#♡ jumin park ♡
dozenrozez-a · 8 months
Stuff about the Park Family
Jumin and Danielle are Twins, Roxie, Wolfgang and Axel are Triplets
Wolfgang and Axel might have been switched and no one knows if that's true or not.
Jumin and Danielle got to help pick names for the triplets. their names were Rocks, Wolfie and Axolotl (danielle still calls them these names)
Jumin doesn't acknowledge scarlet's existence. Before it was because he blamed her for wolf's death, now it's because he's ashamed of himself. he doesn't know how to apologize.
Roxie and Axel both knew when wolf died. they were all in different places, different time zones. but both felt a sharp pain in their hearts (where wolf was shot)
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dozenrozez · 4 days
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morose-melodies · 2 years
Oh hello! Can you write for yandere Jumin and V from Myistic messenger with a reader who really realty REALLLYYYY likes otome games? And occasionally Simp with its characters?
gone too soon | yandere! jumin and V x reader
summary: you like otome games a little too much and it's starting to get bothersome.
content warning: unhealthy relationship (jumin part)
(sorry it took so long!! I hope this is what you wanted ♡)
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v isn't a jealous man.
well, he's usually not a jealous man, but recently, he's been feeling... jealous. he's never spoken to you about it though because what he's jealous over, is pretty childish.
instead, he tried to be happy because you were happy... but you were happy for the wrong reasons- why dies a fictional man make you so happy? why does he make you giggle and blush?
he isn't real.
v didn't understand, but he tried his best to not be bothered because he was better than that- that's what he told himself at least.
but he found himself feeling... bothered every time you took out your phone, knowing you were about to talk to your fictional boyfriend.
it's so frustrating, watching another "man" make you happy. v should be the only one making you happy, so he began putting more effort into everything he did with you.
waking up in the morning? he'd pamper you with love, more love than usual.
taking you on a date? he'd take you to the grandest places and if you didn't like that, he'd take you wherever you'd like and make sure to make it extra special for you.
going to sleep? he'd hold you in his arms, his fingers tracing your skin and he whispered soft words to you about how much he loved you.
all of his hard work paid off... well, sort of, at least.
on your most recent date with v, in a nature park, the two of you were observing a river. it was a fast, deep river and v was afraid to let you stand too close to him, so settled with holding onto you.
then he heard your phone buzz, over the sound of the loud, crashing waters. he nearly rolled his eyes before noting that you were smiling at him, "do you want to take a photo? I'll even pose for it."
a photo with your face in it? how could he possibly say no? he hesitantly released your hand and took a few steps away from you, his eyes glued to your surroundings, in case of an emergency.
he took out his camera and took two photos of you, all was well, at first. then the third picture, you tried to change poses which caused you to slip from the mud surrounding the river.
v panicked, but he was prepared, so before you could fall into the river, v took ahold of you and pulled you into his arms all while taking advantage of the moment by pulling your phone out of your pocket and tossing it into the river.
yes, yes, it was petty, but v didn't know what else to do about the issue. well, now it's been solved for at least two weeks.
you wrapped your arms around v as he pulled you away from the river. he was clearly shaken up by what happened, even more, than you were, you could tell by the way he held onto you.
"did you at least get good photos?" you asked in an attempt to lighten his mold but he didn't seem to feel any better, "that doesn't matter. come with me, let's go somewhere else."
now that your phone was gone, v just needed to distract you for the rest of the date, so that you wouldn't pull your phone out.
and it was quite hard, actually. after the two of you went elsewhere, you began reacting for your back pocket and v noticed, so before you could reach it, he took your hand into his and held you close to himself.
you'd smile at him and he loved watching the way your eyes would twinkle when you smiled. this was much better, having your happiness directed towards him... instead of a fictional character.
and perhaps that did make him jealous.
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what's so special about your phone?
why do you drop everything for your phone the second it buzzes? why does it make you smile so widely? why does it make your face flushed?
what is so special about that stupid phone? jumin wondered, watching as you sat on the couch with your phone in hand, biting down on your lip.
are you seeing someone else? jumin furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you. his chest tightening at the thought of you loving someone else.
he couldn't allow that to happen, because you said you were in love with jumin and no one else. you love him, there's no need for anyone else to be in your life.
because you have jumin!
so jumin got rid of your phone. he tossed it into the trash while you were asleep and pretended that nothing happened.
when you woke up from your nap, the first thing you reached for was your phone, but you didn't find it, odd.
you got out of bed and began looking around the room for it but you still didn't find it, feeling defeated you walked into the living room, where jumin resigned.
"are you feeling well, (y/n)?" jumin straightened his back when you walked in and couldn't help but noticed the dejected look on your face, "lost my phone," you replied as you sat down beside him.
"why is that a bad thing, (y/n)?" jumin questioned you, as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer, "it just is... I don't think you'd understand," you replied as you placed your hand over jumin's hand.
"you shouldn't be so hung up over something so... replaceable," jumin smiled to himself as he watched you lift your head to look at him, "I know... but it's just-"
"to me... it's almost as if you loved your phone more than you loved me... but that isn't true, right?" jumin questioned, his chin pressing against your shoulder as he leaned closer to you.
you laughed softly, your eyes meeting jumin's as you said, "of course not... I love you a lot more than my phone."
that was only half of the truth though, jumin's "love" has become something so... forceful that you've begun to feel yourself drifting away from him slowly.
you didn't like when he asked questions like that- questions where you were forced to reciprocate his feelings.
and jumin could tell that you were becoming distant which is why he had to throw the phone away! how else would he be able to mend your relationship with him?
there was no other way.
"I love you too, (y/n), so much more than you could imagine," jumin pulled you closer to him, his fingers grazing the soft skin on your arm before pausing, and backing away slightly, "why are you hesitating?"
a nervous laugh left your mouth as you shrugged, saying, "I didn't even notice... it wasn't on purpose, I promise. I do love you, I really do, I promise."
a small smile made its way onto jumin's face as he nodded. he could see right through you and your lies. as hurtful as it was, he knew he couldn't force you to love him, so instead, he would train you to love him.
so that way, one day your love would come naturally.
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annbourbon · 4 months
Purple is Jumin, my husband lol jokes aside, it's the color of my favorite clothes. I feel it gives me a sophisticated air. Elegant and girly at the same time. Timeless. Purple is the color of serenity. Lavander flowers which are natural tend to smell very different from the artificial scents they create on perfume. It's impossible to pinpoint it too. It's just natural. It's a way to relax and enjoy.
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Pink is Saeran. My angel. My light, my energy and my heart. Is the way I feel about things. Fully romantic, being brave about my feelings. Innocent but passionate about it. Pink is also, ballet. My tights that I love when they are clean and I hate when they get dirty. I feel it kind of represents being untouchable, because how easily is to get them dirty.
I feel very feminine and girly in pink. Like peonies. I love peonies. But not necessarily as sophisticated as them. Through all the tones, sometimes I feel vivacious. Flirty. Sometimes it makes me feel like a party girl. Ready to have fun and not think about anything.
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Blue is the color of peace for me. It represents me a lot because I feel constantly uneasy and anxious. It calms me whenever I don't feel bold. But also drowns me sometimes. It can be as light as the air or as dark as the sea. It's the color of wishes, stars and dreams. I grew up with Disney after all lol Blue is also the color of delphiniums and blue thistle globes that I love.
I wish I could feel like that with purple, but purple makes me feel seen and blue makes me feel like I can disappear and be invisible to everyone. Blue is my comfort color because I can be almost everything with this one. I can be purple, pink, yellow, and red. All depends on the tone that is being used.
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★☆★☆★☆ Others ★☆★☆★
Yellow is the color of happiness. There's nothing else there for me. Is the color of my feelings for amusement parks. The rollercoaster rides. Is pure energy. The color of the sun. Is the color I would choose to wear if I was ready to stand out. Is my red color. I also feel it's the color of champagne. I love drinking champagne lol it's refreshing. Although I'm not usually fond of alcohol and I never drink enough to be drunk, wine is one of the many pleasures I find in life. My parents were very european in that aspect.
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Red for me is the color of seduction. But I'm talking of an almost wine, velvety red. Let's say, rouge. I don't dislike the other tones, but seduction-red would never be an almost-orange red for me: It would be a let's party. I rarely wear this one though.
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And the funny thing about this? My 3 favorite colors come into hydrangeas♡
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goofysocks3 · 2 years
for the alphabet game, can I please request K and M with Jaehee? ♡
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Kickback & Masquerade ft. Jaehee Kang
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K ickback
As a dedicated worker for the RFA and C&R Jaehee can never really find the time to comfortably relax by herself - without the job of babysitting Jumins beloved Elizabeth the 3rd. Though when she does find time - perhaps after a really tough job - Jaehee would probably enjoy sitting on her own at a nice café with a pretty view and order a macchiato. She’d sit on her own to disconnect herself from all the stress, and just take some time to enjoy the scenery around her. Jaehee also wouldn’t mind ordering a small cheesecake slice to go alone with the coffee. Once she gets home from her small outing, She turns off the TV, and (re)watches some of her favourite plays by Zen, while commenting on the immense beauty of him and his acting. She might even jump onto the messenger to say a few positive comments that would probably (definitely) boost Zen’s overflowing ego. 
Though if Jaehee isn’t at a café enjoying some coffee and cakes, or out resting at a park breathing in some fresh air and basking in the warmth of the sun, she’d probably be in the comfort of her own home. After a busy week being around people and juggling Jumin’s many requests, Jaehee might just stay home snuggled up in a blanket next to the warmth of a heater with a warm mug of tea and a book and pen to write down all the things that might be stressing her. Jaehee is a pretty sensitive woman at heart, and although she doesn’t display it outwardly, she most likely takes it all out into a small book that she keeps for the single reason of venting her emotions. Whether it’s the random strands of cat hair that she somehow keeps finding around the house and on her clothes, or even short arguments in the chatroom that might worry her, Jaehee writes it all down and lets it out of her system. 
M asquerade
Jaehee doesn’t like to burden others with things that she doesn’t see as necessary. She has the mindset that if no one will benefit from her words, then she’d rather keep them to herself. Which is true under certain circumstances, though not for bottling up sadness and empty feelings. This is a product of her continuously finding herself in situations where there is no body her to vent to and no one for her to lean her shoulder on. So, she uses her work as a means to escape from reality. Instead of succumbing to the underlying emptiness that she always finds creeping back up onto her, she keeps herself in the working mindset. Jaehees emptiness also sometimes reflects through her way of communicating on the messenger. She’ll always deny it when asked if there’s anything bothering her, as a means to keep the issue to herself, and not make her worry into someone else’s worry because as she sees it, she’s not worthy to do so. 
But after your abrupt joining of the RFA, Jaehee was intrigued. It had been 6 months since Rika’s death, making that 6 months without another girl in the RFA and at times, she would feel a bit lonely, given that there were 5 other guys and one singular girl for a while. So when you joined, bit by bit Jaehee was becoming more comfortable. Of course, she kept onto her belief that she shouldn’t burden anyone else with her troubles, but being adamant as you were, you would not let that happen. After meeting her in person, you were finally able to get her to speak and boy did she need it, desperately. Her mask had finally fallen, and at last she had found a shoulder to cry on. Without you, Jaehee would have never gotten comfortable with sharing her emotions when it was needed. 
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About me
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No one asked for this but I felt like I was missing something on my page so here lmao 😭
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♡ Pronouns: She/her
♡ Age: 19
♡ Enneagram type: 9w8 (I think)
♡ Extrovert
♡ Likes: spring, tea, sweets, soft colours, making new friends, long talks, jewelry, turtlenecks!!, getting my nails done, reading, writing, parks, music (all kinds), Barbie movies, stuffed animals, cats, talking (I tend to ramble a lot too lmao)
♡ Dislikes: People who don’t reciprocate my energy + lack of effort, heat, cold, dull colours, assignments and exams, spicy or bitter food, bugs
♡ Some fave characters: Kaeya and Diluc (Genshin), Malleus and Leona (Twisted Wonderland), Dabi (Mha), Dazai and Mori (Bsd), Asmo, Mammon, Simeon and Diavolo (Obey me), Zen, Jumin and Yoosung (Mystic Messenger), Hero (Omori), Sukuna and Gojo (Jjk), Koko (Tokyo Revengers), Rantaro and Ruruka (Danganronpa), Daichi and Kuroo (Haikyuu), Naomichi, Gin and Keiji (Yttd), Wataru, Kuro and Koga (Enstars)
Some of my interests can be found here!
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hecalledme-jagi · 3 years
Question: do you do requests? if so
Rfa with a super quiet mc (not personality wise but deathly quiet)
I’ve terrified my sister more than 14 times because apparently I was too quiet and she almost hit me because I scared her and ‘came out of no where’
Yes, I do take requests! Thank you for the lovely prompt ^^ I’ve been told the same thing on more occasions than I can count lol so this was a lot of fun to write. Sorry for the delay (- . -)
A Deathly Quiet MC
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- Zen is hyper-aware of you, so much so that going unnoticed is practically impossible.
- He’s constantly looking for you in his daily life and thinking about you even more, so sneaking up on him is pretty tough.
- While it might be near impossible, it’s definitely not impossible.
- You’ve scared Zen on a few occasions.
- He’ll be doing something, stuck in his headspace, and BAM! You’re right there behind him.
- Zen isn’t a screamer, but he jumps and goes into fighter mode.
- One time, he actually hit you. Thankfully, it wasn’t too bad because he had realized it was you right away, so when he "hit" you, you didn't feel anything.
- After that, he apologized for months—no exaggeration.
- Every time he thought about it, or you brought it up to tease him, he’d apologize and go out to get you either your favorite snacks or flowers.
- But you try not to bring it up because he gets sad.
- After that, he became even more aware of you, if that’s even possible, and at one point, he suggested buying a little bell for you to wear, “just in case.”
- You humored the idea because it was probably the funniest solution you ever heard, and you knew Zen would not be able to handle it.
- You bought a choker with a bell on it, and you wore it most days. However, like you suspected, Zen couldn’t take it.
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- You guys scare each other; even Elizabeth the 3rd sneaks up on you guys.
- The two of you are so deathly quiet that sometimes you even forget the other is in the room.
- There have been times when Jumin got home and went about his entire after-work routine before he noticed that you had been sitting close by watching him—what made it worse was that he was looking for you and calling your name, but you thought it was so funny that you didn’t respond.
- There have been other times where you would be off in your little world, doing your thing, and Jumin was just quietly following you around—enjoying your little quirks—while Elizabeth the 3rd tailed close behind.
- You’ve snuck up on and scared business partners when visiting Jumin at the office. You never meant to, they simply didn’t notice, and every time it happens, Jumin stifles his laughter.
- He always thought it was cute how you’d scramble together an apology for scaring them, despite wanting to laugh yourself.
- Little bonus HC: It usually takes a lot to make Jumin laugh, but after meeting you, he’s lightened up, so laughter comes a lot easier now.
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- Scaring Yoosung isn’t hard, and sneaking up on him is a walk in the park.
- Unlike Jumin and Zen, Yoosung is a screamer. Not only that, but he’s the type to go into flight mode when he gets scared.
- Also, his spacial awareness is actual crap, which doesn’t bother you too much because the amount of amusement you get from sneaking up on him is immeasurable.
- Before, you’d sneak up on him without even trying, but now it’s a little game you’ve made up for yourself.
- He’s told you, “don’t sneak up on me like that!” Or “you’re a freaking ninja!”
- As a sort of revenge, Yoosung has tried to sneak up on you but fails miserably every time.
- Sometimes you pretend to be scared just because you feel bad, but usually, you just laugh at his attempts.
- Aside from scaring him, you’ve also gone unnoticed.
- You guys will meet up for a date and almost EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. He texts you with “where are you?” And most times, you’re either directly behind him or a few feet away. Although you don’t blame him for this one since he can’t see all that well.
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- Being a secret agent has given Seven some killer senses. He can sense people staring at him from a solid distance, but you slip right under his radar.
- He’s asked you on many occasions, “how long have you been standing there?” Or “when did you get here?”
- “I’ve been here,” you respond, confused by how the "Great Defender of Justice" didn't notice you standing there.
- You’ve overheard plenty of conversations by accident just because he hadn’t noticed you.
- In addition, Vanderwood is creeped out by you and how deathly quiet you are. He’s concluded that you have to be an assassin of some sort, despite Seven telling him thousands of times that you’re just stealthily quiet.
- You and Saeran get along pretty well because of your stealthy silence. You guys take great pleasure in scaring Seven together, but you try to avoid startling Vanderwood for obvious reasons.
I do not own any characters, all ownership goes to Cheritz. Thanks for reading!
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jayflrt · 3 years
mystic messenger
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When you pick up a stranger’s phone and try to find the owner, joining the SFA was definitely not part of your agenda. Perhaps, though, all things happen for a reason and falling for one of the handsome men doesn’t hurt.
GENRES ▸ fluff, crack, mystic messenger au, strangers to lovers
STATUS ▸ ongoing [1/3]
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hello !! @hoonbear​​ and i wanted to continue our annual christmas (orthodox easter?? STOP THIS IS SO SAD) collab tradition, and this year we decided to write for each other’s biases in enhypen! “why did u make a masterlist for 2 fics” bc i’m extra ok!!! i hope you guys enjoy tho! ♡ 
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GENRES ▸ mystery, crack
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, banter, mentions of death, jake is a cat (sorry), heeseung and jay text with auto caps (also sorry), ft. yeonjun from txt
SUMMARY ▸ all you intended was to return a missing phone. never did you expect to become entangled in the lives of five handsome men (and that damn cat).
WRITTEN BY ▸ alistra & addy
STATUS ▸ a new chatroom has opened!
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PAIRING ▸ park jongseong x fem!reader
INSPIRED CHARACTER ▸ jumin han (ft. jake as elizabeth the 3rd)
GENRES ▸ fluff, strangers to lovers
WARNINGS ▸ to be added 
SUMMARY ▸ notorious for his harsh words and equally harsh business tactics, the only affection park jongseong has ever displayed is towards his cat — that is, until he meets you.
WRITTEN BY ▸ addy​
STATUS ▸ chatroom locked
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PAIRING ▸ nishimura riki x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ fluff, crack, strangers to lovers
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, more to be added 
SUMMARY ▸ nishimura riki claims “there’s no room for love in the workplace.” of course, the SFA isn’t an actual workplace, and this is all an act to conceal his insanely romantic feelings for you.
WRITTEN BY ▸ alistra
STATUS ▸ chatroom locked
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GENERAL TAG LIST ▸ @mmsriza​ @changmin-wrlds​ @fiantomartell​ @iconjaeyun​ @maknaechu​ @sunshinelixie-lee​ @13isacoolnumber​ @from-zero​ @yangrden​ @acciomylove​ @sakuracoffe​ @nyujjan​ @goldenhypen​ @bbanggami​ @lvsunq​ @msxflower​ @baekhyunstruly​ @mykalon​ @heelariously​ @hobistigma​ @simplyxlea​ @wntrsgf​ @person-standing​ @ja4hyvn​ @notmangojuice​ @dnyamight​ @candidupped​ @luvrjn​ @maplecornia @mygnolia @cb97curls @hrtattcker @ac-ewow @c9tnoos @beomsun @dear-riki @ily-cuz-i @person-standing @wonkiluvr @ahnneyong​ @3ggieyolk​ @navsnct​ @bigtittietoji @ryu-naa @meijiamikas @nyujjan @hotgirlsunoo​ @minijim​ @miedei​ @loversfolder​ @youngestdelacour​ @itzz-me-duh​
being added to this tag list means you will be mentioned in the tag list of all of the fics listed in the series.
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mercytorn · 3 years
temporary muse page while my main one is under co.
jennifer check / jennifer’s body / canon divergent / STATISTICS
costia / the 100 / canon divergent / STATISTICS
regina george / mean girls / canon divergent / STATISTICS
gwen stacy / spider-man multi-versed / canon divergent / STATISTICS
mary jane watson / spider-man multi-versed / canon divergent / STATISTICS
michelle jones-watson / mcu / canon compliant / STATISTICS 
lucifer / obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
mammon / obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
leviathan / obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
satan / obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
asmodeus / obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
beelzebub / obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
belphegor / obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
suzuki haruka ( mc ) / obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
choi saeyoung / mystic messenger / canon divergent / STATISTICS
choi saeran / mystic messenger / canon divergent / STATISTICS 
kim jihyun / mystic messenger / canon divergent / STATISTICS 
kim yookyung / mystic messenger / canon divergent / STATISTICS 
han jumin / mystic messenger / canon divergent / STATISTICS
kang jaehee / mystic messenger / canon divergent / STATISTICS
ryu zen / mystic messenger / canon divergent / STATISTICS 
kang trinity ( mc # 1 ) / mystic messenger & obey me / canon divergent / STATISTICS
jung mi cha ( mc #3 ) / mystic messenger / canon divergent / STATISTICS 
edythe cullen / twilight + life and death / canon divergent / STATISTICS
isabella swan / twilight / canon divergent / STATISTICS
daphne blake / scooby doo / headcanon + live action based / STATISTICS
shaggy rogers / scooby doo / headcanon + live action based / STATISTICS
nancy wheeler / stranger things / canon divergent / STATISTICS
scott mccall / teen wolf / canon divergent / STATISTICS
stiles stilinski / teen wolf / canon divergent / STATISTICS
fandom based.
dulce lopez / stranger things / floral shop assistant / STATISTICS
valerie martinez / stranger things / party girl / STATISTICS
gigi gulden / the vampire diaries / stoner / STATISTICS
alice joseph / venom & mcu / college student / STATISTICS
melinda garcia / fandomless / witch / STATISTICS
meredith seo / fandomless / weightlifter / STATISTICS
liam brock / fandomless / tattoo artist / STATISTICS
sandra ong / fandomless / ceo / STATISTICS
mina kane / fandomless  / cheerleader + student / STATISTICS
tchai joohyun / fandomless / idol + actress / STATISTICS
manami hoshi / fandomless / barista / STATISTICS
music inspired muses.
frances kang / you can’t sit with us / shapeshifter / STATISTICS
venus martin / labyrinth / metahuman / STATISTICS
kim jiyu / navillera / ex-child star / STATISTICS
jeong minji / rough / library assistant / STATISTICS
alice hwang / apple / medium|witch / STATISTICS
cora li / lilac / student / STATISTICS
esme kim / tail / kitsune / STATISTICS
heather han / noir / idol / STATISTICS
noah park / boy in the bubble / graphic designer / STATISTICS
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dozenrozez-a · 1 year
does any one want fame verse stuff with chaos reigns?
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dozenrozez-a · 9 months
chaos reigns are just a bunch of broken older brother's trying to make sure their younger siblings have a better life
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