#“Well i THOUGHT he was the embodiment of all my evils but it looks like hes the embodiment of all my DUMBASS!”
God it would be so funny if the only thing Henry said in the upcoming page was
That obviously won't happen but let's all take a minute and just imagine all that beautiful tension built up over the last 3 pages culminating in. "Ow."
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primofate · 1 year
You are the embodiment of fairness...
is what Neuvillette believes. There is not a single hair on your body that is selfish. Not a single thought in your mind that strays into evil thoughts.
The Chief Justice is just as fair, just as sensible. Though on you, he stays his gaze for a moment longer. Allows the slightest tug upward of his lips as you discuss the latest trial with him. The difference between the two of you? He doesn't think that he is as "well-behaved" as you are. There have definitely been times where he had thought to abandon his gentlemanly and prestigious image, just to lean in and brush his fingers on your cheek. Thankfully, so far, he hasn't done so, even though the two of you had decided to enter a romantic relationship.
The Chief Justice was very guarded, but so were you. The two of you were never seen together, only in the privacy of his home or yours did the two of you enjoy each other's company. Perhaps only his most trusted Melusines knew. Professionalism was important.
"I hope the next trial resolves to your liking, Neuvillette," you smile knowing what his answer would be.
"It isn't my thoughts that are important, Y/N-" he starts and he finishes his sentence at the same time as you chide in with him.
"It's the evidence. I know, I know,"
You bid him goodbye rather curtly, not even a kiss, just a brief pat on the arm. It's working hours, and it's not the time to do such a thing.
Working hours.
As the Chief Justice sat in court, trial in session, he locks eyes with you, the accused. He recognizes the confusion in your eyes as genuine, the hidden panic behind clear as day.
"Neuvil--Your honour," You catch yourself, voice trembling a little. "This is a mistake, it wasn't me,"
and yet all the evidence points to you. Photographs, witness accounts, the hat that you'd left behind in the crime scene. No matter which way you look, the answer was you.
"Guilty," was all he could muster, when he usually said more. His hand looked for the oratrice, hoping that the machine would give him something different, but he already knew it in his heart.
"According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, the accused, L/N Y/N is..."
One second.
Three seconds.
The crowd started to bristle a little.
At five he opened his mouth, and closed it again, gritting his teeth in secret.
At six, he repeated his own words. "Guilty,"
Cheers erupted from the audience, he could not bring himself to look at your face, though he heard you loud and clear.
"No! NO! This is a mistake! I didn't kill anyone!" Your hysterics were comparable to a mother who had lost her child. To a hardworking man watching his hard earned house burn down.
The Gardes struggled, just as they always did, but you pushed forward, unable to understand nor accept what happened. At that moment you had not noticed the tears of desperation running down your cheeks.
You were going to that underwater prison forever. Dark and alone. What if the sea swallowed you? Or worse, what if the silence swallowed you? All by yourself hundreds of feet below, drowning was such an easy possibility.
Neuvillette almost grimaces, but keeps his face hard as stone. There are a thousand things running in his mind...but the Oratrice was absolute, and so was its verdict.
"Bring the accused to The Fortress of Meropide,"
The wails you let out haunted him, more than any other trial had.
Author's Note: Hello! This is just a quick update, literally wrote it in 30 minutes so excuse any pronoun slips or mistakes! I just wanted to let everyone know I am great and still playing Genshin! Just a quick reminder that The Ruthless Prince is still available on Amazon in paperback and all my previous works are still accessible in my Masterlist!
Do let me know what you think of this one though, and if you think I should turn it into a full fic!
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archiveikemen · 5 months
William Rex 2nd Birthday Campaign: Story (2024)
Chapters 1 - 3
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
!! Contains spoilers from William's main story !!
1st Birthday Campaign Story
I occasionally find myself reminiscing about the very first time I touched the pair of hands that took lives and gave freedom to others at the same time.
I have no regrets about surrendering everything in my life to those hands.
That’s why, today too, I’m by your side and singing my songs of love for you to my heart's content.
On my beloved’s birthday, I went to see my lover earlier than anyone else.
Kate: Happy birthday, Will!
William: Thank you, Kate. Looks like my little robin woke up earlier than usual today.
Kate: I did that to be the first to wish you a happy birthday.
William: Ahh, so that’s why this morning feels more wonderful.
William: What’s that tea trolley with the delicious looking black tea and sandwiches?
Kate: It’s your special birthday breakfast. I borrowed the kitchen this morning to prepare it.
Kate: Ah, but that's not all. I have more surprises prepared for you today—
William: … Fufu.
Kate: Will?
William: Nothing. I shall not doubt your confidence.
My cheeks turned red, it made me both happy and embarrassed to hear his jolly laughter.
Kate: Today’s your special day, and it has to be memorable for you.
Kate: I’m sorry for being so greedy.
William: You know that your greediness is what I love most about you, villainous woman.
Will smiled and gently pulled me closer by the waist.
William: Come, Kate. I shall enjoy the best breakfast with my adorable lover.
After finishing the dessert strawberries,
William: So, what does my greedy little robin want to do today?
Kate: What do you say about going to a photography studio to have your photograph taken?
William: A photograph… I’ve never thought of that.
Kate: I want to immortalise you, the embodiment of evil, as the fairytale keeper.
Kate: Words are wonderful indeed, but I feel that photographs are meaningful as well.
May my records of the self-righteous King’s sins be passed down from generation to generation, like a spoonful of poison warning against committing evil deeds.
“Look, the self-righteous King will come if you commit evil deeds. Therefore, you must never be evil”.
Because a fairytale can only end when evil has received judgement.
Kate: … You don’t want to?
William: I’d love to, this is a wonderful present you thought of. Thank you, Kate.
Kate: I’m relieved to hear that. Knowing you, there must already be one or two photos of you taken without your consent,
Kate: Besides, Her Majesty is quite a big fan of taking photos… right?
William: Yes, there's even a saying that “she is the pride of England’s photography”.
William: However, excluding a few candid shots Victor took, there has never been a proper photograph of me.
Kate: Why is that so?
William: Her Majesty never allows herself to be photographed. It’s unfair that I’m the only one being photographed, right?
William: Even though she has a role to play in this evil too, I’m the only one being known as the villain.
William’s exaggerated shrug brought a smile to my face without me realising it.
William: My “very first” photograph. I love this present from you.
(Will’s first… hehe)
Kate: Then let’s hurry to the photography studio. I have the carriage ready— ah.
When I was about to stand up and head out, Will pulled me back and I fell into his chest.
William: Before that, I want a birthday kiss.
Kate: … But we’ll be late for the photoshoot.
(I want a kiss too.)
(But I know that if we kiss, we won't be able to stop.)
William: You’re being a naughty girl, saying things that go against what your heart desires and making me out to be the bad guy.
William: Kate, “what do you want”...?
He easily exposed my innermost desires, unravelling my heart like loosening a knot.
There was no point trying to hide anything from Will.
Kate: Will, I want a kiss.
William: Shall we do that until we get tired of it, Kate?
We would never get tired of kissing, so we reluctantly parted our lips and made our way to the studio just in time.
Studio Owner: I’ve been awaiting your arrival!
Studio Owner: We have lovely weather today, so we can have a photoshoot both indoors and outdoors.
Studio Owner: Where would you like to have your photos taken?
Kate: … Will would look amazing outdoors. Ah, but he looks good indoors too.
Studio Owner: Ahaha, let’s do both then. This way, please.
Kate: Oh, thank you…
William: You’re so lovely when you’re being loyal to your desires. Well then, I shall live up to your expectations.
The photoshoot began a few minutes later, and it didn't take me long to realise what Will meant by those words.
(W-William… he looks PERFECT!)
With every pose Will struck, I could only sigh in awe.
William: How do I look, Kate?
Kate: … Perfect. Ah, please show us a wink.
William: Ahahaha! I’m glad you're enjoying this.
— At that moment, the doorbell at the entrance of the studio rang.
An elderly couple walked in.
Elderly Woman: My, are we a little too early?
William: We were just about to take a break. Would you like to proceed with your photoshoot?
Studio Owner: Let’s start the photoshoot! Alright, here we go.
We decided to watch the elderly couple during their photoshoot.
Under the clear blue sky, their smiles and the present moment were captured with every click of the camera shutters.
(They lived a long life together snuggled up like this… how beautiful.)
Watching them hold hands, their hands wrinkled from old age, my chest felt tight.
“Destruction” awaited Will and I with open arms at the end of our love story.
There was no knowing for certain that our destruction wouldn't come tomorrow.
There might never come a day when we could lean on each other lovingly like that elderly couple.
(Even so, I have no regrets. I will continue to live freely by Will’s side until the final moment of my life.)
(It's my freedom and my heart’s desire to love him until the end.)
The heart that Will set free continues beating to this day.
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William: ...
William: I have a favour to ask of you, Kate.
Kate: What is it? It’s your birthday, so I’ll do anything you want.
William: Sounds promising. Well then, will you take a photo together with me?
Kate: Together?
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William: Yes. You’re allowed to refuse if you don't want to be remembered as the self-righteous King’s lover.
Kate: Let’s take a photo together!
Kate: … Actually… I’ve been wanting to take a photo with you…
William: Ahahaha! I had a feeling you did.
William: If that's the case, let us flaunt our evil to the fullest.
— I wonder what the people looking at our photographs in the future will think of us?
Will they think of me as a foolish woman who was spell-bound by the sinful self-righteous king, leading to my own destruction?
(I don't care what they’ll say about me.)
(Because my heart is free and happy.)
Upon returning to the castle after the photoshoot, I guided Will to the dining room.
All the members of Crown were present to celebrate his birthday as planned.
We had cake decorated with strawberries, enjoyed a delicious feast, and drank wine until late into the night—
Kate: Mm… nn…
I was roused from my sleep by the gentle sunlight hitting my eyelids, my body wrapped in the sheets and the heat from last night still lingering.
(Ah, Will and I got intimate last night, and we fell asleep right after—)
(Is Will still asleep?)
I slowly lifted my head from Will’s chest that smelled like roses and caught his eyes, the colour of blood gazing at me.
His eyes seemed to hide a gentle rainfall.
Kate: … Will?
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William: … Kate.
William: How many more of such special moments will we have?
His tone sounded more serious than usual, I gazed at Will while being held close to his chest and listening carefully to his every word.
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William: I don't mean that I’ll let you die easily, but…
William: We’ll never know for sure whether fate will take you away tomorrow.
Kate: Yeah…
William: However, that won't make me regret or give up on loving you…
William: No, instead, that’s why I—
Kate: Will, mm…
William pressed his lips to mine.
The kiss felt more passionate than usual, and I found myself reflexively clinging to his shirt—
Our lips finally parted and he whispered in between ragged breaths.
William: I will risk everything I have to love you.
William: I will listen to and cherish the voices from your heart, and sing the melody of the finest love song.
At that very moment, Will and I shared the same emotion in our hearts.
We didn't know what would happen tomorrow, making that moment all the more precious.
I felt alive.
Kate: Sometimes… I wonder…
Kate: What kind of facial expression will I be wearing when my ultimate destruction comes?
Kate: I think… I’ll surely be smiling happily.
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William: … And when I’m holding your happily smiling dead body in my arms, your poison will spread and stop my breathing too.
Kate: … At that point of time, shall we go to sleep together at the finishing line?
William: … Yeah, sounds good to me.
William: But let's put that plan on hold for a bit.
William: For now, may I kiss those beautifully wicked lips of yours that can charm even the most sinful of men?
Kate: Yes… kiss me, Will.
Kate: Mm… nn…
William: Kate…
The desire in his gaze, the smell of roses in the air, the feeling of his hot fingertips on my skin.
Everything Will gave me fueled my desires and made me breathe.
(I was as good as dead before I met Will.)
I spent my life suppressing and killing my heart, ignoring my inner voice.
I felt lost, not knowing what I wanted.
Loving Will might’ve made me born again.
Kate: Will, Will…
William: … Hm?
Kate: If I keep being loved like this… I might never bear to leave you.
William: Want to hear something that’ll benefit you?
Kate: …? What is it? Please tell me.
William: I requested a day off on the day after my birthday.
William: Because I wasn't confident that I’d be able to let you leave this bed.
Kate: E-Eh…?
I was surprised for a brief moment before I burst out laughing.
Kate: … Fufu, ahaha!
Kate: I didn't expect you to surprise me again this year!
William: It’s not as if you don't know that I’m very loyal to my desires?
Kate: Yes, of course I know that.
William: So, Kate. Shall we make love in bed again, or—
Kate: I want it all. Give me a taste of everything.
William: Alright. … I was just thinking the same thing.
William: We’ll make love so hard, you’ll have scratches on your back.
Kate: Ah.
Will laughed as I looked in surprise at the scratches I left on his back last night.
A few days after Will’s birthday.
I went to the photo studio to collect the photos we took on his birthday—
Studio Owner: Huh? Didn't you just come to pick up your photos earlier on?
Kate: Eh? Was Will here?
Studio Owner: Yes. Fufu, the two of you sure think alike. The photos turned out wonderful too.
(I missed him. … This is embarrassing.)
(But it makes me wonder if Will was looking forward to seeing the photos. I’m happy if that's true.)
Kate: Thank you for taking such wonderful photos of us.
Studio Owner: …
Studio Owner: When he came to collect the photos, I told him “you look happy”.
Kate: Eh?
Studio Owner: But—
– Flashback Start -
William: Happy, huh. That’s strange, because people can never know what’s in another person’s heart.
William: Even though someone appears to be happy, they may be burdened by the feelings of loneliness, conflict…
William: Take these photographs for example. When the future generations look at them, it’s up to them how they want to feel.
William: But that's alright.
William: … Only the people in the photographs know the truth.
– Flashback End –
Studio Owner: That was why I couldn't help but ask him a question.
Studio Owner: “Is your heart happy?”
Kate: What did Will… what did he say?
Studio Owner: “It is, as long as I’m living with her”.
Kate: … I-Is that so?
(I… I see.)
Unexpectedly learning of Will’s genuine feelings made me so, so incredibly happy, I nearly cried.
At that very moment, I felt truly happy.
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theerurishipper · 7 days
Superbat Week Day 4: Undercover
For @superbatweek2024
Just as Clark flies into the Batcave, he can hear the telltale signs of Alfred’s disapproval, directed at the only person foolish enough to invoke them constantly. The subtle inflections in Alfred’s voice, and the dry, sardonic tone indicates to Clark that Bruce has done something reckless, though not exceptionally so. Alfred would not have held back otherwise.
“What did you need me for, Bruce?”
The man in question lifts one eyebrow upon his arrival. “You’re late.”
“Nice to see you too.”
Bruce grunts, and turns to Alfred, who picks up a fancy suit, handing it to Clark with not a small amount of disapproval, though it is not directed at him. Clark can only stare bemusedly at the fancy suit that probably costs more than his entire salary. “If this is your way of telling me— again— that you don’t like the suits I own, I’m sorry to tell you that this is not going to change my mind.”
“Ah, I suppose it was worth a shot, sir,” remarks Alfred, the very picture of sarcasm.
“It’s not a commentary on your fashion choices,” Bruce responds, still typing away at his computer. “It’s a bodyguard uniform.”
Clark stares at the sleek, shiny fabric. “And you’re giving this to me because…?”
“You’re now Bruce Wayne’s official new bodyguard. Congratulations.”
“I can’t believe you just sprung this on me without asking me if I would agree!” Clark huffs, even as Alfred makes final adjustments to the suit he’s now wearing.
“Are you saying no?”
“Then I don’t see a problem. Besides, I checked your schedule, and you seem to be free enough to assist me.”
Clark blinks. “You what?” Beside him, Alfred sighs as he adjusts Clark’s sleeves.
“I see that our previous talks about boundaries have entered through one ear and escaped through the other already, Master Bruce.”
“I don’t remember any such talk.”
“As I said,” Alfred intones, waving a dismissive hand towards Bruce, who responds with a childish pout. Or as he would call it, a dignified silence.
“Aw, it’s alright, Alfred,” Clark consoles. “I don’t mind. It’s kind of sweet, actually.”
Alfred directs his eyes to stare down Clark judgementally. “You both certainly are made for each other.”
“Thank you.”
The details of the case are simple enough. Bruce Wayne is being targeted by a fellow competitor, a man by the name of Maxwell Steele, who wants him gone. Batman is currently looking into this competitor to find out why. Bruce is to be meeting with this competitor in an hour, and wants Clark to tag along as a lie detector posing as his bodyguard.
Clark can’t say he’s displeased with the idea, or the thought of helping Bruce out in this way. It’s even kind of exciting. He’s only ever seen this happen in movies.
“You’re a superhero, Clark. You can fly and shoot lasers from your eyes.”
“But I always preferred the secret agents over the bombastic superheroes,” Clark responds, grinning at his reflection in the mirror. “And now I get to be one for real! It’s cool.”
“If that is what ‘floats your boat,’ Master Clark.”
Clark grins, and slips on the shades the Bruce hands him. “So, do I look the part?” he asks, and listens with great satisfaction to the uptick in Bruce’s heart rate.
“…Yes, you do.”
Clark grins. This just might be fun after all.
Maxwell Steele is a man who is very much not upending the stereotypes this evening. He is as suspicious looking and sleazy as one would expect when they think of an evil businessman. Clark feels like he is way more excited than he should be; after all, he is standing right before someone who is trying his hardest to kill Bruce.
The man in question is rambling about his latest business ventures, while Bruce sits before him pretending to be someone who is only pretending to be interested. Clark finds it almost baffling how well Bruce can embody the spirit of the character he puts on.
“And, of course, we intend to finalize our dealings, of course—”
“I just have one question,” Bruce interrupts, leaning forward. “Your company has come under fire— several times, in fact— for your alleged involvement with some of the more… notorious criminals of Gotham. I must admit, I find the idea of doing business with someone involved in those kind of affairs rather frightening. Wouldn’t you think so too?”
Steele gives his sincerest effort to put on an expression of affront. As is, he just looks nervous and guilty. “Mr. Wayne,” he sputters, “I must tell you that everything you have ever heard regarding that is unsubstantiated!”
“I would never support criminals in such a manner—”
Steele leans back in his chair, and takes a deep breath.
“— and I have always tried to use my wealth to deal with them.”
Clark frowns. That can’t be right.
“Honestly, Mr. Wayne, I take offense to your assumptions about me! Why, certainly you must have experience with having the vultures assume the worst of you. The most uncharitable tabloids are always looking for something to invent to disparage the characters of good men, and—”
“Yes, yes, I understand, Mr. Steele,” Bruce interrupts. “Thank you for meeting with me. We will get back to you with further details.”
Once the man leaves, and Bruce returns to his office, Clark closes the door behind them with a grin. “Who’s gonna tell him that being accused of sleeping around and being accused of colluding with criminal masterminds aren’t exactly in the same ballpark?”
Bruce grunts. “If he doesn’t know that by now, then no one’s ever going to be able to change his mind.” He levels Clark with a look. “What did you learn?”
“Well, he’s definitely lying about almost everything. But he did seem to be telling the truth when he mentioned that he was dealing with the villains, even though I don’t quite buy what he said.”
Bruce taps his finger on his chin, deep in thought. “Dealing with the villains… perhaps his phrasing is where we need to look. He’s making some sort of deal with one of them.”
“To kill you?”
“Possibly.” He looks back at Clark, eyes steely and focused. “I will pay him a secret visit tonight, and see what I can find regarding any unsavoury dealings. Maybe then—”
As it turns out, Bruce doesn’t even need to go looking for the trouble. The trouble just comes to find him. Clark throws himself over Bruce, rolling him across the shiny floor of his office as fire shoots in through the now shattered windows. Clark lands over Bruce’s body, and they watch as Firefly comes barrelling in through the window, spraying pieces of glass everywhere. Clark surreptitiously blows away some of the stray pieces before they can hurt Bruce.
“I gotta thank you, Wayne,” Firefly goads. “I just got a massive payday for trying to get rid of you. It’s almost too easy to make money these days, huh? Where’s the challenge?”
Clark rises to his feet. If he finds a way to get Bruce out of here, Batman can come and clean up this mess. But it wouldn’t do to break his cover, either…
“Get back, Mr. Wayne,” Clark growls, putting on a deep, intimidating voice. Behind him, Bruce does an excellent impression of a cowering puppy. Clark reaches out a hand as though shielding him. “I’ll protect you.”
Firefly bursts into laughter. “That’s rich. You think you can take me on? With what, your dopey sunglasses?”
You’d be surprised, Clark almost says. But he doesn’t. Because he’s a bodyguard, and they aren’t really supposed to quip around. That’s what the movies say.
Instead, Clark jumps for Bruce as Firefly unleashes another spray of fire. He shoves himself over Bruce, and then pushes him towards the window. “You’re toast, you asshole!” rages Firefly, flying towards him, flamethrowers at the ready.
In the three seconds it takes for Firefly to reach him, Clark takes the time to observe the crowd gathering outside the building, watching with bated breath. He watches Bruce’s expression twist into one of utter exasperation, the look of fear falling off his face once he is sure that Firefly is focused on Clark completely. And he watches the wires connected to the tank on Firefly’s back sway with the force of his flight.
As Firefly shoots towards him, Clark grabs onto the wire, pulling Firefly with it before the man can use his flamethrowers. Using the one on the left, Clark deftly spins the man around and around, wrapping him up in his own weapon. And then he knocks him out with a solid right hook.
Clark secures Firefly to Bruce’s fancy desk, which is bolted into the ground, making it a convenient restraint. With Firefly taken care of, Clark turns back to Bruce.
Only to find him teetering on the edge of his own building, hanging on to the edge of his destroyed wall. People are screaming, outside, and Clark just gives Bruce a judgemental look, knowing that no one can see him. “Don’t you dare.”
Bruce, for his part, just gives him an expression of utmost satisfaction. “Whoops,” he says, completely deadpan, before he lets his fingers go lax, starting his descent towards the pavement below.
Clark doesn’t even think twice. Grabbing Firefly’s flamethrower— the one connected to the wire on his right— he jumps after Bruce, and grabs him by the waist. Bruce, steady heartbeat belying that he is quite unconcerned despite the expression of fake terror on his face, turns to face him as they hang midair, and wraps his arms around his neck.
“My hero!” he simpers, loud enough for people to hear, and then he kisses him. And despite the sheer audacity of the man, Clark lets him, because he really does feel like he deserves it today.
“Hey, listen to this,” Clark says, laughing. “Bruce Wayne seduces new bodyguard after near death experience. Bruce, you’re famous again!”
“Very funny,” Bruce grumbles. “Of course they’d report on that instead of on Maxwell Steele’s arrest.”
“I guess being arrested for colluding with Firefly isn’t juicy enough for the Gotham Gazette.”
Clark lets Bruce type at his computer a while longer, happy to just sit there and soak up the feeling of satisfaction of a job well done.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Bruce finally says, cutting through the silence. “How did you manage to speak in such a… different voice?”
Clark grins. “Extremely precise muscle control.” He lets his voice drop lower into the deep, silky baritone he’d adopted for his role. “Do you like it, Mr. Wayne?”
Bruce turns to face him, and Clark grins. He speeds off, and returns dressed in the suit, just in time for Bruce to give him a once-over. “I suppose I do,” Bruce replies.
“Which does remind me,” Clark vocalizes, slipping the shades onto his face. “We haven’t yet discussed the terms of my payment.”
“How much would you like?”
Clark stands, and stalks over to Bruce, keeping a serious, emotionless expression on his face. He rests his hands on the armrests of Bruce’s chair, and leans into Bruce’s space until their lips are only a few inches apart. “I believe,” he rumbles, “that we can come to some other arrangement.”
Bruce licks his lips, otherwise expressionless. But his hands come up to run all over Clark’s chest, over the muscles of his arm, around his neck. They come up to his face to trace around his eyes, or rather, around the shades covering them.
“So do I.”
Clark just grins, and kisses him. Being disguised as a bodyguard really did have its perks, even if it was only for a day. He got to have the whole movie experience, down to getting with a hot love interest in the end. It doesn’t get much better than that.
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furicookiebndz · 7 months
Lucifer x !FemReader : My old friend
Hello everyone, it is my first time writing this, i hope it will be good enough, have fun! This fan art isn't mine. Full credits to the amazingly talented artist/creator.
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It has been thousands of years since evil began.
Lucifer, whose pride blinded him, attempted to dethrone the creator, only to ultimately fail and be banished from Paradise.
Lilith, who refused to submit to Adam, in turn fled from this magical place, but which hides many facades.
Yet few people know that with them, a third person flew out of Paradise. And even rarer are people who know the cause, 3 to be precise.
However, behind this unusual act lie very dark secrets, seen as…
-Can you stop, Vag'? You're giving me a headache.
The young woman turned her head towards the source of this execrable voice, a spider who was visibly lying carefree on the sofa, arms behind her head, a bored expression on her face.
Refraining from answering him, she continued:
Tragic, some thought it was another rebellious woman, others a fallen angel because of a serious crime, but that wasn't logical, what's worse than to confront the creator?"
-That doesn't help all of us, the young woman noted, running her hand through her hair, frustrated.
-It would be beneficial to have her on our side, especially if she has such a significant influence on the world of the living and beyond, Charlie concluded thoughtfully.
-But she hid from the world, living as a hermit. Many think it's a myth, but given what's been happening lately, I believe it's much more present than sinners think.
Vaggie rubbed her temples, trying to come up with an idea.
-Who the hell are you talking about? I hate it when you pretend to be Sherlock and leave me like the old cookie in the back of the cupboard.
-Are you interested in what we do? retorted Vaggie sarcastically
-No, more about why you were busting my balls, joked Angel.
-You don't even have one, asshole, mumbled quietly Husk, taking a sip of his cheap booze.
-Want to check~? It is free for you kitty cat.
-Not even for a thousand balls, growled quietly Husk, who was beginning to lose his patient.
-Ouuh finally a price there is progress, Daddy, the spider sent him a kiss
Alastor, who was reading a book by the fireplace, decided to speak
-Charlie, Darling, you seem concerned about this person Let me see…
He seemed surprised for a moment, before smiling more, if possible.
-My my, what a terrible coincidence. The person you are looking for is one of the most sought after. Didn't Lucifer tell you about Lady (Y/N)?
-Um… We're not exactly talking about all that-
“Daddy issues,” Husk muttered.
Alastor continued:
-As reported in this document, she flew away shortly after your parents. She was a person living in Heaven, she was not human, but not an angel entirely though, she had two pairs of wings, although she is the appearance of a mortal, yet she had her own power, not to be underestimated. She embodied humor, justice and determination. In short, all these things that are way too boring-
-Cut it short, Alastor, Vaggie said, snapping her fingers.
-But when Lucifer challenged God, she did not follow him, not because she had to beat him, but because he knew just as well as she did that what he was doing was wrong. For the first time in her life she felt an immense disappointment in the love he had once inspired in her, and the semblance of a relationship that was perhaps tending to end disappeared with the appearance of the first demon, your father, Charlie.
However, you are aware that shortly after the creation of Lilith, she quickly became friends with your mother, and when she flew away from Paradise, and she learned the cause, she entered in a black anger, so black that Gabriel had difficulty in containing it, Until then, she had always been obedient, never contesting the decisions, which were of infallible Justice, but this departure had torn away part of her herself. She confronted the lord, she tried to rally the others to her cause, but nothing changed. Disappointed, she left that place, and no one ever saw her again.
There was a heavy silence for a moment, before Angel said:
-So…Is she still a virgin?
Vaggie rolled her eyes before Charlie had an idea:
I'm sure she's not that far away. Maybe I should ask my father to contact her again. She must care about him, at least I hope so, and if I convince her, Gabriel won't be able to object!
Vaggie refrained from adding a comment, she knew it was too good to be able to do it, but in front of her girlfriend's adorable face, she couldn't refuse anything.
-No, Lucifer said firmly, before Charlie could even finish his idea.
-But dad-
-End of discussion, I don't want to hear anything, he turned around and mechanically squeezed the rubber duck in his hand, like an anti-stress ball.
Lucifer seemed elsewhere, deep in thought. His friend, his old friend…
“Luciferrrrr!” A burst of joy appeared as she walked towards him, a smile on her lips, a book in her hands.
Lucifer as usual had a lyre in his hands. He looked up at Y/N and smiled.
One discussion led to another, he shared his ideas about the mortal world, while she agreed with some and shared her opinion on others. They would sometimes just stay silent, or she would read aloud from a book, and he would then accompany her with his lyre.
Such a beautiful memory…
Why Lucifer?! Why did you do this?
This same friend was there with her eyes filled with tears, disappointed in him.
Lucifer looked down. One mistake, just one mistake, had caused him to lose those he considered family, and his closest friend.
He wanted to tell her that it was just a misunderstanding, that it was for the best, but the damage was already done.
He took Lilith's hand and without a word, left for their new home.
The young woman, in tears, could only watch them leave, the man she loved and her friend, without being able to do anything, because her principles prevented her. Gabriel placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, and said nothing. If she knew, he couldn't imagine how she would have reacted
Lucifer seemed to come out of his thoughts and focused on a family portrait. Lilith was already gone, after their separation he only had his daughter left, and after a second of thought he sighed and said:
-I'll see what I can do…
-It's true? Oh thank you Dad, thank you thank you thank you!, cried Charlie enthusiastically.
She took him in her arms, and Lucifer said to himself that finally, if having a hug from his daughter meant having to seek the 7 rings of Hell and even the beyond, he would do it without complaining.
Now all that remained was to find it, the most complicated part…
Lucifer, Charlie and the hotel members thought for several days, using all their knowledge and powers to find her. If she was neither in Hell, nor in Heaven, or even in the mortal world, she must be between the latter options-
Lucifer suddenly had an idea, remembering a conversation they had shared long ago, and he cast an incantation, which opened a portal to a world- no, a unique place, so messy and blurry, and yet so… familiar, as if he were…
“In the middle of a dream,” Charlie whispered softly. The rest of the team followed her, looking around curiously. Lucifer asked himself so many questions, was it a place where souls rested between life and death? He did not know it. After all, the soul left the body for a while when it slept, that would explain the place.
-Who are you? I sense human souls, but something else…
They saw several women advancing, of great beauty, similar to fairies, but armed, ready to defend themselves, if it was not for another who stopped them by raising her hand, she advanced slowly, and Lucifer recognized her completely. right now.
-(Y/N)..Lucifer seemed upset to see her, and tried to pull himself together by talking to himself. "Ok, Ok. It's going to be okay buddy, you can do it, you can do it", When he met her gaze, he lost all his courage and hid behind Charlie.
-What? I-I'm just covering your back Charlie.
-At least what I thought of you is true, you're just a sissy Lucifer, Alastor sneered.
You looked at him for a moment, the man you had loved for thousands of years, it was..strange. You didn't know whether you should greet him or hit him.
-Lucifer, what is the honor of this visit worth to me? In 10,000 years you have never had the decency to come visit me.
Sarcasm. Something unusual about you, he couldn't help but admire you. Your two pairs of wings were now grey, but your eyes were still this soft (e/c) shade, but now full of resentment, and perhaps.. mockery?
-And you, you must be his daughter, mhh?
You moved closer to her and observed her suspiciously, while she was sweating profusely, and Vaggie seemed on the edge on attacking you, and to her surprise, you smiled widely and took her in your arms, with surprising strength.
-My lord you are his carbon copy, so pretty~, you squish her cheek cheeks and gush about her, while she laughs awkwardly.
Everyone was stunned by how fast the tension dissipates, and the women behind you giggle, seemingly aware by how fast your emotions tend to change. Lucifer smiles, maybe he still had a chance..
-But you seem so polite, unlike some, you cast a dark look at Lucifer, and greeted the others with a sympathetic and curious look, their offering to sit down for a while to talk.
...maybe not finally.
-If I understood everything, you created a hotel to rehabilitate sinners… and are trying to convince Heaven, is that right?
She nodded and Lucifer tried to add something, but you stopped him:
-I don't speak with traitors and liars, especially if they forget to send me a life message for eons.
Lucifer doesn't say anything wanting to make anything worse. He knew he was wrong, and sighed heavily.
(Y/N)-1 Lucifer-0.
-Damn, this girl is awesome, Angel whispered excitedly.
Vaggie continued:
-Lady (Y/N), you still have decent relationship with heaven.Could you try talking to some highers-up about it? Like Gabrie-
-No, this thing is no longer part of my circle of close friends, I can still try to talk about it again with Sera and Emily, but I can't do anything with the other weirdo.
Charlie felt hopeless, and she took your hands and looked at you with a miserable expression.
-I beg you, you must speak to him, my people are dying every year at the hands of the exorcists, and I-I cannot stand by and do nothing. Can you try..?
At his beaten puppy look, you widened your eyes, it was exactly-
Please don't tell them where I was, Lucifer pleaded with adorable eyes. You sighed but smiled, nodding your head.
-Well, i will. But I'm not promising anything though-
-Thank you thank you thank you, she hugged you, and you hugged her back with a smile.
Lucifer felt his heart beat faster, these two women who are precious to him have finally met, and got along better than he expected.
Now all he had to do was sort out one last problem.
Explanations were made. You listened patiently, and after a while you answered:
-Why Lucifer, didn't you tell me before? I-I thought I was your friend.
Lucifer held her gaze, and for the first time in millennia he took his courage in both hands and took hers:
-I didn't want to see your disappointed look, I know I made a mistake, but I only thought about doing the right thing. And I-
-You got scared?
He nodded, and you sighed:
-I don't blame you, at least not anymore.
He raised his eyes, feeling a bit of hope, and feeling Charlie's encouraging look, he continued:
-So, can we try again? I mean our relationship- Well our friendship!
He blushed slightly and you chuckled softly:
-Yes, always Lucifer.
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wilwarin-wilwa · 11 months
have the urge to ask about your thoughts on maedhros, particular or otherwise
*vibrating with giddiness* where do i even start!!!!
it's no wonder that he's a fan-favorite. it's not just about him being good-looking and tragic (because that applies to most of the characters haha) but it's about how well-written and compelling his arc is. it's the embodiment of this part of the doom of mandos: "to evil end shall all things turn that they begin well".
from the moment he ALONE refuses to burn the ships to the time he ALONE searches for elurid and elurin, he stands out among his brothers as The Good Feanorion. his defining characteristic throughout almost the entirety of the silmarillion is that he tries to be an honorable person, to do things the right way, to fix what his father broke and minimize the harm of the oath. he holds on to that determination for so long, but despite his best efforts, he fails and fails and fails.
and then the third kinslaying happens and maglor has a mom-said-it's-my-turn-on-the-moral-compass moment and it's like the last remnant of goodness in maedhros has been snuffed out. he has no more hope or willpower left in him. and it is SO !! because there used to be so much of it in him!!! but he's the one who willingly lets go of it. he becomes convinced that everything good he ever did was in vain (i want to shake him by the shoulders and tell him that it is NOT) so there's no point in trying anymore. it pains me that he thought it impossible that eru could release them from the oath or that their crimes could ever be forgiven. his despair became his downfall, and that ties in well with the recurring theme of hope in tolkien's works.
i'm not sure if you might be referring to this post of mine but here you go anyway: i like to imagine a scene in which maglor snaps at maedhros after the second-kinslaying. he resents maedhros for agreeing to it and letting it happen in the first place, and he resents maedhros for leaving him to deal with the aftermath of it (e.g. burying the dead) while maedhros himself goes on his hopeless search for dior's children. i guess it was a moment of weakness for maglor in which the combination of guilt, grief, horror, and anger overwhelms him, and he takes it out on the nearest target. he can't take it out on celegorm, who came up with the idea, because celegorm is dead. and i think that after the third kinslaying, maedhros envies maglor. he envies maglor for being able to save elrond and elros (unlike his own failure to save their uncles) and he envies maglor's ability to still experience hope and compassion. but the only reason maglor still has those things is because he wasn't the one trying and trying and trying and experiencing soul-crushing failure every time.
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jackoshadows · 11 months
It's already been mentioned that in general Jon Snow is more attracted to personality rather than appearance and if I had to pinpoint to what those specific character traits are I would say that it's an independent nature, being a rule breaker and general proactiveness in getting things done.
Ygritte embodied what Jon loved about the Freefolk - a freedom of sorts from Westerosi biases, societal rules and laws. His journey with the Freefolk changes his long held opinions of them and parallels his love for Ygritte. Ygritte is honest and open about her desires, values her independence and often times it is Ygritte who defends and protects Jon Snow.
And though he does not know or love Val as much as he does Ygritte, it's their similar independent nature and not being beholden to others that he again finds attractive.
All the same, the wildling princess was not beloved of her gaolers. She scorned them all as "kneelers," and had thrice attempted to escape. When one man-at-arms grew careless in her presence she had snatched his dagger from its sheath and stabbed him in the neck. Another inch to the left and he might have died. Lonely and lovely and lethal, Jon Snow reflected, and I might have had her. Her, and Winterfell, and my lord father's name. - Jon, ADwD
Val stood on the platform as still as if she had been carved of salt. She will not weep nor look away. Jon wondered what Ygritte would have done in her place. The women are the strong ones. - Jon, ADwD
And when she wants to help by bringing Tormund's faction to the Wall, Jon lets her, trusting in her capability to go beyond the Wall alone, on a half blind horse, with no protection.
“My lady, you do not have to do this. The risk—” “—is mine, Lord Snow. And I am no southron lady but a woman of the free folk. I know the forest better than all your black-cloaked rangers. It holds no ghosts for me.” I hope not. Jon was counting on that, trusting that Val could succeed where Black Jack Bulwer and his companions had failed. She need fear no harm from the free folk, he hoped … but both of them knew too well that wildlings were not the only ones waiting in the woods. - Jon, ADwD
Or when she partners with Jon to help him with Selyse Baratheon - a Westerosi Queen that he is wholly unimpressed with and wants gone from the Wall as soon as possible.
“Let me help.” “You have. You brought me Tormund.” “I can do more.” Why not? thought Jon. They are all convinced she is a princess. Val looked the part and rode as if she had been born on horseback. A warrior princess, he decided, not some willowy creature who sits up in a tower, brushing her hair and waiting for some knight to rescue her. - Jon, ADwD
And then there is Alys Karstark and the flirty vibes between Jon and her. There is certainly admiration there for Alys on Jon's behalf. Alys who gets on a horse in the harshest of winter, nearly dying trying to reach the Wall and yet doing so in the belief that the son of Ned Stark will help her. Alys who probably grew up hearing stories and songs of the evil Wildlings who rape and pillage and yet agrees to marry one to protect her own inheritance and rightful claim to house Karstark.
Jon turned to Alys Karstark. “My lady. Are you ready?” “Yes. Oh, yes.” “You’re not scared?” The girl smiled in a way that reminded Jon so much of his little sister that it almost broke his heart. “Let him be scared of me.”The snowflakes were melting on her cheeks, but her hair was wrapped in a swirl of lace that Satin had found somewhere, and the snow had begun to collect there, giving her a frosty crown. Her cheeks were flushed and red, and her eyes sparkled. “Winter’s lady.” Jon squeezed her hand. - Jon, ADwD
We as readers and characters like Jon Snow understand that the Freefolk are just like the other denizens of Westeros - good and bad - and yet there's just so much bigotry against them, especially in the North. So Alys - who has never even met one of the Freefolk - entering into a marriage alliance with the Magnar of Thenns is indeed momentous and extremely brave. It has similarities to Dany's marriage with Hizdahr to sue for peace for her people, to bring about an end to the insurgency by the slavers.
So while Jon can be protective towards the characters he cares about - Arya, Sam, Satin - he also really loves that independent streak in the girls he is attracted towards.
Which is why I am really excited for Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen meeting in the books. Even though they have not met yet, I can just sense that palpable chemistry between these two characters based on their personalities. Close in age and maturity, these are two young leaders with a can do attitude, keenly interested in reform and rebuilding a new world. And yeah, Daenerys is really beautiful and yet IMO Jon Snow is going to fall for her personality, regardless of her appearance and not because of it.
And I think that's key considering GRRM's themes of beauty being skin deep and what's important is who we are and not how good looking we are. And despite Jon and Dany not meeting yet, he's laid the groundwork for them getting along like a house of 🔥
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linkspooky · 1 year
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"Ultimate Strength... and the Solitude it Brings!!"
So this is a thoughts for chapter 233, and also a meta on the whole Gojo and Sukuna fight in general as we're nearing the end. My biggest question here is what exactly does this fight mean for Gojo's character? Why is he fighting and how does that compare to Sukuna?
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Before the fight even begins on the eve of Gojo's unboxing we're given a reminder of the loneliness that is at the core of its character. That his central motivation is to raise strong companions so they'll be able to live out the springtime of their youths. That they won't be left alone the way that he was, and the way that also Geto was before he fell from grace.
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It seems like Gojo's takeaway here was "I need to intervene earlier" otherwise another Geto will happen. Which is why he his next action in the manga is to find Megumi and recruit him, with the warning that if he's not strong enough he'll be left behind. Because this is Gojo logic we're working here strength = good.
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If he raises strong enough companions he'll finally have equals. If he raises students who are strong enough, they won't fall to the corruption of the Jujutsu World.
He doesn't want children to be left alone the way he was left alone as a child, and the way Geto was. However, he also rather condescendingly thinks that the only people who could possibly be on his level are those who are physically strong. There we see Gojo's good intentions mix with how ingrained he is into the society that he was raised in.
The foundation of Jujutsu Society is might = right.
I'm going to borrow a quote from another manga to explain it. Don't read it because the author is a criminals but Makoto Shishio espouses views that are pretty similiar to all of Jujutsu Society as a whole (and yes even Gojo).
Saitro: Kill evil quickly. Shishio: Kill evil quickly? Am I evil? What is evil? In my eyes weakness is evil, raw power is justice.
We actually see this theme repeated over and over again "the ugliness of the weak" or how wekaness itself is considered a crime.
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Ironically these two characters who decry the ugliness of the weak then go on to be mass murderers... so you know. Look in the mirrors, guys. People who are victims are often condescendingly spoken down to, lambasted while they're in pain, told they are wrong.
Then you have characters like Toji who while being horrible people are almost fetishiticallly praised just by the virtue that they are strong. Like yes, Toji abandoned his son, solid him, then gambled away all the money he got from selling him, and then killed a high school girl by shooting him in the back of the head but... he was so strong.
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Maki becoming more like Toji is apparently a good thing, because you know... he was just so strong. Toji is a pathetic manchild and a loser but because he fits Jujutsu Society's ideal of raw strength so well he ends up being held up regardless as some kind of gold standard.
Which kind of just goes to show how twisted the ideals of Jujutsu Society are. "Weakness is evil, and raw power is justice."
No one embodies this viewpoint more though than Sukuna. In his brief fight against Yuji he almost quotes another Makoto Shishio quote word for word.
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Makoto Shishio: "The weak's reason for being is to be food for the strong. Those who are even too weak to be food have no right to exist and the strongest of the strong are at the top of the food chain. The Meiji government is weaker than I am and has no right to be in control of this country. Power belongs to the strong, it belongs to me alone. Taking over this country is my right by natural law. If you're strong you live and if you're weak you die."
Sukuna even says something similiar early on that it's ridiculous that Gojo isn't in charge of the entire sorcery world because of his position as the strongest.
Sukuna just like Gojo before entering the fight receives another reminder of just how alone he is as an individual in his fight against Yorozu, which is where the quote about the loneliness of the strongest emerges from. Yorozu's fight ends with a flashback of Yorozu in the heian era recognizing how alone Sukuna was while the rest of his crowd was worshipping him and despreately wanting to be by his side.
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Whereas, before entering the fight Shoko reflects on how Gojo would never allow her to be by his side even though she's been right next to him for years.
The parallel is pretty clear here, these are two people who stand alone at the top of the food chain. They are the extreme version of "right of the individual" or "right of the strong." To borrow from another manga Tokyo Ghoul this time on how to define right of the strong.
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"Every disadvantage in the world is from a lack of competence..." or translated in other version's a lack of individual competence. It's the extreme form of individualism that both Gojo and Sukuna represent, if you're tramepled upon, violated, abused, it's your fault for being weak and letting it happening. If you were simply strong enough you could have prevented it from happening.
Gojo and Sukuna both see the world in that black and white logic, however, Gojo has the added burden of his duty as a sorcerer of protecting non-sorcerers that he took on from Geto. Gojo can't kill without meaning or just use his power to stomp over others because Geto drilled it in his head at his weakest moment post Riko's death and awakening that it's important for sorcerers to have meaning to their actions.
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In every other way though Gojo is a believer of right of the strong. IT's what he preaches and practices. Hence why his problem solving method is just to win the big fight all alone. Every conflict in the world and every problem to be solved is just a matter of being strong enough in Gojo's eyes.
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Which is why I wonder if that explains Gojo's attitude towards this fight with Sukuna. Megumi's life is on the line, the chips are down on the table, but Gojo just seems to treat this like it's a champion prize fight.
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Gojo's attitude is notably different from when he was fighting in the beginning of the Shibuya Incident Arc.
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Gojo's angry that Jogo and the cursed family are trying to gang up on him and win using strategy rather because none of them are individually strong enough to beat him on their own. He's vicious and brutal the entire fight because it's almost like they've insulted him by trying to challenge him.
Whereas with Sukuna despite the fact that the emotional stakes are way, way higher. Despite the fact one of Gojo's students is in danger and he may even have to kill said student, Gojo just jokes around the entire time and seems to be enjoying himself. It seems like this would be the fight for Gojo to get lose his mind and get unhinged but no.
Yuji and Gojo are both characters who admit they might have to kill Megumi in order to resolve this situation, but look at the differences in their reactions.
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Yuji's horrified, and to be fair in Yuji's defense even if Yuji is forced to kill Megumi in order to "save" him. Yuji was the previous host of Sukuna and he was one hundred percent willing to get killed by Yuta or Gojo if he ever went out of control again.
However, Gojo's response to the fact that Megumi got possessed is... let's say less serious.
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"I can totally beat up Megumi."
Now, in Gojo's case in comparison to Yuji. Yuji is just a child of Megumi's age and he was also in Megumi's position of being taken over by Sukuna before this and was willing to risk his life on that. Gojo is in a position of power over Megumi. He was obligated to protect Megumi, and now having failed in that obligation isn't really making any attempt to save him.
Now, do I think Gojo is actually trying to kill Megumi?
I'm hovering towards no at the moment. His line here indicates that he thinks there may be a way to revive Megumi after he kills Sukuna once.
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However, I think the author wants us to quesiton whether or not GOjo's priorities are really in the right here. After all the other characters are questioning if he's actually trying to help Megumi. Megumi's already been on the receiving end of the unlimited void because of Gojo using his body as a punching bag.
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Rather, I think the takeaway here is that Sukuna is bringing out the worst in Gojo because Sukuna represents Gojo at his worst and most toxic. Gojo totally believes in that individual right of the strong.
He thinks that it's the way the world works, everything comes down to how individually strong you are. If you want to fix something? Well just raise a buch of strong children into strong adults and that'll solve everything.
This fight is everything that appeals to Gojo's black and white world view, because he can fix this whole situation with a heavy weight prize fight match between him and Sukuna. Which is where we get to the line this chapter that I used as the banner image.
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Why is Gojo fighting here?
Is it because he wants to save Megumi? Is it because he needs to save all of his students and Tokyo as a whole from Kenjaku?
Or is he just fighting for personal satisfaction to be secure in his position as the strongest?
The situation we're in right now reminds me so much of his lines towards Amanai shortly after he awakaned as the strongest. He should be angry for Megumi's sake but...
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At the moment the only thing that seems to matter is his fight against Sukuna and the satisfaction from winning.
I guess that's just what happens when you're a main character in a Shonen Manga.
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cairavende · 6 months
Worm Arc 18 thoughts:
Well that sure just happened
I'm fine
Noelle ate my daughter. But I'm fine. It's fine.
Her girlfriends are gonna save her!
I'm fiiiiine
Anyway, that's like, the end of the arc so there's a lot of other stuff that happens!
Taylor casually drops that she's mostly blind in conversation and Brian kinda freaks out. Understandably.
She got eye drops that she is supposed to be doing but never mentions doing them. I'm very disappointed in her. I'm also worried her eyes aren't going to ever get better.
I do love that the moment Dinah says she only has a 58% chance of going home and Taylor realizes it's because of her, she forces the situation by taking Dinah home right away. She is far from perfect, but she does have her moments.
One of my favorite lines, when Taylor asks Dinah the chance of trouble before they go into the medical clinic "When there's trouble, it's you.  Eighty percent of the time." Just, kinda embodies the spirit of Worm I think.
I'm still fine.
Taylor sure thinks about Rachel as Rachel a lot now, instead of mostly as Bitch. GAAAAAY.
I really want to know what's on those papers Dinah left for Taylor. Triumph saw them but didn't seem to react. One might have been a message for him, since Dinah would know he would see it. Something that will come into play later maybe.
I love Parian making a giant wiener dog for everyone to ride on. Like, it is a definite upgrade in transportation from "door with glass stuck in it dragged down the street" but it doesn't have much of a supervillain vibe to it.
Noelle just starts it off with grabbing possibly the strongest cape available in Brockton Bay. At a minimum, one of the most versatile to clone. No big deal. Not like even just normal Vista could become very dangerous if she wanted to be evil.
Freaking PRT all "this is a Class A instead of a Class S cause Eidolon is a big man baby and needs to punch something all on his own to prove he's strong". Sure are helping people Alexandria. Good job. What a hero.
I think Eidolon is Bargain Bin Scion. Scion Lite. Blue Light Special Scion. A shitty version of Scion created by Cauldron basically.
Clockblocker is so fucking fascinated with Skitter it's amazing.
Tattletale made Eidolon maaaaaad! I love her.
I'm perfectly fine.
The scene with meeting the Chicago Wards, oh god I loved it so much! Skitter tells Bitch to clear the plywood out of a window and she just instantly fucking kicks it open, then a giant swarm comes in and swirls around everyone and covers Skitter, making her hair move and trailing bugs behind her like a gown, and then starts speaking with the swarm. And Tattletale waits until the perfect moment before asking the Wards their names and powers, very clearly backing Skitter up as her 2nd. Just such a "ok I was playing nice but now I need you to know who you are working with!" power move. Fucking amazing. Also it was Skitter being assisted by Bitch and Tattletale! GAAAAAAAAAAAY!! LESBIAN SUPERVILLAIN POWER POLYCULE!
I think Grace has neat powers but could have been more creative with her name. I fucking love Tecton though, assume tinker. Dude has got to love fights like this, where he is allowed to do all the property damage he wants. He'd make a good villain.
The other two are kinda neat too but they didn't last very long.
Every time they are going anywhere Bitch specifically offers Skitter a ride. GAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
I love seeing the range of power adjustments the clone Vistas get. Some are pretty basic - can do stuff from farther away or not be slowed down if a lot of people are around - but then we get ones like Paper Mario Vista and Imagine Dragons Vista, with much more wild powers.
Everyone stand back while Eidolon goes and shows us all how strong he is! God.
I'm 100% FINE.
Side effect of being blinded probably, but it is neat how good Taylor is getting at listening, and sometimes even seeing, through her bugs! Just listening in on Eidolon and Noelle from blocks away.
Imp almost gets crushed to death by Eidolon's gravity power cause she ignores warnings from Skitter to run. Sounds about right.
Noelle making rat clones and bug clones (that Skitter can't control) is fun.
Fucking projectile vomit attack suddenly! Did Noelle absorb the girl from the Exorcist??
Texas Wards kinda getting their ass kicked. (Also what the hell is going on in Texas that the whole state apparently just has the one Wards team, vs most places have a Ward team per city?)
Fight is going kinda poorly. Travelers show up to help! And then Trickster betrays everyone to feed my daughter to Noelle! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
I'm fine.
The Most Powerful Man in the World Interlude thoughts:
Scion just really is empty in there isn't he?
Not a person, just a construct of the entities in 3 dimensional space. Sphere moving through Flatland and being seen as a circle style. No mind, just does what this guy tells him.
Duke is a very good dog.
Kevin talking about Scion 100% sounds like someone talking about a lover that has been lots of trouble for them but that they just can't quite.
Lisette is having a weird day.
I really wonder how the next Endbringer attack is going to go now that Scion has been told to kill them. Wonder if it'll be different.
Crusader Interlude thoughts:
Shockingly, it turns out that the Nazi is an asshole. News at 11.
Night and Fog were basically constructed by this Gesellschaft group. Seems like a branch of Cauldron pretending to be Nazis for more control over things. Or maybe not directly a branch of Cauldron, but they get powers from Cauldron. Maybe not related, but they make weapons, which is very much what Cauldron can do, and we haven't seen anyone else yet reliably make powers with control over the outcome.
This poor TA is having a bad day.
Taylor triggered 2 or more times in that locker. I was 100% positive of that the second the TA said "You can’t really distinguish a single trigger event from having two in quick succession." I probably should have realized this earlier.
Really curious where Theo and Aster's stories are going. I could see one or both of them being a major part of the end of the world (based on stuff from Trickster's visions on stuff from Noelle's interlude I'm thinking a 3rd or 4th generation cape might play a part in it), but I could also see them being red herrings.
Theo is upset but realistically getting abandoned and left with the PRT is the best option that could have happened to him.
Jessica Yamada Interlude thoughts:
This poor woman
Faultline Interlude thoughts:
OH MY GOD Gregor and Shamrock are super fucking cute together!!!!
Faultline is amazing and very organized and detail oriented and an assertive leader who wears a dress shirt with slacks and cowboy boots and threatens to get a bullwhip and I would really like her to tell me what to do k thx.
Not positive I would trust the minor precog abilities of Shamrock to make me Simurgh proof, but it's better than nothing.
The quarantine zone of the city of Madison is doing great!
Wasn't expecting to get to see Matroyshka again, that's neat! She should probably stop eating people but otherwise she's fun.
Faultline just not being able to stand Tattletale is wonderful. I hope they bother each other for years to come.
I like this crew, so I was not happy that they got really fucked up by Contessa. But I also want to like Contessa (as much as I can like someone who works for Cauldron) and this did make her seem really badass.
Noelle Interlude thoughts:
I'm fine.
Regent keeping up the jokes under pressure, good for him.
Finally got some good descriptions of Noelle's powers doing stuff which was very good.
I'm fine.
Also fun to see various clones and their powers.
AND THE VISION! OH MY GOD THE VISION! So much good info from that. It helped me get a much better idea of things and confirmed a lot of things I already thought. (Like Cauldron has basically hijacked an entity, more or less. Not the details on how though.)
I'm fine.
The fact that Noelle can let the god dandruff take control is interesting. Like her connection never got fully closed compared to other people. Which is what I assumed only taking half a vial did. Really curious to see if we ever get more info on Oliver.
Her Earth Bet self is like, 15 years younger. But still has the same name. Kinda wild.
I'm fine.
Also her Earth Bet dad gave her the name Echidna, which like, I get it's the mother of monsters or whatever, but I can only think of the cute adorable little creature!
I'm fine.
I obviously wish Eidolon had been able to defeat Noelle and save my daughter but him having a big sad about it not being fair that he can't get stronger is pretty funny too. I do not like the guy.
I'm fine.
I'm sure Tattletale has a plan and everything will work out.
I'm fine.
I'm 100% absolutely fine.
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taldigi · 1 month
How is the Amagi Inn holding up? The staff in the original game genuinely care for Yukiko, so are they worried about her?
Unlike kanji, who is not a delinquent as much as he's just trying to keep the peace, yukiko is actually causing problems. She is actively rebelling, going out late, getting into fights and generally being kind of a shithead. That being said she isn't evil. She isn't going to beat the shit out of some random townie, but she'll get into fights with people who pick fights with her or decide to exist in that same delinquent mind space (and are thus fair game.)
I think my main train of thought is a common misconception of her Arc in the actual game. Her story is not so much that she yearns to be free or that she laments her position as much she yearns to have the choice. So yeah, she does choose the inn in the end, but is happy with that choice because she chose it- not because she was obligated. She chose it because she does love her family, the staff, and she loves her Inn... And who says she won't take some time later on in her life to go out in the world and experience it? Nothing is stopping her from going to college for a few years or maybe taking some time away..?
I think a lot of people don't get that. So they express frustration and I thought... What if I actually followed that train of thought? 🧐
Here, she actively rejects and loathes the idea of inheriting the inn- and she loathes her role and The expectations that she has met with. She was pretty much the same girl as Canon up until a particularly traumatic event trademark ™️ when she was young- wherein she had been pinned down by some girls and had her hair cut off. Because to them, she had embodied the idea of... an unobtainable beauty standard. They had felt that she was flaunting it and that attitude needed to be remedied... Little girls are fucking mean and this is an au where she did not have Chie.
She came to the unfortunate reality that people often treated her a certain way because of how she looked. And now that she didn't quite look like that "traditional beauty" (Even though she had not actively chosen her new appearance), people started treating her worse. She doesn't know if she appreciates the new bluntness or hates the fact that she may have been treated differently due to her appearance, but she ends up sticking with the new hairstyle as well as developing a new attitude that is just as much rebelling as it is protecting herself emotionally.
Her family is worried about her and they do care about her. But they've stopped trying to 'fix her'. Even though she comes home with multiple violations when it comes to the dress code (which I don't think the school actually enforces that much so it's been mostly scoldings.), she actually has not been caught for anything, and she does keep her grades up (She wants to leave Inaba eventually after all.) she'll do menial labor tasks for her family but refuses to be a face for it. The inn is still the same inn. In fact, it ends up being where they access the TV as Junes was actually shut down due to the murders.
Most of her shenanigans happen at night. She's known as the Phoenix of Inaba (due to something fire related) in police records and no one is able to identify her (she somehow has managed to stay uncaught and unidentified due to the fact that she often hides out at Hanamura's, the small town grocery whom she is friends with the owner's son.) Until a news report manages to catch what seems to be one of her scuffles and runs a story on The delinquent problem plaguing the Inaba nightlife.
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adragonsfriend · 4 months
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Purple Lightsabers: a new* interpretation
*It's possible this has been proposed before, but if it has, I haven't seen it.
Getting too deep into color symbolism of lightsabers isn't my favorite thing, because it often devolves into "wow look at my OC's rainbow lightsaber," (meanwhile said OC is straight for some reason…) but sometimes I have a thought about it that really gets me. This is one of those:
A common interpretation of purple lightsabers is that they symbolize a balance of the good and evil sides of the force, based on the fact that purple is a mix of blue and red, but as many discussions of gray/dim jedi have established, the idea of using both the evil-side of the force and the good-side is stupid and contradictory to the themes of Star Wars.
I propose that the purple of purple lightsabers are not a mix of blue and red, but a mix of blue and pink.
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Blue lightsabers supposedly indicate a Jedi who is focused on saberwork and strong in using force abilities,
While (the first result on google says), "the color pink is often associated with qualities such as compassion, love, inner strength, and nonviolence, all of which are embodied in characters wielding pink lightsabers."
I am guessing that's a Legends or High Republic lore because they tend to get more into lightsaber colors than any other material, but I'm willing to take it and run.
Doesn't that combination sound like the perfect description of Mace Windu? Like yes he's focused on saber work--he created an entire lightsaber form about it, and he's probably the best duelist in the Order--but it's all in spirit of and service of compassion, protection, and fierce love. Vaapd is a form that requires immense inner strength as well.
It's a combination that is very much about what can physically be done to help people.
Color Mixing,
From a sheer color theory point of view, you cannot get this bright a shade of purple from mixing blue and red--you can get vibrant darker shades that way, but to go lighter you have to add white, and that dulls down the color really quickly:
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If you mix blue and magenta on the other hand, it stays much brighter even when you add white:
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Now tell me which of those better resembles this:
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And before anyone comes at me with the children's hospital thing, yes, I'm aware that it's a very reasonable first assumption for purple to be a mix of red and blue--that is the over simplified to the point of inaccuracy factoid we are taught in schools (in reality, there is a reason it takes most languages a long time to develop a separate word for purple, and it's at least partly because solid clumps of bright purple are actually pretty damn uncommon in nature. Most bright purple dyes are artificial).
In conclusion,
A blue-pink purple works better than a blue-red purple thematically, visually, and socially as well. Going with this interpretation cuts out any need for the idea of Mace and Vaapad actually drawing on the evil-side of the force and the implication of him being somehow related to the Sith. It allows the narrative to focus on the idea of him as a protector rather than the vaguely racist idea that he has inherently more underlying anger than other Jedi.
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cruyuu · 29 days
Yeah I hope sukuna gets a good ending. THAT fandom even liked sukuna despite all his crimes until he killed number 1 poll then suddenly they played the moral card, when they were even convinced GOJO would teach sukuna about love
And kenjaku even abused women eeeh
Honestly I want to see Sukuna smiles not smug, but a genuine smile for the first time, I don't want him to just make funny suffering faces and give those people more material
Hi, anon!
My gripes are not with the fandom (since I don't really care) but rather with the narrative itself. The story itself constantly says that there's no good or bad, but rather that everything is grey.
Like just look at 265 and what Yuuji says to Sukuna. Humans aren't purely good or evil. They're in shades of grey and all lives are created equal. They don't even have to serve a role, they can just exist. They exist outside of memory! (And this is coming from someone who couldn't hear his thoughts nor access his memory...)
At first, I thought it was weird that Yuuji was telling that to Sukuna if he's just going to kill him. Hell, he says he loathes him! So why the contradictory behavior? Why ask him to come back? Why not just kill him?
It is fitting for him to be at the receiving end of that whole speech only if he will live and only if the "end of the cycle of curses" is erasing the good versus bad (right versus wrong) dynamic which Sukuna and Yuuji embody (one has to die, the other live), but accepting the morally ambigious one. I don't know the end game plan and my thoughts are all over the place when it comes to canon because of that, so forgive me.
If Sukuna believes himself to be unworthy of living simply because of being selfish, of not caring for other people opinions and just living for the sake of living, then that explains his vehement anger towards Yuuji still allowing him to live. Because Yuuji hears and listens to other people's wishes and lives according to them, and hence he is considered morally righteous (both by society and by Sukuna), a total opposite of Sukuna. He's someone who's good and pure unlike himself. (But Yuuji himself says that is not the case and we, the readers, know because we've been following his story. He's morally grey more so than embodying pure good.)
The question which is asked is: Why isn't Sukuna condemned for not living according to what is right? Why isn't Yuuji passing judgement onto him? Why isn't he dead but is free to return to his body? He's the epitome of evil, he's a vile monster, he's the absolute worst contrasting Yuuji's absolute best, and if he continues to live he'll just cause more death and misery to Yuuji, so why isn't he dead?
And the answer is: "Because there's no strictly good or bad. I'm not playing the role of a hero and you're not playing the role of a bad guy. We're just ourselves."
Hence, Sukuna cannot be condemned even though he represents someone who deserves to be. This is why he's The Fallen. The one banished from Heaven. The one who's supposed to recieve punishment for his wicked deeds.
Well, if he's the Fallen, then Yuuji is as well which is cleverly illustrated in the narrative:
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He did recieve punishment before, technically. That's why his body was destroyed and why he dwelled within the fingers and never made it out with a proper vessel. He was destroyed but he still survived, and managed to reincarnate himself in a different era which is not treating him the same as the one that did before. Instead of being met with distaste and caution, it's everything opposite. It's everything he can't understand. He's being praised, he's being loved, he's being lifted into Heaven again (and yet he ate his twin and was poor, so technically, he was somebody society wouldn't look at at all).
Yuuji was made to he his vessel, yet again, he's not what Sukuna expected. Instead of being perfect, he's a cage. Instead of being insignificant, he is strong. Instead of being a polar opposite, rejecting everything, he's just taking everything from Sukuna and being accepting, greeting him and interacting with him like he's an old friend despite the fact that they are enemies.
Do you see how everything is the opposite of itself? Quite amazing really.
This is why I love the idea of him surviving. He deserves a happy ending as much as everybody else because everybody was satisfied in the manga despite being selfish, cruel, whatever. If they can, then why can't he? If their mistakes can be forgiven, why can't his?
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uwurakax · 1 year
thank you tiktok for this thought, you are very much appreciated 💕
(obviously had to stick w my man bc like who else am i gonna be down bad for as much as him ykyk?)
but thinking about villain!oikawa and hero!reader:
you and oikawa at always at each others throats, basically the physical embodiment of "fighting like cats and dogs". he alludes you at every turn, laughing at your incompetence.
"is this who they send? how pitiful, don't make me laugh!"
yet despite how at odds you are with him, and regardless of how injured or hurt you get due to his antics, you're never really in any life threatening danger - at least not when he knows you can save yourself.
you hadn't fully recovered the last time you fought, body aching and still a bit sluggish, no where near how you would normally be on your rendezvous with him.
it doesn't take long for you to, in layman's terms, get your ass kicked. hauled through concrete walls of a decaying building, you find yourself trapped under the rubble. too exhausted and drained to move. in your peak physicality, you would've been able to. it doesn't take long for the already broken building to start crumbling down, and no matter how much you want to live, you've known your entire life this was a possibility.
dying a heroic death, fighting against evil seemed honourable.
so you close your eyes and resign yourself to fate...
until he shows up and in a blink of an eye, saves you.
you didn't know what to do after that, constantly thinking about why oikawa decided to save you from impending doom. the opportunity to dispose of his arch-nemesis and get away with, well anything he wanted, and yet...
you decide to lay low for a while, not only needing to start recovery, once again, but to take a break from.. well.. everything.
'it'll be nice to be normal for once, in forever' you think to yourself.
so after resting for a week, you head off for some much needed retail therapy. clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery. you hadn't treated yourself in such a long time, and being a hero sure had its perks; i.e the massive paycheck you receive.
you've already shopped for a little over an hour before a certain store catches your eye. mainly the mannequin wearing a beautiful satin blue, drawstring dress. you head inside, eager to at least try it on. it looked so beautiful in the window display after all!
you found the dress in your size on the rack rather quickly, practically skipping to the change rooms.
who knows, maybe you'd get lucky; your friends always did try to hassle you into going out with them, so who knows?
it didn't take long before the dress sat on your figure, hugging your curves in all the right places. but then the issues arose.
'it's way too short!' you tried pushing the dress down to no avail.
'it's too tight up on the chest' you tried adjusting and pulling on the straps, but it didn't make a difference.
you were grumbling to yourself, upset that you got excited over a dud.
taking one last look in the mirror, you turned around and you knew you definitely couldn't wear this out in public at all. the backside was shorter than the front which was awful, and you didn't realise how much of your back was exposed.
at least you tried it on, but this outfit was much too sexy for your taste.
you were about to take off the dress, hand on one of the sleeves before you heard the speaker in the store go off,
"go outside, now. or i'll blow up this entire street kay?~"
you could recognise his voice anywhere. what the hell was he doing here?! how did he even-?!
you were on autopilot, grabbing a hold of your oversized jumper to cover yourself. you had to hurry before he hurt anyone!
you were running out of the dressing room, attempting to put the jumper on before you heard the speaker go off again
"nuh uh, don't you dare put that on~"
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maulfvckers · 6 months
Maul was re-alived by the Son. Just like Ahsoka was re-alived by the Daughter.
So we know this for Ahsoka because it's done right in front of you and we have the bird and all that jazz. "In plain light," so to speak.
BUT what happened to the Son at the fall of Mortis? Well if you look at it carefully they're immortal beings that aren't exactly bound by space and time. So the Son being pretty damn powerful but probably not as much as the Father. He decides to live on in a dark sider. So... Who's desperate enough, emo enough, and stupid enough to accept the literal embodiment of evil?
Our boy Maul.
It explains a lot about him. It gives a pretty neat Watsonian explanation for his change in voice, it explains why Sidious literally never thinks of him again and is kinda surprised that Maul's alive, and it even explains his weird behavior in Rebels (again a Watsonian explaination). His voice changes because it's literally the Son's voice. Sidious genuinely thinks he died because, well... He did. And his seemingly erratic behavior and split motivations would fit pretty neatly with two different souls fighting for dominance in one body. It even gives a little insight into how Maul was able to "see" more than the average force user even more so than just having the context of his abuser taking over the galaxy.
But we don't see this right? Well... In line with the "light/dark" dichotomy that star wars loves. The reveal of Maul's possession isn't as straight forward or "hidden in the dark." (Yeah it's simple but *sighs* Star Wars) But we DO see it. We see it with the repetition of "the chains are the easy part. It's what goes on in here is hard," by the Son on Mortis as he talks to Ahsoka and by Mauk when he see him on Lotho Minor. We also hear it in his voice. These choices made by the animators were not mistakes in this sense.
We also can see how this plays out in Maul's general inability to draw from the light side even while not being a Sith just like Ahsoka has a general inability to draw from the dark side even while not being a Jedi. For the both of them, they're more or less fixed in their alignments. It explains how no matter how hard Maul tries to do the ultimately right thing by seeking to destroy Sidious, he's never going to experience the connection that comes from being in the light. It's just like no matter how much she despairs that she'll fall to the dark side, Ahsoka never really does (okay I gotta say Warsonian a third time cos I will lose my shit if I say what I really think).
So what does this mean for the narrative? For those two specifically, I think they're a little less in line with the idea "you can choose to be good or bad" and little more "wouldn't it be fucked up if you were possessed by the literal embodiment of evil/good and didn't even HAVE a choice no matter how hard you tried?" And you get some deep thing about free will and moralizing about how great it is. Cos if there's anything Star Wars loves to do it's moralize about things!
So that's just my take on them and I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks this, bit I'd love to hear from your frens. Take care!
I love this, and I'm going to throw in a devil's advocate "Doylist" thought for the hell of it: Witwer voices both the Son and Maul and has a really good grasp on the lore. I think we can feel his influence in both characters' acting, and those similarities may be deliberate choices in their design so those echoes become apparent when looking closely at the execution:
The Son of Dathomir and the Son of Mortis.
I'm particularly fond of your headcanon because I think there are mirrors between the architects (the Celestials, assuming the Mortis Gods were part of that ancient race -- I like to think so but unconfirmed in canon afaik) and the fruits of their efforts, no matter how far they've fallen from the tree.
Thoughts, frens?
Darth Maul is alive truthers, speak up or forever hold your peace.
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 10/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Notes at the end!
Lucifer should've known that even in his sleep, his torment would not stop.
He should have been wiser, but exhaustion dulled his senses, making him lower his guard.
He thought that maybe, maybe, the universe would give me just this little moment. And at the beginning he really thought that. He felt weightless. Like he's not the Morningstar, the fallen angel, the King of Hell, the Sin of Pride, a father or a lover. Like for the first time in a millennia, he simply existed.
So forgive him for his surprise when darkness swallowed his dreams before he could savor them fully.
Roo: Hello, fallen. Been a while, hasn't it?
Lucifer: Roo.
Roo: Don't look at me like that. Our deal is still in effect, you know. I can't do anything more than this even if I wanted to.
Lucifer: You saying you want to do more then? Like harm me?
Roo: Ugh, you silly creatures, always so pessimistic. Can't someone just chill and have fun?
Lucifer: I highly doubt the root of all evil and chaos embodiment just wants to 'chill'.
Roo: Believe what you will, fallen. I am many things, but I am no liar.
Lucifer: Your sister surely is.
Roo had to laugh at that. 
Roo: Yin in every Yang or so they say.
Lucifer: What? You're telling me you have good in you?
Roo: I would think the fact that you get to keep your soul was a sign in and of itself.
Lucifer: That's less than the bare minimum.
Roo smirked and rested her head on her hand, a gesture that grated Lucifer's nerves. He couldn't help but think he should take a page from Adam's book and wipe that shit-eating grin off her face.
Roo: Had the old man never told you to not look at a gifted horse's mouth? 
Lucifer: Enough. Why are you really here?
Roo: If you must know, I merely wanted to ask how you are doing! After all, meeting The Fates must have been quite the experience.
Lucifer: You were looking?
Roo: I wanted to see if my vessel works well. It's not my fault I can see everything you see, hear every thought you think, feel every pain you wish never happened but also desire to inflict onto yourself. I wanna ask, does your pity party ever stop?
Realistically, Lucifer knows that Roo is messing with him; she was deliberately provoking him, reveling in his inner turmoil. She's luring him in, and he's taking the bait.
There's a creeping cold that's getting worse the longer they talk. He thought nothing of it at first but he's now starting to feel it under his skin.
He's well aware of the threat in front of him but doesn't mean he's not going to bite back with force.
Lucifer: I think you're forgetting who delivered the final blow in the first war. You know, the blow that led to your defeat?
Roo's nonchalant and playful facade cracked just a bit that Lucifer knows he struck a nerve.
Lucifer: Hell, shouldn't you be more thankful to me? Without my actions in offering the fruit to humanity, you wouldn't have gained the power you so desperately craved to rise again. And now, here you are, benefiting from my influence once more.
The Sin of Pride couldn't fathom where this sudden surge of confidence came from, but he refused to cower any longer. Roo had expected him to tremble in fear, to bow before her as if she were someone superior to be revered on.
He's sick and tired of everyone assuming he should be the one on his knees, begging for mercy.
Lucifer: How are you the root of all evil when I'm the one who started sin. You should be worshipping me! Now that I think about it, in some twisted way, I was your creator-
His mockery was short lived when the dreamscape glitched and suddenly it wasn't Roo in front of him; it's The Root of All Evil.
Laughter erupted from the shadowy figure, a grotesque sound reminiscent of a rabid hyena's. Refusing to be intimidated, Lucifer continues to put oil in the fire.
Lucifer: Bringing out the big guns for a little comment? Insecure much?
He's bullshitting at this point but damn him if he's going down without an ounce of victory. He also thinks he's lucky to have said as much at all.
The abrupt stop of laughter sent an involuntary shiver down his spine, and then gravity seemed to solidify around him, pressing down with an oppressive force.
Michael: All you had to do was listen.
Lilith: You're exhausting, Lucifer.
Charlie: He's defending this hotel! How come he could have faith in me but my own father can't.
Y̵̛̞̝̳̥͍̏͛͊ö̴̼̭̜̖́͗̒͝ü̴̩͚͆͑ ̵͎̉̒̄̄ả̶̭͈͍̟̳ṙ̵̡̲͙̼͎è̸̮̳̲̊͂̔̍ ̴̠͔̯̘̬̑͝s̵̜̪̗̯̚è̴͇͌̇ṅ̷̘̝̀t̶̛̹̝̄͘ẻ̶͓̱̬͔̅̉ͅn̵̥̽̋̌̓ĉ̴͜e̶̯͇̤̺̤̅̀̅d̵̝̰̬̗̋ͅ ̶̝͕̩͇̱̎̋͝͝ẗ̶̢̊͠õ̶̡̦͖͒̈́̍̍ ̸̧̏F̸̧̬̪̂̋a̸̞͈͍͇̔̓͘͜l̶̬͙̤͈̝̑̕l̵̼͂.̴̱̘̣̽̏̕͜
Lucifer screams. But instead of despair, he feels anger bubbling within him. What the hell is happening to him? He's been snapping more. Why did he snap at Michael? Why did he tell him that he can't wait for Heaven to be destroyed? He never wanted that. All he wanted was to give Eve free will. All he wanted was to love Lilith. All he wanted was for Charlie to be safe. All he wanted was for everything to STOP!
Roo: What's the matter, little devil? Never seen real evil before?
The cold is becoming unbearable now. The lake is frozen and all the greenery had been turned into crystals, consumed by the creeping frost that made them look like solid darkness.
Lucifer gritted his teeth, feeling the chill seeping into his bones, threatening to overwhelm him. He refused to give Roo the satisfaction of witnessing the King of Hell tremble; regardless if it's in fear or not.
Roo: Let me show you just how good of a person I can be. 
Then she's suddenly up on his face and brings a finger to his forehead.
Lucifer can feel Roo's corruption going further inside him and at the same time, a lot of somethings are coming out. It must be his remaining divinity because that's the only reason he can think of on why his Father's tether is screaming and clawing at him. 
He feels himself choke from everything happening all at once but he can't move. Roo has him locked in place and he never felt so helpless.
'Am I going to die here?'
No. Roo said that she won't be the one to deliver him to his demise. Nevertheless, he thinks that this is it.
Roo: Remember these words, fallen. A message from The Fates that you did not get to hear.
Charlie. He wants Charlie.
Roo: With the first soul's ascend, all began to unfold.
Tears begin to form in The King of Hell's eyes. Be it from the pain or fear, he doesn't know. 
Roo: It will end at a star's fall, as the threads have foretold.
Michael! Where is he?! He promised Samael he'll always protect him!
Roo: Trumpets will sing, as the sky recites a prayer.
'Father. Help me.'
Roo: An instrument of Heaven shall come down and be the devil's slayer.
He struggled to remain conscious; he fights to stay awake but he can't even move a finger but his efforts were in vain as he collapsed to the frozen ground, utterly drained. Through hazy vision, he can see Roo staring down at him with a gleeful smile.
Roo: See you soon, my fallen~
He wakes up to the smell of Marigolds.
In Nifty's voice: How was that?!!
You have no idea how long I spent making that rhyme prophecy thingy.
As always, your kind words and actions are greatly appreciated!
My DM's are always open for theories and introspections <3
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𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦 (Shang Tsung x Reader)
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Official Masterlist
Summary: you have made it to the end of time, and everyone you once knew was gone - everyone but the evil sorcerer who enchanted you and gave you everything you could've asked for. But...was this what you really wanted?
A/N: so this one's just short and sweet, I got this idea randomly in my head so I artistically spewed all over my laptop and you guys get to read the mess!!
I wrote this based on the song Within you by David Bowie as well as the scene after the song in the movie Labyrinth. You'll notice the direct quotes from the movie, and all credit goes to the writers of labyrinth. I'll link both videos just below:
I just thought that the song and scene fit Shang Tsung's character so well and I simply couldn't help myself. So, enjoy! <3
How you turn my world, you precious thing, You starve and near exhaust me.
Here you were, at the very dawn and end of all time. Standing before you, was no one other than Shang Tsung.
Everything I've done, I've done for you, I move the stars for no one.
You had started to question your judgement a long while into his scheme, having had it prepared from the moment he escaped the hourglass with you, Fujin and Nightwolf. Ultimately, you had been loyal to him, and you never made it a habit to question him.
'He knew what was best for the two of you,' you'd tell yourself.
You've run so long, you've run so far, Your eyes can be so cruel, Just as I can be so cruel.
But was this what you really wanted?
Everyone you ever had a connection with, everyone you had ever known...they were now all gone, their lives extinguished by Shang Tsung's insatiable hunger for power. The weight of their absence bore heavily upon your heart, and the realization that you had become a pawn in his sinister game began to gnaw at your soul.
As you stood face to face with the embodiment of your servitude, doubts and fears welled up inside you like a tidal wave. The once blinding allure of power and control had faded, replaced by a deep longing for freedom and the restoration of the life you had lost.
Shang Tsung, sensing the turmoil within you, smirked knowingly, his eyes gleaming with a predatory glint.
"Come now, (Y/n)," Shang began, his tone tempting, "is this not what you wanted? Together, we can reshape the realms to our liking. No longer shall we be bound by the constraints of mortality or the fleeting connections of a fragile world."
His words hung in the air, seductive and dangerous. The temptation to embrace the darkness, to let go of the pain and forge a new existence, tugged at the edges of your consciousness.
"...this..." you said, just above a whisper as you shook your head, "...this isn't what I wanted. You...you took away so many innocent people, removed them from existence after giving them an agonising death. I wanted us to rule together, sculpt the sands of time by both our hands but..."
You shuddered, refusing to look at him.
"...had I known you'd kill so many innocent people, I would never have gone through with this scheme of yours."
Shang Tsung's facade of amusement faded, replaced by a flicker of annoyance. He had expected compliance, not resistance from you. His eyes narrowed, his voice tinged with irritation.
"You dare question my methods now? After all we've been through, all the power I've bestowed upon you?" he spat, his words dripping with venom.
You took a step back, the weight of his anger pressing against you like a suffocating force. But you stood your ground, drawing strength from the memory of those who had been lost.
"...you...you used me for my divine status. You corrupted me," you quavered, feeling tears prick your eyes though you would never give this man the satisfaction of tears. "I should've listened to my brothers when they told me to stay away, and...now they're dead, gone."
"(Y/n), beware. I have been generous up until now. I can be cruel," Shang warned you. "Generous?," you questioned him, your brows furrowed. "What have you done that's generous?"
"Everything!" he snapped, grabbing you roughly by the wrist as he made you look at him, "everything that you wanted I have done. You asked that I remove the obstacles of our love, I removed them. You cowered before me, I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for you!"
His expression softened, as did his grip on your wrist.
"I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?"
You stared at Shang Tsung, his words echoing in your mind. Even if you could go back now, your brothers would never forgive you for courting with this beast of a person. Being a protector of Earthrealm and a water goddess, you failed your duties to safeguard the innocent and maintain the delicate balance of the realms. The weight of your failures crushed upon your shoulders, and a deep sorrow washed over you.
As much as you loved this man, as much as he had lulled you into a false sense of security, was there for you when you were at your lowest points, when you were hurting, when you were lonely...you couldn't help but think, did he do that because he cared? Or was it all part of his scheme? From the very beginning?
Though, at this point, what other choice did you have?
You were far too late.
"I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."
He was under your skin, and there was nothing you could do about it.
In submission, you leaned into him, allowing him to wrap and arm around your waist while the other wielded a powerful magic, one which served to shape the sands of time to his liking.
How sick you were for loving this man so.
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