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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
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DAMIANO DAVID uploaded a photo
vegas photo dump. #wife | @dangelis
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
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ykaaar: A good stretch โŒ - 29.04.2023
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
text: dami
molly-mae: WHATTTTT
molly-mae: mr. and mrs. david.. or maybe you should take vic's last name bc her name is pretty badass, not that yours isn't.
molly-mae: hahaha bless her, she should be hungover because it's her bday and that means you two celebrated properly!
molly-mae: I'm the first person you told outside of family?! I feel honoured! ugh, love that my best friends just got married. I am SO happy for you both!
molly-mae: when are we celebrating?! I need to come see you guys on tour ASAP to celebrate!
molly-mae: wait so was this planned? spur of the moment? give me all the details!!
dami: lmaoo, this is honestly why you heard the news first. i can't think of anyone that would be as excited for us as you are.
dami: damiano de angelis? that's a long ass name to type, while signing shit. it's prettier than mine, gonna give it that.
dami: we had an all-time celebration. don't think we'll be able to beat that anytime soon.
dami: thank you, genuinely. for being so supportive of us and supportive of the band. it means the world to us.
dami: we're jumping right back into the tour life, but there's gotta be a celebration or three for this and you're obvs invited to all of them.
dami: very spur of the moment. there we were, leaning against each other after too much tequila and it just felt like the right thing to do. no regrets.
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
It was a pain, but I think it would be more difficult when crutches are involved. I was in Naples with the team for a football match.
ooh, true. hobbling on one foot is the worst. i had to play a show once with a leg brace and it was easily the worst performance iโ€™ve ever given in my life. nice, naples is incredible. the food is amazing, the football team not so much tho, but then again, iโ€™m a lifelong as roma fan.
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
๐Ÿ“ฒ| ๐–›๐–Ž๐–ˆ
vic: usually i would gag at this much cuteness but i'll let it slide this time.
vic: mrs. david just sounds so right, doesn't it?? can't believe it took us this long to get shitfaced and make it official.
vic: love you, angel. let's do breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed. have no interest in spending my time with anyone but you today xo
dami: this time?? please. you've been letting it slide all week. you loveeeee me and it's making you soft.
dami: it sounds like we should've made it happen a lot earlier. though, having our wedding day also be your birthday saves me from having to remember to important dates xo.
dami: a whole day in bed with my wife and all the food? you really know a way to my heart, gorgeous. i love you.
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
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itโ€™s all good, man, iโ€™ve been there far too many times myself, honestly. i think i just get lost in the music and donโ€™t even fully care or think of who itโ€™s by, itโ€™s just a good mood, you know what i mean? but hey, glad weโ€™re on your playlist! it would be, and if we ever preformed the song, me and you shirtless on stage together would get many screaming. the music video.. definitely amazing as we both have amazing taste. honestly.. iโ€™m down though.
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oh absolutely. i always go by what the emotion the music brings out of you and my playlists are full of the most random things. when you first listen to an album, you have to go in order, so you can follow the story but after that, itโ€™s a free-for-all. if we get all the folks screaming and dancing, maybe theyโ€™ll stop being dicks on twitter for a couple of days. thatโ€™d be my preferred outcome, lmao. weโ€™re heading back on tour now, but next time, letโ€™s figure out a time to get together and do some writing? make a banger and then give it an out-of-this-world music video. aside from making bangers, whatโ€™s new in your world?
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
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DAMIANO DAVID posted to his Instagram
good morning from sin city xo
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
Farms actually in upstate new york but yes, did absolutely grow up on a farm in malibu and Iโ€™d say it does not get much more farm girl than that and whenever health and shit gets rough its the best way to get me back to normal. I mean any excuse to go to italy and eat my weight in pizzaย 
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oh shit, right. youโ€™re always all over the world that i often forget youโ€™re not solely based in southern california. when you donโ€™t feel good or the world is kicking you extra hard, going back to something soothing and normal is the most reasonable thing. thatโ€™s a great excuse, our food culture is completely unbeatable. though, as i just spent a few days in vegas, i have no complains about the food there either.ย 
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
text: dami
dami: so, i have some news for you. today's a big day.
dami: it's both vic's birthday aaaaand our first morning as a married couple.
dami: surprise !!
dami: probably the only reason why i'm texting you before she is, is the massive hangover lmao.
dami: i hope you're happy for us and we get to see you soon to celebrate.
dami: you're the first person outside of family we've told and it just feels right. i hope you're doing good, we miss your face.
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
๐Ÿ“ฒ| ๐–›๐–Ž๐–ˆ
dami: i know last night was crazy and my head is pounding so fucking hard but i still have no regrets.
dami: fucking love waking up next to you and knowing you're my wife now.
dami: wild but it's all i've ever wanted.
dami: so mrs david, breakfast in bed? we have to celebrate your birthday and our marriage.
dami: i love you so fucking much, wife.
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
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vicdeangelis uploaded a photo:
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
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DAMIANO DAVID uploaded a photo
saturday things xo
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
same, mate. iโ€™ve been touring for as long as i can remember, canโ€™t remember what itโ€™s like to have all this time off. even when i did have some time off, it was full of promoting the movie iโ€™d been in, plus rehearsals on top of that. youโ€™re not the first person to recommend a tropical vacation to me, so maybe this is plan i just need to get on board with. iโ€™ve decided iโ€™m going to divvy up my time evenly between this tropical vacation, seeing my mum and sister, and staying in bed for a couple of days.
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we definitely got that in common. i have no recollection about what life outside of the road is like. last year, my band was on the road for more than 300 days and itโ€™s certainly one way to live. have you gotten a lot of good suggestions about what to do? packing and unpacking for a vacation remains the worst, but when youโ€™re actually there laying on the beach itโ€™s more than worth it. did you end up going somewhere fun?
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
You have a point there. It happened a few years ago but I had to wear it for a few weeks. I am glad to hear that you are doing great. Oh, I bet it doesnโ€™t. I was actually in Italy about two weeks ago.
any kind of brace is a total pain, tho. i had a foot injury a few years ago, and i had to hobble on crutches and i was never as miserable as i was then, tbh. oh, which part of italy where you in?
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
hey, iโ€™m a forever realist. dream big but be aware of the other shoe that could drop at any moments notice. you still the leading bidder, or has some dastardly person come between you and your celebrity girl crush? people really are casually throwing tens of thousands of dollars for this and you gotta respect it. oh, true. thereโ€™s no telling who would becomes the winning bidder and then thereโ€™s no way to put a stop to it. you gotta grin and bear it through the entire date. nah, iโ€™m not a people person and i have a hard time in social situations with people i donโ€™t know or like, tbh. iโ€™ve been told my resting bitch face gives away everything iโ€™m thinking.
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Shhh! Damian, donโ€™t put that out into the universe. Iโ€™m a girl with a dream, Iโ€™m not ready for it to be crushed.ย  At least whoever tries to out bit me will wine and dine my darling, maya. I guess thatโ€™s another perk ifย someone outbids me. I will say, it would be a lot easier to bid if those Barbie cheques would hurry up and get here. Instead Iโ€™m over here thinking everyone on that list is getting a bit out of my price range. I loved the idea of it but I am a nervous wreck, not knowing if people would bid on meโ€ฆ or not knowing who Iโ€™d end up out with, would have been the end of me. Oh come on, I think you would have done great!ย 
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
๐Ÿ“ฒ| ๐–›๐–Ž๐–ˆ
vic: i'll agree with that. reality's a pain in the ass lately.
vic: we're both easy & full of passion. it can't be helped!
vic: one day i'll learn to shut up but today is not that day so. have you ever interacted with any fans lately or have you been successful in staying in your little bubble?
dami: makes me even less excited about the fact that we agreed to tour again and are forced to live in reality a lot more than usual.
dami: tbf, i'm only ever easy for you so.
dami: i'm really happy in our bubble. you know me, i never go out of my way to interact with the fans. especially now that some of them has started stalking you?? like what. that's some bullshit.
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damianodx ยท 2 years ago
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DAMIANO DAVID uploaded a photo
date night vibez. | ๐Ÿ“ธ: @dangelis
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