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loyalexecutor · 2 months ago
All these reassurance posts/videos/etc. are so fucking useless that I cannot help but sneer everytime I run across one, because I know myself as a direct rebuttal to their ""proof"" they use to reassure social anxieties.
"What if they secretly hate me" — "They're close friends with you/your lover for a reason. If they hated you, they wouldn't stick around." except I stuck around. Stick around, even. I know people's actions aren't necessarily correlated with their feelings, because I Do That. Don't pretend like it's not possible for close friends or significant others to secretly hate you, for I've done that, therefore it is very much possible.
"What if they only pretend to like me out of a sense of obligation" — "No one has the time to hang out and pretend to like you. They're there because they enjoy spending time with you." except every social interaction I have in my life is done due to a sense of obligation. I don't ever enjoy spending time with people, including those that consider me a close friend. Don't pretend like it's not possible for close friends or significant others to pretend to have fun with you, for I've done that, therefore it is very much possible.
"What if they'll suddenly leave me one day" — "Someone who's spent Years side by side with you won't suddenly leave you; bonds are stronger than that." except that is how the majority of my social contacts had ended thus far. At the drop of a hat, regardless how long or "close" the bond was. Don't pretend like it's not possible for close friends or significant others to suddenly leave you, for I've both done that And had it happen to me, therefore it is very much possible.
"What if they find me annoying" — "They'd not display enthusiasm in your interests if they weren't interested too, let alone encourage you to go on." except I always encourage others to do so despite finding them incredibly annoying, since that's vital for one to feel comfortable. Don't pretend like it's not possible for close friends or significant others to fake enthusiasm and interest, for I've done that, therefore it is very much possible.
"What if they're lying when they say they love me" — "There are literally zero reasons to lie about that." except it's ridiculously easy to lie and there are so, so many reasons to do so. Some malicious, some not. Mine usually isn't, but that doesn't matter or change the core truth. Don't pretend like it's not possible for close friends or significant others to lie about loving you, for I've done that, therefore it is very much possible.
I know these words are supposed to be comforting, and honestly, if people are comforted by white lies, who am I to butt in? But to me, I couldn't be possibly comforted by ""proof" that my own experiences, especially My Own Actions, immediately contradict. NONE of this is evidence, I Know So, and it's naive to treat it as such.
The only thing that had ever worked for me against any sort of "Fear" is a resounding "So What". So what if they secretly, utterly hate me and will disappear the second they get the confidence to do so? No, I don't worry about annoying people, or if they're lying to me, or any of the sort— I "know" they do. In the sense, that, I will always, without fail, choose to act under the assumption that they hate me, and— if entirely free of consequence— would choose to harm me, for I have zero reasons to believe that people tick differently than I do, for I know every single "evidence" anyone ever brings up about it can easily be utter horseshit.
I know that choosing to always go with the "worst case scenario" is considered to be miserable, but considering that I am apathetic to the outcome, I believe I am way better off than those who ease their mind with white lies and get screwed later on.
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worfsbarmitzvah · 2 months ago
do you ever start writing a comment on the internet and then think “oh what the fuck am i going on about” and delete it
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3000s · 10 months ago
learning that people want you in their lives is a skill you can develop if it does not come naturally
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lumsel · 3 months ago
There's an open pit in the middle of our office plan that drops down into a bunch of very sharp spikes that kill you instantly. This is bad. People keep falling in there and dying. Someone put a sign up, the other day, all bright yellow so you can't miss it, that says "Beware!!! Spikes!!!"
The office immediately split into two factions over it. One says that if anyone falls in the spike pit it's their own fault for being so stupid and not watching where they're walking, so we should remove the sign. The other says that the sign is an insult, there shouldn't be a spike pit in our office at all, and having the sign up like that is just normalising the existence of the spike pit, so we should remove the sign.
We ended up removing the sign. Probably for the better. Still... for a while there it looked like it might have worked...
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woodsdyke · 3 months ago
having viral posts is all fun and games until you have clowns in your mentions being like "well, op, i bet you also didn't know THIS" [haughtily explains something i absolutely would and do know] like add whatever to my posts that you think is informative just don't direct it at ME! i know! i just didn't include it in the post i made in 20 seconds because i didn't think 30,000 of you would see it!
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anachrophobia · 2 months ago
Tumblr media
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lowpawly · 4 months ago
u gotta be careful reblogging posts cuz what if you see it drowned in water later
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labdynastes · 3 months ago
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softpng · 3 months ago
the workday/weekend ratio is so off. like ethically.
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lesbianpoetess · 2 months ago
ao3 turns 15 today
reblog if youre older than ao3
(there's a lot of people asking about this, but the legal age to use social media is 13, except in few countries. so yes, there are people here under 15)
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loyalexecutor · 2 months ago
Yeah, you're right! It fucking sucks when people say they want to have a disorder, unaware and misinformed about what that entails! It sucks when people say they, too, wish they "had friends in their head", it sucks when people say they wish they were a "psychopath" as they hear in "pop psychology"— it sucks! it really, really does! Now, pray tell, are you normal about people with OCPD?
I'm so fucking tired of having to hear or read about people debating of whether it should even be considered a personality disorder, for all they see are "desirable" traits, since, yes, it sure fucking does sound nice on paper if you read about someone productive, organized and particularly moral. It sounds fucking great.
Even worse, most people with OCPD— even frequently myself included— will be tempted to agree with you that they do not have a problem! Because guess what, it is fucking ego-syntonic! That doesn't make it TRUE. Why are you able to recognize that other pw'PDs aren't exactly reliable with that kind of self-evaluation, yet make an exception for this one? Why must so many take it at face-value??
Please, I beg of you. Use your imagination for two fucking seconds of what excessive means. Someone being overconscientious and inflexible about morality doesn't mean "based activist who always got your back", it means "strict know-it-all who won't possibly hear you out if you even slightly disagree with his ridiculously thorough moral compass". It doesn't mean "upstanding citizen", in fact no fucking part of the criteria suggests that moral compass is at all being followed, it only speaks of how they put way too much thought and time into it, and are inflexible should you find a problem with it.
Reluctant to delegate work might sound fucking great for you if you're lazy, sure, up until the part where you lose your right to have a say in things that concern you. OCPD isn't exclusively there when it is convenient for you! If you want to suggest something to be done differently, you'll have to gnaw and bite and fight for it! Trust me, it'll fucking suck!
Sure, it'd be fucking great to be organized, but don't lose the preoccupied part of it. Hey, so you remember how OCPD is in the "anxious" cluster instead of the "dramatic" one? Did you fucking wonder why yet? Yeah, you bet your ass you will not be able to function without having a meticulous and detailed list for every single fucking thing you do in your life, ever. You'll try! People will eventually suggest you to place your to-do lists aside! Enjoy the breakdowns in the process. This is — NOT — the kind of organization you hear recommended from study guides and such, you'll end up writing a fucking bible for yourself
& yeah, being devoted to productivity sounds nice, doesn't it? If you ignore the excessive part. Odds are, you'll simply Not do anything you don't deem as productive, and everything you Do end up doing, you'll not be able to derive the enjoyment from that you currently do with leisure activities, because— boom! It's a task to you. They're all tasks. They're all tasks in your to-do list mentioned earlier. There is no such thing as Not working, at least in your head-- people around you might understand your hobbies as "leisure" and think you're taking plenty of free-time for yourself, but trust me— they'll be the precise same stress to you.
Oh yeah! And stress! Oh, so much stress. Have I yet mentioned stress? What, you think all these demanding expectations you'll set for yourself won't stress you? Oh, it will. and it'll interfere with your productivity. you'll fail to be consistent with it. which, in turn, will have you all the more stressed, since your brain will fucking need you to be productive for you to not feel gut-wrenching horrible.
Which, you guessed it, means people will barely see you around! Yep. you're busy. With something. Always something. There's no such thing of being content, or proud, or — let alone done.
But, please! Go on. Tell me how you fucking wish you had OCPD so you'd get your chores done. Putting it in perspective, I definitely hate that less than when people mix it up with OCD, so I guess you got that fucking going for you.
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speedruntechnically · 1 month ago
It sucks that they got rid of every activity. It’s only phone in bed now. They got rid of everything else
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3000s · 4 months ago
after 2 years working outdoors all day i finally got stung by an onion for the first time yesterday and i wasnt even doing anything there wasnt even a nest nearby
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catmask · 1 year ago
'you wouldn't pirate a-' i would steal anything from any company. anything in the world. i dont even want it i just hate you
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danlous · 29 days ago
Ignoring the real possibility he intentionally let himself be caught from the little we know so far Luigi Mangione's case is a fascinating combination of astonishing brilliance and confusing stupidity. This young man plans and executes his assassination and escape with such a meticulous care and calmness that it's suspected that he's a professional hitman. He comes up with Riddler-sque moves like writing his manifesto poetically on the bullets and leaving his backpack behind full of Monopoly money. He carefully wears a mask to avoid being identified but removes it because a woman who was checking him into the hostel was flirting with him and wanted to see his smile. He still manages to escape the most surveilled city in the country in the midst of ongoing national manhunt only to get caught in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Pennsylvania while eating at the McDonalds. Because for some reason he had the same clothes and mask as in New York and was carrying the same gun and suppressor. And when the cops detained him he showed them the same fake id he used in New York. And oh yeah he's a frat bro gym rat who has a masters degree in computer science from Penn but reads stupid self-help books about being on the grind and is 'anti-woke' while being bisexual suffering from anxiety and wanting to end oppressive capitalism. Not even god himself could invent a person like this
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