#| &. four lads from sydney | 5sos
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ashirwinx · 2 years ago
Ashton Irwin uploaded a video
the most unserious band on tour. see you soon. | @lckehemmingz, @cliffcrdsfm, @calumhood-hills
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calumhoodsx · 3 years ago
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Calum Hood uploaded a photo
merry christmas from four australian weirdos. 🎄🎅 | @lukerob​
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claranichole-blog · 7 years ago
“Never Have I Ever” 5SOS OT4
“Alright, I’m sure that we’ve all heard of the game ‘never have I ever’, yes?” Ellen says towards the audience and to the four boys sat on the couch across from her. 
Everyone either nods their head or mumbles a quiet ‘yes’...except for Calum, who just says, “oh god”, knowing something bad is going to happen when playing this game. 
“So, I’m gonna say a never have I ever question, and y’all gotta say whether you have or have not done it. Got it?” She asks to only the Australian lads. They all nod with evident nervousness radiating off of their bodies. “Okay, first one. Never have I ever sent a naughty image-” she uses air quotes around the word naughty, “-to someone,” she speaks. Everyone in the audience is either someone in the fam or a parent, and they all know what Calum did back in 2014. Yet, Calum set the ‘Never’ side towards the audience, trying to say that he has never sent an inappropriate picture to anyone. The whole crowd nags at him, for they know what happened.
“Calum, you can’t lie on TV like this! What the hell is wrong with you?” Michael says half joking and half parted seriousness as well. Calum looks down blushing and shaking his head in embarrassment. The audience simultaneously giggled or whistled at the 21 year old, causing him to blush even harder.
He soon contains himself and says aloud, “It wasn’t even a picture, okay? I see you all laughing at me. It was damn video, and I sent to the wrong person, anyway,” he stated in a rather matter of fact manner. The crowd laughs with him, and the boys look at him with a very fond and loving look in their eyes. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, baby, “Michael said to Calum away from the microphones. “The boys and I know you meant to send the video to us. It’s okay, love.” Calum just nods his head, and Michael can’t help but look at Calum’s chubby cheeks as he smiles at his other boyfriends. 
Ellen begins to laugh aloud as she reads over the next question. “It’s a little early for this one, guys,” she speaks. Uh oh. “Never have I ever hooked up with more than one person on the same night,” she read. The crowd erupts in a fit of laughter while the four boys all go completely red. 
“Okay, I have a question!” Mikey exclaims. The other three boys snap their heads in his direction, silently begging him not to go through with his question. They all somewhat know what he’s going to ask. Ellen nods her head letting him know that he can ask his question. “Um...So, what if we all were together at once, you know, like not separately?” He asks unsure of himself. 
“I think that counts as the same thing,” she replied looking extremely bewildered to the fact that Michael pretty much just admitted that he’s had a threesome before. Everyone watches as all the boys put their heads down. All of their paddles say “I HAVE” in huge letters on the front. The all look embarrassed except for Luke, who’s just sitting their with a big ass smirk plastered on his face. 
The crowds erupts in the loudest cheers that they’ve had in the Ellen studio. “Woo! OT4!” Someone screeches rather loudly. In which, causes Calum to burst into a fit of giggles as he becomes a blushing mess. All the boys look at each other and nod, silently agreeing that now is a good time to announce their relationship.
Ashton’s the first to speak up. “Screw everyone who’s not supportive,” he starts. “These are my three lovey boyfriends, and I care for them very much. I can only hope you still think of us as the same Sydney boys you’ve known for the last six years!” Then comes an even louder applause than before, and with that, credits appear on the screen, and music rings through everyone’s ears.
“I want to thank Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, and Michael Clifford. Stay kind to one another! Bye bye!” Ellen says! 
Before the show completely wraps up, the boys break into huge smiles and form a group hug. They just did what they never imagined they’d have the balls to do. They came out and received nothing but positive comments so far. 
“Just wait ‘till it’s trending on twitter,” Luke says smiling at his loves. They all crack a smile at their Luke’s stupid attempt of a joke. 
“Yeah, we’re going to be everywhere for a while.” Ash responds.
“It’s worth it though. I have you guys, and we don’t have to sneak around anymore,” Calum says.
“Oh, you guys are so cheesy,” Mikey speaks with adoration thick in his voice. “But...I still love you!” 
“Love you too, Mike”
:Love you more, baby.”
Love you, kitten!”
“Dammit, Luke! Enough with the kitten shit!” Michael threatens, but they all break out in laughter afterwards. “Seriously though. Don’t call me that!”
“Whatever you say...kitten.” with that said, Luke is running as fast his legs will carry him away from Michael.
“Get back here, you ugly piece of bread!” Michael yells back chasing after his youngest boyfriend.
Calum and Ashton just give each other a ‘did that really just happen’ look, but they still follow their two childish boyfriends, hoping to get them both home without anyone getting too annoyed with the other. They will always end up following those two around, not because they have nothing better to do, but because they love them. 
In the distance the two boys can faintly hear something Mikey said about kicking Luke in the ass so hard that he’ll end up back in 2011. From hearing that the two lads speed up knowing that Mikey’s only joking, but let’s face it. Kittens are pretty naughty at times, but that’s why they love Mikey. He’s a big, loving, cheesy kitten. But, they won’t say that to him. The poor boys don’t want to end up back in 2011 like Luke. 
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ashirwinx · 2 years ago
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Ashton Irwin uploaded
the boys before our SOLD OUT gig at Madison Square Garden. 🤘 | @lckehemmingz, @calumhood-hills, @cliffcrdsfm
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calumhoodsx · 4 years ago
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Calum Hood uploaded a photo
there’s too much truth to this. i feel seen.
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