#| &. hf-instagram / social media
nickjjonasx · 1 year
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NICK JONAS added to his story | - 4/9/23
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damianodx · 1 year
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DAMIANO DAVID uploaded a photo
saturday things xo
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calumhoodsx · 2 years
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Calum Hood uploaded to his instagram story.
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chicspo · 8 months
Hey i was wondering if you have any advice on dealing w social media / content addiction? i feel like i follow so many ppl whose style i like that finally i have no sense of my own self! it’s so difficult for example i want to use instagram just to see what ly friends are up to but i get suggested posts, reels, ads no matter what i do and it’s so distracting! i feel like this started after i started using twitter(i have stopped now but the trauma remains lol), i was just a lurker on hf twt (where i discovered u) but god are the ppl there vicious!! like in general conflict-oriented and selfish and so materialistic as if everything is done for the photo and everyone is basking in their own individuality / ‘originality’ !! it made me super anxious to post anything anywhere and even irl the friends i attracted were of the more superficial kind and it seems soc media / trends is the most important thing for so many. sorry for this rant, literally just wanted to share. but really, if you have any tips on how to centre yourself ig or just be confident and protect urself from such energy (yes i know im probably insane)
i completely understand what ur saying. dont worry u can get out of it!! the most important thing to keep in mind is that u dont need a definitive style. u dont need to settle on a specific aesthetic or whatever. forget labels and avoid trends. dont try to fit urself into a box or niche because it takes away from ur own actual individuality and personality. with style and clothes id say two things: first notice what u feel most comfortable and confident wearing. not styles but simply pieces. are u more of a jeans or skirts person? what fits ur body better? what makes u feel like u stand out the most? and second what is it that u wanna let the world think of u based on ur clothes. style is a form of non communicative language. people will assume a lot about u based on what u wear. do u wanna be perceived as more elegant? more laid back? more feminine or more masculine? its all up to you. theres no right or wrong answer. all id say is present urself to the world as if u were the brightest star in the universe dont be afraid to outdress or outshine others. not everyone has the confidence to pull that off but if u can u will definitely be more admired and respected
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tessavillaverde · 2 years
VTuber Re-Starter Kit (2023)
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Who knows wtf Twitter is gonna look like by the end of the year? Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Tumblr, and all the other cesspits? I’ve got it all covered! Social media is changing and we must change with it. I’m so tired god please weh
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Twitter is in free fall. Panic ensues. Valid. Many of us need that hellsite. Badly. It’s imperfect trash, but its *our* trash, understand? Fuck these “alternatives”. They are all noise right now. Cohost doesn’t allow commercial activity in its TOS, Mastodon has low engagement right now. Twitter Blue is here to stay. As VTubers, we all benefit from having it, actually. For $8/mo, you will be prioritized and boosted with mentions and replies. This means that threads and replies to you bump you up on the TL. Even if you pay for it, Lists and Twitter Circles are still a good idea. Heck, rotate people out of Twitter Circles to make sure you’re able to talk to more people. Continue to use Twitter to network by providing value to others and help others in their journey. Be chill and don’t use people for clout--it’s disingenuous. Treat people like people.
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I can’t guarantee that things will be the same here on Twitter and neither can anyone else. The current data sets I see from clients and others may show that not much is changing, but this site is changing every day. We need to play it day by day and not worry too much about it.
Twitter has shops, utilize tf out of the business features. Given how much of a mess the site is with its daily tweaks and the loss of valuable engineers at Twitter, things could be topsy-turvy. Who knows? Be active!
This being said, you shouldn’t rely on Twitter alone. It’s not good for your business nor is it good for growing your brand recognition. So I’ll list where to go and the use cases. Don’t use this list to go to literally every place. There’s just not enough time in a day to maintain it all.
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Don’t make Insta your mainstay. Please, for the love of God don’t. Everything wrong with FB is still wrong with Insta with the added bonus of it being Diet Tik Tok. That being said, it still is a good networking tool and can help your sales with its shop features (for businesses/brands/media that don’t want to use Twitter). So what to do with Insta? Repost your Tik Toks and hit it n quit it. Post your schedule (3:2 format, crop down with 1:1 squares and schedule out posts to upload your schedule). Update your stories with important things (they’re pinned tweets basically). Have a link in your profile and reply to people when you can. Use relevant hashtags and hashtags that aren’t super saturated. GL;HF
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Tik Tok
Hit it n Quit it
Post in prime times
Turn brain off
Be unhinged with your originals
Remix and hf with trends
Repost best shorts elsewhere
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It’s 2012 again and we have no character limits and post gif memes
Relax, hf, life moves slower with an older audience
Not a Twitter replacement
SEO can be a benefit (technical jargon I’ll save you from), but you must remain authentic. What works on Twitter doesn’t fly on Tumblr. You will not get traction from doing what you do here.
Pay attention to etiquette. You can have assholes, but many are willing to joke as if nothing had happened. Be consistent by liking and reblogging things. Turn off your brain and follow blogs and tags that are up your alley and QUEUE up things to keep posting throughout the day. Tumblr humor is ironic, but not irony-poisoned. It’s punny and quirky and you must kill the chains that bind your inner cringe. Truly be yourself, share your personal thoughts more (it's a blogging site ffs), share your fandom of things, and things’ll be okay.
Also important on the ettiquite as a first tip: dont act like you do on Twitter. Its a different audience and the normal ways of crossposting wont work here. This is not Twitter. Tumblr is a blogging site where blogs share each other and it is fandom-heavy (meaning sharing who your favorite oshii is for example and hyping up others). It comes naturally. Be yourself and focus on building up a presence on your blog to give people a good idea of who tf you are. Nobody is really a celebrity here and you can't act like you are here. USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TA--
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I made another mega thread for this, read it later. YouTube should be one of your mainstays as a VTUBER. It’s more work, yes, but they also have Community Posting for everyone now. Scaling up your brand and having better brand recognition is crucial here. As you post more videos, ALWAYS improve your pacing, thumbnails, and titles.
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We know it. We love it. Consistency is key. Start with Rule of 3s: 3 days/week, 3 hours/day, 3 social media outlets. This is a general rule for a reason, but it's a good minimum to start with because I’ve seen too many clients in deep need. If you need to start half an hour later to catch your regular audience, then do so. Starting out, you need consistent numbers, engagement, and retention. I’ll explain later, but you want to do what you can to increase production value and give more interactables for chat to use.
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Advice for partners, you need to continue to carry the momentum to scale. By this point, you likely know what it is you need to do, but perhaps there’s a discrepancy with engagement or retention, or god knows what that holds your audience back. Collabs help, but not as much as you’d like. This comes with raids being a nice networking tool funnily enough. Raid people with similar content and vibe as you to continue to network with people. Switching audiences and using adjacent categories to find that audience may be what you need.
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This is all hard to determine for partners so plainly on social media without analyzing data, audience, content, branding/design, and personality. There’s a lot that goes into your churn (how many folks you lose in your audience on average). Fixing that can either require optimization and turning your personality up to 11 more consistently and differently, but also can mean taking a leap into faith with a “big risk, big reward mentality”. One thing I know works would be the optimization tweaks here and there by looking at data (or not looking at all and just gathering feedback from your audience and friends and staying objective and factual), and diversification on different platforms so more can know who you are.
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Try tools like Streambee to simplify the VOD review process Streamloots to increase engagement and have better monetization TITS, VRChat, and curation to invite viewers with “planned exclusivity” rather than total exclusivity (how you do this is up to you).
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Discord Not really a social media site
Great for talking and engaging your community and breeding loyalty. VTubers need fewer “groups”, fewer individual servers, and more community servers where you can pool your resources and hype each other up. Effectively make use of what Stream Teams are good for and raise each other up.
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Use Kofi for tips, a shop, comms
Use Gumroad for another shop that has more discoverability
Use Patreon for memberships to slowly phase out Twitch subs. Be creative and have fun with Patreon rewards
Use Streamloots and have fun with it
There’s more I want to discuss, but for now, you can follow me on Twitter and here on Tumblr for this data-backed advice, the nitty gritty nerdy jargon for social media with data and whatnot, and my personal thoughts with my positive experiences managing and consulting folks.
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If you yourself are terrified still even with all of this, I have restructured my business with Build-Your-Own Bundle type of consultations and management. Services are 50% off. 69% off after your first purchase (nice)
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nw7us · 3 years
WTWW Air Check, 2021 November 28 @ 03:25 UTC from NW7US on Vimeo.
Reception of WTWW here in Ohio was marginal, but worse, the audio feed into the transmitter appears to be having intermittent cuts. The audio drops often, intermittently, during this short air check.
The international shortwave broadcasting station, WTWW, was broadcasting on the HF frequency of 5085 KHz, from their transmitting location which is south of my receiving station.
My station consists of an SDRPlay RSPdx radio receiver, hooked up to a 220-foot doublet antenna.
Thank you for watching, commenting, and most of all, for subscribing.
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel: YouTube.com/NW7US
Also, please click on the bell, to enable alerts so that when I post a new video, you will be notified.
By subscribing, you will be kept in the loop for new videos and more.
About me: me.nw7us.us
Highlights: I am a contributing editor with propagation and space weather columns in:
- CQ Amateur Radio Magazine cq-amateur-radio.com/
- The Spectrum Monitor thespectrummonitor.com/
Social media: Twitter: Twitter.com/NW7US (@NW7US) Tumblr: blog.nw7us.us Instagram: instagram.com/nw7us Facebook: Facebook.com/NW7US Facebook: Facebook.com/spacewx.hfradio
Copyright, Tomas Hood / NW7US
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How to Survive Fashion Week (Even If You’re Not Really There)
Sorry, my dudes, but it’s going to be a short post this week. Double apologies to anyone who also follows me on IG. My phone broke a couple days ago - during NYFW, I was in hell. But I just got a new one today, so everything should go back to normal shortly! I thought about doing some sort of trend-related post (either runway or street style), but the season’s only about a quarter of the way through. It seemed a little premature.
Then, I spotted an article entitled “Vogue’s New York Fashion Week Survival Guide; Editors Share Their Tips, Tricks, and Cautionary Tales”. Vogue aren’t the only ones to write about the subject. There are similar pieces by various magazines going back at least five years. After a quick search of first page Google results, I can confidently say they’re pretty much the same. Wear comfortable shoes, take good notes, plan your outfits in advance, make sure you keep an eye on your itinerary. All good advice, of course, for those lucky enough to attend.
But what about those of us who aren’t able? Not a single article seemed to cover that. Unless I get a lucky break, I’m left to deal with my fashion week FOMO some other way. If HF Twitter has taught me anything, I’m not the only one. So how can we get our fashion fix from the comfort of our own home?
Thank heck for the internet. I can’t imagine waiting a month for the latest issue of my magazine subscription to come in. Nowadays, all you need is wifi access and you’re all set. There are a multitude of websites dedicated to posting entire collections, sometimes with added detail or backstage beauty shots. (I listed some of my favorites on my last blog post.) This is gonna be a Vogue-heavy article, but I’d like to point you towards the Vogue Runway app as well. It allows you to access every image from every runway collection Vogue has on their website. If you’re anything like me, this means you can pour over that day’s collections during your breaks at work.
Of course, new collections aren’t the only exciting fashion of the season. Street style is where various celebrities, models, stylists, and influencers get to show what those runway pieces look like in real life. They also have the freedom to choose pieces from different brands - or even different seasons. Sometimes, street style trends don’t actually follow runway trends. (Remember last go around when everyone suddenly started wearing yellow and orange?) I always love seeing if I can identify pieces from previous seasons. The street is where you can find some of the most exciting fashion of the season.
There’s plenty of news to keep up with as well, like insider drama, afterparties, and rising trends. Vogue isn’t the only website I frequent during fashion season; I also check MDC, Elle, Fashion, W Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, I-D, Garage, Dazed, and The Fashion Spot daily. (Or, well, try to.) While that may seem like too many to keep track of, there’s also a lot of overlap in articles, so it’s not actually all that time consuming. Social media is another great place to keep track of fashion week goings on. Story features on various apps allow for a more personal, insider view of the season’s events. Both Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar have SnapChat accounts, and every magazine above has at least one Instagram account. I make sure to also follow different designers/brands I like, as well as other bloggers, street style stars, models, and photographers.
Now that, however, is a lot. At least, it is for me. In my family, we use the phrase “Stendhal’d” a lot. Only recently did I discover it wasn’t a common term. It comes from Stendhal Syndrome, or Stendhalism; originally defined as an intense reaction to art. In my family, it came to mean that overstimulated, almost-headache you get after viewing far too much art in one sitting. (Say, three museums in a single sitting. Sounds great, but 11/10 would not recommend.) It’s always important to pace yourself and do everything in moderation (another of my family’s mantras) particularly where social media is concerned.
Personally, I have a semi-set schedule for when I watch different things throughout the day. I also have a TextEdit doc open at all times that I like to jot various notes in. And, frustrating as it is, I’ve had to limit myself to only looking through so many collections at a time. With spring being the season of prints, it’s pretty easy to get Stendhal’d. Taking a step back if you feel that almost-headache coming on is never a bad idea. I’ve also found that looking at collections is a good occasion to catch up on podcasts. As of this week, I’ve been binging “Wine and Crime” and loving every minute of it.
This season’s been a little rough for me, I’ll admit. Between the social media overload and general disappointment in a lot of collections so far, I was having a harder time than normal keeping up…But that’s a topic for the next post. The most disheartening thing was realizing how much it would be to attend several industry events I had been interested in. Was the fashion industry every bit as exclusionary as it seemed? Could I still stand by this blog’s mission statement? But, thankfully, the internet had my back. There are so many ways to access the most recent fashion week news without even being there. Of course, fashion still has a ways to go towards being accessible for everyone, but there has been some measure of progress so that even broke twenty-somethings like me can see runway shows as they’re happening. I dream about the day I get my first show invite. But until that happens, at least I have the internet.
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What my instagram story looks like:
My hyperfixation
My hyperfixation
My hyperfixation
A screenshot!!! Of my hyperfixation ofc
My hyperfixation
What my tumblr blog looks like
My hyperfixation
My hyperfixation
My hyperfixation
My hyperfixation
(+bonus: a whole sideblog dedicated to my current hf)
What my other social media accounts (insert here a random site) look like
My hyperfixation
Shitposts. About my hyperfixation tho
My hyperfixation
What my room looks like
My hyperfixation
My hyperfixation
My hyperfixation
What my brain looks like
My hyperfixation
My hyperfixation
And guess what else????
My. Hyper. God. Damn. Fixation.
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nickjjonasx · 2 years
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NICK JONAS uploaded to Instagram
you remind me that there's always something to be grateful for. ❤️
tagged: @emmack
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damianodx · 1 year
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DAMIANO DAVID uploaded a photo
date night vibez. | 📸: @dangelis
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calumhoodsx · 3 years
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Calum Hood uploaded a photo
merry christmas from four australian weirdos. 🎄🎅 | @lukerob​
💗876K likes ✍ 65K comments
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daehwi · 7 years
hi i'm just wondering if where can i find the social media accounts of pd101 trainees... thanks in advance :)
Credit to this amazing post on /r/Broduce101. I just added in a couple of new instagram accounts, confirmed some iffy ones, and added some twitter accounts. All of these are Instagram accounts unless otherwise noted. I’ll be updating these throughout the show and after it ends.
2able Company:
Ju Wontak: j_wontagii
Ju Wontak twitter: 2able_wontop
2Y Entertainment:
Lee Kiwon: kiwon_1810
Ardor & Able:
Ha Sungwoon: hotshot_w94 (unsure if him)
Roh Taehyun: roh_taehyun 
Banana Entertainment:
Yoon Yongbin: yoonyongbin
Blessing Entertainment:
Im Woohyuk: hts_im.fact
Yu Jinwon: ryon_0225
Brand New Music:
Company trainee Twitter: BNM_BOYS (NEW!!)🌟
Brave Entertainment:
Kim Samuel: bravpunxh
C2K Entertainment
Kim Seonglee: seong_leeee
Chun Entertainment:
Jin Longguo: torbyz
Kim Sihyun: shihyun0506
Company trainee account: cube.tree
Gini Stars Entertainment:
Kim Dohyun: konan920123
Park Heeseok: k_bean_heeseok
Wang Minhyeok: minhyeok2e
GON Entertainment:
Hong Eunki: eun_doitz
GNi Entertainment:
Jeong Sihyun: jeongsihyun
Hanahreum Company:
Kim Taemin: taemin2014
HF Music:
Company trainee account: 2017hnb (Woo Jinyoung is part of this)
Hunus Entertainment:
Kim Sangkyun: 8eomatom
IMX Entertainment:
Cho Gyumin: _82.6_  (UPDATED!!)🌟
Cho Gyumin Facebook: gyumin.man
I.One Entertainment:
Nam Yoonsung: n__ys_
Choi Heesoo: he2_so0
Kim Yeonkuk: 95.2.8__
Yoo Hoyeon: leaderyoo
Jackie Chan Group Korea:
Choi Hadon: sancheong_jjcc
Kim Chanyul: cyulll
Byun Hyunmin: bhm__99
Byun Hyunmin Twitter: bhm___99 (NEW!!)🌟
Company trainee Twitter: maroocasting
Medialine Entertainment:
Lee Woojin: the_greatest_woojin
Lee Woojin’s mom (pls be respectful if you follow her): woojin_woojin_ (NEW!!)🌟
MMO Entertainment:
Choi Taewoong: teddygrade__0126
Joo Jinwoo: joojinwoo
Kang Daniel: realdefdanik (deactivated)
Kim Jaehan: jaehan__k
Yoon Jisung: ji_dddong (deactivated)
MMO Trainee acount: mmotrainee
Namoo Actors:
Lee Youjin: youjin0406
Narda Entertainment:
Kim Taewoo: kimtaewooimdang
ONO Entertainment:
Jang Moonbok: check_h.p
Oui Entertainment:
Jang Daehyeon: daehyeon0211
Jo Sungwook: sssssungwook/
Kim Donghan: don9_han
Pan Entertainment:
Lee Jihan: ji_han_0803
Pledis Entertainment:
Choi Mingi: glorypath
Hwang Minhyun: optimushwang
Kang Dongho: realbaekho
Kim Jonghyeon: pockyjr
Lee Gunmin: 2gunmin 
Son Dongmyeong: dong.myeong
SHOW Entertainment:
Kim Namhyung: add_corn
Jeong Dongsu: naneundongsu
Star Road Entertainment:
Takada Kenta: rkm0855
Starship Entertainment:
Lee Gwanghyun: kwanghyun07 
Jung Sewoon: sewoon_j (NEW!!!)🌟
Jung Sewoon Twitter: sewoon_jeong (NEW!!!)🌟
STL Entertainment:
Choi Junyoung: j_young1996
Choi Junyoung Twitter: chlwnsdud199 (NEW!!!)🌟
The VIBE Label:
Ha Minho: min.h_o13
Kim Taedong: tae____dong
Seong Hyunwoo: seongstars
Yoon Jaechan: jaekichann
Totalset Entertainment:
Yoo Kyoungmok: yookkkmok
Widmay Entertainment:
Kim Yehyeon: yehyeon912 
Wings Entertainment:
Kim Yongjin: yongjin_artist
YGKplus Models:
Jeong Hyojun: jjjeonghyo
Kim Hyeonwoo: hy_w00
Kwon Hyunbin: komurola
Lee Hoolim: sohot_hl
Company trainee account: yh_next
No Companies:
Choi Dongha: 0cdh0
Kim Jaehwan: jaehwan0527
Kim Sangbin: 0830bbbb
Kim Sangbin Twitter: 0830_bbbb (NEW)🌟
Lee Insoo: in_soo_tagra_m
Lee Insoo twitter: sss0371
Kim Chan: c6an (NEW)🌟
Trainees who left their company:
Jung Joongji: joong.ji  (used to be under Wayz)
Kwon Hyeop: kwon_hyeop_you (used to be under Maroo)
Choi Jaewoo: jaewoo_cjw (usedd to be under RBW)
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shadsie · 7 years
Contact Info + Links
EDIT 05.14.2019:
I have a Patreon now! :) Meet me there if you’d like!
Also, random addition: Apparently my NFSW blog kinda survived, now I just use it to post about sex education and safety.
EDIT 06.12.2018:
Because of the upcoming Tumblr shenanigans, I would really appreciate it if you took a bit of time to check out my other social media in case something happens. I’m not planning on leaving Tumblr - in fact I just did a whole blog revamp :D - but if most of the community will head off I will slowly follow suit... Let’s make sure we have other options.
(About NSFW content: I barely ever posted any, if I did so/will do so in the future I always censor/crop it and link off-site, so that should be fine. Dunno what will happen to my nfsw sideblog tho :D ..also.. 5 minutes of silence for all the content/users about to be deleted :/)
Contact me:
The best way to contact me is to send me a note here on Tumblr! Feel free to send me an ask or message me on the messaging system! I would love to chat! ^^ 
You can also contact me by e-mail, at [email protected] Please make sure to only e-mail me about serious enquiries, such as commission requests or job offers, as this is my “real-life” serious business email. :) Thank you!
You can find me at:
Tumblr: On my main blog is where I am most active, you can find me here pretty much every day. (Let’s hope it all won’t go horribly wrong after Dec 17th!) I also have and Art Only Blog, in case that is the only thing you’re interested in! At the moment, all I do is reblog the artwork I post on my main blog there. I have a Reference Blog, where you will find inspiring photography, tutorials, art tips, and much more that I have collected for myself over the years! I also have a NSFW blog: do NOT click if you’re under 18, and please for the love of all that is holy do not click it if we know each other in real life :D Please.
Artstation: This is where you can find my portfolio!
Patreon: I post allllll of my artwork there, also WIP shots, sketches you won’t find elsewhere, so come, check it out! ^^
Twitter: See you on the other side! I’m slowly trying to branch out and find a community over there. I post the same art, trying to make sure that if we’re forced to, I can migrate over there. I really don’t like the lack of reliable tagging system tho. ^^”
YouTube: I go to YouTube every day, but I do not actively create content like I used to. I used to edit videos, AMVs with animated films. I rarely have time for it at the moment, but I’ll never truly give up that hobby of mine! :) You cannot really reach me there because YouTube no longer has a reliable messaging system :/ But if you drop a comment on my videos I’ll read and reply and be really happy! ^^
DeviantArt: I’m not very active on DA nowadays, I still check the messages every few days and catch up on all my favorite artists there, and I upload some of my artwork when I have the time.
Instagram: If you’re interested in my life, I post photos about it there. It’s mostly just pictures of my beautiful dog :D .. sometimes pretty nature stuff too. I may upload my art there too in the future. Feel free to check it out!
I… also have FA and HF accounts. If you don’t know what those are, let’s just keep it that way! If you really want to find me there for some reason, links are on my nsfw sideblog!
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shirlleycoyle · 6 years
North Korea Advertises Military Hardware on Twitter, YouTube, Defying Sanctions
Glocom, a front company for the government of North Korea that sells sanctioned equipment, isn’t giving up. In 2017, before YouTube quietly removed Glocom’s channel, the company was advertising missile navigation and other military products on the video platform.
But Glocom has returned. It setup a new channel, and also had a presence on Twitter, until Motherboard flagged Glocom’s accounts to social media companies.
The news not only signals the perseverance of parts of the North Korean’s money-making enterprises, but also a slice of the content moderation issues that tech platforms constantly face.
Glocom “is using them as platforms to market sanctions violating products,” Shea Cotton, research associate at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, and who has a particular focus on North Korea, told Motherboard in an email.
Glocom has previously pitched itself as a Malaysian company, but is in fact run by a North Korean intelligence agents, according to a United Nations report previously covered by Reuters. The products currently advertised on its website include radar systems, communications software, and military radio gear.
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A screenshot from one of Glocom’s YouTube videos. Image: Glocom.
“Glocom makes sincere efforts at product services with education, transfer of technology, joint venture and collaboration for countries and organizations around the world that safeguard territorial integrity and struggle against aggression and war under the principle of independence, equality and mutual benefit meeting the customers’ requirements,” the company’s website reads.
Cotton said “this company continues to operate openly. Most DPRK [Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea] fronts, when exposed, usually fold or at the very least shut down and move their operations to another country and re-open under a new name. This one hasn’t done that. We’ve seen them try to create this spin off brand called ‘FACOM’ and sell a few of their products under it but as you’ve seen their main brand is still thriving apparently.”
Indeed, Glocom doesn’t limit itself to a website, and despite being banned from YouTube once before, Glocom has its digital wares spread across various platforms. On Twitter, Glocom has shared videos giving overviews of its products, which are in turn hosted on YouTube.
“Now starting to mass production GR-8100HV HF/VHF manpack radio which is smallest […] lightest and powerful in worldwide,” one tweet sent this month reads.
The company also has an Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn account, although these appear to be much less active.
Got a tip? You can contact this reporter securely on Signal on +44 20 8133 5190, OTR chat on [email protected], or email [email protected].
When Motherboard contacted YouTube for comment, the video platform removed Glocom’s channel.
“This account has been terminated for a violation of YouTube’s Terms of Service,” the channel now reads.
A YouTube spokesperson told Motherboard in an email that “YouTube complies with all applicable sanctions and trade compliance laws—including with respect to content created and uploaded by restricted entities. If we find that an account violates our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, we disable it.”
Twitter also suspended Glocom’s account when Motherboard contacted the social network for comment. Twitter declined to provide a statement.
At the time of writing, Facebook is investigating Glocom’s presence on its site, but did not provide a statement in time for publication.
As for why Glocom is determined to remain on these platforms, when other surreptitious companies may fade away, Cotton said, “To me it suggests that despite the negative publicity they must have established some sort of customer base that respects their brand. I’d be very curious who exactly that is.”
Glocom did not respond to an emailed request for comment.
Subscribe to our new cybersecurity podcast, CYBER.
North Korea Advertises Military Hardware on Twitter, YouTube, Defying Sanctions syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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hashtagfarrakhan · 8 years
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Day 24: #FarrakhanTwitterArmy
  The #FarrakhanTwitterArmy or #FTA, is the social media warfare against what the mainstream media has to say, or doesn’t say, about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation Of Islam. The Farrakhan Twitter Army consists of researchers and fact checkers who confirm, deny, and defend statements made about Minister Farrakhan and the NOI. The spreading of the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is called among the ranks of the FTA, Truth Trafficking. Though it is known as the Farrakhan Twitter Army, there are FTA soldiers on every social media site.
  Originally The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was known as the Commander-in-Tweet, but he gave that title back to Brother Jesse Muhammad. Bro. Jesse Muhammad is the social media strategist for the Honorable Minister Farrakhan and the Nation Of Islam. He is also an award-winning journalist and blogger, the founder of Brother Jesse Blog and a touring speaker. When we asked Brother Jesse, affectionately known as Uncle Jesse to youth of the Nation of Islam, how the FTA came to be this is what he said.
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Brother Jesse Muhammad, the Commander-in-Tweet of the #FTA.
HashtagFarrakhan (HF): In your words, what is the #FarrakhanTwitterArmy?
Brother Jesse (BJ): The Farrakhan Twitter Army (FTA) is a consistent, unique, impactful and historic digital wing of the Nation of Islam under the leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. It is something that has never been done in the history of the Nation of Islam.
HF: What inspired you to start it?
BJ: A few of us inside the Nation of Islam were spreading Minister Farrakhan's words of wisdom on social media as far back as Saviours' Day 2008. The name Farrakhan Twitter Army was officially launched and inspired by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in 2012 when he said to me in a phone conversation, "Brother, it looks like we have raised a serious Twitter army to be reckoned with." I replied, "Yes sir!" Then he said, "Yes sir, A Farrakhan Twitter Army." That gave birth to the hashtag #FarrakhanTwitterArmy and then we got even more organized during the airing of his epic 2013-2014 YouTube series, The Time and What Must Be Done. And by Allah's Permission, we haven't slow down since and I can confidently say not one day goes by where we are not spreading The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad on social media. So, the FTA is the brainchild of Minister Farrakhan, not me; I'm just a proud soldier in the digital ranks. (smile)
HF: What impact does it have on, not only the people who are apart of the army, but also the people on social media who sees post about Farrakhan?
BJ: During several #AskFarrakhan Twitter Q&A and in several parts of The Time and What Must Be Done Series, Minister Farrakhan gave us an instruction to change the conversation and the consciousness of social media by filling the airwaves, or feeds, with that which would accomplish that: TRUTH. He wanted us to counter the foolishness. And by us following the example he sets with his Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages, we have been blessed to do that along with reaching and impacting people across the world. There are so many examples such as the mobilization for 10.10.15. Minister Farrakhan said in his second appearance on The Breakfast Club, "The media that really helped us was social media." And an estimated 1.5 million people showed up. That's a major. Because of the FTA, truth has been trending not only on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but in the hearts and minds of the people worldwide.
HF: How beneficial has it been to the Nation Of Islam?
BJ: What comes to mind is that during a 2009 interview on the Cliff Kelley Show, Minister Farrakhan said these words, "I wish that my Black brothers and sisters would help Brother Farrakhan to get out of prison. I am not in a prison of steel bars—I am in a prison of public opinion manipulated by the media and their hatred of the truth that is in my mouth that would set our people free. Help me to get out of prison." By the Help of Allah, I humbly submit that the work of the Farrakhan Twitter Army has done that for our beloved Minister. And the reach of the Nation of Islam has expanded. However, we cannot rest on what we did yesterday. Every day presents a new day to take our work to the next level. Let's do that from the tweets to the streets.
  Brother Jesse compiled a book of Minister Farrakhan's twitter sayings, his answers to his twitter questions, called The Teachings 2.0: Twitter Book. On  Feb. 19, 2016 in Detroit, Michigan at Saviours’ Day there was an awards ceremony for the Top 100 members of the #FTA where the Top 100 were rewarded for their work in the digital ranks with special gold Twitter Army pins. During the awards ceremony Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke highly of the Twitter Army, calling them his “mini-ministers” because of their ability to engage the public with the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He also said that the instrument of the internet allows the Nation to bypass the controlled or mainstream media, which means the controlled media has, in essence, lost control. Look out for the hashtag #Farrakhan on your favorite social media site!
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Follow Minister Farrakhan’s Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Follow Brother Jesse’s Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Visit BrotherJesseBlog.com
Purchase the The Teachings 2.0: Twitter Book and the Farrakhan Twitter Army Awards DVD here.
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batdeep30-blog · 4 years
Video Marketing Guide 2020
As our abilities to focus develop shorter and more purchasers “cut the string” to digital TV, video is getting progressively famous. That development is just expected to increment later on.
Simply look at these mind boggling details:
YouTube has more than one billion clients, which is almost 33% of complete worldwide web clients.
Individuals observe in excess of 500 million hours of recordings on YouTube each and every day.
Video is anticipated to speak to 82% of all web traffic in 2021.
At the point when done right, the arrival on venture of video advertising can be gigantic. Truth be told, 51% of advertising experts around the globe said that to the extent content goes, video has the best ROI. Advertisers who use video increment income 49% quicker than advertisers who don’t utilize it, and social video produces 1,200% a larger number of offers than pictures and content joined. Completedigitalmarketingcourse.in
In the event that you need to figure out how to do video showcasing for your business, follow these helpful hints.
Decide Your Digital Marketing Goals
The initial step while seeking after video showcasing is to define objectives. Some shared objectives including expanding brand mindfulness, teaching or engaging shoppers, giving significant substance to possibilities, selling items and exhibiting expert in your specialty. When you pick your objectives, you can choose what sort of video substance to make.
Research What Your Audience Wants
To expand ROI, make video advertising content that your crowd will adore. Take a gander at your top-performing internet based life and blog entries. Break down which messages your supporters were well on the way to open. Discover what addresses your clients are asking your sales reps. At that point, think of how you would respond to questions, engage, advise and furnish arrangements with recordings.
Make sense of Where Your Audience Lives
There are various spots to create and post recordings including YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, LinkedIn and Vimeo. Only one out of every odd stage will be directly for you.
For instance, 71% of Snapchat clients are younger than 34, and they need smart, engaging B2C content. Men represent 62% of YouTube clients, and the 35 to 55+ crowd is its quickest developing segment.
Utilizing your inward socioeconomics, make sense of where your crowd would be well on the way to expend your recordings. You can likewise transfer your recordings to YouTube, at that point remember connections to them for your blog, Facebook page, Twitter channel and additionally LinkedIn organization page.
Choose What Types of Videos to Create
Figure out what sorts of recordings you need to make dependent on your crowd inquire about. A portion of the sorts of video advertising content include:
Item demos
Engaging recordings
Contextual analyses
Off camera
Here are a few different ways to utilize these kinds of recordings:
In case you’re a B2B organization and you need to set up power, hold a live online class and offer watchers the answer for a typical issue in your industry. For instance, in case you’re in B2B programming deals, you may hold an online course titled, “How to Find the Right IT Software for Your Business.”
In case you’re a B2C organization and need to sell items, make item show recordings and answer basic inquiries regarding your items. On the off chance that you sell blenders, make a video demonstrating how your blender functions and what sorts of things individuals can make in it.
To demonstrate that you’re a brand that can be believed, you could likewise create tribute recordings including positive surveys from your customers.
Making the Videos
You have your thought and realize where you’re going to post or communicate your video. Presently, you need to really create it. You have two alternatives; it is possible that you do it in-house, or recruit a promoting organization or video creation organization.
With the main choice, you’ll have to put resources into great gear. The trifecta for video is acceptable sound, sound and lighting.
A simple to-utilize alternative for shooting is the Canon VIXIA HF M41 Full HD Camcorder. You can likewise look into DSLR cameras that are useful for video. In case you’re making an easygoing video for Instagram or Snapchat, or in case you’re doing a live video for Facebook, a cell phone with high picture quality will work.
In case you’re in a low-lit condition, you’ll have to purchase a camcorder light. Regarding sound, make sure it’s understood and simple to hear. There are outer mics you can buy if your camera’s sound is fluffy. Make sure to utilize a tripod so your pictures aren’t unsteady, and to alter with a program like Final Cut Pro or iMovie if it is anything but an easygoing video or a live stream.
With the subsequent choice, your video promoting organization or creation organization ought to have all the hardware you have to begin. Ask them what gear they regularly use and watch their recordings to guarantee that their substance is high caliber.
Regardless of whether you’re doing it in-house or recruiting an outside organization, remember these essential video creation tips:
Edge the subject appropriately. Spot an individual in the focal point of the casing, and leave only a tad of room over their head.
Ensure the light shows regarding the matter’s face and roll in from the front, not the back.
Have the shooter remain behind the camera while recording with the goal that your subject feels the individual is conversing with a genuine human, not a lifeless thing.
Discover an outwardly fascinating foundation, rather than a white divider. Nonetheless, you would prefer not to shoot against diverse backdrop or in a group, since it’ll be too diverting for your crowd.
Include ambient melodies where required. You can discover sovereignty free music through your altering programming.
Test How Well Your Campaign Performed
As an entrepreneur, you need to realize how to improve whenever around. You can do this by taking a gander at your video investigation, which will reveal to you things like what number of perspectives you got, to what extent individuals viewed the recordings, who tapped on your video, what number of individuals left remarks and how frequently it was shared via web-based networking media. Every stage has its own examination page that you can plunge into.
Different Considerations for Video Marketing
There are various prescribed procedures to think about to guarantee your video advertising methodologies are fruitful. Here are a couple of extra contemplations to remember:
Keep your recordings short. Instagram recordings ought to be under 30 seconds in length, Twitter watchers maximize at 45 seconds and Facebook clients likely won’t watch recent moment. The most captivating YouTube recordings are, probably, two minutes in length. On the off chance that you need to go longer, be that as it may, YouTube is the best stage for it, since its watchers are progressively open to viewing a lengthier video.
Remember important catchphrases for your video titles, depictions and watchwords for the stage to ensure individuals will discover and watch your video.
Incorporate a source of inspiration toward the finish of the video. Where can individuals go to get familiar with your organization or buy an item?
Increment your video’s scope by posting it via web-based networking media, sending it out to your email endorsers and making blog entries around it.
Simply look at these mind boggling details:
YouTube has more than one billion clients, which is almost 33% of complete worldwide web clients.
Individuals observe in excess of 500 million hours of recordings on YouTube each and every day.
Video is anticipated to speak to 82% of all web traffic in 2021.
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