#“should we ask hera?”
singswan-springswan · 2 years
I love how Mon Mothma sat through an hour of prissy ambassadors bickering while Jyn ranted like an Organa, told her "I'm sorry but without the full support of the council the odds are too great" then as soon as the meeting was over called her best troops to the briefing room to do exactly what Jyn proposed
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my-name-is-apollo · 1 year
Broke: solar eclipse is Artemis yelling at Apollo in front of the whole world for doing something stupid
Woke: solar eclipse is Artemis T-posing in front of Apollo to assert dominance
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gingermintpepper · 20 days
I was reading the Orphic Argonautica last night and the author has mentioned the various methods of divination Apollo knows and guess what? One of them is prophesying by studying the entrails of organisms. As soon as I read that I was reminded of your headcanon of Apollo being into hepatoscopy for divination and I giggled.
Awww 😳😳It's so nice of you to think of me!
Hehe, so fun fact, the overall practice of divination by studying the entrails of animals (including blood, lungs, intestines and so forth) is extispicy while hepatoscopy is specifically using the liver in prophecy and divination readings.
If, like magic in old text exactly like the sort Medea is described as using, the types of divination spoken about in the texts are reflections of the popular divination cultures of the time, I much rather prefer ascribing those to Apollo than I do some vague, somewhat mysterious power which he uses to see the will of the fates, especially since it's mentioned a few times that he'll teach his sons the language of the birds and how to read their signs and so on and so forth.
In short: HEPATOSCOPY APOLLO IS COOL!! HE'S SO NEAT!! Apollo at the altar who predicts the coming droughts and famines from the entrails of his flock!! It's just such a neat little image (to me)!
Also the Orphic Argonautica bangs, genuinely I hope you enjoy it! Orpheus is an insane man and I do not think him along with the collective subspecies of mythical man known as 'sons of Apollo' get enough credit for how truly unhinged they are at any given point in time.
#ginger answers asks#It's so sweet of you to think of me uuuu#If we treat Apollo's prophecy the same we treat say Aphrodite's rituals in the Iliad#Where in Book 14 I think? Hera asks for her help in creating something that will ultimately help her seduce Zeus#And how that reflects on the very big enchantment and amuletting culture where people would use#cosmetics necklaces belts even knots that they hid in their pockets#together with words of affirmation and some ritualistic method like saying a spell three/seven times#in order to inflict some kind of effect on themselves or their betters#then I think it's entirely fair to ascribe the divination rituals of the day to Apollo in place of mystical visions that don't usually#follow any kind of process to induce despite the process of the Oracle itself being highly regimented#Or course the natural rebuttal is 'well Apollo is the god of prophecy why would he have to do any rituals to use his power'#and my answer to that is Apollo is the god of orating fate but he doesn't create Fate itself that's the work of his father and the Fates#So long as Apollo is appealling to powers older than himself the natural course of action is to pray and be supplicant imo#And well Apollo is nothing if not a filial son#Anyway it's still just a personal headcanon of mine I'm really glad <33#I would gladly be known as That one guy on tumblr that really likes making Apollo hold sheep livers#Everyone should have their Apollo hold a sheep liver at least once. For enrichment#greek mythology#apollo
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commsroom · 3 months
Do you think Hera is a cat person or a dog person? I feel like Minkowski and Eiffel are both dog people in very different ways, but Hera could go dog or cat
dog person!! for sure. in one of the AMAs, the writers said that eiffel and hera are dog people, minkowski and hilbert are cat people, and lovelace is both, and i found that so delightful, i've held it as a truth ever since.
(and it's a pretty concise way to sum up some early-series dynamics.)
i think hera is a dog person for the same reason she likes the kind of people she likes - despite her trust issues, she's someone who really wants to trust, and she likes people who seem friendly, enthusiastic, and open. maybe even overly so. i think she'd like a lot of animals, but being someone who likes eiffel kind of inherently means being a fan of loud, slobbery affection.
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phoenixiancrystallist · 3 months
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Month 7, day 3
So my computer might be perma-ded, don't know yet, but here's more designing on that shirt design! Transparent this time so I can see the transparent effects better but they might not transparent correctly on the TeePublic upload. Idk, we'll see! But first I'm gonna finish cleaning this up and playing with effects until I like it so much I don't want to change anything :)
#the great artscapade of 2024#art#my art#Forspoken#Forspoken fan art#Frey Holland#hopefully it actually uploads as transparent bc as I'm typing this it has a white background which is actually hiding the magic effects#but I have it properly transparent in ProCreate so I can still work with it#anyway re: my computer#I think FileVault done goofed somehow because even in safe mode I can't sign in#and when my roommate tried to do a recovery and reinstall the OS it says we can't select the drive#because it's decrypting#which is probably my fault bc I told FileVault to decrypt but it was so I could fix my Mac resetting things whenever I rebooted#iN MY DEFENSE that's what the troubleshooting guide I was following told me to do!!!#I'm starting to think I should just give up on fixing things myself and stick to asking my roommate for help#but I don't usually run into/cause catastrophic errors like this so idk what happened#other than the power outage I speculated yesterday#but I don't actually know why my mac shut off since my stereo and PS5 were still on#which doesn't necessarily rule out a power issue bc this house is held together by unicorn spit and a prayer so the electical is hhhhhshodd#but USUALLY a power flicker bad enough to turn off my Mac also turns off my PS5 and stereo so idk man#idk#anyway here's hoping my Mac fixes itself and lives ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#she named herself Hera she's not supposed to just give up the ghost like this lol#edit: yay it's properly transparent! *\ô/*
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
Hera stood, waiting for her turn at last. The Queen of the Greek Pantheon traced the lines of neon green, its light reflecting against her true form in a soothing way. She’s no stranger to patience, to waiting. But there were little of those that had the gall to make her wait, and even smaller of that number that she would tolerate such behavior. Regardless, this was the one being she could not afford to offend and so, she waits. Her many forms, her divine self, perceived the room and compared it to her own halls of residence.
Olympus was much more intricate, carved of noble marble and inlaid with countless of priceless metals and gems and divinity. Twelve seats of power atop an engineering wonder, halls adorned with the brightest of the original flames, an hearth that was roaring at Hesta’s skillful hands.
In comparison, this throne room had been changed much since she was last here. Gone were the spikes of terror and screams of the damned. Now… it looked like the most bare throne room she’d ever bore witness to.
And yet, as she waited for the Boy King, Hera could feel the subtle thrum of impossible power. The new king did not flare his will and might like the previous tyrant, and for that, Hera approved. She has had quite enough of living with and under tyrants who cared only for themselves… and their bed achievements whilst failing spectacularly in their marital roles. Zeus was not a good life partner and Hera regretted ever saying yes to him many times in her immortal life. And yet… she loved him still.
The doors opened, and a small figure floated in, flanked by the previous King’s Knight. Perhaps that is what makes this Boy King so dangerous, Hera thought as she dipped into a bow, because he can turn the loyalest to his side.
“Your Majesty,” she greeted, in ghost speak.
“Heya, Hera!” The Boy King greeted her back, before waving the Knight away. Hera marveled, a bit, at the sheer confidence he had to dismiss his knight in her presence. Even the last king kept the knights around to ensure his power was always in display, always unchallengeable. The Boy King could destroy her with a snap of a finger and he knows it. He knows that she knows it.
“What did you need?” The Boy King asked, grin still on place as he floated to her instead of seating himself on his throne. Hera masked the bit of confusion she felt in pursuit of her goal.
“I have come here to ask of you a favor,” she began. “I am aware that… you are fond of this, the earth in which I reside in?”
Hera carefully picked her word. Everybody knows that the new King Phantom had laid claim to not only the Infinite Realms as is normal of his station, but an entire Earth as his haunt. He had the power to do so, she could finally see, now that she was standing before him. It would not do for Hera to get her strings cut because she claimed what is his.
“Sure. Why?” The Boy King tilted his head, narrowing that predator green upon her true form.
“Do you know of the Justice League, my lord?”
“Phantom’s fine,” he waved a hand. “And yeah, sure do! Why?”
Hera tilted her many forms in acknowledgement of the command. She bowed.
“My daughter, of a sort, is Diana Prince. Wonder Woman. She is… in grave danger. We can not exert our influence over a land that does not have our history. I can not interfere and aid her.”
“Oh, you want me to help her?” His tone was exasperated, and Hera spoke even more carefully in fear of offending him.
“Yes, if it pleases you. And it would be most gracious of you should Your Majesty have time to watch over her. I fear the danger will not leave her so quickly.”
There was a brief period of silence before King Phantom sighed. “And if it does not please me to do so?”
Hera looked up and locked gazes with evaluating green. “Then I am afraid I will be breaking a fair bit of cosmic law, King Phantom.”
He laughed. “Okay, yeah, I’ll check up on Wonder Woman.”
Hera blinked her many eyes, peacock feathers spreading in shock at how easily he allowed her favors. She did not even have to beg.
King Phantom turned to leave before pausing. “Hera, if you need help, just ask. Preferably without beating around the bushes next time. Also, Pandora misses you. You might want to hang around for tea later.”
Hera regarded him with the might of her divinity, which was but hardly a spec of his own kindness. The last one had not had her respect. Fear, yes. But never respect But this one…
“Yes, my King.”
“It’s just Phantom.” He shot back as he left, the Knight returning to his side once more.
Hera transformed into a more mortal form. She had not seen Pandora in a long time, the young woman had made quite an impression on her. Perhaps her old friend could be convinced in helping her punch Zeus and ruin her beloved husband’s day. Hera hummed, the green that used to flicker acidly against her divine form now only soothed. A reflection of its owner.
King Phantom is worthy of her regard.
Holy shit, a goddess asked him to check on the Justice League! She was super weird about it and talked in a really old way of speaking, but Danny hadn’t had anything to do for the past few days while entering the zone for his annual check up.
Danny waved away Fright Knight and dived into the portal that would take him directly to the Justice League and Diana!
He floated down from the portal, blinking at group of disheveled and injured superheroes surrounded by a group of demons. Belial?
“King Phantom.” Belial rumbled. Danny waved, not noticing the standstill his presence forced.
“Shite.” The British man cursed, drawing on his magic once more.
“King Phantom?” Diana Prince, Wonder Woman, said quizzically.
“Who?” Batman, Batman! That’s actually Batman, rumbled.
“High King of the Infinite Realms. We’re buggered if he decides to help Belial.”
“Wait, like the god of gods, that King Phantom?” Captain Marvel asked. Ancients, why are all of them electrical based? Danny hates electricity.
Danny floated closer to them, grinning in a friendly way before frowning as they tensed up.
“King Phantom. May I ask why you have graced us with your presence, my King?”
“Hey, Wonder Woman! Your mom asked me to babysit you!” He grinned, sharp and mischievous.
“What…?” The Flash asked, zipping to their side. “Her mom? Queen Hippolyta?”
“No, Hera,” Danny said, and watched Wonder Woman straighten at his words.
“The Goddess Hera.”
“Yep!” Danny rocked back on his suddenly formed legs instead of the whisp of a tail he usually kept in the Zone. He was also still floating. Danny sent a wave of ice and froze the rest of the demons in one fell swoop.
“The rest of you can take care of clean up, yes? Diana has to get some snacks, dinner, and then go to bed.” He pushed gently at Diana’s shoulders, nudging her towards the plane. She went willingly, respectful but amused.
Bruce, intellectually knowing that’s a king but only seeing a superhero teenager: *fills out mental adoption paperwork*
Hera, a goddess, terrified of misspeaking and dying as a result: he’s so strong even though he’s young omg powerful and could end my immortal existence
Danny, an unserious king: golly gee why is she speaking like a Shakespeare novel
Hera, thinking Danny’s gonna be dignified: pls watch over my daughter
Danny, who has a clone he sees as a daughter and therefore has no issues babysitting a grown woman: lol snacks, dinner, bedtime
Diana:… usually I’m on the other spectrum of this but it’s from a higher up so… okay?
Danny, terrifying gods and ancients: they’re my friends! The power of friendship!
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kupidachillea · 1 month
Olympians x You (hcs or imagines)
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Author note: Geez, it’s been awhile. Sorry, I’ve been in bit of a funk, got both writers block and art block but I just want to drop this. I still have a few things in my drafts, but for now I’ll feed you guys this.
TW (trigger warning):This may have a few Yandere themes in it. And while the Olympians themselves aren’t really yanderes- they do share similar tendencies considering their myths. Please note that this isn’t completely accurate to their mythology- but it’s just a bit of fun so please take no offence and be nice in the comments.
CW (content warning)⚠️: readers either 17-18+ (to read this I mean), light mentions of nudity, molesting and sexual harassment, toxic behaviour. General (hinted) Yandere behaviour. Reader’s discretion is advised.
🏺- You weren’t sure how you got here but somehow you ended up on mount Olympus of all places.
🪡- Your brain was fuzzy and you hadn’t yet registered the 12 + looming faces above you. When you did notice, they were bickering in a language you didn’t understand (or at the very least, understood a little). It was jarring and you were still trying to get your bearings.
-🏺 You noticed one of them, a woman, dressed in garments fit for royalty (in ancient times at least) and had somewhat of a peacock aesthetic to it, yelling and pointing accusingly at a man, presumably her husband. She didn’t seem happy. Hera. Queen of the Olympians..that means the other must’ve been Zeus..oh boy
🪡- Zeus looked as if he was trying to quell his wife’s anger before things got more out of hand. There were a few others in the back that looked bored of the situation- as if a similar thing has happened before, while others looked mildly amused.
🏺- Despite all that- the argument seemed to have turned completely to you. Hera turning her rage towards you. “You! Where did you come from, how did you arrive here!?” She’d ask in anger, it was evident she had very little patience if any at all, thankfully though she was now speaking a language you could understand. You scrambled to answer her, your body trembling slightly at how her voice shook the marble floor you were sat on.
🪡- You tried to explain to her that you didn’t know how you got here. Your brain still fuzzy with images that didn’t clear up or make sense. This obviously didn’t help the Queen’s anger and you could see her patience slipping. She would scoff and turn back towards the other gods, them discussing what they should do with you.
🏺 - Some suggestions were thrown around, some you weren’t so fond of. Multiple times did they suggest either killing you or throwing you off the mountain (which would kill you anyway). However those ideas were shut down immediately by more ‘kindhearted’ gods. This hasn’t happened in centuries- a human spawning on top of their mountain out of the blue..they aren’t really prepared for this.
🪡- They were almost all out of ideas, until one golden haired music deity bent down to your height and took a closer look at you. His eyes shining as he took in your appearance before a smile started to work its way on his lips. “How about we keep them..?” He suddenly asked, his gaze still set on the little (little to them anyway) human in front of him.
🏺- This made everyone pause and even you were shocked by the suggestion. You found it ridiculous and you argued that despite how flattering it was- you didn’t want to stay with them and you wanted to be returned back to your home. The gods only seemed to ignore you, as if you were a child having an unreasonable temper tantrum. They were all considering keeping you here!
🪡- “Well…” Hermes started. You could tell since he was a bit shorter than the others and he had his signature winged sandals. “It has been quite awhile since the gods have had a plaything..” he would mutter reluctantly. He wasn’t entirely sold on the idea, despite how his father and brothers (most anyway) were grinning like idiots. You, obviously , did not appreciate being referred to as a plaything.
🏺- “Then it is settled..this little one shall be our new plaything!” Zeus grinned, a little too happy for both yours and Hera’s taste. You were about to give them a piece of your mind but was swiftly silenced by a threatening gaze from Hera..to your surprise. And thus began your horrible life with the Olympians..
🪡- You were stripped of your modern clothing and given a chiton to wear instead. “It’s too modern for our liking..” Aphrodite would say as she felt up your body in ways that made you shiver in discomfort. “We’re use to our people…how should I say this? Showing a little more skin…” the goddess of love would chuckle sweetly, while you would stare at her in embarrassment and maybe even a hint of disgust. While you could understand where she was coming from- it still didn’t stop you personally from being uncomfortable with they way she was touching you.
🏺-You’d also be dressed up in fine jewellery, much to your surprise..anklets of gold, bangles made of bronze, necklaces etc. sweet smelling oil perfumes covering your body- anything to make seem more ‘appealing’ to the gods and goddess. You were their plaything after all, so it made sense for them to dress you how they liked..no matter how much you disliked it.
🪡- They’d occasionally have you pour them wine at banquets or sit on their laps to just sit there and look pretty. The main gods that did this were of course Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, definitely Dionysus and at some point Hermes. You didn’t really appreciate this, but rejecting their request would result in a ‘punishment’ for you.
🏺- To your surprise..Ares rarely touched you without your permission, but he was a little mean here and there. He along with Athena and Demeter weren’t as…’touchy’ as the others. And Artemis …you appreciated that..though just because they didn’t touch you in inappropriate ways doesn’t mean they weren’t as ‘crazy’ as the rest.
🪡- For example, while Artemis wasn’t big on being a pest in terms of touching you, she did take you out on hunts..which..wasn’t so bad in your opinion. It was much better than being up on the mountain most days..she thought a little more rationally- but of course- her twin, Apollo, would see you hanging out with his sister and get a little possessive about it. Which you didn’t understand- you weren’t any of their lovers (even if they thought so), but even so..most hunting trips were cut short because of him.
🏺- When you finally got moments to breathe away from the gods..you’d spend it out in the garden..hidden away from everyone and thing..it was your quiet time up until one of the gods summoned you. You found out that you weren’t the first human to be in this position (and probably not the last)..according to one of the lesser known gods (maybe Hebe) you were told that centuries before, a young lad was taken into the heavens to serve Zeus but had been placed into the stars as the constellation known as Aquarius.
🪡- You shivered at the thought..you didn’t want that to happen to you. To be placed in the stars? Doomed to forever look down on earth and watch your family and friends grow? It may have been an honour back then but to you it was almost like a death sentence.
🏺- Either way, life with the Olympians got harder to cope with. Your privacy was always compromised and you were forced to many things you didn’t like. Sometimes the gods would be as bold to sneak up on you while you were bathing and either join you in the pool or touching up your nude body.
🪡-Often giving excuses for why they would do so, or simply ignoring your protest. It wasn’t hard to manhandle you after all..they were gods, and you were a puny human. Why should they care about your thoughts and feelings. It progressively got worse with them kissing your neck or cheek without your permission too- Apollo was the main culprit of that..
🏺- Sometimes you found yourself crying in a corner by yourself at the situation you were in. The only person willing to comfort you being Hestia. She obviously didn’t approve of this but she couldn’t do much besides being a safe space for you to turn to, which you appreciated.
🪡- But no matter how you protest, run, hide, or try to defy them; you are still theirs. That how they see it anyway, and they won’t change their mind..
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Honestly I loved episode three. I loved the gaping hole Kanan left in the narrative. He's a ghost, he's right there, he never existed, he never left.
When Hera talks to Mon Mothma and the senators and Mothma asks about Jacen, and Ezra is mentioned by name, but not Kanan. Just 'I lost people who were like family' and the only person she can be taking about is Kanan but he is unnamed. We know. She knows. But the others in the scene cant. And the republic wouldn't really want to acknowledge that loss. A Jedi died fighting for them, and his wife is begging for help to find their Jedi adoptive son and there 'isn't resources' because there is never fucking resources for anything that doesn't line the elites pockets because under the veneer of space opera, capitalism is rotting and always will be.
And when Hera is talking to Jacen, and he's been playing with Chopper when he should be with his Dad or Ezra learning Jedi stuff, and when he ways he wants to be a Jedi and it just hangs there and Hera tells him she knows. How many excuses has she come up with to keep him away from the Jedi stuff because its safer for him to let his talent burn out and she just can't loose another person to that. She can't go through it again. How long can she keep him safe from it? She can't. He is Kanan's son as much as hers. Ezra will come back, but at least Ezra will Know. Will have known Kanan. Know what Hera fears.
And when Ahsoka talks about the force with Sabine and she says the same things Kanan did, and Sabine doesn't stop her because how would Ahsoka know? She barely knew Kanan. When she trains Sabine with wooden weapons and its the same way Kanan did. And when they do the blind drills, and she should have been learning to fight blind from Kanan. Even the mask Sabine wears looks more like Kanan's mask from 'Twilight of the Apprentice' than any of the other helmets we see used for the same drill.
Kanan left this huge absence in the show, that only exists for those who knew him, both in universe and those who watched Rebels. And I just think its fucking beautiful.
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satoshy12 · 1 month
Zeus looked at the to-do list:" So I spoke to Cassie and Daniel, then her mother Helena and then the groom's parents. Hera: "When we meet them again, I should ask Madeline for the fudge recipe. Zeus: "Yes, I am sure my champion would like to try it. So I haven't forgotten anyone this time?" Hera looked at the list, Zeus learned from the Demeter problem:" No, I don't see anyone missing. We can plan the wedding."
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shanastoryteller · 6 months
I would love some Momma Hera or anything MDZS. THANK YOU. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 Xichen isn't in his room.
"Told you," Wei Wuxian says. "Bet you a bottle of wine he's in Da-ge's."
"Do I look like a fool to you?" Nie Huaisang demands.
Wei Wuxian whistles. "We'd need a lot more alcohol and maybe a flow chart to answer that question."
Nie Huaisang hits him with his fan.
Lan Wangji takes a deep, calming breath. There are plenty of reasonable explanations for why his brother is out of his room after curfew that don’t involve Nie Mingjue.
He can’t think of any, currently, but that’s because the two of them slap fighting each other behind him.
“Enough,” he snaps. He can’t turn them over to the one duty senior disciple because they’re clan heirs and any punishment could have political implications, which means Xichen or Uncle need to be the ones to issue them. But Xichen isn’t here and Uncle won’t be pleased to be woken up over a couple tardy disciples. The issue of the wards is concerning, but they’d been back in place when he’d gone to check, and there’s no real reason it can’t wait to morning. “Go to your dormitory. I’ll report your actions to my uncle in the morning.”
Xichen would have been more lenient, but he thinks they could benefit from a strict punishment.
“Why don’t you escort us there?” Wei Wuxian asks with a smile that makes Lan Wangji want to lean away from him or maybe lean cl – no, definitely away. “This place is so big. You don’t want me getting lost, do you?”
The paths are rather easy to follow, even at night. They hadn’t seemed to have any trouble getting here in the first place.
Nie Huaisang retches. “Seriously? First Da-ge and now you? What is it about the Lans?” He pauses, looking Lan Wangji up and down in a way that he’s not totally certain he’s comfortable with. “Okay, I mean, I suppose I see the appeal, but still.”
Wei Wuxian reaches out to punch Nie Huaisang in the side without looking at him. “Shut up.”
“Maybe we should get more alcohol,” he continues, not listening. “I think I’m going to need it.”
Lan Wangji leaves them still bickering.
The next morning Nie Huaisang wails all throughout his punishment. It’s not even that bad – he doesn’t even have to do a handstand, just copy rules of punctuality and prohibition.
Wei Wuxian, on account of meddling with the wards (Xichen had been impressed but Uncle hadn’t been), has to a handstand for several hours in the courtyard.
Doing it shirtless seems unnecessary.
Winking at him every time he walks by also seems unnecessary.
“Wow,” Xichen says, the time he’s unfortunately there to witness this behavior. “Are you sure he’s adopted?”
“Shut up,” Nie Mingjue grumbles.
Xichen listens about as well as Nie Huaisang had. Lan Wangji can’t mind, because he shouldn’t be saying that to him anyway. “Because I remember you at a certain age-”
Nie Mingjue draws his sword and Xichen is laughing as he mirrors him, the two of the sparring across the courtyard.
Lan Wangji is glad that Xichen has a friend.
He just wishes him visiting wasn’t necessitated by Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang making a mess of everything as quickly as possible.
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nightwngz · 10 months
𝓢𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬. 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗀𝗎𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗍𝗒 ୨ ໋ ˳ ⊹ eng. . . !
superman, wonder woman and batman x f!reader
WARNINGS: smut drabble, gang bang, some sexual degradation, masturbation, oral sex, p in v. Diana!bisexual.
COPYRIGHT: No copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
LANGUAGE: English is not my first language and I am still studying to master it. It makes me insecure to write by myself in another language, so I used the translator. I apologize in advance for any mistakes. The original version is here.
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There was always something strange and unlikely about these three from the moment you met them.
They were all hiding secrets. According to you, hiding secrets was one of the most common parts of human nature. You were not interested in knowing what they were all hiding, but your curious mind was obsessed with knowing what the holy trinity of the Justice League was hiding beneath their sleek and sophisticated veneer of heroes; what no one would dare doubt or question.
The price of your curiosity was more costly than you could have ever imagined, a debt that would have to be repaid. Now you were part of this madness, and no matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't escape.
The good news was that you didn't want to.
You knew that the moment you felt the three of them completely, you were content to belong.
It was just hard to think of anything else when you found yourself tied to a chair, completely naked and unable to move while three pairs of blue eyes analyzed you.
The beautiful princess of Themyscira had no shame in digging into your sweet crotch. Her fingers slid across your sodden vaginal lips with a sound so vulgarly obscene that it caused you to inadvertently stir in your chair.
You looked intently at the two male figures as you tried to get as close to Diana as your body would allow so you could kiss her and feel her fingers go deeper inside you.
But before you could reach her lips, you were brutally pushed away by the man of steel, who had the clear intention of tasting your mouth first. Not that you were complaining; Clark's tongue was heavenly. It had a strange but hot connection to your lips, so it made you a mess right away. Who would have thought that Superman's ultimate power would be to soak his victims so easily?
Still, you didn't deserve them to be nice to you. On the contrary, you should be punished for insubordination. What you did was unforgivable.
In your defense, you didn't know that you were exclusive to the trio and couldn't sleep with other people. The rules weren't very clear when you met them, or when they started their no-strings-attached sex adventures.
Of course, you were not exclusive to anyone, and you planned to make that clear in the future. Right now, you were too busy cumming on Diana's fingers drilling your pussy that you didn't have enough time to think about anything else.
The adoration the Bat had for the way your pussy enveloped him so warmly brought out the most dominant and morbid part of his inner self. The sight of his cock moving in and out of your little hole at the same time your mouth was happily eating Clark's erection and your fingers were eating Diana's clit was enough to bring you to the verge of orgasm.
You gagged as the tip brushed against your uvula. You couldn't even concentrate enough because of how hard he was penetrating you. The pleasure was embracing.
— Look at our little slut. She can't even concentrate on sucking a good cock while she's being fucked. - Wayne commented. He kept going right into her sweet spot; faster and faster, more and more precise.
— She was too bad. Should we give her a prize though? She always takes us so well. - Kent continues, asking. You're beginning to control the rhythm of your mouth, although it's still a little difficult in some ways.
— Oh, Hera! - moans the princess of Themyscira. - That feels so good. - Her fingers can't resist trying to help themselves so she can come on your hand.
This is definitely the best part of the day, the one you enjoyed the most. And of course that was the guilty pleasure that came with keeping a secret. The secret the four of you shared.
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wildissylupus · 26 days
More on God Games cause the way it's written narratively is so interesting to me, especially with the Gods chosen to be in God Games, along with some of the motifs used and the way the gods are characterized.
God Games is basically framed as Athena going through different levels of Gods, Apollo is Level 1, Hephaestus level 2, Aphrodite and Ares level 3, Hera level 4 and Zeus is the final boss. we see this in how much time each god has along with how hard it was for Athena to convince them. It also subtly shows skill again and level ups through Athena arguments by using Ethos, Pathos and Logos.
With Apollo and Hephaestus, Athena starts with Logos, her arguments are factual and logical, not accounting for the contexts of those situations. With Aphrodite and Ares she needs to use Pathos, appealing to the lovers emotions rather then their logic cause that would not convince them, which in turn make Hera easier as Athena appeals to Hera's feelings on marriage and family. Then there's Zeus, with Zeus Athena uses Ethos, but not in the typical way it's used, Ethos is usually using your own authority in an argument to gain trust, what Athena does is appealing to Zeus's own ego and status of authority by begging him to let Odysseus go, sacrificing her own pride.
Then there's the gods chosen, a lot of people have pointed out that if Zeus didn't want to let Odysseus go then why didn't he get Poseidon or Helios in the argument, or any other God it would be harder to convince. In all honesty in Zeus wanted to make it insanely difficult the line up should have been Aphrodite, Ares, Poseidon, Helios, Persephone (trust me she has reason to be there, mainly due to her role in the Odyssey), then Zeus himself. So why didn't he?
To put it simply it was more of a risk, Poseidon is equal in power to Zeus, Helios is also insanely powerful, and while Persephone isn't necessarily powerful, she has status over Zeus and is honestly just terrifying in general (seriously people need to stop acting like she's just this uwu flower girl). They also have reason and authority to stand against Zeus, so when it comes to the end, where Zeus strikes Athena down, they would have had the ability to step in. The closest god in God Games that could do that would be Hera and even then it wouldn't have helped much.
Now the motifs, there's a specific instance I want to point out and that is Ares's entrance specifically the fact that the quick thought motif is still going when he enters. Which implies that they haven't left quick thought, just that the area has changed, which makes sense considering quick thought is very obviously a part of Athena's war domain. It makes sense Ares not only has access to it but also have the ability to change it to his domain, and considering a majority of interpolations of quick thought make it this night area, I think it would be cool if when Ares enters it turns to day, a strategic strike at night and a brutal fight at day. It also puts into more context why Ares asks "Is she dead?", that lightning strike was so powerful it affected their domain.
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roguerambles · 1 month
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Hades: "Alright, do either of you feel like sharing why we're here?"
Poseidon: "Don't look at me - Zeus called me here?"
Zeus: "...no, Hades called me?"
Hades: "Why in Tartarus would I summon you both to some island in the middle of the sea? I've got enough on my hands trying to get the Underworld in working order--"
Reader: "How lovely of you three to join me! I suppose its "Your Majesties" now?"
Poseidon: "Ah. I thought I sensed you nearby."
Hades: "Of course. Dare I ask what you're scheming this time?"
Reader: "You wound me, Hades! But, I suppose, it is best to get the point. You may have heard, Hera is proposing a marriage between myself and Ares..."
Poseidon: "She is?"
Zeus: "Oh. Yes, she might have mentioned it....this displeases you?"
Reader: *slowly caresses Zeus's arm* "I am displeased at the thought of being...tied down. Especially so soon after our victory over the Titans. Isn't now the time for...pleasure?"
Zeus: ".....you make a...compelling argument--"
Hades: "Zeus!"
Poseidon: "Only a fool would anger Hera. You should--*trails off as Reader turns her attention to him, toying with his beard* "...we...should...why exactly did you summon us here?"
Reader: "Because I have more than a few fantasies involving you three, and I want to indulge them while I have the chance."
Hades: "Have you completely lost your mind--"
Reader: *slips her dress off, letting it fall to the ground*
Hades, Poseidon, Zeus: "......"
Reader: "...well?"
Zeus: ".....come here to me--"
Hades: "ZEUS! She's going to marry your son!"
Zeus: "...I mean, she hasn't married him yet--"
Hades: "ZEUS!"
Poseidon: "She has a point. Haven't we earned a little indulgence. With such a lovely creature--"
Hades: "You are both insane. Hera will--"
Reader: "Oh, I called in a little favour with Aphrodite." *caresses Hades's chest* "We won't have any interruptions. Now...why don't I show you all where the bedroom is...?" *strolls off seductively*
Hades: "....I swear on the River Styx, we are never talking about this again--"
Reader: *over shoulder* "I don't mind not talking about it again, as long as you swear doing it again isn't completely off the table."
Zeus and Poseidon: *looking to Hades eagerly*
Hades: "....Fates damn it all, fine!"
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aryxchse · 6 months
godly bonding day / platonic! hera x poseidon & percy jackson x daughter of hera! reader.
a / n : people should give more about hera and her other siblings other than z*us fr. and call me crazy or whatever but i've always thought hera married the wrong brother 🤞🏻
warnings : hera apologist right here, poseidon and hera being sweet siblings, zeus cheating, maybe swearing
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"alright mom, that's it," you said, holding both of your mother's hands. "we're having a selfcare day together."
hera sniffed, looking at you with teary eyes. zeus once again cheated on your mother, and the gossip spreads around olympus very quick. specially when your mother has little spies that follows zeus' every movement.
instead of taking revenge -simply because she was sick of it-, your mother called you to olympus for cheering her mood. and well, maybe you reminded her the revenge she took from zeus.
"selfcare day?" hera asked, tilting her head. the goddess and queen of heavens was so vulnerable in front of you. and it made you think like she was a normal mother, who was crying because of her husbands betrayal. "what is that?"
"i'll call percy and we'll take you to new places in the mortal world," you said, smiling at her. the goddess sat straight, considering the idea. "who knows? maybe he'll bring poseidon!"
hera smiled at the mention of her favorite brother. "oh i love poseidon! he's the dearest to me." you nodded at her comment, caressing her knuckles. "i know mom. today is your day, we can't let a man ruin your mood, not anymore."
hera wiped away her tears as she smiled. "oh my lovely daughter, you're so kind to me."
"of course mom," you smiled. "come on, let's go."
‎ 🦚
while you waited percy to call you to say the suprise were ready, you and hera visited multiple shops and places. hera appearently loved iced americano with chocolate chip cookies. and she loved the style old money, since she had to change her clothes to more comfortable ones.
now you guys headed to some old but vintage beach, were percy and poseidon were waiting.
hera took a sip from her third iced americano, smiling at the taste. "i sure want these in olympus," she said, stopping to take off her shoes. "their taste is amazing."
you did the same as you took a sip from your own coffee, taking the shoes inside of your bag. "i know right?" you said as the smell of the salt water started to fill your nose.
you both heard percy and poseidon talk pationetly about something, but they stopped and smiled the moment they saw you.
"hey baby," percy said, hugging your waist and kissing your cheek. you hugged him back with your free arm, smiling immediatly. "hi!"
"poseidon!" hera cheered next to you, running on the sand to hug her brother. poseidon laughed and picked hera up in his arms, turning around with her. "hera, my lovely sister!" he cheered back. "good to finally see you on the mortal world!"
"thanks to my daughter," hera answered, finally standing on her foot but still not letting poseidon go. "she helped me open my eyes."
you blowed a kiss to her as you stand next to percy, your arm still lazily hanged around his neck.
"well sister!" poseidon said, turning her around to walk around the beach. "let's have some dinner eh?"
‎ 🦚
who would've thought god of the sea made the best meal?
you all eated happily together, which was a weird sight. you and percy never thought your godly side of the family would bound this much. but well, maybe they needed a little courage.
you and percy insisted on washing the dishes, letting the divine siblings have their moment. they eventually agreed, leaving you both.
you washed the plates and handed them to percy to dry, while watching your parents laugh together from the window.
"i thought hera would never smile," percy grinned, drying some plate you gave him. you washed a fork, chuckling. "that's because she has the worst husband."
poseidon picked hera up and throw her on his shoulders, running around on the beach like two little kids. some thunders appeared but the siblings didn't cared, laughing like crazy. you and percy started laughing with them behind the window, getting happier each second.
"she really needed that." you said quietly, giving the last spoon to percy. you closed the water and percy finished drying up the spoon, putting back to it's place.
"believe me, he needed that too." percy said, stading behind you and hugging your waist. you gladly appreciated the love, hugging back his arms and resting your head against his cheek.
poseidon finally put down hera but the siblings hugged eachother, hera's laughter echoing through the beach. the lightning get really loud, but the siblings made a middle finger to the sky, clearly saying 'i don't give a fuck about you!' to their most annoying brother.
you smiled. "appearently gods need to have a bonding day too." percy nodded, kissing on top of your head.
"siblings are siblings everywhere after all." he whispered, and you chuckled.
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aimseytv · 3 months
this isnt an ask just a ramble i needed to get out about au sunship, i've never had tumblr before and im running on little sleep so this isnt going to be very coherent
But like the parallel between when guqqie felt guilty about getting aimsey to lie because they didn’t want acho to see them differently/yell at them vs aimsey getting angry that guqqie told michella about what hera did because aimsey didn’t want anyone to see guqqie negatively and yell at her (i can’t phrase things right) THESE SCENCES ARENT SIMILAR BUT THEY REMIND ME OF EACHOTHER SO MUCH LIKE KIND OF FORESHADOWING??
“other people’s opinions… aren’t something we can control, ….. you need to not worry about what other people think of me…”
Guqqie “people shouldn’t judge you based on one action… i just want people to see that your good”
“…i just don’t think you should be so worried about the way people are gonna perceive me because at the end of the day their thoughts don’t really matter” 
and guqqie being like “they matter to me i want everyone to like you cause your great” 
“as long as you like me then i’m okay”
And this scene isn’t made like a very big deal but like it does matter obviously and then later after mr. loverman (before they see guqqs for the first time) aimsey doesn’t think guqqs likes it anymore and so like they feel like what everyone else always thought of him guqqie also thinks of him now (“youre just a demon”)
and then during the wall scene when aimsey is like did you tell michella and guqqies like yeah and aimseys upset because like 
“i didn’t want people to see you in the wrong way, guqqie!” 
“that’s not up to you!”
“yes it is! …..  i didn’t want people to see you the same way they saw me! i didn’t want it. i didn’t want it anymore. and i just didn’t want people to start making up these things and painting you in a terrible light-
people expect these things of me and they expect me to be this bad thing and i just didn’t want that to happen to you. i just didn’t want it ok…
if i told people that you beat me do you genuinely think people would just look at you and they would think that everything’s ok? No, they wouldn’t guqqie! they would see you differently. and i didn’t want that okay! i just didn’t want that! i just wanted things to be okay…”
so we’ve kind of known this whole time that aimsey really does care about what others think of him but they didn’t quite let on to it when guqqie was talking to her about it but during the wall scene we really see how much others seeing aimsey in a negative light has affected it and how much he’s been hurt by it to the point where they’re genuinely terrified of guqqie also having to go through that!! and just!!! They announcement has made me rewatch a lot of the vods/the ausunshipduo movie and im brain rotting about them but no one I know will listen to me ramble so i just needed this to go somewhere (sorry) ive reread this to see if it makes sense but my eyes hurt so idk if it does or not (im so sorry)
this is so sweet i read the entire thing :) glad you love ausmp gamer
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teawiththegods · 8 months
I just saw a post about how Hera, Demeter, and Hestia should be the Big 3 instead of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. And while I understand the sentiment (✨Feminism✨🖕🏻Fuck the Patriarchy 🖕🏻✌🏻Girl Power✌🏻 etc) I personally think Hera, Demeter, and Hestia are not only quite content with their positions, they very likely helped orchestrated it to be that way.
One of the biggest mistakes worshipers, witches, and mythology fans make is thinking the 3 sisters are not powerful enough to take the thrones if they wanted them.
Demeter alone forced 2 out of the 3 Kings (1 of them being THE King) to bend to her will. One of those thrones could have easily been hers if she wanted it.
Hestia paved the way for Athena and Artemis, by CHOOSING her own path. She didn’t ask Zeus, she told him by swearing an oath that she would remain a virgin. And of course, Hestia gets offerings first and last. Pretty sure the one thing all the Gods can agree on is that Hestia is the best and that by itself is power.
As for Hera, she knows her position is actually far better than Zeus’ bc she has more freedom. I always compare them to the King and Queen in chess. The King is important enough to be the entire purpose of the game however he’s extremely limited. The Queen, on the other hand, is limitless which makes her the most dangerous piece on the board. You can see this in action in the Iliad. Hera is able to release her anger and fury for not being chosen by Paris and aids in the destruction of an entire city. Zeus, with all his power as King, can’t even prevent his beloved son’s death because his position of King does not allow it. And it was Hera who reminded Zeus that as their leader, he couldn’t save his son. So she knows the limits that come with that role. Why would she choose a position that only lets her move one space at a time when she can move whenever and however she wants? And she still has a crown on her head.
I get because of how patriarchal Ancient Greece was it’s easy to look at the hierarchy of the Gods as a reflection of that. But personally, I think the structure actually makes sense when you take into account the personalities of the Gods and what each position requires.
And as I said before, if Hera, Demeter, and Hestia weren’t happy with the current structure, it wouldn’t be the current structure. 😂
Also, we haven’t even talked about the wildcard that is, Aphrodite! As if that hot sexy bitch couldn’t take the whole thing down with just one boob.
Like come on, I thought we all already knew that our Goddesses are the ones who truly run the entire show?
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