your friends would say and leave me behind...
Dream looked up from his mug. Was that how Nightmare had felt all these years ? Left behind ? Not listened to ? How did Dream never notice this ?
- I did care about you, I always did and I still do, I'm so sorry I didn't make you feel that way... I really wasn't a good brother to you, but you were everything to me, you still are, and I don't know how to show it, I never knew...
He apologized, looking at his brownie, not feeling brave enough to meet his brother's gaze.
- You could start by not believing what everyone tells you to... people like saying bad things about me, very few of them are true...
- I know... at least I want to know... I want to know you, the real you, not the one people made up for me... I want to know my brother, I want to know my twin...
He slowly looked up. Nightmare had a soft gaze.
- I'm not asking for forgiveness, I know what I did all those years was more than horrible, but if you allow me, I would like to try and do better for you... I want to do better, to be better, I want to be a good brother... I want to listen to you and not the others, not anymore...
- I don't forgive you...
It stung. But Dream knew he couldn't force him to forgive him, and it was okay, he didn't deserve forgiveness, he knew what he did, he knew the damage couldn't be repaired with just some words, but he was ready to do so much more than words.
- But... I want to give you another chance... I want to know my brother too, I want my son to know his uncle... Nightmare added.
Dream nodded, a relieved smile appearing on his lips. His brother accepted to give him a second chance, to let him meet his son, it was more than he could have wished for.
- I'll do my best, I promise.
- I know.
Nightmare smiled, for the first time in years, he smiled at his brother, a real smile. Dream was sure he cried at that moment. He spent the rest of the evening on a cloud of happiness, enjoying a calm moment with his brother, forgetting the world around them, he would have wished it never came to an end, but Nightmare had to go home, he didn't want to worry the others, and the pregnancy was tiring, he had to rest. Dream didn't try to stop him, smiling as he watched him cross the glitchy portal, knowing a home was waiting for him. He truly was happy for him.
Dream didn't see his brother much after that, he was approaching the end of his pregnancy, he could understand that he wanted to stay home, even if it did worry him, so when Cross came to him to tell him Nightmare wanted to see him, he didn't hesitate before following him.
He had never seen Nightmare's house, well, castle it that case, he must admit that his brother might have been a tad dramatic, but the interior was warm and cozy, welcoming, a lot of work had been put into it. It was so far from what everyone kept saying, from the cold and dark manor people would describe.
Dream was waiting in a little saloon, sitting on a couch, he didn't dare touch anything, afraid to break something important. A door opened, and Dream turned, Nightmare was looking at him from the doorstep. Dream got up but didn't come closer, waiting for his brother to either come by himself or tell him to come.
- You can sit back down, I'm coming in a minute, just wanted to see if you were here. Nightmare informed him.
- Of course I'm here... Dream replied, sitting down again.
Nightmare looked at him for a bit longer before leaving the room again. He didn't come back too long after, this time holding a little ball of covers in his arms, he sat next to Dream on the couch.
- I want you to meet someone... Nightmare said, looking at the cover in his arms.
Dream almost gasped when Nightmare moved one of the covers, revealing a little face looking at him with still sleepy eyes. A black-boned baby, with cyan markings on his cheeks and fingers, and big light blue eyelights. His brother's baby, his nephew. Dream got a little closer, not to much, but still enough to see him better. He felt tears forming in his eyesockets, and he knew he was smiling.
- He's adorable...
- I know... Nightmare replied, smiling lovingly at his son.
Moroz shifted, slowly looking up at Dream as Nightmare caressed his round cheek.
- He's your uncle, honey...
Dream felt his soul getting warmer when Nightmare introduced him, it was surely ridiculous, but hearing him introduce him as his child's uncle ? The simple fact he introduced him to his child ? Dream hardly could have felt happier.
He didn't start good as a brother, but Dream swore on his life he would change, he swore he would do better, and he would be the best uncle to his nephew. No one in the whole multiverse could ever convince him this sweet child was the fruit of two heartless monsters, no one could ever lead him like he was lead before. He made it a promise, he would never believe lies again.
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starker-sorbet · 4 months ago
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Snowdrops -symbolizes modesty, hope, innocence, purity, rebirth and fertility
Alpha Tony comforting andcaring for his mate omega Peter while he's pregnant with their pups
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penelope-is-waiting · 2 months ago
“Penpen, what does ‘mpreg’ mean and why is Ody freaked out by it?”
... how about we not have this conversation? Let us never speak of it again, actually, please.
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knockoutssparebuffer · 2 months ago
Ik Someone already posted a redferno and Heatwave ver of this but it reminded me I had a Humanformers one that I've been scared a bit to post
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mysticlovendeath · 4 months ago
I got back into Hetalia and doodled some kiddos
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I served the anon who wished for pregnant neo art
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now sign the divorce papers
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thatnightlamp · 1 day ago
now Horus heresy will be that nasty divorce where Horus try to win Sanguinius back but also fighting for the kids to be with him and Sanguinius refused and lost in the end, leaving the children under Horus's custody.
Horus getting Sanguinius pregnant
Sanguinius coming over to the Vengeful Spirit, enraged, marching down towards Horus and then giving him the mother of all slaps to the face. The Mournival are debating if they need to fight a Primarch in order to protect their Father, but Horus stops them with a wave of his hand. He listens to what his brother is yelling at him. Something about him being "too much" and how screwed they are if the Emperor finds out.
Then, a Blood Angel apothecary finally catches up to his genesire and offers a file of some sorts. Sanguinius yanks the file from poor apothecary's hands and shoves it into Horus' face. Horus opens the file... Which contain ultrasound photos.
They're having not one child, not twins, not even triplets. They're having a clutch of eggs. He is both confused, horrified and overjoyed. He hugs still angry Sanguinius, smiling, and tries to calm him down and reassure him that they got this. Sanguinius doesn't quiet his shouting, but he does hug back.
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sethmacfarlanedeathpose · 10 months ago
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Big old pregnant Dilf undressing after a long day of lugging a massive preggo belly around.
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jeusus · 5 months ago
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The merchants of Ghost City created a "Big Mantou" special in his honor.
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the-smallest-star · 3 days ago
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//Could definitely be milked if pregnant
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Has yet to be confirmed if they can be milked
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soniclozdplove · 1 year ago
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Drew my favorite part of @anonbinaryminecraftgoblin new chapter of "Would You Like an Egg in These Trying Times?" Be warned fic contains mpreg as a core part of he story but no explicit scenes do far and Slow Boiled Stone Egg Au and related aus belongs to @quitealotofsodapop
Edit: added link to fic
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starker-sorbet · 29 days ago
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⚘ Poppy ⚘ - symbolizes fertility, remembrance and sacrifice
Mates Peter and Tony discovering that their going to have a pup
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