#“Oh yeah I remember Stampy playing this”
the-soupgoblin · 5 months
Me at work staring at pictures of Swaine from Ni No Kuni like Im a soldier at war and hes my wife whose photo I keep in my locket I am far too obsessed with that man Im afraid
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amazingphilza · 4 years
maniac :: cc!tommy x reader
angst (?) , platonic (?) , gender neutral ! ib: conan gray’s maniac
this is satire & note that i write the reader to be a few months younger than tommy (besides that, i think it is fully inclusive !)
synopsis : you put all your hard work towards a useless crush. with no expectation for reciprocated feelings in the first place, it still all ends in a bittersweet slap to reality.
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you grew up with minecraft and it was an understatement to say it was part of your childhood
even years later, you still maintained interested in the game
it wasn’t just a simple video game, the community inspired you to do many things
you aspired to be like the creators you watched at a young age like sky, dantdm, cupquake, stampy, and many more
making people happy and entertained was a dream
and when minecraft slowly began trending again in 2019, you started making your own content whenever you felt like it out of fun
you never got much views but it was an enjoyable experience nonetheless
but it wasn’t until the first minecraft monday you decided to push a bit more with your hobbies and worked hard to make it somewhere
however balancing your passions with school wasn’t the easiest
given, you were still only around 15 and your content wasn’t even that good
with not much of a goal or plan with your youtube channel, you fell out of interest eventually
you loved minecraft but you always a rocky relationship with it; getting back into it for a few months then pretending it never really existed for another few
besides the occasional videos you watched in your pass time, you didn’t stay that updated
then lockdown happened
it changed everything and even got you regressing back to old interests
soon enough you were back to minecraft
there was so much to catch up on
hermitcraft season 7 just started, there was minecraft championships, and smp earth and smp live, and so much more to look forward to watching
you were a bit late on both of the smps but your interest peaked specially towards smp earth and it didn’t stop you from watching the past videos
you first gravitated towards a certain youtuber’s videos first since you remember stumbling onto his videos before from your recommended page; wilbur soot
besides recognizing him from his you laugh you lose series and making parody-type of songs, you didn’t know much
however with a few clicks, you had binge watched his smp earth series effortlessly
you found yourself falling down the endless hole, finding more creators to watch through wilbur
one in particular caught your eye in an interesting way
my god, how can someone be so annoying and pushy in these videos? like shut up already
and to find out he was barely months older than you frustrated you
you just wanted to be better in some way
if someone like him could be popular, why can’t you? yelling at others and causing problems didn’t seem that hard
and so you went back to working hard on your previously failed youtube channel but this time with a goal; be better than tommyinnit
it was a weird aspiration in your head but it worked
he was your age and successful, why need a better motivator?
tommy wasn’t the sole reason why you strive to make content since you truly did want to create videos to entertain people like the youtubers you originally grew up watching
and with the amount of free time you had, you thoroughly analyzed his content; what was the most popular, how he streamed, edited his videos, everything
you just completely studied the algorithm in general
along the way, tommy’s personality grew on you
tommy was undoubtedly a very loud and energetic person but you became fond of his ambitions
you understood why he was popular at such a young age; he was a natural entertainer
your spite towards the boy turned into a hope
a hope to be at par with him someday and even be mutuals
and it was like your dreams were suddenly manifested into existence
you gained a large following in the early months of lockdown and even was recognized to be apart of minecraft championships
it felt like yesterday that you were just watching your favorite youtubers livestream the same competition
and now you were situation in a team to play yourself for the first time instead of being a viewer for once
not to mention, with tommyinnit as a teammate
how did you manage to get so lucky?
under the excitement, you felt beyond never nervous waiting in the empty discord call for your team to join you to practice the mini-games
in the middle of gathering your thoughts together, you heard a sound from discord signaling someone joined the call
“uh, hello?”
you heard the familiar british accent you spent hours listening to from countless streams and videos
“h-hi! i’m y/n, how are you?”
you hoped tommy couldn’t hear the strain in your voice due to fighting your nerves, but you quietly celebrated that you didn’t freeze up altogether
“oh i’m good, thank you. and i’m tommy by the way, this is the first time we’re speaking, yeah?”
“yep! it’s nice to meet you”
“yeah, i’ve seen your name around the timeline a few times, you seem cool”
oh my god what?
“thanks! um i actually really enjoy your content not gonna lie”
“oh wow, good shit!”
and the conversation smoothly went on, bouncing back and forth between you two before your other two teammates joined the call
once everyone was situated, you decided to start streaming since it was your first mcc and you wanted a vod of you practicing to look at later on as a memory
your chat immediately noticed how much you were enjoying yourself, especially after all the short stories of talking about who inspired you in the past
the smile plastered on your face never left
after stream and your other teammates went offline, it was you and tommy left in the call once together again
“it was nice talking to you tommy! and the practice was really fun, i cant wait for the actual competition!”
“yeah definitely, we’ll for sure place high”
“hopefully. it’s my first time and i hope i don’t cost us the dub”
“nah, you think so? i mean rt and plumbella are also our team mates so you know, it’s all for fun in the end”
you knew tommy was implying the teamwork wasn’t going to be the best compared to the other teams but at least in the end you’ve both made a new friend
“yeah you’re right!”
“anyway it’s getting late imma hop off”
“okay tommy, talk to you soon?”
“alright byee”
the moment he left the call, you felt a sense of relief before a small wave of sadness took over
you wanted to continue talking to tommy but you knew you had other responsibilities to tend to
for the rest of the day, you couldn’t stop thinking of the call and mcc practice
the funny jokes, singing random songs, screaming for no reason, everything
it even kept you awake until the early morning
you buried your head in a pillow and screamed into it after realization hit
y/n no
no no no no no no no
you tried to recall anything that remotely related your other teammates which you remembered that didn’t include tommy
even if it was a few hours ago, you couldn’t pin point something specific
i must just be forgetful, right?
what the hell did rt and plumbella even say that whole call?
you vividly remembered everything with tommy and it was clear to you why
surely not
with putting a hand on your chest above your heart, you confirmed that you couldn’t lie to yourself based on the rapid speed
you liked tommy for a good while but it hadn’t clicked to you until now
eventually you fell asleep due to exhaustion but that’s to say you didn’t do so without imagining spending more time with tommy
ever since that day, time went by in a flash
your team didn’t do the best in mcc but it had been a while since then to have that as a concern
sadly you and tommy didn’t talk as often as you hoped but that didn’t make you have less feelings for him
on some days you felt bad since you thought you didn’t know enough about him to even be allowed to crush on him
it was a bit unprofessional but you were nearly 16, it’s normal to have these little crushes right?
eventually time came to rescue when tommy asked you if you wanted to accompany him in the dream smp
undoubtedly, you said yes
and for the few months during summer, it was where you two became even closer than before
however, once both of you two had to go back and attend school, it was harder to catch up with each other
even on calls together off stream, the occasional snapchat notification going off irked you in a way you couldn’t explain
only winter break was the small pause on your disappointment
but even then, it was a slow but steady hill of repressed sadness and frustration until early spring of the following year
you had hoped 2021 would be better than last year but after scrolling through twitter one day and seeing stans making rumors about how tommy had a crush on one of his classmates gave you the same pain you felt when school started last fall
you dreaded to look over at tommy’s most recent story time stream vod where all the gossip arose from; it was him stumbling over his words with the mention of a girl during a certain part
jealousy wasn’t the right word to describe the way you felt
you would never go out of your way to make tommy reciprocate the feelings you had for him
and if he liked someone else the way you saw him, you wouldn’t mind
having a crush is ecstatic, and if he has someone like that too, you should be happy
you tried
what finally broke you was seeing a tiktok a few weeks later of tommy in college with eryn and another girl talking
you didn’t know how she looked like or anything but you wanted to sob
good for him
she didn’t even say much in the video and you dont know enough about tommy’s personal life to jump to conclusions like this
you knew you were acting irrational and you couldn’t be upset at tommy for something he couldn’t control
if anything, you never directly showed interest in him
you didn’t want to in the first place
it was a bad idea from the start
you looked back at the past year and all your intentions
what kind of sick fanfiction did you think you were living?
becoming a content creator, hoping to blow up, just to talk to a big youtuber you had a crush on?
oh my god
y/n what is wrong with you?
listen to yourself, y/n
you need to get some help
whether tommy was dating or even just had interest someone was none of your business
you had to move on no matter what it was and be good and supportive friend
it was dreadful to get over a stupid crush like this but after so much work you put in, you gave some sympathy for yourself
in a friend perspective, you were happy with whatever tommy did and was satisfied your friendship together, but you hadn’t realized how much you gambled from the beginning
and just for a crush?
you couldn’t comprehend how far you gone because you fancied someone
it wasn’t like anyone could get famous and become a popular content creator either
and now with you being on the dream smp along with a successful youtube channel at 16? you were grateful something pushed you enough to work this hard
but you’d never forget the fact everything that lead up to this point was a crush on no other than tommyinnit which first spurred from complete spite
“who’s the one better off now?” your thoughts mocked you from the complete irony
y/n, you maniac
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Be Okay
Part 8
Part 9 [CURRENT]
Part 10
DT: @petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @jump-in-the-cadillac @ivorylin
The kids were fast asleep in their room, all drained of their energy reserves from playing so much with each other. In the living area, Fundy sat on the couch, staring out the window. The sound of a throat clearing brought him back to reality. Turning to his side, he saw Tommy hold out a cup of tea to him, his own cup of tea in his other hand. Accepting the drink with a nod, Fundy took small sips as he enjoyed the calming sensation in the room. He shifted over on the couch, allowing space for Tommy to settle down. The two sat in a comfortable silence, one that Fundy was nervous to break. 
“I’m glad you’re not dead, Tommy”
He willed himself to look over at his uncle, not sure what to expect. He still remembered his uncle as a brash, loud, spirited teenage boy, so it was strange to see him the way he was an adult. Sill startled with how calm the boy could be, Fundy watched as Tommy, eyes closed, simply nodded as he took a sip of his tea. Letting out a sigh, Tommy opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling with a warm look in his eyes.
“I’m also glad that I’m not dead” 
The two sat in silence once more, their teas running low. After looking around the room, Fundy spoke up once more.
“Did you actually build your house? I remember that you always hated building.”
The low chuckle of his uncle made him squirm. It wasn’t that he was scared or uncomfortable with it, it was just that it had been so long. When was the last time Fundy just sat down, warm drink in hand, just to stay up and talk to Tommy? His mind immediately went back to the days of his childhood, before the wars forced his mind to shift his body into an older state. He remembered how Tommy would rush to his room, no matter how old Fundy was, just to calm him and keep him from waking a very tired, lonely Wilbur. He remembered how Tommy would carry him into the kitchen, letting him sit on the counter as long as Wilbur never found out he did so. He would watch as his uncle made two cups of hot cocoa, and took Fundy back to his room. The two would sit in silence, listening to Tommy’s discs, until Fundy would fall asleep. Sometimes, if Fundy had a very bad nightmare, they would stay up and talk the night away. Until this very moment, Fundy didn’t realize how much he missed times like this. Smiling down at his tea, he listened as Tommy spoke up. 
“Yeah, I built this house. Did it myself, too. It was the first official build, aside from my bench in the market, on this server. Everyone else was so focused on teaching me how to properly build and work with all sorts of materials, so I eventually made them proud by creating this. I’ve noticed that it’s been slowly growing as the days go by. It’s quite comforting, really.”
“And this adventure park you’ve been advertising? When will it be done? Who helped?”
“Innit an Adventure? Built that all by myself, no help at all. It’s already done being built, I just pushed opening day back a few months so the server can properly prepare to hosts the guests.”
Fundy nodded as he hummed in acknowledgment, a habit he had picked up from Tommy when he was much younger. No longer afraid of the possibility of being thrown out by his uncle, Fundy continued the conversation. 
“So Tubbo and the girls are doing good? Tubbo just vanished the same day you did, and Drista stopped visiting after a while.”
“They’re doing perfectly fine, actually. They all live in Stampy’s Lovely World. It’s a nice server, I’m glad that they ended up there. Hey, Fundy?”
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how’s the server?”
Tommy watched as his nephew deflated, a shaky sigh leaving him. Not wanting to push the boy past his limits, Tommy was quick to speak up once again.
“You don’t have to answer me right now, I understand needed to wait before discussing certain things.”
“No, you deserve to know the situation. It’s, well, it’s complicated? So much has happened since you and Tubbo left the server. I’m not even completely sure as to what’s all happening because went into hiding. I do know that Philza and Technoblade have gone around, destroying anything that they identified as a government. Dream went off the rails searching for the two of you, and he’s threatened and punished anyone he though was hiding you guys from him. We received some new players in the server. They’ve helped settle down some of the threats. Oh, remember that weird red stuff that was spreading?”
“Yeah, what was that shit, anyways?”
“Apparently it sprouted from that egg, you know, from that weird egg propaganda? It started possessing and corrupting the members of the Badlands. From what I’ve heard, it’s been temporarily contained and the possessed members have returned to their normal state, but who knows how long that will last. When I left, the containment seemed so unstable. Oh, there is the thing with Wilbur.”
“What about Wilbur?”
“The last time I stumbled upon Philza, he was trying to resurrect him. I don’t know if they succeeded, though. Quite frankly, I’m not sure if I want to know.”
He felt like a jerk telling his uncle, the brother of his dad, that he wasn’t even sure that he wanted his dad to be alive. He didn’t even bring himself to explain his reasons for it, how he was scared whether or not his dad would be the dad he used to have, or the one that was barely recognizable. His negative thoughts, however, melted away as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking over at his uncle, he didn’t expect to see the understanding grin that danced on Tommy’s lips. He didn’t expect to hear the broken, wavering voice of Tommy.
“I know.”
Fundy stiffened as Tommy put an arm around his nephew, pulling him in for a side hug. After moments of hesitation, Fundy eventually relaxed in the embrace. It had been so long since Fundy has felt such affection by family that wasn’t his son. He sucked in a breathe as he tried to not let out the sob that was bubbling up inside him. Once he heard Tommy’s voice, however, he allowed tears to escape. It was okay, though, because he knew Tommy was letting his own tears out as well. And as Tommy put a hand on Fundy’s head, lightly scratching his comfort spot between his ears, Fundy couldn’t stop the half sigh, half sob that escaped his lips. And as soon as Tommy spoke up again, he let out all the hurt he kept cooped up out, in the form of messy sobs. 
“It’s okay, Fundy, you can let it out now. You’re free now. You’ll be okay.”
Fundy felt relieved that he didn’t have to be on guard all hours of both day and night. He was grateful that Tommy let him sleep in that morning, assuring him that he would handle the kids’ breakfast. Yawning as he stretched out his limbs, waking himself up, he smiled as he looked around the guest room that would be converted to his own. Don’t get him wrong, Fundy adored Theo, but it was nice to be able to wake up without fear or stress regarding his son’s health and safety. When he walked into the kitchen, he couldn’t help but smile as the kids helped Tommy with breakfast. As Tommy set down the hot cakes on plates, the kids fought over the fruit and syrup to decorate them. And as Theo laughed aloud, smiling brightly, Fundy realized that he didn’t regret a thing regarding his son. 
“Papa! Look! Clem and I made this one to look like you!”
Fundy laughed as he walked over to the kids, saying a quick greeting to his uncle. Accepting the plate from the two children, he smiled down at the beaming faces in front of them. Watching as the two settled themselves on the counter, he took turns ruffling their hair with his free hand. 
“Look at you two! Wonderful artists! Good job! Thank you!”
Delighted with the praises, Clem squealed as she clapped her hands, hopping up and down as she sat on her side of the counter. Theo laughed as he joined in on the clapping, equally as delighted as his younger cousin. Fundy just laughed as he helped Tommy carry the plates to the table, the children waddling behind once they were released from their tall prisons. Sitting Theo down beside Clementine, Fundy watched as Tommy poured drinks for everyone. And as they all sat down to enjoy breakfast as a family, Fundy knew that Tommy was right.
He would be okay.
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feyda-forever · 3 years
First of all, how are you? Secondly, before writing this, make sure you are healthy, not hungry or tired or thirsty. Do not force yourself and have fun! Also, feel free to decline this request if anything is wrong with it ^^ Right, here’s the info!!
My personality:
Imma be honest here, due to my RBF, people tend to think I am scary and introverted but here’s the thing, I do seem scary and serious if I don’t know me well. I am independent, smart, a bit stubborn, very witty, very curious, brutally honest (when needed) and I have a bit of an anger issue but I am very chill most of the time tho. To sum this up, I have a very colourful personality. I can be very serious and quiet, depending on the situation. I am scary when I am quiet, I have been told due to my RBF lol. If you anger me, I will…metally curse you. If you hurt me, I’ll keep that to myself aha. I am emotional behind doors. Oh and I can be gullible.
The level of my independent-ness can get to the “oh I do not need help in handling 5 group assignments“ level. Trust me, it happened once. I am apathetic towards how people think and treat me, It can get to a point I do not care for myself sometimes. Don't worry! I have friends helping me with the problem ^^ BUT, I am very caring if others. I can treat you like my child even if we just met. I will comfort anyone. Fun fact: My studying can go on until 3 am or more…everyday
I have anxiety yeet~ OH OH I know taekwondo!
Am I addicted to coffee and studying? No— i think lmaoo. I play the piano as well as am skilled in archery. My fingers do a lot a of work aha. Drawing, reading and writing are also my hobbies!! I sayy, I am very involved with art! I have been in 2 bands and acted in a play more than 2 times.
I am a fan of BTS but I am not too obsessed. I have a thing for cola and coffee :p I love my jacket…i feel anxious without it sometimes. I also do Cooking!! I love rain and playing in it. Studying or reading or playing the piano when raining makes me feel soo comfortable. I would snuggle in my blanket with tea when it's cold during rain, relaxation~~ MUSIC, I love it. Fav genres? All except any type of country, I can’t vibe with it. My personal favs are classical and rock.
A few things:
I love animals, especially cats and dogs. I use to play rugby and handball. But here’s the good part, I am 159 cm. That’s like 5’2. So I am short. I am a mcyt fan. DanTDM and Stampy were my first minecraft youtubers. I have trust issues but once i trust you, prepare for a lot of fun and sad times with me. I am known to be very interesting lmao. My clothing style? Very comfy stuff. Jacket, t-shirt, sweater ykyk. When I go out I where very simple yet elegant clothes. My aesthetic are grunge, e-girl, dark and chaotic academia.
Okeyh, thats all!! Thank you in advance for doing this!! I really appreciate it. Take care and have a great day!!!
Hellooo <3
I'm pretty good, how about you?? Hope you're taking good care of yourself as well!!!
I'm actually one of your followers and i absolutely adore your bloge, your writings and random posts are very interesting :>
And I really hope you like the matchup.´・ᴗ・`
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I match you with....
Masky/ Tim
From the things i know about you, i remember that you're pretty in love with Masky and Hoodie, if I'm right.... so yeah I decided to choose one of the two for you!!! and tbh he's actually a great match for you.
You guys would definitely start with friendship cause Masky has trust issues and it get a lot of time for him to start warming up to literary anyone. And even if you already catched feelings you need to wait for him to confess first unless you wanna end the friendship.
And even if you two are finally in a relationship he's gonna be a control freak for at least a few months or it can be even a year, it depends on how you act as well.
He might asks you questions like "where have you been" "who're you going out with" "who was that", yeah... but like i said these actions will all end, you just need to be patient about it.
Masky is a huge touch starved person, like, when he's not at work and you're around he'll 99% of the time neither hug you from behind, cuddles you put an arm around your neck...etc.
I also need to mention that this guy here has a great ability of memorizing things. Like do you remember once you told him a simple fact about yourself two months ago? You don't? Well he does. This fact can also be used against you sometimes, so you better be careful next time about what you're gonna tell him.
Youre addicted to coffee? So is he! Wherever he's having a insomnia attack and he finds you studying he'll make coffee for the both of you, and this might be one of your favorite moments with him.
Late night drivings also happens alot, Normally after he just finished a mission. You guys having fun silly arguments over choosing a song or him teasing you till you get stomachache out of laughter are also the moments you wish to never end.
Masky will definitely makes you to take breaks, whether if you're studying or doing anything alse he'll bring you food asks you if you drinked enough water today makes sure for you to get enough sleep. Yeah your future in important, but so is your heath.
Imagine yourself and him cuddling on a rainy night, the sound of thunders and him humming a music mix together awhile you're half sleep half awake. it's a heartwarming moment, isn't it?
- I'm so glad you find me- wait! How did you find me?
- You hadn't ask for a cup of coffee for 20 minutes, I knew something was wrong.
- I'm sleepy.
- Go to bed.
- But i wanna talk to you.
- Then don't go to bed.
- But I'm sleepy D:
- I'm gonna kill you.
Sorry i answer this a little late but i hope you enjoyed it, and please tell me your opinion on i you don't mind :>
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give-grian-rights · 4 years
You know about Minecraft Story Mode right? There's an episode where there's some MCYTs, which is episode six, take that ep and replace the MCYT with the Dream Team, some of the Sleepy Boys, and maybe a few others, kind of a cursed au concept but I can't get it out of my head
JSAKDUIASDAUISD,,,,, that’d make it so so so chaotic oh my god. Oh my god.... So many more sins to be committed.
I haven’t watched any Story mode lets plays in YEARS let alone play it, but I do remember DanTDM having,, his,, magical flint and steel thing,,, stolen by Stampy as a prank? Or because he thought it was dangerous or something???
Anyway, Tubbo should be Dan because Tubbo is. SMART SMART SMART. smart lad, they are, so Tubbo would be the one with the shiny flint and steel thing I remember, and obviously Tommy would be the one to steal it because. Yeah.
that’s all I can really contribute other than maybe Technoblade being the one that set this all up,, just him hosting a murder dinner party and when he’s caught he’s just like “Yeah, it was for the clout. Sometimes you just gotta kill some orphans for glory, y’know?”
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samthecookielord · 3 years
I haven't seen lovely world since like, when he build the hospital or the police station or the spa thingy or the pet store or one of the idk htt eps I don't remember which one of those came first-
Oh also the big hotel thingy that they did parkour for
I have so many good memories of Lovely world, damn....
Also isn't shaders PC only? /Gen {I only play PC and have only seen ppl play on PC besides Stampy and a few others-}
Did you ever watch his Disney infinity videos bc those were the ones I could binge watch-
Stampy has a very special place in my heart bc he was the first ever YouTuber I watched / Subscribed to, he and his friends + danTDM + PopularMMOs fucking raised me and my love for video games, I definitely wouldn't have gotten into Minecraft if it wasn't for them!
Sorry for this rant I just haven't seen anyone into Stampy's vids in forever-
Remember his parkour videos with squid or his hunger games videos god damn I miss thoseeee
Stampy has been using shaders in his lovely world since about episode 700! Also woah those are pretty old episodes i remember those
Ive never used shaders so i wouldnt know what you can use them on but i do know that Stampy is currently playing on bedrock edition
Yes i think i did watch his disney infinity videos! Its been so long though so o dont remember anything lol
And omg i watched DanTDMs videos too,, I also saw some of popularmmos's lucky block videos but i was never subscribed to that channel
And it's fine! No need to apologize!
And yeah i loved those videos, especially the adventure maps!!
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sleepysnails · 4 years
Oh yeah since exactly one follower told me they wanted this to celebrate 50 followers, here’s a long story of me being old and when I say I grew up with mcyt, I mean I grew up with it.
Under the read more because this could get very long.
Oh boy do I start at the start?
I was here for skydoesminecraft. Like not fandom wise but I did watch his videos! I was there for that! Specifically the cops and robbers videos, but I did watch his other stuff too.
Do I even wanna talk about this dark time? Yeah sure why not. I was here for the time of all the Minecraft parodies. All the really famous ones, I was around then. In fact for a brief period of my life I exclusively listened to Minecraft parodies.
*does a little dance* Who remembers stampy cat and ibalistic squid? I do! I watched them forever ago!! How did I go from the not so family friendly skydoesminecraft to family friendly stampy? Idk but it happened.
Ooooo the modded Minecraft reviews! I watched many of these, most notably from Dantdm and PopularMMOs! I already feel old- I remember being in love with the lucky block mod. Sorta related to that but I was super into PopularMMOs lucky block challenges.
Not sure where it fits into all this but I vividly remember watching bajancandian and his friends play bedwars! Also not sure what universe I was living in but I came to the conclusion bajan was bad at Minecraft- (Am I saying I based my opinion on how good he was at bedwars? Yes. Yes I am saying bedwars was my measure of Minecraft skill. It’s not anymore of course) I do remember really really wanting to play bedwars back then. I thought it looked so cool. (What a shocker I’m into tiredtwt now.)
Oh there was also Crazycraft which I watched from Lachlan. I got into him from a video with bajan he did.
Who remembers Cupquake? I do! All the way back to minecraft oasis, I was there for that!!
*shouts* STACYPLAYS AND GRASER10 MINECLASH!!!!! I remember adoring this series so much. I always watched from Stacy’s perspective, what can I say other than I liked her content. She was family friendly for the most part, her motto is “go rescue a dog” and I remember she did a series involving Minecraft and books, which led me to reading those books (Charlotte’s web and the hatchet for example). Ooooo I remember her dogcraft series and the fact she found a cat irl resembling the one she has in dogcraft was the craziest thing to me. Milquetoast had my heart.
From Stacy I found da da da dun... Ldshadowlady! Aka Lizzie! I remember thinking her content was hilarious and very fun!
From Ldshadowlady I found Aphmau! Ah the nostalgia as I recall her Minecraft diaries series. It was such a cool Minecraft role play, I could tell the work that went into it must’ve been insane- what started as a Minecraft world with some mods, one of which involved npcs turned into a full on scripted role play. She hired voice actors for the npcs and eventually the spin off series became its own thing with some ✨animation✨ thrown into the mix. I think this was one of the first times I briefly stepped into the world of fandom and oh boy do I remember the shipping wars-
While I was into Minecraft rp because of Aphmau I breifly got invested in ItsFunneh for her Minecraft rps!
Sometime along the way when I got Minecraft on the Xbox I watched a bunch of tips and redstone stuff on YouTube! I strongly remember a certain ibxtoycat in particular. (And his video on horses, and you can bet I spent a while trying to get the perfect horse)
Then like all things I eventually lost interest in Minecraft. Before I had various falling in and out of it of course but I think this was the longest time yet. I had simply moved on and gotten into other things... but here I am now so it’s not the end of the story.
While I had seen his videos recommended to me if I’m being honest I purposely scrolled past them because I thought the thumbnails were lame... SHHHH YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND HALF MY PROCESS FOR PICKING YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO WATCH IS “pretty art, I click”
So a bunch of animatics later I finally decided to watch a manhunt and 3 or so manhunts later I decided I liked bbh and hunted down his content.
Getting into Dream... LET TECHNOBLADE’S DUEL ANALYSIS VIDEO SHOW UP IN MY RECOMMENDATIONS AND REMEMBER WHEN I SAID “pretty art, I click”? THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Listen I really love the art techno uses for thumbnails okay-
And from there it was a downward spiral.
I thought techno was hilarious so I looked for more content of him which led me to find sbi which led me to the dream smp which I was mildly aware of existing til technoblade joined.
And from the dream smp I got into Tubbo, without getting into Tommy??? Somehow??
Wilbur’s videos started showing up in my recommendations and let me tell you, his thumbnail artist is so great because I would not have watched a single one of his videos without seeing the cute thumbnail art.
Also somewhere amidst me getting back into mcyt I was into spifey’s videos for like 2 days??
I got back into Ldshadowlady cuz she showed up in my recommendations again and I was like “oh I remember you” and from her I got into Scott Smajor. Despite the fact Scott is the MCC organizer I didn’t know of MCC til technoblade... and I got into Scott Smajor before techno.
When Antfrost first showed up on bbh’s stream I was like “HIM! HE GREAT!”
From watching Antfrost’s first stream I got into Awesamdude :)
On my hunt for Technoblade fanart I found fun aus on tumblr which led me to the fanfics. From there while reading a mcyt bnha au fic, I got into Purpled. Strange I know but it wasn’t a romance fic okay. He showed up as a character and I got interested, so I looked him up on YouTube.
While bored I went to look up Grian because of those MCC moments when Techno mentioned him, and Grian said he was rooting for Techno.
One late night at 1am of November 1st, 2020, I found my comfort streamer, LoafingCooper.
And now I just vibe in this fandom.
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chemicalarospec · 4 years
Genuinely Don’t Say Anything Interesting Here But I Like Talking So Thus I’m Posting This
okay I did like nothing productive today but have a ramble on youtube fanbases, specifically the new gen of mcyt. This was two posts and then I made it one so sorry when I repeat myself. I did edit it tho lol. But that means I also inserted more, so this is just all over the place now. 
me from the future: oh god. all over the place. wait wtf this is so long. I don’t even have much to say I just like writing the same sentence three different ways and refusing to cut any of them. I’m sorry; I don’t know how to edit; this is informal AF. (can I use three semicolons? at least one of those is wrong anyways lol.)
edit: I’m so sorry I forgot about having a “read more” last night laksjdflksjad. Also idk if I even agree with myself lmao.
it’s so funny how mcyt is like The Thing now. It’s not cool to like it anymore lol, cuz everybody does. (This is a me thing. I like being special lol. I also self-define “cool” so you should not take it to heart when I say it’s not cool.)
I mean, just thinking about the Dream SMP as something I *do* want to get into, it doesn’t feel like “our thing” -- it’s has the feel of a HUGE fandom. Seriously, I’m in the phandom, which ngl has been dead since 2018, and the fanbase for the SMP has a much different, bigger feel. Idk what i’m getting at, it feels imposing? looking at the Dream SMP fandom seems similar in scope and slightly in atmosphere to pre-2019 phandom, at least to me, and it’s actually making me grateful that I joined now and not all that time ago.
Also I brought up the “our thing” bit because of the mcr post that goes “funny how MCR seems like our little secret and the biggest thing in the world at the same time” and I kinda thought that was just how all fandoms worked? idk I was going to assert that the truth is different but I thought some more and now I’m not sure.
but yeah I like the “our little secret” feel and somehow the phandom has (re)gained that while technoblade (and the new gen of mcyt as a whole) is loosing it.
I mean, I’ve been watching Technoblade since the bedwars winstreak. He had less than a millions subs but most people I brought him up to actually did know who he was. He was big but he wasn’t *famous* -- we all knew about him and we all cared. Like the only person who knew who he was and didn’t care had a little brother(s?) that loved him (wait why is this all in past tense this is all still true). (Yes AFC this has become a callout post for you mocking techno lol.) (If you’re still reading my miNeCRaFT yOuTuBeR fAnBaSe MEta. cringe culture is dead tho; I don’t have to say it like that.) 
Anyways, I didn’t follow Technoblade’s Dream SMP streams and now I feel like I’d just be tagging along if I did get into it. (also didn’t watch SMP Earth lol.) This is because I’m a gate-keeping jerk. Or hate missing out. One of those two things. 
(awkward transition where I don’t know how to make my tangent meaningful and have to make it back to the original train of thought I violently interrupted)
As a long time Techno fan, I’m really proud of the growth he’s experiencing, but a little sad too as the community is being -- well, I don’t want to say “infiltrated,” as I don’t want to shade anyone who was simply late to the party -- perhaps diluted? overwhelmed? yeah, overwhelmed by newer fans, and becoming “unmanageable” in a sense; it feels like we’ve lost a bit of our sense of community with the influx of new fans -- no shade to any new fans! This is just the way fandoms work. When the crowd is larger, it becomes harder recognize each member as a person, even if everything else is the same. (”The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.”) (look this is how my brain works deal with it)
I just really like this small community feel, and it’s a bit daunting looking at the smp fandom. 
Also the growth Dream experienced this year is genuinely ludicrous. I mean, the wide appeal of shipping is part of it, not going to beat around that bush, but there’s just so much and I wanna read an essay from a long-time fan who saw it on why he’s got so much growth. 
I really hate to shame fans and stuff, but part of it, at least for me, is that most of these new fans probably aren’t “minecrafters” like we were. I doubt the majority of them grew up on Stampy, DanTDM, and whatever the other ones I didn’t watch were. I mean, some of this is because Child. For them, the distinction is really pre-quarantine post-quarantine i guess? Really, whether they played Minecraft or not. Again, I know it’s bad to shame fans, but apparently I’m just a terrible person and I feel like it’s more shallow or disingenuous to get into MCYT when it’s popular without already being into Minecraft. 
WAIT that’s it -- Minecraft community, as a whole, is special. It’s a LARGE umbrella of fandoms in general, but that’s the thing: they’re all more communities than fandoms -- from the casual builders to the pro parkour players to those who watched the og youtubers to those who followed the Great Potato War, there was Minecraft Culture. 
And the expanded fandom that’s sprung up around the Dream SMP and possibly Dream in general (???) is more of fandom. It feels like a fandom. People treat it like a fandom, they talk about it in fandom spaces, it is fandom, a modern fandom. Not a quaint “little” Minecraft community. 
I’m not going to say it’s because of the shipping, but... I have no data but at least I can say that it certainly creates an appeal for Fandom People as opposed to Minecraft People. And then also it’s just a fandom thing so it makes the space more fandom. 
Also I realized this is all based upon a feeling, so where did the feeling come from? I was reading in-fandom texts a lot today, and I think the storyline actually might have something to do with it. Also maybe the “talking behind their backs”? I can’t be bothered to remember what I’m comparing to what at this point but that’s definitely done in a lot of other spaces I’m in, so idk.
OH FRICK I’ve mostly been *in* the fandom spaces for real things lmao. (Read: I’m 100% making up everything at this point.) 
(awkward transition because I inserted the last two paragraphs later on)
And really, I played minecraft today for the first time in months. But it’s still with me, you know? The memories of being introduced to it, growing up with it. Going to the Nether with my cousins, my uncle’s giant survival mode cathedral. Mojang being bought by Microsoft and everybody hating it. (... me, my brother, my two friends, essentially... how did we even know??)
[I had part about the minecraft.net writers here but it was completely unrelated so it became it’s own post. I should do that more.]
(With every sentence the target audience of this post gets smaller.)
What was I saying? I’ll just wrap up. 
TL;DR: Dream SMP fandom feels like a fandom and not a Minecraft community and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I’ve realized I prefer a community feel, which makes me grateful I joined the phandom now. Also I shouldn’t be allowed to post things past 9:00pm. 
Oh my god I’m so sorry to all my mutrals. My tired loquacious reflex has kicked in. This is essentially a dan and phil stan blog, and though I know a few of you know what I’m going on about, I’m so sorry to the rest of you. 
Well, at least *I* think I’m a fascinating person with interesting things to say hahahahha. 
This is like a diary post. Should I post this? Yeah, other people should share my thoughts lol. OH NO: Late-night Tumblr fandom ramble posts are the new social-justice tirade/generally useless blog-like Goodreads reviews. At least it’s what Tumblr’s made for :P. 
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nowornever13587 · 4 years
Mcyt Oxenfree Chapter 2
Beacon Beach
“That’s- so there’s this kid, Tubbo-- he’s the one who invited me here. He’s kinda like my best friend so don’t mess with him. Or I’ll get my vlog gun.”
“Got it, got it.” I laughed. We came to a steep cliff you had to climb down.
“Hey, Tommy the child. I hear you up there.” A gruffer voice called up the slope.
“Hey!” A different voice called as we scaled down.
“We started a fire down the way, but Tubbo wanted to play beach nanny, so…” 
As I got to the bottom, I recognized Schlatt, the easily the most intimidating person in our grade. Good thing I’d known him for a long time and it was mostly all talk. But the dude was a ram hybrid, with the silver tongue better than most politicians. Which was a fair point enough to be nervous around him.
“Everyone, this is Eret.” I said as Eret hopped off next to me.”Eret, everyone.”
“Hey.” Eret waved.
“Hi!” Tubbo waved back. The five of us kept walking. 
“He’s Fundy’s new in town, fresh as a daisy step-brother.” Tommy supplied. 
“Step-brother?” Schlatt remarked almost sourly.
“Really?” Tubbo was much kinder. I wondered what he was doing around someone like Schlatt.
“Yeah, I know. It’s a trip, right?” Tommy was still in good humor at least.
“Yup. He and his dad came from England. So, let’s show him a good time.” I attempted to follow the same vein. 
“Just the beach and some good laughs will be enough, I’m sure.” Eret was much better at this.
“Wait wait wait. You’re Eret. Eret the step-brother.” Schlatt clarified.
“Yeah, um, what’s your name?”
“That’s Schlatt, he’s-” 
“How are you his step-brother?” Schlatt cut off Tommy. “Like, what does that even mean?”
“Um, his mom is marrying my dad so…” Eret gave me a confused look.
“Well, that’s happening then. Where’s everyone else?” Schlatt was abnormally blunt and rather rude today. 
“Deo had that sports thing.” Tommy shrugged.
“Who else was supposed to come?” I questioned.
“Anyone. Everyone.” Schlatt threw his hands up.
“Schlatt, we… we took the last ferry. I thought more would show up but-” Tommy tried to explain.
“Oh my god. It’s just Fundy and his new step-brother?” Schlatt laughed unkindly. “That’s it? That’s who you brought?”
“Hey, I’m fun!” I complained.
“Listen to yourself.” Schlatt huffed.
“Wait, are you all like friends?” Eret interjected.
“I’m friends with Tubbo and I’m downgrading Tommy to creepy neighbor. And you I just met.” I did not miss the fact Schlatt refused to mention me. 
“I’m getting the picture now.” Eret muttered.
We made it down to the sands to see a gorgeous view. Nice bonfire lit and the waves looking photogenic under the night’s overcast. A few towels were laid out for those needing to sit down. My shoes sunk into the sand as I walked over to the flames. 
“Fire! Man’s great equalizer!” Tommy tried to get conversation moving again.  I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to be in a conversation with Schlatt right now but I was getting too bored to care. 
“So what’s the, um, what’s the thing to do here?” Eret looked around, standing next to me. “Other than go skinny dipping and get murdered by Jason Kuger.”
“There’s a keg?” I nodded to the thing by the rocks. No one moved towards it.
“Where does that old man live?” Eret decided that was his question. He seemed to be oddly interested in him.
“You mean Badboy Halo?” Schlatt sat on a dark green towel. “Nowhere. He’s dead.”
“Yup. Keeled over three days ago. It was all over the news.” Schlatt’s voice held a hint of sadness. “Local news, anyway. ‘Oldest Living Resident’.”
“Oh, that’s unfortunate.” I recalled hearing great things about the man. He was nice to everybody and my mom said she’d known him to be quite funny too. It made me sad to think such a person was gone from the world. 
“Yeah, well, we all gotta go sometime. In his case, later than sooner.” Schlatt looked back at Eret. “And to answer your previous question, the thing to do is lay on the beach and drink until you can’t remember where you are.”
“And sometimes play Truth or Slap.” Tubbo input cheerfully as he added more wood to the fire.
“Yeah! Let’s play that!” Tommy clapped his hands. “We can inaugurate Eret.”
“Truth or Slap? What’s that?” I couldn’t recall the game.
“We used to call it Hippo, until we got tired of people asking, “Why’s it called Hippo.”.” Tommy grabbed a can from the cooler.
“Because you get to yell, “you’re a dirty hippo,” before you slap someone.” Schlatt laughed. 
“You get asked a question, you have to tell the truth, but if somebody can prove that you lied the accuser gets to slap you.” Tommy motioned. “It’s a good, getting to you know somebody game.”
“Unless you lie a lot.” Tubbo pointed out.
“How can you prove that someone lied?” I wondered.
“Hearsay, rumor, conjecture… the usual.” Tommy knelt to find some stones in the sand. 
“Alright! Let’s just get on with it!” Schlatt complained. “I’ll start. Tommy, fess up. You painted Pogtopia on the school last year after I got voted President.”
“Ooh! Good one.” Tubbo giggled. “Principal Stampy was so mad!”
“I-I… It wasn’t me! It was Ant, remember?!” Tommy tried to deny it. 
“Ant voted for Schlatt.” I rolled my eyes.
“We all know it’s Tommy, but we just can’t prove it.” Schlatt huffed.
“I’m not lying!” Tommy was still laughing. We all let it slide.
“Okay, it’s Tommy’s turn, right? He gets to ask somebody something?” Eret inquired.
“Fundy, Fundy, Fundy.” Tommy turned to me, rubbing his hands together.
“Uh oh.” Eret chuckled.
“I just have to think about which nerve I want to so delicately pinch.” Tommy smirked. 
“Lay it on me.” I held out my hands confidently. 
“Okay. Stab, Punch, Kill… me, Tubbo, and Schlatt.” Tommy grinned. “Eret’s out cause he’s technically family and he has the most opportunity for revenge.”
Both Schlatt and Tubbo vocalized their displeasure at such a question. But at least it wasn’t the Marry, Kiss, Kill version. Ours was much more violent but less awkward. I frowned, thinking about it.
“I’d punch Tubbo but lightly ‘cause he’s really nice.” 
“Thank you!” Tubbo grinned. 
“Ooh, down the line. Now who’d you poke with the death stick?” Tommy teased.
“Schlatt, obviously. I think he’d kill me before I could kill him anyways.”
“Obviously? You’re not gonna call him out?” Tommy looked at Schlatt.
“No, I believe him. I mean, at least he’s avoiding the Lunch Club’s wrath.” Schlatt chuckled. All of us besides Eret nodded fervently. The Lunch Club could be chaotically terrifying when it chose a target. Like some kid last year. He’d gotten run out of the school by them.
“Wait… that means you’d kill Tommy?” Eret piped up.
“Low blow!” Tommy acted offended.
“Hey, you wanted to know!”
“But I’m your friend!”
“Cool it. Fundy’s turn.” Tubbo scolded lightly. 
“Eret.” I looked at the English man. “I heard something about you getting arrested?”
“Oh boy.” Eret groaned, amused. 
“Ooh! A bad boy!” Schlatt was surprised. 
“It was all a misunderstanding. My friend got locked out of their house so they called me to get it open. While I was picking the lock, a neighbor called the police on me.” 
We all cracked up. 
“I think it’s my turn, so… Tubbo. What’s your favourite animal? I dunno, that’s lame…”
“No! It’s nice. I really like Bees! They are really cool!” Tubbo smiled. “And Schlatt. What college are you heading to after high school?”
“Harvard. Already have my acceptance letter” The fire glinted off his eyes, making him look devilish.
“You’re smart enough for that?” Eret pointed out. Schlatt shot him a light glare while we all laughed. 
“You’re turn Schlatt.” Tommy reminded.
“Fundy… you got a new brother. Pretty exciting.” He turned to me. “I’m sure Eret is excited, or maybe excited isn’t the right word. Maybe overwhelmed with everything, you know? Unsure… It’s a lot to take in and adjust to.”
“What’s your point, Schlatt?” I looked at him. He had a dark look on his face despite his casual tone.
“I’m just saying what Eret is already thinking. That statistics show if you get divorced once, you’re probably going to get divorced again. And the fact is, your mom divorced your dad, so… Let’s put his mind at ease and hear why.”
I glared at Schlatt. He just had to bring this up now? In front of everyone? Why was he so aggravated towards me right now?
“Just get to whatever point this is getting too.” I snapped. 
“The point is… why’d your parents get a divorce?” Schlatt’s red eyes stared down into my soul. “Just so Eret can hear it from you.”
“Schlatt, I don’t really care why they got a divorce. Just that Fundy’s mom is happy now.” Eret tried to calm us down. But no. If Schlatt wanted to hear it, then he would.
“You know why. Wilbur died and it broke everything and they couldn’t handle it. The. End.” 
“Well, now you know, Eret.” Schlatt looked almost… smug. “Don’t die and everything will be fine.”
“Schlatt…” Tommy glared at the hybrid.
“What.” He snapped back.
“I’m pretty ready to do literally anything besides this game.” Eret stood. 
“Let’s go check out the caves!” Tommy bounced to his feet, dragging me along. “Schlatt and Tubbo have already seen it so they are going to stay here.”
“Like I’d want to go.” Schlatt muttered. 
“I got this.” Tubbo whispered to us as he passed. I felt bad leaving the nice kid with Schlatt when he was in such a mood. But I heard them strike up the recent prank the Misfits had done so it relaxed me some.
We went over to a fence next to our little hang out. We climbed the connected rocks, jumping over. Before us, the tall mouth of a cave loomed. There was a tunnel downwards, three groups of rocks piled outside before it.
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the-ender-system · 3 years
we didnt know what game it was, it looked pretty old, was 3d (or atleast tried to be) and you got to pick up chickens.
also, wow! thats quite awhile, you really are an OG! as for the youtubers you listed, we watched almost all of them. ive been trying to find this one called amylee23, she was a mermaid with pink hair in stampy's series about his world.
although, apparently aphmau is problematic nowadays so we don't watch her anymore.
-t anon
1. Oh!! That might have been Ocarina of Time! SUCH A GOOD GAME AAAAAAAAA. I’m so happy you got to play it!! That and Wind Waker was my favorite to play :D
2. YES I REMEMBER HER. And yeah! We were 3 lol
3. Oh wait she is? We only stopped cus her content started to suck and her roleplays got too dramatic for a more modern-like roleplay- Take the amusement park one for example? With the werewolves and everyone being killed? LIKE BRO IT WAS AN I S L A N D V A C A T I O N. Bit much in my opinion. The diaries series were really good tho- like the original series
- Toby
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jakkosisle · 4 years
Mending the Fence
“Come on, Rooter!  Yah!” Spritzie shouted as kicked the sides of her boar.  The boar snorted and trotted off as he always did at this time of day - it was time for Spritzie to do her daily tour of her menagerie to make sure all was well.
Cera?  Trying to uproot a cherry tree with her horns to get at the goodies inside.
Matilda?  Playing tug-o-war with Harmony again.  There are so many feeder sheep in the fields, yet they also argue over one - Spritzie suspects they do it more for play than anything else.
Stampy?  Also deforestating fruit trees.
Scarlette?  Napping up in a tree somewhere.
Argunite?  Napping under a tree somewhere.
Tuffet?  Napping on her web.
Vozul Jr.?  Napping underwater.
One by one, Spritzie checked on each of her beasts and one by one, she was satisfied that they were doing alright.  With that done, she steered Rooter back to her house.  There, she’d change into some more casual clothes and take a portal to Thunder Bluff.  The Darkmoon Faire was open again, which means BLIGHT BOAR!!!  Off go the ranch clothes, and on go the black pants, fingerless gloves, stomping boots, and of course the black tube top designed to only cover just enough of her breasts so she can still show off her sweet tattoos.
Once she was ready for a night out, she marched over to her door and swung it open…
Only to find Jakko standing there, his fist raised as though he were about to knock.  “…Hey.” Jakko said.
“…Hey.” Spritzie evenly replied, none too happy to see her older brother.  She leered at the baby harness he wore around his chest, holding his baby daughter, Atalari.  “…Cowardly move, using a child as a shield, thinking it would protect you from my wrath.”
“…Can we talk?” Jakko asked.  “I promise, it won’t take long.”
“You have five minutes.” Spritzie said as she put her hands on her hips.
“…I’m sorry.” Jakko asked.  “I’m sorry for trying to control you.”
Spritzie’s face went from disdain to shock.  She wasn’t expecting to be hearing that today.
“I’ve been doing some thinking and…It’s just…You’ve always been my baby sister.  The one I gotta look out for.  The one I gotta protect.” Jakko said.  “And for the longest time…that was one of the few things I know I did right.  That was a big deal to a screw up like me.  I didn’t wanna let that go.”
The troll sighed.  “I remember when you ran off to the Broken Shore without me.  Same with Argus.  I was so pissed off that you didn’t even wait for me.  At first I thought it was Rikko’s death that was making you more distant, and that was probably part of it, sure, but more than that…it was because you were growing up.  You didn’t…you didn’t need me watching your back anymore.  You didn’t need me anymore.  And…that hurt me.  More than I thought it would.”
The troll sniffled.  “Sorry, I…uh…and the reason you were so pissed at me is cuz I couldn’t or wouldn’t see that.”
He took a deep breath.  “Spritzie…I love you.  I care about you.  And I’m always gonna watch out for you.  But…I can’t tell you what to do anymore.  I need to let you be your own person, whoever that ends up being.”
Spritzie was silent for a few long seconds, honestly not sure what to say.  She sighed and stepped aside.  “Come on in...”
Jakko obliged and stepped inside Spritzie’s home.  “Man.  Got your own place and everything, huh?”
“Eeeyup.” Spritzie said as she closed the door behind her.  “…I’m sorry too.”
“You are?” Jakko asked as he took a seat at the dining room table.
“Rikko’s death DID affect me.” Spritzie said as she took a seat opposite from Jakko.  “For the longest time, it was the three of us.  The three adventurers.  But after his death…I dunno…I guess I just needed time alone.  And then the Battle for Lordaeron happened…”
The goblin sighed.  “…I was angry.  At you.  At the Alliance.  At everyone.  I’ve lost so much and…I felt like SOMEONE needed to pay for it.  I didn’t even care who, just someone, anyone.  Wasn’t until I met Vozul that I started feeling like…like ME again.”
“I dunno about that.” Jakko said.  “You’re still pretty angry.  Definitely more angry than you used to be.”
“…I know.” Spritzie admitted.  “…I dunno if that anger will ever go away.”
“It’ll fade.” Jakko said.  “It’ll take a long time, but eventually, you’ll get tired of it.”
Spritzie and Jakko shared a look.  She knew he was right.  She sometimes forgot that Jakko was no stranger to loss either.  The fact that he hardly brought up Hadra anymore was a testament to the fact that he moved on.
“…Speakin’ of Vozul, you’ll be happy to hear that she and I buried the hatchet.” Jakko reported.
“Yeah, what WAS your beef with her anyway?” Spritzie asked.
“How about the fact that she’s an idiot?” Jakko asked back.
“So?  I hated her for being stupid too, but I got over it.  You though?  You took that shit PERSONALLY.” Spritzie pointed out.
“That’s because I did.” Jakko replied.  “I was…jealous of her.  You and her are practically inseparable.  Reminded me of how WE used to be, yanno?”
“Yeah well, like you said, I’m growing up.” Spritzie said.  “I’m not that little girl who looked up to her big brother anymore.  And I never will be again.”
“…I know.” Jakko replied, sadly.
“Instead, I’m the woman who looks at her big brother as an equal.” Spritzie said.  “You don’t need to protect me anymore, Jakko.  You and me?  We’re on the same level now.  I just wanted you to acknowledge that.”
“Well…I���m acknowledging it now.” Jakko replied.
“Good.” Spritzie said.  “Cuz you shouldn’t be wasting your protective instincts on me.  You’ve got someone in your life now who needs it way more than I do.”
“Who?” Jakko asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Spritzie said as she pointed to Atalari.  The little troll babe had been asleep in the harness the whole time.  She was like her mother - a heavy sleeper who could probably sleep through a blizzard.
“Oh.” Jakko replied, chuckling at his own stupidity for a moment.  “…Saurfang rallied his rebellion just a few days after she was born.  I marched with him because I realized - I wanted to make the Horde better for her.  Better than what Sylvanas was turning it into.”
He looked his baby sister dead in the eye.  “…I was afraid I was gonna have to fight you.  Cuz I knew you were a loyalist.  I was relieved to see you at Razor Hill.”
He paused.  “…You nevah told me what made you change your mind.”
Spritzie paused and drummed her fingers against her arm.  She finally sighed.  “…Once we got word that the rebels and the Alliance were marching on Orgrimmar, the first thing I did was try to find you.  But I couldn’t.  Not in Pyrewatch, not in Orgrimmar.  I never found you.  Instead all I found were death guards arresting people for speaking out against Sylvanas, goblins burning paper trails, and a lot of scared people.  And that’s when I realized where you really stood...”
“…You couldn’t do it.” Jakko said.  “Even after everything, you couldn’t fight the rebels.  Not if I was one of them.”
“…I hopped on Liam and told the death guards I was gonna do a scouting run over Razor Hill.  I joined up with the rebels once I landed.” Spritzie said.  “It…helped, seeing all the Heroes of the Horde there.  Thrall.  Saurfang.  Baine.  Made me feel like maybe I WASN’T making the wrong decision.”
“…It’s still a miracle that the war ended so…bloodlessly.” Jakko said.  “The Loa, the Titans, the Light….I dunno, somebody threw Azeroth a bone that day.”
“And now N’zoth’s gone too…” Spritzie said.
“So what now?” Jakko asked.
“Well, Sylvanas is still out there.” Spritzie said.  “And I dunno about you, but I’m not exactly inclined to let someone get away with shouting ‘The Horde is Nothing’ in front of about a million loyal Hordies.”
“You’re gonna hunt her down?” Jakko asked.
“If the Horde asks us too?  You bet yer ass.” Spritzie replied with a smirk.  “…I could use some help.”
At that moment, Atalari woke up and started making noises, a bit grumpy after waking up from her nap.  Jakko lifted the baby out of her harness and began cooing at her to calm her.  “I dunno, Spritz…” he said.  “I’m a family man now.  Not sure if I can drop everything and go kick the bad guys’ asses like I used to.”
“…Really?” Spritzie asked.  “You spend what, two years pining for the partnership we used to have and now that I’m givin’ it to you, yer turnin’ me down?”
“That was BEFORE I knocked up my mate.” Jakko said.  “I’m surprised you’re not begging to be Atalari’s godmother, by the way.  Weren’t you always the one trying to get me dating because you liked the idea of a little troll baby calling you ‘Auntie Spritz?’”
“Oh like you’d make anyone else the godmother.” Spritzie replied with a roll of her eyes.
“I dunno.  Teka might be interested in the role.” Jakko said.
“Teka doesn’t count.  She’s EVERYONE’S godmother.” Spritzie pointed out.
Jakko cackled at that.  Spritzie cackled right back.  It was the first time in years they were able to share a Boomsprocket-patented cackle.  “…Hey Jakko?”
“Yeah?” Jakko asked.
“Promise me something.” Spritzie said.
“Anything.” Jakko said.
“…Don’t do to Atalari what you did to me.” Spritzie said.
“What?” Jakko asked.
“Yanno - When Atalari’s a teenager and starts dating and getting tattoos and shit?” Spritzie asked.  “Don’t be one of those super-overprotective fathers, because I promise, she IS gonna hate your guts for it.”
“What?  I’m thinkin’ about it.” Jakko said.
Spritzie cackled again at that.  Atalari started laughing as well.  Spritzie walked over to Jakko’s seat and Jakko, knowing what his sister wanted and trusting her with it, handed the baby to the goblin.  Spritzie smiled down on the little troll.
“Don’t worry.” she assured the baby.  “Grim and me will smuggle you the good kush while you’re lame-o dad isn’t looking.”
“Please don’t put degenerative thoughts in my daughter’s head.” Jakko said.
“You handed me the baby.  You knew the risks.” Spritzie shot back.  “I’m gonna get her tattoos, and teach her how to use a gun, and nothing you do is gonna stop me.”
Jakko cackled at that.  So did Spritzie.  So did Atalari.
It was a good feeling, for Spritzie and Jakko both, to have something resembling a family again.
0 notes
so i decided to write down any thoughts i had while playing episode 3 in google docs and it ended up being 19 pages long whoops
i’m just gonna start off by saying that i am completely not ready for this episode like i can see you, mister eric stirpe, answering asks that say “that one choice made me cry for five minutes straight!” so i’m absolutely terrified and not ready but also unreasonably excited
come on download faster what are we waiting for
why did you restart the download i didn’t tell you to restart the download
hey look it’s FINALLY DONE
i’m actually shaking from excitement
Radar’s doing the narration I’m so proud of my bean
aww his sweet childlike wonder is leaking into his narration
“This game series adapts to the choices you make.  The story is tailored by how you play.”  yes i know let me play the episode already
oh crap i fell on my face
shut up mister warden you’re voiced by steve from blue’s clues
what’s this piston contraption above my head
wow okay Jesse sarcasm is on full blast
so are we like below bedrock or something
geez Jesse has gotten sassy in the past few weeks she’s having a sassy conversation with herself
Jesse turn down the sarcasm
i’m being chased by large henry oh joy
oh look it’s mister warden
wow okay Jesse i knew you were clumsy but i didn’t know you were so clumsy you tripped and somehow managed to flip onto your back
oh okay that’s big hank not large henry
okay so we’re bringing back the lightning from episode 6
aand my computer froze
and we’re back
okay i need to cool it with these notes i’m never going to get anywhere if i keep pausing the game every five seconds
the warden’s head is weird
Jesse you thought he wasn’t there and then he turned out to be Vos don’t even try
aww i was the admin’s favorite
wow okay i would say way to go Jack but you’re probably going to get probed now
and it’s froZEN AGAIN
I’m slowing down the notes so i can actually get through the game so there won’t be many notes now sorry
also Jack’s hair is described as “majestic” and i just
We need to get to the burrows
Oh wait it’s a play on “mushroom”
I dont’ want to go to your office mister warden
I’m so sorry radar
Okay but i actually look really good in this uniform
Oxblood has wheat okay then
Rob reminds me of Samuel from life is strange
Aww you’re welcome little painter
Brick only refers to himself in the third person
Yes tell me brick
Oh i bet it’s prisoner x
Oh it is
Oh it’s the sword
It’s my sword
Oh it’s just a recording
Oh shut up no you don’t
Radar i am so so sorry
He’s still just a bean
Okay so I was salty about Anthony posting his playthrough early but I legit like his character ingame
Stop referring to yourself in the third person Radar that’s Brick’s thing
I feel like I’m in a horror game this is legit really unsettling
Who loves mooshrooms that much seriously
I saw you being impressive Jesse
Oh no is he gonna kill it
Oh okay just shear it
No way am i gonna shear it
Oh they’re applauding me
OH HEY WE’RE MOVING LOWER INTO THE PRIS- *ahem* sorry, “Sunshine Institute”
Yes Jesse the “Zombiedespair Institute”
Just break the redstone jesse it really isn’t that hard to figure out
That is suspicious what does the Admin want with all that zombie flesh
Come on stella help me out
Yeah good stella open up to me
Classic stella worried about zombie smell in her hair
Aww of course i’ll help you stella
Oh no wait it’s just a zombie wave
Frick come on i got the lever and there’s suddenly a conVENIENT ZOMBIE WAVE GREAT TIMING
Just kidding i love you
Okay i’m legit about to scream from excitement the Admin is here
Aww the warden’s eating cake
Aww mister warden thought the Admin was mad about the cake
Oh okay I thought he was dead he’s just a prisone- sorry, a “guest”
It’s me
It’s me, Jesse
Don’t do it
You can fight him
Ay i have a sword
I’m not going to use it of course
But cool i have a sword
I am not going to fight her
wow i just said “go screw a chicken”
“All I asked you to do is fight your friend to the death-” UM
Oh is he letting Petra go?
K thanks bye
“Guess I’ll just be my own friend now.” oh now i actually feel a little bit bad i’m sorry mister admin
“I’m gonna have LOADS of friends soon!” what mister Admin are you planNING TO ENSLAVE BEACONTOWN
He’s his own champion wow
no stella pleASE-
Is she
Is she going to sacrifice herself
“Take care of Lluna for me…” stelLA
Stella you’re our only hope
Why are you apologizing Petra
Prisoner X please help us
Petra went to Narnia
Petra i would never give up on you you’re my best friend
Beacontown is worried about me they didn’t know if I was alive
I need Beacontown to be safe gosh stella please
Wow okay they are really careful about security in Prisoner X’s cell
Look at Jack and Nurm being married
It’s like season 1 episode 3 all over again
Kinda fitting actually
Aww i’ll catch you Nurm
Okay lluna is a boss
No traps?  No tripwires?  Levers?  Motion sensors? Okay good
She’s in a straitjacket that’s .. unsettling
She’s got a gag on that’s arguably even worse
She’s actually insane holy crap
Xara okay
Um maybe I got the idea that you knew how to escape because you’re a fricking legend up in the other levels
Who’s Romeo
The Admin’s name is Romeo
Okay sure whatever why not
So if he’s Romeo was Xara like his Juliet or something
I’m sensing a story
What the heck happened “Any enemy of Romeo is a friend of mine”
I haven’t even known her two minutes and I’m already in love with her
I bet she used to be his champion and they were like really close and then she did something by accident and he got mad and put her down there
I have to leave someone
I cant tdo this
I cant do this
I cant do this
No no no no no no no
No i’m actually crying
I think i have to leave nurm
But jack
Will i be able to get them back though
I cant leave them
I cant leave lluna
I cant leave nurm
Jack i’m so sorry
Jack i’m so sorry
Wait what is she doing
Okay explosions, death, etc. etc.
Nurm i am so so sorry
I will get you back
I will get you back if I have to rip Beacontown to shreds in the process
I swear it
I’m so sorry
I’m so
She ripped off her straitjacket wow okay
Jack I did a horrible thing
I’m so so so so so so so so sorry jack oh my notch
Stop with the “worth it” talk we’re having a we miss nurm moment and you’re getting fifth harmony stuck in my head
Can we take the warden with us
Don’t kill the warden please that would be very rude
Jack stop it we are not in a laughing mood
Aww Petra’s so excited about the weapons
frick i just remembered the admin’s name is Romeo
Okay Xara is actually really pretty wow
I am questioning my sexuality
Aww Oxblood and Geoff the mooshroom are back together
aw hugz
Well dang Xara it would be nice to have you around in a big crowd
Are we not getting any armor?
Come on Xara give us time to get armor
Hey it’s Samuel- sorry, Rob
Shut up mister warden you’re still voiced by steve from blue’s clues
I like you, mister warden, but I’m taking Xara with me and you’re not standing in my way.  Nooo way.  I don’t want to kill you but I will
He’s dead
wow okay xara go on murdering people left and right
Actually i don’t care he was gonna kill us all
So that’s how she lived long enough to be an “old friend” of his
So basically Romeo de-opped Xara
Ahem- pitiful “Sunshine Institute”, Xara.  Don’t attract his attention.
I hope I become an admin that would be cool
Yes I really trust her Jack she hates Romeo even more than we do and the enemy of my enemy is my friend you should know that you’re an adventurer
Be brave Radar make them taste your bravery
Wow those Romeo-zombies were surprisingly easy to take down
“How many of these things are there?” All of them, Jack
is it evident enough that I love Xara already
Nevermind then why was I even worried in the first place
k i’m good
Yes lluna you go spitting those zombies in the face
Yeah i made a shortcut that’s right
Yes she is crazy radar, yes she is
Shut your mouth jack she’s been locked up in a tnt room surrounded in lava wearing a straitjacket for notch knows how many years
Ooh what’s the diamond spire for
Xara you little- get back here
Woah they’re all attacking the admin ghast
I’m gonna fall and die
Yes radar we should lend her a hand
Well that was the quickest choice i’ve ever made in a telltale game
Shut up jack
Oh there’s a spider on her back
It’s no problem Xara
Why was his name Fred
Ohhh he’s dead
How did Romeo beat two other Admins all on his own
“We’re not at the bottom of the world!  It only appears that way!” WHAT
Jack calm it she used to be a fricking admin she know what she’s doing
Okay bye Jack
Okay I see where he’s coming from but seriously she’s not an admin anymore
What stairs it’s too dark i can’t see any stairs
Oh now i see the stairs
Where are you going jesse follow xara even jack is doing it
Is that it
“You and 59.2% of players agreed to work for the Warden.”  i still regret that decision
More players left lluna huh somehow i thought it would be the other way around
Well duh of course i helped xara
Hey look it’s Romeo the piece of crap himself
Wait what
Who the heck is that
Romeo you are not the gingerbread man
30 notes · View notes
Who’s ready for a BILLION SCREENSHOTS*?
Not you because I’m not putting all of them in one post. :P
I’ll just put some of the ones from the beginning of the episode in this post. :D
Obvious spoilers is obvious. All under the Keep Reading.
*I did not actually take a billion screenshots. Steam says I took 982. This is what happens when you make TAB the screenshot button on Steam.
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Shouldn’t the SEASON TWO thing be after the Story Mode? xD
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CHICKENS AND BUI- oh hey, I see Stacy Plays and Stampy Cat.
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And then suddenly octopuses.
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MMM, Beacon Town looks lovely and so full of personality! :D
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All the new Jesse’s are pretty sweet, but I’ll stick with my first Jesse since I am going off my first file, thank you very much. ;)
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Awww yeeeeaaaahhhh...
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I was a little surprised that you can see all the episodes right on the main screen once you get into it. I did take a look at all of them and saw their summaries, but I’ll talk about them later.
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Lukas is the new narrator. BLESS. :3
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I'm already hurting and it’s only been two minutes. :(
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I was immediately reminded of that one moment of episode one where Jesse, Olivia, Axel, and Reuben jump into the air and then suddenly FREEZE FRAME. xD
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The game remembered that I used a pickaxe for the command block, but forgot I chose the Star Shield during the Witherstorm fight. YOU GET HALF CREDIT FOR THE EFFORT, GAME.
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I’m pretty sure their armor looked a little different in season one, but I’ll roll with it. xD
Also, I just noticed Lukas looks likes a biker now with the goggles and shoulder pads.
Or was it a mechanic?
Or maybe I’m thinking of something else that’s dressed similarly to him.
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All around me are familiar faces... worn out places... worn out faces~
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I have played through the whole episode and I want to adopt Radar.
Make it happen, Telltale.
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Ah, yeah. Magnus is still alive in my first playthrough. I wanted Ellegaard’s armor because it looked like it suited my Jesse more.
Then she died and I was all ‘Ooooh, I see what you did there, Telltale’.
That reminds me, the first time I played through episode two of the first season, I visited Boom Town first, but I was curious about Olivia’s route and rewinded back to that.
Sooo, is Axel still King of Boom Town in this playthrough, or what?
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Telltale got a little trigger happy putting all the parrots everywhere, but I’m completely fine with it. :D
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Radar is such a fanboy and I love him. <3
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It was when I started making the face that I remembered Nell said something along the lines of ‘make a statue, Jesse’ and not ‘make a statue of Jesse’ and I felt silly after that.
3 AM is not a good time to be playing a new game. :,D
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Then I tried to make a seahorse and was severely disappointed that I didn’t have the height room to make it happen.
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In the end, I went with something that looked like a surfboard. I could’ve made it thinner, but ehhhh, I’m fine with the end result. xD
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Oh yeah, and these two are around. xD
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You okay?
What have you seen?
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The game remembered my Enderman. *sniff* It’s beautiful. :,D
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I made an Enderman because I like the mob.
There is no special meaning to this.
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Aw, I adore the cute little posters of Reuben. :3
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Ohmigosh, it’s me.
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I’m sorry, but Smushy Cutecheeks.
Meanwhile, I think Lord von Thunderpork VI is a perfectly normal name for a pig. xD
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Yeah, I had no idea who to choose.
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How dare I not be able to make a decision! SUCH ANGER! MUCH HATRED!
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Oops. Mayhaps I made a mistake.
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Excuse me while I take this sugarcane and rethink my life choices.
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Though, I can’t really say that I like them since I never read them.
Make it happen, Telltale.
Make. It. Happen.
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Greatest redstone invention ever created. 10/10, would recommend another piston to the face.
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Who wants to dive into water anymore when you can dive onto slime?!?
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I ended up choosing pink wool because I was reminded of the Death Bowl. :P
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Looking good! You can even see a :| octopus in the distance. :D
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Come on, baby~ Let’s do the twist~
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She ascends.
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I relate to Stampy on a spiritual level.
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Yeah, that about sums this game up in a nut shell.
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Radar, this is a side quest.
Of course I’m going to find all the materials I need.
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And in this screenshot, Jesse laughs at chickens and Radar is questioning why he started interning for her in the first place.
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Me thinks this belongs to a Youtuber.
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Well, that was a piece of cake AND pie. :D
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That cake and pie looks like they’re shooting stars about to hit the other.
There were no survivors.
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Burger Balloon Man has some issues to work through.
Burger Balloon Man needs some therapy.
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Well, the exit is blocked.
Curses! My escape plan has been foiled!
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Yeah, now seems like a good point to end this post.
I have a looooooot more screenshots than this. So, let me know if you want to see more of them.
20 notes · View notes
mandimormon-blog · 7 years
5 To-Do Lists, You Can’t Live Without
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Where have I been? Well, blogging world, I’ll tell you where I’ve been… not here.  Not here because a few shorts week ago, I acquired an adorable little notebook.  In my handy dandy notebook (yes, I’ve used this Blue’s Clues reference half a dozen times, *yawn*) I make to-do lists. Plural.  I’m absolutely obsessed with to-do lists.  I like the sense of accomplishment you get from placing a check-mark on the paper next to the job completed.  If I’m having a good day, I’ll even put a circle around that check-mark.  If my day isn’t as positive, I will scribble the words out on the line ferociously, while scrunching up my nose.
I had read once to avoid becoming overwhelmed or stressed, your to-do list should consist of three things. Then after accomplishing those three things, make a new list of just three things.  Homie don’t play that game.  Homie is an overachiever.  
At the beginning of the week, I had roughly 32 items on my “priority to-do list” and if you’re wondering why I’ve coined this a thing it’s because those items have to be done, there’s not waiting until the last minute, I need to rock them out.  Sometimes I’ll create an “Advanced Planning to-do List” and I’ll jump around and give myself a window of completion.  Procrastination eats me alive.  I’m not saying I never procrastinate, I do, A LOT.  I’m just saying it’s unnatural for me to procrastinate without having that feeling you get that’s kind of like impending doom.  
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Oh, allow me to add, on my beautifully printed “priority to-do list” I added a small box in my right column and added the header, “ALLEN” to it.  That’s my husband’s name.  I created him a priority list, too, so he didn’t feel left out, of course.  I will blame it on the fact he told me he wouldn’t buy me a saw.  He doesn’t trust me with one.  But I always have this puffed up, I-can-take-on-the-world-feeling when I leave Hobby Lobby, so I requested one.  My request was denied.
Blogging has fallen off of my Sunday Priority List, even considering Sunday is my “day of rest” that I usually do a bare minimum if anything.  My computer has changed the method in which it uploads my camera roll, now, too.  So, the ease no longer exists.  Instead it throws all of my photos onto the date they were captured and since I can’t remember was happened 24 minutes ago, I’m not having much luck remembering what happened almost three weeks ago.
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I do, however, have one little note in my iPhone.  It reads:
Before my oldest daughter, Reis, tells everyone (that would be her fifth grade class and “squad”…. A tennis instructor, piano teacher, grandmother, Sunday School Teacher, church friends, the mail lady, anyone who happens to be near her at the moment of remembrance)  about me. Yes, me.. her mother, the idiot. I thought I would beat her to the punch. (But I didn’t.)
I still have my prepositions memorized.  Yes, I can basically rap or auctioneer those darn words, at lightning speed.  Over the week of the 15th,  I had a great time helping my fifth grader out with memorizing those words, impressing myself mostly, due to my impeccable memorization skills.  
One evening, immediately after studying, just before saying our family prayer together, I was still jotting things down in my handy-dandy notebook, and as I was doing this I reiterated the fact I still had these words memorized from 7th Grade, Mrs. Smith’s class.  Then, I tried doing the math.
On the bottom of the page, I scribbled out to the side 2017 minus 1999 jotted my answer down and said to her, without the slightest hesitation, I blurted, “See!  28 years  ago.”  
Instantly, from across the hallway in my other daughter’s room I hear, “Wow.  You really can’t do Math.  Can you?”  (That was my husband, obviously eavesdropping on my conversation with my oldest daughter.)
Reis began laughing uncontrollably (seriously), “Yeah, Mom!  28 years ago you were two.  Did you memorize them then?”  The laughter continued.
I’m pretty sure I stared at her like that emoji with the line straight across, eyes open.  :- |
“I meant 18.” I said with a little bit of attitude because no one likes to be picked on.  Am I right?  Still, no one in my household cared and they cared even less that I still had in my memory bank from 18 years ago, every darn one of those prepositions. They only cared that I couldn’t subtract.  
After the laughter began to die down, Reis asked me to remove my paper from my notebook.  I ripped it out and handed it to her.  She carefully folded the paper in half and put it into her messenger bag.  “I’m taking this to school tomorrow to prove how horrible you are at Math.”
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It may be 12:59 a.m. and I’m writing a blog in the first hour of Wednesday, but let’s face it, with my to-do lists, and our two-week Spring Break, I haven’t had a lot of extra free or me time.  I hear from a lot of strangers, “Two weeks for Spring Break?  Wow, that must be nice!”  
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I love my children, I love them to the moon and back.  I would do anything for my children.  I like to support them in all of their endeavors and be there for them as their cheerleader.  I love to have teaching moments with them and observe them.  Each of them are so different and unique but I love them all with my whole heart.  
However, a two-week Spring Break without any real travel plans and with Mother Nature’s temperament has been a challenge, to say the least.  Sure, if you’re sitting on a beach somewhere south of here where it’s 20 degrees + warmer with your children, I’m sure that sunshine is adding a sparkle to your day.  The sun did not even come out today, not once, and yesterday it came out for a millisecond.  
Our schedule is just off. It’s off because if we begin getting something together, (which believe it or not with only 5 days left of the 13 day break, we are… finally) it will be back to school, again.
The first day or two, our youngest two did about 16 laps in 3 minute around the couch and bar.  Did I mention Jude had his “ninja stick” in his hand? Yep.  I didn’t know who’s eye was gonna get it that day.  Remi?  Jude? Mine?  Who knew?  
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Productivity was what was needed to keep our house in order.  I don’t mean watching six hours non-stop of Stampy Cat on YouTubeKids. If you have younger kids you may know exactly what I’m talking about.  The obnoxious laugh?  The Minecraft tutorial?  This wasn’t an option for me in my childhood.  The closest thing to that I had was when I was in upper elementary and it was called a Giga Pet I got from KB Toys, ironically on the Village Mall where the Humane Society sets up shop, now.  My Giga Pet died all of the time, if it lived longer than a day, it was a miracle from above.
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This past weekend, we did a little inventory magic.  In Remi’s bedroom sits my 3 foot tall Barbie doll house from when I was younger. Inside of this house and a canvas hamper specifically for toys, were Barbies.  Lots and lots of Barbies.  I told both girls, they were to remove all of the dolls, and figure out which ones they didn’t play with or would like to donate.  Then they were to count the dolls, and select 20 of their favorites to keep out.  The rest would be stored inside a tote and they could change them out, during the year. Lo and beyond, the girls counted 62 Barbies (not even including the baby or Kelly-sized dolls).  62.  We aren’t excessive buyers.  You have to believe me when I tell you that.  
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They’ve acquired several as gifts and even more from my mother.  She allowed the girls to take home dolls that were mine when I was a little girl.  I loved my dolls and played with them for hours and hours, probably because Stampy Cat wasn’t an option, like I said.  My sister and I each had our own doll house in our basement, and I remember plugging in my AM/FM Radio / Alarm / CD Player, and they would have dance competitions.  I usually would have them perform to “Movie Luv”.  I have a feeling anyone reading this will enjoy this playlist from Movie Luv:
1. (I've Had) The Time Of My Life (Dirty Dancing) - Bill Medley And Jennifer Warnes
 2. A Whole New World (Aladdin's Theme) (Aladdin) - Peabo Bryson And Regina Belle
 3. Take My Breath Away (Top Gun) - Berlin
 4. Colors Of The Wind (Pocahontas) - Vanessa Williams
 5. I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) {Benny And Joon} - The Proclaimers
 6. I'd Die Without You (Boomerang) - P.M. Dawn
 7. Gangsta's Paradise (Dangerous Minds) - Coolio
 8. Stay (I Missed You) (Reality Bites) - Lisa Loeb And Nine Stories
 9. Unchained Melody (Ghost) - The Righteous Brothers
 10. It Must Have Been Love (Pretty Woman) - Roxette
 11. I Don't Wanna Fight (What's Love Got To Do With..) - Tina Turner
 12. Can You Feel The Love Tonight (The Lion King) - Elton John
This was actually one of the first CD’s I ever owned.  I remember going to a slumber party and listening to LeeAnn Rimes “Blue” and Spice Girls “Wannabe” and I begged my parents for a CD player.  I needed this kind of music in my life.  I even remember staring at the square compact disc case wrapped in plastic, after shopping at Hills.  Life was grand.  I was probably close to Reis’s age, at that time.  The closest thing I had to an iPhone or iPod was Dream Phone, the board game, with the hot pink “Night at the Roxbury�� style phone.
I will refrain from doing the math to tell you exactly how long ago that was.  But, in 2017, my daughters, Reis and Remi decided to each select 10 dolls to equal the 20 keepers.  They had no problems whatsoever with parting, temporarily with the other dolls. This made a world of difference in decluttering, too.  I highly recommend it, girlmoms.  Out of the organizational patterns in my brain, I kept receiving the same prompting over and over, again, to designate a specific number of hangers for their closets, too.  X # of hangers for pants, and X # of hangers for tops, so then it would force minimalism upon them.  But I decided, slowly… very slowly.  Plus, their closets don’t even look bad, at the moment.  I think it’s because they panicked when it was super warm once or twice in February and packed up their winter clothing and drug out all of their summer things.  Summer apparel has much less material than winter.  
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Anyway, along with this purging/de-cluttering effort, I went to the local hardware store and grabbed every paint sample I could see with colors I was drawn to.  In that same afternoon, (this was the afternoon on their last day of school before Spring Break) I choose colors for my living room, dining room, bathroom, hall, and stairwell.  I also picked up some prepping items and paint supplies.
My husband is incredibly particular about prep work.  I am not. That may seem contradictory since I’m a list person, but wall painting is one thing I’ve never been a perfectionist about, at least until this day.  My sweet, incredibly particular about prep work husband had pulled his back out on Sunday, the day before this day.  Therefore, if I wanted the paint done in a lickity-split kind of way, I needed to help as much as I could.  Naturally, when he gets injured I will give him the commission to do something hard to challenge his skills.  That’s exactly how it went down.  He pulled his back out and I said it looks like a great time to paint the entire house. It’s honestly strategic, believe me.  He began to one-time (or spackle) the divots and holes in the drywall.   One word, “countless”.  Let’s see, we moved into this home in 2013, I believe.  You know the drill, you do the math.  In 2013 my children were even younger - sticks and stones and brooms and nails driven by mini-hammers, you name it, it’s been repelled or slammed against our drywall.  After my husband and I had finished spackling, our son, Jude, said, “It looks like the walls have polka dots or the pox.  Are we leaving them that way?”  
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I picked up some cheap sandpaper at Dollar General, but didn’t really work on it much until the next day. But as I did the first two spots and they were ehhh.. so-so, with that sandpaper.  My husband came waltzing through the front door with a miracle. They call it, “a sander”.  Maybe to you it’s ridiculous I didn’t know what one was or had never thought about using one, but to me this was one of those “Aha!” moments.  My husband advised me to cease using the sandpaper sheets, and to use this tool. At first, I asked him if I could potentially chop my fingers off.  He assured me I couldn’t but to keep it flat.  He showed me and handed it over.  I fell in love.  He left, again, but when he returned, I showed him what a great job I did and even in the places we hadn’t spackled that felt mildly uneven or bumpy, I hit those, too.  This tool was the most amazing thing and my walls were almost new (without the new paint). I told him I was so good at it that he could hire me.  We’d be a local-brand of Fixer Upper.   I added that I could only use this tool though, because that’s where my talent lies, and I don’t really feel like I’d enjoy working a full eight-hour day, but if he needed the image, I was in and could probably put in a solid 1-3 hours, depending on whether or not it was running season.  
I did get a stellar half workout in with my roller.  I’m short-ish or average, I think, for a female.  Even with the extension on the roller, I had to calf raise to reach the top of the walls where it intersected with the line that my husband cut in along the ceiling.  Even though he cut that in and all I did was roll everything, I still managed to get paint on the ceiling in three places.  
While I painted and cleaned, I decided my oven needed dissected.  Thank you, Pinterest, you are the best ever!  I found a pin describing how to clean in between those glass panels – after taking the oven door apart (no joke) I was about to scrub that grease off, and my oven looks like new.  I also allowed a baking soda, salt, vinegar mix to coat the inside overnight and voila! It looks like new!
I also made an executive decision to repaint my dining room chairs… oh and reupholster them.  Owned it.  Seriously, what a different a little fabric makes.  
Anyway, the entire Operation Cottage Renovation was completed in just 2.5 short days.  Just in time, because on Monday, we held an Ice Cream Social + Family Night in our little cottage, and forty people showed up. That’s a lot to cram under one tiny roof, but it was so great!  
You know I love to plan parties.  That’s just one of my favorite things to do in life.  I’m serious.  Unfortunately, Covington isn’t exactly the target market for that kind of expertise, so I just plan a lot of parties for my family and my children.  
Pottery Barn Kids happens to have a free ice cream party printable set.  I recycled my turquoise blue strawberry baskets, found 4 sets of ice cream bowls for $.88/set, which is incredible and not to mention the frugality of reusing those suckers, over and over, again.  My husband and I went out on Saturday night, which wasn’t the norm and I’ll discuss why in like two seconds.   During our date, we ate (we always eat, food is life) and we got party supplies, those being toppings for ice cream sundaes.  Anything you could imagine, really, it was great.  We also snatched up supplies for our “Family Night” portion of the event.  Wooden sticks, rods, pipe cleaners, foam blocks, playdoh, duct tape, etc.  Right now you may be wondering what on earth we were doing with those materials and why, and I’ll tell you.
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Like a broken record, on Monday nights it’s Family Home Evening.  Since many that aren’t of our faith don’t understand that terminology we called it, “Family Night”.  My husband explained to our large group, we do this as a family to build unity, every week. He also described our evening as being a “Family Home Evening… on steroids”.  
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We left out the formality of it all and had our Elders (Young Boy Missionaries 19+) explain a little bit about the Book of Mormon.  Many people don’t understand it’s a history, like history of any textbook or journals, ancient writings, in this case – those of the people in the Americas.
We briefly read in the Book of Alma (which is from the Book of Mormon) about what Captain Moroni did to prepare his cities for hard times.  In this particular evening, we were focusing on one of the preparations which was “fortifying” or strengthening their cities.   This included building a large fortress with trenches and defense mechanisms for that time period, even though they were not currently under attack.  This prepared them for when they did fall under attack, the sight alone of these beefed up fortresses caused the enemy to retreat.  You may be thinking, nice story, get on with the point.
That point is how it’s important to reflect on what we can do to build ourselves up and strengthen ourselves while things are smooth sailing, to endure the harder times.  If we don’t prepare, we’ll fall apart.  
My commission to the children and families in my home that evening was to build their own fortress to defend themselves.  Object lessons are my favorite with small children.  Seriously, they’re fantastic.  
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As soon as everything was cleaned up and the house resumed to normal, I began “listing” the next actions in my life.  One of those being creating a Ninjago Birthday Invitation and to evaluate my shopping list for this upcoming party – can I just say, It’s gonna be great?!  
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Jude is highly involved in his party preparation.  An example of this would be evidenced by the fact that when I asked him what he wanted to have as a party theme, he quickly answered, “Ninjago” and didn’t back down. No biggie.  I honestly thought it would be Lego Batman since that’s been all of the hype this year, or even Minions or Minecraft, but nope.  Ninjago and after extensive Pinterest research, I’m ready to execute this plan.  
I showed him my board and ran ideas past him.  He then took my cell phone from me and began pinning what he liked to his board labeled, “Jude Party”.  I didn’t send his cake request to the cake decorator, it was a three dimensional gold Lego Ninjago Lloyd, but I did send another super cool one he liked that was still pretty extravagant.
I’ll be working on crafting my husband a kimono-type ensemble to he can be Sensai.  This age group I’m guessing will be slightly squirmy so we will plan game after game and backup games.  Jude has requested his buddies attend Ninja Training and unlock their potential to be Masters of Spinjitzu.  
This is great because there’s only like 300 pins about Ninja training games for parties.  I’m loving the “fire” jumping, hoop crossing, plank walking, brick wall breaking, shirikin tossing, balsa wood breaking obstacle course. Can you tell I’m stoked?  This only downside to all of this is planning it on a dime.  For real though, usually, I buy here and there and everywhere and then my husband will say, “Hey… you only have X more to spend.”  This time, from the get-go I’ve had a budget.  Budgeting is SO HARD for the compulsiveness inside of me.  
How have I been surviving this long Spring Break?  Can I just say it’s nothing like summer because in summer, we go to the pool, daily.  As far as we’ve gone is Conner Prairie and that finally happened yesterday (Tuesday).  Another Spring Break survival hacks for non-travelers would be seeing a movie, twice. I went to see Beauty and the Beast on Friday night with my mother and we met up with my sister.  It was a great time and I loved this movie!  It was my scout-out of the movie, of course, I had to make sure it was child appropriate (due to reviews I’d read which were completely off), and not scary.  So, while I watched it with my sister and mother, my children watched the animated version for the first time, ever.  I know… parenting fail.  I grew up in love with animated Disney movie classics and my kids have watched maybe ¼ of them.  We’re working on it, though.  
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Over the weekend my oldest daughter and her bestie had convinced us in order to keep the house looking nice and neat, before our ice cream social, we should go to see Beauty and the Beast.  Actually, they brought this up in front of my mother and of course, grandma saves the day with the funds needed to attend this movie.  I ran and cleaned up and set up what I could that day, then the girls and I left for Champaign to see it.  The boys ran errands for us and did their own thing.  Jude didn’t even like the half of the animated version he watched so he wasn’t all about seeing it, again.  
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We were so confused as to why the movie was so expensive, but realized when we arrived it was being it was being shown in the BIG D theater.  Of course, we climbed to the tippy top of this ginormous theater.  I honestly felt winded after coasting up the steps a couple of times.  I may run but my body denies inclines at all costs.   There were only about four other movie-goers in the theater with us, which was amazing, too.  My favorite kind of movie, restaurant, amusement park, grocery store, is one with only a handful of people in it with me.  
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I mentioned Conner Prairie, oh yes.  Today, we traveled to Fishers for an interactive historical tour.  We learned about Indians, Pioneers, the Civil War, tested out the new Treehouse exhibit which is marvelous.  I asked my husband to observe the structure and examine it closely, because I feel the Covington City Park would benefit from a version of that. Maybe not four stories, but I do love the height.  It was the best part!   Of course, Jude would tell you the best part had to be the rifle range, where he learned how to handle his “bayonet”, march, and fight in a battle.  
All of the kids enjoyed that at least until we did the hot air balloon.  Yep, we did it.  We’ve seen it there time and time, again, but this time it was checked and circled off of the bucket list.  
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It was a toss-up between whether my husband would go up or I would go up.  He voted me, and I voted him and somehow he convinced be that I should go, although two things were very big deal breakers for me.  Those were 1.) This was opening day of the outdoor experience, meaning our hot air balloon pilot was out of practice for months.  2.) It was windy.  I visualize that cord being severed and us flying away never to be seen or heard from again.  
However, all three of my children were game to go up and excited to the moon, so was I going to risk not flying to the moon with them?  Nope… I went.  I went and when the middle disappeared and we continued to ascend up to the 377 feet, taller than even the statue of liberty’s torch, I began to feel like I shouldn’t make any sudden moves.  Of course, my darling children had expressions of pure delight and excitement while I stood there reminding them every 4.5 seconds to hold on to the sides, while each of my feet held pressure against the walls to immobilize me, while I clinched my teeth down.  I did look around and take a few photos and a video, but I felt like we were going to blow over sideways, so really what was going through my brain was how I was going to instruct my three children.  Another family was up in the sky with us, and the pilot had told them to look around, we only would be at the maximum height for 3 minutes before descending.  They all seemed to gravitate toward us, making the balloon off balance, I bit down on my tongue to fight off the urge to scold them to get back to their own side and quit attempting to tip us out of the basket.  Finally, we were going back down but near the ground it was described to us that our balloon was doing a “pendulum” effect.  It began rocking and not landing steady and I prepared my mind for evacuation, but worst case scenarios considered, they weren’t needed. 
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 Thankfully… we made it and I needed a timeout from that moment forward.  Actually, I really just needed some lunch.  Hypoglycemia gets the best of me, from time to time, creating short-temperedness and attitude.  Omission from any meal or delay isn’t good for any member of our party.  
I feel pretty satisfied after updating the blog and this wasn’t on a list, because the list it exists on is a mental or unwritten list.  Just like the Pineapple Upside down cake I made my husband, last night, wasn’t on the list.  So, I guess I don’t have to use a ‘list’ for everything as it had seemed.  #talented < I’m totally kidding.
I hope my readers enjoy the memes.  I stumbled across a fantastic application and I had to test them out in a very non-serious way.  
While my husband and I attended a Youth Temple Trip, the Saturday before embarking on additional busyness including my cousin’s bowling birthday party which was loads of fun for everyone, I received a couple of impressions.
I was flipping through Doctrine and Covenants and randomly reading a scripture verse or two, and I happened to stumble across this one:
Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God; D&C 109:8
This is in my top five scripture verses.  It also commits me to making this list my new checklist.  Am I working on these things?  How is my evaluation of myself and my home?  New month, new goals.   
That’s what I love about life.  We are constantly reinventing ourselves.  A better version of who we are, continual growth, gaining wisdom from mistakes and failed experimentation.  Failure gives us exactly what we need to brush ourselves off, jump up, and move forward.
In fact, busyness is not what it’s all about.  I’ve asked my husband, on a few different occasions recently, how do I become less busy?  Less commitments?  Dropping tasks?  More efficient delegation?  Saying no?  Busyness doesn’t allow time for the Spirit to prompt you, for inspiration to come, to be present with family or children, I know for sure we weren’t designed to live life in the fast lane 95% of the time, as evidenced by those mini-panic attacks or rapid speech that accompany semi-meltdown moments.
So sure, I may have elaborated on five different lists (maybe even more, I lost count), but I’m really not wanting to achieve some sort of level of mastery for being busy.  Even looking at the word busy is annoying.  It looks like “bus” with a “y” it seems to have letters missing.  Probably because they were too busy, too. 
The list I’m keeping, going into the month of April, is that of D&C 109:8 - the goal I’m creating is Peace, Meditation, and Prayer.  How will I get out of the habit of being busy or having less commitments?  One at a time, I’ll finish what obligations I’ve begun, without taking on additional commitments (that are of a part-time or full-time nature or require multiple tasks per week).  I’ll make sure to evaluate my progress to see if it’s improving me, as an individual.  
I am going to make a commitment to going to bed early.  The past couple of days, I’ve had roughly 4 hours of sleep, per night.  When I opened this blog draft up, I mentioned to my best friend I didn’t even know what it says because I was so tired while writing it.  It may be like reading a foreign language. 
One last commitment -- this should honestly go without saying, seeing the good or positive in every situation and every person, I encounter.  I’m extremely grateful General Conference is this coming weekend so I can be inspired and my questions can be answered.  Now, I think I may go sit out in the beautiful sunshine.  Namaste! 
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